Global Positioning System Automatic V ehicle Location SystemBill J. Papatheofanis, Marvin L. Hasenack, Robert T. Teller,and Gerald F. RamseyAbstractLos Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is a unique facility covering over 43 square miles. The Emergency Management and Response Office (EM&R) is required to respond, provide Incident Command(IC), and coordination for all Laboratory emergencies. This requires IC’s and support staffto respond to the actual scene of the incident. Since the IC is under numerous constraints and stress, the office wanted the capability of locating the EM&R vehicles on an electronic map. An automated vehicle location (AVL) system was required for the additional safety of the emergency response personal. The requirements for the AVL system include total automatic tracking and low cost. Mer carefkl consideration, it was determined that the most efficient and cost effective system would be based on packet radio technology as the transmission media. The location is determined by the Department of Defense Global Positioning System (GPS) communicate with each other. The first component was a GPS receiver which actually provides the location information, equipped with a digital hte- to communicate location information remotely. The second component is a modem that interfaces the GPS digital interface information to a radio. The third component is the radio itself which allows for the actual information transfer from the remote GPS receiver and modem. The fourth component is the software package that provides moving maps and displays the vehicle location on that map for the AVL application. This paper describes the steps taken in the integration of the equipment into the AVL package.1. IntroductionLos Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is a unique facility covering over 43 square miles. The Emergency Management and Response (EWR) office has the overall responsibility for coping with and mitigating the effects of any emergency at LANL. The EM&R office supplies an Incident Command (IC) which responds to all laboratory emergencies. This requires the IC and support staff to respond to the actual scene of an incident. The EMBER office wanted the capability of locating their vehicles on an electronic map because of the lack of markings on facilities, unmarked secondary roads, unmarked trails, and the lack of marked terrain fames. This automated location system would provide the additional safety for the IC's in cases where something adverse happens to the responders. Many times the EM&R IC is required to respond to a scene at night or during adverse weather conditions. With the automatic location system the IC can be directed to the scene even if land features are not availabb. The vehicle can also be located if the responderis incapacitated for any reason. Position System (GPS). The satellite based GPS system provides information to special receivers which collect data from several satellites and are then processed by a built in navigational computer. The GPS receiver then displays its location to within 100 feet in a selectable coordinate system. In addition to providing x-y coordinates the receiver calculates altitude, speed, direction of travel, date and time.The simplest method of vehicle tracking using GPS would be to install a receiver in a vehicle, and using a two-way radio, transmit the displayed Coordinates to a dispatcher who can take the received coordinates and mandy plot them on a paper map. Today's technologyenables this process to be totally automated. This paper discusses how to put together a totally automated system using commercial off-theshelf equipment.The automatic vehicle location (AVL) system is based on the Department of Defense Global2. EM&R VehiclesEM&R has two response vehicles which are equipped with AVL. Figure 1 is a photo of the 1994 Chevrolet Suburban which is the primary response vehicle. Figure 2 is a photo of the 1994 Jeep Cherokee which is the back-up vehicle that provides field support for the primary vehicle. Both vehicles cany numerous radios and cellular telephone for communications with the Emergency Operations Center (EOC)and multi agencies which respond to emergencies at LANL. The vehicles also carry documentation on Laboratory information required for the IC’s to carry out their function.3. Vehicle AVL PackageThe vehicle AVL package consists of three components. The first is the GPS unit, the second is the modem, and the third is the radio. Zn this section we will describe each component, the required specifications, and which manufacture’s equipment was u sed (see Appendix 1 for addresses and phone numbers).A. The GPS unit used is a Trimble Scout Master which met all the foxlowing requirements:1. External Antenna - The GPS receiver requkes an outdde remote antenna to work properly when mounted inside a vehicle.2. External Power - The GPS receiver should have external power capabdity. This allows the unit to get power directly from the vehicle and also provides a way of controlling when the receiver is powered on and off.3. Serial Port - This allow the GPS receiver to communicate its position information with an external device via RS-232.4. NEMA 183 Protocol - The output of the GPS receiver’s serial port is programmable for various standard and proprietary protocols. NEMA 183 is the National Electrical Marine Associations 183 standard protocol which has become a standard in the GPS world. Most commercial mapping SaRWare recognizes the NEMA I83 protocol as well as do most radio modems.B. The radio modem used is a Kantronics WM1200 packet radio modem. Thismodem met all of the following requirements:1. Packet Radio Standard AX.25 Protocol - This protocol provides a standardtransmission method which is specifically written for radio networking and provides error correction.2. Radio Interface - This modem is specifically manufactured to be connected to a radio.3. GPS Ready - The wM1200 has built-in software specifically written tointerpret NEMA 183 sentences from a G PS receiver and then broadcast them over theradio.4. Unique Identification - Each modem has a unique programmable identifkation callsign. The call sign allows each vehicle to have a unique address.5. Programmable Reporting - The modem allows the user to program vehicle reporting intervals allowing the system optimization.C. The radio used was a Motorola Maxtrac 300. This radio was selected because of the following features:1. External programmable interface - The Motorola Maxtrac 300 radio has a 16 pin external programmable interface. This interface is programmable through the radios programming software which allows the user to program the functionality of each pin onthe 16 pin connector. This feature allows the modem to interface with the correct internal radio circuits to hction most efficiently. This also allows for all the wiring to beexternal to the radio: no wires hang out from the inside of the radio that could provide interference paths to the radio and the modem.2. Multiple encodeldecode capability - The Motorola Maxtrac 300 is capable of generating and detecting all standard coded squelch signaling. This allows the radio toprovide the necessary signaling to access the repeater. This also allows the same radio channel to be used for both data and voice without the two modes interfering with each other.4. RepeaterThe LANL system required a repeater for reliable coverage over the 43 square mile complex and additional areas outside the Laboratory. The repeater is required due to the propagation o f V ” F radio being limited to line of sight. As LANL, terrain varies fiom mountain top to canyon bottom, the repeater was located on top of Pajarito Mountain which overlooks most of the Laboratory. The repeater is a Motorola Quanta Repeater which is a standard repeater station. The standard voice repeater was chosen over a digital repeater to avoid the hidden station problem. Digital repeaters rely on store forward technology which allows the repeater to transmit and receive on a single fiequency. The digital repeater does not retransmit received signal simultaneously. It actually receives data, stores the data in a buffer, and then transmits the data from the buffer. The store forward repeater can hear all the stations on the network, but they cannot hear each other. The hidden station problem occurs when all the stations cannot hear each other, allowing multiple stations to try to transmit at the same time causiig interference.5. Base StationThe base station is located at the EOC and consists of four components. The first two are the same 85 in the vehicle paw: the radio and the modem. The third component is a computer which is capable of running the software to interpret the received data and display that data on a map. The computer for this installation is an IBM PC. The fourth component is the software itself. The software package that we have implemented on the system is from ERM. ERM software is specifically written to interpret NEMA 183 sentences anddisplay this hfbrmation an a moving map. The ERN sohare is very sophisticated and provides not only location information but is capable of displaying and recording multiple vehicle’s positions at the same time.6. Vehicle ConfigurationThe equipment was selected and initial tests were performed on the bench. When it was time to integrate the components into a vehicular package, the first attempt was under the premise that the vehicle users should have access to the GPS unit so that they know their position information as well as the same equipment peiforming the AVL bction. This did work for a short period of time, however, problems with the AVL started to OCCUT which were traced back to the GPS unit being set to erroneous parameters. Everyone that saw the GFS unit in the vehicle had to press all the buttons which placed the Unit in an unusable operating state. At that point, we decided that the system should operate autonoumsly and the equipment should be packaged in a “Black Box” without any user selectable options. Figure 3 is an assembleThe next issue was where to put the boxes in both of the vehicles so that they w ere protected from daily vehicle use. In the Suburban, the “Black BOX” was located underneath the pull out drawer that is in the cargo campartanent of the vehicle (see Figure 5). In the Jeep, the “Black Box” was mounted in the rear cargo compartment next to one of the other radios (see Figure 6).iagram of the “BIack Box”. Figure 4 is a photo of the inside of one of the actual boxes.The other problem that we encountered was where to mount the GPS antennas on the vehicles. The antennas that came with the GPS units were intended to be temporarily mounted using a built in magnetic base. The units also came with a mast mount which is great for mounting the antenna on a boat mast. The mast mount adapter mounted to the bottom of the antenna with four screws. The four screw mount was used to mount the antennas on top of the emergency fight bar on each vehicle. Figure 7 is a photo of the antenna mounted on one of the light bars.9. ConclusionThe system described in this paper is in operation today and is providing location information to LANL”s EM&R EOC. The two emergency vehicles have been in operation for two months and continue to operate without any problems. This project met all of the requirements for a low cost reliable AVL system.10. AcknowledgmentsSpecial Thanks to the following people who made this project possible. Doug Tuggle, FSS-20, for providing coordination in vehicle availability. Dave Howard, FSS-20, for computer support and photographs. Abedon Ortiz Jr. and Pedro W. Romero, CIC-4, for installing the boxes and communications equipment on both of the emergency vehicles. Midshipman Matthew W. Fan, USN, for assisting in drawings and assembly.。
中英文资料对照外文翻译Intelligent VehicleOur society is awash in “machine intelligence” of various kinds.Over the last century, we have witnessed more and more of the “drudgery” of daily living being replaced by devices such as washing machines.One remaining area of both drudgery and danger, however, is the daily act ofdriving automobiles. 1.2million people were killed in traffic crashes in 2002, which was 2.1% of all globaldeaths and the 11th ranked cause of death . If this trend continues, an estimated 8.5 million people will be dying every year in road crashes by 2020. in fact, the U.S. Department of Transportation has estimated the overall societal cost of road crashes annually in the United States at greater than $230 billion .when hundreds or thousands of vehicles are sharing the same roads at the same time, leading to the all too familiar experience of congested traffic. Traffic congestion undermines our quality of life in the same way air pollution undermines public health.Around 1990, road transportation professionals began to apply them to traffic and road management. Thus was born the intelligent transportation system (ITS). Starting in the late 1990s, ITS systems were developed and deployed。
B P网络学 习算法 的改进
11 B . P网络 学 习算法 的缺 陷
目前对汽车车型的自动识别广泛采用 的方法是基于 B P算法 的多层前馈神经网络 。B P网络实质上是 对任意非线性映射关系的一种逼近, 由于采用的是全局逼近方法 , 因而 B P网络具有较好 的泛化能力。但 由 于B P算法具有一些特定的局限性 , 其学习过程容易陷入误差函数的局部极值点 , E的超曲面可能存在多 即
M2( ,) √l z =
( )
( ,) +1 z l z I ( ,) wi
en a( )
() 3
() 4
其中 V ( 和 w; ( ,) ,) z 分别为原图 像的水平和垂直方向的边缘信息。
若图像 厂 , 二阶小波变换的局部极值点是点( , )在该点上 , ( ) , 则沿着由 A2 , 给定 的梯度 ( ) 方向上的 w2 , ) ( 为局部最大 , 即在尺度为 2 时, 图像 厂 , 的灰度突变点对 应于沿梯度方 向的 ( ) ( ) z , 局部极大值。这些取极大值点 的位置就给出了图像的一个多尺度边缘。通过对不 同种类车型 的识别结果表明, 这种基于小波变换模局部极大值的多尺度边缘检测方法 , 能够较好地检测出所有车型的轮 廓信息 , 是一种 比较有效的边缘检测方法 , 为后续 的车型特征值的提取和分类打下了良好的基础 。 2 2 车型 的特 征提取 和识 别 .
要: 在分析 了 B P网络学习算 法的缺陷基础上 , 引入动 量项和遗传 算法对 B P网络学习算法进行改进 。利用小波
多尺度边缘检测对汽车车型图像进行分 割和特征提取 , 利用矩不变量特征 和改进 B P神经 网络对 汽车车型进 行 自动
识别 和分类 。提高了汽车车型 自 动识别 和分 类的速度和正 确率 。 关 键 词 :P网络 ; B 动量项 ; 遗传算法 ; 矩不变量 ; 汽车车 型 自动识 别
拟路谱技术和基于机器学习的路谱识别技术。前者首 先通过激光扫描技术获取试验场路面不平度信号,然 后对包括轮胎、衬套悬置等弹性元件的整车模型进行 动力学仿真分析 ;后 [1-4] 者首先利用合适的机器学习模 型直接根据方便测量的整车参数预测道路载荷,然后 利用整车动力学仿真分析获取底盘结构件的动态响 应载荷 。 [5-8] 通过对比这 2 种方法,发现与虚拟路谱技术 相比,基于机器学习的路谱识别技术省去了操作复杂且 代价高昂的路面不平度测量工作,且不需要在整车动力 学模型中建立轮胎模型。
经 网 络(DCNN-LSTM)模 型 ,提 出 了 基 于 数 据 驱 动 的 整 车 轮 心 载 荷 预 测 方 法 。 对 比 试 验 结 果 表 明 ,该 方 法 预 测 的 整 车 轮 心
主题词:道路载荷 深度学习 数据库 疲劳耐久分析 深度卷积神经网络 长短期记忆
每小块求取统计值(如均值或最大值)即可得到池化层 的输出信息。在整车道路载荷预测中,需要处理的汽车
算和求和运算,然后通过非线性转换获得卷积层的输出 信息。在池化层,输入的数据被分为很多小块,通过对
运行参数属于一维时序数据,因此 DCNN 层选用如图 2 所示的一维卷积神经网络层。
x(1) x(2)
x(S - 1) x(S)
1 前言
在现有的汽车底盘结构疲劳耐久分析流程中,为了 获得整车的道路载荷谱,通常需要在项目开发早期开展 整车道路耐久试验,该试验需要特制的试制样车、测量 设备、试验场所以及数周的试验时间。随着控制成本和 缩减开发周期的要求日益严格,道路试验成本高、周期 长的问题更加突出,亟待解决。
文章编号:1002—8692(2008)S1-0140—03基于B P神经网络算法的车牌字符识别系统设计张玲,张呜明,何伟(重庆大学通信工程学院,重庆400030)·实用设计·【摘要】构建车牌字符识别系统,并对系统中B P网络反传学习速率进行改进,提高了识别率并降低学习时间;在特征提取上针对汉字综合采用非均匀网格特征和外围特征提取法,字母与数字采用均匀粗网格特征加笔划密度特征提取法。
采用B P算法增强了车牌识别的容错性、鲁棒性。
【关键词】车牌识别;B P算法;特征提取;神经网络;字符识别【中图分类号】TP391.41【文献标识码】AD es i gn of L i cens e Pl at e C ha r act er R ecogn i t i on Syst e m B a se d o n B P N e ur a l N et w or kZ H A N G L i n g,Z H A N G M i ng-m i ng,H E W e i(Co l l ege of C om m uni c at i on E ng i neer i ng,C ho ngqi ng U ni ve rs饥C hongqi ng400030,C hi na)【A bs t ra ct】A l i cens e pl at e cha r act er r ecogni t i on sys t em i s con st r uc t ed,a nd t he r ecogni t i on r a te i s i m pr o ved。
Lear ni n g t i m e i s als o de cr ea sed by i m pr ov i ng t he B ack Propagat i on(B P)net w ork.O n t he f eat ur e ext r act i on,C h i nese char act er s non—uni f orm鲥d 。
中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Intelligent vehicle is a use of computer, sensor, information, communication, navigation, artificial intelligence and automatic control technology to realize the environment awareness, planning decision and automatic drive of high and new technology. It in aspects such as military, civil and scientific research has received application, to solve the traffic safety provides a new way.With the rapid development of automobile industry, the research about the car is becoming more and more attention by people. Contest of national competition and the province of electronic intelligent car almostevery time this aspect of the topic, the national various universities are also attaches great importance to research on the topic, many countries have put the electronic design competition as a strategic means of innovative education. Electronic design involving multiple disciplines, machinery and electronics, sensor technology, automatic control technology, artificial intelligent control, computer and communication technology, etc., is a high-tech in the field of many. Electronic design technology, it is a national high-tech instance is one of the most important standard, its research significance is greatThe design though just a demo model, but is full of scientific and practical. First we according to the complex situation of road traffic, in accordance with the appropriate author to make a road model, including bend, straight and pavement set obstacles, etc. On curved and straight, the car along the orbit free exercise, when the small car meet obstacles, pulse modulation infrared sensors to detect the signal sent to the microcontroller, a corresponding control signal according to the program MCU control cars automatically avoid obstacles, to carry on the back, forward, turn left, turn rightSubject partsIntelligent vehicle is a concentration of environment awareness, planning decision, multi-scale auxiliary driving, and other functions in an integrated system, is an important part of intelligent transportation system.In military, civilian, space exploration and other fields has a broad application prospect. The design of smart car control system are studied, based on path planning is a process of the intelligent car control system2.1 theory is put forwardThe progress of science and technology of intelligent led products, but also accelerated the pace of development, MCU application scope of its application is increasingly wide, has gone far beyond the field of computer science. Small to toys, credit CARDS, big to the space shuttle, robots, from data acquisition, remote control and fuzzy control, intelligent systems with the human daily life, everywhere is dependent on the single chip microcomputer, this design is a typical application of single chip microcomputer. This design by implementing the driverless car, on the tests, by the reaction of the single chip microcomputer to control the car, make its become intelligent, automatic forward, turn and stop function, after continuing the perfection of this system also can be applied to road testing, security patrol, can meet the needs of society.In design, the use of the sensors to detect road surface condition, sensor central sea are faint and adopts a comparing amplifier amplification, and the signal input to the controller, the controlled end using stepper motor, because of the step motor is controlled electrical pulse, as long as the output from the controller to satisfy stepper motor merits of fixed control word. In operation of stepping motor and a drivingcircuit, it also to join a drive circuit in the circuit, each function module is different to the requirement of power supply current, the power supply part set up conversion circuit, so as to meet the needs of the various parts. After comparison choice element, design the circuit principle diagram and the circuit board, and do the debugging of hardware, system software and hardware is often the combination of organic whole. Software, on the use of the 51 single-chip timer interrupt to control pavement test interval and the car movement and speed. Due to take that road is simple, it is using more traditional assembly language for programming. For the correctness of the program design, using a commonly used keil c51 simulation software simulation validation, the last is integrated debugging of software and hardware, and prove the correctness and feasibility of the design scheme.2.2 electronic intelligent car design requirements(1) electric vehicles can be able to according to the course to run all the way; (2) electric vehicles can store and display the number of detected metal and sheet metal to the starting line in the distance; (3) are accurately electric cars after exercising all the way to the display of the electric vehicle the entire exercise time; (4) electric cars can't collisions with obstacles in the process of exercise.2.3 the general conception of computer network teaching websiteUsing 89 c51 as the car's control unit, sensor eight-way from outside,in the front of the car, as a black belt in the process of the car into the garage detecting element, at the rear end of the car when connected to eight-channel infrared sensors as the car pulled out of the garage of a black belt in detecting element, the LJ18A3-8 - Z/BX inductive proximity switch as garage iron detecting element, the microcontroller after receiving sensor detects the signal through the corresponding procedures to control the car forward, backward, turn, so that the car's performance indicators meet the requirements of the design.Intelligent car is a branch of intelligent vehicle research. It with the wheel as mobile mechanism, to realize the autonomous driving, so we call it the smart car. Smart car with the basic characteristics of the robot, easy to programming. It with remote control car the difference is that the latter requires the operator to control the steering, start-stop and in a more advanced remote control car can also control the speed (common model car belong to this type of remote control car); The smart car Is to be implemented by computer programming for the car stop, driving direction and speed control, without human intervention. Operator the smart car can be changed by a computer program or some data to change its drive type. This change can be controlled through programming, the characteristics of the car driving way is the biggest characteristic of smart car. The control system of smart car research purpose is to make the car driving with higher autonomy. If any given car a path, through the system,the car can get system for path after image processing of data moving and Angle (a), and can be scheduled path, according to the displacement and Angle information.The control system structure analysisAccording to the above design idea, the structure of the intelligent car control system can be divided into two layers1, the planning layerPC control system, the planning layer provides the information of the whole car driving, including path processing module and communication module. It has to solve the basic problem(1) using what tools to deal with the car path graph;(2) the car movement model is established, the data to calculate the car driving;(3) set up the car's motion model, the data to calculate the car driving;Layer 2, behaviorLower machine control system, the behavior is the underlying structure of a smart car control system, realize the real-time control of the car driving, it includes communication module, motor control module and data acquisition module. It to solve the basic problems are:(1) receiving, processing, PC sends data information;(2) the design of stepping motor control system;(3) information collection and the displacement and Angle of the car, car positioning posture, analysis system control error;The total design schemeSmart car control system are obtained by system structure, order process:(1) start AutoCAD, create or select a closed curve as the cart path, pick up the car starting $path graph(2) to choose the path of the graphics processing, make the car turning exist outside the minimum turning radius of edges and corners with circular arc transition(3) to generate a new path to simulate the motion process of car;(4) to calculate the displacement of the car driving need and wheel Angle, and then sends the data to the machine(5) under the machine after receiving data, through software programming control the rotation speed and Angle of the car wheels and make it according to the predetermined path A complete control system requirements closely linked to each function module in the system, according to the order process and the relationship between them, the total design scheme of the system is available.Design of basically has the following several modulesPart 1, the information acquisition module, data collection is composed of photoelectric detection and operation amplifier module,photoelectric detection were tracing test and speed test of two parts. To detect the signal after budget amplifier module lm324 amplifier plastic to single chip, its core part is several photoelectric sensor.2, control processing module: control processing module is a stc89c52 MCU as the core, the microcontroller will be collected from the information after the judgement, in accordance with a predetermined algorithm processing, and the handling results to the motor drive and a liquid crystal display module, makes the corresponding action.3, perform module: executable module consists of liquid crystal display (LCD), motor drive and motor, buzzer of three parts. LCD is mainly based on the results of single chip real-time display, convenient and timely users understand the current state of the system, motor driver based on single chip microcomputer instruction for two motor movements, can according to need to make the corresponding acceleration, deceleration, turning, parking and other movements, in order to achieve the desired purpose. Buzzer is mainly according to the requirements in a particular position to make a response to the report.译文一、引言智能车辆是一个运用计算机、传感、信息、通信、导航、人工智能及自动控制等技术来实现环境感知、规划决策和自动行驶为一体的高新技术综合体。
基于BP分类器的数字识别研究作者:李恩佳高庆敏李慧朱娟来源:《科技创新导报》2011年第27期摘要:本文通过分析BP(Back Propogation)神经网络的结构、原理及其算法,对已经经过预处理的图像进行分析和识别,使分类器能够对0~9之间的数字在最短的时间进行准确分类,从而达到识别出图片中的数字。
关键词:BP神经网络数字识别BP算法分类中图分类号:TP391.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2011)09(c)-0109-01引言人工神经网络,即从生物学神经系统的信号传递而抽象发展而成的一门科学。
1 BP(Back Propagation)神经网络人工神经网络是从生物学神经系统的信号传递而抽象发展而成的一门科学。
Intelligent Vehicles
Steve Shladover outlines the benefits to be gained from vehicles ['vi??k(ə)l] that could drive themselves and discusses how this could be achieved.斯蒂夫·施多弗阐述了能自动运行的车辆的诸多裨益,并详细论述了如何将其变为现实。
Intelligent Vehicles [in'telidʒent] Steve Shladover1 Even when cars were still young, futurists ['fju:tʃərist] began thinking about vehicles that could drive themselves, without human help. Perhaps the best known of these conjectures [kən'dʒektʃə] was the General Motors Futurama[,fju:tʃə'ræmə], the hit of the 1939 New York World's Fair[fεə] . Now, at the start of the new century, it's worth taking a fresh look at this concept and asking how automation might change transportation and the quality of our lives.[laivz]Fair[fεə]n. 展览会;市集;美人adj. 公平的;美丽的,白皙的;[气象] 晴朗的adv. 公平地;直接地;清楚地网络释义:公平的集市交易会fresh [freʃ] n. 开始;新生;泛滥adj. 新鲜的;清新的;淡水的;无经验的adv. 刚刚,才;最新地网络释义:新鲜的清新的鲜艳的concept ['kɔnsept] n. 观念,概念智能车辆斯蒂夫·施多弗还在汽车问世之初,未来学家就开始设想无需人来操纵便能自动运行的车辆将是什么样儿的。
当前对车辆检测分类技术的研究主要有两个技术流派:车辆自动识别(Auto Ve hlcle Identification)和车辆自动分类(AutoVehicle Classification)。
BP神经网络方法对车牌照字符的识别 精品
第一章概述1.1 基本概念随着21世纪经济全球化和信息时代的到来,计算机技术、通信技术和计算机网络技术迅猛发展,自动化的信息处理能力和水平不断提高,并在人们社会活动和生活的各个领域得到广泛应用。
车辆牌照识别(License Plate Recognition, LPR)技术作为交通管理自动化的重要手段,其任务是分析、处理汽车监控图像,自动识别汽车牌号,并进行相关智能化数据库管理。
识 别 , 而 且 识 别 率 非 常 高 ,成 本 低 廉 ,安 装 方 便
实 用 ,对 环境 几 乎 没 有 任 何 要 求 。该 系统 为 车 型 的 识 别提 供一 个可 靠实 用 的解 决方 案 。
' l
收稿 日期:2 0 1 2 - 0 9 - 0 2 作者简 介:罗瑞 ( 1 9 8 0一),女 ,云 南建水人 ,讲师 ,学士 ,主要从事 自动控制 研究 。 第3 5 卷 第2 期 2 0 1 3 —0 2 ( 上) 【 8 9 】
1 车型分类 于特征 参数提 取
在 我 国道 路上 行 驶 的 车 辆 主 要 是 两 大 类 :乘
Hale Waihona Puke 用 车 和 商 用 车 。乘 用 车 主 要 包 括 微 型 车 ,轿 车 , S UV,MP V以 及 跨界 车 ;商 用 车 主 要 包含 客 车 , 货 车 , 以及 特 殊 工 程 车 辆 。通 过 大 量 车 型 统 计 , 表1 给 出了 目前 中国道 路 上 行驶 部 分车 辆 的车 高 以
务I 造 匐 化
基于红 外对管及B P 神经 网络的车型识别
Vehi cl e i dent i f i cat i on bas ed on i nf r ar ed t ube and BP neur al net w or k
瑞,张 自红
L UO Ru i . ZHANG Zi . Ho n g
( 红河学院 工学院 ,蒙 自 6 6 1 1 0 0 ) 摘 要 :针 对高速公路 收费 、停车 场 、城市 道路监控等 车型识别 问题 ,本文 提出运用红外 对管和B P 神 经网络的 车型识别 系统。该 系统包含 S T M3 2 F 1 0 3 型号C P U ,通过该系 统能够获得 车型数据 ,
实现人工智能(Artificial Intelligence ,AI )是人类长期以来共同追求的目标[1]。
作为AI 的一个重要分支,人工神经网络(Artificial Neural Network ,ANN )是基于模仿生物大脑的结构和功能而构成的一种信息处理系统,可以代替人脑有效地处理一些复杂问题,从而推动AI 的发展。
ANN 是由大量处理单元即神经元互连而成的网络,也常简称为神经网络或类神经网络[3]。
本文首先介绍了反向传播(Back Propagation ,BP )与径向基函数(Radial Basis Function ,RBF )两种发展较成熟、应用较广的ANN 模型理论;其次介绍了与机器学习、深度学习有关的卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks ,CNN )相关的ANN 模型理论;再次介绍了ANN 在岩土工程领域的应用,包括预测与监控等;最后给出对ANN 的总结与展望。
1BP 与RBF 神经网络模型1.1BP 神经网络原理与设计过程BP 神经网络是最传统的神经网络,也是目前应用最广泛的神经网络。
图1为BP 神经网络模型的拓扑结构示意图。
各层之间数据输入与输出的过程以第i 个神经元为例,说明数据输入与输出的具体步骤。
下面小编整理了中英文对照的科技文章,希望大家喜欢!中英文对照的科技文章摘抄百度无人车在美获准路试Beijing Baidu said it would soon begin testing driverless cars on US roads, as China’s largestsearch engine looks to draw alongside the likes of Google and Tesla in developing autonomousvehicles.百度(Baidu)表示将很快在美国道路上测试无人驾驶汽车,中国最大搜索引擎正在向谷歌(Google)、特斯拉(Tesla)等公司靠拢,研发自动驾驶汽车。
Wang Jing, general manager of Baidu’s Autonomous Driving Unit, said the CaliforniaDepartment of Motor Vehicles had issued Baidu USA an autonomous vehicle testing permit.百度自动驾驶事业部总经理王劲表示,美国加州机动车辆管理局(Department of Motor Vehicles)已向百度美国(Baidu USA)发放自动驾驶汽车上路测试牌照。
We will start testing our autonomous driving technologies on public roads very soon inCalifornia, he said.王劲表示,百度将很快在加州的公共道路上展开无人车测试。
Baidu has already built a strong team in Silicon Valley to develop autonomous drivingtechnologies, and being able to do road tests will greatly accelerate progress.百度在硅谷已建立了一个强大团队开发自动驾驶技术,而能够上路测试将极大地加快进度。
Intelligent Car
Intelligent CarIn the wake of the computer and information revolutions, motor vehicles are undergoing the most dramatic changes in their capabilities and how they interact with drivers since the early years of the century.In 1908, Henry Ford's Model T exemplified major breakthroughs in automotive design. Not only did its interchangeable parts inaugurate easy and economical mass production, but its "user-friendly" operation allowed almost anyone to drive. Nearly 90 years later, the motor vehicle is resembling less and less Ford's simple machine and quickly becoming a complex "mobile computer", capable of acting as a navigator, a safeguard, and even, a second driver. These new capabilities will not only change how we drive; intelligent vehicles could also enhance transportation services, save lives, and bolster the competitiveness of U.S. industries.However, intelligent vehicles aren't quite here. Instead, the components that make vehicles smarter -- new information, safety, and automation technologies -- are arriving on the market as piecemeal accessories, offered either as optional equipment by new vehicle manufacturers or as speciality components by after-market suppliers. These technologies are being developed and marketed to increase driver safety, performance, and convenience. These individual technologies, however, have yet to be integrated to create a fully intelligent vehicle that works cooperatively with the driver.The automotive industry is already aware of and addressing potential problems associated with the uncoordinated influx of technology. But their progress is hampered by technical and economic obstacles, uncertain consumer interest, and insufficient standards and guidelines. Also, neither original vehicle manufacturers or government regulators (unless safety problems are clearly proven) have control over after-market products, especially their use in trucks and buses. However, without a "human-centered" design approach for the intelligent vehicle that attempts to integrate andcoordinate various technologies, we may not only lose the opportunity to realize the benefits offered by new in-vehicle technologies, but we could inadvertently degrade driving safety and performance.Recognizing the importance of smart vehicles and the potential for unintended consequences if human factors are not placed at the center of their design, DOT launched the Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) in 1997. This initiative aims to accelerate the development, availability, and use of integrated in-vehicle systems that help drivers of cars, trucks, and buses operate more safely and effectively.The 1980s television series "Knight Rider" featured an intelligent vehicle that could leap moderately tall buildings, drive itself at seemingly supersonic speeds, spy on bad guys, and had the diction and personality of an English butler. The car was not only smart, but smart-alecky. Although intelligent vehicles in the real world will not be able to fly over standing traffic, they will have formidable capabilities. As envisioned by IVI, smart vehicles will be able to give route directions, sense objects, warn drivers of impending collisions, automatically signal for help in emergencies, keep drivers alert, and may ultimately be able to take over driving.The use of information- and computer-based technologies in motor vehicles, however, is not new. Widescale computerization of motor vehicles began in the 1980s with technologies designed to enhance vehicle operation and driver comfort. These technologies included electronic fuel injection to control engine performance, particularly to reduce vehicular emissions and improve fuel economy, antilock braking systems to help drivers retain control on slippery roads, and cruise control to relieve driver tedium during long stretches of driving. Whereas these technologies were primarily aimed at enhancing the capabilities of the vehicle, the most recent wave of in-vehicle technology, which is of most interest to IVI, are the intelligent transportation systems designed to enhance the capabilities of the driver. These systems include warning and information, driver assistance, and automation technologies.Just as people possess different specialized abilities, in-vehicle ITS technologies endow vehicles with different types and levels of "intelligence" to complement the driver. Driver information systems expand the driver's knowledge of routes and locations. Warning systems, such as collision-avoidance technologies, enhance the driver's ability to sense what's going on in the surrounding environment. And driver assistance and automation technologies simulate a driver's thinking and physical actions to operate a vehicle temporarily during emergencies or for prolonged periods.But while a smart vehicle will extend the driver's capabilities, it will also potentially expand the driver's traditional role. In particular, in the midst of new in-vehicle technologies, the human role expands from that of sensory-motor skill, writes Thomas Sheridan, a professor who heads the Human-Machine Systems Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), "to that of planner, programmer, monitor of the automation, diagnostician ..., learner and manager."8Integration: The Key to Human-Centered DesignA key criteria of human-centered design is ensuring that a technology provides the intended benefits without engendering unintended adverse consequences. Driving is a potentially dangerous activity that requires attentive and alert drivers. Although technologies in the vehicle can enhance the driver's capabilities and comfort, they can also create potential distractions that transform even the best driver into a road hazard. The National Public Services Research Institute, for example, found that individuals with cellular phones in their cars had a 34-percent higher chance of having a collision ITS research has already shown the benefits and feasibility of many of the technologies that will be contained within intelligent vehicles:Route guidance systems will help drivers better navigate unfamiliar streets or find the quickest route to their destinations. In the TravTek field test in Orlando, sponsored by DOT in 1992 and 1993, tourists driving vehicles equipped with route guidance systems made 30 percent fewer wrong turns and shortened their travel times by 20 percent compared to drivers who usedpaper maps.Collision-avoidance systems will expand the paradigm of traffic safety from protecting the occupant of the vehicle to preventing accidents altogether. According to one study, 60 percent of crashes at intersections and about 30 percent of head-on collisions could be avoided if drivers had an additional half-second to react. Nearly 75 percent of vehicular crashes are caused by inattentive drivers. NHTSA estimates that three types of collision-avoidance systems could prevent 1.1 million accidents in the United States each year -- 17 percent of all traffic accidents. These same systems would save 17,500 lives (compared to the 10,500 lives saved by seatbelts and airbags) and $26 billion in accident-related costs. Other safety innovations that are now in testing include automatic collision notification systems, which will immediately signal for help if a vehicle's air bag deploys, and drowsy-driver warning systems that will keep drivers from falling asleep at the wheel.In-vehicle automation systems will temporarily take over driving during emergencies or allow autopiloting for prolonged durations. In 1996, NHTSA began field testing intelligent cruise-control systems, which will automatically adjust a vehicle's cruising speed to maintain a safe distance from vehicles ahead, to evaluate the safety impact of this technology. In a more dramatic step towards "hands-off, feet-off" driving, the National Automated Highway Systems Consortium (NAHSC), which is a partnership of DOT and nine other public and private organizations, demonstrated automated vehicle prototypes on a 12-kilometer test section of I-15 in San Diego this past summer. In the future, automated highway systems will allow traffic managers to double or even triple the effective capacity of highways by increasing speeds and shortening distances between vehicles. Automated highways could also potentially improve highway safety by eliminating accidents caused by human error.Aside from delivering safety and efficiency benefits for the traveling public, the federal government expects that indigenous development of intelligent vehicles could promote America's economic competitiveness.For intelligent vehicles to reach their maximum potential, they must be able to communicate with an intelligent transportation infrastructure and with other intelligent vehicles. For example, communication with a smart infrastructure would allow an intelligent vehicle to learn of incidents and then proactively suggest alternative routes in real time. Smart vehicles could also act as probes that could send information about travel conditions back to the infrastructure to create a richer base of knowledge about travel conditions on roads and highways. In addition, fully automated vehicles will likely rely to some extent on the guidance provided by an intelligent infrastructure and on communication with other smart vehicles. For example, in the recent AHS demonstration in San Diego, automated vehicles with magnetic sensors under their bumpers were guided by magnets implanted at 1.2 meter intervals just below the road surface.Over the next five to 10 years, we should see the first generation with advances in the capabilities of individual driver information and warning systems. These systems will become increasingly integrated with information coordinated through displays. Drivers will still maintain full control over their vehicles although collision-warning systems will provide limited automated assistance. In addition, vehicles would have a greater intelligence about road conditions in real time due to rudimentary communications with an intelligent infrastructure.In about 10 to 15 years, the application of improvements in individual ITS systems will bring on a second generation with more and better intelligence in the vehicle. Although drivers will still maintain full control over their vehicles, collision-avoidance systems could take control temporarily during emergencies. In addition, more sophisticated voice recognition systems will be incorporated within the driver-vehicle interface. Vehicles will be able to communicate with each other to improve collision-avoidance capabilities. And communications with an intelligent infrastructure will be more interactive.In about 20 years, in the third generation, we could see fully automated highway systems, cooperative systems of vehicles and infrastructure, andadvances in the driver-vehicle interface, such as use of vision enhancements and head-up displays.Looking back on a century inundated by technology, the motor vehicle stands out as a singularly dynamic invention. In the next century, this dynamism will be driven by advances in information and computer technology. Our challenge is to ensure that new information, safety, and automation technologies are integrated to create human-centered intelligent vehicles that can advance safety, surface transportation efficiency, and economic competitiveness.。
基 础 ,提 出 了 1 种 具 有 高 准 确 率 的 车 型 分 类 方 法 。 该方法重点建立 了 1 种 多 层 特 征 选 择 模 式,得 到 最优分类特征组合。 提 出 了 聚 类 支 持 向 量 机 (C- SVM)的 车 辆 分 类 方 法,并 且 采 用 微 粒 群 算 法 (PSO)对 C-SVM 算子 中 的 两 个 核 心 参 数 进 行 了 优化,建立了具有 良 好 学 习 和 识 别 能 力 的 车 型 分 类器。构建了二 叉 树 的 分 类 模 式,即 每 一 步 通 过 特征选择方法获 取 相 应 最 优 的 特 征 组 合,再 进 行 样本的学习并建立 C-SVM 分 类 器 以 进 行 二 类 车 型分类。
0 引 言
车辆检测和识别技术是智能交通研究的关键 技术之一,它为智 能 交 通 系 统 提 供 了 必 要 的 信 息 来源,为其快 速 发 展 提 供 良 好 条 件。 目 前 国 内 外 大 部 分 停 车 场 、公 交 专 用 道 、市 内 交 通 监 控 以 及 路 桥收费等交通管理设施和系统都需要对车型进行 分类识别。
交通信息与安全 2012年 5期 第30卷 总171期
初 步 提 取 的 结 构 特 征 见 表 1。
布 的 特 点 ,本 文 提 取 的 频 谱 特 征 见 表 2。
表 1 结 构 特 征 Tab.1 Structural features
表 2 频 谱 特 征 Tab.2 Spectrum features
所提取的波 形 分 类 特 征 可 分 为 3 大 类:结 构 特 征 、频 谱 特 征 和 数 值 特 征 。
1)结构 特 征。 波 形 的 结 构 特 征 主 要 反 映 不 同 车 型 的 波 形 的 形 状 差 异 ,即 在 波 形 的 结 构 、波 动 程 度 、波 形 表 观 等 方 面 体 现 不 同 车 型 差 异 的 特 征 ,
智能网联汽车作文两千字Intelligent connected vehicles, also known as smart connected cars or smart cars, are vehicles equipped with advanced technologies that enable them to connect to the internet and other vehicles, as well as communicate with the surrounding environment. These vehicles are revolutionizing the automotive industry and transforming the way we drive and travel.Intelligent connected vehicles offer numerous benefits and advantages. Firstly, they enhance road safety. Through the use of sensors, cameras, and artificial intelligence, these vehicles can detect potential hazards and avoid accidents. For example, if a pedestrian suddenly crosses the road, the smart car can automatically apply the brakes to prevent a collision. This technology has the potential to significantly reduce the number of accidents and save lives.In addition to safety, smart cars also improve trafficefficiency. They can communicate with each other and with traffic management systems to optimize routes and reduce congestion. For instance, if there is heavy traffic on a particular road, smart cars can receive real-time updates and suggest alternative routes to their drivers. This not only saves time but also reduces fuel consumption and emissions.Furthermore, intelligent connected vehicles offer enhanced convenience and comfort. They can be integratedwith personal devices, such as smartphones and smartwatches, allowing drivers to control various functions remotely. For example, a driver can use their smartphone to start the engine, adjust the temperature, or even find a parking spot. This level of connectivity and control makes driving a more enjoyable and hassle-free experience.Moreover, smart cars have the potential torevolutionize the transportation industry. With the rise of ride-sharing services and autonomous driving technology, intelligent connected vehicles can be utilized more efficiently and effectively. Imagine a future whereautonomous taxis are readily available, and you can simply summon a car with a few taps on your smartphone. This not only reduces the need for individual car ownership but also improves accessibility and affordability of transportation.中文回答:智能网联汽车,也被称为智能连接汽车或智能汽车,是配备先进技术的汽车,使其能够连接到互联网和其他汽车,并与周围环境进行通信。
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、外文资料License Plate Recognition Based On Prior KnowledgeAbstract - In this paper, a new algorithm based on improved BP (back propagation) neural network for Chinese vehicle license plate recognition (LPR) is described. The proposed approach provides a solution for the vehicle license plates (VLP) which were degraded severely. What it remarkably differs from the traditional methods is the application of prior knowledge of license plate to the procedure of location, segmentation and recognition. Color collocation is used to locate the license plate in the image. Dimensions of each character are constant, which is used to segment the character of VLPs. The Layout of the Chinese VLP is an important feature, which is used to construct a classifier for recognizing. The experimental results show that the improved algorithm is effective under the condition that the license plates were degraded severely.Index Terms - License plate recognition, prior knowledge, vehicle license plates, neural network.I. INTRODUCTIONVehicle License-Plate (VLP) recognition is a very interesting but difficult problem. It is important in a number of applications such as weight-and-speed-limit, red traffic infringement, road surveys and park security [1]. VLP recognition system consists of the plate location, the characters segmentation, and the characters recognition. These tasks become more sophisticated when dealing with plate images taken in various inclined angles or under various lighting, weather condition and cleanliness of the plate. Because this problem is usually used in real-time systems, it requires not only accuracy but also fast processing. Most existing VLP recognition methods [2], [3], [4], [5] reduce the complexity and increase the recognition rate by using some specific features of local VLPs and establishing some constrains on the position, distance fromthe camera to vehicles, and the inclined angles. In addition, neural network was used to increase the recognition rate [6], [7] but the traditional recognition methods seldom consider the prior knowledge of the local VLPs. In this paper, we proposed a new improved learning method of BP algorithm based on specific features of Chinese VLPs. The proposed algorithm overcomes the low speed convergence of BP neural network [8] and remarkable increases the recognition rate especially under the condition that the license plate images were degrade severely.II. SPECIFIC FEATURES OF CHINESE VLPSA. Dime nsionsAccord ing to the guideli ne for vehicle in spect ion [9], all lice nse plates must be recta ngular and have the dimensions and have all 7 characters written in a single line. Under practical environments, the distanee from the camera to vehicles and the inclined angles are constant, so all characters of the license plate have a fixed width, and the distanee between the medium axes of two adjoining characters is fixed and the ratio between width and height is nearly con sta nt. Those features can be used to locate the plate and segme nt the in dividual character.B. Color collocati on of the plateThere are four kinds of color collocati on for the Chin ese vehicle lice nse plate .These color collocatio ns are show n in table I.Moreover, military vehicle and police wag on plates contain a red character which bel ongs to a specific character set. This feature can be used to improve the recog niti on rate.C. Layout of the Chi nese VLPSThe criteri on of the vehicle lice nse plate defi nes the characters layout of Chin ese lice nse plate. All sta ndard lice nse plates contain Chin ese characters, nu mbers and letters which are shown in Fig.1. The first one is a Chinese character which is an abbreviation of Chinese provinces. The second one is a letter ranging from A to Z except the letter I. The third and fourth ones are letters or nu mbers. The fifth to seve nth ones are nu mbers ranging from 0 to 9 only. However the first or the seve nth ones may be red characters in special plates (as show n in Fig.1). After segme ntatio n process the in dividual character is extracted. Taking adva ntageof the layout and color collocati on prior kno wledge, the in dividual character will en ter one of the classes: abbreviati ons of Chin ese provi nces set, letters set, letters or nu mbers set, nu mber set, special characters set.Chin ese character(b) Special characterFig.1 The layout of the Chin ese lice nse plateIII. THE PROPOSED ALGORITHMThis algorithm consists of four modules: VLP location, character segmentation, character classification and character recognition. The main steps of the flowchart of LPR system are show n in Fig. 2.Firstly the lice nse plate is located in an in put image and characters are segme nted. The n every in dividual character image en ters the classifier to decide which class it bel ongs to, and fin ally the BP n etwork decides which character the character image represe nts.(a)Typical layoutFig.2 The flowchart of LPR systemA. Preprocess ing the lice nse plate1) VLP Locati onThis process sufficie ntly utilizes the color feature such as color collocati on, color cen ters and distributi on in the plate regi on, which are described in sect ion II. These color features can be used to eliminate the disturbance of the fake plate ' s regions. The flowchart of the plate locati on is show n in Fig. 3.The regions which structure and texture similar to the vehicle plate are extracted. Theprocess is described as followed:Here, the Gaussia n varia nce is set to be less tha n W/3 (W is the character stroke width), so R gets its maximum value M at the center of the stroke. After convolution, binarization is performed according to a threshold which equals T * M (T<0.5). Median filter is used to preserve the edge gradie nt and elimi nate isolated no ise of the bi nary image. An N * N recta ngle median filter is set, and N represents the odd integer mostly close to W.Morphology clos ing operati on can be used to extract the can didate regi on. The con fide nce degree of can didate regi on for being a lice nse plate is verified accord ing to the aspect ratio and areas. Here, the aspect ratio is set between 1.5 and 4 for the reason of inclination. The prior kno wledge of color collocati on is used to locate plate regi on exactly. The locat ing process of the lice nse plate is show n in Fig. 4.P x >thelse (1)⑵Fig.3 The flowchart of the plate location algorithm2) Character segme ntati onThis part presents an algorithm for character segmentation based on prior knowledge, usingcharacter width, fixed nu mber of characters, the ratio of height to width of a character, and so on. The flowchart of the character segmentation is shown in Fig. 5.Firstly, preprocess the lice nse the plate image, such as uneven illu min ati on correct ion, contrast enhan ceme nt, in cli necorrect ion and edge enhan ceme nt operati ons; sec on dly, elim in at ing space mark which appears betwee n the sec ond character and the third character;thirdly, merging the segmented fragments of the characters. In China, all standard license plates con tain on ly 7 characters (see Fig. 1). If the nu mber of segme nted characters is larger tha n seve n, the merging process must be performed. Table II shows the merging process. Fin ally, extracti ng the in dividual character ' image based on the nu mber and the width of the character. Fig. 6 shows the segmentation results. (a) The incline and broken plate image, (b) the incline and distort plate image, (c)the serious fade plate image, (d) the smut lice nse plate image.[vT【八"⑴小](f) Pl ate ex tt AC ting(e > Srinctiire veHtlcation Fig. 4 The whole process of locat ing lice nse plate(c)M ed inni filler i nfFig. 5 The flowchart of the character segme ntati onGet NfIf NF> MaxFFor each character segme ntsCalculate the medium point M iFor each two con secutive medium pointsCalculate the distanee D K Calculate the mi nimum dista nee Merge the character segme nt k and the character segme nt k +1 NF = NF - 1End of algorithmwhere Nf is the nu mber of character segme nts, MaxF is thenu mber of the lice nse plate, and i is the in dex of each character segme nt.The medium point of each segme nted character is determ ined by:(3)where is the in itial coord in ates for the character segme nt,and S i2 is the final coord in ate for the character segme nt. The dista nee betwee n two con secutive medium points is calculated by:(4)B. Using specific prior knowledge for recognitionThe layout of the Chin ese VLP is an importa nt feature (as described in the sect ion II),TABLEII+ ^2(u)Fig.6 Thesegme ntati on resultswhich can be used to con struct a classifier for recog nizing. The recog nizing procedure adopted conjugate gradie nt desce nt fast lear ning method, which is an improved lear ning method of BP neural network[10]. Conjugate gradient descent, which employs a series of line searches in weight or parameter space. One picks the first desce nt directi on and moves along that direct ion un til the minimum in error is reached. The sec ond desce nt direct ion is the n computed: this direct ion the “ conjugate direct ion ” is the one along which the gradie nt does not cha nge its direct ion will not “ spoil ” the con tributi on from the previous desce nt iterati ons. This algorithm adopted topology 625-35-N as show n in Fig. 7. The size of in put value is 625 (25*25 ) and in itial weights are with ran dom values, desired output values have the same feature with the in put values.Input X XI X2 … Xi …K625Fig. 7 The n etwork topologyAs Fig. 7 shows, there is a three-layer n etwork which contains worki ng sig nal feed forward operati on and reverse propagati on of error processes. The target parameter is t and the len gth of n etwork output vectors is n. Sigmoid is the non li near tran sfer fun cti on, weights are in itializedwith ran dom values, and cha nged in a directi on that will reduce the errors.The algorithm was trained with 1000 images of differe nt backgro und and illu min ati on most of which were degrade severely. After preprocess ing process, the in dividual characters are stored. All characters used for training and test ing have the same size (25*25 ).The in tegrated process for lice nse plate recog niti on con sists of the follow ing steps:1) Feature extract ingThe feature vectors from separated character images have direct effects on the recog niti on rate. Many methods can be used to extract feature of the image samples, e.g. statistics of data at vertical directi on, edge and shape, framework and all pixels values. Based on exte nsive experime nts, all pixels values method is used to con struct feature vectors. Each character was reshaped into a column of 625 rows ' feature vector. These feature vectors are divided into two categories which can be used for training process and testing process.2) Training modelThe layout of the Chin ese VLP is an importa nt feature, which can be used to con struct aclassifier for training, so five categories are divided. The training process of nu mbers is show n in Fig. 8.As Fig. 8 shows, firstly the classifier decides the class of the in put feature vector, and the n(a) Training process(b)Test ing processFig.9 The recog niti on processthe feature vector enters the neural network correspondingly. After the training process theoptimum parameters of the net are stored for recog niti on. Thetraining and testi ng process issummarized in Fig. 9. i n pulfknluixvectorFig. 8 The architecture of a n eural n etwork for character recog nition3) Recog nizing modelAfter training process there are five n ets which were completely trained and the optimum parameters were stored. The untrained feature vectors are used to test the n et, the performa nee of the recognition system is shown in Table III. The license plate recognition system is characterized by the recog niti on rate which is defi ned by equati on (5).Recognition rate =(number of correctly read characters) / (number of found characters) (5)TABLE IIIIV. COMPARISON OF THE RECOGNITION RATE WITH OTHER METHODS In order to evaluate the proposed algorithm, two groups of experime nts were con ducted.One group is to compare the proposed method with the BP based recog niti on method [11]. The result is show n in table IV. The other group is to compare the proposed method with the method based on SVM [12].The result is show n in table V. The same training and test data set are used. The comparis on results show that the proposed method performs better tha n the BP n eural n etwork and SVM coun terpart.In this paper, we adopt a new improved learning method of BP algorithm based on specificfeatures of Chinese VLPs. Color collocation and dimension are used in the preprocessing procedure, which makes location and segmentation more accurate. The Layout of the Chinese VLP is an important feature, which is used to construct a classifier for recognizing and makes the system performs well on scratch and inclined plate images. Experimental results show that the proposed method reduces the error rate and consumes less time. However, it still has a few errors when dealing with specially bad quality plates and characters similar to others. This often takes place among these characters (especially letter and number):3 —8 4—A 8—B D —0. In order to improve the incorrect recognizing problem we try to add template-based model [13] at the end of the neural network.REFERENCES[1] P. Davies, N. Emmottand N. Ayland ,“ License Plate Recognition Technology for Toll Violation Enforcement ” Proceedings of IEE Colloquium on Image analysis for Transport Applications , Vol . 035, pp. 7/ 1- 7/5, February 16, 1990.[2] V. Koval , V. Turchenko, V . Kochan, A. Sachenko, G. Markowsky , “Smart. License Plate Recognition System Based on Image Processing Using Neural Network ” IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing System: Technology Applications 8- 10 September 2003.[3] Abdullah , S.N.H. 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