关联翻译理论在英汉翻译实践中的研究1. 引言1.1 研究背景关联翻译理论是翻译研究领域中的重要理论之一,其提出者为加拿大学者纽迪·弗里德曼。
1.2 研究目的研究目的是通过对关联翻译理论在英汉翻译实践中的应用进行深入探讨和分析,从而揭示其在翻译过程中的具体作用和效果。
1.3 研究意义在英汉翻译实践中,关联翻译理论的研究意义主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 帮助研究者更好地理解和应用关联翻译理论,提高翻译质量和效率。
2. 拓展翻译理论研究的视野,促进翻译理论的发展和完善。
在汉语中,“我想去公园”,其中的“想”和“去”是语法上的关联,翻译成英语时可译为“I want to go to the park”,体现了上下文的关联关系。
A g s t 此 基 础 上 写 成 专 著 《 译 与 关 联 — — 认 知 与 u ut t Gu 在 翻 语 境》 提 出 了关联 翻译 理论 。这一 理 论 旨在研 究 翻译 过 , 程 , 讨 如 何 达 到 翻 译 交 际 的 目 的 和 效 果 等 问 题 , 起 了 探 引 学 者越 来 越 多 的关 注 。
翻译本 质
翻 译 标 准
关 联理 论 是 西方 近 年来 影 响 巨大 的认 知 语用 学 理论 之 一 . 它 是 由 法 国 学 者 S eb r I 国 学 者 W i o 在 1 8 p re ̄ 英 ' I l n 96 s 年 提 出 来 的 , 是 对 Gr e 关 原 则 的 发 展 和 深 化 。 E n t i 相 c rs ~
二 、 联 理 论 关
根 据关 联 理论 , 解 话 语 的标 准 是人 类认 知 假 设 , 理 即
认 为 人 类 的 认 知 靠 的 是 关 联 。 谓 关 联 , 的 事 物 之 问 的 所 指 联 系 , 及认 识 主 体认 为 事物 之 问所 具 有 的联 系 。 联理 以 关 论 有 两 条 原 则 : 1 认 知 准 则 : 类 的 认 知 常 常 与 最 大 的 () 人 关 联 性 相 吻 合 ;2 交 际 准 则 : 语 交 际 中 , 何 一 个 示 意 () 言 任
言 语 交 际 中 .说 话 人 通 过 示 意 行 为 向 听 话 人 传 递 自 己 的 意 图 , 听话 者进 行 推理 提 供必 要 的理 据 。 话人 则 根 据 为 听
说 话 人 的示 意 行为 进 行推 理 , 找 关联 。 联 性 的强 弱 取 寻 关 决 于两个 因素 : 导 努力 与语 境 效果 的大小 。 同 等条 件 推 在 下 , 导努 力越 小 , 关 联 性 越强 ; 境 效 果 越 大 , 关 联 推 则 语 则
电气自动化领域实践报告(中英文实用版)Title: Practice Report in Electrical Automation Field标题:电气自动化领域实践报告In recent years, the development of electrical automation technology has been advancing at a rapid pace, leading to significant changes in various industries.This practice report aims to provide an overview of the practical applications and recent developments in the field of electrical automation.近年来,电气自动化技术的发展速度不断加快,为各个行业带来了巨大的变革。
One of the key applications of electrical automation is in the manufacturing industry, where it plays a crucial role in improving production efficiency and reducing human error.Automated control systems, robotics, and programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are commonly used in manufacturing processes to monitor and control machinery and equipment.电气自动化的关键应用之一是在制造业,它对于提高生产效率和减少人为错误起着至关重要的作用。
Translation as Metaphor这本书极好地填补了过去的几十年里,在人文科
三、汉英口译中模糊语的翻译策略1. 意译策略意译策略是指在不完全忠实原文形式的情况下,通过理解原文的意图,将之转换成目标语言的常用表达方式。
2. 直译加解释策略直译加解释策略是指在保持原文形式的基础上,对模糊语言进行解释或补充说明,以便更好地传达原文的含义。
口译员可以将其直译为“graceful and elegant”,然后补充解释其含义为“举止优雅、风度不凡”。
3. 文化转换策略文化转换策略是指通过了解两种语言的文化背景和习俗,将源语言的模糊语言转换为目标语言中的相应文化元素。
With the rapid development of power electronics, computer science and control theory, a revolution happened in motor drives. Actually, AC drives are the mainstream of motor drives. Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) have been widely used as AC drives over the last two decades due to their high efficiency, high power density and no dc field winding in the rotor. It is well known motion control of PMSM requires accurate position and velocity signals to realize field orientation. In conventional motion control systems, optical encoders or electromagnetic resolvers are used for this purpose. However, these additional sensors increase the costs of the system and decrease the reliability. With this background, sensorless operation is fast becoming a requirement, and the elimination of position and velocity sensors has been an attractive prospect.As technological processes increase in complexity,and the required peformance specifications become more severe,analytical design procedures assume great importance. It has become essential for engineers to have an understanding of the nature of the dynamic behaviour of systems,and of the methods available for analyzing and improving dynamic performence.These requirements are making the use of mathematical modelling techniques an essential part of design. The nature of the model and the methods employed in obtaining it are dependent on the depth of understanding needed at a particular stage of the design study,and on the use to which the model will be put.It is desirable first to define what is meant by a system,a word which is frequently used in conversation .Broadly,a system can be thought of as a collection of interacting components , although sometimes interest might lie just in one single component. These components will often be functional parts of such physical components. The system of interest might be a power station , a steam turbine in the power station,or a control valve on the turbine;it might be an aeroplane,its air conditioning,an engine,or part of an engine;a process plant for the production of a chemical , or a large or small part of the plant;a human being,or some part of the body such as the muscle control mechanism for a limb;or it might be economic system of country,or any other from a wide range of fields.The system would normally be considered conceptually as being that part of the universe in which interest lay.There would be interaction between the system and certain parts of the surroundings known as the environment.The two would be separated by an imaginary boundary.In defining the system and its environment it is necessary to decide where this boundary should be placed;this decision depends both on the physical entities involved and on the purpose of the investigation.In studying a power station,interest might lie primarily in the relationship between the power station and the community,in which case the system and its environment might be envisaged as in Fig.5-1.There might,however,be a more specific interest in the speed control system of the turbogenerator,in which case the system could be as in Fig.5-2.In abstracting from the whole the system of interest,it is necessary to consider carefully where the boundary shall be placed,and closely allied is the need to decide what relevant signals cross the system boundary.In addition,there will be signals ofinterest within the system boundary,variables which help to describe and define the detailed system behaviour.Some of these signals will be measurable,some not or only indirectly;some will be useful from the viewpoint of analysis,andsome not.The signals which pass to the system from the environment will be termed the system inputs,while those passing out across the boundary will be the system outputs.Often there will be only one system input that is varying and one system output which is affected.The systems to be considered in this chapter will be predominantly single-input-single-output systems,the type which occurs most frequently in practice.Modern power systems are usually large-scale, geographically distributed, and with hundreds to thousands of generators operating in parallel and synchronously. They may vary in size and structure from one to another, but they all have the same basic characteristics:1Are comprised of three-phase AC systems operating essentially at constant voltage.Generation and transmission facilities use three-phase equipment . Industrial loads are invariablythree-phase; single-phase residential and commercial loads are distributed equally among the phases so as to effectively form a balanced three-phase system.2Use synchronous machines for generation of electricity. Prime movers convert the primary energy (fossil, nuclear, and hydraulic) to mechanical energy that is, in turn, converted to electrical energy by synchronous generators.3Transmit power over significant distances to consumers spread over a wide area. This requires a transmission system comprising subsystems operating at different voltage levels.The basic elements of a modern power system in USA are shown in Fig.6-1. Electric power is produced at generating stations (GS) and transmitted to consumers through a complex network of individual components, including transmission lines, transformers, and switching devices. It is common practice to classify the transmission network into the following subsystems: Transmission system; Subtransmission system; Distribution system. Basic elements of a power system The transmission system interconnects all major generating stations and main load centers in the system. It forms the backbone of the integrated power system and operates at the highest voltage levels (typically, 230 kV and above in USA). The generator voltages are usually in the range of 11 to 35 kV. These are stepped up to the transmission voltage level, and power is transmitted to transmission substations where the voltages are stepped down to the subtransmission level (typically, 69 to 138 kV). The generation and transmission subsystems are often referred to as the bulk power system. The subtransmisson system transmits power in small quantities from the transmission substations to the distribution substations. subtransmisson Large industrial customers are commonly supplied directly from the subtransmission system. In some systems, there is no clear demarcation between subtransmission and transmission circuits. As the system expands and higher voltage levels become necessary for transmission, the older transmission lines are often relegated to subtransmission function.The distribution system represents the final stage in the transfer of power to the individual customers. The primary distribution voltage is typically between 4.0 kV and 34.5 kV. Small industrial customers are supplied by primary feeders at this voltage level. The secondary distribution feeders supply residential and commercial customers at 120/240 V.Small generating plants located near the load are also connected to the subtransmission or distribution system directly. Interconnections to neighboring power systems are usually formed at the transmission system level. The overall system thus consists of multiple generating sources and several layers of transmission networks. This provides a high degree of structural redundancy that enables the system to withstand unusual contingencies without service disruption to the customers.Instability may also be encountered without loss of synchronism. For example, a system consisting of a synchronous generator feeding an induction motor load through a transmission line can become unstable because of the collapse of load voltage. Maintenance of synchronism is not an issue in this instance; instead, the concern is stability and control of voltage. This form of instability can also occur in loads covering an extensive area supplied by a large system. This kind of stability is referred to "voltage stability". Rotor angle stability is the ability of interconnected synchronous machines of a power system to remain in synchronism. It is most important to power system stability problems. The stability problem involves the study of the electromechanical oscillations inherent in power system. A fundamental factor in this problem is the manner in which the power outputs of synchronous machines vary as their rotors oscillate.随着电力电子技术、计算机技术以及自动控制技术的飞速发展,给电气传动领域带来了历史性的革命,交流调速传动逐渐上升为电气传动的主流。
优秀论文审核通过未经允许切勿外传Chapter 3 Digital Electronics3.1 IntroductionA circuit that employs a numerical signal in its operation is classified as a digital circuitputers,pocket calculators, digital instruments, and numerical control (NC) equipment are common applications of digital circuits. Practically unlimited quantities of digital information can be processed in short periods of time electronically. With operational speed of prime importance in electronics today,digital circuits are used more frequently.In this chapter, digital circuit applications are discussed.There are many types of digital circuits that electronics, including logic circuits, flip-flop circuits, counting circuits, and many others. The first sections of this unit discuss the number systems that are basic to digital circuit understanding. The remainder of the chapter introduces some of the types of digital circuits and explains Boolean algebra as it is applied to logic circuits.3.2 Digital Number SystemsThe most common number system used today is the decimal system,in which 10 digits are used for counting. The number of digits in the systemis called its base (or radix).The decimal system,therefore,the counting process. The largest digit that can be used in a specific place or location is determined by the base of the system. In the decimal system the first position to the left of the decimal point is called the units place. Any digit from 0 to 9 can be used in this place.When number values greater than 9 are used,they must be expressed with two or more places.The next position to the left of the units place in a decimal system is the tens place.The number 99 is the largest digital value that can be expressed by two places in the decimal system.Each place added to the left extends the number system by a power of 10.Any number can be expressed as a sum of weighted place values.The decimal number 2583,for example, is expressed as (2×1000)+(5×100)+(8×10)+(3×1).The decimal number system is commonly used in our daily lives. Electronically, the binary system.Electronically,the value of 0 can be associated with a low-voltage value or no voltage. The number 1 can then be associated with a voltage value larger than 0. Binary systems that use these voltage values are said to , this chapter.The two operational states of a binary system,1 and 0,are natural circuit conditions. When a circuit is turned off or the off, or 0,state. An electrical circuit that the on,or 1,state. By using transistor or ICs,it is electronically possible to change states in less than a microsecond. Electronic devices make it possible to manipulate millions of 0s and is in a second and thus to process information quickly.The basic principles of numbering used in decimal numbers apply ingeneral to binary numbers.The base of the binary system is 2,meaning that only the digits 0 and 1 are used to express place value. The first place to the left of the binary point,or starting point,represents the units,or is,location. Places to the left of the binary point are the powers of 2.Some of the place values in base 2 are 2º=1,2¹=2,2²=4,2³=8,2⁴=16,25=32,and 26=64.When bases other than 10 are used,the numbers should example.The number 100₂(read“one,zero,zero, base 2”)is equivalent to 4 in base 10,or 410.Starting with the first digit to the left of the binary point,this number this method of conversion a binary number to an equivalent decimal number,write down the binary number first. Starting at the binary point,indicate the decimal equivalent for each binary place location where a 1 is indicated. For each 0 in the binary number leave a blank space or indicate a 0 ' Add the place values and then record the decimal equivalent.The conversion of a decimal number to a binary equivalent is achieved by repetitive steps of division by the number 2.When the quotient is even with no remainder,a 0 is recorded.When the quotient process continues until the quotient is 0.The binary equivalent consists of the remainder values in the order last to first.3.2.2 Binary-coded Decimal (BCD) Number SystemWhen large numbers are indicated by binary numbers,they are difficult to use. For this reason,the Binary-Coded Decimal(BCD) method of counting was devised. In this system four binary digits are used to represent each decimal digit.To illustrate this procedure,the number 105,is converted to a BCD number.In binary numbers,To apply the BCD conversion process,the base 10 number is first divided into digits according to place values.The number 10510 gives the digits 1-0-5.Converting each displayed by this process with only 12 binary numbers. The between each group of digits is important when displaying BCD numbers.The largest digit to be displayed by any group of BCD numbers is 9.Six digits of a number-coding group are not used at all in this system.Because of this, the octal (base 8) and the binary form but usually display them in BCD,octal,or a base 8 system is 7. The place values starting at the left of the octal point are the powers of eight: 80=1,81=8,82=64,83=512,84=4096,and so on.The process of converting an octal number to a decimal number is the same as that used in the binary-to-decimal conversion process. In this method, equivalent decimal is 25810.Converting an octal number to an equivalent binary number is similar to the BCD conversion process. The octal number is first divided into digits according to place value. Each octal digit is then converted into an equivalent binary number using only three digits.Converting a decimal number to an octal number is a process of repetitive division by the number 8.After the quotient determined,the remainder is brought down as the place value.When the quotient is even with no remainder,a 0 is transferred to the place position.The number for converting 409810 to base 8 is 100028.Converting a binary number to an octal number is an importantconversion process of digital circuits. Binary numbers are first processed at a very output circuit then accepts this signal and converts it to an octal signal displayed on a readout device.must first be divided into groups of three,starting at the octal point.Each binary group is then converted into an equivalent octal number.These numbers are then combined,while remaining in their same respective places,to represent the equivalent octal number.3.2.4 Hexadecimal Number SystemThe digital systems to process large number values.The base of this system is 16,which means that the largest number used in a place is 15.Digits used by this system are the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-F. The letters A-P are used to denote the digits 10-15,respectively. The place values to the left of the .The process of changing a proper digital order.The place values,or powers of the base,are then positioned under the respective digits in step 2.In step 3,the value of each digit is recorded. The values in steps 2 and 3 are then multiplied together and added. The sum gives the decimal equivalent value of a . Initially,the converted to a binary number using four digits per group. The binary group is combined to form the equivalent binary number.The conversion of a decimal number to a ,as with other number systems. In this procedure the division is by 16 and remainders can be as large as 15.Converting a binary number to a groups of four digits,starting at the converted to a digital circuit-design applications binary signals arefar superior to those of the octal,decimal,or be processed very easily through electronic circuitry,since they can be represented by two stable states of operation. These states can be easily defined as on or off, 1 or 0,up or down,voltage or no voltage,right or left,or any other two-condition states. There must be no in-between state.The symbols used to define the operational state of a binary system are very important.In positive binary logic,the state of voltage,on,true,or a letter designation (such as A ) is used to denote the operational state 1 .No voltage,off,false,and the letter A are commonly used to denote the 0 condition. A circuit can be set to either state and will remain in that state until it is caused to change conditions.Any electronic device that can be set in one of two operational states or conditions by an outside signal is said to be bistable. Relays,lamps,switches,transistors, diodes and ICs may be used for this purpose. A bistable device .By using many of these devices,it is possible to build an electronic circuit that will make decisions based upon the applied input signals. The output of this circuit is a decision based upon the operational conditions of the input. Since the application of bistable devices in digital circuits makes logical decisions,they are commonly called binary logic circuits.If we were to draw a circuit diagram for such a system,including all the resistors,diodes,transistors and interconnections,we would face an overwhelming task, and an unnecessary one.Anyone who read the circuit diagram would in their mind group the components into standard circuits and think in terms of the" system" functions of the individual gates. Forthis reason,we design and draw digital circuit with standard logic symbols. Three basic circuits of this type are used to make simple logic decisions.These are the AND circuit, OR circuit, and the NOT circuit.Electronic circuits designed to perform logic functions are called gates.This term refers to the capability of a circuit to pass or block specific digital signals.The logic-gate symbols are shown in Fig.3-1.The small circle at the output of NOT gate indicates the inversion of the signal. Mathematically,this action is described as A=.Thus without the small circle,the rectangle would represent an amplifier (or buffer) with a gain of unity.An AND gate the 1 state simultaneously,then there will be a 1 at the output.The AND gate in Fig. 3-1 produces only a 1 out-put when A and B are both 1. Mathematically,this action is described as A·B=C. This expression shows the multiplication operation. An OR gate Fig.3-1 produces a when either or both inputs are l.Mathematically,this action is described as A+B=C. This expression shows OR addition. This gate is used to make logic decisions of whether or not a 1 appears at either input.An IF-THEN type of sentence is often used to describe the basic operation of a logic state.For example,if the inputs applied to an AND gate are all 1,then the output will be 1 .If a 1 is applied to any input of an OR gate,then the output will be 1 .If an input is applied to a NOT gate,then the output will be the opposite or inverse.The logic gate symbols in Fig. 3-1 show only the input and output connections. The actual gates,when wired into a digital circuit, would pin 14 and 7.3.4 Combination Logic GatesWhen a NOT gate is combined with an AND gate or an OR gate,it iscalled a combination logic gate. A NOT-AND gate is called a NAND gate,which is an inverted AND gate. Mathematically the operation of a NAND gate is A·B=. A combination NOT-OR ,or NOR,gate produces a negation of the OR function.Mathematically the operation of a NOR gate is A+B=.A 1 appears at the output only when A is 0 and B is 0.The logic symbols are shown in Fig. 3-3.The bar over C denotes the inversion,or negative function,of the gate.The logic gates discussed .In actual digital electronic applications,solid-state components are ordinarily used to accomplish gate functions.Boolean algebra is a special form of algebra that was designed to show the relationships of logic operations.Thin form of algebra is ideally suited for analysis and design of binary logic systems.Through the use of Boolean algebra,it is possible to write mathematical expressions that describe specific logic functions.Boolean expressions are more meaningful than complex word statements or or elaborate truth tables.The laws that apply to Boolean algebra are used to simplify complex expressions. Through this type of operation it may be possible to reduce the number of logic gates needed to achieve a specific function before the circuits are designed.In Boolean algebra the variables of an equation are assigned by letters of the alphabet.Each variable then exists in states of 1 or 0 according to its condition.The 1,or true state,is normally represented by a single letter such as A,B or C.The opposite state or condition is then described as 0,or false,and is represented by or A’.This is described as NOT A,A negated,or A complemented.Boolean algebra is somewhat different from conventional algebra withrespect to mathematical operations.The Boolean operations are expressed as follows:Multiplication:A AND B,AB,,A·BOR addition:A OR B .A+BNegation,or complementing:NOT A,,A’Assume that a digital logic circuit only C is on by itself or when A,B and C are all on expression describes the desired output. Eight (23) different combinations of A,B,and C exist in this expression because there are three,inputs. Only two of those combinations should cause a signal that will actuate the output. When a variable is not on (0),it is expressed as a negated letter. The original statement is expressed as follows: With A,B,and C on or with A off, B off, and C on ,an output (X)will occur:ABC+C=XA truth table illustrates if this expression is achieved or not.Table 3-1 shows a truth table for this equation. First,ABC is determined by multiplying the three inputs together.A 1 appears only when the A,B,and C inputs are all 1.Next the negated inputs A andB are determined.Then the products of inputs C,A,and B are listed.The next column shows the addition of ABC and C.The output of this equation shows that output 1 is produced only when C is 1 or when ABC is 1.A logic circuit to accomplish this Boolean expression is shown in Fig. 3-4.Initially the equation is analyzed to determine its primary operational function.Step1 shows the original equation.The primary function is addition,since it influences all parts of the equation in some way.Step 2 shows the primary function changed to a logic gate diagram.Step 3 showsthe branch parts of the equation expressed by logic diagram,with AND gates used to combine terms.Step 4 completes the process by connecting all inputs together.The circles at inputs,of the lower AND gate are used to achieve the negative function of these branch parts.The general rules for changing a Boolean equation into a logic circuit diagram are very similar to those outlined.Initially the original equation must be analyzed for its primary mathematical function.This is then changed into a gate diagram that is inputted by branch parts of the equation.Each branch operation is then analyzed and expressed in gate form.The process continues until all branches are completely expressed in diagram formmon inputs are then connected together.3.5 Timing and Storage ElementsDigital electronics involves a number of items that are not classified as gates.Circuits or devices of this type the operation of a system.Included in this system are such things as timing devices,storage elements,counters,decoders,memory,and registers.Truth tables symbols,operational characteristics,and applications of these items will be presented an IC chip. The internal construction of the chip cannot be effectively altered. Operation is controlled by the application of an external signal to the input. As a rule,very little work can be done to control operation other than altering the input signal.The logic circuits in Fig. 3-4 are combinational circuit because the output responds immediately to the inputs and there is no memory. When memory is a part of a logic circuit,the system is called sequential circuit because its output depends on the input plus its an input signal isapplied.A bistable multivibrator,in the strict sense,is a flip-flop. When it is turned on,it assumes a particular operational state. It does not change states until the input is altered.A flip-flop opposite polarity.Two inputs are usually needed to alter the state of a flip-flop. A variety of names are used for the inputs.These vary a great deal between different flip-flops.1. R-S flip-flopsFig.3-5 shows logic circuit construction of an R-S flip-flop. It is constructed from two NAND gates. The output of each NAND provides one of the inputs for the other NAND. R stands for the reset input and S represents the set input.The truth table and logic symbol are shown in Fig. 3-6.Notice that the truth table is somewhat more complex than that of a gate. It shows, for example,the applied input, previous output,and resulting output.To understand the operation of an R-S flip-flop,we must first look at the previous outputs.This is the status of the output before a change is applied to the input. The first four items of the previous outputs are Q=1 and =0. The second four states this case of the input to NANDS is 0 and that is 0,which implies that both inputs to NANDR are 1.By symmetry,the logic circuit will also stable with Q0 and 1.If now R momentarily becomes 0,the output of NANDR,,will rise to resulting in NANDS be realized by a 0 at S.The outputs Q and are unpredictable when the inputs R and S are 0 states.This case is not allowed.Seldom would individual gates be used to construct a flip-flop,rather than one of the special types for the flip-flop packages on a single chipwould be used by a designer.A variety of different flip-flops are used in digital electronic systems today. In general,each flip-flop type R-S-T flip-flop for example .is a triggered R-S flip-flop. It will not change states when the R and S inputs assume a value until a trigger pulse is applied. This would permit a large number of flip-flops to change states all at the same time. Fig. 3-7 shows the logic circuit construction. The truth table and logic symbol are shown in Fig. 3-8. The R and S input are thus active when the signal at the gate input (T) is 1 .Normally,such timing,or synchronizing,signals are distributed throughout a digital system by clock pulses,as shown in Fig. 3-9.The symmetrical clock signal provides two times each period.The circuit can be designed to trigger at the leading or trailing edge of the clock. The logic symbols for edge trigger flip-flops are shown in Fig.3-10.2. J-K flip-flopsAnother very important flip-flop unpredictable output state. The J and K inputs addition to this,J-K flip-flops may employ preset and preclear functions. This is used to establish sequential timing operations. Fig.3-11 shows the logic symbol and truth table of a J-K flip-flop.3. 5. 2 CountersA flip-flop be used in switching operations,and it can count pulses.A series of interconnected flip-flops is generally called a register.Each register can store one binary digit or bit of data. Several flip-flops connected form a counter. Counting is a fundamental digital electronic function.For an electronic circuit to count,a number of things must beachieved. Basically,the circuit must be supplied with some form of data or information that is suitable for processing. Typically,electrical pulses that turn on and off are applied to the input of a counter. These pulses must initiate a state change in the circuit when they are received. The circuit must also be able to recognize where it is in counting sequence at any particular time. This requires some form of memory. The counter must also be able to respond to the next number in the sequence. In digital electronic systems flip-flops are primarily used to achieve counting. This type of device is capable of changing states when a pulse is applied,output pulse.There are several types of counters used in digital circuitry today.Probably the most common of these is the binary counter.This particular counter is designed to process two-state or binary information. J-K flip-flops are commonly used in binary counters.Refer now to the single J-K flip-flop of Fig. 3-11 .In its toggle state,this flip-flop is capable of achieving counting. First,assume that the flip-flop is in its reset state. This would cause Q to be 0 and Q to be 1 .Normally,we are concerned only with Q output in counting operations. The flip-flop is now connected for operation in the toggle mode. J and K must both be made the 1 state. When a pulse is applied to the T,or clock,input,Q changes to 1.This means that with one pulse applied,a 1 is generated in the output. The flip-flop the next pulse arrives,Q resets,or changes to 0. Essentially,this means that two input pulses produce only one output pulse. This is a divide-by-two function.For binary numbers,counting is achieved by a number of divide-by-two flip-flops.To count more than one pulse,additional flip-flops must be employed. For each flip-flop added to the counter,its capacity is increased by the power of 2. With one flip-flop the maximum count was 20,or 1 .For two flip-flops it would count two places,such as 20 and 21.This would reach a count of 3 or a binary number of 11.The count would be 00,01,10,and 11. The counter would then clear and return to 00. In effect, this counts four state changes. Three flip-flops would count three places,or 20,21,and 22.This would permit a total count of eight state changes.The binary values are 000,001,010,011,100,101,110 and 111.The maximum count is seven,or 111 .Four flip-flops would count four places,or 20,21,22,and 23.The total count would make 16 state changes. The maximum count would be 15,or the binary number 1111.Each additional flip-flop would cause this to increase one binary place.河南理工大学电气工程及其自动化专业中英双语对照翻译。
( c o lo u ies S h o fB sn s ,Wu i n t ue y si t,Wu ih n3 4 0 I t ysa 5 3 0,F j n,C ia ui a hn )
A sr c : ee a c r n lt n t e r eiv st a r n lt n i o t n ie if r n i c ii f n e ln u g tr r — b t t R lv n e ta sa i h o y b l e t a sa i s e s - e e t la t t o tr g a ei ep e a o e h t o s v n a vy i a n t t n o h r i a ln u g .I p t o wad t a h p i lrlv n e o r n lt n s le h r b e o n r n lt a i ft e o i n l a g a e t u s fr r h tt eo t o g ma ee a c fta sa i ov st e p o lm f u ta sa — o a i t ,a o s r n lt rt na g h o nt e o e lp ig b t e h u h ro h rgn l n h e d r o r n l — bl y r u eta sa o o e lr e t e c g i v v r p n ewe n t e a t o ft e o iia d t e r a e fta sa i i a a t n c u a ey c n e u h r S it n in o eo i ia a d ra i ema i m i lr iso e o ii a t x o t e tx i ,a c r tl o v y a t o ’ n e t f h r n l n e l e t x mu s a i e f h r n l e tt h t o o t g z h mi t t g e o r n lt n f a sa i . t o
【关键词】关联翻译理论、英汉翻译、研究背景、研究意义、关联翻译理论概述、翻译实践、案例分析、实践探讨、有效性、进一步研究、总结1. 引言1.1 研究背景翻译理论在英汉翻译实践中的研究背景相当重要。
1.2 研究意义研究关联翻译理论在英汉翻译实践中的意义,不仅可以帮助研究者深入理解翻译过程中的种种问题和挑战,也可以为翻译从业者提供实用指导和方法。
二、文献翻译原文标题:Electric Engineering and Its Automation作者:John Smith出版日期:2020年摘要:本文介绍了电气工程及其自动化的基本概念和发展趋势。
1. 介绍电气工程是一门研究电力系统和电子技术的学科,涉及发电、输电、配电和用电等方面。
2. 电气工程在能源领域的应用电气工程在能源领域的应用主要包括电力系统的设计和运行。
3. 电气工程在电子技术领域的重要性电气工程在电子技术领域的重要性体现在电子设备的设计和制造上。
4. 电气工程与自动控制和信息技术的结合电气工程与自动控制和信息技术的结合是电气工程及其自动化的核心内容。
5. 电气工程在工业自动化和智能化领域的应用电气工程在工业自动化和智能化领域的应用越来越广泛。
1. 引言1.1 研究背景研究背景中,需要对关联翻译理论进行深入的探讨,以及探讨其在实际翻译中的应用情况。
1.2 研究意义研究关联翻译理论在英汉翻译实践中的意义可以帮助我们更深入地理解翻译过程中的关联关系,提高翻译质量和效率。
2. 正文2.1 关联翻译理论概述关联翻译理论是翻译学中的重要理论之一,其核心观点是任何文本都是由一系列词语、词组和句子组成的,这些元素之间存在着各种关联关系,而翻译的目的就是要在不同语言文化系统之间进行这些关联关系的转移和再现。
这 句话 有 3 6个 词 ,其 中有 定语从 句、 动 名词 、过 去 分 词 ,
外语 ・ 外 文
课 程教育 研究
C o u r s e E d u c a t i o n R e s e a r c h
2 0 1 4 年2 月 下旬 刊
英语 学 . - j中的死记 硬 背的 方式 , 有 效的 减轻 了教 师和 学 生的 学 * - 7 负担 。 一 Nhomakorabea、
在 自然拼 读 法 中其基 本 的 方 法是要 求 学生 能 够 掌握 表 示英 语 发 音音 标 的字母 或 者组 合 . 通 过 掌握 单词 中字母 或 者 字母 组合 的发 音 , 逐 步 的 学 习到 英语 拼 写和读 音之 间的规律 。英语 单词 的
发音 都是 有 一定 的规 则 , 而 自然拼 读 法正确 的认 识 到 了这些规 则
用 以及含 义 。
2 . 利 用 网络 资 源 来丰 富 自然拼 读 法 的教 学 。对 于 小学 生来 说, 具 有模 仿 能力 强 、 和 好奇 心 强的特 点 , 但 是 自我 控 制能 力 比较 差 。教 师在教 学 的过程 中要 充 分的 了解 到 学生的 心理 特 点 , 在 采 用 自然拼读 法教 学 的过 程 中 . 要 紧密 的 结合 学 生 的 实际 , 不断的 丰 富教 学方 式。在 网络 资源非 常丰 富 的今 天 , 教 学 内容 不再仅 仅 的局 限于传 统 的教 材 , 网络 上有 着 比较 丰 富 的进 行 资 源 , 利 用单 词库 、 英 语 儿歌 等 , 教 师应 当充 分 的利 用这 些资 源 来丰 富教 学的 过程 。 同 时在教 学 方式 上也要 改 变传 统 的教 师示 范 、 学生 口头练 习的方 式 , 可 以借助 计 算机 资 源 实现 人机 互 动。 而且 计算 机还 能 够 实现 电脑 自动 纠错 以及发 音评 估 等 , 对 学生的 学 * - 7 效果 进行 准 确的 考核 。 三、 结 束 语 自然拼 读 法在 小学 英语教 学 中的 应 用 . 能 够提 高 学生在 学 习 中的兴趣 和积 极性 , 丰 富课 堂教 学 的 内容 , 最 终提 高教 学水 平 , 使 摆 脱 了传 统的 单词 和发 音 学习 的苦恼 。 学 生能 够正 确的 掌握 和 学 习到 医院知识 。 对 于 学生认 识 单词 能 力 以及 朗读 单词 的 流利程 度 , 正确 的理 解英 语 文章 具有 非常 重要 的 二、 自然拼 读 法 在 小 学 英 语 教 学 中 的 应 用分 析 对 于学 生进 一 步 自然拼读 法在 英语 教 学和 学 习 中具 有 重要 的作 用 . 因此教 师 帮助 。在 小学阶段 实施 自然拼 读 法的英 语教 学, 在 教 学 中应 当有意 识的进 行拼 读 法 的教 学。 使 学 生在认 识 英语 字 的 学 习和利 用英语 知 识具 有重要 的基础 性 意义 。 母 和单 词 的 同时 . 掌握 单 词拼 写和 语音 能 力。 为 了切 实的提 高 自 参考文献: 然拼读 法在 英语 教 学 中的应 用效 率 , 可 以做 好 以下 几个 方 面 : f 1 1齐爱 军 . 初 中英 语 教 学 中 自然拼 读 法 的应 用m. 中国科 教 1 . 依 靠 字母做 好 拼读 教 学 。对 于英语 教 学 来说 , 正 确 的进 行 创新 导 刊, 2 0 1 2 , ( 9 ) : 6 1 — 6 1 字母识 别 和 掌握 字母 的发音 是具 有 重要 的意 义 , 也 是进 行 自然拼 『 2 ]陈海 燕.自然拼 读 法在 小学低 年段 英语 教 学 中的应 用 m. 读 法教 学的基 础 , 因此在教 学的过 程 中要知 识 学生 对 于英语 字母 考 试 周 刊 , 2 0 1 2 , ( 8 2 ) : 1 1 0 -1 1 1 的读音 以及 形 态的 掌握 。在 学 生掌握 了字母 的名称 和 形 态之后 . 『 3 1 陈名 燕 . 初探 自然拼 读 法在 英 语 教 学 中的应 用Ⅱ 】 . 都 市家 强化 学生 的英 语基 本音 的 学 习。 在 英 语进行 中教 师要正 确 的 引导 教 ( 下半 月 ), 2 0 1 3 , ( 1 1 ) : 6 7 - 6 7 , 6 8 【 4 I徐 美 娟 . 自然拼 读 法 在 小 学英 语 教 学 中 的应 用 研 究 m. 校 学生 掌握 和识 记 英语 的基 本音 , 按 照 按 照一 定 的 顺序 . 在 学生 掌 握 基本 音之 后进 行 简单 的英语 单 词练 习和 拼读 目 。 首先要 建 立 英 园英 语 ( 教 研版 ) , 2 0 1 2 , ( 1 2 ) : 4 2 — 4 2 . 语 字母 和发 育之 间的联 系。 然后帮 助 学生正 确 的拼 读 出元音 和辅
【社会实践报告】电气工程专业人员的社会实践报告英文回答:As an electrical engineering major, I was eager to apply the theoretical knowledge I had acquired in the classroom to real-world situations. I embarked on a social practice project to gain practical experience and contribute to the community.I partnered with a local power distribution company to assist with their efforts to upgrade the electrical infrastructure in a rural area. I was responsible for conducting site surveys, designing electrical systems, and supervising the installation of new transformers and power lines.Through this project, I gained hands-on experience in the design and implementation of electrical systems. I learned the importance of stakeholder engagement and theneed for collaboration with other engineers and technicians.I also developed a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the field of electrical engineering.The project not only benefited the community byproviding reliable and efficient electricity access butalso enhanced my technical skills and professional growth.I realized the practical applications of my knowledge andthe impact I could have on society as an electrical engineer.中文回答:作为一名电气工程专业的学生,我渴望将课堂上学到的理论知识应用到实际场景中。
Sperber.&.Wilson 两位学者在1986年合作出版的《关联性:.交际与认知》一书中首次提出了关联理论,这个理论在.Grice 提出的会话含义理论基础上得到了进一步的发展,形成关联性[1]。
1 关联理论的含义在我们的日常交流中,一般至少包含两个对象,一个是倾听者,一个是诉说者,倾听者根据诉说者的语言明示来了解诉说者所要表达的意思或者想法。
Electric Devices and SystemsAlthough transformers have no moving parts , they are essential to electromechanical energy conversion . They make it possible to increase or decrease the voltage lever that results in low costs ,and can be distributed and used safely . In addition , they can provide matching of impedances , and regulate the flow of power in a network.When we see a transformer on a utility pole all we is a cylinder with a few wires sticking out. These wires enter the transformer through bushings that provide isolation between the wires and the tank. Inside the tank these is an iron core linking coils, most probably made with copper, and insulated. The system of insulation is also associated with that of cooling the core/coil assembly. Often the insulation is paper, and the whole assembly may be immersed in insulating oil, used to both increase the dielectric strength of the paper and to transfer beat from the core-coil assembly to the outer walls of the tank to air. Figure shows the cutout of a typical distribution transformer. Few ideal versions of human constructions exist, and the transformer offers no exception. An ideal transformer is based on very simple concepts, and a large number of assumptions. This is the transformer one learns about in high school.Let us take an iron core with infinite permeability and two coils wound around it, one with N1 and the other with N2 turns, as shown in figure. Allthe magnetic flux is to remain in the iron. We assign sots at one terminal of each coil in the following fashion: if the flux in the core changes, inducing a voltage in the coils, and the dotted terminal of one coil is positive with respect its other terminal, so is the dotted terminal of the other coil. Or, the corollary to this, current into dotted terminals produces flux in the same direction,Assume that somehow a time varying flux is established in the iron. Then the flux linkages in each coil will be. Voltages will be induced in these two coil.On the other hand, currents flowing in the coils are related to the field intensity H. if currents flowing in the direction shown, i1 into the dotted terminal of coil 1, and i2 out of the dotted terminal of coil 2. we recognize that this is practically impossible, but so is the existence of an ideal transformer.Equations describe this ideal transformer, a two port network. The symbol of a network that is defined by these two equations is in the figure. An ideal transformer has an interesting characteristic. A two-port network that contains it and impedances can be replaced by an equivalent other, as discussed below. Consider the circuit in figure. Seen as a two port network. Generally a circuit on a side 1 can be transferred to side 2 by multiplying its component impedances , the voltage sources and the current sources,while keeping the topology the same. To develop the equivalent for a transformer we’ll gradually relax the assumptions that we had first imposed. First we’ll relax the assumption that the permeability of the iron is infinite. In that case equation does not revert to, but rather it becomes where is the reluctance of the path around the core of the transformer and the flux on this path. To preserve the ideal transformer equations as part of our new transformer, we can split i1 to two components: one i1, will satisfy the ideal transformer equation, and the other, i1 will just balance the right hand side. The figure shows this. We can replace the current source, i1 , with something simpler if we remember that the rate of change of flux is related to the induced voltage.Since the current i1 flows through something , where the voltage across it Is proportional to its derivative, we can consider that this something could be an inductance. This idea gives rise tothe equivalent circuit in figure,. Let us now relax the assumption that all the flux has to remain in the iron as shown in figure. Let us call the flux in the iron, magnetizing flux, the flux that leaks out of the core and links only coil 1. since links only coil 1, then it should be related only to the current there, and the same should be true for the second leakage flux.Again for a given frequency, the power losses in the core increase with the voltage. These losses cannot be allowed to exceed limit, beyond which thetemperature of the hottest spot in the transformer will rise above the point that will decrease dramatically the life of the insulation. Limits therefore are put to E1 and E2, and these limits are the voltage limits of the transformer. Similarly, winding Joule losses have to be limited, resulting in limits to the currents I1 and I2. Typically a transformer is described by its rated voltages, that give both the limits and turns radio. The ratio of the rated currents is the inverse of the ratio of the voltages if we neglect the magnetizing current. Instead of the transformer rated currents, a transformer is described by its rated apparent power.Under rated conditions, maximum current and voltage, in typical transformers the magnetizing current, does not exceed 1% of the current in the transformer. Its effect therefore in the voltage drop on the leakage inductance and winding resistance is negligible.Under maximum current, total voltage drops on the winding resistances and leakage inductances do not exceed in typical transformer 6% of the rated voltage. The effect therefore of the winding current on the voltages E1 and E2 is small, and their effect on the magnetizing current can be neglected.These considerations allow us to modify the equivalent circuit in figure, to obtain the slightly inaccurate but much more useful equivalent circuits in figures.Adjustable Speed DrivesBy definition, adjustable speed drives of any type provide a means of variably changing speed to better match operating requirements. Such drives are available in mechanical, fluid and electrical typed.The most common mechanical versions use combinations of belts and sheaves, or chains and sprockets, to adjust speed in set, selectable ratios-2:1,4:1,8:1 and so forth. Traction drives, a more sophisticated mechanical control scheme, allow incremental speed adjustments. Here, output speed is varied by changing the contact points between metallic disks, or between balls and cones. Adjustable speed fluid drives provide smooth, stepless adjustable speed control. There are three major types. Hydrostatic drives use electric motors or internal combustion engines as prime movers in combination with hydraulic pumps, which in turn drive hydraulic motors. Hydrokinetic and hydroviscous drives directly couple input and output shafts. Hydrokinetic versions adjust speed by varying the amount of fluid in a vortex that serves as the input-to-output coupler. Hydroviscous drives, also called oil shear drives, adjust speed by controlling oil-film thickness, and therefore slippage, between rotating metallic disk. An eddy current drive, while technically an electrical drive, nevertheless functions much like a hydrokinetic or hydrovidcous fluid drive in that it serves as a coupler between a prime mover and driven load. In an eddycurrent drive, the coupling consists of a primary magnetic field and secondary fields created by induced eddy currents. They amount of magnetic slippage allowed among the fields controls the driving speed.In most industrial applications, mechanical, fluid or eddy current drives are paired with constant-speed electric motors. On the other hand, solid state electrical drives, create adjustable speed motors, allowing speeds from zero RPM to beyond the motor’s base speed. Controlling the speed of the motor has several benefits, including increased energy efficiency by eliminating energy losses in mechanical speed changing devices. In addition, by reducing, or often eliminating, the need for wear-prone mechanical components, electrical drives foster increased overall system reliability, as well as lower maintenance costs. For these and other reasons, electrical drives are the fastest growing type of adjustable speed drive..There are two basic drive types related to the type of motor controlled-dc and AC. A DC direct current drive controls the speed of a DC motor by varying the armature voltage (and sometimes also the field voltage ). An alternating current drive controls the speed of an AC motor by varying the frequency and voltage supplied to the motor.Direct current drives are easy to apply and technologically straightforward, They work by rectifying AC voltage from the power line to DC voltage, then feeding adjustable voltage to a DC motor. With permanent magnet DCmotors, only the armature voltage is controlled. The more voltage supplied, the faster the armature turns. With wound-field motors, voltage must be supplied to both the armature and the field. In industry, the following three types of DC drives are most common, as shown in the figure.Drives: these are named for the silicon controlled rectifiers (also called thyristors ) used to convert AC to controlled voltage DC. Inexpensive and easy to use, these drives come in a variety of enclosures, and in unidirectional or reversing styles.Regenerative SCR Drives: Also called four quadrant drives, these allow the DC motor to provide both motoring and braking torque, Power coming back from the motor during braking is regenerated back to the power line and not lost.Pulse Width Modulated DC Drives: Abbreviated PWM and also called, generically, transistorized DC drives, these provide smoother speed control with higher efficiency and less motor heating, Unlike SCR drives, PWM types have three elements. The first converts AC to DC, the second filters and regulates the fixed DC voltage, and the third controls average voltage by creating a stream of variable width DC pulses. The filtering section and higher level of control modulation account for the PWM drive’s improved performance compared with a common SCR drive.AC drive operation begins in much the same fashion as a DC drive. Alternating line voltage is first rectified to produce DC. But because an AC motor is used, this DC voltage must be changed back, of inverted, to an adjustable-frequency alternating voltage. The drive’s inv erter section accomplishes this, In years past, this was accomplished using SCR. However, modern AC drives use a series of transistors to invert DC to adjustable-Frequency AC. An example is shown in figure.This synthesized alternating current is then fed to the AC motor at the frequency and voltage required to produce the desired motor speed. For example, a 60 Hz synthesized frequency, the same as standard line frequency in the United states, produces 100% of rated motor speed. A lower frequency produces a lower speed, and a higher frequency a higher speed. In this way, an AC drive can produce motor speeds from, approximately,15 to200% of a motor’s normally rated RPM-- by delivering frequencies of 9 HZ to 120 Hz, respectively.Today, AC drives are becoming the systems of choice in many industries,. Their use ofsimple and rugged three-phase induction motor means that AC drive systems are the most reliable and least maintenance prone of all. Plus, microprocessor advancements have enabled the creation of so-called vector drives, which provide greatly enhance response, operation down to zero speed and positioning accuracy. Vector drives, especially whencombined with feedback devices such as tachometers, encoders and resolvers in a closed-loop system, are continuing to replace DC drives in demanding applications. An Example is shown in the figure.By far the most popular AC drive today is the pulse width modulated type. Though originally developed for smaller-horsepower applications, PWM is now used in drives of hundreds or even thousands of horsepower—as well as remaining the staple technology in the vast majority of small integral and fractional horsepower ―micro‖ and ―sub-micro‖ AC drives, as shown in the figure. Pulse width modulated refers to the inverter’s ab ility to vary the output voltage to the motor by altering the width and polarity of voltage pulses, The voltage and frequency are synthesized using this stream of voltage pulses. This is accomplished through microprocessor commands to a series of power semiconductors that serve as on-off switches. Today, these switches are usually IGBTs, of isolated gate bipolar transistor. A big advantage to these devices is their fast switching speed resulting in higher pulse of carrier frequency, which minimizes motor noise.Power semiconductor devicesThe modern age of power electronics began with the introduction of thyristors in the late 1950s. Now there are several types of power devices available for high-power and high-frequency applications. The most notable power devices are gate turn-off thyristor, power darlington transistors,power mosfets, and insulated-gate bipolar transistors. Power semiconductor devices are the most important functional elements in all power conversion applications. The power devices are mainly used as switches to convert power from one form to another. They are used in motor control systems, uninterrupted power supplies, high-voltage dc transmission, power supplies, induction heating, and in many other power conversion applications. A review of the basic characteristics of these power devices is presented in this section.The thyristor, also called a silicon-controlled rectifier, is basically a four-layer three-junction pn device. It has three terminals: anode, cathode, and gate. The device is turned on by applying a short pulse across the gate and cathode. Once the device turns on, the gate loses its control to turn off the device. The turn-off is achieved by applying a reverse voltage across the anode and cathode. The thyristors symbol and its volt-ampere characteristics are shown in the figure. There are basically two classifications of thyristors: converter grade and inverter grade. The difference between a converter-grade and an inverter-grade thyristor is the low turn –off time (on the order of a few microseconds) for the latter. The converter-grade thyristors are slow type and are used in natural commutation (or phase-controlled) applications. Inverter-grade thyristors are used in forced commutation applications such as dc-dc choppers and dc-ac inverters. The inverter-grade thyristors are turned off by forcing thecurrent to zero using an external commutation circuit. This requires additional commutating components, thus resulting in additional losses in the inverter. Thyristors are highly rugged devices in terms of transient currents, di / dt, and dv/dt capability. The forward voltage drop in thyristors is about 1.5 to 2 V, and even at higher currents of the order of 100 A, it seldom exceeds 3 V. While the forward voltage determines the on-state power loss of the device at any given current, the switching power loss becomes a dominating factor affecting the device junction temperature at high operating frequencies. Because of this, themaximum switching frequencies possible using thyristors are limited in comparison with other power devices considered in this section.Thyristors have withstand capability and can be protected by fuses. The nonrepetitive surge current capability for thyristors is about 10 times their rated root mean square current. They must be protected by snubber networks for dv/dt and di/dt effects. If the specified dv/dt is exceeded, thyristors may start conducting without applying a gate pulse. In dc-to-ac conversion applications it is necessary to use an antiparalled diode of similar rating across each main thyristor. Thyristors are available up to 6000 V, 3500 A.Power mosfets are marketed by different manufacturers with differences in internal geometry and with different names such as megamos, hexfet,sipmos, and tmos. They have unique features that make them potentially attractive for switching applications. They are essentially voltage-driven rather than current-driven devices, unlike bipolar transistors.The gate of a mosfet is isolated electrically from the source by a layer of silicon oxide. The gate draws only a minute leakage current of the order of nanoamperes. Hence the gate drive circuit is simple and power loss in the gate control circuit is practically negligible. Although in steady state the gate draws virtually no current, this is not so under transient conditions. The gate-to-source and gate-to-drain capacitances have to be charged and discharged appropriately to obtain the desired switching speed, and the drive circuit must have a sufficiently to output impedance to supply the required charging and discharging currents. The circuit symbol of a power mosfet is shown in the figure.Power mosfets are majority carrier devices, and there is no minority carrier storage time. Hence they have exceptionally fast rise and fall times. They are essentially resistive devices when turned on, while bipolar transistors present a more or less constant over the normal operating range. Power dissipation in mosfets is I, and in bipolar it is Ic, and in bipolar it is Id. At low currents, therefore, a power mosfet may have a lower conduction loss than a comparable bipolar device, but at higher currents, the conduction loss will exceed that of bipolar. Also, the R increases with temperature.An important feature of a power mosfet is the absence of a secondary breakdown effect, which is present in a bipolar transistor, and as a result, it has an extremely rugged switching performance. In mosfets, R increases with temperature, and thus the current is automatically diverted away from the hot spot. The drain body junction appears as an antiparalled diode between source and drain. Thus power mosfet will not support voltage in the reverse direction. Although this in verse diode is relatively fast, it is slow by comparison with the mosfet. Recent devices have the didde recovery time as low as 100 ns. Since mosfet cannot be protected by fuses, an electronic protection technique has to be used.With the advancement in MOS technology, ruggedized MOSF are replacing the conventional MOSEFs. The need to ruggedize power MOSFETs is related to device reliability. If a MOSFET is operating within its specification range at all times, its chances for failing catastrophically are minimal. However, if its absolute maximum rating is exceeded, failure probability increases dramatically. Under actual operating conditions, a MOSFET may be subjected to transients—either externally from the power bus supplying the circuit or from the circuit itself due, for example, to inductive kicks going beyond the absolute maximum ratings. Such conditions are likely in almost every application, and in most cases are beyond a designer’s control. Rugged devices are made to be more tolerant for over-voltage transients. Ruggedness is the ability of aMOSFET to operate in an environment ofdynamic electrical stresses, without activating any of the parasitic bipolar junction transistors. The rugged device can withstand higher levels of diode recovery dv/dt and static dv/dt.译文:变压器尽管变压器没有旋转的不见,但是它在本质上还是属于几点能量交换设备。
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2. 深入了解电气行业:在实习期间,我对电气行业有了更深入的了解,为今后的职业生涯奠定了基础。
3. 增强了跨文化沟通能力:通过与外籍同事的交流,我学会了如何尊重文化差异,提高跨文化沟通技巧。
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本文所选的源语文本来自于加州大学伯克利分校的博士Artin所著的"Stirling Engines for Low-Temperature
Solar-Thermal-Electric Power Generation"一文。