防尘的光路系统新的光路系统具有更高的防尘性能,可以很好地阻止灰尘进 入光路系统,保障投影画面的质量。
状态监视屏爱普生最新配置的 LCD 状态监视屏可以查看投影机的状态信息(信 号源、分辨率、网络信息等)。
不用通过投影机菜单及屏幕,也可实 时查看投影机的状态信息。
珀尔贴液体冷却技术爱普生原创的珀尔贴液体冷却技术使用了珀尔贴效应的热交换 半导体电路,保证冷却散热效果的同时,确保了投影的使用亮 度和图像质量。
好的散热效果,延长了投影机的使用寿命,用 户可以无忧地使用爱普生投影机。
过 滤 网 寿命长,更 换 便 捷长寿命的过滤网,更换周期达到 10,000 小时 *5。
吸入冷空气的进风口配有大面积高密度的褶皱型过滤网,吸收空气 中的灰尘,防止它进入投影机。
当需要更换过滤网时,只需要移开 侧盖,操作非常简单。
更多的应用功能曲面校正投影机内置曲面校正功能, 可通过菜单进行各种曲面图 形的校正,曲面校正完成后, 可以继续进行内置融合功能 的使用。
竖直投影投影机支持竖直投影功能, 可以在多种应用中使用。
* 投影机竖直投影时,需要使用单独销售 的吊架,不能直接直立在物体上;* 投影机竖直投影时,进风口面需要向下; * 竖直投影灯泡的寿命是 1000 小时。
当 n 型和 p 型半导体材料在两端被连接,会有电流通过他们 形成的电路,一个连接点会变冷,另一个连接点会发热。
在电 路的冷点通过冷却液,就产生一个冷却系统。
冷却液流经液晶 板,就可以使面板冷却。
在这个过程中,冷却液会变热,然后 再循环变冷。
有一个风扇面对着发热点上的散热器,采用风冷 使之冷却。
* 液晶面板配备水晶玻璃防尘保护罩,确保面板冷却的均匀和效果,冷却效果从外框传给 玻璃,从而冷却到整个面板。
灯 泡 寿命长,更 换 简 单配有 2500 小时 *1(标准模式)的长寿命灯泡, 更换灯泡简单快速,不需要任何工具,也不 必从天花板上卸下投影机。
折角投影通过内置系统的调节,可 以在折角的墙面上,投影 出图形规整、清晰的图像 (无论内折或外折的墙面 上均可调节投影)。
ch-a100 iprojection用法
ch-a100 iprojection用法全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Ch-A100 iProjection 是一款功能强大的投影仪,可以帮助用户实现高清晰度的投影效果。
无论是在家庭娱乐、商业演示还是教育领域,Ch-A100 iProjection 都能发挥出色的作用。
下面将介绍一下Ch-A100 iProjection 的用法,以帮助用户更好地享受投影的乐趣。
用户需要将Ch-A100 iProjection 连接到电源,并通过HDMI 连接线将投影仪与音视频设备连接起来。
Ch-A100 iProjection 支持多种投影模式,用户可以根据实际需求选择合适的模式。
除了传统的有线连接方式,Ch-A100 iProjection 还支持WiFi 网络连接,用户可以通过WiFi 将手机、平板电脑等无线设备连接到投影仪上进行投影。
第二篇示例:Ch-A100 iProjection是一款功能强大的投影仪,能够帮助用户实现高清晰度的投影效果,在商务演示、教育教学、家庭影院等场景中发挥着重要作用。
在使用Ch-A100 iProjection时,用户需要了解其基本功能和用法,下面就来详细介绍一下。
Ch-A100 iProjection的基本参数是什么?它拥有1280x720分辨率的高清显示效果,支持1080P视频播放,色彩饱和度高,显示效果清晰细腻。
日立7寸屏100W LED投影DIY制作记录
日立7寸屏100W LED投影DIY制作记录好久一直垂慕大屏幕的震撼,于是动起了投影机的心思,上网潜水,泡论坛,逛淘宝,断断续续学了好久,一直还是对自己的动手能力有所怀疑。
由于是第一次,因此定位上不敢期望太高,7寸屏,100W LED光源,选LED光源是图它是寿命长且可以即开即关,没有金卤灯用预热和延时那么复杂。
初步算了一下成本,罗列如下:网购的东西在左等右盼中终于陆陆续续地来了,上图1、屏架(说实话,我还真不知道如何用这个屏架,用过的高手请指点,因为我用日立屏在上部被遮了不些图像,也不好固定)2、驱动板3、屏5、屏和驱动板6、屏测试(第一次买的屏,碰到位不好的卖家了,中间有几条竖横,见了木有?)LED灯+电源+7寸屏光学套件100W LED灯特写准备拆屏听网上大家说日立TX18D11VM1CAA7不好拆,排线容易断,因此得更加小心。
奥比中光 astra pro nh参数
奥比中光 Astra Pro NH 参数1. 概述奥比中光 Astra Pro NH 是一款高性能的三维扫描仪,具有出色的精度和稳定性,适用于各种工业和商业应用。
下文将详细介绍 Astra Pro NH 的参数及其性能特点。
2. 参数Astra Pro NH 的主要参数包括:- 3D扫描精度:设备具有高达0.05mm的扫描精度,能够精确地捕捉目标物体的形状和细节。
- 3D重建速度:扫描速度可高达30fps,能够快速地完成三维重建,并支持实时预览。
- 扫描范围:设备适用于不同尺寸的目标物体,最大扫描范围可达1.5m*1.5m*1.5m,满足不同应用场景的需求。
- 光源类型:Astra Pro NH采用了结构光投影技术,具有高亮度和低能耗的特点,能够有效提高扫描质量和稳定性。
3. 性能特点Astra Pro NH 具有以下性能特点:- 高精度:设备采用先进的光学传感器和图像处理芯片,能够实现高精度的三维扫描,适用于精密制造、医疗器械等领域。
- 高稳定性:设备在不同环境光条件下均能保持稳定的扫描性能,不受外界干扰影响,确保扫描结果的准确性。
- 高适用性:Astra Pro NH 支持多种扫描模式和参数设置,可根据不同应用场景进行灵活配置,满足用户个性化需求。
4. 应用领域Astra Pro NH 广泛应用于各个行业,主要包括:- 工业制造:可用于工件检测、产品设计和质量控制等环节,提高生产效率和产品质量。
- 文化遗产保护:可用于文物数字化、博物馆展览和文物修复等领域,帮助保护和传承文化遗产。
- 医疗健康:可用于医学影像重建、义肢定制和外科手术导航等应用,提高医疗诊疗水平。
总结奥比中光 Astra Pro NH 是一款功能强大、性能卓越的三维扫描仪,具有高精度、高稳定性和高适用性的特点,适用于各种工业和商业应用。
·Material Concentration Values Table
© 2010 Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc. All rights reserved.
All brand names and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or trade names of their respective holders.
The product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the product is operated in a commercial environment. The product generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of the product in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at the user’s own expense.
HITACHI CP-X870W投影机说明书
PLEASE READThis manual is provided as a free service by .We are in no way responsible for the contents of the manual. We do not guarantee its accuracy and we do not make any claimof copyright. The copyright remains the property of their respective owners.ABOUT () is your review and buying guide resource for DLP and LCD video projectors.Visit the site to read the latest projector news and reviews, read and comment on projector specifications, download user manuals and much more.f r o mTo replace the lamp, check the model number of the replacement lamp (sold separately) and Replacement lamp model number: DT00571If the projector is mounted on the ceiling, or if the lamp has broken, ask your dealer to replace the lamp. Lamp replacement is hazardous and should not be attempted by the user.Before replacing the lamp, make sure the power switch is off and the power cable is not plugged in,then wait at least 45 minutes for the lamp to cool sufficiently. Handling the lamp while hot can cause burns, as well as damaging the lamp.The LCD projector uses a glass lamp bulb. It is a mercury lamp with high internal pressure. High-pressure mercury lamps can break with a loudbang, or burn out, if jolted or scratched, or through wear over time. Each lamp has a different lifetime, and some may burst or burn out soon after you start using them. In addition, when the bulb bursts, it is possible for shards of glass to fly into the lamp housing,and for gas containing mercury to escape from the projector Do not open the lamp cover while the projector is suspended from above. This iss bulb has broken, the shards will fall out when the cover is opened. In addition, working in high places is dangerous, so ask your local dealer to have the lamp replaced even if the bulb is not broken.Handle with care: jolting or scratching could cause the lamp bulb to burst during use.If the replace lamp indicator (see "Regarding the indicator Lamps" (Vol.2 )) comes on,replace the lamp as soon as possible. Using the lamp for long periods of time, or past the replacement date, could cause it to burst. Do not use old (used) lamps; this is a cause of If the lamp breaks soon after the first time it is used, it is possible that there are electrical problems elsewhere besides the lamp. If this happens, contact your local dealer or a service representative.PLEASE READThis manual is provided as a free service by .We are in no way responsible for the contents of the manual. We do not guarantee its accuracy and we do not make any claimof copyright. The copyright remains the property of their respective owners.ABOUT () is your review and buying guide resource for DLP and LCD video projectors.Visit the site to read the latest projector news and reviews, read and comment on projector specifications, download user manuals and much more.。
Askar 107PHQ 使用说明书
107PHQ使用说明书User s Manual,欢迎使用ASKAR 107PHQ 中文版(简体)E n g l i s h使用产品前请仔细阅读本使用说明书。
产品尺寸图I n s t r u c t i o n s f o r u s e107PHQ 作为Askar 第一款长焦比、自平场摄星镜,有着它特殊的使命。
ASKAR 107PHQ 是一个真正的全能型选手。
它不仅支持全画幅44m m 影像圈,而且周边星点变形极小。
有效口径:107mm 焦距:749mm 焦比:f/7物镜类型:四片式全分离APO(包括两片ED玻璃)成像圈:44mm调焦筒缩进状态下后端最长连接长度:(调焦器完全缩进状态)1. 拍摄模式:79mm(从M48×0.75外螺纹算起) 99mm(从M54×0.75外螺纹算起) 119mm(从M68×1外螺纹算起) 149mm(从M86×1外螺纹算起)2. 观测模式:120mm(从2英寸目镜基座算起)全长:603mm(含2英寸接口缩进状态) 655mm(加拍摄连接管缩进状态)754mm(含2英寸接口伸长状态) 806mm(加拍摄连接管伸长状态)本体重量:5.7kg 标准装重量:6.9kg四段式拍摄连接管接口:M86×1-M68×1 M68×1-M54×0.75 M54×0.75-M52×0.75M52×0.75-M48×0.75(内置M48×0.75滤镜接口)标配:107PHQ本体一个,抱箍一对,提手一个,Askar 300mm Vixen窄型鸠尾板一个,四段式拍摄连接管一套,铝箱一个,说明书一份警告请不要通过本望远镜直接观察太阳,这样做可能导致瞬间失明,请购买专用太阳观测滤镜或滤膜,来获得最安全的观测指导。
3M SCP715 SCP740超短距投影系统 操作员指南
/meetings 超短距投影系统 操作员指南© 3M 2008。
保留所有权利78-6971-1396-3联系 3M如果设备缺失和/或损坏或者有技术疑问,下面的信息可帮助您完成安装。
客户服务 – 1-800-328-1371(美国)保修;有限补救;有限责任本产品在自购买之日算起的一年内或使用时数在 2500 小时以内(取两者中先满足的条件)时不存在材料和制造方面的缺陷。
3M 不提供任何其它担保,包括但不限于针对适销性或用于特定用途的适用性的任何隐含担保。
如果本产品在上述声明的保修期内存在缺陷,针对您的排他性补救措施是 3M 根据其判断更换或修理 3M 产品或者返还 3M 产品的购买价格。
除非法律不允许,否则 3M 对于由于本 3M 产品导致的任何间接、特殊、意外或必然损失或损坏不承担任何责任,而不考虑宣称的法律理论。
在美国,拨打电话 1-800-328-1371 要求保修或修理服务。
作为投影机中原始设备的灯泡的保修仅适用于部件,在自购买投影机之日算起的 90 天内或灯泡使用时数在 180 小时内有效,取两者中先满足的条件。
3M 标志和 3M 是 3M Company 的商标。
重要声明与 3M 产品有关的所有陈述、技术信息和建议均基于被认为可靠的信息,但无法保证它们的准确性或完整性。
除非取得 3M 授权代表书面形式的明确同意,否则 3M 当前发行物中未包含的与产品有关的任何陈述或者订购单中包含的任何相反陈述不应具有效力或有效。
未经 3M 投影系统部门书面同意,不得以任何形式或图形、电子或机械(包括影印、磁带或信息存储和检索系统)等任何方式复制或复印有版权保护的本书的任何部分。
3M™ 超短距投影系统目录12重要声明 (6)7包装概览 (8)产品概览 (9)主机 (9)控制面板 (10)连接端口 (11)具有鼠标功能的遥控器 (12)13连接计算机/笔记本电脑 (13)连接视频 (14)打开/关闭投影机电源 (15)打开投影机电源 (15)关闭投影机电源 (16)LED 指示灯 (16)调整投影图像 (17)调整投影机图像高度 (17)投影机聚焦调整 (18)3M 超短距投影系统 SCP715 调整投影图像尺寸 (18)调整投影图像尺寸 (19)20控制面板和遥控器 (20)屏幕显示菜单 (23)操作方法 (23)菜单树-1/2 (24)菜单树-2/2 (25)信息 (26)投影设定-1/3 (27)投影设定-2/3 (29)投影设定-3/3 (31)图像-1/2 (32)图像-2/2 (35)LAN (37)安全 (41)43更换灯泡 (47)兼容模式 (48)RS232 协议功能列表 (49)管制和安全声明 (52)使用注意事项3M™ 超短距投影系统注意事项请按照本用户手册建议的所有警告、注意事项以及维护说明进行操作,以最大程度地延长设备的使用寿命。
PicoPix 70 迷你投影仪与MP4播放器 PPX3407 项目你的生活说明书
PicoPix70 lumenswith MP4 playerPPX3407Project your lifeThis small and light pocket projector can easily be connected to various gadgets, an SD card or a USB stick to access your digital data. The addition of an integrated media player and embedded office viewer makes this PicoPix independent.Excellent image qualityLED technology for brilliant colours and high contrastProject HD videos and images up to 120" (305cm) in sizeUltra portableInternal battery for playtime up to 2 hoursPerfect pocket companion weighing only 270 gHigh usabilityIntegrated office viewer and media playerVarious connections for all common appliancesPocket projector PPX3407/EU SpecificationsHighlightsT echnology/opticalDisplay technology: DLPLight source: RGB LEDLED light source lasts over: 30.000 hoursNative resolution: 854 x 480 pixelsContrast ratio: 1000:1Screen size (diagonal): 12" - 120"Screen distance: 0.5 m - 5.0 mInternal memory: 4 GBIntegrated MP4 playerIntegrated Office/PDF viewerBrightness: up to 70 lumensSupported video standardsPALSECAMNTSC480i/p576i/p720i/p1080i/pSoundInternal 1 W sound barConnectionInput audio and video: mini HDMI with HDCP;VGA (custom plug with adapter; ComponentYPbPr (up to 1080i); Composite (CVBS) andAudio;Output audio: 3.5 mm audio out jackDC-IN: DC jackExternal Memory: SD/SDHC/SDXCUSB: Connect to mass storage devicesMini USB: connect to PC, connect to massstorage device, chargingInternal media playerSupported video formats: .avi, .mov, .mp4,.mkv; codecs: MJPEG, H263, MPEG4, H264Supported audio formats: MP3, AC3Supported photo formats: JPEG, BMP, PNG,GIFSupported file formats: pdf, ppt/pptx, xls/xlsx,doc/docsPower SupplyBattery life: Standard mode: 2 hours; Brightmode: 1.5 hoursInternal battery: 7.4V @ 1800mAhPower adapter: 110-240 V AC, 50-60 Hz,12 V@2 A for the EU and UKDimensionsPacked (W x D x H): 190 x 190 x 80 mmUnpacked: 105 x 105 x 31.5 mmWeightPacked: 1.06 kgUnpacked (without accessories): 0.270 kgT emperature rangeOperation: 5–40° CStorage packed: -25–60° CStorage unpacked: 0–45° CRelative humidityOperation: 15–85% RHStorage packed: 5–93% RHStorage unpacked: 15–85% RHStandard package includesRemote controlUser guide: on internal memory, InternetQuick start guideWarranty cardAC-adapterStandard mini USB cableCarrying casePPX3407AccessoriesComponent cable: not includediPhone cable: not includedVGA cable: not includedComposite audio/video adapter: not includedMHL to HDMI + Mini USB cable: not includedPicoPix Sound station: not included120" (305cm) image sizeEnjoy the biggest mobile screen you ever hadand share your HD media content whereveryou want. With your PicoPix you are carryinga personal cinema in your pocket.Internal batteryThe PicoPix comes with a compact built-inrechargeable battery for long-lasting power.Up to 2 hours of continuous movie, photo andmusic playback enjoyment can be achievedon a single charge. This makes the PicoPixyour perfect pocket companion.LED-T echnologyYour pictures and videos deserve the bestquality when it comes to sharing them withthose around you. This is why the PicoPixpocket projector uses high quality LEDtechnology to project your pictures and videosin brilliant colours and breathtaking contrast.Office viewerThe integrated MP4 Media player supports allcommon video and audio formats. This makesthe PicoPix pocket projector a standalonedevice. The office viewer also allows you toshare all common office files and pdf files.Pocket companionWith a weight of only 270 g and a slim designyour PicoPix pocket projector becomes yourlightweight companion for business andprivate use.ConnectionsThe PicoPix pocket projector is offering quite anumber of connections for your appliances.USB, HDMI, VGA, Component, Composite,SD/SDHC slot and a 3.5 mm Audio output areat your disposal for unlimited entertainment.© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to changewithout notice. Trademarks are theproperty of Koninklijke Philips N.V. ortheir respective owners.Issue date 2019‑10‑24Version: 2.0.112 NC: 8670 001 08141EAN: 34 25160 31990 3。
BENQ MP770 數位投影機 多媒體教學系列 使用手冊
MP770數位投影機多媒體教學系列使用手冊歡迎使用著作權著作權所有 2006 年,明基電通股份有限公司。
*DLP、Digital Micromirror Device 與 DMD 是德州儀器公司 (Texas Instruments) 的商標。
目錄重要安全說明 (5)介紹 (9)投影機功能 (9)包裝盒內容 (10)投影機外視圖 (11)控制按鍵與功能 (12)安裝投影機 (17)選擇一個合適的位置 (17)將投影機安裝至天花板的安全注意事項 (18)取得合意的投影尺寸 (19)連線 (22)無線連線 (選購配件) (22)訊號線連接 (22)操作 (31)啟動 (31)使用密碼功能 (32)切換輸入訊號 (34)調整影像 (34)選擇縱橫比 (37)影像最佳化 (38)在高海拔環境中使用 (40)隱藏畫面 (40)PIP (子母畫面) 的操作方式 (41)遙控翻頁操作 (42)鎖定影像 (42)建立您自己的啟動畫面 (42)將投影機的功能表個人化 (43)關閉投影機 (43)操作功能表 (44)維護 (53)投影機保養須知 (53)目錄3燈泡資訊 (56)疑難排解 (62)規格 (64)投影機規格 (64)時序表 (65)尺寸 (66)保固 (67)有限保固 (67)法規聲明 (68)FCC 聲明 (68)EEC 聲明 (68)MIC 聲明 (68)WEEE 指示 (68)4目錄重要安全說明本投影機經設計完成及測試通過,符合資訊科技設備的最新安全標準。
87%.-+5.I)2C1+)<36V32C-N3]*-.26D)/4)C387+33,1+)E3762),-87V3C3)/4*-.>7V-,,3.1+)> E3762),/)+4)C387+33,Z-84382N,34:0,4Q-834),6V387V3C3-4*-.>7V-,,3.4)C31+)E3762), .3,8/)+!:%@7C &:$2,7V1+)E376)+Z26V!>42N26-.C27+)C2++)+43<2738_H_7V21637V,2]*3 Z-84382N,34:077)+42,N6)6V31+)E3762),87V3C36V34382N,2,42738Z3+34363+C2,346V32,2> 62-.86+*76*+383.3762),Z-8-,-.D[34+3-8),-Q.D6V3)1627-.4382N,1+)7388Z-83f1)*,434-,4 6V3)162C2[-62),)/6V3-Q3++-62),-,46V33<-.*-62),)/6V34382N,+38*.6Z3+3N2<3,:I)-<)24 6V3Q-+D73,6+32,86-Q2.26D1+)Q.3C 7-*834QD6V3.3,8-13+6*+3Q32,N6)).-+N36V3-13+6*+3)/ 6V3/2+86.3,8)/6V3.3,8Z-8N+3-6.D7)C1+38834QD+3-8),-Q.D7),6+)..2,N6V32,7243,6V32NV6)/ 6V3.2NV6-,46V3/2,-.-13+6*+328),.D&%$ CC:IV32C-N3]*-.26D)/6V34382N,344)C34*-.> 7V-,,3.1+)E3762),.3,828V2NV-,4*,2/)+C268%% 28$:@6V32,<3+634>63.31V)6)+-62)28#a& 6V3C)4*.-62),6+-,8/3+/*,762), HIG)/&:%/23.4>)/><23ZG5928%:@-66V3;D]*286/+3> ]*3,7D)/!'.1CC6V3HIGZ26V2,%:'@G5928-Q)<3%:#@-,46V3C-f2C-.7V+)C-627-Q3+> +-62),28F:?"C.3886V-,%:@12f3.: 9$6:)-1%)1627-.4382N,2,<3+634>63.31V)6)+-62)4)C387+33,1+)E3762),
投影机部件图 .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
调节缩放、焦距和梯形校正........................................................................................................................................... 16
调节音量 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
遥控器部件 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
遥控器操作范围 ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
BenQ PE7700 数码投影机 家庭影院 说明书
PE7700数码投影机家庭影院使用手册欢迎使用版权所有版权所有© 2005,明基电通信息技术有限公司,保留所有权利。
*DLP、Digital Micromirror Device 和 DMD 是 Texas Instruments 的商标。
2版权所有3目录简体中文目录安全、规则和法律信息 (5)FCC 声明 (对美国用户) (5)EEC 声明 (对欧洲用户) (5)MIC 声明 (5)安全说明 (5)湿气凝露 (8)避免使用挥发性液体 (8)处理 (8)简介 (9)特点 (9)物品清单 (10)可选附件 (10)安装和更换电池 (10)投影机外观视图 (11)前面 /上面 (11)后面 (11)底部和右面 (11)接头面板 (11)控制装置和功能 (12)控制面板 (12)遥控器 ..........................................................................................................................12安装投影机 .. (14)选择位置 (14)获取首选的投影图像大小 (15)16:9 宽屏比例屏幕的安装 (15)4:3 标准比例屏幕的安装 (16)连接各种设备 (17)连接视频输入 (17)连接 HDMI 设备 (17)连接分频视频设备 (17)连接 S-视频或视频设备 (18)连接电脑 (18)使用投影机和遥控器 (19)准备 (19)接通电源 (19)切换输入信号 (19)调节图像 (19)调节顷斜角度 (19)自动调节图像 (20)简体中文微调图像大小和清晰度 (20)优化图像 (20)1. 选择预设模式 (20)2. 选择宽高比 (20)3. 其它调节 (21)个性化投影机菜单显示 (21)保存并加载视频内存 (21)使用 PIP (画中画) 和 POP (分割画面) 功能 (21)关机 (22)菜单 (23)菜单结构 (23)使用菜单 (24)图像菜单 (24)显示菜单 (25)选项菜单 (26)设置菜单 (26)高级菜单 (27)其它信息 (28)维护 (28)清洁镜头 (28)清洁投影机外壳 (28)清洁和更换滤尘器 (28)存储投影机 (29)运输投影机 (29)更换灯泡(联系您的 BenQ 经销商获得帮助) (29)指示灯 (31)故障排除 (32)规格 (33)光学性能 (33)用电规格 (33)输入 (33)一般规格 (33)外形尺寸 (33)4 目录5安全、规则和法律信息简体中文安全、规则和法律信息感谢您购买此款高品质的 BenQ 投影机!该产品能够为您带来家庭影院的观看体验。
创建拓扑实验1 (1)
(5)Check the summary and finish (6)check the topologic
(1)将Topology及Features导入ArcMap (2)调用 Edit Tools Bar and start to edit the Features (3)Append the Topology_Tools Bar (4)Check the errors (5)Modify the errors
本次实验内容 一、空间数据的拓扑处理
二、创建图表 三、投影变换
背景:导入GIS的CAD数据经常会出现某条给定的线 或某部分被数字化再次我、线的一端未连接到另一 线等情况 目的:掌握数据拓扑处理的具体流程,包括拓扑创 建、拓扑验证、查找拓扑错误、修复拓扑错误等 数据:…….\chp06\Ex1 (1)LotLines为导入的CAD宗地地块线数据 (2)StudyRegion为该区域地界面数据
(4)Specifiy the rules for Topology(Must not have dangles)
创建图表 (….\chp08\创建图表\data)
投 影 变 换 (…….\chp07\data)
警告 ► 在使用本产品前,请阅读本产品的所有说明书。首先务必要阅读“安 全指南”。阅读后,请妥善保管以备日后参考。
本符号表示如果忽略这些信息,可能会因错误操作而导致人身伤害, 甚至死亡。 本符号表示如果忽略这些信息,可能会因错误操作而导致人身伤害或 实物损坏。
遥控器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 自选画面、自选画面锁定,消息、
装入电池. . . . . . . . . . . . 14 输入源名称、模板、C.C.(隐藏字幕)
关于遥控信号. . . . . . . . . . 14 选项菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 改变遥控信号的频率. . . . . . . 15 自动搜索、直接开启电源、自动关闭电源、 用作简易电脑鼠标和键盘. . . . . 15 灯泡使用时间、过滤器使用时间、快捷按钮、
图像菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 亮度、对比度、伽马、色温、彩色、 色调、清晰度、我的存储器
影像菜单. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 宽高比、扫描度、垂直位置、水平位置、 水平相位、水平尺寸、自动调节执行
操作. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 号码锁、状态监视功能、个人文本密码、
索尼1270Q CRT 投影仪设置和操作手册说明书
1981Sony 1270Q Setup and Operation ManualWes HillFebruary, 2002Sony 1270Q CRT Projector Setup Manual. Table of Contents:1.Thoughts and Experiences with the Sony 1270Q1.1.Scan Lines and Resolving Power1.2.Refresh Rate1.3.Screen Size2.Projector Setup2.1.Mechanical Setup2.1.1. Throw Distance2.1.2. Mount Setup2.1.3. CRT Mechanical Setup2.2.Electrical Setup2.2.1. 2/4 Pole Adjustment2.3.Focus (by Wes Hill)2.4.Convergence2.4.1. Convergence for all Inputs2.4.2. Individual Convergence Settings2.5. Setting the G2 Adjustments3.The Sony 12xx FAQ that (separate doc)3.1.Focus (by Guy Kuo)3.2.Cleaning Lenses3.3.DIY Screen1.Thoughts and ExperiencesI’ve been playing with this projector for some time now and have come to a few conclusions. First, this is a great projector for the price. Second, electron beam focus is paramount to the quality of the image. And third, the lower the video bandwidth that you put through the PJ, the better the picture will be, relatively speaking.1.1.Scan Lines and Resolving PowerThere has been some discussion about the maximum resolution that the Sony 1270Q, or the entire 12xx series, can resolve. The resolving power of a CRT PJ is controlled by a lot of factors, but the principal factor on the Sony 1270Q is the electron beam focus. The electron beam is focused by 2 sets of magnets, a 2 pole set and 4 pole set. This isn’t the most accurate way to control the electron beam, higher end projectors use a combination of magnets and Electromagnetic beam focusing, which allows for a much smaller beam, allowing for much higher resoluti ons. This is the reason that some PJ’s with the same Sony 07MP tubes that the 1270Q uses can resolve more scan lines.The projector has a limited amount of phosphor in which to draw the image. The number of lines which can be resolved is, in theory, the phosphor height divided by the beam diameter. This number is the number of lines that the projector can resolve without overlapping scan lines. Anything above this number of scan lines will not be resolved and the picture will begin to appear soft.Some people prefer this “soft” picture, but I have found that 600P -666Plooks very sharp and 3 dimensional. Keep in mind that when displaying 16:9 material, you are using a smaller phosphor area than a 4:3 image and therefore can resolve 25% less scan lines.With my projector setup the best that I have been able to do, it can resolve 666 scan lines or 666P. I can see scan lines if I am less than about 6 feet away from the screen and the picture is very sharp. I have run at 540P, 600P, 666P, 720P and 768P, with 666P being the highest resolution I can make it resolve. There has been some discussion on the AVS Forum which gives a mathematical solution to this exact topic with the verdict being about 600 to 700 scan lines being the maximum(in 16:9 mode). This depends on a lot of things, one being how close the projector is to the screen (this is covered later).Ideal Situation (0 overlap, 0 gaps)Excessive Scan lines(overlap)Scan LineOverlap1.2.Refresh RateMost of the video material which I watch, and that most people watch, is DVD. This video material has a native refresh rate of 23.997 frames per second, or fps. The logical, and best way to display such material is at some multiple of the native refresh rate. This refresh rate is the equivalent of a computer monitor refresh rate. Naturally, one would think that a higher refresh rate would be better. Most people run their HTPC refresh rates at 72 Hz, or 3 times the video fps. What some people, including me, are doing now is running the refresh rate at 48 Hz, or 2 times video refresh rate. If you are familiar with computers you know that 48 Hz looks terrible on a computer monitor, very flickery. I believe this is due largely due to the properties of the phosphor of the computer CRT monitor. The computer monitor phosphor returns to it’s non-excited state very quickly and therefore goes from light to dark very quickly and hence the appearance of flicker. Movie theatres (also 48 Hz, I believe) are different than this as they are passing light through a translucent media and therefore doesn’t appear to flicker very badly. A CRT projector (well, Sony 12xx anyway) seems to be somewhere in the middle, as 48 Hz refresh does not flicker, with the exception of a bright static windows desktop. We all know that a bright static image on a CRT projector is a very bad thing to do, so in my opinion is a moot point.The result of running a lower refresh rate is a lower video bandwidth going to the projector. With all of the electronics being taxed so much less (1/3rd less), they operate in a more predictable and stabl e fashion, resulting in a more stable, higher quality image. When I first ran my Sony 1270Q at 48Hz, it was the first time I had really seen the 3D effect that I hear people with higher end projectors speak of. The improvement was drastic and my opinion of my projector increased drastically also. Any of the problems I had before with drifting convergence and a flickering Red tube disappeared completely.1.3Screen SizeThe output of the Sony 1270Q is noted to be 650 lumens, or about 200 ANSI lumens. ANSI refers to a measurement standard, eliminating the bogus values you sometimes see in literature. I’ve read that a screen brightness of 10-12 foot lamberts is a good value to shoot for, giving good brightness in a light controlled environment. The calculation of this is quite simple:Ft – Lamberts = (ANSI lumens * Screen Gain) / Screen Square FeetExample: My Setup (200 * 1.3) / (45/12 * 80/12) = 10.4 ft-lambertsAs you can see, my screen/PJ is on the low end of the brightness spectrum, so to speak. I would really like to go to a 54 x 96 screen, with a 1.5 gain screen material. I’ve been looking at screen materials and have seen absolutely no hot spotting and a very wide field of view with a Stewart 1.5 gain. This will be my screen of choice with my new projector, which will be a 9” with at least an output of 275 ANSI lumens to reach 11.5 or so ft-lamberts.2.Projector SetupThere are at least five major/separate general setup procedures. They are as follows:•Mechanical Setup•Electron Beam Focus (astigmatism)•Mechanical and Electrical Focus•Geometry adjustments / Convergence•Grey Scale (I won’t touch this one)Optimizing each of these in the order stated will result in the easiest, and I believe the best setup (with my limited knowledge and skill).2.1.Mechanical SetupSetting up the projector physically is likely the most important step in setting up a CRT PJ as the quality of all subsequent setup hinges on this.2.1.1. Throw DistanceFirst, the proper distance must be determined. PJCalc (use version 1.8) will give you the throw distance for your PJ for whatever screen width you desire. The consensus with most Sony 12xx owners, the people who set them up and me is that 80” wide is about as big as you should go, without sacrificing brightness and sharpness. This results in a throw distance of approximately 109” from the screen to the green tube.I’ve moved my projector closer to the screen to use more of the phosphor area. This gives a brighter image and allows for a larger number of scan lines to be resolved. The following is the method I used to maximize my phosphor use:•Set the projector on a table•Center the image on the green (see later notes)•Project an image with the projector•Set it up roughly (focus)•Cut off the red and blue tube (as you move the PJ they’ll need to reconverged anyway)•Look into the lenses and set the width of the image so it’s close to the edge of the phosphor area. Ensure you have at least 1/4” of unusedphosphor on each side.•Move the projector so that the image fills the screen with a slight amount of over scan; say 1” on edge side of the screen.•Measure the distance from the green tube to the screen or wall, this is your projection distance.2.1.2.M ount SetupThis second order of business is to get the projector pointing in the right direction. There are a few parameters which need to be addressed. The PJ needs to be pointing perpendicular to the screen horizontally and vertically, if a standard setup is being used. Using the focus techniques described later, you can point at different angles, if you like. I use a 4’ level on top of the projector (hanging from the ceiling) to ensure that the PJ is level. This, of course assumes that your screen is vertical. Next, you need to ensure the green tube is projecting and image perpendicular to the screen. The way I do this is to measure from the wall to the center hole in the bottom of the projector. Next I mark the front and rear of the projector along the center line. I ensure that both of these marks are the same distance from the side wall. I also mark this same distance on the screen or screen wall. With the cross hair test screen projected from the green tube only, (ensure you center it on the phosphor with the lens removed prior to all of this, this is incl uded later) ensure that it hits the wall on this mark. Fine tune as needed. The projector should now be set up reasonably well. The success of this all hinges on whether your walls are straight and square. I don’t know of a better way to do this.2.1.3. CRT Mechanical SetupAn important part of the setup process is getting the CRT’s all centered at the same point on the screen. My method of doing this is to pull all of the lenses off of the PJ. Next, place some scotch tape on the CRT face along the center of the face in both directions. Mark the center of the CRT face on the tape.Now project the cross hair pattern and center it to these marks (you may have to use the zone control as it gives a greater range of adjustment). Turn the brightness and contrast down so you don’t go blind in the process. Save this as data for all inputs (hold the MEMORY key down for about 10 seconds). Remove the tape from the CRT faces, clean the faces and re-install the lenses. Now, bring the brightness and contrast back up (50 contrast, 80 brightness) and project the cross hairs onto the screen. You’lllikely see that the tubes do not line up at all. The green tube is your point of reference and should not be moved at any time.The red and blue tubes need to be pointed so that the centers of the cross hairs line up as closely as possible. This is where things start to get difficult. Skip ahead to the focus section for more info on this.2.2Electrical Adjustments2.2.12/4 Pole AdjustmentThe magnet adjustments are done by moving the plastic tabs on the following picture. If they’ve never been adjusted before, there will be white paint holding them from moving. Grab a razor blade and cut the paint.Very Important Note: there is lethal voltage in here, be very careful.The 2 – Pole Magnet Adjustment•select an input with nothing attached•get in service man mode•press RESET and set contrast to max and brightness to 50•press test and get to the crosshair pattern•cut off the CRT’s that you aren’t adjusting•rotate the focus slightly counter clock wise from perfect focus•adjust the 2 – pole magnet (rear) so that the luminance point lies in the center of the flareThe 4 – Pole Magnet adjustment•Output the dot pattern•Rotate the focus to just clockwise of perfect focus•Adjust the 4 – pole magnet (front magnet) so the dot becomes round2.3 CRT PJ Focus by Me, Wes HillI’ve focused my PJ as best as I can…well for a while anyway. I’ve gotten it so that I can distinguish the individual dots of the internal focus test pattern (little H’s) on all tubes and in all corners. This has translated into seeing scan lines at 1184 x 666, even in the corners. I’m very impressed with the picture this PJ puts out now. I’m going to give what I believe to be a simple description of my focus technique. Keep in mind that any terminology I use isn’t any kind of standard, it’s just what I use for myself.5To get the mechanical focus perfect there are a few things that need to be adjusted accurately. First, the actual CRTs must be pointed at the correct spot. This correct spot is a point at which all 3 tubes, with the crosshairs centered on the phosphor, come together. The Red and Blue CRTs come equipped with grey cast metal spacers which come in 3 sizes, S, M and L.The idea is to more accurately point the Red and Blue CRT’s (CRT Angle) so that these crosshairs line up without any electrical adjustments.Second, the optical assembly must be placed at such an angle (Lens Angle) that the light travels equidistant to the screen from left to right. Top to bottom adjustment is handled within the optical assembly but we can improve on that too.So, essentially, we must adjust the Lens Angle (by adjusting the Lens Space) and the CRT Angle (by adjusting the CRT Spacer). These are not adjustments for the timid so please be prepared to open a very large can of worms if you start this. I really can’t stress this enough.The problem with the factory system is that it is designed for a range of screen sizes. If you want perfect focus, as most of us do, this is unacceptable. The thin plastic spacers (blue arrow) are designed put the CRT face at certain distance from the lens to provide the proper focal length for the optical system for the screen size/throw distance.I’ve come up with a simple fix that will allow for very fine adjustment of lens flapping, but will take significant amount of time to set up as installation will be difficult and adjustment much more difficult. A second person is definitely a good idea.What I have done is replace the spacer with bolts and nuts at each corner. The drawing above should give a good graphical description of this. Essentially, by turning these bolts in and out you can adjust each corner of the lens individually. There are inherent problems to this design though: you must make sure you don’t adjust 1 corner too much or the lens case tabs can be strained or even broken. Also, the spacers must be removed as they are now useless. Further more, you must adjust the large spacers (green arrows) in concert with the goggle flappers in order to keep the image centered. This is no easy task and will take many hours. It has for me butas time goes by I’m getting better.The following is a drawing of the “Goggle Flappers”.Sony 1270Q Lens Flapping Adjusters (Scheimpflug)"Goggle Flappers"The thickness of the nut must be somewhat less than the spacer you removed. This will ensure that the proper amount of adjustment is possible.Material List:12 – M5 x 25 mm allen head bolts12 – 5 mm Lock Nuts nuts1 – Very long 5 mm allen key, some ingenuity will be needed here,you likely wont find a 11” long allen key at Home Depot.Installation:1. Measure the spacer between the lens base and the lens case tab (redarrow below, Lens Space in drawi ng above).2.With all of the lenses removed, install the nuts and bolts. Install themon the lens, leaving the tiniest bit of play so that the lens case tabscan move slightly without having to flex.3.Start with the installation of the green tube. Have someone help youinstall these as you’ll only be able to thread each bolt in a few turns ata time. Thread each in until you are approximately the distance youmeasured before (spacer thickness). It’s likely easiest to go aheadand fire up the PJ and focus the green tube now.Prior to adjusting the lens flapping, I place the front most lens adjustment in the neutral position and focus the center of the screen. Then I begin moving the lens slightly in one direction and refocus, noting how the focus has reacted. After a few tries you’ll get a feeling of which way you need to move it relative to your focus problem. It took me about an hour to get the focusequal across the entire screen. Once you get it equal across the entire screen, you can continue with electrical focus refinements as well as further astig adjustments. Follow this with astig and electrical focus and you will be able to see every dot of each H on the focus pattern across the entire screen. The resulting picture will amaze you!Here’s a picture of the completed install:2.4ConvergenceThere are at least 2 convergences you must do when setting up your PJ. The first applies to all inputs and must be done when there is no input attachedto the PJ. The second is for a particular input/bandwidth. The memory structure of the Sony PJ’s is such that it automatically saves the convergence for a range of bandwidths, for example 21 – 31 kHz. Any image refresh /resolution combination that results in a bandwidth in this range will have that convergence information applied to it.It is very important to get as good of an initial convergence as possible without using the zone controls. This will lead to a more stable convergence in the long run. With a bit of practice and after getting used to your PJ’s particular idiosyncrasies, convergence becomes a relatively easy process. Trust me; you’ll do it so many times that it’ll become second nature. For instance, my PJ has a problem with the blue in the lower left and red is poor in the upper and lower right. I have to use the zone controls fairly extensively to get these areas acceptable. Anytime you mess with electronic focus or astig, you’ll need a total re-convergence. Don’t worry, it gets easier. Even though sometimes it feels like you’ve taken 1 step forward and 2 steps back, sooner or later you’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel. Really, you will ;-)2.4.1Initial ConvergenceMake sure you have no input attached to the PJ.•Press and hold the test key until the PJ asks if you want to enter MAN mode.•Press the up arrow to agree.•Press the test key until you get the crosshairsThere is a particular order you must adhere to when converging. The first adjustments you must do apply to only the center axis (the horizontal and vertical lines on the crosshairs). These adjustments are SIZE, LIN (linearity), BOW and SKEW.The first thing you have to do is get some of that low tack blue masking tape. What I do is mask 5 lines vertically and 3 horizontally as in the figure below.Make about 6 or 8 marks with a sharpy on each of the lines, measured a constant distance from the edge of the screen. It’s really hard to see your blue test pattern on blue tape, hence the marks ;-)Since you have the crosshairs test pattern up, hit the cut off for red and blue. Make sure you hit the ADJ key for the green. This will allow you to see the green only; the red and blue will be referenced to this later. Center the green, although this should be done already. Now go to work on the SIZE and LIN adjustments, you’ll find you’ll adjust them both at the same time. You’ll likely want to bump the BOW and SKEW adjustments, feel free, all of these adjustments can be done in any order. Keep in mind that these settings are for the horizontal and vertical lines of the crosshairs only so only display this test pattern.Hit the TEST key and display the cross hatch pattern. Now you can move onto the PIN and KEY adjustments. Have fun, by now your eyes are probably getting pretty buggy. The key is trying to get geometry as good as possible. Keep in mind that you should do any ZONE adjustments which are needed now for the green in order to get the best geometry possible.Once you’ve got the green to a point where you’re happy, move onto the red. To do this hit the ADJ key for the red tube. Now ensure that the green andred tube are on, cutoff the blue. Now adjust the red in the same order you did the green. You want to have a yellow grid. If you find that you can’t get a corner, try to balance that with another corner, you know, try to split up the problem over two areas, this way you require less ZONE convergence. Finish up with zone convergence.Do the blue and you’re done, for now…Press and hold the MEMORY key until the PJ asks if you want to save this data for all memories, hit the up arrow to agree.2.4.2Individual Input Convergence.Now, with the proper input selected and being displayed, go into the MAN mode and repeat the above adjustments until the convergence is perfect. I seem to find that I have about 3 areas on the screen that are a problem. As I get used to my PJ’s problems they seem to get better.2.5Setting the G2 AdjustmentsI’ve taken these notes from 2 threads b/w Eric van Ballegoie and Chuck Williams. With this set up properly my picture got a lot better. It’ amazing how black the blacks can be with the screen still being bright. Sure makes DLP’s look funny ;-)Keep in mind that your grey scale will be messed up after you do this so continue knowing that it’ll have to be reset. This is impossible to do accurately yourself and expensive to get done professionally.NOTE: This is slightly different on other 12xx series PJ’s1.Set brightness and contrast•Brightness: 50•Contrast: 802. Disable the AKB (Auto Cathode Bias)•On the CF2 board there is a connector with only 2 pins•Short these pins3. Call up the pluge pattern (-5 IRE, 0 IRE and +5 IRE)4. Set the Bias and Gain to factory defaults if possible•Press the right and left arrow at the same time•Else, set Bias to 140 and Gain to 180•Adjust the bias to make the +5 IRE barely visible in each color5. Enable AKB6. Reset Gain and Bias controls for proper grey scale. (such a short sentence to describe such a major procedure J)Note: be sure to turn the status display off while making these adjustments.。
像之间共轭距有关。 物镜焦距一定时,放大率低,工作距离则 长;当放大率一定时,物使共轭距大,工作 距离就长。 物镜的工作距离与它的结构型式有关,在 焦距相同条件下,反摄远物镜具有较长的 工作距离。
但从视场角、相对孔径等光学特性角度来 看,二者同属一类光学系统。9.2节中曾介 绍了各种类型照相物镜的结构型式以及它 们所能达到的光学性能,在选用投影物镜 时可做参考。
LCD(Liquid Crystal Display:液晶显示器)液晶 投影机 。LCD投影机按内部液晶板的片数可分为单 片式和三片式两种 。三片式LCD投影机比单片式 LCD投影机具有更高的图像质量和更高的亮度 。 优点:LCD投影机体积较小、重量较轻,制造工艺 较简单,亮度较高和对比度适中,分辨率适中 ,彩 色鲜艳。 缺点:高速运动画面可能会出现拖尾现象,对比度 不高。长时间使用后易出现图像偏黄现象(与背光 无关)。
1640年 :一个名叫奇瑟的 耶稣教会教士发明了一种叫 魔法灯的幻灯机,运用镜头 及镜子反射光线的原理,将 一连串的图片反射在墙面 上 。不过被老古董们送到 老迈(迈克尔、杰克逊)那 去了。被指控施妖术!你们 看:那时候有文化真可怕。
二战后 :人类迎来了第3次科技革命 .电脑的发明、集成电路 的大量出现,也使投影机进入的数字化时代。1989年,爱普 生和索尼拥有了液晶板的核心技术,同年,世界上第一台液 晶投影机—爱普生的VPL-2000诞生 .然后就出现大量的山寨 机了。如:东芝、科视、明基等。后来爱普生的执行董满怀 幽怨地说 :“山寨不可怕,就怕山寨能做大 ”。 第1次工业革命:18世纪从英国发起的技术革命是技术发展 史上的一次巨大革命,它开创了以机器代替手工工具的时代 (蒸汽机动力)。 第2次工业革命 :1870年以后 ,即电力的广泛应用、内燃 机和新交通工具的创制、新通讯手段的发明 。
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• 正二测:投影平面与两个坐标轴的交点到坐标 正二测: 原点的距离都相等。 原点的距离都相等。沿两个轴线具有相同的变 形系数。 形系数。
• 正三测:投影平面与三个坐标轴的交点到坐标 正三测: 原点的距离都不相等。 原点的距离都不相等。沿三个轴线具有各不相 同的变形系数。 同的变形系数。
第七章 投影
三维图形的基本问题 投影变换 平面几何投影
1. 在二维屏幕上如何显示三维物体? 在二维屏幕上如何显示三维物体? –显示器屏幕、绘图纸等是二维的 显示器屏幕、 显示器屏幕 –显示对象是三维的 显示对象是三维的 –解决方法----投影 解决方法---解决方法----投影 –三维显示设备正在研制中 三维显示设备正在研制中 2. 如何表示三维物体? 如何表示三维物体? –二维形体的表示----直线段,折线,曲线段, 二维形体的表示----直线段,折线,曲线段, 二维形体的表示----直线段 多边形区域 –二维形体的输入----简单(图形显示设备 二维形体的输入----简单( 二维形体的输入----简单 与形体的维数一致) 与形体的维数一致)
–投影分类 投影分类
投影中心与投影平面之间的距离为有限 投影中心与投影平面之间的距离为无限
根据投影 方向与投 影平面的 夹角 根据投影 平面与坐 标轴的夹 角
–平行投影 平行投影
• 投影中心与投影平面之间的距离为无限 因此, 因此,只需给出投影方向即可 • 是透视投影的极限状态
• 4. 如何产生真实感图形 如何产生真实感图形?
–何谓真实感图形 何谓真实感图形 • 逼真的 • 示意的 –人们观察现实世界产生的真实感来源于 人们观察现实世界产生的真实感来源于 • 空间位置关系----近大远小的透视关系和 空间位置关系-------近大远小的透视关系和 遮挡关系 • 光线传播引起的物体表面颜色的自然分布 –解决方法----建立光照明模型、开发真实 解决方法----建立光照明模型、 解决方法----建立光照明模型 感图形绘制方法
正轴测投影的形成过程如下: 正轴测投影的形成过程如下:
–将空间一立体绕绕y轴旋转θy角 将空间一立体绕绕 将空间一立体绕 –然后再绕x轴旋转θx 然后再绕 –最后向z=0平面做正投影 最后向 =0平面做正投影 由于这种投影的投影平面不与立体的轴 线垂直,同时可见到物体的多个面,因而可 线垂直,同时可见到物体的多个面, 产生立体效果。经过正轴测投影变换后, 产生立体效果。经过正轴测投影变换后,物 体线间的平行性不变,但角度有变化。 体线间的平行性不变,但角度有变化。
x o v y z tx ty tz ty tx u (a,b) o’ ’
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tz o
• 俯视图: 俯视图:
0 −1 −1 0 (u v w 1) = (x y z 1) 0 0 a − t b − t x y 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 v 0 1
xs = x + x p ⋅ t ys = y + y p ⋅ t z = z + z ⋅t p 计算机学院 s
• 因为 • 所以
ys zi ∴t = − zp Q (x s z s )在Z = 0的平面上 ∴ z s = 0
求得: 求得: θ x = 35° θ y = 45° 正等测图的变换矩阵为
0.707 0 −0.408 0 −0.707 0 −0.408 0 0 0 0.816 0 0 0 计算机图形学 1 0 计算机学院
投影线与投影平面不垂直 • 斜等测投影 –投影平面与一坐标轴垂直 投影平面与一坐标轴垂直 –投影线与投影平面成45°角 投影线与投影平面成45 投影线与投影平面成45° 与投影平面垂直的线投影后长度不变 • 斜二测投影 –投影平面与一坐标轴垂直 投影平面与一坐标轴垂直 –投影线与该轴夹角成 arcctg(1/2)角 投影线与该轴夹角成 arcctg(1 该轴轴向变形系数为 ½。 即与投影平面垂 。 直的线投影后长度变为原来的一半。 直的线投影后长度变为原来的一半。
∴正二侧投影需满足: 正二侧投影需满足:
cos 2 θ y + sin 2 θ y sin 2 θ x = cos 2 θ x
假定Z 假定Z轴上的单位矢量经变换后长度变为 即取Z轴的变形系数恒为1 1/2;即取Z轴的变形系数恒为1/2: sin 2 θ y + cos2 θ y sin 2 θ x = 1 / 4 可得:θx=20 42’, θy =19 28’。 可得: 42’ 28’ 变换矩阵为 0.926 0 0.378 0
计算机学院 计算机图形学
–三维形体的表示----空间直线段、折线、曲线 三维形体的表示----空间直线段、折线、 三维形体的表示----空间直线段 多边形、 段、多边形、曲面片 –三维形体的输入、运算、有效性保证----困难 三维形体的输入、 ----困难 三维形体的输入 运算、有效性保证---–解决方法----各种用于形体表示的理论、模型、 解决方法----各种用于形体表示的理论、 解决方法----各种用于形体表示的理论 模型、 方法 3. 如何反映遮挡关系? 如何反映遮挡关系? –物体之间或物体的不同部分之间存在相互遮挡 物体之间或物体的不同部分之间存在相互遮挡 关系 –遮挡关系是空间位置关系的重要组成部分 遮挡关系是空间位置关系的重要组成部分 –解决方法----消除隐藏面与隐藏线 解决方法---解决方法----消除隐藏面与隐藏线
1 0 1) →(0 cos θ x 0 1) 正轴侧投影 (0 0 1 1) →(sin θ y − sin θ x cos θ y 0 1)
0 0 1) →(cos θ y
sin θ x sin θ y
0 1)
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正轴测投影变换矩阵的一般形式: 正轴测投影变换矩阵的一般形式:
cos θ y 0 T = R (θ y )R (θ x )Tz = sin θ y 0 0 − sin θ y 1 0 0 0 cos θ y 0 0 1 0 0 0 cos θ x 0 0 − sin θ x 1 0 0 0 sin θ x cos θ x 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
tz ty tx u (a,b) o’y tz o y x
• 侧视图
0 0 0 1 (u v w 1) = (x y z 1) 0 1 a + t b + t z y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
cos θ y 0 T = sin θ y 0
sin θ x sin θ y cos θ x − sin θ x cos θ y 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
下面主要讨论正二测和正等测的投影变换矩阵, 下面主要讨论正二测和正等测的投影变换矩阵, 即确定变换矩阵中的θx角和θy θx角和θy角 即确定变换矩阵中的θx角和θy角。 如何度量沿三个轴线方向的变形系数呢? 如何度量沿三个轴线方向的变形系数呢?
• 三视图:正视图、侧视图和俯视图 三视图:正视图、
• 把三维空间的图形在三个方向上所看到的棱线 分别投影到三个坐标面上。 分别投影到三个坐标面上。再经过适当变换放 到同一平面上。 置到同一平面上。
z a2 a1 b1 x
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• 变换矩阵(其中(a,b)为u、v坐标下的值)z 变换矩阵(其中(a,b)为 坐标下的值) (a,b) 正视图
0 −1 0 0 (u v w 1) = (x y z 1) 0 1 a −t b+t z x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 x
S xp =
xs = x − ys = y −
xp zp yp zp
⋅ zi ⋅ zi
(xp,yp,zp )
xp zp
S yp =
yp zp
• 则矩阵式为: 则矩阵式为:
1 0 z 1) − S xp 0 0 1 − S yp 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
1. 2. 3. 4. 投影 三维形体的表示 消除隐藏面与隐藏线 建立光照明模型、 建立光照明模型、开发真实感图形绘制方法
• 投影变换:把三维物体变为二维图形表示 投影变换: 的过程称为投影变换。 的过程称为投影变换。