

Part1: Opening Speech

Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to today’s International conference. I am XXX from XXX , XX University, and I am going to be the host for the session. Today, the topic of our discussion is about XXX.(可修改或省略)The goals of this conference can be divided into two parts. Firstly, it should provide a forum for the exchange of information between participants in this interdisciplinary meeting. Secondly, it should stimulate the interest and ambition of participants from all over the world to cooperate in their efforts to call for all people’s attention on Trans-border Rivers.

(可省略)Now, welcome the chairman of the conference XXX, who comes from XXX, China, to give an opening speech!

OK, that’s all about the chairman‘s introduction, now, let’s move on to the next stage of the conference, which is about making an oral presentation about Trans-border Rivers.

Part2: Guide

The first paper will be presented by XXX, XXX, China, and his topic is XXX. Now let’s welcome XXX to give us the speech with warm round applause.

Ok, that is about XXX’s speech, it is really excellent, his speech is mainly about XXX.

有时间提问:Now, I think we have just a few minutes for any questions that anyone might have. Who would like to lead off? Okay, we have one. Go ahead.

That is a really good question, XXX, would you like to give an answer towards this question?

Sorry, the schedule is very [rather] tight. We don’t have enough time for discussion, so we need to go on to the next paper.

没时间提问:Okay, well, as time is limited. I am sorry to say that the question section will have to stop here.

The next paper will be presented by XXX, and his topic is XXX. Now let’s welcome XXX to give us the speech with our warm round of applause.

Part3: Closing Speech

Time flies. I am sorry to say that the session will have to stop here. Thank you

all for your participation.

国际会议主持词 英语口语

Ladies and Gentlemen: Good afternoon Welcome to Nanjing! Welcome to Southeast University! I’m going to be the host of this management forum. Please allow me to extend our warmest congratulations to the conference and the most cordial welcome to you. Thank you very much for your attention.Management forum is devoted to expanding academic communication, promoting mutual understanding and following the advanced studies. This time, the forum will focus on frontier international management. It includes the frontier trend and the application of new theory. Now, let’s clap our hands and welcome the chairman of the conference to have an welcome speech. Thank you! It’s really a heart-warming speech. Well, ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce our speaker today, Professor Cui, and it’s a great pleasure for me to introduce her to us all. She comes from Harvard Business College and devoted to the study about frontier management. The topic of her speech is”Current Management Trends and Issues”. Please join me in welcoming our guest speaker, Cui. The next speaker is Professor Wang. Since 1992, he has published nearly 20 papers, of which more than 5 were included in Journal of Management. At present, he is also the regular member of Society of Business Administration, which is the most authoritative international organization in this field. Please join me in welcoming professor Wang, whose topic is”leadership”. Thanks for two professors’ excellent reports. Do you have any questions? I hope you will participate in the discussion by raising your hands. Thanks two professors again for their excellent explanation. And thanks all of you for your attention and your time. I appreciate it very much. But now, I’m sorry to say that this conference will have to stop here. We will invite the next conference organizer to give an speech.

小学英语文化节 最新版主持稿 中英文

嘉绿苑小学英语文化节主持稿 Good morning, everyone. The 17th week is coming. It will be a special week, because we will welcome our English Festival of Jia Lvyuan Primary School. 第十七周来临了,这是特殊的一周,因为我们迎来了嘉绿苑小学英语节。 Now it is the time that we show our talents, report our learning results and also the time of carnival. 现在就是我们展示才华的时刻,汇报成绩的时刻,也是我们共同欢乐的时刻。 Today, let us feel the happiness of learning English. 今天,让我们一起感受英语学习的快乐! First of all,let’s welcome Mrs. Ye, the headmaster to express her wishes! Welcome!现在请大家以热烈的掌声,欢迎我们叶校长讲话。(校长讲话) Now, let’s welcome Mr. Zhu to express his wishes.掌声有请朱校长讲话! Then, let’s welcome Mrs. Wang to express her wishes! 有请王老师讲话。 Yes, indeed. English as an important tool, it brings us to the world and helps us to enjoy the charming of different cultures. 的确,英语作为一项非常重要的工具,它能带领我们走向世界,帮助我们领略世界各种不同文化的魅力! Now, I announce: the English Festival of Jia Lvyuan Primary School begins now. 嘉绿苑小学英语节开幕! Let’s enjoy the wonderful show! First,let’s welcome five girls from Grade six, Class two to sing Do Rei Mi for us! welcome! 大家掌声欢迎来自六二班的同学带来歌曲Do Rei Mi。 How beautiful! 多么优美的歌声! Look, Poor George is coming. Let’s welcome three students from Grade Six , Class one and three to tell a story for us. Poor George. 看,可怜的乔治来了,欢迎六一班的同学带来的故事可怜的乔治。


Host Lines Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished leaders, teachers and students, Good afternoon! I am glad to be here as your host. My name is XXX. I am XXX. Firstly, please allow me to introduce the distinguished leaders and guests in the party, they are … It is such a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar. I’d like to extend our warm welcome to the students and teachers of XXX high school. First, let's applause for the president to give the opening speech. The eight students who studied a year in XXX high school will sing a beautiful song, "Welcome to Dali” . Now please enjoy it ! " Cause love in our hearts " is a pop song and next , XXX with other students will perform it, please put up your hands and give me some applause! The next program is Jin li Chao, Dancing to the Classic music by XXX, please welcome! Morden dance is one of most amazing dances in the world, for it has its own unique style, now please enjoy Morden dance "Together" by XXX and other students. Guzheng is one of the representative ancient Chinese musical


国际会议英语口语100句 一、开幕式中,宣布开幕、欢迎词及贺词。 (1) Mr President of the Congress, President A and distinguished guests: 尊敬的大会的主席先生,会长A和贵宾们。 (2) Dr. (Professor) A, Dr. (Professor) B, ladies and gentlemen. A博士(教授)、B博士(教授),女士们,先生们。 (3) Mr. Chairman, fellow delegates, friends. 主席先生、同仁们、朋友们。 2 宣布开会。 (4) I am very pleased and honored to declare···(the conference)open. 我很高兴和荣幸地宣布···开幕。 3 来宾在开幕式上致辞。 (5) I am greatly honored to give the opening address/speech at this ···(3rd ) International Congress of ABC here in Beijing 我深感荣幸在北京举办的第···次ABC国际大会上致开幕词。 4 主办单位对参会者致欢迎词。 (6) On behalf of the ABC society, I am delighted to welcome all of you to the ···(1st) International Symposium of XYZ. 我很高兴代表ABC学会欢迎你们所有的人来参加第···届XYZ国际学术会议。 (7)You have come all the way for this conference. Thank you very much for your attention/participation. 你们远道而来参加会议。谢谢你们出席会议(参加会议)。 5 参加者对主办单位表示赞赏。 (8)Thank you for your invitation and warm hospitality. 谢谢你们的邀请和盛情款待。 6 介绍会议的背景。 (9)The history of this gathering/conference goes back to September 1982, when it first became apparent to us that developments in the field of ABC had become so important that a conference seemed mandatory. 此次会议的历史可追溯到1982年9月,当时ABC领域的发展已变得如此重要,组织一次会议显然是必要的。 7 介绍会议的目的和期望。 (10)The goals of this Conference are threefold. First, it should provide a forum for the exchange of information between participants in this interdisciplinary meeting. Second, it should provide an opportunity to establish and renew personal relationships between participants, and finally, it should stimulate the interest and ambition of participants from all over the world to cooperate in their efforts. 这个会议的目标有三重。第一,它必须为参会者在这个属于交叉学科的会议上提供信息交流


凌:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾。 柳:Respected leaders and honorable guests 月:敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们。 森:Dear teachers and schoolmates 合:大家下午好!Good afternoon! * 凌:在这充满生机和活力的春天里,我们迎来了北师大附校的第()届英语节。 柳:In this warm and vigorous season of spring, we are here to celebrate the 10th English Culture Festival of our school 月:为了营造浓郁的英语文化氛围,学校为同学们提供了一个学习英语的机会,搭建了一个展示英语的舞台。 森:In order to create a rich English cultural atmosphere, provide students with an opportunity to learn English, and set up a stage for you to show your English, we gather her to have this party. — 凌:在本次英语节,我们看见了同学们忙碌的身影,他们为了自己的班级为了自己的梦想,付出了辛勤的汗水 柳:In the process of preparing for this party, we witnessed all your efforts to fulfill the dreams and glory of your classes. 月:今天,他们即将在这个舞台上为我们呈现一场精彩的表演。森:Today, they are going to present you a wonderful performance .

主持稿 英文

女士们,先生们,大赛即将开始,请各位将手机静音,敬请期待我们的精彩比赛。A:Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to Shanghai final of the 9th national practical English speaking competition for technical and vocational college students. This competition is sponsored by the Youth College of Shanghai Normal University. I am ... B: I am ... Special welcome goes to our distinguished judges, guests and audiences. Welcome you all. We wish every contestant best luck in their performance. A: This is the final round of the contest in Shanghai. First of all, I’d like to introduce our distinguished judges. They are Professor Lu Siyuan, Honorary President of the Shanghai International Studies Association. (上海市外文学会名誉会长卢思源教授). B:Professor Han Zhonghua, from Shanghai Maritime University, (上海海事大学韩中华教授) A: Professor Yan Jinglan, from University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, (上海理工大学颜静兰教授) B:Professor Liu Luxi , from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (上海交通大学刘路喜教授) A: Ms. Cao Zhengfan, Senior Editor of Fudan University Press复旦大学出版社高级编辑曹珍芬女士 B :Welcome, and thank you for your presence. A: Now, let us welcome Chu Min, president of Youth College of Shanghai, to deliver an opening speech. B: Now please welcome Professor Lu Siyuan, honorary president of the shanghai International Studies Association to give a speech. A: Now please welcome Ms Zhou Chunyan, general manager of Shanghai Promised Electronics Corporation, to give a speech. B: Now let’s welcome Ms. Chen Mingjuan, director of shanghai foreign language teaching committee for technical and vocational colleges,to declare opening of the competition. B: Thank you very much. Now we would like to invite all the judges and guests to


Opening remarks: Distinguished Delegates and Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,it’s a great privilege for me to start the me introduce myself first. I am Du Ruimin from Harbin Engineering University. And I am very honored to be the chair person for this morning’s session. It is a great pleasure for me to share the chairmanship with Professor Lee Guobin who is Harvard University. On behalf of the organizing committee of TCASSP , I would like to announce the session we are going to do this morning is to review the different aspects of signal processing and their current research challenges. We have some of the world’s foremost professors and researchers, people at the forefront of this field. Let me introduce our first speaker Professor Lee Guobin, who is the Director of Information and Communication Engineering apartment of Harvard Lee has published extensively in SCI and books on the subject of Image, Video, and Multidimenional Signal Processing. His presentation is entitled “No-reference perceptual quality ass essment of JPEG compressed images”. Let’s welcome professor Lee~ Thank you, Prof. Lee. Your presentation is very convincing. From your presentation, we know that(---)Your speech is indeed very useful, interesting and challengeable. Thank you. Q&A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, let me introduce the next speaker Prof. Dai Dai jia comes from Columbia University who is famous for his study on Signal Processing Theory and Methods,and also make its application have a Practical speaker is also co-author of five books and over 40 published articles. As a communications expert, he has been quoted in the Seattle Times, the Chicago Tibune and the Atlanta Journal a lot of first-class books on this subject are wrote by Professor Dai,and today we are very honored to have give us a speech entitled “Fractional Fourier Transform and Its Applications”.Let’s welcome . Q&A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you, . Your speech is the absolutely inspiring. We are delighted to be able to share your new specific strategies and techniques. (----)will be greatly cherished by the people present here. Now, let’s welcome our next speaker, Dr. Cao Qingming is a professor and the chairperson of the Electrical Engineering Department at the Ohio State University in Columbus, speaker got his . in EE at the University of California, Berkeley, followed by a series of teaching and research positions at Harvard, Cambridge University, and the past 6 years,he published more than10 papers on join me in welcoming our guest speaker today— Qingming, whose topic is entitled Signal Processing for Communications and Networking. Q&A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Thank you very much for your worthwhile/ enlightening/informative presentation. Let’s welcome the next speaker Prof. Guo Xiangchen with warm applause.)Xiangchen is from Chongqing Jiaotong University,who is co-author of five books and over 40 published articles. As a communications expert, he has been quoted in the Seattle Times, the Chicago Tibune and the Atlanta Journal speaker has been honored many awards--2013 Marconi Prize Paper Award and a national Book , Guo Xiangchen


贵阳市英语实验学校第六届英语节闭幕式主持词 1、开场 Honorable leaders, teachers , dear students and friends. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! 尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好! Hello, I’m Hello, I’m Hello, I’m Today we are happy here to celebrate the 6th English Festival. After a week of activities, we have come to the end of our English Festival. On behalf of our shcool I express our gratitude to the teachers and students who organize and participate in it. Thank you! Thank you for your working. 今天我们欢聚在这儿举行第六集英语节的闭幕式。 历经了一周的活动,我校第六届英语节将落下帷幕。在此,让我们用最热烈的掌声向组织和参与本届英语节的老师和同学们表示感谢! 介绍来宾 Now let’s introduce our leaders. They are the principal of our school Miss , Mr ,and Miss . 现在由我介绍今天莅临现场的领导,他们是我们学校的校长: Miss Qiu, Mr Ding director of primary school department. 小学部主任邱主任,丁主任。 And our foreign teacher Aggie. 以及我们的外教,Aggie。 I would like to extend our sincere welcome to all the guests here. 同时感谢所有来宾的到来。 2、我是小老师,我教你说英语 What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you want to be a teacher in the future? 你长大后想要做什么?你想成为一名老师吗? Yes, I dream to be an English teacher, I will teach my students to speak English. 是的,我想成为一名英语教师,教我的学生们说英语。 Really? Here is a good teacher to give you an example. 真的吗?这里刚好有一位小老师给你示范示范怎么教。 Let’s welcome the first group! 掌声欢迎第一组家庭!


公司年会主持稿英文 good afternoon, everyone. good afternoon. wele to the XX hit graduate level english speech final petition. to start with, we'd like to briefly introduce the whole process of the petition. from sep., 2300 graduates have participated in this petition, of those, more than 70 took part in the semi-final and today we have 10 outstanding speakers to pete in the final round. at first, with great honor, we'd like to introduce the guests at present. they're ... we are honored to have you here, and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today. next, let me introduce the judges of today's contest. they're ... thank you for being a part of the petition. now, let's wele professor ... to give us the opening


国际会议英文发言稿 篇一:英文国际学术会议开幕词演讲稿 Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends: At this special time of wonderful August, With a pleasant subtropical climate in Xiamen, Our respectable guests are here getting together , undertaken by XMU , the XX 10th Interna tional Conference on Natural Computation and the XX 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery , will be open. Now, First of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you , for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event. It is a great honor for us to have all you here to attend this conference, of which the theme is the academic exchange about the advanced technologies on Computer Science. Here I’d be delighted to introduce our conventioneers in brief. Apart from our faculty and


英语节学生主持词 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

雷锋小学英语节学生主持词 男:Honorableleaders,teachers, 女:Dear?students,ladiesandgentlemen, 男: 尊敬的领导,老师们 女: 亲爱的同学们,女士们,先生们 合:Goodafternoon!下午好! 男:Welcome to our English Characteristics Performance of Leifeng Primary School. 女: 欢迎大家参加雷锋小学英语特色展示活动。 男:We can gain so much in English learning. 女:我们能在英语学习的过程中收获很多。 男:Our slogan is Happy English, Happy Life. 女:我们的口号是快乐英语,幸福生活。 男:My name is Zhang Hanwen. I’m in Class 4, Grade 5. 我是来自五年级四班的张翰文。 女:I am Yu Jiaqi from Class 1, Grade 5. 我是来自五年级一班的于佳琪。 男:We are honored to be the hosts of our English Festival. 女:作为本次英语节的主持人,我们感到非常荣幸。 男:It is joyful and meaningful to study English. 女:学习英语是一件快乐而有意义的事。


Good morning, honorable leaders and teachers, my dear students. Thanks for coming to the Opening Ceremony of our English Festival. 尊敬的领导、老师们,亲爱的同学们,早上好!非常感谢你们能莅临本次英语节的开幕式。 It is a great honor for us two to be the hostesses of the opening ceremony. First , please allow us to introduce ourselves. 我们俩很荣幸能成为本次开幕式的主持人。首先,请允许我们做个自我介绍。 Based on our school’s principle of “learning in activities”, in order to enrich students’ campus life and extend our English learning experience, our school decides to hold the fourth English Cultural Festival. It is hoped that students will improve their English in a relaxed atmosphere and feel the charm of English in some funny activities. 这是我校第四次举办英语节。秉承我校“活动育人”的办学理念,本次英语节旨在丰富校园文化生活,拓展教学空间,为学生提供锤炼英语能力的舞台、增强学生英语学习实践与体验,丰富学生的英语学习经历,将学生带入快乐的英语世界。 This morning, we gathered here to celebrate the opening of the festival. First, let’s welcome vice-principal Mr. Zhou to address the opening speech with warm applause. 今晨,我们在这聚集庆祝本次英语节的开幕。首先,有请周校长致开幕词。掌声欢迎! We Will Rock You is a song popular with many young people. Let’s enjoy


咖啡的基本种类和常见英语 第一种是espresso浓缩咖啡,也称为“意式浓缩咖啡”,它是把研磨过的咖啡豆,借着高压蒸汽和热水滤冲所煮出来的咖啡。用这种方式煮出来的“一份浓缩咖啡”,被称为one shot。浓缩咖啡加上不同比例的牛奶,就可以调出许多种咖啡。如果想喝浓一点的咖啡,可以要求店员把espresso的份数加倍。比如说,I’d like a double/triple espresso. 我要双份/三份的意大利浓缩咖啡。 第二种是latte拿铁咖啡。拿铁咖啡的特点是加了很多热牛奶,上面只点缀一层薄薄的奶泡,foam。但是如果你想要多一点奶泡,可以说,I want some extra foam. 我想要多一点奶泡。在喝冰拿铁的时候,希望少放一点冰块,你就可以说,Don’t use too much ice. 不要加太多冰块。 第三种是caffe mocha 摩卡咖啡。摩卡咖啡是喜欢甜食的人的最佳选择,因为有摩卡酱(巧克力酱)当底,最上层再加上鲜奶油。不过万一你觉得鲜奶油热量高,可以说,I don’t want any whipped cream. 我不要鲜奶油。你还可以调整摩卡酱的比例,可以说,Please give me a little extra /less chocolate syrup。 第四种是cappuccino 卡布奇诺。喜欢吃绵密奶泡的人,可以点卡布奇诺,因为这款咖啡的奶泡最多。如果希望奶泡再多一点,热牛奶少一点,可以说,I want it dry. 我要牛奶少一点。或者I want a dry cappuccino. 我要一杯不加牛奶,只有奶泡的卡布奇诺。如果你想要多一点热牛奶,可以说,I want it wet. 我要牛奶多一点。或者I want a wet cappuccino. 我一杯牛奶多一点的卡布奇诺。 第五种是Americano美式咖啡。美式咖啡就是浓缩咖啡加上一定比例的水。不过还有一种好喝的做法,就是直接加冰块而不加水:I want an Americano with ice, no water. 我要一杯只加冰块不加水的美式咖啡。 最后再来说一说misto密斯朵咖啡,这种咖啡其实就是由一半咖啡,一半牛奶组成的“咖啡牛奶”,也成为cafeau lait“欧雷咖啡”。点misto的时候,可以改变牛奶的份量,你可以说,I want more/less milk. 我的牛奶要多一点。/少一点。 说完了咖啡的种类,再说说一些在点咖啡的时候要用到的词汇和句型,你可以用I’d like a .../I want a .../Can you get me a ...?/Please pull me a ...?这些句型来点你喜欢的咖啡。 那么在点咖啡的时候,你可能会被问到要选哪种份量的咖啡,咖啡一般都有三种份量可供选择,grande大杯,tall 中杯还有short小杯。如果想加冰,就是iced coffee,如果你没有做特别说明,就说明你要点热的咖啡。 关于咖啡里面脂肪含量的问题,可以用low-fat低脂的,还有nonfat脱脂的来表示,但是大部分咖啡点不提供nonfat脱脂的咖啡。如果对浓缩咖啡espresso的份数有特别要求的话,可以有double双份、triple三份、quad四份和decaf低咖啡因的区别。如果不做特别说明,


英语模拟国际会议 主持人:王×会议出席人:朱××会议中提问者两人:董×、赵××休会中途与嘉宾交谈两人:张×、唐×× 会议结束提问者:余×、龚× 主持人王×:Ladies and Gentleman: May I have your attention please? Our conference will begin in a few minutes. All the presenters are requested to be seated. Let me introduce myself,i am wang yuan from SCNU,it’s a privilege for me to chair this session. Once the ceremony has started,you are refrained from taking pictures, using flashbulbs or leaving your seats. 3Q.Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:At this special time of wonderful June, in this grand hall of the beautiful city, our respectable guests are here getting together. Academic Seminars of CAS are organized by the Bureau of Personnel and Education of CAS, and held by the CAS research institutes. Now, first of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you, for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event. For this conference, we are following the agenda here. The meeting is supposed to last for five days,it is the first congress which covers the true sense of psychological education、moral education,basic education
