



1. “good afternoon. My name’s X. Can you tell me your full name, please”

My name is XX.

2. “What can I call you”

You can call me Jane.

3. “Can you tell me where you’re from” (= Where are you from)

I’m from Beijing.

4. “Can I see your identification, please” (= Could I see your identification, please = May I see your identification, please)



Your Studies

subject are you studying

many people from your country choose this subject

did you choose this subject

long have you been studying this subject

part of your studies do you find most interesting

is the most difficult part of your studies

you always wanted to study this subject

do you think studying this subject will help you in the future

are you studying

you think it is a good place to study

did you choose this college/school/university

do you like about studying at this college/school/university

there anyone who helps you with your studies at school/university

you often get together with your classmates after classes

do you hope to do when you finish your studies

kind of job do you want to do in the future

easy will it be for you to get the kind of job you want

Your Home

kind of place do you live in , a house, a flat, or a dormitory

do you live with

you like living there

do you like about the rooms in your home

long have you lived there

is the area like where you live

you recommend this area as a place to live

you think you will move anytime soon

kind of house or apartment would you like to have in the future

Your Hometown

did you grow up

long have you lived there (How long did you live there)

you still live there(Does your family still live there)

me about the town or city you come from.

kind of place is your hometown

's the best thing about your hometown

's the most interesting part of your hometown

Was your hometown a good place for young people

your hometown changed in recent years / since you were a child

changes would you like to make in your hometown


you like advertisements

kind of advertisements do you like most

you prefer advertisements on TV or in magazines

advertisements ever influence your choice about what to buy

you think there are too many advertisements

do you think is the purpose of advertising

do people usually get married in your country

do people usually learn to drive in your country

what age(s) can people legally smoke, buy alcohol, and get married what age do people usually retire from work

could you do when you were younger that you cannot do now

do you think your life will be different when you are retired

are the main agricultural products in your region(country)

many people work on farms in your region(country)

students often work on farms during their holidays

farm work well-paid in your region/country

important is farming in your region/country

is your main ambition in life

you think you will achieve your ambition

you think that you are an ambitious person

your friends/family members ambitious

it always good to be ambitious

do you see yourself doing in 5/10/20 years' time

you like animals

you have a pet

kind of animals do people keep as pets where you live

wild animals protected in your region/country

you often visit zoos or wildlife parks

animals important in farming in your country

do you feel about art

form of art do you like most

form of art are you best at

you learn any artistic activities when you were a child

(other)kinds of artistic activities do children learn in your country

you ever buy art

bicycles popular where you live

you often ride a bicycle

do you ride a bicycle

do you ride a bicycle

you say that bicycles are suitable for everyone

are the advantages or disadvantages of travelling by bicycle

you like birds

there many birds where you live

do people in your country generally feel about birds

people often keep birds in your country

birds have any special meanings in your culture

you think people should try to protect birds

you prefer to be with your family or with friends on your birthday

do children generally do on their birthdays in your country

birthdays important where you live

is the most important age or birthday which is celebrated in your country people in your family celebrate birthdays in different ways

kind of presents do you get people for their birthdays

would you do with a birthday gift you didn't like

often do you read book

is your favourite writer

do you usually like to read

you read more for pleasure or to get information

you often buy books as gifts for family or friends

you like to write a book one day

kind of buildings do you like

kind of buildings are there near your home

kind of buildings do you often go to

your opinion, what makes a building beautiful

your opinion, what facilities should [name of building] have

there many old buildings in your area

you like change

has your life changed in recent years

do you think your life might change in the near future

you find it easy to make changes in your life

do other people help you with change

you (Have you ever)lived in a city

you like living (Would you like to live)in a city

facilities are there in cities

is the transport like in cities

kinds of jobs do people do in cities

interested are people in clothes where you live

you ever buy someone clothes as a present

kind of clothes do you like to wear

your friends wear the same kind of clothes as you

you think you will wear the same kind of clothes when you are older the brand of clothes important to you

you wear a uniform to school/work

you ever collected anything

any of your friends collect things

things are popular to collect in your country

do people get things for their collections

there many magazines for people who enjoy collecting

do you think, in general, people collect things

often do you use a computer

websites do you often visit on the internet

what ways do people use computers in your country

"computer literate" are you

much have computers changed your life

you good at cooking

usually does the cooking in your home

often do you cook

you ever thought about learning to cook

children in your country learn to cook at school

crime a problem in your city/region/country

kind of crime do you think is the biggest problem in your region

you ever witnessed a crime

do you do to protect yourself and your home from thieves

you often read newspaper articles about crime


you often go to the theatre/the opera/concerts/exhibitions

me a little about the last time you went to a cultural event.

kinds of cultural events do people like to go to in your city/region it expensive to go to such events

you think that such events are important in people's lives

you ever participated in a cultural event(or exhibition)


you tell me a little about your daily routine

what times do you usually eat your meals

you, what is the best time of day for work or study

part of your daily routine do you like best

your weekday and weekend routines different

would you like to change your daily routine

you dance

often do you go dancing

do people usually dance in your country

popular are traditional dances with younger people in your culture

kinds of dancing do people like to watch in your country

important is dancing in your culture

and Painting

kind of drawing or painting did you do as a child

it important for a child to draw or paint

you ever draw or paint now

any of your friends or family members draw or paint

kinds of things do people draw or paint

are the benefits of drawing or painting for adults

a Car

you drive a car

you have a car

you think it's important to learn to drive a car

what age do you think people should be able to get a driving license you think young people should learn to drive at school

was your favourite subject at secondary(high)school

many subjects do secondary(high)school students usually have to study many secondary(high)school students go on to university

education in your country free

students have to wear uniforms at schools in your country

often do you use email

you generally receive more emails than you send

are the main reasons people use email in your country

you think there are any disadvantages of email

do email accounts offer, apart from the ability to send and receive emails you think email will ever completely replace letter writing


do you feel about protecting the environment

do you do to protect it

else could you do to protect it

state is the environment in where you live

you a member of an environmental protection group

big is your family

you tell me something about your family members

kind of work do members of your family do

much time do you manage to spend with family and relatives

sorts of things do you like to do together

you get on well with your family

you often celebrate festivals in your culture/country

these festivals have special meanings

there any festivals special to your city or region

special things do people do during festivals

is your favourite festival

you celebrate any foreign festivals


often do you watch films

types of film do you like best

you prefer to watch films alone or with someone else

often do you go to the cinema

you prefer to watch films at the cinema or at home

much time do you spend watching films

you like flowers

people in your country give flowers as gifts

was the last time you gave or sent flowers to someone

any flowers in your country have a special meaning

are flowers used for special occasions or festivals in your country

anyone in your family like growing flowers

kinds of food are popular in your country

is your favourite food or meal
