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CHINADAILY 中英对照 科技新闻2

【Quotable Quote】

微软首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)日前接受媒体采访时为传统的个人电脑辩护,当记者问及微软的Windows手机会不会演化为全功能Windows个人电脑的替代品时,鲍尔默说:

It's a complicated subject. Do I think the world's going to live all on small-screen devices? No. I think people are going to have small-, medium-, and large-screen devices.


【Cover Story】

>Miners' survival miracle


After more than 2 months trapped in a collapsed copper and gold mine in the desert, all of 33 Chilean miners were rescued Wednesday. With ingenuity and cutting-edge technology, the men have survived for 69 days some 700 meters underground fending off hunger, anxiety and illness in a record-setting feat of survival. How did they survive the ordeal? Have a close look.



Before the miners were reached, they survived for 17 days on food already stored in the emergency shelter. They rationed themselves to 2 spoonfuls of tuna, half a cookie and a half-full glass of milk every 48 hours. Then a 6-inch diameter bore hole allowed food and water supplies to be sent down to the mine. Doctors then put the men on a solid diet of meat and rice, with a strict 2,200-calorie limit to keep them slim enough to fit in the evacuation shaft, which is just 66 cm in diameter.



Yonny Barrios Rojas, 50, used knowledge gained on a nursing course he attended to administer medicine to the group and perform daily health checks.



"I was with God and I was with the devil. They fought and God won," Mario Sepulveda, the second to be rescued, told CNN. He said he grabbed God's hand and never doubted that he would be rescued.



>Indians opt for C-Sections


Women living in India are increasingly opting for Caesarean sections and scheduling them at specific times to align the birth with astrologers' advice, the Wall Street Journal reported. Indians have long consulted astrologers regarding the best times to conceive, get married or enter business deals. Now, rising incomes and greater access to health care are allowing women to schedule C-sections for certain days and even specific times of day. The percentage of C-section births in urban hospitals in India has increased from 5% in the early 1990s to more than 20% today, according to the Journal.




Chen is among a growing section of society - largely teenagers and 20-somethings - who are cutting back on cyberspace to spend more time playing card and board role-playing games, a trend sociologists say is being fueled by a desire to reconnect in the Internet age.


在上面的报道中,board role-playing games(BRPG)就是时下流行的"桌上角色扮演游戏",是board games(BG,桌面游戏)的一种。桌面游戏强劲的发展势头证明了面对面坐在一起,而不是孤独地对着屏幕,依然符合人类需要交往、需要伙伴的天性。

>UK police's Twitter job


A British police force says it's publishing every incident it deals with on Twitter for 24 hours, the BBC reported Thursday. The Greater Manchester police say the project is meant to give the public a feel for the nature and number of different challenges they deal with. The Manchester police say it hopes the micro-blogging site will help Britons understand how much pressure they are under. Chief Constable Peter Fahy says that while policing is often seen as a simple matter of "cops chasing robbers and locking them up," police work covers a range of social issues, including missing children, mental health problems and domestic abuse.




>Foldable car saves space


The introduction of the new foldable CityCar heralds an innovation in car design, US media reported. The CityCar electric automobile, developed by Smart Cities, takes up minimal space while parked. The car can "fold" because there is no central engine. Instead, each wheel contains an electric motor. It weighs less than 1,000 pounds (454 kg) and produces no emissions since it is powered by electricity. It is currently in development at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US, and is expected to be introduced to consumers in 2011.(See photo)


【Top News】

>Facebook's China strategy


Facebook is taking its time to make sure it approaches China with the right strategy, according to TechCrunch, a web publication that offers technology news. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the social network would like to establish a strong presence in China, explaining, "How can you connect the whole world if you leave out 1.6b people?" Zuckerberg said that different countries around the world have different values, which Facebook has historically respected. For example, in Germany it's illegal to post content about Nazism, so Facebook blocks it in Germany (but not in other countries).


【In Brief】

>ZTE Corp, China's No 2 telecommunications equipment maker, said Monday it will begin selling its tablet PC at the end of the year, and plans to launch 5-6 tablet PCs, including the TD-SCDMA system, next year.


【In Brief】

>China is now developing 500 kmph high-speed trains after a train running on Shanghai-Hangzhou Highspeed Railway hit a maximum speed of 416.6 kmph - a world train

speed record on September 28, Xinhua reported Tuesday.


>European astronomers have discovered the most distant galaxy in the universe, which lies at least 13.1b light years away from the Earth, the Daily Mail of London reported.


>Apple Inc launched a new model of its ultrathin MacBook Air notebook at the company's headquarters Wednesday, in moves to boost the company's Mac business by loading up Macs with iPad features, Reuters reported.

据路透社报道,当地时间20日,苹果公司在其总部发布了新款MacBook Air超薄笔记本电脑,从iPad平板电脑中借鉴的成功技术成为其主要看点,也成为Mac系列成长的主要助推力。

>NASA is planning an audacious mission to send a manned spacecraft on a one-way trip to permanently settle on Mars, the Daily Mail of London reported Thursday.


【Quotable Quote】

CNN Money周三报道,微软过去曾是科技业未来式的象征,如今却只能活在旧日辉煌中,即将离职的微软软件总设计师奥席(Ray Ozzie)上周末在博客发文,直言微软已痛失城池:Our early and clear vision notwithstanding, [competitors'] execution has surpassed our own in mobile experiences, in the seamless fusion of hardware, software and services, and in social networking and many new forms of Internet-centric social interaction.



>Social insurance law OK'd


>More billionaires in China


>8,000 UK pavilion seeds sold


>Ma's subsidies go to charity


>Shanghai holds fashion summit


>Learn generosity at restaurant


【Cover Story】

>US alarmed at Tianhe-1


China's Tianhe-1 has regained top spot as China's fastest computer, according to a new list of China's Top 100 supercomputers released Thursday. Tianhe-1, meaning Milky Way, has a sustained computing speed of 2,507 trillion calculations per second. The speed is more than 40% higher than the mark set last June by the US' Jaguar system, which previously stood at No 1 on a ranking of the 500 fastest supercomputers. The news immediately sparked response from US media. The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that Tianhe-1 is likely to prompt unease among Americans at both China's growing technological prowess and what some Americans see as the US' lack of economic and technological competitiveness.

中国高性能计算机Top 100组织28日公布,我国超级计算机"天河一号"重登国内计算机运行速度最快宝座。目前,"天河一号"的持续性能为每秒2507万亿次,比美国"美洲虎"超级计算机的性能提高了逾40%。"美洲虎"在去年6月登顶全球超级计算机500强榜单。这一新闻令美国媒体哗然,《华尔街日报》当天刊文称,"天河一号"显示了中国日益强大的科技力量,同时也让部分美国民众看到美国日渐削弱的经济、科技竞争力,这将令美国人感到不安。


--"I don't know of another system that is going to be anywhere near the performance and the power of this machine (Tianhe-1)", said Jack Dongarra, a supercomputer expert and professor at the University of Tennessee who inspected the system in Tianjin last week. "It is quite impressive."

田纳西州大学教授、超级计算机领域的专家Jack Dongarra上周来天津参观过"天河一号",他说:"据我所知,还没有哪台机器的性能和计算能力能赶上'天河一号'。'天河一号'太让人震惊了。"

--"This is representative of the shift of economic competitiveness from the West to the East," said Mark Seager, chief technology officer for computing at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. 美国劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室首席技术执行官Mark Seager称:这说明经济竞争力开始从西方国家转向东方。"

【In Brief】

>A super pizza, 2 meters in diameter, served with cheese and sauces, was made in Changchun, Jilin. Nearly a hundred people can share the pizza,, reported.


>China's longest living heart transplant recipient, 52-year-old Yang Y umin, died Saturday, more than 18 years after he received the surgery,, reported.


>India will spend $2b to indigenously develop its new generation stealth fighter called the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) in the next 18 months, said Subramanyam, director of the aeronautical development agency (ADA) in the Ministry of Defense, Sunday.



【Quotable Quote】

社交网络越来越受到人们的青睐。目前,几家新创企业正试图借机开发企业级社交网络工具。Bridgescale Partners公司联合创始人马修·科万(Matthew Cowan)表示:

To deny enterprise workers the benefit of social networking is equivalent to, 10 years ago, forcing them to communicate with colleagues by telegraph.



>Moles keep ageing at bay


A recent study shows that people with more moles have tougher bones and fewer wrinkles, which helped them to look up to 7 years younger, the Daily Mail of London reported. A research team from King's College London looked at 1,200 twins aged between 18 and 79 and found that those with more than 100 moles were half as likely to develop osteoporosis as those with fewer than 25. Other suspected benefits of moles include tauter muscles and healthier eyes and heart. Once confirmed, these will far outweigh the risk of skin cancer linked to moles.


>IPad newspaper plan unveiled


After months of top secret development, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp is to launch a digital newspaper for the iPad called The Daily before the end of the year, AFP reported Monday. The publication won't have a print or Web presence, but will be an app exclusive to the iPad initially, and later on Android tablets. The publication will be based in New York, and will target general readership, with short and snappy stories. The budget for The Daily is said to be $30m. Apple CEO Steve Jobs is reported to be personally involved in this project.

据法新社22日报道,默多克旗下的新闻集团经过数月的秘密开发,将推出为iPad量身定做的电子报纸《日报》,今年年底正式发行。这份报纸不会有印刷版和网络版,只针对iPad以及以后可能出现的安卓系统平板电脑。《日报》编辑部将位于纽约,目标读者是普通民众,文章短小精悍。新闻集团将为这份电子报纸投入3000万美元的预算。据悉,苹果公司的CEO 乔布斯据也亲自参与该项目,帮助默多克研发《日报》。

【In Brief】

>A Swedish TV maker launched what it claims is the world's first TV running on the Android, promising users could do anything they expect on a mobile smartphone except voice calls.



>Global carbon dioxide emissions in 2009 dropped for the first time in a decade due to the financial crisis, AP reported.


Did You Know?


--Hong Kong shopping malls are known for extravagant gimmicks to lure holiday shoppers. New Town Plaza has invested $1.9m on Christmas promotions this season.


>Dogs are 'smarter than cats'


Dogs are cleverer than cats because their friendly character has helped them develop bigger brains, a study set to end the argument between pet lovers has shown, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. It was often thought that the feline pet was smarter than its canine counterpart because it needed less attention but researchers have discovered that cat's brains are smaller because they are less social. They found that there was a link between the size of an animal's brain in relation to how socially active it is.


>Pollution forces Tehran holiday


The authorities in Iran say schools, offices and factories will be closed in the capital, Tehran, on Wednesday because of high air-pollution levels, BBC reported. Increases in Tehran's population, its geographical location and high number of cars are all blamed for the city's pollution. Critics say such holidays cost about $130m a day, because of the loss of business. Iranian health experts say thousands of deaths a year are caused by heart attacks and respiratory illnesses brought on by smog.


【In Brief】

>Biz Stone, the co-founder of popular microblogging site Twitter, is eager to harness the vast quantities of information that it helps its users share to create a news network, he told Reuters.


【Top News】

>Baidu in piracy crisis


Chinese Internet company Baidu Inc, known for its search engine, has been hit by allegations of piracy after several Chinese publishing companies filed a joint complaint against Baidu's 1-year-old file-sharing website, Wenku, according to CNR. Many of the publishing companies are major forces in the industry, including Shanda Literature,, and online encyclopedia,. It is the most severe complaint against Baidu so far. Hou Xiaoqiang, CEO of Shanda, said the sharing website is a killer of original Chinese literature and that there can be no compromise. Baidu held a news conference Thursday to mark the 1st anniversary of Wenku, but didn't comment on the accusations.


>Pill slashes HIV risk


A daily pill helped protect gay and bisexual men from catching HIV in a study, the Businessweek reported. Gilead Sciences Inc's Truvada, sold since 2004 to subdue HIV in infected people, cut the risk of contracting the AIDS- causing virus by 44%, and reduced new infections as much as 73% in those who used it most, according to results published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The breakthrough study raised hope that HIV can be defeated after decades of failed efforts to develop a vaccine.



>Lips most attractive part


A woman's lips are the most attractive part of her body, especially if she's wearing red lipstick, according to a study carried out by scientists at Manchester University, the Daily Mail of London reported Thursday. Scientists found that in the 10 seconds after meeting a lady for the first time, the average man will spend more than half his time gazing at her mouth. If she's applied lipstick, he'll find it difficult to look away, with a dash of pink holding his attention for 6.7 seconds and red keeping him fixated for 7.3 seconds.


>Rare jellyfish resemble eggs


A peculiar type of jellyfish closely resembling a fried egg has just been successfully born in captivity by staff at the Basel Zoo in Switzerland, the Daily Mail of London reported. The young jellyfish are tiny, just a few centimeters long, but they take their distinctive egg shape right away - they initially must be kept away from lights at first in case they get too hot. They can measure up to 35 centimeters in diameter when fully grown and in contrast to most jellyfish they move on their own by moving the "white" of the egg in a waving motion.


【In Brief】

>Scientists at the Berlin Technical University in Germany have grown the world's first artificial hair follicles from stem cells, the Daily Mail of London reported Friday.


>Pilots to skip airport screening


US pilots are getting a break from enduring the stepped-up and intrusive screening of airline passengers that's causing a public outcry, AP reported Saturday. Transportation Security Administration agreed to let uniformed airline pilots skip the body scans and aggressive pat-downs. Pilots must pass through a metal detector at airport checkpoints and present photo identity cards. Some Internet activists are urging travelers to refuse to go through full-body scanners, which produce a virtually naked image.


Did You Know?


--Those who refuse a body scan can be forced to undergo time-consuming fingertip examinations of all areas, including clothed genital areas and breasts, by inspectors of the same sex as the traveler.


【In Brief】

>Beijing will host the 2015 world championships, IAAF president Lamine Diack announced



>Nokia Corp said Friday its top N8 model has had power problems, with some handsets not turning on after recharging, AP reported.


>Scientists have located the first planet that originated from outside the Milky Way. The star, known as HIP 13044b, originated in a small neighboring galaxy that merged with the Milky Way 6b years to 9b years ago.

科学家日前在一颗起源于银河系外的恒星附近发现了一颗新行星,这是人们首次发现起源于银河系之外的行星。这个行星名为HIP 13044b,是60亿至90亿年前银河系吞噬迷你星系后残留的天体。

>Is Wi-Fi radiation a killer?


Trees planted close to a wireless router had bleeding bark and dying leaves, according to a study in the Netherlands, the Daily Mail of London reported. Researchers took 20 ash trees and for 3 months exposed them to 6 sources of radiation. Trees placed closest to the Wi-Fi source developed a "lead-like shine" on their leaves that left the epidermis - the leaf's skin - dying. The revelation will raise fears that Wi-Fi radiation may also be having an effect on the human body and supports parents who have campaigned to stop wireless routers being installed in schools.


【In Brief】

>China UnionPay Co has teamed up with Vietnam's Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial Bank (Sacombank) to launch credit and debit cards in the Southeast Asian country,, reported Friday.


>Only 11% of enlisted personnel in Afghanistan's army and police are literate, according to NATO trainers. About 74% of Afghanistan's population of around 30m is illiterate.


>Around one in a hundred deaths worldwide is due to passive smoking, which kills an estimated 600,000 people a year, World Health Organization researchers said Friday.


100个最常用的公示语-2015-10-19 中国日报网双语新闻

100个常见公共场所的英语标示 第一类:No + ( )-ing /n. 1.禁止吸烟No Smoking 2.请勿乱扔杂物No Littering 3.请勿随地吐痰No Spitting 4.请勿摄像No Filming 5.严禁明火No Open Flame 6.禁止拍照No Photo 7.谢绝参观No Admittance 8.请勿入内No Admittance 9.儿童禁入No Admittance for Children/ Adults Only 10.禁止打手机No Cellphone 11.游人止步No Visitors 12.禁止入内No Entry 13.禁止堆放易燃物品No Flammable Materials 第二类:n./ Noun Phrases + Prohibited 14.严禁携带危险物品Dangerous Articles Prohibited 15.禁止黄、赌、毒Pornography, Gambling and Drugs Prohibited 第三类:Caution /Danger + n./ adj. 16.小心地滑Caution Slippery/ Caution Wet Floor 17.小心烫伤Caution Hot 18.小心玻璃Caution Glass 19.小心辐射Caution Radiation 20.高压危险Danger High Voltage 第四类:adj./ n. + Area 21.公众区Public Area 22.贵宾区VIP Area 23.等候区Waiting Area 24.吸烟区Smoking Area 25.办公区Administrative Area 第五类:n. + Only 26.非公莫入Staff Only 27.贵宾通道VIP Only 28.残疾人专用Disabled Only 第六类:(Please) + Imperative Sentence 29.节约用水Please Save Water 30.节约用纸Please Save Paper 31.请勿坐靠Please Stand Clear 32.排除等候Please Line Up 33.贵重物品,随身保管Please Don’t Leave Your Valuables Unattended 34.通讯工具调至静音Please Mute Cellphones 35.爱护公共设施Please Protect Public Facilities 36.请勿践踏草坪Please Keep Off the Grass 37.保持肃静Quiet Please 38.小心台阶Mind the Step 39.谨防扒窃Beware of Pickpockets 40.随手关门Keep Door Closed 41.请勿触摸Don’t Touch 42.小心碰头Watch Your Head 43.敲击报警Push for Alarm 44.熄灭烟头Put Out Your Cigarettes 45.紧急情况,敲碎玻璃Break Glass in Emergency 第七类;n./v./adj. 46.入口Entrance 47.来宾登记Registration 48.收款台Cashier 49.洗手间Toilet 50.终点站Terminus 51.咖啡馆、小餐馆Café 52.留言栏Suggestions 53.旅游纪念品Souvenirs 54.桑拿Sauna 55.医务室Clinic 56.自动扶梯Escalator 57.推Push 58.拉Pull


英文信息资源网站列表 国内英文新闻网站 1. 双语新闻(声音、文字文件):,/1697/index_1.html 2. 新浪英文版:,/index.html 3. 英语听力特快:,/ 4. 英语新闻在线:,/index.php 5. VOA 慢速英语:, 6. 新华社新闻英文版:,/english 7. 中国日报英文版:, 8. 中国国际广播电台英语学习网站,/08english/ 9. 中国日报英语点津网,/language_tips/index.html 国外知名英文报刊网站 1. Newsweek 《新闻周刊》,/ 2. New Scientist 《新科学家》,/ 3. Time 《时代周刊》,/ 4. Washington Post《华盛顿邮报》,/ 5. the New York Times (纽约时报)(,) 6. 21st Century Online(21世纪英语报)(,) 7. Economist(经济学家)(,) 8. Chicago Tribune news(芝加哥论坛报)(,) 9. Detroit News(底特律新闻) (,) 10.《美国新闻》(,) 11. USA Today(今日美国) (,) 12. Wall Street Journal(华尔街报) (,) 13. Guardian(英国卫报) (,) 14. Berliner Morgenpost International摩根邮报 15. The Independent (独立报), 16. Financial Times (金融时报), 17. The Mirror (镜报), 18. The Times (泰晤士报), 19. Birmingham Post-Herald(伯明翰邮报), 20. Irish Post (爱尔兰邮报) (,) 21. La Tribune Interactive(经济金融日报) (, 22. The Herald (先驱报) (,) 23. International Herald Tribune(国际先驱论坛日报), 24. Reader's Digest(读者文摘) (,) 25. Business Week(商业周刊) (,) 26. History Today(历史杂志) (,) 27. Esquire (绅士杂志) (,) 28. The American Spectator(美国观察者) (,) 29. Fashion UK(英国时尚杂志) (,/fashionuk) 30. Marketing Week(行销周刊) (,)


口译词汇及所涉及专业知识汇总Floating Dock (a metal Floating Dock ) 浮动港口Maritime Training Academy 海军训练基地 Air Force Training Academy 空军训练基地 Ocean Patrol Vessels( OPV) 海洋巡逻舰 Sea Patrol Vessels 近海巡逻船 Air Craft Carrier 航空母舰 发标to issue bidding documents 采购计划purchasing planning 渔政船fishery administration vessel 军舰Naval vessels 德班Durban 开普敦Cape Town 理查湾港Richard Bay 股权equity/share

煤矿集散地Coal distribution center 军港military harbor 商业港commercial port 武官defense attaché 商务参赞commercial counsellor 大使馆embassy 领事馆consulate 军火arms and ammunition 防务defense 中国人民解放军总装备部Chinese PLA General Armament Department 国际海军防务展IMDEX (International Maritime Defence Exhibition & Conference) 导弹护卫舰missile frigate 海军总司令commander-in-chief of the navy 总统专机president jet


据十一届全国人大三次会议大会发言人李肇星介绍,会议期间将重点审议全国人大常委会关于提请审议《选举法修正案(草案)》的议案,并指出选举法修正案草案规定的城乡按相同人口比例选举人大代表,将更好地实现人人平等、地区平等、民族平等的原则。 请看《中国日报》的报道: The draft amendment to the Electoral Law has proposed equal electoral rights for urban and rural citizens, which, if passed, will "expand people's democracy and safeguard their rights to be the masters of their own destiny", Li Zhaoxing, spokesman for the third session of the 11th NPC, told reporters at a press conference on Thursday. 十一届全国人大三次会议发言人李肇星上周四在记者发布会上表示,《选举法修正案(草案)》提出城乡居民应享有相同的选举权。该修正案通过后将“扩大人民民主,保障人民当家作主的权利”。 文中的amendment to the Electoral Law就是指“选举法修正案”,而draft amendment就是指“修正案草案”。此次《选举法》修改,一个重点就是城乡拟按相同人口比例选举人大代表,并且享有相同的electoral rights(选举权)。城乡居民选举将有望实现equal representation(同票同权)。 Amendment在这里指“修正案”,例如First Amendment就常用来指“美国宪法第一修正案”,而draft在这里则表示“草案”。此外,draft还常用来指“征兵,选拔”,例如:John was drafted into the Army last year. (约翰去年被应征入伍。) 全国人大新闻发言人李肇星本周四在新闻发布会上称,2010年我国国防预算将比上年预算执行数增长7.5%。与前几年相比,国防费用增幅有所下降。 请看新华社的报道: China plans to increase its defense budget by 7.5 percent in 2010, only about half of last year's planned growth of 14.9 percent, a parliament spokesman said here on Thursday. 全国人大发言人(李肇星)本周四称,中国2010年国防预算的增幅计划为7.5%,增幅仅为去年计划增幅14.9%的一半。 文中的defense budget就是指“国防预算”,而在实际花费之后则会形成defense expenditure/spending(国防开支)。该预算在fiscal expenditure(财政支出)中所占的比例与去年持平。我国一直奉行defensive national defense policy(防御性国防政策),逐步提高military transparency(军事透明度),每两年发布一次white papers on national defense(国防白皮书)。 每年各国政府都会制定fiscal year(财政年度)中的各项预算。家庭内部还可以制定family budget(家庭预算)。现在年轻人的消费观念已经发生了转变,采用budget plan/divided payments(分期付款)的方式买车也越来越流行了,但这并不代表一定会铺张浪费,很多人还是会选择购买一辆budget car(便宜的车)。 3月3日在向政协大会做工作报告时,中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林表示,将高度重视收入差距过大引发的影响社会稳定的因素,努力促进社会公平正义。

China Daily 双语新闻

这些年过的春节年味儿越飘越淡 The Spring Festival travel rush, witnessed by tens of thousands people going home, gets more and more frightening every year. Firecrackers are more extravagant. The Spring Festival eve dinner gets even more delicious. However, most Chinese people feel that the atmosphere of Spring Festival, or Nianwei, is fading. How come? Why we feel less excited than before when we mention the Spring Festival? 虽然春运潮一年比一年猛,鞭炮和礼花一年比一年热烈,年夜饭一年比一年丰盛,很多国人却感到年味儿越来越淡了。年味儿为什么会变淡?我们提到过年时为什么不再有儿时的期盼和兴奋? 年味儿是什么味? What is Nianwei? What kind of atmosphere is it? It is the excitement and expectation on the way home; it is the smile on parents’ faces when we arrive; It is the happiness of the whole family sitting together chatting; it is our toast to our elders at dinner; It is the smell of fireworks going off outside; it is the jiaozi (dumpling) for the Spring Festival eve dinner that mom has been busy preparing; It is the enjoyment of going to the temple fair and watching the dragon dance, a scene that drags us back to childhood; it is the friendly ambiance in which everyone says “Happy New Year” no matter whether they know each other or not; It is the red lanterns hanging everywhere… Nianwei, the Spring Festival atmosphere, is happiness, peace and reunions… 什么是年味? 年味是回家途中的激动与期盼,是踏入家门时爸妈的笑脸; 是全家团圆的喜乐气氛,是晚辈孝敬长辈围坐在桌前敬的那一杯酒; 是屋外烟花闪耀飘进鼻内的一股幽香,是妈妈忙前忙后做的一顿年夜饭中的饺子;是逛庙会看着舞龙仿佛又回到童年的一种享受,是甭管认识不认识,见面都说过年好的那种友好感觉; 是满大街挂满了红灯笼充满了祝福话语的那种气氛。。。。。。 “年味”是喜庆、是平安、是团圆。。。。。。 过年习俗 Cleaning: In Chinese, the pronunciation of “尘”(dust)and “陈”(stale things)are the same, so cleaning the dust before the Spring Festival eve means kicking poverty and bad luck out of the house. The tradition embodies people’s hope to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new. 扫尘:按民间的说法,因“尘”与“陈”谐音,新春扫尘有“除尘布新”的涵义,其用意是要把一切穷运、晦气统统扫出门。这一习俗寄托着人们破旧立新的愿望


1. 铰接式公共汽车 articulated bus 2. 悼文 memorial essay 3. 公墓“续租费”renewal fees 4. “分分合合的恋情”on-again-off-again relationship 5. “红色资源”red resources也就是革命时期留下的革命遗址、革命 文物、还有革命人物的精神等珍贵资源 6. 北大“会商制度”consultation program 7. 应急避难所 emergency shelter 8. 女性教育“速成班”crash course 9. 抗震鉴定 anti-earthquake evaluation 10. 婚前单身派对stag/hen night, bachelorette/bachelor party, hen/stag party 11. 婚前恐惧症 marriage phobia 12. 婚奴 marriage slave 13. 房奴 mortgage slave 14. 裸婚 naked wedding 15. 独身主义者celibatarian [,s?l?b?'t?r??n] 16. 试婚 trial marriage 17. 不婚主义non-marriage doctrine 18. 钻石王老五 diamond bachelor 19. 拜金女 material girl 20. 富二代 rich second generation 21. 炫富 flaunt wealth 22. 晋级 make the cut 23. 廉租房 low-rent housing 24. 经适房 affordable housing 25. 限价房 price-fixed housing 26. 人才保障房 social security housing for talents 27. 保障性住房 indemnificatory housing 28. 公共租赁住房/公租房public rental housing 29. 商品房 commercial residential building 30. 假结婚 bogus marriage 31. 皮包公司 bogus company 32. 假货 fake goods 33. 山寨旅行社 copycat travel agency 34. 入境移民诈骗 immigration fraud


外交常用英语词汇: Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部 Protocol Department礼宾司 Information Department新闻司 diplomatic mission外交代表机构 emba ssy 大使馆 legation公使馆 consulate-general总领事馆 consulate领事馆 office of the chargé d''affaires,代办处 military attaché‘ 's office,武官处 commercial counsellor''s office商务处 press section, in formation service新闻处 liaison office联络处 diplomat外交家,外交官 diplomatic rank外交官衔 diplomatic representative外交代表 members of the administrative and technical staff行政技术人员amba ssador大使 amba ssador extraordinary and plenipotentiary特命全权大使 nuncio教廷大使 internuncio教廷公使

counsellor withthe rank of minister, minister-counsellor公使衔参赞 charg é d''affaires,代办 charg é d''affasiread interim,临时代办 counsellor参赞 first secretary一等秘书 second secretary二等秘书 third secretary三等秘书 attach é,随员 commercial secretary商务参赞 cultural secretary文化参赞 commercial attaché,商务专员 cultural attach,é 文化专员 military attach,é 武官 naval attaché,海军武官 air attach,é 空军武官 consul-general总领事 consul领事 doyen of the diplomatic corps, dean of the diplomatic corps外交使团团长roving ambassador巡回大使 ambassador-at-large无任所大使 special envoy特使 accredited to?向?派遣的


中华人民共和国成立70年热词回顾(中英文版) 1.新中国People’s Republic of China 2.抗美援朝War to resist US aggression and aid Korea 3.好好学习,天天向上study hard and make progress every day 4.简体字simplified Chinese 5.五年计划five-year plan 6.全国人民代表大会National People’s Congress 7.粮票food coupon 8.公私合营public-private partnership 9.广交会Canton Fair 10.人民公社the people’s commune 11.妇女能顶半边天women hold up half the sky 12.归国华侨returned overseas Chinese 13.铁人王进喜Iron Man Wang Jinxi 14.铁饭碗iron rice bowl 15.学习雷锋learn from Lei Feng 16.东方红The East is Red 17.六五式军服65-style military uniforms 18.红宝书quotations from Chairman Mao 19.氢弹hydrogen bomb 20.知青educated youth 21.红旗渠The Red Flag Canal

22.两弹一星two bombs and one satellite 23.乒乓外交Ping-pong Diplomacy 24.一个中国原则one China policy 25.结婚三大件three popular must have items 26.兵马俑Terra-Cotta Warriors 27.珠穆朗玛峰(8848)height of Mount Qomolangma(8848 m) 28.粉碎四人帮Smash the gang of four 29.大包干all round contract system 30.改革开放the reform and opening-up policy 31.经济特区special economic zone 32.下海venture into business 33.中国日报CHINA DAILY 34.中国特色社会主义Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 35.春节联欢晚会Spring Festival Gala 36.身份证ID card 37.炒股investment in the stock market 38.女排精神The Spirit of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team 39.三北防护林Three-North Shelter Forestation Project 40.科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology constitute primary productive force 41.希望工程Project Hope 42.亚运会the 11th Asian Games


高级口译教程经典背诵版之国际关系 2011-02-14 TEXT PASSAGE ONE 英译汉: 1.The role of the United Nations has gained increasing importance since the end of the Cold War. 冷战结束后的联合国起着越来越重要的作用。 2.The increasing prestige is due in part to the fact that the Security Council has escaped the paralysis which resulted from the US-Soviet rivalry during the Cold War, a period when the two superpowers used their veto rights against each other, thereby incapacitating the Security Council. 联合国地位的上升部分是因为安理会摆脱了冷战期间因美苏对抗而出现的瘫痪状态,当时两个超级大国各自使用自己的否决权来反对对方,致使安理会无法正常运作。 3.The West, just as the developing world, has discovered that it needs the United Nations to achieve its objectives. 西方世界同发展中国家一样也发现它需要联合国以达到自己的目的。 4.In addition, global problems, including the proliferation of nuclear weapons, rapidly expanding populations, the environment, drugs and refugees, call for the entire international community to pool their efforts to find solutions. 此外,包括核武器扩散、人口激增、环境污染、吸毒以及难民在内的全球性问题要求整个国际社会共同努力,携手寻求解决问题的方法。 5.However, the United Nations faces a series of tough issues. 然而,联合国面临着一系列棘手的问题。 6.First of all, how should the UN respect state sovereignty while dealing with an increasing number of internal conflicts? 首先,如何在着手解决日益增多的国家内部冲突的同时,又能尊重那些国家的主权呢? 7. In many cases, regional organizations cannot resolve regional conflicts. 在许多情况下,区域组织不能解决区域冲突。 8.In the Cold War era, UN peace-keeping forces has two missions: to buffer conflicts and to implement agreements already reached between the parties. 在冷战期间,联合国维和部队有两大使命,即缓解冲突和贯彻有关各方之间达成的协议。 9.Now peace-keeping has turned into peace-enforcement. 现在维护和平已经变成了强制和平。 10.The United Nations has turned from handling international disputes


【Highlights】 >Wei Jianxing dies at 85 中纪委原书记尉健行病逝 >BJ has most wealthy singles 高薪单身贵族北京最多 >Ivy League hot for Chinese 美大学受中国游客青睐 >Late PM in child-sex scandal 英前首相被指性侵儿童 >UK math paper too hard 苏格兰数学题难哭考生 >Vanity Fair's best-dressed 名利场'2015最佳着装出炉、泰勒·斯威夫特上榜列第2 >Cake made of gorilla feces 猩猩粪便蛋糕:非洲风味 >New 'bubble nails' craze 泡泡美甲成最新潮流(图) 【Top News】 >Wei Jianxing dies at 85 中纪委原书记尉健行病逝 Wei Jianxing, former head of the Central Commission forDiscipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China (CPC), diedof illness in Beijing at 8:00 am on Friday, according to astatement from the CPC Central Committee. Wei, 85, was praised inthe statement as an excellent Party member, a time-tested and loyalcommunist soldier, a proletarian revolutionist, statesman and anoutstanding leader of the Party and the State. 中共中央发消息称,中国共产党的优秀党员,久经考验的忠诚的共产主义战士,无产阶级革命家、政治家,党和国家的卓越领导人,中央纪律检查委员会原书记尉健行同志,因病医治无效,于7日上午8时在北京逝世。享年85岁。 >BJ has most wealthy singles 高薪单身贵族北京最多 Beijing has most wealthy single people earning more thanRMB50,000 a month, followed by Shenzhen, Shanghai and Guangzhou,according to a survey by one of China's leading matchmakingwebsites, with 80m users. Most wealthy single men work inthe manufacturing, Internet and financial industries while wealthysingle women work in finance and education, the survey revealed.More than half said they were "waiting for true love", while 22.9%said that they were too busy to date. 中国领先相亲网站之一珍爱网对8000万会员进行的调查显示,月收入在5万以上的单身贵族中,北京所占的人数最多,其次是深圳、上海和广州。调查显示,男性单身贵族多从事制


国际关系词汇及翻译 词汇 Vocabulary protectorate (被)保护国 asylum 庇护;避难 forntier region, border region 边界地区 boundary negotiation 边界谈判 status quo of the boundary 边界现状 never to attach any conditions 不附带任何条件 non-aligned countries 不结盟国家 patrimonial sea 承袭海 consultations 磋商 the third world 第三世界 imperialism 帝国主义 200-nauticalmile maritime rights 二百海里海洋权 developing countries 发展中国家 dependency 附庸国 plebiscite 公民投票 generally-accepted principles of international relations 公认的国际关系原则joint action 共同行动 normalization of relations 关系正常化 an established principle of international law 国际法准则 rudimentary code of international relations 国际关系中最起码的准则international waters 国际水域 international situation 国际形势 merger of states 国家合并 national boundary 国界 maritime resources 海洋资源 mutual understanding and mutual accommodation 互谅互让 exchange of needed goods 互通有无 fundamental rights 基本权利 reduction or cancellation of debts 减轻债务负担 Near East 近东 right of residence 居留权 arms dealer, merchant of death 军火商 territorial sea 领海 limits of territorial sea 领海范围 breadth of territorial sea 领海宽度 territorial air 领空 territorial waters 领水 inalienability of territory 领土的不可割让性 territorial jurisdiction 领土管辖权 territorial contiguity 领土毗连


政府工作报告中16个热词的英文翻译(两会热词打卡) 政府工作报告 Government W ork Report 第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People's Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开幕。 根据会议议程,李克强代表国务院向大会作政府工作报告。 双语君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)第一时间为大家整理了政府工作报告双语精华版。 下面,双语君为大家再上一波干货,供大家学习记忆↓↓↓ 1全面建成小康社会 building a moderately prosperous society in all respects

对标全面建成小康社会任务,扎实推进脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴。 We will make solid progress in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization and move closer to completing the tasks of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. 2第一个百年奋斗目标 the first Centenary Goal 今年是新中国成立70周年,是全面建成小康社会、实现第一个百年奋斗目标的关键之年。 This year is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It will be a crucial year for us as we endeavor to achieve the first Centenary Goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. 3政务服务“好差评”制度

china daily双语新闻:在美代购豪车倒卖中国遭罚没,检方撤诉

china daily双语新闻:在美代购豪车倒卖中国遭罚没, 检方撤诉 A luxury car exporter’s nearly two-year legal battle to recover a Porsche Cayenne and $120,786 seized by United States authorities has ended with federal prosecutors in South Carolina agreeing to return the property and drop a civil forfeiture lawsuit. 为了夺回被美国*查扣的一辆保时捷卡宴(Porsche Cayenne)和120786美元(约合75万元人民币)资金,一名豪华汽车出口商打了近 两年的官司。现在官司结束了,南卡罗来纳州的联邦检察官同意退还 那些财产,并撤销民事罚没诉讼。 The deal with the exporter, Alibek Turkayev, follows at least a dozen other similar settlements. In nine states, federal prosecutors have reached agreements with other small companies involved in buying luxury cars in the United States and reselling them overseas, mainly in China, for a big profit. 在与这位名叫阿力别克·图尔卡耶夫(Alibek Turkayev)的出口商 达成妥协之前,已经发生了至少十几宗类似的和解案例。九个州的联 邦检察官都与其他小公司达成了协议。这些公司为了赚取巨额利润, 在美国购买豪车,再将其转卖至海外,主要是中国。 In many of those cases, federal authorities in South Carolina, Florida, Georgia and Ohio settled the disputes by returning all of the seized cars. In one of the bigger settlements, federal prosecutors in South Carolina agreed in January to return 57 luxury cars and hundreds of thousands of

口译—教育类常用词汇 中英对照

教育类常用词汇中英对照 (大学)代理校长Acting President (大学)副校长Vice President (大学)校长President/Chancellor (大学)专科Major Types of Education in China short 2- to 3- year higher education programs (大学的)研究小组;讨论会seminar (国家)助学金(state)stipend/subsidy (戏剧学院)表演系Acting Department (系)主任chairman; chairperson (小学)校长Head /Master (职工)子弟学校school for children of workers & staff members (中学)校长Principal 爱国主义教育education in patriotism 百分制100-mark system 班主任Class Discipline Adviser/Head Teacher 办学效益efficiency in school management 半工半读学校part-work and part-study school 半文盲semiliterate; functional illiterate 包分配guarantee job assignments 被授权be authorized to do 必修课required/compulsory course 毕业典礼graduation ceremony; commencement 毕业鉴定graduation appraisal 毕业论文thesis; dissertation 毕业设计graduation ceremony 毕业生graduate 毕业实习graduation field work 毕业证书diploma; graduation certificate 博士doctor (Ph.D) 博士后post doctorate 博士后科研流动站center for post-doctoral studies 补考make-up examination 补习学校continuation school 不及格fail 材料工程系Department of Materials Engineering 材料科学系Department of Materials Science
