

海盗活动对海上航运(shipping)构成了严重威胁(a serious threat),已经成为了一个国际问题(an interntional problem),需要一种国际化的解决方案(an international solution)。在联合国安理会(UN Security Council)授权(authorize)各国对海盗基地(pirate bases)进行地面和空中打击(land and air attacks)之后,中国宣布参与执行反海盗任务(mission)。三艘中国海军舰艇(Chinese navy ships)携带特战队(special forces)、直升机(helicopters)与导弹(missiles)等常规武器(traditional weapons)于12月26日离开(depart)三亚,加入国际反海盗力量(international anti-piracy task force)巡逻(patrolling)索马里海域(waters off Somalia)。

中国海军的正式名称是the People's Liberation Army Navy或PLA Navy或PLAN,长期以来一直致力于相关的海岸防卫(coastal defence)和区域演习(regional maneuvres),拥有雄心勃勃的现代化计划(modernisation plan),目标是建立蓝水海军(blue-water navy)。中国的军事行动符合(be in line with)联合国打击索马里海盗(combating pirates off the Somali coast)的有关决议(resolutions)。此次中国是在建设性地(for constructive purposes)使用其武力

(fire-power)。中国军舰(warships)将部署(be deployed)在亚丁湾(Gulf of Aden)以及索马里海域。美国、北约(NATO)及其它国家已经派出海军(naval forces)巡弋(ply)该地区。美军第五舰队(U.S. Fifth Fleet)负责该水域。

这是现代中国海军对传统的一次突破(a break in tradition),此前它通常只负责巡逻其海岸水域(coastal waters)。中国此次的军事行动是由于索马里海盗对欧亚航线(shipping route)上包括中国船只在内的商船(merchant ships)的袭击不断升级(escalation)而引发(be spurred by)的。近期一艘中国货轮(cargo ship)利用自制(homemade)燃烧弹(incendiary bombs)成功击退(fight off)了一伙(a gang of)拥有火箭发射器(rocket launchers)和重机枪(heavy machine guns)的索马里海盗。

中国网民(netizens)也支持(back)中国政府向该地区派遣军舰,打击海盗活动(crack down on piracy)。一份网上调查(online survey)显示:17000多名被访者(people polled)中有82%的人投赞成票(vote yes)支持中国海军的行动。人们认为作为一个负责人的国家(a responsible country),中国应该参与(take part in)该地区的多国维和行动(mutinational peacekeeping)。

该三艘舰船(vessels)组成的舰队(fleet)包括两艘驱逐舰(destroyers)与一艘补给舰(supply ship)。执行此次任务的171号‘海口’与169号‘武汉’导弹驱逐舰(missile-armed destroyers DDG-171 Haikou and DDG-169 Wuhan)以及‘微山湖’号补给舰是中国海军近十年内开始服役的最先进(the most sophisticated)舰艇。我海军舰只将分享情报(share intelligence)并与其他国家一道进行人道主义救援行动(humanitarian rescue operations)。

每年约有1000艘中国商船(commercial ships)和油轮(oil tankers)途径该危险海域(troubled sea),今年有近20%的船只曾被海盗袭击。一艘载有18名船员的渔船(fishing boat)目前仍然在海盗控制中(held by priates)。索马里政府正全力以赴要回(retrieve)被劫中方船只并积极营救被海盗当作人质(taken hostage)的中国船员。与海盗的谈判(negotiations)正在进行,争取让海盗释放(release)船只。

中国愿意向如此遥远的地点派遣(dispatch)舰艇说明了中国海军持续增长的实力与信心(the growing power and confidence)。任务目标是通过执行护航任务(carry out escorting missions)来保护不断收到海盗袭扰的中国船只及船员(to protect Chinese ships and crews that have come under attacks from pirates)。类似美军那种警察式巡逻(policing patrol)将是第二位的(secondary)。

今年海盗在索马里海域一共劫持(hijack/seize)了40多条船,并索要了近3000万美元的赎金(ransom)。索马里联邦过渡政府(Transitioinal Federal Government of Somalia)欢迎中国派遣海军舰艇(naval ships)应对(tackle)海盗问题,认为这是一个积极的事态发展(a positive development)。中国也欢迎在打击海盗行为方面进行国际合作(international cooperation in the fight against piracy)。但在如何审判(try)海盗以及在何地关押(detain)等问题上,有关的国际规则(rules)还不明朗。


?高级新闻英语视听说(1) Part I.Multiple Choice Directions: Listen to the following 2 news reports and choose the best answer to the following questions. News Item One No Smoking! Damn it! (Part C, Unit 2) 1. Wh y does the Irish government want to issue new smoking ban?[1] A. Because the smoking ban will benefit the government’s revenue . B. Because the Irish government thinks the ban will improve the life quality. C. Because it is believed that smoking is the greatest fire hazard in Ireland. D. Because Irish pubs make some illegal money by selling addictive tobacco. 2. According to the news, what do “Happy Hours” refer to?[2] A. a special time in a bar when customers can spit beer onto floor. B. a special time in a bar when customers can find partners to dance jig. C. a special time in a bar when cigarettes and drinks are free of charge. D. a special time in a bar when alcoholic drinks are sold at lower prices. 3. In what way will the smoking ban affect Irish bars and restaurants??[3] A. They will soon become the place to combat obesity. B. The ban will drive away all smoking-addicted clientele. C. New puritans will occupy the territory uninvited. D. Irish government will impose more tax on them. 4. The environmental taxes are levied on the following items EXCEPT on ____[4]___________. A. ATM receipts. B. chewing gums. C. church alter. D. plastic bags.


2017考研英语阅读每日精选:考试周怎 么过? Top tips for finals week 考试周怎么过? 导读:俗话说“大学选得好,年年像高考”,如何才能健康、高效地度过考试周?这些接地气的考试周必备小贴士一定不能错过! No one ever said finals week is easy. Late-night cramming accompanied by cup after cup of coffee can take its toll on your body, not to mention all of the test stress. But while you strive to review as many books as possible to prepare for your test, don’t forget your health. After all, if you’re sick and uncomfortable during your tests, every effort you’ve made might be in vain. Here are some tips on dieting, dressing and sleeping you can follow to stay energized as you wrangle your finals. 考试周对谁都不是件容易的事:一杯又一杯地喝咖啡只为熬夜临时抱佛脚,身体上早已筋疲力尽,更别提考试的精神压力了。但是,复习诚可贵,身体价更高。如果在考试时生病或是身体不适,之前付出的努力都白费。为了让大家活力满满地度过考试周,下面这些关于衣食睡眠的小贴士一定不能错过! Food and drink 饮食 The most important thing to remember about eating and drinking is to do just that: eat and drink. It’s easy to forget in the midst of intense studying, but your brain needs sustenance if you have any hope of retaining information. 考试周关于饮食最重要的建议就是:该吃吃,该喝喝。高强度的学习很容易让人忘记吃饭,但若想保证记忆力,你必须得给大脑补充营养。 1. Eat healthily and regularly 按时吃、吃得好 Grabbing an Orion cake from the vending machine is tempting, but it’s important to stick to fresher, more nutritious foods. A banana or orange with some trail mix or yogurt will fill you up better than junk food. Don’t disrupt your food schedule too much and freak your body out. Eat a wholesome breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same times you always do. 自动贩卖机里的好丽友派也许充满诱惑,但坚持摄入更新鲜、更有营养的食物才是王道。一个香蕉或是橘子,搭配一包什锦果仁或是酸奶要比垃圾食品更好。不要打乱自己的饮食规律,否则身体终会崩溃。早中晚饭的时间最好像往常一样,注意合理饮食。 2. Avoid take-out and junk food 远离外卖和垃圾食品 It’s easy to chow down on greasy take-out and fast food sparingly. But it could also leave you feeling uneasy in the end. Instead, reward yourself once finals are over.


中国古代历史大事件——人物(一)(2007-12-21 03:33:00) 孔子 (前551—前479)春秋晚期鲁国陬邑人(今山东曲阜东南)人,名丘,字仲尼,儒家创始人。先世为宋国贵族,曾祖孔防叔避祸迁鲁。父叔梁纥为武士。少“贫且贱”,及长,曾任管理仓库的委吏和管理牲畜的乘田。深好学问,相传曾问礼于老子,学琴于师襄。鲁定公九年(前501),五十一岁时任中都宰。十年,鲁、齐夹谷之会时相定公。旋任大司寇。十二年,因政治主张与执政的“三桓”不合,遂离开鲁国,自此周游卫、陈、曹、宋、郑、蔡等国,终不见用。鲁哀公十一年(前484),六十八岁时回到鲁国。四十岁前后即聚徒讲学,相传弟子三千,著名者达七十人。曾整理研究《诗》、《书》、《周易》等文献,并把鲁国史官所记《春秋》加以删修,成为中国第一部编年体史书。宣传“仁”的学说,“仁”包括忠、孝、宽、惠等内容,认为“仁”即“爱人”,“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”,“己所不欲,毋施于人”。要求人与人之间相互妥协和亲善。贯彻“仁”时,要以“礼”为依据,故说“克己复礼为仁”。对鬼神采取既不否定也不重视,“敬鬼神而远之”的态度。在政治和经济上,要求当政者实行教化和宽惠政策,反对苛政和任意刑杀。同时要求人民对上也要顺从和易使,反对犯上作乱,提出君、臣、父、子各守名分的主张。在教育上提出“有教无类”的口号。在教学态度上,有“学而不厌,诲而不倦”的精神,持“知之为知之,不知为不知”的态度,有“三人行必有我师焉”和“不耻下问”的思想。在教学方法上,提出“学而时习之”,“温故而知新”的学习途径;采用“因材施教”和启发式的方法。但鄙视“学稼”、“学圃”,强调“君子学道则爱人,小人学道则易使也”,认为有“生而知之”的人。自汉以后,孔子的学说被改造成为封建文化的正统,其本人也被尊为圣人,对后世影响极大。 老子 春秋楚国苦县人,据《史记》载,姓李,名耳,字聃,道家创始人。秦汉以前文献多称老聃,传说是东周王室管理典籍之史官,孔子曾向其问礼。现存《老子》一书,基本反映其思想,主张“无为而治”,以为万恶皆始于“有为”,欲使社会回到“小国寡民”、“鸡犬之声相闻,民至死不相往来”的原始状态。反对儒家“仁义”观和墨家“尚贤”说,又否认传统的天命思想和先王、鬼神权威,认为“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”,“道”为天地万物之本原,是一种生于天地之先,处于万物之外,无形体、无匹敌、无所不在的精神,故亦称为“无”或“虚无”。认为天地万物“生于有,有生于无”,“有无相生,难易相成”,认识到事物之间的依存和转化关系,然最终又主张消解矛盾,复归于“虚静”。对其思想之评价,学术界颇不一致,或谓其代表没落奴隶主贵族利益,或谓其反映“公社农民”之情绪;或认为其哲学体系属于唯物主义,或认为属于客观唯心主义,但均承认其对中国思想史的发展有深远影响。 墨子和墨家 墨子(约前468—约前376年),名翟,鲁国人,一说为宋国人,他曾接受儒家教育,当过木匠,创立墨家学派。

世界著名名著及电影 名句中英对照

《飘》(选段) 1.Land is the only thing in the world worth workingfor, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Be cause it’sthe only thing that lasts.(土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西) 2.I wish I could be more like you.(我要像你一样就好了) 3.Whatever comes, Iwill love you, just as I do now.Until I die.(无论发生什么事,我都会像现在一样爱你,直到永远) 4.I think it’s hard winning a war with words.(我认为纸上谈兵没什么作用) 5.Sir, you’re no gentleman. And you miss are no lady.(先生,你可真不是个君子,小姐,你也不是什么淑女) 6.I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always get paid.(我做任何事不过是为了有所回报,我总要得到报酬) 7.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.(哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你) 8.I love you more than Ive ever loved any woman. And I’ve waited longer for you than I’ve waited for any woman. 9.If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God as my witness, I’ll never be hungry again! (即使让我撒谎,去偷,去骗,去杀人,上帝作证,我再也不要挨饿了) 10.Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world in which there is noplace for me.(现在我发现自己活在一个比死还要痛苦的世界,一个无我容身之处的世界) 11.You’re throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that wi llnever make you happy.(你把自己的幸福拱手相让,去追求一些根本不会让你幸福的东西) 12.Home. I’ll go home. And I’ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is an otherday.(家,我要回家.我要想办法让他回来.不管怎样,明天又是全新的一天) 13.愿上帝保佑那个真正爱过你的人,你把他的心都揉碎了 God bless the people that really loved you, you crumple up his heart 14.Tomorrow is another day! 15.我从来不是那样的人,不能耐心的拾起一片碎片,把它们合在一起,然后对自己说这个修补好了的东西跟新的完全一样.一件东西破碎了就是破碎了,我宁愿记住它最好时的模样,而不想把它修补好,然后终生看着那些破碎了的地方. I was never like that, do not pick up a patient debris and place them together, and then said to myself Well, what this patch exactly the same with the new. A thing broken is broken, I would remember When it looked like the best, and not want it repaired, and then looked at life that broken place. 16.即使是一种最坚贞不渝的爱也会被消磨掉。我对你的那份爱,早被卫希和你那股疯狂的固执劲给消磨没了。如果你能在半道上出来迎接我,我一定会跪在地上亲吻你的脚 Even the most steadfast love will be while away. The love I have for you, has long been Ashley and your crazy sense of stubborn strength to spend no more. If you can meet me half way out, I will kiss your knees feet 17.你从不知道,我对你的爱已经到了男人对女人的极限 You never know, I love you have to limit men to women 18. 亲爱的,我才不在乎呢 Dear, I do not care what 19.我一直照料你,宠爱你,你要什么我都给你。我想和你结婚,以保护你,让你处处自由,事事称心——就像后来我对美蓝那样。因为你曾经经历过一番拼搏,斯佳丽。没有谁比我更清楚地知道你曾受过怎样的磨难,所以我希望你能停止战斗,让我替你战斗下去。我想让你好好的玩耍,像个孩子似的好好玩耍—因为你确实是个孩子,一个受过惊吓但仍然勇敢而倔强的孩子。 I always take care of you, loved you, I give you what you want. I want to marry you, to protect you, everywhere you free, your wishes are satisfied - as I later did the United States blue. Because you have gone through some hard work, Scarlett. No one better than I know what you have suffered hardships, so I hope


.经济地快速发展 .人民生活水平地显著提高稳步增长’ .先进地科学技术 .面临新地机遇和挑战 .人们普遍认为… .社会发展地必然结果 .引起了广泛地公众关注 .不可否认… … .热烈地讨论争论 . 有争议性地问题 .完全不同地观点 .一些人…而另外一些人… … … . 就我而言就个人而言, , .就…达到绝对地一致… .有充分地理由支持 .双方地论点 .发挥着日益重要地作用… .对…必不可少… .正如谚语所说: .…也不例外… .对…产生有利不利地影响… .利远远大于弊. .导致,引起 .复杂地社会现象 .责任感成就感 . 竞争与合作精神 . 开阔眼界’ ’ .学习知识和技能 .经济心理负担 .考虑到诸多因素 . 从另一个角度 .做出共同努力 . 对…有益… .为社会做贡献 .打下坚实地基础… .综合素质 .无可非议 .致力于投身于… . 应当承认, .不可推卸地义务 . 满足需求… .可靠地信息源 .宝贵地自然资源 .因特网(一定要由冠词,字母大写)

.方便快捷 .在人类生活地方方面面 .环保(地) .社会进步地体现 .科技地飞速更新 .对这一问题持有不同态度 .支持前后种观点地人 .有提供如下理由证据 .在一定程度上 . 理论和实践相结合 . …必然趋势… .日益激烈地社会竞争 .眼前利益 .长远利益. .…有其自身地优缺点… .扬长避短’ .取其精髓,取其糟粕. .对…有害 .交流思想情感信息 .跟上…地最新发展 … .采取有效措施来… ..…地健康发展… .有利有弊. . .对…观点因人而异… . .重视… .社会地位 .把时间和精力放在…上….扩大知识面’ .身心两方面 .有直接间接关系… . 提出折中提议 . 可以取代“”地词, , , , , .缓解压力减轻负担 .优先考虑发展… () ..与…比较… . 相反. .代替 .经不起推敲 .提供就业机会 . 社会进步地反映 .毫无疑问, … .增进相互了解


2016考研英语阅读每日精选:美国人基 本上停止生长了 In The U.S., Height Hits Its Head On The Genetic Celing In the early 1960s Wilt Chamberlain was one of onlythree players in the National Basketball Association(NBA) listed at over seven feet. 在20世纪60年代早期,Wilt Chamberlain 是美国国家篮球协会中仅有的身高超过7英尺的三个人之一。 If he had played last season, however, he would havebeen one of 42. 可是如果他参加了上个赛季的话,他就变成了1/42了。 The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years, 这些年来在较大的职业体育运动中的运动员的身体状况发生了很大的改变, and managers have been more than willing to adjust team uniforms to fit the growingnumbers of bigger, longer frames. 而他们的经理人也更愿意调整队员的运动服来适应队员们更大,更高的身材。 The trend in sports, though, may be obscuring an unrecognized reality: Americans havegenerally stopped growing. 虽然体育界的这种趋势可能蒙蔽了一个没有被承认的现实:美国人基本上停止生长了。 Though typically about two inches taller now than 140 years ago, today's people - especiallythose born to families who have lived in the U. S. for many generations - apparently reachedtheir limit in the early 1960s. 虽然现在人们比140 年前高了2英寸,特别是那些出生在已移民美国很多代的那些人,但是明显的,在二十世纪60年代早期,已经到达了他们的身高的极限。 And they aren't likely to get any taller. 他们已经不可能再长得更高了。 “In the general population today, at this genetic, environmental level, we've pretty much goneas far as we can go, ”says anthropologist William Cameron Chumlea of Wright StateUniversity. Wright 州大学的人类学家William Cameron Chumlea 说:“在这个基因和环境的条件下,现在整体的人们已经长到我们能够达到的范围了。” In the case of NBA players, their increase in height appears to result from the increasinglycommon practice of recruiting players from all over the world. 拿NBA 球员来说,他们身高的增加主要由于从世界各地招募到了球员。 Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrients - notably,protein - to feed expanding tissues. 身高的增长一般在20 岁以后就停止了,而发育是需要能量和营养的,其中的蛋白质用来供给组织的生长。 At the start of the 20th century, under-nutrition and childhood infections got in the way. 在20世纪初,营养不良和儿童疾病妨碍了整体的发育。 But as diet and health improved, children and adolescents have, on average, increased in


文学科外国语言文学类英语专业(本科)教学要求 一、培养目标 本专业主要培养对象为已具有英语大专毕业水平的成人学生。通过学习,达到英语专业本科毕业的水平,成为适应社会发展需要的、能够从事翻译、教学、管理等工作的德才兼备的应用型高等英语专业人才。 学生毕业时应达到: 在思想素质方面,热爱社会主义祖国,拥护中国共产党的领导,具有良好的思想品德、社会公德和职业道德,具有团结合作的品质和健全的心理素质。 在业务素质方面,具有扎实的英语语言基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的语言专业知识和较强的英语综合应用能力;掌握某一专业倾向的基础知识和基本技能;具有获取知识、利用信息、独立思考和创新的能力;具有良好的学习习惯和较强的自学能力。 在身体素质方面,身体健康,能精力充沛地工作。 二、教学要求 1听力水平要求:能基本听懂正常语速(速度为每分钟140~180个单词)的英语新闻广播节目以及外国学者用英语做的有关政治、经济、文化、教育、科普等方面的演讲或其他非专题性讨论录音材料,理解大意,把握作者的意图、态度和感情。 2口语能力要求:语音语调基本正确,语流基本顺畅,言语基本得体。能用英语就所熟悉的话题进行交流,向外宾介绍我国的文化与国情,发表自己的见解。 3阅读能力要求:能基本读懂常见语体和题材的文字材料;能在理解基础上分析文章的思想观点、篇章结构和文体风格;能自觉吸收语言知识,不断提高表达思想的能力。阅读速度为每分钟120~160个单词,理解准确率以75%为合格。 4写作能力要求:能在一小时内就所给题目写出250~300词的短文,中心思想明确,结构合理,语言基本正确;能就听懂或读懂的材料写出内容摘要或评论,重点明确,用词基本准确;能够写简短应用文,格式规范、语言基本正确。 5英汉互译能力要求:初步掌握英汉互译的基础知识和技巧,能够翻译一般性文字材料,译文忠实原文,语言通顺,符合英汉语表达习惯。英译汉,要求速度每小时为230~280个单词;汉译英,速度每小时为200~250个汉字。

高中英语 高考时事英语:三十而已

时事英语--三十而已 Ⅰ翻译 1.坐月子的时候顾佳已经死了,活下来的是许子言的妈妈。 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2.生完孩子会觉得憋屈,憋屈在一个叫妈妈的头衔。 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3.三十岁之前看数量,三十岁之后看质量 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4.仪式感,是没有放弃自己最好的证明。 ________________________________________________________________ 5.都说婚姻是避风港,都想着避风,谁来当港? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6.不管处在什么状态下的女人,都应该拥有梦想的权利。 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


2017考研英语阅读每日精选:预算趣录 在考研英语中,阅读分数可谓是占到了总分的半壁江山,正所谓“得阅读者得考研”。对于备考考研的同学们,在平时的复习中一定要拓展阅读思路,各类话题都要关注,这样才能在整体上提升考研英语阅读水平!一起来学习吧! Fun on a budget 预算趣录 Congress is incapable of restraining spending. Itshould let the president try 国会无力控制开支,也许该放手让总统一试 AT THE end of Barack Obama's budget, which waspublished on February 2nd, the administration thanks 614 people by name for putting thething together. It adds that “hundreds, perhaps thousands”of nameless others also helped.There is something depressing about the effort that went into producing the document. Thebudget is an admirable piece of work which contains many good ideas, from cuts in farmsubsidies to an increase in tax credits for childless workers. There is, however, a grammaticalmistake repeated throughout it. “The budget will”, the president writes, when what he means isthat his budget would, in the unlikely event that Congress were ever to pass it. 奥巴马总统的财政年度预算于2月2日公布,在预算案的最后,政府向614人致谢,感谢他们为预算案形成所作出的贡献。它也指出“成百甚至上万的无名之士同样做出了贡献”。但为文件形成所付出的努力中,有一些让人沮丧的部分。从削减农产品补助到增加对无子工人的免税额度,该份预算案包含了许多好想法,堪称一项壮举。但却有一个语法错误贯穿始终。总统写道“预算案将……”,但其实,他是想说,预算案幻想,因为国会绝不会通过该项议案。 As a guide to what the federal government might look like if America were a monarchy, or as acompendium of interesting policies, the president's budget is a good read—but not muchmore. A similar criticism applies to most proposals that come out of the budget committees inCongress. This is because no group or individual is responsible for the 4 trillion federal budget,a fact that helps explain how it manages to be both profligate and stingy, and is forever in thered. 如果这项议案是作为一本指南,描述美国如果是一个君主制国家将会如何,或者是一本大纲,介绍有趣的政策,那这会是一本佳作,但这项议案的功能,仅此而已。国会的预算委员会出台的提案,也大多如此。这是因为没有任何团体或个人直接对四万亿的联邦预算负责,这个事实也说明了为什么政府既挥霍无度又吝啬小气,而且长期处于赤字。 The president's budget would not change that. He has declared an end to “mindlessausterity”, but does not seem to care much for the thoughtful sort either. In previousbudgets he offered to trim entitlements a bit in return for tax increases. Republicans inCongress rejected this, and Democrats who supported the president's budget were rewardedwith attack adverts in the mid-terms claiming that they wanted to raise the retirement age andslash Medicare. He now proposes higher taxes, more spending and continued deficits. Publicdebt would stay at its current level, around 75% of GDP, for the next decade. By 2025,according to the bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, annual interestpayments would rise from 1.3% to 2.8% of GDP (nearly 800 billion, or enough to pay a year'stuition at Harvard, at current prices and with no financial aid, for 18m students). 奥巴马总统的预算案亦不能扭转乾坤。他叫停了“愚蠢的紧缩”,但却似乎也不想做出 1


中央电大开放教育英语专业讨论参考题 2006春英语(本)(7人) 《高级日常英语》(English in Daily Life) Topics for Special Discussion: 1. Talk about family relationship. 2. Discuss the problems of the old. Topics for Group Discussion: 1. Talk about family members’ appearance and character. 2. Talk about preference. 3. Talk about your childhood. 4.Talk about your hopes/ future. 《高级休闲英语》 Topics for special discussion: 1.Talk about how to comment on quality and style of goods. 2.Discuss how to express hopes and wishes. Topics for group discussion: 1.Talk about how to express likes and dislikes. 2.Talk about how to describe furniture arrangement. 3.Discuss how to describe places and types of holiday 4. Talk about how to describe a game seen and tell results. 2005秋英语(本)(24人) 《高级职业英语》(English at Work) Topics for Special Discussion: 1. Describing lesson procedure. 2. Describing working problems and ideal jobs. Topics for Group Discussion:


out-of-box thinking 创造性思维critical thinking批判性思维divergent thinking发散式思维 test-oriented school system应试教育制度 academic appraisal system 学术评价体系 Mass appraisal批量评估 zero tolerance零容忍supervising body监督机构academic fraud学术腐败 gear towards quick success and instant benefit急功近利导致academic misconduct学术不端行为homework loads课业负担professional test-takers专业“考试机 All-court press 全场紧逼 court struggle宫廷斗争 Agony aunt 排忧栏目主持人backup dancer/driver伴舞。副驾驶air strip /strip a off b简易机场(剥夺) Achilles’ heel 致命伤Altitude/motion sickness 高原反应。晕车船 Anti-choice 反自由堕胎的 pro-choice主张自由堕胎的 Anti-graft campaign 反腐运动 big brother 大佬 Banana republic香蕉共和国(拉美国家) Baby/coffee break 产假。咖啡时间Blackball反对票,放逐 Bag people/lady 携购物袋的浪人、女人 Bank run 挤兑 gold rush 淘金潮 Bank shot 擦板球 make a shot 投篮 Bargaining chip 谈判筹码 Birds and bees 两性基础常识影Cash cow 摇钱树 cancer stick/coffin nail 致癌棒Celestial burial /revolution 天葬、太平天国 Closed book 不知道的事 color bar 白人对黑人的歧视


2018年可锐考研英语阅读真题范文(七) Don’t shoot the messenger They poison the mind and corrupt the morals of the young, who waste their time sitting on sofas immersed in dangerous fantasy worlds. That, at least, was the charge levelled against novels during the 18th century by critics worried about the impact of a new medium on young people. Today the idea that novels can harm people sounds daft. And that is surely how history will judge modern criticism of video games, which are accused of turning young people into violent criminals. This week European justice ministers met to discuss how best to restrict the sale of violent games to children. Some countries, such as Germany, believe the answer is to ban some games altogether. That is going too far. Criticism of games is merely the latest example of a tendency to demonise new and unfamiliar forms of entertainment. In 1816 waltzing was condemned as a fatal contagion that encouraged promiscuity; in 1910 films were denounced as an evil pure and simple, destructive of social interchange in the 1950s rock ’n’roll music was said to turn young people into devil worshippers and comic books were accused of turning children into drug addicts and criminals. In each case the pattern is the same: young people adopt a new form of entertainment, older people are spooked by its unfamiliarity and condemn it, but eventually the young grow up and the new medium becomes accepted-at which point another example appears and the cycle begins again. The opposition to video games is founded on the mistaken belief that most gamers are children. In fact, twothirds of gamers are over 18 and the average gamer is around 30. But the assumption that gamers are mostly children leads to a double standard. Violent films are permitted and the notion that some films are unsuitable for children is generally understood. Yet different rules are applied to games. Aren’t games different because they are interactive? It is true that video games can make people feel excited or aggressive, but so do many sports. There is no evidence that videogaming causes longterm aggression. Games ought to be agerated, just as films are, and retailers should not sell adultrated games to children any more than they should sell them adultrated films. Ratings schemes are already in place, and in some countries restrictions on the sale of adultrated games to minors have the force of law. Oddly enough, Hillary Clinton, one of the politicians who has led the criticism of the gaming industry in America, has recently come round to this view. Last month she emphasised the need for parents to pay more attention to game ratings and called on the industry, retailers and parents to work together. But this week some European politicians seemed to be moving in the other direction: the Netherlands may follow Germany, for example, in banning some games outright. Not all adults wish to play violent games, just as not all of them enjoy violent movies. But they should be free to do so if they wish. 二. Doughnut adjust your set HAVE you ever seen anything on television that made you shout or shake your fist in anger at the screen? Televisions are, of course, unable to respond to such reactions. But that could be
