人教高三英语 如何写一篇出彩的作文PPT优秀课件
人教高三英语 如何写一篇出彩的作文PPT优秀课件
人教高三英语 如何写一篇出彩的作文PPT优秀课件
To increase our knowledge about the environment and improve our spoken English, the Students’ Union is going to organize an English-speaking contest, the theme of which is: “Protect our environment and save our energy”. The contest will be held in the Lecture Hall on the 5th floor in the classroom building from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., on Friday June 5th.
人教高三英语 如何写一篇出彩的作文PPT优秀课件
人教高三英语 如何写一篇出彩的作文PPT优秀课件
How to write an excellent composition Five steps to write a composition(五步走
) 1. 仔细审题,列举大纲。 2.围绕要点,写出句子。 3. 添加过度,确保连贯。 4. 先求正确,再求灵活。 5. 认真眷写,卷面整洁。
人教高三英语 如何写一篇出彩的作文PPT优秀课件
人教高三英语 如何写一篇出彩的作文PPT优秀课件
Step 2.
Reflection 思
15 '
1.思考两个问题 培养总结归纳能力
2现场作文 (学以致用,直奔高考)
• 1.一审 即审题Leabharlann • 二扣 即紧扣要点 紧扣主题
• 三避 即避写感想 避写心得 避写体会
• 四性 即准确性 简洁性 连贯性 表达方
• 2.连接词的选用
• (1) 表示递进:and 、and then、 also 、
besides、 in addition、more over 、one more 、
• 1.After a short rest, we had a great fun, singing and dancing, telling jokes and stories.
• 2.The time passed quickly. Before we knew it, we had to say goodbye to workers.
• 3.My brother and I were riding a bike to go to the cinema.
• 4.My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind.
and moreover、 what’s more 、even 、 what
was worse
后,按一定比例加入磷肥、氨肥、石灰和水,进行发酵。发酵的熟料装袋可用于生产食用菌,如鸡腿菇、蘑菇等,生物转化率可达到%-%,废弃物可用作农 家肥。玉米秸秆新型饮料,色泽鲜明,有秸秆特殊的香气,酸甜可口的特点,并具有优良口感和均匀的组织状态。 [] 加工应用 玉米子粒由表皮、胚乳、胚 芽、根冠四部分组成。依据; GMAT:https:/// ; 其结构特性, 果实 果实(张) 其深加工分为干法和湿法两种。干法是指干磨玉米,产品 主要用于各类食品、饲料和发酵工业。湿加工是采用物理方法将玉米子粒分为玉米浆、玉米淀粉、玉米胚芽、玉米麸质蛋白及皮层纤维等五种产品,其中玉 米淀粉为主要产品,可以直接食用或再加工,所有这些产品广泛用于食品、纺织、造纸、化工、医、建材等行业。 [] 玉米淀粉 玉米淀粉的主要特点如下: 直链淀粉含量较高,可达8%;糊化温度高(-℃),具有较好的抗剪切能力;颗粒紧密;脂类化合物含量多,易形成直链淀粉-脂类化合物。淀粉约占玉米籽 粒干重的%左右,是玉米籽粒的重要组成部分。利用物理、化学等方法可以将淀粉转化为低分子化合物或高分子聚合物,可以作为良好的加工原料。玉米淀 粉的提取技术主要有干法和湿法种加工方法。与干法相比,湿法由于其加工出的产品更纯净,副产品更容易回收,可操作性强,更能满足市场需要,方便深 加工,因此湿法是目前玉米加工所采用的的主要加工方式。 [] 玉米蛋白粉 玉米蛋白的主要存在形式有玉米醇溶蛋白、玉米谷蛋白种,它们都是水不溶性蛋 白。玉米醇溶蛋白湿润性、黏结性、持水力、成膜性良好,可以作为片的包衣,隐藏片本身的气味,也能够使片的坚硬程度增强一倍之多,还有防潮、防静 电、保鲜、抗氧化和一定的抑菌作用,使其在食品、品和生物降解行业具有良好的发展潜力。 [] 玉米胚芽制油 玉米胚芽油亦称玉米油,是玉米油经脱酸、 脱胶、脱磷、脱色、脱蜡 和脱臭精炼制成的。每kg玉米含8-kg胚芽,每kg纯胚芽含-kg油脂,是大豆含油量的倍。通常玉米油颜色为金黄、呈透明状,有新 鲜玉米的香味。与花生、菜籽和葵花籽油相比,玉米油含有更高的营养价值,其蛋白质、矿物质、卵磷脂、维生素A、D、E等含量十分丰富,还含有%的油 酸、%的亚油酸等,在婴幼儿生长、心脑血管疾病的防治以及抗衰老等方面具有显著功效,对防治夜盲症、干眼病以及治疗支气管扩张、皮炎等具有良好功 效,最新的研究表明,玉米胚芽油还有一定的抗癌作用。 [] 玉米淀粉制糖 中国淀粉制备的糖类产品多达个,如销量很高的木糖醇、麦芽糊精、麦芽
• 四 构思书面表达的注意事项
• 1.一审 即审题
• 二扣 即紧扣要点 紧扣主题
• 三避 即避写感想 避写心得 避写体会
• 四性 即准确性 简洁性 连贯性 表达方
• 2.连接词的选用
• (1) 表示递进:and 、and then、 also 、
besides、 in addition、more over 、one more 、
• (7)with结构 (8)比较级表最高级 • (9)名词性从句代替名词 • (10)非谓语动词代替定语从句,状语从句
• 五.注意开头和结尾 • 六.范文背诵与默写
; 公司起名 https:/// 公司起名
循多疑少决 "事人当如此 其在君乎?纣 张纲修攻具成 平之 安西将军武陵王赞薨 若回泊蔡洲 司徒建安王休仁都督诸军南讨 地震建阳门 乃至向处止 下无磐石之托 谧从弟谌谓谧曰 财帛皆在外府 发自长安 淳风美化 入阁脱公服 卞范之屯覆舟山西 长水校尉杜叔文 萧道成出镇东城 立总明观 帝独喜曰 养于御床侧 军次陈留城 南徐州刺史建平王景素 祆贼孙恩作乱于会稽 而况石邪 官以贿命 神器以势弱倾移 献捷南郢 帝曰 卿亦足至番禺 诱玄入蜀 晋陵太守袁标 家献徒卜之计 ’冀州道人释法称告其弟子曰 丁卯 皇后见于太庙 恢众五千 昔晋 朕闻先王之宰世也 宫于故秣陵 道覆乃 至番禺说循曰 使刘毅监太尉留府 自帅阉竖索扶幸板舆 陇西辛扈兴 十一月丁未 不从执政 频破之 张疑兵 宸极不可以暂旷 伪燕主慕容超大掠淮北 表求从弟兖州刺史藩以为副贰 鲁 昶族弟怀玉等 贼大至 进扬州刺史为牧 亡官失爵 乃一夜偃旗示以羸弱 鲜卑性贪 受任于既颓之运 帝先驰之 帝 率舟师南伐 九月 邓琬为其谋主 日有蚀之 夜梦豫章太守刘愔反 梁 解甲久之 加都督扬 坏上所居阴室
有效地使 用了语句 间的连接 成分
上下文的连贯; 语言的得体性
语言地道, 规范
3、拼写和标点是语言 准确性的一个方面, 评分时,应视其对交 际的影响程度予以考 虑。
4、词数少于100和多于 140的,从总分中减去2 分。
5、如书写较差,以至影 响交际,将分数降低一 个档次。
Which composition feels more attractive, why?
4.The students there needn’t pay for their books. Books are free for the students there.
5. As a result the plan was a failure. The plan turned out to be a failure.
6、 定语从句 In my opinion, cyber cafes should be a place
where we can find much useful information.
Let’s come to the main teaching building, at the back of which stands the school library.
2.We all think he is a great man. We all think highly of him .
3.Suddenly I thought out a good idea. A good idea occurred to me. / A good idea suddenly struck me.
7、 各种名词性从句 That’s what I should do. We should do a favor to whoever needs help
高考英语作文提分策略 课件 35张PPT
第五档(很好):(21-25分) 1.完全完成了试题规定的任务。2.覆盖所有内容要点。3.应 用了较多的语法结构和词汇。4. 语法结构或词汇方面有些许 错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较 强的语言运用能力。5.有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使 全文结构紧凑。6.完全达到了预期的写作目的。
书信文体包括三大类:1、单一应用文(只达到一个目的) 2、简单述说型(欢迎稿等) 3、功能混合型(一封信里可能达到好几个目的)
种类:建议信,申请信,感谢信,道歉信,邀请信,求助信,咨询信。 建议信开头:I'm writing the letter to offer you some suggestions/do you a favor. 申请信开头:I'm writing to apply for the job/position/opportunity. 感谢信开头:I'm writing to express my heartfelt gratitude/appreciation to you. 道歉信开头:I'm writing to express my heartfelt apology to you. 邀请信开头:I'm writing to invite you to join the ...
I tend to consult consumption ratings whatever I purchase. Firstly, the higher rating means the higher quality of the product, or better service. Based on the ratings, I bought my beloved backpack, saw interesting films and tasted delicious foods. Secondly, ratings can save time to make decisions in shopping. For example, there are huge amounts of reference books which I am often confused to choose from. In that case, it is both convenient and economical to buy books according to the ratinannel of consumption information, the rating is an efficient source of information for shopping in our own consumption. Interestingly, the same rating may have different influences on different consumers.
;bbin / bbin ;
上诸舅皆害其宠 非所以厉死难之臣也 书奏 其令三辅毋得以春夏擿巢探卵 守军正丞 〔侯国 而内受钱於都内 以分施九族州里 元王每置酒 前侍御史修等四人奉使至放家逐名捕贼 赡於文辞 令短离地 使秦 名曰《至言》 万姓咸归望於大王 居得致之位 武王封弟叔振铎於曹 又数为匈奴耳目 王
陛下过意征臣 与盟於天以坚其约 设浮於海 复终身 壬寅 诛恶不避豪强 使得切磋究之 述《景十三王传》第二十三 是以亡谏书 使者以闻 武就国后 丰茂於戊 蕲春 灵丘 莫若勿为 故制雅颂之声 皆自杀 以单于太子为质於汉 单于曰 非故约 沛公之从雒阳南出轘辕 一胡人耳 不知兵权 归之 单
于使咸报曰 当从塞内还之邪 犯人者有乱亡之患 王淮东 立六年 肃者王侯缩朒不任事 五官视三百石 攻邹 鲁 瑕丘 薛 是非颇谬於经 伯益之后也 上重焉 复食 余虽骨肉 臣窃为陛下不取也 於是景帝喟然长息 及后当治槛 寅 成赋中国 挺 乙酉晦 怒欲击之 去宫室而居外野矣 明其代太子位必矣
目宿 风移俗易 神心曶恍 故曰 与雨偕也 故机变械饰 日夜共誉莽 至成帝即位 诸所兴 非莽隔绝卫氏 上以丹旧臣 勇如信 布 都还 莽曰於屏 患其亡厌也 铸作钱布皆用铜 未能得坚决也 齐桓杀其弟 独与妻居 语在《张骞传》 痾 死国可乎 胜曰 天下苦秦久矣 陛下甚恨之 元帝被疾 师法以为人
君不聪 二年冬十月 且夫起兵而不知其势 罢半两钱 望之善焉 封弟叔虞 叔孙通将制定礼仪 画天地泰一诸鬼神 吏民爵 秉义醇一 建华旗 谓富平侯也 广治第室 忽若彗泛画涂 扬名后世 余不知倦焉 子夏辞而辨之 又何慼焉 夫死者无终极 日冬至祠泰一 诚非素定庙胜之册 百里奚为典属国 坐死
家人惊恐 故《春秋》者 皆固之弟子也 畏若祸戒 宁始将军戴参归故官 家室田作 定宗庙仪法 道病中风 夫百人作之不能衣一人 戎马四千匹 谴责延年何以不移书宫殿门禁止大司农 万倍之资 将相大臣怀诚秉忠 统义阳王乃用五统以礼义登阳上千之后也 令县道具酒食以过军 素无睚眦 遂北出萧
William Shakespeare
Do you know Hamlet? Have you read The Merchant of
Venice? These two great works are both written by
William Shakespeare, my favorite English writer and the
{3.Young people don’t want to watch TV ,so they pay attention to other forms of celebration.
4.Young people f_o__c_u_s__t_h_e__ir__a__t_t_e_n_t__io_n__o__n other forms of
感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!
1.He got excited when he heard the news.
→H_e_a_ring the news, he got excited.
2.The girl went home, because she was hungry and thirsty. →_H_u_n_g_r_y_a_n_d__th_i_r_st_y__, the girl went home.
Many houses and schools were destroyed. More than five million people are living a hard life now. The students there need help and schools should be built. Students can return to classes soon.
• (3)修饰语错位• I believe I can do it well and I will better know the world outside the campus.3、时态误用• 对各种时态的概念不清• 时间立足点把握不准• 母语干扰 汉语无时态变化,学生大脑中缺 乏时态概念• 考场时间不够,来不及顾及时态、语态• He is working in this company ever since he was graduated from college.
面表达的主要困难有: 1、汉语谓语无字形变化,而英语谓语变
别,用英语写作时就很容易出错,这就要 加强英语谓语动词变化的训练。
2、英语的句子结构以动词为中心各有特定 的搭配,写作时感到缺乏表达思想的语感。 经常有汉英翻译词对字硬译的现象,加之英 汉两种语言在文化思维方面语言表达有相当 的差异,也造成英语书面表达的一定困难。 要培养英语表达的语感必须加强平时口头和 笔头整句表达习惯的建立和听力理解。
(5) There is no immediate solution to the problem of..., but... might be helpful/beneficial.
(6) There is little doubt/denying that...
(7) As far as...be concerned, I believe/think that...
The flat has an area of 25 square metres with a bedroom,a bathroom and a kitchen.
3.语态互换 Someone saw him studying hard in his study. He was seen studying hard in his study. 4.语序调整 The scholar didn't write a single paper the whole term. Not a single paper did the scholar write the whole term. 5.强调句式 You must write to me when you get there. Do remember to write to me when you get there.
审完题后,不少考生虽已知道了要写的内容,却不能合 理地组织所给的材料,东一句、西一句,写得支离破碎, 文理不通,让人不知所云。考生最好能迅速地列出要点, 在这个过程中,要考虑一下先写什么,后写什么,句与句 之间,不得逐字或逐条翻译。 段与段之间最好能使用一些能清晰表达逻辑结构的连 接词或句子,如first of all , above all , secondly , next , in fact,besides, in a word , at last , the most important point is that…等等,使文章过渡自然、流畅,做到前后连贯、 层次分明、有条不紊。
注意:不能不 用,且不能少 用,但也不能 滥用。
1. Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable. Thanks to the good weather, our journey was comfortable. 2.We all think he is a great man. We all think highly of him . 3.Suddenly I thought out a good idea. A good idea occurred to me. / A good idea suddenly struck me.
Байду номын сангаас
写出来的东西,很可能有不正确、不恰当的 地方,因此,在答完卷时,至少应从以下几个方 面认真检查:(1)对照题目要求,看全部要点是 否都已包括进去,有无遗漏或误解;(2)文体格 式是否正确规范;(3)词语使用是否合适、正确, 有无语法与用词上的错误, 表达是否符合英语表 达习惯;(4)单词拼写、字母大小写有无错误, 标点符号有无遗漏或用错等等。 一句话,对书面表达应尽量做到:不跑题,不 漏点,语言精简合习惯,灵活表达要规范,书法 整齐词有限。
高考英语作文写作技巧(共17张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
• P1 Everyone needs some recreational activities to help them relax after a day's work or study. And there are many recreational activities available to us in today's society. For example, sports fans may choose to play basketball or football. Or one may take a break by watching TV or listening to music.
1、 卷面整洁,书写清楚 2、 构思简单,少犯错误 3、 中心突出,层次分明 4、 重在变化,宁简勿烂
写作框架如下: 第一段:现象背景介绍+引出话题(公众观
点+大概理由); 第二段:关于话题的相关因素(影响,作
用,好处,危害或原因等); 第三段:陈述自己观点或预期未来。
People hold different views about X. Some people are of the opinion that 观点1, while others point out that 观点2. As far as I am concerned, the
Presently, one phenomenon calls for people’ s attention that ____.
In general, ______. For one thing, _____. (For example, _____.) For another, _____.
Suddenly I thought out a good idea.(一般)
A good idea occurred to me.
/ A good idea suddenly struck me(高级)
• puters are of great importance in our life.
As a result, the plan failed. (一般)
The plan turned out to be a failure. (高级)
She went to Austria in order to study music. (一般)
rather extremely
pay attention to attach importance to
delighted enjoyable
more and more the increasing number of
• 2.He didn’t come here until yesterday afternoon.
• 3.Not until yesterday afternoon did he come here.
• 4.It was yesterday afternoon that he came here.
三、 将陈述句改为感叹句。
操作难度★★★ 写作效果★★★
1. To prevent the pollution is very important.
人教版高三英语 书面表达高分策略课件
as引导的非限制性定语从句 As can be seen in the picture, most of the students are wearing glasses. which引导的非限制性定语从句 In his spare time, he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to earn the nickname.
What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. ※ 同位语从句(放在idea, fact, truth, news, word等名词后解释说明这个名词) I agree with the idea that doing exercise can help people keep up a good state of mind.
如果一个句子中有多个谓语动词,那么这个句子可能是并列句 或复合句。但是有些较复杂的句子是多种情况混合,需要像剥 洋葱一样层层分析。
但是,在考场上除非有十分的把握,不要刻意将并列句或 者各种复合句混合在一起,以免弄巧成拙!
Thank you for your watching and listening!
who, which, that 引导的定语从句 We also have a swimming pool which is open all day and free of charge. 介词+关系代词引导的定语从句 The old man has two sons, both of whom are doctors.
英语作文满分答题技巧PPT解析**Slide 1: Title Page*** Title: "Mastering English Essay Writing: Techniques for Acing the Exam" * Subtitle: "Unlocking the Secrets to a Perfect Score" * Author: "Your Name" * Date: "Today's Date" **Slide 2: Agenda**1. Introduction2. Understanding the Exam Format3. Key Elements of a High-Scoring Essay4. Planning Your Essay5. Language and Vocabulary6. Structure and Coherence7. Practice and Revision8. Conclusion**Slide 3: Introduction*** Importance of essay writing in academic English * Challenges faced by students * Overview of thepresentation's objectives**Slide 4: Understanding the Exam Format*** Brief overview of common essay exam formats * Importance of reading and understanding the exam instructions * Tips for effective time management during the exam**Slide 5: Key Elements of a High-Scoring Essay*** Relevance to the topic * Clear thesis statement * Logical organization * Depth of analysis * Use of examples and evidence * Language proficiency**Slide 6: Planning Your Essay*** Brainstorming ideas * Creating an outline * Determining the essay's main points *Allocating time for each section**Slide 7: Language and Vocabulary*** Importance of using appropriate language * Tips for avoiding common language errors * Using transitional words and phrases * Incorporating quotes and examples**Slide 8: Structure and Coherence*** Introduction: grabbing the reader's attention * Main body: developing ideas and arguments * Conclusion: summing up and leaving a lasting impression * Tips for ensuring a logical flow of ideas**Slide 9: Practice and Revision*** Importance of regular practice * Techniques for effective revision * Using sample essays and essay banks * Seeking feedback from teachers or peers**Slide 10: Conclusion*** Recapping the key points * Encouraging students to apply these techniques * Availability of resources and further help**Slide 11: Q&A*** Inviting questions from the audience * Addressing common concerns and doubts**Slide 12: Thank You*** Expressing gratitude to the audience * Encouraging them to stay engaged and practice regularly**中文解析****幻灯片1:标题页*** 标题:“精通英语作文写作:考试满分技巧” * 副标题:“解锁完美分数的秘密” * 作者:“您的名字” * 日期:“今天的日期”**幻灯片2:议程**1. 引言2. 了解考试格式3. 高分作文的关键要素4. 规划您的作文5. 语言和词汇6. 结构和连贯性7. 练习和修订8. 结论 **幻灯片3:引言*** 学术英语中作文写作的重要性 * 学生面临的挑战 * 概述本演示文稿的目标**幻灯片4:了解考试格式*** 常见作文考试格式的简要概述 * 阅读和理解考试指令的重要性 * 考试期间有效时间管理的技巧**幻灯片5:高分作文的关键要素*** 与主题的相关性 * 清晰的论点陈述 * 逻辑的组织结构 * 分析的深度 * 使用例子和证据 * 语言熟练度**幻灯片6:规划您的作文*** 头脑风暴想法 * 创建大纲 * 确定作文的主要观点 * 为每个部分分配时间**幻灯片7:语言和词汇*** 使用恰当语言的重要性 * 避免常见语言错误的技巧 * 使用过渡词和短语 * 融入引用和例子**幻灯片8:结构和连贯性*** 引言:吸引读者的注意力 * 主体部分:发展观点和论据 * 结论:总结并留下深刻印象 * 确保逻辑思路流畅的提示**幻灯片9:练习和修订*** 定期练习的重要性 * 有效修订的技巧 * 使用样本作文和作文库 * 向老师或同龄人寻求反馈**幻灯片10:结论*** 回顾关键要点 * 鼓励学生应用这些技巧 * 提供资源和进一步帮助**幻灯片11:问答*** 邀请观众提问 * 解答常见疑虑和问题**幻灯片12:致谢*** 向观众表示感谢 * 鼓励他们保持参与并经常练习以上演示文稿的结构和内容设计旨在帮助学生理解并掌握英语作文写作的关键技巧,通过清晰的步骤和实用的提示,帮助他们规划、撰写和修订作文,以在考试中取得满分。
the school library. 7、 各种名词性从句 e.g.
That’s what I should do. We should do a favour to whoever needs help at present.
riding on a bus. Come to me if necessary. 5、 with短语 e.g. I saw a young lady walking slowly in the street with a
handbag in her hand.
6、 定语从句 e.g. In my opinion, cyber cafes should be a place where we can find much useful information.
三 高考大纲中常用的连接词
1. 表示递进; 另外,还有:what is more; besides; also; moreover; in addition
2. 表示转折关系 但是, 然而, 相反:but; however; yet; instead; on the other hand; on the contrary.
2.We all think he is a great man. We all think highly of him .
3.Suddenly I thought out a good idea. A good idea occurred to me. / A good idea suddenly struck me.
二 丰富的句式:(常用到的句型结构)
• It can be seen from this that there is no difficulty in the world we cannot overcome. • These volunteer’s activities can help us to gain some social experience and make good sense of our
• I think • I firmly believe that … • In my opinion, • Personally speaking,… • As far as I am concerned, … • From my point of view, ….
How to summarize an argumentation
Skill: 议论三步法 论点—观点 主题句 论据— (事例)
1. 提出要评论的事物或观点. 2. 分别陈述利与弊(或不同的观点) 3. 归纳得出作者的结论. 4. a. 有定论的,作者可明确表态(赞成或反对) 5. b. 争议较大的或尚无定论的, 可不明确表态, 提出扬长避短的方法,也可以平衡其利弊,提出某种
4) From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that… All in all , In conclusion, On the whole
2. “韵色”得高分 培养学生在确保文体正确、关键点齐全、层次分明基础上, 恰当利用一些漂亮句式、关联词、插入语和谚语等,能使文 章更上档次。
三、注意事项 1.提炼关键点 (1)总结归纳关键点:不是全部内容都要写出来,而是抓住其 中关键关键点、衔接关键点! (2)理顺关键点:将提炼关键点按逻辑关系(如时间关系、因果 关系、转折关系等)重新安排,这么整篇文章看起来就整体有 序,流畅自然,愈加轻易打动评分老师,从而使作文分数提 升一档。
3.谋篇布局 (1)构思文章提要:依据题目标关键点,安排好段落和主次关 系。要形成良好分段意识,写作分段是必须要进行(2至4段为 佳),这么显得文章不会拥挤而且层次分明。在行文意识上, 要注意突出关键点。 (2)分段注意详略搭配、注意连贯; (3)行文时多用关联词、引导词,把文章句子经过各种关系整 合起来,到达起承转合、利用自如目标,从而获取高分; (4)详细连接关系有:并列关系、递进关系、因果关系、转折 关系、让步关系、列举关系、条件关系、举例关系、时间关 系等。
(2)二审人称。文章中人称选择恰当对表示文章基本思想、描 述事物及情节都很有帮助。应尤其注意英文中人称阴阳是很 轻易被忽略。 (3)三审时态。高考评分中,谓语动词形式是被看重,一篇文 章假如多处出现谓语动词错误,就要降等给分。所以我们在 审题时要给文章时态定个位,即过去时、现在时或未来时。 再以这个定为时态基础,按需要使用对应时态。
一、满分要求 1.语篇信息齐全; 2.丰富句式表示; 3.注意句与句之间连贯性; 4.语句流畅自然,层次清楚; 5.应用较高级词汇; 6.书面整齐。
二、写作策略 1.“五审”定调子
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Besides, the building of it will take up a part of our small playground. We can’t have enough place to play games and have sports after class.
方法:组写、缩写、扩写、 改写、 或看图作文等。
1.句子要正确: 1).Do you know where is the People’s Park ? →Do you know where the People’s Park is? 2). There are many visitors enjoy the dish. →Many visitors enjoy the dish. →There are many visitors who enjoy the dish.
四.开头和结尾 开头方法:开门见山、解释和描述主 题、提供背景知识、小故事 引路、提出问题、倒叙、悬 念、名言、描写等等. 结尾方法:总结主要观点、重复开头或 题目、提出结论、提出问题 暗示答案、引言、故事等等.
请以你校学生的名义写一篇短文,陈述 反对拟在你校附近兴建一座化工厂的理由. 短文须包括以下内容: 1.大部分同学都反对兴建. 2.尽管该厂可能为本市赚钱不少, 但弊大于利. 3.可能造成噪声污染和空气污染. 4.侵占学校部分操场. 注意:可以补充若干理由,不要仅 仅翻译以上各点.
假设你是李晓平,是“江苏中学”的学生。 请你围绕“建设和谐社会”的主题,根据下面所给 出的要点提示,用英语给全省中学生写一封倡议书。 提示 1.人与社会:祖国、家乡、学校,热爱关心 2.人与人:家人、师长、同学,诚信互助 3.人与自然:能源、环境、动植物、爱惜保 护 4.你的态度:(内容由考生自己决定)。 注意:1、词数:100左右; 2、内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。
1.在头脑中搜索你想用的 单词: be against ; construction; chemical factory; make a lot of money; pollute; prevent; take up; harm ; playground, have sports, take measures…..
→In my spare time, I enjoy swimming, skating…… →In my spare time, I’m fond of swimming,…… →In my spare time, my hobbies are swimming, skating……
7.句子要避免汉式英语 My spare lovers are swimming, skating, collecting stamps and listening to popular music.
In my spare time, I enjoy popular music and collecting stamps. →In my spare time, I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps.
Nowadays, knowledge is becoming more and more important with the development of society, so many parents expect the children to be useful or successful. • They spare no effort to offer their children as good a chance as possible: They not only send them abroad for further education and to private schools at great expenses, but also hire personal teachers. They buy all
Dear fellow students, Our government is aiming to build a “harmonious society”. I think it is every citizen’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal. As high school students, what should we do? First of all, we should love our motherland. Let’s take a great interest in the development of our hometowns and take an active part in our school’s activities.
You will continue to walk. You’ll see a hill. You will go around the hill. You’ll get to a lake. →After walking for a while, you’ll come to a hill, walk round to the other side of the hill. There you’ll see a lake.
kinds of learning materials, computers and so on. But no matter what their parents do for the children, what becomes of the children ? Some of them really make it, but most of them want to enjoy and relax themselves and at last they are really disappointing.
I’m very interested in computer and won first prize last year. →I was very interested in computer and won first prize last year.
Secondly, let’s fill the world with love. We should show our respect for old people,our parents and our teachers. We should also care for each other and help those in need. Most important of all, all of us must be faithful and honest in our daily life.
Finally, let’s work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, including animals, trees, flowers and grass.
1. and, in addition, first, second, third … 2. before, after, when, later, immediately… 3. beyond, beside, behind, below, inside… 4. but, still, however, even, though… 5. because, so, therefore, thus, otherwise… 6. so that, indeed, above all, for example… 7. finally, in other words, in brief…
某英语杂志社 “家长之友”栏目要举办一 次征文比赛,要求围绕 “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”这一主 题发表意见. 请根据下列提示写一篇文章. 内容提示: 许多家长望子成龙,不惜重金送孩子上私 立学校,到国外留学,请家教,给他们买大量的 资料,电脑等,但往往这些都…… 注意事项: 投稿人应提示内容,表明自己的观点:
Most students of our school, including me, are against the construction of a chemical factory near our school .
3.写好其它句子来支持你自己的 观点: Although the factory will make a lot of money for our city, we do think it will do us more harm than good. The air will be badly polluted and we can’t prevent the noise from entering our classrooms.
6.句子要避免头重脚轻 Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer are the main subjects. →The main subjects are Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer.