
CHAPTER 11 INTERNATIONAL BANKINGSUGGESTED ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTERQUESTIONS AND PROBLEMSQUESTIONS1. Briefly discuss some of the services that international banks provide their customers and the market place.Answer: International banks can be characterized by the types of services they provide that distinguish them from domestic banks. Foremost, international banks facilitate the imports and exports of their clients by arranging trade financing. Additionally, they serve their clients by arranging for foreign exchange necessary to conduct cross-border transactions and make foreign investments and by assisting in hedging exchange rate risk in foreign currency receivables and payables through forward and options contracts. Since international banks have established trading facilities, they generally trade foreign exchange products for their own account.Two major features that distinguish international banks from domestic banks are the types of deposits they accept and the loans and investments they make. Large international banks both borrow and lend in the Eurocurrency market. Moreover, depending upon the regulations of the country in which it operates and its organizational type, an international bank may participate in the underwriting of Eurobonds and foreign bonds.International banks frequently provide consulting services and advice to their clients in the areas of foreign exchange hedging strategies, interest rate and currency swap financing, and international cash management services. Not all international banks provide all services. Banks that do provide a majority of these services are known as universal banks or full service banks.2. Briefly discuss the various types of international banking offices.Answer: The services and operations which an international bank undertakes is a function of the regulatory environment in which the bank operates and the type of banking facility established.A correspondent bank relationship is established when two banks maintain a correspondent bank account with one another. The correspondent banking system provides a means for a bank’s MNC clients to conduct business worldwide through his local bank or its contacts.IM-1A representative office is a small service facility staffed by parent bank personnel that is designed to assist MNC clients of the parent bank in its dealings with the bank’s correspondents. It is a way for the parent bank to provide its MNC clients with a level of service greater than that provided through merely a correspondent relationship.A foreign branch bank operates like a local bank, but legally it is a part of the parent bank. As such, a branch bank is subject to the banking regulations of its home country and the country in which it operates. The primary reason a parent bank would establish a foreign branch is that it can provide a much fuller range of services for its MNC customers through a branch office than it can through a representative office.A subsidiary bank is a locally incorporated bank that is either wholly owned or owned in major part by a foreign subsidiary. An affiliate bank is one that is only partially owned, but not controlled by its foreign parent. Both subsidiary and affiliate banks operate under the banking laws of the country in which they are incorporated. U.S. parent banks find subsidiary and affiliate banking structures desirable because they are allowed to engage in security underwriting.Edge Act banks are federally chartered subsidiaries of U.S. banks which are physically located in the United States that are allowed to engage in a full range of international banking activities. A 1919 amendment to Section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act created Edge Act banks. The purpose of the amendment was to allow U.S. banks to be competitive with the services foreign banks could supply their customers. Federal Reserve Regulation K allows Edge Act banks to accept foreign deposits, extend trade credit, finance foreign projects abroad, trade foreign currencies, and engage in investment banking activities with U.S. citizens involving foreign securities. As such, Edge Act banks do not compete directly with the services provided by U.S. commercial banks. Edge Act banks are not prohibited from owning equity in business corporations as are domestic commercial banks. Thus, it is through the Edge Act that U.S. parent banks own foreign banking subsidiaries and have ownership positions in foreign banking affiliates.An offshore banking center is a country whose banking system is organized to permit external accounts beyond the normal economic activity of the country. Offshore banks operate as branches or subsidiaries of the parent bank. The primary activities of offshore banks are to seek deposits and grant loans in currencies other than the currency of the host government.In 1981, the Federal Reserve authorized the establishment of International Banking Facilities (IBF). An IBF is a separate set of asset and liability accounts that are segregated on the parent bank’s books; it is not a unique physical or legal entity. IBFs operate as foreign banks in the U.S. IBFs were established largely as a result of the success of offshore banking. The Federal Reserve desired to return a large share of the deposit and loan business of U.S. branches and subsidiaries to the U.S.IM-23. How does the deposit-loan rate spread in the Eurodollar market compare with the deposit-loan rate spread in the domestic U.S. banking system? Why?Answer: Competition has driven the deposit-loan spread in the domestic U.S. banking system to about the same level as in the Eurodollar market. That is, in the Eurodollar market the deposit rate is about the same as the deposit rate for dollars in the U.S. banking system. Similarly the lending rates are about the same. In theory, the Eurodollar market can operate at a lower cost than the U.S. banking system because it is not subject to mandatory reserve requirements on deposits or deposit insurance on foreign currency deposits.4. What is the difference between the Euronote market and the Eurocommercial paper market?Answer: Euronotes are short-term notes underwritten by a group of international investment or commercial banks called a “facility.” A client-borrower makes an agreement with a facility to issue Euronotes in its own name for a period of time, generally three to 10 years. Euronotes are sold at a discount from face value, and pay back the full face value at maturity. Euronotes typically have maturities of from three to six months. Eurocommercial paper is an unsecured short-term promissory note issued by a corporation or a bank and placed directly with the investment public through a dealer. Like Euronotes, Eurocommercial paper is sold at a discount from face value. Maturities typically range from one to six months.5. Briefly discuss the cause and the solution(s) to the international bank crisis involving less-developed countries.Answer: The international debt crisis began on August 20, 1982 when Mexico asked more than 100 U.S. and foreign banks to forgive its $68 billion in loans. Soon Brazil, Argentina and more than 20 other developing countries announced similar problems in making the debt service on their bank loans. At the height of the crisis, Third World countries owed $1.2 trillion!The international debt crisis had oil as its source. In the early 1970s, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) became the dominant supplier of oil worldwide. Throughout this time period, OPEC raised oil prices dramatically and amassed a tremendous supply of U.S. dollars, which was the currency generally demanded as payment from the oil importing countries.OPEC deposited billions in Eurodollar deposits; by 1976 the deposits amounted to nearly $100 billion. Eurobanks were faced with a huge problem of lending these funds in order to generate interestIM-3income to pay the interest on the deposits. Third World countries were only too eager to assist the equally eager Eurobankers in accepting Eurodollar loans that could be used for economic development and for payment of oil imports. The high oil prices were accompanied by high interest rates, high inflation, and high unemployment during the 1979-1981 period. Soon, thereafter, oil prices collapsed and the crisis was on.Today, most debtor nations and creditor banks would agree that the international debt crisis is effectively over. U.S. Treasury Secretary Nicholas F. Brady of the first Bush Administration is largely credited with designing a strategy in the spring of 1989 to resolve the problem. Three important factors were necessary to move from the debt management stage, employed over the years 1982-1988 to keep the crisis in check, to debt resolution. First, banks had to realize that the face value of the debt would never be repaid on schedule. Second, it was necessary to extend the debt maturities and to use market instruments to collateralize the debt. Third, the LDCs needed to open their markets to private investment if economic development was to occur. Debt-for-equity swaps helped pave the way for an increase in private investment in the LDCs. However, monetary and fiscal reforms in the developing countries and the recent privatization trend of state owned industry were also important factors.Treasury Secretary Brady’s solution was to offer creditor banks one of three alternatives: (1) convert their loans to marketable bonds with a face value equal to 65 percent of the original loan amount; (2) convert the loans into collateralized bonds with a reduced interest rate of 6.5 percent; or, (3) lend additional funds to allow the debtor nations to get on their feet. The second alternative called for an extension the debt maturities by 25 to 30 years and the purchase by the debtor nation of zero-coupon U.S. Treasury bonds with a corresponding maturity to guarantee the bonds and make them marketable. These bonds have come to be called Brady bonds.6. What warning did David Hume, the 18th-century Scottish philosopher-economist, give about lending to sovereign governments?Answer: (From the February 21, 1989 article “LDC Lenders Should Have Listened To David Hume” by Thomas M. Humphrey in The Wall Street Journal.)Hume thought no good could result from borrowing:If the abuses of treasures [held by the state] be dangerous by engaging the state in rash enterprise in confidence of its riches; the abuses of mortgaging are more certain and inevitable: poverty, impotence, and subjection to foreign powers.Nations, presuming they can find the necessary lenders, are tempted to borrow without limit and to squander the funds on unproductive projects:IM-4It is very tempting to a minister to employ such an expedient as enables him to make a great figure during his administration without over burthening the people with taxes or exciting any immediate clamorous against himself. The practice, therefore, of contracting debt will almost infallibly be abused in every government. It would scarcely be more imprudent to give a prodigal son a credit in every banker’s shop in London than to empower a statesman to draw bills in this manner upon posterity.Eventually, however, interest must be paid and the burden of debt service charges will fall heavily on the poor:The taxes which are levied to pay the interest of these debts are . . . an oppression on the poorer sort.Those same taxes “hurt commerce and discourage industry” and thus inhibit economic development and condemn the borrowing nation to continuing poverty. The debt burden will also pauperize the prosperous merchant and landowning classes that constitute the main bulwark of political freedom and stability. With the pauperization of the middle class:No expedient at all remains for resisting tyranny: Elections are swayed by bribery and corruption alone: And the middle power between king and people being totally removed, a grievous despotism must infallibly prevail. The landholders [and merchants] despised for their oppressions, will be utterly unable to make any opposition to it.7. What are the approaches available to an internationally active bank for valuing its credit risk under Basel II.Answer: For valuing credit risk, banks may choose among the standardized approach, the internal rating-based (IRB) approach, and the securitization approach. The standardized approach provides for risk-weighting assets from five categories based on external credit agencies assessments of the credit risk inherent in the asset. The IRB approach allows banks that have received supervisory approval to rely on their own internal estimates of risk in determining the capital requirement for a given exposure. The key variables the bank must estimate to value credit risk under this approach are the probability of default and the loss given default for each asset. The securitization approach provides for determining the securitized value of a cash flow stream and then risk-weighting the value according to the standardized approach or (if the bank has received supervisory approval) by applying the IRB approach to determine the capital requirement.IM-5PROBLEMS1. Grecian Tile Manufacturing of Athens, Georgia, borrows $1,500,000 at LIBOR plus a lending margin of 1.25 percent per annum on a six-month rollover basis from a London bank. If six-month LIBOR is 4 ½ percent over the first six-month interval and 5 3/8 percent over the second six-month interval, how much will Grecian Tile pay in interest over the first year of its Eurodollar loan?Solution: $1,500,000 x (.045 + .0125)/2 + $1,500,000 x (.05375 + .0125)/2= $43,125 + $49,687.50 = $92,812.50.2. A bank sells a “three against six” $3,000,000 FRA for a three-month period beginning three months from today and ending six months from today. The purpose of the FRA is to cover the interest rate risk caused by the maturity mismatch from having made a three-month Eurodollar loan and having accepted a six-month Eurodollar deposit. The agreement rate with the buyer is 5.5 percent. There are actually 92 days in the three-month FRA period. Assume that three months from today the settlement rate is 4 7/8 percent. Determine how much the FRA is worth and who pays who--the buyer pays the seller or the seller pays the buyer.Solution: Since the settlement rate is less than the agreement rate, the buyer pays the seller the absolute value of the FRA. The absolute value of the FRA is:$3,000,000 x [(.04875-.055) x 92/360]/[1 + (.04875 x 92/360)]= $3,000,000 x [-.001597/(1.012458)]= $4,732.05.3. Assume the settlement rate in problem 2 is 6 1/8 percent. What is the solution now?Solution: Since the settlement rate is greater than the agreement rate, the seller pays the buyer the absolute value of the FRA. The absolute value of the FRA is:$3,000,000 x [(.06125-.055) x 92/360]/[1 + (.06125 x 92/360)]= $3,000,000 x [.001597/(1.015653)]= $4,717.16.IM-64. A “three-against-nine” FRA has an agreement rate of 4.75 percent. You believe six-month LIBOR in three months will be5.125 percent. You decide to take a speculative position in a FRA with a $1,000,000 notional value. There are 183 days in the FRA period. Determine whether you should buy or sell the FRA and what your expected profit will be if your forecast is correct about the six-month LIBOR rate.Solution: Since the agreement rate is less than your forecast, you should buy a FRA. If your forecast is correct your expected profit will be:$1,000,000 x [(.05125-.0475) x 183/360]/[1 + (.05125 x 183/360)]= $1,000,000 x [.001906/(1.026052)]= $1,857.61.IM-7。

2022年上海对外经贸大学财务管理专业《管理学》科目期末试卷B(有答案)一、选择题1、如下选项中哪个不属于影响计划工作的权变因素?()A.组织的层次B.权力的大小C.环境的不确定性D.未来投入的持续时间2、以下哪一个不是激发组织创新力的因素?()A.结构因素 B.人力资源因素C.技术因素 D.文化因素3、一家公司董事会通过决议,计划在重庆建立汽车制造厂,建设周期为一年,需完成基础建设、设备安装、生产线调试等系列工作,()技术最适合来协调各项活动的资源分配。
考虑到一个电视广告设计至少要经过创意、文案、导演、美工、音乐合成、制作等专业的合作才能完成,下列何种组织结构能最好的支撑沸光公司的业务要求?()A.直线式B.职能制C.矩阵制D.事业部制5、下列选项中哪个不属于“组织”(organization)所共同具有的三个特性?()A.明确的目的或目标 B.精细的结构C.文化 D.人员6、在不确定情况下,除了有限信息的影响之外,另一个影响决策结果的因素是()。
A.风险性 B.环境的复杂性C.决策者心理定位 D.决策的时间压力7、()是第一个将管理定义为一组普遍适用的职能的人,他认为管理是人类所从事的一种共同活动。
A.增长型战略 B.别具一格战略 C.专一化战略 D.公司层战略10、以下哪一种组织结构违背了“统一指挥”的组织原则?()A.直线职能制 B.直线职能辅以参谋职能制C.事业部制 D.矩阵制二、名词解释11、强文化12、程序化决策13、领导者(leader)与管理者(manager)14、组织发展15、学习型组织16、组织结构17、竞争优势和竞争战略18、管理方格理论三、简答题19、什么联邦法律对员工多样性的创新措施非常重要?20、什么是组织绩效?21、简述泰勒科学管理理论的主要内容。

CHAPTER 9 MANAGEMENT OF ECONOMIC EXPOSURESUGGESTED ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTERQUESTIONS AND PROBLEMSQUESTIONS1. How would you define economic exposure to exchange risk?Answer: Economic exposure can be defined as the possibility that the firm’s cash flows and thus its market value may be affected by the unexpected exchange rate changes.2. Explain the following statement: “Exposure is the regression coefficient.”Answer: Exposure to currency risk can be appropriately measured by the sensitivity of the firm’s future cash flows and the market value to random changes in exchange rates. Statistically, this sensitivity can be estimated by the regression coefficient. Thus, exposure can be said to be the regression coefficient.3. Suppose that your company has an equity position in a French firm. Discuss the condition under which the dollar/franc exchange rate uncertainty does not constitute exchange exposure for your company.Answer: Mere changes in exchange rates do not necessarily constitute currency exposure. If the French franc value of the equity moves in the opposite direction as much as the dollar value of the franc changes, then the dollar value of the equity position will be insensitive to exchange rate movements. As a result, your company will not be exposed to currency risk.4. Explain the competitive and conversion effects of exchange rate changes on the firm’s operating cash flow.Answer: The competitive effect: exchange rate changes may affect operating cash flows by altering the firm’s competitive position.The conversion effect: A given operating cash flows in terms of a foreign currency will be converted into higher or lower dollar (home currency)amounts as the exchange rate changes.IM-15. Discuss the determinants of operating exposure.Answer: The main determinants of a firm’s operating exposure are (1) the structure of the markets in which the firm sources its inputs, such as labor and materials, and sells its products, and (2) the firm’s ability to mitigate the effect of exchange rate changes by adjusting its markets, product mix, and sourcing.6. Discuss the implications of purchasing power parity for operating exposure.Answer: If the exchange rate changes are matched by the inflation rate differential between countries, firms’ competitive positions will not be altered by exchange rate changes. Firms are not subject to operating exposure.7. General Motors exports cars to Spain but the strong dollar against the peseta hurts sales of GM cars in Spain. In the Spanish market, GM faces competition from the Italian and French car makers, such as Fiat and Renault, whose currencies remain stable relative to the peseta. What kind of measures would you recommend so that GM can maintain its market share in Spain.Answer: Possible measures that GM can take include: (1) diversify the market; try to market the cars not just in Spain and other European countries but also in, say, Asia; (2) locate production facilities in Spain and source inputs locally; (3) locate production facilities, say, in Mexico where production costs are low and export to Spain from Mexico.8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of financial hedging of the firm’s operating exposure vis-à-vis operational hedges (such as relocating manufacturing site)?Answer: Financial hedging can be implemented quickly with relatively low costs, but it is difficult to hedge against long-term, real exposure with financial contracts. On the other hand, operational hedges are costly, time-consuming, and not easily reversible.9. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of maintaining multiple manufacturing sites as a hedge against exchange rate exposure.Answer: To establish multiple manufacturing sites can be effective in managing exchange risk exposure, but it can be costly because the firm may not be able to take advantage of the economy of scale.IM-210. Evaluate the following statement: “A firm can reduce its currency exposure by diversifying across different business lines.”Answer: Conglomerate expansion may be too costly as a means of hedging exchange risk exposure. Investment in a different line of business must be made based on its own merit.11. The exchange rate uncertainty may not necessarily mean that firms face exchange risk exposure. Explain why this may be the case.Answer: A firm can have a natural hedging position due to, for example, diversified markets, flexible sourcing capabilities, etc. In addition, to the extent that the PPP holds, nominal exchange rate changes do not influence firms’ competitive positions. Under these circumstances, firms do not need to worry about exchange risk exposure.IM-3PROBLEMS1. Suppose that you hold a piece of land in the City of London that you may want to sell in one year. As a U.S. resident, you are concerned with the dollar value of the land. Assume that, if the British economy booms in the future, the land will be worth £2,000 and one British pound will be worth $1.40. If the British economy slows down, on the other hand, the land will be worth less, i.e., £1,500, but the pound will be stronger, i.e., $1.50/£. You feel that the British economy will experience a boom with a 60% probability and a slow-down with a 40% probability.(a) Estimate your exposure b to the exchange risk.(b) Compute the variance of the dollar value of your property that is attributable to the exchange rate uncertainty.(c) Discuss how you can hedge your exchange risk exposure and also examine the consequences of hedging.Solution: (a) Let us compute the necessary parameter values:E(P) = (.6)($2800)+(.4)($2250) = $1680+$900 = $2,580E(S) = (.6)(1.40)+(.4)(1.5) = 0.84+0.60 = $1.44Var(S) = (.6)(1.40-1.44)2 + (.4)(1.50-1.44)2= .00096+.00144 = .0024.Cov(P,S) = (.6)(2800-2580)(1.4-1.44)+(.4)(2250-2580)(1.5-1.44)= -5.28-7.92 = -13.20b = Cov(P,S)/Var(S) = -13.20/.0024 = -£5,500.You have a negative exposure! As the pound gets stronger (weaker) against the dollar, the dollar value of your British holding goes down (up).(b) b2Var(S) = (-5500)2(.0024) =72,600($)2(c) Buy £5,500 forward. By doing so, you can eliminate the volatility of the dollar value of your British asset that is due to the exchange rate volatility.IM-42. A U.S. firm holds an asset in France and faces the following scenario:State 1 State 2State 3 State 4 Probability 25% 25%25% 25%Spot rate $1.20/€ $1.10/€$1.00/€ $0.90/€P*€1500 €1400€1300 €1200P $1,800 $1,540$1,300 $1,080In the above table, P* is the euro price of the asset held by the U.S. firm and P is the dollar price of the asset.(a) Compute the exchange exposure faced by the U.S. firm.(b) What is the variance of the dollar price of this asset if the U.S. firm remains unhedged against thisexposure?(c) If the U.S. firm hedges against this exposure using the forward contract, what is the variance of thedollar value of the hedged position?Solution: (a)E(S) = .25(1.20 +1.10+1.00+0.90) = $1.05/€E(P) = .25(1,800+1,540+1,300 +1,080) = $1,430Var(S) = .25[(1.20-1.05)2 +(1.10-1.05)2+(1.00-1.05)2+(0.90-1.05)2]= .0125Cov(P,S) = .25[(1,800-1,430)(1.20-1.05) + (1,540-1,430)(1.10-1.05)(1,300-1,430)(1.00-1.05) + (1,080-1,430)(0.90-1.05)]= 30b = Cov(P,S)/Var(S) = 30/0.0125 = €2,400.(b) Var(P) = .25[(1,800-1,430)2+(1,540-1,430)2+(1,300-1,430)2+(1,080-1,430)2]= 72,100($)2.(c) Var(P) - b2Var(S) = 72,100 - (2,400)2(0.0125) = 100($)2.This means that most of the volatility of the dollar value of the French asset can be removed by hedging exchange risk. The hedging can be achieved by selling €2,400 forward.IM-5。


A.固定资产净残值B.固定资产折旧方法C.折旧年限的变动 D.固定资产减值准备的计提11.股份有限公司经登记注册,形成的核定股本或法定股本,又称为(D注册资本)。

三、财务分析指标1. 盈利能力分析(1)毛利率毛利率是指企业销售收入与销售成本的差额与销售收入的比率。
2. 运营能力分析(1)应收账款周转率应收账款周转率是指企业在一定时期内收回全部应收账款的速度。
3. 偿债能力分析(1)流动比率流动比率是指企业流动资产与流动负债的比率。
4. 营运资本分析营运资本是指企业流动资产与流动负债的差额。

Marks:TRUE/FALSE(1 point for each question, total 20 points)(Note: Put your answer into the following table correspondingly.)( ) (1) All of the information needed by professional analysts to give a complete picture of a company is found in the published financial statements.( ) (2) Suppliers monitor the financial statements of their customers to protect collection of their accounts receivable.( ) (3) Timeliness is a qualitative characteristic of accounting information that indicates that information should be provided to users before statutory deadlines.( ) (4) Generally accepted accounting principles are set by the Securities and Exchange Commission.( ) (5) The ability to raise additional cash by selling assets, issuing stock, or borrowing more is financial flexibility.( ) (6) To measure earnings under accrual accounting, revenues are recognized when they are received.( ) (7) The matching principle requires that expenses be recognized in the same period in which the revenues are recognized that were produced by the expenses.( ) (8) Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing net income by the weighted average number of common shares of stock outstanding.( ) (9) Liquidity refers to the ability of a company to generate sufficient cash flows to maintain its productive capacity and still meet interest and principal payments on long-term debt.( ) (10) The change in cash during a period is equal to the net income for the period. ( ) (11) Depreciation is added back to net income to determine cash from operating activities under the indirect method.( ) (12) Current assets are listed on the balance sheet in descending order of liquidity. ( ) (13) The quick ratio measures the most immediate liquidity of a company.( ) (14) Activity ratios describe the profitability of a company.( ) (15) Financial leverage is beneficial when the company earns more than the incremental after-tax cost of debt.( ) (16) Managers’ ability to freely choose among several alternative reporting methods makes it more difficult for a financial analyst to evaluate the activities and condition of a company.( ) (17) Asset turnover is defined as sales divided by total assets.( ) (18) Beginning inventory plus inventory purchases equals cost of goods sold.( ) (19) Dividends paid by a corporation represent a distribution of earnings to stockholders.( ) (20) The direct approach and the indirect approach are two alternative methods of presenting cash flows from investing activities.MULTIPLE CHOICES(1.5 points for each question, total 30 points)(Note: Put your answer into the following table correspondingly.)Which of the following is included in other comprehensive income?A.Unrealized holding gains and losses on trading securities.B.Unrealized holding gains and losses that result from a debt security being transferred into theheld-to-maturity category from the available-for-sale category.C.Foreign currency translation adjustments.D.The difference between the accumulated benefit obligation and the fair value of pensionplan assets.( ) (2) A decrease in net assets arising from peripheral or incidental transactions is called a(n)A.capital expenditure.B.cost.C.loss.D.expense.( ) (3) According to generally accepted accounting principles, revenue should be recognized at the earliest time thatA.the “critical event” has taken place and the proceeds are collected.B.the “critical event” has taken place and the amount of revenue collected is reasonablyassured.C.collection is reasonably assured and the “critical event” can be mea sured.D.collection has taken place and the “critical event” can be measured.( ) (4) How are marketable securities valued on the balance sheet?A.Historical cost.B.At cost or fair value depending on how the securities are classified.C.Market value.D.At fair value with the difference between cost and fair value reported as revenue.( ) (5) Probable future economic benefits obtained or controlled by an entity as a result of past transactions or events defineA.assets.B.liabilities.C.equity.D.retained earnings.( ) (6) Which profit measure is best for assessing how well a firm operates within their industry?A.Gross profit.B.Operating profit.C.Earnings before taxes. profit.( ) (7) Operating and financial flexibility refers to a company’s ability toA.adjust to unexpected downturns in the economic environment in which it operates or totake advantage of profitable investment opportunities as they arise.B.generate sufficient cash flows to maintain its productive capacity and still meet interestand principal payments on long-term debt.C.readily convert assets to cash relative to how soon liabilities will have to paid in cash.D.finance debt in ratio to financing through equity sources.( ) (8) During 2007, Gomez Corporation disposed of Pine Division, a major component of its business. Gomez realized a gain of $1,200,000, net of taxes, on the sale of Pine's assets. Pine's operating losses, net of taxes, were $1,400,000 in 2007. How should these facts be reported in Gomez's income statement for 2007?Total Amount to be Included inIncome from Results ofContinuing Operations Discontinued OperationsA.$1,400,000 loss $1,200,000 gainB.200,000 loss 0C.0 200,000 lossD.1,200,000 gain 1,400,000 loss( ) (9) The amount of income taxes recognized on the income statement but not yetpayable to the government are found on theA.balance sheet in the account Deferred Income Taxes.B.balance sheet in the account Income Taxes Payable.C.income statement in the account Income Tax Expense Current.D.income statement in the account Income Tax Expense Deferred.( ) (10) Net income for Monique Inc. for the fiscal period ended December31, 2005 is $78,000.Its accounts receivable balance at December 31,2005 is $121,000 and it was $69,000 at December31, 2004. Its accounts payable balance at December 31, 2005 is $72,000 and it was $43,000 at December 31, 2004. Depreciation for 2005 is $12,000 and there is an unrealized gain of $15,000 included in 2005 income from the change in value of trading securities. Which of the following amounts represents Monique's cash flow from operations for 2005?A.$52,000.B.$67,000.C.$82,000.D.$98,000.( ) (11) Return on equity using the traditional DuPont formula equals :A.(net profit margin)(interest component)(solvency ratio).B.(net profit margin)(total asset turnover)(tax retention rate).C.(net profit margin)(total asset turnover)(financial leverage multiplier).D.(tax rate)(interest expense rate)(financial leverage multiplier).( ) (12) Financial statements followA.rigid guidelines that require specific adherence to regulated procedures.B.generally accepted guidelines that allow management to choose among differentprocedures.C.general guidelines with little choice among different procedures.D.legal requirements for uniform presentation and disclosure.( ) (13) Published reports of public companies include a description of the company’s business risks, results of operations, financial condition, and future plans for the company known as theA.management discussion and analysis.B.management representation letter.C.President’s message.D.Board of Directors’ analysis.( ) (14) Financial information that is verifiable, faithfully represented, and neutral isA.reliable.B.consistent.parable.D.relevant.( ) (15) Revenues are earned whenA. a contract is signed by both parties.B.the seller substantially completes performance required by an agreement.C.the buyer completes payment required under an agreement.D.the buyer accepts delivery and completes required payments.( ) (16) The bes t measure of a firm’s sustainable income isA.income from continuing operations.B.income before extraordinary items.C.income before extraordinary item and change in accounting principle. income.( ) (17) Working capital accounts includeA.all assets.B.all assets and liabilities.C.current assets and all liabilities.D.current assets and current liabilities.( ) (18) What impact does depreciation have on the cash account?A.Depreciation results in an increase to cash.B.Depreciation results in an decrease to cash.C.Depreciation has no impact on the cash account.D.Depreciation only impacts the cash account if inflation has occurred.( ) (19) The write-off of obsolete equipment would be classified as:A.operating cash flow.B.investment cash flow.C.financing cash flow.D.no cash flow impact.( ) (20) In a common-size balance sheet, each balance sheet is expressed as a percentage of totalA.liabilities.B.assets.C.shareholders’ equity.D.assets plus shareholders’ equity.COMPUTATIONAL QUESTIONS: (25 points each, total 50 points)(Note: Write your answer clearly into the space following each question.)1)Monsanto’s 1994 Annual Report stated that the Chairman and CEO, Richard J. Mahoney, would retire on March 31, 1995. Mahoney’s cash compensation for 1994 consisted of :Salary $950,000 Annual incentive award(based primarily on achieving or exceeding a net income goal) 1,680,000 Total cash compensation $2,630,000In addition, Mahoney participated in a long term compensation plan that granted annual stock option awards if the return on stockholder’s equity exceeded 20%. Monsanto’s reported ROE was Net income = $622 millionOpening stockholders’ equity = $2,855 millionClosing stockholders’ equity = $2,948 millionROE = Net income/average stockholders’ equity = $622/$2,902= 21.4%Excerpts from 1994 Annual Report (in $millions)1994 1993 1992 Net income (loss) $622 $494 ($88)ROE 21.4% 16.9% (2.6%) Note: Restructurings and Other ActionsIn December 1994, the board of directors approved a plan to eliminate redundant staff activities across the company and consolidate certain staff and administrative business functions. The plan will result in reductions in worldwide employment levels of approximately 500 people. In addition, the company will close or exit certain facilities and programs. These workforce reductions and closures will be substantially completed by the end of 1995. The pretax expense related to these actions was $89 million ($55 million after tax).In September 1994, Monsanto received $67 million from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service in settlement of certain tax matters related to the 1985 acquisition of Searle. This settlement included interest of $33 million ($21 million after tax), recorded as a one-time gain. Most of the remainder of the proceeds reduced the balance of unamortized goodwill related to the Searle acquisition….…Restructuring expenses are recorded based on estimates prepared at the time the restructuring actions are approved by the board of directors. In the fourth quarter of 1994, the board approved the reversal of $49 million of pretax excess restructuring reserves from prior years. The excess was primarily due to higher than expected proceeds and lower exit costs from the sale and shutdown of nonstrategic businesses and facilities included in the 1993 and 1992 restructuring actions. The balance in restructuring reserves as of Dec. 31, 1994, was $254 million, and consisted primarily of workforce reduction costs under the 1994 actions and planned facility dismantling and site closure costs remaining under previous restructurings. Management believes that the balance of these reserves as of Dec. 31, 1994, is adequate for completion of those activities….Given the reported ROE of 21.4%, Mahoney was granted options for 275,000 shares at $77.75per share, the market price on the grant date. At the end of November 1995, the market price of Monsanto shares was $120 per share. In exercised and sold, the option would have gained about $11,600,000( $42.25*275,000).ing the information presented, discuss whether Mahoney’s stock option were deserved.Provide at least one argument for and one argument against the option award.b.Discuss whether the nonrecurring events disclosed should be included in managementperformance measures such as ROE.ing the information presented, discuss the expected level of Monsanto’s future incomeand ROE.2)The balance sheet and income statement for the Green Company are presented in the Exhibit 1 .a. Based on the financial statements provided, prepare a statement of cash flows for 2001 using thei) Indirect methodii) Direct methodb. Calculate the company’s free cash flow.EXHIBIT 1 THE GREEN COMPANYBalance Sheet and Income StatementBalance Sheet Income Statement for the YearAs of December 31 2001 2000 Ending December 31,2001Assets Sales $10,000 Cash $1,000 $1,100 Cost of goods sold 6,000 Accounts receivable 1,500 1,650 Depreciation 600 Inventory 2,000 2,200 SG&A 1,000 Total current assets $4,500 $4,95 Interest expense 600Fixed assets—at cost*11,000 12,150 Taxable income $1,800 Accumulated depreciation 4,500 5,100 Taxes 720 Net fixed assets 6,500 7,050 Net income $1,080 Total assets $11,000 $12,000Liabilities and EquityAccrued liabilities $ 800 $880Accounts payable 1,200 1,320Notes payable 5,500 6,050Total current liabilities 7,500 8,250Long-term debt 2,000 1,620Common stock 1,000 1,000Retained earnings 500 1,148Total liabilities and equity $11,000 $12,000* No fixed assets were sold during 1996.。

上海对外贸易学院财管中加财务报表分析(答案见其他word)quiz 3

Quiz 3Name:Student No.:1. The statement of cash flows is least likely to provide which of the following items ofinformation for investment decision making?A.Whether unexpected obligations of the firm can be met.B.Whether the firm is likely to need additional financing.C.Whether the firm can take advantage of new business opportunities as they arise.D.Whether the firm's management has demonstrated sound fiscal management.2. What is implied if the accounts receivable account has increased?A.Cash flow from operating activities is greater relative to net income.B.Cash flow from operating activities is less relative to net income.C.The firm's sales have increased relative to the prior year.D.None of the above.3. What impact does depreciation have on the cash account?A.Depreciation results in an increase to cash.B.Depreciation results in an decrease to cash.C.Depreciation has no impact on the cash account.D.Depreciation only impacts the cash account if inflation has occurred.4. Use the indirect method to answer questions 4-7. The following information is available forCasey Company:Net income $200 Increase in plant and equip. $ 90Depreciation expense 50 Payment of dividends 25Increase in accounts receivable 30 Increase in long-term debt 100Decrease in inventories 10 Decrease in accounts payable 2017. What is cash flow from operating activities for Casey Company?A.$195B.$310C.$210D.$2905. What is cash from investing activities for Casey Company?A.($215)B.$215C.($90)D.$906. What is cash from financing activities for Casey Company?A.$75B.$125C.($125)D.$557. What is the change in cash for Casey Company?A.$85B.$375C.$125D.$1958. The write-off of obsolete equipment would be classified as:A.operating cash flow.B.investment cash flow.C.financing cash flow.D.no cash flow impact.9. Increase in dividends payable would be classified as:A.operating cash flow.B.Investment cash flow.C.financing cash flow.D.no cash How impact.10. Net income for Monique Inc. for the fiscal period ended December31, 2005 is $78,000.Itsaccounts receivable balance at December 31,2005 is $121,000 and it was $69,000 atDecember31, 2004. Its accounts payable balance at December 31, 2005 is $72,000 and itwas $43,000 at December 31, 2004. Depreciation for 2005 is $12,000 and there is anunrealized gain of $15,000 included in 2005 income from the change in value of tradingsecurities. Which of the following amounts represents Monique's cash flow from operationsfor 2005?A.$52,000.B.$67,000.C.$82,000.D.$98,000.11. What does a decreasing inventory turnover ratio usually indicate about a firm?A.The firm is selling more inventory.B.The firm is managing its inventory well.C.The firm is inefficient in the management of inventory.D.Both (a) and (b).12. What is the net trade cycle?A.The amount of time needed to complete the normal operating cycle of a firm.B.The amount of time it takes to manufacture or buy inventory.C.The amount of time it takes to sell inventory.D.None of the above.13. To study trends in a firm's cost of goods sold (COGS), the analyst should standardize thecost of goods sold numbers to a common-sized basis by dividing COGS by:A.assets.B.sales. income.D.the prior year's COGS.14. Return on equity using the traditional DuPont formula equals :A.(net profit margin)(interest component)(solvency ratio).B.(net profit margin)(total asset turnover)(tax retention rate).C.(net profit margin)(total asset turnover)(financial leverage multiplier).D.(tax rate)(interest expense rate)(financial leverage multiplier).15. The percentage change in operating earnings divided by the percentage change in sales isreferred to as the:A.coefficient of variation of operating income.B.coefficient of variation of sales.C.operating leverage.D.gross profit margin.。

以下是各报表的主要内容:1. 资产负债表(1)资产总计:2019年末,公司资产总额为100亿元,较上年增长10%。
2. 利润表(1)营业收入:2019年,公司营业收入为80亿元,较上年增长15%。
3. 现金流量表(1)经营活动产生的现金流量净额:2019年,公司经营活动产生的现金流量净额为10亿元,较上年增长30%。
三、财务报告分析1. 盈利能力分析(1)营业收入增长率:2019年,公司营业收入增长率为15%,表明公司主营业务发展良好。
2. 偿债能力分析(1)资产负债率:2019年末,公司资产负债率为50%,较上年下降5个百分点,说明公司偿债能力有所增强。
上海对外贸易学院财管中加财务报表分析(答案见其他word)quiz 4

Quiz 4Name:Student No.:1. With the exception of legal costs, generally accepted accounting principles(GAAP) require thatcosts incurred in:Developing Patents Are: Purchased Patents Are:A. expensed expensedB. expensed capitalizedC. capitalized expensedD. capitalized capitalized2. The interest costs during construction are:A. expensed as incurredB. expensed at the completion of the construction projectC. capitalized and then, once construction is completed, amortized over the life of the loan.D. capitalized and then, once construction is completed, amortized over the life of theconstructed asset.3. For purposes of analysis, capitalized interest should be:A. added to fixed assets.B. added back to the cash flows for investment.C. added to interest expense and results in higher net income.D. subtracted from interest expense and results in higher net income.4. Which of the following statements is most correct? Accounting choices:A. never affect cash flows.B. always affect cash flows.C. may affect the classification of cash flow components without affecting total cash flow.D. never affect the classification of cash flow components without affecting total cash flow.5. Use the following data to answer Questions 5 through 7.Tofu Products, Inc. has purchased a new soybean processor for $300,000 (shipping and installation included ).The processor has a useful life of 15 years.The expected salvage value is$10,000.Their corporate tax rate is 39%.They expect to earn $500,000 before depreciation and taxes.What is the depreciation expenseforyear3ifthesum of the years' digits (SYD) depreciation method is used?A. $19,333.B. $29,604.C. $31,417.D. $36,250.6. Wh at is the depreciation expense for year 2 if the double-declining balance (DDB) methodis used?A. $19,333.B. $24,242.C. $34,667.D. $40,000.7. Which of the three methods--SL, SYD, Or DDB--will produce the most year-1 net income?A. Straight-line.B. Sum of the years' digits.C. Double-declining balance.D. They all will produce the same level of net income.8. Which of the following statements about depreciation methods is FALSE?A. Sinking fund depreciation is a common depreciation method in the U.S.B. The cost of plant and equipment includes all necessary expenditures made prior to placingthe asset into service.C. When using the DDB method, depreciation is ended when book value is reduced to salvagevalue.D. Accelerating deductions by using SYD for tax purposes and SL for financial reporting willresult in the creation of a deferred tax liability.9. Which of the following statements is FALSE? During the year of a write-down, the loss fromimpairment will decrease:A. cash flows.B. asset values.C. retained earnings.D. income from continuous operations.10. To determine whether an asset is impaired, an analyst should use:A. discounted cash flows and should use discounted cash flows to calculate the amount of theimpairment.B. discounted cash flows and should use undiscounted cash flows to calculate the amount of theimpairment.C. undiscounted cash flows and should use discounted cash flows to calculate the amount of theimpairment.D. undiscounted cash flows and should use undiscounted cash flows to calculate the amount ofthe impairment.。

)1. 以下属于期间报表的是A、利润表B、资产负债表C、现金流量表D、所有者权益变动表2. 以下不属于影响公司变现能力的表外因素有A、未动用的银行贷款限额B、未终结的诉讼案件C、为他人的担保D、滞销的存货3. 下列业务中可能导致公司资产负债率发生变化的是A、收回应收账款B、用现金购买债券C、接受所有者投资转入的固定资产D、以固定资产对外投资4. 每股收益可以反映企业A、资金的供应能力B、股票所含的风险C、股东的投资报酬D、公司的投资报酬5. 能够反映企业业务产生的,可以归属全部股东和债权人的现金流量是A、自由现金流量B、股权自由现金流量C、经营活动现金流量D、投资活动现金流量6. 下列经济行为可以是经营活动现金流量减少的是A、无形资产的摊销B、销售长期股权投资C、增加存货D、收回应收账款7. 公司的存货周转率越高,不表明A、存货回收速度越快B、经营管理效率越高C、存货占用资金越多D、公司利润率越高8. 以下对企业的利润增长率分析中,可以准确反映企业持续增长能力较强的是A、营业增长率大于零B、营业增长率小于资产增长率C、利润增长率大于零D、利润增长率大于收入增长率9. 对企业股东权益增长率、收益增长率等方面的发展趋势进行的分析,主要是对企业哪方面能力的分析A、运营能力B、盈利能力C、实际增长能力D、可持续增长能力10. 在杜邦分析体系中,驱动收入乘数的关键因素是A、销售净利润率B、收入增长率C、折现率D、股利支付率二、是非题(正确的填写“T”,错误的填写“F”。
)1. 如果一个公司的股票价格低于净资产的成本,成本又接近变现价值,清算是股东最好的选择。
2. 由于投资活动涉及的金额通常都比较大,所以对于一般企业来说,投资活动产生的现金流量占现金流量中的比重较大。
3. 公司增长的快慢会影响公司盈利和风险的均衡4. 企业发行长期债券可以影响到企业的经营活动现金流量。

第一单元单选题1 企业的常见的三种组织形态不包括以下哪种(A. 国有独资企业B. 独资企业C. 合伙制企业D. 公司制企业2 企业可以看做一系列契约关系的组合,其中不包括以下的(A. 股东B. 债权人C. 企业职工D. 行业竞争对手3 公司财务的基本内容不包括A. 长期投资决策B. 长期筹资决策C. 兼并与收购D. 营运资金管理4 在公司所有的利益相关人中,下面哪项最为重要(A. 债权人B. 供应商C. 股东D. 客户5 公司财务管理有三个具体目标,不包括(A. 成果目标B. 过程目标C. 效率目标D. 安全目标6 50年代后,奠定现代公司财务管理理论基石的研究理论不包括(A. 财务报表分析方法B. 股利政策理论C. 效率市场假说D. 期权定价理论7 公司财务的效率目标不包括(A. 合理使用资金B. 保持较低的财务风险C. 加速资金周转D. 提高资金的使用效率8 股东人数不超过 50人,不少于 2人的企业组织形态是(A. 独资企业B. 合伙制企业C. 有限责任公司D. 股份有限公司9 公司财务的目标是(A. 利润最大化B. 收入最大化C. 公司股东价值最大化D. 公司资产安全1 0 公司财务管理与会计相比,更侧重于(A. 计量方法B. 分析解释C. 提供内部管理信息D. 分析与决策第一单元判断题1 合伙制企业是企业一种组织形态,依据企业的规模大小而定×2 企业要想成为上市公司,首先要是股份有限公司。
√3 公司是契约组合体,至少包括股东,职工,债权人、供应商、客户、政府和社区等不同利益相关人应收账款管理、资本市场融资决策等营运资金管理内容是公司财务管理的主要内容公司财务管理的目标是利润最大化√4 ×5 ×6 股东价值最大化是公司财务管理的最终版目标√7 股东价值最大化目标又可以进一步分解为成果目标、效率目标和安全目标公司财务的成果目标是在控制投资风险的前提下,努力提高资金的报酬率公司会计可以分为两大类,财务会计和管理会计,后者主要是为公司内容使用者提供管理信息,也是我们所说的公司财务管理√8 √9 ×1 0 资产组合理论和资本资产定价模型是投资学模型,与公司财务管理无关×第二单元单选题1 资产负债表中的资产是企业所取得和控制的,能够用来进行生产经营活动并带来未来经济利益的经济资源,其所有权属于(A. 股东B. 债权人C. 企业法人D. 全体职工2 市盈率指标是众多财务比率的一个,它属于(A. 资产运用能力指标B. 流动性指标C. 盈利能力指标D. 市场价值指标3 同比资产负债表是指资产负债表的各项按照以下哪项会计科目的百分比表示的(B. 固定资产C. 注册资本D. 资产4 在同基财务报表表现形式上,关键是要选择(A. 何种财务报表B. 指数的计算方法C. 基期D. 各项目的变化趋势5 现金流量表不包括以下的哪项内容(A. 经营活动现金流B. 筹资活动现金流C. 经营活动现金流D. 销售活动现金流6 用于反映企业短期偿债能力的财务指标包括(A. 资产负债率B. 速动比率C. 资本比率D. 利息保障倍数7 资产运用能力指标有很多,但不包括(A. 存货周转率B. 应收债款周转期C. 经营利润率D. 资产周转率8 损益表有两种格式,包括以下的(A. 单步式B. 复合式C. 税前利润D. 税后利润9 和资产运用能力指标相比,盈利能力指标也包含诸多指标,但不包括(A. 销售利润率B. 资产利润率C. 权益报酬率D. 市净率1 0 杜邦分析体系是企业报表综合分析工具,它可以表现为不包括以下那一项的财务指标的连乘关系(A. 销售利润率B. 总资产利润率C. 资产周转率D. 权益乘数第二单元判断题1 现金流量表也叫财务状况变动表,反映了企业的产生现金流量的能力公司资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表是公司三大基础财务报表存货周转率是销货成本与存货价值之比 ×2 √34 资产周转率为销售收入与资产价值之比√5 反映企业盈利能力的财务指标主要有销售利润率、经营利润率、资产利润率和权益报酬率等通过同基财务报表,我们可以分析企业经营状况随时间的变化,这种分析也叫趋势分析资产负债表是公司财务报表的重要形式之一,表述了企业的盈利状况√6 √7 ×8 速动比率由速动资产和流动负债构成,反映了企业运用能够较迅速转换为现金的资产偿还短期负债的能力资本比率是指资本充足率状况,由所有者权益除以总资产而得√9 ×1 0 杜邦分析体系主要是揭示了权益报酬率指标与各种相关财务指标之间的关系√第三单元单选题1 最准确的刻画市场利率水准的指标是(A. 到期收益率B. 当期收益率C. 贴现率D. 票面利率2 在利润分配和破产清算时没有任何优先权,享有剩余收益权和剩余资产清偿权的证券是(A. 债券B. 优先股C. 普通股D. 贷款3 普通股股票的价值可分为以下几类,不包括(A. 票面价值B. 账面价值C. 清算价值D. 交换价值4 在高登增长模型中, g 和哪项财务指标无关(A. 再投资比率B. 权益报酬率C. 资产负债率D. 股利增长5 系统风险是个别资产的风险中无法在资产组合内被分散、抵消掉得那一部分风险,也叫(A. 市场风险B. 经营风险C. 财务风险D. 个别风险6 通过资产组合投资,可以有效降低风险,但不能抵消的是(A. 市场风险B. 经营风险C. 财务风险D. 个别风险7 由企业、金融机构或政府发行的,表明发行人对其承担还本付息义务的一种债务性证券,是指(A. 优先股B. 普通股C. 贷款D. 债券8 风险是指未来的结果是不确定的,是指概率分布是已知的或是可以估计的这样一种不确定性,可以用以下除哪像指标来反映(A. 方差B. 期望值C. 标准差D. 标准离差率9 债券的基本参数包括很多方面,但不包括(A. 市场利率B. 票面价值C. 到期日D. 票面利息率1 0 债券的基本特征包括很多方面,但不包括(A. 流动性B. 复合性C. 风险性D. 返还性第三单元判断题1 金融市场中,一个基本的原则是承担多大风险就有多大的收益我们可以用方差,也可以用标准差以及标准离差率来反映证券的风险状况债券的市场价格和市场利率呈反比×2 √3 √4 债券的到期日越长,收到市场利率波动的影响就越大零息债券是不支付利息的债券,以折扣形式销售√5 √6 优先股在股利分配上优先于普通股股票,但次于债券高登增长模型中的 g 是与权益报酬率和再投资比率有关的资产组合可以有效降低风险,最终有效组合可以实现无风险的状况普通股股东享有剩余收益请求权和投票权,但不享有经营权√7 √8 ×9√1 0 从理论上讲,股票价值由未来年度公司的现金收入的现值决定√第四单元单选题1 对项目现金流的分析方法,同样可以用于非项目投资决策中,比较典型的有(A. 设备更新决策B. 设备比较决策C. 上述两种决策都不是D. 上述两种决策都是2 项目现金流分析可以划分为初始现金流、营业现金流和终结现金流三个阶段,其中以下哪个阶段最为重要和负责( A. 初始现金流分析B. 营业现金流分析C. 终结现金流分析D. 以上都不对3 资本投资过程一般来说有五个阶段构成,下面哪一项不属于此过程(A. 调查研究B. 分析预测C. 事中监督D. 聘请外部中立机构4 下面的投资指标中,与其他指标不属于同类的是(A. 净现值B. 内部收益率C. 投资回收期D. 现值指数 5 下面的投资指标中,与其他指标不属于同类的是(A. 投资回收期B. 平均会计利润率C. 平均报酬率D. 内部收益率6 在各种投资指标中,我们可以分为两大类,贴现指标和非贴现指标,他们的划分依据是(A. 时间价值和决策标准B. 时间价值和会计指标C. 会计指标和决策标准D. 以上都不对7 净现值指标和内部收益指标都属于贴现指标,但两者有时会出现截然相反的结论,这种情况会出现在(A. 项目现金流会多次改变符号B. 初始投资额不等C. 现金流发生时间不同D. 以上都对8 在对项目进行现金流分析时,一个基本的原则就相关性原则,它也被称为(A. 增量现金流原则B. 筹资成本原则C. 机会成本原则D. 沉没成本原则9 沉没成本不应当计入项目现金流的分析过程,因为它对当前的投资决策不产生任何影响,以下哪项属于沉没成本(A. 设备折旧成本B. 投资决策前的咨询费用C. 空置厂房的租金D. 分摊费用1 0 按企业投资范围的不同,可分为对内投资和对外投资,其中对外投资的主要形式是(A. 设备的更新B. 新产品的研发C. 股票投资D. 收购与兼并第四单元判断题1 净现值指标和内部收益率指标同属于贴现指标,但两者在某些情况下会有结论冲突。

国际贸易实务(1)--国际贸易实务课程期中考试(试卷及参考答案)上海对外经贸⼤学 20XX - 20XX学年第 X 学期《国际贸易实务》课程期中考试试卷(3学分)▲做题说明:所有试题答案均需涂在答题纸上。
2.FOB Liner Terms New York是指买⽅必须⽤班轮来装运货物。
4.在保持盈利不变的情况下,出⼝报价采⽤EXW loaded⼯⼚交货和采⽤FCA⼯⼚交货的价格应该相等;并且就交货义务⽽⾔,两者对卖⽅⽽⾔没有区别。
7.CIF Landed Rotterdam是指出⼝⽅需要把货物卸到⿅特丹岸上才算交货。

以下是该企业的基本情况:1. 公司名称:XX股份有限公司2. 成立时间:2005年3. 主营业务:生产、销售各类机械设备4. 注册资本:5亿元5. 员工人数:1000人三、财务报告分析1. 资产负债表分析(1)资产结构分析根据XX股份有限公司2019年度资产负债表,截至2019年末,公司总资产为100亿元,其中流动资产占60%,非流动资产占40%。
2. 利润表分析(1)营业收入分析2019年,公司营业收入为80亿元,同比增长10%。
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Marks:TRUE/FALSE(1 point for each question, total 20 points)(Note: Put your answer into the following table correspondingly.)( ) (1) All of the information needed by professional analysts to give a complete picture of a company is found in the published financial statements.( ) (2) Suppliers monitor the financial statements of their customers to protect collection of their accounts receivable.( ) (3) Timeliness is a qualitative characteristic of accounting information that indicates that information should be provided to users before statutory deadlines.( ) (4) Generally accepted accounting principles are set by the Securities and Exchange Commission.( ) (5) The ability to raise additional cash by selling assets, issuing stock, or borrowing more is financial flexibility.( ) (6) To measure earnings under accrual accounting, revenues are recognized when they are received.( ) (7) The matching principle requires that expenses be recognized in the same period in which the revenues are recognized that were produced by the expenses.( ) (8) Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing net income by the weighted average number of common shares of stock outstanding.( ) (9) Liquidity refers to the ability of a company to generate sufficient cash flows to maintain its productive capacity and still meet interest and principal payments on long-term debt.( ) (10) The change in cash during a period is equal to the net income for the period. ( ) (11) Depreciation is added back to net income to determine cash from operating activities under the indirect method.( ) (12) Current assets are listed on the balance sheet in descending order of liquidity. ( ) (13) The quick ratio measures the most immediate liquidity of a company.( ) (14) Activity ratios describe the profitability of a company.( ) (15) Financial leverage is beneficial when the company earns more than the incremental after-tax cost of debt.( ) (16) Managers’ ability to freely choose among several alternative reporting methods makes it more difficult for a financial analyst to evaluate the activities and condition of a company.( ) (17) Asset turnover is defined as sales divided by total assets.( ) (18) Beginning inventory plus inventory purchases equals cost of goods sold.( ) (19) Dividends paid by a corporation represent a distribution of earnings to stockholders.( ) (20) The direct approach and the indirect approach are two alternative methods of presenting cash flows from investing activities.MULTIPLE CHOICES(1.5 points for each question, total 30 points)(Note: Put your answer into the following table correspondingly.)Which of the following is included in other comprehensive income?A.Unrealized holding gains and losses on trading securities.B.Unrealized holding gains and losses that result from a debt security being transferred into theheld-to-maturity category from the available-for-sale category.C.Foreign currency translation adjustments.D.The difference between the accumulated benefit obligation and the fair value of pensionplan assets.( ) (2) A decrease in net assets arising from peripheral or incidental transactions is called a(n)A.capital expenditure.B.cost.C.loss.D.expense.( ) (3) According to generally accepted accounting principles, revenue should be recognized at the earliest time thatA.the “critical event” has taken place and the proceeds are collected.B.the “critical event” has taken place and the amount of revenue collected is reasonablyassured.C.collection is reasonably assured and the “critical event” can be mea sured.D.collection has taken place and the “critical event” can be measured.( ) (4) How are marketable securities valued on the balance sheet?A.Historical cost.B.At cost or fair value depending on how the securities are classified.C.Market value.D.At fair value with the difference between cost and fair value reported as revenue.( ) (5) Probable future economic benefits obtained or controlled by an entity as a result of past transactions or events defineA.assets.B.liabilities.C.equity.D.retained earnings.( ) (6) Which profit measure is best for assessing how well a firm operates within their industry?A.Gross profit.B.Operating profit.C.Earnings before taxes. profit.( ) (7) Operating and financial flexibility refers to a company’s ability toA.adjust to unexpected downturns in the economic environment in which it operates or totake advantage of profitable investment opportunities as they arise.B.generate sufficient cash flows to maintain its productive capacity and still meet interestand principal payments on long-term debt.C.readily convert assets to cash relative to how soon liabilities will have to paid in cash.D.finance debt in ratio to financing through equity sources.( ) (8) During 2007, Gomez Corporation disposed of Pine Division, a major component of its business. Gomez realized a gain of $1,200,000, net of taxes, on the sale of Pine's assets. Pine's operating losses, net of taxes, were $1,400,000 in 2007. How should these facts be reported in Gomez's income statement for 2007?Total Amount to be Included inIncome from Results ofContinuing Operations Discontinued OperationsA.$1,400,000 loss $1,200,000 gainB.200,000 loss 0C.0 200,000 lossD.1,200,000 gain 1,400,000 loss( ) (9) The amount of income taxes recognized on the income statement but not yetpayable to the government are found on theA.balance sheet in the account Deferred Income Taxes.B.balance sheet in the account Income Taxes Payable.C.income statement in the account Income Tax Expense Current.D.income statement in the account Income Tax Expense Deferred.( ) (10) Net income for Monique Inc. for the fiscal period ended December31, 2005 is $78,000.Its accounts receivable balance at December 31,2005 is $121,000 and it was $69,000 at December31, 2004. Its accounts payable balance at December 31, 2005 is $72,000 and it was $43,000 at December 31, 2004. Depreciation for 2005 is $12,000 and there is an unrealized gain of $15,000 included in 2005 income from the change in value of trading securities. Which of the following amounts represents Monique's cash flow from operations for 2005?A.$52,000.B.$67,000.C.$82,000.D.$98,000.( ) (11) Return on equity using the traditional DuPont formula equals :A.(net profit margin)(interest component)(solvency ratio).B.(net profit margin)(total asset turnover)(tax retention rate).C.(net profit margin)(total asset turnover)(financial leverage multiplier).D.(tax rate)(interest expense rate)(financial leverage multiplier).( ) (12) Financial statements followA.rigid guidelines that require specific adherence to regulated procedures.B.generally accepted guidelines that allow management to choose among differentprocedures.C.general guidelines with little choice among different procedures.D.legal requirements for uniform presentation and disclosure.( ) (13) Published reports of public companies include a description of the company’s business risks, results of operations, financial condition, and future plans for the company known as theA.management discussion and analysis.B.management representation letter.C.President’s message.D.Board of Directors’ analysis.( ) (14) Financial information that is verifiable, faithfully represented, and neutral isA.reliable.B.consistent.parable.D.relevant.( ) (15) Revenues are earned whenA. a contract is signed by both parties.B.the seller substantially completes performance required by an agreement.C.the buyer completes payment required under an agreement.D.the buyer accepts delivery and completes required payments.( ) (16) The bes t measure of a firm’s sustainable income isA.income from continuing operations.B.income before extraordinary items.C.income before extraordinary item and change in accounting principle. income.( ) (17) Working capital accounts includeA.all assets.B.all assets and liabilities.C.current assets and all liabilities.D.current assets and current liabilities.( ) (18) What impact does depreciation have on the cash account?A.Depreciation results in an increase to cash.B.Depreciation results in an decrease to cash.C.Depreciation has no impact on the cash account.D.Depreciation only impacts the cash account if inflation has occurred.( ) (19) The write-off of obsolete equipment would be classified as:A.operating cash flow.B.investment cash flow.C.financing cash flow.D.no cash flow impact.( ) (20) In a common-size balance sheet, each balance sheet is expressed as a percentage of totalA.liabilities.B.assets.C.shareholders’ equity.D.assets plus shareholders’ equity.COMPUTATIONAL QUESTIONS: (25 points each, total 50 points)(Note: Write your answer clearly into the space following each question.)1)Monsanto’s 1994 Annual Report stated that the Chairman and CEO, Richard J. Mahoney, would retire on March 31, 1995. Mahoney’s cash compensation for 1994 consisted of :Salary $950,000 Annual incentive award(based primarily on achieving or exceeding a net income goal) 1,680,000 Total cash compensation $2,630,000In addition, Mahoney participated in a long term compensation plan that granted annual stock option awards if the return on stockholder’s equity exceeded 20%. Monsanto’s reported ROE was Net income = $622 millionOpening stockholders’ equity = $2,855 millionClosing stockholders’ equity = $2,948 millionROE = Net income/average stockholders’ equity = $622/$2,902= 21.4%Excerpts from 1994 Annual Report (in $millions)1994 1993 1992 Net income (loss) $622 $494 ($88)ROE 21.4% 16.9% (2.6%) Note: Restructurings and Other ActionsIn December 1994, the board of directors approved a plan to eliminate redundant staff activities across the company and consolidate certain staff and administrative business functions. The plan will result in reductions in worldwide employment levels of approximately 500 people. In addition, the company will close or exit certain facilities and programs. These workforce reductions and closures will be substantially completed by the end of 1995. The pretax expense related to these actions was $89 million ($55 million after tax).In September 1994, Monsanto received $67 million from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service in settlement of certain tax matters related to the 1985 acquisition of Searle. This settlement included interest of $33 million ($21 million after tax), recorded as a one-time gain. Most of the remainder of the proceeds reduced the balance of unamortized goodwill related to the Searle acquisition….…Restructuring expenses are recorded based on estimates prepared at the time the restructuring actions are approved by the board of directors. In the fourth quarter of 1994, the board approved the reversal of $49 million of pretax excess restructuring reserves from prior years. The excess was primarily due to higher than expected proceeds and lower exit costs from the sale and shutdown of nonstrategic businesses and facilities included in the 1993 and 1992 restructuring actions. The balance in restructuring reserves as of Dec. 31, 1994, was $254 million, and consisted primarily of workforce reduction costs under the 1994 actions and planned facility dismantling and site closure costs remaining under previous restructurings. Management believes that the balance of these reserves as of Dec. 31, 1994, is adequate for completion of those activities….Given the reported ROE of 21.4%, Mahoney was granted options for 275,000 shares at $77.75per share, the market price on the grant date. At the end of November 1995, the market price of Monsanto shares was $120 per share. In exercised and sold, the option would have gained about $11,600,000( $42.25*275,000).ing the information presented, discuss whether Mahoney’s stock option were deserved.Provide at least one argument for and one argument against the option award.b.Discuss whether the nonrecurring events disclosed should be included in managementperformance measures such as ROE.ing the information presented, discuss the expected level of Monsanto’s future incomeand ROE.2)The balance sheet and income statement for the Green Company are presented in the Exhibit 1 .a. Based on the financial statements provided, prepare a statement of cash flows for 2001 using thei) Indirect methodii) Direct methodb. Calculate the company’s free cash flow.EXHIBIT 1 THE GREEN COMPANYBalance Sheet and Income StatementBalance Sheet Income Statement for the YearAs of December 31 2001 2000 Ending December 31,2001Assets Sales $10,000 Cash $1,000 $1,100 Cost of goods sold 6,000 Accounts receivable 1,500 1,650 Depreciation 600 Inventory 2,000 2,200 SG&A 1,000 Total current assets $4,500 $4,95 Interest expense 600Fixed assets—at cost*11,000 12,150 Taxable income $1,800 Accumulated depreciation 4,500 5,100 Taxes 720 Net fixed assets 6,500 7,050 Net income $1,080 Total assets $11,000 $12,000Liabilities and EquityAccrued liabilities $ 800 $880Accounts payable 1,200 1,320Notes payable 5,500 6,050Total current liabilities 7,500 8,250Long-term debt 2,000 1,620Common stock 1,000 1,000Retained earnings 500 1,148Total liabilities and equity $11,000 $12,000* No fixed assets were sold during 1996.。