江苏省盐城市大丰区小海镇七年级英语上册 满分冲刺 第18讲 写作改错讲义 (新版)牛津版

第18讲写作改错假如你是李华, 学校正在进行“优秀教师”的选举活动,你想选举你的英语老师Daniel为本学期“优秀教师”, 请你给组委会写一封推荐信讲明你选他的理由。
要求:1. 词数50左右;2. 叙事清楚,语句通顺,语意连贯;3. 文中不得出现真实的人名与校名;4. 文章开头已给,不计入总词数。
Dear Sir,Tha nks for reading my letter. I want torecommend (推荐) my English teach er Daniel to be the Best Teacher of the year.SampleDear Sir,Thanks for reading my letter. I want torecommend (推荐) my English teacher Daniel to be the Best Teacher of the year.I’m very li ke Daniel. He look very young. He’s about thirty years old. He favourite color is black. Because he is always wear black T-shirt. He can plays basketball very good. He is very good at it. He is funny, he also vey strict. He wants we study hard. We all like her.Yours sincerelyLi Hua题一:语法填空I’m very like Daniel. He look very young. He’s about thirty years old. He favourite color is black. Because he is always wear black T-shirt. He can plays basketball very good. He is v ery good at it. He is fu nny, he also very strict. He wants we study hard. We all like her.内容提升话题范畴:描写人目的:推荐当选 the Best Teacher of the year要点:谈理由选材:详写性格特征,教学特点结构:总分总结构,有始有终拓展词汇helpful, kind, caring, patient, smart…be strict with sb. in sth.encourage sb. to dohelp sb. with/(to) doget along well with sb.treat sb. as…We can get…/enjoy…/improve…改进之后Dear Sir,Thanks for reading my letter. I want to recommend (推荐) my English teac her Daniel to be the Best Teacher of the year.I like Daniel very much. He looks young and handsome. He is good at playing basketball. He is very kind and he treats us as friends. But he is also strict with us in study. He often encourages us to speak English aloud and helps us to speak English well. We can really enjoy ourselves and i mprove our listening and speaking skills in his clas s.All my classmates feel lucky to be his students. So I hope Daniel can be the Best Teacher of the year.Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Hua第18讲写作改错题一:I’m very like Daniel. He look veryI like Daniel very much. looksyoung. He’s about thirty years old. HeHisfavourite color is black. Because he is, becausealways wear black T-shirt. He canwears a T-shirtsplays basketball very good. He is very good atplay wellit. He is funny, he also very strict. and/but isHe wants we study hard. We all like her.us to him。

[单选]下列哪种情况下,测深辨位可得出比较准确的结果()。A.计划航线与等深线平行,等深线稀疏B.计划航线与等深线垂直,等深线稀疏C.计划航线与等深线平行,等深线密集D.计划航线与等深线垂直,等深线密集 [单选]一般情况下,灯光的默认颜色是什么:()A.黑色B.蓝色C.白色D.红色 [单选,A1型题]能温中降逆,散寒止痛,温助肾阳的药物是()A.干姜B.丁香C.肉桂D.高良姜E.附子 [单选]《国内航行海船法定检验技术规则(2004)》适用范围:下列表诉正确的是?()A、国内海上航行的中国籍船舶B、国内海上航行的中国籍船舶,船长20米及以上的C、国内海上航行的中国籍排水船舶,船长20米及以上 [名词解释]投标备用信用证 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]点彩红细胞胞质中的颗粒为()A.残存变性的DNAB.残存变性的RNAC.残存变性的脂蛋白D.核糖体E.金属颗粒沉淀 [单选]交接班时间为下班时间前()分钟到达岗位。A.15B.20C.30D.10 [单选]下列哪项指标提示患者是肾性急性肾衰竭()A.尿比重>1.018B.尿渗透压>500mmol/LC.尿钠浓度<20mmol/LD.肾衰指数<1E.滤过钠分数>1 [单选]一般情况下,下列关于外部融资需求的表述正确的是()。A.敏感负债总额越大,外部融资需求越大B.销售净利率越大,外部融资需求越大C.股利支付率越高,外部融资需求越大D.股利支付率越低,外部融资需求越大 [填空题]泵壳一般设计为(),使得在最高效率点附近较宽的范围内保持较小的磨损量。 [判断题]机械密封是依靠固定于轴上的转环和固定在泵壳上的静环两者平滑端面之间的紧密接触来达到密封。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A1型题]关于双探头符合线路SPECT的描述正确的是()A.是在常规SPECT上窦现正电子探测的影像设备B.需配置高能准直器C.探测器晶体改为锗酸铋制成D.可进行F、C、O、N等成像E.可逐步取代PET [单选]男,40岁,左面部渐进性增大的包块,MRI检查如图所示,最可能的诊断是()A.左面部毛细血管瘤B.左面部囊肿C.左面部脓肿D.左面部脂肪瘤E.左面部神经纤维瘤 [单选]如图a)所示结构剪力的影响线正确的是:()ABCD [单选]下列方剂中,哪项是治疗风寒湿痹的通用方剂()A.三痹汤B.防风汤C.蠲痹汤D.白虎加桂枝汤E.大秦艽汤 [单选]判断行政机关及其他组织能否具备行政主体资格的关键性条件是()。A.能否实施国家行政管理活动B.是否具有行政主体的法律地位C.能否独立承担法律责任D.能够独立参加行政复议 [配伍题,B型题]是运用物理化学原理、方法和手段,研究药剂学中有关处方设计、制备工艺、剂型特点、质量控制等内容的边缘科学。</br>是研究药物在体内的吸收、分布、代谢与排泄的机理及过程,阐明药物因素、剂型因素和生理因素与药效之间关系的边缘科学。</br>是研究药物制剂工业生 [单选]滨湖控制开发带的区域功能是?()A、强化生态功能,禁止开发建设B、构建生态屏障,严格控制开发C、集聚经济人口,高效集约开发。 [单选]仓储管理包括()两部分。A.仓库管理和库存管理B.仓库管理和储存管理C.库房管理和储存管理D.库房管理和库存管理 [问答题][综合分析题]张某是某知名软件公司开发部的高级工程师,自1995年进入公司以来,表现十分出色,每每接到任务时总能在规定时间内按要求完成,并时常受到客户的表扬。在项目期,节约开发成本。但在最近的几个月里情况发生了变 [单选]方位投影大都是透视投影,视点在球心的方位投影称为()。A.心射投影B.极射投影C.日晷投影D.A和C [单选]罗布麻叶不具有的功效是()A.平肝B.利水C.降血压D.明目E.清热 [单选]下列对于性病性淋巴肉芽肿的诊断有意义,但除了()A.有不洁性交史或配偶感染史B.衣原体培养阳性C.男性龟头、包皮处可见小丘疹、疱疹,无自觉症状D.低丙种球蛋白血症 [名词解释]自卑 [单选]对急性脑梗死病人,下列哪种情况不适于溶栓治疗()。A.发病6小时以内B.CT证实无出血灶C.病人无出血素质D.出凝血时间正常E.头部CT出现低密度灶 [判断题]接地线沿墙敷设时必须穿PVC管,同一级电压的电力电缆可穿在同一管孔内。A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列纳税人申请变更纳税定额的核准程序符合《服务规范》2.0版基本规范的的是()。A、办税服务厅制作《核定(调整)定额通知书》交纳税人。B、本事项在15个工作日内办理。C、办税服务厅收到反馈后1个工作日通知纳税人领取办理结果。D、根据纳税人报送的资料,制作相关表单脚 [名词解释]基本社会化 [单选]信访人对提供公共服务的企业、事业单位及其工作人员的()不服,可以向有关行政机关提出信访事项。A.行政行为B.其他行为C.职务行为D.职业行为 [单选,A1型题]下列何种降血糖药易引起乳酸血症()。A.正规胰岛素B.阿卡波糖C.格列本脲D.甲苯磺丁脲E.苯乙双胍 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]当归芍药散的功效是()。A.调理冲任,养血安胎B.疏肝解郁,活血止痛C.调肝和血,健脾利湿D.理气解郁,和血止痛E.补益脾气,散寒除湿 [单选]有关企业经营成果的信息,主要通过()来反映。A.现金流量表B.成本报表C.利润表D.资产负债表 [单选]耐洗色牢度测试中所用钢珠直径是()A.10mmB.8mmC.6mmD.5mm [单选]对肝右叶门脉血管的描述,哪一项错误A.门脉右前、后叶支可清晰显示B.门脉右支与胆囊长轴或垂直关系C.门脉右干、右前叶支与右后叶下段支构成"Y"形结构D.门脉右前叶支与胆囊长轴构成平行关系E.门脉右干及前后叶支构成"Y"形结构 [多选]瓦斯抽采管理工作应当确保()。A.机构健全B.制度完善C.执行到位D.监督有效 [单选,A1型题]膀胱肿瘤最常见的临床表现是()A.尿频、尿急、尿痛B.疼痛+血尿C.镜下血尿D.排尿困难E.全程肉眼血尿 [问答题,简答题]优质护理服务的核心是什么? [单选]对于男性不育症的病人,下列护理措施不正确的是()A.缓解紧张、焦虑B.避免接触放射类物质C.停服影响生育的药物D.至少需要服用改善生精药物1个月以上E.提供人类辅助生殖技术相关信息 [单选]砂轮牌号为WA46KV5P300×40×127,其中代表硬度的是:()。A.WAB.46C.KD.V [单选,A1型题]《母婴保健法》规定,在新生儿期进行筛查的遗传代谢内分泌疾病是()A.21-三体综合征、苯丙酮尿症B.21-三体综合征、先天性甲状腺功能减低症C.先天性甲状腺功能减低症、苯丙酮尿症D.先天性甲状腺功能减低症E.苯丙酮尿症

七年级英语作文改错English:Last summer, I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. It was a great experience for me to spend time away from the city and enjoy the fresh air and peaceful environment. My grandparents' house was surrounded by beautiful fields and green hills. I helped them with some work in the garden and also enjoyed picking fruits and vegetables with them. We spent evenings sitting outside, chatting and watching the stars. My grandparents told me many interesting stories about their life in the countryside, and I felt grateful to have the opportunity to learn from their wisdom. Overall, it was a memorable and valuable experience for me, and I look forward to visiting them again.中文翻译:去年夏天,我去农村拜访了我的祖父母。
七年级英语 改错题(1)改错课件

4.冠词错误:误用a和an(根据单词的第一个音素来判定),误用a/an和the。 We live in a same earth. We should protect it. It's really an useful book. We still have a hour, so you don't need to rush.
答案: to climb is waiting for agree with quickly
短文改错常见错误类型: 1.谓语动词的错误 They did not want me to do any work at home; they want me to spend all my time on my studies. There will an important game next month.
检查下列句子是否正确,若有错误,请改正。 1.It took Jack two hours climb the mountain . _______ 2.The number of the students in our school are more than 2,000 _______ 3.I’m waiting her letter . _______ 4.I don’t agree to you , twins . _______ 5.The monkeys climbed the trees quick . _______
5.形容词和副词错误(be动词,感官动词后用形容词。副词修饰动词) I’m sure we’ll have a wonderfully time. You should listen to me careful.
6.介词错误:介词误用 In a rainy morning, a baby came to the earth. I want to sleep, can you turn off the TV a little?

七年级(上)英语改错题精选1. Tom is in Grade One, Class Two.2. It not is my bag.3. I am in Class five.4. -Are you Liu Fang?-No, I amn’t.5. What are eight and six?6.-How old is Bill? -He eleven.7.I’m in No. 4 middle school.8.Bill and I am at school.9.This is our teacher. We love she very much.10.There is a big apple in the tree.11.Can you see a pen in picture 1? Yes, I do.12.Where are my photoes? Can you see them?Sorry, I can’t.13.I often play the basketball at school.14.Let’s to play with them.15.What are in the box? There are some apples.16.There is the pencil and two pens on the desk.17.I can’t see some books on the table.18.I want take some books to the classroom.19.The all boys are here.20.—Do you have a small bag? —Yes, I have it.21.--I think this is a good book..-- I don't think it.22.How many potatos are there in the bag?23.Let's do our homeworks.24.It's time for class. Let's go in the classroom. 25.Each of us have a new desk.26.They each has a bag for sports.27.Can you speak English? Yes, but only little.28.He doesn't like hamburgers and chicken.29.In weekends, what time do you usually run?30.Mike gets to home at about 4:50 in theafternoon.31.Have a look for the picture.32.We have many bags. Do you like it?.33.That’s a her black hat.34.What’s that on English?35.Is that you chair, Mary?36.Is this his book? Yes, it’s.37.Please call Mary in 394-627538.Does they have a computer?39.Do you have soccer ball?40.Let’s to go home.41.She watch TV every day.42.Can you see they in the room?43.His parents likes sports and games.44.Does she likes salad?45.She isn’t like apples.46.My father like broccoli very much.47.Where is my new shoes?48.He often go to see his teacher.49.I think it’s a exciting movie.50.He wants to buys a new dictionary.51.Please write and tell me in your morning.52.He often play games after school.53.Is these your sisters?54.Her is my grandmother?55.That are my eraser.56.They are my parent.57.Those girls are his brothers.58.Please have a look my new skirt.59.There are ismany water(水) on the floor.60.My teacher often helps me on my English.61.Can you say English?.62.Is he often watch morning TV?63.I need my eraser. Please take it here.64.He likes play the violin65.I have a math on Tuesday.66.Because music is relaxing, so Jones likes it.67.How old is your mother? Her is 40.68.How are you today? I’m very good.69.School start at eight o’clock.70.People usually eat dinner at the night.71.My mother likes to see a book in the evening.72.Can you speak English good?73.What club does your sister wants to join?74.What can she does?III.用所给动词适当形式填空1. It is very nice ___________(see) you again.2. Let's _________(go) to school.3. Can Lucy_________(spell) her name?4. Mary _________(look) like her father .5. Jim and his friends ________( go ) to work every day.Jim with his friends ________( go ) to work every day.7.______ (not put ) your coat here ,please.8. Li Lei likes _____ (play ) football.IV.介词操练1. What class are you _______ ?2.Welcome _______ our school.3.Please look ________ your sister .4.We are ________ the same class.5.Jim's parents live _______New York .6.They come ________ England.7.Look _______ the girl ________green.8.It's time _________ supper .9.Give it ________ me ,please.10.Would you like to go ____me ?V.名词 1 变为复数watch family half boy knife child man foot_____ ______ _______ _______ _______ ______ ______ ___people sheep fish baby bus class pencil girl_______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______2.写出英语汤姆的书包_____________ 露西和莉莉的妈妈_______________吉姆家的一张照片_____________ 教师节_______________ VI.句型转换 A.同义句1.I'm Ma Lili ______ ______ is Ma Lili.2.Where is Tim form ? Where ____ Tim ______ _______?3.Her nose is tall . _____ _____ a tall nose .4.We aren't in the same school. We are______ ____ ______ .5.Please give Barbara the apple. Give the apple ____ ____ _____6.Luck looks like Lily. _____ and _____ look _____ _____.7.Can I help you ? ______ can I _____ _____ you ?8.How much is the pen ? What is the _____ _____the pen ?9.Can you help me ? Can you do _____ ______ ______ ?10.Do you have time this evening ? ____ you ____ this evening ?11.Jack is in Class Two. Mike is in Class Two ,too.Jack and Mike are ______ _______ ______ _______.12.What time is it ? ______ ______ _______ _______?13.What do you think of the coffee ? ____ do you ____ the coffee?B.疑问句1.I have a big house . _____ _____ _____ a big house ?2.She likes watching TV . ______ she ______ watching TV ?3.They are listening to the teacher ._____ _____they _______?4.I'd like a cup of tea . _______ ____ likea cup of tea ?5.She has dark skin and brown hair. _____ _____ she ______?6.I like green. _______ _______ do _____ like ?7.My mother is a teacher . _____ does _____ mother _____ ?8.We want two bottles of milk.____ ____bottles of milk____you ___ ?9.Tigers live about twenty years. ____ _____ do tigers live ?10.The boy under the tree is my friend. _____ ____ is ____ friend ?11.I am in Mr John's class. ______ ______ areyou _____ ?12.There aresome books in the box .____ ____ ____books in the box?VII 根据汉语完成下列句子。

This morning I found red wallet on the campus. Girls usual like red, so I believed the wallet was belonged to a girl student. I opened it, try to find out whose it was. Therefore, I found nothing but 300 yuan in it. I was wondering what to do with it while suddenly my classmates Chen Yang passed by. She suggested she put up a Lost and Found notice and I did so. I wrote down my telephone number and ask the owner to call me after she saw it. Later, a girl came to claim it on 3 o’clock this afternoon.
代 词
1. 人称代词的误用 2. 人称代词格的误用 3. 反身代词的误用
1. I just smiled to me and thought, "What can I do. We are guests after all."2. Some students may also save up for our college or future use. 3. It was about noon when we arrived at the foot of the mountain. The three of them were very excited.

七年级上册英语改错练习题1. Grandfather enjoys to take a walk in the park every morning.2. Zhang Wei can plays the guitar very well.3. My parents and I has a pet dog named Buddy.4. The students aren't listening carefully the teacher's instructions.5. There is many beautiful flowers in the garden.6. Tom goes to bed lately because he always plays computer games.7. Can you helps me to carry these heavy boxes?8. The weather is really good, so we can to go for a picnic.9. Lisa is good at sing and dancing.10. Yesterday, I goed swimming at the beach with my friends.改正后的文稿:1. Grandfather enjoys taking a walk in the park every morning.2. Zhang Wei can play the guitar very well.3. My parents and I have a pet dog named Buddy.4. The students aren't listening carefully to the teacher's instructions.5. There are many beautiful flowers in the garden.6. Tom goes to bed late because he always plays computer games.7. Can you help me carry these heavy boxes?8. The weather is really good, so we can go for a picnic.9. Lisa is good at singing and dancing.10. Yesterday, I went swimming at the beach with my friends.以上是七年级上册英语改错练习题的解答。
初一英语上学期改错 新目标(PPT)2-1

(CB) 4. What are this in the picture?(theisse)
(A ) 5. He notebooks are in the bag.(His )
(B ) 6. What is those in English? They’re maps.( are)
( D)4. Are you Liu Xiaorong? No, I amn’t. ( I’m not)
( D)5. Oh, one and one is too. ( two )
;车吉祥 https:// 车吉祥
经由植物研究者确认了捕蝇草会发出活动电位这样有机制的机关,就类似动物的神经组织会产生传输信息一般。不过因为这必须连续碰触两次才会产生,也就是说应该还有个可以记忆的组织。植物研究者依然还不清楚这样的记忆是如何在捕蝇草中运作的,这 是一个未解之谜。 食虫植物设下迷局,然后展开杀戮。捕蝇草的细小绒毛被碰触两次,便“啪”地一声突然关闭。它们用小螯刮取淤泥土表面的小颗粒送进嘴巴,这些小颗粒含有很多的碎屑、藻类、细菌、以及其它的微生物,送入口中后,即被体内吸收。口中有一个特别的器 官,可以将食物分类和过滤,不能利用的残渣再由小螯取出置于地面,集中形成人们所看到的小土球,称之为“拟粪”,有别于真正通过消化道从肛门排出的粪便。 捕蝇草通过种子进行繁殖,属于种子植物。捕蝇草可以自花授粉,但通常得进行人工授粉才确实会结果。不过,捕蝇草的人工授粉并不见得会成功,这是因为授粉的时机不对。 捕蝇草的花开时,并非是雌、雄蕊都是同时成熟的。当花刚开时,其雄蕊已经成熟了,但雌蕊并未成熟,此时替它授粉是没用的。捕蝇草的雌蕊通常比雄蕊慢一天成熟,故正确的做法是等花开的第二天后 再进行授粉的工作。我们也可以观察雌蕊的型态来判断是否成熟。未成熟雌蕊末端的柱头是圆的,成熟雌蕊末端的柱头会裂开,像绵絮状;只有成熟的雌蕊才能成功授粉 [2] 。 若授粉成功,花会在1~2天内凋谢,而子房(雌蕊的基部)会膨大,再过数星期果实就能成熟。捕蝇草的种子呈黑色,水滴状;一个果实通常含有十几粒种子。种子的数量和植株本身的健康、大小有关,健壮的植株通常能结多一点种子。有时候授粉的方法正确 ,但种子还是结不出来,最大的问题就是捕蝇草不够健壮,或是在开花期间没有持续给予足够的光照,此时就算成功授粉,也难以结出种子。
七年级英语上册 My name s Gina第四节 短文改错

1.My name am Zhao Ping.2.She friend is Gina.3.I is Jane.4.He is on China.5.My friend is Jenny green.二、短文改错。
1.My name am Jenny Green.My phone number is 2819176.I friend is Gina Smith.She phone number is 2324672. 2.I is Dale Miller and my friend are Eric Brown.Her telephone numb er is 3575689.My telephone number is 3586344. 3.My name is Mary brown.My friend is China.Her name is zhang mingming.My phone number is 2578900 her number is 9293155.参考答案一、单句改错。
1.am→is解析:根据主语My name是单数形式,所以be动词应该用is。
3.is→am解析:根据主语I 可知be动词应该用am。

七年级英语改错题精选七年级英语改错题精选单句改错(一)1. Tom is in Grade One, Class Two.2. It not is my bag.3. I am in Class five.4. -Are you Liu Fang?-No, I amn’t.5. What are eight and six?6.-How old is Bill? -He eleven. 7.I’m in No. 4 middle school.8.Bill and I am at school.9.This is our teacher. We love shevery much.10.There is a big apple in the tree.11.Can you see a pen in picture 1?Yes, I do.12.Where are my photoes? Can you seethem? Sorry, I can’t.13.I often play the basketball at school.14.Let’s to play with them.15.What’s are in the box? There aresome apples.16.There is the pencil and two pens onthe desk.17.I can’t see some books on the table.18.I want take some books to theclassroom.19.The all boys are here.20.—Do you have a small bag? —Yes,I have it.21.--I think this is a good book..-- Idon't think it.22.How many potato are there in thebag?23.Let's do our homeworks.24.It's time for class. Let's go in theclassroom.25.Each of us have a new desk.26.They each has a bag for sports.27.Can you speak English? Yes, butonly little.28.He doesn't like hamburgers andchicken.29.Our teachers are very strict for us.30.In weekends, what time do youusually run?31.Mike gets to home at about 4:50 inthe afternoon.32.How much is the eggs, please?33.This skirt is 80 yuans .仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢234.How much is the socks?35.How much are that pants?36.These shoes are twenty-three dollar.37.Fourteen and twenty-six is fourty.38.Have a look for the picture.39.We have many bags. Do you like it?.40.Thank a lot. You’re welcome.41.That’s a her black hat.42.What’s that on English?43.Is that you chair, Mary?44.Is this his book? Yes, it’s.45.Please call Mary in 394-627546.Does they have a computer?47.Do you have soccer ball?48.Let’s to go home.49.She watch TV every day.50.Can you see they in the room?51.For lunch, what do Lucy like to eat?52.His parents likes sports and games.53.Does she likes salad?54.She isn’t like apples.55.My father like broccoli very much.56.How much are these white short?57.We have sweaters on yellow foronly $15. 58.They are 7 dollar.59.Where is my new shoes?60.Look! These red clothes are on sells.61.He often go to see his teacher.62.I think it’s a exciting movie.63.I like comedies and I don’t likethrillers.64.I think he isn’t in Class One, GradeTwo.65.He wants to buys a new dictionary.66.What time is it? It’s at seven thirty.67.Please write and tell me in yourmorning.68.Does your brother have the lunch atschool?69.Tom’s family have a shower.70.He often play games after school.71.Is these your sisters?72.Her is my grandmother?73.That are my eraser.74.They are my parent.75.Those girls are his brothers.76.Please have a look my new skirt.77.We sell books in a good price.78.Can you play trumpet? No, I can’t.仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢379.There is a few water(水) on thefloor.80.My teacher often helps me on myEnglish.81.Can you say English?82.I usually go to bed at ten thirtyo’clock.83.Is he often watch morning TV?84.How a funny time to eat breakfast!.85.I need my eraser. Please take it here.86.What’s kind of movies do you like?87.He likes play the violin88.I have a math on Tuesday.89.Because music is relaxing, so Joneslikes it.90.How old is your mother? Her is 40.91.How are you today? I’m very good.92.When is Lucy birthday?93.School start at eight o’clock.94.People usually eat dinner at thenight.95.He works all day and all evening.96.My mother likes to see a book in theevening.97.Can you speak English good? 98.I want to learn a lot of art.99.What club does your sister wants tojoin?100.What can she does?101.I like Beijing Opera, but I don’t like comedy.单句改错(二)。

七年级英语改错题精选七年级英语改错题精选单句改错(一)1. Tom is in Grade One, Class Two.2. It not is my bag.3. I am in Class five.4. -Are you Liu Fang?-No, I amn’t.5. What are eight and six?6.-How old is Bill? -He eleven. 7.I’m in No. 4 middle school.8.Bill and I am at school.9.This is our teacher. We love shevery much.10.There is a big apple in the tree.11.Can you see a pen in picture 1?Yes, I do.12.Where are my photoes? Can you seethem? Sorry, I can’t.13.I often play the basketball at school.14.Let’s to play with them.15.What’s are in the box? There aresome apples.16.There is the pencil and two pens onthe desk.17.I can’t see some books on the table.18.I want take some books to theclassroom.19.The all boys are here.20.—Do you have a small bag? —Yes,I have it.21.--I think this is a good book..-- Idon't think it.22.How many potato are there in thebag?23.Let's do our homeworks.24.It's time for class. Let's go in theclassroom.25.Each of us have a new desk.26.They each has a bag for sports.27.Can you speak English? Yes, butonly little.28.He doesn't like hamburgers andchicken.29.Our teachers are very strict for us.30.In weekends, what time do youusually run?31.Mike gets to home at about 4:50 inthe afternoon.32.How much is the eggs, please?33.This skirt is 80 yuans .34.How much is the socks?35.How much are that pants?36.These shoes are twenty-three dollar.37.Fourteen and twenty-six is fourty.38.Have a look for the picture.39.We have many bags. Do you like it?.40.Thank a lot. You’re welcome.41.That’s a her black hat.42.What’s that on English?43.Is that you chair, Mary?44.Is this his book? Yes, it’s.45.Please call Mary in 394-627546.Does they have a computer?47.Do you have soccer ball?48.Let’s to go home.49.She watch TV every day.50.Can you see they in the room?51.For lunch, what do Lucy like to eat?52.His parents likes sports and games.53.Does she likes salad?54.She isn’t like apples.55.My father like broccoli very much.56.How much are these white short?57.We have sweaters on yellow foronly $15. 58.They are 7 dollar.59.Where is my new shoes?60.Look! These red clothes are on sells.61.He often go to see his teacher.62.I think it’s a exciting movie.63.I like comedies and I don’t likethrillers.64.I think he isn’t in Class One, GradeTwo.65.He wants to buys a new dictionary.66.What time is it? It’s at seven thirty.67.Please write and tell me in yourmorning.68.Does your brother have the lunch atschool?69.Tom’s family have a shower.70.He often play games after school.71.Is these your sisters?72.Her is my grandmother?73.That are my eraser.74.They are my parent.75.Those girls are his brothers.76.Please have a look my new skirt.77.We sell books in a good price.78.Can you play trumpet? No, I can’t.79.There is a few water(水) on thefloor.80.My teacher often helps me on myEnglish.81.Can you say English?82.I usually go to bed at ten thirtyo’clock.83.Is he often watch morning TV?84.How a funny time to eat breakfast!.85.I need my eraser. Please take it here.86.What’s kind of movies do you like?87.He likes play the violin88.I have a math on Tuesday.89.Because music is relaxing, so Joneslikes it.90.How old is your mother? Her is 40.91.How are you today? I’m very good.92.When is Lucy birthday?93.School start at eight o’clock.94.People usually eat dinner at thenight.95.He works all day and all evening.96.My mother likes to see a book in theevening.97.Can you speak English good? 98.I want to learn a lot of art.99.What club does your sister wants tojoin?100.What can she does?101.I like Beijing Opera, but I don’t like comedy.单句改错(二)。
初一英语上学期改错 新目标.ppt

(C)2.How are you? I’m good, thanks. ( fine/ well )
(D)3. Good afternoon! I’m Li Wei Hua. (Weihua)
(C)4. I’m Gao Hui. What is you name? ( your )
How are you, Mr. Wang? ( How do you do )
(D) 2. Are you Tony Miller? Not, I’m no.(No, I’m)not
(D)3. Are you in class 8? ( Class 8 )
( D)4. Are you Liu Xiaorong? No, I amn’t. ( I’m not)
(B) 5. Hello! I is Tony Smith. ( am )
( C) 6. What’s that in English? That’s a ring. ( It’s)
( C) 1. My baseball is in the chair. ( on / under)
(D)5. Kim’s brother, Tom, has 5 soccers balls. ( soccer)
(A )6. Do she have five pencil cases. (Does )

88.. WWeeaarreeggooininggtotoHHaianainna_tn_h_et_hneenxtehxot lhidoalyid.a_y_.a___w__a__lk__/_w_a_lks
99.. II ddoonn’’tt aaggrreeeetotoyy_oo_u_u, ,twtwininss. .______________ good 1100.. TThhoouugghh cchhiillddrreenn aarree yyoouunn_gg__,, tthheeyy sshhoouulldd bbee
3. Tomcsleaaidnhe was feeling even worst. _______ _____
FInatoheurrteolvdemryedtahyatlilifgehwt teravseeleledmfauscthermthoa_vn_insogutnhdin. w_g_so_.r_s__e________
9. Neithiser you nor I were sending e-mails then _______ 10. A friend of him went_to_Japan last Sunday_______ was
1. N_o_o_n_e of us has been to Bond Beach. _____n_o_ne 2. Jenny as long as her parents have__been to China. _______ 3. I cohualdsn’t fall sleep last night. _______

第18讲写作改错假如你是李华, 学校正在进行“优秀教师”的选举活动,你想选举你的英语老师Daniel为本学期“优秀教师”, 请你给组委会写一封推荐信讲明你选他的理由。
要求:1. 词数50左右;2. 叙事清楚,语句通顺,语意连贯;3. 文中不得出现真实的人名与校名;4. 文章开头已给,不计入总词数。
Dear Sir,Tha nks for reading my letter. I want torecommend (推荐) my English teach er Daniel to be the Best Teacher of the year.SampleDear Sir,Thanks for reading my letter. I want torecommend (推荐) my English teacher Daniel to be the Best Teacher of the year.I’m very li ke Daniel. He look very young. He’s about thirty years old. He favourite color is black. Because he is always wear black T-shirt. He can plays basketball very good. He is very good at it. He is funny, he also vey strict. He wants we study hard. We all like her.Yours sincerelyLi Hua题一:语法填空I’m very like Daniel. He look very young. He’s about thirty years old. He favourite color is black. Because he is always wear black T-shirt. He can plays basketball very good. He is v ery good at it. He is fu nny, he also very strict. He wants we study hard. We all like her.内容提升话题范畴:描写人目的:推荐当选 the Best Teacher of the year要点:谈理由选材:详写性格特征,教学特点结构:总分总结构,有始有终拓展词汇helpful, kind, caring, patient, smart…be strict with sb. in sth.encourage sb. to dohelp sb. with/(to) doget along well with sb.treat sb. as…We can get…/enjoy…/improve…改进之后Dear Sir,Thanks for reading my letter. I want to recommend (推荐) my English teac her Daniel to be the Best Teacher of the year.I like Daniel very much. He looks young and handsome. He is good at playing basketball. He is very kind and he treats us as friends. But he is also strict with us in study. He often encourages us to speak English aloud and helps us to speak English well. We can really enjoy ourselves and i mprove our listening and speaking skills in his clas s.All my classmates feel lucky to be his students. So I hope Daniel can be the Best Teacher of the year.Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Hua第18讲写作改错题一:I’m very like Daniel. He look veryI like Daniel very much. looksyoung. He’s about thirty years old. HeHisfavourite color is black. Because he is, becausealways wear black T-shirt. He canwears a T-shirtsplays basketball very good. He is very good atplay wellit. He is funny, he also very strict. and/but isHe wants we study hard. We all like her.us to him。

七年级(上)英语改错题精选2. It not is my bag.3. I am in Class five..4. -Are you Liu Fang?-No, I amn’t.5. What are eight and six?6.-How old is Bill? -He eleven.8.Bill and I am at school.9.This is our teacher. We love she very much.10 Can you see a pen in picture 1? Yes, I do.10.I often play the basketball at school.11.Let’s to play with them.12.What’s are in the box? There are some apples.I can’t see some books on the table.13.I want take some books to the classroom.14.—Do you have a small bag? —Yes, I have it.15.How many potato are there in the bag?16.It's time for class. Let's go in the classroom.17.Can you speak English? Yes, but only little.18.Mike gets to home at about 4:50 in theafternoon.19.We have many bags. Do you like it?.20.Thank a lot. You’re welcome.21.That’s a her black hat.22.What’s that on English?23.Is this his book? Yes, it’s.24.Please call Mary in 394-627525.Does they have a computer?26.Do you have soccer ball?27.Let’s to go home.28.She watch TV every day.29.Can you see they in the room?30.For lunch, what do Lucy like to eat?31.His parents likes sports and games.32.Does she likes salad?33.She isn’t like apples.34.My father like broccoli very much.35.Where is my new shoes?36.Does your brother have the lunch at school?37.He often play games after school.38.Is these your sisters?39.Her is my grandmother?40.That are my eraser.41.They are my parent.42.Those girls are his brothers.43.There is a few water(水) on the floor.44.My teacher often helps me on my English.45.Can you say English?46.Is he often watch morning TV?47.He likes play the violin48.Because music is relaxing, so Jones likes it.49.How old is your mother? Her is 40.50.How are you today? I’m very good.51.People usually eat dinner at the night.52.My mother likes to see a book in the evening.53.Can you speak English good?54.I want to learn a lot of art.55.What can she does?。

[不定项选择]属于从传播途径上降低噪声的方法的是()。A.在工程设计中改进生产工艺和加工操作方法,降低工艺噪声B.在生产管理和工程质量控制中保持设备良好运转状态,不增加不正常运行噪声C.合理安排建筑物功能和建筑物平面布局,使敏感建筑物远离噪声源,实现"闹静分开"D.采用合 [问答题]在公共场所怎样避震? [单选,A1型题]体外冲击波碎石的禁忌证应除外()A.妊娠B.过于肥胖,影响聚焦C.严重尿路感染D.结石以下有梗阻E.鹿角形结石 [单选]与碱性焊条相比,酸性焊条焊接时所表现出的特点为()。A.存在铁锈和水分时,很少产生氢化孔B.熔渣脱氧较完全C.能有效消除焊缝金属中的硫D.焊缝金属力学性能较好 [单选]导致膀胱肿瘤的危险因素是()A.吸烟B.膀胱慢性感染C.长期接触联苯胺D.上述都是E.上述都不是 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]心衰控制后责任护士向患者及家属进行健康教育,其内容哪项不妥()A.适量运动,以不出现心悸、气短为度B.少量多餐,以减轻心脏负荷C.食谱选择不受限制,以促进食欲D.坚持服药,定期门诊复查E.积极防治风湿热,避免心衰诱因,做好防寒保暖 [单选]关于CT扫描层厚的理解,哪个是错误的()A.层厚是CT扫描技术选择的重要参数B.层厚薄空间分辨率高C.层厚加大,密度分辨率低D.层厚的选择,应根据扫描部位和病变大小决定E.层厚薄,病灶检出率高 [单选]某盐酸合成车间的换热器,其材质应选用()。A.高合金钢B.铸石C.不锈性石墨D.耐蚀陶瓷 [单选]确诊气胸最有价值的项目是()A.胸部X线或CTB.症状C.体征D.病史E.动脉血气分析 [单选]石灰干燥法主要用于下列哪一类药物的储存()。A.根及根茎类B.果实种子类C.少量贵重药及胶类药D.花类药E.以上均不是 [填空题]观赏植物生长发育一般要经过种子萌发、营养生长和()三大时期。 [问

七年级(上)英语改错题精选1. Tom is in Grade One, Class Two.2. It not is my bag.3. I am in Class five.4. -Are you Liu Fang?-No, I amn’t.5. What are eight and six?6.-How old is Bill? -He eleven.7.I’m in No. 4 middle school.8.Bill and I am at school.9.This is our teacher. We love she very much.10.There is a big apple in the tree.11.Can you see a pen in picture 1? Yes, I do.12.Where are my photoes? Can you see them?Sorry, I can’t.13.I often play the basketball at school.14.Let’s to play with them.15.What are in the box? There are some apples.16.There is the pencil and two pens on the desk.17.I can’t see some books on the table.18.I want take some books to the classroom.19.The all boys are here.20.—Do you have a small bag? —Yes, I have it.21.--I think this is a good book..-- I don't think it.22.How many potatos are there in the bag?23.Let's do our homeworks.24.It's time for class. Let's go in the classroom. 25.Each of us have a new desk.26.They each has a bag for sports.27.Can you speak English? Yes, but only little.28.He doesn't like hamburgers and chicken.29.In weekends, what time do you usually run?30.Mike gets to home at about 4:50 in theafternoon.31.Have a look for the picture.32.We have many bags. Do you like it?.33.That’s a her black hat.34.What’s that on English?35.Is that you chair, Mary?36.Is this his book? Yes, it’s.37.Please call Mary in 394-627538.Does they have a computer?39.Do you have soccer ball?40.Let’s to go home.41.She watch TV every day.42.Can you see they in the room?43.His parents likes sports and games.44.Does she likes salad?45.She isn’t like apples.46.My father like broccoli very much.47.Where is my new shoes?48.He often go to see his teacher.49.I think it’s a exciting movie.50.He wants to buys a new dictionary.51.Please write and tell me in your morning.52.He often play games after school.53.Is these your sisters?54.Her is my grandmother?55.That are my eraser.56.They are my parent.57.Those girls are his brothers.58.Please have a look my new skirt.59.There are ismany water(水) on the floor.60.My teacher often helps me on my English.61.Can you say English?.62.Is he often watch morning TV?63.I need my eraser. Please take it here.64.He likes play the violin65.I have a math on Tuesday.66.Because music is relaxing, so Jones likes it.67.How old is your mother? Her is 40.68.How are you today? I’m very good.69.School start at eight o’clock.70.People usually eat dinner at the night.71.My mother likes to see a book in the evening.72.Can you speak English good?73.What club does your sister wants to join?74.What can she does?III.用所给动词适当形式填空1. It is very nice ___________(see) you again.2. Let's _________(go) to school.3. Can Lucy_________(spell) her name?4. Mary _________(look) like her father .5. Jim and his friends ________( go ) to work every day.Jim with his friends ________( go ) to work every day.7.______ (not put ) your coat here ,please.8. Li Lei likes _____ (play ) football.IV.介词操练1. What class are you _______ ?2.Welcome _______ our school.3.Please look ________ your sister .4.We are ________ the same class.5.Jim's parents live _______New York .6.They come ________ England.7.Look _______ the girl ________green.8.It's time _________ supper .9.Give it ________ me ,please.10.Would you like to go ____me ?V.名词 1 变为复数watch family half boy knife child man foot_____ ______ _______ _______ _______ ______ ______ ___people sheep fish baby bus class pencil girl_______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______2.写出英语汤姆的书包_____________ 露西和莉莉的妈妈_______________ 吉姆家的一张照片_____________ 教师节_______________VI.句型转换 A.同义句1.I'm Ma Lili ______ ______ is Ma Lili.2.Where is Tim form ? Where ____ Tim ______ _______?3.Her nose is tall . _____ _____ a tall nose .4.We aren't in the same school. We are______ ____ ______ .5.Please give Barbara the apple. Give the apple ____ ____ _____6.Luck looks like Lily. _____ and _____ look _____ _____.7.Can I help you ? ______ can I _____ _____ you ?8.How much is the pen ? What is the _____ _____the pen ?9.Can you help me ? Can you do _____ ______ ______ ?10.Do you have time this evening ? ____ you ____ this evening ?11.Jack is in Class Two. Mike is in Class Two ,too.Jack and Mike are ______ _______ ______ _______.12.What time is it ? ______ ______ _______ _______?13.What do you think of the coffee ? ____ do you ____ the coffee?B.疑问句1.I have a big house . _____ _____ _____ a big house ?2.She likes watching TV . ______ she ______ watching TV ?3.They are listening to the teacher ._____ _____they _______?4.I'd like a cup of tea . _______ ____ likea cup of tea ?5.She has dark skin and brown hair. _____ _____ she ______?6.I like green. _______ _______ do _____ like ?7.My mother is a teacher . _____ does _____ mother _____ ?8.We want two bottles of milk.____ ____bottles of milk____you ___ ?9.Tigers live about twenty years. ____ _____ do tigers live ?10.The boy under the tree is my friend. _____ ____ is ____ friend ?11.I am in Mr John's class. ______ ______ are you _____ ?12.There aresome books in the box .____ ____ ____books in the box?VII 根据汉语完成下列句子。
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七年级(上)英语改错题精选1. Tom is in Grade One, Class Two.2. It not is my bag.3. I am in Class five.4. -Are you Liu Fang?-No, I amn’t.5. What are eight and six?6.-How old is Bill? -He eleven.7.I’m in No. 4 middle school.8.Bill and I am at school.9.This is our teacher. We love she very much.10.There is a big apple in the tree.11.Can you see a pen in picture 1? Yes, I do.12.Where are my photoes? Can you see them?Sorry, I can’t.13.I often play the basketball at school.14.Let’s to play with them.15.What are in the box? There are some apples.16.There is the pencil and two pens on the desk.17.I can’t see some books on the table.18.I want take some books to the classroom.19.The all boys are here.20.—Do you have a small bag? —Yes, I have it.21.--I think this is a good book..-- I don't think it.22.How many potatos are there in the bag?23.Let's do our homeworks.24.It's time for class. Let's go in the classroom. 25.Each of us have a new desk.26.They each has a bag for sports.27.Can you speak English? Yes, but only little.28.He doesn't like hamburgers and chicken.29.In weekends, what time do you usually run?30.Mike gets to home at about 4:50 in theafternoon.31.Have a look for the picture.32.We have many bags. Do you like it?.33.That’s a her black hat.34.What’s that on English?35.Is that you chair, Mary?36.Is this his book? Yes, it’s.37.Please call Mary in 394-627538.Does they have a computer?39.Do you have soccer ball?40.Let’s to go home.41.She watch TV every day.42.Can you see they in the room?43.His parents likes sports and games.44.Does she likes salad?45.She isn’t like apples.46.My father like broccoli very much.47.Where is my new shoes?48.He often go to see his teacher.49.I think it’s a exciting movie.50.He wants to buys a new dictionary.51.Please write and tell me in your morning.52.He often play games after school.53.Is these your sisters?54.Her is my grandmother?55.That are my eraser.56.They are my parent.57.Those girls are his brothers.58.Please have a look my new skirt.59.There are ismany water(水) on the floor.60.My teacher often helps me on my English.61.Can you say English?.62.Is he often watch morning TV?63.I need my eraser. Please take it here.64.He likes play the violin65.I have a math on Tuesday.66.Because music is relaxing, so Jones likes it.67.How old is your mother? Her is 40.68.How are you today? I’m very good.69.School start at eight o’clock.70.People usually eat dinner at the night.71.My mother likes to see a book in the evening.72.Can you speak English good?73.What club does your sister wants to join?74.What can she does?III.用所给动词适当形式填空1. It is very nice ___________(see) you again.2. Let's _________(go) to school.3. Can Lucy_________(spell) her name?4. Mary _________(look) like her father .5. Jim and his friends ________( go ) to work every day.Jim with his friends ________( go ) to work every day.7.______ (not put ) your coat here ,please.8. Li Lei likes _____ (play ) football.IV.介词操练1. What class are you _______ ?2.Welcome _______ our school.3.Please look ________ your sister .4.We are ________ the same class.5.Jim's parents live _______New York .6.They come ________ England.7.Look _______ the girl ________green.8.It's time _________ supper .9.Give it ________ me ,please.10.Would you like to go ____me ?V.名词 1 变为复数watch family half boy knife child man foot_____ ______ _______ _______ _______ ______ ______ ___people sheep fish baby bus class pencil girl_______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______2.写出英语汤姆的书包_____________ 露西和莉莉的妈妈_______________ 吉姆家的一张照片_____________ 教师节_______________VI.句型转换 A.同义句1.I'm Ma Lili ______ ______ is Ma Lili.2.Where is Tim form ? Where ____ Tim ______ _______?3.Her nose is tall . _____ _____ a tall nose .4.We aren't in the same school. We are______ ____ ______ .5.Please give Barbara the apple. Give the apple ____ ____ _____6.Luck looks like Lily. _____ and _____ look _____ _____.7.Can I help you ? ______ can I _____ _____ you ?8.How much is the pen ? What is the _____ _____the pen ?9.Can you help me ? Can you do _____ ______ ______ ?10.Do you have time this evening ? ____ you ____ this evening ?11.Jack is in Class Two. Mike is in Class Two ,too.Jack and Mike are ______ _______ ______ _______.12.What time is it ? ______ ______ _______ _______?13.What do you think of the coffee ? ____ do you ____ the coffee?B.疑问句1.I have a big house . _____ _____ _____ a big house ?2.She likes watching TV . ______ she ______ watching TV ?3.They are listening to the teacher ._____ _____they _______?4.I'd like a cup of tea . _______ ____ likea cup of tea ?5.She has dark skin and brown hair. _____ _____ she ______?6.I like green. _______ _______ do _____ like ?7.My mother is a teacher . _____ does _____ mother _____ ?8.We want two bottles of milk.____ ____bottles of milk____you ___ ?9.Tigers live about twenty years. ____ _____ do tigers live ?10.The boy under the tree is my friend. _____ ____ is ____ friend ?11.I am in Mr John's class. ______ ______ are you _____ ?12.There aresome books in the box .____ ____ ____books in the box?VII 根据汉语完成下列句子。