4. 用户分机功能.......................................................................................................... 10
4.1 普通用户分机功能 ................................................................................................................................. 10 4.1.1 呼叫话务台 ..................................................................................................................................... 10 4.1.2 内部呼叫 ......................................................................................................................................... 10 4.1.3 呼叫外线 ......................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.4 分组呼叫 ......................................................................................................................................... 11 4.1.5 保留 ................................................................................................................................................. 11 4.1.6 转接来话 ......................................................................................................................................... 11 4.1.7 通话切换 ......................................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.8 分机自检 ......................................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.9 来电显示 ......................................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.10 保密呼叫 ......................................................................................................................................... 13 4.1.11 免打扰 ............................................................................................................................................. 13 4.1.12 呼叫转移 ......................................................................................................................................... 13 4.1.13 闹钟服务 ......................................................................................................................................... 13 4.1.14 分机权限 ......................................................................................................................................... 14 4.1.15 话务员权限 ..................................................................................................................................... 14 4.1.16 热线分机 ......................................................................................................................................... 14 4.1.17 遇忙提醒 ......................................................................................................................................... 15 4.1.18 识别拍叉 ......................................................................................................................................... 15 4.1.19 保留回振 ......................................................................................................................................... 15 4.1.20 遇忙转移 ......................................................................................................................................... 16 4.1.21 无应答转移分机 ............................................................................................................................ 16 4.1.22 组内代答 ......................................................................................................................................... 16 4.1.23 指定代答 ......................................................................................................................................... 17 4.2 话务员分机功能...................................................................................................................................... 17
1.NS怎么重装及升级系统程序?需要使用CF卡,把编程Designer软件对应的安装目录:C:\Program Files\OMRON\CX-One\CX-Designer\RecoverUpdate_6_6下的所有文件拷贝到CF卡内,NS断电插入CF卡,然后NS上电,NS会自动读取,选择升级覆盖系统即可。
3.NT的画面怎么转换成NS的画面?安装NS编辑软件时自动会安装NT31C_631C Conversion Support Tool这个文件转换工具,支持把NT31C_631C-V2版本的NT画面数据转换成NS画面程序。
C:\Program Files\OMRON\CX-One\CX-Designer\intaparts\BMPfiles 用三芯的XW2Z-200S-V这根电缆只能传画面无法传送系统程序,而XW2Z-200S-CV的这根电缆既可以传画面也能传系统程序。
5.NS怎么显示负数?6.NS怎么显示小数点?①Format:设置整数位、小数位②Set Unit&Scale设定标定例:7.NS怎么显示浮点数据?目前NS系列可以支持浮点数据(32位单精度浮点)。
①Display:选择十进制(Decimal)②Storage:选择浮点(Real)③Format:选择整数与小数的位数8.NS控件(触摸按键、数字输入等)设置操作权限?进入控件设置属性,选择Password,可以为每个控件任意选择一个Level1~Level5的密码(可以最多设置5个密码,密码最大为16个字符),初始密码可以通过Set Password 或者通过NS硬件系统菜单内设置。
1.NS怎么重装及升级系统程序? (2)2.NS屏幕右下角一直显示“Connecting”,画面不显示? (2)3.NT的画面怎么转换成NS的画面? (2)4.NS内部控件可以调用自己的图片吗? (2)5.NS怎么显示负数? (2)6.NS怎么显示小数点? (3)7.NS怎么显示浮点数据? (4)8.NS控件(触摸按键、数字输入等)设置操作权限? (5)9.NS下载完画面程序后,如何在屏上直接查看画面程序? (6)10.如何通过PLC来切换NS画面? (6)11.NS的画面如何实现多国语言切换功能? (6)12.NS如何设置屏幕保护功能? (8)13.在CX-Designer软件的通信设置中,没有Hostlink协议选项? (9)14.NS使用标签功能对象中字符串间接参考的功能时,显示中文字符出现乱码? (9)15.NS如何禁止修改系统菜单? (10)16.如何使用CX-Designer软件转换画面程序的系统版本? (11)17.NS与CPM2AH通信,NS上显示“MRES=11,SRES=03”的错误? (11)18 触摸屏和PLC上电连接后程序画面不显示,如何处理? (11)19. 触摸屏上电和计算机连接后无法下载画面程序,如何处理? (12)20.触摸屏如何安装系统程序? (12)21.触摸屏显示和PLC内数据不符合,如何处理? (13)22.NS动画功能如何实现? (14)23.为什么做的中文画面后,下传到NT31/631(C)后中文都是乱码 (14)23.NT系列触摸屏进入不了系统传输画面 (15)24. NT系列与PLC连接后,一上电显示初始画面后一闪就黑屏了 (15)25.NT31/NT631系列在上下载画面时注意事项? (15)26.如何安装系统程序? (15)27.NT31(C)/631(C)触摸屏上显示“system initializing”? (16)28.NT31/NT631怎么设置密码? (16)29.NT631C 画面中使用到HR区时,下载画面时报HR地址错误? (16)30.NT31C-ST141-V2下载画面时,软件中“提示控制/通知区域的设定不合适,是否要现在就设置”? (16)31.如何刷新NT31/631C-EV3的 2.1G中文系统? (16)32.NT31C进入传送模式时,出现“数据画面被破坏”提示? (17)33. NT31/631C为什么一上电显示选择英文/日文界面? (18)34.NT31/631电池没电画面会丢吗? (18)35.NT31/631和CP1H通讯,触摸屏上按钮地址使用同一通道的两个位,例0.00/0.01,此时置位0.00,然后再置位0.01时,0.00就会被复位? (18)36.NT31/631(C)把画面从屏中上载上来出现乱码? (18)37.NT怎么显示负数? (19)38.NT画面转换NS画面时,转换失败? (20)1.NS怎么重装及升级系统程序?需要使用CF卡,把编程Designer软件对应的安装目录:C:\Program Files\OMRON\CX-One\CX-Designer\RecoverUpdate_6_6下的所有文件拷贝到CF卡内,NS断电插入CF卡,然后NS上电,NS会自动读取,选择升级覆盖系统即可。
P-253,WLI/O连接器型⑤配线规格中的 -M1JB不是“2芯,DC规格、NO配线、连接器查缴No.3、2”,应改为“NC配线”。
P-281, WL-3A200的长度应该是417.5mm,不是412.5mmP-295,D4A-D00对应的驱动杆的种类不是“可调式滚珠·摆杆型”,应该改成“可调式棒式·摆杆型”。
5-1 实例画面的结构---------------------------------------------------------------------2 5-1-1 画面结构----------------------------------------------------------------------25-1-2 实例画面的画面布置-------------------------------------------------------25-2 操作流程-------------------------------------------------------------------------------65-3 建立实例数据------------------------------------------------------------------------10 5-3-1 启动支持软件--------------------------------------------------------------105-3-2 [文件]→[新建] ----------------------------------------------------------105-3-3 设置PT构成----------------------------------------------------------------105-3-4 设置内存表------------------------------------------------------------------105-3-5 建立菜单画面---------------------------------------------------------------125-3-6 建立监视画面(子画面1)----------------------------------------------155-3-7 建立监视画面(子画面2)----------------------------------------------205-3-8 建立监视画面(父画面)------------------------------------------------295-3-9 建立设置画面---------------------------------------------------------------305-3-10 建立报警画面--------------------------------------------------------------405-3-11 建立报警列表库数据-----------------------------------------------------455-3-12 建立弹出显示数字键-----------------------------------------------------465-3-13 保存建立的数据-----------------------------------------------------------495-3-14 下载到PT-------------------------------------------------------------------495-1 实例画面的结构建立的实例画面的结构及画面传送描述如下。
1. C200HE/G/X,CQM1H,CJ和电脑(9针串口)连接的电缆线型号: (2)2.电池型号列表 (2)3. C200HE/G/X系列CPU尾注含义? (2)4. C200H-CPU01连计算机的电缆型号? (3)5.C200Hα系列PLC的主要规格 (3)6.C200Hα系列的PLC都有内部时钟功能吗? (3)7.C200H-CPU01该型号已停产,用什么PLC替代? (4)8.C200Hα上面具体槽位和模块地址是怎么排列的? (4)9.C200H-SP001的模块如果插在底板上是否占地址? (4)10.如何计算C200Hα所带的模块的电流消耗? (4)11.C200Hα系列的通信板有几种? (5)12.C200Hα是否支持协议宏功能? (5)13.C200Hα系列是否支持DeviceNet现场总线?如何配置? (5)14.C200H-AD001/AD002/AD003/DA001/DA002/DA003/DA004的规格 (6)15.C200H-TC□0□系列模块型命名规则? (6)16.C200H-TS 系列模块型号如何定义? (6)17.C200H-TS/TC模块有什么区别? (7)18.C200H-TC模块上CT1和CT2端子连接什么设备? (7)19.C200H-TS001/002模块上的冷端补偿电阻是否要另外购买? (7)20.C200H-PID01/02/03之间的区别? (7)21. CJ1M-CPU22内置IO的连接器型号? (7)22. CJ1W-ID231的直接焊线的连接器型号? (7)24.买CJ系列PLC的时候,需要同时购买CF卡吗?型号是什么? (8)25.CJ系列PLC的电池型号是什么? (8)26.CJ系列PLC上的小外设口如何转成232口? (8)27.CJ系列PLC带扩展机架时需要哪些配置? (8)28.CJ系列PLC需要另配端板CJ1W-TER01吗? (8)29.CJ1有哪些电源模块?型号后带R和带C的有什么区别? (9)30.CJ系列PLC普通I/O模块输入输出地址如何分配? (9)31.CJ系列特殊模块的地址分配?(例举特殊模块和总线模块的地址分配) (9)32.CJ1M-CPU23、CJ1M-CPU22、CJ1M-CPU21内置16点地址如何分配? (10)33.CJ1M-CPU21/22/23CPU的内置输入点是否附带连接器? (10)34.CJ1M-CPU21/22/23CPU单元内置高速计数响应频率是多少? (10)35.高速计数器当前值存储字的通道是多少? (11)36.内置高速计数的软件复位位是什么? (11)37.内置高速计数暂停位是什么? (11)38.CJ1M-CPU21/22/23CPU单元内置脉冲输出频率及脉冲输出当前值存储地址是多少? (11)39.CJ1M系列哪些CPU型号内置脉冲输出功能?内置几路脉冲输出?输出频率最大为多少? (11)40.CJ1M内置脉冲输出,输出频率能否达到101Hz? (12)41.CJ1M能否与CQM1/CPM/C200Hα做PC LINK通讯? (12)42.CJ1M-CPU13-ETN和CJ1M-CPU13配置有什么区别? (12)43.CJ系列模拟量模块规格 (12)44.CJ系列PLC能带多少块模拟量模块? (13)45.CJ1W-TC模块规格 (14)46.C200HW-PA204/C200HW-PA204S/C200HW-PA204R/C200HW-PA204C电源模块的区别? (14)1. C200HE/G/X,CQM1H,CJ和电脑(9针串口)连接的电缆线型号:2.电池型号列表3. C200HE/G/X系列CPU尾注含义?-E为海外版(英文)-Z为本土增强版(日文),内部指令数比-E的多.-ZE为海外增强版(英文),内部指令数比-E的多,与-Z的CPU相同一般用户选用-E的CPU就可以了。
MICRO SWITCH NT系列商务级开关数据手册说明书
MICRO SWITCH™ Commercial-Grade T oggle Switches Datasheet2What makes our switches better?NEMA 3, 3R, 4, 13 and IP67/68 environmental sealing fordemanding applications UL recognized, CSA certified, and CE certified for global use 1-, 2-, and 4-pole options to meet a variety of circuitryrequirements 2- or 3-position maintained and momentary action to meetcircuit and actuator requirements Optional step-case design provides added space betweenterminals to prevent shortingMICRO SWITCH™ NT SeriesCommercial-Grade Toggle SwitchesHoneywell MICRO SWITCH™ NT Series toggle switches meet the need for a rugged, cost-effective toggle switch. Quality construction features include a seal between the toggle lever and bushing, and between the cover and case. These switches are suitable for applications in many demanding outdoor environments, where the panels are sub-jected to vibration from equipment, temperature extremes, dust, splashing water, and/or hose directed water. They are capable of withstanding exposure to heavy accumulations of early morning dew that may condense on the control panel in cabs of vehicles left outdoors overnight. The NT toggle switches with larger standard metal or plastic levers are well suited for gloved-hand operation.Available in both step-base and flat-base styles, the NT Series offers three popular styles of termination: 6-32 screws, solder lugs with 3,0 mm [0.12 in] diameter hole, or 6,35 mm [0.25 in] quick connect terminals.The optional “Easy Start” threaded bushing enables quick alignment of the mounting nut to minimize any crossthreading. The panel stand-off with O-ring feature available on some listings eliminates the need for behind-the-panel hardware, provides a uniform panel height, and a panel-to-cover seal.ENVIRONMENTAL SEALING • GLOBAL APPROVALSMULTI-CIRCUITS • HIGH PERFORMANCETough environmental sealing makes harsh environments seem like just another sunny day.Features and Benefits SEALED TO NEMA 3, 3R, 4, 13 AND IP67/IP68 FOR GLOBAL USE MICRO SWITCH™ NT toggle switches feature a moveable seal between the toggle lever and bushing and a completely sealed case to meet NEMA and IP seal ratings. They are suitable for applications in many demanding outdoor environments, where the panels are subjected to vibration from equipment, temperature extremes, dust, splashing water, and/or hose directed water. UL recognized, File E12252, Vol. 1, Section 44, CSA certified, and CE certified for global useWELL-SUITED FOR GLOVED-HAND OPERATIONSpring-loaded actuating mechanism provides excellent tactile feedback for the toggle switch lever. The NT toggle switches with larger standard metal or plastic levers are well suited for gloved-hand operationLOCKING LEVERSOptional lever locks (pull-to-unlock) require two separate actions to actuate the switch in order to prevent unintended actuationMINIMIZES INSTALLATION TIMEOptional flat base case design with a quick connect terminal pattern mates to a commercial-type connector for plug-and-play connectivity, reducing installation timeVARIETY OF CIRCUITRIES AND OPERATING ACTIONSNT Series’ 2- and 3-position, maintained and momentary toggle action, fora breadth of circuitry and actuator requirements. Delivers high performance in a wide range of temperatures: -40 °C to 71 °C [-40 °F to 160 °F]EASILY CONTROLS LOW-VOLTAGE DC APPLICATIONSToggle switches available with a choice of silver alloy or gold-plated contacts to handle a variety of electrical load requirementsINNOVATIVE PRODUCT DESIGNOptional engineered step-design case provides added space between terminals to prevent shorting. Optional panel stand-off with O-ring panel seal eliminates behind-the-panel hardwareLocking levers reduce unintended actuationExcellent tactile feedback34AERIAL PLATFORM LIFTSMomentary toggles are used to operate the movement of aerial platform lifts. T oggle can be used to raise & lower, extend & retract and rotate platform or outriggers.PLATFORM LIFTS FOR TRUCKSUsed to fold/unfold and raise/lower from a lift gate’s control panel.INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENTUsed in the control panel of overhead cranes and factory floor equipment.RAILROAD LOCOMOTIVES AND MAINTENANCE EQUPMENTDesigned into control panels often found in locomotives, rail grinders, tie removal, ballast spreaders, and tampers.CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENTUsed to operate movement of machinery and/or turn on lights, pumps, etc. in road milling, road pavers, trenchers, stump cutting and other construction and mining equipment. Also widely used for remote control of concrete pumping and drilling machines.AGRICULTURAL MACHINERYUsed in control panels for harvesting equipment, grain handlers, and grain dryers.Potential ApplicationsMICRO SWITCH™ Commercial-Grade T oggle SwitchesTable 2. UL and CSA Electrical Ratings56NT SeriesTERMINAL CIRCUIT IDENTIFICATIONTerminal identifications are referred to in the order guides to indi-cate which circuits are made in each toggle position (i.e., 1-2 refers to circuit closure through terminals 1 and 2).NOTE: Keyside is on #3 terminal side.Step Base - One PoleStep Base - Two PoleStep Base - Four PoleFlat Base - One PoleFlat Base - Two PoleSPECIAL CIRCUITRIESCatalog listings with -10, -50, and -70 suffix numbers, as shown in the order guides, have special “on-on-on” circuits, as illus-trated below. NTs with -12 suffix are the same as -50 except the keyway position is maintained, and the center position circuits 2-3 and 4-5 are made.-50 CIRCUITRYKeyway Side Maint. PositionCenter Maint. PositionOpposite Keyway Maint.Position-70 CIRCUITRYKeyway Side Maint. PositionCenter Maint. PositionOpposite Keyway Maint.PositionMICRO SWITCH™ Commercial-Grade T oggle Switches* These positions are momentary. All others are maintained.** See page 17 for locking configurations.NT (STEP BASE) 2-POSITION ORDER GUIDE • PANEL STAND-OFF FEATURE*These positions are momentary. All others are maintained.NT (STEP BASE) 3-POSITION ORDER GUIDE • PANEL STAND-OFF FEATURE*These positions are momentary. All others are maintained.7NT Series** Toggle lever is blocked from these products. Toggle becomes 2-position, with center being one extreme position. *** See page 17 for locking configurations.MICRO SWITCH™ Commercial-Grade T oggle Switches** These positions are momentary. All others are maintained.NT (FLAT BASE) 2-POSITION ORDER GUIDE • PANEL STAND-OFF FEATURE**These positions are momentary. All others are maintainedMATING CONNECTORS ORDER GUIDE9NT Series** These positions are momentary. All others are maintained.*** Toggle lever is blocked from these positions. Toggle becomes 2-position, with center being one extreme position. NT (FLAT BASE) 3-POSITION ORDER GUIDE • PANEL STAND-OFF FEATURE** These positions are momentary. All others are maintainedMICRO SWITCH™ Commercial-Grade T oggle SwitchesSTEP BASE • STANDARD ACTUATOR OPTIONS, TERMINALS, & DIMENSIONS11NT SeriesSTEP BASE • STANDARD ACTUATOR OPTIONS, TERMINALS, & DIMENSIONSMICRO SWITCH™ Commercial-Grade T oggle SwitchesSTEP BASE • STANDARD ACTUATOR OPTIONS, TERMINALS, & DIMENSIONS13NT SeriesSTEP BASE • STANDARD ACTUATOR OPTIONS, TERMINALS, & DIMENSIONSMICRO SWITCH™ Commercial-Grade T oggle SwitchesFLAT BASE • STANDARD ACTUATOR OPTIONS, TERMINALS, & DIMENSIONS1516NT SeriesMICRO SWITCH™ NT SERIES LOCKING CONFIGURATIONSPULL-TO-UNLOCK LEVERSPull-to-unlock toggle levers prevent accidental toggle movement. The knobbed toggle lever must be pulled out approximately 2,3 mm [0.09 in] to change positions. Thirteen different locking configurations are available. This lever style also has a non-glare matte nickelfinish. See table below for specific locking configurations.MICRO SWITCH™ NT SERIES P ANEL CUTOUTMICRO SWITCH™ Commercial-Grade T oggle SwitchesThis Honeywell datasheet supports the following MICRO SWITCH™ NT Series Toggle Switch Listings11NT1-211NT1-311NT1-3D11NT1-3G11NT1-511NT1-611NT1-711NT1-7-NH 12NT1-112NT1-1012NT1-212NT1-312NT1-714NT1-314NT1-514NT1-614NT1-714NT1-81NT1-11NT1-1A1NT1-1-C1NT1-1L1NT1-1N1NT1-1-NH1NT1-1P1NT1-21NT1-211NT1-2-C1NT1-2D1NT1-2F1NT1-2G1NT1-31NT1-311NT1-3-C1NT1-3D1NT1-3F1NT1-3-NH1NT1-41NT1-51NT1-511NT1-5-C1NT1-5N1NT1-61NT1-611NT1-6F1NT1-71NT1-7-C1NT1-7-COMB 1NT1-7E1NT1-7-NH1NT1-7-SKY 1NT1-81NT1-8-C1NT1-8F1NT1-8-NH1NT20-7E1NT20-7N 1NT231-71NT887-11NT887-21NT887-21K1NT887-31NT887-51NT887-61NT887-71NT887-7E1NT887-81NT91-11NT91-1E1NT91-21NT91-2G1NT91-31NT91-3D1NT91-51NT91-5E1NT91-61NT91-611NT91-72NT101-72NT1-12NT1-102NT1-10A2NT1-10J2NT1-122NT1-1A2NT1-1-C2NT1-1E2NT1-1L2NT1-1N2NT1-1-NH2NT1-22NT1-212NT1-2-C2NT1-2G2NT1-32NT1-312NT1-3-C2NT1-3D2NT1-3-NH2NT1-42NT1-52NT1-502NT1-50F2NT1-512NT1-5M2NT1-5N2NT1-62NT1-612NT1-72NT1-702NT1-70-C2NT1-722NT1-7-COMB2NT1-7E2NT1-7-NH2NT1-82NT1-8-C2NT1-8-COMB2NT1-8-NH2NT231-72NT887-102NT889-702NT91-12NT91-102NT91-1A2NT91-22NT91-32NT91-3D2NT91-52NT91-502NT91-50K2NT91-62NT91-72NT91-702NT91-7-NH2NT91-831NT1-131NT1-231NT1-731NT391-1-B0231NT391-1-B0831NT391-1-C0231NT391-21-C0831NT391-2-B0231NT391-2-B0831NT391-2-C0231NT391-2-C0831NT391-3-C0831NT391-3-C0931NT391-5-C0831NT391-6-B0831NT391-6-C0731NT391-6-C0831NT391-7-A0731NT391-7-B0831NT391-7-C0231NT391-7-C0731NT391-7-C0831NT391-8-C0231NT391-8-C0831NT392-2-C0831NT393-3-B0831NT393-7-C0831NT394-731NT491-7-PL0231NT891-131NT891-231NT891-331NT891-731NT91-131NT91-1-OMC31NT91-231NT91-206-PL0131NT91-2131NT91-2F31NT91-331NT91-3131NT91-531NT91-5131NT91-631NT91-6131NT91-6F31NT91-731NT91-7-NH31NT91-831NT92-231NT92-331NT92-632NT1-332NT1-7032NT291-3G32NT291-5E32NT291-5K32NT391-12-C0832NT391-1-C0232NT391-1-C0832NT391-2-B0232NT391-2-C0732NT391-2-C0832NT391-3-C0732NT391-3-C0832NT391-51-A0132NT391-56-C0832NT391-70-C0832NT391-72-C0832NT391-7-A0232NT391-7-C0732NT391-7-C0832NT392-12-C0832NT392-6-C0832NT392-7-C0832NT891-132NT891-232NT891-332NT891-732NT91-132NT91-1032NT91-1232NT911-3D32NT911-732NT91-232NT91-2132NT91-22732NT91-332NT91-3132NT91-432NT91-532NT91-5032NT91-632NT91-6132NT91-732NT91-7032NT91-7232NT91-7E32NT91-7-NH32NT91-832NT92-132NT92-1032NT92-332NT94-70L4NT1-14NT1-104NT1-10E4NT1-1194NT1-124NT1-12A4NT1-1A4NT1-1E4NT1-24NT1-34NT1-3D4NT1-54NT1-504NT1-64NT1-614NT1-74NT1-704NT1-724NT1-84NT207-1E4NT319-7-C084NT91-14NT91-34NT91-54NT91-74NT91-70611NT1-761NT1-161NT1-1-NH61NT1-261NT1-361NT1-3-A0461NT1-3-NH61NT1-561NT1-661NT1-6-A0161NT1-761NT1-7-NH61NT1-861NT1-8-NH61NT887-161NT887-361NT887-561NT887-761NT887-861NT91-262NT1-162NT1-1-NH62NT1-262NT1-362NT1-3-A0462NT1-3-NH62NT1-662NT1-762NT1-7-NH62NT1-862NT1-8-NH62NT91-162NT91-1-NH631NT391-3-B08631NT91-2631NT91-3631NT91-6631NT91-7631NT91-7-NH632NT91-1632NT91-2632NT91-3632NT91-5632NT91-6632NT91-7632NT91-7017NT SeriesADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe following associated literature is available at :• Product range guide• Product application-specific information– Sensors and switches in front loaders– Sensors and switches in mobile cranes– Sensors and switches in oil rig applicationsWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particu-lar purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for conse-quential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell website, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application. Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.005429-1-EN IL50 GLO September 2013Copyright © 2013 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.Sensing and Control Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422 Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office.To learn more about Honeywell’s sensing and control products, call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945,visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************。
754手册一览表...............1375规格认证机型一览表....... 1378EN/IEC 规格认证.适用型号一览表 (1384)相关信息可编程终端NS 系列「为装置安装导航器」这种全新概念的可编程终端NS系列产品线*NS5不能对应视频输入。
系列项目NS12NS10NS8NS5NSH5外观外形尺寸(W ×H ×D )315×241×48.5mm315×241×48.5mm232×177×48.5mm195×142×54mm195×142×54mm有效显示区域12.1英寸10.4英寸8.0英寸 5.7英寸5.7英寸液晶TFT TFT TFT TFTSTNSTN 显示分辨率800×600点640×480点640×480点320×240点320×240点显示颜色基本颜色(部件/背景等)256色256色256色 256色256色单色16阶色256色BMP-JPEG 图象图象数据32,768色图象数据32,768色图象数据32,768色图象数据32,768色图象数据4,096色图象数据单色图象数据4,096色视频输入的图像显示 *260,000色260,000色260,000色————画面容量60MB 60MB 60MB 20MB 20MB 20MB20MB 存储卡○○○○○梯形图监控器○○○————安装视频输入单元○○○————ControllerLink I/F 单元的安装○○——————NS 5可编程终端NS系列种类(订货指南)■本体商品名规格型号国际标准画面尺寸点数Ethernet颜色NS12本体TFT12英寸800×600点无象牙色NS12-TS00-V2CU、N、CE黑色NS12-TS00B-V2有象牙色NS12-TS01-V2黑色NS12-TS01B-V2NS10本体TFT10英寸640×480点无象牙色NS10-TV00-V2CU、N、L、CE黑色NS10-TV00B-V2有象牙色NS10-TV01-V2黑色NS10-TV01B-V2NS8本体TFT 8英寸640×480点无象牙色NS8-TV00-V2CU、N、CE黑色NS8-TV00B-V2有象牙色NS8-TV01-V2黑色NS8-TV01B-V2NS5本体STN 5英寸320×240点无象牙色NS5-SQ00-V2CU、N、L、CE黑色NS5-SQ00B-V2有象牙色NS5-SQ01-V2黑色NS5-SQ01B-V2TFT 5英寸无象牙色NS5-TQ00-V2CU、CE黑色NS5-TQ00B-V2有象牙色NS5-TQ01-V2黑色NS5-TQ01B-V2单色STN无象牙色NS5-MQ00-V2黑色NS5-MQ00B-V2有象牙色NS5-MQ01-V2黑色NS5-MQ01B-V2NS5手持型本体STN 320×240点无黑色NSH5-SQR00B-V2CU、CE755756可编程终端NS 系列■可选件*1.NS 系列本体与打印机连接时,请使用欧姆龙制USB 主站单元。
754手册一览表...............1375规格认证机型一览表....... 1378EN/IEC 规格认证.适用型号一览表 (1384)相关信息可编程终端NS 系列「为装置安装导航器」这种全新概念的可编程终端NS系列产品线*NS5不能对应视频输入。
系列项目NS12NS10NS8NS5NSH5外观外形尺寸(W ×H ×D )315×241×48.5mm315×241×48.5mm232×177×48.5mm195×142×54mm195×142×54mm有效显示区域12.1英寸10.4英寸8.0英寸 5.7英寸5.7英寸液晶TFT TFT TFT TFTSTNSTN 显示分辨率800×600点640×480点640×480点320×240点320×240点显示颜色基本颜色(部件/背景等)256色256色256色 256色256色单色16阶色256色BMP-JPEG 图象图象数据32,768色图象数据32,768色图象数据32,768色图象数据32,768色图象数据4,096色图象数据单色图象数据4,096色视频输入的图像显示 *260,000色260,000色260,000色————画面容量60MB 60MB 60MB 20MB 20MB 20MB20MB 存储卡○○○○○梯形图监控器○○○————安装视频输入单元○○○————ControllerLink I/F 单元的安装○○——————NS 5可编程终端NS系列种类(订货指南)■本体商品名规格型号国际标准画面尺寸点数Ethernet颜色NS12本体TFT12英寸800×600点无象牙色NS12-TS00-V2CU、N、CE黑色NS12-TS00B-V2有象牙色NS12-TS01-V2黑色NS12-TS01B-V2NS10本体TFT10英寸640×480点无象牙色NS10-TV00-V2CU、N、L、CE黑色NS10-TV00B-V2有象牙色NS10-TV01-V2黑色NS10-TV01B-V2NS8本体TFT 8英寸640×480点无象牙色NS8-TV00-V2CU、N、CE黑色NS8-TV00B-V2有象牙色NS8-TV01-V2黑色NS8-TV01B-V2NS5本体STN 5英寸320×240点无象牙色NS5-SQ00-V2CU、N、L、CE黑色NS5-SQ00B-V2有象牙色NS5-SQ01-V2黑色NS5-SQ01B-V2TFT 5英寸无象牙色NS5-TQ00-V2CU、CE黑色NS5-TQ00B-V2有象牙色NS5-TQ01-V2黑色NS5-TQ01B-V2单色STN无象牙色NS5-MQ00-V2黑色NS5-MQ00B-V2有象牙色NS5-MQ01-V2黑色NS5-MQ01B-V2NS5手持型本体STN 320×240点无黑色NSH5-SQR00B-V2CU、CE755756可编程终端NS 系列■可选件*1.NS 系列本体与打印机连接时,请使用欧姆龙制USB 主站单元。
(7) 通过拖鼠标调整“灯1”(字符)串的位置。
建立灯2(8) 复制[灯1]并把它粘贴到数据建立画面上。
(9) 移动所粘贴的[灯1]到[灯2]位置上。
(10)(11) 以同样的方式建立[灯3],[灯4]和[灯5]。
(12) 修改各自的属性。
0020 0021(1) 选择[工具](菜单栏)(2) 指定0020代码后,单击 。
(3) 指定图像尺寸,宽度:64和高度:48 。
(4) 建立图象数据。
(5) 关闭图象编辑器。
(6) 打开图象编辑器并建立0021代码的图像数据。
建立[图象灯]● 建立标题(1) 选择[对象](菜单栏)→[固定显示]→[文本]。
(2) 移动光标到标签“图象灯”的显示位置并单击鼠标。
(3) 在(字符)串设置(固定显示-文本)对话框中,设置“图象灯”。
(4) 双击“图象灯”(字符)串。
(6) 用鼠标拖“图象灯”(字符)串以调整其在数据建立画面上的位置。
● 设置图象/库灯(7) 选定[对象](菜单栏)→[灯]→[图象]。
(8) 在图象/库灯显示的地方单击鼠标(在预期的左上角)。
(9) 调整图象/库灯的显示位置。
OMRON NT631 NT31 Version 2系列产品说明书
Better SYSMAC Compatibility and Easier-to-use Support SoftwareNT631/NT31 Version 2SeriesOMRON CorporationFA Systems Division H.Q.66 MatsumotoMishima-city,Shizuoka 411-8511JapanTel:(81)55-977-9181Fax:(81)55-977-9045Authorized Distributor:Note: Specifications subject to change without notice.Cat.No.V052-E1-05Printed in Japan 0504-1MRegional HeadquartersOMRON EUROPE B.V.Wegalaan 67-69, NL-2132 JD Hoofddorp The NetherlandsTel:(31)2356-81-300/Fax:(31)2356-81-388OMRON ELECTRONICS LLC1 East Commerce Drive, Schaumburg, IL 60173U.S.A.Tel:(1)847-843-7900/Fax:(1)847-843-8568OMRON ASIA PACIFIC PTE. LTD.83 Clemenceau Avenue,#11-01, UE Square,Singapore 239920Tel:(65)6835-3011/Fax:(65)6835-2711Note 1. Do not use this document to operate the Unit.2. The names of companies and products appearing in this document are registered trademarks of the respective companies.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.To keep in pace with the progress of information technology on production sites, more advanced and more diversified functions are continuously required from operator interfaces. OMRON continuously researches the use of operator inter-faces at all stages of application. OMRON scrutinizes system compatibility, design efficiency, and maintenance, and has now achieved new versions of the NT631/NT31 Programma-ble Terminals with the functionality required by users. Experi-ence the remarkable progress of new NT631/NT31.32Improved Functionality Based on Complete Research in Designing, Development, and Production Site NeedsImproved SYSMAC CompatibilityDevice monitoring and I/O comment loading functions facilitate system construction.Enhanced Screen Creation and Better Design EfficiencyGreatly enhanced NT Support Software with reusable screen data and powerful simulation on editing screens.Windows Look and Feel Environment for Easier OperationImproved operating procedures for NT Support Software with new functions for easier screen creation.New User-friendly Functions for Greater Display VersatilityA new operation/interlock function greatly reduces the size of ladder programs. Furthermore, a new display function provides versatiledisplay features and a "recipe" function has been added to make data easier to handle.Easier On-site MaintenanceTransfer the system program and screen data to ensure smoothon-site system maintenance and improve the efficiency of on-site work.Providing What's Needed in Programmable Terminals54 Note 1: There are some limitations on hosts that can be connected. Refer to the PT manual for details. 2: The English version of the NT Support Tool must be used. 3: Connection possible with "-EV1" function only.A Lineup of Models with Versatile Display Features and Easy OperationSelect the most suitable PT according to the display device fromtwo large and two medium-size models. The functions and operability of all models are unified, making replacement with another model easy.Screen data can be used not only from other models, but also from previous models.76Using this function, data can be written to and read from the host (PC memory or PT memory) in table format, enabling multiple settings to be transferred between the PT and the host in a single operation.NT631 V2NT31 V2NT631 V2The device monitor function makes it possible to read and write I/O memory data and display consecutive sections of PLC data areas. This function greatly improves the efficiency of PLC setup work, including set value input into the Special I/O Units and checks on the settings. Data can be read from I/O memory from a user-created screen to enable application on maintenance screens for monitoring.OMRON Data ComparisonImproved SYSMAC Compatibilit y for Easier System ConstructionError logConnect to SYSMAC CS1/CJ1-series PLC over High-speed NT LinkThe industry's highest serial communications speed.Up to eight NT631/NT31 Units can be connected to a single port. Extends to a maximum of 500 m.Essentially the same performance is achieved for NT Links with eight PTs as for an NT Link with a single PT (for refreshing numeric displays).Greater Area AccessAddresses Accessible in SYSMAC CS1/CJ1-series PLCsFor 1-to-N NT LinksContinuous monitorRegistration monitorApplicable with V2 PTs.Applicable with V2 PTs.Symbol Manager98Windows Look and Feel environment ensures easy operation, allowing anyone to create screens quickly and easily. Theenhanced ON/OFF simulation function of the NT631/NT31 and easy application of existing screen data accelerate productEnhanced Screen Creation and Better Design Efficiency with Improved Support SoftwareIt is possible to load screens and tables independent -ly from different screen data files. The NT631/NT31 can now use existing screen data efficiently.Improved Compatibility with NT30 and NT620 SeriesImage and library data coding.Image and library data inser -tion into character strings.The word configuration and functions for the NT631/NT31 status con -trol area and notificationarea.CPU: Pentium 100 MHz min.RAM: 32 MB min.Hard diskSoftware capacity: 17 MBInstaller: 3 MBSample elements: 32 MBOS: Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT 4.0, Me, or XPMedia: CD-ROMWindows Look and Feel Environ-ment for Easier Operation and Image CreationError Log ViewerDouble-click the error message to track down the error on the screen.I/O Comment TableAll PLC addresses and I/O comments can be managed together. Addresses that have been allocated are automatically registered in the I/O comment table.Element AlignmentElements can be top-, bottom-, left-, right-, or center-aligned automatically.FilterThe filter function makes editing easier by displaying only the elements you select for modification.Online HelpClick the Help icon whenever you are not sure how to proceed. The information you need will appear by touching the elements on the screen.I/O Comment TableHelpSearch Functioncomment table address to the screen where the element is located.Applicable with V4 Support Software.Applicable with V4 Support Software.Applicable with V4 Support Software.Applicable with V4 Support Software.11 10PT PLCOFFONNew User-friendly Functions forGreater Display VersatilityThe mathematical/interlock function can be used to createscreens, greatly eliminating the size of ladder programs and ena-bling easier program modifications. This function allows up tofive arithmetic operations (i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplica-tion, and division) or boolean operations (e.g., AND and OR) tobe used on the NT631/NT31.Mathematical tableInterlockExample: While the machine is not ready to operate, "Standby" will appearon the tough switch prohibiting the operation of the machine. When themachine is ready to operate, "Ready" will appear on the touch switchpermitting command inputs.Machine is OFF.Input prohibited.Machine is ON.Input possible.Up to three windows can be displayed simultaneously. Awindow can be moved with the touch of a finger. Further-more, windows can be opened and closed from the PLCusing operations in the Window Control Area.System installerEasier On-site MaintenanceBy transferring a new system program, functionsand performance can be updated without changinghardware.System Programs ProvidedFor NT31/NT631: OMRON version (MemoryLink) and Mitsubishi versionFor NT30/NT620: OMRON version, Mitsubishiversion, and Memory Link versionFor NT11SIt is possible to transfer screens by using a specialsoftware application instead of the NT Support Soft-ware. The software application can be set upseparately.The Backlight Module has been redesigned to eliminate the need to replace the Backlight and enable maintenance-free operationfor up to 50,000 hours. (Not applicable to the NT631-ST211).All hardware and software are completely compatible with the previous models (NT631C-ST151(B)-V , NT31-ST121(B)-V , andNT31C-ST141(B)-V ).Both European and English languages are supported by -EV1 models.Furthermore, models supporting Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) and Korean are available.The NT Support Software also supports all of these languages.Contact your OMRON representative for details.Note 1: Simplified Chinese: Chinese with partially simplified characters, mostly used in Mainland China.2: Traditional Chinese: Chinese with traditional characters, mostly used in Hong Kong and Taiwan.Applicable with V2 PTs.Improved Communications InterfaceThree Types of Built-in Communications Ports Enable Easy External InterfacesFlat, Thin-profile Model Only 54 mm ThickConformance to IP65F Ensures a High Degree of Resistance to the EnvironmentConformity to InternationalStandards Ensures Suitability for ExportsProtective Cover (Sold Separately)All models have flat, smooth surfaces and are only 54 mm thick, which is ideal for space-saving designs built into equipment.The NT631/NT31 has a flush-surface construction and is highly resistive to severe operating environments. The front panel conforms to IP65F.IP : International Protection6 : Resistant to dust (protected from solid objects)5: Resistant to water spray from any direction (protect ed from water immersion)F : Resistant to oil drops or sprayed oilThe NT631/NT31 cannot be used in locations where it will be subjected to oil spray over a long period of time.The NT631/NT31 conforms to UL/CSA standards and EC Directives.The Protective Cover protects the surface of the NT631/NT31 from oil,dust, or fingerprints.1312The NT631/NT31 displays screens, such as lamps, touch switches, and memory table numbers, with-out the PLC connected, to enable efficient debug-ging.DeviceNet compatibility means even greater standardization.Compatibility includes I/O allocations, message communications, and more.With a DeviceNet Interface Unit mounted, version 1 or older versions of theConnectionsDeviceNet masterPLCNT31/631CProgrammable TerminalDeviceNet slaveSimply attaching the Memory Unit to the back of the NT631/NT31 allows easy transfer of screens. Up to two banks can be registered and it is possible to transfer both system programs and screen data.C-TickDisplay/Panel SpecificationsNote: The time until brightness is reduced by half, under normal temperature and normal humidity.*1 Limits on numbers of elements on a window is same as on a standard screen. Therefore, when 3 windows are displayed, the maximum number is increased by 3 screens.*2 When displaying image/library date, the restrictions on image and library data must be observed.151416*1 Limits on numbers of elements on a window is same as on a standard screen. Therefore, when 3 windows are displayed, the maximum number is increased by 3 screens.Note : The equipment cannot be used for long periods of time in locations that expose the panel to spills of oil.1819DimensionsOrdering InformationNT631/NT31 Standard Models。
CPU 单元型号
*1: 对于免费版CX-Programmer软件(限于微型PLCs)), 仅这些PLC型号有效。
*2: CX-Programmer 不支持SFC。
*3: 要连接SYSMAC板卡,指定圆括号内的PLC型号。仅选择这些PLC型号时,可以选”SYSMAC Board“作为网络类型。
CPM2* (*1)
CPM2*-S* (*1)
CPM1/CPM1A (*1)
CV1000 (*2)
CV2000 (*2)
CV500 (*2)
550M 字节或以上
800X600 SVGA 或以上
一、主要功能·2.8寸全触摸屏,320X240点阵全彩高速TFT显示屏全屏触摸·支持MP3、WMA、WA V音乐格式·支持MPEG-4(AVI)视频格式·支持JPEG格式图片浏览·内置麦克风,超长时间录音·节能设置,亮度可自由调节,自动关机·多种音效、循环可供选择·支持多国文字·USB2.0高速传输·支持电子书阅读·支持游戏功能,·移动硬盘功能·支持固件升级支持SD扩展,可支持到2GB SD卡二、外型及按键说明:1、本说明书中要求短按的时候您要在播放器上停留1S-2S,2、长按锁键可锁定机器的触摸屏,以防止误动作。
90-20和90-30系列 (参见注2)
Siemens (通过HMI适配器)
S7-300和S7-400系列 (参见注2)
英文 简体中文
(参见注3、 4以及5)
注1. 对可以连接的主机具有很多限制。有关详情,请参见PT手册。 C200H直接连接可用于NT20-ST121 (使用NT20-IF001)。 2. 必须使用英文版本的NT支持工具。 3. 在中国大陆使用最多的是使用简体字的简体中文。香港和台湾最常用的是使用繁体字的繁体中文。 4. 请购买NT20-ST121(B)-EC以在NT20上显示简体中文。 5. 必须在NT20上安装单独的系统程序,以在NT20上使用RS-232C存储链接。不支持简体中文。
■ 编程设备
英文 支持软件
画面传送的存 储单元
Windows 98、 NT、 2000、 Me、 XP、 Vista或7。 注释 : Windows XP 64位版除外。 (CDROM上提供)
CJ1@、 CS1H、 CS1G、 C200HX(-Z)、 C200HG(-Z)、 C200HE(-Z)以及SRM1-EV2 CS1通信单元和CQM1H通信电路板
CJ1@、 CS1H以及CS1G
CJ1@(-H)、 CS1@(-H)、 C200HX(-Z)、 C200HG(-Z)、 C200HE(-Z)、 C200HS-CPU2@、 C200HS-CPU3@以及CS1通信 单元
(若无232接口,需准备USB转串口线) RS232数据线自制说明:二、软件准备:首先确定触摸屏型号,NS系列用CX-Designer软件,USB 转串口RS232NT系列:对角同时触摸界面进入系统菜单第三步NS系列有多个选择第一步第二步第二步第二步选择传输模式进入传输模式菜单选择工具传送进入传输界面NS系列:程序-OMRON-(CX-One)-(CX-Designer)-(CX-Designer Ver 2.1)NS 系列无需此步操作NT系列通讯设定,选择相应的串口第四步NT系列:程序-OMRON-NTST4.8C-(NT-series Support Tool)第四步NS系列传输设置,选择正确的端口(通过电脑设备管理查看端口名称)NS系列:传输(PT→PC)NT系列:连接-上载(PT→NT支持工具)第六步选择相应的触摸屏PT型号第五步NS系列传输画面:触摸屏PTNS系列传输画面:电脑PC传输完成将文件保存第六步NS系列传输完成画面NT系列传输完成画面第七步NT系列传输画面:触摸屏PT NT系列传输画面:电脑NT支持工具连接-下载(NT支持工具→PT)问题:触摸屏上电和计算机连接后无法下载画面程序,如何处理?原因分析:① 触摸屏方面的原因:a.NS系列,使用CX-Designer软件,在传输设置中选择传输方式串口或者USB等。
使用USB方式下载需要安装USB驱动程序;b.NT31(C)/631(C)系列,使用NTST软件,确认错误日志或者提示信息(PT 类型不匹配),根据提示信息正确修改。
下载时提示“Time Out”,电缆只能插在触摸屏的A口,触摸屏按任意两个对角进入系统菜单,选择传输模式。
Omron G3 Series HMI 产品说明书
Web-enabled Graphic OperatOr interface terminalsl R emote Monitoring and Operation l T he Most On-Board Comms Ports l B uilt-In Ethernet l P rotocol Converter l A ffordable PriceG3 Series HMI, shown smaller than actual size.Now you can make complete integration of your machine a reality. The G3 HMI Series features the most on-boardcommunications ports of any HMIavailable, and lets you web- and network-enable many different types of hardware using integrated Ethernet. Control multiple devices including PLCs, PCs, drives, PID controllers and more—at speeds up to 115 kBaud. Three serial ports are standard, and with an inexpensive expansion card, the G3 HMI integrated protocol converter can communicate with as many as five different device types. No HMI offers that kind of connectivity at any price. And the best news is, the G3 HMIs actually cost LESS than many HMIs with far fewer features.A Variety of Affordable Models Deliver the Most Value of Any HMIG3 HMIs are available in a variety of models and sizes to meet your machine requirements. Each model combines unique capabilities normally expected from high-end units, yet at a very affordable price. One RS422/485 port and two RS232 ports are standard, and each port is format and Baud rate programmable up to 115,200 Baud. One each RS232 and RS422/485 ports are available with an option card, providing up to five comms ports per G3 HMI.The Easiest and Most Flexible Software; and It’s FreeRed Lion’s remarkable Crimson 2 software is a powerful programming platform that gives the G3 Series a number of exclusive functions. Its sophistication also makes all the complex capability of the G3 manageable, with user friendly drag and drop data mapping. Crimson is universal to all Red Lion HMIs. And unlike competitive HMIs that charge you extra for what is often very cumbersome and difficult proprietary software, the initial set up of Crimson is very easy and virtually self-explanatory. Crimson includes an extensive library of devicedrivers to quickly establish communications between the G3 and virtually any device. Once communication is established, anything the G3 can communicate with is now Ethernet-enabled via the built-in gateway and protocol converter. This capability is unavailable in any other HMI Panel. Best of all, Crimson is free. As are software updates, support, cablinginstructions and communication drivers. In fact, if a specific device driver does not exist, Red Lion will write one for you. Try finding this level of support and value with any other HMI!Integrated Protocol Converter Has Them All TalkingCrimson features a built in gateway that converts any attached device’s serialprotocol to 10 Base T/100 Base-TX Ethernet and automatically web-enables the device. Disparate serial devices now speak the same language, and unlike other HMIs that require you to purchase a protocol converter for up to $1,000 additional— on the G3 Series, it’s standard.Built-In Web Server Offers Remote Access and ControlThe Crimson web server is capable of providing remote access to the G3 via a number of mechanisms. First, you can use Crimson to automatically generateVisit us online for our complete line of HMIsG3 SerieS HMiBO p e r a t o r I n t e r f a c e – H M IVirtually Unlimited Data Storagewith CompactFlashAn integrated CompactFlash slotaccommodates inexpensive and readilyavailable Type I and II CompactFlash cardsthat lets you collect, retain and transfer data easily. If you need to update the databasewithin a machine that is already installed at a customer’s site, Crimson allows you to save a copy of the database to a CompactFlashcard, ship that card to your customer,and have the G3 load the database fromthat card.Faster Data Transfer and Downloading with USBThe G3 HMI Series features a convenientUSB port for fast downloads of configuration files from a PC as well as trending and data logging uploads to your PC for analysis.Powerful ProcessingThe G3 HMI Series features an onboard32-bit processor for unmatched computing capability. The full-featured Crimsonsoftware contains a built in “C” compilerto create custom programs for complexapplications, recipe handling, realtimescheduling, math expression evaluationand much more.Faster Configuration and ProgrammingCrimson 2 is a powerful set of icon-based, configuration, display, control and data logging tools designed specifically to take full advantage of the G3 HMI Series architecture. The majority of simple applications can be quickly set up using a step-by-step process to configure communications protocols, define thedata tags to be accessed, and create the user interface. A full set of drag and drop graphical items makes creation of theinterface easy while yielding professional results. More advanced features, such as programming, data logging and configuring the G3’s web server, are intuitive and easily enabled.The Lowest Priced, Full-Featured HMIsFor less than many stripped-down HMIs, you can add the powerful capabilities andease of use found only in the G3 HMI Series. The G3 Series come standard with three serial comms, Ethernet, protocol converter, USB, and CompactFlash slot. And at no extra charge, you get full-featured Crimson2 software with drag and drop configuration and data tagging, easy-to-use interface tools, flexible programming environment, powerful data logging, and our exclusive Virtual Panel and web server capabilities for remote access and control. Lower Manpower and Travel CostsWhy check up on equipment performance manually when you can have the process notify you of pending failure?The G3 series can connect via Ethernet, landline modems, or even cellular modems to reach you anywhere in the world. With built-in email and text messagingfunctions, the G3 allows you to focus only on the areas of concern.web pages that contain lists of tags—each formatted according to the tag’s properties. You can also create a custom web site, using a third party HTML editor such as Microsoft FrontPage, with code that instructs Crimson to insert live tag values for realtime monitoring. And finally, you can enable Crimson’s Virtual Panel, a unique remote access and control feature, which allows a web browser to not only view the G3’s display in realtime, but control its keypad and operate any of its Ethernet-enabled devices remotely. This feature is only available in the G3 HMI Series.Multi-Device Data Logging CapabilitiesCrimson allows users to quickly set up any number of devices in a control application, collect performance data, display it, store it for evaluation, or trigger PLC functions with one panel—either live or remotely. Data may be recorded as quickly as once per second and can be acquired from one or all connected devices. Values are stored in CSV (comma separated variable) files that can easily be imported into applications such as Microsoft Excel. Unique to the G3 HMI, Crimson’s web server can be used to expose various data via the G3 panel’s Ethernet port, allowing remote access to diagnostic information, or to the values recorded by the data logger.Red Lion’s G3 HMI Series is notonly the first to communicatewith up to five different types ofserial devices simultaneously,but lets you access, monitor andcontrol these devices remotely—from across your network, oraround the globe.The following cables may be used to connect the G3 HMI, Data Station Plus or Red Lion Modular Controller Master to the listed device.Model No. deScrIptIoNcBlAB001 Allen Bradley SLC-503 V DF 1 cBlAB002 Allen Bradley PLC-5 V CHNL 0 cBlAB003 Allen Bradley DH48cBlAB004 Allen Bradley PNLVW VIA DF1 cBlGeF01 Ge Fanuc 90S V SNP cBlGeN01 RS232 TO MALE 9-PIN cBlGeN02 RS232 Bare WirescBlGeN03 RS422/485 Bare Wires cBlIde01 Idec Micro 3cBlIde02 Idec Micro 3CcBlIde03 Idec Micro SmartcBlKeY01 Keyence KV Series Cable cBlKoY00 Koyo Model 2xxcBlMAt01 Matsushita FPcBlMAt02 Matsushita FP0cBlMdM00 Modem 9Pin MalecBlMdM01 Modem 25Pin MalecBlMIt01 Misubushi FXcBlMIt02 MITS FX0 and FX0NcBlMIt03 MIT A/QcBlMod01 Modicon (RS232)cBloMr01 Omron (RS232)cBloMr02 Omron SYS C200H-LK210Model No. deScrIptIoNcBloMr03 Omron C-SERIES RS422 cBlproG0 RJ-11 PROG. Lead 10FT cBlrlc00 485 G3 RJ45 - RL RJ11cBlrlc01 RJ12-RJ12 1' CrossedcBlrlc02 RJ12-RJ12 10' CrossedcBlrlc03 RJ45-RJ45 1' StraightcBlrlc04 RJ45-RJ45 10' StraightcBlrlc05 RS485 JumperedcBlrlc06 MC TO RED LION RJ11 RS485 cBlrlc07 RJ45-RJ45 6" StraightcBlrlcS2 RJ12-RJ12 10' StraightcBlSIe01 Siemens S7 PPIcBlSIe02 Siemens MPI with out Adaptor cBlSIe03 Siemens MPI with Adaptor cBlSIe04 TI 545 on Port 1cBlSIe05 Siemens 545/555 RS232 cBlSIe06 Siemens 545/555 - RS422 cBlSIe07 TI 500 SeriescBlSIe08 Siemens-CP525 Comm Card cBlSIe09 Siemens-S5 with Adaptor cBltel00 G3 Telemechanique RS485 cBltel01 G3 Telemechanique SLV 485 cBlYAS01 Yaskawa SMC3010Accessory Cables The Only HMI That Web-Enables Any Device for Remote Operation Across Your LAN or the InternetBO p e r a t o r I n t e r f a c e – H M Ithe G303 OperatOr interfacel U p To 5 RS232/422/485Communications Ports (2 RS232 and 1 RS422/485 On Board, 1 RS232 and 1 RS422/485 On Optional Communications Card)l 10 Base T/100 Base-TX Ethernet Port To Network Units and Host Web Pages l U SB Port To Download TheUnit’s Configuration from a PC Or for Data Transfers to a PC l U nit’s Configuration is Stored In Non-Volatile Memory (4 MB Flash)l C ompactFlash ® Socket to Increase Memory Capacity l 3.2" 128 x 64 Pixel LCD With Yellow Led Backlight, Able to Support Text and Simple Graphics l O utdoor Unit with UV Rated Overlay Available l 32 Button Keypad with User Identifiable Keys, Navigational Keys, Numeric Keys, Keys for On-Screen Menus, and Other Various Keys l T hree Front Panel LEDs l P ower Unit From 24 Vdc ±20% Supply l F or Use in Hazardous Locations: Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D; Class II, Division 2, Groups F and G; Class III, Division 2To Order Visit /g3_hmi303 for Pricing and DetailsModel No. deScrIptIoNG303M000 3.2" operator interface, LCD 128 x 64 pixel, indoor use G303S000 3.2" operator Interface, LCD 128 x 64 pixel, outdoor use G3cF064M 64 MB compact flash card (industrial grade) G3cF256M 256 MB compact flash card (industrial grade) G3cF512M 512 MB compact flash card (industrial grade)SFcrM200 Crimson programming software, manual and USB cable pSdr0100 DIN rail power supply, 24 Vdc, 1 A cBlproG0 RS232 programming cablecBlUSB00 USB programming cable (included with SFCRM200) G3FIlM10 Pack of 10 protective films for G303 G3rS0000 2 Port RS232/485 (isolated) option card G3pBdp00 Profibus option card G3dN0000 DeviceNet option cardG3cN0000CANopen option cardComes complete with panel gasket, 2 user legendable key sheets, template for panel cutout, hardware packet for mounting unit into panel, terminal block for connecting power and operator’s manual.Ordering Example: G303M000, operator interface, SFCRM200, crimson programming software, manual and USB cable. PSDR0100, power supply.G303M000, shown smaller than actual size.The G303 Operator Interface Terminal combines unique capabilities normally expected from high-end units with a very affordable price. The G303 is able tocommunicate with many different types of hardware using high-speed RS232/422/485 communications ports and Ethernet 10 Base T/100 Base-TX communications. Inaddition, the G303 features USB for fast downloads of configuration files and access to trending and data logging. A CompactFlash socket is provided so that Flash cards can be used to collect your trending and data logging information as well as to store larger configuration files. In addition to accessing and controlling of external resources, the G303 allows a user to easily view and enter information. The unit uses a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) module, which is easily readable in both indoor and outdoor applications. Users can enter data through the front panel 32-button keypad that has user identifiable keys.。