1.基于GSM网络的智能家居控制系统设计 [J], 郑谭;马铁华;张涛;
2.基于GSM智能家居控制系统分析与产品设计 [J], 黄洋;朱宗强;王银花
3.基于STM32的GSM智能家居控制系统设计 [J], 蔡红娟;翟晟;蔡苗
4.基于单片机的智能家居控制系统——传感器信号采集、GSM模块和红外学习遥控设计与分析 [J], 单兴巧;
5.基于GSM短信的智能家居控制系统的设计 [J], 潘朝;罗小巧;黄佳;李平;崔顺艳因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
【关键词】GSM网络;家庭系统;ST89C52;RFID中图分类号: TP273.5 文献标识码: A 文章编号:2095-2457(2018)08-0275-002Home Safety Control System Based on SCMWANG Lan-yi LUO Tong(Sanya University, Hainan, Sanya 572022, China)【Abstract】With the rapid popularization and rapid development of GSM network and mobile communication technology, as well as the development and application of new technologies and new services, it has reached a very important position. The wireless intelligent monitoring system using GSM network as an information transmission medium is a A very effective method, GSM network coverage is seamless, based on GSM network provides a lot of room for the development of home systems. The system uses the ST89C52 microcontroller as the system control core, combines the application of temperature sensors, human body infrared sensor modules, flame sensors,smoke/flammable sensors, and RFID radio frequency identification modules to control various functional modules through a microcontroller to achieve home environment monitoring. . The system has reliable performance and low cost and can be widely used in modern houses.【Key words】GSM network; Home system; ST89C52; RFID0 引言自从进入21世界新时代,科技在不断地改革,不断地发展和更新,“互联网+时代”,“大数据时代”,“智能化时代”,“计算机技术”等已经得到普遍应用于生活中的各个领域,并且运行的速度越来越快,传感应用以及通信技术也与互联网,物联网,运用到智能化领域中发展。
图 2
三极管集 电极的负载继 电器吸合线 圈在三极管截止 时会产 生一个 很高的反峰 电压 ,在吸合线 圈两端 并接一个二极管 D1,其用途是释放 反峰 电压,保护三 极管 和 I/0口不会 被反 峰电压击 穿 ,提高 系统的 可 靠 性
电 路 三 个 主 要 部 分 , 以 下 为 部 分 关 键 程 序 段 。
{if(!(tmp[a]==neirong3[a])) a=30;
if(a==3) w=1;
//短 信 内容 检 测 , 验证 密 码 和 指 令
aa=0;//关 闭 AA
(2)红外探测报警模 块 本 系 统选 用 了 反 射 红 外 探 测 器 ,9V电源 供 电, 其 特 性 为 当 光 电 开 关 发出的光线在探测距离 内未被反射时 ,OUT输出 9V高电平 ;当光电 开关发 出的光线 在探测 距离 内被反射 时,OUT输 出OV低电平。当有人 从探头 的前面经过时 ,就会 产生一个低 电平信号 ,进而触 发单片机 向 主 人 发送 报 警 的 短 信 程 序 。 (3)系 统 硬 件 电路 系 统 硬 件 电 路 部 分 效 果 图 如 图 4:
令 ),单片机模 块和 GSM模块通讯 ,单片机通过控制继 电器来控制 220V
电器 (这 里 演 示 用 的 是 普 通 台 灯 )。 在 GSM模块 中插 入一张普通 的手机 卡并上 电即可。用另外任何一
【关键词】 GSM无线通信技术智能家居 PLC Android系统随着国民经济和科学技术的不断提高,特别是计算机技术、控制技术、通信技术和网络技术等现代化技术的迅猛发展,人们对家居生活环境要求也越来越高[1-2]。
万方数据 万方数据 万方数据基于GSM技术的智能家居系统的设计作者:曾志永, 凌振宝, 王君作者单位:吉林大学,地球信息探测仪器教育部重点实验室,长春,130026刊名:电子技术应用英文刊名:APPLICATION OF ELECTRONIC TECHNIQUE年,卷(期):2005,31(9)被引用次数:3次参考文献(5条)1.罗亚非凌阳十六位单片机应用基础 20032.王君;凌振宝传感器原理及检测技术 20033.凌振宝;王君;邱春玲基于MSP430单片机的智能变送器设计[期刊论文]-仪表技术与传感器 2003(08)4.凌振宝;王君;邱春玲基于GSM技术的粮库温度检测系统设计[期刊论文]-仪器仪表学报 2003(zk)5.谭家玉;郑大宇单片机原理及接口技术 2003本文读者也读过(9条)1.黄尔烈.霍振宇.郭佳.HUANG Er-lie.HUO Zhenyu.GUO Jia GSM技术的智能家居控制器[期刊论文]-辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)2008,27(2)2.沈兆军.毛敏.Shen,Zhaojun.Mao,Min利用GSM短信息业务实现智能家居[期刊论文]-微计算机信息2006,22(3)3.施自华.伍臣周.余晃晶.SHI Zi-hua.WU Chen-zhou.YU Huang-jing基于GSM的智能家居系统设计与实现[期刊论文]-三明学院学报2010,27(4)4.周安心基于GSM/SMS远程测控的智能家居系统的应用与研究[学位论文]20065.罗海兵基于GSM短消息的智能家居系统的研究[学位论文]20076.谢剑峰.盛健.邹丽君.张胜.XIE Jianfeng.SHENG Jian.ZOU Lijun.ZHANG Sheng基于TC35i的智能家居系统设计[期刊论文]-科技传播2010(21)7.杨昭.秦国爱.徐波.冯进良基于GSM智能家居控制系统设计[期刊论文]-中国科技纵横2011(12)8.张宏亮基于GSM的智能家居控制系统设计[期刊论文]-科技致富向导2011(7)9.于昕梅.彭鹤挺智能家居控制系统设计[期刊论文]-电脑开发与应用2009,22(1)引证文献(3条)1.李超.韩进基于GPRS和GPS的嵌入式汽车防盗系统[期刊论文]-电脑知识与技术 2010(22)2.李晓辉.孙康明.卢艳.任艳君.陈爱群基于GSM技术的汽车防盗系统的设计[期刊论文]-现代电子技术 2008(3)3.姚雨迎.张东来.秦海亮.徐殿国基于MB90F462的智能家居数据采集卡设计[期刊论文]-电子技术应用 2006(9)本文链接:/Periodical_dzjsyy200509011.aspx。
3 . 2 G S M 模块
本系统 的G S M 模 块采用华为公司的G T M 9 0 0 一 B 。 G T M 9 0 0 一 B 是一款三频段G S M / G P R S 无线模块 , 它支 持标准 的
A T 命令及增强A T 命令, 适用于高速数据传输 。 它提供U A R T 接 口,
( 6 ): 7 5 7 - 7 5 9 .
指 导老 师: 梅斌 。
基于GS M技术 的智能家 电控制 系统的研究
曹晴雯 解立枝 ( 湖北师范学院, 湖北 黄石 4 3 5 0 0  ̄
摘 要 : 本 文指 出了利用基 于G s M 手 机 的短信功 能 实现 对 家电的远 程 控制 的可 实施 性 和优 越 性 。 本 文 围绕 基于 G s M 技 术 的智 能 家电控 制 系 统 这一 课 题 , 提 出了系统 的总体 架 构设 计, 详 细 的介 绍 了系统 的功 能, 并 就 硬件 和 软件 两大模 块 分 别提 出了 设 计思路 。 文 中指 出利用 基于
. 3用户手机模块 系统主要 由单片机 、 G S M 、 传感 器等模块组 成。 采用2 2 0 V 交 4
A T 8 9 S 5 2上 电 ,开始工作
传 感器 检测 到 异常信号 ?
行解码后 , 驱 动控制 电路完 成用户指令, 并通
过G S M 模 块向用户发送 回应短信。
3 系统硬件模块设计
3 . 1控制模块
本 设计 采用 A T 8 9 S 5 2 作为系统 的控 制核 心。 A T 8 9 S 5 2 与G S M 模块 ( G T M g O 0 一 B ) 之 间采用
2系统 的硬件组 成
GSM 系 统 是 目 前 基 于 时 分 多 址 技 术 的
移 动通 信 体 系 中 比较 成 熟 、 善 、 用 最 广 完 应 泛 的 一 种 系 统 , 于 GSM 短 信 息 功 能 可 以 基 做 成 传 输 各 种 监 测 、 控 数 据 信 号 和 控 制 监 命 令 的 数 据 通 信 系 统 , 之 目前 短 信 息 使 加 用 的 普 及 程 度 , 此 采 用短 信 息 的 方 式 传 因 输 数 据 将 是 一 个 实 现 远 程 传 输 数 据 的新 的 切 人 点 。 系 统 以 单 片 机 与 GSM 通 信 模 块 本 Tc3 为核 心 来 实 现 数 据 传 输 、 居设 备 的 5 家 远 程 控 制 , 系 统 采 用 短 信 息 的 方 式 传 输 该 数 据 , 有 使 用 灵 活 、 行 可 靠 、 本 低 廉 具 运 成 等 特 点 。 如对 空 调 的 远 程 控 制 , 以先 通 比 可 过 短 信 息 采 集 室 内 气 温 , 后 再 根 据 系 统 然 返 回 的 室 温 数 据 决 定 是 否 开 启 空 调 , 系 本 统 不 仅 不 需要 对 空 调 进行 改 装还 能 保 证 控
关键词 GSM;远程控制;安全监测中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7597(2014)08-0022-02随着科技日益发达和生活质量不断提高,人们对家居环境的要求不再局限于电气化,而对家居环境的智能化和安全性也提出了更高的要求[1]。
1 系统介绍本系统由作为上位机的能收发短信的GSM通信模块、微处理器、传感器和作为下位机的家用电器(如热水器、空调、电视等)或家居环境组成。
基于单片机的智能家居控制系统设计1. 引言1.1 背景介绍智能家居技术是当前智能化生活的重要组成部分,通过将传感器、执行器、通信技术和控制技术等结合起来,实现对家居设备的智能化控制和监测。
1.2 研究目的研究目的是为了探讨基于单片机的智能家居控制系统设计的可行性和优势,在现代社会中,智能家居系统作为智能化生活的重要组成部分,具有极大的市场潜力和应用前景。
1.3 研究意义智能家居系统的发展,可以让人们的生活更加便利和舒适。
而基于GSM(Global System of Mobile communication,全球移动通信系统)的无线智能家居控制系统能实现无线通信,且通信费用低、传输距离远、传输速度快。
2.1 控制模块采用的STC89C52单片机是新一代把中央处理器CPU、随机存储器RAM、只读存储器、定时/计数器、I/O接口电路等主要计算机部件集成在一块集成电路芯片上的微型计算机。
ZigBee并不是家庭控制网络的惟一选择,目前用于设计无线传感器网络的主流网络协议有Bluetooth, ZigBee和UWB等。
2 Zigbee技术概述及主要优点2.1 Zigbee技术概述相对于现有的无线通信技术, ZigBee是一种新兴的近距离、低功耗、低数据速率、低成本的无线网络技术,符合基于GSM数据传输的Zigbee无线智能家居控制系统高明明 惠晓威 林森 辽宁工程技术大学电子与信息工程学院 1251051 引言本文介绍了利用ZigBee技术与GSM数据传输相结合的方式设计的无线智能家居控制系统。
基于GMS网络智能家居控制系统的设计与实现作者:李翠凤叶华杰翁正国来源:《科技创新与应用》2014年第22期摘要:本课题使用单片机STC12C5A60S2为控件核心,GPRS为通信模块,通过TCP/IP 协议接入Internet。
关键词:智能家居;GPRS;AT指令1 绪论智能家居控制系统可以定义为一个过程或者一个系统。
基于单片机和GSM的家庭防盗系统的设计摘要:针对目前市场上家用报警系统的不足,将GSM/GPRS 模块和单片机、摄像头模块及语音模块有机地结合起来,完成单片机与GSM/GPRS 模块的通信并完成与摄像头模块的通信,从而设计出功能强大的家庭网络防盗系统,通过实际的测试和工程应用表明,该系统在满足成本的前提下,可以实现远程防盗报警功能,在现有移动通信网络覆盖的区域内,可以达到控制的要求,应用前景非常广泛。
把GSM/GPRS 模块和单片机、摄像头模块及语音模块有机地结合起来,完成单片机与GSM/GPRS 模块的通信及与摄像头模块的通信,设计出功能强大的家庭网络防盗系统。
1 系统总体方案设计系统中的移动通信模块采用广州谱泰科技有限公司的PT39I 模块。
根据性价比以及系统的实际功能要求等,系统采用STC89C58 单片机作为控制器,通过STC89C58 标准的全双工串口与移动通信模块进行通信。
首先将传感器采集到的报警信号发送至单片机,单片机通过判断,发送控制指令到通信模块,通信模块接到指令后调用设计好的报警短信息,利用GSM 网络发送到用户手机,实现报警功能[ 1].用户接到报警的短信息后,可以回复短信息到报警系统,系统根据用户回复的短信息内容进行相应的判断,从而发出相应的防盗指令给控制系统的执行机构。
使用STC89C58 单片机作为控制中心,配有警情采集模块、移动通信模块、报警模块、执行机构、摄像头、语音等模块。
系统总体硬件框图如图1 所示。
2 系统硬件组成模块2.1 PT39I 模块PT39I 是一款非常典型的无线通信GSM 模块,可以快速、安全、可靠地实现系统方案中的数据功能、语音功能、短消息服务功能和传真功能。
基于GSM的家用电器及家居环境监控系统的设计摘要:设计了一个基于GSM 的家用电器及家居环境监控系统。
系统主要由GSM 模块TC35i、红外接收头、51 单片机、DS1820 温度传感器等构成。
先通过红外线接收头解析家电遥控器红外控制码,学习该遥控器;当系统中GSM 模块接收到来自用户的短信时,系统解析出用户预控制家电的信息后,再通过红外发射管将对应的控制代码发射出去,从而达到监控家用电器的目的;通过温度传感器采集家居环境温度信息,当出现异常温度时可通过GSM 模块向用户手机实施报警。
0 引言目前的家用电器远程控制系统一般是通过互联网或公共交换电话网来实现远程控制的。
然而,随着手机日益普及,使得利用GSM 短信息实现家居环境和家电的远程监控成为可能。
利用GSM 网络来实现家居安防、温室、路灯、自动售货机等监控的研究已很多,这些研究大都是通过使用GSM 网络远程控制继电器而实现的。
而本文设计的基于GSM 的家用电器及家居环境监控系统主要是针对目前许多带有红外遥控器的家用电器(如热水器、空调、电视、机顶盒等) , 通过GSM 网络和对家用电器遥控器的复制来实现家用电器的控制。
1 系统工作原理基于GSM 的家用电器及家居环境监控系统,由作为上位机的能收发短信的GSM 短信模块、智能控制器(单片机)、温度传感器和作为下位机的具有红外遥控器的家用电器(如热水器、空调、电视、机顶盒等)组成。
首先系统进行初始化,单片机从键盘读入用户所设定的温度上限值和发送报警短信的目标号码,并通过LCD 显示器显示出来。
当单片机检测到用户按下红外学习键,则进入红外线学习中断服务程序,读取外部家电遥控器发射的红外信号,并将该红外信号解码,重定义码长,分组,保存,从而学习该遥控器[ 728] .初始化工作完成后,单片机循环读取温度传感器DS1820 数值,并将用户事先设定的温度上限值与之比较,一旦发现当前温度超过温度上限,则控制GSM 模块TC35i 通过GSM 网络向用户手机发送报警短信。
人 回来之前 , 打开空调 和热水器等操 作 。利用 G M 网络 , 以 S 可 将 报警信 息传送 到移动通讯 覆盖 的任何地方 ,克服 了现有 技 术报警信号传送 距离有 限和噪音污染 的缺陷翻 。
的功能 、 法差别不大 。其 中西 门子 的 T 3 用 C 5系列模 块性价 比 很高, 并且 已经有 国内的无 线电设备入 网证 。所以本设计选 用
灾 时的逃生提供方便 。并配备烟雾 传感器和燃气 泄漏传感器 ,
实 现防火 、 防燃气泄漏 的作 用f 1 ] 。
1 系统 总体 设 块 、 模 块 共 GM 子 3 分 组 成 。工 作 原 理 如 图 1 示 : 传 感 器 、 磁 开 关 、 外 部 所 当 门 红
作 , 许 R M、 时器 , 数器 、 口、 允 A 定 计 串 中断 继续 工作 ; 电保 掉
护方式下 , M 内容被保存 , A R 振荡器 被冻结 , 片机一 切工作 单
检测到 相关 信号后 , 给单 片机 , 片机分析 并处 理该 信息 , 传 单 将 处理 的结果 ( 报警信 息 ) A 以 T命令 的形式 , 发送给无线 通信 模 块 ,无线 通信模块 将报警信 号 以短 信 的方式 发送到 预定 的 用户手机 中。用 户根据收到 的报警信 息 , 回复相应 的短信 , 实
随着 电子技术 的飞速 发展 , 报警 系统已从原来 的简单 化 、 局部化 向智 能化 、 集成化发展 。而传统 的防盗报 警系统有其 各 自的缺点 。因此 , 本文设计 了基于 G M短信模 块 的家庭无 线 S
11 智能控制 器模块 . 智 能控 制器是 家居控 制 系统 的核心 ,这里选 用 A 8 S 2 T 9 5
A T命 令接 口, 为数据 、 音 、 消息 和传真提供快速 、 语 短 可靠 、 安 全的传输 , 方便用户的应用开发及 设计。 图 2 T3 是 C 5基本原理 图 , X R D与 T D分别 接单 片机 的 X 串 E输 出与输入 。当有新短消息到达时 , T 3 l 由 C 5模块通过 串 1 向 A 8 S2发送指令 , : 3 T95 处理器读 取短信 内容, 其进行 解 并对 码, 并根据短信内容完成相关的控 制。
4.界面显示界面显示部分通过APP应用程序进行实现,用户可以通过手机APP 来查看室内环境数据以及控制家电设备。
其次,从系统的角度细化智能家居控制系统的技术原理,给出系统模型,分析系统工作流程,同时从工程实现的角度分析系统硬件模型,并根据模型设计硬件电路,在Altium Designer软件平台绘制电路原理图,设计PCB印制电路板。
第一章绪论11-171.1 课题研究的背景与意义11-121.2 国内外研究现状12-141.2.1 国外现状12-131.2.2 国内现状13-141.3 课题研究工作与论文结构14-161.3.1 研究工作14-151.3.2 论文结构15-161.4 本章小结16-17第二章系统总体设计方案及关键技术介绍17-242.1 系统总体设计方案17-192.2 电力线载波技术19-222.2.1 窄带通信192.2.2 扩频通信19-212.2.3 正交频分多路复用212.2.4 电力线载波模块通信方式21-222.3 双音多频编解码技术22-23第三章系统硬件电路设计24-413.1 系统硬件电路总体设计方案24-253.2 系统主机硬件电路设计25-363.2.1 系统主机硬件电路总体设计方案25 3.2.2 单片机最小系统与显示模块电路25-27 3.2.3 手机模块接口电路27-303.2.4 双音多频解码电路30-313.2.5 语音提示电路31-333.2.6 电力线载波电路33-353.2.7 电源管理电路35-363.3 系统从机硬件电路设计36-383.3.1 系统从机硬件电路总体设计方案36-37 3.3.2 电力线载波与电源电路373.3.3 控制电路37-383.4 硬件抗干扰设计38-403.4.1 电源的分配38-393.4.2 去耦电路393.4.3 印制电路板的抗干扰措施39-403.5 本章小结40-41第四章系统软件设计41-544.1 系统软件的结构41-424.2 系统通信协议设计42-444.3 主机软件设计44-524.3.1 主机软件流程44-454.3.2 液晶显示模块程序设计45-464.3.3 手机模块语音通话程序设计46-484.3.4 双音多频解码程序设计484.3.5 语音提示模块程序设计48-514.3.6 电力线载波模块程序设计51-524.4 从机软件设计52-534.4.1 从机软件流程52-534.4.2 灯光和空调控制程序设计534.5 本章小结53-54第五章系统实现及测试54-625.1 测试方法545.2 测试内容54-585.2.1 硬件电路测试55-565.2.2 软件测试56-585.2.3 软硬件联合测试585.3 现场功能测试58-605.3.1 测试环境与设备58-595.3.2 系统性能测试59-605.4 测试结论60-61第六章总结与展望62-65 6.1 工作总结62-636.2 研究展望63-65。
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I. J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2015, 4, 29-36Published Online March 2015 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2015.04.04Microcontroller Based Home Security and Load Controlling Using Gsm TechnologyMustafijur RahmanDept of EEE, University of Asia Pacific Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209, BangladeshEmail: Shojib.uap13@A.H.M Zadidul KarimAssistant Professor, Dept of EEE, University of Asia Pacific Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209, BangladeshEmail- zadidkarim@Sultanur NyeemDept of EEE, University of Asia Pacific Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209, BangladeshEmail: rupom.uap11@Faisal KhanDept of EEE, University of Asia Pacific Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209, BangladeshEmail: faisal803eee@Golam MatinDept of EEE, University of Asia Pacific Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209, BangladeshEmail: sumon.matin@Abstract—“Home automation” referred to as …Intelligent home‟ or …automated home‟, indicates the automation of daily tasks with electrical devices used in homes. This could be the control of lights or more complex chores such as remote viewing of the house interiors for surveillance purposes. The emerging concept of smart homes offers a comfortable, convenient and safe and secure environment for occupants. These include automatic load controlling, fire detection, temperature sensing, and motion detection and lock system etc. Furthermore it has advanced security compared to other houses and can send a message to the user for action that occur inside his/her house while he/she is away from home. It can also allow a person to control appliances from a remote location by mobile phone using GSM technology.Index Terms—Home automation, Load controlling, Fire detection, Temperature sensing, Motion detection,Lock system, GSM technology.I.I NTRODUCTIONAs technology is advancing, so houses are also getting smarter. Modern houses are gradually shifting from conventional switches to centralized control system. Smart home automations gives the owner of a home an ultimate control over his or her home by automating lighting system, dimming, electrical appliances. Smart automated homes connect all the devices and appliances in user‟s home so they can communicate with each other. This advanced technology is used to do automation of a house activities, so it is also can be called as home automation [1], [2].A smart home can be controlled by remote interface to home automation system itself via wireless technology [3], [4], [5]. A smart home automation can turn on and off a fan, light, air condition and also can control the speed of fan with the help of a mobile controller according to user needs. Because mobile controlled home automation system provides a simpler solution of a GSM network [6], [7]. It will help to shut down the whole system, improves the convenience and comfort of the user while it provides security and energy efficiency. GSM is used to digitalize a signal or data and transmit signal or data to the receiver. GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) module can be used to send the signal over a mobile in a fixed frequency to other mobile phone connected with the receiver.In between 1915 and 1920 electrical home appliance introduced. The smart home`s history can be easily traced back to the early turn of the century, where electrical and telephone wiring were installed in new houses. Integrated smart home infrastructure was usually built by hobbyist in the 1960s, built it was not until 1984 the term ``Smart Home`` was coined by the American Association of Home Builders. General Electric company was one of the first pioneers to develop a series of products made for smart automated homes in the mid 60`s, these products included portable automatic dish washers and microwaves.To increase the performances of a smart automated house, lots of research is going on. For an example; TheAware Home Research Initiative (AHRI) at Georgia Institute of Technology is an interdisciplinary research endeavor aimed at addressing the fundamental technical, design, and social challenges for people in a home setting [8].II.M ETHODOLOGYThere are two parts in our project. They are the security system and the load controlling system. In the security system we use several sensors such as temperature sensor, fire detector sensor, motion sensor. In the load controlling system we use relay to on or off the load. We have used GSM module to send message to a subscriber identification number about security purpose [9]. We have also used this GSM module to control load from remote area. The equipments that we have used in the whole project have been designed in the Proteus software. Each part of our project has been discussed in details.A. Temperature sensing unitThis unit monitors real time temperature data from two rooms continuously. Every room has its setting temperature. Above this setting value, the microcontroller sends message to the user‟s mobile phone that the temperature is high.We have used Thermistor (10K) as temperature sensor with a negative temperature coefficient. Good choice for temperature sensing applications [10], [11], [12].When temperature raises the resistance of Thermistor decreases.Fig.1. Temperature sensing circuitWe have used comparator to set the reference value. Below the reference value, comparator output is high and above the reference value comparator output is low. Then the output of the comparator has been sent to the microcontroller. Then the microcontroller processes the taken from the comparator and sends a message to user‟s mobile phone as it has been programmed.B. Fire detector unitThis unit has been used to detect flame in the corresponding room. Fire detector has the range of detection with the wavelengths from 760nm to 1100 nm and the detection angle can reach 60°.When infrared wavelengths near 940nm, it will reach the maximum sensitivity [13], [14].When flame is found within this range, the microcontroller takes action to send message to user‟s mobile phone number.Fig.2. Fire detector circuitWhen there is no flame, comparator output is high. When flame is found, comparator output is low. We have sent this comparator output value to the microcontroller input. Then microcontroller take necessary decision by reading the comparator output and send message to the users mobile phone.C. Motion detector & Lock system unitThe motion sensor gives digital output which has been used as microcontrollers input. When motion has been detected, motion detector gives logical one to the microcontroller. Then microcontroller takes necessary decision by reading the detector output. As a motion sensor we used PIR sensor which allow you to sense motion, almost always used to detect whether a human has moved in or out of the sensor's range. They are often referred to as PIR, "Passive Infrared", "Piezoelectric", or "IR motion" sensors. PIRs are basically made of a piezoelectric sensor (which you can see above as the round metal can with a rectangular crystal in the centre), which can detect levels of infrared radiation. The PIR sensor itself has two slots in it; each slot is made of a special material that is sensitive to IR. The lens used here is not really doing much and so we see that the two slots can 'see' out past some distance (basically the sensitivity of the sensor) [15], [16].In lock system, simple mechanism has been used. When a key has been inserted into the lock, two wires are connecting and give 5 volt to the microcontroller input port. Then microcontroller takes necessary decision by reading the input port. When key has been inserted, logic high input to the microcontroller pin. Thenmicrocontroller prepares to send message to user‟s mobile phone number via GSM module [17], [18], [19].D. Load controlling systemIn this project the main and first priority unit is load control which has been interfaced with microcontroller. Load can be turned on or off by sending message from mobile phone. In our project we have controlled five loads via microcontroller and GSM module [20]. We can also receive update of which load is on or which load is off if we want to know it.Fig.3.Table 1. Message command for load controlFig.4. Command shown in virtual terminalIII.R ESULTS A ND D ISCUSSIONSIn this section we have been discussed about the physical construction and operations of the project. There is GSM module which receive message and send data into microcontroller. Microcontroller read message and take necessary action to control the loads. GSM modulealso send message to mobile unit when temperature is high or flame is detected or motion is found of human body. This module also sends status about load and sensor to the mobile unit when user wanted to know the status.A. Command sends to GSM moduleMicrocontroller send different type of command to operate the GSM module such as initialization module, delete message, read message, set text mode, send message etc. At first GSM modem is initialized and set the baud rate. Then it deletes all messages from SIM. When GSM module is ready for receive data, the red LED (D8) is turn on. Now it is ready for receive message and send data to microcontroller.B. Operation of Temperature sensorWhen temperature is below the reference value which has been set by the variable resistor, comparator output is high and above the reference value comparator output is low. We have been used comparator output in microcontroller input. In Proteus software simulation we have used logic toggle to set pin low or high.When logic toggle pin make zero, the red LED is on, connected to output of temperature sensor which means temperature is high. Then microcontroller sends message to user‟s number (01770044141) which is shown in the fig 2.Fig.5. Software simulation of temperature sensorFig.6. Hardware simulation of temperature sensorTwo red LED is off when temperature is below to thereference value. When temperature increases and aboveto the reference value, LED is on and microcontrollerinput is zero and it prepares for send message of warning.Fig.7. Temperature of sensor 1 is increaseFig.8. Temperature of sensor 2 is increaseFig.9. Temperature of both sensors is increaseFig.10. Temperature warning messageC. Operation of fire detectorFlame sensor is like a diode. At first we have set thedetecting range of sensor using variable resistor. RedLED is the power LED using in the circuit. When fire hasbeen detected in the detecting area then yellow LED is on.Clear the microcontroller pin and then microcontrollersend message to the user‟s mobile phone number.The whole process has been done in softwaresimulation by logic toggle pin by making zero. When firehas been detected by the sensor then the yellow LED isturned on and the microcontroller gets logic zero andsends a message to the user‟s mobile phone number.Fig.11. Software simulationWhen fire has been detected by the sensor then the yellow LED is turned on and the microcontroller gets logic zero and sends a message to the user‟s mobile phone number.Fig.12. When fire is not presentFig.13. When fire is detected Fig.14. Fire detection warning messageFig.15. Software simulation of motion sensorD. Operation of Motion detector & Lock systemWhen motion has been detected the microcontroller sends message to the user‟s mobile phone number.Fig.16. Motion detection warning messageIn the lock system we have used two plates where we have provided a voltage difference. One plate is connected to positive terminal and another plate is connected to the microcontroller. When the key has been inserted to the lock these plates make a contact with each other then microcontroller gets data one and a message has been sent to the user‟s mobi le phone number.E. Operation of Load controlling systemIn our project we can control each and every load individually. In this system we can turn on or off every load by sending a message from the user‟s mobile phone number. Such as for load 1, if we want to turn on we have to send a message writing the code 'A' and on the other hand if we want to turn off we have to send a message writing the code 'a'. Rest of the loads can be controlled in this way.Fig.17. Load controlling systemThere is another feature in the load controlling system and that is, if we want to know the loads present condition we have to send a message writing the code 'S'. This code will be received by the GSM module and a reply message will be sent to the user‟s mobile phone number that which loads are on and which loads are off.Fig.18. Status of LoadF. Implementation with Remote ControllerThis project also can be implemented with a remote controller where the remote controller will be used to turn on or off the house hold loads. The speed of the fan also can be varied with the help of remote controller. G. Implementation for security purposeFor security purpose face detection and image processing technology can be used in this project. To turn ON or Lock down the whole system so that no one can operate anymore a password can be used which would be the image of the user. Also numeric and finger print can be used as a password with the help of keypad or finger print sensor which will provide a secured system for a user.H. Implementation of Heart Beat SensorWe can use heart beat sensor which will show the his\her heart beat rate with the help of display. This feature can be also used for speed controlling of fan or for varying the temperature of the Air-conditioner. So that, the room achieves a comfortable atmosphere. I. Visitor Counting SensorIn this project we have used visitor counter and that will count the number of present visitors. Existing number of visitor will be shown in the display. The speed of the fan can be increased or decreased also the temperature of the air-conditioner can be varied as the number of visitors‟ increases or decreases to maintain a comfortable living condition for the visitors.IV. C ONCLUSIONWith advancement of technology things are becoming simpler and easier for us. Automation is the use of control systems and information technologies to reduce the need for human work in the production of goods and services. The communication of home is only through the SMS which has been tested with the mobile networks and is working on any mobile network. By this project we have stepped one step further to the future. The sensor based security system detects the motion and sends message to fire, police station and owner. There are various parameters which can be adjusted in this software. The developed GSM based security system gives good response to the sensor and sends SMS when it detects the fire or temperature is increased above desired level. Besides, it can send a message to the user for action when the owner is out of station and the home is locked which helps us to keep more secure of our home. Moreover, owner can control loads (on/off) automatically by mobile using GSM technology from anywhere. This project will have a large effect to the living standard of human being. In the system, a lot of other features can be added to the user's requirement depending upon the situation. A lot of things can be done in the project in the future but due to time limitations, this time it was not possible. This system can also be applicable in bank. If some emergency occurs, then the volt of the bank can be automatically locked down. Emergency fire service can also be done by this system. This system is practically easy to use and user friendly so it have a good future. It is cheap to build so it can be industrially produced and served in the market. Overall this project discusses the analysis, design and implementation of home automation.A CKNOWLEDGEMENTWe would like to express our gratitude to our supervisor, Mr. A.H.M. Zadidul Karim who has the attitude and the substance of a genius, for the useful comments, remarks and encouragement helped us in all the times of study and analysis of the project in the pre and post research period. Without his guidance and persistent help this project would not have been come tofact. We would also like to thank our honorable dean and vice-chancellor who gave us the opportunity to do an extremely interesting project on the topic “Microcontroller based home security and l oad controlling using GSM technology”. It helped us to pursue research in fascinating field and learn so much more about Microcontroller and its application.R EFERENCES[1] E Wong “A Phone -Based Remote Controller for Homeand Office Automation”, IEEE Trans Co nsumer Electron, vol.40, No. 1, pp. 28- 33, 1995.[2] J. Burroughs, “X -10 home automation using thePIC16F877A,” Lamp, vol. 10, article 10, 2010.[3] A. Z. Alkar, and U. 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Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) from the department of EEE of University of Asia Pacific (UAP), Dhaka, Bangladesh in the year 2013. He is now working as an Engineer of EEE at Ablaze Solutions Ltd. His research areaincludes Microcontroller based system design and security purpose.Zadidul Karim obtained his B.Sc. Engineering degree from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) in 2004. His undergraduate thesis title was "Design of a Two-Stage Open Loop Comparator using CMOS". He is doing his Masters degree in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).His current research interests are Detection and feature extraction of Atrial Tachyarrhythmia, Digital signal processing, Telecommunication, Wireless communication, Multimedia communication. He is an associate Member of IEEE, USA Microcontroller based system design.Sultanur Nyeem was born in the city Bogura, Bangladesh in the year 1990. He received his B.Sc.Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) from the department of EEE of University of Asia Pacific (UAP), Dhaka, Bangladesh in the year 2013. He is now working as a service Engineer of EEE at Active energy Ltd. His researcharea includes Microcontroller based system design.Faisal Khan was born in the cityDhaka, Bangladesh in the year 1991. He received his B.Sc.Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) from the department of EEE of University of Asia Pacific (UAP), Dhaka, Bangladesh in the year 2013. His research area includes Microcontroller based system design.Golam Matin was born in the cityreceived his B.Sc.Degree in Electricaland Electronic Engineering (EEE) fromthe department of EEE of University ofAsia Pacific (UAP), Dhaka, Bangladeshin the year 2013. His research areaincludes Microcontroller based systemdesign.How to cite this paper: Mustafijur Rahman, A.H.M Zadidul Karim, Sultanur Nyeem, Faisal Khan, Golam Matin,"Microcontroller Based Home Security and Load Controlling Using Gsm Technology", IJCNIS, vol.7, no.4,pp.29-36, 2015.DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2015.04.04。