china daily 笔试题

china daily 笔试题
china daily 笔试题

china daily 笔试题(2)

潜水很久,大家都很热心传资料。我也传份,答案是我当时考试时的答卷。希望对大家有用。要求: 1. 在首页答卷上写明自己的学校、专业和姓名,字迹工整。每张答卷上注明页码。 2. 考试时间180分钟,独立完成。可以使用字典、词典,以及“文曲星”“快译通”等电子词典。 3. 考试结束后,试卷连同答卷一起交回。

1. 英译汉

Stalled Coaster Strands 20, Some of Them Upside Down By THOMAS J. LUECK Twenty passengers on a roller coaster at a New Jersey amusement park spent 40 uncomfortable minutes stranded 75 feet above the ground -- some of them upside down -- after a lightning bolt cut power to the park yesterday.

"The power failed about 3:30 after lightning struck a Jersey Central Power and Light substation outside the park, Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township, taking its employees and customers off guard, said Kristin Siebeneicher, a Great Adventure spokeswoman. She said there were no storm clouds or lightning over the park, and that if there had been, the roller coasters would have been closed as a precaution. The stranded passengers were riding Batman and Robin: The Chiller, one of the park's 13 roller coasters, and the only one that operates entirely on electricity instead of a combination of gravity and electricity, Ms. Siebeneicher said.

The technology of the Chiller, which opened in 1997, makes it a particularly heart-thumping ride; it goes backward and forward, moves like a corkscrew, reaches 70 miles an hour and climbs with enormous thrust. But with 200 electric motors, it has malfunctioned before; it was shut down for 45 minutes in May because of a smoking motor.

When the power went out yesterday, the Chiller was at a distinct disadvantage. While gravity enabled the cars on the park's other roller coasters to continue moving until they were stopped by automatic braking systems, and passengers were able to descend safely on maintenance stairways, the Chiller stopped in its tracks.

Ms. Siebeneicher said the riders on the Chiller were about 75 feet up a 200-foot incline. All 20 were fastened securely into their cars, but eight of them were suspended upside down, and the other 12 were sideways. There were no injuries, but it took 40 minutes for park employees to ease the cars clown to a position where the passengers could walk off, Ms. Siebeneicher said.

Great Adventure said its other rides resumed normal operations at 4:30 p.m., but the Chiller will remain closed until it is inspected by state officials.

2. 汉译英





3. 中文作文(800-1000字)




抢险队的发言人kristin Siebeneicher说:“断电是从3:30开始的,由于一个闪电把新泽西的电力中心和公园外的一个变电站给打坏了造成的。在杰克逊镇的六大抢险队,已带着他们的雇员和顾客离开了那里”。她说,那里并没有暴风云或闪电经过公园上空。并且如果有的话,作为预警,他们也会关闭过山车。

Siebeneicher女士说,进退两难的乘客们当时正坐着Batman& Robin——颤栗机(Chiller)。这是公园里13个过山车中的唯一一个完全用电力代替了万有引力和电力的结合动力来运作的过山车。颤栗机的技术是在1997年开发的,坐上它的时候能够令人心跳加速,它既向后退又向前走,运动起来像个螺丝锥。它能够达到每小时70英里的速度,并且以非常大的冲击力向上攀爬。但是由于只有200个电力发动机,它曾经因此出过故障。在5月份,它就由于发动机冒烟,而停开了45分钟。


颤栗机上的乘客们被困在距一个高为200英尺的斜坡还有75英尺高的空中。全部20名乘客都被牢牢地,安全地系在他们的车上,但有8名乘客被倒挂了起来,其它12名乘客都在两侧面。“这次事故,没有造成人员伤亡,但这耗费了公园的工作人员40分钟的时间去移动机车到一个可以让每个乘客安全离开下车的地方”,Ms Siebeneicher 说。



How to guide teenagers to use internet properly Internet is now indispensable to teenagers' pastime life. According to investigation, among more than 80million Internet users, teenagers have predominated and the number of this group still accelerates. The tendency indicates that one of significant works in enhancing teenagers' ethic education is guiding teenagers to use Internet properly. Colorful, splendid and lively as Internet is, there do exist rubbishes, dirts and traps. All of these are harmful to teenagers’ mental health to great degree. First, pornograph on Internet contaminates souls. Although the work of combating against pornograph makes great progress, pornograph websites survive, and may change into new appearance or seek to go back. Second, Internet games mislead the young. it is a commonplace that teenagers are addict to playing games, putting study aside. Third, making friends on line appeals to teenagers. The atmosphere in many chatrooms is disgusting. A number of boys and girls are fascinated with love of Internet and talk about love affairs brassily. Some adults participate and let out their low-level interest. Cyberspace has brought a lot of real damages. Fourth, superstition on line is sinistrous .Fortunate-telling and such messy things exert extremely negative effect on teenagers.

The qualities of Internet such as openness, swiftness and interactiveness determine complexity, toughness and long-time. We should stick to the principle of developing internet as well as eradicating contamination. We should adhere to the principle of elimination and guidance



Chinadaily2月新闻热词 box office fraud票房欺诈 hand written tickets手写票 cinematic fraud影院欺诈现 unlicensed movie未经授权的电影 我国拟设“国家公祭日” Two national memorial days are to be marked, according to draft resolutions being reviewed by the top legislature. One of the days, on Sept 3, will mark victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-45), while on Dec 13, victims of the Nanjing Massacre will be commemorated. 全国人大审议的草案拟将9月3日设为抗日战争胜利纪念日,12月13日为南京大屠杀死难者公祭日。 “纪念日”多用memorial day表示,这里提到的“国家公祭日”可用national memorial day 表示。制定中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日是为了更好地缅怀在中国人民抗日战争(War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression)中英勇献身的英烈和所有为中国人民抗日战争作出贡献的人们,铭记中国人民反抗日本帝国主义侵略的艰苦卓绝的斗争,表明中国人民坚决维护国家主权、领土完整和世界和平的坚定立场(Chinese people's stance of safeguarding national sovereignty and the territorial integrity as well as world peace)。 制定南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日是为了悼念南京大屠杀死难者和所有在日本帝国主义侵华战争期间惨遭日本侵略者杀戮的死难同胞(to mourn the victims of the massacre and all those killed during the Japanese aggression against China),揭露日本侵略者的战争罪行(exposing the war crimes of Japanese invaders),牢记侵略战争给中国人民和世界人民造成的深重灾难,表明中国人民反对侵略战争、捍卫人类尊严、维护世界和平的坚定立场(Chinese people's stance of combating aggression and safeguarding human dignity and world peace)。 世界上其他国家设立的纪念日有:International Holocaust Remembrance Day(国际大屠杀纪念日,1月27日,全球,奥斯威辛集中营被解放纪念日,缅怀二战中的大屠杀遇难者),National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day(珍珠港纪念日,12月7日,美国,珍珠港事件发生日),Victory Day(胜利日,5月9日,俄罗斯,二战卫国战争胜利)Remembrance Day(阵亡将士纪念日,11月11日,英国,一战停战日,缅怀在战争中死去的人)。 base station基站 spam messages垃圾短信 弘扬“社会主义核心价值观” Chinese president Xi Jinping has reiterated "core socialist values," urging deep understanding and comprehensive implementation of the moral doctrine nationwide.


英文信息资源网站列表 国内英文新闻网站 1. 双语新闻(声音、文字文件):,/1697/index_1.html 2. 新浪英文版:,/index.html 3. 英语听力特快:,/ 4. 英语新闻在线:,/index.php 5. VOA 慢速英语:, 6. 新华社新闻英文版:,/english 7. 中国日报英文版:, 8. 中国国际广播电台英语学习网站,/08english/ 9. 中国日报英语点津网,/language_tips/index.html 国外知名英文报刊网站 1. Newsweek 《新闻周刊》,/ 2. New Scientist 《新科学家》,/ 3. Time 《时代周刊》,/ 4. Washington Post《华盛顿邮报》,/ 5. the New York Times (纽约时报)(,) 6. 21st Century Online(21世纪英语报)(,) 7. Economist(经济学家)(,) 8. Chicago Tribune news(芝加哥论坛报)(,) 9. Detroit News(底特律新闻) (,) 10.《美国新闻》(,) 11. USA Today(今日美国) (,) 12. Wall Street Journal(华尔街报) (,) 13. Guardian(英国卫报) (,) 14. Berliner Morgenpost International摩根邮报 15. The Independent (独立报), 16. Financial Times (金融时报), 17. The Mirror (镜报), 18. The Times (泰晤士报), 19. Birmingham Post-Herald(伯明翰邮报), 20. Irish Post (爱尔兰邮报) (,) 21. La Tribune Interactive(经济金融日报) (, 22. The Herald (先驱报) (,) 23. International Herald Tribune(国际先驱论坛日报), 24. Reader's Digest(读者文摘) (,) 25. Business Week(商业周刊) (,) 26. History Today(历史杂志) (,) 27. Esquire (绅士杂志) (,) 28. The American Spectator(美国观察者) (,) 29. Fashion UK(英国时尚杂志) (,/fashionuk) 30. Marketing Week(行销周刊) (,)

六年级上册语文讲义-阅读指导:学会理清文章的顺序一 部编版

九、学会理清文章的顺序一 教学目标: 1.积累一部分成语。 2.学会按事情的发展顺序理解文章 教学过程: 一、成语热身,故事导入。 真高兴,又给大家上课了,记得上次课我们一起学会了理解词句表达的几个方法。今天,我们做两个成语的小练习热热身。 1.搜肠刮肚。 甜言蜜语文质彬彬见仁见智利害攸关 死里逃生字斟句酌无恶不作文过饰非 心心相印度日如年自怨自艾青出于蓝 气壮山河南辕北辙生花妙笔画蛇添足 擒贼擒王惟妙惟肖下里巴人金碧辉煌 万古长青海底捞月饱食终日本末倒置 倚老卖老舍己救人十全十美国计民生 见多识广东山再起 2.对下列成语的理解,因望文生义出现了错误,请用修改符号改正过来。 1.不速之客——跑得不快的客人。改为:指没有邀请突然而来的客人。 2.后生可畏——后生下来的可怕。改为:年轻人是可敬畏的。形

容青年人能超过前辈。 3.身体力行——身体力行就行。改为:身:亲身;体:体验。亲自去做,努力实行。 3、刚才我们积累了这么多成语,现在轻松一刻,一起欣赏两个小故事吧。 学生快速阅读故事《深山藏古寺》。一个同学代表讲故事。二、讲授阅读导航塔的内容。 作者写一篇文章总是按照一定的顺序进行叙述的,先写什么,后写什么,再写什么,都是经过精心安排的。我们阅读一篇文章,理清叙述顺序,可以更好地理解内容,体会作者表达的情感。阅读的顺序主要有:按照事情的发展顺序;按照时间的顺序;按照地点的顺序。 1.按照事情发展理清顺序。 叙事的文章,常常按照事情的发展顺序来安排材料。阅读这样的文章,要弄清文章写了一件什么事,这件事是怎么发生的,又是怎样发展的,事情的结果又是怎么样的,从中可以理清文章的叙述顺序。我们先阅读一篇文章《在公共汽车上》 学生快速阅读《在公共汽车上》,教师分析一下本文的主要内容,帮助学生结合课文理解什么是按照一定顺序理解课文。 接着,我们看一篇小片段练习。请排列句子的先后顺序。 ()小花猫很着急,立刻请来小猴帮忙。 ()一会儿,小猴拿来一根鱼竿,上面还绑着一块吸铁石。()一天,小花猫高高兴兴地在池塘边钓鱼。

China Daily 双语新闻

这些年过的春节年味儿越飘越淡 The Spring Festival travel rush, witnessed by tens of thousands people going home, gets more and more frightening every year. Firecrackers are more extravagant. The Spring Festival eve dinner gets even more delicious. However, most Chinese people feel that the atmosphere of Spring Festival, or Nianwei, is fading. How come? Why we feel less excited than before when we mention the Spring Festival? 虽然春运潮一年比一年猛,鞭炮和礼花一年比一年热烈,年夜饭一年比一年丰盛,很多国人却感到年味儿越来越淡了。年味儿为什么会变淡?我们提到过年时为什么不再有儿时的期盼和兴奋? 年味儿是什么味? What is Nianwei? What kind of atmosphere is it? It is the excitement and expectation on the way home; it is the smile on parents’ faces when we arrive; It is the happiness of the whole family sitting together chatting; it is our toast to our elders at dinner; It is the smell of fireworks going off outside; it is the jiaozi (dumpling) for the Spring Festival eve dinner that mom has been busy preparing; It is the enjoyment of going to the temple fair and watching the dragon dance, a scene that drags us back to childhood; it is the friendly ambiance in which everyone says “Happy New Year” no matter whether they know each other or not; It is the red lanterns hanging everywhere… Nianwei, the Spring Festival atmosphere, is happiness, peace and reunions… 什么是年味? 年味是回家途中的激动与期盼,是踏入家门时爸妈的笑脸; 是全家团圆的喜乐气氛,是晚辈孝敬长辈围坐在桌前敬的那一杯酒; 是屋外烟花闪耀飘进鼻内的一股幽香,是妈妈忙前忙后做的一顿年夜饭中的饺子;是逛庙会看着舞龙仿佛又回到童年的一种享受,是甭管认识不认识,见面都说过年好的那种友好感觉; 是满大街挂满了红灯笼充满了祝福话语的那种气氛。。。。。。 “年味”是喜庆、是平安、是团圆。。。。。。 过年习俗 Cleaning: In Chinese, the pronunciation of “尘”(dust)and “陈”(stale things)are the same, so cleaning the dust before the Spring Festival eve means kicking poverty and bad luck out of the house. The tradition embodies people’s hope to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new. 扫尘:按民间的说法,因“尘”与“陈”谐音,新春扫尘有“除尘布新”的涵义,其用意是要把一切穷运、晦气统统扫出门。这一习俗寄托着人们破旧立新的愿望


1. 铰接式公共汽车 articulated bus 2. 悼文 memorial essay 3. 公墓“续租费”renewal fees 4. “分分合合的恋情”on-again-off-again relationship 5. “红色资源”red resources也就是革命时期留下的革命遗址、革命 文物、还有革命人物的精神等珍贵资源 6. 北大“会商制度”consultation program 7. 应急避难所 emergency shelter 8. 女性教育“速成班”crash course 9. 抗震鉴定 anti-earthquake evaluation 10. 婚前单身派对stag/hen night, bachelorette/bachelor party, hen/stag party 11. 婚前恐惧症 marriage phobia 12. 婚奴 marriage slave 13. 房奴 mortgage slave 14. 裸婚 naked wedding 15. 独身主义者celibatarian [,s?l?b?'t?r??n] 16. 试婚 trial marriage 17. 不婚主义non-marriage doctrine 18. 钻石王老五 diamond bachelor 19. 拜金女 material girl 20. 富二代 rich second generation 21. 炫富 flaunt wealth 22. 晋级 make the cut 23. 廉租房 low-rent housing 24. 经适房 affordable housing 25. 限价房 price-fixed housing 26. 人才保障房 social security housing for talents 27. 保障性住房 indemnificatory housing 28. 公共租赁住房/公租房public rental housing 29. 商品房 commercial residential building 30. 假结婚 bogus marriage 31. 皮包公司 bogus company 32. 假货 fake goods 33. 山寨旅行社 copycat travel agency 34. 入境移民诈骗 immigration fraud


水知道答案观后感想600字_水知道答案有 感 天地与我同根,万物与我一体。连水都需要爱,更何况人类呢?这里给大家整理了一些有关水知道答案的观后感,希望对大家有所帮助. 水知道答案观后感1 人体百分之七十是水。一个人其实就是一滴水,走在世间。 作者开始进行水结晶的研究时他把盛着水滴的50个实验盘放置在零下25度的环境中,让它们凝结成冰珠,然后再把这些冰珠拿到零下5度的房间里,用200倍的显微镜进行观察。结晶出现的时间只有两分钟,在这个短短的两分钟在时间里,可以观察到千变万化的水结晶形状。江本胜博士把这些水晶图形拍摄成照片,然后把他观察到的奇妙结果写了出来,编成了这本《水知道答案》。 在这本书中,我了解到,水可以根据它看到的图片、听到的音乐和语言形成相应的结晶。当你咒骂水或对它置之不理的时候,水的结晶就非常糟糕、混乱、甚至令人作呕,但是,当你赞美或夸奖水的时候,它的结晶就会非常清晰、整齐、美丽。听到”爱与感谢“这个词的水的结晶最美,那是一个晶晶亮亮排列特别规则的六边形,好像一朵绽放的梦幻之花。最神奇的是,不管你说的是哪个国家的语言,只要是爱与感谢的意思,水结晶的形状都一样美丽。听到中文”谢谢“的水结晶,像一个点缀着六片银杏叶,中间裹着一颗璀璨珍珠的宝盒。但是,如果你用伤害的语气和不礼貌的语言和水说话,那么水的结晶就会非常混乱,有时甚至无法结晶。”你真蠢“这句话就让水无法结晶,图片上显示的是一团模糊混乱的形状;而”浑蛋“这个词让水的结晶好像是一个急速旋转的黑洞。 当水看到”谢谢“两个字的水结晶,非常清晰地呈现出美丽的六

角形,让人们联想到”爱“与”感谢“本是宇宙存在与人际关系的基本原则,美好的情感与心念会对世界产生有益的影响,所以,我们更应该多一些”爱与感谢“。这也回答了”世界为什么需要赞美“的疑问。 在我们生活中,一个科学家曾做过一个实验:将一种同样的花分别放在两个人家里,花期很长,让这两个人早上将花放到太阳下,两天浇一次水,晚上搬回屋子,两人都很配合实验,但过不久,第一个人的花依旧开着,第二个人的花却败了。原来第二个人特别爱埋怨,经常骂人,受不了别人得罪他,而且经常听重金属音乐,而前一个人很乐观,积极,会处事,爱听古筝。一个每天听到杂音,不好的话的花,和一个在良好环境的花肯定不一样的。 水是智慧的,水是含蓄的,水是淡雅的,水是深奥的,水的语言、水的哲理。水在它的世界里给我们讲了一个属于成人的童话,让我们深思的童话,水也给了我们一切想追寻的生活或生命的答案。 水知道答案观后感2 上一个星期,语文老师组织观看《水知道答案》一片,我霎时明白了许多。 第一眼看到片名时,我的心中充满了许多疑问。水会知道什么答案?水怎么会知道答案呢?它有自己的想法吗?看完短片后,我心中许久的疑问终于解开了,但更多的是深深的震撼!也让我明白:做好事,积功德,我们便会拥有一个美好的人生! 一.水能看 当水看到世界各国“爱和感谢”的话语时,水结晶的形状变得无比美丽,而美丽的水结晶则因为诅咒的话语而丑陋不堪。 二.水能听 当播放不同的乐曲时,水结晶会产生不同的形状,贝多芬的命运交响曲和许多美妙绝伦的乐曲,水听后,水的结晶立刻变得完美无暇。 这也就让我们更加深刻地明白:我们的心灵,我们所保持的积极的心态,都会因我们的思想而改变。世界上有太多丑陋现象,大到战


英富翁为慈善卖房捐千万妻忍无可忍终离婚 Multi-millionaire gave away his entire fortune to help others but his wife left him He is not the first multimillionaire to quit the world of commerce and vow to give his entire fortune to charity. But few can have put their money where their mouth is with such conviction as Brian Burnie. Once the owner of a £16million mansion, the 70-year-old now lives off his pension in a small flat and drives a battered Ford Fiesta. The former recruitment firm boss pledged to dedicate his life to helping women with breast cancer after his wife was diagnosed with the disease. But it emerged yesterday that the couple divorced after Shirley, his wife of almost 30 years, grew fed up with his addiction to parting with everything the family had worked for. ?I didn‘t intend to have to beat cancer and then spend the rest of my life living in a house like this and doing everything for everyone else,‘ said Mrs Burnie, 66, who made a full re covery. ?I‘m sick of bloody charity and the hard work –we all are. I didn‘t want to give everything away. We needed a home and an income and we have three children. I wanted security for us and our family.‘Born in a Newcastle bedsit, Mr Burnie grew up in a home without an indoor toilet and began working life as a grocery delivery boy aged 15. After building successful businesses in construction and recruitment, he turned his ten-acre Northumberland estate into a £16million luxury hotel and spa. But follow ing his wife‘s diagnosis a decade ago, Mr Burnie began to focus on charity. It was not a total surprise – at their wedding in 1981, he insisted they ask for donations to charity instead of presents. In 2009, he sold the hotel and used all the proceeds to fund a fleet of cars ferrying rural patients to hospital –as part of his charity, Daft As A Brush. Announcing they needed somewhere more ?modern and easy to look after‘, he shocked friends and former employees by moving his family to a tiny rented terraced house opposite a council estate in nearby 拥有千万财产的布莱恩·伯尼(Brian Burnie)并不是世界首位弃商从善的富人,但伯尼对慈善事业的巨大热情绝对是凤毛麟角。 现年70岁的伯尼曾拥有价值高达1600万英镑的豪宅,然而伯尼目前却居住在小公寓里,开着破旧的福特Fiesta,依靠其退休金度日。在伯尼的妻子被诊断出乳腺癌后,这位前招聘公司的总裁就誓言将投入毕生精力到帮助罹 患乳腺癌妇女的事业中。 但20日,人们却发现这对夫妇早就离了婚。离婚的理由是伯尼的妻子雪莉(Shirley)受够了近30年来伯尼对其慈善事业超乎寻常的热枕。 从癌症中痊愈的雪莉现年66岁,对于离婚一事她表示,―我从没想过打败病魔后,余生住在这样的小房子里,为别人的事业奋斗。我非常厌倦辛苦万分又永无止境的慈善工作,我的孩子们也一样。我不想捐出所有财物,我们需要一栋房子和一份收入,我们还有三名子女要养活。我希望我们的家庭能够得到保障。‖ 伯尼出生在纽卡斯尔市(Newcastle),年幼的他居住在一所没有卫生间的住宅。从15岁起,伯尼就开始在一家食杂店担任送货员。 当伯尼的事业在建筑和招聘领域获得成功后,他利用自己在诺森伯兰郡(Northumberland)的三十亩土地建成了一栋价值1600万英镑的豪华旅馆。 十年前,当雪莉被诊断罹患乳腺癌后,伯尼开始将注意力转移到慈善事业。这对伯尼来说并不突兀,因为早在1981年他们的婚礼上,伯尼就坚持宾客们的红包应该发到慈善机构而 非新人们手里。 2009年,伯尼出售豪华旅馆,并将出售所获的所有钱款都用于建立一支车队,专门负责将居住在乡村的病人们送往城里的医院。而这仅仅是伯尼慈善事业的小小一部分。 伯尼认为,他们需要住在更加―现代化‖和―容易照料‖的地方,于是他做出了一个震惊他朋友们和员工们的决定,——举家迁往莫佩思


中华人民共和国成立70年热词回顾(中英文版) 1.新中国People’s Republic of China 2.抗美援朝War to resist US aggression and aid Korea 3.好好学习,天天向上study hard and make progress every day 4.简体字simplified Chinese 5.五年计划five-year plan 6.全国人民代表大会National People’s Congress 7.粮票food coupon 8.公私合营public-private partnership 9.广交会Canton Fair 10.人民公社the people’s commune 11.妇女能顶半边天women hold up half the sky 12.归国华侨returned overseas Chinese 13.铁人王进喜Iron Man Wang Jinxi 14.铁饭碗iron rice bowl 15.学习雷锋learn from Lei Feng 16.东方红The East is Red 17.六五式军服65-style military uniforms 18.红宝书quotations from Chairman Mao 19.氢弹hydrogen bomb 20.知青educated youth 21.红旗渠The Red Flag Canal

22.两弹一星two bombs and one satellite 23.乒乓外交Ping-pong Diplomacy 24.一个中国原则one China policy 25.结婚三大件three popular must have items 26.兵马俑Terra-Cotta Warriors 27.珠穆朗玛峰(8848)height of Mount Qomolangma(8848 m) 28.粉碎四人帮Smash the gang of four 29.大包干all round contract system 30.改革开放the reform and opening-up policy 31.经济特区special economic zone 32.下海venture into business 33.中国日报CHINA DAILY 34.中国特色社会主义Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 35.春节联欢晚会Spring Festival Gala 36.身份证ID card 37.炒股investment in the stock market 38.女排精神The Spirit of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team 39.三北防护林Three-North Shelter Forestation Project 40.科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology constitute primary productive force 41.希望工程Project Hope 42.亚运会the 11th Asian Games


八年级初二语文暑假基础知识与阅读训练 一、积累与运用 1.给加点字注音并读准它们。 ①差异②差遣③差劲④参差 ⑤连翘⑥翘起⑦观测⑧玄妙观 ⑨衰草⑩鬓毛衰 2.根据下面各句话的意思,分别写出相应的词语。 ①消失了声音,藏起了形迹( ) ②不情愿又没有规定( ) ③难做的事情居然能做到,值得宝贵( ) ④衰败的野草无边无际与天空相连( ) 3.给下面的词各配一个同义词、一个反义词。 4.造句。 ①苏醒: ②次第: ③销声匿迹: ④花香鸟语: 5.理解下列句子的意思,回答问习题。 ①杏花开了,就好像大自然在传语要赶快耕地;桃花开了,又好像在暗示要赶快种谷子。布谷鸟开始唱歌,劳动人民懂得它在唱什么:阿公阿婆,割麦插禾。

能将赶快种谷子后面的句号改成分号吗?为什么? ②此外,物候现象来临的迟早还有古今的差异。根据英国南部物候的一种长期记录,拿1741年至1750年10年平均同1921年到1930年10年平均的春初7种乔木抽青和开花日期相比较,可以看出后者比前者早9天。就是说,春天提前9天。 前者和后者各指什么? 6.填空。 这篇课文把无比丰富的比作大自然的语言。从具体、生动的说起,条理分明地说明了的、和。 二、阅读 阅读下列文段,完成文后各习题。 (一) 立春过后,大地渐渐从沉睡中苏醒过来。冰雪融化,草木萌发,各种花次第开放。再过两个月,燕子翩然归来。不久,布谷鸟也来了。于是转入炎热的夏季,这是植物孕育果实的时期。到了秋天,果实成熟,植物的叶子渐渐变黄,在秋风中簌簌地落下来。北雁南飞,活跃在田间草际的昆虫也都销声匿迹。到处呈现一片衰草连天的景象,准备迎接风雪载途的寒冬。在地球上温带和亚热带区域里,年年如是,周而复始。 7.本段描写自然现象的顺序是。 8.将下列各组语句中加点词所表示的意义写在句后的括号里。 ①各种花次第开放( )


【Highlights】 >Wei Jianxing dies at 85 中纪委原书记尉健行病逝 >BJ has most wealthy singles 高薪单身贵族北京最多 >Ivy League hot for Chinese 美大学受中国游客青睐 >Late PM in child-sex scandal 英前首相被指性侵儿童 >UK math paper too hard 苏格兰数学题难哭考生 >Vanity Fair's best-dressed 名利场'2015最佳着装出炉、泰勒·斯威夫特上榜列第2 >Cake made of gorilla feces 猩猩粪便蛋糕:非洲风味 >New 'bubble nails' craze 泡泡美甲成最新潮流(图) 【Top News】 >Wei Jianxing dies at 85 中纪委原书记尉健行病逝 Wei Jianxing, former head of the Central Commission forDiscipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China (CPC), diedof illness in Beijing at 8:00 am on Friday, according to astatement from the CPC Central Committee. Wei, 85, was praised inthe statement as an excellent Party member, a time-tested and loyalcommunist soldier, a proletarian revolutionist, statesman and anoutstanding leader of the Party and the State. 中共中央发消息称,中国共产党的优秀党员,久经考验的忠诚的共产主义战士,无产阶级革命家、政治家,党和国家的卓越领导人,中央纪律检查委员会原书记尉健行同志,因病医治无效,于7日上午8时在北京逝世。享年85岁。 >BJ has most wealthy singles 高薪单身贵族北京最多 Beijing has most wealthy single people earning more thanRMB50,000 a month, followed by Shenzhen, Shanghai and Guangzhou,according to a survey by one of China's leading matchmakingwebsites, with 80m users. Most wealthy single men work inthe manufacturing, Internet and financial industries while wealthysingle women work in finance and education, the survey revealed.More than half said they were "waiting for true love", while 22.9%said that they were too busy to date. 中国领先相亲网站之一珍爱网对8000万会员进行的调查显示,月收入在5万以上的单身贵族中,北京所占的人数最多,其次是深圳、上海和广州。调查显示,男性单身贵族多从事制


2016上学期三年级语文教学工作总结 在“信息技术支持下的小学语文提前读写”实验课题的引领下,学生在阅读中感受成长的幸福,在表达中获得成功的体验,本学期,从以下几方面做了探索和努力: 一、继续推进主题阅读和整本书阅读 结合实验教材《水的语言》主题单元,向学生推荐了一组与水有关的文章:《水弟弟》、《水的自言自语》、《到宇宙去找水》、《泉水》、《假如水会说话》,从不同的角度介绍有关水的知识,延伸了课文的学习。 在整本书阅读方面,本学期我们共读了《时代广场的蟋蟀》、《鼹鼠的月亮河》、《亲爱的汉修先生》三本书,推荐学生自读《塔克的郊外》、《爱的教育》等优秀的儿童文学作品。实践中,我逐渐摸索出整本书阅读的一套系统的指导方略,对不同阶段的阅读有不同的教学策略:导读课---激发阅读期待;推进课---推进阅读进程;交流课---深入故事情节;延伸课---拓宽阅读空间;展示课---与人物面对面。本学期,筹划了《时代广场的蟋蟀》的课本剧表演,因时间仓促,没有细致排练,下学期决定把课本剧引进课堂,与整本书阅读呼应。 二、多样化习作,激发表达愿望 (一)结合生活练写作 叶圣陶老先生讲:生活即语文。生活的舞台有多大,语文学习的空间就有多么宽广。及时捕捉到生活中的片段点燃学生写

作的热情,是我指导孩子们写作的第一招。结合综合实践活动安排学生到高新区消防大队参观,孩子们写下了一篇篇生动的参观记;今年三月十一日,日本发生里氏8.0级大地震,我和孩子们留下了饱含国际友情的《祈福日本》;观看了反映大地震中人间真情的《心动奇迹》,我们写下了感人至深的观影感;辫子姐姐郁雨君到我校与学生互动交流,我们及时记录下《与儿童文学作家面对面》;四月底,组织班级学生到朱家裕参观,到章丘采摘草莓,孩子们留下了一篇篇《春天里踏春忙》……因为是亲身经历,所以孩子们的习作充满真情实感,表达了自己的观点和思考,记录下童年的美丽回忆。 (二)延伸课文来练笔。 本学期,在“以读引读、以读引写”方面,也有新的突破。学习完鲁教版教材《玩出了名堂》,学生写出了最让自己难忘的《游戏中的乐趣》,学习了实验教材《奇妙的联系》一组文章,孩子们畅想出自己的“多米诺骨牌”故事。在学习了《搭石》一课,孩子们也写出了自己眼中平凡的美---粉笔的无私奉献、镜子的黑白分明、蜡烛的美丽心灵…… 结合鲁教版以主题编排教材的特点,我们在手写习作方面也有新的进展:美丽的风景、喜欢的动物、观察日记、游记、创编童话故事、想象作文等,孩子们逐渐养成了电脑打写和手写同步发展的习惯,完成了由低年级段的单纯打写到中年级手写习作的过渡。 (三)习作比赛点燃创作激情 本学期,我校五个课题班分别参加了“编个故事给你听”、


政府工作报告中16个热词的英文翻译(两会热词打卡) 政府工作报告 Government W ork Report 第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People's Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开幕。 根据会议议程,李克强代表国务院向大会作政府工作报告。 双语君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)第一时间为大家整理了政府工作报告双语精华版。 下面,双语君为大家再上一波干货,供大家学习记忆↓↓↓ 1全面建成小康社会 building a moderately prosperous society in all respects

对标全面建成小康社会任务,扎实推进脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴。 We will make solid progress in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization and move closer to completing the tasks of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. 2第一个百年奋斗目标 the first Centenary Goal 今年是新中国成立70周年,是全面建成小康社会、实现第一个百年奋斗目标的关键之年。 This year is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It will be a crucial year for us as we endeavor to achieve the first Centenary Goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. 3政务服务“好差评”制度

china daily双语新闻:在美代购豪车倒卖中国遭罚没,检方撤诉

china daily双语新闻:在美代购豪车倒卖中国遭罚没, 检方撤诉 A luxury car exporter’s nearly two-year legal battle to recover a Porsche Cayenne and $120,786 seized by United States authorities has ended with federal prosecutors in South Carolina agreeing to return the property and drop a civil forfeiture lawsuit. 为了夺回被美国*查扣的一辆保时捷卡宴(Porsche Cayenne)和120786美元(约合75万元人民币)资金,一名豪华汽车出口商打了近 两年的官司。现在官司结束了,南卡罗来纳州的联邦检察官同意退还 那些财产,并撤销民事罚没诉讼。 The deal with the exporter, Alibek Turkayev, follows at least a dozen other similar settlements. In nine states, federal prosecutors have reached agreements with other small companies involved in buying luxury cars in the United States and reselling them overseas, mainly in China, for a big profit. 在与这位名叫阿力别克·图尔卡耶夫(Alibek Turkayev)的出口商 达成妥协之前,已经发生了至少十几宗类似的和解案例。九个州的联 邦检察官都与其他小公司达成了协议。这些公司为了赚取巨额利润, 在美国购买豪车,再将其转卖至海外,主要是中国。 In many of those cases, federal authorities in South Carolina, Florida, Georgia and Ohio settled the disputes by returning all of the seized cars. In one of the bigger settlements, federal prosecutors in South Carolina agreed in January to return 57 luxury cars and hundreds of thousands of
