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New HorizonCollege English Test

Band 3 (A)


Paper One

PartI. Listening Comprehension (20% )

Section A (1 '*10=10 ')

Directions: In this section, you 'tenll shheoarrt conversations. After each conversation, a

question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and question will be read only once . Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.

1. A. She couldn 'tgo. B. She hurt herself.

C. She was delayed by the rain.

D. She was not able to meet Nancy.

2. A. To find a house about 20 miles away from work.

B. To drive about 20 miles to work everyday.

C. To buy a farm near the city.

D. To give up her work in town.

3. A. Carry the box down. B. Take the books upstairs.

C. Move the bricks.

D. Help the woman downstairs.

4. A. The woman shouldn 'tbe so upset.

B. He 's already an hour late for the interview.

C. The woman feels nervous about the interview.

D. He 's too nervous to calm down.

5. A. His money was stolen.

C. His passport is in the car.

6. A. Looking for water.

C. Looking for something.

7. A. Twenty dollars.

C. Forty dollars.

8. A. He used to have one like that.

C. He would like to have one like that.

D. It was not a very good bicycle. 9. A. Borrow his notes.

B. Take a note to his professor.

C. Lend him her notes.

D. Help him to make notes. 10. A. It is raining. C. It is cloudy. Section B (1 '*5=5 ')

Directions: In this sect ion, you ' lhear a short passageThe passage will be read only

one 巳 At the end of the passage you

' ll hear five questions about what was said.

Listen carefully B. He lost his passport. D. Somebody stole his passport. B. Planting something. D. Getting dirty. B. Twenty-five dollars. D. Fifty dollars. B. He didn 't think much of it. B. It is snowing.

D. It is clear.

and choose the best an swer to each questi on. 11. A. C. In a city.

In his hometow n.

B. At the foot of a mountain D. I n a seaside village. 12. A. In 1588.

B. In 1885.

C. In 1682.

D. In 1518.

13. A. His pare nts. B. His frie nds.

C. Many of the tourists.

D. His guests.

14. A. He bought it. B. He sold it.

C. He ren ted it.

D. He left it empty.

15. A. Because it is small. B. Because it is moder n.

C. Because it is quiet and peaceful.

D. Because it is cheap. Section C ( Please put your answers on your Answer Sheet )(0.5*10=5 ')

Directions: In this section, you ' ll hear atlpo e sag mes . Listen carefully during the first reading. Then listen again. When the first part of the passage is being read, you should fill in the miss ing words duri ng the pause at each bla nk. After liste ning to the sec ond part, you are also required to write dow n the miss ing words accord ing to what was said. Check your an swers whe n the passage is read the third time.

People in all parts of the world are observing No Tobacco Day ”. It is the day when the

World Health Orga ni zati on appeals to people to stop using tobacco _1

. It hopes that if people stop smok ing cigarettes or chew ing tobacco for one day, they will stop _ 2 ___ .

Health _3_ have warned for years that smoking can lead to _ 4_ ______________ disease, cancer and other problems. The World Health Orga ni zatio n says disease lin ked to smok ing kill at least 2,500,000 _5 ____ e ach year.

No Tobacco Day "is aimed at smokers and those who _6 _____ money from tobacco sales. So bus in esses are asked to stop _7 ___ t obacco products for 24 hours. Newspapers are asked not to _8_ ____ advertiseme nts for cigarettes.

Two importa nt developme nts have bee n observed in _9 __ years .In in dustrial coun tries, the number of smokers has been falling about one percent a year. But in _ 10 _ countries, the number has been rising two percent a year.

This is the result of in creased efforts by tobacco compa nies to sell their products in develop ing coun tries.

Part II. Vocabulary and Structure (20%)

Directions: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

16. By the fact that he stayed in the United States for more than ten years, he developed
