




以下哪个IT厂商不是奥委会的全球合作伙伴?()A)微软 B)三星 C)联想 D)松下(2)在扩展的ASCII码中,每个数字都能用二进制数表示,例如1表示为00110001,2表示为00110010,那么2008可表示为()A)00110010 00000000 00000000 00110111B)00110010 00000000 00000000 00111000C)00110010 00110000 00110000 00110111D)00110010 00110000 00110000 00111000(3)关于主板的描述中,正确的是()A) 按CPU芯片分类有奔腾主板、AMD主板B) 按主板的规格分类有SCSI主板、EDO主板C) 按CPU插座分类有AT主板、ATX主板 D) 按数据端口分类有Slot主板、Socket主板(4)关于奔腾处理器体系结构的描述中,错误的是()A)分支目标缓存器用来动态预测程序分支转移情况B)超流水线的特点是设置多条流水线同时执行多个处理C)哈佛结构是把指令和数据分别进行存储 D)现在已经由单纯依靠提高主频转向多核技术(5)关于多媒体技术的描述中,正确的是()A)多媒体信息一般需要压缩处理 B)多媒体信息的传输需要2Mbps以上的带宽C)对静态图像采用MPEG压缩标准 D)对动态图像采用JPEG压缩标准(6)关于软件开发的描述中,错误的是()A)文档是软件开发、使用和维护中不可或缺的资料B)软件生命周期包括计划、开发、运行三个阶段C)开发初期进行需求分析、总体设计、详细设计 D)开发后期选定编程语言进行编码(7)在广域网中,数据分组从源节点传送到目的节点的过程需要进行路由选择与()A)数据加密 B)地址编码 C)分组转发 D)用户控制(8)如果数据传输速率为10Gbps,那么发送10bit需要用()A) 1×10-6 s B)1×10-9 s C)1×10-12 s D)1×10-15 s(9)网络协议的三要素是语法、语义与时序。


A在WINDOWS桌面,单击"Microsoft Word"图标(快捷方式),再按回车键
B在WINDOWS桌面,双击"Microsoft Word"图标











8、Microsoft IIS是基于TCP/IP的Web应用系统。








2008年9月全国计算机三级网络技术考试真题及答案一、选择题( (1)~(60) 每题 1 分,共 60 分)下列各题A) 、B) 、C) 、D) 四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂写在答题卡相应位置上,答在试卷上不得分。

(1)2008 年北京奥运会实现了绿色奥运、人文奥运。


错误的是DA) 以可持续发展理念为指导B) 旨在创造良好生态环境的奥运C)抓好节能减排、净化空气D)信息科技是没有污染的绿色科技(2 )关于计算机机型描述中,错误的是 BA )服务器具有很高的安全性和可靠性B)服务器的性能不及大型机、超过小型机C )工作站具有很好的图形处理能力D)工作站的显示器分辨率比较高(3 )关于奔腾处理器体系结构的描述中,正确的是AA )超标量技术的特点是设置多条流水线同时执行多个处理B)超流水线的技术特点是进行分支预测C )哈佛结构是把指令和数据进行混合存储D)局部总路线采用VESA 标准(4 )关于安腾处理器体系结构的描述中,错误的是CA )安腾是 LA‐64 的体系结构B)它用于高端服务器与工作站C )采用了复杂指令系统CISCD)实现了简明井行指令计算 EPIC(5 )关于主板的描述中,正确的是 BA )按CPU 芯片分类有 SCSI 主板、EDO 主板B)按主板的规格分类有AT 主板、ATX 主板C )按CPU 插座分类有奔腾主板、AMD 主板D)按数据端口分类有Slot 主板、Socket 主板(6 )关于软件开发的描述中,错误的是DA )软件生命周期包括计划、开发、运行三个阶段B)开发初期进行需求分析、总体设计,详细设计C )开发后期进行编码和测试D)文档是软件运行和使用中形成的资料(7 )关于计算机网络的描述中,错误的是 BA )计算机资源指计算机硬件、软件与数据B)计算机之间有明确的主队关系C )互连的计算机是分布在不同地理位置的自治计算机D)网络用户可以使用本地资源和远程资源(8 )2.5*1012bps 的数据传输速率可表示为 DA )2.5kbps B)2.5MbpsC)2.5Gbps D)2.5Tbps(9 )网络中数据传输差错的出现具有AA )随机性 B)确定性C )指数性 D)线性特性(10)关于OSI 参与模型层次划分原则的描述中,正确的是A A )不同结点的同等层具有相同的功能B)网中各结点都需要采用相同的操作系统C )高层需要知道底层功能是如何实现的D)同一结点内相邻层之间通过对等协议通信(11)TCP/IP 参考模型的互连层与 OSI 参与模型的哪一层(或几层)相对应?C A )物理层B)物理层与数据链路层C )网络层D)网络层与传输层(12)关于 MPLS 技术特点的描述中,错误的是 DA )实现 IP 分组的快速交换B)MPLS 的核心是标记交换C )标记由边界标记交换路由器添加 D)标记是可变长度的转发标识符(13)支持 IP 多播通信的协议是 BA )ICMP B)IGMP C )RIPD)OSPF(14)关于Ad hoc 网络的描述中,错误的是BA )没有固定的路由器B)需要基站支持C )具有动态搜索能力D)适用于紧急救援等场合(15)传输层的主要任务是完成 DA )进程通信服务 B)网络连接服务C )路径选择服务 D)子网‐子网连接服务(16)机群系统按照应用目标可以分为高可用性机群与AA )高性能机群 B)工作站机群C )同构机群 D)异构机群(17)共享介质方式的局域网必须解决的问题是BA) 网络拥塞控制 B)介质访问控制C )网络路由控制D)物理连接控制(18)以下哪个是正确的 Ethemet 物理地址?BA)00‐60‐08 B)00‐60‐08‐00‐A6‐38C)00‐60‐08‐00 D)00‐60‐08‐00‐A6‐38‐00(19)10Gbps Ethemet 采用的标准是 IEEECA )802.3a B)802.3ab C)802.3ae D)802.3u(20 )种Ethemet 交换机具有24 个10/100Mbps 的全双工端口与 2 个1000Mbps 的全双工端口,其总带宽最大可以达到 DA )0.44Gbps B)4.40GbpsC)0.88Gbps D)8.80Gbps(21)采用直接交换方式的 Ethemet 中,承担出错检测任务的是AA)结点主机 B)交换机C)路由器 D)结点主机与交换机(22)虚拟局域网可以将网络结点按工作性质与需要划分为若干个 BA )物理网络 B)逻辑工作组-C )端口映射表D)端口号/套接字映射表(23)下面哪种不是红外局域网采用的数据传输技术?DA )定向光束红外传输 B)全方位红外传输C )漫反射红外传输 D)绕射红外传输(24)直接序列扩频通信是将发送数据与发送端产生的一个伪随机码进行AA )模二加B)二进制指数和C )平均值计算 D)校验和计算(25)关于 Windows 的描述中,错误的是CA )启动模块的函数是CrcatcProcessB)通过GDI 调用作图函数C )可使用多种文件系统管理磁盘文件D)内存管理不需要虚拟内存管理程序(26)关于建筑物综合布线系统的描述中,错误的是DA )采用模块化结构 B)具有良好的可扩展性C )传输介质采用屏蔽双绞线 D)可以连接建筑物中的各种网络设备(27)关于网络系统操作系统的描述中,正确的是CA )早期大型机时代 IBM 提供了通用的网络环境B)不同的网络硬件需要不同的网络操作系统C )非对等结构把共享硬盘空间分为许多虚拟盘体D)对等结构中服务器端和客户端的软件都可以互换(28)关于 W indows 2000 Server 基本服务的描述中,错误的是 DA )活动目录存储有关网络对象的信息B)活动目录服务把域划分为组织单元C )域控制器不区分主域控制器和备份域控制器D)用户组分为全局组和本地组(29)关于 NetWare 文件系统的描述中,正确的是 BA )不支持无盘工作站B)通过多路硬盘处理和高速缓冲技术提高硬盘访问速度C )不需要单独的文件服务器D)工作站的资源可以直接共享(30)关于 Linux 的描述中,错误的是 BA )是一种开源操作系统 B)源代码最先公布在瑞典的 FTP 站点C )提供了良好的应用发展环境 D)可支持非 Intel 硬件平台(31)关于 Unix 的描述中,正确的是AA)是多用户操作系统 B)用汇编语言写成C )其文件系统是网状结构D)其标准化进行得顺利(32)关于因特网的描述中,错误的是AA )采用OSI 标准 B)是一个信息资源网C)运行 TCP/IP 协议 D)是一种互联网(33)关于 IP 数据报投递的描述中,错误的是 BA )中途路由器独立对待每个数据报B)中途路由器可以随意丢弃数据报C )中途路由器不能保证每个数据报都能成功投递D)源和目的地址都相同的数据报可能经不同哦个路径投递(34)某局域网包含Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ四台主机,他们链接在同一集线器上,这四台主机的 IP 地址、子网屏蔽码和运行的操作系统如下:Ⅰ:I0.1.1.I、、WindowsⅡ:I0.2.1.I、、WindowsⅢ:I0.1.1.2、、UnixⅣ:I0.1.2.1、、Linux如果在Ⅰ主机上提供 Web 服务,那么可以使用该 Web 服务的主机是CA )Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ B)仅ⅡC )仅Ⅲ D)仅Ⅳ(35)在 IP 数据报分片后,对分片数据报重组的设备通常是DA )中途路由器B)中途交换器C )中途集线器D)目的主机(36)一台里路由器的路由表如下所示,当他收到目的的 IP 地址为 的数据报时,它会将该数据报 C要达到的网络下一路由器20.0.0.0 直接投递30.0.0.0 直接投递10.0.0.0 )投递到20.0.0.5B)直接投递C )投递到30.0.0.7D)抛弃(37)关于因特网域名系统的描述中,错误的是DA )域名解析需要使用域名服务器B)域名服务器构成一定的层次结构C )域名解析有递归解析和反复解析两种方式D)域名解析必须从本地域名服务器开始(38)关于电子邮件服务的描述中,正确的是 BA )用户发送邮件使用SNMP 协议B)邮件服务器之间交换邮件使用SMTP 协议C )用户下载邮件使用 FTP 协议D)用户加密邮件使用 IMAP 协议(39)使用 Telnet 主要目的是AA )登录远程主机 B)下载文件C )引入网络虚拟终端D)发送邮件(40)世界上出现的第一个 WWW 浏览器是 DA )IEB)NavigatorC)Firefox D)Mosaic(41)为了避免第三方偷看 WWW 浏览器与服务器交互的敏感信息,通常需要AA )采用SSL 计数 B)在浏览器中加载数字证书C )采用数字签名技术 D)将服务器放入可信站点区(42)如果用户计算机通过电话网接入因特网,那么用户端必须具有 DA)路由器B)交换机C )集线器 D)调制解调器(43)关于因特管理功能的描述中,错误的是 BA )配置管理是掌握和控制网络的配置信息B)故障管理是定位和完全自动排除网络故障C )性能管理是使用网络性能维持在较好水平D)计费管理是跟踪用户对网络资源的使用情况(44)下面操作系统能够到达 C2 安全级别的是CⅠ、System 7.x Ⅱ、Windows98 Ⅲ、Windows NT Ⅳ、NetWare 4.x A )Ⅰ和Ⅱ B)Ⅱ和ⅢC )Ⅲ和Ⅳ D)Ⅱ和Ⅳ(45)下面那个不是网络信息系统安全管理需要遵守的原则?CA )多人负责原理 B)任期有限原则C )多级多目标管理原则 D)职责分离原则(46)下面哪个(些)攻击属于非服务攻击?Ⅰ、邮件炸弹Ⅱ、源路由攻击Ⅲ、地址欺骗 CA )Ⅰ和Ⅱ B)仅Ⅱ C )Ⅱ和Ⅲ D)Ⅰ和Ⅲ(47)对称加密技术的安全性取决于CA )密文的保密性B)解密算法的保密性C )密制的保密性 D)加密算法的保密性(48)下面哪种破译类型的破译难度最大?AA )仅密文B)已知明文C)选择明文 D)选择密文(49)关于 RSA 密码位制特点的描述中,错误的是 CA )基于大整数引资分解问题 B)是一种公密码体制C )加密速度很快D)常用于数字签名和认证(50)Kerberos 是一种常用的身份认证协议,它采用的加密算法是 BA )Elganal B)DES C)MDS D)RSA51)SHA 是一种长影的摘要算法,它产生的消息摘要长度是CA )64 位 B)128 位 C )160 位 D)258 位(52)关于安全套核层协议的描述中,错误的是 DA )可保护传统层的安全 B)可提供数据加密服务C )可提供消息完整性服务 D)可提供数据源认证服务(53)关于数字证书的描述中,正确的是AA )包含证书拥有者的公钥信息B)包含证书拥有者的帐号信息C )包含证书拥有者上级单位的公钥信息 D)包含CX 中心的私钥信息(54)关于电子现金忒按的描述中,错误的是 DA )匿名性B)适于小额支付C )使用时无需直接与银行链接D)依赖使用人的信用信息(55)SET 协议是针对以下哪种支付方式的网上交易而设计的?BA )支票支付B)卡支付C )现金支付 D)手机支付(56) 电子政务逻辑结构的三个层次是电子政务应用层、统一的安全电子政务平台层和CA )接入层 B)汇聚层C )网络设施层 D)支付体系层(57) 电子政务内网包括公众服务业务网、非涉密政府公网和DA )因特网 B)内部网C )专用网D)涉密政府办公网(58)HFC 网络依赖于复用技术,从本质上看其复用属于 BA )时分复用B)频分复用 C )码分复用 D)空分复用(59)关于ADSL 技术的描述中,错误的是 DA )上下行传输速率不同 B)可传送数据、视频等信息C )可提供 1Mbps 上行信道 D)可在 1Ukm 激励提供 8Mbps 下行信道(60)802.11 技术和蓝牙技术可以共同使用的无线信道频点是 BA )800MHzB)2.4GHzC)5GHz D)10GHz二、填空题( (1)‐(20) 每题 2 分,共 40 分)请将每一个空的正确答案写在答题卡【1】~【20】序号的横线上,答在试卷上不得分。





(1)、下列关于宽带城域网汇聚层基本功能的描述中,错误的是A、汇接接入层的用户流量,进行数据转发和交换B、根据接入层的用户流量,进行流量均衡、安全控制等处理C、提供用户访问Internet所需要的路由服务D、根据处理结果把用户流量转发到核心交换层(2)、下列关于光以太网技术特征的描述中,错误的是A、能够根据用户的需求分配带宽B、以信元为单位传输数据C、具有保护用户和网络资源安全的认证与授权功能D、提供分级的QoS服务(3)、下列关于RPR技术的描述中,错误的是A、RPR能够在30ms内隔离出现故障的节点和光纤段B、RPR环中每一个节点都执行SRP公平算法C、两个RPR节点之间的裸光纤最大长度为100公里D、RPR的内环与外环都可以传输数据分组与控制分组(4)、Cable Modem上行速率在 A、64Kbps~200Kbps B、200Kbps~10Mbps C、10Mbps~20Mbps D、20Mbps~36Mbps(5)、下列关于路由器技术指标的描始中,错误的是A、路由器的包转发能力与端口数量、端口速率、包长度和包类型有关B、高性能路由器一般采用共享背板的结构C、丢包率是衡量路由器超负荷工作能力的指标之一D、路由器的服务质量主要表现在队列管理机制与支持的QoS 协议类型上(6)、一台交换机具有48个10/100Mbps端口和2个1000Mbps 端口,如果所有端口都工作在全双工状态,那么交换机总带宽应为A、8.8GbpsB、12.8GbpsC、13.6GbpsD、24.8Gbps(7)、若服务器系统可用性达到99.99%,那么每年的停机时间必须小于 A、4分钟 B、10分钟 C、53分钟D、106分钟(8)、IP地址块192.168.15.136/29的子网掩码可写为A、、、、、下图是网络地址转换NAT的一个实例根据图中信息,标号为④的方格中的内容应为A、S=,80B、S=,80C、S=,5001 D、D=,3342D=,5001 D=,3342 D=,80 S=,80(10)、某企业分配给产品部的IP地址块为192.168.31.192/26,分配给市场部的IP地址块为192.168.31.160/27,分配给财务部的IP地址块为192.168.31.128/27,那么这三个地址块经过聚合后的地址为A、、、 D、、下列对IPv6地址FF60:0:0:0601:BC:0:0:05D7的简化表示中,错误的是A、FF60::601:BC:0:0:05D7B、FF60::601:BC::05D7C、FF60:0:0:601:BC::05D7D、FF60:0:0:0601:BC::05D7 (12)、下列关于外部网关协议BGP的描述中,错误的是A、BGP是不同自治系统的路由器之间交换路由信息的协议B、一个BGP发言人使用UDP与其他自治系统中的BGP发言人交换路由信息C、BGP协议交换路由信息的节点数是以自治系统数为单位的 D、BGP-4采用路由向量协议(13)、R1、R2是一个自治系统中采用RIP路由协议的两个相邻路由器,R1的路由表如下图(a)所示,当R1收到R2发送的如下图(b)的(V,D)报文后,R1更新的三个路由表项中距离值从上到下依次为 A、0、4、3 B、0、4、4 C、0、5、3 D、0、5、4(14)、下列关于OSPF协议的描述中,错误的是A、对于规模很大的网络,OSPF通过划分区域来提高路由更新收敛速度 B、每一个区域OSPF拥有一个32位的区域标示符C、在一个OSPF区域内部的路由器可以知道其他区域的网络拓扑 D、在一个区域内的路由器数一般不超过200个(15)下列关于IEEE802.1D生成树协议(STP)的描述中,错误的是A、STP是一个数据链路层的管理协议B、STP运行在网桥和交换机上,通过计算建立一个稳定、无回路的树状结构网络C、网桥协议数据单元BPDU携有Root ID、Root Pass Cost、Bridge ID等信息 D、通知拓扑变化的BPDU长度不超过35B(16)在建筑群布线子系统所采用的铺设方式中,能够对线缆提供最佳保护的方式是A、巷道布线B、架空布线C、直埋布线 D、地下管道布线(17)对于还没有配置设备管理地址的交换机,应采用的配置方式是 A、Console B、telnet C、TFTPD、IE(18)下列关于VLAN标示的描述中,错误的是A、VLAN通常采用VLAN号与VLAN名来标示B、IEEE802.1Q标准规定VLAN号用32位表示C、以太网的VLAN号范围为1~1000 D、缺省VLAN名根据VLAN号生成(19)一台交换机的生成树优先级是12288,若要将优先级提高一级,那么优先级的值应该设定为 A、4096 B、8192 C、10240 D、16384(20)两台交换机相连,要求两个端口工作在全双工通信方式下。



2008年9月国家三级(网络技术)笔试真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 选择题 2. 填空题选择题(每小题1分,共60分)下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂写在答题卡相应位置上。

















全国计算机等级考试三级数据库技术真题2008年9月(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}选择题{{/B}}(总题数:56,分数:60.00)1.下列关于系统软件的叙述中,哪一条是不正确的?(分数:1.00)A.系统软件是在应用软件基础上开发的√B.系统软件应提供友好的编程接口C.系统软件与硬件密切相关D.数据库管理系统属于系统软件解析:[解析] 不同应用软件完成的工作虽然各不相同,但它们都需要一些共同的基础操作,例如都要从输入设备取得数据,向输出设备送出数据,向外存写数据,从外存读数据,对数据的常规管理,等等。




2.计算机硬件功能部件中,完成对数据加上的部件是(分数:1.00)A.运算器√B.控制器C.存储器D.输入/输出设备解析:[解析] 计算机硬件由运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备五大部件组成,随着计算机技术的发展,运算器、控制器等部件已被集成在一起,统称为中央处理单元(Central Processing Unit,CPU)。




下列哪一种技术满足这类应用的要求?(分数:1.00)A.ATM √B.FDDIC.FRD.25解析:[解析] X.25、FR和ATM都属于远程数据通信技术。

其中FR和x.25属于窄带远程数据通信技术,其速率低于2M,而 ATM属于宽带远程数据通信技术,其速率一般高于155M。



08年5,11月-09年11月人力资源管理师三级真题及答案-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN2007年11 月劳动和社会保障部国家职业资格全国统一鉴定职业:企业人力资源管理人员等级:国家职业资格三级卷册一:职业道德理论知识第一部分职业道德(1—25题,共25道题)一、职业道德基础理论与知识部分(第1~16题) 答题指导:◆该部分均为选择题,每题均有四个备选项,其中单项选择题只有一个选项是正确的,多项选择题有两个或两个以上选项是正确的。



(一)单项选择题(第 1~8 题)1、关于道德的说法中,正确的是( )。

(A)道德是一种社会规范性力量 (B)道德是领导意志的集中体现(C)个体的道德表现差异很大.判定一个人的道德优劣是不可能的(D)普遍良好的道德.仅仅是人的善良愿望而已2、与法律相比.道德( )。

(A)产生得时问晚 (B)比法律的适用范围广 (C)内容上显得十分笼统 (D)评价标准难以确定3、关于企业形象,正确的说法是( )。

(A)文明礼貌是企业形象的核心与关键 (B)企业形象的本质是企业的环境卫生和企业员工的服饰状况(C)企业形象是社会公众和企业员工对企业的整体印象和评价(D)通过持久、大规模的媒体宣传,就能树立起企业形象4、在企业文化中,居于核心地位的是( )。

(A)企业礼俗 (B)企业价值观 (C)企业作风 (D)规章制度5、海尔总裁张瑞敏曾经说过这样的话,企业要靠无形资产来盘活有形资产,只有先盘活人,才能盘活资产,对这句话.准确的理解是( )。

(A)企业存在着无形资产和有形资产两种形式 (B)人是有形资产,人作为资产通过劳动产生价值(C)人是企业发展的决定性因素 (D)企业的无形资产是一种神秘的物质6、员工处理与领导的关系时.正确的做法是( )。




(1)下列关于计算机的叙述中,错误的是A)目前的计算机仍然采用“存储程序控制”的工作原理 B)一台计算机的CPU可能由一个、两个或多个微处理器组成C)用微处理器作为CPU的计算机都称为微型计算机 D)目前Pentium系列的有些微处理器包含多个内核(2)下面关于PC机性能的叙述中,错误的是A)CPU的工作频率越高,处理速度通常就越快 B)主存的存取周期越长,存取速度越快 C)高速缓冲存储器的存取速度比主存快得多 D)总线传输速率不仅与总线的时钟频率有关,还与总线宽度有关(3)下列关于PC机内存的叙述中,错误的是A)内存条采用的是动态随机存取存储器 B)内存的基本编址单位是字节C)BIOS ROM也是内存的一个组成部分 D)内存的容量是可以随意扩充的(4)设两个单字节带符号的整数a=01001110,b=01001111,则a-b的结果是A)11101111 B)10000001 C)11111111 D)00000001(5)目前PC机最流行的操作系统是Windows系列和UNIX类的操作系统,下列叙述中错误的是A)Windows是一个支持多任务处理的、采用图形用户界面的操作系统 B)目前最新的Windows操作系统是Windows VistaC)LINUX是类似于UNIX的一种多任务操作系统D)UNIX系统只能运行在PC机上(6)下面关于基本ASCII码字符集的叙述中,错误的是A)ASCII码字符集中字符的代码值小于128 B)ASCII码字符集中的部分字符是不可打印(显示)的C)对同一个英文字母,小写字母的ASCII代码值比大写字母的值大32 D)ASCII码字符集中部分字符无法使用PC键盘输入(7)计算机中的数字声音文件有多种类型,下面不属于声音文件类型的是 A)MP3 B)WMA C)BMP D)WAV(8)声音是一种模拟信号,必须转换成为数字波形声音后才能在计算机中存储和处理。



2008年9月公共英语三级考试真题SECTION I Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)1~25略Section Ⅱ Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.A webcam is a digital camera that sends video images to other computer users. It’s about the (26) of a golf ball and typically (27) on top of your computer monitor. Once the webcam is (28) to the USB port of your computer with the necessary software, (29) images of you can be sent to one or more users over the Internet (30) an instant messaging(IM) service.A webcam costs about $50. More expensive models come with added (31) , such as better picture resolution. Two leading makers, Logitech and Creative, offer a range of models, (32) software is included. There is no extra Internet (33) to send or receive video images, though you’ll have to (34) for a free instant messaging service. Everyone can see and hear one another in (35) time. Grandparents can see their grandkids more (36) Webcams can work with almost any computer bought in the past five years and can (37) long distance phone bills.(38) you have broadband, that is, a high-speed cable-modem or DSL connection, images may (39) a long time to download, (40) a slide show rather than a movie. While webcams are easy to link to your computer, learning to (41) the software can take time. You have to make. some rearrangement with the configurations.(42) you have a 56k modem and the people you want to (43) won’t mind seeing live shots instead of perfect video, a webcam is still fun, (44) before you buy, be sure everyone, (45) for the same IM service.26.A weight B size C volume D space27.A rests B remains C stays D sits28.A joined B attached C connected D fastened29.A live B living C lively D lovely30.A via B with C from D in31.A devices B features C designs D attachments32.A so B but C for D and33.A limit B charge C registration D rate34.A check in B log in C sign up D draw up35.A true B actual C genuine D real36.A recently B frequently C realistically D immediately37.A reduce B reform C remove D retain38.A Although B Because C Unless D Whereas39.A waste B have C spend D take40.A resembled B resembling C to resemble D resemble41.A use B write C download D fix42.A because B though C if D unless43.A reach B touch C know D show44.A nevertheless B so C besides D but45.A register B pays C seeks D asksSection Ⅲ Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B,C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1A former town hall worker made legal history last week when she was awarded 67,000 pounds for stress brought on by her work. The ruling made Beverley Lancaster the first person to get their employer to accept legal responsibility for stress-related personal injury in a British court. It is likely to start a flood of other worker’s claims; Mrs. Lancaster’s union already has 7,000 stress-related cases on its books.The 44-year-old mother of two started a legal case against Birmingham City Council after falling ill while working as a troubleshooter in a neighborhood housing office. Dealing with rude and abusive members of the public pushed her into periods of gloom and she suffered anxiety, Birmingham county court heard. Mrs. Lancaster joined the council at 16, working her way up from junior clerk to senior draughtswoman. Her problems began when she was promoted to housing officer in Sutton Oldfield. "With no continuity, a constant high workload and little clerical support, I found it difficult to switch from one problem or situation to another," she said. "My concentration swung and I suffered sleepless nights. It made me feel like I was in a hole with no key to open the door. I would break down in tears. I was being in paperwork and at times my mind would just go blank."In awarding compensation of 67,491 pounds, assistant recorder Frances Kirkham said she understood the position of troubleshooter was very different from Mrs. Lancaster’s precious job. She rejected claims from the council that Mrs. Lancaster would be able to go back to her former profession, saying she accepted that the possibility of future work would be less capacity.After the hearing Mrs. Lancaster said she was relieved and pleased. She added, "I hope this will act as a warning to employers. Everything I did was right. The council made promises to me and they failed me. I felt isolated, let down, that I was not good enough, not wanted." The payout, the first of its kind to be decided in a county court, covers loss of wages and future loss of earnings.A spokesman for Birmingham City Council said action had been taken by the authority to review its staff and management procedures.46.Mrs. Beverley Lancaster was awarded 67,000 pounds for ______.A.illness caused by her jobB.her successful and good luckC.the courage she showed in courtD.the amount of work she did47.Mrs. Beverley Lancaster took legal action against the city council because ______.A.it refused to award her for her jobB.she had to deal with rude members of the councilC.it was responsible for her problemsD.it denied her any clerical support48.The Lancaster case shows that employees have the right to get compensation if they ______.A.are given work that they are unable to doB.suffer mental injury caused by their workC.are forced to do work that they don’t likeD.feel isolated, let down and extremely anxious49.It can be inferred that ______.A.Mr Lancaster will find a better paid job in the futureB.the job of draughtswoman is very demandingC.the court may hear more stress-related casesD.the job of housing officer causes mental injuries50.If Birmingham City Gouncil plans to move an employee to a new job, it will definitely make sure that ______.A.there is continuity between the two jobsB.no complaints from the employee occurC.the amount of work is reduced for the new jobD.the employee is prepared for any mental problemsText 2Life learning (sometimes called un-schooling or self-directed learning) is one of those concepts that are almost easier to explain by saying what it isn’t, than what it is. And that’s probably because our own schooled backgrounds have convinced usthat learning happens only in a dedicated building on certain days, between certain hours, and managed by a specially trained professional.Within that schooling framework, no matter how hard teachers try and no matter how good their textbooks, many bright students get bored, many slower students struggle and give up or lose their self-respect, and most of them reach the end of the process unprepared to enter into society. They have memorized a certain body of knowledge long enough to rush back the information on tests, but they haven’t really learnt much, at least of the official curriculum.Life learners, on the other hand, know that learning is not difficult, that people learn things quite easily if they’re not compelled and forced, if they see a need to learn something, and if they are trusted and respected enough to learn it on their own timetable, at their own speed, in their own way. They know that learning cannot be produced in us and that we cannot produce it in others—no matter what age and no matter whether we’re at school or at home.Life learning is independent of time, location or the presence of teacher. It does not require mom or dad to teach, or kids to work in workbooks at the kitchen table from 9 to noon from September to June. Life learning is learner-driven. It involves living and learning— in and from the real world. It is about exploring, questioning, experimenting, making messes, taking risks without fear of making mistakes, being laughed at and trying again.Furthermore, life learning is about trusting kids to learn what they need to know and about helping them to learn and grow in their own ways. It is about providing positive experiences that enable children to understand the world and their culture and to interact with it.51.It is implied in the text that it is hard to ______.A.carry life learning thoughB.tell the nature of life learningC.learn without going to schoolD.find a specially trained teacher52.According to the author, the schooling framework often ______.A.produces slow students with poor memoriesB.ignores some parts of the official curriculumC.fails to provide enough knowledge about lifeD.gives little care to the quality of teaching materials53.Life learners recognize that learning will not be difficult if they are ______.A.clear about why to learnB.careful to make a time tableC.able to respect other peopleD.cautious about any mistakes54.According to the author, life learning ______.A.could prevent one from running risksB.could be a road full of trials and errorsC.makes a kid independent of his parentsD.teaches a kid how to avoid being scorned55.Through life learning, children ______.A.will grow without the assistance from parentsB.will learn to communicate with the real worldC.will be driven to learn necessary life knowledgeD.will be isolated from the negative side of societyText 3To find Kim Hyung Gyoon’ s office in Samsung’s R&D complex, just follow the baskets of dirt clothes. No, Kim is not running the company laundry. As chief of Samsung’s Washing & Cleaning Technology Group(WCTG), he’s the man behind a new washing machine that deposits tiny silver particles(small pieces of things) —about 1 / 10,000 the thickness of a human hair— onto clothes to make them germ-and-odor-free without the need of hot water. The device represents the first mass-produced application of this tape of nanotechnology — the science of very small structures —to home appliances. "In summer of 2002, I asked everyone in the office to take off their socks," says Kim. "took one sock from each person and placed it in a regular washing machine; the others were washed in a machine with the Ag+ Nano System. The next day, I asked everyone to check the odor of their socks after a day’s wear. One began produce a strong unpleasant smell, and the other was odorless."Kim says he came up with the idea five years ago while on a business trip to Japan, where he learned of a brand of socks that retained their freshness even after many days of unwashed wear and tear. Tiny sticks of sliver with germ-killing chemicals were woven into the fabric. When he got back to Seoul, Kim applied the principle to washing machines.According to the Korea Testing & Research Industry, Samsung’s device kills 99.9% of germs. Kim says garments stay germ-free for up to a month after being laundered. The Ag+ Nano device went on sale in March 2003 and costs around $1,150; the revolutionary technology is also being used in Samsung’s refrigerators and air conditioners.No wonder: consumers seem to a little sliver in their spin cycles. Since Samsung’s nano-armed products were first launched, they have brought in an estimated $779 million in revenue. Overall, nanotech has been one of science’s fastest-growing fields in recent years, with potential applications in fields as diverse as energy production and toothpaste manufacture. The nanotech market is projected to be worth $1 trillion by 2015.56.Which of the following best describes the nature of Kim Hyung Gyoon’s work?A.Product developmenB.Market investigatioC.Research designinD.Sales promotio57.One advantage of nano-armed washing machines is that ______.A.one wash-load is much larger than beforeB.the clean-up is done with an additional benefitC.cleaning powder is no longer necessaryD.a lot of water could be saved58.In terms of nanotechnology, Kim was the first ______.A.to use it in washing machinesB.to come up with the ideaC.to introduce it to KoreaD.to apply it to socks59.The author believes that the future of nanotechnology will be ______.A.conspicuousB.distinctiveC.foreseeableD.promising60.This text centers on ______.A.the success of an enterpriseB.the application of a technologyC.the market share of Samsung’s WCTGD.the mass-production of a home appliancePart BDirections: Read the following texts in which 5 people expressed their opinions about the concept of "happiness". For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person (61 to 65) to one of the statements (A to G ) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Heather McCoyEntering a bookstore, one cannot help but notice entire shelves devoted to books boating knowledge of the true path to happiness.Whether this wave of infomercials and books can actually make people happier is the question. Happiness cannot be found by adhering to a narrow set of steps or rules. Finding happiness is not as simple as following a how-to manual, it’s something that every person must find in his or her own way.Gary RussellDoes happiness grow proportionally with wealth? Hardly.Experiences teaches us material satisfaction comes only when one finds himself wealthier than those around him; and, in a like manner, one feels of being lowered when confronting a billionaire, while a worker with a monthly salary of several hundred dollars becomes the envy of the villagers in remote mountainous regions.David NivenTrue happiness is not a result from human action. Results are temporary whereas happiness is everywhere and can neither be created nor destroyed. True happiness is realized by understanding one’s own SELF. With true happiness there is no place for disappointments! True happiness may mean pain and restraint in the beginning but will lead to eternal joy and freedom. To achieve true happiness, we should isolate and remove the negatives.Joshua PartyHappiness is a state of mind. You can be happy in almost any situation. Likewise, you can be unhappy in an equal number of situations. In the end, it’s your decision.If one can control one’s unhappiness, then one must be able to control one’s happiness. As far as I know, the Human Genome Project has not been able to identify a single part of any human chromosome which is responsible for happiness.Laura JohnsonSo what makes me a happy person? Studying to be a journalist because I loved to write, not because it pays a lot of money. Skiing in the winter snow and swimming in the summer sun. Spending time with my close friends from home that like the real me just as much as the old me. Being in a stable family. Reading romance novels and watching bizarre movies. Having a boyfriend who knows more about rock and roll history than I do.Now match the name of each person (61 to 65) to the appropriate statements. Note: there are two extra statements.Statements[A] Happiness lies in persistent pursuit.[B] Happiness is in your own hand.[C] Freedom is positively related to happiness.[D] Happiness is based on comparison.[E] There does not exist a guide to happiness.[F] Happiness is a balance between man and nature.[G] Happiness is all about doing what you want to.Section ⅣWritingDirections:You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2.1.Your TV broke down only one week after it was bought. Write a letter of complaint to the store where your TV set was bought,1)to express what is wrong with your TV set;2)to make your request (change for a new one, or return the broken one ... );3)to urge the store to give an early reply.You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use "Wang Lin" instead. You do not need to write your address and the date.2.Bellow is a cartoon about Chinese domestic migration of human resources in recent years. Look at the cartoon and write an essay of about 120 words, make reference to the following points:1)a description of the cartoon;2)the cause and effect of this migration.。










A.必为补码 B.必为原码C.必为反码 D.尚不能确定是原码还是补码”4.字长为16位的数-128,其补码为A.80H. B.8000H C.FF80H D.8080H5.已知某浮点数的阶码为5位(含阶符l位,补码表示),尾数为11位(含数符1位,补码表示),则规格化后除零外,绝对值最小的数是5。

A.2^16 B.2^-17 C.2^-26 D.2^-276.设[x]反=24H,其[x]补和[-x/2]补分别是6。

A.57H,D5H B.D7H,2BH C.24H,EEH D.24H,EDH 7.用补码表示的两个符号数ABOOH和FFH,在进行16位相加后,进位标志和溢出标志分别是A.1、0 B.0、1 C.0,0 D.1、18.Pentium机中,与硬盘接口相连的总线是8。

A.PCI B.ISA C.EIsA D.MCA ,9.下列关于微型计算机基本原理方面的叙述,正确的是9。


A.机器周期是指微型计算机执行一个基本操作所需的时间B.指令周期是指执行一条指令所需的时间C.操作系统是人与计算机之间的接El,负责资源管理D.汇编程序是指用汇编语言编写的源程序Ⅱ.软件基础和应用(51分) .11.第一个以资源共享:信息传输为主要目标的计算机网络ARPANET(因特网的前身)于( )年问世。



2004年9月国家三级(网络技术)笔试真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 选择题 2. 填空题选择题(每小题1分,共60分)下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂写在答题卡相应位置上。









5.我们通常使用的电子邮件软件是A.Outlook ExpressB.PhotoshopC.PageMakerD.CorelDraw正确答案:A解析:Photoshop 是图像处理软件,PageMaker 是桌面出版软件,CorelDraw 是图形软件。



2002年9月国家三级(网络技术)笔试真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 选择题 2. 填空题选择题(每小题1分,共60分)下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂写在答题卡相应位置上。





按其本身的规格可分为A.Socket7主板、Slot 1主板B.AT主板、Baby-AT主板、ATX主板C.TX主板、LX主板、BX主板D.SCSI主板、EDO主板、AGP主板正确答案:B解析:A)是按CPU插座分类;B)是按主板的规格分类;C)是按芯片集分类;D)是按数据端口分类。



其中适合于连续色调、多级灰度静止图像的压缩标准是A.JPEGB.MPEGC.P×32D.P×64正确答案:A解析:JPEG(Joint Photographic Experts Group)是由国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电报电话咨询委员会(CCITT)联合制定的。



2008年9月公共英语三级考试真题SECTION I Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)1~25略Section Ⅱ Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.A webcam is a digital camera that sends video images to other computer users. It’s about the (26) of a golf ball and typically (27) on top of your computer monitor. Once the webcam is (28) to the USB port of your computer with the necessary software, (29) images of you can be sent to one or more users over the Internet (30) an instant messaging(IM) service.A webcam costs about $50. More expensive models come with added (31) , such as better picture resolution. Two leading makers, Logitech and Creative, offer a range of models, (32) software is included. There is no extra Internet (33) to send or receive video images, though you’ll have to (34) for a free instant messaging service. Everyone can see and hear one another in (35) time. Grandparents can see their grandkids more (36) Webcams can work with almost any computer bought in the past five years and can (37) long distance phone bills.(38) you have broadband, that is, a high-speed cable-modem or DSL connection, images may (39) a long time to download, (40) a slide show rather than a movie. While webcams are easy to link to your computer, learning to (41) the software can take time. You have to make. some rearrangement with the configurations.(42) you have a 56k modem and the people you want to (43) won’t mind seeing live shots instead of perfect video, a webcam is still fun, (44) before you buy, be sure everyone, (45) for the same IM service.26.A weight B size C volume D space27.A rests B remains C stays D sits28.A joined B attached C connected D fastened29.A live B living C lively D lovely30.A via B with C from D in31.A devices B features C designs D attachments32.A so B but C for D and33.A limit B charge C registration D rate34.A check in B log in C sign up D draw up35.A true B actual C genuine D real36.A recently B frequently C realistically D immediately37.A reduce B reform C remove D retain38.A Although B Because C Unless D Whereas39.A waste B have C spend D take40.A resembled B resembling C to resemble D resemble41.A use B write C download D fix42.A because B though C if D unless43.A reach B touch C know D show44.A nevertheless B so C besides D but45.A register B pays C seeks D asksSection Ⅲ Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B,C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1A former town hall worker made legal history last week when she was awarded 67,000 pounds for stress brought on by her work. The ruling made Beverley Lancaster the first person to get their employer to accept legal responsibility for stress-related personal injury in a British court. It is likely to start a flood of other worker’s claims; Mrs. Lancaster’s union already has 7,000 stress-related cases on its books.The 44-year-old mother of two started a legal case against Birmingham City Council after falling ill while working as a troubleshooter in a neighborhood housing office. Dealing with rude and abusive members of the public pushed her into periods of gloom and she suffered anxiety, Birmingham county court heard. Mrs. Lancaster joined the council at 16, working her way up from junior clerk to senior draughtswoman. Her problems began when she was promoted to housing officer in Sutton Oldfield. "With no continuity, a constant high workload and little clerical support, I found it difficult to switch from one problem or situation to another," she said. "My concentration swung and I suffered sleepless nights. It made me feel like I was in a hole with no key to open the door. I would break down in tears. I was being in paperwork and at times my mind would just go blank."In awarding compensation of 67,491 pounds, assistant recorder Frances Kirkham said she understood the position of troubleshooter was very different from Mrs. Lancaster’s precious job. She rejected claims from the council that Mrs. Lancaster would be able to go back to her former profession, saying she accepted that the possibility of future work would be less capacity.After the hearing Mrs. Lancaster said she was relieved and pleased. She added, "I hope this will act as a warning to employers. Everything I did was right. The council made promises to me and they failed me. I felt isolated, let down, that I was not good enough, not wanted." The payout, the first of its kind to be decided in a county court, covers loss of wages and future loss of earnings.A spokesman for Birmingham City Council said action had been taken by the authority to review its staff and management procedures.46.Mrs. Beverley Lancaster was awarded 67,000 pounds for ______.A.illness caused by her jobB.her successful and good luckC.the courage she showed in courtD.the amount of work she did47.Mrs. Beverley Lancaster took legal action against the city council because ______.A.it refused to award her for her jobB.she had to deal with rude members of the councilC.it was responsible for her problemsD.it denied her any clerical support48.The Lancaster case shows that employees have the right to get compensation if they ______.A.are given work that they are unable to doB.suffer mental injury caused by their workC.are forced to do work that they don’t likeD.feel isolated, let down and extremely anxious49.It can be inferred that ______.A.Mr Lancaster will find a better paid job in the futureB.the job of draughtswoman is very demandingC.the court may hear more stress-related casesD.the job of housing officer causes mental injuries50.If Birmingham City Gouncil plans to move an employee to a new job, it will definitely make sure that ______.A.there is continuity between the two jobsB.no complaints from the employee occurC.the amount of work is reduced for the new jobD.the employee is prepared for any mental problemsText 2Life learning (sometimes called un-schooling or self-directed learning) is one of those concepts that are almost easier to explain by saying what it isn’t, than what it is. And that’s probably because our own schooled backgrounds have convinced usthat learning happens only in a dedicated building on certain days, between certain hours, and managed by a specially trained professional.Within that schooling framework, no matter how hard teachers try and no matter how good their textbooks, many bright students get bored, many slower students struggle and give up or lose their self-respect, and most of them reach the end of the process unprepared to enter into society. They have memorized a certain body of knowledge long enough to rush back the information on tests, but they haven’t really learnt much, at least of the official curriculum.Life learners, on the other hand, know that learning is not difficult, that people learn things quite easily if they’re not compelled and forced, if they see a need to learn something, and if they are trusted and respected enough to learn it on their own timetable, at their own speed, in their own way. They know that learning cannot be produced in us and that we cannot produce it in others—no matter what age and no matter whether we’re at school or at home.Life learning is independent of time, location or the presence of teacher. It does not require mom or dad to teach, or kids to work in workbooks at the kitchen table from 9 to noon from September to June. Life learning is learner-driven. It involves living and learning— in and from the real world. It is about exploring, questioning, experimenting, making messes, taking risks without fear of making mistakes, being laughed at and trying again.Furthermore, life learning is about trusting kids to learn what they need to know and about helping them to learn and grow in their own ways. It is about providing positive experiences that enable children to understand the world and their culture and to interact with it.51.It is implied in the text that it is hard to ______.A.carry life learning thoughB.tell the nature of life learningC.learn without going to schoolD.find a specially trained teacher52.According to the author, the schooling framework often ______.A.produces slow students with poor memoriesB.ignores some parts of the official curriculumC.fails to provide enough knowledge about lifeD.gives little care to the quality of teaching materials53.Life learners recognize that learning will not be difficult if they are ______.A.clear about why to learnB.careful to make a time tableC.able to respect other peopleD.cautious about any mistakes54.According to the author, life learning ______.A.could prevent one from running risksB.could be a road full of trials and errorsC.makes a kid independent of his parentsD.teaches a kid how to avoid being scorned55.Through life learning, children ______.A.will grow without the assistance from parentsB.will learn to communicate with the real worldC.will be driven to learn necessary life knowledgeD.will be isolated from the negative side of societyText 3To find Kim Hyung Gyoon’ s office in Samsung’s R&D complex, just follow the baskets of dirt clothes. No, Kim is not running the company laundry. As chief of Samsung’s Washing & Cleaning Technology Group(WCTG), he’s the man behind a new washing machine that deposits tiny silver particles(small pieces of things) —about 1 / 10,000 the thickness of a human hair— onto clothes to make them germ-and-odor-free without the need of hot water. The device represents the first mass-produced application of this tape of nanotechnology — the science of very small structures—to home appliances. "In summer of 2002, I asked everyone in the office to take off their socks," says Kim. "took one sock from each person and placed it in a regular washing machine; the others were washed in a machine with the Ag+ Nano System. The next day, I asked everyone to check the odor of their socks after a day’s wear. One began produce a strong unpleasant smell, and the other was odorless."Kim says he came up with the idea five years ago while on a business trip to Japan, where he learned of a brand of socks that retained their freshness even after many days of unwashed wear and tear. Tiny sticks of sliver with germ-killing chemicals were woven into the fabric. When he got back to Seoul, Kim applied the principle to washing machines.According to the Korea Testing & Research Industry, Samsung’s device kills 99.9% of germs. Kim says garments stay germ-free for up to a month after being laundered. The Ag+ Nano device went on sale in March 2003 and costs around $1,150; the revolutionary technology is also being used in Samsung’s refrigerators and air conditioners.No wonder: consumers seem to a little sliver in their spin cycles. Since Samsung’s nano-armed products were first launched, they have brought in an estimated $779 million in revenue. Overall, nanotech has been one of science’s fastest-growing fields in recent years, with potential applications in fields as diverse as energy production and toothpaste manufacture. The nanotech market is projected to be worth $1 trillion by 2015.56.Which of the following best describes the nature of Kim Hyung Gyoon’s work?A.Product developmenB.Market investigatioC.Research designinD.Sales promotio57.One advantage of nano-armed washing machines is that ______.A.one wash-load is much larger than beforeB.the clean-up is done with an additional benefitC.cleaning powder is no longer necessaryD.a lot of water could be saved58.In terms of nanotechnology, Kim was the first ______.A.to use it in washing machinesB.to come up with the ideaC.to introduce it to KoreaD.to apply it to socks59.The author believes that the future of nanotechnology will be ______.A.conspicuousB.distinctiveC.foreseeableD.promising60.This text centers on ______.A.the success of an enterpriseB.the application of a technologyC.the market share of Samsung’s WCTGD.the mass-production of a home appliancePart BDirections: Read the following texts in which 5 people expressed their opinions about the concept of "happiness". For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person (61 to 65) to one of the statements (A to G ) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Heather McCoyEntering a bookstore, one cannot help but notice entire shelves devoted to books boating knowledge of the true path to happiness.Whether this wave of infomercials and books can actually make people happier is the question. Happiness cannot be found by adhering to a narrow set of steps or rules. Finding happiness is not as simple as following a how-to manual, it’s something that every person must find in his or her own way.Gary RussellDoes happiness grow proportionally with wealth? Hardly.Experiences teaches us material satisfaction comes only when one finds himself wealthier than those around him; and, in a like manner, one feels of being lowered when confronting a billionaire, while a worker with a monthly salary of several hundred dollars becomes the envy of the villagers in remote mountainous regions.David NivenTrue happiness is not a result from human action. Results are temporary whereas happiness is everywhere and can neither be created nor destroyed. True happiness is realized by understanding one’s own SELF. With true happiness there is no place for disappointments! True happiness may mean pain and restraint in the beginning but will lead to eternal joy and freedom. To achieve true happiness, we should isolate and remove the negatives.Joshua PartyHappiness is a state of mind. You can be happy in almost any situation. Likewise, you can be unhappy in an equal number of situations. In the end, it’s your decision.If one can control one’s unhappiness, then one must be able to control one’s happiness. As far as I know, the Human Genome Project has not been able to identify a single part of any human chromosome which is responsible for happiness.Laura JohnsonSo what makes me a happy person? Studying to be a journalist because I loved to write, not because it pays a lot of money. Skiing in the winter snow and swimming in the summer sun. Spending time with my close friends from home that like the real me just as much as the old me. Being in a stable family. Reading romance novels and watching bizarre movies. Having a boyfriend who knows more about rock and roll history than I do.Now match the name of each person (61 to 65) to the appropriate statements. Note: there are two extra statements.Statements[A] Happiness lies in persistent pursuit.[B] Happiness is in your own hand.[C] Freedom is positively related to happiness.[D] Happiness is based on comparison.[E] There does not exist a guide to happiness.[F] Happiness is a balance between man and nature.[G] Happiness is all about doing what you want to.Section ⅣWritingDirections:You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2.1. Your TV broke down only one week after it was bought. Write a letter of complaint to the store where your TV set was bought,1)to express what is wrong with your TV set;2)to make your request (change for a new one, or return the broken one ... );3)to urge the store to give an early reply.You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use "Wang Lin" instead. You do not need to write your address and the date.2. Bellow is a cartoon about Chinese domestic migration of human resources in recent years. Look at the cartoon and write an essayof about 120 words, make reference to the following points:1)a description of the cartoon;2)the cause and effect of this migration.。



三级网络9年9月份真题及答案一、听力部分第一节:1. A. In a library.2. C. $60.3. A. The woman wants to postpone the meeting.4. B. It is a popular tourist attraction.5. C. The man refuses to help the woman.第二节:6. C. A cup of tea.7. B. She has read the book already.8. A. To buy groceries.9. B. By taking a book out from the library.10. C. They should take a bus to the bookstore.第三节:11. B. She hasn't made a decision yet.12. C. He has no preference.13. A. He often goes jogging after work.14. A. She has too much work to do.15. B. He needs the woman's help.第四节:16. B. A new product being launched.17. A. Its affordable price.18. A. Over 400 hours.19. C. They are being sought after by many universities.20. B. The man should buy one.二、阅读部分第一节:21. D. To promote environmental awareness.22. C. A trip to the zoo.23. B. By participating in recycling programs.24. A. Reduce food waste.25. C. Changing people's behavior towards the environment.第二节:26. D. It helps reduce the risk of depression.27. A. They engage in regular exercises.28. B. Take a 10-minute walk outside.29. C. Eating a balanced diet.30. B. It improves cognitive function.第三节:31. D. It contributes to economic development.32. C. It requires continuous learning and adaptation.33. B. Sharing information with others.34. C. It enhances their problem-solving skills.35. A. The ability to adapt to changing circumstances.三、完型填空部分36. C. gradually37. B. knowledge38. D. comparing39. A. challenge40. C. unfair41. B. decision42. D. improve43. A. opt44. B. consequences45. C. potential四、语法和词汇部分46. C. might47. A. less48. B. or49. D. Although50. A. if51. B. gathering52. D. range53. C. investigated54. A. interaction55. B. Fortunately五、翻译部分56. 自从我们上次见面以来已经三个月了。



职业技能鉴定国家题库统一试卷公共营养师三级理论知识试卷(08年 9月)一、单项选择(第 1 至 100 题。


每题0.8 分,满分 80 分。

)1.职业道德是同人们( A)紧密联系的具有职业特征的道德准则。

A. 职业活动B.日常生活C. 学习活动D. 饮食习惯2.营养师在进行健康教育活动中,下列哪种说法符合职业道德(C)A.为了引起大家的重视可适当夸张,信口开河。

B. 为了达到活动的运作维持,可适当的推荐保健品。



3. 关于办事公道的说法,你认为不正确的是(A)A.要按照一个标准来办事,各打五十大板。

B. 站在公共的立场上按同一标准和同一原则办事C.在接待服务对象时不以貌取人,也属办事公道。


4. 下列不属于社会主义职业道德基本规范的是(D)A. 爱岗敬业B.诚实守信C.服务群众D.开拓创新5.社会主义职业道德是建立在( A C )为主体的经济基础之上的一种社会意识。

A. 公有制B.私有制C.市场经济D.计划经济6.下列不属于职业道德的特点的是(C D )A. 行业性B.连续性C.实用性和规范性D.稳定性7. 职业道德具有(B)A. 法律的强制性B.从业人员内部和与其服务对象间关系的调节职能C.兼有强烈的纪律性D. 对从业人员无关紧要8. 公共营养师在工作中,应该以(C)为工作核心,时刻为服务对象着想。

A. 集体主义B.爱国主义C.为人民服务D.社会主义9. 整个妊娠期孕妇血容量的变化大约是(a C)A. 增加 10%—15%B. 减少 50%C.最大增加量为50%D.减少10%—15%10. 以下哪点不符合婴儿消化系统的特点(d)A. 肠壁腺体发育差,消化酶功能弱B.新生儿唾液腺分化不全C.出生后 3—4 月唾液淀粉酶含量增多D. 凝乳酶和脂肪酶含量少,不能消化脂肪11.上消化道是指( B D )A. 口腔和咽C.从口腔到胃B.D.从口腔到食管从口腔到十二指肠12.胃壁细胞可分泌( B D )A. 胃蛋白酶原B. 胃液C.胃泌素D.盐酸和内因子13.RNI 是以下列哪项为基础制定的( A D)A.AIB.ULC.RDAD.EAR14. 以下对可耐受最高摄入量(UL)的解释,哪项是错误的(C)A.是平均每日可以摄入该营养的最高量B. 这一摄入水平对一般人群中几乎所有个体都不至于损害健康C.是健康个体的营养素摄入目标D.当摄入量超过 UL 而进一步增加时,损害健康的危险性随之增大15.酪氨酸在体内可由哪种氨基酸转化而成(C)A. 色氨酸B.赖氨酸C. 苯丙氨酸D.蛋氨酸16.亚油酸是(B)A.n-3 系脂肪酸B.n-6系脂肪酸C.n-7脂肪酸D.n-9 系脂肪酸17.硒在人体组织与器官中含量相对最低的是(D)A. 肝脏B. 胰脏C.肾脏D. 脂肪18.能促进非血红素铁吸收的有( a D ) A. 蔬菜B. 骨头汤C. 鱼肉D. 抗酸药19. 有关微量元素铁,下列哪些说法是不正确的(A)A.食物中的血红素铁的吸收受膳食因素的影响比非血红素铁大B.食物中的非血红素铁必须在胃酸作用下分解为亚铁离子后才能被吸收C.动物性食物中铁的吸收率比植物性食物中铁的吸收率高、D.铁缺乏可以影响神经行为20.人体必需微量元素包括(C)A. 硫、铁、氯B. 碘、镁、氟C.铁、铬、钴D.钙、锌、碘21.通常认为,与高血压发病关系最密切的矿物质是(D)A.钙B.镁C.铁D.钠22.钙是人体内含量最多的一种矿物质,其中 99%集中在( A)A. 骨骼和牙齿B.软组织和细胞胃液C.骨骼和软组织D.牙齿和血液23.葡萄糖耐量因子( GTF)的重要成分之一是( D ) A. 抗坏血酸 B. 视黄醇 C. 吡哆醇 D. 尼克酸24.在体内主要参与糖类代谢的维生素是(A)A. 维生素 B1B. 维生素 EC. 维生素 CD.维生素 A25.为了减少维生素 C 的更多损失,炊具应避免食使用( A)A. 铝锅B. 铜锅C.砂锅D.陶瓷锅26.夜间飞行员尤其应注意哪种维生素的补充(D)A. 维生素 CB. 维生素 KC. 维生素 DD.维生素 A27.膳食纤维对下列作用最不明显的是(D)A. 降血糖B. 降血脂C.防便秘D降血压28.下列属于可溶性膳食纤维的是(A)A. 果胶B. 木质素C.纤维素D.淀粉29.某孕妇,因妊娠反应不愿吃动物食品,至妊娠中期出现小腿抽筋现象,下列有效措施,哪项除外( D)A. 增加日光照射B.补充维生素DC. 补充钙剂D.多吃蔬菜30.按《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量》的建议,孕妇在孕中、后期的能量摄取量应在非孕妇女的基础上增加( A )A.200kcal/dB.300kcal/dC.400kcal/dD.836kcal/d31.母乳不含哪一项( d C)A. 表皮生长因子B.神经生长因子C.肌肉生长因子D.转移生长因子32. 关于母乳中钙的含量,哪种说法是错误的(C)A. 母乳中的钙较易吸收B.钙磷比例2:1C.母乳钙含量比牛奶高D. 母乳中钙含量大约为 350mg/L33. 老年人饮食应注意(A)A. 蛋白适量而质优B.控制碳水化合物的摄入,应以蔗糖为主C. 植物油可以多多摄入D.总热能摄入不变34. 进入幼儿期后,( A)应逐渐成为小儿的主食。












试题2 选择题(每小题1分,共30分)1、网络协议精确地规定了交换数据的()。


A、1*10^3MbpsB、1*10^3Kbps C.1*10^6Mbps D.1*10^9kbps3、传输层向用户提供()。






机密★启用前2008 年9 月全国计算机等级考试三级笔试试卷网络技术35-注意事项一、考生应严格遵守考场规则,得到监考人员指令后方可作答。






* * * 版权所有,任何单位或个人不得保留、复制和出版,违者必究* * *教育部考试中心二00 八年七月制三级网络技术试卷第 1 页(共6 页)全国计算机等级考试三级网络技术2008 年9 月笔试试卷(考试时间120 分钟,满分100 分)一、选择题(每小题1 分,共60 分)(1)2008 年北京奥运会实现了绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运。




A)超标量技术的特点是设置多条流水线同时执行多个处理B)超流水线的技术特点是进行分支预测C)哈佛结构是把指令和数据进行混合存储D)局部总线采用VESA 标准(4)关于安腾处理器的描述中,错误的是()。

A)安腾是IA-64 的体系结构B)它用于高端服务器与工作站C)采用了复杂指令系统CISC D)实现了简明并行指令计算EPIC(5)关于主板的描述中,正确的是()。

A)按CPU 芯片分类有SCSI 主板、EDO 主板B)按主板的规格分类有AT 主板、ATX 主板C)按CPU 插座分类有奔腾主板、AMD 主板D)按数据端口分类有Slot 主板、Socket 主板(6)关于软件开发的描述中,错误的是()。



2008年9月全国计算机三级数据库技术考试真题及答案一、选择题(每小题1分,共60分)(1)下列关于系统软件的叙述中,不正确的是( A )。

A)系统软件是在应用软件基础上开发的 B)系统软件应提供友好的编程接口C)系统软件与硬件密切相关 D)数据库管理系统属于系统软件(2)计算机硬件功能部件中,完成对数据加工的部件是( A )。

A)运算器 B)控制器 C)存储器 D)输入/输出设备(3)多媒体网络应用及实时通信要求网络高速率、低延迟传输。

下列( A )技术满足这类应用的要求。

A)ATM B)FDDI C)FR D)X.25(4)下列( B )不是Internet提供的主要服务。

A)WWW服务 B)数字视频影像服务 C)电子邮件服务 D)文件传输(5)下列( B )不是对网络进行服务攻击的结果。

A)网络丧失服务能力 B)网络通信线路瘫痪C)网站的主页被涂改 D)网站的WWW服务器瘫痪(6)针对操作系统安全,为了防止由于误操作而对文件造成破坏,要采用的方法是( B )。

A)保密 B)保护 C)审计 D)认证(7)下列关于顺序存储结构的叙述中,不正确的是(C )。

A)结点之间的关系由存储单元的邻接关系来体现 B)存储密度大,存储空间利用率高C)插入、删除操作灵活方便,不必移动结点 D)可以通过计算直接确定第i个结点的存储地址(8)下列与算法有关的叙述中,不正确的是( D )。

A)运算是数据结构的一个重要方面,运算的实现步骤用算法来描述B)算法是精确定义的一系列规则,它指出怎样从给定的输入信息经过有限步骤产生所求的输出信息C)算法的设计采用由粗到细,由抽象到具体的逐步求精的方法D)对于算法的分析,指的是分析算法运行所要占用的机器时间,即算法的时间代价(9)下列关于栈和队列的叙述中,正确的是( A )。

Ⅰ.栈和队列都是线性表Ⅱ.栈和队列都不能为空Ⅲ.栈和队列都能应用于递归过程实现Ⅳ.栈的操作原则是后进先出,而队列的操作原则是先进先出Ⅴ.栈采用顺序方式存储,而队列采用链接方式存储A)仅Ⅰ和Ⅳ B)仅Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅳ C)仅Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅴ D)仅Ⅰ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ(10)下列关于树和二叉树的叙述中,不正确的是( C )。

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* * * 版权所有,任何单位或个人不得保留、复制和出版,违者必究 * * *教育部考试中心二00八年七月制全国计算机等级考试三级网络技术2008年9月笔试试卷(考试时间120分钟,满分100分)一、选择题(每小题1分,共60分)(1)2008年北京奥运会实现了绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运。





A)安腾是IA-64的体系结构B)它用于高端服务器与工作站C)采用了复杂指令系统CISC D)实现了简明并行指令计算EPIC(5)关于主板的描述中,正确的是()。




A)2.5kbps B)2.5MbpsC)2.5Gbps D)2.5Tbps(9)网络中数据传输差错的出现具有()。




A)ICMP B)IGMPC)RIP D)OSPF(14)关于Ad hoc网络的描述中,错误的是()。




A)网络拥塞控制B)介质访问控制C)网络路由控制D)物理连接控制(18)以下哪个是正确的Ethernet物理地址?()A)00-60-08 B)00-60-08-00-A6-38C)00-60-08-00 D)00-60-08-00-A6-38-00(19)10Gbps Ethernet采用的标准是IEEE()。

A)802.3a B)802.3abC)802.3ae D)802.3u(20)一种Ethernet交换机具有24个10/100Mbps的全双工端口与2个1000Mbps的全双工端口,其总带宽最大可以达到()。

A)0.44Gbps B)4.40GbpsC)0.88Gbps D)8.80Gbps(21)采用直接交换方式的Ethernet中,承担出错检测任务的是()。






A)早期大型机时代IBM提供了通用的网络环境B)不同的网络硬件需要不同的网络操作系统C)非对等结构把共享硬盘空间分为许多虚拟盘体D)对等结构中服务器端和客户端的软件都可以互换(28)关于Windows 2000 Server基本服务的描述中,错误的是()。











要到达的网络下一路由器20.0.0.0 直接投递30.0.0.0 直接投递10.0.0.0投递到20.0.0.5 B)直接投递C)投递到30.0.0.7 D)抛弃(37)关于因特网域名系统的描述中,错误的是()。




A)IE B)NavigatorC)Firefox D)Mosaic(41)为了避免第三方偷看WWW浏览器与服务器交互的敏感信息,通常需要()。




Ⅰ.System 7.x Ⅱ.Windows 98 Ⅲ.Windows NT Ⅳ.NetWare 4.x A)Ⅰ和ⅡB)Ⅱ和ⅢC)Ⅲ和ⅣD)Ⅱ和Ⅳ(45)下面哪个不是网络信息系统安全管理需要遵守的原则?()A)多人负责原则B)任期有限原则C)多级多目标管理原则D)职责分离原则(46)下面哪个(些)攻击属于非服务攻击?()Ⅰ.邮件炸弹Ⅱ.源路由攻击Ⅲ.地址欺骗A)Ⅰ和ⅡB)仅ⅡC)Ⅱ和ⅢD)Ⅰ和Ⅲ(47)对称加密技术的安全性取决于()。


