Mathcad上机实习指导Mathcad2000上机实习指导Ch1 Mathcad2000简介§1-1 Math cad主菜单框和⼦菜单框点击Windows桌⾯上Mathcad2000图标,即呈现Mathcad⼯作区和Mathcad2000 RESOURCE CENTER(资源中⼼),关闭中⼼,在上⽅菜单条中,点击“view”→“Toolbars”→“Math”,出现Math主菜单框,⾥⾯有9个⼦菜单框,它们依次为:主菜单计算器图形矩阵求值微积分布尔编程希腊字母符号计算其中,1)Calculator(计算器,内含基本初等函数,四则运算符,开⽅乘⽅,上、下标,绝对值,n!等);2)Graphs(图形,有平⾯和空间直⾓坐标系,极坐标系);3)Vector and Matrix (向量与矩阵,⽤于线性代数);4)Evaluation (赋值,有软等号“=”⽤于数值运算,“→”⽤于符号运算,赋值号“:=”⽤于建⽴函数);5)Calculus (微积分,含极限,导数,不定积分和定积分);6)Boolean (布尔运算,含硬等号“=” ,不等号,⼤于等于号和⼩于等于号);7)Programming (编程,含“if ”,“otherwise ”,“for ”,“while ”等命令);8)Greek Symbol (希腊字母);9)Symbolic Keyword (符号关键词,含”solve”,”series”,”factor”,”simplity” )。
红⼗字光标所在区域为Mathcad ⼯作区域,各种运算在此展开。
在上⽅菜单栏最后的“help ”中,可以搜索需要的帮助。
§1-2 建⽴函数函数是我们研究的主要对象,建⽴函数是Mathcad 操作的基本功。
建⽴函数要把等号改为赋值号“:=”,按“:” 键,出现赋值号“:=”,即可建⽴函数, 赋值号“:=”也可从4号⼦菜单框得到。
例如:y(x):=sin(x) ,z(x,y):=ln(x+y). 函数名必须写成y(x),定义函数必须⽤“:=”建⽴分段函数有点复杂,要⽤“if ””(如果)和“otherwise ”(否则),它们在7号⼦菜单框中。
KMUSTTeaching Records昆明理工大学《上机实验指导书》课程名称:计算机图形学所在系(部):国资院测绘系学年学期: 2012 — 2013 学年第 2 学期授课专业班级:地信101/土管101/测绘101 班级人数: 27/24/56 讲授教师:李向新教材名称:计算机图形学课程总学时: 64 ;总学分:理论学时: 38 ;实验(或实践)学时: 上机学时: 32 ;辅导(或答疑)学时: 系主任签章:第1部分计算机图形学上机实验大纲1.1 目的与任务计算机图形学上机是计算机图形学课程的组成部分之一,是掌握计算机图形学课程内容的一个重要实践环节。
1.2 基本要求1. 了解OpenGL在计算机图形学中的应用基础知识。
2. 掌握基本的OpenGL的编程方法及技能。
3. 学会使用OpenGL绘制基本图形。
4. 学会使用OpenGL进行2D及3D维图形变换、生成曲线曲面及构建具有真实感的3D场景。
1.3 内容及学时安排上机1:glut工具包的安装及使用 2学时上机2:OpenGL编程练习 2学时上机3:OpenGL中基本几何图形的绘制 2学时上机4:二维图形变换编程练习 2学时上机5:交互式绘图技术编程练习 2学时上机6:三维图形变换编程练习 2学时上机7:OpenGL三维物体表示编程练习 2学时上机8:真实感图形的生成与处理上机 2学时合计 16学时1.4 教学参考书(1) 成思源等编著:计算机图形学,冶金工业出版社,2003.(2) (美)安杰尔(Edward Angel)著;李桂琼,张文祥译: OpenGL程序设计指南(第二版),北京:清华大学出版社,2005.(3) Edward Angel: Interactive Computer Graphics—A Top-Down Approach withOpenGL, Third Edition, Pearson Education, Inc., 2003.(4) F.S. Hill, JR:Computer Graphics Using OpenGL Second Edition, PearsonEducation, Inc., 2003.(5) James D. Foley et al.: Computer Graphics—Principles and Practice, SecondEdition in C, Pearson Education, Inc., 2002.(6) 朱家义:Visual C++程序设计,机械工业出版社,2003。
1. 界面介绍
2. 基本操作
3. 分析和优化
4. 绘图
5. 建模和仿真
其四周有个实线框,可用鼠标对该实线框下侧线中间和右侧线中间位置拖拽以实现绘图窗口的大小调整, 鼠标停在实线框变成一个手状时,鼠标的拖拽可调整绘图窗口的位置。在绘图外的地方用鼠标单击,该实 线框消失,绘图处于不可编辑状态,反之在绘图窗口单击实线框出现,绘图处于可编辑状态,可调整大小、 位置,可剪切、幅值、删除等。 需要注意的是要对整个绘图剪切、复制、删除,必须在下图所示的状态下进行,上图所示的状态时无法对 绘图操作的,感觉有点像找不同的游戏了,你们有没有注意到,两个图的蓝色直角位置是不同的,上图的 蓝色直角位于绘图 x 轴的中间,表示可编辑 x 轴参数,下图的蓝色直角函括了整个绘图,表示可对整个绘图 进行操作,可以在绘图范围内右击鼠标,执行剪切、复制操作,亦可以用键盘快捷键剪切和复制,也可用 Delete 键删除绘图。 关于那个蓝色直角位置怎么控制,大家自己操作看看吧,你自己会掌握的。
这个文件我也传上来了,其实如果你认真参考这个文件,也就不用看这个帖子了。这部分简单介绍就结束 吧,具体的大家还是参考用户指南,真的都是中文啊,其实也可以一边使用,再根据需求有所侧重地到指 南中去查找相关主题,这样效率更高。 初级应用 Mathcad 非常简单,打开界面,鼠标在空白区域单击一下出现一个红色十字就可以开始编辑公式 了,执行计算了。 一.将 Mathcad 当作计算器一样使用吧 比如你想计算一个半径为 3.3 的圆的面积,那就在半角下输入 ctrl+shift+p+I,*,3.3^2,=,就可以了,你也 可以在数学工具栏单击第一个符号,计算器工具栏,从中选择×π 数字直接键盘键入即可,半角符号 下的.即是小数点,键入符号中间不要插入空格或其他键。 蓝色直角所在的位置即是你当前可编辑的对象,算式被一个实线方框围住表示处于激活状态,可进行 编辑,同样,若没有这个方框即处于不可编辑状态,此时你若想编辑该算式,可用鼠标单击该算式, 一定要注意蓝色直角所包含的范围,它表示了你键入下一个算符时的操作对象,不理解我意思的童鞋 可以自己尝试一下,用空格或者左右箭头操作蓝色直角的位置和范围。 这里的关键是要处于半角时编辑,如果你发现出现了奇怪的符号,那赶紧撤销,切换切换成半角。 还有些快捷键操作可能需要多多练习,不过即使不知道快捷操作,一样可以从计算器工具栏选择运算 符。 下面是进阶练习,假如你的圆半径发生变化,你希望在 Mathcad 中输入改变后的半径就能快速得到面
Mathcad 用户指导
Administrator’s GuideMathcad 14.0February 2007Copyright © 2007 Parametric Technology Corporation. All Rights Reserved.User and training documentation from Parametric Technology Corporation and its subsidiary companies (collectively “PTC”) is subject to the copyright laws of the United States and other countries and is provided under a license agreement that restricts copying, disclosure, and use of such documentation. PTC hereby grants to the licensed user the right to make copies in printed form of this documentation if provided on software media, but only for internal/personal use and in accordance with the license agreement under which the applicable software is licensed. Any copy made shall include the PTC copyright notice and any other proprietary notice provided by PTC. This documentation may not be disclosed, transferred, modified, or reduced to any form, including electronic media, or transmitted or made publicly available by any means without the prior written consent of PTC and no authorization is granted to make copies for such purposes. Information described herein is furnished for general information only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a warranty or commitment by PTC. PTC assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.The software described in this document is provided under written license agreement, contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary information, and is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. It may not be copied or distributed in any form or medium, disclosed to third parties, or used in any manner not provided for in the software licenses agreement except with written prior approval from PTC. UNAUTHORIZED USE OF SOFTWARE OR ITS DOCUMENTATION CAN RESULT IN CIVIL DAMAGES AND CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.Important Copyright, Trademark, Patent, and Licensing InformationOn the Reference Documents page at /appserver/cs/doc/refdoc.jsp, select Legal for the product and PTC Copyright for the document type. Alternatively, click Help > About on your product's main menu.UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGENDThis document and the software described herein are Commercial Computer Documentation and Software, pursuant to FAR 12.212(a)-(b) (OCT'95) or DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (JUN'95), and are provided to the US Government under a limited commercial license only. For procurements predating the above clauses, use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARS 252.227 7013 (OCT'88) or Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights at FAR 52.227 19(c)(1)-(2) (JUN'87), as applicable. 00002007Parametric Technology Corporation, 140 Kendrick Street, Needham, MA 02494 USAContentsAbout the Administrator’s GuideHow to Read This Manual1For the System Administrator1For the End User1Other Sources of Information2Technical Support2Comments2 Before You Install2CD Contents2File Formats3License Management3Order of Installation3Product Code4System Requirements4Upgrading from a Previous Version of Mathcad5Vendor Daemon5 Installing MathcadInstalling Mathcad6Installing Mathcad on a Workstation6Silently Installing Mathcad8 Installing Internet Explorer and Acrobat Reader10 License ManagementLicense Management11About License Management11Obtaining a License File11 Using the License Service12Installing the License Service12Configuring the License Service16Troubleshooting your Installation22 Borrowing Licenses23iii1About the Administrator’s GuideHow to Read This Manual Before You InstallHow to Read This ManualThis Administrator’s Guide is written primarily for the system administrator — the person responsible for installing and maintaining Mathcad and any FLEXnet server administering Mathcad licenses. It assumes you have a basic familiarity with Windows and network administration.For Mathcad installation, this Administrator’s Guide targets the Windows XP platform. Dialog titles, menu options, and other elements mentioned in this Guide reflect Windows XP navigation and object names.For the System AdministratorThe following sections contain important information for persons installing and administering Mathcad and FLEXnet:For the End UserEnd-users of Mathcad should refer to the User’s Guide as their primary source of information, although the following sections of this guide may be of interest as well:Before You InstallAn introduction to the concepts covered and terminology used in this manual (see page 2.)Installing MathcadInstructions for performing an installation of Mathcad (see page 6.)Installing InternetExplorer and AcrobatReaderInstructions for installing Internet Explorer and Acrobat Reader, included on the Mathcad CD (see page 10.)License Management Instructions for installing and configuring a FLEXnet license server (see page 11.)Before You InstallAn introduction to the concepts covered and terminology used in this manual (see page 2).Installing InternetExplorer and AcrobatReaderInstructions for installing Internet Explorer and Acrobat Reader, included on the Mathcad CD (see page 10).Borrowing Licenses Using Mathcad while disconnected from a FLEXnet server (see page 23).Other Sources of InformationThe following other sources of information may prove helpful as you install, configure,and license Mathcad across your enterprise.•The FLEXnet End User Guide: how to configure a FLEXnet installation:/pdfs/flexnet_licensing_end_user_guide.pdf •The PTC Customer Support Site: how to obtain and manage Mathcad licenses: /olm/index.htm•The Mathcad Knowledge Base: a listing of known issues with Mathcad andlicensing, their causes, and applicable solutions (login required):/go/mathsoft/support/kb/•The updated Release Notes for Mathcad: last-minute changes to the product and documentation:/appserver/cs/doc/refdoc.jspTechnical SupportContact PTC Technical Support if you encounter problems using the software. Contactinformation for PTC Technical Support is available on the PTC Customer Support Site./support/You must have a Service Contract Number (SCN) to receive technical support. If youdo not have an SCN, contact PTC using the instructions found in the PTC CustomerService Guide under “Technical Support.”/support/cs_guideCommentsWe welcome your suggestions and comments on our documentation. Please submityour feedback to mathcad-doc@.When you submit feedback, remember to include the release number and name of thedocumentation piece with your comments.Before You InstallCD ContentsThe Mathcad CD contains the following software:•The installation program for Mathcad 14. This package contains the Mathcad program; associated online Help; Resources worksheets; the Data Analysis, ImageProcessing, Signal Processing, and Wavelets Extension Packs; and electronic(PDF) versions of the Mathcad User’s Guide, this Administrator’s Guide, CustomerService Guide, and Release Notes.•The installation program for FLEXnet10.8.The installation package forFLEXnet contains both FLEXnet license management software from MacrovisionCorporation and a vendor daemon created by PTC to administer Mathcad licenses(see “Vendor Daemon” on page 5).•The installation program for Internet Explorer 6.0. Internet Explorer, version6.0 or later, is required for full functionality of the Help system, accessing HTMLcontent within the Resources window, and the opening and saving of Web-basedfiles. Mathcad does not require that you set Internet Explorer as your defaultbrowser to take advantage of this functionality.•The installation program for Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0. Adobe AcrobatReader, version 5.0 or later, is required to view PDF versions of installed Mathcaddocumentation.File FormatsMathcad 14 supports two XML file formats: XMCD and XMCDZ (compressedXMCD). These XML formats are designed to facilitate the addition of tracking andmanagement metadata to Mathcad worksheets. This metadata can be retrieved by anyXML-compliant or text-based search tool. In addition, the worksheet contents can alsobe read by an XML-compliant tool, allowing for the distribution of worksheets withoutthe need for Mathcad.The Mathcad 14 versions of the XMCD/XMCDZ formats differ substantially fromprevious versions of these file formats.Mathcad can save files in supported older formats, though new features may not besupported by earlier versions. Worksheet content dependent upon a new feature is savedin static, bitmap form when you save as a previous version.Mathcad 14 does not support an updated binary MCD format, though it can open MCDfiles.License ManagementMathcad uses a license management program called FLEXnet, provided byMacrovision Corporation. Additionally, the Image Processing, Signal Processing,Data Analysis, and Wavelets Extension Packs are also license managed with FLEXnet.In order to use Mathcad, you need the appropriate license file. Mathcad is sold witheither floating or node-locked licenses, on either a perpetual or an annual basis. Floatinglicenses can be used by any workstation on your network, while node-locked licensescan only be used on specified workstations. The Mathcad End User License Agreementallows you to obtain a home-use license for each purchased floating or node-lockedlicense. For more information on types of licenses, see the section “Obtaining a LicenseFile” on page 11.Annual licenses must be renewed on a yearly basis on the PTC Customer Support siteor by contacting your local support office.Order of InstallationYou can elect to perform either the Mathcad install or the FLEXnet install first. If youinstall Mathcad first, click “Cancel” to dismiss the Mathcad License Setup wizardpresented during installation, and provide the location of your license server or licensefile when you launch Mathcad.To specify a license file or server as part of a silent install, see the section “SilentlyInstalling Mathcad” on page 8.Product CodeThe product code is a 22-character string of letters and numbers required to installMathcad. This code is provided with your the Mathcad CD.If you create a silent install for Mathcad, the same product code is applied to eachworkstation installation. If you install from the CD, you must enter the same productcode for each installation.System RequirementsFLEXnet Server Requirements•Windows 95, 98, ME, NT®, 2000, XP or later (NT, 2000, or XP recommended)•16 MB free memory (for license management processes)•9 MB of hard disk space (not including log file)•CD-ROM or DVD drive•SVGA or higher graphics card and monitor•Mouse or compatible pointing deviceUnder regular usage, license administration places little load on your server or network.The FLEXnet license daemon and Mathcad vendor daemon both require approximately3 MB of memory when running. Additionally, aside from license check-out and check-in, and periodic heartbeats sent out to verify the continued presence of the licenseserver, Mathcad generates no network traffic to the FLEXnet server when running.However, as more workstations access the license server, network traffic may becomean issue, and your log file will grow more quickly.Mathcad Requirements•Pentium-compatible 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x86-64, EM64T) processor, 400 MHz or higher; 700+ MHz recommended•Windows 2000 SP4 or Windows XP or later•Microsoft .NET Framework® 2.0 or later•MSXML 4.0 SP2 or later•Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.6 or later•256 MB of RAM; 512 MB or more recommended•550 MB of hard disk space (250 MB for Mathcad, 100 MB for prerequisites, 200 MB temporary space during installation)•Internet Explorer version 6.0. (IE does not need to be your default browser.)•CD-ROM or DVD drive (not required for silent installations)•SVGA or higher graphics card and monitor•Keyboard and mouse or compatible pointing deviceMSXML, MDAC, and the .NET Framework are available on the Mathcad CD, andfrom the Microsoft Web site at /downloads/.Upgrading from a Previous Version of MathcadInstalling Mathcad Alongside Previous VersionsMathcad 14 can be installed on a workstation currently running Mathcad 11 or later.You do not need to uninstall any previous versions before you install Mathcad 14, nordoes installing Mathcad 14 automatically remove previous Mathcad installations.Mathcad 14 can be installed alongside other previous versions, although compatibilityis not assured with unsupported versions of Mathcad.If you elect to uninstall an earlier version after installing Mathcad 14, you may need tore-register Mathcad 14. For more information on re-registering Mathcad, consult theRelease Notes (relnotes.htm), located either in the Mathcad folder or on the CD.FLEXnet and Upgrading from Earlier Versions of MathcadIf you are upgrading from an earlier version of Mathcad Enterprise Edition, you mustinstall FLEXnet from your Mathcad CD. Both FLEXlm and the vendor daemonprovided with previous versions of Mathcad are not compatible with Mathcad 14.Previous versions of Mathcad are compatible with the version of FLEXnet providedwith Mathcad 14. Additionally, multiple versions of FLEXnet can exist on the sameserver or network. This allows you to use the current version of FLEXnet to manageMathcad 14 licenses, and an existing installation of FLEXlm to manage licenses forearlier versions of Mathcad.More information on running multiple license services is available in the FLEXnet EndUser Guide; see “Other Sources of Information” on page 2.Vendor DaemonIn addition to a license file, FLEXnet also requires that you install a vendor daemon toproperly serve Mathcad licenses. This vendor daemon is the software that actuallydispenses a license to your machine when you start Mathcad. Without it, Mathcadcannot check out a license at start up.Installing MathcadInstalling MathcadInstalling Internet Explorer and Acrobat ReaderInstalling MathcadInstalling Mathcad on a WorkstationWhen you place the Mathcad CD into a CD-ROM drive, the Installation Wizard shouldautomatically start. If it does not:1.Click Start > Run in Windows and browse to your CD-ROM drive.2.Select the file setup.exe.3.Click “Open” in the Browse dialog, then “OK” in the Run dialog.At this point, the Installation Wizard should start.Note The installation program does not uninstall any detected previous version(s) of Mathcad.Note Only persons with administrative privileges can install Mathcad onto a workstation. If you lack administrator privileges for the workstation onto which you are installing, or are not sure youhave administrator privileges, contact your system administrator.Before installing Mathcad, make sure that all of the required system components areinstalled. (See “Mathcad Requirements” on page 4.) You can install any missing systemcomponents from the PreReq folder on the Mathcad CD.If all of the required system components have been installed, click the “Mathcad 14”button to install Mathcad.Note Unlike previous versions of Mathcad, online Help and Mathcad Resources are installed in separate processes with individual entries in the Add/Remove Programs control panel. Usersmust uninstall Help and the Resources separately.1.On the Welcome page of the Installation Wizard, click “Next.”2.Read the License Agreement, select “I accept the terms in the license agreement,”and click “Next.” If you do not agree to the terms, the wizard does not enable thisbutton, and you cannot proceed with the installation.3.On the Customer Information page, confirm that the listed user name andorganization are correct, and enter the product code (see Figure 1) located on theCD envelope. Decide whether the copy of Mathcad installed onto the workstationshould be usable only by the specified user (“Only for me”), or for anyone whomight use the workstation (“Anyone who uses this computer”). Click “Next.”6Installing Mathcad / 74.On the Destination Folder page, confirm that the given installation destination iscorrect. If you want to install Mathcad to a different folder, click “Change,” specify the location to which you want to install, and click “OK.” Click “Next.”5.Click “Install” to install Mathcad according to your selections. If you change yourmind, click “Back” until you reach the appropriate page in the wizard, edit your choice, and click “Next” until you return to this last page, verifying that any choices along the way have not changed.6.The installer now copies the appropriate files to the installation folder. As theinstallation proceeds, the installer displays its progress on-screen. The Installation Wizard automatically launches the installation programs for both online Help and the Resources window.7.Near the end of the installation, the progress bar stops and the installer presents theMathcad License Location dialog. Specify the name of your license server or the location and name of your node-locked or home-use license file. For information on the different types of license files, see “Obtaining a License File” on page 11.Note To access the Mathcad License Setup wizard at any time, type mathcad /license at acommand prompt. This allows you to change the license server or file used by the workstation.8.Once the Installation Wizard notifies you that it has completed the installation ofMathcad, click “Finish” to quit the installation program.Figure 1: Specify the “Product Code” on the Customer Information page. The “User Name” and “Organization” should be drawn automatically from the operating system. If multiple users use the workstation, make sure thatMathcad is installed for “Anyone who uses this computer (all users).”Silently Installing MathcadTo standardize deployment of Mathcad across your entire enterprise, the Mathcad CDincludes three editable batch files, located in the Mathcad folder. In these batch files,you can predefine the installation variables normally set by users during installation.By doing so, Mathcad installation can occur silently, or without the need for user input.All prerequisite software must be installed before performing a silent installation.SilentInstall.bat only installs the Mathcad program files, SilentHelp.batinstalls the online Help, and SilentRC.bat installs the Resources contents. Samplescripts illustrating how you can integrate the Help and Resources window installs withthe Mathcad silent install are provided on the Mathcad CD.Note At this time, the silent installers do not support installation locations involving non-ASCII characters. Any path specified in the silent installation should use ASCII characters only.The following can be set in SilentInstall.bat for a silent installation:•PRODUCT_CODE — Enter your Product Code, located on the CD envelope. You must supply a Product Code in order for the silent install to work properly.•INSTALLDIR — Enter the full path of the desired Mathcad installation directory on the workstation. If no directory is specified, Mathcad installs to:C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad 14\.•LICENSEPATH — Specify the name of your license server or pathname of your license file. If no value is given, Mathcad prompts for the server name or filelocation when launched. When specifying a FLEXnet server, use the syntax[port]@server, where server is the name of the server running FLEXnet, andport is an optional argument specifying which port the server uses to administerlicenses. For information on configuring FLEXnet, see “Configuring the LicenseService” on page 16.•DEFAULTFILEFORMAT — Select the file format to use as the default when saving worksheets. The choices are “XML14” (the default value) and “XMLZ14”.This entry is case-sensitive. For more information on the available file formats, see“File Formats” on page 3.•LOGFILE — Specify the full path, including file name, of the log file reporting the status of your silent installation. By default, the installer creates a file namedMcad14_install_log.txt in the folder from which you run the batch file.•TEMPLATEDIRPATH — Specify a semi-colon separated list of path names, through which Mathcad searches at startup for template files. Do not leave anyspace between the paths and semi-colons. If left blank, Mathcad defaults to lookingonly in its Templates folder.•EXTPACKDIR — Enter the full path of the installation directory for the Extension Pack handbooks bundled with Mathcad. If no directory is specified, the installerdefaults to the handbook folder in the path specified by the INSTALLDIR variable.Extension Pack DLLs are always installed to the path specified by INSTALLDIR.The following settings are necessary only if you wish to access a copy of Help and theMathcad Resources located in folders other than the Mathcad folder. If you leave theseentries blank, Mathcad defaults to locations within the program folder. In each case, the path specified must include the file name, or else Help and the Mathcad Resources will not work properly when opened from either the Resources toolbar or the Helpmenu.Note The Mathcad silent installer does not install either Help or the Mathcad Resources to the locations specified by the following variables. If you specify an alternate value for the following variables, you must also edit SilentHelp.bat and/or SilentRC.bat to install Helpand/or the Resources to the corresponding folder.•HELPDIR — Enter the full path of the directory for Mathcad Help, including the Author’s Reference and Developer’s Reference. If no directory is specified, theinstaller defaults to the doc folder in the path specified by the INSTALLDIRvariable.•HBKLOCATION — Specify the location of the Mathcad Resources E-book file (qsheet.hbk). If left blank, Mathcad will search for qsheet.hbk in the pathspecified by the INSTALLDIR variable.•MYSITEDESTINATION — The HTML page opened in the Resources window when you select “My Site” on the Resources Toolbar. If no alternate location isspecified, Mathcad appends qsheet\html\ehome.html to the path specified bythe INSTALLDIR variable.•HOMEPAGE — Points to the opening page of the Mathcad Resources (map.xmcd). If left blank, Mathcad appends qsheet\map.xmcd to the pathspecified by the INSTALLDIR variable.The following can be set in SilentHelp.bat for a silent installation:•HELPLOGFILE — Specify the full path, including file name, of the log file reporting the status of your silent installation. By default, the installer creates a filenamed Mcad14_install_help_log.txt in the folder from which you run thebatch file.•HELP_INSTALL_DIR — Specify the installation location for the Mathcad Documentation: Help, the Author’s Reference and Developer’s Reference, and theMathcad User’s Guide. The installer defaults to:C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad 14\doc\.The following can be set in SilentRC.bat for a silent installation:•RCLOGFILE — Specify the full path, including file name, of the log file reporting the status of your silent installation. By default, the installer creates a file namedMcad14_install_rc_log.txt in the folder from which you run the batch file.•RC_INSTALL_DIR — Specify the installation location for the Mathcad Resources (qsheet.hbk and the qsheet folder). The installer defaults to: C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad 14\.All values must be delimited by quotation marks, with each quotation mark preceded by a backslash. Unspecified variables (those left in the batch file as an empty string, written as \“\”) assume the default values in each case, except for the Product Code, which is required.The batch files contain detailed instructions for customizing your silent installation.Executing a Silent InstallationTo perform a silent installation of Mathcad:1.Copy the contents of the Mathcad folder from the Mathcad CD to a shared networkvolume.2.Modify SilentInstall.bat as necessary. If necessary, also modifySilentHelp.bat and SilentRC.bat.Note If you run the silent installation from a shared network location, specify a unique log file for each user. Otherwise, only the log file from the last attempted installation is preserved. Onesuggestion is to save the log file to the installation folder; for example C:\ProgramFiles\Mathcad\Mathcad 14\Mcad14_install_log.txt.3.Log on to the workstation as an administrator.4.Confirm that the workstation satisfies the system requirements outlined on page4.This includes the installation of prerequisite software.5.Map the folder created in Step1, above, to a drive letter on the workstation.6.Run SilentInstall.bat. Installation takes several minutes, and quits withoutnotification. To confirm that installation was successful, check the log file.7.Run SilentHelp.bat and SilentRC.bat to install the online Help andResources, either manually or through an installation script.Installing Internet Explorer and Acrobat ReaderIn addition to installing Mathcad and FLEXnet, you may find it necessary to installeither Internet Explorer or Acrobat Reader. Internet Explorer 6.0 or later is required forfull functionality of the Help system, accessing HTML content within the Resourceswindow, and the opening and saving of Web-based files. Internet Explorer does notneed to be the default browser to take advantage of this functionality. Acrobat Readeris required to view the PDF versions of Mathcad documentation.Installation programs for both of these software packages are available on the MathcadCD. You can access the installation programs for either application from the maininstallation program, which launches when you place the Mathcad CD into your CD-ROM drive. If the installation program does not automatically run, you can access itmanually by performing the following steps:1.Click Start > Run in Windows, and browse to your CD-ROM drive.2.Select the file setup.exe.3.Click “Open” in the Browse dialog, then “OK” in the Run dialog.At this point, the main installation window should appear. Click the “Other Software”button. On the next screen, select either “Internet Explorer 6” or “Acrobat Reader 7”to launch the Installation Wizard for the corresponding software package. TheInstallation Wizard guides you through the installation process.License ManagementLicense ManagementUsing the License ServiceBorrowing LicensesLicense ManagementAbout License ManagementWhen launched, Mathcad searches for an available license. If one is available, it isallocated to the workstation, and Mathcad opens for use. If a license is not available,Mathcad notifies the user with an error message and shuts down. Mathcad requiresaccess to a license server to check out a floating license. A node-locked license fileresides on the workstation, and cannot be copied to another workstation.If users with floating licenses wish to run Mathcad while disconnected from yournetwork — for example, on a laptop while out of the office — they can borrow a licensefrom the server for a limited amount of time. This borrowed license is stored on theworkstation, so Mathcad does not need to access the license server at start up. Moreinformation on borrowing licenses is available in “Borrowing Licenses” on page 23.In addition, purchasing a volume license for Mathcad entitles you to a home-use licensefor each intended user. Unlike borrowed licenses, which are not available to otherworkstations while borrowed, home use licenses supplement your license purchase.To deploy Mathcad with floating licenses, you must install and run FLEXnet version10.8 or later for Windows.Note If you have a node-locked or home-use license file, you do not need to install and configure FLEXnet. Save the license file generated for you to the LICENSES folder of the Mathcadinstallation on the appropriate workstation. Specify the location and name of this file whenprompted by the Mathcad License Setup wizard.Obtaining a License FileThree types of Mathcad licenses are available:• A floating license (server) file — for administering floating licenses only from a license server. Licenses are allocated from a common pool to workstations on afirst-come, first-serve basis. The FLEXnet installer validates the file you receiveand creates a companion options file. For instructions on editing the options file,see “Editing the Options File” on page 18.• A node-locked license (workstation) file — for tying a license to the individual workstation without a license server. Node-locked licenses must be reallocatedfrom one workstation to another through the PTC Customer Support Web site.• A home-use license (workstation) file — for tying a license to the individual workstation without a license server. License files cannot be moved fromworkstation to workstation; use the PTC Customer Support Web site to return an11。
(七)、预备知识:(八)、实验内容:1.1 计算:(1)344214625.4+++-πe ; (2)sin50°-tan2+cos15°/cot5+sec0.6.1.2 完成以下多项式与有理式操作练习:(1)展开多项式3)(z y x ++,42)3()(c b a b a +-++;Expand[](2)分解因式z y z x y xy y x x 22322322-++--;Factor[](3)将)1)(1(2123x x x x ++++,43232237741xx x x x x x ++--++--展开成部分分式之和. Apart[]1.3 定义矩阵⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=115141312111981654321M ,借助于Mathematica 帮助完成如下操作:(1)M T 、M 的行列式、M 的逆矩阵;(2)计算矩阵M 各行的和与各列的和,并将它们存入两个不同的数组;(3)将矩阵M 的第三行第二列元素替换成0;(4)提取矩阵M 的2、4列第2、3行元素构成新的矩阵.(提示:(2)、(3)、(4)使用F1,浏览用户手册或查资料)1.4 试在不同范围内绘制x y sinh 1=,|sin |2x y =,|1|323--=x y 的图形,然后将不同函数组合到一个坐标系内.1.5 对于参数方程和极坐标方程描绘的曲线,通过设置参数动画观察参数与曲线图形的关系.(1)参数方程:cos x a t =,)20(sin π≤≤=t t b y ,a ,b 取不同值;(2)极坐标方程θρcos 1+=和)cos(θρa =.(九)、实验操作习题1.1程序代码:E^(4.5)-1/Pi+Sqrt[2^2+4^6]/4+3^(1/4)Sin[50Degree]-Tan[2]+Cos[15Degree]/Cot[5]+Sec[0.6]习题1.2程序代码:Expand[(x+y+z)^3]Expand[(a+b)^2+(a-b+3c)^4]Factor[x^3-x^2*y-x*y^2+y^3+2x^2*z-2y^2*z]Apart[(1+2*x+x^3)/((1+x)(1+x^2))]Apart[(-1-4*x+7*x^2+7*x^3)/(-x-x^2+3*x^3+2*x^4)]习题1.3程序代码:M={{1,2,3,4},{5,6,1,8},{9,1,11,12},{13,14,15,1}}M1=Transpose[M]//MatrixFormM2=Det[M]//MatrixFormM3=Inverse[M]//MatrixFormM4=(M[[All,1]]+M[[All,2]]+M[[All,3]]+M[[All,4]])//MatrixF ormM5=(M[[1,All]]+M[[2,All]]+M[[3,All]]+M[[4,All]])//MatrixF ormReplacePart[M,{3,2}->0]{{Take[M[[2,2]]],Take[M[[2,4]]]},{Take[M[[3,2]]],Take[M[[ 3,4]]]}}习题1.4程序代码:p1=Plot[Sinh[x],{x,-3,3}];p2=Plot[Abs[Sin[x]],{x,-2*Pi,2*Pi}];p3=Plot[3-Abs[x^2-1],{x,-2,2}];Show[p1,p2,p3]习题1.5程序代码:Animate[ParametricPlot[{a Cos[t],b Sin[t]},{t,-2Pi,2Pi}],{a,-4,4,1},{b,-5,5}]Animate[PolarPlot[{1+Cos[θ],Cos[a*θ]},{θ,-2Pi,2Pi}],{a,-4,4,1}]实验二、导数、微分、Taylor公式(一)、实验类型:综合型(二)、实验类别:基础实验(三)、每组人数:1(四)、实验要求:选修(五)、实验学时:3个学时(六)、实验目的:熟悉并掌握Mathematica中导数、微分、函数的n阶泰勒公式、函数的n次近似多项式的程序命令。
CAD上机实习实验报告《CAD 上机实习实验报告》一、实习目的本次 CAD 上机实习旨在让我们熟悉 CAD 软件的基本操作和功能,掌握绘制二维图形和三维模型的基本技能,培养我们的空间想象力和绘图能力,提高我们解决实际工程问题的能力。
二、实习环境本次实习使用的CAD 软件为_____版本,计算机操作系统为_____,硬件配置为_____。
四、实习过程在实习开始时,老师首先为我们介绍了 CAD 软件的界面和基本操作方法,然后通过实例演示了各种绘图命令和编辑命令的使用。
《工程制图与AutoCAD》实训(实践)指导书实训一 AUTOCAD基础知识一、目的要求1、了解CAD软件系统的基本界面。
Mathcad - 实验17[3页]
Mathcad, Ctrl+2, 3D,在中可以定义一个二元函数使用热键产生一个图形区域在占位符处输入函数名用鼠标在图形区域之外点击一下即可快速生成该函数的
, ,
. , 3D Plot Format, ,
, .
1 :
f g
2 :
f g
3 : f (Hide arguments)
4 :
.. :=
X i j,
r sinφi
i j,
r sinφi
i j,
r cosφi
X Y。
AutoCAD 的操作界面内容比较丰富。
本实训要求学生了解 AutoCAD 界面的构成,各组成部分的主要用途,掌握如何设置绘图环境,能够绘制简单图形。
4)图纸格式:A0(841*1189), A1 (549*841), A2(420*594), A3(297*420), A4 (210*297)。
Mathcad操作指南基础部分 (3)LESSON 1. MATHCAD工具栏及面板 (11)LESSON 2:使用MATHCAD工作区域 (13)LESSON 3: 输入数学和文本 (14)LESSON 4: 使用MATHCAD模板及样式 (17)LESSON 5: 定义变量 (18)LESSON 6: 定义函数 (19)LESSON 7: 建立数学表达式 (21)LESSON 8: 编辑表达式 (23)LESSON 9: 定义变量范围 (25)LESSON 10: 定义矢量和矩阵 (28)LESSON 11: 图表 (32)LESSON 12:数字和文本格式 (39)LESSON 13: 结果格式化 (40)LESSON 14:单位运算 (43)LESSON 15:MATHCAD的编程 (44)在哪里可以得到更多帮助: (50)基础部分注意此稿包含的使用Mathcad 11版本的指南同从软件内置的指南相同。
最初的资料来源于Mathcad 7的专业版,更新了Mathcad 11版本新增加的内容。
因此, 有可能涉及到MathCad 7相关的信息,也可能在此稿中出现,标识符同MathCad 11版有些不同。
我们已经做了一些必要的编辑工作,用命令表格介绍材料,以满足FAMU - FSU 学院的机械工程系采用MathCad进行动力系统课程教育的需要。
简介: Mathcad 优点Mathcad 是唯一的一个在同一张工作表集合了数学公式、数字、文本和图表的功能强大的工程应用工具。
和其它数学软件不同的是,Mathcad 是用和您一样的方式做数学。
不像有些数学软件需要您会使用某种相关的语言,Mathcad 可以让您直接使用自然数学语言来进行工作。
1.掌握利用EXCEL 进行圆曲线元素与主点桩号计算的方法。
2.掌握利用EXCEL 计算圆曲线偏角法放样数据的方法。
3.掌握利用EXCEL 计算圆曲线切线支距法放样数据的方法。
4.掌握利用CAD 进行房屋极坐标法放样数据计算的方法和放样草图的绘制。
5.掌握利用CAD 利用全站仪极坐标法放样圆曲线数据的计算。
已知交点的桩号为K3+182.67,测得转角ΔR =25°48′10″,设计圆曲线半径R=300m ,求曲线测设元素及主点桩号。
⎪⎪⎪⎭⎪⎪⎪⎬⎫-⋅=⋅⋅=⋅R R E R L R T 2sec 180
2tan 0απαα
用上题数据,计算结果参考偏角法数据EXCEL 文档。
二、实习任务:通过老师的讲解、演示及学生自己的实际上机操作,学生能够掌握AutoCAD 的一些基本操作方法绘图命令、编辑方法、标注类型,具有一般工程制图的能力。
x t()
x t()
y t()
y t()
对于我们学习,也可以在Mathcad 的使用中加深对物理现象的理解,并突破理想状态,把物理和实际生活更紧密地联系到一起。
有关《MathCAD 》做数学实验的几点体会王冲 (黑龙江省阿城师范学校 150300)张海艳 (黑龙江省阿城一中 150300)听说过有物理、化学、生物实验是很正常的,却很少听说过有数学实验。
开展在计算机环境下的数学实验的研究,不论在理论上还是在实践上都具有重要的现实和深远意义,我在利用《MathCAD 》做数学实验方面作了一些思考和探索,取得了较好的效果,就此谈谈我的实践和体会。
《MathCAD 》为学生提供了一个十分理想的“做”数学的环境,可以让学生从“听”数学转变到“做”数学,以研究者的方式,参与包括发现、探索在内的获得知识的全过程,是一个开展“数学实验”的好“实验室”。
一、用《MathCAD 》,有利于提高学生的动手能力,在做中学数学传统的数学学习主要是通过“听”、“看”、“写”的方式,学生把大量的时间和精力花在繁琐的数字计算和符号演算上,今天计算机作为一种有价值的学习工具,可以省去大量的计算,免去重复性的工作,得以把时间和精力集中在概念的理解、关系的建立、问题解决及逻辑证明等高层次思维能力的发展上。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Mathcad2000上机实习指导Ch1 Mathcad2000简介§1-1 Math cad主菜单框和子菜单框点击Windows桌面上Mathcad2000图标,即呈现Mathcad工作区和Mathcad2000 RESOURCE CENTER(资源中心),关闭中心,在上方菜单条中,点击“view”→“Toolbars”→“Math”,出现Math主菜单框,里面有9个子菜单框,它们依次为:主菜单计算器图形矩阵求值微积分布尔编程希腊字母符号计算其中,1)Calculator(计算器,内含基本初等函数,四则运算符,开方乘方,上、下标,绝对值,n!等);2)Graphs(图形,有平面和空间直角坐标系,极坐标系);3)Vector and Matrix (向量与矩阵,用于线性代数);4)Evaluation (赋值,有软等号“=”用于数值运算,“→”用于符号运算,赋值号“:=”用于建立函数);5)Calculus (微积分,含极限,导数,不定积分和定积分);6)Boolean (布尔运算,含硬等号“=” ,不等号,大于等于号和小于等于号);7)Programming (编程,含“if ”,“otherwise ”,“for ”,“while ”等命令);8)Greek Symbol (希腊字母);9)Symbolic Keyword (符号关键词,含”solve”,”series”,”factor”,”simplity” )。
红十字光标所在区域为Mathcad 工作区域,各种运算在此展开。
在上方菜单栏最后的“help ”中,可以搜索需要的帮助。
§1-2 建立函数函数是我们研究的主要对象,建立函数是Mathcad 操作的基本功。
建立函数要把等号改为赋值号“:=”,按“:” 键,出现赋值号“:=”,即可建立函数, 赋值号“:=”也可从4号子菜单框得到。
例如:y(x):=sin(x) ,z(x,y):=ln(x+y). 函数名必须写成y(x),定义函数必须用“:=”建立分段函数有点复杂,要用“if ””(如果)和“otherwise ”(否则),它们在7号子菜单框中。
例如,分段函数 ,在Mathcad 中要写成为此,可按下列步骤建立:1)先在键盘上打“y(x):=” ;2)在键盘上按右方括号“]” (也可用鼠标点击7号子菜单框中的“Add⎩⎨⎧<≥=00)(x x x e x y x otherwisex x if x x y 0)exp(:)(≥=Line”),出现一条竖线及两个小黑框,再次按“]” ,可增加小黑框;3)指数函数e x 用 exp(x)代替, 再从7号子菜单框中打“if ”,其后写条件x ≥ 0,不等号在6号子菜单框中,在第二行,条件x < 0要用“otherwise ”代替。
“if ””和“otherwise ”要配套使用。
例1 建立分段函数解 先在键盘上打“y(x):=”;再按右方括号“]”,再按“]”一次 ,出现一条竖线及3个小黑框,第1行,反三角函数arcsinx 用asin(x) 代替, 后面跟“if ””,不等式“-1≤x≤2” 可按原样,也可用“ (x ≥ -1)⁺( x ≤ 2 ) ” 代替 ;第2行,在x 后仍跟“if ””, 不等式“ x≤-3或x >3”用“ (x≤-3)+(x >3)” 代替;第3行,在-10后跟“otherwise ”。
结果为:建立函数要注意:1)数学符号 y=f(x) 在Mathcad 中的表示有区别:在数学符号中,写y=f(x)意义十分明确,但在Mathcad 中,y 后必须加“(x)”,要完整写成y(x),即告诉Mathcad 它是名叫y 的x 的函数; 同时, 等号必须换成赋值号“:=” ;2)常见的基本初等函数 sinx, cosx, lnx 等必须写成 sin(x), cos(x), ln(x), 要加括号。
指数函数e x 用 exp(x)代替, 反三角函数arcsinx 等用asin(x) 代替,其中. arc 简写为a .⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧->-≤≤≤-=其它或103321arcsin )(x x x x x x y otherwisex x if x x x if x a x y 10)3()3()2()1()sin(:)(->+-≤≤⋅-≥=3)不同函数名在数学符号中可用下标区别,但在Mathcad中,下标专用于向量的分量,可以用:y1 , y2 , y3 … 等。
2 如何改变线条粗细和颜色?把十字光标移到图中按鼠标左键激活对象图形,再按鼠标右键出现菜单框,点“格式”, 出现“Formatting Currenty Selected X-Y Plot”对话框,点“Traces”, 有Traces 1-- Traces 16(意味着在一幅图内最多可画16条曲线),选择一条曲线,在“Line”栏改变线条形式,在“color”栏改变曲线颜色,在“Weight”改变线条粗细。
⎩⎨⎧<≤=11)(xexxxfx3求极限点击5号子菜单框,可找到极限号及左、右极限号:再在小黑框内填相应内容并打“→” (求值工具栏)就可得到相应结果。
例如:1.f x ()x x :=0x f x ()lim +→1→2.y x ()sin x ()x ⎛ ⎝⎫⎪⎭1x 2:=0x y x ()lim →exp 1-6⎛ ⎝⎫⎪⎭→3.f1x ()2x 3-()x 1≤if x 21+()otherw ise :=1x x 21+()lim +→2→1x 2x 3-()lim -→1-→习题11 建立函数 1);312cos x x x x y --= 2)y=e 2x+1; 3);15ln -=x x x y2建立分段函数并作图: 1) 2)(建立分段函数时要注意“if ”和”otherwise ”的配套)3 把幂函数y=x a . a=1 , -1 , 2 , -2 , 3 , 1/2 画在同一幅图中,曲线分别用不同颜色表示。
4 求极限 x e x x x x xx x -++-→∞→102)1(lim )2)]11ln([lim )1 ⎩⎨⎧>≤=0,2sin 0,2)(x x x x x f ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥-<≤<-=其它或1003413arctan )(x x e x x x f x30232)1(sin lim )4]1cos [lim )3x x x x e x x x x x x +-+→→∞ §1-4数据处理一、 数据处理步骤1 输入原始数据利用插入组件中的输入表,建立原始数据表:vx,vy (表名与用何字母无关). 2 画散点图定型以原始数据vx,vy 为横、纵坐标,作出平面散点图,并据此确定欲求的拟合函数(即经验公式)的所属类型,从而选定Mathcad 中与之相匹配的内部曲线拟合函数。
3 求出经验公式把原始数据表名代入选定的内部曲线拟合函数的相应变量项,求出拟合函数的各系数值,从而得到由原始数据所确定的经验公式。
二、Mathcad 下常用的内部曲线拟合函数1线性拟合(回归)(1)slope(vx,vy)和intercept(vx,vy)这些函数查找一组数据点的斜率和截距。
斜率和截距slope(vx,vy) 最拟合vx 和vy 中数据的直线的斜率。
intercept(vx,vy) 最拟合vx 和vy 中数据的直线的截距。
变量:vx 是实数数据值的矢量,vx 是斜率函数的实数数据值的矢量,vx 中的值相当于x 值。
vy 是实数数据值的矢量,这些相当于y 值,元素数目与vx 相同。
注意:∙最拟合你的vx 和vy 中数据的直线方程是y=m.x+b ,这里m 是由slope 产生的结果而b 是由intercept 产生的结果。
(2)line(vx,vy)查找最接近于矢量vx 和vy 中数据的线条的系数。
line(vx, vy) 返回一个矢量包括最近似于vx 和vy 中数据的a +b *x 形式线条的系数。
2专用的曲线拟合(回归)(1)expfit(vx,vy,vg)查找最接近于矢量vx 和vy 中数据的指数曲线的系数,vg 包括三个系数的猜测值。
指数回归expfit(vx,vy,vg)返回包括最接近于vx 和vy 中数据的ae (bx)+c 形式指数曲线系数的矢量,vg 包括三个系数的猜测值。
变量:vx 是实数数据值的矢量,vx 中的值相当于x 值。
vy 是实数数据值的矢量,vy 中的相当于y 值。
vg 是指数方程中参数a 、b 和c 的实数猜测值的三元矢量:注意:vx 和vy 必须有相同的元素数。
例1:电容器充电达到100伏时作时间的计算原点,此后电容器串联一个电阻放电,测试求电压值V 对于时间T 的回归方程首先定义数据向量:T:=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)V:=(100 78 52 44 35 20 14 11 8 5 5)为了确定拟合曲线的类型,先作出散点图从图形估计电压值V 与放电时间T 的关系可能为负指数函数关系,我们用指数曲线拟合函数expfit(vx vy vg)求拟合曲线:c e a y bx +⋅=,expfit 函数中vg 为给赋值指数型曲线参数的猜测值向量,或称初始值向量。
所以不妨设:Guess:=(90 -0.02 0) 调用函数expfit(vx,vy,vg) E:=expfit(T,V,Guess)E=(103.846 -0.28 -3.086) E 即为拟合的指数曲线参数的估计值向量则拟合的回归曲线方程为 086.3864.10328.0-=-T e V最后作出拟合曲线与原始数据点的图形注意:拟合函数的参数猜测值的设定对拟合结果有很大影响,设定值不合适可能得不到拟合结果,而且设定的猜测值不同,函数expfit 的返回值可能会有所差异,甚至会差异很大。