Effect of TiO2 nanotube parameters on field emission properties

Plasmonic effect enhanced light capturing in TiO 2-SiO 2- Ag nanocomposites through Ag nanoparticles embedded inSiO 2Xu JinXia, Xiao Xiangheng5 (School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University, WuHan 430072)Foundations: Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (No. 20100141120042) Brief author introduction:Xu Jinxia, (1978-), Female, Dr.,Ion beam modification of materials.Correspondance author: Xiao Xiangheng,(1979-),Male,Associate Professor,Coupling of surface plasmon of metal nanostructures and semiconductors. E-mail: xxh@Abstract: TiO 2-SiO 2-Ag composites are fabricated by depositing TiO 2 films on silica substrates embedded with Ag nanoparticles. Enhancement of light absorption of the nanostructural composites is observed. The light absorption enhancement of synthesized structure in comparison to TiO 2 is originated from near field enhancement caused by the plasmonic effect of Ag NPs, which can be 10demonstrated by the optical absorption spectra, Raman scattering investigation and the increase of the photocatalytic activity. The embedded Ag nanoparticles are formed by ion implantation, which effectively prevents Ag to be oxidized through direct contact with TiO 2. The suggested incorporation of plasmonic nanostructures shows a great potential application in highly efficient photocatalyst andultra-thin solar cell.15 Keywords: Material physics and chemistry; TiO 2; Ion implantation; Photocatalytic efficiency0 IntroductionTitanium dioxide (TiO 2) has strong photocatalytic activity, high chemical stability, a long lifetime of photon-generated carriers, nontoxicity and low cost, which makes it one of the most 20 widely used photocatalyst for hydrogen production and solar cells as well as water and air remediation [1-3]. At modern time TiO 2 becomes a hot research topic because of the potential applications in the field of environment and energy [4-6]. Unfortunately, owing to its wide band gap3.2 eV (at 390 nm), only ~ 4% solar spectrum can be utilized. During the last decades, great efforts have been made to modify the TiO 2 to enhance the visible light response. A considerable 25 increase in the photocatalytic activity in the visible region has been observed by doping [7-10]. However, to date, the doping structure is lack of reliable controllability. Recently, metallic nanostructures have been introduced into semiconductor film (e.g. ZnO, InGaN quantum wells) for enhancement of light emission, photocurrent solar cells [11-14] and photocatalyst [15-17] by a strong plasmonic effect of metallic nanostructures. In order to maximize the utilization rate of UV region 30 of the sunlight, in this letter, we design a new composite structure to enhance the light absorption efficiency by coupling TiO 2 to Ag nanoparticles (NPs) embedded in SiO 2 formed by low energy Ag ion implantation. Ag NPs show a very intense localized surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in the near-UV region [18], which strongly enhances the electric field in the vicinity of the Ag NPs. This enhanced electric field at near-UV region could increase the UV light absorption to boost the 35 excitation of electron-hole pairs in TiO 2 and thus increase the photoelectric conversion efficiency. In this kind of structure, the Ag NPs embedded in SiO 2 serves two purposes. Firstly, SiO 2 as a protective layer prevents Ag to be oxidized through direct contact with TiO 2. Secondly, the size and depth distributions of the embedded Ag NPs can be controlled by choosing implantation parameters and post-implantation thermal treatment [19], which can tune the SPR spectrum of Ag 40NPs to match the absorption edge of TiO 2. Thus, it is possible to design nanostructures that concentrate the light surrounding near Ag NPs, that enhance the light absorption of TiO 2 film.1 Experimental SectionHigh purity silica slides were implanted by Ag ions at 20, 40 and 60 kV to fluence of 5×1016 ions/cm 2 and at 40 kV to 1×1017 ions/cm 2 using a metal vapor vacuum arc ion source implanter, 45 respectively. The TiO 2-SiO 2-Ag nanostructural composites were obtained by depositing TiO 2 films (100 nm thick) on the surface of the as-implanted silica substrates using direct-current (DC) reactive magnetron sputtering system. For comparison, an un-implanted silica substrate was deposited with TiO 2 film under the same growth condition. Subsequently, all deposited samples were annealed at 500 °C in oxygen gas for 2 hours to obtain anatase phase TiO 2 film. The TiO 2 50covered silica substrates with embedded Ag NPs are named S1-S4 as shown in Table 1. The optical absorption spectra of all the samples were measured using a UV-vis-NIR dual-beam spectrometer (Shimadzu UV 2550) with wavelengths varied from 200 to 800 nm. Raman scattering spectra of all the samples were collected using a micro-Raman system (LabRAM HR800). An Ar laser (488.0 nm) was used as the excitation source, and the laser power was kept55 at 10 mW. The microstructure of the samples was investigated by using a JEOL JEM 2010 (HT) transmission electron microscopes (TEM) operated at 200 kV.Tab. 1 Ag ion implantation parameters for all samplessample Fluence of ion implantation(ions/cm2)Energy of ion implantation(kV)S1 5×1016 20S2 5×1016 40S3 1×1017 40 S4 5×1016 6060 2 Results and DiscussionThe photocatalytic efficiencies of TiO 2 and TiO 2-SiO 2-Ag nanostructural composites with an area of 4 cm 2 were evaluated by measuring the degradation rates of 5 mg/L methylene blue (MB) solution under UV-vis irradiation. A mercury lamp (OSRAM, 250 W with characteristic wavelength at 365 nm) was used as a light source. The TiO 2 and the TiO 2-SiO 2-Ag composites 65 films were placed into 40 mL MB solution with a concentration of 5 mg/L. Before irradiation, the samples were put into 40 mL MB solution for 30 minutes in the darkness to reach absorption equilibrium. The decolorization of MB solution was measured by an UV-vis spectrometer (Shimadzu UV 2550) at the wavelength of 664.0 nm. The absorption spectrum of the MB solution was measured at a time interval of 30 minutes and the total irradiation time was 4 hours. 70 Fig. 1 shows the optical absorption spectra of S1-S4 and the TiO 2 films. The absorption edge around 390 nm belongs to the intrinsic exciton absorption of TiO 2 [20]. The obvious absorption peaks at about 419-433 nm can be attributed to the SPR of Ag NPs formed by Ag ion implantation[21]. As seen the SPR of Ag NPs is close to the exciton edge (around 390 nm) of anatase TiO 2. Therefore, it is expected that an efficient energy transfer from the Ag NPs to TiO 2 can be occured. 75The position of Ag SPR absorption peak of the S2 is around 419 nm, which is blue shift comparing to that of the other three samples. The SPR peak of the S2 is the most close to the anatase TiO 2 exciton energy, therefore the strongest resonant coupling effect between Ag SPR and the excitons of the TiO 2 films maybe produce more effectively.80Fig. 1 The optical absorption spectra of S1-S4 and the pure TiO2 filmTo illustrate the strong near field induced by the SPR of Ag NPs, the Raman scattering spectra of S1-S4 and TiO2 are measured as presented in Fig. 2. The observed Raman bands at 144, 85199, 399, 516 and 640 cm-1 can be assigned to the Eg, Eg, B1g, A1g, or B1g and an Eg vibration modes of anatase phase, respectively, which are consistent with the characteristic patterns of pure anatase without any trace of rutile or brookite phase [22]. It is found that the Raman intensity for S1-S4 increase compared to that of TiO2, and the S2 shows the strongest Raman intensity. It is well known that Raman scattering intensity is proportional to the square of the electric field 90intensity [23], thus stronger Raman scattering attained from the TiO2-SiO2-Ag structure indicates that a stronger electric field is induced by Ag NPs embedded in SiO2 substrate. When the Ag NPs are irradiated by laser in spectral area of particle absorption band longer wavelength shoulder, a strong near field is produced due to the SPR, so Raman scattering is enhanced. As seen from Fig.2, the enhancement factors of Raman scattering of S1-S4 is different because of various coupling 95field efficiency. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the implantation energy and fluence have determined the Raman scattering enhancement factor.Fig. 2 The Raman scattering spectra of S1-S4 and the pure TiO2 filmTo understand the relationship between the size and depth distributions of Ag NPs in silica 100glass and the Raman scattering enhancement factor of the TiO2-SiO2-Ag nanocomposites, themicrostructural characterization of the S1-S4 were investigated by TEM as shown in Fig. 3. The TEM image of the S1 (Fig 3 (a)) shows that the size of Ag NPs appears to have a wide distribution.However, increasing the implantation energy to 40 kV as shown in Fig 3 (b), the Ag NPs in the S2 105are quite uniform in size (with an size of 20 nm) and distribute at nearly the same depth of 7 nm from the surface. Under high energy ion implantation, more heat will be induced in the sample in short time, which enhances the diffusion of Ag atoms. Therefore, the implanted Ag ions trend to aggregate to larger NPs around the projected range [24-26]. The near field induced by the SPR of Ag NPs is very strong due to the presence of the formed Ag NPs with bigger size and the near-field 110dipolar interactions between adjacent particles [27]. On the other hand, the dipolar interactions between adjacent particles with near the same size can result in a blue shift of SPR [28], thus the blue shift in the SPR peak of Ag NPs observed in the Fig. 1, which may produce a strongest resonant coupling effect between the SPR of Ag NPs and TiO2. It means the stronger near field can be induced. In this case, the S2 has the strongest Raman scattering enhancement factor. The 115size of Ag NPs in the S1 is smaller and the distribution is wider than that in the S2. It means that the near field induced by SPR of Ag NPs in the S1 is weaker than that in the S2. Further increasing the implantation energy to 60 kV as presented in Fig 3 (d), Ag NPs in the S4 reside deeper below the surface than that in the S2. Since the SP is an evanescent wave that exponentially decays with distance from the metal particles to the surface [29], the enhancement of 120Raman scattering decrease progressively with the increase of distance between Ag NPs with the TiO2 film, therefore Raman scattering intensity of the S4 has almost no enhancement. When the ion implantation fluence is increased to 1×1017 ions/cm2 with implantation energy of 40 kV (S3) as displayed in Figure 3 (c), large Ag NPs with size about 15 nm are formed near the surface and the small ones in deeper SiO2 matrix. The surface sputtering effect plays an important role for ion 125implantation at high fluence, the formed small Ag NPs near the surface are sputtered away by the subsequent implanted ions, as a result the large Ag NPs are populated near the surface of the S3[24].The Raman scattering enhancement factor is small with increasing the implantation fluence.Therefore, the Raman scattering enhancement demonstrates that the strong near field is actually induced by introducing Ag NPs, the increased field could locally concentrate the light surrounding the Ag NPs and thus enhance the absorption of light.130Fig. 3 Cross-sectional TEM images of the (a) S1, (b) S2, (c) S3, (d) S4.In order to study the enhancement of light absorption in TiO2-SiO2-Ag nanostructural 135composites, the photocatalysis activities of the S1-S4 are investigated by the UV degradation of MB solution at room temperature. For comparison, the TiO2 film is carried out under the same experimental conditions. As shown in Fig 4(a) inset one, the concentration of MB is decreased upon the irradiation time, and the TiO2 film can decompose 49% of MB after the UV irradiationfor 4 hours. However, the TiO 2-SiO 2-Ag nanostructural composite films obtained higherphotocatalytic efficiency than the pure TiO 2 film, and the S2 has the highest photocatalytic 140 efficiency than all other three samples, and degrade 72% MB. The enhancement ratio is as high as 47%. Meanwhile, the photodegradation of MB can be assumed to follow the classical Langmuir–Hinshelwood (L–H) kinetics [30], and its kinetics can be expressed as follows:0ln()A kt A = Where k is the apparent first-order reaction rate constant (min -1), 0A and A represent the145 absorbance before and after irradiation for time t , respectively. As displayed in Fig. 4(a), S2 shows the highest rate constant among all the samples, the k values of the S2 is about 2 times than that of the pure TiO 2. The kinetic rate constants follow the order S2>S3>S1>S4>TiO 2. This is consistent with the Raman scattering enhancement result.The near field enhancement in the TiO 2 layer due to the presence of the Ag NPs is also 150 simulated by Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method as shown in Fig. 4(b). In our structure, we consider x as the light incident direction, the illuminating plane wave with a wavelength of 420 nm is y polarized, and an Ag NP with a diameter of 20 nm is embedded in SiO 2, and the distance to the surface of SiO 2 substrate is 7 nm. An amplitude enhancement to 3 can be observed. Theoretical and experimental results show that an enhancement of near field is induced 155by the SPR of Ag NPs. The SPR excitations cause a large increase in electromagnetic field in the vicinity of metal NPs, the localized amplification can increase the incident excitation field and boost the creation of hole-electron pairs, which results in the enhancement of the photocatalytic activity of TiO 2.160 Fig. 4 (a) The photodegradation of MB solution by S1-S4 and reference sample TiO 2 under UV light irradiation (inset one), and corresponding plots of 0ln()A Aversus the irradiation time, showing the linear fitting results; (b) amplitude enhancement of electric field inside a TiO 2 layer is simulated by FDTD method.3 Conclusion165 In conclusion, we have successfully demonstrated a plasmonic effect by simply incorporating Ag NPs with TiO 2 film. Optimum ion implantation conditions for Ag NPs synthesis in SiO 2 were experimentally estimated. The plasmonic effect occurring near interface of TiO 2 and silica glass has effectively enhanced the light trapping. Both the experimental data and the simulations show that the enhancement effect is attained from near field enhancement induced by the SPR of Ag 170 NPs. Our results have shown that the plasmonic effect has great potential in the application of increasing the UV light absorption in TiO 2 photocatalyst, and opening up opportunities for highly efficient ultra-thin film solar cells.References175[1] Wang D, Zou Y, Wen S and Fan D. A passivated codoping approach to tailor the band edges of TiO2 forefficient photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants[J]. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 95: 012106-1-3.[2] Han F, Kambala V S R, Srinivasan M, Rajarathnam D and Naidu R. Tailored titanium dioxide photocatalystsfor the degradation of organic dyes in wastewater treatment: A review[J]. Appl. Catal. A-Gen 2009, 359:25-40. 180[3] Yang J, You J, Chen C C, Hsu W C, Tan H R, Zhang X W, Hong Z and Yang Y. Plasmonic Polymer TandemSolar Cell[J]. 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TiO2纳米管内限域纳米Ru及其光催化降解罗丹明B的性能研究余翔;钟颖贤;杨旭;李新军【摘要】采用丙基三甲氧基硅烷(KH570)偶联剂对 TiO2纳米管外表面进行疏水改性,通过浸渍法再经氢气热还原法将 Ru 纳米颗粒原位选择性沉积在 TiO2纳米管内。
采用 TEM、HREM、EDS、HAADF-STEM和紫外可见吸收光谱仪分别对形貌和结构进行表征。
结果表明,内嵌于 TiO2纳米管的 Ru 纳米颗粒粒径约为2~3 nm,TiO2纳米管内负载 w =2% Ru 的光催化性能最好,其光降解罗丹明B 的效率大约是单一 TiO2纳米管的1.8倍。
%The exterior surfaces of the TiO2 nanotube (TNT)were modified by a silane coupling agent to make nano-Ru selectively deposit on the inner wall.The as prepared catalysts were characterized by transmission electron microscope (TEM),high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HREM), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS),high-angle annular dark field image (HAADF),scanning trans-mission electron microscopy (STEM)and UV-vis absorption spectra.The results confirm that nano-Ru particles in the range of 2 ~3 nm in diameter are entrapped in the TNTs.TNTs-confined 2% Ru exhibits the best photocatalytic performance,which photocatalytic efficient is 1 .8 times of pure TNTs.【期刊名称】《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2016(055)002【总页数】4页(P85-88)【关键词】水热法;限域催化;TiO2 纳米管;贵金属【作者】余翔;钟颖贤;杨旭;李新军【作者单位】暨南大学生命科学与技术学院化学系,广东广州 510632; 中国科学院广州能源研究所中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室,广东广州 510640;暨南大学生命科学与技术学院化学系,广东广州 510632;中国科学院广州能源研究所中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室,广东广州 510640;中国科学院广州能源研究所中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室,广东广州 510640【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X703环境污染与能源危机是当今世界面临的重要问题,如何解决是摆在人类面前的迫切问题。

Due to their excellent photo-catalytic activities making TiO2 nanoparticles applicable as self-cleaning and anti-bacterial agents, as well as for UV protection and environmental purification, a great potential for multi-functionalization of fabrics by TiO2 nanoparticles is considered. In order to improve the durability of nanoparticles at a fabric surface, the surface of commercial TiO2 nanoparticles was modified by 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) and 3-Isocyanatopropyltrimethoxysilane (IPTMS) by an aqueous process in this study. The grafting efficiency of agents to TiO2 nanoparticles at different reaction conditions was estimated by thermal gravimetric analysis. FTIR spectra confirmed that organic functional groups were successfully grafted onto the TiO2 nanoparticles surface both for APTMS-grafted TiO2 nanoparticles (A-TiO2) and IPTMS-grafted TiO2 nanoparticles (I-TiO2) through Ti O Si chemical bonds. After the surface modification of TiO2 nanoparticles, isoelectric point (IEP) of nanoparticles was shifted approximately from pH 6.4 to pH 9.4 and the zeta potential plateaus increased significantly which was explained by the protonation of NH2 groups in the acidic region. The significant reduction of particle hydrodynamic diameters and polydispersity index (PDI) indicated the particle dispersion stability was positively affected by an increase in particle zeta potential. With increasing the organosilane ratio from 0 wt.% to 200 wt.%, a slight decline of the rate constant of A-TiO2 photocatalytic activity and a rapid decrease for I-TiO2 were revealed, which was significantly dependent on the grafting efficiency.

10 O8
0O 30
35 h■r■n
12 1.0 Q8 口EQ6 “8Q4 Q2 QO
3.0 3.5 4 0
图9 300"C和500"C紫外一可见光谱图 UV—vis absorbency spectra of Ti02 thin films
将上述制备的溶胶放入马弗炉中i00℃下干燥 成纳米Ti02粉体,经500℃、600℃、700℃、 800℃和900℃恒温烧结2h后进行X射线衍射测 试,如图1。测试结果表明,经500。C烧结后在2e =25.33。,37.87。,48.09。及54.08。处分别出现了 锐钛矿的特征衍射峰,分别对应锐钛矿相的 (101)、(004)、(200)及(105)面u引,即纳米 TiO:粉末是锐钛矿相结构;温度在500℃以上锐 钛矿相开始向金红石相转化,600℃和700℃为锐 钛矿与金红石相的混合晶相;800℃均为金红石相 结构;900℃出现了金红石相与板钛矿相的混合
图5为不同涂膜次数薄膜的透射谱图。从图中 可看出,Tioz薄膜的相对透光率在波长小于 340nm时急剧下降,表明所制备的TiOz薄膜在近 紫外光处具有明显的吸收,即对紫外线有强的吸 收。此外,对于镀膜次数较多的薄膜,在紫外一可 见光谱上会出现干涉条纹,这与文献[16]中所得结 果正好符合。

以上结果表明,经过阳极氧化和负载白藜芦醇后的钛材料可以通过抑制NF-κB信号通路的激活来显著抑制早期炎症反应,促进成骨分化,TNT-Res(Resveratrol-Titanium dioxide nanotubes)可能是提高骨整合能力的有效植入物。

Nageh K. Allam, Faisal Alamgir, Mostafa A. El-Sayed
ACS Nano 2010(4)
10 V
20 V
15 V
20 V
30 V
40 V
7 h
20 h
0.2 M NH4F + 0.1 M H3PO4
M KOH solution under UV (320~400 nm, 100 mW/cm2)
0.01 at%
0.05 at%
0.1 at%
0.2 at%
0.5 at%
1.2 at%
0.25% 0.95% AM 1.5 solar simulator 0.05 at% Ru-alloy layers at 500 mV applied bias
tube length can be used to explain the different photoconversion efficiency of the 4 μ m and 7 μ m long nanotube
TiO2 nanotube (7μ m ): 9.7 % Ti-Nb-Zr-O nanotube (7 μ m ): 11.4 % Ti-Nb-Zr-O nanotube (4 μ m ): 6.9 %
maximizing the surface area using charge transfer catalysts

中文2500字,1800单词,9800英文字符出处:Bui D N, Kang S Z, Li X, et al. Effect of Si doping on the photocatalytic activity and photoelectrochemical property of TiO 2, nanoparticles[J]. Catalysis Communications, 2011, 13(1):14-17.本科生毕业设计外文原文及中文翻译学院专业____________导师学生学号________2015年6月11日Effect of Si doping on the photocatalytic activity and photoelectrochemical property of TiO2 nanoparticlesDuc-Nguyen BuiAbstractSi-doped TiO2nanoparticles with anatase crystalline phase were prepared by a hydrothermal method using acetic acid as the solvent. Photoelectro chemical studies showed that the photocurrent value for the 15% Si-doped TiO2electrode (54.4μA) was much higher than that of the pure TiO2 electrode (16.7μA).In addition,the 15% Si-doped TiO2nanoparticles displayed the highest photocatalytic activity under ultraviolet light irradiation. So doping suitable amount of Si in TiO2 nanoparticles was profitab le for transferring photogenerated electrons and inhibiting the recombination of photogenerated electrons and holes. As a result,the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanoparticles was improved.1.IntroductionCommercial dyes have been widely used in industry,such as textile,foodstuff and leather etc,and become an integral part of industrial effluents. Most of these dyes are toxic and potentially carcinogenic in nature and their removal from industrial effluents is a major environmental problem. In fact,various approaches have been developed to eliminate and degrade them,such as biodegradation coagulation,adsorption,membrane process and advanced oxidation process. Photocatalytic degradation using a semiconductor as the photocatalyst is a part of advanced oxidation process which has proven to be a green technology for the degradation of organic pollutants.It is known that among various oxide semiconductor photocatalysts,TiO2 is the most widely used one due to its optical and electronic properties,low cost,chemical stability and non-toxicity. However,the photocatalytic efficiency of pure TiO2 is very low because of the fast recombination of photogenerated electrons and holes as well as poor activation of TiO2 by visible light,which makes the progress in the extensive application be impeded. In order to overcome these deficiencies,several available techniques such as metal loading,metal ion doping,anion doping,mixing of two semiconductors with large and small band gap energies and sensitization by visiblelight sensitizers have been developed. In particular,doping of Si element in TiO2 can greatly enhance its photocatalytic activity.For example,Liu et al. reported that the photocatalytic performance of Si-doped TiO2 nanocrystals with an addition amount of 10 wt% exceeded commercialized Degussa P25 by a factor of 3 times when used for the decomposition of formaldehyde. Thus,Si-doped TiO2nanoparticles are a promising material for photochemical and photocatalytic applications. However,there are few studies about correlation of photoelectrochemical property with photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanoparticles to elucidate the effect of Si doping.Recently,some researchers employed linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) technique to study the transfer or recombination behavior of photogenerated electrons and holes in the photocatalyst as well as the variation of photocurrent of a photocatalyst film electrode under dark and light conditions. In fact,the surface and/or the interface states on the TiO2nanocrystal film electrode play a n important role in the relative electrochemical process that is also included in the photocatalytic reaction such as transfer,capture and exchange of photogenerated electrons. Therefore,considering the photocurrent variation of Si-doped TiO2nanoparticles through the LSV technique to study the effect of Si doping on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanoparticles is really meaningful.In the present work,we aim to explore the relationship between the photoelectrochemical property and the photocatalytic activity of Si-doped TiO2 nanoparticles. The effect of Si doping in TiO2nanoparticles will be examined from another angle.2. Experimental2.1. Preparation of Si-doped TiO2 nanoparticles and their electrodesSi-doped TiO2 nanoparticles were prepared by a hydrothermal method using acetic acid as the solvent [21]. The Si-doped TiO2 nanoparticles are denoted as x% Si− TiO2 (x% ismole per cent of Si). An indium–tin oxide (ITO) glass slidewas used as the electrode substrate.The x% Si- TiO2/ITO electrodes with an active area of 1 cm2 Were prepared by the dip-coating method. The detailed procedures were described in the Supplementary data.2.2. CharacterizationThe obtained samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD),transmission electron microscope (TEM),energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX),Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and solid diffuse reflection spectra (DRS). Details are given in the Supplementary data.2.3. Photoelectrochemical measurementsElectrochemical experiments were carried out in an electrochemical cell using x% Si-TiO2/ITO as the working electrode,a Pt wire as the counter electrode and a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as the reference electrode. A 0.1 mol L−1NaOH aqueous solution purged with N2 was used as the electrolyte and a 300WHg lamp served as the UV light source. Linear sweep voltammetry was performed on a PCI4/300 electrochemical analyzer (Gamry,USA) with a scan rate of 5mVs−1. All measurements were carried out at 25 C.2.4. Photocatalytic experimentsThe photocatalytic activity of Si-doped TiO2 nanoparticles was evaluated by the photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange (MO)aqueous solution (4.6×10−5mol L−1) under UV light irradiation and analyzed by a UV–vis spectrophotometer (Unico UV-2102 PCS,China). The detailed procedures were described in the Supplementary data.3. Results and discussionXRD patterns of pure TiO2a nd x% Si−TiO2are shown in Fig.1.It can be observed that the diffraction patterns of all x% Si−TiO2 coincide almost with that of pure TiO2. The peaks at 2θ=25.28°,37.79°, 48.05°, 53.89°, 55.09°, 62.68°, 68.76°, 70.30° and 75.02°correspond to the (101), (111), (200), (105), (211), (204), (116),(220) and (215) planes of anatase phase of TiO2 (JCPDS card no. 21–1272). In addition, no peaks from the SiO2 crystal phase wereobserved for all x% Si-TiO2 samples, which could be attributed to its amorphous phase, or Si as an interstitial atom is well-inserted into the crystal lattice of TiO2.EDX analysis of 15% Si-TiO2 nanoparticles (see Fig. S1) shows that the sample is composed of elements Si, Ti and O. The primary particle sizes of pure TiO2and 15% Si-TiO2 are about 20 and 13 nm, respectively, as shown in Fig. 2, which shows that doping Si in TiO2 nanoparticles can decrease the particle size of TiO2.As displayed in FT-IR spectra of pure TiO2 and 15% Si−TiO2 (Fig.3), two bands observed at 3386 cm−1and 1614 cm−1are characteristic of O–H bending modes of adsorbed water and hydroxyl groups, respectively. The band at 445 cm−1 is attributedto the Ti–O stretching vibration of crystalline TiO2 phase . Especially, in thespectrum of 15% Si-TiO2nanoparticles, there exists two new bands at 1079 and 952 cm−1,corresponding to the characteristic stretching vibrations of Si–O–Si and Si–O–Ti, respectively. These results show that the Si–O–Ti bond has been formed in the 15% Si-TiO2 nanoparticles.Importantly, solid diffuse reflection spectra (see Fig. S3) display that there exists a significant blue-shift of the absorption edge for the 15% Si-TiO2 sample, which is ascribed to the incorporating of Si into the TiO2 matrix. It coincides with the result of the literatures reported by Lee et al, and Su et al. The formation of Si–O–Ti bond in the 15% Si−TiO2can lead to increase of concentration of surface hydroxyl groups (see Fig. 3). The hydroxyl groups can react with holes to produce hydroxyl radicals. The hydroxyl radicals are a strong oxidant for the degradation of MO. So itwould be profitable for enhancing the photocatalytic activity of TiO2.Photocurrent-potential curves of pure TiO2and x% Si-TiO2nanoparticles are shown in Fig. 4. The photocurrent values are zero for all the samples under dark. Under UV irradiation, the photocurrent values for 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% Si-TiO2/ITO electrodes are much higher than that of the pure TiO2/ITO electrode (see Table 1).However, the photocurrent value of the 25% Si-TiO2/ITO electrode (12.9 μA) is lower than that of the pure TiO2/ITO electrode (16.7 μA). These results show that doping Si into the TiO2 nanoparticles has both a positive effect and a negative effect on the photocurrent of x% Si-TiO2/ITO electrodes. One of possible explanations is that Si as an interstitial atom is forced to enter the crystal lattice of TiO2 to establish a Si–O–Ti bond during the synthesis process.Asa transfer bridge, photogenerated electrons can easily move to the surface via the Si–O–Ti bond. This process can facilitate the transfer of photogenerated electrons and the improvement in quantum yield leading to an increase in the photocurrent value. Besides, the doping of Si decreases the particle size of TiO2 (Fig. 2) and increases the results indicate that the 15% Si-TiO2nanoparticles display the highest photocatalytic activity for the degradation of MO. That is, the photocatalytic activity of x% Si−TiO2 nanoparticles is consistent with the photocurrent variation of the x% Si−TiO2/ITO electrodes. In addition, the photocatalytic degradation dynamic curves of MO over the 15% Si−TiO2 nanoparticles and the commercialized Degussa P25 were also measured (see Fig. S2). The results show that the self-specific surface areas of TiO2 nanoparticles, implying that more electrons/holes can escape to the surface of Si-TiO2nanoparticles.Consequently, the photocurrent value of Si-TiO2/ITO electrodes is increased. On the contrary, at high Si doping, the excess Si can behave as a recombination center between photogenerated electrons and holes, resulting in a decrease in the photocurrent value. In other words, doping suitable amount of Si in TiO2 nanoparticles can promote the separation of photogenerated electrons and holes, implying a possible increase of photocatalytic activity of Si-doped TiO2 nanoparticles as a photocatalyst. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of Si doping on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2nanoparticles for the degradation ofMO as amodel pollutant, as shown in Fig. 5. The degradation of MO is negligible in the absence of the photocatalyst. Whereas, in the presence of the 15% Si−TiO2 nanoparticles and P25, the degradation efficiencies of MO are about 98% and 84% under UV light irradiation for 40 min, respectively. These results indicate that the photocatalytic activity of 15% Si-TiO2 nanoparticles is higher than that of P25.Fig. 1. XRD patterns of pure TiO2(a), 5% Si−TiO2(b), 10% Si−TiO2(c), 15% Si−TiO2(d),20% Si−TiO2 (e), and 25% Si−TiO2 (f).Fig. 2. TEM images of pure TiO2(a) and 15% Si−TiO2 (b).Fig. 3. FT-IR spectra of pure TiO2 (a) and 15% Si−TiO2 (b).Fig. 4. Photocurrent-potential curves of pure TiO2(A), 5% Si−TiO2(B), 10% Si−TiO2 (C), 15% Si−TiO2(D), 20% Si−TiO2 (E), 25% Si-TiO2 (F) under dark (a) and UV light irradiation (b).Electrolyte: 0.1 mol L−1NaOH solution, scan rate: 5 mV s−14. ConclusionsThe photoelectrochemical results show that doping of suitable amount Si in TiO2 nanoparticles facilitates flowing of photogenerated electrons toward cathode. The effect of Si doping on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanoparticles can be ascribed to the easy transfer and separation of photogenerated electrons and holes. Namely, there is a strong relationship between the photocurrent and photocatalytic activity of a photocatalyst. The photocurrent as an auxiliary parameter can be correlated with thephotocatalytic activity of a photocatalyst.涂硅对纳米二氧化钛光催化活性和光电化学性质的影响Duc-Nguyen Bui摘要使用乙酸作为溶剂的水热法来制备涂硅的锐钛矿型的纳米二氧化钛晶体。

碳修饰的TiO2纳米管阵列的制备及光催化效应*** ****(*************,甘肃兰州730070)摘要:TiO2纳米管(TN)阵列制备是通过阳极氧化过程。
这种焊接催化剂被FE-SEM HRTEM、X射线光电子能谱、拉曼光谱和紫外吸收光谱所表征。
阳光照射下,C-TN 阵列能够在300分钟几乎完全分解5⨯M的甲基蓝的污染物。
110-关键词:TiO2纳米管阵列碳修饰光催化特性1 引言由于发现通过光致辐射,水可以在二氧化钛表面发生爆裂,TiO2已被证明是一个优良的光催化剂来降解多余的有机化合物,已引起了广泛的关注。
其它的方法是TiO2 纳米粉末有很大的表面积,被认为在紫外光下是理想的光催化剂。
不幸的是,纯二氧化钛光催化剂本身在可见光下不能够使用,因为它有较大的能带隙(3.2 eV)。

关键词:TiO2纳米管;制备;应用中图分类号: O632.6 文献标识码: APreparation and Application of TiO2 nanotubesDUAN Xiu-quan, GAI Li-gang, ZHOU Guo-wei(School of Chemical Engineering, Shandong Polytechnic University, Jinan, 250353, China) Abstract: TiO2nanotubes have wide applications in microelectronics, photocatalysis, and photoelectric conversions, due to their relatively larger diameters and higher specific surface areas. In this paper, current research progress relevant to TiO2nanotubes has been reviewed including synthetic methods, formation mechanisms, and potential applications.Keywords: TiO2 nanotubes; preparation; application自1991年日本NEC公司Iijima[1]发现碳纳米管以来,管状结构纳米材料因其独特的物理化学性能,及其在微电子、应用催化和光电转换等领域展现出的良好的应用前景,而受到广泛的关注。

第 23 卷第 2 期中国有色金属学报 2013 年 2 月 V ol.23 No.2 The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals Feb. 2013 文章编号:10040609(2013)02048708N 掺杂对钛酸铋复合 TiO2 催化剂的形貌和性能的影响石 倩,任建坤,王玉萍,彭盘英,王维安(南京师范大学 化学与材料科学学院,南京 210097)摘 要:以钛酸四丁酯、硝酸铋及尿素为前驱体,利用溶剂热法制备氮掺杂 Bi x TiO yTiO2 复合催化剂,利用 X 射线衍射(XRD)、紫外−可见漫反射 (UVVis)、场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和低温氮气 吸附(BET)等手段对样品进行表征,以亚甲蓝为模型化合物,考察各催化剂在模拟太阳光下的光催化活性。
结果 表明:由于一定量的氮掺杂可增强催化剂中Bi12TiO20 的含量,氮掺杂的复合催化剂在440~520nm处出现了较大 的吸收;氮掺杂使催化剂从圆球形变为花瓣形,增大了催化剂的比表面积和羟基自由基的含量。
氮掺杂量为0.15%(质量分数)的BNT2催化剂在250 W金卤灯模拟太阳光下照射3 h后,对20 mg/L的亚甲基蓝溶液的去除率为93.86%,比相同条件下BT和NT催化剂的去除效率分别提高了32%和37.31%。
关键词:复合半导体;溶剂热法;氮掺杂;光催化活性;功能材料中图分类号:O613.51;O614.41;O643.36 文献标志码:AEffect of N doping on morphology and property ofbismuth titanate TiO2 composite catalystSHI Qian, REN Jiankun, WANG Yuping, PENG Panying, WANG Weian(School of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing210097, China)Abstract: Ndoped Bi x TiO yTiO2 composite catalysts were prepared by solvothermal synthesis using tetrabutyl titanate, bismuth nitrate and urea as precursors. The particles were characterized by Xray diffractometry (XRD), ultravioletvisible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (UVVis), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), Xray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and BrunauerEmmettTeller (BET). The photocatalytic activity of the catalysts was investigated via photodegradation of methylene blue under simulated sunlight irradiation. The results show that the content of Bi12TiO20 increases due to nitrogen doping. A significant absorption at 440−520 nm for Ndoped Bi x TiO yTiO2 composite catalysts appears, the catalysts turn from spherical into a petal shape which can be ascribed to nitrogen doping resulting in the increase of surface area as well as content of hydroxyl radicals. The best removal rate of methylene blue solution (20 mg/L) reaches 93.86% under Haloid lamp of 250 W after 3 h with the nitrogen dosage of 0.15% (mass fraction), increase by 32% and 37.31% separately compared with Bidoped TiO2 and Ndoped TiO2 under the same conditions.Key words: compound semiconductor; solvothermal method;Ndoping; photocatalytic activityTiO2 具有化学稳定性好、无毒、成本低等优点, 因此, 利用TiO2 光催化氧化法处理水中有机污染物具 有广阔的应用前景 [1−2] 。

mg/mL)组纳米Ti02 颗粒的尺寸相对较小,但3个组间颗粒尺寸无显著
(0.50 mg/mL)、1:50(1.0
性差异.说明当分散液用量过少,样品质量浓度过 大时,分散剂对纳米Ti02分散效果较差,样品质量 浓度最好不要超过2.0 mg/mL. 由图3(b)可知,1:200(0.25 mg/mL)组的亚 甲基蓝光催化降解率最低(p<o.05),l:100(O.50
by the
取一定量的质量浓度为50.0 mg/mL的纳米 TiO:分散液,用不同的分散剂PBS(P),10%
(NaP03)6(N),0.5%HPMC K4M(H)和100%
性水平的高低,但是纳米颗粒在液体环境中易于团 聚,合适的纳米材料分散方法对于分散液中的纳米
颗粒的团聚和平均尺寸的控制具有重要意义. 本文采用不同条件制备纳米TiO:分散体系,
200 150
口日禧# 100
50 0
(a)分散求平 圈1
2.2分散剂的影响 采用P,N,H,F四种分散剂制备4种不同的纳 米Ti02分散体系,测定各分散体系内纳米’n02颗 粒粒径(见图2(a),・表示组间比较有显著性差 异,P<O.05).各分散体系中纳米TiO:对亚甲基 蓝的光催化降解率如图2(b)所示.
负载于TiO2 纳米管修饰的玻璃碳电极上的细胞色素c (cytochrome c)的直接电化学性质

负载于TiO2 纳米管修饰的玻璃碳电极上的细胞色素c (cytochrome c)的直接电化学性质细胞色素c的介绍细胞色素c是含有血红素的蛋白质,它是由具有氧化还原活性的血红素(铁卟啉环)及其周围104个氨基酸的肽链组成。
细胞色素& 是一种重要的生物电子载体,在生物体内可以发生可逆的氧化还原反应,但却不能在金属电极上直接进行可逆的电化学反应.实验部分:TiO2 纳米管(标记为:TiO2-NT)按照文献1由水热法合成,具体过程如下:将一定量的丁醇钛(titanium butoxide)水解后500℃热处理4h, 得到纯的锐钛矿相的TiO2(体心四方,a=b=0.3785 nm, c=0.9514nm).然后,将得到的粉末TiO2 与10M NaOH溶液混合置于带聚四氟乙烯衬套的不锈钢反应釜中150℃水热反应12h, 之后冷却至室温。
离心,倒掉上层液体,用0.1M HNO3溶液洗涤3次,再用蒸馏水洗涤三次,70℃真空干燥后得到所要的TiO2纳米管。
缓冲液采用0.1M 的磷酸二氢钾溶液(pH=7.0)。
细胞色素C 购于Sigma公司(分子量:12,384),并且将其溶于上述缓冲液配置成20μM的溶液。
羧甲基纤维素(Carboxymethyl cellulose, CMC)购于Aldrich公司。
2 玻璃碳(GC)电极的修饰GC电极(直径3mm)首先用抛光布抛光,再依次用乙醇及蒸馏水超声清洗。
接着,10μL Cytochrome c的溶液滴加到经TiO2-NT修饰过的GC电极上,并于冰箱中干燥(4℃)。

二氧化钛纳米管阵列光阳极的几何参数对染料敏化太阳能电池性能的影响 第 2 期 丁辉等 :
3 4
) ) 侧面的 S 图 3 阳极氧化铝模版的 ( 顶端和 ( b EM 图像以及利用此模版制备 a
[ 4 1] ) 的二氧化钛纳米管的 S EM 图像 ( c
) ) F r e a r a t i o n o f T i O i . 3 T o a a n d l a t e r a l( b i m a e s o f a n o d i c a l u m i n a t e m l a t e u s e d f o r a n o t u b e s 2n p p g p( g p ) a n o t u b e s a n d t h e c o r r e s o n d i n S EM i m a e( c o f o b t a i n e d T i O 2n p g g
3] 2 ( ) ( , ) ( ) 。 底端 ; 顶端 [ 侧面 ; b c d a
图 1 阳极氧化法制备二氧化钛纳米管阵列的 F E S EM 图 ) ) )( , , ) F i . 1 L a t e r a l( a b o t t o m( b t o c d F E S EM i m a e s o f T i O a n o t u b e a r r a s 2n g p( g y r e a r e d b e l e c t r o c h e m i c a l a n o d i z a t i o n p p y
] ] 7-1 6, 1 1 3] 4-1 6 7-2 0 , , 纳 米 线[ 纳 米 棒 和 纳 米 纸[ 等。 管[
) 制备纳米管的几何 尺 寸 由 原 始 模板辅助方法 ( 图3 模版决定 , 阳极氧化 法 制 备 纳 米 管 具 有 几 何 尺 寸 可

( 扫 : 大 学 生 物 与 环 境 工 程 学 院 , 江 杭 州 30 3 ) 浙 I业 浙 1 0 2
摘 要 : 作 了辣 根 过 氧 化 物 酶 和 溶 胶 一 胶 结 合 Na o — i 修 饰 石 墨 电 化 学 传 感 器 , 示 差 脉 冲 制 凝 i t nT( ) 用
IR( C— . A c a sc lt e — l c r d s t m s a o e . Antbo M IR) l s i a hr e e e t o e ys e wa d pt d i dy, a tg n a e yme n i e nd nz — l be e ntbo a ld a i dy( i d i O2 fxe n Ti )whih mo fe r phie e e t od c e s t e wor l c r e,a c dii d g a t lcr ea td a h k e e t od
Ke r : e e t o h m i a o e o y wo ds lc r c e c lbi s ns r;m ir ys i — ; T i 2;dif r nta l e v t m m e r c oc tn IR e fe e ilpu s ola ty
收 稿 E 期 : O O 1 2 t 2 l 2 2
的毒 性最 强 的 、 急性危 害最 大 的一 种淡 水蓝 藻毒 素.
由 于未及 时地 检测 水 质情 况 的污染 变化 及采 取相 应
的控 制措 施 , 致使 这 些 毒 素 富集 于 鱼类 或 贝类 中并
通过 食物 链传 递 , 直接 存在 于饮 用水 或 娱乐 用水 中 ,
严重 威胁 人类 的健 康 , 球 已 经发 生 了多 起 有 关 藻 全 毒素 中毒 并 引起死 亡 的事 故 . 近年 来 淡 水 藻 类 污 染 已成 为一 个全 球性 的 环境 问题 , 以碳 纳 米 管 修 饰 电

表面活性剂对TiO2 纳米颗粒的形貌、大小和光催化活性的控制摘要通过Ti(OBu)4 和TiCl4 溶胶-凝胶法制备形貌、大小和光催化活性受控制的TiO2 纳米粒子,并研究了在固定片批式反应器中甲基橙的光催化分解。
可以通过加入不同的表面活性剂制得球形,立方体形,椭圆形的纳米颗粒和TiO2 纳米棒。
在紫外可见分光光谱中,与不加入表面活性剂制得的TiO2 纳米颗粒相比,形状和尺寸受控制的TiO 2 纳米颗粒发生红移,这将有利于光催化反应。
不同的形状和大小的TiO2 纳米颗粒显示出不同的光催化活性。
加入十二烷基硫酸钠制备出的立方纳米颗粒具有比没加的TiO 2 纳米颗粒更高的光催化活性。
此外,TiO2 纳米颗粒光吸收波长范围的扩展,增加了其光催化活性[14]。
由于TiO2 纳米颗粒具有大表面积和高催化活性,研究者们对其作为重要的光催化剂产生了极大的兴趣[16]。
近几年,有大量报道关于通过加入TiO2 纳米颗粒使有机污染物光催化降解的研究[17-21]。
研究者们通过不同的过程制备了各种形貌的TiO2 纳米晶体,诸如短的和长的纳米棒,豆状和菱形纳米颗粒,纳米管,立方体形和不规则形[22]。
介孔TiO2 薄膜的光催化活性比常见锐钛矿TiO2薄膜高,因为由于表面积的增大和多重散射使得光吸收提高[23]。

纳米TiO2对农作植物光合作用的机理研究张建平张川张千(河北麦森钛白粉有限公司,石家庄市纳米氧化物工程技术研究中心)(河北石家庄050000 官网/)摘要:经研究已证实纳米TiO2不仅能明显促进植物对光能的吸收,促进光能转换为电能及活跃的化学能,还能促进CO2的同化及氮代谢,从而大大提高光合作用效率。
1研究背景1.1纳米TiO2概述纳米氧化钛(Nano-anatase TiO2,以下简称纳米TiO2)问世于20世纪80年代后期,由于其独特的光学性能及电性能,在催化剂、抗紫外线吸收剂、气敏传感器件等众多领域具有广泛的应用前景。

硅酸盐学报· 494 ·2008年纳米TiO2添加剂对Al2O3陶瓷微观结构与烧结性能的影响张锡平1,陈树江1,李国华1,薛文东2,孙加林2(1. 辽宁科技大学,辽宁鞍山 114044;2. 北京科技大学,北京 100083)摘要:用微米级和纳米级两种不同的TiO2作为烧结助剂,研究其对Al2O3陶瓷微观结构和烧结性能的影响。
关键词:纳米氧化钛;氧化铝陶瓷;烧结性能;微观结构中图分类号:TQ172 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0454–5648(2008)04–0494–04EFFECT OF NANOSIZED TiO2 AS ADDITIVE ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ANDSINTERING CHARACTERISTICS OF Al2O3 CERAMICSZHANG Xiping1,CHEN Shujiang1,LI Guohua1,XUE Wendong2,SUN Jialin2(1. The University of Science & Technology Liaoning, Liaoning Anshan 114044; 2. The University ofScience & Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083)Abstract: The effects of TiO2 as additive on the microstructure and the sintering characteristic of Al2O3 ceramics were studied. The results indicated that the sintering characteristics of Al2O3 ceramics were improved, and the temperature of sintering was decreased when nanosized TiO2 was added into the samples. The apparent porosity is 0.54%, 0.16% for the sample with 2% TiO2 sintered at 1580℃ and 1650℃, respectively. In addition, the microstructure of Al2O3 ceramics can be changed by the addition of nanosized TiO2, which is benefical to sintering of Al2O3 ceramics.Key words: nano-titania; alumina ceramic; sintering character; microstructureAl2O3陶瓷材料具有高强度﹑高硬度﹑耐腐蚀、耐高温等特性,受到广泛关注。

化学与生物工程2006,Vol.23No.11Chemistry &Bioen gineering31收稿日期:2006-08-31作者简介:卢旭东(1974-),男,辽宁普兰店人,讲师,博士研究生,主要从事废水治理和腐蚀防护方面的研究。
E -mail:lxd_8181@163.co m 。
水解沉淀法制备纳米TiO 2及其光催化性能研究卢旭东,姜承志,邵忠财(沈阳理工大学环境与化学工程学院,辽宁沈阳110168)摘 要:以T i(SO 4)2为原料、氨水为沉淀剂,采用水解沉淀法制备了纳米T iO 2粉末,并研究了粉料的特征及光催化性能。
结果表明:反应温度为60e 、反应时间为3h 、500e 煅烧4h 的条件下可制备纳米级的T iO 2粉末,平均粒径为68nm;在CO D Cr 为402mg #L -1的100mL 制胶废水中加入0135g T iO 2粉末,pH 值为5时充分曝气,紫外灯照射降解120m in,COD Cr 去除率达到8112%。
关键词:纳米二氧化钛;光催化;水解沉淀法中图分类号:T Q 13411 X 703 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-5425(2006)11-0031-02T iO 2以其稳定的化学性质、强氧化还原性、无毒、成本低等特点,被广泛用作光催化氧化反应的催化剂。
作者以T i(SO 4)2为原料,用水解沉淀法制备了纳米T iO 2粉末,并研究了纳米T iO 2光催化氧化法去除制胶废水中聚乙烯醇的可行性。
1 实验111 纳米TiO 2粉末的制备将100mL 012mol #L -1的T i(SO 4)2溶液(含0175g 聚乙二醇)加入烧杯中,搅拌下滴加25%(体积分数)的氨水,调节pH 值,60e 反应3h 后过滤,蒸馏水冲洗,产物放入烘箱中于100e 下烘干3h,然后在500e 煅烧4h,所得粉末即为纳米T iO 2。
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Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscienceEffect of TiO2 nanotube parameters on field emission propertiesThis article has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text article.2010 Nanotechnology 21 505706(/0957-4484/21/50/505706)View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for moreDownload details:IP Address: article was downloaded on 22/02/2011 at 07:01Please note that terms and conditions apply.IOP P UBLISHING N ANOTECHNOLOGY Nanotechnology21(2010)505706(5pp)doi:10.1088/0957-4484/21/50/505706Effect of TiO2nanotube parameters onfield emission propertiesYahya Alivov1,Michael Klopfer and Sabee MolloiDepartment of Radiological Sciences,University of California,Irvine,CA92697,USAE-mail:yalivov@ and symolloi@Received19July2010,infinal form28October2010Published23November2010Online at /Nano/21/505706AbstractThe dependence offield emission properties of titanium dioxide(TiO2)nanotubes(NTs)hasbeen studied as a function of NT diameter(D)and height(h),which varied in the ranges18–500nm and500–12000nm,respectively.The studies showed a strong dependence of thefield emission on these parameters.With an increase of NT diameter,thefield enhancementfactor increased monotonically from120to3800;the current density also increased untilD=320(current density∼3.8mA cm−2),with subsequent decrease for larger diameters.Thefield emission properties initially improved with NT height until h=5μm,and later remainedunchanged with further increases in h.(Somefigures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)Nanoscalefield emission electron sources,such as nanotubes, nanorods and nanofibers,have recently attracted a considerable degree of interest due to their applications inflat panel displays and x-ray tubes.Carbon nanotubes(CNTs)and carbon nanofibers(CNFs)have been widely explored due to their small tip radius of curvature,high aspect ratio and mechanical toughness[1–5].Despite the progress made in this area, these kinds of cold cathodes still suffer from fast degradation, which leads to lower longevity.This degradation occurs primarily for two reasons:(1)CNTs are oxidized because residual oxygen is always present in vacuum chambers even at10−7–10−8Pa(an amount sufficient to oxidize CNTs[6]);(2)poor adhesion of CNTs to conductive substrates,which results in enhanced electrical resistivity of the interface layer, thus leading to heating effects[7].Electrochemically grown TiO2NTs seem to be an excellent solution to these problems. First,since TiO2is a natural oxide,its exposure to oxygen does not affect its properties.Second,since TiO2nanotubes are grown on titanium(Ti)sheet,as the latter oxidizes during anodization,a good electrical contact between the TiO2nanotubefilm and conductive Ti sheet is intrinsically guaranteed[8].Furthermore,the electrochemical growth process is very simple and it does not require expensive tools for nanotube growth.The employment of this type of nanotubes should further decrease the cost of cold cathodes. By contrast,TiO2also has a lower work function range 1Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.(3.9–4.5eV)[9–11]compared to CNTs(5.0eV)[12,13] and a higher degree of NT array uniformity.This ensures a narrower electron kinetic energy distribution and,therefore,a better spatial resolution due to more uniformfield emission conditions.The latter significantly contrasts with CNTs,which grow in different diameters,helicities and orientations on the same growth run[7].Additionally,oxide materials have been proven to be very radiation tolerant[14].There have been few previous reports on thefield emission studies of TiO2nanotubes and nanorods[15,16,11].We have recently demonstrated an x-ray tube employing the TiO2NTfield emitter[17].It is well known that the field emission density and thefield enhancement are critical factors for evaluating the performance offield emitters.They are greatly influenced by the nanotube parameters such as diameter,height,wall thickness and density.It is important to understand the behavior of thefield emission of TiO2 NTs with geometrical parameters to improve thefield emitter performance.There have been no reports yet on experimental studies of the effect of TiO2NT parameters on theirfield emission properties.In this paper,we present thefirst experimental results on the effect of NT diameter and height on thefield emission properties of TiO2NTs grown by electrochemical oxidation.It should be noted that the NT parameters such as diameter,height,and wall thickness can be tuned with high precision by varying the growth conditions[18,19].Figure1.SEM images of the TiO2NTs with different average diameters:(a)20nm,(b)40nm,(c)80nm,(d)170nm,(e)320nm,and (f)550nm.The diameter of TiO2NTs during electrochemical growthlinearly depends on the applied voltage[19].Samples withaverage diameters of18,40,85,170,320and550nm weregrown via electrochemical oxidation of Ti sheets in a glycerol +0.5%NHF4electrolyte by varying the anodization voltage. These NT diameters were estimated by averaging about20neighbouring nanotubes in a sample.The correspondinganodization voltages used to grow these diameter nanotubeswere15,30,60,120and240V[20].Representativescanning electron microscope(SEM)images of the grown NT arrays with different diameters and spacings are shown infigures1(a)–(f).A well-defined and highly aligned tubular structure of arrays can be seen in thisfigure.As-grown amorphous TiO2NT arrays were then annealed at500◦C in air for1h to convert to crystal phase.Annealing in such conditions leads to anatase modification,as shown in the previous reports of x-ray diffraction studies[20].It should be noted that normally there are difficulties in applying high voltages during electrochemical growth because high electric currents through the electrolyte lead to heating effects.The critical value of the electrical current depends on the type of solvent and acid in the electrolyte.For this reason,a ‘multi-stage’growth method was developed to grow samples with550nm NT diameter.In this method,high voltage was employed ramped to240V in50V increments.The time interval between two neighboring voltage values was10min. In this case the forming semiconducting TiO2layer at lower voltages prevents the electrolyte from rapid current increase. It should be noted that in this‘multi-step’growth method there is still a limitation for the maximum applied voltage. Breakdown of the electrolyte current occurs at very high voltages and no NT growth can be initiated.In our experiments the highest applicable voltage changed from sample to sample and ranged from230–270V.We want to note,however,that the reproducibility at such high anodization voltages is not high enough and the samples frequently fail to grow with well-defined tubular structure.The possible reason for this effect may be too strong driving forces leading to deviation from the normal nanotube growth mechanism.To study the dependence of thefield emission on the NT height,the length of the NTsFigure 2.Schematic diagram of the experimental setup for field emission measurements.was varied within the 0.5–12μm range by varying the growth time.The 5×5mm 2size TiO 2NT array samples were bonded to an aluminum backplane with silver paste.The field emission measurements were performed in a vacuum chamber,which was pumped down to the base pressure of 6.6×10−5Pa by an ion pump.The schematic of the experimental configuration for field emission current measurements is shown in figure 2.The spacing d between cathode and anode was achieved by using a 150μm thick glass plate,and this parameter refers to the distance between the top of the nanotubes and the anode.The applied voltage was in the range 0–1000V that corresponds to an electric field range of 0–6.6V μm −1.The maximum voltage applied was limited by measurement setup.As an anode,a copper grid with a 30μm diameter wire and 70%open area was used.The use of a copper grid was motivated by the need to improve gas evacuation from the anode–cathode space,and to reduce the arcing effects.The current measurements were performed by using a Fluke 187multimeter.Figure 3presents current–voltage (I –V )characteristics for all the TiO 2NTs studied,which exhibit exponential bels 1,2,3,4,5,and 6in this figure refer to 320,550,170,85,40,and 18nm diameter nanotube arrays,respectively.The analysis of I –V characteristics of the field emission was done using the simplified Fowler–Nordheim equation [21]:J =A β2E 2φ exp −B φ3/2βE(1)lnJ E 2 =A ln β2φ −−B φ3/2β 1E (2)where A and B are constants with values 1.56×10−6A V −2and 6.83×103V eV −3/2μm −1,respectively;E ,β,and φrefer to the electric field,field enhancement factor,and work function of the TiO 2.The corresponding FN plot is shown in the inset to figure 3,where a nearly linear relationship betweenln (J E 2)and 1E indicates the field emission nature of the TiO 2NT cathode.The FN plot in this figure is shown for the high electric field region of the I –V characteristic,>3V μm −1,Figure 3.(a)Field emission I –V characteristics of TiO 2nanotubes as a function of NT diameter.(b)Corresponding FN plots with linear fits for each NT diameter sample.The NT height in thesemeasurements was kept constant and was equal to ∼2μbels 1,2,3,4,5,and 6in both figures refer to 550nm,320nm,170nm,85nm,40nm,and 18nm diameter nanotube arrays,respectively.Because no reasonable current was observed for the sample with 18nm NT diameter within the studied electric field,the corresponding FN plot is not shown in plot (b).where effective electron field emission starts.Field emission is the extraction of electrons from a solid by tunneling through the triangular shape surface potential barrier when the width of the barrier is comparable to the electron wavelength.This tunneling is possible in strong electric fields,which can be achieved in the top of the nanotubes.The local electric field E is greater than the macroscopic field V /d ,where d is the distance between anode and cathode,by the field amplification factor β.The threshold voltage was estimated as the J =0intercept value of the extrapolation of the high current I –V characteristics performed on the linear scale (figure 3).This threshold voltage changed from sample to sample within the range 2.0–5.0V μm −1.No field emission was observed for the sample with 18nm NT diameter within the studied electric field range (0–6.6V μm −1),which can be explained by too low electric field enhancement due to the large electric field screening effect.Although no strong correlation was observed between the threshold voltage and the NT diameter,there was aFigure4.Field emission current density andfield enhancement factor as a function of TiO2NT diameter.The NT height in these measurements was kept constant and was equal to∼2μm. tendency for the threshold voltage to decrease with increases in NT diameter.Thefield amplification factor can be determined from the slope of the FN plot assuming the work functionφis known.The work function of anatase TiO2was taken to be 4.2eV[10],an intermediate value of the reported ones in the range3.9–4.5eV[9–11].Thefield enhancement factor and the current density for all samples corresponding to an electricfield of6Vμm−1 are summarized infigure4.As can be seen in thisfigure,the field enhancement factor linearly increases with NT diameter from144to3495as the latter increases from40to550nm. Because no reasonable current was observed for the18nm diameter sample within the studied electricfield range,the corresponding FN plot is not shown in the plot.On the other hand,the current densityfirst grows from0to∼3.8mA cm−2, when D increases from18to320nm,but then starts to decrease with further increase in D(figure4).Small diameter nanotubes are relatively dense,which increases the screening effects.The latter,in turn,reduce thefield enhancement factor, which causes a reduction in current density.The opposite is true for larger diameter NT arrays,where a larger open area of NTs leads to reduced screening effects.The induced charges on top of NTs are increased with D,resulting in a largerfield enhancement factor.The tradeoff between these two factors results in a peak position near D=320nm in the current density–diameter dependence.Thefield emission current densities for320nm and550nm are3.2mA cm−2 and4.0mA cm−2,respectively.These results indicate that the larger diameter TiO2nanotubes have more favorablefield emission properties.Similar results were reported for carbon nanotubefield emitters.In a previous report[22],it was shown that‘short and stubby’nanotubes with diameters of200nm showed the best emission characteristics.The dependence of thefield emission density J and the field enhancement factorβon the NT height h was studied for NTs with a diameter of320nm,which corresponds to the highest emission current density(figure4).The results are shown infigure5.As seen from thefigure,the enhancement factorfirst increases with the height h,reaches thelargest Figure5.Field emission current density andfield enhancement factor as a function of TiO2NT height.The NT diameter in these measurements was kept constant and was equal to∼320nm.value of3112at h=5μm,and then remains almost unchanged with further increase of h,resembling‘saturation’. The corresponding current density also changes in the same way growingfirst from2.15to4.53mA cm−2when NT height increases from0.5to4μm,and then becoming independent with further increase of NT height.The initial increase of field enhancement factor and current density with h can be explained by screening of the electricfield.At the beginning as the nanotube height grows,thefield enhancement increases as it is proportional to the nanotube height;however,at some point it becomes insensitive to the NT height because of electricfield screening.This‘saturation’effect offield emission properties possibly occurs because at the bottom of the NT arrays the nanotubes are normally interconnected.Another important factor influencing the efficiency of electronfield emission is the spacing between nanotubes, which determines thefield enhancement factor.Unfortunately, the control of this parameter in electrochemically grown TiO2 NT arrays,similar to many other growth methods,has been a challenge.Recently,some efforts have been made to increase the spacing of TiO2NTs by selection of electrolyte.Grimes et al[23,24]reported that with the use of diethylene glycol as a solvent in the electrolyte,the NT spacing could be increased to some extent[23,24].Although our attempts to reproduce these results have not been successful to date,we believe that by better adjusting the chemistry of the electrolyte, significant progress could be made in this area.In addition, this challenge could be further addressed by technological procedures,such as photo/electron-beam lithography,wet/dry etching,and postgrowth and plasma/thermal treatments.In conclusion,thefield emission properties of TiO2 NTs were studied as a function of NT diameter and height, which were varied in the ranges of20–500nm and500–12000nm,respectively.The studies showed a strong effect of these parameters on thefield emission properties.Thefield enhancement factor increased with NT diameter monotonically from120to3800,while the current density peaked at320nm with the value of∼3.8mA cm−2.Thefield emission properties initially improved with an increase of nanotube diameter andheight,but then‘saturated’.The results are reasonable in light of the screening effects.References[1]Sugie H,Tanemura M,Filip V,Iwata K,Takahashi K andOkuyama F2001Appl.Phys.Lett.782578[2]Yue G Y,Qiu Q,Gao B,Chang Y,Zhang J,Shimoda H,Chang S,Lu J P and Zhou O2002Appl.Phys.Lett.81355[3]Matsumoto T and Mimura H2003Appl.Phys.Lett.821637[4]Senda S,Sakai Y,Mizuta Y,Kita S and Okuyama F2004Appl.Phys.Lett.855679[5]Sakai Y,Haga A,Sugita S,Kita S,Tanaka S-I,Okuyama F andKobayashi N2007Rev.Sci.Instrum.78013305[6]Collins P G,Bradley K,Ishigami M and Zettl A2000Science2871801[7]Bonard J M,Kind H,Stokli T and Nilsson L-O2001SolidState Electron.45893[8]Macak J M,Tsuchiya H and Ghicov A2007Curr.Opin.SolidState Mater.Sci.113[9]Rothenberger G,Fitzmaurice D and Graetzel M1992J.Phys.Chem.965983[10]Tan T T Y,Yip C K,Beydoun D and Amal R2003Chem.Eng.J.95179[11]Liu G,Li F,Wang D-W,Tang D-M,Liu C,Ma X,Lu G andCheng H-M2008Nanotechnology19025606[12]Shiraishi M and Ata M2001Carbon391913[13]Bonard J-M,Maier F,Stockli T,Chatelain A,de Heer W A,Salvetat J-P and Forro L1998Ultramicroscopy737–15 [14]Sickafus K E,Minervini L and Grimes R W2000Science289748[15]Yang Y,Wang X and Sun C2008J.Am.Ceram.Soc.914109[16]Miyauchi M et al2006Appl.Phys.Lett.89043114[17]Alivov Y,Klopfer M and Molloi S2010Appl.Phys.Lett.96243502[18]Mor G K,Varghese O K,Paulose M,Shankar K andGrimes C A2006Sol.Energy Mater.Sol.Cells902011 [19]Grimes C A,Varghese O K and Ranjan S2008Light,Water,Hydrogen:The Solar Generation of Hydrogen by WaterPhotoelectrolysis(New York:Springer)[20]Alivov Y,Fan Z Y and Johnstone D2009J.Appl.Phys.106034314[21]Stratton R1964Phys.Rev.135A794[22]Chhowalla M,Ducati C,Rupesinghe N L,Teo K B K andAmaratunga G A J2001Appl.Phys.Lett.792079 [23]Yoriya S,Mor G K,Sharma S and Grimes C A2008J.Mater.Chem.183332[24]Yoriya S and Grimes C A2010Langmuir26417。