


HDDM 的优势:
• 激光测量点之间无间隙 • 对低反射率物体的检测能力更强 • 抗环境粉尘及烟雾的干扰能力更强 • 抗环境光干扰能力更强
TIM 系列概述
检测(Detection) 在扫描器的扫描范围内,设置不同形状的检测区域,当扫描器检测到有物体进入该区域时,通过开关量信号输 出检测结果。通常用于设备防撞、物体检测、区域安防等
订货信息: 功能
测量型 检测型
角度分辨率 1° 0.33° 1° 0.33°
型号 Type TIM551-2050001 TIM561-2050101 TIM351-2134001 TIM361-2134101
1060445 1071419 1067299 1071399
4 % > 1,000 % (反射板) EN 61000-6-3 (2007-01) ∕ EN 61000-6-2 (2005-08) EN 60068-2-6 (2008-02) EN 60068-2-27 (2009-05) -25 °C ... 50 °C -30 °C ... 75 °C 80,000 lx
270 ° 15 Hz 红外激光(波长 850nm) 一类激光 (符合 EN 60825-1 (2007-10)),人眼安全
典型值:67ms 几乎所有形状 ± 60 mm ± 20 mm
9 V DC ... 28 V DC 典型值 3W(无输出负载) 灰色 (RAL 7032) IP 67 (EN 60529/A1:2000-02) 250 克(不包含电缆) 60 mm ×60 mm ×86 mm



Photoelectric Sensors2.144BMOA Miniature Remote Amplifier SensorsNeed the precision of a laserphotoelectric sensor, but have no room to mount something that big? Ultra miniaturesensing heads down to 2 mmcan fit into applications wheremost sensors won’t. The BMOA component systems use an amplifier to power and control the signals from the sensing head, making it a unique alternative to typical fiber optic solutions. The BMOA component systems offer maximum flexibility with high flex cable versions for moving applications likerobotic arms. The systems can detect targets as small as 0.05 mm. The BMOAamplifiers make set-up and operation easy, using a simpledynamic teach function, or amanual push-button adjustment mode. Available in economical discrete or advanced analog outputversions to solve difficult applications.Features– Smallest sensing head in the industry– Laser-like precision to detect targets as small as 0.05 mm – High speed switching up to 5 kHz– 50 ms pulse stretching delay – Simple pushbuttonadjustment of dynamic teach function– Stability and Output Function LEDs– Discrete output versions PNP and NPN– Analog Output versions 0…10 Vdc and 4…20 mA – Din-rail or panel mountable Applications– Thread detection – Small part profiling – Robotic end-effectors– Semiconductor component detection– High performance alternative to fiber opticsBMOAMiniature Remote Amplifier SensorsBMO A01... amplifiers only.C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m2.145t p76o amplifier connectoramplifier connectoramplifier connectorC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mPhotoelectric Sensors2.146High SpeedBMO A01-I-PU-C-02BMO A01-I-NU-C-02SeriesDiscrete Output PNP Normally-open NPNNormally-open Analog Output 0...10 Vdc 4...20 mASupply VoltageVoltage Drop U d at I e Output Current (digital)Analog Output Type (Voltage)Analog Output Type (Current)Analog Output Load (voltage) min load Analog Output Load (current) Max Load Current Consumption I o (no load)Protections Response TimeSwitching FrequencyPulsed/Non-Pulsed Light Source Output FunctionOperating Temperature Range Degree of Protection per IEC 60529Sensitivity/Range Adjustment Power/Stability Indication Alarm Indication Output LEDHousing MaterialWeightConnection (to control system)10…30 Vdc< 2 V 100 mA 45 mAShort Circuit, Reverse Polarity100 µs 5 KHz Non-PulsedLight/Dark Selectable -10° C to +55° CIP 65Teach-in and ManualGreen LED Yellow LED ABS 55 g2 m PVC Cable ,3 x 26 AWGq w e rBMOAMiniature Remote Amplifier SensorsSensitivity settingAUT – the amplifier will determine the best setting for the application.MAN – this allows you to fine-tune the settings or manually adjust the sensor for difficult applications.Wiring DiagramsOutput GNDOutput GNDrC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mFiber Optics/photoelectricObject Resolution for Diffuse Sensors42-2-4-6-8Y(mm)055M, 06TM & 66RMYMeasuring Arrangement:900a standard resolution amplifier.04SM, 05TM & 66RMthe beam at certain ranges.Sensing Distance for Diffuse Sensors0.8% 1.6% 3.1% 6.3% 12.5% 25% 50% 100%Absolute Mode (ABS)This mode offers the maximum accuracy for allapplications. The amplifier will offer 8 stages ofCourtesyofCMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne▪MotionControl▪Hydraulic▪Pneumatic▪Electrical▪Mechanical▪(8)426-548▪www.cmafh.co m。

六系列 说明书 V1.2讲解

六系列 说明书 V1.2讲解

目录1.0 火灾探测器1.0.1 JTY-GD-OT602点型光电感烟火灾探测器 (1)1.0.2 JTY-GD-OT302点型光电感烟火灾探测器 (3)1.0.3 JTW-ZD-OT603点型感温火灾探测器(A2) (5)1.0.4 JTW-ZD-OT306点型感温火灾探测器(A2) (7)2.0 按钮2.0.1 JSA-M-OA610 手动火灾报警按钮 (9)2.0.2 OX620-QG 消火栓按钮 (11)2.0.3 ODZ52 按钮底座 (13)3.0 模块3.0.1OM621(OM611)输入/输出模块 (14)3.0.2OM622 输入模块 (16)3.0.3OM613中继模块 (18)3.0.4 OMDZ51模块底座 (20)3.0.5 ODZ3007底座 (22)3.0.6 ODZ6004底座 (23)3.0.7 OM515 隔离模块 (24)4.0 消防警铃4.0.1 OJL01消防警铃 (25)5.0 声光警报器5.0.1 OS631 火灾声光警报器 (26)6.0 地址编码器6.0.1 OBM地址编码器 (28)11.0 概述1.1 JTY-GD-OT602点型光电感烟火灾探测器(以下简称探测器)是我公司成功研制的新一代智能火灾探测器,该探测器采用红外散射原理设计,内置先进的MCU 微处理器,具有现场参数采集,自动检测探测器两端电压等功能,制造工艺采用先进的SMT 贴片技术。



1.2 该探测器采用电址编码器编址,编址后与我公司生产的OZH4800等火灾报警控制器配合使用,探测器正常工作时,红灯闪亮,当检测到火警信号时红灯常亮。

1.3 JTY-GD-OT602代表意义:JT:探测器专用符号,Y:感烟;GD:光电;0:ORENA ;T:探测器6:6系列;02: 感烟类。



光纤式传感器D10光电传感器Q10QS18应用索引建议选用建议选用建议选用建议选用应用索引问题建议选用建议选用EZ-BEAM系列S18传感器建议选用Q45系列传感器Q85系列传感器应用索引建议选用建议选用建议选用建议选用应用索引建议选用建议选用QC50系列颜色识别传感器建议选用R55系列色标传感器应用索引建议选用PBP46UC建议选用建议选用问题建议选用48型号说明(以QS18VN6FPQ 为例)Q S 18产品型号产品型号:D10=10mm 宽,标准35mm DIN 轨道安装D11=11mm 宽,标准35mm DIN 轨道安装D12=12mm 宽,标准35mm DIN 轨道安装FI22=扁平式塑料光纤放大器VS1=小型自含传感器(聚焦式)VS2=小型自含传感器(对射,聚焦式)VS3=小型自含传感器(对射,反射板式)VS4=小型自含传感器(对射式)T08=8mm 螺纹T 型Q10=小型自含式直流光电传感器Q14=14mm 直角型传感器QS12=MINI-BEAM2®12mm 螺纹小型光电传感器Q23=23mm 直角型传感器Q23H =水平式23mm 直角型传感器QS18=小型自含式光电传感器,具有多种安装方式,带18mm 安装螺纹外壳QS18E =小型自含式专家型光电传感器,具有多种安装方式,带18mm 安装螺纹外壳QS30=有激光直反式、区域式、反射板式,带30mm 安装螺纹外壳SM312=MINI-BEAM 系列传感器,具有普通型和专家型及各种检测方式S12=12mm 螺纹圆柱型光电开关S18=18mm 螺纹圆柱型光电开关M18=18mm 螺纹金属圆柱型光电开关S30=30mm 螺纹圆柱型光电开关Q25=25mm 宽,带安装螺母18mm 螺纹Q40=40mm 宽,带安装螺母30mm 螺纹T18=18mm 螺纹T 型TM18=18mm 螺纹金属T 型光电开关T30=30mm 螺纹T 型SM30=30mm 螺纹圆柱型增强密封型光电开关QM42 & QMT42= 金属外壳自含式直流光电传感器PD45=聚焦式高精度激光传感器Q50=光电位移传感器Q60=可调区域式光电传感器60x75mm Q85=端子输出形式,直角型85x65mm R55=色标传感器SL30=30mm 宽,槽型传感器SL10=10mm 宽,槽型传感器SLC1=标签检测传感器,带自适应数字逻辑电路M12=激光发射器1、2级QC50=真彩颜色传感器QL50, QL55= 荧光传感器OTB =光电按钮LTB =锁定功能光电按钮STB =自检功能光电按钮VTB =工序校验光电按钮V N输出特性:A =亮态操作或常开B =可选(常开或常闭)DA =动态输出(AC 耦合,常开)DR =动态输出(AC 耦合,常闭)F =预留I =隔离型互补输出(常开加常闭)L =模拟量输出R =暗态操作或常闭S =可选输出(互补输出或常开加报警输出)T =可选输出(互补输出或常闭加报警输出)V =互补输出(常开加常闭)X =适用总线加(两位定义总线类型和模式)Z=Z 形式输出(1常开+1常闭,独立)输出形式:B =双极性(1NPN & 1PNP 输出)D =2线直流(晶体管输出)I =模拟量电流输出IU =模拟量电流电压输出M =NPN/PNP 可选输出N =NPN 晶体管输出P =PNP 晶体管输出R =继电器输出(机电触点)U =模拟量电压输出W =3线交流W1=4线交流(晶闸管输出)W2=3线交流短路保护W3=4线交流(互补固态输出)Z=2线交流(晶闸管输出)49 •Email: sensors@6F P Q后缀:A =自动修正B =公制管螺纹C1=600V 交流电缆H =高增益(不改变响应时间)MK =kodak 定制(940nm 发射器)Q =接插件式QP =电缆接插式S =慢速响应时间T =延时功能W/..=加长电缆Y =高速响应Y1=高速响应/脉宽延时Y2=高速响应/脉宽延时(暗态操作)MHS =高速型供电电压范围:1=90 ~ 130V ac 2=90 ~ 250V ac 21=90 ~ 240V ac 23=22 ~ 36V ac3=20 ~ 250V ac 或12 ~ 250V dc + 24 ~ 250V ac(“通用电压型”)30=预留31=20 ~ 250V ac + 22 ~ 36V dc 4=预留40=预留6=10 ~ 30V dc 62=10 ~ 48V dc 63=12 ~ 24V dc 64=15 ~ 24V dc 65=24V dc ±10%7=10 ~ 30V dc TTL 兼容72=5V dc ±10%, TTL 兼容8=预留81=20 ~ 30V ac/dc 9=NAMUR, V dc检测模式:C =聚焦式(红外光)W =宽角度直反式CB =聚焦式(蓝光)E =发射器CW =聚焦式(白光)EB =发射器(镜头齐平)CG =聚焦式(绿光)EF =发射器光纤式CV =聚焦式(可见红光)EK =发射器带同步线CVB =聚焦式(可见蓝光)EL =发射器(长距离)CVW =聚焦式(可见白光)ELD =发射器(激光器)CVG =聚焦式(可见绿光)EX =发射器(高能量)F =光纤式(红外光,玻璃光纤)R =接收器FP =光纤式(可见红光,塑料光纤)RB =接收器(镜头齐平)FV =光纤式(可见红光,玻璃光纤)RF =接收器光纤式FVB =光纤式(蓝光,玻璃光纤)RK =接收器带同步线FVW =光纤式(白光,玻璃光纤)RL =接收器(长距离)FVG =光纤式(绿光,玻璃光纤)RX =接收器(高能量)FPB =光纤式(蓝光,塑料光纤)FF =固定区域式FPW =光纤式(白光,塑料光纤)AF =可调区域式FPG =光纤式(绿光,塑料光纤)LAF =激光固定区域式D =直反式(短距离)L =反射板式(红外光)DL =直反式(长距离)LV =反射板式(可见红光)DB =直反式(镜头齐平)LP =反射板式(偏振光)DBZ =直反式(镜头齐平)LPC =反射板式(偏振光,透明物体检测)DX =直反式(高能型)LL =反射板式(激光)LD =激光直反式LLP =反射板式(激光偏振)LDL =激光直反式(长距离)LLPC =反射板式(激光偏振,低对比度)。




















RightSight 微型光电传感器指南说明书

RightSight 微型光电传感器指南说明书

Installation InstructionsOriginal InstructionsRightSight Miniature SensorsCatalog Numbers 42EF-D2JBAK-A2, 42EF-D2JBAK-F4, 42EF-D2KBAK-A2, 42EF-D2KBAK-F4, 42EF-D2MPAK-A2, 42EF-D2MPAK-F4,42EF-D2MPAK-Y4, 42EF-P2JBB-A2, 42EF-P2JBB-F4, 42EF-P2KBB-A2, 42EF-P2KBB-F4, 42EF-P2MPB-A2, 42EF-P2MPB-F4, 42EF-P2MPB-Y4, 42EF-R2JBB-F4, 42EF-R2JBBT-A2, 42EF-R2JBBT-F4, 42EF-R2KBB-A2, 42EF-R2KBB-F4, 42EF-R2KBB-Z31, 42EF-R2KBBT-A2, 42EF-R2KBBT-F4, 42EF-R2MEB-F4, 42EF-R2MNB-A2, 42EF-R2MNB-F4, 42EF-R2MNB-Y4, 42EF-R2MNBT-A2, 42EF-R2MNBT-F4, 42EF-R2MPB-A2, 42EF-R2MPB-A5, 42EF-R2MPB-A6, 42EF-R2MPB-F4, 42EF-R2MPB-Y4, 42EF-R2MPBT-A2, 42EF-R2MPBT-A5, 42EF-R2MPBT-F4, 42EF-R2MPBT-Y4, 42EF-S1JBA-A2, 42EF-S1JBA-F4, 42EF-S1KBA-A2, 42EF-S1KBA-F4, 42EF-S1MEA-F4, 42EF-S1MNA-A2, 42EF-S1MNA-F4, 42EF-S1MNA-Y4, 42EF-S1MPA-A2, 42EF-S1MPA-F4, 42EF-S1MPA-Y4DescriptionThe 42EF RightSight™ family of photoelectric sensors offers high-performance general-purpose sensing in a compact, flexible package. They are designed for applications where simplified installation and maintenance are required. RightSight sensors provide a range of mounting options. The sensors can be through-hole mounted against a surface or can be installed using the threaded 18mm base or nose mounting options.Designed to withstand the rigors of food processing and material handlingenvironments, the 42EF RightSight standard models can withstand repeated 1200 psi and IP69K high-pressure washdowns.Features•Compact right angle housing with universal 18 mm threaded nose and base mounting options•Fixed, teachable, and adjustable sensitivity models•360° highly visible (status indicators helps operators verify proper operation regardless of sensor installation location)•Visible status indicator light-source for ease of alignment•Alignment aid helps achieve excellent reliability operating margin •Dual (NPN and PNP), NPN or PNP only models •Linear sensitivity adjustment•IP67 with 1200 psi; IP69K rated enclosure•IO-Link 1.1 Communication protocol that is offered in all standard modesStatus IndicatorTable 1 and Table 2 provide indicator status in the RUN mode, during operation. The sensor is always in run mode except when being taught.See for additional details about the operation of the 42EF RightSight in IO-Link mode.Sensor User InterfaceThe green status indicator can also serve as a set-up alignment aid that indicates that a margin of 1.5 has been reached. The sensor is receiving at least 1.5 times the signal strength back from the target that is required to trigger an output signal. In general, it is desirable to have a higher margin to help overcome any deteriorating environmental conditions, that is, dust build-up on the sensor lens. When aligning the sensor, the optimum performance can be obtained if this margin indicator is illuminated with the target in place. When aligning diffuse mode sensors, be sure that the sensitivity is set at its maximum setting; use the single-turn adjustment knob on the front panel. Pan the sensor left, right, up, and down to center the beam on the target. Decrease this setting to help prevent the sensor from detecting a background object. If this problem persists, the application requires the use of a background suppression, sharp cutoff diffuse, or retroreflective sensing mode.IMPORTANTSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE USE.IndicatorIndicatorTable 1 - Standard I/O (Auto PNP/NPN) Operating Mode IndicationColorStatus Description GreenOFF Power is off ON Power is onFlashing (6 hz)Unstable light: 0.8 X < margin < 1.5 X Flashing (1.4 hz)Output short circuit protection activeOrangeOFF Output de-energized ON Output energizedTable 2 - IO-Link Operation Mode IndicationColor Status Description GreenOFF Power is off Flashing (1 Hz)Power is onOrangeOFF Output de-energized ON Output energized2Rockwell Automation Publication 42EF-IN008B-EN-P - August 2020RightSight Miniature Sensors Installation InstructionsWiring DiagramsThe quick-disconnect connector is shown in the following diagrams. The pin numbers correspond to male connectors on the sensor.Figure 1 - Micro (M12) Male QD on Pigtail and Integral Pico (M8) Male QDOutput WiringFigure 2 - Light Operate PNP and NPN Models(42EF-D2JBAK-x , 42EF-P2JBB-x , 42EF-R2JBB-x , 42EF-S1JBB-x ) (a)Figure 3 - Dark Operate PNP and NPN Models(42EF-D2KBAK-x , 42EF-P2KBB-x , 42EF-R2KBB-x , 42EF-S1KBB-x ) (a)Figure 4 - PNP Complementary Models(42EF-D2MPAK-x , 42EF-P2MPB-x , 42EF-R2MPB-x , 42EF-S1MPB-x ) (a)Figure 5 - NPN Complementary Models(42EF-D2MNAK-x , 42EF-P2MNB-x , 42EF-R2MNB-x , 42EF-S1MNB-x ) (a)The IO-Link output pin 4 (black) does not support the connection of multiple sensors in series (for example, one sensor powering the next sensor). Theconnection of multiple sensors in series can be achieved when using pin 2 (white) outputs or by ordering a non-IO-Link catalog number. See theRockwell Automation® Knowledgebase or contact your local distributor for specific ordering information. For additional information about sensor operation in IO-Link mode, see publication 42EF-UM001.Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)]Typical Response CurvesFigure 6 - Visible Red Polarized Retroreflective— 3.0 m Margin CurveFigure 7 - Visible Red Diffuse—500 mm Margin Curve(a)Replace the x in the catalog number with a suffix from Table 3.Table 3 - Connection TypesDescription Cat. No. Suffix2 m (6.6 ft) cable-A24-pin DC micro (M12) QD on 150 mm (6 in.) pigtail -F44-pin DC pico (M8) QD on 150 mm (6 in.) pigtail-Y412321M12 MaleM8 Male+V-VBlue (3)Black (4)White (2)Brown (1)PNP light operate or IO-Link NPN light operate or disabled (IO-Link operation default)+V-VBlue (3)Black (4)White (2)Brown (1)PNP dark operate or IO-Link NPN dark operate or disabled (IO-Link operation default)+V-VBlue (3)Black (4)White (2)Brown (1)PNP light operate or IO-Link PNP dark operate or disabled (IO-Link operation default)+V-VBlue (3)Black (4)White (2)Brown (1)NPN light operate or IO-LinkNPN dark operate or disabled (IO-Link operation default)Sensitivity Adjustment (diffuse and glass fiber-110100Distance to Reflector (mm)O p e r a t i n g M a r g i n0.110100011010001001100Distance (mm)M a r g i n (X )Rockwell Automation Publication 42EF-IN008B-EN-P - August 20203RightSight Miniature Sensors Installation InstructionsFigure 8 - Infrared Sharp Cutoff - 130 mm Margin CurveFigure 9 - Visible Red Polarized Retroreflective—3.0 m Beam PatternFigure 10 - Visible Red Diffuse—500 mm Beam PatternFigure 11 - Infrared Sharp Cutoff - 130 mm Beam PatternFigure 12 - Transmitted Beam Receiver—8 m Beam PatternFigure 13 - Transmitted Beam Receiver—Margin CurvesFigure 14 - Transmitted Beam Receiver—20 m Beam PatternAccessories1.010.0100.02.5425.4254Distance (m)O p e r a t i n g M a r g i nDistance (m)B e a m D i a m e t e r (m m )-535-11-3Distance to Target (mm)B e a m D i a m e t e r (m m )-8-6-4-20246812010080604020Distance to Target (mm)B e a m D i a m e t e r (m m )DescriptionCat. No.4-pin DC micro, 2 m (6.5 ft) cordset 889D-F4AC-2Swivel/tilt bracket (see Figure 16)60-2649Straight bracket60-2656Right angle bracket (see Figure 15)60-2657Mounting kit 60-2716Clamp style bracket 871A-BP18Flush mount adaptor60-25904-pin DC micro field-mount terminal chamber871A-TS4-DM 1.25 in. diameter reflector 92-473 in. diameter reflector92-39-0.2-0.15-0.1-0.0500. 6.008.0010.00Distance (m)B e a m D i a m e t e r (m )1100100011010010Distance (m)O p e r a t i n g M a r g i n-0.5-0.4-0.3-0.2- (m)B e a m D i a m e t e r (m m )Publication 42EF-IN008B-EN-P - August 2020 | Supersedes Publication 42EF-IN008A-EN-P - January 2016Copyright © 2020 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş. Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752, İçerenköy, İstanbul, Tel: +90 (216) 5698400 EEE Yönetmeliğine UygundurAllen-Bradley, expanding human possibility, RightSight, and Rockwell Automation are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Your comments help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our content, complete the form at rok.auto/docfeedback .For technical support, visit rok.auto/support.PN-59564210001372107 Ver 01Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental compliance information on its website at rok.auto/pec .At the end of life, this equipment should be collected separately from any unsorted municipal waste.Figure 15 - Right Angle Bracket #60-2657Figure 16 - Swivel/Tilt Bracket #60-2649SpecificationsAttribute 42EF-*J*42EF-*K*42EF-*M*Certifications c-UL-us Listed and CE Marked for all applicable directives Vibration 10…55 Hz, 1 mm (0.04 in.) amplitude, meets or exceeds IEC 60947-5-2Shock 30 G with 1 ms pulse duration, meets or exceeds IEC 60947-5-2Relative humidity 5…95% (noncondensing)Ambient-light immunity •Incandescent light: 5000 lux •Sunlight: 20,000 lux User InterfaceStatus indicators •Green (power and margin)•Orange (output) Electrical Adjustments Fixed or adjustment knob by cat. no.Voltage10…30V DC, I-O link: 18…30V DC Current consumption 30 mA, maxSensor protection False pulse, reverse polarity, overload, short circuit Outputs Response time • 1 ms (diffuse, polarized retroreflective)• 4 ms (transmitted beam)Output type PNP and NPN PNP OR NPN(based on cat. no.)Load current 100 mA Leakage current, max •PNP: 0.1 mA •NPN: 0.3 mA Mechanical Housing material Mindel™Lens material Acrylic Cover material Udel™Supplied accessories 18 mm mounting nutEnvironmental Enclosure type rating NEMA 4X, 6P, IP67, IP69K; 1200 psi (8270 kPa) washdown Operating temperature -25…+70 °C (-13…+158 °F)Connection type•2 m (6.6 ft) cable•4-pin DC micro (M12) QD on 150 mm (5.9 in.) pigtail •4-pin DC pico (M8) QD on 150 mm (5.9 in.) pigtail。

SICK UM系列超声波传感器选型手册(中文版)

SICK UM系列超声波传感器选型手册(中文版)

UM30 - 215 11
UM30-21211_ 350 mm
[mm] 100
800 400
400 800
UM30-21311_ 1300 mm
[mm] 400
1600 800
ø 65 (2.56)
T1 D1 D2 T2
4 57 6
1 紧固螺母,截面直径 36mm 2 M12 连接插头 3 调节和显示面板 4 设置键 1 5 LED 1 6 设置键 2 7 LED 2
连接方式,M12,5 针插头
UM30 - 21x 11 3
棕 1 L+ 黑 4 NC 蓝 3M 白 2 QA 灰 5 Sync/Com
UM30 - 21x 11 8
棕 1 L+ 黑 4 q/Q 蓝 3M 白 2 QA 灰 5 Sync/Com
UM30 - 21x 11 1
UM30 - 21x 11 5
棕 1 L+ 黑 4 q/Q 蓝 3M 白 2 NC 灰 5 Sync/Com
UM30 - 21x 11 2 UM30 - 21x 11 4
UM30-2 超声波传感器
UM30 - 212
型号 UM30-212111 UM30-212112 UM30-212118 UM30-212115 UM30-212114 UM30-212113



DatasheetMiniature self-contained photoelectric sensors in universal housing•Bright, visible red (640 nm) light source•Standard models available with 4-wire 2 m (6.5 ft) or 9 m (30 ft) cable or 3 or 4-wire 150 mm (6 in) pigtail with Pico-style M8 threaded connector•Solid-state, bipolar outputs: one current sourcing (PNP) and one current sinking (NPN) standard on 4-wire models•Single output solid-state PNP or NPN standard on Q3 models •Light Operate (LO) or Dark Operate (DO), depending on model•Models available with PFA chemical-resistant jacket (1200 psi washdown rated)for use in harsh environments•Compact 8 mm (0.31 in) housing mounts almost anywhere•Crosstalk avoidance circuitry for applications with multiple sensors•LED status indicators for Power ON, Output Overload, Signal Received, and Marginal Signal•Advanced ASIC technology makes sensor resistant to optical and electrical noise sourceStandard ModelChemical-ResistantModelWARNING:•Do not use this device for personnel protection•Using this device for personnel protection could result in serious injury or death.•This device does not include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to allow its use inpersonnel safety applications. A device failure or malfunction can cause either an energized (on) or de-energized (off) output condition.Chemical-Resistant ModelsWORLD-BEAM ® Q12 Series SensorOriginal Document 119223 Rev. M7 April 2020119223Standard Modelssuffix W/30 to the model number. For example, Q126E W/30.•To order the 150 mm (6 in) cable with a 4-pin M8/Pico-style (M8 threaded) QD model, add the suffix Q to the model number. For example, Q126EQ.•To order the 150 mm (6 in) cable with a 4-pin M12/Euro-style QD model, add the suffix Q5 to the model number. For example Q126EQ5.3Retroreflective range is specified using one model BRT-60X40C retroreflector. Actual sensing range may be more or less than specified, depending upon efficiency and reflective area of the retroreflector(s) used. - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 119223 Rev. MIndicator Features1 - Amber and green LEDs•Green on: power to sensor is on •Amber on: received signal•Amber flashing: marginal signalChemical-Resistant models: LEDs are visible through translucent PFA jacket. Rated to 1200 psi washdown.WiringEmitters have no connection to black and white.CAUTION: Observe proper ESD precautions (grounding) when connecting QD models.Emitters–+Bipolar Models, Light Operate–+PNP Models, Light OperateNPN Models, Light Operate–+Bipolar Models, Dark Operate–+PNP Models, Dark OperateNPN Models, Dark Operate–+Key1 = Brown2 = White3 = Blue4 = Black3-pin M8/Pico-style Male QD 4-pin M8/Pico-style Male QD 34-pin M12/Euro-style Male QDSpecificationsSupply Voltage and Current10 to 30 V dc (10% maximum ripple) at 20 mA maximum current Sensing Beam640 nm visible redSupply Protection CircuitryProtected against reverse polarity and transient voltagesOutput ConfigurationBipolar (1 NPN and 1 PNP) solid-state output or Single output (PNP or NPN), LO or DO, depending on model Repeatability125 microseconds Switching FrequencyOpposed Mode: 385 Hz LP/LV Mode: 715 Hz FF Mode: 590 HzP/N 119223 Rev. M - Tel: + 1 888 373 67673Output Protection CircuitryProtected against false pulse on power-up, short-circuit protectedOutput Response TimeOpposed Mode: 1.3 ms ON; 900 µs OFF LP/LV Mode: 700 µs ON/OFF FF Mode: 850 µs ON/OFFNOTE: 120 ms delay on power-up; outputs do not conduct during this time.IndicatorsOne Yellow and one Green LED (see Figure 1)ConstructionPolarized Retro Models: Thermoplastic elastomer housing with glass lens All Other Standard Models: Thermoplastic elastomer housing with polycarbonate lensChemical-Resistant Models: Housing encased in PFA jacket; cable encased in 3/16 in O.D. PFA tubing Output RatingsOFF-state leakage current:NPN: 10 µA PNP: 10 µAON-state saturation voltage:NPN: 2 V at 50 mA PNP: 2 V at 50 mAVibration and Mechanical ShockAll models meet MIL-STD-202F, Method 201A (Vibration: 10 Hz to 60 Hz maximum, 0.06 inch (1.52 mm) double amplitude, 10G maximumacceleration) requirements. Also meets IEC 60947-5-2 (Shock: 30G 11 ms duration, half sine wave) requirements.ConnectionsStandard Models: 2 m (6.5 ft) or 9 m (30 ft) attached PVC cable, or 150 mm (6 in) pigtail with M8 or M12 threaded connection, depending on the model orderedChemical-Resistant Models: 2 m (6.5 ft) cable encased in 3/16 in O.D. PFA tubing Environmental RatingStandard Models: IEC IP67Chemical-Resistant Models: IEC IP67 (NEMA6) and PW12 1200 psi washdown per NEMA ICS5, Annex F-2002ConditionsOperating Temperature: –20 °C to +55 °C (–4 °F to +131°F)Storage Temperature: –30 °C to +75 °C (–22 °F to +167 °F)95% at +50 °C maximum relative humidity (non-condensing)Certifications(Chemical-resistant models are not UR/UL approved.)Required Overcurrent ProtectionWARNING: Electrical connections must bemade by qualified personnel in accordance with local and national electrical codes and regulations.Overcurrent protection is required to be provided by end product application per the supplied table.Overcurrent protection may be provided with external fusing or via Current Limiting, Class 2 Power Supply.Supply wiring leads < 24 AWG shall not be spliced.For additional product support, go to .Dimensions15.0 mm 4.7 mm (0.19")Polarized RetroModelsM3 mounting screws included(0.31")12.4 mm (0.49")max. torque 0.9 Nm (8 in-lbf)Figure 1. Standard Models - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 119223 Rev. MMounting hardwarenot included2 m (6.5')* When mounting by running a screw throughboth flanges without support between the flanges,Figure 2. Chemical-Resistant ModelsPerformance Curves - Opposed ModePerformance Curves - Retroreflective ModePerformance is based on the use of a model BRT-60X40C retroreflector.P/N 119223 Rev. M - Tel: + 1 888 373 67675Performance Curves - Fixed-FieldFocus and spot sizes are typical. Performance based on use of 90% reflectance white test card.*AccessoriesCordsets - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 119223 Rev. MBracketsSMBQ12T•Right-angle bracket•20-ga. 300 series stainless steelHole center spacing: A to B = 7.6Hole size: A = 3.5 x 8.1, B=ø 3.2SMBQ12A•Adjustable right-anglebracket•20-ga. 300 series stainless steelHole center spacing: A to B = 7.6Hole size: A = 3.5 x 8.1, B=ø 3.2Sensor Status IndicatorsP/N 119223 Rev. M - Tel: + 1 888 373 67677AperturesOpposed-mode sensors (standard models only) may be fitted with apertures to narrow or shape the sensor’s effective beam to more closely match the size or profile of the objects being sensed. A common example is the use of “line” (or “slot”) type apertures to sense thread.Note: The use of apertures will reduce the sensing range (see table below).Banner Engineering Corp. Limited WarrantyBanner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year following the date of shipment. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture which, at the time it is returned to the factory, is found to have been defective during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for misuse, abuse, or the improper application or installation of the Banner product.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), AND WHETHER ARISING UNDER COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR TRADE USAGE.This Warranty is exclusive and limited to repair or, at the discretion of Banner Engineering Corp., replacement. IN NO EVENT SHALL BANNER ENGINEERING CORP. BE LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY EXTRA COSTS, EXPENSES, LOSSES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY PRODUCT DEFECT OR FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, STATUTE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.Banner Engineering Corp. reserves the right to change, modify or improve the design of the product without assuming any obligations or liabilities relating to any product previously manufactured by Banner Engineering Corp. Any misuse, abuse, or improper application or installation of this product or use of the product for personal protection applications when the product is identified as not intended for such purposes will void the product warranty. Any modifications to this product without prior express approval by Banner Engineering Corp will void the product warranties. All specifications published in this document are subject to change; Banner reserves the right to modify product specifications or update documentation at any time. Specifications and product information in English supersede that which is provided in any other language. For the most recent version of any documentation, refer to:.For patent information, see /patents.FCC Part 15 and CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B)This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1.This device may not cause harmful interference, and2.This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules and CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B). These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the manufacturer.© Banner Engineering Corp. All rights reserved。



Datasheet•Advanced one-piece photoelectric sensors with outstanding optical performance and extremely rugged design•90 V AC to 250 V AC•Protected solid-state relay output; 300 mA maximum load at up to 250 V AC•Multiple sensing modes include: opposed, diffuse, retroreflective and convergent, plus glass and plastic fiber optic models •Selectable light/dark operate•Versatile plug-in modules available for output timing logic and/or signal strength display •Highly visible Power, Signal (AID ™ System 1), and Output indicator LEDs•Choice of prewired 2 m (6.5 ft) or 9 m (30 ft) unterminated cable, plus Mini-style or Micro-style quick-disconnect fittings •Versatile mounting options•Designed to withstand 1200 psi washdown; exceeds its NEMA 6P and IEC IP67 ratingWARNING:•Do not use this device for personnel protection•Using this device for personnel protection could result in serious injury or death.•This device does not include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to allow its use inpersonnel safety applications. A device failure or malfunction can cause either an energized (on) or de-energized (off) output condition.ModelsTo order the 9 m (30 ft) PVC cable model, add the suffix "W/30" to the cabled model number. For example, Q452E W/30. A model with a quick disconnect (QD) connector requires a mating cable.Opposed-Mode Emitter (E) and Receiver (R) ModelsBecause of their extremely high excess gain, these opposed-mode sensors are an excellent option for sensing in contaminated or dirty areas, and are also the best choice for long-range sensing. Sensingbeam: Infrared, 880 nmRetroreflective-Mode ModelsThe visible red sensing beam of these sensors makes them very easy to align. Model Q45BW22LP polarizes the emitted light and filters out unwanted reflections, makingsensing possible in applications otherwise considered unsuited to retroreflective sensing.Performance is specified using the model BRT-3 3-inch reflector (go to for more information). Sensing beam: Visible red, 680 nmQ45BW22 Series SensorOriginal Document 37209 Rev. G30 January 202037209Diffuse-Mode ModelsThese diffuse-mode models detect objects by sensing the reflection of their own emitted light.Ideal for use when the reflectivity and profile of the object to be sensed are sufficient to return alarge percentage of emitted light back to the sensor. Model Q45BW22DX is the first choice fordiffuse-mode applications when there are no background objects to falsely return light. Sensingbeam: Infrared, 880 nmConvergent-Mode ModelsThese sensors are ideal for reflective sensing of very small parts or profiles, and can accurately sensethe position of parts approaching from the side. Ignores all but highly reflective objects that are outsideof the sensing range. Sensing beam: Visible red, 680 nm - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 37209 Rev. GGlass Fiber-Optic ModelsThese models are an excellent choice for glass fiber optic applications where faster sensor response is not important. Their high excess gain means that opposed individual fibers can operate reliably in many very hostileenvironments. Also, special miniature bifurcated fiber optic assemblies with bundle sizes as small as 0.5 mm (0.020 in) dia. may be used successfully for diffuse-mode sensing when using sensor model Q45BW22F(Q). For more information on compatible glass fiber optics, go to .Plastic Fiber-Optic ModelsLower in cost than glass fiber optics, plastic fiber optics are ideal for use in situations whereenvironmental conditions allow (for example, low levels of acids, alkalis, and solvents). Most are easily cut to length in the field, and are available in a variety of sensing end styles. For more information on compatible plastic fiber optics, go to . Sensing beam: Visible red, 660 nmOverviewStatus indicator LEDs for power, signal, and output are clearly visible beneath a raised dome in the sensor’s transparent o-ring-sealed polycarbonate cover. Also located beneath the sensor’s o-ring-sealed cover are controls for light/dark operate selection and the sensitivity adjustment.•The power indicator (green) lights when power is applied to the sensor.•The signal indicator (red) lights when the sensor sees its modulated light source and pulses at a rate proportional to the strength of the received light signal; this is the AID ™ Alignment Indicating Device 2.•The output indicator (amber) lights when the sensor’s output is conducting. This indicator is especially useful when a timing logic module is used and signal and output conditions are not concurrent.1.LEDs•Green LED: Power on indicator •Red LED: Signal indicator•Amber LED: Output status indicator 2.Optional LED signal strength display 3.Optional timing adjustment 4.Optional timing adjustment 5.Light/dark operate switchP/N 37209 Rev. G - Tel: + 1 888 373 67673Wiring Diagram–+bn (1)bu (3)90–250 V AC1 = Brown 3 = Blue4 = Black1 = Red and black2 = Red and white3 = Red4 = GreenSpecificationsSupply Voltage and Current90 V AC to 250 V AC (50 to 60 Hz)Average current: 20 mAPeak current: 500 mA at 120 V AC, 750 mA at 250 V AC Supply Protection CircuitryProtected against transient voltagesOutput ConfigurationShort circuit/overload protected FET solid-state relayRepeatabilityOpposed mode: 0.25 millisecondsAll other sensing modes: 0.5 millisecondsResponse time and repeatability specifications are independent of signal strength.AdjustmentsLocated under the sensor’s transparent cover: Light/Dark Operate select switch; and multi-turn Sensitivity control (allows precise sensitivity setting—turn clockwise to increase gain). Optional logic and logic/display modules have adjustable timing functions. - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 37209 Rev. GOutput RatingContinuous current: 300 mA max. to 50 °C (derate to 200 mA at 70 °C, 5mA/°C)Inrush current: 3 A maximum for 100 milliseconds, 5 A maximum for 1millisecondOff-state leakage current: <100 microamps Saturation voltage: <3 V at 200 mA Output Protection CircuitryManually-resettable output latch-out trips in the event of an output overload or short circuit condition. The green Power LED flashes to indicate the latch-out. To reset the output, remove power to the sensor and load for 5seconds, then restore power.Output Response TimeOpposed mode: 2 milliseconds ON, 1 millisecond OFF All other sensing modes: 2 milliseconds ON/OFFNote: 100 millisecond delay on power-up.Output is non-conducting during this time.Required Overcurrent ProtectionWARNING: Electrical connections must bemade by qualified personnel in accordance with local and national electrical codes and regulations.Overcurrent protection is required to be provided by end product application per the supplied table.Overcurrent protection may be provided with external fusing or via Current Limiting, Class 2 Power Supply.Supply wiring leads < 24 AWG shall not be spliced.For additional product support, go to .ConstructionMolded reinforced thermoplastic polyester housing, o-ring-sealedtransparent polycarbonate cover, molded acrylic lenses, and stainless steel hardware. Q45s are designed to withstand 1200 psi washdown. The base of cabled models has a 1/2-in NPS integral internal conduit thread.IndicatorsIndicator LEDs are clearly visible beneath a raised transparent polycarbonate dome on top of the sensor.Power (green) LED: Lights whenever 90 V ac to 250 V ac power is applied,and flashes to indicate output overload or output short circuitSignal (red) AID ™ System LED: Lights whenever the sensor sees itsmodulated light source, and pulses at a rate proportional to the strength of the received light signalLoad (amber) LED: Lights whenever the output relay is energized Optional 7-element LED: Signal strength display module Environmental Rating NEMA 6P, IEC IP67ConnectionsPVC-jacketed 2 m (6.5 ft) or 9 m (30 ft) cables, or 3-pin Mini-style (“Q” suffix models) or 4-pin Micro-style (“Q1” suffix models) quick-disconnect (QD)fittings are available. QD cables are ordered separately.Operating Conditions–40 °C to +70 °C (–40 °F to +158 °F)90% at +50 °C maximum relative humidity (non-condensing)Application NotesOptional output timing modules are available.CertificationsDimensions2m (6.5') CableExternal thread (M30 x 1.5)hex nut suppliedQD ConnectorP/N 37209 Rev. G - Tel: + 1 888 373 67675Performance CurvesDiffuse-mode performance curves are based on a 90% reflectance white test card. - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 37209 Rev. Gwhite test card.Convergent mode performance curves are based on a 90% reflectanceP/N 37209 Rev. G - Tel: + 1 888 373 67677Plastic fiber optic Diffuse mode performance curves are based on a 90% reflectancewhite test card.AccessoriesCordsets - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 37209 Rev. GRetroreflective TargetsBanner offers a wide selection of high-quality retroreflective targets. See for complete information.Note: Polarized sensors require corner cube typeretroreflective targets. Non-polarized sensors may use any retroreflective target.BracketsOutput Timing Logic and Signal Strength Display ModulesQ45 sensors easily accept the addition of output timing logic and signal strength display functions. Display modules have a seven-element display that gives a more precise indication of excess gain than does the AID ™ system LED that is standard on Q45sensors. The modules listed below may be used with all Q45BW22 sensors. Refer to the module's datasheet for more information.P/N 37209 Rev. G - Tel: + 1 888 373 67679Banner Engineering Corp. Limited WarrantyBanner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year following the date of shipment. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture which, at the time it is returned to the factory, is found to have been defective during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for misuse, abuse, or the improper application or installation of the Banner product.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), AND WHETHER ARISING UNDER COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR TRADE USAGE. This Warranty is exclusive and limited to repair or, at the discretion of Banner Engineering Corp., replacement. IN NO EVENT SHALL BANNER ENGINEERING CORP. BE LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY EXTRA COSTS, EXPENSES, LOSSES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY PRODUCT DEFECT OR FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, STATUTE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.Banner Engineering Corp. reserves the right to change, modify or improve the design of the product without assuming any obligations or liabilities relating to any product previously manufactured by Banner Engineering Corp. Any misuse, abuse, or improper application or installation of this product or use of the product for personal protection applications when the product is identified as not intended for such purposes will void the product warranty. Any modifications to this product without prior express approval by Banner Engineering Corp will void the product warranties. All specifications published in this document are subject to change; Banner reserves the right to modify product specifications or update documentation at any time. Specifications and product information in English supersede that which is provided in any other language. For the most recent version of any documentation, refer to: .For patent information, see /patents.© Banner Engineering Corp. All rights reserved。


E58 Harsh Duty Photoelectric Sensors were designed to withstand your harshest physical, chemical and optical environments, 18 and 30 mm tubular enclosures.
in catalog)
UL Listed C-UL Listed CE
UL Listed C-UL Listed CE
Proximity Sensors Quick Reference Guide
Family E57P, PS
iProx Series
E57G Series E57 2 Wire sensors
E51 Series, Modular Limit Switch Style
This versatile sensing family features modular construction, a variety of operating modes and a familiar limit switch style housing.
• Thru-Beam: 20 ft. • Reflex: 15 ft. • Polarized Reflex: 10 ft. • Diffuse Reflective: 8 in. • Glass Fiber Optic: range varies with fiber
DC-only: 10 – 30V AC/DC: 20 – 132V AC, 15 – 30V DC
DC-only: 600 mA
AC-only: 1.0 A
NEMA 3, 3S, 4, 4X, 6, 6P and 13; Class I, II, III, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D, F and G (conduit entry only)



Instruction ManualMiniature Self-Contained Photoelectric Sensors in Universal Housing•Easily fits (or retrofits) almost any mounting situation•Exceptional optical performance, comparable to larger “MINI-style” or barrel sensors•10 V dc to 30 V dc operation, with complementary (SPDT) NPN or PNP outputs, depending on model•Bright LED operating status indicators are visible from 360°•Rugged sealed housing, protected circuitry•Models available with or without 18 mm threaded “nose”•Less than 1 millisecond output response for excellent sensing repeatability•Choose 2 m (6.5 ft) or 9 m (30 ft) cable or 150 mm (6 inch) Pico-style cabled QDWARNING: Not To Be Used for Personnel ProtectionNever use this device as a sensing device for personnel protection. Doing so could lead to serious injury or death. This device does not include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to allow its use inpersonnel safety applications. A sensor failure or malfunction can cause either an energized or de-energized sensor output condition.Modelssuffix "W/30" to the cabled model number. For example, QS186E W/30.•To order the 4-pin M12/Euro-style integral quick disconnect model, add the suffix "Q8" to the model number. For example, QS186EQ8.•To order the 4-pin M8/Pico-style integral quick disconnect model, add the suffix "Q7" to the model number. For example, QS186EQ7.•To order the 150 mm (6 in) PVC cable model with a 4-pin M12/Euro-style quick disconnect, add the suffix "Q5" to the model number. For example, QS186EQ5.•To order the 150 mm (6 in) PVC cable model with a 4-pin M8/Pico-style quick disconnect, add the suffix "Q" to the model number. For example,QS186EQ.•Models with a quick disconnect require a mating cordset.WORLD-BEAM ® QS18 Series SensorOriginal Document 197052 Rev. D15 August 2018197052 - Tel: +1-763-544-3164P/N 197052 Rev. DWiring DiagramsQS18 with NPN Outputs–+QS18 with PNP Outputs–+QS18 Emitters–+Key1 = Brown2 = White3 = Blue4 = BlackQuick disconnect wiring diagrams are functionally identical.Installing FibersCutting Unterminated Plastic Fibers QS18V..6FPUnterminated plastic fibers are designed to be cut by the user to the length required for the application.To facilitate cutting, a Banner model PFC-1 cutting device is supplied with the fiber. Cut the fiberas follows:Figure 1. PFC-1 Cutting DeviceUse small ports for fiber sizes:•0.25 mm (0.01 inches)•0.5 mm (0.02 inches)Use large ports for fiber sizes:•0.75 mm (0.03 inches)• 1.0 mm (0.04 inches)• 1.5 mm (0.06 inches)1.Locate the control end of the fiber (the unfinished end).2.Determine the length of fiber required for the application. If using a bifurcated fiber, separate the two halves of the fiber atleast 51 mm (2 inches) beyond the fiber cutting location.3.Lift the top (blade) of the cutter to open the cutting ports.4.Insert one of the control ends through one of the cutting ports on the cutter so that the excess fiber protrudes from theback of the cutter.5.Double-check the fiber length, and close the cutter until the fiber is cut.ing a different cutting port, cut the second control end to the required length.Note: To ensure a clean cut each time, do not use a cutting port more than once.7.Gently wipe the cut ends of the fiber with a clean, dry cloth to remove any contamination. Do not use solvents or abrasiveson any exposed optical fiber.Installing Plastic Fibers QS18V..6FPFollow these steps to install the plastic fibers.Adapter InstallationFigure 2. Installing Plastic FibersP/N 197052 Rev. D - Tel: +1-763-544-316431.Slide the fiber gripper up to unlock it (A).2.If using 0.25 mm or 0.5 mm core fibers, slide the plastic fiber adapters onto the fibers,flush with the fiber ends.3.Carefully insert the prepared plastic fiber ends into the ports (B) as far as possible without applying extra force.4.Slide the fiber gripper down to lock the fibers in place (C).Installing Glass Fibers QS18V..6FFollow these steps to install the glass fibers.1.Slide the supplied o-ring on the sensor end of the fibers, as shown.2.Press the fiber ends firmly into the ports located on the front of the sensor.3.Slide the supplied u-shaped retaining clip into the slot in the sensor’s barrel until the clip snaps into place. - Tel: +1-763-544-3164P/N 197052 Rev. DSpecificationsSupply Voltage10 V to 30 V dc (10% maximum ripple) at less than 25 mA, exclusive of load Protected against reverse polarity and transient voltages Light SourceGlass Fiber Optic, Opposed and Diffuse mode models: Infrared, 940 nm Plastic Fiber Optic, Retroreflective, Convergent models: Visible red, 660 nm Fixed-Field and DVS models: Visible red, 630 nm AdjustmentsGlass Fiber Optic, Plastic Fiber Optic, Convergent, Diffuse, andRetroreflective mode models (only): Single-turn sensitivity (Gain) adjustment potentiometer Indicators2 LED indicators on sensor top:Green solid: Power on Amber solid: Light sensedAmber flashing: Marginal excess gain (1 to 1.5 times excess gain)Required Overcurrent ProtectionWARNING: Electrical connections must bemade by qualified personnel in accordance with local and national electrical codes and regulations.Overcurrent protection is required to be provided by end product application per the supplied table.Overcurrent protection may be provided with external fusing or via Current Limiting, Class 2 Power Supply.Supply wiring leads < 24 AWG shall not be spliced.For additional product support, go to .RepeatabilityOpposed Mode: 100 microsecondsDVS, DL and FF Modes: 90 microseconds All Other Modes: 150 microsecondsOutput ConfigurationSolid-state complementary (SPDT): NPN or PNP (current sinking or sourcing), depending on model;Rating: 100 mA maximum each output at 25 °CDVS, DL and FF Modes ON-state Saturation Voltage: less than 1.5 V at 10mA; less than 3 V at 100 mAAll Other Modes: ON-state Saturation Voltage: less than 1 V at 10 mA; less than 1.5 V at 100 mAProtected against false pulse on power-up and continuous overload or short circuit of outputs Output ResponseOpposed Mode: 750 microseconds ON; 375 microseconds OFF DVS, FF and DL Modes: 850 microseconds ON/OFF All Other Modes: 600 microseconds ON/OFFNote: 100 millisecond delay on power-up; outputs do not conduct during this time Construction ABS housing3 mm mounting hardware includedConnections2 m (6.5 ft) 4-wire PVC cable, 9 m (30 ft) 4-wire PVC cable, 4-pin Pico-style or Euro-style QD, 4-pin Pico-style or Euro-style 150 mm (6 in) QD,depending on model EnvironmentalIEC IP67; NEMA 6Operating ConditionsTemperature: –20 °C to +70 °C (–4 °F to +158 °F)95% at +50 °C maximum relative humidity (non-condensing)CertificationsNote: For performance specifications of the FF50 and FF100 models built prior to date code 17090, refer to document p/n 63908.DimensionsModel Suffix E, EV, R, and FF(0.12")(0.67")Model Suffix EB, RB3.0 mm (0.12")(0.82")Model Suffix DB, W3.0 mm (0.12")(0.82")P/N 197052 Rev. D - Tel: +1-763-544-31645Model Suffix FP††CV Models: 33.2 mm (1.31")Model Suffix CV15, CV45, D, DL, LV, LPModel Suffix F17.1 mm (0.67")(0.78")Model Suffix Q7Model Suffix Q8Model Suffix Q(e.g. QS186EQ)Model Suffix Q5(e.g. QS186EQ5)(e.g. QS186EQ7)(e.g. QS186EQ8)QDPico-Style QDEuro-Style QDM18 x 1 Jam NutM3 hardware packet contents:• 2 - M3 x 0.5 x 20 mm stainless steel screw • 2 - M3 x 0.5 stainless steel hex nut • 2 - M3 stainless steel washerPacking list:•Sensor•M18 x 1 jam nut •M3 hardware packet•Quick Start Guide, p/n 63687Performance Curves - Tel: +1-763-544-3164P/N 197052 Rev. DP/N 197052 Rev. D - Tel: +1-763-544-31647 - Tel: +1-763-544-3164P/N 197052 Rev. DAccessoriesWORLD-BEAM QS18 BracketsSMB18A•Right-angle mountingbracket with a curved slotfor versatile orientation•12-ga. stainless steel•18 mm sensor mountinghole•Clearance for M4 (#8)hardwareHole center spacing: A to B = 24.2Hole size: A = ø 4.6, B = 17.0 × 4.6, C = ø 18.5SMB312S•Stainless steel 2-axis,side-mount bracketA = 4.3 × 7.5,B = diam. 3,C = 3 ×15.3All measurements are in millimeters.P/N 197052 Rev. D - Tel: +1-763-544-31649Retroreflective TargetsGo to or see the Accessories section of your current Banner Engineering Corp catalog for complete information.Note: Polarized sensors require corner cube type retroreflective targets only.Plastic and Glass Fiber OpticsGo to or see the Accessories section of your current Banner Engineering Corp catalog for a list of plastic and glass fiber optic cables.Banner Engineering Corp. Limited WarrantyBanner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year following the date of shipment. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture which, at the time it is returned to the factory, is found to have been defective during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for misuse, abuse, or the improper application or installation of the Banner product.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), AND WHETHER ARISING UNDER COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR TRADE USAGE. This Warranty is exclusive and limited to repair or, at the discretion of Banner Engineering Corp., replacement. IN NO EVENT SHALL BANNER ENGINEERING CORP. BE LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY EXTRA COSTS, EXPENSES, LOSSES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY PRODUCT DEFECT OR FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, STATUTE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.Banner Engineering Corp. reserves the right to change, modify or improve the design of the product without assuming any obligations or liabilities relating to any product previously manufactured by Banner Engineering Corp. Any misuse, abuse, or improper application or installation of this product or use of the product for personal protection applications when the product is identified as not intended for such purposes will void the product warranty. Any modifications to this product without prior express approval by Banner Engineering Corp will void the product warranties. All specifications published in this document are subject to change; Banner reserves the right to modify product specifications or update documentation at any time. Specifications and product information in English supersede that which is provided in any other language. For the most recent version of any documentation, refer to: .© Banner Engineering Corp. All rights reserved。

OsiSense XUM小型光电传感器说明书

OsiSense XUM小型光电传感器说明书

OsiSense® XUM Miniature Photoelectric SensorsHigh performancein a small packageOffering long sensing distances and resistance to interference and light sources>Easy to installContributes to machine compactnessWider adjustment range>EconomicalIncreases profi tability>Readily availableContributes to machine performanceContentsMiniature diffuse, polarized retrorefl ective, thru-beam dedicated models and multimode photoelectric sensorsIntroduction p 2 and 3Three-wire, plastic dedicated models p 4 to 7Three-wire, metal dedicated models p 8 to 11Three-wire, plastic multimode p 12 and 13NOTE: Sensors described in this catalog are designed to be used for standard industrial presence sensingapplications. These sensors do not include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to allow fortheir use in safety applications.>Contributes to machine compactnessEasy to install:Compact product, the most commonly used standard size• Long sensing distances: up to 5 m (16.40 ft) retrore fl ective, 15 m (49.21 ft) thru-beam, and 1 m (3.28 ft) diffuse • High insensitivity to light sources: withstands up to 40,000 lux natural light/10,000 lux incandescent light • Good resistance to severe environments: -30 to 60 °C (-22 to 140 °F) with IP67 degree of protection rating (IP69 K or IP67 G available)50%50% energy consumption: twice as many sensors can be placed on thesame power supply >Increases profi tabilityEconomical and Simple:• NO/NC con fi guration switch located on the bottom of the sensor for protection against accidental adjustment• Output LED on the front face of thru-beam sensors for easier alignment during installation >Selection guide XUM photoelectric sensors 3-wire DC Polarized Retrore fl ective DiffuseM82 m cable 2 m cable 1 (3.28) 5 (16.40)M8 2 m cable Thru-Beam 15 (49.21) with adjustable sensitivitytransmitter + receiver 12–24 Vdc with protection against reverse polarityNO/NC con fi gurable par switchIP65, IP67 * For multimode thru-beam applications, see page 12 for appropriate transmitter and receiver selection.100%availabilitythroughoutthe world >Contributes to machine performanceReadily available:• Robust products designed to meet your needs• Particularly well suited for machines used in the assembly and packaging sectors, the automotive industry, conveying, etc.Packaging Automotive Materials handling Multimode 0...10 (32.81)depending on mode3-wire DCwith adjustable sensitivity IP67, IP69 K, IP67 G 12–24 Vdc with protection against reverse polarity Fixed NO or NC, PNP or NPN XUM9BPANL2 XUM9BNANL22 m cable5 (16.40) with re fl ector XUZC50Polarized Retrore fl ective XUM9BPBNL2XUM9BNBNL22 m cable 15 (49.21)Thru-Beamtransmitter + receiverDiffuse 2 m cable 0.77 (2.53) XUM5BPANL2 XUM5BNANL2XUM5BPBNL2 XUM5BNBNL2System Supplym (ft) M8XUM5A p CNM8XUZ C08567XUZMSV pp XUZMSH pp XUZMU01Catalog Numbers OsiSense® Photoelectric sensorsOptimumMiniature design, plasticThree-wire DC solid-state outputNO/NC confi guration switchXUZAM04524754XUZAM03524753Distance (m)Parallelmovement(cm)Vertical movementHorizontal movementParallelmovement(cm)XUZ C50Parallelmovement(cm)Distance (m) wiring diagramscurvesOptimumMiniature design, plasticThree-wire DC solid-state outputNO/NC confi guration switchDiffuse system, polarized retrorefl ective system (mm)Pre-cabled version Connector versionDescription - XUM5A p CNL2, XUM9A p CNL2Dimensions - XUM5A p CNL2,XUM9A p CNL2Description - XUM5A p CNM8,XUM9A p CNM8Dimensions - XUM5A p CNM8,XUM9A p CNM8(1) Confi guration switch(2) Output state LED(3) Stability and power-on LEDR: Reception, T: Transmission(1) Potentiometer(1) Confi guration switch(2) Output state LED(3) Stability and power-on LEDR: Reception, T: Transmission(1) Potentiometer(4) Adjustment potentiometer(5) Power-on LEDT: Transmission(1) Potentiometer(1) Confi guration switch(2) Output state LEDR: Reception(1) Output state LED on front face(4) Adjustment potentiometer(5) Power-on LEDT: Transmission(1) Potentiometer(1) Confi guration switch(2) Output state LED(3) Stability and power-on LEDR: Reception(1) Output state LED on front faceNO/NC confi guration switchNO/NC confi guration switchXUZ C08XUM 2B2KCL2T XUM 2B pp NL2RXUZ AM81Catalog Numbers OsiSense ® Photoelectric sensorsApplicationMiniature design, metalThree-wire DC solid-state output(+) BN (Brown)OUT/Output BK (Black)P a r a l l e l m o v e m e n t (c m )Horizontal movementP a r a l l e l m o v e m e n t (c m )XUZ C50P a r a l l el m o v e m e n t (cm )Distance (m)Characteristics, schemes, curvesOsiSense ® Photoelectric sensorsApplicationMiniature design, metalThree-wire DC solid-state outputDiffuse system (mm)Description - XUM 5B pp NL2Dimensions - XUM 5B pp NL2(3) Adjustment potentiometer.R: Reception, T: Transmission.Polarized retrorefl ective system (mm)NL2Dimensions - XUM 9B pp NL2Description - XUM 9B ppDescription - XUM 2BKCNL2T Dimensions - XUM 2BKCNL2T Dimensions - XUM 2B pp NL2R(2) Stability and power-on LED.Accessories (mm)Refl ectors Mounting bracket XUZ C08XUZ C50XUZ AM81(1) 2 x M3(1) Elongated holes 4.5 x 8OsiSense ® Photoelectric sensorsMulti-modeMiniature designThree-wire DC supply, solid-state outputXUM0APSAL5.Dimensions (mm)XUM0A ppp L2XUM0A ppp M8Elbowed connector501543_1501542_1XUM0A ppp M8XUM0A ppp L2XUZC50XUZ M2003XUZ2001XUZ 2003XUZ A50Catalog Numbers,dimensionsOsiSense ® Photoelectric sensorsMulti-modeMiniature designThree-wire DC solid-state output1 (+)4 OUT/Output 2 beam break input (1)(+) BN (Brown)OUT/Output BK (Black)Beam break input VI (Violet) (1)2/VI input:- not connected: beam madefl ection coef fi cientSpeci fi cations, wiring diagrams,curves(1) Beam break input on thru-beam transmitter only.The information and dimensions in this catalog are provided for the convenience of our customers. While this information is believed to be accurate, Schneider Electric reserves the right to makeupdates and changes without prior notifi cation and assumes no liability for any errors or omissions. Design: Schneider ElectricPhotos: Schneider Electric© 2010 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved.April 20109 0 0 6 C T 1 0 0 3Schneider Electric USA, Schneider Electric SensorCompetency Center1875 Founders DriveDayton OH 45420(800) 435-2121。



Photoelectric SensorsFiber Optics2.124DiffuseUniversal 0.187" (4.75mm) Amplifier Tip Stainless Steel Jacket (T ype 302)PVC Jacket (Steel ReinforcedMiniature 0.086" (2.18mm) Amplifier Tip Stainless Steel Jacket (T ype 302)PVC Jacket (Steel Reinforced Thru-beamUniversal 0.187" (4.75mm) Amplifier Tip Stainless Steel Jacket (T ype 302)PVC Jacket (Steel ReinforcedMiniature 0.086" (2.18mm) Amplifier Tip Stainless Steel Jacket (T ype 302)PVC Jacket (Steel Reinforced)Sensing TipSensing Tip MaterialCable Length (Other Lengths available)Bend Radius, Stainless Steel Bend Radius, PVCOperating T emperature, Steel Operating Temperature, PVCFiber Core Diameter (48G Universal)Fiber Core Diameter (22G Miniature)Pull ForceSensing Mode NominalSensing RangeBOS 72K (22G)BOS 16K (48G)BFO 48G-DSV-SC-1BFO 48G-DSV-PC-1BFO 22G-DSV-SD-1BFO 22G-DSV-PD-1BFO 48G-TSV-SC-1BFO 48G-TSV-PC-1BFO 22G-TSV-SD-1BFO 22G-TSV-PD-1Side view Brass 1 m >25 mm >12 mm-45° C to +275° C -40° C to +105° C2.36 mm 1.57 mm 6.81 kgThru-beam 600 mm 350 mmDiffuse 80 mm 40 mmBFO 48G-DTA-SB-1BFO 48G-DTA-PB-1BFO 22G-DTA-SD-1BFO 22G-DTA-PD-1BFO 48G-TTA-SB-1BFO 48G-TTA-PB-1BFO 22G-TTA-SD-1BFO 22G-TTA-PD-1Threaded to smooth right angleBrass 1 m >25 mm >12 mm-45° C to +275° C -40° C to +105° C3.17 mm 1.57 mm 6.81 kgThru-beam 600 mm 500 mmDiffuse 140 mm 80 mmThru-beam 600 mm 500 mmBFO 48G-DT -SB-1BFO 48G-DT -PB-1BFO 22G-DT -SD-1BFO 22G-DT -PD-1BFO 48G-TT -SB-1BFO 48G-TT -PB-1BFO 22G-TT -SD-1BFO 22G-TT -PD-1Straight threadedBrass 1 m >25 mm >12 mm-45° C to +275° C -40° C to +105° C3.17 mm 1.57 mm 6.81 kgDiffuse 140 mm 80 mmNote : Thru-beam fiber optics are sold as individual cables. Two cables must be ordered to complete a pair. Consult factory for additional cable lengths.BFOGlass FibersThru-beam & DiffuseC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m/photoelectric BFO 48G-DN-SD-1BFO 48G-DN-PD-1BFO 22G-DN-SD-1BFO 22G-DN-PD-1BFO 48G-TN-SD-1BFO 48G-TN-PD-1BFO 22G-TN-SD-1BFO 22G-TN-PD-1NeedleStainless Steel (T ype 302)1 m >25 mm >12 mm-45° C to +275° C -40° C to +105° C1.57 mm 1.57 mm 6.81 kgThru-beam 600 mm 230 mmDiffuse 140 mm 50 mmApplication tip:application.C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mPhotoelectricSensors Fiber Optics2.126BFO 48G-DS-SB-1 BFO 48G-DS-PB-1BFO 22G-DS-SD-1 BFO 22G-DS-PD-1BFO 48G-TS-SB-1 BFO 48G-TS-PB-1BFO 22G-TS-SD-1 BFO 22G-TS-PD-1Straight, Smooth BarrelBrass1 m>25 mm>12 mm-45° C to +275° C -40° C to +105° C3.17 mm1.57 mm6.81 kgNote: Thru-beam fiber optics are sold as individual cables. Two cables must be ordered to complete a pair.Consult factory for additional cable lengths.BFO 48G-DA-SB-1BFO 48G-DA-PB-1BFO 22G-DA-SD-1BFO 22G-DA-PD-1BFO 48G-TA-SB-1BFO 48G-TA-PB-1BFO 22G-TA-SD-1BFO 22G-TA-PD-1Right Angle SmoothBrass1 m>25 mm>12 mm-45° C to +275° C-40° C to +105° C3.17 mm1.57 mm6.81 kgBFO 48G-DAT-SB-1BFO 48G-DAT-PB-1BFO 22G-DAT-SD-1BFO 22G-DAT-PD-1BFO 48G-TAT-SB-1BFO 48G-TAT-PB-1BFO 22G-TAT-SD-1BFO 22G-TAT-PD-1Angle to ThreadedBrass1 m>25 mm>12 mm-45° C to +275° C-40° C to +105° C3.17 mm1.57 mm6.81 kgDiffuseUniversal 0.187" (4.75mm) Amplifier TipStainless Steel Jacket (T ype 302)PVC Jacket (Steel ReinforcedMiniature 0.086" (2.18mm) Amplifier TipStainless Steel Jacket (T ype 302)PVC Jacket (Steel ReinforcedThru-beamUniversal 0.187" (4.75mm) Amplifier TipStainless Steel Jacket (T ype 302)PVC Jacket (Steel ReinforcedMiniature 0.086" (2.18mm) Amplifier TipStainless Steel Jacket (T ype 302)PVC Jacket (Steel Reinforced)Sensing TipSensing Tip MaterialCable Length (Other Lengths available)Bend Radius, Stainless SteelBend Radius, PVCOperating T emperature, SteelOperating Temperature, PVCFiber Core Diameter (48G Universal)Fiber Core Diameter (22G Miniature)Pull ForceSensing ModeNominalSensing RangeBOS 72K (22G)BOS 16K (48G)Thru-beam600 mm500 mmDiffuse140 mm80 mmThru-beam600 mm500 mmDiffuse140 mm80 mmThru-beam600 mm500 mmDiffuse140 mm80 mmStainless Steel DiffuseStainless Steel Thru-BeamPVC Thru-BeamBFOGlass FibersThru-beam & DiffuseCyofCMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne▪MotionControl▪Hydraulic▪Pneumatic▪Electrical▪Mechanical▪(8)426-548▪www.cmafh.co m。

OD mini短量程激光测距传感器选型手册(中文版)

OD mini短量程激光测距传感器选型手册(中文版)

1) MF可用于关闭激光、触发、外部自学习或停止。
OD Mini
识 别 与 测 量
识别与测量 839
电源电压 Vs 功耗 1)
DC 12 V (–5 %) ... DC 24 V (+10 %) ≤ 1.92 W
≤ 5 min
OD Mini – 短量程(位移)激光距离传感器 短量程(位移)激光距离传感器
OD Mini
836 识别与测量
OD Mini
小型位移传感器 – 性能卓越
• 在动态应用中精确测量和定位的微米级物品 − 测量速度快,不受物体表面光亮和颜色的影响
• 外形紧凑 − 能够安装于受限空间
与 测


50 mm ... 150 mm
1 x 4 mA ... 20 mA (< 300 Ω)
配备4针M12插头 的电缆
1 x PNP/NPN, 可选
识别与测量 841
1) 动态平均输出值为512。 2) 环境条件恒定。 3) 适用于90 %反射率的物品(白色陶瓷)。 4) 为了达到最佳性能,需预热机器,预热时间不大于5 min。 5) 激活自动光敏度调节功能时,响应时间将增加一倍。 6) 波长650 nm,最大输出0.39 mW。
多功能输入(MF) 1)


信号冗余 100
订货信息 型号 GL6-N1111 GL6-N1112 GL6-N4111 GL6-N4112 GL6-P1111 GL6-P1112 GL6-P4111 GL6-P4112
订货号 1050709 1051780 1050707 1051778 1050708 1051779 1050706 1051777
Ø 6.6
Ø 5.6
Ø 5.3
1 2 3
0 mm
28.5 (1.12) 25.4 (1.00) 31.5 (1.24)
4 6
3 (0.12)
调节 所有型号
+ –
4 7

GL6-N1111 GL6-N1112 GL6-P1111 GL6-P1112
附件 电缆和插头 安装附件 反射镜
4针,M8 1 L+



377FIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTOELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSE SENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASUREMENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMAN MACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISIONSYSTEMSUV CURINGSYSTEMSSimple automatic sensitivity settingAnyone can carry out the optimum sensitivity setting bysimply pressing two buttons.Quick wire connectionA snap of the lever secures the connection of the sensor headcables on the SU-7 amplifier. It is no longer required to stripthe wire insulation. Further, the exclusive stripper (accessory)can be used to easily peel off the sensor cable outer sheath.1ligning with the mark to bedetected, press the “ON” button.2A ligning with the background,press the “OFF” button.Caution: The outer fluorine sheath of the chemical resistant type sensor head,SH-61R, cannot be cut off with the exclusive stripper.1Strip the cable sheathswith the exclusive stripper.2Insert the wires intothe holes.3Flip up and lockthe lever.Refer to “PRECAUTIONS FOR PROPER USE(p.387~)” for further details.Nine advanced functions for versatile sensingFUNCTIONSthe push of one button without the presence of an object.the center towards either ON or OFF level.levels. They can be selected by the remote inputs.specified by an external input.stability indicator indicates thedegree of the sensitivity margin.ON-delay or OFF-delay of 0 to 5 sec.Thickness: 10 mm 0.394 inChemical resistant typeStrong against chemicalsSince the sensor heads and the attached cables arecovered by fluorine resin, SH-61R can be used in aharsh chemical environment.Moreover, it has a longsensing range of 2.5 m8.202 ft.ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCESH-61RInstallation space can be greatly reduced as the SU-7amplifier is just 10 mm 0.394 in thick.(W10 × H31.5 × D67 mm W0.394 × H1.240 × D2.638 in)MOUNTING / SIZELong sensing range2.5 m 8.202 ft/id/pidsx/globalSlim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric SensorSU-7 SERIES SH SERIES378FIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREASENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOWSENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLEWIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLCHUMAN MACHINE INTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FA COMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UV CURINGSYSTEMSLine-focus typeSuitable for detecting printed charactersIt can be used to detect printed characters because of its line shaped projected area of 1 × 4 mm 0.039 × 0.157 in .VARIETIESSH-84RSpot size 1 × 4 mm0.039 × 0.157 inGlass substrate detection typeReliable glass substrate detectionIts unique optical system enables detection of transparent glass plate, as well as, specular film deposited glass plate at the same distance.No dead zoneRepeatability: 0.03 mm 0.001 inNot affected by backgroundSuitable for tiny object sensingSpot diameter: ø0.7 mm ø0.028 inTop/bottom face of a chip component can be easily discriminated.Ultra-small typeSensor head with indicatorAn operation indicator, whichenables an easy checking of the operation at site, has beenincorporated.2 m 6.562 ft long sensing range with red LED beam (SH-33R)Visible red LED beam makes alignment easy.Ultra-slim typeCompact size: 0.3 cm 3Thickness: 3 mm0.118 inSH-72ø0.7 mm ø0.028 inRed/white color discriminationDiscrimination between red/white, red/yellow or red/orange, which is difficult with the red LED type, is easy with SH-82G .Spot diameter ø1 mm ø0.039 in• Side sensing Versatile mountingThru-beam type sensor head• Front sensingOperation indicator (Red)Diffuse reflective typesensor head• Front sensing379Slim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric Sensor SU-7SERIES SHSERIESFIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORSAREA SENSORSSAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE /FLOW SENSORSINDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULARUSE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONSSIMPLE WIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORSSTATIC CONTROL DEVICESLASER MARKERSPLCHUMAN MACHINE INTERFACESENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSSensor heads AmplifiersSlim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric SensorSU-7 SERIES SH SERIES380FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSPlug-in connector typeIt is usable with the sensor & wire-saving link system S-LINK , sensor block for simple wiring SL-BMW or SL-BW , or with connector attached cable CN-54-C2 or CN-54-C5.Sensor & wire-saving link system S-LINK(Refer to our website for details.)Sensor block for simple wiring SL-BMW, SL-BW(Refer to p.1015~ for details.)Connector attached cable CN-54-C2 (2 m 6.562 ft long)CN-54-C5 (5 m 16.404 ft long)Accessories• MS-DIN-2(Amplifier mounting bracket)• SU-CT1(Exclusive stripper)• MS-SH6-1(Sensor head mounting bracket for SH-61R)Slit mask• OS-SS3The sensor head and the slit mask are mounted together.Sensor head mounting bracket• MS-SS3-1Two M3 (length 12 mm 0.472 in ) screws with washers are attached.• MS-SH6-2No screw is attached.• CHX-SC2Sensor checker• MS-DS-1Two M3 (length 14 mm 0.551 in ) screws withwashers are attached.381Slim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric Sensor SU-7SERIES SHSERIESFIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORSAREA SENSORSSAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE /FLOW SENSORSINDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULARUSE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONSSIMPLE WIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORSSTATIC CONTROL DEVICESLASER MARKERSPLCHUMAN MACHINE INTERFACESENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSSensor heads2) The sensing range and the hysteresis of the diffuse reflective type sensor are specified for white non-glossy paper (50 × 50 mm 1.969 × 1.969 in) as theobject.3) Make sure to confirm detection with an actual sensor before use.4) The optimum condition is the condition when the sensitivity is adjusted so that the operation indicator just lights up at the given distance in the lightreceived condition.5) The optimum sensitivity stands for the sensitivity level when the operation indicator just lights up in the light received condition.Slim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric SensorSU-7 SERIES SH SERIES382FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERSPLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSobject approaches the spot sideways as shown below (0.12 mm 0.005 inSensor headsNotes: 1) Where measurement conditions have not been specified precisely, theconditions used were an ambient temperature of +23 °C +73.4 °F .2) The sensing range and the hysteresis of the mark sensor are specified for white non-glossy paper (50 × 50 mm 1.969 × 1.969 in ) as the object.3) The sensing range and the hysteresis for the chemical resistant type sensor used in the convergent reflective mode is specified for white non-glossy paper (150 × 150 mm 5.906 × 5.906 in ) as the object .4) Make sure to confirm detection with an actual sensor before use.5) The optimum sensitivity stands for the sensitivity level when the operation indicator just lights up in the light received condition.6) The minimum sensing object for SH-84R is specified for the case when Spot383Slim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric Sensor SU-7SERIES SHSERIESFIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORSAREA SENSORSSAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE /FLOW SENSORSINDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULARUSE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONSSIMPLE WIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORSSTATIC CONTROL DEVICESLASER MARKERSPLCHUMAN MACHINE INTERFACESENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSAmplifiers2) SU-7J is plug-in connector type.Slim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric SensorSU-7 SERIES SH SERIES384FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITSWIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMS12 to 24 V DC ±10 %SU-7 SU-7J Standard type/NPN outputI/O circuit diagramWiring diagram12 to 24 V DC ±10 %12 to 24 V DC ±10 %SU-77Remote sensitivity setting type12 to 24 V DC ±10 %SU-75External synchronization input typeI/O circuit diagram12 to 24 V DC ±10 %SU-79Remote sensitivity selection typeI/O circuit diagramSymbols … D: Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D1, Z D2: Surge absorption zener diode Tr 1, Tr 2 : NPN output transistorSymbols … D: Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D1, Z D2: Surge absorption zener diode Tr 1, Tr 2 : NPN output transistorSymbols … D: Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D1, Z D2: Surge absorption zener diode Tr 1, Tr 2 : NPN output transistor385Slim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric Sensor SU-7SERIES SHSERIESFIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORSAREA SENSORSSAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE /FLOW SENSORSINDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULARUSE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONSSIMPLE WIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORSSTATIC CONTROL DEVICESLASER MARKERSPLCHUMAN MACHINE INTERFACESENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSSU-7P Standard type/PNP output I/O circuit diagram Wiring diagramSH-21 SH-21E Thru-beam type SH-31R Thru-beam type SH-31G Thru-beam type SH-33R Thru-beam typeSH-22Diffuse reflective type SH-32R Diffuse reflective typeSH-72Glass substrate detection sensor SH-82R Mark sensor SH-82G Mark sensor SH-84R Mark sensor Parallel deviation Parallel deviation Parallel deviation Parallel deviationSensing field Sensing fieldSensing field Sensing field Sensing field Sensing fieldCorrelation between sensing object size and sensing rangeAs the sensing object sizebecomes smaller than thestandard size (white non-glossypaper 50 × 50 mm 1.969 ×1.969 in), the sensing rangeshortens, as shown in the leftgraph.For plotting the left graph,the sensitivity has been setsuch that a 50 × 50 mm 1.969× 1.969 in white non-glossypaper is just detectable at adistance of 100 mm 3.937 in.12 to 24 V DC±10 %in)7.874 3.937 3.9377.874SettingdistanceL(mft0.787 1.575 2.362 3.150White non-glossy paperside length a (mm in)SensingrangeL(mmin)0.1570.157Center Right)SettingdistanceL(mminin)0.0390.0200.0200.039Symbols … D: Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D1, Z D2: Surge absorption zener diodeTr1, Tr2 : PNP output transistorSlim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric SensorSU-7 SERIES SH SERIES386FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONSSIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSSH-61RChemical resistant typeFor ultra-small type, mark sensor & glass substrate detection sensor• The tightening torque should be 0.29 N·m or less when mounting the sensor head with the screws.Parallel deviationSensing field with optional mounting bracket (MS-SH6-2)Chemical resistant type• Use M3 screws to mount the sensor head with the attached sensor head mounting bracket.• Use M4 screws to assemble the sensor head with the optional sensor head mounting bracket MS-SH6-2, in order to form the convergent sensing mode.In case of chemical resistant type sensor head • Do not use where it can be exposed to molten alkali metals (sodium, potassium, lithium, etc.), fluorine gas (F 2), CIF 3, OF 2 (including gaseous state), etc.• In case of cable extension, the extended portionshould be placed in an area where it is not exposed to chemicals.Sensor head15.7487.87415.7487.874)S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m f t)MountingUltra-slim type The tightening torque should be 0.14N·m or less.The tightening torque should be 0.14 N·m or less.<Side sensing><Front sensing>• With tapped screws• With attached screws and nuts<Side sensing><Front sensing>Sensor head mounting bracket MS-SS3-1 (Optional)FIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSAmplifierWiring• The self-diagnosis output does not incorporate a short-circuit protection circuit. Do not connect it directly to apower supply or a capacitive load.Sensitivity setting●Normal sensitivity setting●Sensitivity for detecting minute differences●For applications in which beam intensity fluctuatesRemote sensitivity selection function (SU-79 only)• SU-79 can store four channels of sensitivity levels, whichcan be selected as per your requirement.Designate the channel that is to store the sensitivity bymaking the remote sensitivity selection inputs 1 and 2suitably High or Low.Signal conditionLow: 0 to 1 VHigh: 4.5 to 30 V, or openInput impedance: 10 kΩChannel selection●Maximum sensitivity setting*How to set sensitivity with external inputsFIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSAmplifierExternal synchronization function (SU-75 only)• The external synchronization function can be used to control the timing of sensing. Edge trigger or gate trigger are available.Note: The external synchronization selection switch must be turned fullyclockwise or counterclockwise.Test input (emission halt) function (SU-75 only)• When the test input (emission halt input) (violet) is short-circuited to 0 V (Low), the beam emission is halted. This function is useful for a start-up test since the sensing output can be made ON/OFF without the sensing object. Short-circuit to 0 V and open the input, repeatedly. If the sensing output follows this operation, the sensor is working well, else not.Timer function (Excluding SU-75)• Every SU-7 series amplifier (excluding SU-75) is incorporated with a variable ON/OFF delay timer for 0 to 5 sec.ON-delayAs only longersignals are extracted, this function is useful for detecting if a line is clogged, or for sensing only objects taking a long time to travel.OFF-delaySince the outputa fixed time interval, this function is useful if the output signal is so short that the connected device cannot respond.Self-diagnosis function• The sensor checks the incident light intensity, and if it isreduced due to dirt or dust, or beam misalignment, an output is generated.Sensing condition Sensing output (operation indicator)(in the Light-ON mode)Stability indicatorSelf-diagnosis output1The self-diagnosis output transistor stays in the “OFF” state during stable sensing.2 When the sensing output changes, if the incident light intensity does not reach the stable light received level or the stable dark level, the self-diagnosis output becomes ON. It is automatically restored after 40 ms approx.Further, the self-diagnosis output changes state when the sensing output changes from Light to Dark state.It is not affected by the output operation of the sensing output.3 In case of insufficient beam interruption, there will be a time lag before the self-diagnosis output turns ON.Others• Do not use during the initial transient time (0.5 sec.) after the power supply is switched on.• Timer period settingNote: Adjust the timer under “SET” mode. Adjustmentis not allowed in “SIF” or “RUN” mode.Adjust the time duration of ON or OFF delay by turning the timer adjuster.T ≥ 0.6 ms (T ≥ 0.8 ms when the interference prevention function is used)Place ferrite core at the sensor cable.Place a ferrite core near the amplifier.In that condition, the sensor head cable should be single-winding.Prepare 1 pc. of the following recommended ferrite core (or an equivalent product.)<Recommended product>ESD-SR-110 [NEC TOKIN Corporation]When sensor head is reflective typeWhen sensor head is thru-beam typeUse conditions to comply with CE Marking(SH-3□ only)• Following work must be done in cace of using this product as a CE marking (European standard EMC Directive) conforming product.FIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSMS-DIN-2Amplifier mounting bracket (Accessory for amplifier)Sensor headSH-21ESensor headSH-22Sensor headSH-32RSensor headSH-21Sensor headSH-31R SH-31G SH-33RAssembly dimensions with attached amplifier mounting bracketNotes: 1) It is the external synchronization selection switch on SU-75.2) The top view is shown without the cover or the sensor head cable.Note: The above dimensions are identical for the emitter and the receiver.0.089Material: C old rolled carbon steel (SPCC)(Uni-chrome plated)FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORSAREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORSSTATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLCHUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSSensor head SH-82R SH-82G SH-84RSensor headSH-72Sensor headSH-61RMS-SH6-1Sensor head mounting bracket (Accessory for SH-61R )Stripper (Accessory for amplifier)SU-CT1Sensor head mounting bracket (Optional)MS-DS-1Sensor head mounting bracket (Optional)MS-SS3-1Sensor head mounting bracket (Optional)MS-SH6-20.5.5 t 0.024) ) Material: S Material: S (SUS304)。

VISHAY SEMICONDUCTORS 光电传感器应用手册 环境光传感器 - 电路和窗口设计说明

VISHAY SEMICONDUCTORS 光电传感器应用手册 环境光传感器 - 电路和窗口设计说明

V I S H AY S E M I C O N D U C T O R SOptical SensorsAmbient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignA P PL I C AT I O NNAmbient light sensors are used to detect light or brightness in a manner similar to the human eye. They are most commonly found in industrial lighting, consumer electronics, and automotive systems, where they allow settings to be adjusted automatically in response to changing ambient light conditions. By turning on, turning off, or adjusting features, ambient light sensors can conserve battery power and provide extra safety while eliminating the need for manual adjustments.Vishay offers a wide variety of ambient light sensors in leaded and surface mount packages, with photodiode or phototransistor outputs, narrow to broad viewing angles or angles of half sensitivity, and automotive qualified to the AEC-Q101 standard (Table 1). Sensors that are automotive qualified have an “X01” in the part number.Table 1Notes(1)E v = 100 lux, V CE= 5 V, CIE illuminant A, typical (2)E v = 100 lux, V CE= 5 V, e.g., Sylvania color abbrev. D830, typical PART NUMBER MOUNTINGSIZE(mm)PEAK WAVELENGTH(nm)BANDWIDTH(nm)ANGLE OFHALFSENSITIVITY (± °)LIGHT CURRENT (1)STANDARD A (μA)LIGHT CURRENT (2)FLUORESCENT(μA)PHOTODIODE OUTPUT TEMD6010FX01SMD 2.0 x 4.0 x 1.0540430 to 610600.040.03TEMD5510FX01SMD 4.2 x 5.0 x 1.1540430 to 61065 1.000.70TEMD6200FX01SMD 1.2 x 2.0 x 0.85540430 to 610600.040.03BPW21R Leaded TO5 - 8 mm 565420 to 675500.900.75PHOTOTRANSISTOR OUTPUTTEMT6200FX01SMD 1.2 x 2.0 x 0.85550450 to 61060127TEMT6000X01SMD 2.0 x 4.0 x 1.0570430 to 800605021TEPT5700Leaded 5 mm, flat top570430 to 800507531TEPT5600Leaded 5 mm 570430 to 80020350145TEPT4400Leaded3 mm570430 to 8003020083TEMD5510FX01TEMD6010FX01TEMT6000X01TEMT6200FX01TEMD6200FX01TEPT5600TEP TEPT5700BPW21R PTEPT4400Ambient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignL I C A T I O N N O T EFILTERINGMost photodiodes and some phototransistors feature an epoxy filter that improves the relative spectral sensitivity to be closer to the sensitivity of the human eye; this is sometimes called the v(λ) curve. Part numbers that contain the letter “F” feature this epoxy. Figure 1 shows an ambient light sensor without the epoxy filter and figure 2 shows the sensor with the epoxy filter. With this epoxy filter the bandwidth (λ0.5) is reduced from 430 nm to 800 nm to 430 nm to 610 nm.Fig. 1 - Graph without Epoxy Filter Fig. 2 - Graph with Epoxy FilterBINNINGVishay offers phototransistor- and photodiode-based ambient light sensors. For a given irradiance, phototransistors may showlot-to-lot variability of the output current caused by variability of the photosensitivity of the chip and the transistor gain. The lot-to-lot variability of photodiodes is significantly lower because it is caused only by the variability of the photosensitivity. Vishay offers its ambient light sensors with phototransistor output in binned groups (Table 2). These groups cannot be ordered separately but each reel is marked with a label A, B, or C that will allow the user to select the appropriate load resistor to compensate for these wide tolerances.Table 2 - TEMT6200FX0120019- - Wavelength (nm)S (O )r e l - R e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l S e n s i t i v i t y0. (nm)R e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l S e n s i t i v i t y20047TYPE DEDICATED CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONBINNED GROUPSYMBOL MIN.MAX.UNIT Photo currentE V = 100 lux, CIE illuminant A, V CE = 5 VA I PCE 7.515μAB I PCE 1224μA CI PCE19.539μAAmbient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignL I C A T I O N N O T ECHOOSING THE LOAD RESISTORIn order to minimize the output variability of the sensor, the load resistor (R L ) needs to be selected based on the illuminance expected or measured in the application. A typical circuit for operating an ambient light sensor with phototransistor output is shown in Figure 3. For the TEMT6200FX01, the typical output current is 4.6 μA at 20 lux. At 100 lux the output current ranges from 7.5 μA to 39 μA. With the binning mentioned previously, this 100 lux range is split into three bins. A different load resistor should be used for each bin so the output is relatively consistent for a given lux level.Fig. 3Let’s assume that the application detection range is from 10 lux to 1000 lux. With a 10 k Ω load resistor, a voltage from 0.023 V to 2.3 V is produced. The photo current based on the voltage equates to 2.3 μA to 230 μA.The goal in choosing the resistor is to have the same output voltage for the mean value of each bin, Table 3.Table 3Table 4By changing the resistor based on the bin, the overall tolerance of the TEMT6200FX01 is reduced from a factor of 5 (7.5 to 39) to a factor 2 (e.g. 12 to 24).R LPART NUMBERBIN PHOTO CURRENT, I PCE at 100 lux (μA)MIN.MEAN MAX.TEMT6200FX01A7.511.2515B 1218.0024C19.529.2539BIN BBIN ABIN CI PCE = 18 μA, R L = 10 k ΩV = 18 μA x 10 k ΩV = 180 mV0.18 V = 0.00001125 A x R L R L = 0.18 V/0.00001125 AR L = 16 k Ω0.18 V = 0.00002925 A x R L R L = 0.18 V/0.00002925 AR L = 6.2 k ΩAmbient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignL I C A T I O N N O T EOPERATING FROM 1 lux TO 100 000 luxThe sensitivity of TEMT6200FX01 allows detection of ambient light from 1 lux to 100 000 lux. In many applications, the detection range of an ambient light sensor is from 1 lux to 1000 lux. The calculations for the load resistor on the previous page were for this range. The maximum allowable current for the TEMT6200FX01 is 20 mA. Extrapolating the graph of the photo current versus illuminance in figure 4, a photo current of 18 mA is approximately equal to 100 000 lux. The relationship between photo current and ambient light is linear. Given the extremely low dark current for this part of 50 nA, and again extrapolating the graph, results in approximately 180 nA of photo current for 1 lux. The output current from 1 lux to 100 000 lux is 180 nA to 18 mA.Fig. 4 - Photo Current vs. IlluminanceD epending on the sensitivity of the analog-to-digital converter, an operational amplifier could be placed at the output of the sensor as shown in figure 5. In this case, a load resistor of 10 k Ω results in an output voltage of 2 mV to 2.0 V for an ambient level of 1 lux to 1000 lux. Fig. 5Operating over the full ambient range of 1 lux to 100 000 lux and using a 1 k Ω load resistor would result in an output voltage from 0.18 mV to 18 V. Given a typical operating voltage of 5 V or less, this circuit design is not adequate. The load resistor will need to switch based on the output of the operational amplifier (figure 6). Switching a low-ohm resistor that is in parallel to the divider resistor to ground when the operational amplifier is above a certain value, for example 3 V, allows full-range operation. Fig. 60.0010.010.111010100100010 00020769-1E V - Illuminance (Ix)I P C E - P h o t o C u r r e n t (m A)E V = 1 lux to 1000 lux I PCE = 0.2 μA to 200 μA R L = 10 k ΩV RL = (0.2 μA x 10 k Ω) to (200 μA x 10 k Ω)V RL = 2 mV to 2 VA: R L B: R L C: R L 1 lux to 1000 lux1000 lux to 100 000 lux I PCE = 180 nA to 180 μA I PCE = 180 μA to 18 mA R L = 100 Ω →R L = 100 ΩV RL = 18 μV to 18 mV V RL = 18 mV to 1.8 V with va = 100with va = 1V ADC = 1.8 mV to 1.8 VV ADC= 18 mV to 1.8 VR LAmbient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignL I C A T I O N N O T ERISE AND FALL TIMES FOR ALS PHOTOTRANSISTORSRise and fall times depend (drastically) on the load resistor that is used. For all these ALS phototransistors these are in the range of 45 μs with a 50 Ω load resistor and rises linearly to 310 μs with a 10 k Ω load resistor. To achieve faster rise and fall times, it is also important that the collector current is as high as possible.The collector current depends strongly on the strength of illumination so lower illumination strengths lead to longer rise and fall times.APPLICATION SCHEMATICSSome simple application circuits for ambient light sensors with phototransistor output are shown below.Fig. 7 - Switch, Output High at E V > 25 lux, I PCE : 10 μA,V OUT : 2.0 V, Input Leakage Current: < 1 μA Fig. 8 - Switch, Output Low at E V > 10 lux, I PCE : 4 μA,Gate Threshold: 2.0 V, Input Leakage Current: < 1 μAFig. 9 - Light Switch, (Schmitt Trigger), Switch Off at E V < 100 lux,Fig. 10 - Light Meter, E V : 10 lux to 1000 lux,I PCE : 4 μA to 400 μA, V OUT : 16 mV to 1.6 VFig. 11 - Low Illuminance Light Meter, E V : 0.1 lux to 10 lux,I PCE : 40 nA to 4 μA, V OUT : 16 mV to 1.6 VFig. 12 - Light Switch, Switch On at E V < 100 luxAmbient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignL I C A T I O N N O T EPHOTODIODE-BASED AMBIENT LIGHT SENSORSThe basic characteristics of the ambient light sensors with photodiode outputs are shown in Table 5 below. All photodiode-based ambient light sensors have an additional epoxy filter that brings the relative spectral sensitivity close to the v[λ] or “Human Eye” curve. BPW21R comes with a color correction filter in its flat glass window that provides a similar effect. The low photocurrent output requires a noise-free amplification which can be achieved with the appropriate op amp. Examples of noise-free op amps that could be used with the photodiode output devices and related circuitry are shown on the next page.Table 5 - TEMD6010FX01Compared to phototransistor-based ambient light sensors, the lot-to-lot variability of photodiodes is significantly lower becauseit is caused only by the variability of the photosensitivity resulting in tolerances of 20 % to 30 %. Variability of the output current of photodiode-based ambient light sensors is also due to chip size. A larger detection area or chip size will result in greater photo current. The TEMD5510FX01 and the BPW21R produce double the current of the TEMD6200FX01 and TEMD6010FX01.The TEMD5510FX01 contains a 7.5 mm 2 chip while the size of the sensitive area of the chip in theTEMD6x is just 0.27 mm 2.BASIC CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITION SYMBOL MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Breakdown voltage I R = 100 μA, E = 0 lux V (BR)16--V Reverse dark current V CE = 10 V, E = 0 lux I ro -0.15nA Diode capacitanceV R = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0 lux C D -60-pF V R = 5 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0 lux C D -24-pF Reverse light current E e = 1 mW/cm 2, λ = 550 nm, V R = 5 V I ra -1-μA E V = 100 lux, CIE illuminant A, V R = 5 V I raμA Temperature coefficient of I ra E V = 100 lux, CIE illuminant A, V R = 5 VTK Ira -0.2-%/K Angle of half sensitivity ϕ-± 60-°Wavelength of peak sensitivity λp -540-nm Range of spectral bandwidthλ0.5430-610nmAmbient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignL I C A T I O N N O T EAPPLICATION SCHEMATICS FOR PHOTODIODE-BASED AMBIENT LIGHT SENSORSA sensitive, FET-input type of photodiode preamplifier, with a very low input noise, should be used, such as:•Linear Technology LTC6240•Texas Instruments (OPA827)•Burr-Brown (OPA128)•Analog Devices (AD549)Fig. 13 - Photodiode PreampFig. 14 - 1M Transimpedance Amplifierwith 43 nV/Hz -2 Output NoiseFig. 15 - Transimedance AmplifierFig. 16 - Sensitive Photodiode AmplifierAmbient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignL I C A T I O N N O T ERISE AND FALL TIMES FOR ALS PHOTOTRANSISTORSAll these ALS photodiodes are not very fast when compared to standard photodiodes and even slower when operated with higher load resistors.The rise / fall times will increase with respect to the load resistor leading to a smaller badwidth as shown as in figure below, which can be found in the following measurement notes /doc?80085, /doc?48454.Fig. 17 - BPW34, TEMD5010X01, Bandwidth vs. Reverse Bias Voltage, Parameter: Load Resistance, λ = 820 nmThe main reason that a standard photodiode is faster than an ALS photodiode is their lower diode capacitance, which directly correlates with the die size. Below you can see an example of such a low diode capacitance, e.g. of the VEMD 1060X01: /ppg?84295, which is considerably lower to those found in ALS photodiodes. VEMD1060X01BASIC CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Forward voltage I F = 50 mA V F -0.9 1.1V Breakdown voltage I R = 100 μA, E = 0V (BR)20--V Reverse dark current V R = 10 V, E = 0I ro -0.015nA Diode capacitance V R = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0C D - 3.8-pF V R = 3 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0C D - 1.7-pF Open circuit voltageE e = 1 mW/cm 2, λ = 950 nm V o -350-mV Temperature coefficient of V o E e = 1 mW/cm 2, λ = 950 nm TK Vo --2.6-mV/K Short circuit currentE e = 1 mW/cm 2, λ = 950 nm I k - 1.8-μA Temperature coefficient of I k E e = 1 mW/cm 2, λ = 835 nm TK Ik -0.1-%/K Reverse light current E e = 1 mW/cm 2, λ = 950 nm, V R = 5 V I ra 1.4 1.83μA E e = 1 mW/cm 2, λ = 890 nm, V R = 5 VI ra - 2.6-μA Angle of half sensitivity ϕ-± 70-°Wavelength of peak sensitivity λp -820-nm Range of spectral bandwidth λ0.1-350 to 1070-nm Rise time V R = 5 V, R L = 50 Ω, λ = 830 nm t r -60-ns Fall timeV R = 5 V, R L = 50 Ω, λ = 830 nmt f-80-ns246812R e v e r s e B i a s (V )948616-110104106105108107-3 dB - Bandwidth (Hz)Ambient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignL I C A T I O N N O T EThe TEMD6010FX01 and TEMD6200FX01 use the same chip, so all the data is identical including the rise-and fall times.TEMD6010FX01TEMD6200FX01BASIC CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITION SYMBOL MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Breakdo w n v oltage I R = 100 μA, E = 0 lx V (BR)16--V Re v erse dark c u rrent V CE = 10 V, E = 0 lx I ro -0.15nA Diode capacitance V R = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0 lx C D -60-pF V R = 5 V, f = 1 5MHz, E = 0 lx C D -24-pF Re v erse light c u rrent E e = 1 mW/cm 2, λ = 550 nm, V R = 5 V I ra -1-μA E V = 100 lx, CIE illuminant A, V R = 5 V I raμA Temperature coefficient of I ra E V = 100 lx, CIE illuminant A, V R = 5 VTK Ira -0.2-%/K Angle of half sensiti v ity ϕ-± 60-°W a v elength of peak sensiti v ity λp -540-nm Range of spectral band w idthλ0.5-430 to 610-nmBASIC CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITION SYMBOL MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Breakdo w n v oltageI R = 100 μA, E = 0 lx V (BR)16--V Re v erse dark c u rrent V R = 10 V, E = 0 lx I ro -0.15nA Diode capacitance V R = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0 lx C D -60-pF V R = 5 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0 lx C D -24-pF Re v erse light c u rrent E e = 1 mW/cm 2, λ = 550 nm, V R = 5 VI ra -1-μA E V = 100 lx, CIE illuminant AI raμA Angle of half sensiti v ity ϕ-± 60-°W a v elength of peak sensiti v ity λp -540-nm Range of spectral band w idth λ0.5-430 to 610-nm Rise time U R = 5 V, R L = 50 Ω, TLMW3300t r -150-ns Fall timeU R = 5 V, R L = 50 Ω, TLMW3300t f-150-nsAmbient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignL I C A T I O N N O T EAlso both of the devices shown below use a similarly large chip so the chip related data is comparable, including the rise / fall times.TEMD5510FX01BPW21RBASIC CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETERTEST CONDITION SYMBOL MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Breakdown voltage I R = 100 μA, E = 0V (BR)16--V Reverse dark current V R = 10 V, E = 0I ro -230nA Diode capacitance V R = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0C D -1600-pF V R = 3 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0C D -730-pF Reverse light currentE e = 1 mW/cm 2, λ = 550 nm, V R = 5 V I ra -26-μA E v = 100 lx, CIE illuminant A, V R = 5 V I ra 0.81 1.4μA Temperature coefficient of I ra E v = 100 lx, CIE illuminant A, V R = 5 VTK Ira -0.2-%/K Angle of half sensitivityϕ-± 65-°Wavelength of peak sensitivity λp -540-nm Range of spectral bandwidthλ0.5-430 to 610-nmBASIC CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Forward voltage I F = 50 mA V F- 1.0 1.3V Breakdown voltage I R = 20 μA, E = 0V (BR)10--V Reverse dark current V R = 5 V, E = 0I ro -230nA Diode capacitance V R = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0C D - 1.2-nF V R = 5 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0C D -400-pF Dark resistanceV R = 10 mV R D -38-G ΩOpen circuit voltageE A = 1 klx V o 280450-mV Temperature coefficient of V o E A = 1 klx TK Vo --2-mV/K Short circuit current E A = 1 klx I k 4.59-μA Temperature coefficient of I K E A = 1 klx TK Ik --0.05-%/K Reverse light currentE A = 1 klx, V R = 5 V I ra 4.59-μA SensitivityV R = 5 V, E A = 10-2 to 105 lxS 9-nA/Ix Angle of half sensitivityϕ-± 50-°Wavelength of peak sensitivity λp -565-nm Range of spectral bandwidth λ0.5-420 to 675-nm Rise time V R = 0 V, R L = 1 k Ω, λ = 660 nm t r - 3.1-μs Fall timeV = 0 V, R = 1 k Ω, λ = 660 nmt - 3.0-μsAmbient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignL IC A T I O N N O T EThe VEMD5510C and VEMD5510CF are devices with a peak sensitivity at about 550 nm. These devices have a similarly sized chip, that is optimized for an increased response at green wavelengths, and is optimized with regard to speed.Although the VEMD5510C and VEMD5510CF have the same chip size as the TEMD5510FX01, there diode capacitances are considerably lower but also the reverse light current is much lower.VEMD5510CFig. 18 - Relative Spectral Sensitivity vs. WavelengthBASIC CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Forward voltage I F = 50 mA 5-0.9 1.3V Breakdown voltage I R = 100 μA, E = 0V (BR)20--VReverse dark current V R = 10 V, E = 0I ro -0.210nA Diode capacitance V R = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0C D -80-pF V R = 3 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0C D -3040pF Open circuit voltageE V = 100 lx, CIE illuminant A V o -240-mV Temperature coefficient of V o E V = 100 lx, CIE illuminant A TK Vo --2.5-mV/K Short circuit current E V = 100 lx, CIE illuminant A I k -0.6-μA Reverse light current E e = 0.2 mW/cm 2, λ = 525 nm, V R = 5 V I ra 2.0 2.6-μA E V = 100 lx, CIE illuminant A, V R = 5 VI ra 0.460.55-μA Angle of half sensitivity ϕ-± 65-°Wavelength of peak sensitivity λp -550-nm Range of spectral bandwidth λ0.5-440 to 700-nm Rise time V R = 5 V, R L = 50 Ω, λ = 525 nm t r -40-ns Fall timeV R = 5 V, R L = 50 Ω, λ = 525 nmt f-30-ns010203040506070809010040050060070080090010001100S (λ)r e l -R e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l S e n s i t i v i t y (%)λ-Wavelength (nm)Ambient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignL IC A T I O N N O T EThe VEMD5510CF has a spectral sensitivity close to the v(λ) curve as shown below, and is therefore also suitable for use as an ALS sensor.The VEMD 5510CF has a slightly lower reverse light current at green wavelengths (illumination at 525nm) compared to the VEMD5510C. However for an illumination with daylight or halogen- / incandescent light the VEMD5510CF has only half of the reverse light current than the VEMD5510C and only a quarter of the reverse light current of the TEMD5510FX01.VEMD5510CFFig. 19 - Relative Spectral Sensitivity vs. WavelengthBASIC CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Forward voltage I F = 50 mA V F -0.9 1.3V Breakdown voltage I R = 100 μA, E = 0V(BR)20--V Reverse dark current V R = 10 V, E = 0I ro -0.210nA Diode capacitance V R = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0C D -80-pF V R = 3 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0C D -3040pF Open circuit voltageE V = 100 lx, CIE illuminant A V o -210-mV Temperature coefficient of V o E V = 100 lx, CIE illuminant A TK Vo --2.3-mV/K Short circuit current E V = 100 lx, CIE illuminant A I k -0.25-μA Reverse light current E e = 0.2 mW/cm 2, λ = 525 nm, V R = 5 V I ra 1.35 2.1 3.05μA E V = 100 lx, CIE illuminant A, V R = 5 VI raμA Angle of half sensitivity ϕ-± 65-°Wavelength of peak sensitivity λp -540-nm Range of spectral bandwidth λ0.5-440 to 620-nm Rise time V R = 5 V, R L = 50 Ω, λ = 525 nm t r -40-ns Fall timeV R = 5 V, R L = 50 Ω, λ = 525 nmt f-30-ns010203040506070809010040050060070080090010001100S (λ)r e l -R e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l S e n s i t i v i t y (%)λ-Wavelength (nm)Ambient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignL I C A T I O N N O T EWINDOW SIZEIf the ambient light sensor will be place behind a window or cover, the window material should be completely transmissive to visible light (400 nm to 700 nm). For optimal performance the window size should be large enough to maximize the light irradiating the sensor. In calculating the window size, the only dimensions that the design engineer needs to consider are the distance from the top surface of the sensor to the outside surface of the window and the size of the window. These dimensions will determine the size of the detection zone.First, the center of the sensor and center of the window should be aligned. Most ambient light sensors have an angle of half sensitivity of ± 60° as shown in figure 17 and 18.Fig. 20 - Relative Sensitivity vs. Angular DisplacementFig. 21 - Angle of Half Sensitivity, ConeWith the assumption that the detection zone is a cone shaped region with an angle of ± 60°, the following are dimensions for the distance from the top surface of the sensor to the outside surface of the glass, d, and the width of the window, w.Fig. 22 - Angle of Half Sensitivity, ConeCalculation tan α = x/d α = 60°tan 60° = 1.73x/d = 1.73x = (1.73)dWith the length of the chip equal to 0.75 mm, the width of the window can be calculated:w = 0.75 mm + 2 (1.73d)0.40.2S r e l - R e l a t i v e S e n s i t i v i t y948318-°30°10°20°40°50°60°70°80°0.71.0M - A n g u l a r D i s p l a c e m e ntdimen s ion s in mmhere in drawing α = 60°Ambient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window DesignL I C A T I O N N O T EShown below are results for different distances from the sensor to the outside of the window surface.A smaller window size also could be used. If so, reference measurements should be made if the output is expected to be similar to a light meter.Fig. 23 - Angle of Half Sensitivity, ConeCalculation tan α = x/dα = 40°tan 40° = 0.84x/d = 0.84x = (0.84)dWith the length of the chip equal to 0.75 mm, the width of the window can be calculated:w = 0.75 mm + 2 (0.84d)Shown below are results for different distances from the sensor to the outside of the window surface.d x CALCULATION w 0.50.870.75 + 1.74 2.491.0 1.730.75 + 3.46 4.211.5 2.600.75 + 5.20 5.952.0 3.460.75 + 6.927.672.5 4.330.75 + 8.669.413.05.190.75 + 10.3811.13dimensions in mmhere in drawing α = 40°d x CALCULATION w 0.50.420.75 + 0.84 1.591.00.840.75 + 1.68 2.431.5 1.280.75 + 2.56 3.312.0 1.680.75 + 3.36 4.112.5 2.100.75 + 4.20 4.953.05.520.75 + 5.045.79Ambient Light Sensors - Circuit and Window Design TYPICAL ILLUMINANCE VALUESILLUMINANCE EXAMPLE10-5 lux Light from Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky10-4 lux Total starlight, overcast sky0.002 lux Moonless clear night sky with airflow0.01 lux Quarter moon 0.27 lux full moon on a clear night1 lux Full moon overhead at tropical latitudes3.4 lux Dark limit of civil twilight under a clear sky50 lux Family living room80 lux Hallway/toilet100 lux Very dark overcast day320 lux to 500 lux Office lighting400 lux Sunrise or sunset on a clear day1000 lux Overcast day; typical TV studio lighting10 000 lux to 25 000 lux Full daylight (not direct sun)32 000 lux to 130 000 lux Direct sunlightETONNOITACIL。

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G6经济型迷你光电开关德国西克传感器产品简介2 S I C K超越标准 - G6易于对准经济型迷你光电开关3w w w.s i c k.c o m/g lo b al s en so r片技术S I C K4 S I C KGTB6L+M QL+MQ NC漫反射式光电开关,背景遮蔽型LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确 金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固 大旋钮方便调节 指示灯大而明亮类激光性能施克 芯片,抗环境干扰和传感器互相干扰ASIC 光轴接收光轴发射所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)G6S I C K5252010501550(1.97)mm(inch)100(3.94)150(5.91)200(7.87)250(9.84)300(11.81)Ø 6.6Ø 5.6Ø 5.3(5.91)(9.84)(1.97)(7.87)(3.94)(11.81)18 % 90 %2 6 %311)对90%反射率物体(基于DIN 5033的标准白色)2) T a=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时3)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A4) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值信号冗余最大典型检测范围检测距离对白色( 的反射率)的检测距离对灰色( 的反射率)的检测距离对黑色( 的反射率)的检测距离5) 空载8) 0°C以下不可弯曲6)电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间7) 亮/暗比例1:1所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)距离单位为毫米(英寸)距离单位为毫米(英寸)6 S I C KL+M Q所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确 金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固施克ASIC芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰 大旋钮方便调节 指示灯大而明亮光轴接收光轴发射L+M Q NC反射式光电开关,增强型漫类激光性能GTE6G6S I C K 71)对90%反射率物体(基于DIN 5033的标准白色)2) T a=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时3)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A4) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值检测范围1000101信号冗余mm(inch)50(1.9)100(3.9)150(5.9)200(7.9)250(9.8)300(11.8)215) 空载8) 0°C以下不可弯曲6)电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间7) 亮/暗比例1:1最大典型检测距离距离[mm]8 S I C KGL6镜反射式光电开关金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固 施克ASIC芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰 大旋钮方便调节指示灯大而明亮L+M Q所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)L+M Q NC光轴接收光轴发射M3螺纹安装孔LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确G6S I C K 9(inch)(78.7)(157.5)(236.2)(315.0)1) Ta=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时2)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A 3) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值4)空载5) 电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间6) 亮/暗比例1:17) 0°C以下不可弯曲检测范围 (EGR: 2)[m]GL6镜反射式光电开关,可调节灵敏度检测距离 6 m镜反射式光电开关尺寸图所有型号调节+–4针,M81L+M Q34棕色蓝色黑色3 x 0.14 mm 2连接类型GL6-P4211GL6-N4211GL6-P1211GL6-P1212GL6-N1211GL6-N1212附件电缆和接头安装附件反射镜所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)1L+M Q NC342棕色蓝色黑色白色光轴接收器光轴发射器M3螺纹安装孔绿色LED 指示灯,电源黄色LED 指示灯,接收光线亮通/暗通旋钮: L = 亮通D = 暗通接收器灵敏度调节器①②③④⑤⑥⑦PinPoint LED 光源技术,光点更亮更精确金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固SICK ASIC 芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰可通过270°电位计调节接收器灵敏度适用于特殊表面和光亮物体7.6(0.30)9.7(0.38)18.3(0.72)21 (0.83)11.4(0.45)31.5 (1.24)28.5 (1.12)25.4 (1.00)0.5 (0.02)0.5 (0.02)9.7(0.38)3 (0.12)L D12(0.47)S I C K10G6S I C K 11信号冗余Ø 8 mmØ 25 mmØ 80 mmØ 130 mm距离(米)传感器3. = +25°C 时,平均工作时间100000小时2) 限定值,短路保护下的最大电流为8 A 3)不得超出供电电压V S 的允许范围值4) 空载5)V S > 24 V 或环境温度大于49 °C 时,最大电流I A = 50 mA6) 电阻负载下的信号传输时间7) 亮/暗比例为1:18) 低于0 °C 时不可弯曲最大检测距离6 m 检测范围 5 m接收器灵敏度调节器270°电位计配套装置 PL80A 反射镜光源类型LED 红光,650 nm 1) 光点直径8 mm ,距离350 mm 处偏光滤镜 供电电压V S 10 ... 30 V DC 2)残余纹波 ± 10 % 3) 能耗 ≤ 30 mA 4)开关输出 NPN :集电极开路:QPNP: QPNP 高/低输出电压V S – (≤ 3 V)/约0 V NPN 高/低输出电压约V S /≤ 3 V 输出方式 亮通/暗通旋钮最大输出电流I A 100 mA 5)响应时间 < 625 µs 6)切换频率典型值为1 kHz 7)连接方式电缆,PVC ,2 m 8)M8接头,4针防护等级电流保护电源极性反接保护输入输出短路保护输出过流保护防护等级IP 67环境温度工作温度 –25 °C ... +55 °C储存温度 –40 °C ... +70 °C 重量 M8接头型,约20 g2 m 电缆型,约60 g 外壳材质ABS, PC, PMMA随附配件P250反射镜,安装支架N1211技术数据GL6-N1212N4211P1211P1212P4211检测距离和信号冗余型号Part no.GL6-P1211GL6-P1212GL6-P4211GL6-N1211GL6-N1212GL6-N4211105992210608151059241105992310608141059631订货信息REF-IRF-56型反射镜PL20A 型反射镜P250型反射镜PL40A 型反射镜PL80A 型反射镜反射镜型号 检测范围0.25 ... 1.6 m0.07 ... 2.2 m 0.07 ... 3.5m 0.07 ... 3.8 m 0.07 ... 5.0 m 订货号检测范围最大检测距离距离单位为米(英寸)距离单位为米(英寸)最大检测距离检测范围12GL6G 镜反射式光电开关检测距离6 m镜反射式光电开关尺寸图所有型号调节4针,M81L+M Q34棕色蓝色黑色3 x 0.14 mm 2连接类型GL6G-P4211GL6G-P4212GL6G-N4211GL6G-N4212GL6G-P1211GL6G-P1212GL6G-N1211GL6G-N1212附件电缆和接头安装附件反射镜7.6(0.30)9.7(0.38)18.3(0.72)21 (0.83)11.4(0.45)31.5 (1.24)28.5 (1.12)25.4 (1.00)0.5 (0.02)0.5 (0.02)9.7(0.38)3 (0.12)L D12(0.47)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)1L+M Q NC342棕色蓝色黑色白色光轴接收器光轴发射器M3螺纹安装孔绿色LED 指示灯,电源黄色LED 指示灯,接收光线亮通/暗通旋钮: L = 亮通D = 暗通接收器灵敏度调节器+–PinPoint LED 光源技术,光点更亮更精确金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固SICK ASIC 芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰可通过270°电位计调节接收器灵敏度适用于特殊表面和光亮物体①②③④⑤⑥⑦S I C KG6S I C K 13信号冗余Ø 8 mmØ 25 mmØ 80 mmØ 130 mm距离(米) A = +25 °C 时,平均工作时间100000小时2) 限定值,短路保护下的最大电流为8 A 3) 不得超出供电电压V S 的允许范围值4) 空载5)最小光束衰减为20%6) V S > 24 V 或环境温度大于49 °C 时,最大电流I A = 50 mA7) 电阻负载下的信号传输时间8) 亮/暗比例为1:19)低于0 °C 时不可弯曲10) 温度需稳定在±10 °C 范围内最大检测距离 6 m 检测范围 5 m接收器灵敏度调节器270°电位计配套装置 PL80A 反射镜光源类型 LED 红光,650 nm 1) 光点直径 8 mm ,距离350 mm 偏光滤镜 供电电压V S 10 ... 30 V DC 2)残余纹波 ± 10 % 3)能耗 ≤ 30 mA 4)开关输出 NPN :集电极开路:QPNP: Q 光束衰减 > 20%特殊设计 适用于透明物体 5)PNP 高/低输出电压V S – (≤ 3 V)/约0 V NPN 高/低输出电压约V S /≤ 3 V 输出方式 亮通/暗通旋钮最大输出电流I A 100 mA 6)响应时间 < 625 µs 7)切换频率典型值为1 kHz 8) 连接方式电缆,PVC ,2 m 9)M8接头,4针防护等级电流保护电源极性反接保护输入输出短路保护输出过流保护防护等级IP 67环境温度T A 工作温度 –25 °C ... +55 °C 10)储存温度 –40 °C ... +70 °C 重量 M8接头型,约20 g2 m 电缆型,约60 g 外壳材质ABS, PC, PMMA随附配件P250反射镜,安装支架N1211技术数据GL6G-N1212N4211N4212P1211P1212P4211P4212检测距离和信号冗余型号订货号GL6G-P1211GL6G-P1212GL6G-P4211GL6G-P4212GL6G-N1211GL6G-N1212GL6G-N4211GL6G-N421210599241060812105963210608101059925106081110596331060809订货信息REF-IRF-56型反射镜PL20A 型反射镜P250型反射镜PL40A 型反射镜PL80A 型反射镜反射镜型号 检测范围0.25 ... 1.6 m0.07 ... 2.2 m 0.07 ... 3.5m 0.07 ... 3.8 m 0.07 ... 5.0 m检测范围最大检测距离距离单位为米(英寸)距离单位为米(英寸)最大检测距离检测范围传感器S I C KL+M QL+MQ NC射式光电开关对 LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确 金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固 大旋钮方便调节 指示灯大而明亮类激光性能光轴接收光轴发射所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)GSE610G6S I C K 111,000100101(inch)(157.48)(472.44)(314.96)(629.92)[m]信号冗余检测范围1) Ta=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时2)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A 3) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值4)空载5) 电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间6) 亮/暗比例1:17) 0°C以下不可弯曲最大典型检测距离距离电缆和插头/安装附件Ø9.8(.4)8.2Ø9.81)使用过程中最小弯曲半径R min = 20 x 电缆直径所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)Ø9.8(.4)8.2Ø9.81)使用过程中最小弯曲半径R min = 20 x 电缆直径12S I C KS I C K13附件L1412All dimensions in mm (inch)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)锁紧螺丝反射镜14 S I C K1)发货包含 GL6 标准型号S I C K15附件完善的服务领先的技术独特的产品SICK 概览SICK CHINA| 客户服务专线: 4000-121-0008014182/2013-09-09中文译本 内容如有变更,恕不另行通知SICK 是一家世界顶级的传感器技术提供商,在全球建立了接近50个子公司和众多的销售机构, 雇员总数超过6,300人。
