捷进英语3 Unit2-电子教案

Use the activity as an opportunity to recycle some of the language from earlier in the unit.
StSs listen to a radio phone- in show where single people call in and say how they are going to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Make a greeting card for youridol.
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教 材《捷进英语综合教程3教师用书》
Unit2Red Letter Days
Holidays and special days
Bizarre awareness days
The dragon boat race
Valentine’s Day
课时安 排
Reading forLearning
Farewell-to-winterFestivals: Two ofthe Best

Identifying the author’s feelings (理解作者的情绪) 在以第一人称书写的文章中,作者常会运用
形容词或副词表达自己的心情和情绪,如高 兴 ( happy, delightedly ) 、 紧 张 ( worried, nervously ) 、 沮 丧 ( frustrated ) 、 害 怕 ( frightened, afraid ) 、 激 动 ( excited, excitedly)、愤怒(angry, furiously)、悲伤 (sad, upset)等。阅读时可通过这类词语体 会作者的情感变化。
译 文
Unfortunately, when I’m nervous I don’t know when to stop speaking.
I’m not too sure what I said or how long I spoke, but a lot of people were
just staring at me as I sat down.
college nearly an hour earlier than I expected.
I was excited and frightened as I entered the first class. It felt like I was
entering a new world.
As I didn’t know anyone in my class and the
Phrases and Expressions
wake up be about to do sth at the start of
Back to Vocabulary
《 捷进英语综合教程3(新智慧版)》教学课件unit1

A Table—W—hich Ch摘an自g吉e姆d·乔丹的博客
时—,—F你rom想Ti到m J了ord什an么’s B?log你是不 是看到学生们一排排坐着听 老师一直不停地讲啊讲?这 些学生也许看上去在认真听 课,但是我们都知道他们其 实是在做白日梦,或是计划 着晚上去哪里吃饭呢。
WARM-UP Useful expression
TaskDe1scribing similarities and differences
The maiLnosoikmailtartihtyebpeictwtuereens tahnedthdriesecucslsastshreooqmuessitsiothnastw…ith your partner.
让我们把这个大圆桌放进校园里,想象一下一群学生围坐 在桌子旁激动地讨论那些真正激发他们兴趣的话题吧?老师坐 在学生们中间,但很少发言,她只是边听学生交流边快速记笔 记。桌上堆满了书籍和字典,需要时学生们可以随时拿起来查 阅。整个课堂气氛活跃,灵感迸发。
译 文
Let’s take the big round table and put it in a school. Can you imagine a
√B A student who learned with his classmates at a big round table.
C A student who liked studying at a table at home.
Now read the blog post and check your prediction.
2 What are the differences between these classrooms?

Reading for doing
Students read posters describing activities and clubs around campus.
Students create their own club.
This section should take less time than the text in Reading for learning as the text is shorter. However, there is some challenging vocabulary in some of the posters. They focus on developing students everyday reading skills and it leads into a mini productive writing task.
Before completing Task 2 you could elicit the punctuation rules students have already known.
With weaker students you might want work through an example in Task 3.
《 捷进英语综合教程2(新智慧版)》教学课件unit5

Love and Revenge
译 文
那么,这本书中传递的观点于今天有何重要借鉴呢?爱情是故事的主题之一。 虽然凯西很喜欢希斯克里夫,但她仍迫于社会压力而屈服。她之所以嫁给埃 德加·林登就是因为他成功富有。虽然在今天,凯西可以听从自己的心意嫁给 希斯克里夫,但很多年轻人也许仍然会被富裕的生活方式所吸引。你应该选 择谁作为伴侣以及为什么作出这样的选择,是现在很多人仍在思考的问题。
中国是诗的国度。唐代近三百年间,涌现出大批优秀诗人和杰出的诗歌作品,中国古典 诗歌达到全盛时期。唐诗的发展可分为四个阶段:初唐、盛唐、中唐和晚唐。
Connecting characters (理清角色关系) 文学作品中人物角色众多,关系纷繁复 杂。为了更好地了解人物关系并理解故 事内容,在阅读作品前先梳理一下各角 色之间的关系是很有帮助的。
The story is set around one main family and a small group of characters. The main character, Heathcliff, is adopted by the home’s owner, Mr Earnshaw. Earnshaw likes and helps Heathcliff so much that his oldest son Hindley becomes jealous. Hindley starts to hate Heathcliff even more as Heathcliff and Hindley’s sister, Catherine spend all their time together. Hindley always tries to make life hard for Heathcliff, so Mr Earnshaw sends Hindley away to college. After Earnshaw dies, Hindley returns with a wife and begins his revenge on Heathcliff. He ends Heathcliff‘s education, makes him a servant, and stops him and Catherine from spending time together.

捷进英语Unit 1老猴子咬菜根学习交流Unit 1.1 Introductions I 介绍ⅠReceptionist: Quercio?Quercio?Tony Quercio: Yes,Q-u-e-r-c-i-o, Quercio.是的。
Q-u-e-r-c-i-o, Quercio。
Receptionist: Oh,yes.Here it is.噢,对,找到了。
Barbara Seaton : Execuse me .Are you Tony Quercio ?打搅了。
您是Tony Quercio吗?Tony Quercio : Yes,I am.对,我是。
Barbara Seaton :Are you here for the American Library Association Conference?您是来出席美国图书馆协会会议的吗?Tony Quercio : Yes.是的。
Barbara Seaton : My name's Barbara Seaton.我叫Barbara Seaton。
Tony Quercio : You're Barbara Seaton!您是Barbara Seaton!Barbara Seaton : Yes!对,我就是!Tony Quercio : Barbara Seaton of the New York Library?Barbara Seaton,您是纽约图书馆的Barbara Seaton吗?Barbara Seaton : Tony Quercio,Watson's Bookstores?Tony Quercio,您是Watson书店的Tony Quercio吗?Tony Quercio : Yes.对。
Barbara Seaton : How do you do?您好!Tony Quercio :How do you do?您好!Barbara Seaton : Nice to meet you finally.终于见到您了,真高兴。

write the three headings on
the stude nt
the board and ask students
un dersta nd
to write their own summary
lear ning
the text. It
senten ces.
The first vocabulary tasks
课 时பைடு நூலகம்
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教 材《捷进英语综合教程2教师用书》
Teach ing Plan
Un it6In My Mi nd
Sense and memory
Impro ving your memory
Perfect memories
教 学 内 容
tasks work on
in the prese nt and past
the meaning of
simple. Task 2 contains
thematic words

教案课程名称捷进英语综合教程1课时班级专业教师系部教研室教材《捷进英语综合教程1 教师用书》Teaching Plan教学单元Unit 6 Feeling Good单元主题●Helping others●Optimism vs pessimism●What makes a hero?课时安排8教学内容●Reading for learningWould You Like to Make a Difference?●Reading for DoingHalf Full or Half Empty?●Guided WritingA Letter of Thanks●Audio/Video Lab教学环节主要特色教学活动安排建议Warm-up(热身)This section introducesthe idea of feelings andreactions. It does thisthrough a set ofadjectives and musicclips for students toreact to.✧Depending on the time you have available,you could extend this into students playingtheir own music and discussing how themusic makes them feel.Reading (阅读)Readingforlearning◆This section startswith usingpronoun referentswhen reading tohelp understandthe organisation ofa text. It thenencouragesstudents to workout reasons in thetext.◆Vocabulary andGrammarStudents look atphrases and individualwords from the text.The grammar focus✧In Task 4 of Reading and Understanding,you could ask students to compare theirtranslations with a partner. Then ask studentsto close their books and translate them backinto English.✧In Vocabulary Focus, the three vocabularytasks draw on the text. Task 1 and Task 3 arealso a set of questions and so work well aspair-work discussion tasks.✧The Grammar Focus part looks at differentways of referring to the past, present andfuture with quite simple structures. Afterworking through the tasks you would setstudents a short written or spoken task usingthese structures to refer to their own desiresin the past present and future.✧Beyond the Text encourages students to reactlooks at would like to, like to and wanted to.◆Beyond the TextStudents interpret their own decisions. personally to the texts they have read. It also practices the grammar structure. Students could also think about and discuss their own good deeds.Reading for doing ◆Students read andanswer aquestionnaire onoptimism andpessimism.✧This section should take less time thansection A as the text is less complicated.They focus on developing students’ everydayreading skills as they are reading andresponding to a questionnaire.✧If time permits, students could create theirown scenario and options for others tochoose as an additional question in thequestionnaire.Guided Writing ◆Writing a letter ofthanks:(1) Formal expressionsof thanks(2) Informalexpressions ofthanks ✧When checking Task, 2 you could highlightsome of the other features of informality aswell as the vocabulary / phrases focused on,e.g. the punctuation and contractions.✧With weaker students you might want toshow them the model first before they writetheir email.Audio/Video Lab ◆Students watch avideo showingan interviewwith someonewho has donesomethingheroic:(1) making predictions(2) dictating andansweringquestions ✧Write hero onto the board and ask students todefine the word and to think of an example of one.✧When you get to Task 5, you will probablyneed to pause briefly between each question.Wrap-up ◆This sectionprovides a quickreview of thevocabulary,grammar, writing ✧For Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3 on thelanguage work, you might want to set themup as a team game or class quiz.✧For Task 4, it could be set as small groupand theme of theunit.◆Tasks could be setfor individualwork or done inpairs.discussion task.课后学习设计作业◆Finish all the exercises in Unit 6.◆Read the two texts in this unit again and try to summarisetheir contents.◆Write a letter of thanks to a person who ever helped you.课后总结和反思。
《 捷进英语综合教程1(新智慧版)》教学课件unit3

1 How long was Saroo on the train? 2 Where did he live after he left India? 3 When did he decide to find home? 4 How far did he travel on the train? 5 Where did he live as a child?
1 Saroo was on the train for 14 hours.
2 He lived in Australia.
3 He decided to find home in 2011.
4 He had travelled 1,200km.
5 He had lived in Khandwa.
New Words
Getting Away, Getting Home
3 4
Task 1
Here is a personality test. Write your score in each blank. Then add up your scores and share them with a partner. Discuss how similar or different you are.
1 How long was Saroo on the train?
2 Where did he live after he left India?

raising events
they have taken
part in and why.源自The first task shows students how to create a text plan – essentially these are a scaffolded notes of the overview of a text. Tasks 2 and 4 practice detailed understanding and Task 3 practises scanning for specific numbers.
The Grammar Focus part looks at comparatives – the…the, … and …, as…as. Often many students will have only covered comparative adjectives and adverbs by this stage so you might want to spend more time on explaining the rules before going onto Tasks 2 and 3. Beyond the text encourages Ss to react to a
time to formulate ideas.
This section provides a quick review of the vocabulary, grammar, writing and theme of the unit.
Tasks could be set for individual work or done in pairs.
捷进英语 Unit 1

捷进英语Unit 1老猴子咬菜根学习交流Unit 1.1 Introductions I 介绍ⅠReceptionist: Quercio?Quercio?Tony Quercio: Yes,Q-u-e-r-c-i-o, Quercio.是的。
Q-u-e-r-c-i-o, Quercio。
Receptionist: Oh,yes.Here it is.噢,对,找到了。
Barbara Seaton : Execuse me .Are you Tony Quercio ?打搅了。
您是Tony Quercio吗?Tony Quercio : Yes,I am.对,我是。
Barbara Seaton :Are you here for the American Library Association Conference?您是来出席美国图书馆协会会议的吗?Tony Quercio : Yes.是的。
Barbara Seaton : My name's Barbara Seaton.我叫Barbara Seaton。
Tony Quercio : You're Barbara Seaton!您是Barbara Seaton!Barbara Seaton : Yes!对,我就是!Tony Quercio : Barbara Seaton of the New York Library?Barbara Seaton,您是纽约图书馆的Barbara Seaton吗?Barbara Seaton : Tony Quercio,Watson's Bookstores?Tony Quercio,您是Watson书店的Tony Quercio吗?Tony Quercio : Yes.对。
Barbara Seaton : How do you do?您好!Tony Quercio :How do you do?您好!Barbara Seaton : Nice to meet you finally.终于见到您了,真高兴。

This section should take less time than section A as the texts are less complicated. They focus on developing students’ everyday reading skills as they are reading and responding to comments on an article.
(1)Practice ignoring proper nouns
(2) Students discuss other accidental inventions
Refer students back to the inventions fromReading for Doing. If you have had time, between classes you could set students the task of finding out more about each invention e.g. when was it invented, where and by who.
《 捷进英语综合教程3(新智慧版)》教学课件unit3

“ 是啊,”官员说道,“我们非常幸运,要是多伊彻获胜的话,大家可就遭殃了。”
“Why not?” asked Eckels.
Mr Travis stared at him. “We don’t belong in the past.
If we’re not careful,
we might kill an important animal and destroy an entire species.”
《 捷进英语综合教程3(新智慧版)》教学课件unit5

# castaway hell remote community govern # fantastic
experiment # rota violent depressed therapist # aftercare
Phrases and Expressions
reality show fall in love with soap opera
3. 子路曰:“君子尚勇乎?”子曰:“君子义以为上。君子有勇而无义为乱,小人有勇 而无义为盗。”(《论语》)
Zilu asked: “Should a person of ___v_i_r_tu_e___ act with courage?” Confucius answered: “A man of virtue should observe __e_t_h_i_c_a_l__ principles above everything else. One who has courage but
Possible answers
Memoir (回忆录)
I think it would be a wonderful p回lac忆e 录to是liv对e—一it个lo人ok某s s段o r生om活an经ti历c a的nd描e述xci。tin在g.回
I think you would be free from忆al录l th中e,st通res常s 会of精ev选er与yd主ay题lif相e. 关It 的wo细ul节d ,be而a非
2. 战而胜者,战其勇者也;战而北者,战其怯者也。(《吕氏春秋》)
A victory is won because of the ___v_a_l_o_r___ of an army whereas defeat is suffered due to its _c_o_w__a_rd_i_c_e_. (Master Lü’s Spring and Autumn Annals)

ForTask1, Task 2 and Task 3on the language work,you might want to set them up as a team game or class quiz.
ForTask 4and Task 5,theycould be set as small group discussionsor down as a reflective writing task.
TheGrammarFocuspart looks atlinking wordsand phrases. There is lots of potential for extending this grammar point into a mini-writing task. For example, asking students to write a reaction to the readingtext using the linking words.
Finish all thetasksin Unit7.
Read thetwo texts in this unit again and try to summarise their contents.
Choose oneyou're yourfavouritebook and tell yourpartnerwhy you like it.

Teaching Plan
教学 单元
Unit 7 Lessons in Literature
单元 主题
Love and revenge Poetry Essential things in life
Reading for learning
Love and Revenge
Reading for Doing
This section starts The first two tasks encourage students to
with identifying
form an understanding of the connections
between the main characters. Tasks 3 and 4
Students discuss how Beyond the text This section could be
they will behave when
extended by asking students to find quotes
treated unfairly. They
from their favourite Chinese novels and
The Grammar Focus part looks at linking words and phrases. There is lots of potential for extending this grammar point into a mini-writing task. For example, asking students to write a reaction to the reading text using the linking words.

教案课程名称捷进英语综合教程1课时班级专业教师系部教研室教材《捷进英语综合教程 1 教师用书》Teaching Plan 教学单元单元主题教学内容Unit 3 Time TogetherDifficult partners along the journeyDifficult flatmatesLiving with othersReading for learningDriving Me MadReading for DoingPeople Are StrangeGuided WritingAn InvitationAudio/Video Lab课时8安排讲课环节主要特点讲课活动安排建议This section Depending on the time you haveWarm-up introduces the available,you could also ask students (热身)idea of to write their own sentencesteamwork and describing how they feel about workingworking withReading for learningother people.with others.It encouragesstudents tostart thinkingabout some ofthe advantageanddisadvantagesof teamwork.This section In Reading and Understanding ,you starts with could spend more time on Task1of recognising the identifying the main idea by first main idea. It allowing students to only read the then encourages topic sentence in each case before students to then checking their ideas by readingwrite a brief the whole text.Task2checks the summary of the students detailed understanding and main idea.Task 3 encourages summarising of theVocabulary andmain ideas.Grammar In Vocabulary Focus , Task 1 builds on Students look atthe theme of teamwork.Task 2 combines some challengingteamwork and travel and acts as good words and phrasespreparation for the Beyond the Text from the text. Tasktask. If you have time, you could2 gets them to usediscuss the students’ opinion of theReading(阅读)Readingfordoing the words in a realworld context andTask 3 tests theirability tounderstand somecommon collocates.The grammar sectionworks on the pastperfect, a usefultext for narratingevents.Beyond the TextStudents look at arange of adventuretrips.Students read areflectivearticle on aperson ’sexperiences ofliving withother people.An invitation:(1) rejectingtrip.The Grammar Focus part looks at thepast perfect. After focusing on theform students then practise using thestructure in the context of travel andteamwork.Beyond the Text students look at arange of trips they could make thatreflect, in a simple way, thechallenges of the reading text.If you have more time, you couldhighlight some of the structures usedfor giving advice. Students mightfindthis useful when they move onto thevideo section.Before students read the letters youcould brainstorm a range of contextsGuided Writing Audio/Video LabWrap-up invitations for inviting people out.(2) signing off When checking Task 2 highlight theformal / cautious nature of rejecting.With weaker students you might want toshow them the model first before theywrite their invitation.Students watch a Write flatmate onto the board and ask video showing students to discuss their experiencesome of the of living with others.difficulties ofFor each part of the video you might living withwant to play it twice.others:Students might need more support with (1) listening forTask 5 and Task 6. With weaker classes, feelingsprovide some phrases or sentences on (2) listening for the board to help them.apologiesThis section Task 1 should be set as pair work. Task provides a quick 2 and Task 3 could be set as homeworkreview of the or as a competitive game.vocabulary,Task 4 and Task 5 should be set as small grammar,group discussion tasks.writing andtheme of theunit.作业课后总结与反思Tasks could beset forindividual workor done inpairs.课后学习设计Finish all the exercises in Unit 3.Read the two texts in this unit again and try to summarise their contents.Make a plan for your travel in the near future.。

◆ Finish all the tasks in Unit 6. ◆ Read the two texts in this unit again and try to summarise
their contents. ◆ Prepare a PPT presentation on your survey result in Task 3 of
Reading for learning
using them to help
could simply write the three headings on the
the student
board and ask students to write their own
understand the
The second vocabulary task can be easily extended by asking students to give written or spoken answers to each question.
◆ Vocabulary and Grammar
The Grammar Focus part looks at the passive voice in the present and past simple.
summary sentences.
text. It also encourages students to
The first vocabulary tasks draw on topic vocabulary from the text.
produce a brief summary of the text.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
For each part of the video you might want to play it twice.
Tasks 8 can be extended in to a discussion/game if you have time.
Depending on the time you have you could extend the discussion into other novels students have read and how they related to the themes and characters.
Readingfor doing
Students read and react to a poem called The Paradoxical Commandment.
This section should take less time than section B as the texts are less complicated. They focus on developingstudents’everyday reading skills.
Dependingon the time you have available, you could ask students to create additional situations that cause people to fall out.
Readingfor learning
Beyond theText
Studentsdiscuss how they will behave when treatedunfairly. They alsolook at quotes from famous bookstalk about their opinions.
The first two tasks encourage students to form an understanding of the connections between the main characters. Tasks 3 and 4 analyse some of the main themes of the novel andTask 5 personalises these themes.
TheGrammarFocuspart looks atlinking wordsand phrases. There is lots of potential for extending this grammar point into a mini-writing task. For example, asking students to write a reaction to the reading text using the linking words.
The first two vocabulary tasks draw on topic vocabulary from the text.
The last vocabulary tasks can be extended by asking student to change the phrases so that they are true for themselves.
When doingTask 5 you might need to provide a model for more support.
Students listen to two people talking about novels they are reading.
Vocabulary andGrammar
Tasks1and2workon the meaning of thematic words from the text. Task3looks at a range of phrases from the reading text.
The grammar section looks at linking wordsand phrases.
Thissectionprovides a quick review of the vocabulary, grammar, writing and theme of the unit.
Tasks could be set for individual work or done in pairs.
Beyond the textThis section could be extended by asking students to find quotes from their favourite Chinese novels and translating them into English.
Finish all thetasksin Unit7.
Read thetwo texts in this unit again and try to summarise their contents.
Choose oneyou're yourfavouritebook and tell yourpartnerwhy you like it.
The final task provides a good opportunity for drilling and repeating fixed expressions.
Guided Writing
Studentswrite the minutes of a meeting.
Before the lesson you could find examples of minutes on theInternet to show students.
ForTask1, Task 2 and Task 3on the language work,you might want to set them up as a team game or class quiz.
ForTask 4 and Task 5,theycould be set as small group discussionsor down as a reflective writing task.
Readingfor learning
Love and Revenge
Readingfor Doing
The Paradoxical Commandments
Guided Writing
Audio/Video Lab
This sectionintroduces the issues raised by the literature in this unit e.g. revenge and jealousy.
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教 材《捷进英语综合教程2教师用书》
Unit7Lessons in Literature
Love and revenge
Essential things in life
This section starts with identifying connections between characters. It also encouragesstudentsto think about the themes raised in the novel and how they are relevant to them.