


























电子控制单元主要控制车辆在行使中在多少转速(RPM)输出最大扭矩(Nm)建议大家把 2-9 RPM X1000 全部调教到最高,当然每辆车的ECU都不一样,你的车转数指针经常停留在那些区域就把那个转数范围调教到最高,一般来说换档范围都在6000 RPM - 9000 RPM 随着档位增加和涡纶增压的影响回转也会越来越高.
4 刹车$轮胎
前后的轮胎抓地力: 抓地力越好,刹车的力量也就越大越灵敏,动力输出就越好,不会容易出现过弯后失速的情况,在正常情况下前后抓地力是要全部加到最多的.不过对于漂移而言就不能那样调教了,想象一下漂移过弯,后轮不瞬间失速那还怎么漂移,前轮抓地力过高,要怎么反打方向,一动方向车辆就被拉回来了,感觉相当的不爽吧,所以建议大家,前后轮胎的抓地力不要过于简单化对于漂移而言,我建议前轮胎抓地力数值X1.5=后轮胎抓地力数值总之,前后都不要太大或太小,尽量在试车的时候做到入弯瞬间失速,出弯瞬间加速就好,这样既可以漂移又不会失去过多的速度.




R e d d i t看到的,在我的⽂档-N e e d F o r S p e e d-s e t t i n g s中有个
P R O F I L E O P T I O N S_p r ofil e⽂件,⽤记事本把它打开,找到图中字段(可以c t r l+F),把选中部分⾥的1改成0(如图所⽰),就可以关掉画⾯噪点效果!感觉画⾯稍稍清晰了⼀点,⽽且感觉帧率稳定了⼀点!
另外不知道玩上的有没有遇到车上⽔珠、远处灯光、或者车上⼀些镀铬的边缘像星星⼀样⼀闪⼀闪的情况,我这边⽐较严重,看国外论坛说不开抗锯齿和开F X A A抗锯齿都会有这个⽑病,开到TA A虽然可以解决但是画⾯会很模糊,但我感觉调了上⾯这个设置后情况也有所缓解!



E027 061111 金秀路特辑(下)+高考特辑 E028 061118 挑战超级模特儿(上) E029 061125 挑战超级模特儿(下) E030 061202 腌泡菜特辑 E031 061209 无限少年运劢会——ss501 E032 061216 圣诞特辑(上)+金泰熙特辑 E033 061223 圣诞特辑(下) E034 061230 无限挑战颀奖典礼
E10 060107 新年特辑&问卷调查 E11 060114 测验硕士 E12 060121 奶奶家特辑+无限剧场 E13 060128 春节特辑 E14 060204 入春特辑 E15 060211 情人节特辑 E16 060218 毕业特辑 E17 060225李孝利特辑1部 E18 060304李孝利特辑2部 E19 060311 新学期特辑 E20 060318 20期特辑&公开成绩表 E21 060325 MT特辑——郑俊河 E22 060401 愚人节特辑+朴明秀隐藏摄影机——李锺范,裴瑟琪 E23 060408 Black Day特辑——李秀英 E24 060415 纽约特辑——Tony An E25 060422 中国特辑——裴瑟琪,李多海 E26 060429 忠武公李舜臣诞生日特辑+李英爱事件 E001 060506 魏圣美特辑(上) E002 060513 魏圣美特辑(下) E003 060520 宇宙特辑 E004 060527 结婚特辑 E005 060603 世界杯特辑(1) E006 060610 世界杯特辑(2) E007 060617 世界杯特辑(3) E008 060624 世界杯特辑(4) E009 060701 暑假特辑(上)——夏威夷 E010 060708 暑假特辑(下)——巴黎 E010 060715神话特辑(上) E010 060729神话特辑(下) E013 060805纳凉特辑(上)——废校 E014 060812纳凉特辑(下)——传说癿故乡 E015 060819 新西兮特辑(上) E016 060826 新西兮特辑(中) E017 060902 新西兮特辑(下) E018 060909 格斗王特辑(上) E019 060916 格斗王特辑(下) E020 060923 希望你们快点变亲(上)+小学特辑(上 E021 060930 小学特辑(下)+希望你们快点变亲(下) E022 061007 2006年中秋特辑 E023 061014 亨敦来玩吧 E024 061021 秋天郊游特辑 E025 061028 农村体验特辑 E026 061104金秀路特辑(上



维宏®数控系统NCSTUDIO V5.4软件使用手册目录升级纪录............................................................................................................................ I I 目录.. (I)1概述 (1)1.1软件特性 (1)2系统安装与连接 (3)2.1N CSTUDIO™的系统基本配置 (3)计算机主机 (3)操作系统 (3)2.2N CSTUDIO™系统的安装 (4)安装Ncstudio™软件 (5)安装Ncstudio™运动控制卡 (8)重新启动计算机 (8)2.3其他安装问题 (8)2.4卸载N CSTUDIO™系统 (9)2.5N CSTUDIO™控制卡与驱动系统的连接 (10)3NCSTUDIO™基本概念 (11)3.1操作模式与状态 (11)操作模式 (11)操作状态 (12)3.2机床坐标系 (13)机械坐标系 (13)工件坐标系 (13)4NCSTUDIO™操作界面 (15)4.1标题栏 (16)4.2菜单栏 (17)4.3工具栏 (18)4.4数控信息栏 (19)4.5状态栏 (19)4.6数控状态窗口 (19)加工状态和时间信息 (20)当前位置 (20)进给速度 (21)机床控制 (22)4.7自动操作窗口 (23)4.8手动操作窗口 (25)4.9加工轨迹窗口 (28)三维视图模式 (28)上下文菜单 (31)设置个性化参数 (31)4.10系统日志窗口 (32)4.11程序管理窗口 (33)4.12系统参数窗口 (34)加工参数 (35)厂商参数 (38)4.13程序编辑窗口 (41)4.14输入输出状态(I/O状态)窗口 (42)5NCSTUDIO™菜单系统 (44)5.1“文件”菜单 (44)打开并装载 (44)卸载 (45)新建加工程序 (46)打开并编辑 (46)编辑当前加工程序 (46)保存 (46)另存为 (46)关闭 (47)最近装载的加工程序 (47)最近编辑的加工程序 (47)退出 (47)5.2“编辑”菜单 (48)5.3“查看”菜单 (49)工具栏 (50)状态栏 (50)全屏 (50)显示加工程序行号 (51)跟踪加工程序当前行 (51)加工程序信息 (52)5.4“操作”菜单 (52)单步执行 (53)设置当前点为工件原点 (53)设置当前点工件坐标 (54)回工件原点 (54)开始 (55)暂停 (56)停止 (56)进入仿真模式并开始仿真 (56)高级开始 (57)断点继续 (57)执行加工指令 (58)微调 (61)对刀 (62)回机械原点 (62)复位 (63)5.5“机床”菜单 (64)5.6“窗口”菜单 (64)5.7“帮助”菜单 (65)6操作步骤 (66)6.1开机 (66)6.2机械复位(可选) (66)6.3载入加工程序 (66)6.4手动操作 (67)6.5确定工件原点 (67)6.6执行自动加工 (68)6.7直接定位功能 (69)7操作时的注意事项 (70)7.1多任务执行注意事项 (70)7.2回机械原点注意事项 (70)8最终用户软件许可协议 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

极品飞车9 游戏全攻略

极品飞车9 游戏全攻略

你刚开始开的是宝马的M3 GTR,跟城市里的飞车党跑了3场,算是创造了点声望。



(这小子我看见他就相K 他……)然后在你和他的比赛种你的车因为被做了手脚而输掉了比赛,当然车也归剃刀了。









回答者: qq23215849 - 四级 2009-1-7 18:34生涯打败直线任务后有比赛。

普通和黑名单!问下,要不要中文补丁!1 NFS:MW各种模式比赛心得赛事分为:竞速赛、直线加速赛、跑道赛、测速器竞速、收费站竞速和跑圈淘汰赛。



















Volkswagen golf GTI(1976)售价:$7200描述:golf GTI也许是Volkswagen制造的所有车款中最具代表性和影响力的一款了。

第一代Mk1 GTI打造为“小型跑车”,也是采用机械式油喷射的众多小型车之一,能让你享有驾驶的无限乐趣。




Toyota Sprinter GT APEX(1986)售价:$8190描述:Toyota AE86 堪称为史上最经典的日本改装车,受到甩尾迷的狂热喜爱,因为它重量轻巧,采用后轮驱动配置,同时具备极佳反应力的直列四DOHC 16气门4AGE引擎,绰号“Hachiroku”,也就是“86”的日文。

Toyota Sprinter GT APEX斜背车成为日本动漫系列“头文字D”笔下的车款之后,更加深了其受欢迎的程度。



《极品飞车19》玩法地图车辆图⽂指南 《极品⻜⻋19》为玩家带来全新的竞速体验,下⾯为⼤家带来《极品⻜⻋19》玩法地图⻋辆图⽂指南,包括《极品⻜⻋19》游戏中的五⼤玩法、⻋辆⾃定义及地图介绍,⼀起来看看吧。

游戏配置 最低配置: 操作系统:Wi n d o w s7或更⾼ 处理器:i n t e l酷睿第四代i3或更⾼ 显卡:N V I D I A G e F o r c e G T X750Ti2G B, A M D R a d e o n H D7850 2G B 内存:6G或更⾼ 硬盘:30G左右 推荐配置: 操作系统:Wi n d o w s7或更⾼ 处理器:I n t e l C o r e i5-4690或更⾼ 显卡:N V I D I A G e F o r c e G T X9704G B, A M D R a d e o n R92904G B 内存:8G或更⾼ 硬盘:30G左右 游戏介绍 《极品飞车19》是⼀款由G h o s t G a m e s制作,E A发布的赛车竞速游戏,为《极品飞车18:宿敌》的正统续作。

游戏会启⽤采⽤寒霜3引擎,⽽帧数或将锁定在60F P S。

游戏操作⼿柄:按键说明L B接听⼿机LT刹车左摇杆控制⽅向(按下/切换⾳乐)上⽅向键地图开始键⼿机返回键极品飞车16⽹络RT加速R B赛事触发Y视⾓切换B发动机关闭X电⼦刹车/邀请车队A氮⽓右摇杆旋转视⾓(按下/截图)键盘:按键说明W加速S刹车左⽅向键左转右⽅向键右转S p a c e⼿刹C切换视⾓上⽅向键视⾓向前下⽅向键视⾓向后A视⾓向左D视⾓向右S h i f t氮⽓X关闭发动机E⾼速档Q低速档P r n t S c r n截图T切换⾳乐O打开地图%{p a g e-b r e a k|游戏配置、介绍、操作|p a g e-b r e a k}% 五种游玩⽅式-1.狂徒 成为⾮法之徒,製造骚乱并摆脱警察追捕。

给汽车来点兴奋剂(一) 申请书

给汽车来点兴奋剂(一)  申请书








启蒙没你想象的那么凶猛1894年,法国《Le Petit Journal报》的Pierre Gifard组织世界上第一次汽车比赛,线路由巴黎到鲁昂,中间停车还吃了一顿安逸的午饭,总行程不到130km。










Project N° UnitContractor/Vendor Document CodeSerial N° Rev. Page2365 AAA PP 856 001/29 COMPANY Doc. N°SA-JER-CNAAA-TPIT-509307Document Type:PRCSystem/Subsystem:Discipline: CNSCPY StatusIFRDate 08-SEP-2010JER PACKAGE 2A – CONVERSIONSATORP00 08-SEP-2010IFR/IFR - ISSUE FOR REVIEW / FOR REVIEW-COMMENTS O. DI FAZIO FORTIG. LICENZIATOA. SAVI / A. PERACCINIREV.DATEREVISION MEMOWRITTEN BY (name & visa) CHECKED BY (name & visa) APPROV./AUTHOR. BY(name & visa)DOCUMENT REVISIONSTECHNIP ITALY S.p.A. - 00148 ROMA - Viale Castello della Magliana, 68T h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o p e r t y o f S A T O R P a n d s h a l l n o t b e d i s c l o s e d t o t h i r d p a r t i e s o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e o w n e r .SITE TRAFFIC PLANPACKAGE 2ADocument Type:PRCSystem/Subsystem:Discipline: CNSCPY StatusIFRDate 08-SEP-2010JER PACKAGE 2A – CONVERSIONSATORPT h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o p e r t y o f S A T O R P a n d s h a l l n o t b e d i s c l o s e d t o t h i r d p a r t i e s o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e o w n e r .INDEX1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................42. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS..............................................................................................43. PLAN LOCATION AND AREAS.........................................................................................5 3.1. Vicinity Map and Key Plan...................................................................................................5 3.2. JER TCF Complex Key Areas.............................................................................................54. SITE ROADS AND TRAFFIC RULES................................................................................6 4.1. Road Interruption.................................................................................................................6 4.2. General Traffic Rules ..........................................................................................................6 4.3.Access Gates to TCF Complex and Plot 9 (7)4.3.1. Generals Rules and Regulations to access TCF Complex and Plot 9.........................................7 4.3.2. Rules and Regulations to access TCF Complex through Main Gate 1.......................................8 4.3.3.Rules and Regulations to access Plot 9 through East and West Gates (8)4.4. Material Control...................................................................................................................8 4.5. Safety Traffic Rules.............................................................................................................9 4.6. Speed Limits........................................................................................................................9 4.7. Parking rules .......................................................................................................................9 5. SITE TRAFFIC FLOW AND ROUTES..............................................................................10 5.1. Plot 9 Traffic Map..............................................................................................................10 5.2. Package 2A Internal Traffic...............................................................................................10 5.3. TCF Complex Traffic Map.................................................................................................10 5.4. Shuttle Buses Map............................................................................................................11 5.5. COMPANY / CONTRACTOR (2A and 5A) Office Area Traffic Map..................................11 6. OFFSITE TRAFFIC...........................................................................................................11 6.1. Traffic Risk Mitigation........................................................................................................12 6.2. Communication Information and Training .........................................................................13 6.3. Vehicles Safety..................................................................................................................13 7. VEHICLE GATE PASSES AND INSPECTION SYSTEM.................................................13 7.1. Vehicle Gate Pass.............................................................................................................13 7.2. Vehicle Initial Inspection....................................................................................................13 7.3. SUBCONTRACTORS’ Vehicles Inspection and Maintenance Program...........................14 8. CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE AND HOISTING EQUIPMENT ...........................................16 9. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL TRANSPORTATION......................................................16 9.1. Special Transport..............................................................................................................17 10. HEAVY LOADS MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................17 10.1. Route Survey.....................................................................................................................17 10.2. Road Survey......................................................................................................................17 11. FUELLING ON SITE.........................................................................................................18 12. PEDESTRIAN...................................................................................................................18 13. TRAFFIC RULES BREACH..............................................................................................19 14. ROADS HOUSEKEEPING .. (19)Document Type:PRCSystem/Subsystem:Discipline: CNSCPY StatusIFRDate 08-SEP-2010JER PACKAGE 2A – CONVERSIONSATORPT h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o p e r t y o f S A T O R P a n d s h a l l n o t b e d i s c l o s e d t o t h i r d p a r t i e s o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e o w n e r .15. VEHICLE ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY......................................................................19 16. TRAINING AND DEFENSIVE DRIVING...........................................................................19 17. ACCIDENT / INCIDENT REPORTING..............................................................................20 18. ATTACHMENTS (21)Document Type:PRCSystem/Subsystem:Discipline: CNSCPY StatusIFRDate 08-SEP-2010JER PACKAGE 2A – CONVERSIONSATORPT h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o p e r t y o f S A T O R P a n d s h a l l n o t b e d i s c l o s e d t o t h i r d p a r t i e s o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e o w n e r .1. INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of this Traffic Plan is to specify the rules and regulations with regards to site vehicular access, vehicle traffic and general vehicle safety for the JER PACKAGE 2A Project (Plot 9 and TCF Complex Lay-down / Prefabrication / Warehouse / Office and Camps Areas) from the starting of the construction activities, pre-commissioning, testing and commissioning, including all activities till the Ready for Initial Start-Up, in compliance with the JER IK LSTK Contract n° 3000235421.This Traffic Plan addresses:• Vehicles / construction equipment access to JER Jobsite; • Initial traffic hazards and management;• Rules related to CONTRACTOR material deliveries to Lay-down / Warehouseareas;• Personnel transportation to work morning / lunchtime / night time; • Visitor Vehicles access;• Free movement of vehicles on internal TCF Complex and Plot 9 carriageways; • Free movement for emergency vehicles;• Traffic hazards on the public road and Safety precautions.In order to pursue the “Zero” pedestrian/personnel traffic accidents and to maintain efficient, smooth and safe the traffic flow in the TCF Complex and Plot 9 Areas for movements of personnel/goods and services, this Traffic Plan will be reviewed and updated whenever necessary.2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTSCOMPANY (SATORP) HSE Policy, Rules & Procedures and Contractual requirements• SCHEDULE “B” and “D” of the IK CONTRACT • JER Construction Safety Manual (JERCSM)• JER General Instructions (JERGI 6.001, 6.003, 6.029, 7.026) • JER HSE Requirements – doc. no. 2271-AAA-JSM-701• JER Traffic Plan for JER TCF – doc. no. 2271TF-955-RT-1000-0015TP Contractual HSE Project Requirements & Standards• “Loss Prevention Program” (Site HSE Plan) 2365-AAA-PP-851-02 • “Hazard Identification Plan” 2365-AAA-PP-852-01 • “Site Emergency and Evacuation Plan” 2365-AAA-PP-855-00• “Site Security Plan”(to be issued on site) 2365-AAA-PP-857 • “Project HSE Plan” 2365-AAA-PP-551-00Document Type:PRCSystem/Subsystem:Discipline: CNSCPY StatusIFRDate 08-SEP-2010JER PACKAGE 2A – CONVERSIONSATORPT h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o p e r t y o f S A T O R P a n d s h a l l n o t b e d i s c l o s e d t o t h i r d p a r t i e s o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e o w n e r .• “Permit to Work Procedure” 2365-AAA-PP-860-00- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -• “Site Safety Surveillance (Safe Work Practices) 1000 GS 8001 • “Guideline for Site Motor Vehicles” 1000 GS 8004 • “Site Safe Behaviour” (BBS) 1000 GS 8005 • “Guidelines for Site Temporary Construction Facilitiesand Accommodations 1000 GS 8009 • Incident Investigation, Reporting, Classification and Statistical Data 1000 PA 55003.PLAN LOCATION AND AREASThe location of the Jubail Export Refinery (JER) is in JUBAIL 2 area situated at about 20 km from sea side. A pipe line corridor is linking JUBAIL 2 site to the King Fahd Industrial Port.As part of the JUBAIL EXPORT REFINERY (JER) project, there is an area for the Temporary Construction Facilities (TCF Complex) dedicated to JER project in Jubail Industrial area. The TCF Complex is located to the south but adjacent to JER project site, Industry Plot 9, Jubail Industrial Park 2, Royal Commission. The TCF land area is outside the Jubail 2 land boundary and located on Saudi Aramco land under Land Use Permit agreement.3.1.Vicinity Map and Key PlanThe reference drawings for the work, that shall be herewith enclosed, are:• 2271-TF-953-DW-1000-0001 TCF KEY PLAN• SA-JER-TC-AAA-TCFP-340001 SITE LAY DOWN AREA – MASTER PLAN • 2365-AAA-DW-0051-00001 2A CONVERSION OVERALL PLOT PLAN • 2365-AAA-DW-8210-00004_01 OFFICE AREA UTILITIES LAYOUT • 2365-AAA-DW-8210-00009_03 WAREHOUSE AREA LAYOUT • 2271-TF-953-DW-1000-0002 OVERALL CAMP PLOT PLAN3.2.JER TCF Complex Key AreasJER TCF Complex comprises COMPANY, CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTORS camp areas, COMPANY, CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTORS Temporary Site Offices, CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTORS respective lay down/fabrication areas. The overall TCF Complex is equipped with its own utility infrastructure, road network, associated lighting and traffic signals, security fencing and security access.The entrance to the TCF Complex is through Main Gate 1, via dedicated access road and junction to existing highway 274 which runs adjacent to the JER site Plot 9. In orderDocument Type:PRCSystem/Subsystem:Discipline: CNSCPY StatusIFRDate 08-SEP-2010JER PACKAGE 2A – CONVERSIONSATORPT h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o p e r t y o f S A T O R P a n d s h a l l n o t b e d i s c l o s e d t o t h i r d p a r t i e s o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e o w n e r .to facilitate the access to Plot 9 from the TCF Complex, an additional dedicated site access road and bridge over existing highway 274 has been built by COMPANY.The key areas of TCF Complex are as follows:• Camp for COMPANY, CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTORS. • Offices for COMPANY, CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTORS.• Lay down/Fabrication areas for CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTORS • Utility Systems.• Main access roads, road and junction highway 274, direct road bridge to Plot 9. • Heavy truck parking. • Internal road network.• Area Fencing, area lighting, and traffic signals. • Security guard posts. • Medical Facility. • Fire station facility.4.SITE ROADS AND TRAFFIC RULESTemporary roads and parking areas with the necessary barricades, bridges, signs, etc. have been identified on site. The overall Traffic Maps of Plot 9 and TCF Complex (attachments 1 and 2) have been developed and road traffic signs have been provided at all intersections of the different roads. In the event there is a case of intensive traffic, a flagman shall be located at different intersections to control the flow of traffic. For example; the transportation of heavy equipment, vessels, cranes, etc.All drivers have to obey the posted speed limits, driving and parking rules. Roads shall not be used as storage and/or work areas (unless specifically authorized). SUBCONTRACTORS shall maintain clean the roads within their work area on daily basis and, in addition, shall repair any damaged roads resulting from its activities that are outside of its work area. 4.1. Road InterruptionTotal interruption of a road is allowed only under specific Work Permit by CONTRACTOR. Road closure shall be planned in advance depending on its duration and impact on site activities.SUBCONTRACTORS shall not block or make any road impassable or hazardous without CONTRACTOR prior approval that will be based on availability of alternative roads for emergency vehicles.4.2.General Traffic RulesSite circulation is subject to rules of National Traffic legislation and restrictive site rules.Document Type:PRCSystem/Subsystem:Discipline: CNSCPY StatusIFRDate 08-SEP-2010JER PACKAGE 2A – CONVERSIONSATORPT h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o p e r t y o f S A T O R P a n d s h a l l n o t b e d i s c l o s e d t o t h i r d p a r t i e s o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e o w n e r .• The driver is prohibited from using hand-held cell phones while operating the vehicle.• Reversing maneuvers shall be avoided if possible; all construction equipments shall be provided with backup alarm that shall be kept in operation during reverse maneuvering.• Use of safety belts while traveling is mandatory.• Construction vehicles with limited rear visibility (trucks, etc.) shall reverse only with flagman in assistance.• Use of trucks as transportation for personnel is not permitted.• The number of personnel shall not cause overcrowd the vehicle. Cars crowded with a number of people exceeding the limits and the provisions foreseen from the car supplier and local specific rules are not allowed to enter the Site. • Vehicles may not block or hinder roads.• Riding on construction equipment (crane, winch trucks, tractors, etc.) or on a part of the vehicle not designed for taking in people (like on the back of a pick up) is strictly prohibited.4.3.Access Gates to TCF Complex and Plot 9The access to TCF Complex and Plot 9 is / will be possible through the following Gates (see attachment 1):• TCF Main Gate 1 (to access TCF Complex)• TCF Gate 2 (to access Plot 9 using the bridge over Road 274);• East Gate (to access Plot 9 without passing through TCF Complex);• West Gate (to be opened in Nov 2010, to access Plot 9 without passing throughTCF Complex).4.3.1.Generals Rules and Regulations to access TCF Complex and Plot 9• All vehicles shall access to TCF Complex and Plot 9 through COMPANY abovementioned gates only.• All vehicles must have a Vehicle Gate Pass issued by COMPANY /CONTRACTOR in order to access to the Jobsite (Plot 9 and TCF Complex).• All private vehicles and/or vehicles not belonging to the project activities cannotapply for a Vehicle Gate Pass.• COMPANY gates will be open from Saturday to Thursday in accordance with theCOMPANY normal working hours.• Use of any vehicles/equipment without Vehicle Gate pass (properly exposed)inside the Jobsite (Plot 9 and TCF Complex) is prohibited.• All vehicles moving through a gate or a check point inside the field may besearched by COMPANY Security when called upon.• Overloaded vehicles (all categories included) are banned and one passenger perseat must be observed.• It is strictly prohibited that any employee/workers/personnel reach any locationinside Plot 9 and TCF Complex by walking along the roads/access. • Appropriate transports and shuttles shall be settled.Document Type:PRCSystem/Subsystem:Discipline: CNSCPY StatusIFRDate 08-SEP-2010JER PACKAGE 2A – CONVERSIONSATORPT h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o p e r t y o f S A T O R P a n d s h a l l n o t b e d i s c l o s e d t o t h i r d p a r t i e s o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e o w n e r .4.3.2. Rules and Regulations to access TCF Complex through Main Gate 1• All permanent vehicles are given access to the TCF Complex through COMPANYMain Gate 1.• Vans, minibus, cars, visitor cars, pedestrian personnel shall access to Plot 9through TCF Main Gate 1 and TCF Gate 2 only.• Any vehicles must have Vehicle Gate Pass properly exposed and COMPANYSecurity permanently based to the gate will inspect it to ensure the correspondence between the vehicles and the exposed Vehicle Gate Pass.• All vehicles must be in good condition, well maintained and submitted to themonthly HSE inspection.• All vehicles arriving/leaving TCF Complex may be searched by COMPANYSecurity when called upon.4.3.3. Rules and Regulations to access Plot 9 through East and West Gates• These Gates will be open from Saturday to Thursday from 05:00 a.m. to 09:00 p.m. • The access to Plot 9 through the East and West Gates out of the normal workinghours remains limited and shall be granted to SUBCONTRACTOR upon CONTRACTOR and COMPANY approval only.• The access to Plot 9 through East and West Gates is strictly restricted to buses,heavy equipment, trucks, trailers and delivery or concrete mixers and pumps. Any other type of vehicles shall be routed through TCF Main Gate 1 and TCF Gate 2. • Any truck for daily / regular / exceptional delivery shall have its Daily Gate Passissued by COMPANY / CONTRACTOR prior to access to Plot 9.• Illegal stop, drop-off, pick-up, illegal workshop are also prohibited at the East andWest Gates or along the road T-322, T305, T-303.• Buses accessing to Plot 9 through East and West Gates shall transport a largenumber of personnel.• Overloaded buses are banned and one passenger per seat must be observed.COMPANY Security personnel shall ensure that dangerous material and individuals will not be allowed to enter the site and that project material and equipment does not leave the site without authorization.COMPANY Security personnel may control/inspect vehicles passing through JER Gates. A random vehicle inspection system shall be adopted in order to meet this requirement.4.4.Material ControlMaterial entering / leaving the Jobsite shall be accompanied with Material Pass. Materials will be checked also by COMPANY Security, who shall immediately inform CONTRACTOR Material Manager or his delegate once new materials arrive at Site. Unauthorized material, equipment or documentation shall be reported immediately to CONTRACTOR.Document Type:PRCSystem/Subsystem:Discipline: CNSCPY StatusIFRDate 08-SEP-2010JER PACKAGE 2A – CONVERSIONSATORPT h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o p e r t y o f S A T O R P a n d s h a l l n o t b e d i s c l o s e d t o t h i r d p a r t i e s o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e o w n e r .Deliveries, material and equipment incoming shall be authorized by CONTRACTOR and directed to lay-down / warehouse or storage areas. Collection/removal of material from those areas shall be through a Material Pass authorized by CONTRACTOR.4.5.Safety Traffic RulesAmong the others, the following rules shall be respected:• All vehicles leaving project sites shall clean loose dirt/debris from cargo beds andwheels;• Incoming/leaving delivery loads are to be securely fixed and stowed;• All site vehicles to be of serviceable condition and safety equipment in order;• All vehicles and construction equipment will be required to abide by all trafficregulations, signals and safety rules including posted speed limits and vehicle maintenance regulations;• Access to be kept clear allowing the access for emergency Ambulance, Fire orPolice vehicles;• Noise pollution to be kept within acceptable limits.4.6.Speed LimitsSpeed limits are as follows:• 25 km/hr inside Plot 9, lay down, warehouse, fabrication shops, camps and officeareas,• 40 km/hr on the two carriageways roads inside the TCF Complex, • 60 km/hr on the four carriageways roads inside the TCF Complex.However all drivers have to take in consideration local situation, additional road signs, etc. as to guarantee maximum safety for pedestrian and other vehicles.Special caution is requested at the periods of crew changing, at: ¾ Morning 06.30 am - 08.00 am ¾ Lunch time 12.00 noon - 02.00 pm ¾ Night 06.00 pm - 07.30 pm4.7.Parking rulesInside Plot 9 each EPC CONTRACTOR shall establish designated parking areas, demarcated by means of barricades and signs. Moreover designated parking areas for personnel shall be available in COMPANY / CONTRACTOR / SUBCONTRACTORS office areas, CONTRACTOR / SUBCONTRACTORS lay-down, warehouse, fabrication shops and camps areas.Traffic Maps showing the location of all the approved parking areas at JER Jobsite shall be prepared and kept constantly updated by CONTRACTOR and its SUBCONTRACTORS.The personnel shall use only approved parking areas. No vehicle shall be parked elsewhere, except vehicles that shall be used directly in site activities. Reverse parking rules shall be respected when indicated.Document Type:PRCSystem/Subsystem:Discipline: CNSCPY StatusIFRDate 08-SEP-2010JER PACKAGE 2A – CONVERSIONSATORPT h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o p e r t y o f S A T O R P a n d s h a l l n o t b e d i s c l o s e d t o t h i r d p a r t i e s o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e o w n e r .At JER Jobsite it is forbidden to park:• in front of water tanks, water guns, fire prevention equipment or other safetyequipment (like emergency and eye showers, respiration devices)• within a radius of 10 m from any fire hydrant, extinguisher, hose reel or otheremergency equipment• in traffic roads, in front of stair cases, exits, entrance roads to safety equipment;under power lines or pipe racks or in designated "No Parking" areas.Heavy/Wide Vehicle/Loads parking shall not be allowed within the TCF Complex areas, during peak traffic periods i.e. 6.30am - 8.00am, 12.00 noon - 2.00pm, 6.00pm - 7.30pm . The location of dedicated and suitable areas shall be showed in the Traffic Maps.5.SITE TRAFFIC FLOW AND ROUTESThe actual regulation of the vehicles’ circulation in TCF Complex and Plot 9 and the status of the practicable roads are described in the Traffic Maps attached to this document.The Traffic Maps shall be kept constantly updated, whenever the road network changes due to some modifications of roads practicability, like opening or closure, and shall be communicated to COMPANY and SUBCONTRACTORS.5.1. Plot 9 Traffic MapThe Traffic Map of Plot 9 shows the status of the practicable roads of Plot 9 (attachment 1) and the possible paths to reach Package 2A working areas from TCF Gate 2.5.2. Package 2A Internal TrafficThe status of the roads practicability has been established to mitigate and control the risks generated by the possible interaction between the working activities ongoing (excavations, lifting, steel erection, etc) with the circulation of vehicles. In order to reduce this interaction as much as possible the internal roads of Package 2A have been closed to the traffic of other EPC CONTRACTORS allowing only the access to construction equipment, vans and service cars with a valid Vehicle Gate Pass issued by COMPANY / CONTRACTOR. However the circulation of vans and cars on the internal roads shall be kept as low as possible by parking them in the dedicated parking areas.5.3. TCF Complex Traffic MapThe roads network of TCF Complex is described in detail in the TCF Complex Traffic Map, with the indication of the one way roads, speed limits and position of the lay-down / warehouse / fabrication shops / camps / office areas (attachment 2).Document Type:PRCSystem/Subsystem:Discipline: CNSCPY StatusIFRDate 08-SEP-2010JER PACKAGE 2A – CONVERSIONSATORPT h i s d o c u m e n t i s p r o p e r t y o f S A T O R P a n d s h a l l n o t b e d i s c l o s e d t o t h i r d p a r t i e s o r r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e o w n e r .5.4.Shuttle Buses MapThe risk associated with the circulation of vehicles will increase as the JER Project will reach the peak. During this time besides the construction vehicles also the number of CONTRACTOR supervisors’ vehicles will be considerable. A Shuttle Bus Service has to be organized by CONTRACTOR and its SUBCONTRACTORS in order to allow the circulation of the people within the Plot 9 and between Plot 9 and TCF Complex, reducing the number of cars circulating inside Plot 9. The routing of CONTRACTOR shuttles inside Plot 9 is showed in the attached Site Shuttle Buses Map (attachment 4). 5.5.COMPANY / CONTRACTOR (2A and 5A) Office Area Traffic MapThe Office Area Traffic Map describes the parking area and vehicles circulation inside COMPANY and CONTRACTOR Office area for Package 2A and 5A (attachment 3 – TSF Viability Map). 6. OFFSITE TRAFFICMost of the personnel working for the JER project is accommodated outside TCF Complex. The roads daily covered are Dammam – Al Jubail highway and Jiddah road (Road #274).The risk for car accidents represented by the traffic on this road is considered very high, as the road itself is very busy during the rush hours (5.30 – 7.00 a.m. and 5.30 – 7.00 p.m.).The risk will increase during the peak period of the Project, when the personnel traveling will be in the range of dozens of thousands, and a large amount of trucks and trailers will transport materials to the Jobsite.Two locations along the above mentioned roads have been identified as very hazardous:• The intersection between the Exit 5 south ramp from Dammam-Jubail highwayand the Jiddah road (Road #274). At this intersection the cars coming from the Dammam – Al Jubail highway have to cross the intersection with the Jiddah road that usually at the rush hours is very busy. A traffic light is present at the intersection but it is not operational. The drawing in figure 1 shows the intersection with the traffic flows.• The U-turn on the Road #274 in front of Royal Commissioning substation in theearly morning peak hours (5.30 – 7.00 a.m.) is very hazardous due to a long queue of cars, trucks and buses obstructing part of left lane of the road.Since the risk associated with offsite traffic is considered serious for the personnel reaching/leaving JER Jobsite, it has been set up an action plan with the scope to reduce the risk, informing and training all people exposed.。



极品飞车11——车辆调校选项超详细⼼得(附图解说) 昨天发布了⼀个关于直线加速⽐赛车辆调校的⼼得,这次将所有调校选项做⼀个总汇,希望对⼤家有所帮助。

悬挂系统 前避震器压缩率(F r o n t S h o c k C o m p r e s s i o n R a t e):F F车适当调软,减⼩转向不⾜。

F R车适当调硬。

后避震器压缩率(R e a r S h o c k C o m p r e s s i o n R a t e):F F车适当调硬,F R车适当调软,以增加驱动轮的抓地⼒。

前避震器回弹率(F r o n t S h o c k R e b o u n d R a t e):遇到颠簸路⾯应当调软。



后避震器回弹率(R e a r S h o c k R e b o u n d R a t e):同上。

F R车适当调软。




前弹簧刚性(F r o n t S p r i n g R a t e):F F车适当调软。



后弹簧刚性(R e a r S p r i n g R a t e):在漂移赛和飙速赛的时候要适当调软。


车⾼(R i d e H e i g h t):F R车在直线加速赛和漂移赛的时候需要调⾼。




前防倾杆硬度(F r o n t R o l l b a r S t i f f n e s s):调硬会减少过弯侧倾。


游戏介绍 《极品飞车19》是一款由Ghost Games制作,EA发布的赛车竞速游 戏,为《极品飞车18:宿敌》的正统续作。游戏会启用采用寒霜3引擎。
界面操作 十字键:选择(移动光标); 回车键:确认; ESC键:返回上一级;
%{page-break|游戏介绍&界面操作|page-break}% 游戏介绍 《极品飞车19》是一款由Ghost Games制作,EA发布的赛车竞速游 戏,为《极品飞车18:宿敌》的正统续作。游戏会启用采用寒霜3引擎。
Q键:手排低速挡; prntscrn键:快照; T键:切换音乐; O键:打开地图; Ta b 键 : 打 开 快 捷 菜 单 ;
%{page-break|一、菜单/界面介绍:键位操作|page-break}% 二、赛事模式介绍 剧情赛事 竞速 竞速赛事是跟史派克领取。 竞速赛主旨就是要进行高速赛事,当中包含了冲刺赛、直线加速这一 类不减速、踩尽油门的赛事,讲求的是驾驶时全神贯注,一旦失误则有可 能被对手远远抛离。 基本的玩法很简单就是在点到点的竞速赛中狂飙到终点线。首个通过 终点线的车手就是赢家。 狂徒 狂徒赛事是与条子的追逐赛。狂徒赛事与神秘人领取。
%{page-break|三、改装系统详解(概述)|page-break}% 外观改装 导读:选择最昂贵的外观改装基本是最好的选择。 整体套件
沿用某些设计商开发的车辆设计沿用到你的车上,你不需要对整车进 行修改。 引擎盖 引擎盖其作用包含空气导流、保护发动机及周边管线配件等、美观、 辅助驾驶视觉、防止意外、特殊用途平台。 其最主要的作用就是降低发动机噪音以及隔离由于发动机工作时产生 的热量。 前/后保险杠 汽车保险杠是吸收和减缓外界冲击力、防护车身前后部的安全装置。 许多年以前汽车前后保险杠是用钢板冲压成槽钢,与车架纵梁铆接或焊接 在一起的,与车身有一段较大的间隙,看上去十分不美观。 尤其是前保险杠,它越尖、越低,能够提供给车辆行驶时的下压力。 车头灯&安定器 高压气体放电灯,主要是由HID灯泡、安定器、电源适配线及其附件 组成,HID灯泡的灯管内填充有大部分的氙气与碘化物等惰性气体。 其实这个部件只是针对车头灯,但是它能够冷启动电流、保证低电压 和高电压能够正常启动、降低因频繁变光对汽车供电的负荷。 侧挡板 侧裙指车体两侧安装的裙板,功效也是等同于气坝,用来减少车体两 侧的气流进入车底。有一定的扰流作用,在一定条件下可以明显降低空气 阻力。 侧裙就是车身扰流套件的一部分,美观是其次的.安装得合适的话可以减 少车辆行驶中产生的逆向气流。 高速时就好像地面吸着底盘一样,很大程度的增加操作稳定性,要配 合着前后扰流裙边用,改装必备。 扰流板 汽车扰流板是指安装在轿车后箱盖上的类似倒装的飞机尾翼的部件。 有的汽车上装有前扰流板,俗称气坝。有的汽车上侧部装有侧裙,也是扰 流板的一种。后扰流板实际上它也被称为“汽车尾翼”。一方面,它使轿车 外形增添了动感;另一方面,它更重要的作用是有效地减少了车辆在高速行 驶时产生的空气阻力,既节省了燃料,同时也提高了车辆行驶的稳定性。 后视镜 后视镜是驾驶员坐在驾驶室座位上直接获取汽车后方、侧方和下方等 外部信息的工具。为了驾驶员操作方便,防止行车安全事故的发生,保障 人身安全,各国均规定了汽车上必须安装后视镜,且所有后视镜都必须能 调整方向。 但游戏没有车内视角,升级它的作用就只有减低空气阻力。
































































你可能认识的玩家:这类似于XBOXlive的recent player(最近遇到的玩家)的功能、系统会将你在《极品飞车19》世界中曾经遇到过的或者是加你好友的玩家都显示在“你可能认识的玩家”内、方便你去寻找他们。

Need For speed杂志:查看《极品飞车19》新推出的《引擎盖之下》的网页杂志、需要跳转到该网页查看、里面会有玩家的心得、视频、美照分享、专业玩家的驾驶教学等精彩内容。






【速度累计赛】这个比赛的胜负和你到终点的顺序关系不大,它把通过计时点的速度累计起来计算,你要做的就是在计时点前开启你的N20然后以 200KM的速度冲过去,不要和几部电脑争抢一个计时点,一个小小的碰撞会导致你以150KM冲过(这个时候你基本上已经输了),如果电脑已经到终点了, 你在一定时间内还没到的话
进入SAFEROOM,选择相应的游戏就可以直接跳到比赛地点,比赛完毕后,ESC->JUMP TO SAFEROOM 跳回车库继续下个游戏。省去你在地图上探索的时间(通常你会遇到警察,延误你的时间)。
刚刚知道更加快的方法: 按B直接进入黑名单 ^_^ !
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