Module 3 Disaster Recovery
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灾 难 恢 复 计 划
DRP主要目标是提供有组织的果断方式来应对中断时间 的发生。 DRP的目标是减少危机发生时的混乱和增强组织处理危 机的能力。 明显的,在事故发生的现场,组织没有机 会从容的建立和执行恢复计划,因此,大量的预先计 划和测试将决定组织对于灾难的抵抗能力
危险程度分类 ---每个关键的业务运行单元都需要被标记和赋予一 个优先权,并且对会造成影响的事件作一个评价。“时效是优先处理要考虑的 因素”
停工期评估 –BIA被用来评价企业业务运行所能容且维持公司可生 存的最大停工时间 ( MTD-Maximum Tolerable Time ) ,在企业所有业务没有 恢复的情况下,多长的时期是企业关键业务所能停顿的。通过BIA可以发现,时 间不象我们设想的那么长。 业务需求 -- 关键业务所需要的资源,在BIA阶段也必须被标示。 对于时间敏感的关键业务,将被分配更多的资源。
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在最后的阶段 BCP 被执行。计划必需存在 执行的“路标”。执行在这列不仅仅是指执行一个灾 难假想和测试计划,并且计划执行还引用下面的步骤: 1、 被最高管理人员批准; 明确高级管理人员的职责,(对于计划负有全 部的责任),为什么由他批准?(监督、执行、决定) 2、 建立全企业的业务持续计划的认知感; 认知感的重要性,组织恢复的能力是由不同独 立的部门合作完成的, 计划的认知感强调组织对雇员承担的义务 对于部分计划执行人员进行不要的特殊训练, 使他们能完成自己的任务(quality training)模拟训 Page练的好处是能感知 15 BCP过程的兴趣增加和人员承担的义
业务持续计划与灾难恢复计 划 内部资料
认识数据中⼼两个关键指标RTO和RPORTO和RPO是Business Continuity(BC) and Disaster Recovery(DR)⾥⾯两个重要的概念,也是类似产品的Service Level Agreement (SLA)的两个重要的衡量指标。
Recovery Point Objective (RPO),指的是最多可能丢失的数据的时长。
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) ,指的是从灾难发⽣到整个系统恢复正常所需要的最⼤时长。
简单区分的话,RPO是灾难发⽣之前的时间, RTO是灾难发⽣之后的时间。
⽤来描述和评价数据中⼼有很多专有参数和指标,通过这些数据可以反映出数据中⼼的各种运⾏状态,其中有两个关键指标必须有所了解: RTO和RPO。
RTORTO(Recovery Time Objective,复原时间⽬标)是数据中⼼可容许服务中断的时间长度。
灾备系统项目总结项目背景灾备系统(Disaster Recovery System)是为了保障企业或组织在突发灾害事件中能够迅速、高效地恢复业务运行而设计的一种技术方案。
Disaster Tolerance
DT Classification
DT classification: off-line DT and onBiblioteka ine DT Off-line DT:
主要通过备份系统技术来实现. Mainly use the backup software to achieve. 首先通过备份软件将数据备份到磁带上,然后将磁带异地保存和管理. First Use the backup software backup the data to tape, then take-off the tape to save and management. 数据备份可以使用自动化实现,整个方案的部署和管理比较简单,投资较少. Use the automation to backup the data. Simple to deploy and management . 缺点: 系统的数据恢复较慢,备份窗口内的数据丢失严重,实时性差.如果对RTO(Recovery Time Objective)和RPO(Recovery Point Objective)要求低的用户可以选择. Week point: System recovery is slow ,backup window’s data loss ,If customers cannot care the RTO & RPO, you can choose this model.
DT Classification
Data Level and Application Level
Data Level:
对应用系统数据按照一定的规则进行异地容灾备份,当灾难发生时,应用系统暂时无法正常的使用,必 须花费一定的时间从备份中心恢复应用系统数据到本地系统以保障业务的连续性和数据完整性,因此, 部分数据丢失。 According to the backup rules to backup the system data, when a disaster occurs, the application system is temporarily unable to properly use, must spend time to recovery the data from DT center to application system to ensure the business running and data integrity, therefore ,some data will be loss. Application Level: 在异地建立一个和本地应用系统相同的备份系统,2个系统同时运行,当灾难发生时,异地应用系统能接 管本地业务系统继续提供服务,保证数据不丢失。 In the remote, to build up a application system as the same as the local application system, two system will work together, when a disaster occurs, remote application system will take over the business system to provide services, ensure data integrity.
技术分析1 研究背景在2G/3G传统电路域中,短消息业务由短消息服务中心(SMSC)提供,业务流程均承载在七号信令网上。
VoLTE用户使用VoLTE短信网关实现IMS 域SI P消息与短信中心M A P信令的转换,从而实现VoLTE用户的短信收发等业务[1]。
当VoLTE短信网关发生故障时,根据IMS域的域选功能,短信业务可以回落至3G电路域,由用户注册的MSC进行转发,同样地,当I MS域的S-C S C F发生故障时,VoLTE短信也回落至3G电路域,由3G网络进行发送[2]。
随着5G网络的发展,5G SA用户呈逐步增加状态,目前在各运营商中的占比越来越多。
因5G SA网络的特殊性,当用户处于5G SA注册及网络覆盖时,只注册在5G核心网络上,不做联合位置更新,无法附着于3G电路域网络。
由于5G SA用户的这种特性,在以下两种场景下会出现较长时间的无法接收短信情况。
(1)场景一:VoLTE短信网关主用DC发生故障,业务全部切换到容灾DC,5G SA用户无法接收短信。
(2)场景二:VoLTE网关运行正常,用户注册的S-CSCF设备发生故障时,对于5G SA用户的MT短信,VoLTE短信网关通过该S-CSCF无法投递成功,按流程再向3G电路域投递时也无法成功,会出现用户短信暂时不可达的现象。
在用户进行重注册时消除(此时5G SA用户的短信接收容灾方案研究与实践阎艳芳,郝双洋,邵 斐,杨 姣(中国联合网络通信有限公司河南省分公司,河南 郑州 450000)摘要:当VoLTE短信网关主用数据中心(DC)发生故障切换到容灾DC时,在用户刷新注册前,容灾DC收到短信中心下发的手机终呼(MT)消息会通过3G电路域网络完成消息终呼。
8 数据容灾与应用
8.1 容灾系统概述
8.1.1 容灾系统的定义
RTO是指“将信息系统从灾难造成的故障或瘫痪状态恢复 到可正常运行状态,并将其支持的业务功能从灾难造成的 不正常状态恢复到可接受状态”所需时间,其中包括备份 数据恢复到可用状态所需时间、数据处理系统切换时间、 以及备用网络切换时间等,该指标用以衡量容灾方案的业 务恢复能力。
8.1 容灾系统概述
8.1.3 容灾备份的关键技术——快照技术
远程镜像技术往往同快照技术结合起来实现远程备份,即通过 镜像把数据备份到远程存储系统中,再用快照技术把远程存储 系统中的信息备份到远程的磁带库,光盘库中。
快照是通过软件对要备份的磁盘子系统的数据快速扫描,建立 一个要备份数据的快照逻辑单元号lun和快照Cache.在快速扫 描时 把备份过程中即将要修改的数据块同时快速复制到快照 Cache中。
8.1 容灾系统概述
8.1.1 容灾系统的定义
导致系统灾难原因 (1)硬件故障。 (2)人为错误 (3)软件故障。 (4)病毒影响。 (5)自然灾难。
人为错误 操作失误或恶意破坏
病 7%
14% 应用软件故 障
3% 场地灾 害
系统软硬件 故障
8.1 容灾系统概述
8.1.2 容灾系统的分类
8.1 容灾系统概述
8.1.3 容灾备份的关键技术——远程镜像技术
异步远程镜像(异步复制技术)则由本地存储系统提供给 请求镜像主机的I/O操作完成确认信息,保证在更新远程存储 视图前完成向本地存储系统输出/输入数据的基本操作。它采
附件:银行业信息系统灾难恢复管理规范ICSAll JR备案号:中华人民共和国金融行业标准JR/T0044-2008银行业信息系统灾难恢复管理规范Management Specification of Information System Disaster Recovery for Banks2008-02-04发布2008-02-04实施中国人民银行发布目录前言引言1范围2规范性引用文件3术语和定义4银行业信息系统灾难恢复综述4.1灾难恢复工作内容4.2灾难恢复的周期性工作4.3机构间合作5组织机构设立和职责5.1组织机构设立5.2组织机构的组成和职责6灾难恢复需求分析6.1风险分析6.2业务影响分析6.3确定灾难恢复需求7灾难恢复策略制定7.1成本风险分析和策略的确定7.2灾难恢复能力等级7.3灾难备份中心的布局7.4资源、服务的获取和保障8灾难备份中心的建设8.1基础设施建设8.2灾难备份系统建设8.3项目监理9灾难备份中心的运行维护管理9.1管理制度建设9.2运行维护工作内容9.3运行维护的资源保障10灾难恢复预案的制定、演练与管理10.1灾难恢复预案的制定10.2灾难恢复预案的演练10.3灾难恢复预案的管理11应急响应和灾难恢复11.1应急响应11.2灾难恢复11.3重建与回退12监督管理12.1审计12.2备案附录A (资料性附录)应急响应和灾难恢复工作要点附录B (资料性附录)RTO/RPO与灾难恢复能力等级的关系前言本标准是对银行业信息系统灾难恢复管理要求的描述。
高一英语Module 3 Period One
An earthquake is one of the most common natural disasters.So it is necessary to learn some simple safety tips to protect yourself or your family members.Some things like those made of glass are easily broken and should usually be placed on a lower surface,near the ground instead of placing them in the cupboards higher up.Never place them near your bed,sofas and other furniture where you would be sitting or lying down.When there is a strong movement,these pieces will fall on the floor directly and not on you.There is a strong chance of short circuits(短路) and fire during an earthquake.Make sure you turn off electrical(电的) connections and gas immediately when an earthquake happens.During an earthquake,lie under an object that is not easily broken.Do not go near objects that could directly fall on you.Never use the elevator to go down.Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.Research has shown that most injuries happen when people inside buildings try to go e the staircases at all times.If you are outdoors,do not take shelter under a tree,streetlights,or tall buildings.If you are driving,stop your car and stay in a safe place.Do not park your car under a tree or any tall object. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)1.During an earthquake,you can lie anywhere in the room.(F)2.When an earthquake happens,you mustn’t stand under a tree.(T)Period One Introduction & Reading andVocabulary—Pre-reading匹配左边的单词与右边的汉语意思[第一组]1.disaster A.海流;潮流2.experience B.纬度3.cause C.灾难4.current D.经历5.latitude E.引起;导致答案 1.C 2.D 3.E 4.A 5.B[第二组] A.发生7.bury B.热带的8.occur C.旋转的;循环的9.tropical D.埋葬10.rotating E.家具答案 6.E7.D8.A9.B10.C[第三组]11.violent A.波浪12.wave B.洪水13.strike C.柱状物;柱状体14.flood D.猛烈的;激烈的;强烈的15.column E.(雷电、暴风雨等)袭击答案11.D12.A13.E14.B15.CStep 1Fast-reading阅读短文,匹配信息1.Part Ⅰ(Paras.1-2)A.A story about the 1900 Galveston hurricane.2.Part Ⅱ(Para.3) B.An introduction of a tornado.3.Part Ⅲ(Para.4) C.Something about the worst hurricane disaster of all time. 4.Part Ⅳ(Para.5) D.An introduction of a Hurricane.5.Part Ⅴ(Paras.6-8) E.Something about tornadoes in the US.答案 1.B 2.E 3.D 4.C 5.AStep 2Careful-readingⅠ.根据课文内容判断正(T)、误(F)1.All tornadoes have winds of more than 400 kilometers per hour.(F)2.There are more tornadoes occurring in the US than in other parts of the world.(T) 3.Both the worst tornado and the worst hurricane of all time occurred in the US.(T) 4.Charles Coghlan didn’t become famous until he moved to New York.(T) 5.Coghlan’s coffin was destroyed by the 1990 Galveston hurricane.(F)Ⅱ.课文阅读理解1.How much damage did the worst tornado cause to the US?A.The tornado had winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour.B.The fur of the back of many cats and the feathers of many chickens had been taken off. C.It caused about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.D.More than 700 people lost their lives and 2,700 got injured.答案 D2.What are the similarities between the tornado and the hurricane?A.They both occur together with strong winds.B.America is the country often affected by both of them.C.They both can cause a lot of damage to people and the buildings.D.All of the above.答案 D3.Where was Charles Coghlan born indeed?A.In Ireland. B.In Canada.C.In New York. D.In Galveston.答案 A4.What are the causes of these natural violence?A.The different atmospheric pressure between two areas.B.The changeable weather in these areas.C.The destruction of the nature by human beings.D.Not mentioned in the passage.答案 DStep 3Post-readingAfter reading the passage,please fill in the following blanks.The most violent tornadoes have winds of over 400 km per hour.They can take cars,trains and even houses to other 1.places(place),and they can also take the fur or feathers an animal.Almost all tornadoes occur in the US.On average,there’re 800 each year,3.causing (cause) about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.The 4.worst(bad) one of all time was in 1925,causing over 700 deaths and 2,700 injuries.Hurricanes have winds of 120 km per hour or more,5.which cause huge waves,heavy rain and floods.There’re six Atlantic hurricanes each year on average.The worst occurred in 1900 in Galveston,Texas,which caused 6,000 deaths and 7.destroyed(destroy) 3,600 buildings.Charles Coghlan,8.a nineteenth-century Irish actor,died and was buried in Texas in 1899.The cemetery was destroyed by the hurricane and his coffin ended up in the sea.Eight years ter(late),the coffin was found in the east of Canada,3,000 km away from where Coghlan 10.had been buried(bury).Step 4Sentence-learning1.The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925,affecting three US states:Missouri,Illinois andIndiana.[句式分析]本句为简单句。
HP Data Protector A.06.11 Microsoft Windows 7和Wind
HP Data Protector A.06.11 disasterrecovery support for Microsoft Windows7 and Windows Server 2008 R2Technical white paperTable of contentsIntroduction (2)Installation (2)Preparing for Disaster Recovery (2)Prerequisites (2)Limitations (3)Related documentation (4)2Introduction This white paper describes specific prerequisites and steps needed for a successful Enhanced Automated Disaster Recovery (EADR) and One Button Disaster Recovery (OBDR) of Microsoft Windows 7 and Window Server 2008 R2 systems using Data Protector A.06.11. Additionally, limitations which you need to be aware of are described. For general disaster recovery preparation and procedures, see the HP Data Protector A.06.11 Disaster Recovery Guide . In this white paper, only the specifics applicable to Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 are described. Note In the HP Data Protector A.06.11 Disaster Recovery Guide , all specifics which are described for Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, apply also to Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 and are not separately described in this white paper. Installation The market release version of Data Protector A.06.11 does not support EADR or OBDR for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. To enable support for these two versions of the Windows operating system, install this patch on the target systems (backup system and the system on which you will create the disaster recovery ISO image). Before you install this patch, check the General Release Patches installation instructions and prerequisites. Preparing for Disaster Recovery Follow the EADR and OBDR procedures for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, as described in the HP Data Protector A.06.11 Disaster Recovery Guide . Additional Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 prerequisites and steps are listed below.Prerequisites Install Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) 2.0 on the system on which you will createan ISO image. Older versions of WAIK (1.1) are not supported. The system reserved volume (the volume from which the Windows operating system boots) must have a drive letter assigned or at least it should be mounted to an NTFS directory. Note Backup of unmounted volumes is not supported in Data Protector 6.11 and they are not displayed by the Data Protector GUI.Perform a full backup of the client system. The backup must include the:CONFIGURATION object System reserved volume (a new requirement for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2) For how to perform a full backup of the client system, se e the online Help index: “backup, Windows specific” and “backup, configuration”.All backups must be performed with the following filesystem backup options selected:Detect NTFS hardlinksUse Shadow CopyThe option Allow fallback must be cleared.See the selected options in the figure:Due to a Microsoft limitation it is not possible to consistently back up a mounted virtual hard disk (VHD) volumes. Therefore, you should unmount all VHD volumes of a VHD file before backup to enable successful restore afterwards. Their corresponding VHD files are then backed up as part of their parent volume backup.If you accidentally leave the VHD volumes mounted and you back them up as all other volumes, you need to perform additional manual steps during restore of the VHD files:1.Create a dummy VHD file of equal or greater size of the original file.2.Re-create VHD volumes, matching the size and structure of the original VHD file.3.Start a manual filesystem restore to restore data into the previously created VHD volumes.e the same object version as was included in the full client backup.During restore, Minor errors are reported. On the other hand, you can avoid this behavior by manually editing the SRD file prior to performing disaster recovery. Remove all references to VHD volumes from the SRD file. In this case, you must identify the drive letters that represent the VHD volumes.LimitationsThe Data Protector A.06.11 original GUI does not support disaster recovery options onWindows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 clients because their identification string in the34cell_info file is higher than 6.0. All disaster recovery options in the GUI are therefore unavailable for selection.Use one of the following workarounds to enable the disaster recovery options: Use the Data Protector Java GUIinstead (for EADR). Temporarily modify the cell_info file to enable the options in the original GUI. For example, change the parameter -os "microsoft i386 wNT-6.1-W" to -os "microsoft i386 wNT-6.0-W". Use the free Windows Enabler tool, which can arbitrarily enable or disable the GUIoptions. One Button Disaster Recovery (OBDR) functionality is missing in the Data Protector Java GUI. Ifyou want to use the OBDR options in the GUI, use the original Data Protector GUI. VHD volumes cannot be restored by the disaster recovery procedure. If they are backed up as files during the backup of their parent volumes, they can be mounted following the disaster recovery procedure. Alternatively, you can recreate them anew and restore the data from the corresponding backupby using the recovered version of the Data Protector.Cluster shared volumes are not supported. The database is not restored for Active Directory – this is a known Disk Agent issue that was resolved by the original (Data Protector A.06.11) disaster recovery module (DRM), as the original DRM automatically restored part of the missing data. This functionality is still available for the module that is released as a patch, but it is no longer enabled by default. You must manually enable it during the recovery process by using the option Restore DAT [Pre]. Related documentationFor more information on disaster recovery concepts, prerequisites, and procedures, see: TheHP Data Protector A.06.11 Disaster Recovery Guide The disaster recovery topics in the HP Data Protector A.06.11 online HelpThe HP Data Protector A.06.11 Command Line Interface Reference.© Copyright 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Share with colleagues。
1-11 范围本指南规定了对重要信息系统的灾难恢复应遵循的基本要求。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本指南的引用而成为本指南的条款。
GB/T 5271.1—2000 信息技术词汇第1 部分:基本术语GB/T 5271.9—2000 信息技术词汇第9 部分数据通信GB/T 5271.12—2000 信息技术词汇第12 部分外围设备GB/T 5271.20—94 信息技术词汇20 部分系统开发GB/T 2887-2000 电子计算机场地通用规范3 术语和定义GB/T 5271.1—2000 第1 部分、GB/T 5271.9—2000 第9 部分、GB/T 5271.12—2000 第12 部分和GB/T 5271.20—94 第20 部分确立的术语和定义,以及下列术语和定义适用于本指南。
Maintaining a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database
Core exam for the following track
Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Database Administrator
Course Outline
Module 1: Installing and Configuring SQL Server
The students will be introduced to planning for a SQL Server installation. The students will then be introduced to installing, configuring, and managing SQL Server.
Course Outline
Module 5: Transferring Data
The students will be introduced to transfer data to and from SQL Server using UI and command-line tools, and learn about transferring and transforming data with SQL Server Integration Services.
About This Course
Maintaining a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database
• This 30 hours instructor-led course provides students with
conformance criterion: 一致性标准
Conformance Testing: 一致性测试
consistency : 一致性
consistency checker: 一致性检查器
change control:变更控制
Change Management :变更管理
Change Request :变更请求
Character Set : 字符集
Check In :检入
Check Out :检出
computation data use:计算数据使用
computer system security:计算机系统安全性
Concurrency user : 并发用户
Condition coverage : 条件覆盖
condition coverage:条件覆盖
Control flow graph : 控制流程图
control flow graph:控制流图
control flow:控制流
conversion testing:转换测试
Core team : 核心小组
corrective maintenance:故障检修
Blocking bug : 阻碍性错误
Bottom-up testing : 自底向上测试
boundary value coverage:边界值覆盖
boundary value testing:边界值测试
Boundary values : 边界值
Capture/Replay Tool:捕获/回放工具
出于灾备(Disaster Recovery)的目的,一般都会建设2个(或多个)数据中心。
灾难恢复计划 (Disaster Recovery Plan,DRP)
➢ 应用于重大的、通常是灾难性的、造成长时间无法 访问正常设施的事件。通常,DRP指用于紧急事件后在 备用站点恢复目标系统、应用或计算机设施运行的IT计 划。DRP的范围可能和IT应急计划重叠,但是DRP的范 围比较狭窄,它不涉及到无需重新配置的小型危害。根 据机构的需要,可能会有多个DRP附加在BCP之后。
➢ 业务恢复/复原计划(Business Recovery/Resumption Plan,BRP)
➢ 涉及到在紧急事件后对业务处理的恢复,提供灾难后立 即恢复业务运行的规程,但和BCP不同,它在整个紧急事 件或中断过程中缺乏确保关键处理连续性的规程。BRP的 制定应该与灾难恢复计划和BCP进行协调。BRP应该附加 在BCP之后。
确定信息收集技术; 选择受访者(Interviewees); 定制收集经济和运作影响信息的问卷; 分析信息; 确定时间关键(Time-Critical)的业务功能; 确定最大允许中断时间(Maximum Tolerable Downtime,MTD); 基于MTDs排定关键业务功能的恢复顺序; 准备和提交BIA报告。
➢ 确定BCP需求,可以包括有针对性的风险分析以 识别关键系统可能的中断;
➢ 向管理层推销BCP理念,获得管理层的支持; ➢ 了解相关法律、法规、行业规范以及机构的业务 和技术规划的要求,以确保BCP与其相一致; ➢ 任命BCP项目负责人,建立BCP团队,包括业务 和技术部门的代表;
中断事件是否被机构视为灾难,与中断所影响的业务功能对机构的 关键程度,以及中断的时间长短有关。
DECEMBER 10 – JANUARY 10, 2019
IRENE Ninth Storm and the First Hurricane of the 2019 Atlantic Basin Storm Season
August 21 to August 31 2019
以下为免盘设置恢复模式下Enabled为开启、Disabled为关闭!1) Toggle USB (usb连接)2) Configuration -> (配置)!—Back (返回)!—Skip SCE logo (可取消开机画面) disable!—Hide corrupt icons (可隐藏GAME下的破损图标) disable!—Game folder homebrew (可调整GAME文件夹放置核心!,按X可更改!) 建议设置为3.XX(3.52或3.71、3.80)!—Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP (开机运行在PSP/GAME/BOOT里的自制软件) Disabled!—Use NO-UMD (使用免引导)建议设置为;M33 或SONY NP9660 -NO UMD- !—Fake region (设置PSP版本),其中japan代表亚洲版(日港台等),!—Free UMD Region (可改UMD电影区域限制)Enabled,但是看正版umd盘需要配合上面fake region调整地区版本。
!—Hard Reset on homebrew (强制开启自制软件中的WIFI功能)Disabled!—Use VshMenu (XMB下VshMenu菜单开启、关闭设置,不建议开启,除非为了看umdvideo)!—XMB Usb Device (XMB下的USB连接设置,默认为连接记忆棒,就是选择memory stick)!—Use M33 network update (currently: enabled) 使用M33网络更新升级,建议enabled,不过disabled也无妨。
Supporting Livelihood in Disaster Recovery1.1.Concept of Livelihood RecoverySustainable Livelihood Approach1Sustainable livelihoods are achieved through access to a range of livelihood resources (natural, economic, human and social capitals) which are combined in the pursuit of different livelihood strategies (agricultural intensification or intensification, livelihood diversification and migration). Central to the framework is the analysis of the range of formal and informal organizational and institutional factors that influence sustainable livelihood outcomes. The basis for Disaster Resistant Sustainable Livelihood lies in developing the crucial asset base of every community - this includes financial resources, livelihood infrastructure, social networks, natural resources (land, water, forests) and governance structures order to lift communities out of poverty and heightened disaster risk. At every stage, disaster proofing takes precedence. The aim is to reach across social strata down to the most marginalized (and therefore most at-risk) and address issues of gender, inequity and other social conflicts along the way. [Duryog Nivaran and Practical Action 2005 2005]Poverty Focused Livelihood Recover (Nivaran Duryog, 2009)Poverty reduction as means to reduce disaster would imply that governments would incorporate disaster risk reduction into the plans and policies that emanate from their departments of national planning, treasury, and state/provincial planning arms and would monitor the …level of mainstreaming‟ by incorporating relevant indicators. This would mean poverty reduction, rural development; infrastructure development, and physical planning documents, policy paper and implementation strategies would have considered disaster risk reduction in the many of them not take into consideration environmental and ecological aspects. Basically these plans should be …disaster proof‟; incorporating risk reduction has an essential building block that forms the foundation of the plan/ policy. Plans should seek to minimize risk –economically, socially and geographically- and importantly not create conditions for further risk.Being a highly disaster prone country, Bangladesh government has a necessarily proactive approach to DRR which involves redefining and managing the risk environment and responding to immediate threats. The government‟s five year programme for Reducing Disaster Risks of the Poorest through Sustainable Livelihood Development seeks to address disaster risk reduction in a development context with the emphasis on building disaster-resilient livelihood opportunities for the very poor and vulnerable communities.In its global report (2004)2 the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (BCPR) of UNDP highlighted that win-win policies could help more people to be free of preventable disaster losses while meeting human development aspirations as spelt out in goals 1,3,6 and 7. These goals relate to reducing extreme poverty, promoting gender equality, reducing child mortality, combating diseases and environmental sustainability.1.2.Principles of Sustainable Livelihood RecoveryCore to livelihoods approaches are a set of principles that underpin best practice in any development intervention. The following principles underpin Department for International D evelopment‟s, and others, livelihoods approaches:a.People-centered: focusing on poor people‟s priorities, understanding the differences between groupsof people and working with them in a way that is appropriate to their current livelihood strategies,1 [What are livelihoods approaches? ELDIS]2 Reducing Disaster Risk: A challenge for development. A Global Report. UNDP, BCPR 2004social environment and ability to adapt At a practical level, this means that the approach:∙Starts with an analysis of people‟s livelihoods and how these have been changing over time;∙Fully involves people and respects their views;∙Focuses on the impact of different policy and institutional arrangements upon people/households and upon the dimensions of poverty they define (rather than on resources or overall output per se);∙Stresses the importance of influencing these policies and institutional arrangements so they promote the agenda of the poor (a key step is political participation by poor people themselves);∙Works to support people to achieve their own livelihood goalsb.Responsive and participatory:listening and responding to the livelihoods priorities identified by poorpeople themselvesc.Multi-level: working at different levels to reduce poverty- ensuring that micro level reality informsdevelopment of policy and an effective enabling environment, and macro level structures support people to build on their own strengthsd.Conducted in partnership: with the public and private sectore.Sustainable: balancing economic, institutional, social and environmental sustainabilityf.Dynamic: recognizing the dynamic nature of livelihood strategies and responding flexibly to people‟schanging situations.g.Building on strengths: working to develop poor people‟s strengths - their skills, knowledge andresources, rather than focusing solely on their needsh.Holistic: understanding the complex reality of poor people‟s livelihoods rather than taking a purelytechnical or sectoral approach. The livelihoods framework helps to …organize‟ the various factors which constrain or provide opportunities and to show how these relate to each other. It is not intended to be an exact model of the way the world is, nor does it mean to suggest that stakeholders themselves necessarily adopt a systemic approach to problem solving. Rather, it aspires to provide a way of thinking about livelihoods that is manageable and that helps improve development effectiveness.∙It is non-sectoral and applicable across geographical areas and social groups.∙It recognizes multiple influences on people, and seeks to understand the relationships between these influences and their joint impact upon livelihoods.∙It recognizes multiple actors (from the private sector to national level ministries, from community based organizations to newly emerging decentralized government bodies).∙It acknowledges the multiple livelihood strategies that people adopt to secure their livelihoods.∙It seeks to achieve multiple livelihood outcomes, to be determined and negotiated by people themselves.1.3.Damage and Assessment“How to assess the damage? This is fundamental. Thousands of teams with engineers, revenue officers, teachers and local NGOs carried out the assessment. But many resurveys had to be done as the criteria that were used were not effective.”(International Workshop on Post Earthquake Reconstruction Experiences, 2009)The assessment to support livelihood recovery should include 4 aspects which are (1) Damage assessment, (2) Risk Assessment, (3) Capacity Mapping, and (4) Vulnerability Assessment [China 2008]3. ∙Damage Assessment; Sustainable recovery and reconstruction plans and implementation approaches in these disaster responses were guided by certain knowledge about the damage, both tangible and intangible. The resulting damage estimations gave a basis for the projection of financial needs for 3 UN in China and the Ministry of Commerce of the People Republic of China, Workshop Synthesis: International Workshop on Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Experiences, 2008,/public/resource/1ebcf0e9980429f519eeec9727152b9d.pdf, October 10, 2009 accessedrebuilding and defining priorities and focus. As such, accurate damage assessments and a comprehensive plan of action in terms of minimum financial needs, necessary capacity, and priorities correlate to a high degree.∙Risk Assessment; the participation of the affected communities in the risk assessment is critical. It serves as an educational process for the communities to learn about imminent dangers and potential risks in their environment.∙Capacity Mapping; Rehabilitation, recovery and reconstruction effected new or newly amended procedures, introduced new equipment, and required working with a multi-disciplinary team.Efficiency and effectiveness of past operations depended on the competency and ability of potential implementing agencies to carry out the work. The findings from the mapping exercise helped to determine a range of technical training needs, as well as supported appropriate resource allocation for capacity building.∙Vulnerability Assessment is used to create an understanding about social and economic vulnerabilities in terms of who, why, what, and how.In Japan, the elderly were identified as a vulnerable group and they had specific needs for shelter. The government housing programme, while distributing housing grants, built collective homes for the elderly who lived alone.In Pakistan, the recovery and reconstruction programmes prioritized seven vulnerable groups: widows without male children over 18 years; women with disabled husbands; divorced/abandoned women or unmarried women who have crossed their marriage age and depended on other people; physically or mentally disabled people; unaccompanied minors; unaccompanied elderly; and landless people. Specific interventions to address these populations‟ needs included a women‟s information center in rural Pakistan and livelihood grants.In Indonesia, Aceh, Among the tsunami‟s vi ctims (2004) there was also concern that some of the weakest children, especially the orphans, could be dragged into sexual exploitation. Shortly after the tsunami, the International Programme for the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) took steps to adapt to this unprecedented situation and decided to focus special attention on children between 15 and 17 years old, who are largely outside formal schooling but who may have no work opportunities and who often lack skillsHow to ensure reconstruction efforts are able to target the social and economic sectors that need the most help?∙Socio-cultural factors included in all assessment methodologies∙Equal representation and participation of ethnic minority communities in planning and implementation.∙Use of culture sensitive methodologies and materials; language, approach, choice of materials,∙Ensuring all agencies are sensitized on gender, culture and rights issues as per specific communities. Concern points in livelihood assessment (ALNAP )4• A baseline analysis is important in understanding how people are vulnerable, the risks they face and how they cope (C-SAFE, 2007).•Needs assessments should be coordinated, preferably multi-agency, and based on sound methodology using empirical evidence.•Assessments must consider groups that have specific needs, and should draw attention to them when necessary.•The impact of high food prices on livelihoods continues to be underestimated.4 [Hedlund 2007]•Acute malnutrition can be one of the most reliable indicators of severity of a crisis. However, if not properly understood, it can misinform a humanitarian response (Collins, 2001)ReferencesBeckTony. Learning Lessons from Disaster Recovery: The Case of Bangladesh. /external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2005/05/05/000012009_200505 05121919/Rendered/PDF/321970HMU0110bangladesh.pdf,: World Bank, 2005.ChinaPeople's Republic ofBeijing. Workshop Synthesis on International Workshop on Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Experiences. United Nation in China and the Ministry of Commerce of People'sRepublic of China, 2008./public/resource/1ebcf0e9980429f519eeec9727152b9d.pdf, October 11, 2009 Accessed.HedlundKerren. “Slow-onset Disasters: Drought and Food and Livelihoods Insecurity – Learning from Previous Relief and Recovery Responses.” 2007./outfile.php?id=317&href=/assets/sub missions/200909010615_general_drought_livelihood.pdf ,2009 October 10 accessed . NIVARANDURYOG. “Disaster Risk and Poverty in South Asia, A Contribution to th e 2009 ISDR Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction, .” DURYOG NIVARAN, 27 March 2009. Nivaran and Practical ActionDuryog. “Disaster Resistant Sustainable Livelihoods-A Framework for South Asia.” 2005.“Reducing Disaster Risk: A challenge for development. A Global Report.” UNDP, BCPR , 2004.“What are livelihoods approaches?” ELDIS. /go/topics/dossiers/livelihoods-connect/what-are-livelihoods-approaches October 10, 2009, accessed。
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Lesson 1: Planning a Backup Strategy完全备份备份数据库中所有数据备份开始以来所有变化备份没有提交的事务日志日志备份备份完全备份以来所有事务日志在进行日志备份前必须进行完全数据库备份通过日志还原必须有正确数据库备份才行数据库的回复模型为简单时,不能备份日志Tail-log数据库文件损坏后备份日志文件,用来还原数据Differential备份对于经常更改的数据库来说,使用差异备份能够减少还原时间只备份完全数据库备份以来变化的数据备份差异备份开始后发生的任何活动,包括日志中没有提交的事物文件和文件组备份对大型数据库进行完全备份不且实际,可以进行文件和文件组备份。
你应该建立周期性的备份计划备份文件和文件组Partial Backups备份不包括所有文件组,包括主文件组的所有数据,Copy-only Backups完整数据库备份,但是不打乱备份计划,比如以后的差异备份和日志备份。
备份设备在备份之前需要先创建备份设备备份集SQL Server能够同时向多个备份文件进行写操作,用户可以将备份存储在备份集上。
要求:使用的备份设备必须是同种类型的媒体在创建备份集的时候,用户可以组合使用永久文件和临时文件如果将某个文件定义为备份集成员,那么用户就必须一起使用这些文件除非用户重新格式化备份集中的文件,否则就不能将单个备份集成员应用于备份操作如果格式化了备份集中的某个成员,备份集其他的成员所包含的数据无效创建备份集exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk','a1', 'c:\a1.bak'exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk','a2', 'c:\a2.bak'backup database northwind to a1,a2 with medianame='a12'Lesson 2: Backing Up User DatabasesDemo1:备份数据库1.将创建数据库Personnel备份设备use mastergoexec xp_cmdshell "mkdir c:\PersonnelBackup"exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk','Personnel','c:\PersonnelBackup\PersonnelBackup.bak'2.查看创建的备份设备3.修改数据库恢复模式为“完整”可以使用命令更改数据库恢复模式alter database personnel set recovery BULK_LOGGEDalter database personnel set recovery SIMPLEalter database personnel set recovery full4.完整备份数据库查看数据库中档案表中的记录数量完整数据库备份BACKUP DATABASE Personnel TO personnel with init 其中参数format|init|noinitinit重写备份文件noinit追加备份文件format重写备份文件的内容,拆分条带备份集5.创建不具备永久备份的备份文件执行一次性备份测试用户准备自动化的备份操作不需要指定逻辑名比如:use masterGobackup database Personnel to disk='c:\personnelbackup\databackup.bak'需要完全数据库备份备份从最近一次执行Backup log语句之后到当前事物日志末尾的全部数据库更改截断事物日志简单还原模式不允许备份日志Demo2:日志备份1.创建备份设备use mastergoexec xp_cmdshell 'mkdir c:\backupLog'exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk','PersonnelLog', 'c:\backupLog\personnellog.bak'2.备份Personnel数据库的日志backup log Personnel to PersonnelLogDemo3:tail-Log 备份如果数据库出现损坏或者丢失现象,用户应当利用no_truncate选项备份事务日志即使无法访问数据库的情况下,也可以保存完整的事物日志并不截断已提交的事物日志允许数据还原到系统出现故障的那一刻演示步骤停止SQL Server服务,修改数据库文件,重起SQLServer,数据库处于质疑状态,再备份日志backup log Personnel to PersonnelLog with no_truncate用于被频繁更改的数据库需要完全数据库备份备份自最近一次完全数据库备份以来的数据库更改更小的备份集和更快的恢复速度Demo4:差异备份backup database Personnel to personnel with Differential用于超大型数据库单独备份数据库文件或文件组确保备份文件组中的全部文件为使得恢复的文件与数据库的其余部分保持一致,必须备份事物日志最多能够支持16个文件或文件组Demo5:备份文件组1.查看数据库的文件和文件组2.完整数据库备份文件组备份日志备份必须组合backup database Personnel to personnelbackup database Personnel filegroup='PersDefFilegroup' to personnelbackup log Personnel to Personnel3.备份文件备份文件backup database Personnel file='PersData2' to personnelbackup log Personnel to PersonnelDemo6:支持镜像1.创建两个备份设备use mastergoexec xp_cmdshell 'mkdir c:\BackupOrginal'exec xp_cmdshell 'mkdir c:\backupMirror'exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk','BackupOrginal', 'c:\BackupOrginal\BackupOrginal.bak'exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk','backupMirror', 'c:\backupMirror\backupMirror.bak'2.备份backup database Personnel to BackupOrginal mirror TO BackupMirror with format 提示:只能够使用T-SQL语句命令还原镜像备份图形界面不支持Demo7:完成后验证备份1.备份前检查校验和backup database Personnel to Personnel with checksum2.检查备份是否有效Lesson 3: Restoring User DatabasesDemo8:使用完全数据库备份还原数据库1.查看Personnel数据库中的Y_档案表中的记录数量2.进行完全数据库备份backup database Personnel to Personnel with init3.删除编号大于7000的记录,可以看到还剩下6999条记录4.还原数据库必须带参数replace必须关闭其他对Personnel的连接use mastergorestore database Personnel from Personnel with REPLACE5.再次查看Y_档案表中的记录可以看到回复到了备份前的状态Demo9:完全备份+日志备份还原数据库1.确保数据库的还原模型为fullalter database personnel set recovery full2.完全数据库备份backup database Personnel to Personnel with init3.在Y_档案表插入5000条记录declare @maxID intselect @maxID=max(Y_编号) from dbo.Y_档案if @maxID is nullbegininsert dbo.Y_档案values (1,'韩立刚','局属','GQ11','7-301','河北师范大学软件学院','5','Y','Y')endselect @maxID=max(Y_编号) from dbo.Y_档案declare @i intset @i=1while @i<=5000beginset @maxID=@maxID+1insert dbo.Y_档案(Y_编号,Y_姓名,Y_属性,Y_地码,Y_门牌,Y_单位,Y_人口,Y_供水,Y_供电) values (@maxID,'韩旭','局属','GQ11','7-301','河北师范大学软件学院','5','Y','T') set @i=@i+1end4.进行日志备份backup log Personnel to Personnel5.查看备份设备中的备份类型6.数据库还原+日志还原restore database Personnel from Personnel with file=1,replace,norecovery可以看到数据库处于“正在还原”状态restore log Personnel from Personnel with file=2,recovery可以看到数据库可用7.查看Y_档案表中的结果Demo10:使用日志备份还原到时间点1.在上午9:31进行完整数据库备份backup database Personnel to Personnel with init2.在9:33更改编号是1000的用户名称update dbo.Y_档案 set Y_姓名='韩庆利' where Y_编号=10003.在9:35之后更改编号是1000的用户名称update dbo.Y_档案 set Y_姓名='韩庆良' where Y_编号=10004.进行日志备份backup log Personnel to Personnel5.还原数据库到9:34:30的状态use mastergorestore database Personnel from Personnel with file=1,norecoveryrestore log Personnel from Personnel with file=2,recovery, stopat='2010-08-05 09:34:30.000'6.查看dbo.Y_档案表中Y_编号是1000的用户名可以看到Y_档案表中Y_编号为1000的姓名为“韩庆利”而不是“韩庆良”use Personnelgoselect * from dbo.Y_档案where Y_编号=1000Demo11:完全备份+差异备份+日志备份还原1.对Personnel进行完全备份backup database Personnel to Personnel with init2.在Y_档案表插入10条记录declare @maxID intselect @maxID=max(Y_编号) from dbo.Y_档案if @maxID is nullbegininsert dbo.Y_档案values (1,'韩立刚','局属','GQ11','7-301','河北师范大学软件学院','5','Y','Y')endselect @maxID=max(Y_编号) from dbo.Y_档案declare @i intset @i=1while @i<=10beginset @maxID=@maxID+1insert dbo.Y_档案(Y_编号,Y_姓名,Y_属性,Y_地码,Y_门牌,Y_单位,Y_人口,Y_供水,Y_供电) values (@maxID,'韩庆利','局属','GQ11','7-301','河北师范大学软件学院','5','Y','T') set @i=@i+1end3.进行差异备份backup database Personnel to Personnel with Differential4.在插入20条记录declare @maxID intselect @maxID=max(Y_编号) from dbo.Y_档案if @maxID is nullbegininsert dbo.Y_档案values (1,'韩立刚','局属','GQ11','7-301','河北师范大学软件学院','5','Y','Y')endselect @maxID=max(Y_编号) from dbo.Y_档案declare @i intset @i=1while @i<=20beginset @maxID=@maxID+1insert dbo.Y_档案(Y_编号,Y_姓名,Y_属性,Y_地码,Y_门牌,Y_单位,Y_人口,Y_供水,Y_供电) values (@maxID,'韩庆良','局属','GQ11','7-301','河北师范大学软件学院','5','Y','T') set @i=@i+1end5.进行日志备份backup log Personnel to Personnel6.检查备份设备中的备份类型7.还原数据库--全库还原use mastergo--完全还原restore database Personnel from Personnel with file=1,norecovery ,replace--使用差异备份还原restore database Personnel from Personnel with file=2,norecovery--使用日志还原restore log Personnel from Personnel with file=3Demo12:使用支持镜像的备份还原1.创建两个备份设备use mastergoexec xp_cmdshell 'mkdir c:\BackupOrginal'exec xp_cmdshell 'mkdir c:\backupMirror'exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk','BackupOrginal', 'c:\BackupOrginal\BackupOrginal.bak'exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk','backupMirror', 'c:\backupMirror\backupMirror.bak'2.备份backup database Personnel to BackupOrginal mirror TO BackupMirror with format3.使用其中的任意一个还原restore database Personnel from BackupOrginal with replacerestore database Personnel from backupMirror with replaceLesson 4: Performing Online Restore Operations只要主数据库文件可用,就可以在线恢复坏掉的文件和文件组,其他的文件组也是可用的。