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在这件事情上,我的意见和你的差不多。 3. Ingot n.(金、银等的)条;块;锭 4.symbolize v.象征;代表 ☆This flag symbolizes the unity of our country. 这面旗象征着我们国家的团结。 5. fortune n.财富;运气 ☆I had the good fortune to be chosen for a trip abroad. 我真幸运,被选中出国旅行。 6. Teamwork n.(集体的)配合;合作;协调 ☆The success of the project was largely the result of good teamwork. 这个项目的成功主要是大家通力合作的结果。 7. Particularly adv.特别地;尤其;格外 ☆My brother isn't particularly clever but he is industrious. 我弟弟并不特别聪明,但很勤奋。
[1]饺子是中国的传统食品,在中国北方,过年过节总是少不了饺子。饺子成为大多数中国人钟 爱的食品是有很多原因的,下面我们给大家讲一讲。 [2] 饺子是中国人过春节时最重要的食品之一。因为饺子的形状很像中国古代的金锭和银锭,所 以饺子象征着财富。按照传统,除夕那天,全家人都要聚在一起包饺子。他们会在其中一个饺子中 藏一个硬币。据说吃到那个硬币的人在新的一年里会有好运。饺子在其它中国传统节日中也很受欢 迎,所以它无疑是中国文化和传统文化的一部分。 [3] 包饺子需要团体协作。通常所有家庭成员都参与其中。我从小就在家里开始学包饺子。大多 数中国人都是在小时候就学包饺子,所以几乎每个中国人都会。我很会包饺子,尤其是做饺子皮。 要知道,ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu饺子皮是包出精巧美味的饺子最难的一个环节。 [4] 我们送别朋友或家人时,通常都会吃饺子。我想这是另一个传统,也是饺子成为中国文化中 重要部分的另一个原因。
向外国朋友介绍中国文化:饺子 Chinese Dumplings 饺子 [1]Jiaozi (Chinese Dumplings) are a traditional Chinese food, which is essential during holidays in northern China. Chinese dumplings have become one of the most widely loved foods in China for many reasons. Here are just a few of them. [2]Chinese dumplings are one of the most important foods during the Chinese New Year. Since the shape of Chinese dumplings is similar to ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots, they symbolize wealth. Traditionally family members get together to make dumplings on New Year's Eve. They may hide a coin in one of the dumplings. The person who finds the coin is said to have good fortune in the New Year. Chinese dumplings are also popular during other Chinese holidays or festivals, so they are definitely a part of Chinese culture and tradition. [3]Making dumplings really takes teamwork. Usually all family members will join in the work. I started to make dumplings when I was just a kid in my family. This is when most Chinese learn how to make dumplings and why almost every Chinese person knows how! I am very good at making dumplings, particularly making skins, which is the hardest part of making tasty and light dumplings. [4]Chinese dumplings are often the food eaten before sending off friends or family members away on a trip. I guess this is another tradition and another reason why dumplings are such a big part of Chinese culture!
【额外成就感】 额外成就感】 1.essential adj.必需的;基本的 ☆Good food and plenty of exercise are essential for a healthy life. 良好的饮食和大量的锻炼是健康生活所必需的。 2. be similar to 与……相似 ☆My opinion on the matter are similar to yours.