学生用 快速阅读模拟题
总得分:98.01.单选题(本题总分50.0分,本大题包括25小题,每题2分,总计50.0分)1.(本题分值:2)下列哪一项是错误的速读能力的自我训练方法( )A.回忆法B.搜捕法C.归纳法D.重复法标准答案:D | 用户答案: D本题得分:22.(本题分值:2)记忆上要“准”是指对文章的关键词和重点部位的记忆准确率都能够()A.40%B.50%C.80%D.100%标准答案:C | 用户答案: C本题得分:23.(本题分值:2)下列哪项逻辑顺序是属于鉴别阅读法的()A.确定概念、找出关键词、理解意图B.找出关键词、理解意图、确定概念C.理解意图、找出关健词、确定概念D.找出关键词、确定概念、理解意图标准答案:D | 用户答案: D本题得分:24.(本题分值:2)美国的报刊把阅读分成正规式和选择式两种,其中正规式的正常阅读速度每分钟多少个单词()A.60至80B.120至170C.200至300D.300至500标准答案:C | 用户答案: C本题得分:25.(本题分值:2)美国的报刊把阅读分成正规式和选择式两种,其中选择式的加速阅读速度每分钟多少个单词( )A.60至80B.120至170C.200至300D.300至500标准答案:D | 用户答案: D本题得分:26.(本题分值:2)根据俄罗斯著名的H?雷布尼科夫教授的统计,人的大脑储存信息的类型中,其中理解储存比机械储存占有优势最大的是()A.速度B.效率C.储存量D.准确标准答案:B | 用户答案: B本题得分:27.(本题分值:2)一般人们把阅读速度计算得出,阅读符号小于等于900以下/分与阅读单词小于等于150/分的阅读速度定为()A.超高B.高C.中等D.低标准答案:D | 用户答案: D本题得分:28.(本题分值:2)人的大脑结构严密,质量不大,消耗的能量小得惊人。
人的大脑具有()神经细胞A.一百亿个B.一亿多个C.一百四十亿个D.一千四百亿本题得分:29.(本题分值:2)确定阅读速度的公式中,其中K是指( )A.阅读时间(单位:分)B.阅读速度(单位:符号/每分钟 )C.文章的符号数量D.理解系数标准答案:D | 用户答案: D本题得分:210.(本题分值:2)确定阅读速度的公式中,其中T是指( )A.阅读时间(单位:分)B.文章的符号数量C.阅读速度(单位:符号/每分钟 )D.理解系数标准答案:A | 用户答案: A本题得分:211.(本题分值:2)有关变速阅读训练的方法和步骤,下面哪一项属于正确的()A.速读---提问----精读----叙述B.速读---精读----叙述----提问C.速读---精读----提问----叙述D.速读---提问----叙述----精读标准答案:A | 用户答案: A本题得分:212.(本题分值:2)下列哪一项不属于快速阅读法快速理解三个重要条件()A.眼力好,大脑反应快速B.大脑运行的协调程度高C.信息的整体感知性高D.左右大脑协调运作好本题得分:213.(本题分值:2)眼睛要感知文章,只能够在它处于停止状态(或者说固定状态)的条件下才能实现。
第一部分:选择题1. 下面哪个选项是正确的?A. 速读是降低阅读效率的方法B. 快速阅读可以提高阅读效率和理解能力C. 阅读速度越慢,理解能力越强D. 快速阅读只适用于小说类的阅读材料2. 快速阅读的关键在于:A. 仔细阅读每一个字B. 抓住关键词来理解整个文本C. 忽略文本中的细节D. 跳过难以理解的段落3. 快速阅读的技巧包括以下哪些?A. 使用手指或指针辅助阅读B. 划定关键段落进行重点阅读C. 使用词典查阅生词D. 反复阅读同一段落以加深理解第二部分:填空题请根据所给材料填写下列空白处。
1. 抓住关键词:通过抓住文本中的关键词,你可以快速了解文章的大意。
2. 划定重要段落:有些段落对于理解整个文本非常关键。
3. 忽略细节:在进行快速阅读时,不要纠结于文本中的细节,而是要抓住文章的主要论点和结论。
4. 避免反复阅读:快速阅读强调快速而连贯的阅读,不要在阅读过程中反复阅读同一段落。
5. 多练习:快速阅读需要不断的练习和训练。
练习题一:快速阅读1. 阅读短文,并回答以下问题:请仔细阅读以下短文,然后回答问题。
”问题:a) 谁鼓励小明每天阅读?b) 为什么小明认为阅读是开阔视野的最佳方法?2. 观察以下图片,并快速回答问题:现在请观察下面的图片,然后回答问题。
图片:[插入图片]a) 图片中有多少只狗?练习题二:速读理解1. 阅读下面的短文,并回答问题:下面是一篇关于奥林匹克运动会的短文,请仔细阅读后回答问题。
问题:a) 奥林匹克运动会每隔多久举行一次?b) 奥运会的标志是什么?2. 快速阅读以下短文,并回答问题:请阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。
”a) 小明和小红喜欢进行哪些户外运动?b) 为什么他们认为户外运动对身体健康很重要?通过以上的练习题,我们可以帮助小学生提升阅读速度和阅读理解能力。
提高小学生阅读速度的练习题目一、识字速度练习题目:1. 字母接龙:从A到Z,小学生轮流说出以上一个字母结尾的一个单词,时间限制在5秒钟内。
2. 单词拼写:以快速拼写单词为目标,给出一个单词,小学生要尽快拼写出来,时间限制在10秒钟内。
3. 每日阅读:每天安排一段短文或故事,小学生花费一定时间进行阅读,然后要求回答几个相关问题,提高他们的阅读理解速度。
二、理解速度练习题目:1. 快速回答问题:给出一系列简单问题,小学生需要尽快回答,时间限制在5秒钟内,以提高他们的思维反应速度。
2. 阅读理解游戏:设计一些趣味性的阅读理解游戏,小学生需要仔细阅读材料并解答相关问题,通过游戏的形式提高他们的阅读理解速度。
3. 图片排序:给出一组图片,要求小学生根据图片的顺序进行排序,时间限制在30秒钟内,培养他们的快速思维和理解能力。
三、阅读量提升练习题目:1. 闯关阅读:设计一系列的阅读关卡,每个关卡包括一篇短文和相关问题,小学生需要读完短文后回答问题,通过闯关的方式提升他们的阅读速度。
2. 朗读比赛:组织小学生之间的朗读比赛,要求他们在规定的时间内读完指定的文章,比赛结束后,根据阅读速度和音准等方面评选获胜者。
3. 每日阅读挑战:给出一份阅读计划,要求小学生每天读一定量的书籍或文章,逐渐提高阅读量,培养他们的阅读习惯和速度。
四、语速训练练习题目:1. 快速口语练习:设计一系列简短的口语练习,要求小学生在规定的时间内尽量多地说出相关内容,提高他们的口语表达速度和流利度。
2. 口语速度挑战:设定一个时间限制,要求小学生在规定的时间内复述一篇短文或讲述一个话题,通过挑战的方式提高他们的语速和表达能力。
3. 口语对话演练:给出一些对话的情景,小学生分组进行对话练习,要求他们在规定的时间内尽可能多地进行对话,训练他们的对话速度和流利度。
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------“快速阅读”选拔赛试题快速阅读选拔赛试题一、.下列关于文学名著的表述,有错误的一项是【】 (3分) A.《西游记》中,唐僧先后在五行山收了孙悟空,鹰愁涧收了白龙马,高老庄收了猪八戒,流沙河收了沙和尚。
C. 《鲁滨逊漂流记》用第一人称的叙述方式,讲述了鲁滨逊流落荒岛的生活经历,语言浅显,叙事详尽,让读者感到真实可信。
D. 《格林童话》反映了正义与邪恶、善良与凶残、智慧与愚昧、勤劳与懒惰等带有普遍意义的人生主题,表达了作者鲜明的爱憎和美好的愿望。
二、阅读下面选文《让有些话穿耳而过》(段奇清),完成 2529 题。
(14 分)① 李肇星曾在一篇文章中记述了他儿子 3 岁时的一些充满意趣的奇言妙语。
1 / 10② 由此,我想起了一句话:让有些话穿耳而过。
③ 譬如某一天,你无意中听到一些诽谤和中伤你的话语,就让它穿耳而过。
④ 如果偶尔听到有人指责你太不细心,未能做到未雨绸缪、防微杜渐,要让它穿耳而过尽管他的指责是善意的,可是在这个世界上,每个人都是渺小的,谁也不能保证自己不踏入认识上的歧途不要太过相信人无远虑,必有近忧的话,无论自己对将来有多少设想,可它终究没有发生。
小学语文六年级快速阅读试题 (试卷和答题卷)
发展阅读速度的速读题目速读(speed reading)是指通过采用特殊技巧和训练方法,来提高阅读速度和阅读理解能力的一种阅读方式。
阅读以下段落,并在60秒内回答问题:1. 打火机的发明时间是哪一年?2. 第一个蒸汽机的发明者是谁?3. 电话的发明者是?4. 什么时间发明了电视?5. 发明电灯的科学家是?通过这种形式的速读题目,可以锻炼读者在有限时间内快速阅读和提取信息的能力。
以下是几位著名科学家的人生轨迹,请在两分钟内回答问题:1. 牛顿的理论被称为?2. 哪位科学家首次提出了相对论?3. 哪位科学家发现了DNA的结构?4. 谁是量子力学的奠基人?5. 哪位科学家提出了进化论?这类速读题目要求读者在比第一题更长的时间内读取更多的信息,并做出准确的回答。
以下是几本不同类型的书籍,请在90秒内回答问题:1. 《1984》是由哪位作家所著?2. 《麦田里的守望者》是谁的代表作?3. 奥斯卡·王尔德是哪个国家的作家?4. 小说《傲慢与偏见》的作者是?5. 《老人与海》是美国哪位作家的作品?这类题目要求读者快速浏览书籍的相关信息,准确答题。
在进行速读练习时,可以采用以下方法来提高阅读速度和提取信息的能力:1. 扫视法:用眼睛在文字上迅速扫过,不需要逐字逐句阅读。
拓展英语阅读速度的模拟题当然,请看以下的试题:1. 选择题:下列哪项是有效提高阅读速度的方法?- A. 只读关键词- B. 逐字阅读每个段落- C. 跳读和扫视文本- D. 只看段落开头和结尾2. 填空题:为了提高阅读速度,可以通过___和___来训练。
- 答案:跳读,扫视3. 选择题:阅读速度的提升对以下哪个方面特别有益?- A. 提高理解能力- B. 增加词汇量- C. 减少眼睛疲劳- D. 增强注意力集中能力4.填空题:____是有效的阅读速度提升策略之一,它可以让读者更快地掌握文章的主要内容。
5. 选择题:阅读速度提升的关键在于___。
- A. 减少阅读时间- B. 提高识字率- C. 提高每分钟的字词量- D. 每天坚持阅读一定页数6.填空题:在阅读过程中,适当使用___可以帮助读者快速捕捉文章的主旨。
7. 选择题:以下哪种阅读方式有助于扩展阅读视野?- A. 只读小字体的文章- B. 阅读多种不同类型的文章- C. 只专注于熟悉的主题- D. 只阅读标题和第一段8.填空题:___是提高阅读速度的一种有效技巧,它通过快速浏览文本来获取关键信息。
9. 选择题:以下哪项不是提高阅读速度的策略?- A. 训练扫视技巧- B. 提高词汇量- C. 减少阅读量- D. 增强阅读理解能力10.填空题:在提高阅读速度时,重要的是培养良好的___,以便有效处理大量信息。
11. 选择题:阅读速度的提升可以帮助___。
- A. 缩短阅读时间- B. 减少理解深度- C. 仅依赖字面理解- D. 增加记忆负担12.填空题:___是指以一种系统的方法逐步提高阅读速度和理解能力。
13. 选择题:为了提高阅读速度,可以在阅读时___。
- A. 尽量避免眨眼- B. 专注于每个单词的发音- C. 采用“叠词加速法”- D. 控制阅读时的眼球移动14.填空题:有效的阅读速度训练需要___,不断调整和提升阅读技能。
15. 选择题:以下哪项是提高阅读速度的障碍?- A. 增加每页字数- B. 缺乏阅读节奏- C. 善于使用笔记本- D. 将重点放在段落结尾处16.填空题:___是一个逐步提高阅读速度的过程,需要持之以恒地进行。
问题:1. 李华每天早上都去哪里打篮球?2. 李华为什么喜欢早晨打篮球?3. 李华是怎么去学校的?题目2:阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。
问题:1. 小白是谁的好朋友?2. 小白最喜欢什么游戏?3. 小白为什么会兴奋地追逐球?题目3:阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。
问题:1. 小明在花园里种了什么花卉?2. 花园里的花朵什么时候盛开?3. 小明做了哪些事情来照顾花园里的花儿?通过以上的小学六年级阅读理解测试题,可以帮助孩子提高阅读速度和理解能力。
一、速读训练1. 阅读速度测试:选择一篇适合小学生阅读的短文,限定时间,让学生们快速阅读,并记录下他们能够完成阅读的时间。
2. 快速识别关键词:给学生提供一组短语或者单词,要求他们在有限的时间内尽可能多地联想和写下与这些词相关的其他词汇。
3. 列表阅读:提供一个包含多个事项的列表,学生根据要求快速浏览并回答相关问题。
二、理解加速1. 主题句识别:提供一段文字,让学生快速确定每个段落或者每个小节的主题句。
2. 快速推理:给学生提供几个问题,要求他们通过快速阅读文本并进行推理来回答问题。
3. 文章梗概:提供一篇较长的文章,要求学生快速整理出每个段落或者每个小节的主要观点,并给出一句简短的总结。
三、阅读理解1. 快速答题:给学生提供一组阅读理解题目,限定时间,要求他们快速阅读文章并回答问题。
2. 速读填空:给学生提供一篇文章,其中包含若干空缺的句子或者词语,要求学生根据文章的上下文快速填写正确的内容。
英语快速阅读练习题### English Fast Reading Practice ExerciseObjective: Improve your English reading speed and comprehension by answering the questions below.Instructions:1. Read the passage carefully and quickly.2. Answer the questions based on the information provided.3. Do not spend too much time on any single question.Passage:In the heart of the bustling city, there lies a small park known as "The Green Haven." It's a place where the city's inhabitants find solace amidst the chaos. The park is a square of 100 meters on each side, surrounded by towering skyscrapers. It features a central water fountain, benches for relaxation, and a variety of trees and flowers that create a serene atmosphere.The park was established in 1965 by the city's mayor, who believed that a green space was essential for the mental well-being of the residents. Over the years, it has become a popular spot for people of all ages. Children play in the playground, adults read books under the shade of trees, andthe elderly enjoy their morning walks.The park is also home to a small community of birds and squirrels, which have adapted to the urban environment. Visitors often bring food to feed the animals, creating a unique bond between nature and the city. However, the park's management has set rules to ensure the animals' health and the park's cleanliness.The "Green Haven" is not just a place for relaxation; it also serves as a venue for community events. Every year, the park hosts a spring festival, where local artists display their work, and musicians perform live. It is a celebration of the community's spirit and the park's role in fostering it.Questions:1. What is the approximate area of "The Green Haven" park?2. Who established the park and why?3. What types of activities are commonly seen in the park?4. What rules have been set by the park's management regarding the animals?5. What annual event is held in the park, and what are its main features?Answers:1. The park is a square with each side measuring 100 meters, making the area approximately 10,000 square meters.2. The park was established by the city's mayor in 1965 because he believed in the importance of a green space for the mental well-being of the residents.3. Activities in the park include children playing in the playground, adults reading under the trees, and the elderly taking morning walks.4. The passage does not provide specific rules set by the park's management, but it implies that there are rules to ensure the animals' health and the park's cleanliness.5. The annual event is a spring festival, featuring local artists displaying their work and musicians performing live, celebrating the community's spirit and the park's role in fostering it.Note: This exercise is designed to help you practice your English reading skills in a structured way. Remember, the key to fast reading is to focus on the main ideas while skimming over less important details. Happy reading!。
【快速阅读】变速阅读训练示例1.速读下面这篇文章并回答问题黑海风暴和天气预报的产生——必然性和偶然性1854 年11 月14 日,黑海上空突然出现的一场风暴,使停泊在巴拉克拉瓦港口的英法舰队受到严重损失。
六年级语文上册模拟题及解析提高阅读速度一、阅读理解(1) 阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。
问题:1. 电子阅读器能够模拟纸质书籍的阅览感受吗?2. 为什么很多喜欢读书的人会选择电子阅读器?3. 电子阅读器的背光技术有什么好处?4. 电子阅读器的电子链接功能可以用来做什么?解析:1.是的。
二、改错题(1) 阅读下面的短文,然后判断对错,并给出正确答案。
1. 李华是一位六年级的学生。
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Text 1Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1 - 7, markY (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 8 - 10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.SleepSleep is one of those funny things about being a human being --- you just have to do it. Have you ever wondered why? And what about the crazy dreams, like the one where a bad person is chasing you and you can‟t run or yell. Does that make any s ense?Characteristics of SleepWhen we see someone sleeping, we recognize the following characteristics:If possible, the person will lie down to go to sleep.The person‟s eyes are closed.The person doesn‟t hear anything unless it is a loud noise.The person breathes in a slow, rhythmic pattern.The person‟s muscles are completely relaxed. If sitting up, the person may fall out of his or her chair as sleep deepens.During sleep, the person occasionally rolls over or rearranges his or her body. This happens approximately once or twice an hour. This may be the body‟s way of making sure that no part of the body or skin has its circulation cut off for too long a period of time.In addition to these outward signs, the heart slows down and the brain does some pretty funky things.In other words, a sleeping person is unconscious to most things happening in the environment. The biggest difference between someone who is asleep and someone who has fainted or gone into a coma is the fact that a sleeping person can be aroused if the stimulus presented by is strong enough. If you shake the person, yell loudly or flash a bright light, a sleeping person will wake up.Who Sleeps?Reptiles(爬行动物), birds and mammals all sleep. That is, they become unconscious to their surroundings for periods of time. Some fish and amphibians (两栖动物) reduce their awareness but do not ever become unconscious like the higher vertebrates(脊椎动物) do. Insects do not appear to sleep, although they may become inactive in daylight or darkness.By studying brainwaves, it is known that reptiles do not dream. Birds dream a little. Mammals all dream during sleep.Different animals sleep in different ways. Some animals, like humans, prefer to sleep in one long session. Other animals like to sleep in many short bursts. Some sleep at night, while others sleep during the day.Sleep and the BrainIf you attach an electroencephalograph to a person‟s head, you can record the person‟s brainwave activity. An awake and relaxed person generates alpha waves, which are consistent oscillations at about 10 cycles per second. An alert person generates beta waves, which are about twice as fast.During sleep, two slower patterns called theta waves and delta waves take over. Theta waves have oscillations in the range of 3.5 to 7 cycles per second, and delta waves have oscillations of less than 3.5 cycles per second. As a person falls asleep and sleep deepens, the brainwave patterns slow down. A person deep in delta wave sleep is hardest to wake up.REM SleepAt several points during the night, something unexpected happens -- rapid eye movement (REM) sleep occurs. Most people experience three to five intervals of REM sleep per night, and brainwaves during this period speed up to awake levels. If you ever watch a person or a dog experiencing REM sleep, you will see their eyes flickering back and forth rapidly. In many dogs and some people, arms, legs and facial muscles will twitch during REM sleep. Periods of sleep other than REM sleep are known as NREM (non-REM) sleep.REM sleep is when you dream. If you wake up a person during REM sleep, the person can vividly recall dreams. If you wake up a person during NREM sleep, generally the person will not be dreaming.You must have both REM and NREM sleep to get a good night‟s sleep. A normal person will spend about 25 percent of the night in REM sleep, and the rest in NREM. A REM session a dream -- lasts five to 30 minutes.When You Miss Some Zzzzs…One way to understand why we sleep is to look at what happens when we don‟t get enough: As you know if you have ever pulled an all-nighter, missing one night of sleep is not fatal. A person will generally be irritable during the next day and will either slow down (become tired easily) or will be totally wired because of adrenalin (肾上腺素).If a person misses two nights of sleep, it gets worse. Concentration is difficult, and attention span falls by the wayside. Mistakes increase.After three days, a person will start to hallucinate and clear thinking is impossible. With continued wakefulness a person can lose grasp of reality. Rats forced to stay awake continuously will eventually die, proving that sleep is essential.A person who gets just a few hours of sleep per night can experience many of the same problems over time.Two other things are known to happen during sleep. Growth hormone in children is secreted during sleep, and chemicals important to the immune system are secreted during sleep. You can become more prone to disease if you don‟t get enough sleep, and a child‟s growth can be stunted(阻碍) by sleep deprivation.Why Sleep?No one really knows why we sleep. But, there are all kinds of theories, including these: Sleep gives the body a chance to repair muscles and other tissues, replace aging or deadcells, etc.Sleep gives the brain a chance to organize and archive memories. Dreams are thought by some to be part of this process.Sleep lowers our energy consumption, so we need three meals a day rather than four or five. Since we can‟t do anything in the dark anyway, we might as well "turn off" and save the energy.What we all know is that, with a good night‟s sleep, everything looks and feels better in the morning. Both the brain and the body are refreshed and ready for a new day.DreamsThe brain creates dreams through random electrical activity. Random is the key word here. About every 90 minutes the brain stem sends electrical impulses throughout the brain, in no particular order or fashion. The analytic portion of the brain -- the forebrain----then desperately tries to make sense of these signals. It is like looking at a Rorschach test, a random splash of ink on paper. The only way of comprehending it is by viewing the dream (or the inkblot) metaphorically, symbolicall y, since there‟s no literal message.This doesn‟t mean that dreams are meaningless or should be ignored. How our forebrains choose to "analyze" the random and discontinuous images may tell us something about ourselves, just as what we see in an inkblot can be revelatory. And perhaps there is a purpose to the craziness: Our minds may be working on deep-seated problems through these circuitous and less threatening metaphorical dreams.Here are some other things you may have noticed about your dreams:Dreams tell a story. They are like a TV show, with scenes, characters and props.Dreams are egocentric. They almost always involve you.Dreams incorporate things that have happened to you recently. They can also incorporate deep wishes and fears.A noise in the environment is often worked in to a dream in some way, giving some credibility to the idea that dreams are simply the brain‟s response to random impulses.You usually cannot control a dream -- in fact, many dreams emphasize your lack of control by making it impossible to run or yell.Dreaming is important. In sleep experiments where a person is woken up every time he/she enters REM sleep, the person becomes increasingly impatient and uncomfortable over time.How Much Sleep Do I Need?Most adult people seem to need seven to nine hours of sleep a night. This is an average, and it is also subjective. You, for example, probably know how much sleep you need in an average night to feel your best.The amount of sleep you need decreases with age. A newborn baby might sleep 20 hours a day. By age four, the average is 12 hours a day. By age 10, the average falls to 10 hours a day. Senior citizens can often get by with six or seven hours a day.1. This passage tells us why people have to sleep and what causes dreams.2. During sleep, the person is conscious to most things happening in the environment.3. Neither reptiles nor birds dream during sleep.4. A normal person spends the main part of the night in NREM sleep.5. If you miss one night of sleep, you will lose your appetite to some extent.6. Nobody really knows the reason why we sleep.7. Generally speaking, you need less amount of sleep as you grow older.8. The slower ________________ , the deeper the sleep.9. REM in this passage stands for ________________________.10. The brain stem sends electrical impulses throughout the brain about every ________________.Text2Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly For questions 1-7, markY (for YES)if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO)if he statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN)if the information is not given in the passage;For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.SpidersSpiders can be distinguished from other Arachnids because the prosoma (combined head and thorax) is only separated from the opisthosoma (abdomen) by a narrow waist, in other Arachnids the whole body appears to be much more of a single unit. All spiders produce silk, but only some construct webs to catch their homes and to protect their eggs.All spiders possess poison glands but very few of them are dangerous to humans, of the 600 species in Britain only 12 (at least one of these is a recent human assisted colonist) are strong enough to pierce the human skin, and apart from allergies, none are more dangerous than a common wasp. Most spiders have 8 eyes (though some have 6,4,2 or 0), as well as 8 legs. (By the way if you count the claws as separate leg section(which you shouldn‟t really)then their legs have 8 parts as well(coxa, trochanter , femur, patella, tibia, tarsus, metatarsus, claws). There are more than 32,000 known species of spider in the world. No human being has ever been officially recorder as having died as the result of a tarantula‟s bite.All spiders are carnivorous and feed only on liquids, i.e. their preys natural juices and the breakdown products of external digestion (meaning they spit, exude or inject digestive juices onto/into their prey and suck up the resulting soup). So why not invite some to your next social do?What’s In a NameThe word Arachnid comes from the Greek word Arachne, who was the daughter of Idmon of Colophon in Lydia, a dyer by trade. Arachne herself was a weaver, the best in all the known world. However in a foolish moment she challenged Athene, the daughter of Zeus and goddess of, among other things, waving to a weaving competition. Arachne wove so perfect a cloth that she tore it to shreds. Arachne became depressed after this and in the end she hung herself. Athene stirred to remorse at the knowledge of what her anger had wrought turned the rope Arachne had used to hang herself into a web and Arachne herself into a spider so that the beauty of her spinning should not be lost to the world ever again.The Great Household Spider SafariThere are just over six hundred different sorts of spiders in the British Isles. But of these only a handful are commonly found in houses. At the front of the head are a pair of what appear to be small legs. These are called palps and are used to guide food to the spider‟s mouth. The front of the head also has a group of six or eight eyes. On the underside of the body at the rear, are four or six small conical bumps or cylinders. There are the spinnerets from which the spider produces the silk to make its webs.Telling male and female spiders apart is easily done by looking at their palps. Males have swollen ends to their palps which makes them look as if they are wearing boxing gloves, these are often strange shapes if looked at with a hand lens. Females have normal looking palps that are not swollen at the ends.The largest spider is the Goliath spider, the female of which grows to reach a leg span of ten inches. The largest spider in Britain is the Cardinal spider which is a close cousin of Tim Tegenaria. Females can achieve a leg span of four and a half inches. It is known as the Cardinal spider as it was common in Hampton Court when Cardinal Wolsey lived there. The sight of these long legged spiders wandering around the palace at night used to frighten him. So far 32,000 different kinds of spider have been discovered from all over the world. Britain has 630 different kinds of spider of which 250 are tiny Money spiders. The smallest of which has a body less than one millimeter long.1.All the silk produced by spiders construct webs to catch their food.2.Not all the poison glands possessed by spiders are dangerous to human beings.3.Spiders often kill humans in Britain when they pierce human skin.4.After seeing her enemy commits suicide, Arachne turned Athene into a spider.5.Tim Tegenaria spiders are closely related to tarantula spiders; both are found in Britain.6.So far 32,000 different kinds of spiders have been discovered from all over the world.7.Money spiders are the smallest spiders found in the Arachnids family.8.There are more than ________________ known species of spider in the world.9.Telling male and female spiders apart is easily done by ________________________.10.The largest spider is________________________.Text 3Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly For questions 1-7, markY (for YES)if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO)if he statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN)if the information is not given in the passage;For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Computer CrimeA computer crime is generally defined as one that involves the use of computers and softwaref or illegal purposes. This doesn‟t mean that all the crimes are new types of crime. On the contrary, many of these crimes, such as embezzlement of funds, the alteration of records, theft, vandalism, sabotage, and terrorism, can be committed without a computer. But with a computer, these offenses can be carried out more quickly and with less chance that the person responsible for the crime will be discovered.Computer crimes are on the rise and have been for the last twelve years. Just how much these computer crimes cost the American public is in dispute, but estimates range from$3 billion to$5 billion annually. Even the FBI, which attempts to keep track of the growth or decline of all kinds of crimes, is unable to say precisely how large a loss is involved; however, it estimates that the average take from a company hit by computer crime is $600,000. A number of reasons are given for the increase in computer crime: (a)more computers in use and, thus, more people who are familiar with basic computer operation; (b)more computers tied together in satellite and other data—transmission networks; and (c)the easy access of microcomputers to huge mainframe data bases.The CriminalMovies and newspaper stories might lead us to believe that most computer crimes are committed by teenage “hackers”—brilliant and basically good children who let their imagination and technical genius get them into trouble. But a realistic look at the crimes reveals that the offender is likely to be an employee of the firm against which the crime has been committed, i.e., an “insider”.Difficulty of Detection and PreventionGiven the kind of person who commits a computer crime and the environment in which the crime occurs, it is often difficult to detect who the criminal is. First of all, the crime may be so complex that months or years go by before anyone discovers it.Second, once the crime has been revealed, it is not easy to find a clear trail of evidence that leads back to the guilty party. After all, looking for “weapons” or fingerprints does not occur as it might in the investigation of more conventional crimes.Third, there are usually no witnesses to the computer crime, even though it may be taking place in a room filled with people. Who is to say if the person at the next terminal, calmly keying in data, is doing the com pany‟s work or committing a criminal act?Fourth, not enough people in management and law enforcement know enough about computer technology to prevent the crimes. Authorities have t o be familiar with the computer‟s capabilities within a given situation to guard against its misuses. In some large cities, such as Los Angeles, police departments have set up specially trained computer crime units.But even when an offender is caught, the investigators, attorneys (律师), judges, or juries may find the alleged crime too complicated and perplexing to handle. More attorneys are specializing in compute r law and studying the computer‟s potential for misuse.After a computer crime has been discovered, many companies do not report it or prosecute (起诉)the person responsible. A company may not announce the crime out of fear that the pubic will find out the weaknesses of its computer system and lose confidence in its organization. Banks, credit card companies, and investment firms are especially sensitive about revealing their vulnerabilities (脆弱性)because they rely heavily on customer trust.To avoid public attention, cautious companies will often settle cases of computer tampering out of court. And if cases do go to trial and the offenders are convicted, they may be punished only by a fine or light sentenc e because the judge or jury isn‟t fully trained to understand the nature and seriousness of the crime.Not all companies are timid in apprehending computer criminals. For example, Connecticut General Life Insurance Company decided it had to get tough on violators. So when the company discovered that one of its computer technicians had embezzled $200,000 by entering false benefit claims, it pre sented it findings to the state‟s attorney and aided in the prosecution of the technician. The technician was found guilty and sentenced to prison, not just for the computer misuse, but also for grand theft and insurance fraud. Connecticut General now has a policy of reporting all incidents of theft or fraud, no matter how small.1. The FBI knows exactly how large a loss is involved in computer crimes.2. It has become easy for microcomputer owners to use huge mainframe data bases.3. It is implied in the Paragraph 3 that most computer criminals are the employees of the concerned companies.4. Many companies don‟t report computer crimes because law procedures against computer crimes usually cost a lot of money.5. When computer crime takes place in a room filled with people, there are usually many witnesses to the crime.6. The passage is mainly about the increase of computer crimes in America and the difficulties in combating computer crimes.7. Computer crimes are on the rise because more cheap microcomputers are available.8. According to the passage, computer crimes has been on the rise for the last_______________ years.9. Connecticut General Life Insurance Company is cited as _______________ of companies that took serious measures to fight against computer crimes.10. Banks, credit card companies, and investment firms are especially sensitive about revealing their vulnerabilities because they place too much reliance on_______________.Text 4Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly For questions 1-7, markY (for YES)if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO)if he statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN)if the information is not given in the passage;For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.PassportsIf you've ever traveled outside the United States, one of the most important tasks you had to complete before your trip was applying for a passport. A copy of your original birth certificate may suffice for short trips to Mexico or the Caribbean, say on a cruise. But, generallyspeaking ,want to see the world, you have to have a passport--the only universally accepted form of identification.What Exactly Is a Passport and How Long Has It Been Around?Passports have been around in some form for hundreds of years. Governments learned long ago tat an official document of certification--one that identified a traveler as a citizen or national with a right to protection while a broad and a right to return to the country of his citizenship--is a necessity. Passports, letters of transit and similar documents were used for centuries to allow individuals to travel safely in foreign lands, but the adoption of the passport by all nations is a development of the 19th and 20th centuries. According to State Department historians, except for brief periods during wartime, passports were not generally required for travel abroad and few obstacles were presented by foreign states' passport requirements until after 1914.An executive order made on Dec.15,1915,required every person entering or leaving the United States to have a valid passport.In the United States, passports are issued upon application to U.S. citizens by the State Department and its 13 passport agencies in major cities, by U.S. passport cannot simply be renewed but must be completely replaced when it expires.Applying for a PassportYou can find passport applications at any regional passport agency or at designated post offices or clerk of court offices. Today, you can even download and print your own passport applications. However, you still are to go in person to apply for your first passport.You should apply for your passport several months in advance of your planned departure, making sure you fill in the dates of your upcoming trip in the appropriate place on the application. If you'll need visas from foreign embassies, allow more time.As a rule, it takes about 25 business days to process your passport application and get the document sent to you. Something to think about : Lines are longest at passport agencies from January to July , resulting in longer waiting times for applicants. You might want to avoid the crowds by applying through a nearby clerk of court or post office that accepts passport applications.The passport agency processes expedited passports within three working days from receipt of the application. If you choose not to pay for overnight mail, you should receive your passport in 7-10 business days. You can also expedite passport renewal -- and you can do it by mail.Does Everybody Have to Apply in Person?The States Department's Passport Agency says you must apply in person for a U.S. passport if you meet any of the following descriptions:You are 13 or older and are applying for a U.S. passport for the first time.Your previous passport was lost or stolen.Your previous passport has expired and was issued more than 12 years ago.You are applying for a passport for a child under age 12.Applying in PersonApplying for a passport is not really difficult -- it just requires following very specific rules.Follow these steps and you'll have all your bases covered:1. Complete application Form DSP-11--but DO NOT sign the form until you are instructed to do so by the passport agent.2. Present proof of U.S. citizenship:Previous U.S. passportCertified birth certificate issued by the city , country or state.Consular report of birth abroadNaturalization certificateCertificate of citizenshipOne more thing : Even though your Social Security card is not required by the passport application, it does ask for your Social Security number.What Happens to My Passport Application After I Submit It?If you apply at a passport acceptance facility , like the post office, the same day that you apply, your application will be sent to Passport services for processing, and you will receive your passport by first call mail within five weeks by first class mail. Your passport will be sent to the mail address you provided on your application.How Much Will My Passport Cost?When you consider its importance and how long it lasts, a passport is a pretty good deal. For routine services, passports for adults 16 and older cost $60. Those age 15 and younger pay a total of $40.If you were born outside the United States and your citizenship has not yet been determined or if the passport agent consider your case "complex," Getting a passport will cost more. As we discussed earlier, expediting an application will also cost more.Can I Have My Old Passport Back?Yes! Most people view their passports as important memorabilia and are eager to get them back. That's why your previous passport, marked "canceled, "will be returned to you with your new one.Lost or Stolen PassportLosing your passport -- especially if you're in a foreign country -- can be scary. It's the most important item you carry with you, so it's best to keep it someplace secure. Another safety measure you can take is to make two photocopies of the photo ID page of your passport. Leave one at home with family or friends and keep the other in a different place from your passport, perhaps buried in the bottom of checked luggage. This could make all the difference in getting you on your flight home in the event that your passport is lost or stolen. It also makes getting it replaced much easier.You'll want to report the loss of your passport as soon as possible. You can actually report lost or stolen passport at the same time you apply for the new one. At that time, you will submit a DSP-64, "Statement Regarding Lost or Stolen Passport" form. You'll also need to fill out a Form DSP-11 passport application and submit it in person , along with appropriate documentation and fees, to your nearest passport acceptance facility.1. A passport is the only universally accepted form of identification around the world.2. In the United States, the passport is valid for 10 years for people under 18.3. If you are over 13 and are applying for a U.S. passport for the first time ,you have to apply in person.4. It is very difficult to apply for a passport as it requires many specific rules.5. For routine services, passports for adults 16 and older cost more than those age 15 and younger.6. In fact, you cannot report a lost passport and apply for a new one at the same time.7. This passage mainly deals with the history of passports.8. According to _____________ made on Dec.15,1915,every person entering or leaving the United States is required to have a valid passport.9. Normally, it takes_____________ or so to process your passport application and get the document sent to you.10. Your passport will be sent to _______________ you provided on your application.Text 5Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.The Great Australian FenceA war has been going on for almost a hundred years between the sheep farmers of Australia and the dingo, Australia‟s wild dog. To protect their livelihood, the farmers build a wire fence, 3,307 miles of continuous wire network, reaching from the coast of South Australia all the way to the cotton fields of eastern Queensland, just shore of the Pacific Ocean.The Fence is Australia‟s version of the Great Wall of China, but even longer, erected to keep out hostile invaders, in the case hordes of yellow dogs. The empire it preserves is that of the woolgrowers, sovereigns of the world‟s seco nd largest sheep flock, after C hina‟s―some 123 million head ―and kee pers of a wool export business worth four billion dollars. Never mind that more and more people ―conservationists, politicians, taxpayers and animal lovers―say that such a barrier would never be allowed today on ecological grounds. With sections of it almost a hundred years old, the dog fence has become, as conservationist Lindsay Fairweather ruefully admits, an icon of Australian frontier ingenuity.To appreciate this unusual outback monument and to meet the people whose livelihoods depend on it. I spent part of an Australian autumn traveling the wire. It‟s known by different names in different states: the Dog Fence is South Australia, the Broader Fence in New South Wales and the Barrier Fence in Queensland. I would call it simply the Fence.For most of its prodigious length, this epic fence winds like a river across a landscape that, unless a big rain has fallen, scarcely has rivers. The eccentric route, prescribed mostly by property lines, provides a sampler of outback topography: the Fence goes over sand dunes, past salt lakes, up and down rock-strewn hills, through dense scrub and across barren plains.。