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( )1.A.June 1st .1992. B.Febrary 11th.1992. C. January 11th.1992.

( )2.A.Sunny and hot. B. Foggy and warm. C. rainy and wet.

( ). . .

( )4.A.most beautiful B. most important C. most interesting

( )5.A.Christmas B. Halloween C. Easter

( )6.A.Japan and Canada B. America and Australia C. Russia and Italy ( )7.A.a biack dog B. a yellow cat C. a gold fish

( )8.A.in the house B. in front of the house C. near the house

( )9.A.played football B. saw a film C. went fishing

( )10.A.in the living room B. in the kitchen C. in the classroom


1.We must ________a ______every day.

2.Oh,________ _______is coming.

3.It was ________ and _______last year.

4.My family will________ ________next Saturday.

1. ( )

2. ( )

3.( )

4.( )

5.( )

6.( )


( )1.A.Yes,of course. B. At 7:20. C. In the classroom.

( )2.A.By bus. B. No, I can’t. C. No,I didn’t.

( )3.A.Yes, I’d love to. B. On Sunday. C.I t will be sunny.

( )4.A.All right B. you’re welcome. C. Excuse me.

( )5.A.It’s black. B. It’s France. C. Yes,it is.


( )1. Today isn’t______.

A. Child ren’s

B. June 1st

C. May Day

( )2. The girls are_______.

A. dancing

B. singing

C. playing games

( )3. Their ________teacher is singing.

A. Chinese

B. maths

C. English

( )4. The boys are playing______.

A. football

B. basketball

C. games

( )5. T hey’re very_______.

A. excited

B. sad

C. angry




( )1. A. teacher B. father C. doctor D. worker

( )2. A. dog B. car C. bike D. turck

( )3. A. rice B. apple C. noodles D. meat

( )4. A. football B. basketball C. ball D.T—shirt

( )5. A. Chinese B. America C. Canada D. Japan

( )6. A. cat B. bus C. fish D. goat


1. Do you want to (去游泳) with me tomorrow?

2. (海鲜)is my favourite food.

3. Please don’t the (上网)all day long.

4. My uncle is in Japan now. He is _________ _____________.(度假)

5. Would you like to ___________ to ______________ (来喝茶)with me?


( )1. Would you like _______egg for breakfast? A. a B. an C. the ( )2. There are ____stars on the Chinese National flag. A. five B. four

C. six

( )3. Lily is the _______in her class. A. taller B. tallest C. tall ( )4. ______bedroom is much bigger. A. Mine B. My C. Me

( )5. Wednesday is the _______day in a week. A. four B. fourth C. fifth ( )6. Mao Ze Dong was born______1893.A.in B. at C. on

( )7. She was happy before, ______now she isn’t. A. and B. or C. but ( )8. Shall we _______a film this Saturday? A. watch B. look C. see ( )9. Look, the children _______games on the playground.

A. playing

B. played

C. are playing

( )10.We______the Olympics Games in 2012 A. will visit B. visited C.


( )11.________two toy cars in my bedroom. A. Have B. Has C. There are ( )12.The lion is ______the food. A. watching B. looking for C.


( )13.Do n’t_______the wall, please. A. pick up B. write on C. cut down

( )14.A:______did he become a doctor?
