

数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing(DSP)

数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing(DSP)
• 保持:在保持电路中将抽样信号变换成数字信号, 因为一般采用有限位二进制码,所以它所表示的信 号幅度就是有一定限制的。
• 经过A/D变换器后,不但时间离散化了,幅度也量化 了,这种信号称为数字信号。用x(n)表示。
• 如4位码,只能表示24=16种不同的信号幅度, 这些幅度称为量化电平。
• 当离散时间信号幅度与量化电平不相同时, 就要以最接近的一个量化电平来近似它。
(7)估计理论,包括功率谱估计及相关函数 估计等。
(8)信号的压缩,包括语音信号与图象信号 的压缩
(9)信号的建模,包括AR,MA,ARMA, CAPON,PRONY等各种模型。
(10)其他特殊算法(同态处理、抽取与内 插、信号重建等)
(12) 数字信号处理的应用。
第一节 什么是数字信号处理 第二节 数字信号处理的实现 第三节 数字信号处理的应用领域 第四节 数字信号处理器
例:直流信号:仅用一个参量可以描述。阶跃信号:可用幅 度和时间两个参量描述。正弦波信号:可用幅度、频率和 相位三个参量来描述。
• 随机信号:若信号在任意时刻的取值不能精确确定,或 说取值是随机的,即它不能用有限的参量加以描述。也无 法对它的未来值确定性地预测。它只能通过统计学的方法 来描述(概率密度函数来描述)。
• 随着信息时代、数字世界的到来,数字信号处 理已成为一门极其重要的学科和技术领域。
• 以下所讨论的是模拟信号的数字信号处理系统.
模拟 前置预 滤波器
A/D 变换器
数字信号 处理器
D/A 变换器



原文:Design of Fault Diagnosis Monitor System for the LocomotiveBearings Based on DSP TechnologyAbstractThe rolling bearing is one of the key parts of the locomotive running components, because it condition is directly related to the performance and safety of locomotive. In this paper, the monitor system for the locomotive bearings based on DSP TMS320LF2407A is designed. This system diagnoses the rolling bearing fault using vibration analysis method. It is based on comprehensive resonance demodulation and fast Fourier transform technique, and it adopts "related methods" to handle the result of the FFT. It effectively improves the response characteristics, sensitivity, differentiate and measurement accuracy of the bearing failure monitor system, and it can fulfill the monitor and prediction of the transient fault in the course of the locomotive running.Key words: resonance demodulation technology; digital signal processor; related methodsI. IntroductionThe higher safety is required to the trains because its speed is raised constantly. Bearing fault is one of the major factors causing eventful traffic accidents and affecting rail safety. Currently the railway system usually uses the bearing temperature detector to monitor the locomotive bearing condition. Theoretical analysis and a lot of practice show that the bearing temperature detector can prevent accidents from occurring to some extent, but most of the bearing fault is not sensitive to temperature. When the temperature of the bearing is beyond the range and the system gives an alarm, the worse damage of the bearing has occurred, and even theincident had happened. Therefore, to find the fault more early and accurately, the more advanced monitoring means must be adopted. Most of the bearing fault is very sensitive to vibration signal. The fault can cause vibration of the bearing increased. Compared with monitoring the temperature of bearing, the analysis and processing results to the vibration signal has more advantage than the temperature means.II. System composing and work processBased on the need, the monitor of the bearing fault monitoring system to the locomotive bearing sets two detections: itineration detections and fixed detections. The itineration detection is used in the normal conditions, and the fixed detection is used for the continuous monitoring of the fault bearing. The system adopts special composite sensor to collect the vibration of the bearing and the temperature signal at the same time. After the data processing, the corresponding fault levels and rise in temperature are got. The data acquisition unit is designed in this system. Alarm information will be transmitted to all carriages through interfaces so that the staff can handled in time, and the same time, the fault data and the related information of the train such as the current location and speed will be transmitted to the dispatch center through GPS, which is convenient to adopt corresponding measures. The system block diagram is in Fig. 1.III. The key technology of the design for the monitoring systemA.The spectrum analysis means for diagnosing bearing faultUnder normal circumstances, all parts of the rolling bearing (inner circle, outer circle, roller, holding frame) will retain the stable relative movement state. If the surface of some element (except for holding frame) has crack, and this crack is in the surface of the rolling adjacent component, the instantaneous vibration impulse must be produced.Assumed that the number of the roller in the bearing is Z ; the diameter of the roller is d ; the average diameter of the bearing inner circle and the bearing outer circle (the diameter of the roller revolution path) is D ; the frequency of the bearing rotation is f 0. Assumed that the inner circle is fixed and the outer circle is circumvolved, the vibration frequency brought by the surface defects of different bearing components can be derived.These frequencies can be called the fault characteristics frequency of the inner circle, outer circle and the roller.()circle)(inner 2101f D d Z f += ()circle)(outer 2101f D d Z f -=()(roller)]1[021f D d d D f -=B. Resonance demodulation technologyWe can collect vibration signal using the resonance of the bearing components, and detect the envelope of the fault signal using envelop detector, which can fulfill the analysis to the fault character. This is called “resonance demodulationtechnology”. The component surfaces such as the inner circle, the outer circle and the roller of the rolling bearing are easily damaged in local place in the course of operation (such as pitting and peeling off, cracking, scratching etc.). If the surface of some bearing components have local damage and the rollingobject presses the fault dot in the course of carried operation, it must bring impact. But the impact lasts a short time, and the frequency range of the energy divergence is wide, so the energy within the scope of vibration frequency is small. Due to the wide bandwidth of the impulse, it is certainly that it includes high frequency intrinsic vibration inspiring by intrinsic frequency of the inner circle, outer circle, roller, holding frame on rolling bearings. The resonance demodulate signal is separated by band-pass filter of center frequency equal to its intrinsic frequency. Then the envelope demodulation is carried through to there attenuation oscillatory wave using software or circuit, the frequency component of the high frequency attenuation vibration is wiped off. We only obtain low-frequency envelope signal with the information of the fault character. The spectrum analysis of the envelope signal is carried through by digital signal processor, we can obtain very high frequency resolution ratio and can easily find the frequency of the corresponding fault impact, thereby we can fulfill to diagnose to the bearing fault.With resonance demodulation technology, the electric resonator which resonant frequency is much higher than normal vibration frequency and limited high-harmonic frequency is designed. Therefore, it can effectively restrain the low-frequency signal including normal vibration signal. The resonance response magnifies the signal amplitude of the impulse signal and the time of its oscillation islonger, thus the fault signal is broadened in the time domain signal. After the envelope detection and low-pass filter, the low-frequency resonance demodulation signal with high signal-to-noise ratio is exported. In the signal processing system shown in figure 2, the bearing component brings resonance under the impact, form the continuo us attenuation oscillation. To research each attenuation oscillation, we can see that its frequency is the natural frequency of bearing components, the amplitude of attenuation oscillation is relate to intensity of fault impact. The amplitude of envelopesignal of the attenuation oscillation reflects the size of the fault, and the repeat frequency of the envelope depends on the fault location. System has the performance of anti-jamming of the low frequency vibration, high signal-to-noise ratio.C. Envelope detectionA bearing with fault in the course of rolling will bring regular vibration. Different fault has different character frequency. The character frequency system detecting is the frequency of the signal envelope (the frequency which is accrued by the collision of the fault on bearing element), not the vibration frequency of the bearing. When we analyze the fault signal, the resonant frequency (carrier wave) must be removed by envelope demodulation. Because the envelope signal has fully included all information of the fault, removing carrier wave will not have any adverse impact on the analysis.IV. Hardware and software designThe hardware block diagram of the monitor for the bearing fault is shown in Fig.3.The circuit includes two parts: the vibration signal pretreatments and the bearing state analysis. The signal preprocessing part fulfills the amplification, conversion, resonance demodulation of the signal; the bearing state analysis part fulfills spectrum analysis of the signal, "correlation method" processing, fault grading processing, thebearings status report and communicating with peripheral equipment and so on.There are mainly three kinds of FFT algorithm to realize in DSP: (1) only including addition and subtraction operations without operations of the plural rotation factor; (2) including the operation of the plural rotation factor; (3) the operation of bits location inversion. After data is processed by this way, the workload of vibration component calculation in DSP is reduced evidently. The real-time capacity of system response can be advanced.Modularization design is adopted in the design of the software, which includes collections of the vibration signal and the temperature increment signal, A/D conversions, data pretreatments, FFT transforms, calculations of the power spectrum, judgments of the fault grading, saves of the data, displays of the data and transmissions of the data. The task dispatch is carried through by the way of event triggers and time triggers. To remove the interference, the “correlation means” processing to the results of FFT transform is carried out, which assure the fault signal picked up effectively.V. ConclusionFFT methods of vibration signal is adopted in system design,at same time differential temperature measurement methods is added into system to judge synthetically. The high capability DSP completes signal processing. This system can commendably satisfy the requirement for real-time processing. It monitors the signal of vibrations and temperatures with combining locomotive monitor and ground analysis. The earlier diagnosis and alarm for locomotive bearings fault can be given in order to assure locomotive running safely.REFERENCES[1] Wang Dezhi,The diagnosis and maintain of rolling bearing[M],Beijing: China Railway Publishing House, 1994,[2] Shi Huafeng,Yin Guohua,etc,Fault diagnosis of locomotive bearing[J],Electric Drive For Locomotive, 2004,(2): 40~43,[3] Mei Hongbin,The libration monitoring and diagnosis of rolling bearing[M],Beijing:China Machine Press,1996,[4] Mei Hongbin,The fault diagnosis for rolling bearings using envelope analysis,Bearing,1993 ,(8):30~34,[5] Feng Gengbin,The libration diagnosis technology of the locomotive fault[M],Beijing: China Railway Publishing House,1994.[6] Jiang Simi. The hardware exploiture of TMS320LF240x DSP. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2003.[7] Qing Yuan Science and Technology. The application design of TMS320LF240XDS. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2003.译文:基于DSP技术为机车轴承设计故障诊断监控系统摘要滚动轴承是机车运行组件的关键部件之一,因为它直接关系到机车的性能和安全。









3. DSP芯片的发展:美国AMI公司在1978年发布第一个单片DSP芯片;美国德州仪器公司(Texas Instruments,简称TI)的DSP芯片包含三大系列:TMS320C2000系列、TMS320C5000系列、TMS320C6000系列。




6.TMS320F2812芯片的封装方式有两大类:179引脚的GHH球形网格阵列BGA封装(Ball Grid Array);176引脚的LQFP封装(Low-profile Quad)。

所有输入引脚的电平均与TTL兼容,但输入不能够承受5V电压;所有输出引脚均为3.3V CMOS电平。





8.TMS320F28x DSP处理器有两个独立的存储空间,即片内存储器和外部存储器,存储器的各个区块都统一映射到程序空间和数据空间,并且划分为如下几部分:1)程序/数据存储器:SARAM、ROM、Flash 2)CPU的中断向量:保留了64个地址作为CPU的32个中断向量;3)保留区:某些地址被保留作为CPU的仿真寄存器使用。



外文参考文献翻译英文题目 The Breadth and Depth of DSP 中文题目 DSP的广度和深度学院自动化与电气工程学院专业自动化姓名白学文学号 201108536指导教师王思明2015 年 04月 20日DSP的广度和深度数字信号处理是最强大的技术,将塑造二十一世纪的科学与工程之一。







1 DSP的根源独特的数据类型,它使用的信号,数字信号处理是区别于其他计算机科学领域。


这包括了各种目标,如:加强视觉图像识别和语音生成,存储和传输的数据压缩,等假设我们重视计算机模拟 - 数字转换器,并用它来获得一个现实世界的数据块。












由于IIR 数字滤波器的表面误差通常是非线性的和多峰的,而全局优化技术需要避免局部最小值。


GA是组合优化问题中一种功能强大的全局优化算法,该论文发现IIR数字滤波器的最佳系数可以通过GA 优化。


















光伏发电逆变器毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献附录:文献翻译TMS320LF2407, TMS320LF2406, TMS320LF2402TMS320LC2406, TMS320LC2404, MS320LC2402DSP CONTROLLERSThe TMS320LF240x and TMS320LC240x devices, new members of the ‘24x family of digital signal processor (DSP) controllers, are part of the C2000 platform of fixed-point DSPs. The ‘240x devices offer the enhanced TMS320 architectural design of the ‘C2xx core CPU for low-cost, low-power, high-performance processing capabilities. Several advanced peripherals, optimized for digital motor and motion control applications, have been integrated to provide a true single chip DSP controller. While code-compatible with the existing ‘24x DSP controller devices, the ‘240x offers increased processing performance (30 MIPS) and a higher level of peripheral integration. See the TMS320x240x device summary section for device-specific features.The ‘240x family offers an array of memory sizes and different peripherals tailored to meet the specific price/performance points required by various applications. Flash-based devices of up to 32K words offer a reprogrammable solution useful for:◆Applications requiring field programmability upgrades.◆Development and initial prototyping of applications that migrate to ROM-baseddevices.Flash devices and corresponding ROM devices are fully pin-to-pin compatible. Note that flash-based devices contain a 256-word boot ROM to facilitate in-circuit programming.All ‘240x devices offer at least one event manager module which has been optimized for digital motor control and power conversion applications. Capabilities of this module include centered- and/or edge-aligned PWM generation, programmable deadband to prevent shoot-through faults, and synchronized analog-to-digital conversion. Devices with dual event managers enable multiple motor and/or converter control with a single ‗240x DSP controller.The high performance, 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) has a minimum conversion time of 500 ns and offers up to 16 channels of analog input. The auto sequencing capability of the ADC allows a maximum of 16 conversions to take place in a single conversion session without any CPU overhead.A serial communications interface (SCI) is integrated on all devices to provide asynchronous communication to other devices in the system. For systems requiring additional communication interfaces; the ‘2407, ‘2406, and ‘2404 offer a 16-bit synchronous serial peripheral interface (SPI). The ‘2407 and ‘2406 offer a controller area network (CAN) communications module that meets 2.0B specifications. To maximize device flexibility, functional pins are also configurable as general purpose inputs/outputs (GPIO).To streamline development time, JTAG-compliant scan-based emulation has been integrated into all devices. This provides non-intrusive real-time capabilities required to debug digital control systems. A complete suite of code generation tools from C compilers to the industry-standard Code Composerdebugger supports this family. Numerous third party developers not only offer device-level development tools, but also system-level design and development support.PERIPHERALSThe integrated peripherals of the TMS320x240x are described in the following subsections:●Two event-manager modules (EV A, EVB)●Enhanced analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module●Controller area network (CAN) module●Serial communications interface (SCI) module●Serial peripheral interface (SPI) module●PLL-based clock module●Digital I/O and shared pin functions●External memory interfaces (‘LF2407 only)●Watchdog (WD) timer moduleEvent manager modules (EV A, EVB)The event-manager modules include general-purpose (GP) timers, full-compare/PWM units, capture units, and quadrature-encoder pulse (QEP) circuits. EV A‘s and EVB‘s timers, compare units, and capture units function identically. However, timer/unit names differ for EV A and EVB. Table 1 shows the module and signal names used. Table 1 shows the features and functionality available for the event-manager modules and highlights EV A nomenclature.Event managers A and B have identical peripheral register sets with EV A starting at 7400h and EVB starting at 7500h. The paragraphs in this section describe the function of GP timers, compare units, capture units, and QEPs using EV A nomenclature. These paragraphs are applicable to EVB with regard to function—however, module/signal names would differ.Table 1. Module and Signal Names for EV A and EVBEVENT MANAGER MODULESEV AMODULESIGNALEVBMODULESIGNALGP Timers Timer 1Timer 2T1PWM/T1CMPT2PWM/T2CMPTimer 3Timer 4T3PWM/T3CMPT4PWM/T4CMPCompare Units Compare 1Compare 2Compare 3PWM1/2PWM3/4PWM5/6Compare 4Compare 5Compare 6PWM7/8PWM9/10PWM11/12Capture Units Capture 1Capture 2Capture 3CAP1CAP2CAP3Capture 4Capture 5Capture 6CAP4CAP5CAP6QEP QEP1QEP2QEP1QEP2QEP3QEP4QEP3QEP4External Inputs DirectionExternalClockTDIRATCLKINADirectionExternal ClockTDIRBTCLKINBGeneral-purpose (GP) timersThere are two GP timers: The GP timer x (x = 1 or 2 for EV A; x = 3 or 4 for EVB) includes:● A 16-bit timer, up-/down-counter, TxCNT, for reads or writes● A 16-bit timer-compare register, TxCMPR (double-buffered with shadow register), forreads or writes● A 16-bit timer-period register, TxPR (double-buffered with shadow register), forreads or writes● A 16-bit timer-control register,TxCON, for reads or writes●Selectable internal or external input clocks● A programmable prescaler for internal or external clock inputs●Control and interrupt logic, for four maskable interrupts: underflow, overflow, timercompare, and period interrupts● A selectable direction input pin (TDIR) (to count up or down when directionalup-/down-count mode is selected)The GP timers can be operated independently or synchronized with each other. The compare register associated with each GP timer can be used for compare function and PWM-waveform generation. There are three continuous modes of operations for each GP timer in up- or up/down-counting operations. Internal or external input clocks with programmable prescaler are used for each GP timer. GP timers also provide the time base for the other event-manager submodules: GP timer 1 for all the compares and PWM circuits, GP timer 2/1 for the capture units and the quadrature-pulse counting operations. Double-buffering of the period and compare registers allows programmable change of the timer (PWM) period and the compare/PWM pulse width as needed.Full-compare unitsThere are three full-compare units on each event manager. These compare units use GP timer1 as the time base and generate six outputs for compare and PWM-waveform generation using programmable deadband circuit. The state of each of the six outputs is configured independently. The compare registers of the compare units are double-buffered, allowing programmable change of the compare/PWM pulse widths as needed.Programmable deadband generatorThe deadband generator circuit includes three 8-bit counters and an 8-bit compare register. Desired deadband values (from 0 to 24 µs) can be programmed into the compare register for the outputs of the three compare units. The deadband generation can be enabled/disabled for each compare unit output individually. The deadband-generator circuit produces two outputs (with orwithout deadband zone) for each compare unit output signal. The output states of the deadband generator are configurable and changeable as needed by way of the double-buffered ACTR register.PWM waveform generationUp to eight PWM waveforms (outputs) can be generated simultaneously by each event manager: three independent pairs (six outputs) by the three full-compare units with programmable deadbands, and two independent PWMs by the GP-timer compares.PWM characteristicsCharacteristics of the PWMs are as follows:●16-bit registers●Programmable deadband for the PWM output pairs, from 0 to 24 µs●Minimum deadband width of 50 ns●Change of the PWM carrier frequency for PWM frequency wobbling as needed●Change of the PWM pulse widths within and after each PWM period as needed●External-maskable power and drive-protection interrupts●Pulse-pattern-generator circuit, for programmable generation of asymmetric,symmetric, and four-space vector PWM waveforms●Minimized CPU overhead using auto-reload of the compare and period registersCapture unitThe capture unit provides a logging function for different events or transitions. The values of the GP timer 2 counter are captured and stored in the two-level-deep FIFO stacks when selected transitions are detected on capture input pins, CAPx (x = 1, 2, or 3 for EV A; and x = 4, 5, or 6 for EVB). The capture unit consists of three capture circuits.Capture units include the following features:●One 16-bit capture control register, CAPCON (R/W)●One 16-bit capture FIFO status register, CAPFIFO (eight MSBs are read-only, eightLSBs are write-only)●Selection of GP timer 2 as the time base●Three 16-bit 2-level-deep FIFO stacks, one for each capture unit●Three Schmitt-triggered capture input pins (CAP1, CAP2, and CAP3)—one input pinper capture unit. [All inputs are synchronized with the device (CPU) clock. In order fora transition to be captured, the input must hold at its current level to meet two risingedges of the device clock. The input pins CAP1 and CAP2 can also be used as QEPinputs to the QEP circuit.]●User-specified transition (rising edge, falling edge, or both edges) detection●Three maskable interrupt flags, one for each capture unitEnhanced analog-to-digital converter (ADC) moduleA simplified functional block diagram of the ADC module is shown in Figure 1. The ADC module consists of a 10-bit ADC with a built-in sample-and-hold (S/H) circuit. Functions of the ADC module include:●10-bit ADC core with built-in S/H●Fast conversion time (S/H + Conversion) of 500 ns●16-channel, muxed inputs●Autosequencing capability provides up to 16 ―autoconversions‖ in a single session.Each conversion can be programmed to select any 1 of 16 input channels●Sequencer can be operated as two independent 8-state sequencers or as one large16-state sequencer (i.e., two cascaded 8-state sequencers)●Sixteen result registers (individually addressable) to store conversion values●Multiple triggers as sources for the start-of-conversion (SOC) sequence✧S/W – software immediate start✧EV A – Event manager A (multiple event sources within EV A)✧EVB – Event manager B (multiple event sources within EVB)✧Ext – External pin (ADCSOC)●Flexible interrupt control allows interrupt request on every end of sequence (EOS) orevery other EOS●Sequencer can operate in ―start/stop‖ mode, allowing multiple ―time-sequencedtriggers‖ to synchronize conv ersions●EV A and EVB triggers can operate independently in dual-sequencer mode●Sample-and-hold (S/H) acquisition time window has separate prescale control●Built-in calibration mode●Built-in self-test modeThe ADC module in the ‘240x has been enhanced to pro vide flexible interface to event managers A and B. The ADC interface is built around a fast, 10-bit ADC module with total conversion time of 500 ns (S/H + conversion). The ADC module has 16 channels, configurable as two independent 8-channel modules to service event managers A and B. The two independent 8-channel modules can be cascaded to form a 16-channel module. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the ‘240x ADC module.The two 8-channel modules have the capability to autosequence a series of conversions,each module has the choice of selecting any one of the respective eight channels available through an analog mux. In the cascaded mode, the autosequencer functions as a single 16-channel sequencer. On each sequencer, once the conversion is complete, the selected channel value is stored in its respective RESULT register. Autosequencing allows the system to convert the same channel multiple times, allowing the user to perform oversampling algorithms. This gives increased resolution over traditional single-sampled conversion results.Figure 2. Block Diagram of the ‘240x ADC ModuleFrom TMS320LF2407, TMS320LF2406, TMS320LF2402TMS320LC2406, TMS320LC2404, MS320LC2402数字信号处理控制器TMS320LF240x和TMS320LC240x系列芯片作为’24x系列DSP控制器的新成员,是C2000平台下的一种定点DSP芯片。



电力系统继电保护论文中英文资料Relay protection development present situation[Abstract ]reviewed our country electrical power system relay protection technological devil orpiment process,has outlined the microcomputer relay protection technology achievement, pro posed the future relay protection technological development tendency will be: Computerizes, n networked,protects, the control,the survey,the data communication integration and the artificial I intellectualization.[Key word ]relay protection present situation development,relay protections future development1 relay protection development present situationThe electrical power system rapid development to the relay protection proposed unceasingly t he new request,the electronic technology,computer technology and the communication rapid development unceasingly has poured into the new vigor for the relay protection technology de velopment,therefore,the relay protection technology is advantageous, has completed the deve lopment 4 historical stage in more than 40 years time。



淮阴工学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:计算机工程学院专业:通信工程(多媒体)姓名:韩晓晓学号:1101312235外文出处:CollegeofInformationandCommunication Engineering,TianjinPolytechnicUniversity Tianjin 300160, CHN附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文基于DSP的嵌入式远程视频监控系统设计摘要:本系统提出的是一套基于TMS320DM642的嵌入式远程视频监控系统设计,利用DM642为核心的数据处理,该系统是由视频采集、视频处理和通信模块组成,提供一个实现迷你驱动模块的DSP / BIOS的集成开发环境,并在应用程序层实现一项常见的任务模块。

该系统实现整个模拟视频信号采集,H.264视频编码和网络传输的功能, 它提供了通用连接未来发展并具有良好的灵活性和可扩展性,系统采用了模块化设计和整体开发的编程方法来提高系统的效率。

关键词:DM642;远程监控系统;H.264;视频采集;网络界面1 导言随着科学技术的迅速发展,网络不仅提供了简单的文本、图片和声音文件功能,而且开始提供各种音频和视频来丰富人们的生活,与此同时,监控系统已经从传统发展成智能化,多媒体化和网络化。


TI公司在2003年提供的TMS320DM642 是一款拥有专用视频接口的性能很高的DSP芯片,它有强大的DSP内核和先进的总线结构。

它的频率范围是从480MHZ到720MHZ,在600 MH z主时钟频率数字处理能力可以达到4800 mips,DM642集成各种使视频和图片更方便于实际应用发展的外设。

可以对它进行配置三个视频端口,提供无缝的视频输入接口、视频输出和输入符号流,包括BT. 656, HDTVY/ C,RGB 和MPEG-2输入流,为了基于DM642视频编码器的发展,视频输入只需要一个视频采集芯片,不需要外部的逻辑控制电路和输入/输出缓存器,因此,硬件系统设计及其操作比其他系统更稳定。




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S E − Sv T ′S d v & −ω ∆P e 0 & H ∆ω & = S E − Sv ∆U t ∆E fd Td′Rv Sv 0 SE′ D H S E ′ − Sv Rv − 0 − Rv S E Td′Sv 0 S − E Td′Sv 0 RE ′ Td 0 0 ∆δ 0 0 ∆ω + 0 ∆U RE ′ ∆Eq′ R 1 Td 0 Rv T ∆E fd e 1 − Te
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-13919802825. E-mail address: linda_800909@.
1876-6102 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.10.095
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)



1.1 DSP简介1.1.1内容介绍数字信号处理,英文:Digital Signal Processing,缩写为DSP,是面向电子信息学科的专业基础课,先修专业课程为信号与系统。






DSP的发展,使得许多在速度要求较高,算法较复杂的场合,取代MCU 或其他处理器,而成本可能更低。










DSP-起始篇数字信号处理(Digital Signal Processing,简称DSP)是一门涉及许多学科而又广泛应用于许多领域的新兴学科。












世界上第一个单片DSP 芯片应当是1978年AMI公司发布的S2811,1979年美国Intel公司发布的商用可编程器件2920是DSP芯片的一个主要里程碑。


1980 年,日本NEC 公司推出的μP D7720是第一个具有乘法器的商用DSP 芯片。

在这之后,最成功的DSP 芯片当数美国德州仪器公司(Texas Instruments,简称TI)的一系列产品。

TI 公司在1982年成功推出其第一代DSP 芯片TMS32010及其系列产品TMS32011、TMS320C10/C1 4/C15/C16/C17等,之后相继推出了第二代DSP芯片TMS32020、TMS320C25/C26/C28,第三代DSP 芯片TMS320C30/C31/C32,第四代DSP芯片TMS320C40/C44,第五代DSP 芯片TMS320C5X/C54 X,第二代DSP芯片的改进型TMS320C2XX,集多片DSP芯片于一体的高性能DSP芯片TMS320C8X 以及目前速度最快的第六代DSP芯片TMS320C62X/C67X等。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:数字信号处理文献、资料英文题目:Digital Signal Processing 文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14数字信号处理一、导论数字信号处理(DSP)是由一系列的数字或符号来表示这些信号的处理的过程的。













TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 模拟数字信号处理器DSP 先入先出FIFO逻辑 军品指南

TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 模拟数字信号处理器DSP 先入先出FIFO逻辑 军品指南
Overview and Product Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 16
enhanced products (EP) in plastic pack温度范围和耐辐射性能。产品的复杂性范 ages and full military-class ceramic 围涵盖从低电压单运算放大器到一个完整 (QML) packages with extended 的片上系统。 operating-temperature ranges. We offer an expanding portfolio of QML Class Q and V (qualified to MIL-PRF- TI HiRel的目标是在军用和航天市场中成为 38535) product lines with extended 世界领先的半导体产品及服务供应商,通 temperature and radiation-tolerant 过标准的和有差异性的集成电路提供创新 operating ranges. Complexity ranges 性的解决方案,不断的满足客户需求。 from a low-voltage single op amp to a complete system on a chip. It is TI HiRel’s vision to be the world’s leading supplier of semiconductorbased products and services to the defense and aerospace markets, achieving customer satisfaction by providing innovative solutions through standard and differentiated integrated circuits. In order to meet this aggressive goal, we must continue to both meet and exceed customer expectations.



现代数字信号处理英文版课程设计IntroductionModern digital signal processing (DSP) is a rapidly growing field that has become essential for a wide range of applications including audio processing, image processing, communications, and control systems. This course ms to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of modern DSP techniques, including theory, algorithms, and practical implementation.Course ObjectivesBy the end of the course, students will be able to:•Understand the fundamental concepts of digital signal processing•Design and implement common DSP algorithms for various applications•Analyze and evaluate the performance of DSP algorithms•Use MATLAB to simulate and visualize DSP algorithms Course OutlineWeek 1: Introduction to DSP•Overview of DSP•Discrete-time signals and systems•Sampling and quantizationWeek 2: Time Domn Analysis•Convolution and correlation•Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)•Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Week 3: Frequency Domn Analysis•Fourier series•Fourier transform•Filter designWeek 4: Digital Filters•FIR Filters•IIR Filters•Filter design and implementation Week 5: Multirate Signal Processing•Downsampling and upsampling•M-Channel filter banks•Polyphase decompositionWeek 6: Applications of DSP•Audio processing•Image processing•Communications•Control systemsGrading Policy•30% Assignments•30% Quizzes•40% Final ProjectCourse Materials•Oppenheim, A. V., & Schafer, R. W. (2010). Discrete-time signal processing. Prentice Hall.•MATLAB.Prerequisites•Linear algebra•Calculus•Basic programming skills in MATLAB or other programming languages.ConclusionDigital signal processing is a rapidly evolving field that has become essential for many applications. This course provides students with a solid foundation in modern DSP techniques, including theory, algorithms, and practical implementation. By the end of the course, students will be able to apply their knowledge to a wide range of applications in audio processing, image processing, communications, and control systems.。



The car electronics DSP and FPGA application1 introductionAt the end of the 20th century, the global information revolution wave, the rise of the automobile industry for the unprecedented development provides a golden opportunity, information technology is widely applied to solve the car traffic, traffic safety, environment pollution, energy issues such as the best way to dry. At the same time, along with the development of automobile electronic technology, electronic component proportion of vehicle costs which are rising gradually. According to the statistical data show that, at present and in countries in Europe and America, the production automobile electronic component has accounted for automobile total cost of 20 ~ 30, and automotive electronic components with the speed of fast growth year 8.8%, especially the digital signal processor (DSP) chip dosage is will increase by 25 per cent a year. In 2005, the car to estimate the market scale, electronic component will reach $1.7 billion. Thus, electronic, integration, digital and information, network, intelligent, miniaturization and personalized has become and will continue the development of automobile industry is an important trend. This paper discusses concentrated in automotive electronics based on DSP and FPGA digital technology.DSP and FPGA technology in many fields are widely used in automotive electronics field, also has its broad application stage. Due to the strong real-time, make its voice real-time processing of possible, Because it is through the chip structure of software programming instructions to realize its function, so only modify the software and hardware platform should not change can improve the system of original design or the original function, with great flexibility, And because of DSP and FPGA chips for some function is designed, so use range, high yield, the price can be very low. Therefore, DSP and FPGA in automobile electronic system application, will greatly promote the development of automobile electronic technology.2 DSP and FPGA in automobile electronic applicationDSP as the programmable VLSI (DFM) devices, it is through downloadable software or firmware to expand algorithm and the function of digital signal process, it is the most typical USES FIR filters and FFT algorithm. In the hardware, the most basic DSP tectonic units is called the MAC's implementation, it is usually integration in data channel, which makes the instruction cycle time with the same hardware arithmetic cycle time. In addition, DSP and several independent pieces in memory, ROM, RAM, parallel functional unit and phase lock loop (PLL), the oscillator, several eight or 16 bus, clock interrupt circuit, etc. Wireless portable devices to meet the requirements of preserving data without electricity, DSP is adopted, such as flash memory and ferroelectric memory techniques. At present, most of the digital signalprocessor (DSP) using the improved structure, namely, harvard data bus and the address bus separated, makes a processing instruction and data can be simultaneously, improve efficiency. In addition, using line technology will take the operands, etc, refers to the instruction of time can step up greatly lift both speed.The FPGA refers to the field programmable gates array, it is the basic function modules by n inputs lookup tables, data storage triggers and complex way, etc. So, as long as one correctly set of data, the look-up table can be read by the data of the realization of the input and arbitrary Boolean function. Hair trigger is used to store the data, such as finite state machine state information. After way can choose different combination of the input signal, and triggers lookup tables with programmable wiring resources, can realize the combination of different logic and temporal logic. Due to the internal structure of FPGA, it can easily distributed algorithm to realize that structure of automobile electronic high-speed digital signal processing is very favorable. Due to the realization of the function of the FPGA device can also work, so as to realize the instruction, yields, line level even the concurrent execution of task, which greatly accelerated the speed of calculation. The calculation of FPGA realizing universal processor system can reach the existing hundreds and even thousands of times. And, because the FPGA can dynamically, system configuration of the wafer area is not supported by the number of linear function of wireless interface, so there may be little pieces of integrating a FPGA even support all standard system. However, due to the development of the existing system of FPGA are almost as ASIC design and test of the prototype, the development system in saving project development time is very high, and the efficiency of the utilization efficiency of resources in FPGA was relatively poor. HDL language can greatly improve the design ability, but in the maximum device performance of the design method of HDL certain limitations, still cannot provide the FPGA layout optimization and wiring.3.automotive electronic of DSP and FPGA applicationMention of automobile electronic digital, wireless communication is currently not think of software radio technology, although it is for wireless communication, but the software radio to achieve the thoughts, and automotive electronic digital processing is the goal of the spiritual path is come. Therefore, it is necessary to mention and use this technology implementation ideas and thoughts. The concept of software radio for the first time in 1992, is clear, may put the MITRE company by JoeMitola, it is current calculation technology, large scale integrated circuit and digital signal processing technology in the application of wireless communication, It is a basic idea and pursuing the goal is to construct a open, standardization, modular general hardware platform and multiple functions, such as work will band, demodulation type, data formats, encryption mode, communication protocol usingsoftware, to realize high flexibility, open communication products. So, for the study of automotive electronic digital products, can draw the following main software radio thought: first, to make the car out of the electronic products, hardware structure, Second, and not the hardware, Third, automobile electronic products should open and compatibility, open refers to the use of the open open, and the production of opening. Below is discussed based on software radio thought DSP and FPGA in automobile electronic application.Based on DSP and FPGA 3.1 the speech signal processingAutomobile electronic products mainly involves the speech processing of the digital processing, speech speech codec, speech compress and voice recognition. Foreign hot automobile electronic products is one of the speech recognition system, speech recognition system has potential applications, including voice calls, phonological operation navigation, televox, anti-theft speech broadcast channels choice identification, etc. For example, a hidden markov model (HMM) of the people, and speech recognition of 100 instructions, literature, it follows that the size of the acoustic HMM model for. Includes sample subdivision/speech input window, MFCC extraction, probability calculation and timely treatment, etc Viterbi search for required for the calculation of general DSP 10,000 million times by add (MAC). For continuous speech recognition, the signal is for better digital signal processing speed and a greater storage space. Because speech recognition system for real-time processing and sampling sound, requires a lot of operation, if they calculation of resource allocation for 20 million times MAC speech recognition, need to have 500 million times processor MAC's ability. Therefore, must use DSP and FPGA to finish the task. DSP and FPGA processing speed speech signal processing application system's complexity and decisive, high-speed DSP and FPGA realizing can realize the track adaptive acoustic field adaptive such modern audio processing and recognition technology. Theoretically, DSP and FPGA processing faster, car audio processing and identify the product application performance is better.With the increasingly diverse applications, DSP and FPGA evolved into a separate chips is no longer, and become the core component. This makes stylist can select appropriate kernel and special logic "cemented together form special DSP and FPGA solutions to meet the need of signal processing. Currently, the DSP core and the ASIC micro controller in chips. Automobile electronic system using common digital signal processor (DSP) and FPGA to achieve speech synthesis, error correction coding. And speech synthesis, speech compress and coding is the first and most DSP widely used, vector encoder will be compressed into speech signal bandwidth channel.3.2 based on DSP and FPGA car image signal processingDigital image processing and analysis technique is a mature two-dimensional signal processing technology, have been widely applied in communication, biological medicine, industrial test and military etc., of course, the car electronics also will involve large amounts of image processing. The car electronics include image processing, image processing and static movement of image processing. At present, many industries have opened the car global positioning system (GPS). GPS vehicle except the coordinates of information transmission oneself, still need to transfer their place of environmental image information, such as rescue injured site, emergency relief scene image etc. At the same time, all the traffic flow monitoring image will return traffic command center, also need to undertake image signal processing. For this kind of motor sports images, main characteristics are: first, multi-rate compression. Because wireless channel time-varying system, the effective bandwidth, transmission and data rates tend to be constantly changing, Accordingly, need to adopt more flexible ways, compression rate adaptive channel bandwidth of such changes. Second, the compression ratio. As the volume of data image NTSC TV about 167Mb/s, will the compression 200-6000 times, can adapt the request of transmission bandwidth. Third, the movement of the image motion compensation. Because of its image motion relative motion, there will be doppler frequency shift. The car for high-speed motion, the frequency shift is often cannot ignore, must of image motion compensation.In recent years, along with the rapid development of microelectronics technology and manufacturing process improvement, chip DSP and FPGA, past a case, even a cabinet of signal processing system, now can completely by single chip DSP and FPGA, system design will also from past PCB design to evolvable-oriented VLSI and UVLSI (very large scale integrated circuit chip designs). Meanwhile, due to the large DSP and FPGA technology using digital image processing, hardware structure is also a significant change, it has the basic serial structure, develop parallel processing structure by single chip processor developed into the FPGA digital signal processor (DSP) or more DSP microprocessor system, or the FPGA or with array FPGA high-speed DSP and processing system. Along with the social and economic development, and the people of the digital image processing system requirement of real-time more and more is also high, based on DSP and FPGA digital image processing system application in automobile electronic products range will more and more widely, such as car meeting TV, on-board videophone, vehicle machine vision.Based on DSP and FPGA 3.3 car adaptive real-time processingThe FPGA clock delay can reach level, combining experiments.this DSP and FPGA, therefore the parallel processing DSP and FPGA very suitable for super-fast and real-time signal processing field. As previously mentioned, due to the internalstructure of FPGA, it can easily distributed algorithm to realize that structure of automobile electronic high-speed digital signal processing is very favorable. Because of the automobile electronic products usually requires a lot of filtering arithmetic, and the filter function often requires a lot of multiplication and accumulated operating, and through the distributed structure, the arithmetic can effectively achieve the FPGA and accumulated operating. On the other hand, need plenty of complex mathematical operations, can rely on DSP or by DSP nuclear composed of ASIC to finish. In automobile electronic products, product size, weight and power special attention, In data transmission, in automobile electronic system in digital audio signals generated by a large number of data, to rely on high performance DSP and FPGA to reduce the storage space and bandwidth requirements, video and audio signals to signal encoding, decoding, color space transformation, echo, filtering, error correction, reuse and bittorrent protocol processing tasks adaptive real-time processing, it is often the DSP and FPGA cannot finish.Control theory is the difficulty in the automotive electronics and key problems, using classical and modern control theory and establish the open-loop, dead circulation, optimal and adaptive control system to realize the optimization control car. Establish the control system of a system, the first car as ignition timing optimization control system, established the system identification of the mathematical model, then the corresponding control method for optimizing control. But the engine itself structure is more complex, the influence factors of ignition, fire theoretical derivation optimization mathematical model of the state is difficult. Therefore, generally USES the method of experiment under the condition of all kinds of the best advanced ignition Angle, then deposit based on DSP and FPGA or DSP and FPGA array increasing capacity of external memory, This can be avoided by using computer. In process control system of engine real-time detection (such as engine speed and power, etc), the method of using look-up table, finds out the condition of the best advanced ignition Angle, amended to control the ignition. This better than the traditional method based on computer control, on the other hand, greatly reduce the volume, On the other hand, is more real-time and flexibility. Suspension, refers to the electronic control computer detecting steering and braking condition after the signal processing, can adaptively vehicles and lateral, Yang, and automatically adjust the damping force of shock absorber control system, it can prevent and improve the surface adhesion, wheel ultrasonic sensor is used to control the body high altitude air spring to adjust, elastic system, steering Angle measurement for raster detector etc. And DSP and FPGA and development and application, has made the control system, the vehicle to form the intelligent control system."Intelligent transportation systems" as the car and transportation industriescommon pursuit direction, it will include smart highways and intelligent vehicle system. It combined with advanced information processing technology and to highway radar technology, impact-proof highway and QiCheLian as a whole, can greatly improve automobile flow, greatly decrease the incidence of traffic accidents. Therefore, the product has been related to intelligent car manufacturers are highly valued. Intelligent transportation system can provide information of the target to pilot, to provide the shortest distance drivers, and can bypass traffic density relative concentration of the best route. "Safety first" is the principle of customer first choice, current research hot car millimeter-wave adaptive anti-collision radar, is to solve the motorway crash because of a traffic accident and developed. Due to the highway of the relative speed between the cars are very high, and frequency difference of radar signals must be extracted real-time. Thus, for radar signals frequency variation.this extraction and processing, and adaptive impact-proof control system, and is often the feedback control processing DSP or FPGA.4 development prospectsIn recent decades of automobile technology, mostly in the major achievements on the application of electronic technology, electronic technology has become an important driving force for development of auto industry. DSP and FPGA appeared to automobile products and automobile electronic technology has brought the revolutionary change of the world automobile industry, DSP and FPGA dosage, formerly monolithic processor as the FPGA digital signal processor (DSP) or the development of digital processor, or the FPGA array FPGA or DSP and high-speed processor. Based on DSP and FPGA of automobile electronic products to meet the needs of the development of the car of the future, and in various models of The Times, by coexists with DSP and FPGA as the core of general hardware platform, can through different software to realize the loading. With the continuous development of automobile electronic technology, digital signal processor (DSP) and FPGA speed will improve. Just as quickly and current development of digital signal processor (DSP), the main trend in monolithic DSP is realized in multiple MAC, more and more wide program registers the data bus, the bus and work more. From the structure, and MIMD by using SIMD instructions, long, etc. Will the FPGA, because of submicron process, its speed is faster, more door. Currently there are XILINX company Lucent and 10 million or more products, and provides some new integrated functions, like SystemonChip ProgrammingonSystem, etc, which is more flexible.China for automotive electronic systems research. Automobile braking anti-lock system, automatic transmission, airbag system in diesel engines and only in some colleges and universities and enterprises, and did not enter the exploratory research practical stage. In automobile electronic technology as a representative of the newtechnology, the development of China's automobile industry is "bottleneck". In view of this situation, China automobile electronic technology research should not only in automobile energy-saving, environmental protection, safety, strive to master them as the core technology, narrow the gap with developed countries, more should with vehicle-borne communication and high-speed real-time signal processing techniques such as the breakthrough, relying on emerging technology state information technology research achievements, the development advanced vehicle computing and information processing products, drive the car electronics technology, improve the progress of China's automobile electronic level.中文翻译汽车电子中的DSP和FPGA应用1.引言20世纪末,全球范围内兴起的信息革命浪潮,为汽车工业的突破性发展提供了千载难逢的机遇,信息技术的广泛应用是解决汽车带来的诸如交通拥挤、交通安全、环境污染、能源枯竭等问题的最佳途径。

外文翻译-- 汽车电子中的DSP和FPGA应用

外文翻译-- 汽车电子中的DSP和FPGA应用

英文文献The car electronics DSP and FPGA application1 introductionAt the end of the 20th century, the global information revolution wave, the rise of the automobile industry for the unprecedented development provides a golden opportunity, information technology is widely applied to solve the car traffic, traffic safety, environment pollution, energy issues such as the best way to dry. At the same time, along with the development of automobile electronic technology, electroniccomponent proportion of vehicle costs which are rising gradually. According to the statistical data show that, at present and in countries in Europe and America, the production automobile electronic component has accounted for automobile total cost of 20 ~ 30, and automotive electronic components with the speed of fast growth year 8.8%, especially the digital signal processor (DSP) chip dosage is will increase by 25 per cent a year. In 2005, the car to estimate the market scale, electronic component will reach $1.7 billion. Thus, electronic, integration, digital and information, network, intelligent, miniaturization and personalized has become and will continue the development of automobile industry is an important trend. This paper discusses concentrated in automotive electronics based on DSP and FPGA digital technology.DSP and FPGA technology in many fields are widely used in automotive electronics field, also has its broad application stage. Due to the strong real-time, make its voice real-time processing of possible, Because it is through the chip structure of software programming instructions to realize its function, so only modify the software and hardware platform should not change can improve the system of original design or the original function, with great flexibility, And because of DSP and FPGA chips for some function is designed, so use range, high yield, the price can be very low. Therefore, DSP and FPGA in automobile electronic system application, will greatly promote the development of automobile electronic technology.2 DSP and FPGA in automobile electronic applicationDSP as the programmable VLSI (DFM) devices, it is through downloadable software or firmware to expand algorithm and the function of digital signal process, it is the most typical USES FIR filters and FFT algorithm. In the hardware, the most basic DSP tectonic units is called the MAC's implementation, it is usually integration in data channel, which makes the instruction cycle time with the same hardware arithmetic cycle time. In addition, DSP and several independent pieces in memory, ROM, RAM, parallel functional unit and phase lock loop (PLL), the oscillator, several eight or 16 bus, clock interrupt circuit, etc. Wireless portable devices to meet the requirements of preserving data without electricity, DSP is adopted, such as flash memory and ferroelectric memory techniques. At present, most of the digital signal processor (DSP) using the improved structure, namely, harvard data bus and the address bus separated, makes a processing instruction and data can be simultaneously, improve efficiency. In addition, using line technology will take the operands, etc, refers to the instruction of time can step up greatly lift both speed.The FPGA refers to the field programmable gates array, it is the basic function modules by n inputs lookup tables, data storage triggers and complex way, etc. So, as long as one correctly set of data, the look-up table can be read by the data of the realization of the input and arbitrary Boolean function. Hair trigger is used to store thedata, such as finite state machine state information. After way can choose different combination of the input signal, and triggers lookup tables with programmable wiring resources, can realize the combination of different logic and temporal logic. Due to the internal structure of FPGA, it can easily distributed algorithm to realize that structure of automobile electronic high-speed digital signal processing is very favorable. Due to the realization of the function of the FPGA device can also work, so as to realize the instruction, yields, line level even the concurrent execution of task, which greatly accelerated the speed of calculation. The calculation of FPGA realizing universal processor system can reach the existing hundreds and even thousands of times. And, because the FPGA can dynamically, system configuration of the wafer area is not supported by the number of linear function of wireless interface, so there may be little pieces of integrating a FPGA even support all standard system. However, due to the development of the existing system of FPGA are almost as ASIC design and test of the prototype, the development system in saving project development time is very high, and the efficiency of the utilization efficiency of resources in FPGA was relatively poor. HDL language can greatly improve the design ability, but in the maximum device performance of the design method of HDL certain limitations, still cannot provide the FPGA layout optimization and wiring.3.automotive electronic of DSP and FPGA applicationMention of automobile electronic digital, wireless communication is currently not think of software radio technology, although it is for wireless communication, but the software radio to achieve the thoughts, and automotive electronic digital processing is the goal of the spiritual path is come. Therefore, it is necessary to mention and use this technology implementation ideas and thoughts. The concept of software radio for the first time in 1992, is clear, may put the MITRE company by JoeMitola, it is current calculation technology, large scale integrated circuit and digital signal processing technology in the application of wireless communication, It is a basic idea and pursuing the goal is to construct a open, standardization, modular general hardware platform and multiple functions, such as work will band, demodulation type, data formats, encryption mode, communication protocol using software, to realize high flexibility, open communication products. So, for the study of automotive electronic digital products, can draw the following main software radio thought: first, to make the car out of the electronic products, hardware structure, Second, and not the hardware, Third, automobile electronic products should open and compatibility, open refers to the use of the open open, and the production of opening. Below is discussed based on software radio thought DSP and FPGA in automobile electronic application.Based on DSP and FPGA 3.1 the speech signal processingAutomobile electronic products mainly involves the speech processing of the digital processing, speech speech codec, speech compress and voice recognition. Foreign hot automobile electronic products is one of the speech recognition system, speech recognition system has potential applications, including voice calls, phonological operation navigation, televox, anti-theft speech broadcast channels choice identification, etc. For example, a hidden markov model (HMM) of the people, and speech recognition of 100 instructions, literature, it follows that the size of the acoustic HMM model for. Includes sample subdivision/speech input window, MFCC extraction, probability calculation and timely treatment, etc Viterbi search for required for the calculation of general DSP 10,000 million times by add (MAC). For continuous speech recognition, the signal is for better digital signal processing speed and a greater storage space. Because speech recognition system for real-time processing and sampling sound, requires a lot of operation, if they calculation of resource allocation for 20 million times MAC speech recognition, need to have 500 million times processor MAC's ability. Therefore, must use DSP and FPGA to finish the task. DSP and FPGA processing speed speech signal processing application system's complexity and decisive, high-speed DSP and FPGA realizing can realize the track adaptive acoustic field adaptive such modern audio processing and recognition technology. Theoretically, DSP and FPGA processing faster, car audio processing and identify the product application performance is better.With the increasingly diverse applications, DSP and FPGA evolved into a separate chips is no longer, and become the core component. This makes stylist can select appropriate kernel and special logic "cemented together form special DSP and FPGA solutions to meet the need of signal processing. Currently, the DSP core and the ASIC micro controller in chips. Automobile electronic system using common digital signal processor (DSP) and FPGA to achieve speech synthesis, error correction coding. And speech synthesis, speech compress and coding is the first and most DSP widely used, vector encoder will be compressed into speech signal bandwidth channel.3.2 based on DSP and FPGA car image signal processingDigital image processing and analysis technique is a mature two-dimensional signal processing technology, have been widely applied in communication, biological medicine, industrial test and military etc., of course, the car electronics also will involve large amounts of image processing. The car electronics include image processing, image processing and static movement of image processing. At present, many industries have opened the car global positioning system (GPS). GPS vehicle except the coordinates of information transmission oneself, still need to transfer their place of environmental image information, such as rescue injured site, emergencyrelief scene image etc. At the same time, all the traffic flow monitoring image will return traffic command center, also need to undertake image signal processing. For this kind of motor sports images, main characteristics are: first, multi-rate compression. Because wireless channel time-varying system, the effective bandwidth, transmission and data rates tend to be constantly changing, Accordingly, need to adopt more flexible ways, compression rate adaptive channel bandwidth of such changes. Second, the compression ratio. As the volume of data image NTSC TV about 167Mb/s, will the compression 200-6000 times, can adapt the request of transmission bandwidth. Third, the movement of the image motion compensation. Because of its image motion relative motion, there will be doppler frequency shift. The car for high-speed motion, the frequency shift is often cannot ignore, must of image motion compensation.In recent years, along with the rapid development of microelectronics technology and manufacturing process improvement, chip DSP and FPGA, past a case, even a cabinet of signal processing system, now can completely by single chip DSP and FPGA, system design will also from past PCB design to evolvable-oriented VLSI and UVLSI (very large scale integrated circuit chip designs). Meanwhile, due to the large DSP and FPGA technology using digital image processing, hardware structure is also a significant change, it has the basic serial structure, develop parallel processing structure by single chip processor developed into the FPGA digital signal processor (DSP) or more DSP microprocessor system, or the FPGA or with array FPGA high-speed DSP and processing system. Along with the social and economic development, and the people of the digital image processing system requirement of real-time more and more is also high, based on DSP and FPGA digital image processing system application in automobile electronic products range will more and more widely, such as car meeting TV, on-board videophone, vehicle machine vision.Based on DSP and FPGA 3.3 car adaptive real-time processingThe FPGA clock delay can reach level, combining experiments.this DSP and FPGA, therefore the parallel processing DSP and FPGA very suitable for super-fast and real-time signal processing field. As previously mentioned, due to the internal structure of FPGA, it can easily distributed algorithm to realize that structure of automobile electronic high-speed digital signal processing is very favorable. Because of the automobile electronic products usually requires a lot of filtering arithmetic, and the filter function often requires a lot of multiplication and accumulated operating, and through the distributed structure, the arithmetic can effectively achieve the FPGA and accumulated operating. On the other hand, need plenty of complex mathematical operations, can rely on DSP or by DSP nuclear composed of ASIC to finish. In automobile electronic products, product size, weight and power special attention, Indata transmission, in automobile electronic system in digital audio signals generated by a large number of data, to rely on high performance DSP and FPGA to reduce the storage space and bandwidth requirements, video and audio signals to signal encoding, decoding, color space transformation, echo, filtering, error correction, reuse and bittorrent protocol processing tasks adaptive real-time processing, it is often the DSP and FPGA cannot finish.Control theory is the difficulty in the automotive electronics and key problems, using classical and modern control theory and establish the open-loop, dead circulation, optimal and adaptive control system to realize the optimization control car. Establish the control system of a system, the first car as ignition timing optimization control system, established the system identification of the mathematical model, then the corresponding control method for optimizing control. But the engine itself structure is more complex, the influence factors of ignition, fire theoretical derivation optimization mathematical model of the state is difficult. Therefore, generally USES the method of experiment under the condition of all kinds of the best advanced ignition Angle, then deposit based on DSP and FPGA or DSP and FPGA array increasing capacity of external memory, This can be avoided by using computer. In process control system of engine real-time detection (such as engine speed and power, etc), the method of using look-up table, finds out the condition of the best advanced ignition Angle, amended to control the ignition. This better than the traditional method based on computer control, on the other hand, greatly reduce the volume, On the other hand, is more real-time and flexibility. Suspension, refers to the electronic control computer detecting steering and braking condition after the signal processing, can adaptively vehicles and lateral, Yang, and automatically adjust the damping force of shock absorber control system, it can prevent and improve the surface adhesion, wheel ultrasonic sensor is used to control the body high altitude air spring to adjust, elastic system, steering Angle measurement for raster detector etc. And DSP and FPGA and development and application, has made the control system, the vehicle to form the intelligent control system."Intelligent transportation systems" as the car and transportation industries common pursuit direction, it will include smart highways and intelligent vehicle system. It combined with advanced information processing technology and to highway radar technology, impact-proof highway and QiCheLian as a whole, can greatly improve automobile flow, greatly decrease the incidence of traffic accidents. Therefore, the product has been related to intelligent car manufacturers are highly valued. Intelligent transportation system can provide information of the target to pilot, to provide the shortest distance drivers, and can bypass traffic density relative concentration of the best route. "Safety first" is the principle of customer first choice,current research hot car millimeter-wave adaptive anti-collision radar, is to solve the motorway crash because of a traffic accident and developed. Due to the highway of the relative speed between the cars are very high, and frequency difference of radar signals must be extracted real-time. Thus, for radar signals frequency variation.this extraction and processing, and adaptive impact-proof control system, and is often the feedback control processing DSP or FPGA.4 development prospectsIn recent decades of automobile technology, mostly in the major achievements on the application of electronic technology, electronic technology has become an important driving force for development of auto industry. DSP and FPGA appeared to automobile products and automobile electronic technology has brought the revolutionary change of the world automobile industry, DSP and FPGA dosage, formerly monolithic processor as the FPGA digital signal processor (DSP) or the development of digital processor, or the FPGA array FPGA or DSP and high-speed processor. Based on DSP and FPGA of automobile electronic products to meet the needs of the development of the car of the future, and in various models of The Times, by coexists with DSP and FPGA as the core of general hardware platform, can through different software to realize the loading. With the continuous development of automobile electronic technology, digital signal processor (DSP) and FPGA speed will improve. Just as quickly and current development of digital signal processor (DSP), the main trend in monolithic DSP is realized in multiple MAC, more and more wide program registers the data bus, the bus and work more. From the structure, and MIMD by using SIMD instructions, long, etc. Will the FPGA, because of submicron process, its speed is faster, more door. Currently there are XILINX company Lucent and 10 million or more products, and provides some new integrated functions, like SystemonChip ProgrammingonSystem, etc, which is more flexible.China for automotive electronic systems research. Automobile braking anti-lock system, automatic transmission, airbag system in diesel engines and only in some colleges and universities and enterprises, and did not enter the exploratory research practical stage. In automobile electronic technology as a representative of the new technology, the development of China's automobile industry is "bottleneck". In view of this situation, China automobile electronic technology research should not only in automobile energy-saving, environmental protection, safety, strive to master them as the core technology, narrow the gap with developed countries, more should with vehicle-borne communication and high-speed real-time signal processing techniques such as the breakthrough, relying on emerging technology state information technology research achievements, the development advanced vehicle computing and information processing products, drive the car electronics technology, improve theprogress of China's automobile electronic level.中文翻译汽车电子中的DSP和FPGA应用1.引言20世纪末,全球范围内兴起的信息革命浪潮,为汽车工业的突破性发展提供了千载难逢的机遇,信息技术的广泛应用是解决汽车带来的诸如交通拥挤、交通安全、环境污染、能源枯竭等问题的最佳途径。







DSP 可以代表数字信号处理器(Digital Signal Processor),也可以代表数字信号处理技术(Digital Signal Processing)。


二、关键字:DSP 历史现状特点发展趋势三、内容:(一)、DSP的发展历史:数字信号处理(Digital Signal Processing,简称DSP)是一门涉及许多学科而又广泛应用于许多领域的新兴学科。

DSP有两种含义:digital Signal Processing(数字信号处理)、Digital Signal Processor (数字信号处理器)。












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A DSP-based signal processing method and system forCMFQi-Li Hou a ,Ke-Jun Xu a ,b ,⇑,Min Fang a ,Wen-Jun Xiong a ,Cui Liu aa School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230009,China bEngineering Technology Research Center of Industrial Automation,Hefei 230009,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 22December 2012Accepted 4March 2013Available online 25March 2013Keywords:Coriolis mass flowmeter Signal processing method Adaptive lattice notch filterDTFT algorithm considering negative frequency DSPa b s t r a c tA set of digital signal processing method is formed by combining a digital band-pass filter,an adaptive lattice notch filter and the DTFT algorithm considering negative frequency con-tribution for processing the signals of Coriolis mass flowmeter.A digital Coriolis mass flow transmitter is developed with a DSP chip to realize the signal processing approach.Some effective measures are proposed to ensure high accuracy and real time of this approach in the implementation.Simulations,electrical signal tests and water flowrate calibrations are conducted to validate the performances of the method and the system.Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionCoriolis mass flowmeter (CMF)is widely used in many industries,such as food and beverages,chemical and phar-maceuticals in oil and gas because it can measure the true mass flowrate directly and obtain the fluid density simul-taneously.The time difference between the output signals of two velocity sensors installed in vibrating flow tubes is detected to reflect the mass flowrate,and the vibrating fre-quency is calculated to express the fluid density.Tradi-tional analog processing method is easily subject to noise interference and has the low measurement accuracy when measuring small flowrate [1].Over the past decade,digital signal processing methods have been applied to the signal processing of CMF.These methods mainly include discrete Fourier transform (DFT),phase-locked loop (PLL),digital zero-crossing,adaptive line enhancer (ALE),sliding Goertzel,discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT),etc.DFT was used to process the sensor output signals of CMF [2–7].Henry et al.found that Fourier-based technique was very precise [4].This method has good resistance to higher harmonics.Freeman utilized digital phase locked loop to process the signals of CMF [8],and Xu also studied on this method [9].Zheng et al.employed a digital zero-crossing method to calculate the frequency and phase difference of the signals of CMF [10].Derby et al.introduced ALE into the signal processing of CMF [11–14].Signals are firstly fil-tered and decimated.Then the frequency of the signals is calculated through ALE to enhance the signals.The phase difference between the signals is obtained using Fourier analysis or Goertzel Fourier transform.Xu and Ni et al.improved the above algorithm [15,16].An adaptive Funnel filter (AFF)or a lattice notch filter was adopted to track the signal frequency because of these filters having good per-formance in tracking accuracy and speed.On this basis,a signal model whose frequency,amplitude and phase were in the pattern of time-varying was proposed to describe the sensor output signals.The phase difference was calcu-lated by the sliding Goertzel algorithm [16].Tu utilized discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT)considering nega-tive frequency contribution to obtain the phase difference through calculating the Fourier coefficients at the specific frequency,and is not affected by the non-integer period sampling [17].The simulation results for steady signals showed a better performance of DTFT than that of SGA.0263-2241/$-see front matter Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.measurement.2013.03.010Corresponding author at:School of Electrical and Automation Engi-neering,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230009,China.Tel.:+8655162901412.E-mail address:dsplab@ (K.-J.Xu).In this paper,not only the DTFT algorithm considering negative frequency is utilized to calculate the phase differ-ence between two velocity sensors installed in theflow tubes of Coriolis massflowmeter,but also a digital band-passfilter and an adaptive lattice notchfilter are adopted to remove noise and calculate the frequency of the velocity sensor before performing the phase difference computa-tion.Thus a complete signal processing approach is formed for Coriolis massflowmeter by combining three kinds of algorithms.Furthermore some effective measures are pro-posed to ensure the calculation precision and real-time of this approach in the implementation of DSP-based system, which is very important for Coriolis massflowmeter due to its requirements of high accuracy.Finally electrical signal tests and waterflowrate calibrations were conducted to evaluate the ability of anti-interference,the stability of meter zero-point,measurement accuracy and turn-down ratio.2.Signal processing method2.1.Band-passfilterThere is a variety of noise in industrialfields,such as fluidflow noise,power supply noise,and pipe vibration noise,which influence the signals of CMF.Therefore a kind of IIR band-typefilter with the structure of notchfilter is employed to deal with the signals of CMF for removing the effect of noise.The transfer function of thefilter isHðzÞ¼1þq1a zÀ1þq21zÀ21þq2a zÀ1þq22zÀ2ð1Þwhere0<q1<1;0<q2<1;a=À2cos x,and x is the cen-ter frequency which is needed to be enhanced or elimi-nated.Both z=e j x=cos x+j sin x and a=À2cos x are substituted into Eq.(1),the gain of thefilter at x isj HðzÞj¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffið1Àq1Þ2½ð1þq1Þ2À4q1cos2xð1À2Þ½ð1þ2ÞÀ42cos2sð2Þwhen q1%1,q2%1,and x is not in the vicinity of0,p and 2p,Eq.(2)can be simplified asj HðzÞj%1Àq11Àq2ð3ÞIt is obvious that when q1>q2,the signal at x will be eliminated;when q1<q2,the signal at x will be enhanced. The trap depth of thefilter depends on q1and q2mainly, and is affected by x rarely.The trap width of thefilter depends on q1and q2,and mainly on q2.When thefilter is designed,q1isfirstlyfixed, and q2is adjusted to change the trap width of thefilter. The more close q2is to1,the narrower the width will be. Then q1is adjusted to change the trap depth of thefilter. Here,set q1<q2to construct a band-passfilter for enhanc-ing the sensor signals.Thisfilter with narrow pass-band width is suitable to process the signals of CMF because the signal frequency of CMF is almostfixed,e.g.for the U-tubes type of CMF,the frequency difference between empty and full tubes is less than10Hz.ttice adaptive notchfilterThe transfer function of lattice adaptive notchfilter (ANF)can be expressed as:HðzÞ¼1þk0ð1þk1ÞzÀ1þk1zÀ21þa0ð1þa1ÞzÀ1þa1zÀ2ð4ÞSuppose a0=k0and a1=q k1to construct a notchfilter. At the same time,the zeros are constrained on the unit cir-cle so as to reduce the amount of computation,that is, k1=1.Then Eq.(4)can be expressed asHðzÞ¼1þ2k0zÀ1þzÀ21þk0ð1þqÞzÀ1þq zÀ2ð5ÞSince the parameter q determines the band width of the notchfilter,the value of q is set as a slightly large value at the beginning to capture the frequency easily,and then is reduced slowly to ensure the frequency tracking accuracy. The simulation result shows that when thefinal value of q is set as0.99,it can obtain good calculation accuracy and track the variation of signal frequency simultaneously. The iterative process can be expressed as Eq.(6).qðnÞ¼0:99À0:195Â0:99ðnÀ1Þð6ÞThe estimation of signal frequency is^xðnÞ¼arccosðÀk0ðnÞÞð7ÞThe enhanced signal of raw signal is^yðnÞ¼yðnÞÀxðnÞð8Þwhere^yðnÞis the enhanced signal,y(n)is the raw signal, and x(n)is the output of the ANF,that is noise.Compared with the direct ANF,the lattice ANF only needs to adjust one parameter,so the amount of calcula-tion is greatly reduced.At the same time,the lattice ANF has shorter convergence process and can obtain steadier result.By adjusting the value of q,it can track signal well with high precision.2.3.DTFT considering negative frequency contributionTwo channel sampled sequences in sine wave of the same frequency can be expressed ass1ðnÞ¼A1cosðx nþh1Þs2ðnÞ¼A2cosðx nþh2Þð9Þwhere A1and A2are amplitudes;h1and h2are initial phases;x=2p f/f s,f is signal frequency,and f s is sampling frequency.Suppose^x is the estimated value of x,then the DTFT of s1(n)isS1Nð^xÞ¼X NÀ1n¼0A1cosðx nþh1ÞÁeÀj^x n¼X NÀ1n¼0A1½e jðx nþh1ÞþeÀjðx nþh1Þ ÁeÀj^x nð10ÞQ.-L.Hou et al./Measurement46(2013)2184–21922185Considering the negative frequency contribution,we haveS1Nð^xÞ¼A12e j h1X NÀ1n¼0e jðxÀ^xÞnþA12eÀj h1X NÀ1n¼0eÀjðxþ^xÞnð11ÞBy deducing,the computation equation of phase differ-ence for two channel signals isD h¼arctanm1ðtan u2Àtan u1Þm2þm3ðtan u1þtan u2Þþm4tan u1tan u2ð12Þ2.4.Simulation results of algorithm2.4.1.Simulations for anti-interference of algorithmThe sensor signals in the industrialfield are collected toperform the spectrum analysis.The results show that the main noise is the second harmonic offlow-tube natural frequency.There are also random noise and the noise near-by theflow-tube natural frequency.Therefore a signal model is built as shown in Eq.(13),and the signal is gener-ated using Matlab language for simulation.x¼1:0Ásinð2ÁpÁf=f sÁnÞþnoise1þnoise2þnoise3ð13Þwhere f is187.8Hz which is the natural frequency of CNG050type Coriolis massflowmeter made by a US com-pany:Emerson Process Management;f s is the sampling frequency,2kHz;the number of sampling points is6000;noise1is random noise,noise2is the second harmonic, noise3is the noise whose frequencies are between 150Hz and250Hz.The amplitudes of noise are set as 0.02,0.05and0.02in order to make the SNR be about 25dB.This signal isfiltered by Eq.(1),and the spectrum analysis of the raw andfiltered signal are shown in Figs. 1and2,respectively.The simulation results indicate that thefilter can eliminate the effect of noise greatly.2.4.2.Simulations for processing accuracy of algorithmThe signal contaminated by noise is preprocessed by thefilter mentioned above,and then its frequency is calcu-Table1Simulation results of DTFT.Theoretic value of phasedifference(°)Estimated value of phasedifference(°)Relativeerror(%)Theoretic value of phasedifference(°)Estimated value of phasedifference(°)Relativeerror(%)0.10.099986À0.0130.20.199985À0.0070.30.299986À0.0050.40.399958À0.0100.50.5000510.0100.60.599958À0.0060.70.699915À0.0120.80.799905À0.0120.90.9000490.005 1.0 1.0000740.0071.3 1.299878À0.009 1.6 1.599852À0.0092.0 2.0002320.0123.0 2.999703À0.010 2186Q.-L.Hou et al./Measurement46(2013)2184–2192lated by the lattice ANF.The simulation result of frequency calculation is shown in Fig.3.After1000points,the lattice ANF reaches convergence,the relative error of frequency calculation is smaller than0.002%.According to the frequency value the phase difference of two channelfiltered signals is obtained by the DTFT algorithm.In order to eliminate the effect of convergence process of the lattice ANF,the data after2000are calcu-lated by the DTFT algorithm.The means and relative errors are listed in Table1.As shown in Table1,when the values of the phase dif-ference vary from0.1°to3.0°,the calculation accuracy is better than0.02%.3.Development of transmitterIt is necessary to select a kind of micro-processor with high data processing ability and abundant peripherals for implementing the various functions of Coriolis massflow transmitter,such as calculation,control and interfaces.Therefore TMS320F28335,a DSP chip made by TI Company is chosen to develop a Coriolis massflow transmitter.3.1.Transmitter hardwareA block diagram of the transmitter hardware is shown in Fig.4.It consists of an analog drive system,analog signal amplifying andfiltering circuits,three24-bit analog-to-digital converters,an external static random access memory,an electrical erasable programmable read-only memory,a liquid crystal display,a keyboard,a digital-to-analog converter,a voltage-to-current circuit,a pulse outputting circuit.3.2.Transmitter softwareA block diagram of the transmitter software is shown in Fig.5.It is designed with modularized scheme,and mainly consists of a main monitoring program,an initialization module,an interrupt module,an EEPROM module,awatchQ.-L.Hou et al./Measurement46(2013)2184–21922187dog module,an algorithm module,an outputting module,a man–machine interface module.All these subprograms are called by the main monitoring program.After powered up,the main monitoring program calls the initialization module,and then starts conversation of ADC to collect the sensor signals.When certain length of new data has been sampled,DSP begins to call the algo-rithm module to calculate the massflowrate continuously. During this procedure,DSP also deals with the LCD display and keyboard input.In the cputimer0interrupt service subprogram,DSP obtains the total massflowrate by accu-mulating the current instantaneous massflowrate,and outputs the pulse and4–20mA DC current signals which stand for the massflowrate.Theflow chart of the transmit-ter software is shown in Fig.6.3.3.Key technologies in implementation(1)Digital signal processing methods have the charac-teristic of anti-interference ability and high accu-racy,but needs to deal with large amounts of data.Therefore it is very important to reduce the CPUresource occupied by data transmission for ensuringthe real-time realization of the algorithms.ADCs run at the high sampling frequency.It will not sat-isfy the real-time requirement if DSP reads the sampled data from the ADCs point by ing the direct memory access module(DMA)and the multichannel buffered serial port module(McBSP),the data transmission from ADCs to DSP will be completed without using the CPU resource. The implementation steps are as follows.Both McBSPA and McBSPB are configured as SPI function to communicate with ADCs,the trigger events of DMA channels1and2are selected as the receive events of McBSPA and McBSPB,the source address of DMA channels1and2are set as the data receive register(DRR)address of McBSPA and McBSPB,and the destination address is configured as the user defined buffer address of BufferL and BufferR.After the above con-figurations are completed,the conversion results of two ADCs are stored automatically in BufferL and BufferR from DRR register by DMA.When the buffers are full,DMA will trigger an interrupt to inform CPU.Note that in initializa-tion process,DMA must be initializedfirst to be ready to transmit,and then McBSP is initialized.This ensures data from two ADCs will be read simultaneously.(2)Thefiltering function of lattice ANF is used properlyto enhance the anti-interference ability of thealgorithm.The lattice ANF has the ability offiltering signals.The filtered signals are enhanced after the raw signal through the lattice ANF.If two lattice ANFs are used to deal with two sensor signals separately,a phase difference will be generated because the parameters of two ANFs are not the same,which will cause the measurement error.Hence one ANF is adopted to process two sensor signals.(3)It is very important how to achieve the high compu-tation accuracy during the algorithm implementa-tion by DSP.Some measures are taken as follows:1)The32-bitfloat type variable cannot ensure highprecision due to its low LSB,so the64-bit doubletype variable is utilized in DSP programs.2)In DSP programs the calculation of sin and cos can beimplemented by calling the function library of DSP.But the calculation results of the function library pos-sess only thefloat-point type precision,and the calcu-lation errors will become large with the value ofvariable increasing,which does not meet the require-ment of the processing accuracy of CMF.We tried toemploy the series approximation method for realizingthe calculation of sin and cos,and developed the pro-gram by ourselves.Its real-time performance,how-ever,is poor,and does not meet the need of CMF.Forsolving this problem,the values of variable are normal-ized to the range between0to2p beforesin/cos 2188Q.-L.Hou et al./Measurement46(2013)2184–2192calculation to ensure the computation accuracy,whichis very important especially when measuring the smallphase difference.For example,the true value ofsin(1234.5678)is0.07803344920002,DSP will obtain0.0780842if calculated directly.Consider that1234.5678equals2pÂ196+3.06347979280122,soDSP calculates sin(3.06347979280122)instead ofsin(1234.5678),and obtains0.0780333which is veryclose to the true value.3)The signal frequency value is needed when perform-ing DTFT algorithm.The simulation results show thesignal frequency value provided for DTFT algorithmshould befixed so as to ensure the stability of calcu-lation results.Under the condition of not reducingprecision,therefore,the frequency obtained by lat-tice ANF will not be refreshed until the relative errorbetween the new value and the old value is largerthan0.003%.4.Experiments of transmitterAfter the transmitter had been developed,algorithm execution time tests,electrical signal tests and water flowrate calibrations were performed to validate its perfor-mance of real time,ability of anti-interference,stability of the meter zero-point,and measurement accuracy of small flowrate.4.1.Algorithm execution time testsThe clock frequency of TMS320F28335is150MHz.The sensor signals are collected at the sampling frequency of 2kHz.For every sampling data,the total processing time of the transmitter is about420l s,including digitalfilter, lattice ANF,DTFT,flowrate calculation and LCD refreshing. Therefore,the whole approach can be realized in real time.4.2.Electrical signal testsA signal generator,Fluke282,was used to provide the signals for the electrical signal tests.Firstly,two channel sinusoidal signals with the same frequency of187.8Hz and the certain phase differences were built by MATLAB. The signals were mixed with some kinds of noise,such as the second harmonic,random noise,and the noise nearbyTable2Testing results of electrical signals.Theoretic value of phase difference(°)Estimated value of phasedifference(°)Relativeerror(%)Theoretic value of phasedifference(°)Estimated value of phasedifference(°)Relativeerror(%)0.1080.1079649À0.03250.1800.1799398À0.0335 0.2880.2879892À0.00380.3960.39600090.0002 0.4680.4679492À0.01090.5760.5759822À0.0031 0.6840.68404710.00690.7920.7919790À0.00270.8280.8275430À0.05520.9000.8999695À0.00341.008 1.00800940.0009 1.332 1.3319460À0.00412.016 2.01600600.00033.024 3.0239918À0.0003Q.-L.Hou et al./Measurement46(2013)2184–219221892190Q.-L.Hou et al./Measurement46(2013)2184–2192Table3Calibration results.Flowrate(kg/min)Theoretic totalflowrate(kg)Estimated totalflowrate(kg)Relative error(%)Mean relative error(%)Repeatability(%)LZLG-8-30flow tube(10mm)3116.30616.3160.06216.55916.558À0.0010.0180.0416.64516.644À0.0061416.16016.1700.05916.15616.1660.0630.0710.0216.11216.1260.090616.22616.2320.03716.16916.1710.0100.0310.0216.12416.1310.046215.64315.642À0.006À0.0390.0415.79615.788À0.04615.80315.792À0.065LZLG-8-500flow tube(40mm)489246.906246.9100.002246.445246.426À0.0080.0010.01246.005246.0260.009248217.577217.6260.023218.317218.3740.0260.0260.00219.979220.0440.03099214.794214.8300.017215.414215.4480.0160.0190.01215.554215.6080.02538211.831211.8380.003212.011211.972À0.018À0.0040.01212.191212.1960.00227208.968208.964À0.002209.208209.170À0.018À0.0220.03208.988208.894À0.045LZLG1200USflow tube(50mm)248228.669228.550À0.052230.010229.964À0.020À0.0450.02230.431230.288À0.06297220.621220.472À0.067221.422221.330À0.041À0.0360.04218.739218.738À0.00047216.296216.274À0.010216.316216.246À0.033À0.0190.01216.677216.646À0.01425210.671210.510À0.076210.571210.450À0.057À0.0540.03210.771210.708À0.03012204.725204.706À0.009204.244204.204À0.020À0.0180.01203.624203.572À0.025US3000/lflow tube(80mm)2075730.276730.3800.0140.0210.04 748.293748.7200.057745.140745.080À0.0081516760.205759.960À0.032À0.0100.02 756.852756.9200.009755.601755.540À0.008635727.022726.620À0.055À0.0430.01 729.324729.040À0.039731.076730.820À0.035202728.524728.460À0.009À0.0150.02 728.573728.320À0.035726.221726.200À0.003the signal frequency.The SNR of the mixed signals was between18dB and20dB.Then,the signals were loaded to Fluke282.Fluke282outputted these signals as the ana-log signal form.The transmitter collected these signals and calculated their phase differences.The testing results are shown in Table2.The computation accuracy of the phase difference is better than0.06%when the phase difference varies from0.108°to3.024°.4.3.Waterflowrate calibrationsThe transmitter was connected with the primary instru-ments made by Taiyuan Flowmeter Engineering Co.,Ltd.in Taiyuan city,China,to construct the digital Coriolis mass flowmeters with different diameter tubes.The sampling frequency of the transmitter is2kHz.After100points of data have been sampled,DSP begins calculation.The total processing time for100points of data is about42ms, including algorithm operation,LCD displaying,pulse and 4–20mA current outputting.The waterflowrate calibra-tions were conducted to evaluate their ability of anti-inter-ference,stability of the meter zero-point,measurement accuracy and turn-down ratio.4.3.1.Examining the ability of anti-interferenceThe Coriolis massflowmeter with the natural frequency of92.4Hz was installed in pipelines,and would be affected by environment noise produced by equipments,such as motors,pumps and valves.The sensor signals of the meter were collected and analyzed by spectrum method.The re-sults indicate that the main noise is the second harmonic (183.2Hz)of theflow tube vibration frequency,which is shown in Fig.7.Therefore thefilter designed above is used as a pre-processing to eliminate this noise.Thefiltered sig-nal is analyzed by spectrum,and is shown in -paring Fig.7with Fig.8,it is obvious that the second harmonic is almost removed by thefilter.4.3.2.Evaluating the stability of meter zero-pointThe Coriolis massflowmeter wasfixed in the pipe and itsflow tubes werefilled with water.The valves of both downstream and upstream of the pipe were closed so as to stop theflow of the water in the pipe.The transmitter collected two channel sensor signals and calculated their phase difference as the meter zero-point.The values of the meter zero-point were recorded every15s.The test of the meter zero-point lasted10h and the results are shown in Fig.9.The test results indicate that there is no zero-point drift after long-time running and the resultfluctuates within a small range between0.0005°and0.0007°.The stability of the zero-point data indicates that both the primary meter including the sensors andflow tubes and the transmitter can meet the experimental requirements.Having good characteristic of the meter zero-point is a necessary condi-tion for measuring smallflowrate accurately.4.3.3.Calibrating the measurement accuracy and turn-down ratioThe waterflowrate calibrations were conducted with the static weighing method according to China national industrial standards.Firstly,the valves were closed,and the zero-point of the meter was calibrated.Then the valves were opened,the upstream valve was fully opened,and the flowrate was changed by changing the opening degree of the downstream valve.The meter measured the massflow-rate and outputted the pulse signal.When the calibration started,the calibration device began to count the pulse numbers and a switcher acted simultaneously to let the fluid(water)flow to a tank to be weighed.When the cali-bration ended,the calibration device stopped counting the pulse and the switcher acted to let thefluidflow out through other pipeline.By comparing the pulse numbers with the weight of thefluid in the tank,the relative error can be obtained.Everyflowrate was tested3times to ob-tain the repeatability.The precision of the calibration rig is0.05%.The calibration results of Coriolis massflowmeters with 10mm,40mm,50mm and80mm diameterflow tubes are listed in Table3.The repeatability of all meters is better than0.05%.For Coriolis massflowmeter with10mm diameterflow tube, the measurement accuracy is better than0.09%when the turn-down ratio is15:1.For coriolis massflowmeter with the40mm diameterflow tube,the measurement accuracy is better than0.05%when the turn-down ratio is18:1.For Coriolis massflowmeter with50mm diameterflow tube, the measurement accuracy is better than0.08%when the turn-down ratio is20:1.For coriolis massflowmeter with the80mm diameterflow tube,the measurement accuracy is better than0.08%when the turn-down ratio is19:1. 5.Conclusions(1)The digital band-passfilter,adaptive notchfilter andDTFT algorithm considering negative frequency con-tribution are combined to construct a complete sig-nal processing method in order to eliminate noise,calculate the frequency and obtain the phasedifference for CMF.This method possesses shortconvergence,high accuracy and good ability ofanti-interference.(2)The digital transmitter is developed with DSP chip torealize the algorithms.Some effective measures aretaken to ensure the real-time performance and highprocessing accuracy of the algorithms,such asTable3(continued)Flowrate(kg/min)Theoretic totalflowrate(kg)Estimated totalflowrate(kg)Relative error(%)Mean relative error(%)Repeatability(%)106724.370724.4200.0070.0390.04722.068722.3200.035717.964718.5000.075Q.-L.Hou et al./Measurement46(2013)2184–21922191employing DMA and McBSP to complete datatransmission,adopting one lattice ANF to enhancesignals and using64-bit double type variables incalculation.(3)The waterflowrate calibrations are performed andexperimental results show that the transmitter hashigh measurement precision and wide turn-downratio.References[1]Yang Jiang.A novel method of measuring phase deviation signal forCoriolis massflowmeter,in:Proceedings of the5th World Congress on,Intelligent Control and Automation,June2004,pp.3705–3708.[2]P.Romano,Coriolis massflow rate meter having a substantiallyincreased noise immunity,U.S Patent4934196,June19,1990. 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