



proper v. 出口inevitable v. 判断n. 裁判intend n. 投资

instinct n.意图

keen a. 嫉妒的

infect v. 给…留下印象infectious v. 调查inaccessible a. 不断增长的improve a. 看不见的influence v. 坚持;认为incident n. 智力

inferior n. 收入;所得imaginative v. 包含;涉及interrupt n. 不便

illegal v. 模仿

isolate n. 暗示

inquire 从…判断inhabitant 通知、告知某人insult 例如

to one’s great joy 热衷于


1. 大多数人不愿意介入这种毫无意义的争论。(involve)

2. 来自农村的学生不必感到比大城市的学生低一等。(inferior)

3. 从你的成绩单可以看出,所有老师都对你相当满意。(judge)

4. 那个姑娘又活泼有幽默,给面试官留下了深刻印象。(impress)

5. 家庭环境对孩子的性格产生很大影响。(influence)

6. 这本字典是给小孩用的,不适合你。(intend)

7. 勤洗手可避免疾病传染。(infect)

8. 他热衷于读书是因为读书能给他带来知识与快乐。(keen)

9. 他住在一个小岛上,过着与现代隔绝的日子。(isolate)

10. 他不顾个人安危,执意守在岗位上。(insist)


【Keys】:1. Many people aren’t willing to get involved in this meaningless argument.

2. The students from countryside needn’t feel inferior to those from big cities.

3. Judging from your school report, all your teachers are quite satisfied with you.

4. The girl impressed the interviewer with her liveliness and humor.

5. The family environment can have a great influence on the child’s personality.

6. The dictionary is intended for children, so it is not suitable for you.

7. Washing hands often can avoid being infected by disease.

8. He is keen on reading because reading can bring him knowledge and happiness.

9. He lives on a small island, isolated from modern life.

10. He insisted on keeping on his post regardless of his own safety.



The sense of insecurity, humiliation and helplessness always keep a woman mum. Our whole socialization is such that for any unsuccessful marriage which results in such violence or divorce, it is always the woman, who is help responsible. Cultural beliefs and traditions that discriminate against women may be officially discredited but they continue to flourish at the grass root levels. Family relations in India are governed by personal laws. The four major religious communities are—Huidu, Muslim, Christian and Parsi. Each has their separate personal laws. They are governed by their respective personal laws in matters of marriage, divorce, succession, adoption, guardianship and maintenance. In the laws of all the communities, women have fewer rights than that of man in corresponding situations. It is really that women of the minority communities in India continue to have unequal legal right s and even the women of the majority community have yet to gain complete formal equality in all aspects of family life. This is basically the prolem of gender inequality.

Gender Inequality refers to the obvious or hidden disparities among individuals based on the performance of gender. This problem in simple term is known as Gender Bias which in simple terms means the gender stratification or making difference between a girl and a boy i.e. a male or a female. In making biasness among the gender India ranks 10th out of 128

counties all over the world which is shameful for us. But this problem is increasing although government has banned the pre-natal sex examination. In India (in the older times) this problem is mainly seen in the rural areas because many rural people think that the girl child is burden on them. But now this is also being seen in the urban areas i.e. in offices, institutions, schools and in society. The afflicted world in which we live is characterized by deeply unequal sharing of the burden of adversities between women and men. Gender Inequality exists in most part of the world, from Japan to Morocco, or from Uzbekistan to United States of America.

However, inequality between men and women can take very many different forms. Indeed, gender inequality is not one homogeneous phenomenon, but a collection of disparate and interlinked problem. This issue of gender inequality is one which has been publicly reverberating through society for decades. The problem of inequality in employment being one of the most pressing issues today. In order to examine this situation one must try to get to the root of the problem and must understand the sociological factors that cause women to have a much more difficult time getting the same benefits, wages, and job opportunities as their male counterparts. The society in which we live has been shaped historically by males.

However, in many parts of the world, women receive less attention and health care than men do, and particularly girls often receive very much less support than boys. As a result of this gender bias, he mortality rates of females often exceed those of males in these countries. The concept of missing women was devised to give some idea of the enormity of the phenomenon of women’s adversity in mortality by focusing on the women who are simply not there, due to unusually high mortality compared with male mortality rates. In some regions in the world, inequality between women and men directly involves matters of life and death, and takes the brutal form of unusually high mortality rates of women and a consequent preponderance of men in the total population, as opposes to the preponderance of women found in societies with little or no gender bias in health care and nutrition. Mortality inequality has been observed extensively in North Africa and in Asia, including China and South Asia.

1. This passage is probably written by .

A. a Chinese

B. a Japanese

C. an American

D. an Indian

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Usually the woman is to blame when something goes wrong in the marriage.

B. Men have been occupying the predominating role in shaping history.

C. There are four chief religious communities.

D. If there is law against discrimination against women, women will be treated equally as men.

3. What does the underlined word “preponderance” mean?

A. dominance

B. presumption

C. inferiority

D. minority

4. What could be the best title for this passage?

A. High Mortality Rates of Females

B. Reasons for Gender Inequality

C. Gender Inequality

D. Different Forms of Gender Inequality


A knight was a mounted warrior of medieval Europe who served a king or other feudal superior, usually in return for land. Knighthood was taken quite seriously and had to be earned.

At about the age of eight, a boy would begin training in preparation for knighthood. This young trainee, known as a page, would train with mentors to learn about horses, armor, and weapons. Pages practiced fighting with a sword against a wooden stake and learned to skillfully use a bow and arrow. The lady of the castle taught a young page about manners and social graces, as well as how to sing, play instruments, and dance. A priest might give a page religious training and teach him to read and write.

By the age of fourteen, the page would become a squire. A squire was responsible for dressing a knight for battles and tournaments and taking care of the knight’s armor and weapons. He would even follow his master on the battlefield to protect him if the knight fell.

A squire had to gain skill in using a lance, spear, or sword, so he would practice against a wooden dummy called a quintain. The quintain and a shield were hung on a wooden pole, and when hit, the whole structure would spin. The squire would learn to ride up and hit the shield’s center, but then quickly move out of the way without getting hit and knocked off his horse by the quintain.

At about age twenty, a squire was finally prepared to be called a knight, which involved an extended ceremony. On the evening before becoming a knight, the squire confessed his sins to a priest, was given a symbolic bath, and then fasted in order to cleanse his soul. The squire would dress all in white and stay in a chapel all night praying and

watching over his weapons and armor.

In the morning, the squire would dress in symbolically—colored clothing: red for his bold, white for purity, and brown for his return to the earth after death. At his induction(成人仪式), the knight swore a code of chivalry(骑士精神), which required his always to be brave, loyal, courteous, and to protect the defenseless. Knighthood was conferred(赋予) by the overlord with an accolade, during which the new knight was tapped on the shoulders or neck with the flat side of the sword.

If this new knight ever broke his vows or acted dishonorably, he would be stripped of his knighthood in another ceremony, in which he was “buried”. In the Middle Ages, a knight without honor was considered as good as dead.

1. What were two responsibilities of a squire?

2. What brave act did a squire have to perform?

3. What is chivalry?

4. If a knight were to be betray the king, what do you think might happen?


Laziness is a sin, everyone knows that.We have probably all had lectures pointing out that laziness is 1 , that it is wasteful, and that lazy people will never amount to anything in life. But laziness can be more harmful than that, and it is often caused by more

2 reasons than the simple wish to avoid work. Some people who appear to be lazy are

3 much more serious problems. They maybe so distrustful of their

4 workers that they are unable to

5 in any group task for fear of being laughed at or fear of having their ideas stolen. These people who seem lazy may be deadened by a fear of failure that prevents fruitful work. Or other sorts of

6 may prevent work: some people are so busy planning, sometimes planning great deals of fantastic achievements, that they are unable to deal with whatever " lesser " work is

7 . Still other people are not avoiding work, strictly speaking; they are nearly procrastinating(拖延)

8 their day.

Laziness can 9 be helpful. Like procrastinators,some people look lazy when they are really thinking, planning, researching. We should all remember that some great scientific discoveries 10 by chance. Newton wasn't 11 in the orchard when the apple hit

him and he devised the theory of gravity. All of us would like to have someone “lazy”build the car or stove we buy, particularly if that “laziness” were caused by the worker’s taking time to check each 12 of his work and to do his job right. And sometimes, being “lazy”–that is, taking time off for a rest—is good for the 13 students or executives. Taking a rest can be particularly helpful to the athlete who is trying too hard or the doctor who's simply working himself overtime too many evenings at the clinic. So be careful when you’re 14 to call someone lazy. That person may be thinking, resting or planning his or her 15 work.

1. A. illegal B. immoral C. harmful D. insulting

2. A. serious B. ground C. complex D. confusing

3. A. suffering from B. experiencing C. going through D. accusing of

4. A. peers B. colleague C. league D. fellow

5. A. involve B. join C. take D. absorb

6. A. fantasies B. burdens C. tasks D. distractions

7. A. at hand B. by hand C. with hands D. on hand

8. A. arranging B. planning C. rescheduling D. preparing

9. A. actually B. indeed C. practically D. peculiarly

10. A. occurred B. took place C. arose D. aroused

11. A. waiting B. sleeping C. working D. walking

12. A. piece B. step C. one D. part

13. A. lazy B. busy C. overworked D. diligent

14. A. tempted B. likely C. ready D. obliged

15. A. own B. next C. former D. previous


Contrary to its name, the Underground Railroad was not an actual railroad. Rather, it was a vast net work of people working secretly to help fugitive slaves escape north and to Canada. Sometimes called the Freedom Trail, this network of escape routes operated for many years before and during the Civil War.

Hundreds of slaves moved north to freedom each year via the Underground Railroad. Escape routes stretched from the southern slave states into the free northern states and up to Canada. Escaped slaves were considered fugitives of the law, so they travelled secretly—usually at night, with the North Star as their guide—and were hidden along their route in safe houses, barns and haylofts.

Some form of organized system to assist runaway slaves probably began in the 1780s under Quaker sponsorship. In 1786, George Washington is said to have complained about a “society of Quakers”helping one of his runaway slaves. This system of slave-helping people continued to grow, and in 1831 it was given the nickname “the Underground Railroad”, after the steam railroads that were emerging at the time. Other railroad terms were used in regard to the network of people helping slaves: A “conductor” was a person responsible for moving fugitive from one place to the next; homes and businesses where fugitives would rest and eat were called “stations”and “depots”that were run by “stationmasters”; and people who contributed money or goods were called “stockholders”.

Most of the people helping the fugitive slaves were antislavery blacks, but many whites also supported the Underground Railroad. The highest number of slaves escaped from the upper South, because of its close proximity to the free states. These slaves were most often single, young males, as only rarely would an entire family of slaves attempt to make an escape together.

Escaping to freedom was an arduous task. First, a slave had to escape from the slaveholder. Sometimes a “conductor”posing as a slave would enter a plantation and then guide the runaway out. The fugitive would sometimes travel between 10 and 20 miles to the nest station, where they would rest and eat, hiding in barns and other-out-of-way places. While the slave waited, a message would be sent to the next station to alert its stationmaster. Board points, such as Cincinnati, Ohio, and Wilmington, Delaware, and lake ports of Detroit, Michigan; Sandusky, Ohio; Erie, Pennsylvania; and Buffalo, New York, were all popular escape terminals, where conductors would meet the slaves and help them to freedom.

Vigilance groups sprang up in many northern areas, including New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. These were groups of people who offered support to the fugitives in the form of money, food and lodging. They also helped these former slaves settle into a community by finding them jobs and providing letters of recommendation.

The Underground Railroad included many notable participants, including John Fairfield, who made many daring rescues; Levi Coffin, a Quaker who assisted more than 3.000 slaves; and Harriet Tubman, who made 19 trips into the South and shepherded more than 300 slaves to freedom. Thousands of antislavery campaigners, both black and white, risked their lives to operate the railway.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?


上海高考英语阅读理解技巧 幻灯片2 教学内容 体裁分析能力训练 分析题干能力训练 猜词能力训练 猜答案能力训练 幻灯片3 摒弃不良的阅读习惯。 1.“指读” 2.“声读” 3.“译读” 4.“回读” 5.“析读” 6.“参照读” 7.“视幅过窄” 8.“毛病”(bad habits): 教学过程中,发现学生在阅读时常做些不利于阅读的坏动作。有的同学晃头、颠腿、转笔、听音乐、咬指头、趴在桌子上、揪头发等等。 幻灯片4 体裁分析能力 高考英语考试中阅读理解的文章一般有这样几种文体,即记叙文、描写文、说明文、应用文和论述文。不同的文体有不同的段落组织方式和脉络层次。 记叙文往往按时间顺序展开段落,文章有明显表示时间先后的词语。阅读时抓住时间这条主线,弄清who、what、where、why与how。 描写文通过细节的描写以画面的方式来反应事物的特征、性质。对这种文章要迅速弄清其主题,主题词往往出现在各个句子里,贯穿文章的始末;紧围绕这个主题进行阅读,找到文章与之有关的信息,并确定信息与主题的关系。 说明文多见于科普文章,用以解释或揭示事物的状态、特征、演变、结果及其相互之间的关系,这类文体的文章,首句往往是主题句,开门见山,说明文章的关注对象:弄清作者的思路和段落组织的方式;把握次要信息及其与主题的关系。 幻灯片5 论述文的阅读难在这种文章处处都渗透作者的个人观点、态度。阅读论述文应该从文体的写作和结构特点入手. 文章的结构往往容易把握,用主题句开门见山。作者往往通过信号词(signal words或transitional words)和关联词(referents来组织段落、文章.对信号词的迅速反应和对关联词的准确判断是至关重要的;要特别注意区分作者的观点与文章里所提到的人物的观点,同时注意作者所使用的表示赞同、反对等感情色彩的词汇。 体裁分析能力 幻灯片6 细节类问题的命题方式有以下几种: 1)Which of the following is NOT true according to the information


高考语文总复习—文学类文本阅读理解专题训练七 (用时:40分钟分值:40分) 一、阅读下面的文字,完成文后题目。(20分) 冬祭 刘建超 ①我和杨晓敏是朋友,杨晓敏写小小说。体格魁梧、剑眉锐眼的杨晓敏在西北雪域高原 戍边十五年。他的小说散文几乎都与喜马拉雅有着不解的情缘。 ②杨晓敏讲过这样一个经历:在西藏有个最偏远的地方叫“雪域孤岛”,驻扎着海拔最高的哨卡,哨卡周围被皑皑林立的雪峰困住,毫无生气。连续几天落雪,一只在哨卡周围时隐 时现的红狐狸,终于耐不住饥寒,钻出来觅食。哨兵一声呐喊,大伙出动逮住了这只红狐狸。它的眼睛是幽怨的,蠕动的姿态是娇嗔的,红艳艳的毛皮光亮柔软,仿佛一团火焰正在燃 烧…… ③杨晓敏说,你知道吗,传说雪域高原的狐狸油可以治疗冻疮,用狐狸皮做的围脖可以 抵住风雪的严寒。几个新兵脸上早冻得裂开了花,嘴唇的血渍使他们不敢大声说话。杀掉狐 狸,做条围巾什么的,让站岗的哨兵轮流戴它,或许对漫长而凛冽的冬季是一种有效的抗御。 ④哨长摸出一把刀,狐狸本能地痉挛起来,恐惧中闭上那美丽绝伦的双眼,悠长地哀鸣 一声。士兵们几乎同一时刻,全扑上来,七八双粗糙的大手伸出来:别……脸上裂开花的新兵呜咽着说,还是放走它吧,有它来这儿和我们做伴,哨卡不是少些寂寞、单调、枯燥,多 些色彩吗?我情愿每晚多站一班岗,也不要狐狸围脖……狐狸蜷曲雪地,试探着抖抖身子, 腾跃着向雪野掠去…… ⑤杨晓敏说到这里时,刚硬的汉子眼里布满了柔情,吐出一口烟,仿佛那团跳动的火焰 还在眼前闪动。 ⑥我被这个故事感染了,羡慕地说,我有机会一定也要去雪域高原看看,去找找红狐狸。 ⑦杨晓敏说,红狐狸是雪域高原的精灵,哪能你想见就见得着。 ⑧这个故事缠绕了我十几年。去年,我和几个朋友自驾游,首选的路线就是西北雪域高 原,我还给朋友们讲了红狐狸的故事,挑逗得几个哥们儿心里痒痒的,开着两辆越野车,向 着喜马拉雅出发。出发前,我给晓敏发了短信:我去拜访你的....雪域高原了。 ⑨自驾游的乐趣就是随心所欲,几个哥们儿如挣脱了缰绳的野马,自由狂野地消失在冰 天雪地之中。晶莹剔透湛蓝如镜的羊湖,冰挂如柱天地相接的珠峰口,穿越荒凉美丽的无人 区,把哥几个大老爷们激动得泪流满面。昆仑山口遇见的奔腾野驴,公路边旷地上悠然自乐 的野兔,峭壁上优雅挺立的藏羚羊统统收入相机中。还就是没有见到红狐狸。 ⑩夜晚我们来到了世界上海拔最高的寺庙绒布寺,问寺中僧人,附近可否能见到红狐狸?僧人指着雪山说,以前有,经常可以看到,白雪间,一团火在跳动。现在已经见不到了。我



历年上海高考英语阅读汇总120篇 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(第1-12页)第Ⅱ卷(第13页)两部分。全卷共13页。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(共110分) I. Listening Comprehension Part A Short Conversations Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversations, a question will be asked about what said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about is, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. At 1:00 p.m. B. At 1:30 p.m. C. At 2:00p.m. D. At 2:30p.m. 2. A. At a tailor’s B. At a laundry. C. At a clothing store.

D. At a supermarket. 3. A. Customer and cashier. B. Waitress and diner. C. Secretary and manager D. Husband and wife 4. A. They are in high demand. B. They are inexpensive. C. They are not available. D. They are awful. 5. A. He did better than expected. B. He failed the maths exam. C. He used to be a top student D. He answered only 10% of the questions 6. A. Interesting B. Relaxing C. Unfinished D. Disappointing 7. A. He has to wait for someone else B. He has to fix the seat first. C. There is something wrong with the car D. The woman must fasten the seat belt. 8. A. She won the first prize B. She was glad to hear the news. C. She did not attend the contest


One【2019届上海市虹口区高三英语一模试题】 Section B Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) There aren’t many actors around the world who have enough self confidence to turn down an offer from Steven Spielberg. Maybe that was why Juliette Binoche gave him a choice. She said she’d be happy to be in Jurassic Park as long as she could play a dinosaur. Of course he turned her down and it was probably a good thing. It’s difficult to imagine Juliette ripping people apart with her teeth. However, her decision doesn’t seem to have done her career any harm. She has gone on to make a string of hits, including The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The English Patient (for which she won an Oscar) and Chocolat. Success in the United States has not been so easy for other foreign stars. Gerald Depardieu is a good example. Since his first film in 1967, his filmography(影片集锦) lists 172 acting credits. But he has struggled on the other side of the pond. While some of his films have been popular in the US, they have usually been French films that travelled. One possible exception was Green Card, directed by Peter Weir, where he plays a French immigrant who goes through a fake wedding in order to stay and work in the United States. This is a predictable but sweet romantic comedy which typecasts (分配同一类型角色) its lead actors in terms of national stereotypes. While some reviewers were kind, others shredded both the film and Depardieu’s performance. While Monsieur Depardieu has n’t received the recognition he would have liked in the United States, one Mexican actor has achieved almost instant success. Gael Garcia Bernal first gained recognition in Amores Perros in 2000 and a year later in Y tu mama tambien. Since then he has appeared with hometown hero, Brad Pitt in Babel and, under the direction of top producer and director, Jim Jarmusch, he starred in Limits of Control. He hasn’t picked up an Oscar yet, but he


2019高考语文阅读理解训练题:植物的花香 阅读下面的短文,完成12—17题。 (1)植物的花香有着很多作用。 (2)植物的花有香味是为了传宗接代。植物花朵为了引诱昆虫前来 授粉,不但表现各种艳丽夺目的色彩,还会散发各种迷人的花香。于 是引来蜂蝶竞相采蜜,正所谓“蜂争粉蕊蝶分香”。结果,花粉黏附 在昆虫的身上,随着昆虫的飞行迁移而四处落户安家了。 (3)香花内部有一个专门制造香味的“工厂”——油细胞,这个 “工厂”里的产品就是令人心醉的芳香油。这种芳香油除了散发香味,吸引昆虫传粉外,它的蒸气还能够减少花瓣中水分的蒸发,形成一层“保护衣”,使植物免受白天的强烈日晒和夜晚的寒气侵袭。 (4)植物的花的香味除了有益于自身的生长繁衍,绝大部分还有益 于人类。香气能刺激人的呼吸中枢,从而促动人体吸进氧气,排出二 氧化碳。因为大脑供氧充足,所以能使人保持较长时间旺盛的精力。 此外,香味信息能够深刻地留在人的记忆中,刺激嗅觉,使人的记忆 增强。 (5)利用花香来保健和防病,在我国有着悠久的历史。古代医圣华佗,曾用丁香等制成小巧玲珑的香囊,悬挂在室内,用以防治肺结核、吐泻等疾病。古代民间把金银花放入枕内,用来去头痛,降血压,同 时还有消炎止咳的作用。 (6)不同的花香,能引起人们的不同感受。如桂花的香味使人疲 劳顿消;菊花的香味使人思维清晰。不过,事情都是一分为二的。有 些花香也会给人带来副作用。如百合、兰花的浓香,会引起眩晕和瞬 时的迟钝。 12.给加点字注音。 繁衍瞬时

13.本文的说明内容是。 14.第(4)段说花香“有益于人类”是从哪两个方面说的?(每方面六个字以内) 答:① ② 15.第(4)段画线的句子在文中起的作用是。 16.植物的花香“绝大部分还有益于人类”中的“绝大部分”为什么不能删掉? 答: 17.第(5)段中列举了两个例子,目的是为了说明




Section A Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. (A) My Stay in New York After graduation from university, I had been unable to secure a permanent job in my small town. So I decided to leave home for New York, (25)______I might have a better chance to find a good job. (26) ______ (earn) some money to pay the daily expenses, I started work in a local caféas a waiter. I believed that (27) ______ ______ ______ I was offered a good position, I would resign at once. Over time, the high cost of living became a little burden on my already (28) ______ (exhaust) shoulder. On the other hand, my search for a respectable job had not met with much success. As I had studied literature at university, I found it quite difficult to secure a suitable job in big companies. Mother had just said that (29) ______ I wanted to have a better career advancement, I had to find work in the city. Perhaps (30) ______my mother had told me was deeply rooted in my mind. I just did as she had expected. Soon I had lived in the city for over six months but I still did not like it. Apparently, I had difficulty (31) ______ (adapt) myself to life in the city, let alone finding a job to my delight. After nine months of frustration, I eventually decided to go back to my small town. Not until I returned (32) ______I realize that a quiet town life was the best for me. 主旨大意:本文主要讲述主人公毕业后的一段生活经历,主人公觉得在大城市的打拼并不尽如人意,还是小镇生活比较适合自己。 25. where. 本题考察定语从句,先行词为New York。 26. To earn. 本题考察非谓语,考察点是动词不定式表目的,在咖啡馆做侍应生的目的是赚钱。 27. as soon as/ as long as. 本题考察状语从句。考察点是时间状语从句“一旦……”,本题设3个空格,也是一种提示。 28. exhausted. 本题考察非谓语,考察点是分词做形容词使用。句子不缺动词,做给动词只能做非谓语,exhausted主语是人,所以用-ed。 29. if. 本题考察状语从句。考察点是条件状语从句,分析句意可知有“如果”的意思。 30. what. 本题考察主语从句。考察点是what做宾语。 31. adapting. 本题考察非谓语。考察点是非谓语做宾补。固定搭配have difficulty doing sth。 32. did. 本题考察倒装句。Not until放句首,部分倒装“助动词+主语+动词”。


2017年上海秋季高考语文试卷及参考答案 一积累应用10分 1.按要求填空。(5分) (1)此地有崇山峻岭,___________,又有清流激湍,映带左右。(王羲之《兰亭集序》) (2)___________,献愁供恨,玉簪螺髻。(辛弃疾《___________·登建康赏心亭》) (3)柳永《雨霖铃》中“多情自古伤离别,更那堪冷落清秋节”两句,直抒胸臆,感情深厚;陆游《书愤》中也有直抒胸臆的一联是“________________,__________________”。 2.按要求选择。(5分) (1)小明做事马虎,他想写一句话来警醒自己,以下句子合适的一项是()。(2分) A.愚者千虑,必有一得。 B.一屋不扫,何以扫天下? C.患生于所忽,祸起于细微。 D.勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。 (2)填入下面语段空白处的词句,最恰当的一项是()。(3分) 吴人的祖先很会唱歌,这是人所共知的。_________________,而且被民间文艺工作者收集保存。可是吴地的舞蹈呢?我们祖先的那种伴有呜呜歌声的舞蹈哪里去了呢? A.吴歌、白茅山歌从古到今都有人会唱 B.吴歌、白茅山歌有人从古到今都会唱 C.有人从古到今都会唱吴歌、白茅山歌 D.从古到今都有人会唱吴歌、白茅山歌 二阅读70分 (一)阅读下文,完成第3-7题。(16分) 常识和理论 ①依据我们的常识,桌面是光滑的,物理学的理论却告诉我们,桌子由原子组成,原子之间有空隙,桌面其实坑坑洼洼。很多人疑惑:理论和常识冤家碰头时,我们是该相信理论还是该坚守常识呢? ②其实,理论和常识很难笼统地拿来比较。因为平时说的“常识”一词,所称的内容十分繁杂。鲸鱼是一种鱼,这份常识保存在“鲸鱼”这个词里,但鲸鱼是哺乳动物,这也是大家都知道的常识。太阳东升西落是常识,而地球围着太阳转也是常识。为了区分,我们把“鲸鱼是哺乳动物”“地球围着太阳转”这一类常识称作“科学常识”。本文要讨论的常识,是指来自日常经验的常识而非科学常识。“常识”这个词也不能指称错误的东西,错误与否不以科学为判断标准,而以日常经验为标准,一旦发现某些原本相信的东西不符合日常经验,我们也就不再称之为“常识”。 ③常识是由正常情况培养起来的。我们看到水往低处流、火焰向上窜,那就


2021年上海市高考英语总复习:阅读理解 1.I believe in holding onto traditions because they helped our family flourish(兴旺)in a new country.But this concept is more concretely expressed this way:I believe in feeding monkeys on my birthday ﹣something I've done without fail for 35 years. In the Burmese jungle,monkeys are as common as pigeons.But in America,feeding monkeys means violating(违反)the rules. As a kid,I thought that was cool.I learned English through watching bad television shows and expected that I was the chosen warrior(勇士)sent to defend my family.Dad and I would go to the zoo early in the morning,just the two of us.When the coast was clear,I would throw my peanuts to the monkeys. I never had to explain myself until my 18th birthday.It was the first year I didn't go with my father.I went with my friends and arrived 10 minutes after the zoo gates closed."Please," I begged the zookeeper,"I feed monkeys for my family,not for me.Can't you make an exception?" "Go find a pet store," she said. If only it were so easy.That time,I got lucky.I found out that a high school classmate trained the monkeys for the movie Out of Africa,so he allowed me to feed his monkeys.Once a man with a pet monkey suspected that my story was aploy﹣that I was an animal rights activist(积极分子)out to liberate(释放)his monkey.Another time,a zoo told me that outsiders could not feed the monkeys without violating the zookeepers' collective bargaining agreement.Once in a pet store,I managed to feed a marmoset(狨)being kept in a birdcage.Another time,I was asked to wear a special suit to feed a laboratory monkey. It's rarely easy and,yet,somehow I've found a way to feed a monkey every year since I was born. (1)Why has the author fed monkeys all these years? A.To please his father. B.To develop a new hobby. C.To celebrate his birthday.



散文阅读理解训练 题点对点练7 联系文意,紧扣语境 一、阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。 不忍的句号 迟子建 一个幅员辽阔的国家,春光注定是参差不齐的。三月,我离开故乡时,它还是一世界的白雪,可是到了广东,花间已是落英缤纷了。一个似晴非晴的日子,我来到了南海丹灶镇的苏村,拜谒康有为故居。 一入苏村,看到的是一幅安恬的乡村生活图景:青砖的民居旁蜷着打盹的狗,荷花在水塘里静悄悄地开。挎着菜篮的妇女缓缓地通过石桥,耕牛在树下休憩,这一切,似乎都与我心目中康有为出生地的情景大相径庭,它是那么的和风细雨、欣欣向荣,没有丝毫的荒凉之气、沧桑之气。青少年时代生活在这里的康有为,其心中日益积聚的政治“风暴”,缘何而来? 我对康有为的了解,基本上限于历史教科书上的“定义”,至于他个人的内心经历,不甚了了。看过康有为故居,我很想走近他,了解他。 康有为发蒙读书时,萦绕耳际的除了诵读“四书五经”的声音,还有异乡战事中兵戈相击的声音。这一“士”风与另一“仕”风的交汇,影响了康有为的人生,他日后心中积累的政治风暴,与这两股风的吹拂有关。 当时的中国,内忧外困,他痛恨朝野的“不作为”和软弱,痛恨洋人蚕食祖国的疆土。这不安和愤懑压迫着他,难以解脱。康有为似乎迷途了,他一度遁入风景秀丽的西樵山。康有为在西樵山静坐,其实是想把自己幻化为一支可以烛照人生的蜡烛,这样他面对沉重的黑暗时,内心会有勇气。康有为走出西樵山时,开始了更广博的读书,他的阅读不仅仅局限于历史、文学方面,而是扩展到自然科学上。同时,他还对西学产生了浓厚的兴趣。西学的科学民主与人道精神的渗透,与中国传统的儒学思想的滋养,使康有为视野开阔起来,他恍然觉得“道”已在心中。 一八八八年,康有为离开故乡,向着京师北行,开始了他维新变法的旅程。然而,康有为是乘兴而来,败兴而归。 康有为活了七十岁,但他的生命,在戊戌年他四十一岁时,已然终结。尽管其后他在印度撰写了《大同书》,但他身上的勇气和锐气,在戊戌年后,已不复存在。康有为曾请人在一枚印章上刻下了这样的文字:“维新百日,出亡十六年,三周大地,游遍四洲,经三十一国,行六十万里。”可惜这些“眼界”并没有让他变得开阔和深刻,他在归来后反对的是孙中山领导的国民革命,支持和参与的是张勋复辟。直到他去世的那一年,他还赴天津,为溥仪祝寿。但康有为还是了不起的,“公车上书”和“百日维新”,使他成为中国近代思想启蒙运动的鼻祖,成为个性解放的先驱。 读过关于他的一些文字,我在四月份来到青岛。广东的春天过去了,但青岛的春天正在高潮,桃花点点红,樱花簇簇白。我去了康有为在福山路最后的寓所,门厅里摆放着一幅徐悲鸿先生画的康有为的肖像,他白发苍苍,目光温和,但这温和中却掩饰不住茫然。他嘴角微蹙,似在咀嚼着荣辱和苍凉。他坐在那里,坐在四月的微风中,看着来来往往的人。我想,以他不羁的性情,他并不喜欢坐在画框中。在他心中,那也是一种“牢”吧。 康有为的墓地,在浮山脚下,朝向大海。拜谒他墓地的那天,是个晴好的日子。本该是万木葱茏的时节,可墓地却衰草凄凄。他的墓是圆形的,青白色。远远看去,像是一个句号。康有为就躺在这个句号中。康有为


Section B Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (B) With the coming of big data age, data science is supposed to be starved for, of which the adaption can point a profound change in corporate competitiveness. Companies, both born-in the digital era and traditional world are showing off their skills in data science. Therefore, it seems to have been creating a great demand for the experts of this type. Mr Carlos Guestrin, machine learning professor from University of Washington argues that all software applications will need inbuilt intelligence within five years, making data scientists—people trained to analyze large bodies of information — key workers in this emerging “cognitive” technology economy. There are already critical applicat ions that depend on machine learning, a subfield of data science, led by recommendation programs, fraud detection system, forecasting tools and applications for predicting customer behavior. Many companies that are born digital—particularly internet companies that have a great number of real-time customer interactions to handle—are all-in when it comes to data science. Pinterest, for instance, maintains more than 100 machine learning models that could be applied to different classes of problems, and it constantly fields request from managers eager to use this resource to deal with their business problem. The most important factor weighing on many traditional companies will be the high cost of launching a serious machine-learning operation. Netflix is estimated to spend $150m a year on a single application and the total bills is probably four times that once all its uses of the technology are taken into account. Another problem for many non-technology companies is talent.Of the computer science experts who use Kaggle, only about 1000 have deep learning skills, compared to 100,000 who can apply other machine learning techniques, says Mr Goldbloom. He adds that even some big companies of this type are often reluctant to expend their pay scales to hire the top talent in this field. A third barrier to adapting to the coming era of “smart” applications, however, is likely to be


词汇 【难度】☆【建议用时】8mins A. involved B. figures C. inevitably D. initiated E. appointed F. average G. transformed H. reasonable I. remarkably J. indications K. charge Long after the 2010 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still criticizing the unfair refereeing (裁判) decisions that denied victory to their team. A researcher was __1__ to study the performance of some top referees(裁判). The researcher organized experimental matches which __2__ four youth teams. Each match lasted an hour, divided into three periods of 20 minutes during which different referees were in __3__. Observers noted down the referees' errors, of which there were 61 over the matches. When __4__ into a standard match of 90 minutes, each referee made almost 23 mistakes, a(n) __5__ high number. The researcher then studied the videotapes to have a detailed analysis of the matches, and __6__ are that the errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incident. When the officials got it right, they were, on average, 17 meters away from the action. The average distance in the case of errors was 12 meters. The research __7__ show that the best distance is about 20 meters. There also seemed to be a (n) __8__ speed. Correct decisions came when the referees were moving at a speed of about 2 meters per second. The __9__ speed for errors was meters per second. If FIFA, football's international ruling body, wants to improve the standard of refereeing at the World Cup, referees should be __10__ into the rule of keeping their eyes on the action from a distance, rather than rushing to keep up with the ball, the researcher argues. 【Keys】: EAKGI JBHFD B 【难度】☆☆【建议用时】10 mins During the initial stages of instructed L2 (the second language) acquisition students learn a couple thousand, mainly high frequency words. Functional language proficiency, however, __50__ mastery of a considerably large number of words. It is therefore __51__ at the intermediate and advanced stages of language acquisition to learn a large vocabulary in a short period of time. There is not enough time to __52__ the natural (largely incidental) L1 (the first language) word acquisition process. Incidental acquisition of the words is only possible up to a point, __53__, on account of their low frequency, they do not __54__ often enough in the L2 learning material. Acquisition of new words from authentic L2 reading texts by means of strategies such as contextual deduction(演绎) is also not a __55__ for a number of reasons. There appears to be no __56__to intentional learning of a great many new words in a relatively short period of time. The words to be learned may be __57__ in isolation or in context. Presentation in bilingual(双语的)word lists seems an __58__ shortcut because it takes less time than contextual presentation and yields excellent short term results. Long term memory, __59__, is often disappointing so contextual presentation seems advisable. Any suggestions on how to use this in educational contexts should be based on a systematic __60__ of the two most important aspects of the L2 word learning problem, this is to say, selecting the relevant vocabulary (which and how many words) and creating the best conditions for the acquisition process. This article sets out to __61__a computer
