









2.电力和通信协议通信协议如 TCP/IP(传输控制协议/互联网协议)和 OSI(开放式系统互连)中,电力和通信也有紧密的联系。


比如,SCADA (广域测量和控制系统)则使用 IEC 60870 协议来进行通信。



这种通信方式被称作 PLT (电力线通信)。

PLT 技术虽有局限,但在某些场合,如家庭互联网通信,仍然有着应用前景。








针对最不发达国家的特别计划 - 国际电信联盟

针对最不发达国家的特别计划 - 国际电信联盟


出处文件 标题 WG-LDC164 WG-LDC 针对最不发达国家的特别计划 [WG-LDC-1]号决议针对最不发达国家采取特别行动[WG-LDC-2]号决议对有特殊需要的国家提供援助:阿富汗、布隆迪、刚果民主共和国、东帝汶、几内亚比绍、利比里亚、卢旺达、塞拉利昂、索马里[WG-LDC-3]号决议对有特殊需要的国家提供援助:阿富汗编辑委员会主席Marie-Thérèse ALAJOUANINE附件:9页国 际 电 信 联 盟世界电信发展大会 (WTDC-02)2002年3月18-27日,土耳其,伊斯坦布尔文件195-C 2002年3月23日 原文:英文 全会 编辑委员会向全会提交的文案系列2CMDT02/195-C关于最不发达国家的工作组针对最不发达国家的特别计划1. 使命针对最不发达国家(LDC)的特别计划旨在通过电信发展将LDC融入世界经济中。











u(t ) Ri (t )

i(t ) Gu(t )
1.1.2 电容元件
如果一个 n 端口元件的端口电压向量 u 和端口电流向量 i 之间为代数成分关系:

f C (u (t ), q (t ), t ) 0
则称该元件为电容性 n 端口元件,或 n 端口电容元件。下面侧重研究一端口(二端)电 容元件。
i(t )
得到下列几种 u q 特性的情形:
dq(t ) dt
q(t ) f (u(t ), t )
则 u i 关系方程为:
i(t )
d f (u, t ) du f (u, t ) f (u (t ), t ) dt u dt t
q(t ) C (t )u(t )
式中 C (t ) 是线性电容元件于 t 时刻的电容之值。如果 C (t ) 是不随时间而改变的常数,即电 容元件特性方程为:
q(t ) Cu(t )
则该电容元件称为时不变的,反之则是时变的。如不特别声明,一般电容器的电路模型就是 线性时不变电容。 对于电网络的四个基本变量 i 、 u 、 q 、 ,在网络分析与综合以及工程实践中经常使 用的是电压与电流这两个便于检测的变量, 可称为常用网络变量。 由于电容元件的特性不是 由常用网络变量 i 、 u 关系来定义的,故有必要研究电容元件于电压电流之间的关系。为了 根据电容元件的 u q 特性得到 u i 关系方程,应用关系式:





关键词:共建共享;降本增效;一站双载频;1.8G共享;电联一张网中图分类号:TN929.5文献标识码:A文章编号:2096-9759(2023)03-0208-05Innovation and exploration of Telecom and Unicom1.8G one base station dualcarrier frequency boutique networkLIU Leting(Cloud network operation Department,China Telecom Baotou Branch,Baotou014010,China)Abstract:With the in-depth promotion of co construction and sharing between China Telecom and China Unicom and the requi-rements of cost reduction and efficiency increase of the company,Baotou Telecom and Baotou Unicom creatively put forward a one-stop dual carrier continuous sharing scheme through careful planning in view of the problems such as high operation cost, many different frequency switching times,LIMITED capacity,slow Internet access and poor customer perception,Truly realize the planning idea of one network of China Telecom and China Unicom,and successfully completed the pilot opening in tuyou county town,Baotou City from July14to15.After integration,the downlink frequency of the first frequency point of China Telecom and China Unicom1.8g is uniformly adjusted to1830MHz~1850mhz,the second frequency point(i.e.the expansion frequency point)is uniformly adjusted to1850mhz~1870mhz,and the remaining1870mhz~1880MHz is used as the standby of the third frequency point in the later expansion.Key words:Co construction and sharing;cost reduction and efficiency increase;one station and two carrier frequencies;1.8G sharing;one network for Telecom and Unicom1引言随着电信与联通共建共享的持续深入,为了给双方用户提供更好的服务、带来更进一步的感知提升,两大网络运营商通力合作,创新的提出一站式双载波连片共享,真正实现电联一张网的规划思路,为两家后续合作奠定了良好基础,也为日后电联双方在县域深度合作、降本增效方面具有重要的实践意义。

电联接 概念

电联接 概念





















经过Q AM调 制
后输 出R 射频 F
信号 进入 本地 HC F R络。 或者
复用 器输 出数
据 到 交换 机后
可直 接通 过 I P 传 输 网输 送 到 远端, 在远端架
设 IQA P M调制
wm .. I01 月IR D Ⅳ c I 1年7 I A I n 2 O&T LVS NIF R A INI iit 5 EE II N O M TO I ii i 5 O F ii . =  ̄
1传统的 A I S M. S转 T 4 传输方案
马赛克系统, 此系统需要从节目 源部分提 便数字电 视业务接入等等。 目 节 源部分包 取大量视频节 目 , 流 经过 处理 后把多套 括远端I P 信号、 本地编码输出 后的I P 信号
第三方提供1 T 4 道用于传 节 目 个S M一 通 变成一套节 目 进行输 出, 果采用 以及其它I格式的信号, 目源信号直接 如 P 节 输数字电 视业务, S D 3 经A I S协议适配器 A I — S的方式进行节目 采集那么就需要把原 进 入以太网交换 机, 由交换机进行汇聚
器直接放在现场 , 在现场进行节目录 制、 经过对 比我们可以发现, 采用l传 编码后以 P P l方式送到前端机房, 下次别的
于l的统计复用功能, P 更有效地利用带宽
资源。 一
第一 , 采用l传输后系统 结构变得 进行现场节目编码再传输, P 这样就非常方
务直接使用G e 口 b接
而不需要增加 l网关 P
等额 外设备, 期投 后
资减 少。同时利用基
输出或者直接传输到下级前端做为节 目 们可 以放置在机房使用, 若某个地方要 源使用。 S转I AI P 后传输原理 图以及l方 进行重要会议直播, P 则我们可以把编码 式传输原理图如图2 图3 、 所示。 输方式具有非常明显的优势。



电气的通信原理与应用1. 通信原理概述电气通信是一种将信息通过电信号传输的技术,广泛应用于各个领域。



2. 电气通信的基本组成部分电气通信系统由多个基本组成部分组成,包括信号源、传输介质、传输设备和接收设备。

2.1 信号源信号源是电气通信系统产生信号的部分,常见的信号源包括麦克风、摄像头、传感器等。


2.2 传输介质传输介质是信号在电气通信系统中传输的媒介,可以是电缆、光纤、空气等。


2.3 传输设备传输设备是用来将信号从信号源传输到接收设备的设备,包括调制解调器、路由器、交换机等。


2.4 接收设备接收设备是用来接收信号并进行解码的设备,包括扬声器、显示器、传感器接收器等。


3. 电气通信的应用电气通信在各个领域都有广泛的应用,下面列举了一些常见的应用场景。

3.1 电话通信电话通信是电气通信最常见的应用之一,通过电话线、光纤等传输介质,人们可以进行远程语音通话。


3.2 电报通信电报通信是一种通过电信号传输文字信息的通信方式。


3.3 无线电通信无线电通信是一种通过无线电波传输信号的通信方式。


3.4 互联网通信互联网通信是一种基于互联网传输数据的通信方式,包括电子邮件、即时通讯、网页浏览等。



u L di dt

iL u
2、非线性电感 (1)流控电感
三、电感元件 (续)
(2)链控电感 约夫逊结(Josephson Junction)
i I0 sin K (3)单调电感
绝大多数线圈的电感模型 属于此类,且具有饱和特性。
(4)多值电感 铁芯线圈的电感模型属于此类,具有磁滞回线
2 i2
i0 i1 i2
1 i1
in n
u u1,u2 , ,un T
i i1,i2 , ,in T
5. 容许信号偶和赋定关系
• 可能存在于(多口)元件端口的电压、电流向量随时 间的变化或波形称为容许的电压—电流偶,简称容许信
号偶(Admissible Signal Pair),记作 u(t),i(t) 3Ω电阻的伏安关系为 u 3i 3cost,cost 容许信号偶
M (q, ) : fM (q, ) 0
(1)荷控忆阻 (2)链控忆阻 (3)单调忆阻

d M dq u Mi
● 基本变量和高阶基本变量又可统一成 u( )和 i( ) 两种
变量 ,其中α和β为任意整数。
• 基本表征量之间存在着与网络元件无关 的下述普 遍关系:
u(t) d(t) dt
























电联 5G 共建共享参数分类设置总结【摘要】2019 年 9 月 9 日, 中国联通发布与中国电信进行 5G 网络共建共享合作的公告, 根据合作协议, 中国联通运营公司将与中国电信在全国范围内合作共建一张 5G 接入网络, 双方划定区域, 分区建设, 各自负责在划定区域内的 5G 网络建设相关工作, 明确了双方的建设方向“共建一张 5G 接入网”, 有助于两家降低 5G 网络建设和运维成本, 高效实现 5G 网络覆盖, 快速形成 5G 服务能力。

目前, 本地网已开通 736 个 5G 基站, 且与联通共建共享率达到100%, 因联通部分区域锚点站为异厂家设备, 所以本地网共建共享为两种模式: 1.市区范围内电信采用NSA+SA 模式, 联通共享 SA;2.市区以外范围电信同样采用 NSA+SA, 但是联通共享 NSA。

本文主要梳理共建共享的各项网管参数改善网络质量, 提升用户体验。

【关键字】共建共享、网管参数、改善网络【业务类别】优化一、共建共享方案1.1XX电信目前存在两种共建共享模式, 因 FDD1800 异厂家的原因, 市区范围内电信采用NSA+SA 模式, 联通共享 SA;2.市区以外范围电信同样采用 NSA+SA, 但是联通共享NSA。

1.2电联共享方案(NSA)XX5G 网络建设由电信负责, 然后联通共享电信的5G 网络, 优选NSA 的Option3x 方式来建设 5G 网络, 利用 EPC 和 eNodeB, 和 gNodeB 建立双连接, 快速部署 5G 网络,NSA 网络架构如下图所示:图1网络架构图电联进行NSA网络共建共享, 较常见的共享组网方案有两种:方案一单锚点: 将4G现网1.8GHz载波改造成共享载波, 作为3.5GHz NR载波的单锚点, 即: 采用4G共享载波方式(1.8GHz单锚点)+5G共享载波方式(3.5GHz NR)。

方案二双锚点:两运营商分别使用各自 eNodeB 建设锚点站。



分析Technology AnalysisI G I T C W 技术78DIGITCW2020.051 背景和意义电联(电信与联通)开展全球首例5G 网络共享,是在全国分区共建一张5G 接入网络,过渡期采用NSA 、最终演进为SA 的共享,是落实共享发展理念,提高市场竞争力,建成覆盖全国、高效运行5G 网络的关键。

作为安徽合肥电联5G 承建方,合肥电信以5G 共建共享为契机,探索4G 同步共建共享的合作方案,与合肥联通紧密合作,积极整合站址、天面、机房、频率等资源互补优势,有效降低网络建设和运维成本,盘活的资源、节省的投资和成本用于进一步提高网络覆盖和服务能力。

2 4G 竞合2.1 电联2/3/4G 频率及使用情况C800M ,G900M 和W2.1G 为2/3G 语音,L800M ,L900M ,L1.8G ,L2.1G 为4G 语音和数据。

电联1.8G 、2.1G 频段连续,电联均将1.8G 频段作为4G 主覆盖,电信2.1G 用于4G 室分和室外载波扩容,联通2.1G 用于3G/4G 混用,L800M 、L900M 为4G 基础覆盖层。

2.2 4G 竞合场景目前,电信、联通4G 主要覆盖均承载在L1.8G 。

频率资源的不同,电信、联通针对容量场景的频率使用有所区别,电信在L1.8G (带宽20M )上扩容L2.1G (带宽20M ),联通则优先在L1.8G 一载波(带宽20M )上扩容二载波(带宽10M ),仍未解决则扩容L2.1G (带宽15M )。

据此将4G 竞合场景区分如下:(1)电信低负荷(L1.8G )、联通低负荷(L1.8G ):可竞合,电信或联通承建均可。

(2)电信高负荷(L1.8G+L2.1G )、联通低负荷(L1.8G ):可竞合,须由电信承建。

(3)电信低负荷(L1.8G )、联通高负荷(L1.8G 双载波):一般无法竞合。

除非电信新建2.1G ,须由电信承建,将1.8G 和2.1G 均竞合给联通,此时联通总带宽由30M 提至35M ,容量提升。


, , ,

。 ”


” ,


。 ”


” 。









增 强 语 言 的 审美 功 能

陌 生 化的 功 能 并 不局 限在 使 人产 生 新鲜 感 惊 奇感 的 范 畴 里 陌 生 化 的 真 正 目 的 在 于 更 真 实 地 表达 作 者

“ ” 、“ ”

化 效果

苏童小 说《 妻 妾 成群 》 中 的句子 在 厨 房里站 了 一 会 儿 她 又 走 到 门 廊 上 看 见 后花 园此 时 寂静无 比 人 都热 闹去 了 留下一些 孤 寂 它 们 在 枯 枝残叶 上 一点点滴 落 浸 人 颂 莲 的 心 把纯 属感 觉 的 孤寂 幻 化成 视觉 形 象 一点 点滴落 使 发 话 主 体情 感 个 性化 和 直 接外化 把 那种刻骨 的 伤感 描 绘 得 人木 三 分 异 常深 刻地 滴 人 了 读 者 的心 灵 世 界 应 修人 的 诗 也是 染 着 温 静 的 绿情 的 / 那 绿 树 浓 里 荫 流 出 来 的 歌声 鸟 的 歌 声 本 诉 诸 听 觉 该 用 响 现 却用 流 出来 诉诸 视 觉 且从 绿 树 浓荫 里 流 起来 出 歌声 也就染 上 了 绿 色 陌 生化 的 诗句 写 尽 了 诗 人 : 对春 天里 鸟 叫 的感 受 优 美 舒 缓 充 满春之气 息 ; 使 人 的 目光变得有触 感 使 诗 的 感觉 更 加具体 化 : 运用 通 感 还 可 以 化 空 灵模 糊 为殷 实 清晰 斜 日疏 林 晓色青 鸟惊残 梦 坠 寒 声 这 是 天 籁 的 有 形化 空 间 化 鸟 声 不 但 寒 而 且 可 坠 双 重 通 感大 大 加 强 了 诗 歌意 象 的 感性 魅力 扩 展 了 审美 的经验 常见 的事 物经 过 通 感 的 修 辞方 式表 达 出来 以后 就 变得 陌 生 变得 异 乎 寻 常 鲜 明 可 感 使 读者 的感 觉 陡 然 清醒 对 日 常话语 的 背离 创 造 出 一 种 与 以 往 经 验 不 同 的特 殊 符 号 使 陌 生 语 言 焕发 出无 限 的 生 机 和 活力

电能质量分析与控制 肖湘宁 第三章课后答案

电能质量分析与控制 肖湘宁 第三章课后答案

U � 1 U � U � 差之根方均的压电段末首路线为失损压电
。量分横和量分纵的降压电—— H U� � Z U�
�值量向压电的段末首路线—— 2 U � 1 U 中式
. .
U�j � Z U � �
为式达表学数�差量向的压电段末首路线为 U � 降压电�答
j �
� ) Xj � R ( � I � 1 U � 1 U � U �
. . . .
。式达表似近的失损压电出写试�么什义定的失损压电及降压电�2 。立成下式方行运常正在统系对针差偏压电 中式
。Vk�压电称标统系—— N U �Vk�压电际实—— er U �差偏压电—— U�
% 001 �
� U�
为式达表学数。差偏压电的点节该为成数分百的压电 称标统系对差之压电称标统系与压电际实的点节一某�下式方行运常正在统系电供�答 �立成式方行运么什的统系对针差偏压电�差偏压电是么什�1 施措善改与析分量质能电统传 章三第
出发能也收吸能�源电率功功无的本基最�源电率功功有的一唯中统系�机电发步同�答 �点特么什有各�些哪有源电功无的统系力电�8 。量容用备率功功无故事的够足有留要并 �衡平地就的率功功无现实�偿补行进所电变分、层分、区分到做量尽是则原的偿补功无 。偿补功无行进要而 因 �要需足满能不远率功功无的供提机电发靠仅行运统系 。耗损功有于大耗损功无的统系个 整致导而从 �多得大耗损功有比也耗损功无的器压变 �阻电值等于大远抗电值等的器压变和 路线压高于由 。耗损率功功无的中器压变和路线是份部一大很耗损功无的中统系为因 �答 �么什是则原的偿补功无�偿补功无行进要么什为�7 。等荡振步同次�振谐磁铁的器压变�激自的机电如比�题问新些一来带会 也器容电联串。式方偿补欠用采�性定稳的行运统系和力能送输的路线电输高提了为�上路 线压高超在。偿补过用采�压电的端末高提了为�中路线电配压低在。上支分的级等压电下 以及 Vk011 的电供源电端单在设装般一器容电联串�是的目为压调以。合场的低数因率功 荷负、繁频动波压电于用适别特偿补容电联串。性阻电纯呈路线�时偿补全完�性感呈路线 �时偿补欠 �性容呈路线 �时偿补过 。能功的压电偿补整调由自流电荷负随有具容电联串 。建改和建新的路线电输级等压电的 上以及 Vk022 于合适。力能电输的路线和性定稳的统系力电高提于利有�染污磁电的境环 边周对路线电输少减 �晕电路线电输少减以可还 。抗电路线低降著显以可线导裂分用采 。器容电联串和线导裂分用采要主�抗电路线少减是二第 。大不用作则网电压高于对而�网电配 压低的抗电于大阻电于用适 �法方的积面截线导路线加增用采 �阻电的路线少减是种一 。压调数参路线变改�3 。足充源电率功功无统系是提前的器压变压调载 有设装�意注。多较比数头接分的器压变压调载有。头接分变改时随下况情的荷负带在以可 。器压变压调载有用采须必整调压电的大化变荷负、长路线线出于对。整调压电的大不化变 荷负、长不路线线出于合适。作操性节季作只往往�作操繁频宜不以所�电停要需头接分变 改�时器压变压调载无用采。压调来头接分器压变变改用采即。压调比变器压变变改�2 。式方压调逆用采多�况情的荷负馈直线母机电发于用适 �济经、便简�资投加附需不�点枢中压电为作线母机电发以是点特。压调机电发用�1 有要主段手压调�答 �何如点特的自各�些哪有段手压调�6 。间之者 两前在也围范用适�变不持保本基压电点枢中�化变何如荷负论无指是压调恒�压调恒 。点枢中的大不化变荷负�长不路线线出于合适�压 电点枢中大增当适时荷负小最在 �压电点枢中低降当适时荷负大最指是压调顺 �压调顺 。点枢中的大较动 波且同相致大律规化变荷负�长较路线线出合适�压电称标为降下时荷负小最在�失损压电 的加增上路线偿补及以压电点枢中高提 �时荷负大最在压电点枢中指是压调逆 �压调逆 。压调恒和压调顺、压调逆�种三有方节调压电�答 �何如性用适�点特么什有各�些哪有式方的节调压电�5 加增本成电供使将都些这有所。大加耗损晕电的网电压高超�高偏压电�加增 大大失损压电及以耗损功无 、耗损功有的网电使将低偏压电统系 �行运济经的统系响影还大 差偏压电。振谐磁铁发引能可并�波谐生产�和饱备设的心铁带使�损受缘绝的备设电用种 各中统系使能可有�高过压电行运统系。溃崩压电致导�象现定稳不压电统系生产能可�源

精品案例_5G NSA网络电联共建共享单锚点独立载波方案开通经验总结

精品案例_5G NSA网络电联共建共享单锚点独立载波方案开通经验总结

5G NSA网络电联共建共享单锚点独立载波方案开通经验总结报告目录一、问题描述 (3)二、分析过程 (4)2.1 工程实施方案简介 (4)2.2 共享站数据规划 (6)2.3 传输和无线联调 (7)2.4 调试开通 (7)三、解决措施 (7)3.1 组建“共建共享交流群” (7)3.2 梳理开通流程条目 (8)3.3 典型故障案例处理 (11)四、经验总结 (22)4.1单锚点独立载波方案总结 (22)4.2后续研究计划 (23)5G NSA网络电信联通共建共享单锚点独立载波方案开通经验总结【摘要】2020年为5G商用元年,5G网络进入建设进入新阶段。

电信联通的SA网络/NSA 网络共建共享迫在眉睫,网络共享是指不同运营商之间在网络部署阶段共同承担高昂的移动网络部署费用的一种做法,可以极大的提高网络的利用率。


滁州电信根据省公司要求对一期开通的5G站点开通共建共享功能,方案采用单锚点1.8G&2.1G独立载波共享方式,该案例旨再总结梳理开通的流程以及关键注意事项,为5G NSA网络共建共享开通优化思路,对大规模开通5G网络共建共享提供价值参考。

【关键字】5G NSA 共建共享【业务类别】5G一、问题描述NSA架构下无线网共享,4G锚点主要分为共享载波及独立载波两种共享方式,5G通常采用共享载波方式。







1 引 言
细络联 自动 络筒机 在纺 织工艺 流程 中与细 纱机
管 纱输 送 系统 主要是 通 过 控制 空管 循 环 、 满管 循 环两个 电机 转动 , 带动皮 带运转 , 配合 各 电磁 阀的
动作将 托盘运 输到各 个需 要 的位 置 。 从 细 纱机 落下 的管纱 插 到 托盘 上 , 进行 满 管检
管纱 输送 及处 理部分 的故 障报警 情况 可在上 位机 界
理不及 时 导致通 道堵塞 , 等待 通道满后 , 多余 的的纱 管会从 通道 缺 口处落下 , 以确保 系统 正常运 行 、 生 产
持续进 行 。各通 道示 意图如 图 2所 示 。
生 头等 待通道 满 管检 测 生头通 道
道 等待 , 需 要挡 车 工手 动处 理 , 并 根 据纱管 情 况手 动 生头 、 剔 除残 纱 、 放 行 等等 。手 动将 残 纱剔 除后 , 按 面板上 的对 应 通 道 的 按钮 , 纱 管 会 被放 行 。手 动放
行 具有 优先 放行 权 限 , 从 单 锭 自动 返 回细 纱 机 的 空 管 会被 拦住 , 等 备 用通 道 的纱 管 全 部 放 行 后 再 自动
测情 况来 分 配管 纱进入 不 同 的通道 。
管 纱 经过 满 管 检测 后 , 具 备 生 头 条件 的才 能 进
入生 头装 置 。在 挑纱 器 处 , 通 过控 制 电机 使 管 纱 自 身旋 转运 动 , 挑纱 器在 管 纱 最 大 直 径 1 ~2 c m 处 上
下运 动 , 挑开 包缠 纱进 行找 头动 作 , 通过 吹风 系统 和 上 吸风 , 引 出预备 好 的纱 头 , 引 出纱 线 成 功 后 , 剪 刀 进行 切纱 , 再 通过 下 吸风将 纱头 吸入 到纱 管上 口 , 生


2.1.6 正常运行时,变压器及母线电源开关、联络开关的保护均需投入,母 线压变必须投运,相应的低电压保护及自动装置投入。
为减少机组停运期间启备变电源电量,对1、2号机 主厂房6KV 1A/2A段,1B/2B段,1C/2C段之间设置 电源联络。1、2号机停机期间,2号机6kV厂用电切 至启备变供电,启备变投运时,退出01电抗器。
2.1.3 1、2号机组共设有两段380V输煤段、两段380V灰库段、两段380V启 动锅炉段、两段380V输煤段、两段380V灰库段、两段380V启动锅炉段。 两段之间互为暗备用,分别接于由1号机的6kV辅助厂房A段和2号机的
将A段快切钥匙切至“退出”位置, 检查装置无异常报警信号。
投入6KV 1A/2A段联络开关合闸1LP1压板,分闸1LP2压板; 6KV 1A/2A段备用进线开关合闸1LP3压板,分闸1LP4压板。
将6KV 1A/2A段联络开关由冷备用状态改至热备用状态。 投入2A电源联调1A/2A联络开关压板。
保证安全的技术措施: 停电、验电、接地、悬挂标识牌和装设遮拦
要掌握厂内电气系统,熟悉现场电缆走向,掌 握6kv母线柜内实际接线,许可工作票或作安 全措施时的危险源,避免走错间隔、发生误 操作。
1.1.2 机组在正常运行情况下,12A启备变和12B启备变220kV开关在合闸状 态,6kVA、B、C段厂用母线的备用电源开关在热备用状态,即12A启备 变和12B启备变在充电备用状态。



国际电信联盟ITU-T国际电信联盟电信标准化部门世界电信标准化全会哈马马特,2016年10月25 - 11月3日第 50号决议–网络安全i前言国际电信联盟(ITU)是从事电信领域工作的联合国专门机构。





ITU 2016年版权所有。


第50号决议(2016年,哈马马特,修订版)网络安全(2004年,弗洛里亚诺波利斯;2008年,约翰内斯堡;2012年,迪拜;2016年,哈马马特)世界电信标准化全会(2016年,哈马马特),忆及a)全权代表大会第130号决议(2014年,釜山,修订版)–国际电联在树立使用信息通信技术(ICT)的信心和提高安全性方面的作用;b)全权代表大会第174号决议(2014年,釜山,修订版)–国际电联在防范非法使用ICT的风险的国际公共政策问题上的作用;c)全权代表大会第179号决议(2014年,釜山,修订版)–国际电联在保护上网儿童方面的作用;d)全权代表大会第181号决议(2010年,瓜达拉哈拉)–有关树立使用ICT的信心和提高安全性的定义和术语;e)有关建立打击非法滥用信息技术法律框架的联合国大会第55/63号和第56/121号决议;f)有关培育全球网络安全文化的联合国大会第57/239号决议;g)有关培育全球网络安全文化及保护重要信息基础设施的联合国大会第58/199号决议;h)有关从外层空间遥感地球原则的联合国大会第41/65号决议;i) 关于全面审查信息社会世界高峰会议(WSIS))成果落实情况的大会高级别会议成果文件的联合国大会第70/125号决议;j)有关加强在网络安全(包括抵制和打击垃圾信息)领域合作机制的世界电信发展大会(WTDC)第45号决议(2014年,迪拜,修订版);k)有关抵制和打击垃圾信息的本届全会第52号决议(2016年,哈马马特,修订版);l)有关重点鼓励发展中国家1建立国家计算机事件响应组的第58号决议(2012年,迪拜,修订版);____________________1其中包括最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家、内陆发展中国家和经济转型国家。


te c g i v y t m n t e prm ie t a o niie ta s s in i h o t e s se o h e s h tc g tv r n miso mpo e o i e fr n e o h ima y n i s s n ntre e c n te pr r .
互协 同 , 而达到 对频谱 资 源 的有 效 利用 . 是 , 统 的有 关 C 从 但 传 R或 C N的研 究 只关 注 频率 资 源 的管 理 , R 正
如一些文献所述 , J通信是对包括频率在 内的多种类型资源 , 如时间、 功率、 空间、 天线和计算能力等的综合
使用 , 因此有 必要 进行联 合资 源管 理 , 以达到 对资源 的整 体高效 利用 . 多天 线技 术通 过空域 信号处 理 , 能够获 得 高 的传 输效 率和链 路 可靠性 . 文献 [-] 79 针对 多天线 技术 在 C N中 的应 用开 展研究 , 是这些 工作 仅证 明 R 但 了认 知 系统对 授权 系统无 干扰 共存 的可行 性 , 未设计 具体 的信号 处理算 法 , 也没 有从 多域 角度对 资源管 理方
多天 线 认 知 无线 电 网络 联 合 资 源 管 理 方 法
李 钊 , 赵 林 靖 , 刘 勤
( 安 电子 科 技 大 学 综 合 业 务 网理 论及 关键 技 术 国 家 重 点 实验 室 , 西 西 安 西 陕 70 7 ) 10 1
摘 要 :在多天线认知无线电网络中设计发射端 与接 收端的联合信 号处理 算法 , 实现认 知系统对授 权系
(t eK yLb f n ga dSri e ok,X d nU i. in 7 0 7 ,C ia Sa e a .o t rt ev eN t rs ii nv ,X’ 10 1 hn ) t Ie e c w a a A src: T i pprds n inl rcsi l rh sa t nmie n ee e ed o t nmu i bt t a hs ae ei ss a poes ga o tm t r s t r drci r n s i l i g g n gi a t a v j n y l— t
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2010第13屆科際整合管理研討會June 26, pp391-400Econometrical Analysis of Multinational Corporations Cross-cultural Satisfaction among Industries in Thailand施正屏Cheng-ping Shih1張純真Carline Chang2AbstractIn an increasingly global business environment, Taiwanese multinational companies expand the market to Thailand, thus cross-cultural management became issues. Satisfaction is an important subject in international management literature, also a positive effect on individual performance in cross-cultural working environment. Therefore, the purpose of present study is three-fold: (1) supplementing intercultural management field by exploring Taiwanese management in Thailand; (2) adopt three-factory model (Shih & Chinerawat, 2009) to explore factors will impact satisfaction among two different industries in cross-cultural working environment; (3) suggesting different approaches on management to fulfill a high level of satisfaction for their employees. Finding of present study are (1) revising and improving three-factor model more reliable; (2) the value of R-square of company A and B are .966 and .964 respectively, which means the model is appropriately explaining the results; (3) Motivation factor, Hygiene factor, and Demographic factor have impacted work satisfaction of both companies.Keywords:Cross-cultural satisfaction, Motivation factor, Hygiene factor, Demographic factor1. IntroductionIn an increasingly global business environment, investors in Taiwan expanded their markets in Southeast Asia in the late 1980s, especially in Thailand. The past few years in the amount of trade between Taiwan and Thailand has increased dramatically to more than US$9 billion, (The Thailand Board of Investment, 2008) it has created a large numbers of job opportunities for Thai (Institute of Asia Study, 2005). Hence, cross-cultural management and diversity management (Lau, Nicholas, O Flynn, Ricciotti & Sammartino, 2001) between Taiwanese and Thai has become a very important issue. Managers should be aware of the cross-cultural differences in working environment in order to facilitate a mutual adjustment in1國立臺灣師範大學國際人力資源發展研究所副教授(聯絡地址:24449台北縣林口鄉仁愛路一段2號,聯絡電話:02-77148660,E-mail: tony031960@)。

2國立臺灣師範大學國際人力資源發展研究所研究生(聯絡地址:24449台北縣林口鄉仁愛路一段2號,聯絡電話:02-77148660,E-mail: romancer0312@)。

2010第13屆科際整合管理研討會cross-cultural gaps (Hofstede, 2001). Many companies dispatch their employees overseas to implement global corporate strategies and manage subsidiaries (Windham International, 1998), and it was found that the managers from a parent culture have difficulties fit into the host culture (Kim. Y. Y., 2004), the local staff also has difficulties adapting to their managers (Bennett, Aston, & Colquhoun, 2000). This can cause problems of performance which can affect the company profit directly (Kim, 2008).Selmer (2000) found that satisfaction has a positive effect on individual performance, and the two-factor theory established by Herzberg (1959) states that Motivational Factors increases satisfaction on the job. Hygiene Factors ensures that an employee is not dissatisfied. However, two-factor theory has its limitations in explaining satisfaction in cross-cultural working environment. Thus, this study adopted Shih and Chinerawat’s econometric model (2009), which incorporated Demographic factors into the preexisting two-factor theory to explore the cross-cultural working satisfaction and how this affecting multinational companies’ performance.According to Ministry of Economic Affairs (R.O.C.), the weight of Manufacturing Production Index by product group in Thailand is following, Textile Products industry (16.16%), Food and Beverages industry (15.76%), Electronic Products industry (13.62%), Furniture and fixtures (1.51%). Thus researchers choose companies from Electronic Products industry and Furniture and fixtures to find what factors will influence satisfaction.Most of researches study cases are on American managers in Latin America, China (Gao, 2005) and Korea (Kim, 2008), few studies focus on multinational companies in Thailand (Shih & Chinerawat, 2009) Consequently, the purposes of the study are, (1) supplementing cross-cultural management field by exploring Taiwanese management in Thailand; (2) applying the econometric model to find which factors will impact cross-cultural working satisfaction; (3) based on the empirical results to suggest different approaches on managing employees and assisting managers to fulfill a high level of satisfaction for their employees.2. Methodology2.1 SamplesThis questionnaire was conducted at two selected companies. Company A is an electronic manufacturer with more than 8,000 Thai staff and over 50 Taiwanese managers, and company B is a modern house wares designer with 90 Thai workers and 5 Taiwanese managers. Totally 400 questionnaires were distributed to the research participants, out of which were collected 216. The valid response rate is 54%.Econometrical Analysis of Multinational Corporations Cross-culturalSatisfaction among Industries in ThailandOf the 216 participants, there were 145 participants from company one, 80% (n=116) were Thai, 20% (n=29) were Taiwanese. The mean of age was 33-year-old and age range is 20-57 years old. The mean year of service of participants is 9.18 years (range=4 month to 35 years). There are 71 participants from company two, 92.9% (n=66) were Thai, 7.1% (n=5) were Taiwanese. The mean of age was 29-year-old and age range is 18-45 years old. The mean year of service of participants is 3.96 years (range=1 month to 22 years).2.2 MeasuresResearchers used the questionnaire developed by Shih and Chinerawat (2009) to assess the satisfaction of Taiwanese and Thai in two multinational companies. The questionnaire consisted of 25 items which a 6 point Likert scales was applied to measure in order to avoid midpoint answering of Asian people (Spreitzer et al., 2005).The questionnaire was translated into two versions. A bilingual Chinese-English language questionnaire was developed for Taiwanese managers, and a Thai language questionnaire was developed for Thai staff. The data was collected from June 2008 to January 2009 in Thailand. Researchers collected data on-site in order to increase respondents’willingness to reply.2.3 Econometric ModelThe Econometric model developed by Shih and Chinerawat (2009) is an expanded framework based on Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory (1959). The model extended cross-cultural satisfaction by adding Demographic factors into Motivation and Hygiene factors. The model found that Demographic factors, such as people from different regions of host country, impacts cross-cultural satisfaction. Hence, researchers adopted Shih and Chinerawat’s model (2009) to explore the issue of satisfaction in cross-cultural working environment.The equation of the model below shows the self-assessment of satisfaction in cross-cultural working environment. It measures Thai staff and Taiwanese managers’ self-evaluation of their own working satisfaction. The equation is written as below:Y= ƒ(x) = ß1*Xi+ ß2*Xj+ ß3*Xk + εDependent variable measures self-assessment on cross-cultural working satisfaction; independent variables are categorized into Motivation Factor group, Hygiene Factor group, and Demographic Factor group:First, Motivation Factor variables (X i) include Challenge, Recognition, Personal growth, Achievement, and Career Advancement.Second, Hygiene Factor variables (X j) include Job security, Status, Pay competitiveness,2010第13屆科際整合管理研討會Fringe benefits, Safety, Working condition, Quality of supervision, and Interpersonal Relations.Third, Demographic Factor variables (X k) include Age, Gender, Education, Years of service, Training days, Working hours, Salary rate, and Income package.2.4 HypothesesBecause of the different working environment in company A and B, thus following hypothesis was developed:Hypothesis 1: There is a difference in self-assessment of satisfaction in cross-cultural working environment in company A and B.Satisfaction has a positive effect on individual performance, thus following hypothesis explored the factors impacting satisfaction in cross-cultural working environment:Hypothesis 2.1: Motivation factors, Hygiene factors, and Demographic factors have significant impact on satisfaction in cross-cultural working environment in company A.Hypothesis 2.2: Motivation factors, Hygiene factors, and Demographic factors have significant impact on satisfaction in cross-cultural working environment in company B.2.5 Reliability & ValidityThe bilingual questionnaire was revised by experts from National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and subjects from host country. Changes were made according to the suggestions given and the instrument was subsequently validated.Then this study used Cronbach Alpha to test the reliability. For company A, with n=145, the value of Cronbach Alpha of 0.883 was found for all items of the questionnaire (excluding demographics). Researchers tested variables which were scale questions, including variables of Challenge, Recognition, Personal growth, Achievement, Career advancement, Job security, Status, Pay competitiveness, Fringe benefits, Safety, Working condition, Quality of supervision, and Interpersonal relations. For company B, with n=71, the value of Cronbach Alpha was 0.87. These mean the measure for internal consistency of the instrument was high, which made the instrument reliable.2.6 AnalysesBefore analysis, the data was coded using number sequences, and dummy variables for nationality, company, and region. The independent sample t-test was used to test hypotheses involving the mean difference in self assessment of cross-cultural working satisfaction between company A and company B.Econometrical Analysis of Multinational Corporations Cross-culturalSatisfaction among Industries in ThailandNext, a multiple linear regression analysis was used to investigate whether the independent variables have statistical significance as predictor variables. Researchers used the backward elimination procedure, examining the p-values for the 21 independent variables, and eliminated the highest insignificant variable in each equation. This process was repeated until all remaining independent variables reach at least 10% level of significance.Descriptive statistic analysis was also used to show the mean of satisfaction of all data. This analysis helped researchers to arrange the data into a more interpretable form, to summarize data more easily and to examine which factors were important.3. Empirical ResultsIn order to know whether there is a difference in self-assessment of satisfaction in company A and B; researcher firstly did the independent sample t-test. The Levene's Test for Equality of Variances was significant, (F=4.705, p=.031), thus researcher used the result of equal variances not assumed one (see table 1). The results of independent sample t test show that there is a significant difference in self-assessment of cross-cultural working satisfaction between Company A and B (t= 2.467, p = .015.)The mean of cross-cultural working satisfaction of company B is 3.760, which was lower than the mean of company B (4.1301.) Hypothesis 1 is accepted. Since the difference of cross-cultural working satisfaction between Company A and B, researchers were going to explore what factors impact satisfaction in these industries.By using the backward elimination process, the process is repeated 12 and 14 times respectively, until all remaining independent variables reach at least the 10 % level of significance. R square of 12th model for company A stands at .966. Therefore the model can explain 96.6% of the variance. The hypothesis 2.1 is accepted, that is, Motivation factor, Hygiene factor, and Demographic factor have significant impact on cross-cultural working satisfaction.Table 1. T-test of self-assessment of satisfaction between company A and BF t df Sig. (2-tailed) Std. Error Equal variances assumed 4.705 2.576 215 .011 .14349 Equal variances not assumed 2.467 124.433 .015 .14983The Motivational factors of Recognition and Advancement were the most significant at 1% level. The value of the parameter of Recognition was 0.213 with t-ratio 2.646; and the value of the parameter of Advancement was 0.267 with t-ratio 2.987. Growth was significant at 10% level (β= 0.203, with t-ratio 1.837). Achievement was a negative factor, which was significant at 1% level (β= -0.331, with t-ratio -3.101). About Hygiene factor, Working conditions2010第13屆科際整合管理研討會variable was significant at 5% level. The value of the parameter was 0.128 with t-ratio 2.335. In Demographic factor, there are three positive parameters, which were Age (β= 0.41, with t-ratio 3.87 and significant at 1% level) Working hour (β= 0.186, with t-ratio 2.046, significant at 5% level), and Income package (β= 2.476, with t-ratio 2.102, significant at 5% level). Negative parameters were Year of service (β= is -0.164, with t-ratio -4.5 significant at 1% level), and Salary rate (β= is -2.408, with t-ratio -2.049 significant at 5% level) See table 2.R square of 14th model for company B stands at .964. Therefore the model can explain 96.4% of the variance. The hypothesis 2.2 is accepted. Motivation factor, Hygiene factor, and Demographic factor have significant impact on cross-cultural working satisfaction.The Motivational factors of Growth and Advancement were negative and significant at 5% level. The value of the parameter of Growth was -0.318 with t-ratio -2.143, and the value of the parameter of Advancement was 0.344 with t-ratio 2.588. About Hygiene factor, Job security was significant at 1% level. The value of the parameter is 0.547 with t-ratio 5.457. Benefits was a negative factor and significant at 5% level (β= -0.186, t =-2.281). In Demographic factor, the positive parameters were Gender (β= 0.185, t =2.773), Working hour (β= 0.405, t =3.235), and Income package (β=0.084, t =2.202). The parameter for Year of service was negative (-0.078), with t ratio -2.503. It is significant at 5% significance level.Descriptive statistic analysis shows the mean of satisfaction of company A and B (see table 3). The values of mean of Motivation factors of company A in descending orders were Growth, Challenge, Achievement, Recognition and Advancement. For company B in descending orders were Growth, Achievement, Challenge, Advancement and Recognition. The values of mean of Hygiene factors of company A in descending orders were Relationship, Supervision, Respect status, Safety, Job security, Working condition, Pay competitiveness and Benefits. For company B in descending orders were Relationship, Working condition, Supervision, Respect status, Benefits, Job security, Pay competitiveness and Safety.Table 2. Empirical results of self-assessment on cross-cultural satisfaction Model Company A Company BCoefficientβtβt Motivation factorRecognition 0.213 2.646***Growth 0.203 1.837* -0.318 -2.143** Achievement -0.331 -3.101***Advanced 0.267 2.987*** 0.344 2.558** Hygiene factorJob security0.547 5.457***Benefits-0.186 -2.281**Econometrical Analysis of Multinational Corporations Cross-culturalSatisfaction among Industries in Thailand Model Company A Company B Working Condition0.128 2.335**Demographic factorAge 0.410 3.870 ** *Gender 0.185 2.773*** Year of service -0.164 -4.500 ** * -0.078 -2.503**Working hour 0.186 2.046 ** 0.405 3.235***Salary Rate -2.408 -2.049 **Income package 2.476 2.102 ** 0.084 2.202** R square .966 .964Note. * ૉ൏0.1; **ૉ൏0.05; ***ૉ൏0.01.4. DiscussionResearchers adopted Shih and Chinerawats’ Econometric model (2009) to find that what kind of factors impacting cross-cultural working satisfaction among different industries. The result showed that 10 of the variables were significant at least at 10% level and impacted satisfaction on company A, and 8 variables impacting company B.For company A, the significant variables are Recognition, Advancement, Growth and Achievement in Motivate factors; Working conditions in Hygiene factors; Age, Working hour, Income package, Salary rate and Year of service in Demographic factor. That means if employees feel they can gain competency and own recognition from colleagues, also if they contribute a lot during job and can be promoted, they will gain satisfaction and this will motivate them to a higher performance in a cross-cultural working environment. Employees were demoralized by feeling that their works were not achievable. Company need to pay attention on achievement, thus will increase their satisfaction and encourage them to work with moral support. If Companies could provide a suitable working circumstance, which will maintain employees’ satisfaction and ensure that they are not dissatisfied in a cross-cultural working environment.For company B, there were 8 variables significant at least at 10% level, which were Growth and Advancement in Motivate factors; Job security and Benefits in Hygiene factors; Gender, Year of service, Working hour and Income package in Demographic factor. Different from company A, employees in company B did not feel they gain competency through work. Suggestion is providing more challenge in work to enhance employees’ capability. A buddy system which can pass experience is also suggested. Result also shows that employees did not satisfaction with fringe benefit policy. A suitable policy of compensation package and job security will maintain employees’ satisfaction and ensure that they are not dissatisfied in a cross-cultural working environment.2010第13屆科際整合管理研討會Table 3.Descriptive statistic of satisfactionCompany A(n=145) Company B (n=71)Mean Std. Mean Std. Challenge 4.6986 .96397 4.4789 1.15708 Recognition 4.1301 1.01209 4.2535 1.13034 Growth 4.8630 .84388 4.8028 .93533 Achievement 4.3630 1.12575 4.4930 1.08065 Advancement 4.0822 1.12958 4.4366 1.11781 Job security 3.8219 1.20164 3.8028 1.20261 Respect status 4.0548 1.11899 4.0563 1.05407 Pay competitiveness 3.6301 1.23743 3.7746 1.24438 Benefits 3.3904 1.25051 3.8592 1.32337 Safety 3.9041 1.17637 3.4930 1.35091 Working Condition 3.7055 1.22710 4.5775 1.02347 Supervision 4.3082 1.12382 4.2394 1.24745 Relationship 4.8767 .74176 5.0282 .87785After the independent sample t-test of satisfaction of each variable among company A and B, the result shows that there are three variables were significant difference, which are Benefits (t= -2.542, p= .012), Safety (t= 2.299, p= .022) and Working condition (t= -5.174, p= .000). In Motivate factors, companies seem to have higher satisfaction, all variables were above four-point, but in Hygiene factors, there seem to have lower satisfaction. In company B, employees seem to have higher satisfaction on compensation package and suitable working condition (e.g. working environment, suitable working hour per day). The result surprised researchers because researchers assumed that human resource department in big company work better and has superior design in compensation package and proper working circumstance. In company A, the average working hour was more than 8.73 hour, the range of salary plus fringe benefits was between 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 Thai baht. In company B, the average working hour was 8.27 hour, the range of salary plus fringe benefits was between 500,000 to 1,000,000 Thai baht. Employees in company A have longer working hour then company B, even though they have higher salary rate, they still not satisfy with the income package. According to these result, researchers propose to improve Hygiene factor to maintain satisfaction for both company, especially benefit package and suitable working condition in company A.5. ConclusionComparing cross-culture working satisfaction among two different industries, there are differences between the results of Motivate, Hygiene and Demographic factors.Econometrical Analysis of Multinational Corporations Cross-culturalSatisfaction among Industries in ThailandEmployees in both companies have a high level satisfaction in Motivate factor, though employees in bigger company tend to feel more challenge and achievement in their job will increase their satisfaction. They prefer the work that can gain their competency and own recognition from colleagues, and care about their effort can let them be promoted. Therefore, big company may provide more challenging work and a stable promotion to gain satisfaction of employees and this will motivate them to a higher performance in a cross-cultural working environment.In Hygiene factor, Benefits, Safety and Working condition variables are significant difference between two companies. Employees in big company have a tendency that dissatisfy with working condition. Result shows that they have longer working hour then company B. Even though they have higher salary rate, they still not satisfy with the income package. Employee with longer years of service especially not satisfy with the wage they had been paid.A suitable performance evaluation and salary pay will sustain employees’ satisfaction and ensure that they are not dissatisfied in a cross-cultural working environment.To maintain the competitive advantages for multinational companies, cross-cultural working satisfaction should be considered particularly in the era of globalization. When looking at cross cultural environments not only Motivation and Hygiene factors should be considered, but also Demographic factors as well. People with different culture would be driven by difference factors; in other words, the findings in this paper provide a new perspective on categorized factors to improve or maintain, and increasing the competitive advantages in the future.6. LimitationThe limitation of this study included limited access to multinational company respondents, time and failure of getting permission from other parties in Thailand to join this academic research project. If more multinational companies understand the importance of cross-cultural satisfaction to their employees and company performance, they will be able to customize their policies to adjust the local culture.Another limitation of this study is that researchers found the factors impacting cross-cultural working satisfaction and suggest that companies improving these factors, however this paper does not give practical suggestion for company policies. An extension of present study could focus on changes that can be made for practical improvements.2010第13屆科際整合管理研討會REFERENCESBennett, R., Aston, A., & Colquhoun, T. (2000). Cross-cultural Training: A Critical step in ensuring the success of international assignments. Human Resource Management, Summer/Fall, 39 (2 & 3), 239-250.Chinerawat V. (2009). “An econometrical Three Factor Model of Cross-cultural Adaptability”: A case study of Taiwan companies in Thailand. 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