Recommended Application of Nutriplant Products Rice (Transplanted).doc 2nd


nutrition 校选

nutrition 校选

food security/which factors contribute towards the availability of a country's food supplyThe achievement of national food security is to be a key objective of the agricultural sector. Food security in this case is defined as “ a situation in which all pe ople, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”The current food insecurity problems are attributed to several factors, including the frequent droughts in most parts of the country, high costs of domestic food production due to high costs of inputs especially fertilizer, displacement of a large number of farmers in the high potential agricultural areas following the post-election violence which occurred in early 2008, high global food prices and low purchasing power for large proportion of the population due to high level of poverty.The level of food security in South Africa is largely being influenced by income inequalities and food prices with a large part of the population that has access to food but do not have the financial means to obtain it.The 'great' western diet and lifestyle diseasesIt is increasingly recognized that certain fundamental changes in diet and lifestyle that occurred after the Neolithic Revolution, and especially after the Industrial Revolution and the Modern Age, are too recent, on an evolutionary time scale, for the human genome to have completely adapted. This mismatch between our ancient physiology and the western diet and lifestyle underlies many so-called diseases of civilization, including coronary heart disease, obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, epithelial cell cancers, autoimmune disease, and osteopo-rosis, which are rare or virtually absent in hunter–gatherers and other non-westernized popula-tions. It is therefore proposed that the adoption of diet and lifestyle that mimic the beneficial characteristics of the preagricultural environment is an effective strategy to reduce the risk of chronic degenerative diseases.introduction to a mainly plant based dietSome of the health benefits of adopting a non-animal-based-foods diet are lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and weight loss. These changes lead to less use of medication and, in some cases, avoidance of surgery, with a further bonus of feeling and looking great.A large number of studies by eminent doctors and researchers are adding currency and urgency to this view of adopting a wholesome plant based diet to prevent heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases.Eating disorders and consequences,both over and under eating• Serious mental illnesses• Treatable - full recovery possible• Affects men and women of all ages and cultural backgrounds• But young women are most at risk.∙High weight concerns before age 14∙High level of perceived stress∙Behavior problems before age 14∙History of dieting∙Mother diets and is concerned about appearance∙Siblings diet and are concerned about appearance∙Peers diet and are concerned about appearance∙Negative self-evaluation∙Perfectionism∙No male friends∙Parental control∙Rivalry with one or more siblings∙Competitive with siblings’ shape and/or appearance∙Shy and/or anxious∙Distressed by parental arguments∙Distressed by life events occurring in the year before the illness develops∙Critical comments from family members about weight, shape and eating∙Teasing about weight, shape and appearanceEating disorders tend to develop during the teenage and young adult years, and they are much more common in girls and women. No one knows the precise cause of eating disorders, but they seem to coexist with psychological and medical issues such as low self-esteem,depression, anxiety, trouble coping with emotions, and substance abuse.For some people, a preoccupation with food becomes a way to gain control over one aspect of their lives. Although it may start out as simply eating a bit more or less than usual, the behavior can spiral out of control and take over the person’s life. Eating disorders are a serious medical problem that can have long-term health consequences if left untreated.It’s common for people with eating disorders to hide their unhealthy behaviors, so it can be difficult to recognize the signs of an eating disorder, especially early on.WHAT IS THE NUTRITIONWhat is Nutrition? Simply said, Nutrition is the study of food at work in our bodies, our source for energy, and the medium for which our nutrients can function. Think of nutrition as the building blocks of life.The essential nutrients for life include carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids (fats), as well as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and water—the solvent for all soluble ingredients in the blood and cells. The absorption of nutrients starts the moment we begin to digest our foods, as they are transported to assist all the metabolic processes in the human body.Nutrition is at work during our entire life-cycle — from infancy to adolescence, adulthood and in our senior years — and can be the antidote for m any of today’s common problems, such as stress, pollution, sexual vitality, and disease prevention.introduction to GMO food and debate for and againstDangerous perversions of nature. The solution to the global food shortage. Evil. Tasty. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been called many things since the introduction of the Flavr Savr—a tomato with an extended shelf life—20 years ago. With the agriculture industry’s increasing reliance on mutant seeds, which were used in 90 percent of American corn last year, counteracted by the recent passage of mandatory GMO-labeling laws in Vermont, Maine, and Connecticut (with Oregon and Colorado likely to follow suit), GMOs are on the tips of our tongues—and at the bottoms of American stomachs—like never before. As with most deeply polarizing subjects, the pros and cons are manifold (and don’t get us started on the gray areas). Which is why we asked three authorities on the topic to answer this question: Should we avoid GMO food?foodborne illnesses and consequencesFoodborne illness is a major public health problem in the United States and globally. Both the developed and developing countries suffer the consequences of foodborne illness, but to varying degrees.Recent U.S. estimates indicate that some 76 million illnesses and 5,000 deaths are attributed annually to foodborne illness. Among all illnesses attributed to foodborne causes, 30% are caused by bacteria, 3% by parasites, and 67% by viruses. The incidence of foodborne illness in developing countries is less well-understood than in the U.S. Estimates issued by the World Health Organization (WHO)3 that diarrheal disease caused by the consumption of contaminated food or water is the third leading cause of death in the developing countries.The risk of contracting foodborne illness depends upon many factors. In the developed countries, the risk is increased by type of food consumed; cross-contamination of foods before consumption; increased consumption of raw products, such as fruits and vegetables; and whether one is chronically ill, elderly, immunocompromised, pregnant, or very young . In developing countries, factors such as poverty, undereducation, poor hygiene practices, contaminated food, water, and eating utensils, and contact with animals and flies that transmit pathogens all play a role in exposing individuals to foodborne disease.make you think and feel differently about your food intakePersonal hygiene is a big part in food safety. Say you don't wash your hands after handling chicken; the food that you handle next has a chance of being cross contaminated, and people now know if chicken isn't cooked properly it can cause salmonella. Cross contamination is where a raw food detritus and bacteria is combined onto another food and remains there until consumption or washed. So personal hygiene has a lot to do with food safety.Food hygiene pratices,5keys to hygiene WHO recommendationFood hygiene are the conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety of food from production to consumption. Food can become contaminated at any point during slaughtering or harvesting, processing, storage, distribution, transportation and preparation. Lack of adequate food hygiene can lead to foodborne diseases and death of the consumer.WHO assists Member States in promoting safe food handling through systematic disease prevention and health education programmes directed to food handlers, including the consumers.As part of its global strategy to decrease the burden of foodborne diseases, WHO identified the need to communicate simple global health messages based on scientific evidence to train all types of food handlers, including consumers.The Five Keys to Safer Food explain the basic principles that each individual should know all over the world to prevent foodborne diseases. Over 100 countries have reported using the Five Keys to Safer Food. As a result, millions of food handlers, including consumers, are empowered to prevent foodborne diseases, make safe and informed choices and have a voice to push for a safer food supply.To ensure the same understanding in practice along the full chain - from farm to table – WHO has developed additional Five Keys materials directed to rural people who grow fruits, vegetables and fish for their own use or for sale on local markets. WHO’s objective is to target those who usually do not have access to food safety education despite the important role they have in producing safe food for their community.。



食品营养学名词解释1、氨基酸评分(amino acid score,AAS):是指用被测食物蛋白质的必需氨基酸评分模式和推荐的理想的模式或参考蛋白的模式进行比较的得分。

2、必需氨基酸(essential amino acid):是指人体不能合成或合成速度不能满足机体需要而必须从食物中直接获得的氨基酸。

3、必需氨基酸评分模式(amino acid scoring pattern):氨基酸模式:蛋白质中各种必需氨基酸的构成比例。


4、参考蛋白(reference protein):鸡蛋蛋白与人体蛋白质氨基酸模式最接近,在实验中常以它作为参考蛋白。

5、常量元素(macro minerals):又称宏量元素,包括钙、磷、硫、钾、钠、镁、铝,其在体内的含量一般大于体重的0.01%,每日需要量在100mg以上。

6、蛋白质功效比值(protein efficiency ratio,PER):是用处于生长阶段的幼年动物在实验期内,其体重增加和摄入蛋白质的量的比值来反映蛋白质的营养价值的指标。

(以标化酪蛋白为参考蛋白设对照组)7、蛋白质互补作用(complementary action):指人们将不同的食物蛋白质适当混合食用,使它们各自相对不足的必需氨基酸得以互相补偿,使其接近人们所需的氨基酸模式,从而提高蛋白质营养价值的作用。

8、蛋白质净利用率(net protein utilization,NPU):是反映食物中蛋白质被利用的程度,即机体利用的蛋白质占食物中蛋白质的百分比。

9、蛋白质—热能营养不良(protein-energy malnutrition,PEM):10、肥胖(obesity):是指能量的摄入大于能量的消耗,多余的能量以脂肪的形式储存在体内,当人体的脂肪含量达到一定的含量时,即为肥胖症。



中国生态农业学报(中英文) 2024年2月 第 32 卷 第 2 期Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, Feb. 2024, 32(2): 309−320DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20230361曹梅玉, 张有, 闫滨滨, 万修福, 孙楷, 康传志, 王红阳, 吕朝耕, 张燕, 郭兰萍. 与玉米间作促进苍术根际养分吸收利用的原因[J]. 中国生态农业学报 (中英文), 2024, 32(2): 309−320CAO M Y, ZHANG Y, YAN B B, WAN X F, SUN K, KANG C Z, WANG H Y, LYU C G, ZHANG Y, GUO L P. Reasons for pro-moting rhizosphere nutrient absorption and utilization of Atractylodes lancea by intercropping with maize[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2024, 32(2): 309−320与玉米间作促进苍术根际养分吸收利用的原因*曹梅玉1, 张 有2, 闫滨滨1, 万修福1, 孙 楷1, 康传志1, 王红阳1, 吕朝耕1,张 燕1**, 郭兰萍1**(1. 中国中医科学院中药资源中心/道地药材国家重点实验室培育基地 北京 100700; 2. 莱芜紫光生态园有限公司 莱芜 271100)摘 要: 与玉米间作能够缓解苍术连作障碍, 而养分条件变化是关键因素之一。

为探究苍术||玉米间作对苍术根际养分吸收利用的影响, 本研究开展了为期2年的苍术||玉米间作根际不同分隔处理的田间试验, 共设置了4种处理:苍术单作(A)、苍术||玉米间作不隔膜(AI)、苍术||玉米间作隔尼龙膜(AN)和苍术||玉米间作隔塑料膜(AP), 分别测定了苍术生物量和4种挥发油成分含量, 苍术根茎氮磷钾含量, 根际土壤pH、有机质和土壤养分因子含量。



植物精油在畜禽生产中的应用研究进展薛萍福建农业职业技术学院福州350119摘要植物精油是植物体内的次级代谢产物,将其添加到畜禽生产用饲料中,可以改善饲料的适口性,并提高饲料的转化率、促进动物生长#本文简介植物精油提取方法,剖析植物精油的作用机理,概述植物精油在畜禽生产中的实际应用进展,以供同行参考$关键词植物精油提取机理畜禽应用文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-4331(2020)06-0033-04Research progress in the application of plant essential oil in livestock and poultry productionXue Ping(Department of Animal Science,Fujian Vocational College of Agriculture,Fuzhou350119)Abastract Plant essential oil is the secondary metabolite in the plant body,adding it to the feed for livestock and poultry production can improve the palatability of the feed,increase the conversion rate of the feed,and promote the growth of animals.This paper briefly introduces the extraction method of plant essential oil,analyzes the mechanism of action of plant essential oil,and summarizes the practical application progress of plant essential oil in livestock and poultry production,so as to provide reference for colleagues..Key words Plant essential oil Extract Mechanism Livestock and poultry Application植物精油是指从植物中提取而出的具有强烈气味和香味的挥发性液体,诱食、抗菌、杀菌、抗病毒、抗氧化、抗虫、抗肿瘤、解热镇痛、祛痰止咳、促进胃肠道健康、促消化、抗寄生虫和提高免疫、促生长、改进饲料利用率、提高生产性能、改善畜禽肉质、净化空气等功能,可在畜禽生产中作为促生长剂、天然饲料抗氧化剂、防霉剂进行应用,是很好的新型安全、高效、无毒害的抗生素替代品,在畜禽生产领域应用价值较突出%农业农村部已批准将多种类型植物精油应用于畜禽生产领域饲料作物添加物。



公共营养师常见英语词汇汇总 Aacceptable daily intake (ADI每人每日容许摄入量acclimatization 气候适应accumulate 蓄积acetylandromedol 乙酰柽木醇毒acceptable risk level 可接受的危险水平 acid-forming food 成酸性食品Achromobacterium 无色菌属Act for preventing the adulteration of articles ex food and drink 防止饮食品掺假法activator 激活剂,活化剂actomyosin 肌凝蛋白acute toxicity test 急性毒性试验additive action 相加作用adipose tissue 脂肪组织administrative rule 行政规范adrenal cortical hormone 肾上腺皮质激素 adsorption 吸附,吸附作用aerobic repiration 有氧呼吸aflatoxin 黄曲霉毒素after-ripeness 后熟Agaricus 伞草属Agrostemma githago L. 麦仙翁alamine 丙氨酸albumin 白蛋白 albuminuria 蛋白尿alcohol 酒精alimentary codex 食品法规Alkaligenes 产碱杆菌属allowance 供给量alpha-BHC a-六六六alpha hemolytic streptococcu 甲型溶血性链球菌Alternaria 交链孢霉aluminum hydroxide 氢氧化铝aluminum sulfate 硫酸铝Alzheimer's dementia 早老性痴呆(阿耳茨海默痴呆Amanita muscaria 毒蝇伞Amanita pantherina 豹斑毒伞Amanita phalloides 毒伞Amanita verna 白毒伞Amanita virosa 鳞柄白毒伞amaranth 苋莱红amatoxins 毒伞八肽类Ames test Ames 试验,艾姆斯试验amino acid pattern 氨基酸模式ammonia 氨Amoeba 阿米巴属,阿米巴原虫,变形虫属 amphetamin chloride 冰毒amygdalin 苦杏仁甙amyl nitrite 亚硝基异戊酯amylose 直链淀粉amylopectin 支链淀粉anabolism 合成代谢anaerobic respiration 厌氧呼吸Andersen`s disease 安德森病angular stomatitis 口角炎anion exchange resins 阴离子交换树脂 anisatin 毒八角亭antagonistic action 拮抗作用 anthraquinone 蒽醌anti-cancer drugs 抗癌药物 antiketogenesis 抗生酮作用antioxidant 抗氧化剂antitrypsin 抗胰蛋白酶anthropometry 人体测量学apatite 磷灰石apparent digestibility 表现消化率 appetite 食欲apoferritin 脱铁铁蛋白apolipoprotein 载脂蛋白applied nutrition 应用营养aquatic organism 水生生物aquatic product 水产品arachidonic acid 花生四烯酸arcus senilis 老年环arginine 精氨酸arsenic 砷Arthrinium 节菱孢属Ascaris lumbricoides 蛔虫Ascaris vermicularis 蛲虫 Ascomycetes 子囊菌纲ascorbate 抗坏血酸盐ascorbic acid 抗坏血酸Aspergillus 曲霉属Aspergillus albicans 白曲霉 Aspergillus candidus 亮白曲霉Aspergillus flavus 黄曲霉Aspergillus fumigatus 烟曲霉Aspergillus glaucus 灰绿曲霉Aspergillus nidulans 构巢曲霉Aspergillus niger 黑曲霉Aspergillus niveus 霉白曲霉Aspergillus ochraceus 赭曲霉Aspergillus parasiticus 寄生曲霉 Aspergillus restrictus 局限曲霉 Aspergillus terreus 土曲霉Aspergillus ustus 焦曲霉Aspergillus versicolor 采色曲霉 Aspergillus wentti 温特曲霉 atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化autophagy 自吞噬availability 可利用率avidin 抗生物素蛋白azide 重氮化合物BBacillus anthracis 炭疽杆菌Bacillus cereous 蜡样芽胞杆菌Bacillus erysipelatos-suis 猪丹毒杆菌 Bacillus subtilis 枯草杆菌Bacillus tuberculosis bovis 牛型结核杆菌 bacon 咸猪肉bacterial mutation test 细菌诱变试验 bacteriocidal substance 杀菌物质bacteriophage 噬菌体balanced diet 平衡膳食balance test 平衡实验Balantidium coli 结肠小袋绦虫 B.alcaligenes metalcaligenes 粪产碱杆菌 barley 大麦basal metabolic rate, BMR 基础代谢率 basal metabolism 基础代谢base-forming food 成碱性食品 Basidiomycetes 担子菌纲bean curd 豆腐bean curd blade 百叶bean sprout 豆芽beet 甜菜beetle 甲虫类benefit-risk analysis 利害分析 benzimidazole 苯骈咪唑benz (a anthracene (BA 苯并(a 蒽 benzo (a pyrene (B (a P 苯并(a 芘 benzylamine oxidase 苄胺氧化酶beriberi 脚气病beta-BHC β-六六六β-carotene β-胡萝卜素beta hemolytic streptococcus 乙型溶血性链球菌betanin 甜菜苷BHC ; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexachlorocyclohexane 六六六bilirubin 胆红素biliverdin 胆绿素bilobol 白果(二酚bioconcentration 生物富集,生物浓集 biodeterioration 生物危害bioenergetics 生物能量学biofeedback 生物反馈biohazard 生物危害biological concentration 生物富集,生物浓集biological expansion 生物性膨胀(罐头 biological half-time 生物半减期 biological prevention 生物防治biological value 生物价(生理价值 biosynthesis 生物合成biotin 生物素biotransformation 生物转化biotransport 生物转运bis (P-chlorophenyl acetic acid pp'-滴滴埃1, l'-bis (P-chlorophenyl -2, 2——dichloroethane pp′ -滴滴滴1, l'-bis (P-chlorophenyl -2,2-dichloroethylene pp′ -滴滴伊1, 1'-bis (P-chlorophenyl -2, 2, 2trichloroethane pp′—滴滴涕Bitot`s spots(patches 结膜干燥,比托斑点bitter almond kernel 苦杏仁bittern 盐卤Biuron 敌草隆bleach 漂荡,预煮bleaching agent 漂白剂blindness 盲,视觉缺失blood clam 蚶body mass index, BMI 体重指数botulin (botulismotoxin 肉毒菌毒素 botulism 肉毒中毒Bouin's solution 鲍音液Bovine Sponglform EncephalopathyBSE疯牛病bran 糠branched chain amino acid 支链氨基酸 breakdown 分解breast milk 母乳broad bean 蚕豆bromethane 溴甲烷bromomethane ; methyl bromide 溴甲烷 brown rice 糙米Brucella 布氏杆菌属Brucelliasis 布氏杆菌病B.subtilis test 桔草杆菌试验 B.thermophilie flat sour 嗜热性平酸苗 butenolide 丁烯酸内酯butylated hydroxyanisole 丁基羟基茴香醚 butylated hydroxytoluene 二丁基羟基甲苯 B.welchii (B.perfringens 韦氏杆菌(产气荚膜杆菌Ccachexia 恶病质cadaverine 尸胺cadmium 镉cadmium carbonate 碳酸镉cadmium chlorate 氯酸镉 cadmium hydroxide 氢氧化镉cadmium nitrate 硝酸镉cadmium sulfide 硫化镉caffeine 咖啡碱calciferol 钙化醇calcitonin , CT 降钙素calcium 钙caloric quotient 热能系数calorie 卡(路里calorifacient 生热的,产热的calorimeter 测热计,热量计calorimetry 测热法Camplobacter fetus subsp.jejuni 胎儿弯曲菌空肠亚种Camplobacterjejuni 空肠弯曲菌Candida 假丝酵母,念珠菌属cannabidiol 大麻二酚cannabinol 大麻酚cannabis seed oil poisining 大麻子油中毒 canned food 罐头食品capsanthin 辣椒红caramel 酱色,焦糖carbamate 氨基甲酸酯carbohydrate 碳水化物carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶carcinogen 致癌物carcinogenicity test 致癌试验carithamine 红花黄色素carnitine 肉毒碱casein 酪蛋白cassava 木薯catabolism 分解代谢cation exchange resins 阳离子交换树脂 cell transformation test 细胞转化试验cellulose 纤维素ceramics 陶瓷ceruloplasmin 血浆铜蓝蛋白cesium 铯chemical expansion 化学性膨胀(罐头 chemical engineering ,chemical industry, chemical technolog 化工chemical pollution 化学污染chemical prevention 化学防治Chlorella 小球藻属chlorinated hydrocarbon, organochlorine 氯化烃,有机氯chlorogenic acid 绿原酸cholesterol 胆固醇cholecal ciferol 维生素 D3,胆钙化醇 choline esterase 胆碱酯酶chromium 铬chromosome 染色体chromosome abberation 染色体畸变 chromosome aberration assay test 染色体畸变分析试齄chronic mercury poisoning 慢性汞中毒 chronic toxicity test 慢性毒性试验chylomicron 乳糜微粒cigarette 香烟Citreoviridin 黄绿青霉素citrinin 桔青霉素 Cladosporium 枝孢属clam 蛤Clavus secalinus 麦角Claviceps purpurea Tulasne 麦角菌cleaner 洗涤剂cleaning 净化cleavage of phosphide ester linkage 磷酯键裂解cleft palate 腭裂Clitocybe 杯伞属Clostridium 芽胞杆菌属Clostridium botulinum 内毒杆菌 Clostridium butylicum 丁酸杆菌 Clostridium perfringens 产气荚膜杆菌 coagulant 凝固剂coagulase 凝固酶cobalt 钴cobalt chloride 氯化钻coffee 咖啡colchicine 秋水仙碱cold frozen 冷冻cold press 冷榨cold sterilization 冷灭菌cold storage 冷藏coliform group 大肠菌群colitap 大肠菌快速检验纸片coli test 大肠杆菌试验colliod 胶体colloid system 胶体系统colonization factor antigen, CFA 定居因子抗原complementary action 互补作用 concentrated milk 浓缩奶concentration factor 浓集系数condensed milk 炼乳congenital mercury poisoning 先天性汞中毒conglycinin 伴大豆球蛋白conjunctival dryness 结膜干燥 contaminants in food 食品污染物 contaminants of biological origin 生物性污染物contaminants of chemical origin 化学性污染物contaminants of radioactive origin 放射性污染物contamination 污染control organ of food hygiene食品卫生监督机构control system of food hygiene食品卫生监督制copper 铜corn cockle seed 麦仙翁籽corn soybean milk (CSM 玉米大豆乳 coronary heart disease 冠心病cowmilk 牛乳Coxsackie virus 柯沙奇病毒crayfish 蝲蛄critical porion 敏感期cumulative coefficient 蓄积系数 cumulative toxicity index 蓄积毒性系数cumulative toxicity test 蓄积毒性试验 Curcuma longa 姜黄curcumin 姜黄素β-cyanoalanine β-氰丙氨酸cyanogenetic glycoside plant poisoning 含氰甙植物中毒cyanogenetic glycoside 含氰甙 cyanomethemoglobin 氰化正铁血红蛋白 cycasin 苏铁素cyclamate 环己氨基磺酸盐cyclic N-nitroso compoun环状 N-亚硝基化台钧cyclochlorotine 环氯素cysteine 半胱氨酸cystine 胱氨酸cytochrome 细胞色素cytochrome oxidase 细胞色素氧化酶Ddaily dietary allowance 每日膳食供给量 Datura stramonium L. 蔓陀萝day blindness 昼盲(症daylily 黄花莱,金针莱21-day survival index 21天哺育成活率 2, 4-D ; 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2, 4-D ; 2, 4-二氯苯氧醋酸DDVP ; dichlorvos ; dichlorphos 敌敌畏 dealkylation 脱烷基化作用deamination 脱氨基作用Debaryomyces 德巴利氏酵母属decimal reduction time (DRT 90%递减时间diarrhea 腹泻difference between individuals 个体差异 delayed neurotoxicity 迟发性神经毒作用delayed neurotoxicity test 迟发神经毒性试验delta-BHC δ-六六六Demeton , systox 内吸磷Density of energy 热能密度Density of nutrient 营养素密度dental plaque 斑牙deoxyadenosylcobalamin 腺苷钴胺酸 Deoxynivalenol (DON 脱氧雪腐镰刀菌醇descendant 子系体,后代Deuteromycetes (Imperfect fungi 半知茵纲(不完全菌纲dhurrin 蜀黍氰甙diabetes mellitus, DM 糖尿病diabetic ketoacidosis 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 diacetoxyscirpenol 二醋酸熏草镰刀菌烯醇 dialycerides 甘油二脂Diazinon 二嗪农dibenz (a , h anthracene , DBA 二苯并(a , h 蒽dichloro-diphenyltrichloroethane ; 1, 1, 1-trichloro-2, 2-bis(P-chlorophenyl ethan 滴滴涕(DDTdientamoeba fragilis 脆双核阿米巴diet 膳食,饮食dietary 食谱,饮食的dietary history 饮食习惯 dietary fiber 膳食纤维dietary guidelines 膳食指南dietary recall 膳食回顾dietary reference values, DRVs 膳食参考量difference between species 种间差异 digestibility 消化率digestion 消化dihydrochalcone 二氢查耳酮 dihydronivalenone 二氢雪腐烯酮 dihydrosafrole 二氢黄樟素1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol 1, 25-二羟维生素 D37, 12-dimethylbenz (a anthracene ; 7, 12-DMBA 7, 12-二甲基苯并(a 蒽dioxin 二噁英direct calorimetry 直接测热法 discrimination factor 差异系数diterpene 双萜dithion 畜虫磷diverticulosis 憩室病DNA repair synthesis test DNA修复合成试验domestic animal 家畜dominant lethal test 显性致死试验 dopamine-β-hydroxylase 多巴胺 -β-羟化酶dose-effect (dose-response relationship 剂量效应(反应关系drogs 废渣dried bean curd 豆腐干Drosophila melanogaster recessive lethal test 果蝇隐性致死试验Drosophila recessive lethal assay 果蝇隐性致死试验duodenum 十二指肠dwarfism 矮小,侏儒症dystrophic hyperkeratosis 营养不良性角化过度Eeating out 出外用膳eating patterns 饮食习惯Echinococcus granulosus 细粒棘球绦虫 ECHO virus 埃柯病毒ecosystemic equipoise 生态平衡edema 水肿Edible microorganismus 食用微生物elastin 弹性蛋白elderly 老年人elementary school 小学Embadomonas intestinalis 肠内滴虫 emulsion 乳胶,乳浊剂,乳剂emulsoid 乳胶体energy 热能energy coefficient 能量系数endemic arsenic poisoning 地方性砷中毒 endemic cretinism 地方性克汀病endemic disease 地方病endemic fluorine poisoning 地方性氟中毒 endopeptidase 肽链内切酶 endosperm 胚乳energy requirment 热能需要量Engel's index 恩格尔指数enrichment 强化(食品enterogastrone 肠抑胃素enterogenous cyanosis 肠原性青紫 enteroinvasive E.Coli 肠侵袭性大肠杆菌enteropathogenic E.Coli 肠致病性大肠杆菌 enterotoxigenic E.Coli 肠产毒性大肠杆菌enterotoxin 肠毒素epinephrine 肾上腺素epiphysis 松果体,骨骺epithollium 上皮epoxide 环氧化物12, 13-epoxytrichothecenes 12, 13-环氧单端孢霉烯族化合物ergocalciferol 麦角骨化醇,维生素 D2 ergometrine 麦角新碱ergometrinine 麦角异新碱ergot 麦角ergotamine 麦角胺ergotism 麦角中毒ergotoxine 麦角毒Erwinia 欧文菌属erythocytes 红细胞erythroskyrin 红天精Escherichia 埃希菌属Esherichia coli 大肠杆菌essential amino acid 必需氨基酸essential fatty acid 必需脂肪酸 esterification 酯化(作用estimated safe and adequate intake 安全适当的建议摄入量estrogen 雌激素ethion 乙硫磷ethnic 人种的,人种学的Eumycetes 真菌纲evaporated milk 脱脂牛奶FFacioletta ilocana 伊族棘口吸虫fallout 沉降灰FAO/WHO Joint Committee of Alimentary Codex (CA-C FAO/WHO食品卫生法规联合委员会farina 面粉,淀粉Fasciola hepatica 肝片吸虫Fasciolopsis 姜片虫属Fasciols heterophyes 异形吸虫fast-food 快餐fat 脂肪Fat-soluble vitamins 脂溶性维生素fatty acid 脂酸fecundation index 受孕率Federal Radiation Council, FRC 美国联邦辐射委员会feeding test for 90 days 90天喂养试验 feeding test for 7 days 7天喂养试验Federal Food Drugs and Cosmetic Act 联邦食品药品化妆品法(美国Fenthion 倍疏磷(百治屠 fermented tea 发酵茶Fermentive corn flour 酵(臭米面 Fermentive corn flour intoxication 酵 (臭米面食物中毒fern 蕨类(羊齿植物ferritin 铁蛋白ferroxidase 铁氧化酶fertilizer (化学肥料F-2 estrogenic mycotoxin F-2 雌性发情毒素Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, FAS 胎儿酒精症候群fetus 胎儿fiber 纤维fibrin 纤维蛋白fibrinogen 纤维蛋白原finless eel 蟮鱼fish 鱼,鱼类fishery 渔业fishing ground 渔场flatulence factor 胃肠胀气因子 Flavobacterium 黄杆菌属Flavobacterum farinofermentans 酵米面黄杆茴flavonoid 黄酮类化合物fluorene 芴fluoride 氟化物fluorine 氟fluorosis 氟中毒flour tortillas 墨西哥薄饼fluid balance 体液平衡fluoride 氟化物fluorosis 氟中毒folacin 叶酸folic acid 叶酸food additive 食品添加剂Food and Argriculture Organization , FAO 联合国粮农组织Food and Drug Administration (FDA of U.S. 美国食品与药物管理局food chain 食物链food colour 食用色素food composition 食物成分food contamination 食品污染food fortifier 食品强化剂food grain other than wheat and rice 杂粮food hygiene 食品卫生学food hygiene law 食品卫生法food hygienic quality detection 食品卫生质量鉴定food origin disease 食源性疾病food poisoning 食物中毒Food toxicology 食品毒理学Food Safety Council of U.S. 美国食品安全性协会food spoilage 食品腐败变质food stamp 食品券food storage 食品贮存foot-and-mouth disease virus 口蹄疫病毒 fortification 加强,强化fresh water crab 河蟹 fresh water fish 淡水鱼fried bean curd 油豆腐fruitarian 果食者full blood count 全血计数fumigant 熏蒸剂fungi 真菌fungicide 杀菌剂fusarenon-X 镰刀菌烯酮 -XFusarium 镰刀菌属Fusarium equiseti 木贼镰刀菌Fusarium graminearum 禾谷镰刀菌 Fusarium lateritium 砖红镰刀菌 Fusarlum moniliforme 串株镰刀菌 Fusarium nivale 雪腐镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum 尖孢镰刀菌Fusarlum poae 梨孢镰刀菌Fusarlum roseum 粉红镰刀菌Fusarlum scripi 藤草镰刀菌Fusarium semitectum 半裸镰刀菌 Fusarinm solani 茄病镰刀菌Fusarium sporotrichioides 拟枝孢镰刀菌 Fusarium spp. 镰刀菌Fusarium toxin 镰刀菌毒素Fusarfum tricinctum 三线镰刀菌Ggalactotransferase 半乳糖转移酶gamma-BHC γ-六六六gamma streptococcus 丙型链球菌grain embryo 谷胚(芽garlic 大蒜gastroenteric irritant 胃肠刺激物 gellyfish 诲蜇gelsemine 钩吻碱gene mutation 基因突变genetically modified food, GMF 转基因食品geo-chemical disease 地球化学性疾病 germination 发芽Giardia lamblia 贾兰第鞭毛虫Gibberella zeae 玉米赤霉ginkgo biloba L. 银杏,白果ginkgolic acid 白果酸Glass can 玻璃罐头glossitis 舌炎glucagon 胰高血糖素glucogenesis 葡萄糖生成glucogenic amino acid 生糖氨基酸glucose 葡萄糖glucosinolate 芥子甙glutamic acid 谷氨酸glucuronide 葡糖苷酸glutathione 谷胱甘肽glycemic index 血糖生成指数glycolysis 糖酵解Gnathostoma spinigerum 棘聘口线虫 glutathione peroxdase 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶glutinous rice 糯米goitrogen 致甲状腺肿因子Good Manufacture Practice (IMP 良好生产工艺 gossypol 棉酚grain , cereal 谷类grain husk 谷皮grain moth 谷蠹grain peat 大谷盗grain processing 粮食加工green food 绿色食品grind 碾磨grind into thick liquid 磨浆guaiac 愈创木脂gustin 味觉素Gymnopilus spectabi1is 桔黄裸伞 gypsum 石膏Gyromitra esculenta 鹿花蕈 Gyromitrin 鹿花蕈素Hafnia 哈夫尼亚菌属hallucinogen 幻觉原Halobacterium 嗜盐杆菌属Halococcus 嗜盐球菌属Hansenula 汉逊酵母属harelip (cleft lip 唇裂heat-labile toxin, LT 不耐热肠毒素 heat-stable toxin, ST 耐热肠毒素 heavy metal 重金属Heliotroplum lascocarpum 毛果洋茉莉 helminth 蠕虫hemagglutinin 血细胞凝集素heme 血红素hemicellulose 半纤维素hemoglobin 血红蛋白hemolytic toxin 溶血毒素hemosiderin 血铁黄素herbicide 除草剂heroin 海洛因,吗啡high density lipoprotein 高密度脂蛋白 high density lipoprotein cholesterin, HDL-C 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇histamine 组胺histidine 组氨酸HT-2 toxin HT-2毒素hydrazine 肼,联氨hydrogenation 氢化作用hydrogen cyanide 氢氰酸hydrolysis 水解作用hydrometer (液体比重计hydrometry 液体比重测定法hydroxyapatite 羟磷灰石 hydroxycholecalciferol 羟基胆固醇化钙, 25-羟维生素D3hydroxocobalamine 羟钴胺素 hydroxyergocalciferol 羟基麦角钙化醇, 25-羟维生素 D2Hymonolepis diminuta 长膜壳绦虫 hyperactivity 功能亢进的hypercholesterolemia 高胆固醇血症 hyperlipaemia 高脂蛋白血症hypertension 高血压hypervitaminosis 维生素过多症 hypocalcemia 低钙血症Ibotenic acid 鹅膏鼙氨酸Idiopathic hypogeusia 自发性味觉减退 Illicium anisatum L. 山大茴,毒茴香,假茴香,次大料Implantation period 着床期incidence of parturition 妊娠率income elasticity 收入弹性index of nutritional quality (INQ 营养质量指数indicator of food hygiene quality 食品卫生质量指标indigo carmine 靛蓝胭脂红indirect calorimetry 间接测热法indole 吲哚(靛基质Inocybe 丝盖伞属inodized salt 碘盐insecticide 杀虫剂inspector of food hygiene 食品卫生监督员 insulin 胰岛素International Commission on Radiological Protection ; ICRP 国际放射防护委员会iodine 碘iodin deficiency disorders 碘缺乏病 ionization theory 离子化学说iron 铁islanditoxin 岛青霉毒素isoleucine 异亮氨酸isosafrole 异黄樟素lsothiocyanates 异硫氰酸酯Isospora hominis 人等胞子球虫Isoxazole derivative 异噁唑衍生物joule 焦耳junior food 幼儿食品Kahagawa phenomenon 神奈川现象kelp 海带kerantin 角蛋白ketogenic amino acid 生酮氨基酸ketosis 酮病kilocalorie 千卡Kilojoule 干焦Klebsiella 克雷伯菌属Konwey's dish 康威皿kwashiorkor 恶性营养不良KLabeling of INQ INQ标志(营养质量指数标志lac insect 紫胶虫lactation 泌乳,哺乳Lactarius 乳菇属Lactobacilius 乳杆菌属L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methylester 天门冬酰苯丙氨酸甲酯lathyrism 山黧豆中毒lead 铅lead linear 铅线lead load 铅负荷leaf protein 叶蛋白lean body mass 瘦体质lean meat 瘦肉lecithin 卵磷脂leptin 瘦素leucine 亮氨酸L-α,γ-diamlnobutyric acid L-α,γ-二氨基丁酸life-span toxicity test 终生毒性试验 lignin 木质素limiting amino acid 限制氨基酸linamarin 亚麻苦甙,棉豆甙lindane 林丹linolenic acid 亚麻酸linolie acid 亚油酸linuron ,N′ -(3, 4-dichlorophenyl N-methoxy-N-methylurea 利谷隆lipase 脂肪酶lipid 脂类lipoids 类脂质lipoprotein 脂蛋白lithium 锂live birth index 出生成活率liverfluke 肝吸虫Lolium temulentum L. 毒麦long term toxicity test 长期毒性试验 low density lipoprotein 低密度脂蛋白 low density lipoprotein cholesterin , LDL-C 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇lungfluke 肺吸虫Lycopene 番茄红素lysine 赖氨酸lysyloxidase 赖氨酰氧化酶Mmacrocytic anemia, macrocyte 巨红细胞 macroelement 宏量元素Mad Cow Disease 疯牛病magnesium 镁maize 玉米malathion , Karbofos 马拉硫磷malnutrition 营养不良mammitis , mastitis 乳房炎management of food hygiene 食品卫生管理 management of food poisoning 食物中毒管理manganese 锰manibot utilissima 木薯marasmus 消瘦,消耗marine fish 海鱼matrix 基质maximum no-effect level (MNL 最大无作用量maximum probable number of coliform group 大肠菌群最近似数maximum no-effect dose 最大无作用剂量 maximum residue limit 最高容许残留量 maximum residue limit 最大残留限量meat factor 肉类因子medium lethal dose (LD50 半数致死量 megajoule 兆焦megaloblastic anemia, megalobast 巨幼红细胞melanin 黑色素mercury 汞metabolic antagonist 代谢拮抗物metabolic half-life (Ti 代谢半衰期 metabolism 代谢 metabolism test of xenobiotics 外来化合物代谢试验Metagonimus Yokogawai 横川后殖吸虫 Metallic toxicant 金属毒物metallothionein , MT 金属硫蛋白 methemoglobinemia 高铁血红蛋白血症methemoglobin reductase 高铁血红蛋白还原酶methionine 蛋氨酸methyl 2-benzimidazole-carbamate (MBC 多菌灵methylene blue 亚甲蓝,美蓝3-methyleholanthrene (3-MCA 3-甲基胆蒽 4-methylimidazole 4-甲基咪唑Micrococcus 微球菌属Micrococcus roseum 玫瑰微球菌 microelement 微量元素micronucleus test 微核试验microsome mediated assay 微粒体间介试验 millet 小米milk curd 凝乳milker 挤奶器milk sugar, lactose 乳糖mineral 无机盐minimal effect level 最小有作用剂量 minimium observed adverse effect level (LOAEL 最小可见损害作用水平miscible calcium pool混溶钙池mite 螨类mitochondrion 线粒体mixed polysaccharide 杂多糖moisture absorption 吸湿性molasses 糖蜜mollusc 软体动物molybdenum 铝monascorubin 红粬红素Monascus purpureus 紫红粬霉 moniliformin 串珠镰刀菌素Monoamine oxidase 单胺氧化酶 monoglyceride 单酸甘油脂 monosacchavide 单糖monosodium glutamate 谷氨酸钠,味精 monomethylhydrazine 甲基联氨monounsaturated 单不饱和的monuron ,N′ -(P-chlorophenyl -N , N-dimethylurea 灭草隆moral rule 道德规范mottling of teeth 斑牙症mouse 鼠类mouse unit, MU 小鼠单位Mucor 毛霉属mung bean 绿豆muscarine 毒蝇碱muscimol 毒蝇母mutagenicity test 致突变试验 myoglobin 肌红蛋白myosin 肌球蛋白myristic acid 豆蔻酸NNADH-dehydrogenase 还原型辅酶 I 脱氢酶β-N-(γ-L-glutamyl -aminopropionitrile β-N- (γ-L-谷氨酰基氨基丙腈naringin dihydrochalcone 柚苷二氢查耳酮 natural radioactive background 天然放射性本底natural radionuclide 天然放射性核索 negative nitrogen balance 负氮平衡neohesperidin dihydrochalcone 新橙皮苷二氢查耳酮neo-solaniol 新茄病镰刀菌烯醇net protein utilization 蛋白质净利用率 neurotoxicant 神经毒neurotoxic esterase 神经毒素酶neutral fat 中性脂肪new resources of food 食物新资源niacin 烟酸,尼克酸,维生素 PPnicotinic acid 尼克酸nickel 镍night blindness 夜昼(症nisin 乳酸链球苗肽nitrile 腈nitrite 亚硝酸盐nitrite poisoning 亚硝酸盐中毒nitrogen soluble index (NSI 氮溶解指数nitrophen , 2, 4-dichloro-1-(4′ -nitrophenoxy benzene 除草醚 nivalenol 雪腐镰刀菌烯醇,瓜萎镰菌醇nivalenol diacetate 二醋酸雪腐镰刀菌烯醇 N-nitramine N-硝胺N-nitrosamide N-亚硝酰胺N-nitrosamidine N-亚硝基脒N-nitrosamine N-亚硝胺N-nitroso carbaryl N—亚硝西维因N-nitroso-compound N-亚硝基化合物N-nitrosodiethanolamine 二乙醇 -N-亚硝胺 N-nitrosodiethylamine 二乙基 -N-亚硝胺 N-nltrosodimethylamine 二甲基 -N-亚硝胺 N-nitrosomorpholine N-亚硝基吗啉N-nitrosopiperazidine(N-nitrosopiperazine N-亚硝基哌嗪 N-nitrosopiperidine N-亚磺基哌啶N-niterosopyrrolidine N-亚硝基吡咯烷 N-nitroso sugar amino acids N-亚硝基糖氨基酸N-nitrosourea N-亚硝基脲non-essential amino acid 非必需氨基酸 non-fermented tea 未发酵茶no-observed-adverse-effect level(NOAEL 无明显损害作用水平no-observed-effect level(NOEL 无明显作用水平norepinephrine 去甲肾上腺素 nordihydroguaiaretic acid 去甲二氢愈创木酸γ-N-oxalyl-L-α,β-diaminobutyric acid γ-N-草酰 -L-α,β-二氨基丁酸β-N-oxalyl-L-α,β-diaminopropionic acidβ-N-草酰 -L-α,β-二氨基丙酸nucleotide 核苷酸nutrient 营养素nutritional ecology 营养生态学 nutritional hygiene 营养卫生学nutritional iron deficiency anemia , IDA 营养缺铁性贫血nutritional marasmus 营养消瘦症nutritional requirement 营养素生理需要量 nutritional surveillance 营养监测Oobesity 肥胖,肥胖症ochratoxin 赭曲霉毒素oils 油类oilseed cake 油籽饼oil-seed meal 油籽饼粉one-carbon unit 一碳单位onion 洋葱,葱头Opisthorchis felineus 猫后皋吸虫 Opisthorchis (clonorchis sinensis 华支睾吸虫opium 鸦片opsin 视蛋白Oranoleptic indicator 感官指标organelle 细胞器organoarsenic 有机砷organomercury 有机汞organophosphorus 有机磷osmotic pressure 渗透压ossification 骨化(作用osteoblast 成骨细胞osteoclast 破骨细胞osteomalacia 骨软化(症osteoporosis 骨质疏松症o-sulfobenzoic acid 邻磺基苯甲酸 overweight 超重oxalate 草酸盐oxalic acid 草酸oxidation 氧化oxidative phosphorylation 氧化磷酸化 oxyhemoglobin 氧合血红蛋白oyster 牡蛎Ppalmitic acid 软脂酸Panaeolus 花褶伞属pantothenic acid, pantothen 泛酸 Paragonismus westermani 卫氏并殖吸虫Paramecium caudatum 尾草履虫Parathion , Thiophos , 1605 对硫磷 parathyroid hormone, parathyrin 甲状旁腺素pasterpowderlayer (a1eurone layer 糊粉层pasteurization 巴氏消毒法patulin 展青霉素pectin transeliminase 果胶反排除酶 pellagra 糙皮症,玉米红斑病Penicillium 青霉菌属Penicillium citreo-viride 黄绿青霉 Penicillium citrinum 桔青霉Penicillium claviforme 棒形青霉 Penicillium cyclopium 圆孤青霉 Penicillium decumbens 斜卧青霉Penicilllum expansum 扩展青霉Penicillium fellutanum 瘿青霉Penicillium implicatum 纠缠青霉 Penicillium islandicum 岛青霉Penicillium lividum 铅色青霉Penicillium ochrosalmoneum 棕鲜色肯霉, 棕蛙色青霉Penicillium patulum 展青霉Penicillium pullviLlorum 垫状青霉 Penicillium rubrum 红色青霉Penicillium viridicatum 纯绿色肯霉 peptide 肽,肽段peracetic acid 过氧乙酸peristalsis 蠕动pesticide 农药pest to store (store pests 仓库虫害 peripheral nutrition, PPN 外周静脉营养phallotoxins 毒伞七肽类Phaseolus vulgaris L .四季豆,莱豆角,芸豆角phenylalanine 苯丙氨酸phenylketonuria , PKU 苯丙酮尿症 phospholipid 磷脂phorate , E13911 甲拌磷,(3911 phosphatide 磷脂phospholipid 磷脂phosphorus 磷phosvitin 卵黄高磷蛋白Photobacterium phosphorescens 磷光发光菌 Phycomycetes 藻菌纲physical expansion 物理性膨胀(罐头 physiological hyaluronidase inhibitor 生理透明质酸抑制剂physiological nutrition requirment 营养生理需要量phytate 植酸盐phytic acid 植酸phytohemagglutinin (PHA 植物凝血素 Pichia 毕赤酵母属pigeon chest 鸡胸Plankton 浮游生物plant 植物plant growth regulator 植物生长调节素 plant sterol 植物固醇plastic can 塑料罐头platelet stickness 血小板粘结poliomyelitis virus 小儿麻痹症病毒 polonium 钋polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH 多环芳烃类polyoxyethylene ether 聚氧乙烯醚 polysaccharide polymerase 多糖聚合酶polyunsaturated fatty acid 多不饱和脂肪酸ponceau 4R 胭脂红,丽春红 4Rpoppy 罂粟porphyria 紫质症porphyrin 卟啉positive nitrogen balance 正氮平衡 potassium 钾practical residue limit 实际残留限量 prandial 膳食的precursor 前体物preservative 防腐剂press 压榨Propionibacterium 丙酸杆菌属 propylgallate 没食子酸丙酯prostaglandin 前列腺素protease 蛋白酶protective effect 防护作用protein 蛋白质protein concentrate 浓缩蛋白protein efficiency ratio 蛋白质功效比值 protein-energy malnutrition, PEM 蛋白质热能缺乏性营养不良protein isolate 分离蛋白protein sparing action 蛋白质节约作用 Proteus 变形杆菌属proteus food poisoning 变形杆菌食物中毒 Proteus mirabilis 奇异变形杆菌Proteus morganli 莫根变形杆菌Proteus vulgaris 普通变形杆菌 protoplasmic toxin 原浆毒素Proteus rettgeri 雷特洛变形杆菌,雷极氏变形杆菌prunasin 洋李甙Pseudoanisatin 伪毒八角亭Pseudomonas 假单胞菌属Pseudomonas fluorescens 荧光假单胞菌 Pseudomonas syncyanca 产蓝假单胞菌Pseudomonas synxantha 产黄假单胞菌 psilocin 脱磷酸光盖伞素Psilocybe 光盖伞属psilocybin 光盖伞素puckery 味涩putrescine 腐胺pyridoxine 吡哆醇,维生素 B6pyrimidine 嘧啶pyrrolidine alkaloids 吡咯烷生物碱类 Rradioactive pollution 放射性污染(公害 radioactive contamination 放射性污染radionuclide 放射性核素radium 镭rational diet 合理膳食recommended daily dietary allowance (RDA 推荐每日膳食供给量recommended program of food safety evaluation 食品安全性评价程序建议red bean 赤豆reductase 还原酶reference men and women 参考人 reproduction test 繁殖试验reproduction test by feeding 喂养繁殖试验requirement 需要量residue 残留resistin 抵抗素respiratory chain 呼吸链retinoic acid 视黄酸retinol 视黄醇 retinol equivalent 视黄醇当量Rhizopus 根霉属rhodanase 硫氰酸酶Rhodophyllus 粉褶辈属Rhodotorula 红酵母属riboflavin 核黄素,维生素 B2ribosome 核糖体rice 稻米rice weevil 米象ricin 蓖麻毒素,蓖麻毒蛋白ricinine 蓖麻碱ricinism 蓖麻中毒Ricinus communis L. 蓖麻rickets 佝偻病rodenticide 杀鼠药Rogor , dimethoate , Roxion 乐果 Rosaceae 蔷薇科rubropunctatin 红斑素rye 黑麦Ssaccharin 糖精Saccharomyces 酵母属safe crop period 安全收割期,安全施药间隔期safety coefficient 安全系数safflower 红花safrole 黄樟素saliva 唾液salivery amylase 唾液淀粉酶Salmonella 沙门菌属Salmonella aberdeen 阿伯丁沙门菌 Salmonella abortus equi 马流产沙门菌Salmonella abortus ovis 羊流产沙门菌 Salmonella anatis 鸭沙门菌Salmonella bovis morbificans 病牛沙门菌 Salmonella choleraesuis 猪霍乱沙门菌Salmonella derby 德尔卑沙门菌Salmonella dublin 都柏林沙门菌 Salmonella enteritidis 肠炎沙门菌 Salmonella heidelberg 海德堡沙门菌 Salmonella infantis 婴儿沙门菌 Salmonella kisangeni 桑盖尼沙门菌 Salmonella london 伦敦沙门菌Salmonella meleagridis 火鸡沙门菌 Salmonella newport 牛波特沙门菌,新港沙门菌Salmonella paratyphi A 甲型副伤寒汐门菌 Salmonella paratyphi B 乙型副伤寒沙门菌 Salmonella paratyphi C 丙型副伤寒沙门苗 Salmonella potsdam 波茨坦沙门菌Salmonella senftenberg 山夫顿堡抄门菌 Salmonella stanley 斯坦利沙门菌 Salmonella taksony 塔克松尼沙门菌 Salmonella thompson 汤卜逊沙门菌 Salmonella typhi 伤寒沙门菌Salmonella typhimurtum 鼠伤寒沙门菌 Salmonella typhimurium/mammals microsomal enzyme test 鼠伤寒沙门菌 /哺乳动物微粒体酶试验salt 食盐 sampling 采样saponin 皂素,皂甙sassafras 黄樟树satiety 饱腹感saturated fatty acid 饱和脂肪酸 scenedemine 栅列藻scopolamine 东莨菪碱,莨菪胺scurvy 坏血病sea crab 海蟹seed husk 种皮selenium 硒semi-fermented tea 半发酵茶Serratia 沙雷菌属serratia marcesens 粘质沙雷菌Sevin , Carbaryl 西维因sexual infantilism 性幼稚型shelflife 货架寿命shigella sonnei 宋内志贺菌shihimic acid 毒八角酸short term toxicity test 短期毒性试揸 silicon 硅single cell protein (SCP 单细胞蛋白 sister-chromatid exchange assay 姐妹染色单体互换试验sitoesterol 谷固醇skatole 甲基吲哚(粪臭素small for gestational age infant (SGAI 足月小样儿soaking 浸泡social nutrition 社会营养sodium copper chlorophyll 叶绿素铜钠盐sodium hydrosulfite 连二亚硫酸钠 sodium hyposulfite 硫代硫酸钠 sodium nitrite 亚硝酸钠 sodium pyrosulfite 焦亚硫酸钠 sodium selenite 亚硒酸钠。

LESSON_1_Nutrition 食品专业英语

LESSON_1_Nutrition   食品专业英语

Lesson 1 NutritionGLOSSARYnourishment 滋养;营养get along 过活;生存functioning 功能发挥;机能活动;机体运转。

文中指人体正常活动和体内代谢活动vital 生命的;生机的,维持生命所必需的intravenous feeding 静脉进食stages of life 生长阶段,如青春发育期、孕期、哺乳期等involved 涉及的;所论的;有关的。

文中the individuals involved,其中involved作后置定语用,修饰the individuals,意为有关人员currently available 目前可资利用的;普遍可以得到的。

文中作后置定语,修饰the dataguidelines 准则;标准Recommended Dietary Allowances “推荐膳食标准”, 简写“RDA”。

National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Food and Nutrition Board 美国科学院全国科学研究委员会食品营养研究所recommendations 推荐;建议。


本课中“be recommendation not average requirement ”可译为“是推荐量,不是平均需要量”make-up 性格;特质;体格;体质margin of safety 安全余量precursors 产物母体;前体on the other side of the coin 原意为硬币的另一面,现作为成语作另一方面解NOTES1) The person who wants to find the answer to the question “what should I eat for good nutrition? ” might easily become lost in the maze of informational corridors, confused by the wealth of technical information provided by scientists or misled by simplistic answers provided by those with products to sell.本句中who wants to find the answer to the question “what should I eat for good nutrition? ”为主语the person的定语从句,其中“what should I eat for good nutrition? ”是the question的同位语从句,说明the question,might easily become lost以及被略去might easily become以后的confused和misled是主句的三个并列谓语,其动词形式都是被动语态。

Effects of plant growth regulator on endogenous hormone levels during the period of the

Effects of plant growth regulator on endogenous hormone levels during the period of the

Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on Endogenous Hormone Levelsduring the Period of the Red Globe GrowthJuan HeCollege of Agriculture, Shihezi UniversityShihezi 832003, ChinaE-mail: hjmc111@Songlin Yu (corresponding author)College of Agriculture, Shihezi UniversityShihezi 832003, ChinaE-mail: songliny@Chao MaCollege of Agriculture, Shihezi UniversityShihezi 832003, ChinaE-mail:mchj111@AbstractObjective. The present study was aimed to elucidate the dynamic changes of endogenous hormone levels during the fruit growth and the changing regulation of endogenous hormone levels between normal and abnormal fruits. Methods. After using exog enous GA3 and GA3+6-BA, endog enous hormone levels such as indoleacetic acid(IAA), cytokinin(ZR), abscisic acid(ABA) and gibberellin(GA3) in normal fruits and rigid abnormal ones were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays(ELISA), respectively.Results. The results indicated that the treatments of 20mg/kg GA3 and the combination of 20mg/kg GA3+10 mg/kg 6-BA had no remarkable effects on increasing average weight of berries where the vertical diameter of grape fruits was long er than the transverse diameter. Exog enous hormone GA3 and GA3+6-BA mixture also affected the endog enous hormone levels. The content of IAA, ABA and ZR was lower in the rigid abnormal fruits than that in the normal ones, respectively, and those levels during the rapid g rowth period were nearly in accordance with those during the slow growth period.Conclusion. The fruit growth was closely related to the endogenous hormone levels.Keywords: Plant growth regulator, Grape, Fruit growth, Endogenous hormone1.IntroductionApplications of plant g rowth reg ulators have been focused by many researches in areas of plant physiolog y and nutriology(Pan, 1999, PP. 1-2, Amarjit, 2000, PP. 1-16). The regulators have been intensively and extensively applied for agriculture production, and played a vital role in the growth and development of plants. Along with the development of intensive cultivation of fruits, applications of regulators for controlling the growth of fruits have been progressively paid more attention (Ma, 1998, PP. 27-36).Phytohormone, used as trace signal molecule in plants, has very important significance in regulating all kinds of growth processes and environmental responses, and meanwhile , made great contribution to the agricultural chemical control of crops, fruits and veg etables (Xu, 2006, PP. 433-442). Phytohormone mainly reg ulates the the plant physiolog ical processes such as growth and development, organ formation and so on. The dynamic changes of endogenous hormone levels during the period of fruit growth have been investigated by many researchers. Meng et al(2005, PP. 6-10) studied 92that the relationship between endogenous phytohormones and preharvest fruit drop of apples and found that a higher level of ABA/IAA caused fruit drop seriously. Xia et al (2000, PP. 6-10) found that the fruit growth was regulated by GA and IAA at earlier stage, while ABA did at later stage. Therefore, it would be of great significance for elucidating the time control of fruit growth by endogenous hormones and giving reasonable insight into production practice that better ordered control was undertaken to coordinate the growth and development.Effects of exogenous plant growth regulators have been investigated more on seedless varieties but relatively less on seedy varieties. Several results showed that GA could promote the increment of g rape fruit g rains (Kim, 1991, PP. 199-205, Retamales, 1993, PP. 89-94), but some other results showed no effects on seedy fruits(Nosukchal, 1984, PP. 52-59). Though exogenous plant growth regulators could regulate the growth and development of fruits effectively, they could also cause some problems in practice such as rig id and abnormal fruit. Taken tog ether, in the present paper, throug h the treatment of exog enous GA3 or GA3+6-BA mixture applied to red g lobe g rape, 4 hormone levels were investigated in order to observe their effects on the growth and development of fruits and the internal cause of the rigid and abnormal fruits in hormone level.2.Materials and methods2.1 Plant material and treatmentSix-year-old trees of the Red Globe (V.vinifera L. Cv.) growing at the million mu production base of the red globe grape, 83 Corps, N 5 Division, Xinjiang, were used in this experiment. Grape trees in the garden with strong tree vigor and complete structure have no diseases and pests and similar g rowth. Tree stands are all small frame with the planting spacing of 1×4m. Supplemental irrigation was provided and standard fertilization practices were followed. Grape trees of similar age and vigor were randomly selected, 4 trees as a block, 3 times replicate, 12 tress for trial altogether. Fruit clusters were processed with micro-jet of GA3(A) 20 mg/kg and the combination of 20 mg/kg GA3 +10 mg/kg 6-BA(B) 5 days before (22nd May) and 3 days after(2nd June) blossom respectively, water treatment used as control in the whole trial.2.2 Methods2.2.1 Sampling and pretreatmentDuring the period from 23 days after blossom(19th June, 2007) to fruit maturation(28th August, 2007), normal and rigid abnormal fruits appearing after treatment was randomly sampled once 7 days, 20 fruit grains altogether collected from the upper, central and lower part of the fruit clusters. The samples were baged with silver paper, quick-frozen by liquid nitrogen, and then stored at -80ć for further investig ation.2.2.2 Separation, purification and determination of endogenous hormoneAccurate 1g sample was grinded into homogenates under ice bath and weak light. Resultant extraction was centrifuged. The supernatant was separated by C-18 solid phase extraction column, transferred into 5ml plastic centrifuge tube, dried by nitrogen gas, eliminated methanol from extractions and then diluted into a constant volume by sample diluents. The endogenous hormone levels in fruits were determined by ELISA as described by He et al (1993, PP. 60-68).ELISA kit was kindly provided by China Agriculture University as a present. Discarded peels and cores, IAA, ZR, ABA and GA3levels were investigated in the fleshes of grapes.2.2.3 Effects of plant growth regulators on the growth of red globe grape18 fruit g rains were marked, 3 ones from the upper, central and lower part of fruit cluster each treatment. The long itudinal and transect diameter of fruits was measured by vernier caliper every 7 days from 19th June on, and accurate to 0.1 mm.2.2.4 Effects of plant growth regulators on the quality of red globe grape18 fruit grains were randomly selected to measure fresh weight and soluble solids. Fresh weight was determined by a balance with the precision of 0.1g while soluble solids by a portable sugar analyzer with the precision of 0.2%.3.Results and analysis3.1 Effects of plant growth regulators on the growth dynamics of red globe grapeThe growth dynamic changes of grape berry was depicted in Figure 1 and 2 and appeared a double S-type curve, after enlargement treatment which could not affect the growth of fruits. The longitudinal diameters of normal fruits were all higher than transect diameter while the difference of longitudinal diameter between B and CK was significantly higher A and CK after both A and B treatment as the same period. During the whole growth process, the longitudinal diameter in A and B was all higher than CK. In mature period, the difference of longitudinal diameter in A and CK was gradually decreased while transect diameter kept stable, and the growth of fruits became slower; the difference of longitudinal diameter in B and CK was significant while that of transect diameter was not significant. The average transects and93long itudinal diameter increased by 0.11cm and 0.10cm in A and decreased by 0.07cm and increased by 0.10cm compared to the CK in the whole period, respectively. The averag e transect and long itudinal diameter increased by 0.12cm and 0.11cm in B and increased by 0.01cm and 0.20cm compared to the CK in the whole period, respectively. Results showed that fruits were characterized by elongation of grains, oval shape and increment of fruit shape indices when a treatment was involved. As for the rigid abnormal fruits, there was no significance between the transect and longitudinal diameter and the two diameters had almost no increment and were significantly lower than CK (Figure 1 and 2).3.2 Effects of plant growth regulators on the quality of red globe grapeThe increment was significant for the longitudinal diameter while not obvious for transect after the treatment of Plant Growth Regulator. Fresh weight of single and the biggest grain and soluble solid content increased compared to CK. Through analysis of variance with mean separation by Duncan’s multiplerange test, there was no great significance in fresh weight of single grain or soluble solid content, but great significance in fresh weight of the biggest grains betweenB and CK (Table 1).3.3 Effects of plant growth regulators on endogenous hormone levels in fruitsIAA level was higher in flesh in early growth period. During the whole growth process of normal fruits, IAA level was higher in A than that in B and CK, attained a peak value 23 days after blossom with the content of 1548.90 ng/g FW and then decreased rapidly to a stable level. IAA level was higher in B than that in CK 23 days after blossom, decreased g radually, attained a valley value on 26th July, and then increased g radually to a stable level. IAA content of rig id abnormal fruit was all in an extremely low level in both A and B, where fruits were in a rigid, stagnant stage all the time during the whole growth process (Figure 3).As for normal fruits, ZR content in A, B and CK was at a higher level which was 1962.87 ng/g FW, 4735.98 ng/g FW and 1283.19 ng/g FW, respectively, in early g rowth period, and then decreased g radually to a lower level, almost undetectable; As for abnormal fruits, ZA level in A and B was significantly lower than that in CK, and since 23 days after blossom, there was no great difference in ZA level (Figure 4).ABA level of normal fruits in A, B and CK all attained a peak value 23 days after blossom which was 218.86 ng/g FW, 1079.77 ng/g FW and 890.96 ng/g FW, respectively. Subsequently, ABA level attained a peak value again 58 days after blossom. ABA level increased gradually in late growth period (79 days after blossom). As for abnormal fruits, ABA level was lower during the period of 23 days after blossom, and then increased gradually. ABA level attained a peak value of 926.99 ng/g FW in B on 9th July while 638.84 ng/g FW in A on 25th July, a little later compared to B. Subsequently, ABA level of abnormal and normal in A, B and CK tended to be basically consistent (Figure 5).GA3 levels in normal fruits attained peak values of 1424.16 ng/g FW and 1382.96 ng/g FW on 8th and 15th August in A and B during the growth process, respectively, which were higher than that in CK. As for abnormal fruits, GA3 level was lower in the whole process, and attained peak values of 559.88 ng/g FW and 921.48 ng/g FW 23 days after blossom in A and later in B, respectively. GA3 level was hig her in B than that in A, but attained the peak value later. Subsequently, GA3 level of tended to be basically consistent with normal fruits (Figure 6).4.DiscussionsPlant g rowth reg ulators applied in production promoted g rowth throug h boosting cell division and increasing cell volume, which ascribed to comprehensive effects of many hormones. In the present paper, results showed that after treatment of g rape swelling ag ents, the transect and long itudinal diameter of normal fruits increased rapidly, and long itudinal diameter was larg er than transect one. Therefore, indices of fruit shape increased which indicated that swelling agents could significantly enhance the longitudinal growth of grape flesh cell, and was not in accordance with the results of Zhao et al (1998, PP. 28-29) and Dai et al (2002) while in line with Wan et al (2004, PP. 13-14) and Wang et al (2004). Meanwhile, as seen from the growth of abnormal fruits, fruits was under stagnation state during the first rapid swelling period and had no changes with no significant difference between the longitudinal and transect diameter in the early stage of growth. IAA, ABA and ZR levels were higher in normal fruits than abnormal ones possibly due to their effects on the regulation of fruits in early growth stage, which was similar to the study of Tao et al (1994, PP. 35-40) on kiwifruit.Seeds of development was the source of plant growth hormones for normal growth of fruits(Cui, 2006). Through the treatment of A and B, IAA level was higher than CK when GA3was involved which indicated that GA could enhance the synthesis of IAA and conformed to the previous studies(Fan, 2004, PP. 728-733, Uilger, 2004, PP. 89-95, Yu, 2003, PP. 125-129). Gong speculated that the volume g rowth and embryo sac development of some fruits were strong ly inhibited, and fruits were under a stage of young fruit in a long term with no edible values, called small green grains, namely rig id abnormal fruits in the present paper. IAA level was lower in abnormal fruits that that in normal ones. Huang et al (1994, PP. 125-129) also speculated that fruit g rowth depended on the seeds of normal g rowth, and the outdision of all hormones in seeds stimulated the growth of flesh tissues all around. Therefore, treatments of exogenous 94hormones played a vital role in the growth and development of fruits. On the other hands, ovaries grew rapidly once after pollination and fertilization, or otherwise deteriorated, which was due to that embryo and endosperm became the centre of producing IAA after fertilization.In the present paper, both A and B have promotion effects on ZR, especially in the early stage of fruit growth. ZA level in B was far higher than that in A and CK which conformed that cytokinins mainly produced young fruits. This might be related to the synerg istic effects of IAA, for cytokinins could coordinate fruit sink to distribute nutrients in the presence of IAA. As for rigid abnormal fruits, ZA level was consistent and lower compared to CK in the whole process of growth, which indicated that cytokinins was highly associated with the promotion of cell division and extension and the growth and development of fruits, similar to the report of Zhou et al who found that exuberant cell division was closely related to CTK level in the early stage of seedless Litchi fruit growth (Zhou, 1998, PP. 236-240).High level of ABA in the early stage of grape fruit growth might have stimulatory effect on cell division and meristem activities. ABA attained a second peak level about 58 days after blossom, which was probably associated with transport of substancesin cell, sugar accumulation and initiation of fruit afterripening in grape berries. IAA and GA3 level was low and stable while ABA increased ag ain about 79 days after blossom. This increment of ABA played a more important role in the declining of GA3/ABA than that of GA3, which showed that a new balance mainly attributed to ABA among endogenous hormones was confirmed and determined the physiological state and storage characteristics of grapes postharvest. Beruter found that ABA level was higher in the young fruits growing fast and lower in the fruits g rowing slowly (1983, PP. 737-743). It was obvious that increment of ABA was beneficial to the promotion of assimilates absorption of metabolic pool cells in line with that ABA level was lower than CK in the early stage of rigid abnormal fruits. Moreover, ABA level was hig h in g rape fruits at hig h temperature in summer, mig ht due to the functions of ABA on promotion of stomatal closure, reduction of transpiration rate, enhancement of dormancy and high temperature and drought resistance.In A and B, GA3level in normal fruits was obviously higher than that in CK. GA3level in abnormal fruits was all higher than that in normal ones 23 days after blossom, decreased subsequently during the period of fruit g rowth and then became lower than that in normal fruits, which indicated that GA3was closely associated with the g rowth and development of fruits. Ma et al(2007) speculated that effects of GA on the fruit growth was exerted through enhancing the synthesis of IAA, promoting fibrovascular growth and nutrient distribution in combination with IAA, and boosting the enlargement of flesh cells. Hu et al (1997, PP. 36-38) considered that exogenous GA treatment could significantly enhanced the allocation of 14C photosynthetic product to fruit cluster. Exogenous GA could enhance amylase activities of many plants, resulting in deg radation of storag e starch in order to provide abundant energ y substrates and bond structure, and thus promoted the g rowth and development of fruits. Exog enous GA could also cause parthenocarpy instead of seeds. It was reported that GA level in ovaries of parthenocarpical grapes and persimmon after blossom was higher than that in seeded fruits (Ma, 1998, PP. 27-36), and was in accordance with our research, which was maybe one causative factor of rigid abnormal fruits.5.ConclusionsInvestig ation indicated that the involvement of GA3 could result in rig id abnormal fruits. Both exog enous GA3 and GA3+6-BA mixture could enhance endogenous hormone levels such as IAA, ZA, ABA and GA3 in normal fruits but had no sig nificant effects on rig id abnormal ones. The causative factors for rig id abnormal fruits in our observation could be listed as follows;(1) Maybe associate with pollination and fertilization.(2) As seen from hormone level, IAA, ABA and ZR level which promoted cell division and enlarg ement in rig id abnormal fruits was lower than that in CK, and was in a stable and lag state which was inadequate for normal growth of fruits in the whole process of growth. Herein, rigid abnormal fruits emerged chronically in the stage of young fruit and did not fall.ReferencesAmarjit, S.B. (2000). Plant growth regulators in agriculture and horticulture. New York London Oxford Food Products Press, 1-16.Beeruter, J. (1983). Effect of abscisic acid on sorbitol uptake in grovingapple fruits. J Expert Bot, 143:737-743.Cui, Y.T. (2006). 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Effects of GA3 treatment on the transect and longitudinal diameter of normal fruit and abnormal onesFigure 3. IAA level in fruits after A and B 98Figure 4. ZR level in the fruit after A and BFigure 5. ABA level in fruits after A and B99Figure 6. GA3 level in fruits after A and B 100。



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Physiology高级蔬菜生理学Advanced Vegetable Physiology高级杂草学Advanced Weeds高级杂草学Advanced Weeds高级兽医寄生虫学Advanceds Veterinary Parasitology高级兽医寄生虫学Advanceds Veterinary Parasitology高级兽医微生物学Advances in Veterinary Microbiology高级兽医微生物学Advances in Veterinary Microbiology作物栽培新技术专题Advances in 4H Crop Cultivation作物分子生理与生物技术Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology农业水土工程研究进展Advances in Agricultural Water-soil Research农业水土工程研究进展Advances in Agricultural Water-soil Research动物育种专题Advances in Animal Breeding动物育种专题Advances in Animal Breeding动物病理生理学专题Advances in Animal Pathophysiology动物病理生理学专题Advances in Animal Pathophysiology动物科学研究进展Advances in Animal Science动物科学研究进展Advances in Animal Science害虫生物防治理论与实践新进展Advances in Biological Control of Insect Pests害虫生物防治理论与实践新进展Advances in Biological Control of Insect Pests细胞生物学进展Advances in Cell Biology细胞生物学进展Advances in Cell Biology农副产品化学进展Advances in Chemistry of Agricultural Byproducts农副产品化学进展Advances in Chemistry of Agricultural Byproducts作物营养与水分生理专题Advances in Crop Nutrition and Water Physiology作物光合、产量与品质生理专题Advances in Crop Photosynthesis,Yield and Quality能源作物与生物质工程专题Advances in Crop Physiology and Ecology作物科学研究进展Advances in Crop Science作物科学研究进展Advances in Crop Science作物逆境生理专题Advances in Crop Stress Physiology发育生物学进展Advances in Developmental Biology数字农业研究进展Advances in Digital Agriculture Research 农作制度理论与技术专题Advances in Farming System Science果树学进展讨论Advances in Fruit Sciences果树学进展讨论Advances in Fruit Sciences现代果树遗传学研究进展Advances in Genetics of Fruit Crops分子遗传学进展Advances in Molecular Genetics病毒学进展Advances in Molecular Virology营养科学研究进展Advances in Nutritional Sciences营养科学技术研究进展Advances in Nutritional Sciences杀菌剂药理学及抗药性研究进展Advances in Pharmacology and Fungicide Resistance in Phytopathogen药理学与毒理学专题Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology药理学与毒理学专题Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology植物同化物运输高级讲座Advances in Photoassimilate Transport Mechanisms 植物同化物运输高级讲座Advances in Photoassimilate Transport Mechanisms 植物生物学进展Advances in Plant Biology植物激素与化学控制专题Advances in Plant Hormones and Chemical Regulation 植物病毒学进展Advances in Plant Virus Research植物病毒学进展Advances in Plant Virus Research家禽营养与饲养技术(案例)Advances in Poultry Nutrition and feeding Technology 种子病理学进展Advances in Seed Pathology种子病理学进展Advances in Seed Pathology兽医免疫学进展Advances in Veterinary Immunology兽医免疫学进展Advances in Veterinary Immunology兽医科学进展Advances in Veterinary Medicine兽医科学进展Advances in Veterinary Medicine水资源研究进展专题Advances in Water Resource Science水资源研究进展专题Advances in Water Resource Science分子植物病理学研究进展Advances of Molecular Plant Pathology分子植物病理学研究进展Advances of Molecular Plant Pathology生物环境与能源工程综合专题Seminar Advances on Agricultural and Bioenvironmental Engineering农业生物环境与能源工程研究进展Advances on Agricultural and Bioenvironmental Engineering 食品保藏技术研究进展Advances on Food Preservation Technology食品保藏技术研究进展Advances on Food Preservation Technology水土保持与荒漠化防治新技术研究进展Advances on Soil and Water Conservation and Deforestation Control水土保持与荒漠化防治研究进展Advances on Soil and Water Conservation and DeforestationControl结构工程研究新进展Advances on Structure Engineering城镇与区域规划Advances on Urban and Regional Planning城镇与区域规划研究进展Advances on Urban and Regional Planning近代水文学及水资源研究进展Advances on Water Concervancy Project水利工程研究进展Advances on Water Concervancy Project农业商务管理Agri-business Management农业产业组织Agribusiness Organization核技术农业应用基础Agricultural Application Foundation of Nuclear Technology 核技术农业应用基础Agricultural Application Foundation of Nuclear Technology 核技术农业应用基础Agricultural Application Foundation of Nuclear Technology农业可控管理技术Agricultural Controllable Management Technology农业可控管理技术Agricultural Controllable Management Technology农业发展经济学Agricultural Development Economics农业经济理论与政策Agricultural Economics: Theory and Policy农业经济理论与政策Agricultural Economics: Theory and Policy农业装备开发与设计Agricultural Equipment Development and Design农产品期货市场Agricultural Futures Markets农产品期货市场Agricultural Futures Markets农业历史文献选读Agricultural History Literature农业历史文献选读(必修)Agricultural History Literature农业信息系统工程Agricultural Information and System Engineering农业信息系统工程Agricultural Information and System Engineering农业保险Agricultural Insurance农产品市场分析Agricultural Market Analysis农产品市场分析Agricultural Market and Analysis农产品市场分析Agricultural Market and Analysis有害生物治理的原理与方法Agricultural Pests Prevention and Control农业有害生物的预防与控制Agricultural Pests Prevention and Control农业资源与利用Agricultural Resources and Utilization核技术农业应用专论Agricultural Specialized Application of Nuclear Technology 核技术农业应用专论Agricultural Specialized Application of Nuclear Technology 农业系统工程Agricultural Systems Engineering农村技术创新与知识系统Agricultural Technology Innovation and Knowledge System 农村技术创新与知识系统Agricultural Technology Innovation and Knowledge System 农业与食品企业管理Agriculture and Food Corporate Managemnt农业信息学Agriculture Informatics农业科技与“三农政策”Agriculture Technology and Rural Development农业装备机电一体化技术Agricutural Equipment Mechantronics农业项目的计划与管理Agricutural Project Plan and Management农业工程项目规划Agricutural Project Plan and Management农产品国际贸易实务Agri-goods International Trade Practice农业生态系统分析Analysis and Simulation of Ecosystem生态系统分析与模拟Analysis and Simulation of Ecosystem农业关联产业分析Analysis of Agribusiness国情分析和发展战略Analysis of Country Situation and Development Stratagem 兽医临床病例分析Analysis of Veterinary Clinical Cases兽医临床病例分析Analysis of Veterinary Clinical Cases现代食品分析技术Analytic Technology of Modern Food Science现代食品分析技术Analytic Technology of Modern Food Science古汉语Ancient Chinese古汉语Ancient Chinese动物病理剖检诊断技术Animal Autopsy Technique for Pathological Diagnosis克隆动物与转基因动物Animal Cloning and Transgensis克隆动物与转基因动物Animal Cloning and Transgensis动物源食品卫生检验技术Animal Derived Food Inspection Technique动物实验方法Animal Experiment Technology动物消化道微生物Animal Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiology动物消化道微生物Animal Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiology动物遗传资源Animal Genetic Resource 动物卫生行政法学Animal Health Management 动物卫生行政法学Animal Health Management 畜牧工程Animal Husbandry Engineering 动物营养代谢病Animal Metabolic Diseases 动物营养代谢病专题Animal Metabolic Diseases 人类疾病模型的构建与应用Animal Models for Human Diseases 动物分子病毒学Animal Molecular Virology 动物分子病毒学Animal Molecular Virology 动物神经生物学Animal Neurobiology 动物神经生物学Animal Neurobiology 动物营养与免疫专题Animal Nutrion and Immunology 动物营养与免疫专题Animal Nutrion and Immunology 动物保护与福利Animal Protection and Welfare 动物生殖内分泌学Animal Reproduction and Endocrinology 动物生殖内分泌学Animal Reproduction and Endocrinology 动物繁殖学SeminarAnimal Reproduction Seminar 动物繁殖学SeminarAnimal Reproduction Seminar动物繁殖理论与现代生物技术(案例)Animal Reproduction Theory and Modern Biotechnology 动物生殖生理学实验Animal Reproductive Physiology 动物生殖生理学Animal Reproductive Physiology动物生殖生理学实验Animal Reproductive Physiology Experiment 动物生殖生理学实验Animal Reproductive Physiology Experiment 动物功能基因组学Animl Functional Genomics 动物功能基因组学Animl Functional Genomics 人类学与中国社会研究Anthropology and Chinese Society 人类学与中国社会研究Anthropology and Chinese Society 植物抗菌化合物专题Antimicrobial Compounds from Plants 植物抗菌化合物专题Antimicrobial Compounds from Plants 3S 技术农业应用Application of 3S in Agriculture 3S 技术在水利工程中的应用Application of 3S Techniques on Soil and Water Conservation生物多样性与应用Application of Biodiversity 生物多样性与利用Application of Biodiversity 生物多样性与利用Application of Biodiversity 3S 技术应用Application of GIS, GPS and RS 3S 技术应用Application of GIS, GPS and RS应用数理统计Application of Mathematical Statistics 应用数理统计Application of Mathematical Statistics 分子生物学在昆虫学中的应用Application of Molecular Biology to Entomology 分子生物学在昆虫学中的应用Application of Molecular Biology to Entomology 植物生理生态仪器Application of Plant Physiology and Ecology 植物生理生态仪器Application of Plant Physiology and Ecology 3S 在水文模拟中的应用Applications of "3S" to Hydrology Simulation电力系统最优化技术Applications of Optimization Method in Electrical Power System 电力系统最优化技术Applications of Optimization Method in Electrical Power System 稳定同位素在生态环境研究中的应用Applications of Stable Isotopes in Studies of Environment and Ecology 稳定同位素在生态环境研究中的应用Applications of Stable Isotopes in Studies of Environment and Ecology 应用数理统计Applied Mathematical Statistics应用经济学Seminar Applied Economics Seminar应用地质地貌与土地资源Applied Geology Geomorphology and Land Resource应用地质地貌与土地资源Applied Geology Geomorphology and Land Resource应用植物生物技术Applied Plant Biotechnology农业应用随机过程Applied Stochastic in Agriculture应用随机过程Apply Stochastic Processes园林设计研究进展Approach of Landscape Architecture风景园林研究进展Approach of Landscape Architecture观赏植物生理生态研究进展Approach of Ornamental Horticulture观赏园艺研究进展Approach of Ornamental Horticulture英语教学法Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching英语教学法Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching水生昆虫学Aquatic Entomology水生昆虫学Aquatic Entomology艺术设计Art Design人工智能原理Artificial Intelligence人工智能技术Artificial Intelligence结构抗震减震分析原理Aseismic Analysis Principle of Structure兽药安全评价技术Assessment Technique of Veterinary Drug Safety不对称合成Asymmetric Synthesis不对称合成Asymmetric SynthesisAutoCAD 二次开发技术Auto CAD Customization自动控制技术Automatic Control Technology自动控制理论Automatical Control Theory自动控制理论Automatical Control Theory自动机械设计Automatical Machine Design禽类生理学Avian Physiology禽类生理学Avian Physiology遗传分析原理Basic Concepts of Genetic Analysisi基础分子生物学实验Basic Experiment of Molecar Biology基础分子生物学实验Basic Experiment of Molecar Biology新能源发电技术基础Basic of Renewable Energy Generation Technology交通规划理论与方法Basic Theory and Method of Traffic-layou放射卫生防护知识Basical Knowledge of Radiation Protection放射卫生防护知识Basical Knowledge of Radiation Protection放射卫生防护知识Basical Knowledge of Radiation Protection土壤物理与作物学基础Basics of Soil Physics and Crop土壤物理与作物学基础Basics of Soil Physics and Crop篮球Basketball生化分析Biochemical Analysis生化分析Biochemical Analysis生物气候模型与信息系统Bioclimatological Model and Information System生物气候模型与信息系统Bioclimatological Model and Information System畜牧生物工程专业硕士生Seminar Bio-engineering Seminar in Animal配子与胚胎生物工程Bio-engineering Technology in Animal Gamete and Embryo 配子与胚胎生物工程Bio-engineering Technology in Animal Gamete and Embryo 植物小RNA的生物合成和功能Biogenesis and Function of Small RNAs in Plant生物地球化学Biogeochemistry生物地球化学Bio-geochemistry生物信息学Bioinformatics生物信息学Bioinformatics生物信息学Bioinformatics生物信息学算法Bioinformatics Algorithm生物信息学算法Bioinformatics Algorithm生物信息检测与处理专题Bioinformatics Detection and Processing Topic生物信息学SEMI.Bioinformatics Seminar生物信息学Seminar Bioinformatics Seminar植物病害生物防治Biological Control of Plant Diseases植物病害生物防治Biological Control of Plant Diseases生物饲料加工与利用Biological Feed Processing and Application植物病原细菌生物学Biology of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria植物病原细菌生物学Biology of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria生物质工程Bio-mass Engineering Theory生物质工程原理Bio-mass Engineering Theory生物膜与信号转导Biomembrane and Signal Transduction生物膜与信号传导Biomembrane and Signal Transduction生物物理学BiophysicsBioprocessing and Food Quality Bioprocessing and Food QualityBioprocessing Engineering Bioprocessing Engineering生物生产自动化与机器人Bio-production and Robot生物生产自动化与机器人Bio-production and Robot生化反应动力学与反应器Bioreaction Engineering生化反应动力学与反应器Bioreaction Engineering生物修复Bioremediation生物修复Bioremediation农业生物安全Biosafty for Agriculture生物系统动力学(Biosystem)Biosystem Dynamics生物系统动力学Biosystem Dynamics观赏植物生物技术Biotechnology of Ornamental Plants蔬菜生物技术Biotechnology to Vegetable Science植物源杀虫剂及作用机理Botanic Pesticide植物源杀虫剂及其作用机理Botanic Pesticide边界元法Boundary Element Method材料成型中的计算机应用Brief Introduction of Computer Application in Plastic Working 经济学流派Brief Introduction of Economics Schools经济学流派Brief Introduction of Economics Schools商务英语Business EnglishC语言程序设计 C LanguageC语言程序设计 C Language基于PRO-E的CAD/CAM集成制造技术CAD/CAM Based on Creo资本运营Capital Operation汽车网络通讯技术Car Network Communication Technology汽车网络通讯技术Car Network Communication Technology碳水化合物化学Carbohydrate Chemistry碳水化合物化学Carbohydrate Chemistry农业水土工程设计案例Case Analysis for Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering国内外食品安全案例辨析Case Studies on Food Safety Incidents企业管理案例分析Case Study for Corporation Management企业管理案例分析Case Study for Corporation Management电子商务案例Case Study for E-Commerce细胞生物学Cell Biology细胞生物学Cell Biology细胞生物学Cell Biology细胞生物学Cell Biology细胞培养基础和实验Cell Culture Basics and Experiments细胞培养基础和实验Cell Culture Basics and Experiments动物细胞工程Cellular Engineering Technology in Animal动物细胞工程原理与方法(原细胞Cellular Engineering Technology in Animal工程 )英语六级CET-6化学生态学Chemical Ecology临床化验及病理诊断技术Chemical Examination and Pathological Diagnostic Technique 化学计量学Chemistry Metrology化学计量学Chemistry Metrology中国概况China Panorama粮食经济Grain Economy粮食经济Grain Economy中国化的马克思主义研究Chinalized Marxism Studies中国化的马克思主义研究Chinalized Marxism Studies土木工程抗灾原理Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention Theory土木工程材料专论Civil Engineering Material Monogragh土木工程材料专论Civil Engineering Material Monogragh传统文化与现代企业管理系列专题Classical Cutlure and Modern Enterprise Management期货品种专题Classification of Futures Commodities气候与农业减灾研究专题Climate Resource and Agriculture Disaster Reduction Seminar 气候与农业减灾研究专题Climate Resource and Agriculture Disaster Reduction Seminar 临床病理诊断技术Clinical Pathological Diagnostic Technique临床兽医学专业Seminar Clinical Veterinary Medicine Seminar公共经济学理论专题Colloquium of Public Economics公共经济学理论专题Colloquium of Public Economics组合优化Combination Optimization组合优化Combination Optimization组合数学Combinatorial Mathematics组合数学Combinatorial Mathematics农业传播技术与应用Communication for Rural Development社区基础的自然资源管理Community-based Natural Resource Management社区基础的自然资源管理Community-based Natural Resource Management社区基础的自然资源管理Community-based Natural Resource Management社区基础的自然资源管理Community-based Natural Resource Management动物生殖生理学Comparative Animal Breeding动物比较育种学Comparative Animal Breeding比较基因组学与分子进化Comparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution比较政府与政治Comparative Government and Politics比较病理学Comparative Pathology比较病理学Comparative Pathology中外教育比较评价Comparative Studies of Sino-foreign Eduction 中外教育比较研究Comparative Studies of Sino-foreign Eduction 竞争情报研究Competitive Intelligence Research 竟争情报研究Competitive Intelligence Research 竞争情报研究Competitive Intelligence Research 综合测评Comprehensive Assessment 农产品加工与贮藏综合实验Comprehensive Experiments of Agricultural Products Processing and Storage 营养与食品卫生综合大实验Comprehensive Experiments of Nutrition and Food Hygiene 营养与食品安全综合大实验Comprehensive Experiments of Nutrition and Food Hygiene 营养与食品安全综合实验Comprehensive Experiments of Nutrition and Food Hygiene 生物质综合利用与转化Comprehensive Utilization and Conversion of Biomass Resources 计算流体力学Computation Fluid Dynamics 计算流体力学Computation Fluid Dynamics 两相流与多相流计算Computation of Two-phase and Multi-phase Flow 统计计算方法Computational Method for Statistic 统计计算方法Computational Method for Statistic 农业生物信息计算机采集与处理Computer Acquisition Agricultural Biological Information and Processing 计算机算法设计Computer Algorithm Design 英语多媒体网络教育Computer Assisted Language Learning 英语多媒体网络教学Computer Assisted Language Learning 计算机图形学Computer Graphics 计算机图形学Computer Graphics 计算机图形学Computer Graphics 计算机网络体系结构Computer Network Architecture 计算机网络体系结构Computer Network Architecture 现代干燥技术Computer Simulation for Farm Product Drying 现代干燥技术Computer Simulation for Farm Product Drying 土壤水土过程模拟Computer Simulation of Soil Physical ProcessesComputer simulation of soil-water processesComputer Simulation of Soil Physical Processes 计算机支持的协同工作与网络计算Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Grid Computing 计算机支持的协同工作与网格计算Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Grid Computing 机械系统计算机虚拟样机技术Computer Virtual Prototyping Technology for Mechanical System 基于PRO_E 的CAD/CAM 集成制造技术Computer Virtual Prototyping Technology for MechanicalSystem 机械系统计算机虚拟样机技术Computer Virtual Prototyping Technology for Mechanical System 计算机视觉Computer Vision 计算机视觉技术Computer Vision 家畜育种中的计算方法Computing Algorithms in Animal Breeding 家畜育种中的计算方法Computing Algorithms in Animal Breeding 混凝土结构原理Concrete Structure Theory 混凝土结构理论Concrete Structure Theory 共轭曲面理论Conjugate Surface Theory 生物质工程导论Conspectus of Biomass Engineering 工程材料本构关系Constitutive Relation of Engineering Materials 工程材料本构关系Constitutive Relation of Engineering Materials 信息资源建设与评价Construction and Evaluation of Information Resources 土木工程质量事故处理与分析Construction Quality Accident Analysis and Treatment中外城市建设史Constructual History on China and Foreign cities农产品需求分析Consumer Demand Analysis for Food and AgriculturalProducts现代区域发展规划与管理Contemporary Regional Development Planning andManagement现代区域发展规划与管理Contemporary Regional Development Planning andManagement可持续机械化生产系统Continuable Mechanization Production System可持续机械化生产系统Continuable Mechanization Production System连续介质力学Continuity Mechanics连续介质力学Continuity Mechanics连续型抽样Continuous Sampling畜禽寄生虫病防治Control of Parasite infection in Poultry and Animals 公司金融理论Corporate Finance Theory公司法与现代企业制度Corporation Law and Modern Enterprise System公司法与现代企业制度Corporation Law and Modern Enterprise System机电产品创新设计Creative Design of Mechantronic Product机电产品创新设计Creative Design of Mechantronic Product英美文学专题Critical Approaches to Literature发展研究前沿Critical Development Studies区域经济学前沿Critical Regional Economics作物生理与分析研究技术Crop Analysis Technology作物育种理论与案例分析Crop Breeding and Cases Analysis作物抗逆机理与育种Crop Breeding for Tolerance作物抗逆机理与育种Crop Breeding for Tolerance作物生理学SEMI.Crop Physiology Seminar作物生理学Seminar Crop Physiology Seminar作物生产系统分析与模拟Crop System Analysis and Simulation作物生产系统分析与模拟Crop System Analysis and Simulation当代国际贸易体制Current International Trading System当代国际贸易体制Current International Trading System现代生物学技术Current Techniques in Biological Sciences数据拟合Data Fitting数据拟合Data Fitting数据挖掘Data Mining数据挖掘Data Mining数据挖掘Data Mining数据挖掘Data Mining数据结构Data Structure数据结构Data Structure数据结构Data Structure数据、模型与决策Data, Model and Decision-making数据库与空间数据管理Database and Spatial Data Management数据库与空间数据管理Database and Spatial Data Management数据库原理与技术Database Principle and Technology数据库原理与技术Database Principle and Technology决策分析Decision Making and Analysis决策分析Decision Making and Analysis生态工程设计与应用Design and Application of Ecological Engineering绿地工程设计与建设Design and Construction of Landscape Project绿地工程设计与建设Design and Construction of Landscape Project试验设计与多元分析Design of Experiment and Mult Variate Statistical Anlylisis 试验设计与多元分析Design of Experiment and Mult Variate Statistical Anlylisis 有机合成设计Design of Organic Synthesis设计模式Design Patterns农业建筑结构设计原理Design Principle on Agricultural Structure车辆工程专业进展Development of Vehicle Engineering车辆工程专业进展Development of Vehicle Engineering信息资源开发利用技术Development and Utilization of Information ResourcesTechnology信息资源开发利用技术Development and Utilization of Information ResourcesTechnology发展经济学专题Development Economics发展经济学Development Economics发展研究方法Development Methods发展研究方法Development Methods发展研究方法Development Methods发展研究方法Development Methods中国发展模式Development Models of China食品科学技术研究进展Development of Food Science Technology Research食品科学技术研究进展Development of Food Science Technology Research葡萄酒化学进展Development of Wine Chemistry葡萄酒化学进展Development of Wine Chemistry农业工程专业Seminar Development of Agricultural Engineering农业工程专业Seminar Development of Agricultural Engineering农业装备工程专业进展Development of Agricultural Equipment Engineering农业装备工程专业进展Development of Agricultural Equipment Engineering农业机械化工程专业进展Development of Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农业机械化工程专业进展Development of Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农产品加工工程进展Development of Farm Product Processing Engineering农产品加工工程专业进展Development of Farm Product Processing Engineering食品质量管理进展Development of Food Quality Management食品质量管理进展Development of Food Quality Management食品安全研究进展Development of Food Security Research食品安全研究进展Development of Food Security Research物流工程技术进展Development of Logistics Engineering机械设计及理论专业进展Development of Mechanical Design and Theory机械设计及理论专业进展Development of Mechanical Design and Theory机械工程技术进展Development of Mechanical Engineering机械制造及其自动化专业进展Development of Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation 现代制造前沿技术与进展Development of Modern Manufacturing Technology现代制造前沿技术与进展Development of Modern Manufacturing Technology发展规划Development Planning发展项目管理Development Project Management发展社会学Development Sociology发展社会学Development Sociology发展社会学Development Sociology发展理论与实践Development Theories and Practices自然辩证法Dialectics of Nature微分几何Differential Coefficient Geometry微分几何Differential Coefficient Geometry。


221.8 214.6 53.0 51.3 221.8 214.2 53.0 51.2 30 35 154.0 152.7 36.8 36.5 146.9 146.4 35.1 35.0
7 9 11 13 15 17 19
197.7 189.9 179.9 177.0 174.9 170.7 164.0
36.2 35.8 35.4 34.9 34.4 33.8 33.2
144.3 139.7 139.3 136.8 134.7 132.6 131.0
34.5 33.9 33.3 32.7 32.2 31.7 31.3
二、能量需要量的确定 (一) 计算法
1. 能量消耗的计算=BEE×PAL(physical activity level) 表4
活动 水平 轻 中 重
工作内容 举 例 PAL系数

1.55 1.78 2.10

1.56 1.64 1.82
办公室工作、修理电器钟表、售货员、酒店服务员、化学实验操作、讲课等 学生日常活动、机动车驾驶、电工安装、车床操作、金工切割等 非机械化农业劳动、炼钢、舞蹈、体育运动、装卸、采矿等
②按Harris and Benedict公式计算
BEE(man) 66.4730+13.75×bw.(kg)+5.0033×bs.(cm) - 6.7550×age(y) BEE(woman) 665.0955+9.463×bw.(kg)+1.8496×bs.(cm) - 4.6756×age(y)



Aa series of 一系列的a set of 一组abnormalities 异常acidic 酸的acre 英亩acreage 农场,面积actual 有效的adapt 适合adaptability 适应性address 解决adequate 充足的adequate 足够的adhere 粘着adopted 采用advance 提升advent 生效adversely 负面的aerated 通气良好的affected 感病aggravate 加剧agronomic college 农学院agronomic 农作物agronomy 农学alfalfa 苜蓿algebra 代数alkalinity 碱性alleles 等位基因alleviate 消除alternative 可选择的amended 修正案amino acid 氨基酸ammonia 铵ammonium citrate柠檬酸铵ammonium nitrate二氧化氮ammonium 胺amplify 扩增anaemia 贫血anaerobic 无氧analyze 分析,分解angiosperm 被子植物animal manures 动物厩肥anticipate 预计anticipate 预见到application 接种application 应用apply 施用appropriate 适宜的arrange 安排,排布artificial mutation人工诱变asexual 无性的assist 帮助associate 联合associated with伴随…发生assurance 保证atmospheric 大气authority 授权availability 有效性available p 有效磷available soil moisture 土壤有效水分avoid 避免Bbarley大麦basic slag 托马斯磷肥basis 基础b-globin 球蛋白binary fissi二分裂binary 分裂biology 生物学biomass 生物量bionic仿生学bioplasm 原生质biosphere 生物圈biotechnology 生物技术blasting 萎蔫blend 混合blight 枯萎blood group 血型blotting 杂交技术breeder 育种学家breeding basis 育种基础breeding 育种bruising 挫伤b-thalassemia 地中海贫血buckwheat荞麦bulletin 公告bushel 蒲式耳(量词)Ccalculate 计算出canola 加拿大油菜canopy 冠层capacity 能力carbon dioxide 二氧化碳carbonates 碳酸盐cash 兑现certified合格的,经过认证的chain 链条chance 漂变channel 渠,引导chemical 化学chromosome 染色体circumstances 区域citrate-soluble 柠檬酸溶解性磷civil 国内的civilian 平民的civility 礼貌的civilizable 可文明化的clay 粘质,粘土climate 气候climatic 气候上的clone 克隆close 缩短co-dominance 共显性codon 密码子colloidal phosphate 焦庄磷酸盐combination 合作,排列combination 混合物,综合combine 联合commercial 商用的commercially 商业上commit 趋近于compaction 压实,紧实competitive 竞争力concentrated 集中的concentration 含量concentration 浓度condition 处理conditions 情况,条件conduct 执行confuse…with 和…混淆conservation 保水consistently 持续contaminate 污染content 含量controversial 受争议的conventional 传统的converted 变成copy 复制corn 玉米correct amounts 适量correct 改正,修正corresponding 符合,一致cost 成本costly 贵cover crops 绿肥作物criteria 标准critical 关键的cropping pattern 种植方式cross 杂交组合crossingover 交换crust 板结cultivation 耕作cultural practices 栽培措施culture 培养物currently 最近cyst nematode 孢囊线虫cyst 孢囊cytoplasm 细胞质遗传Ddam 坝damping off 腐烂date资料decline 下降decompositio分解deduction 推论defect 缺陷deficiency 缺乏deficient 缺乏defoliation 落叶degradation 降解delay 推迟deletion 缺失demand 需求denitrification 反硝化denove 重新开始,从头合成dent corn 马齿形department 系,专业deposit 储存deposited 沉积depression 凹陷处derived 起源descendent 子代(个体)designate 特指的desire 渴望desired harvest moisture 适宜的收获含水量destruction确定detect 确定detection 检测determine 决定determining 确定detrimental 致命的develop 培育development 发育diagnosis 诊断diagnostic methods诊断方法diagnostic method诊断方法diameter 直径dideoxy 双脱氧differentiation分化dip to 下降disease intection 感病disease resistance 抗病性disorders 紊乱disprove 证明…是虚假的dissolve 溶解diverse 各种division 分裂domestication 驯化dominance 显性性状优势dominant 显性的double cross 双交double-haploid 双单倍体dhdraft 草图drain 沟drainage 排水drift 漂变drill 播种机dry down rate 干燥速率dry plant tissue 干物质duplication 重复Eear 穗economically 经济有效地effective 生效efficiency 效率,效果efficient 有效的element 元素elevator 传送带eliminate 消除emerge 伸出emmigation 淘汰劣质基因employ 聘请entries 列,项equilibrium 进化论equilibrium 平衡era 时代erosion 侵蚀erroneous 错误的establish 建立eukaryotes 真核细胞european corn borer 玉米螟evaluate 评价evaluation 评价evaporation 蒸发evaporative 蒸腾evenly 平坦地,均匀地evolution 进化examine 验证exceed 超过excess 过多的,多余的excessive 延长exchangeable 可交换态的ex-changeable 可中和的exclude 排除experiment station 实验站explanation 解释extension 推广extensive 广泛的extra 额外的Ffacilitate 为…提供便利facilities 设备factor 因素favorable microbial 有益微生物favorable 令人满意的fertility 肥力fertility可育性fertilizer 肥料filial 子代first era 早期时代fission 融合fixation 固定flax麻flow 水流foliar n“burn”氮肥灼伤foot 英尺forages 牧草foreign material 杂质forethought 事先计划formation 孕穗期formulation 剂型four popular 广泛应用的fraction 部分frequency 频率frequency-dependent频率依赖性frost 霜冻fructose 果糖function 功能fungicide 杀菌剂fuse 融合Ggametes 配子(体)gametogenesis 配子体形成过程garden 狩猎gene mapping 基因定位generate 产生,生殖genetics 遗传学genome 基因组genotype frequency 基因型频率genotype 基因型genotyping platform 基因型gently 轻轻地germ cell 生殖细胞germination 发芽率germplasm 种质get by 应付glucose 葡萄糖grade 筑坡/筑平grain drill 谷物播种机grain fill 灌浆期,鼓粒期grain 籽粒,谷粒,谷物gymnosperm 裸子植物Hhabitat 栖息地hail 冰雹halve 减半haploid 单倍体haploit单倍体hardy-weinberg equilibrium达尔文进化论harvest 收获harvestability 收获性herbicide damage 除草剂,药害herbicide-resistant抗除草剂herbicides 除草剂heredity 遗传(侧重理论)heterozygous 杂合的higher plant 高等植物high-magnesium高镁high-value crops 经济作物high-yielding 高产的home-grown 自产的homozygote 纯合子homozygous 纯和的horizontal leaf method水平叶host cell 寄生细胞humidity 空气湿度hunter采集hybrid vigor 杂种优势hybrid 混合物hybrid 杂交种,杂交hydroxides 氢氧化物Iimbalance 失衡immigation 添加优良基因impermeable 不可渗透的implies 暗示improper application 不当施用in essence 实际上inadequate 不足的inbred line 自交系inch 英寸incomplete dominance 不完全显性independent assortment 独立分配indicate 表明industrial 工业的infiltration 渗透性inherit 继承inheritance 遗产,遗传(侧重先天的)inherited 可以遗传的initiate 采用inoculant 接种剂inoculation 接种inoculum 施用inorganic 无机的insect feeding 虫食insecticide 杀虫剂insert 插入insoluble 非溶解性install 构建insufficient 不足的intake 吸收inter matter 无生命的物质interception 截获interest 目的基因interested 相关的intermediate 中间型introduce 提出,引进introduce 引进introduction 引种inversion 倒位investment 投资irregular 不规则的isoenzyme 同工酶isogamy 同形配对isoguafe 同形移植isolate 分离,使隔离Jjustify 证明…是正确的Kkernel row 粒行kernel 谷粒Llabel 标签,标注labeled标注,标签labeler 标注者land plain 土地平整机larvae 幼虫lateral drain 支渠layer 层layout 排布layout布局设计leaching淋失leaf blights 叶枯病legume 豆科植物lime-stone 石灰石liming material石灰性物质liming 石灰linkage 连续livestock 牲畜locus 位点(loci的复数)lodged 倒伏的lodging 倒伏率loss of stand 缺苗lower case 小写字母Mmaintain 保证maintenance 维护,维持mammals 哺乳动物management 管理manipulation 操作map 定位mark 纪念mass selection 大量(混合)选择materials 原料,材料maturity 熟期meadow 牧草means 方法mechanical cultivation 机械化耕作mechanisms 机制medium 中等的meet 满足meiosis 减数分裂metering 间距microbial 微生物micronutrients 微量元素microorganisms 微生物midseason 中期生长季migration 迁移,移民mild 中度的mineral 矿质元素mixture 混合物mo 钼modification 改变modified 改进的moist 湿润的moistened 湿润的moisture 含水量moisture 水分molecular markers 分子标记molecular 分子monocotyledon 单子叶植物monohybrid cross 单因子杂交育种monoploid 单倍体motion 概念multifactorial 多因子的multimedia 多媒体multiple alleles 复等位基因multiple cross 复交multiplying 扩繁mutation (诱导)突变mutation 突变NN-containing 含氮化合物nematode worm 线虫net profits 纯利润neutral 中性的nitrate硝酸盐nitrogen 氮nodules 瘤,根瘤nomadic 游牧的note that 注意no-tillage 免耕noxious 有毒害的nucleioc 细胞核遗传nucleotide 核苷酸nursery 实验圃nutrient deficiencies 缺素症状nutrient 营养Ooats 燕麦objective 目的observation 观察obtain 获得offset 补充offspring 子代(群体)oligogene 寡基因open-pollinated 自花授粉open-structured profiles 开放式结构土层operation 管理措施optimal 适宜的order 预定organic matter 有机质organic 有机的origin 起源original 最初的ounce 盎司outlet 出口over time 随时间的推移Pparallel 平行particular 指定的pass on to 传递给patch 斑点pattern 方式,模式PCR polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链式反应pea 豌豆pedigree 纯种的pedigree 家系percent base saturation 演技饱和度percent germination 发芽率perennial forages 多年生杂草perennial 多年生的performance tests 产量鉴别实验permeability 渗透性persist 保持,维持pest problem 病虫害问题pestcide 农药,杀虫剂pesticide 杀虫剂pests 病害petal 花瓣phenotype 表现型phenotypic information 表型数据采集phenotypic 表型的phosphate 磷phosphorus 磷photosynthesis光合作物physical condition理化性质phytophthora 腐酶根腐病pistil 雌蕊plane平面plow 犁,耕地pollen 花粉pollination 授粉,授粉期polymeranse聚合酶polymerase chain聚合酶polyploid 多倍体ponding 积水pone to 倾向于population genetics 群体遗传学population 密度porous 孔隙portion 部分possess 具有potassium 钾potassium—supplyingfertilizer 钾肥potential 潜力pound 磅pounding积水practical 可行的precipitation 降水量predict 预测predominant 占优势地位的pre-existing已存在premature 未成熟prevent 防止previous 前年primary 主要的principle 主要的prior 在…之前privately私人地probe 探测器procedure 过程,方式processing use 工业用途processing 处理produce 形成,产生production 生产professionally 专业的profile 土层,剖面progeny 子代progeny后代prohibited 禁止prolificacy 多穗性promote 促进prone to 易于propagation 繁殖,扩繁proper 最适宜的,正常的properly 适当地proprietary 品种权protection 保护法proteins 蛋白质public developed 公共培育的purchase 购买pure limes variety 纯系品种pure 纯度pure-breeding lines 纯系品种purify纯化purpose 目的Qquality 质量quantity 数量Rrace 亚种,小种radiative heat 辐射热radiative辐射random mating 随机交配rank order 顺序排列rapid 速度rariation 变异rariefy 品种ratio 比率real 最恰当的rearrange 重新排列recede 退却recession 衰退recessive 隐性的recessiveness 隐性recombinant gametes 重组形配子recombinant vector 重组载体recombinant 重组recommend 建议recovered 重获,回收recurrent parent 轮回亲本recurrent 轮回选择reduce 降低refer…as 定义成reflect反映regenerate 再生region 区域regularly 定期地relative maturity 相对成熟期relatively 相对地release 释放remove 排出/吸收repeat 重复represent 占,表现reproduce 繁殖reproduction 繁殖,生殖reproduction 授粉期,繁殖reproductive stages 生殖生长阶段requirement 需水量residual soil 原积土壤,残积土residual soils 冲积土residual 残留residue cover 残株覆盖residue 残渣respond…to 对…产生反应restrict 胁迫,限制return 收益rhizobium inoculation 根瘤菌接种rhizobium nodules 根瘤菌ridge 垄作ril recombinant inbred line 重组自交系rind 外皮rock phosphate 磷矿石rock 矿石rocombinant vector 重组载体root 根系rot 腐烂rotation 轮作rotation循环,轮作row application 条施row spacing 行距runoff 径流RZL重组自交系Ssaturated (水)饱和saturation 饱和度secure 确保sedentary 固定的seed coat 种皮seed vigor 种子活力seed 种子seeding rate 播种量seeding stage 苗期select 选择self-fertilize 自花授粉sensitive 敏感的sequence 序列sequencing 测序severity 严重程度sexual 有性的shallow depth 浅层shed 散,散布shell 壳shelled grain 脱壳粒shovel 土铲significant 明显的,严重的silage 青贮饲料silicates 硅酸盐single cross 单交site 地点skip-row 空行snapdragons 金鱼草snapshot 瞬间somewhat 一点儿sound 合理的soybean 大豆spacing 间距species 种类spores 孢子spread 延长stability 稳定性stage of development 生长阶段stait 特性stalk rots 茎腐病stalk 茎stand uniformity 群体整齐度stand 株丛(群体)standing 积水status 状态stay green 持绿性steadily 稳定地storage 储存store 储存stover 秸秆strain 小种,品系stress胁迫,压力strip rests 条状,小区试验stunted 发育迟缓的subject 使服从于submersion 淹没subsample 小铲substitute 代替sufficient 充足sulfur-free 无硫supersede 替代supplements 补充surface drainage 地表排水susceptible 敏感suspected 疑似symdrome 病症symptoms 症状Ttag 标签tassel blasting 雄穗萎蔫tasseling 抽穗tasseling-silking雄穗吐丝template 模板term 术语termination 终止testcross variety 测交种tester 测验种thalassemia 地中海贫血thawing 解冻the amount to apply 施用量the elevator 传送带therapy 治疗thermal time热量时间tile drains 瓦管tile 瓦管排水tillage 耕作tilth 耕地,耕性timely 及时地tip 小窍门tire 轮胎tissue analysis 组织分析tissue 组织tolerance 耐病性tolerant 耐,耐受tolerate 耐受total p 全磷toxic 有毒的track 痕迹traffic 机械trait 特点translocation 易位transpiration 蒸腾trials实验trillion 万亿two-way 双向的typically 通常地Uunbiased无偏差的,公正的unicellular 单细胞的uniform 均匀地uniformity 整齐度unpredictable 不可预测的upper case 大写字母upright 直立uptake 吸收urea 尿素V 1value 数据variance 方差variant 变异体variants (自然)变异体variation 变异varies widely 差异显著variety performance trials 品种产量鉴定试验variety 品种,多样性vary with 随…变化vector 载体vegetative growth 营养生长期vegetative propagation 营养体繁殖vegetative 植被vein叶脉vigor 活力vigorous 生长旺盛的violet 紫色virtually eliminate 从根本上杜绝vulnerable容易Wwater soluble 水溶性磷weed 杂草wet spot 水坑widespread 广泛地wilt 枯萎,萎蔫Yyeast 酵母yield 产量Zzigzag pattern 之字形zone 区域zygote 合子。

NutrienTrackeR 食物成分信息与营养评估包 v1.3.0 用户指南说明书

NutrienTrackeR 食物成分信息与营养评估包 v1.3.0 用户指南说明书

Package‘NutrienTrackeR’July10,2023Type PackageTitle Food Composition Information and Dietary AssessmentVersion1.3.0Date2023-07-10Maintainer Rafael Ayala<********************>Contact Andrea Rodriguez-Martinez<***************************************.uk>,Rafael Ayala<********************>Description Provides a tool set for food information and dietary assessment.Ituses food composition data from several reference databases,including:'USDA'(United States), 'CIQUAL'(France),'BEDCA'(Spain),'CNF'(Canada)and'STFCJ'(Japan).'Nutrien-TrackeR'calculatesthe intake levels for both macronutrient and micronutrients,and compares them with the recom-mendeddietary allowances(RDA).It includes a number of visualization tools,such as time seriesplots of nutrient intake,and pie-charts showing the main foods contributing to the intakelevel of a given nutrient.A shiny app exposing the main functionalities of the package is also provided.License GPL-3Depends R(>=3.5)Suggests RUnit,knitr,BiocStyle,rmarkdown,BiocGenericsVignetteBuilder knitrImports ggplot2,shinyNeedsCompilation noLazyData trueEncoding UTF-8Author Andrea Rodriguez-Martinez[aut],Rafael Ayala[aut,cre](<https:///0000-0002-9332-4623>),Mark Balchunas[aut],Daniel Gutiérrez-Del-Río[aut](<https:///0000-0002-4592-9345>),12dietBalance Ting-Hua Chen[aut](<https:///0000-0001-8104-0562>),Yacine Debbabi[aut],Lara Sellés Vidal[aut](<https:///0000-0003-2537-6824>)Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-07-1020:00:04UTCR topics documented:dietBalance (2)findFoodName (3)food_composition_data (4)getFoodGroups (5)getNutrientNames (6)NIH_nutrient_recommendations (6)nutrientIntakePlot (7)nutrientPiePlot (8)NutrienTrackeRapp (9)nutrientsTimeTrend (9)nutrient_group (10)sample_diet_USDA (11)subsetFoodRichIn (11)Index13 dietBalance Nutrition calculatorDescriptionThis function calculates the daily nutrient intake of an individual and compares it with the NIH nu-trient recommendations(recommended dietary allowances(RDA)and tolerable upper intake levels (TUIL)).UsagedietBalance(my_daily_food,food_database="USDA",age=27,gender="female", pregnant=FALSE,lactation=FALSE,summary_report=TRUE) Argumentsmy_daily_food matrix or a list of matrices,where each matrix reports all the foods eaten in a given day.The matrix must have two columns:1)"food"(reporting food names)and2)"units"(reporting the number of units relative to100grams,e.g.125g->1.25).For more details,see the dataset"sample_diet_USDA".food_database character vector indicating the food database to be used.Possible values are: "USDA","CIQUAL","BEDCA","CNF","STFCJ".findFoodName3age numeric vector indicating age.gender character vector indicating gender(i.e."female"or"male").pregnant logical constant indicating pregnancy status.lactation logical constant indicating lactation status.summary_report logical constant indicating whether a summary of results(e.g.nutrients whose daily intake level is below RDA or above TUIL)will be reported.ValueA list,where thefirst element indicates daily nutrient intake;the second element indicates thecontribution of each food to the total intake level of each nutrient(as percentage);and the second element reports the total intake level of each nutrient relative to the RDA(as percentage).When my_daily_food is a list,the results correspond to an average daily intake.Referenceshttps:///ndb// datadata(food_composition_data)data(NIH_nutrient_recommendations)data(nutrient_group)data(sample_diet_USDA)##contains an example of a one-week dietday1=sample_diet_USDA[[1]]weekly_balanceF<-dietBalance(my_daily_food=sample_diet_USDA,food_database="USDA",age=27,gender="female") day1_balanceF<-dietBalance(my_daily_food=day1,food_database="USDA",age=27,gender="female") day1_balanceM<-dietBalance(my_daily_food=day1,food_database="USDA",age=27,gender="male") day1_balanceF<-dietBalance(my_daily_food=day1,food_database="USDA",age=27,gender="male") findFoodName Find food names based on keywordsDescriptionThis function allowsfinding food names based on query keywords.4food_composition_dataUsagefindFoodName(keywords,food_database="USDA",food_group=NULL,ignore_case=TRUE)Argumentskeywords character vector of containing one or several keywords.For example,"peppers,"green"and"raw"would be good keywords for the food:"Peppers,sweet,green,raw".food_database character vector indicating the food database to be used.Possible values are:"USDA","CIQUAL","BEDCA","CNF","STFCJ".food_group character vector indicating the food groups that are likely to contain the food ofinterest.NULL indicates that the search is done using all food groups.ignore_case logical constant indicating whether the search is case sensitive.ValueA vector of matched food names.Examples##Load datadata(food_composition_data)findFoodName(keywords=c("Rice","brown","raw"),food_database="USDA")findFoodName(keywords=c("Rice","brown","raw"),food_database="CIQUAL")findFoodName(keywords=c("Rice","brown","raw"),food_database="BEDCA")findFoodName(keywords=c("rice","brown"),food_database="CNF")food_composition_data Nutritional values for common foods and productsDescriptionThis list contains3different food composition tables,which provide information on the average nutritional value of foods consumed in United States(USDA standard reference database),France (CIQUAL database),Spain(BEDCA database),Canada(CNF database)and Japan(Standard Tables of Food Composition,STFCJ).All nutrition information is provided per100grams of food.Usagedata(food_composition_data)FormatListgetFoodGroups5ValueListReferenceshttps:///ndb// getFoodGroups Get the names of the food groups included in a given databaseDescriptionThis function returns the names of the different food groups included in a given database.UsagegetFoodGroups(food_database="USDA")Argumentsfood_database character vector indicating the food database to be used.Possible values are: "USDA","CIQUAL","BEDCA","CNF","STFCJ".ValueA vector of food groups.Examples##Load datadata(food_composition_data)##Get food groups from USDAgetFoodGroups("USDA")##Get food groups from CIQUALgetFoodGroups("CIQUAL")##Get food groups from BEDCAgetFoodGroups("BEDCA")##Get food groups from CNFgetFoodGroups("CNF")6NIH_nutrient_recommendations getNutrientNames Get the names of nutrients included in a given databaseDescriptionThis function returns the names of all nutrients included in a given database.UsagegetNutrientNames(food_database="USDA")Argumentsfood_database character vector indicating the food database to be used.Possible values are: "USDA","CIQUAL","BEDCA","CNF","STFCJ".ValueA vector of nutrient names.Examples##Load datadata(food_composition_data)##Get nutrient names from USDAgetNutrientNames("USDA")##Get nutrient names from CIQUALgetNutrientNames("CIQUAL")##Get nutrient names from BEDCAgetNutrientNames("BEDCA")##Get nutrient names from CNFgetNutrientNames("CNF")NIH_nutrient_recommendationsNutrient recommendationsDescriptionThis list contains nutrient recommendations from the NIH(National Institutes of Health)database: -Thefirst element of the list contains the recommended dietary allowance(RDA)of33nutrients, by gender and age.-The second element of the list contains the tolerable upper intake level(TUIL)of30nutrients,by gender and age.nutrientIntakePlot7Usagedata(NIH_nutrient_recommendations)FormatListValueListnutrientIntakePlot Visualize nutrient intake levelsDescriptionThis function generates a barplot of nutrient intake levels,based on the output generated with the function dietBalance().UsagenutrientIntakePlot(daily_intake,color_scale=c("salmon","cornflowerblue","palegreen3"),macronutrientsOnly=FALSE)Argumentsdaily_intake list generated with the function dietBalance().color_scale character vector indicating the colors used tofill the bars,according to nutrient groups:macronutrient(first color),mineral(second color),vitamin(third color).macronutrientsOnlylogical indicating if only macronutrients should be plotted.In the default be-haviour,macronutrientsOnly=FALSE and all nutrients will be plotted,includ-ing minerals and vitamins.ValueA barplot of nutrient intake levels,expressed as a percentage of RDA.Examples##Load datadata(food_composition_data)data(NHI_nutrient_recommendations)data(nutrient_group)data(sample_diet_USDA)##contains an example of a one-week diet##Get daily intakebalanceF<-dietBalance(my_daily_food=sample_diet_USDA,8nutrientPiePlotfood_database="USDA",age=27,gender="female") ##Generate plotnutrientIntakePlot(daily_intake=balanceF)nutrientPiePlot Visualize the main foods contributing to the intake levels of a nutrientDescriptionThis function generates a pie-chart of the main foods contributing to the intake levels of a nutrient, based on the output from the function dietBalance().UsagenutrientPiePlot(daily_intake,nutrient_name="Vitamin B-12(ug)",n=10)Argumentsdaily_intake list generated with the function dietBalance().nutrient_name character vector indicating the name of the nutrient of interest(e.g."Vitamin B-12(ug)".n maximum number of foods to be displayed.ValueA pie-chart showing the contribution(as percentage)of each food to the intake level of a givennutrient.Examples##Load datadata(food_composition_data)data(NHI_nutrient_recommendations)data(nutrient_group)data(sample_diet_USDA)##contains an example of a one-week diet##Get daily intakebalanceF<-dietBalance(my_daily_food=sample_diet_USDA,food_database="USDA",age=27,gender="female") ##Generate plotsnutrientPiePlot(daily_intake=balanceF,nutrient_name="Fiber,total dietary(g)") nutrientPiePlot(daily_intake=balanceF,nutrient_name="Magnesium,Mg(mg)")nutrientPiePlot(daily_intake=balanceF,nutrient_name="Calcium,Ca(mg)")nutrientPiePlot(daily_intake=balanceF,nutrient_name="Niacin(mg)")NutrienTrackeRapp9 NutrienTrackeRapp Starts shiny app for NutrienTrackeRDescriptionThis function starts the shiny app for NutrienTrackeR running locally.Personal data and the database of choice should be input in the side panel.Diet should be input in the"Diet input"tab,with one food per line for each day and separating with a semicolon(;)the food name and the eaten amount(in grams).Food names should match those found in the chosen database.A quick assessment of the diet for a24-h period can be performed from the"One-day diet fast assessment"tab.UsageNutrienTrackeRapp()Examples##Start the NutrienTrackeR shiny appif(interactive()){NutrienTrackeRapp()}nutrientsTimeTrend Visualize time trends of nutrient intake levelsDescriptionThis function allows visualizing time trends of intake levels of one or several nutrients.UsagenutrientsTimeTrend(my_daily_food,food_database="USDA",nutrients=NULL,age=27,gender="female",pregnant=FALSE,lactation=FALSE)Argumentsmy_daily_food matrix or list of matrices,where each matrix reports a daily intake.The ma-trix must have two columns:1)"food"(reporting food names)and2)"units"(reporting the number of units relative to100grams,e.g.125g->1.25).food_database character vector indicating the food database to be used.Possible values are: "USDA","CIQUAL","BEDCA","STFCJ".nutrients character vector indicating the subset of nutrients that will be displayed.NULL indicates that all nutrients will be displayed.age numeric vector indicating age.10nutrient_groupgender character vector indicating gender(i.e."female"or"male").pregnant logical constant indicating pregnancy status.lactation logical constant indicating lactation status.ValueA timeseries plot displaying nutrient intake levels against time.Examples##Load datadata(food_composition_data)data(NIH_nutrient_recommendations)data(nutrient_group)data(sample_diet_USDA)##contains an example of a one-week diet##Generate plotsnutrientsTimeTrend(my_daily_food=sample_diet_USDA,food_database="USDA",age=27,gender="female")nutrientsTimeTrend(my_daily_food=sample_diet_USDA,food_database="USDA",nutrients=c("Calcium,Ca(mg)","Iron,Fe(mg)"),age=27,gender="female")nutrient_group Nutrient groupsDescriptionThis matrix contains nutrient names and groups,for all nutrients included in the NIH_nutrient_recommendations dataset.Usagedata(nutrient_group)FormatMatrixValueListReferenceshttps:///sample_diet_USDA11 sample_diet_USDA Example of a one-week dietDescriptionThis list is an example of a one-week diet,using foods from the USDA database.Each element of the list is a matrix,which includes the all the foods eaten in a given day.Usagedata(sample_diet_USDA)FormatListValueListReferenceshttps:///ndb/subsetFoodRichIn Find nutrient-rich foodsDescriptionThis function selects the foods with the highest amount of a given nutrient from a food composition database.UsagesubsetFoodRichIn(nutrient_name,food_database="USDA",food_group=NULL,n=10)Argumentsnutrient_name character vector indicating the name of the nutrient of interest.food_database character vector indicating the food database to be used.Possible values are: "USDA","CIQUAL","BEDCA","STFCJ".food_group character vector indicating the food group(s)of interest.NULL indicates that all food groups are considered.n numeric value indicating the number of foods to be selected.12subsetFoodRichInValueA subset from the food composition database containing the foods with the highest amount of thenutrient of interest.Examples##Load datadata(food_composition_data)##Get foods rich in niacinsubsetFoodRichIn(nutrient_name="Niacin(mg)",food_database="USDA",n=5)subsetFoodRichIn(nutrient_name="Niacin(mg)",food_database="CIQUAL",n=5)subsetFoodRichIn(nutrient_name="Niacin(mg)",food_database="BEDCA",n=5)##Get foods rich in niacin from CIQUAL within the group"diary products and deserts"subsetFoodRichIn(nutrient_name="Niacin(mg)",food_database="CIQUAL",n=5,food_group="dairy products and deserts")IndexdietBalance,2findFoodName,3food_composition_data,4getFoodGroups,5getNutrientNames,6NIH_nutrient_recommendations,6nutrient_group,10nutrientIntakePlot,7nutrientPiePlot,8NutrienTrackeRapp,9nutrientsTimeTrend,9sample_diet_USDA,11subsetFoodRichIn,1113。



中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量Chinese Dietary reference intakes ( DRIs)(中国营养学会 2000年 4月制定)DRIs是在RDAs基础上发展起来的一组每日平均膳食营养素摄入量的参考值,包括四项内容:平均需要量(EAR、推荐摄入量(RNI)、适宜摄入量(AI)和可耐受最高摄入量(UL)。

一、平均需要量(EAR,Estimated Average Requirement )EAF是某一特定性别,年龄及生理状况群体中对某营养素需要量的平均值。




如果个体摄入量呈常态分布,一个人群的RNI=EAR+2S D 针对个体,可以检查其摄入不足的可能性。

二、推荐摄入量(RN I,Recommended Nutrient Intake )RNI相当于传统使用的RDA,它可以满足某一特定群体中绝大多数(97%〜98%)个体需要量的摄入水平,可以维持组织中有适当的储备。



三、适宜摄入量(A I ,Adequate Intakes )AI 是通过观察或实验获得的健康人群某种营养素的摄入量。

AI 能满足目标人群中几乎所有个体的需要。


AI 的主要作个体的营养素摄入目标,同时用作过多摄入的标准。



四、可耐受最高摄入量(UL,Tolerable Upper In take Level)UL 是平均每日可以摄入某营养素的最高量。




term birth pregnant women and 133 term birth pregnant women) were randomly sampled to investigate theirs dietary status by self - designed food frequency
milk and fruits are significant lower than recommended nutrient intakes( RNIs) . The intakes of retinol,folic acid,calcium,magnesium,iron and zinc were ex-
tremely insufficient,and intakes of retinol,folic acid,magnesium and zinc in preterm birth pregnant women was significant higher than those in term birth
crease intake of foods,such as milk,beans and aquatic product.
Key words Pregnant women; Preterm birth; Term birth; Dietary status; Food frequency questionnaire
pregnant women( P < 0. 05) . Conclusion: Matornal intake of some nutrients is not enough,nutritoon education should be actively pursued,proposal to in-





















尝试药用荆条种植英文Medicinal Chinese Thistle (Cirsium japonicum) CultivationMedicinal Chinese thistle, also known as Cirsium japonicum, is an herbaceous perennial plant with various medicinal uses. It is primarily cultivated for its roots, which are believed to have several health benefits. Here are some instructions for cultivating medicinal Chinese thistle:1. Seed Selection: Begin by selecting high-quality seeds from a reputable source. Ensure that the seeds are fresh and free from any disease or damage.2. Soil Preparation: Medicinal Chinese thistle prefers well-draining soil with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5. Prepare the soil by removing any weeds or debris and breaking up any clumps. Add organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to enrich the soil.3. Sowing Seeds: Sow the seeds in early spring or fall, preferably in a seed tray or pots before transplanting them outdoors. If sowing directly in the garden, make shallow furrows, and sow the seeds about 1/8 inch deep. Space the seeds approximately 12 inches apart to allow enough room for growth.4. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist throughout the germination and growing period. Avoid overwatering, as it can cause root rot. Water deeply when required, but allow the topsoil to dry slightly between waterings.5. Light and Temperature: Medicinal Chinese thistle prefers full sun to partial shade for optimal growth. Ensure that the plants receive a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. The plant can tolerate a wide range of temperatures but thrives in moderate climates with temperatures between 60F and 80F.6. Fertilization: Apply a balanced fertilizer during the growing season to promote healthy growth. Follow the recommended dosage provided by the fertilizer manufacturer. Avoid excessive fertilizer application, as it can lead to lush foliage but fewer medicinal properties.7. Maintenance: Regularly monitor the plants for the presence of pests and diseases. Treat any issues promptly to prevent further damage. Additionally, remove any weeds that may compete for nutrients and water with the medicinal Chinese thistle.8. Harvesting: The roots of medicinal Chinese thistle are typically harvested in late fall when the plants have fully matured. Carefully dig up the roots, remove excess soil, and wash them thoroughly. Allow the roots to dry in a well-ventilated area before storage or further processing.Remember to consult with a healthcare professional or herbalist before using medicinal Chinese thistle for therapeutic purposes. They can provide guidance on dosage and potential interactions with other medications.。



植物领域国自然标书(中英文版)英文文档:Plant Domain National Natural Science Foundation ProposalThe plant domain is a crucial area of research that encompasses the study of various plant species, their characteristics, and their interactions with the environment.This proposal aims to explore the fascinating world of plants and unravel the mysteries surrounding their growth, development, and adaptation.The objectives of this research are as follows:1.To investigate the genetic diversity and evolutionary history of plant species in a specific region.2.To understand the role of plant secondary metabolism in their resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors.3.To explore the mechanisms underlying plant-microbe interactions and their implications for plant health and productivity.4.To study the impact of climate change on plant distribution, diversity, and ecosystem dynamics.To achieve these objectives, the following methods will be employed:1.Genetic analysis: High-throughput sequencing techniques will be used to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of plant species in the target region.2.Metabolomic profiling: Mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques will be utilized to identify and quantify secondary metabolites in plant tissues.3.Microbiome analysis: Next-generation sequencing and metagenomic approaches will be employed to characterize the plant microbiome and its functional potential.4.Climate modeling: Climate data and ecological models will be used to project the future distribution of plant species under different climate change scenarios.The proposed research will have significant implications for the following areas:1.Conservation: Understanding the genetic diversity and population structure of plant species will aid in the conservation and management of endangered species.2.Agriculture: Unraveling the mechanisms underlying plant-microbe interactions will contribute to the development of sustainable agricultural practices.3.Biotechnology: Discovering novel secondary metabolites with bioactive properties will open up opportunities for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.4.Climate change adaptation: Investigating the impact of climate change on plant distribution and ecosystem dynamics will providevaluable information for ecosystem management and conservation under changing climatic conditions.In conclusion, this proposal seeks to explore the plant domain and decipher the complex interactions between plants, their environment, and their microbial associates.The findings of this research will undoubtedly contribute to a better understanding of plant biology and provide valuable insights for various applications in conservation, agriculture, and climate change adaptation.中文文档:植物领域国家自然科学基金申请书植物领域是研究各种植物物种、它们的特征以及它们与环境相互作用的重要研究领域。



昆明学院学裉2018, 40 (3) :75-79J o u rn a l o f K u n m in g U n iv e rs ityISSN 1674 -5639CN 53 -1211/G4铝胁迫对凤仙花种子萌发及植株营养的影响张永福,王燕平,孙继永(昆明学院农学院,云南昆明65〇21句摘要:以凤仙花为试材,采用5个不同浓度的氯化铝进行铝胁迫处理,测定其种子发芽、幼苗形态及植株营养物质含量,试验重复4次.结果表明,不同浓度铝胁迫显著降低了胚根和下胚轴的长度,而下胚轴粗则显著增大;铝胁迫还使凤仙花叶片和根系中的可溶性糖、蛋白质含量下降,使根系淀粉含量和叶片、根系中的游离脯氨酸含量上升;此外,铝胁迫使凤仙花根系氮含量降低,叶片和根系铝含量上升.由此可见,铝胁迫对凤仙花胚轴生长和植株营养物质含量造成一定的影响,且铝含量越高影响越大.关键词:凤仙花;铝胁迫;种子;萌发;植株营养中图分类号:S681.1文献标识码:A文章编号:1674 -5639(2018)03 -0075-05D O I:10. 14091/j. cnki. kmxyxb. 2018. 03. 014^fe c ts of Alum inum Stress on Seed Germination and Plant N utrition of fmpatiens balsarninaZ H A N G Y on g fu,W A N G Y a n p in g,SUNJiyong(College of Agriculture,Kunming University,Kunming,Yunnan,China 650214)A b s tra c t:Five different concentrations of aluminum chloride were used as the test material for theure the seed germination,the seedling morphology and the nutrient content of the plant under four showed that different concentrations of aluminum stress significantly decreased the length of radicle and hypocotyl hypocotyl increased significantly. Aluminum stress also decreased the content of soluble sugar and protein in leaves and roots,butincreased the content of starch and free proline in roots. Besides,Aluminum stress decreased the nitrogen content in the roots andincreased the aluminum content in the leavvs and roots. It can be seen that aluminum stress has a certain effect on the growth of thehypocotyl and the content of plant nutrients in Impatiens balsarnina,the higher the aluminum content, the greater the effect.K e y w o rd s:Impatiens balsarnina;aluminum stress;seed; germination; plant nutrition凤仙花(Im p te n b alam ia L.)原产于中国、印度和马来西亚,通常进行庭院栽培,既可用于观 赏,又可入药.因其具有花期长、花色丰富、易于 栽培管养、适应性强等特点,已广泛应用在园林景 观中[1].此外,凤仙花整个植株和种子均可入药,可活血、消肿、祛风、止痛等[2].凤仙花还可作为 天然色素资源,将在化妆品、食品、制药等领域发 挥重要作用[3-4].铝是地壳中含量最丰富的金属元 素[5],在中性或碱性土壤中,主要以铝硅酸盐的形 式存在,植物基本不吸收[6],但当土壤pH值低于5 时,可溶性铝含量增加,大量A l3+被植物吸收,会对植物造成伤害[].我国南方地区的土壤普遍偏酸 性,加之酸雨频发使土壤酸化日趋严重.因此,南 方地区的植物通常会表现出铝毒害症状,如根系生 长明显受阻,根短小,卷曲畸形,脆弱易断,地上 部生长缓慢,茎痩弱,叶片小、发黄等[8_9].此外,铝胁迫还会影响植物对无机营养元素[10]的吸收,干扰其各种生理代谢过程[1],同时 铝胁迫还会导致植物叶绿素含量下降,减少干物质 的累积和降低产量.而研究植物铝毒害的基础是铝 胁迫下铝和其他元素的吸收、运输[2]和分布情况. 但是,目前国内外研究的侧重点是铝胁迫下植物根收稿日期:2018 -03 -21基金项目:云南省应用基础研究计划资助项目(2017FD087);国家自然科学基金资助项目(31660559);昆明学 院科学研究资助项目(X JZ Z1604).作者简介:张永福(81—),男,云南弥勒人,教授,博士,主要从事园艺植物抗性生理研究.76昆明学院学报2018年6月系分泌物及植株体内铝形态的变化,对铝胁迫下植 物对其他营养元素吸收和运输的影响研究尚少[13].由于地处云贵高原的云南省是中国花卉生产大省,土壤多为酸性红壤,铝毒害现象严重,因此缓解铝 毒害是花卉生产中急需解决的问题.鉴于此,本研 究以凤仙花为材料,用不同浓度的硫酸铝钾对其进 行处理,90 d后观察并测量其植株生长及营养指 标,旨在探明不同浓度铝处理对凤仙花生长及树体 营养状况的影响,以期揭示凤仙花的耐铝机制,为 酸性土壤凤仙花栽培提供理论依据及凤仙花耐铝品 种选育提供参考依据.1材料与方法1. 1试验材料试验材料为凤仙花,来源于云南省昆明市.1.2试验设计于2016年4月进行种子培养及铝处理,设置5 个氯化铝处理浓度,即T1为1mm〇l/L,T2为 2 mmol/L,T3 为 3 mmol/L,T4 为 4 mmol/L,T5 为 5mmol/L,同时做蒸傭水处理的对照(CK),每个 浓度重复4次.每个培养皿中分别放入两张滤纸后 放入50粒凤仙花种子,然后每个培养皿分别加氯化 铝溶液10mL,在25°C生化培养箱中进行培养,每 天更换1次处理液和滤纸.5 d后测定种子发芽率、胚根长度、幼根条数、下胚轴长、下胚轴粗.将上述发芽的种子分别种在90 cm X45 cm X 65 cm的条盆中,每个处理播种4盆,每盆播种50 颗.播种基质为m(泥炭):m(腐殖土):m(珍珠 岩)=2:2:1,基质装盆用相应浓度的处理液浇透后 再播种.每周每个条盆浇1次对应浓度的处理液 500 mL.每隔 2d 浇 1 次 1/2 Hoagland's 营养液,每次每条盆浇500 mL.待植株生长90 d后采成熟 健康的根系和叶片烘干磨碎后,测定其可溶性糖、淀粉、蛋白质、脯氨酸的含量,磨碎后的根系和叶 片经硫酸-双氧水消煮后用于测定氮、磷、钾和铝 的含量.1.3 各指标的测定方法胚根长度、下胚轴长、下胚轴粗用直尺测量,发芽率=(发芽种子数/种子总数)X100%.可溶性 糖含量采用苯酚-硫酸显色法测定;可溶性淀粉含 量采用酸解法测定;可溶性蛋白质含量采用考马斯 亮蓝G-250显色法测定[14];游离脯氨酸含量采用酸 性茚三酮法测定[14].粉末用硫酸-双氧水消煮后,用纳氏比色法测定氮含量[14];用钼蓝比色法测定磷 含量[5];用原子吸收法测定钾的含量[5].I. 4数据统计分析试验数据采用S P S S 22.0软件进行统计分析 (P<0.05),用 Excel2010 绘制柱状图.2结果与分析2.1 铝处理对凤仙花种子萌发及幼苗形态的影响从表1可看出,铝处理对凤仙花种子的萌发影 响较小,各处理的种子发芽率均在99%以上,差 异无统计学意义;铝处理对凤仙花胚根长度影响较 大,且随着铝浓度的增加,胚根长度急剧下降,从 T1到T5胚根长度分别比C K下降了 50.62%,85. 95%,94.42%,96. 90%,98. 14%,且均显著 小于CK;各处理的幼根条数均在4.5 ~ 6.0条之 间,差异无统计学意义;铝处理也同样大幅度降低 了凤仙花下胚轴长,且随处理浓度的增大,降低幅 度加大,从T1到T5的下胚轴长分别比C K下降了 26.85%,57.20%,59.53%,61.48%,68.09%,差异有统计学意义;但铝处理却使凤仙花下胚轴粗 度变大,而且随处理浓度的增大而增粗,从T1到 T5的下胚轴分别比C K粗5.56%,11. 11%,I I. 11%,11. 11%,33. 33%.表1铝处理对凤仙花种子发芽及幼苗形态的影响处理发芽率/%胚根长度/cm幼根条数/条下胚轴长/cm下胚轴粗/cm T1100.00±0.00 a 2 39 ±0.23 b 5 05±0.10a 1 88±0.12b0.19±0.01 a b T299.00 ±116 a0.68±0.42 c 5.00±0.00a 1 10±0.14c0.20±0.01 a b T399.50±1.00 a0.27±0.10c d5.57 ±0.61 a 1.04±0. 08c0.20±0.01 a b T499.50±1.00 a0.1±0.06 d6.00 ±0.70 a0.99±0. 10c0.20± 0.00a b T599.50±1.00 a0.09 ±0.01 d4.50±0. 34a0.82±0.06 d0.24 ± 0.08a C K99.50±1.00 a4.84±0.69 a5.00±0. 00a 2 57±0.10 a0.18±0.01 b注:表中同一列数据后不同小写字母代表达到差异显著性水平(P<0.05).第3期张永福,王燕平,孙继永:铝胁迫对凤仙花种子萌发及植株营养的影响77图1铝胁迫对凤仙花可溶性糖和淀粉含量的影响2. 3 铭胁迫对凤仙花蛋白质和脯氨酸含量的影响从图2可看出,铝胁迫使凤仙花叶片蛋白质含 量降低,从T 1到T 5叶片蛋白质含量分别比C K 低 26.61%, 39.94%, 43.15%, 52.42%, 48.68%, 差异有统计学意义;除T 1外,铝胁迫下各处理根 系蛋白质含量均有所下降,其中T 4和T 5显著低于CK , T 2 到 T 5 分别比 CK 低 8. 56%,20. 60%,35.95%, 37.96%.铝胁迫下,各处理叶片脯氨酸 含量均高于CK ,从T 1到T 5分别比C K 高 10.77%, 23.80%, 24.11%, 23.30%, 4.45%, 且除T 1外,各处理均显著高于CK ;各处理根系脯 氨酸含量均高于CK ,从T 1到T 5分别比C K 高 2.81%, 6.91%, 22.01%, 32.64%, 34.83%, 其中T 4和T 5与C K 的差异有统计学意义.图2铝胁迫对凤仙花蛋白质和脯氨酸含量的影响2. 4铭胁迫对凤仙花氮、嶙、钾和铭含量的影响 从图3可看出,铝胁迫下各处理的凤仙花叶片氮含量与C K 的差异无统计学意义;但根系氮 含量却显著下降,从T 1到T 5各处理分别比CK 低了 42. 10%,44. 69%,49. 40%,59. 87%, 69.93%.不同浓度铝处理后叶片和根系的磷和 钾含量与C K 的差异均无统计学意义;铝胁迫使叶片和根系的铝含量上升,从T 1到T 5叶片铝含 量分别比 CK 高 35. 26%,89. 84%,76. 47%, 121.26%, 178.79%,且除T 1外各处理均显著 高于CK ;各处理根系铝含量均显著高于CK ,从T 1 到 T 5 分别比 CK 高 109. 37% , 148. 06%,307. 93%, 75. 87%, 571.02%,差异有统计学 意义.2. 2铭胁迫对凤仙花可溶性糖和淀粉含量的影响 由图1可看出,不同浓度的铝处理使凤仙花叶片和根系的可溶性糖含量均下降,且随着处理浓度 的增加,下降幅度加大;从T 1到T 5叶片可溶性糖 含量分别比 CK 低 15. 71%,16. 95%,22. 63%, 30. 03%,39. 19% ;从T 1到T 5根系的可溶性糖含 量分别比 CK 低了 54. 85%,59. 53%,63. 34%, 67.63%, 69.94%,差异有统计学意义.不同浓度的铝处理对凤仙花淀粉含量也产生较大影响,T 1 叶片淀粉含量较C K 有所上升,但差异无统计学意 义,从T 2到T 5则分别比C K 低16. 19%, 17.45%, 22.81%, 27.75%,差异有统计学意义; 各处理根系的淀粉含量均高于CK ,且除T 5外差异 均有统计学意义,从T 1到T 5各处理根系的淀粉含 量分别比 CK 高了 18. 31%,56. 82%,33. 35%, 30. 94% , 4. 34% .处(b(I 』•1/義如蠢(a)(!0• S日)/_钿«趄敏向理b >处c b (^•6〇0)/_舡饉贓|1理a)78昆明学院学报2018年6月图3铝胁迫对凤仙花氮、磷、钾和铝含量的影响3结论与讨论铝对植物有毒害作用,严重影响植物根尖细胞 分裂和伸长,最终影响根系的生长、水分和养分的 吸收[16].本试验表明,不同浓度的铝处理对凤仙 花种子的发芽率影响不大,各处理发芽率均在99%以上;铝处理对凤仙花幼苗的根系和下胚轴长 度影响较大,使二者显著小于CK,这与江寰新 等[17]研究结果相似;而铝处理则使下胚轴粗显著 大于CIK淀粉、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质是植物体内重 要的有机营养物质,其中可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质 还是植物体内重要的渗透调节物质.逆境胁迫下可 溶性糖将在植物体内大量积累,以保持细胞的渗透 势以及为合成其他渗透调节物质提供能量和碳源[18],同时铝胁迫也会诱导植物体内产生新的可 溶性蛋白质来保护核酸免遭破坏,以维持植物细胞 的正常代谢[19].如张盛楠等[0]报道,随着铝浓度 的增大,马尾松针叶中的可溶性蛋白质呈上升趋 势,但可溶性糖含量在低浓度铝胁迫下小于CK,随着铝浓度上升则呈上升趋势.然而,本研究却发 现,铝胁迫使各处理的叶片和根系中的可溶性糖、淀粉和蛋白质含量下降,且处理浓度越高,降低幅 度越大;此外,铝处理显著提高了凤仙花叶片和根 系游离脯氨酸含量,且处理浓度越高,游离脯氨酸含量越高.有研究[21]报道,铝干扰植物根系对矿质元素的吸收是植物发生铝毒害的重要原因之一.关于这方面的研究目前大多集中在铝影响磷、钙元素的吸收上,且已有较一致的观点,即铝会与植物体内的磷结合形成沉淀而引起缺磷症[2].但本研究发现,铝胁迫下除凤仙花根系氮含量有不同程度下降外,叶片氮含量、叶片和根系磷含量、叶片和根系钾含量均无显著变化.根系中氮含量随着铝浓度的增大而大幅度降低,这与肖祥希等[23]的研究结果相似.较高浓度的铝胁迫使苗根系中氮含量下降的原因可能是铝使凤仙花根系受到伤害,吸收能力下降,也可能是A13+与腿4+和K+之间存在拮抗作用.[参考文献][1]潘继兰.凤仙花高效栽培技术[].花木盆景(花卉园艺版),2010 (3): 9.[2]南京中医药大学.中药大辞典[M].上海:上海科学技术出版社,2005: 676.[]何奕昆,奚惕.凤仙花中花色素苷累积与苯丙氨酸解氨 酶的关系[J].植物生理性通讯,1989 (2): 35 - 38.[]果秀敏,陈段芬,方正,等.新几内亚凤仙花色素苷的 性质研究[].河北农业大学学报,200, 27 (3):33 -35.[5] LI1MDSAY W L.Chemical equilibria in soils[M].New第3期张永福,王燕平,孙继永:铝胁迫对凤仙花种子萌发及植株营养的影响79York:John Wiley a n d S ons,1979.[6]鄢盛尧,王月平,王志颖,等.铝胁迫下外源有机酸对油菜根系分泌物特性的影响[J].广东农业科学,2013 (11):16 -20.[]ARENHART R A,L I M A J C D,P E D R O N M,et al.I nvolvem ent of ASR g e n e s in aluminium tolerance m echa­nism s in rice[J].Plant Cell a n d Environment,2012,36 (1):52 -67.[]刘庆华,蒋悟生.铝对植物的毒害[j].植物学通 报,1995,12 (1):24 -32.[9]陈志萍,李从瑞.土壤中不同形态铝与贵州红山茶叶片铝含量关系的研究[].安徽农业科学,2014,42 (28):9740 -9742,9989.[0]任立民,刘鹏,谢忠雷,等.植物对铝毒害的抗逆性研究进展[J].土壤通报,2008 ,39 (1):177-181. 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一位农艺师告诉果农作文800英文回答:As an agronomist, I can provide you with comprehensive guidance to enhance your orchard's productivity and fruit quality. Here are some key considerations to address:Soil Health:Soil health is paramount for optimal plant growth and fruit development. Regular soil testing will provide insights into nutrient levels, pH, and organic matter content. Based on the analysis, I can recommend tailored soil amendments and fertilization strategies to improve soil fertility and structure.Plant Nutrition:Understanding the nutritional requirements of fruit trees is crucial. Through tissue analysis, I can determinethe specific nutrient needs of your plants and develop a customized fertilization program. This will ensure that your trees receive the necessary nutrients for healthy growth, abundant fruit production, and resilience to pests and diseases.Water Management:Adequate and timely irrigation is essential for fruit tree health and yield. I can assess your irrigation system and advise on efficient watering practices. Proper water management will optimize water uptake by plants, prevent water stress, and reduce the risk of root rot and other water-related issues.Pest and Disease Control:Integrated pest and disease management (IPM) is a sustainable approach to managing orchard health. I can provide guidance on identifying and controlling common pests and diseases. IPM involves a combination of monitoring, biological control, and targeted chemicalapplications to minimize impacts on fruit quality and the environment.Pruning and Training:Proper pruning and training techniques are crucial for maintaining tree health, controlling fruit size and quality, and maximizing yield. I can demonstrate best practices for pruning, shaping, and training your fruit trees to optimize sunlight exposure, fruit production, and overall orchard efficiency.Harvesting and Postharvest Handling:Harvesting at the appropriate maturity stage iscritical for fruit quality and shelf life. I can guide youin determining optimal harvesting times and provide advice on proper harvesting techniques to minimize bruising and damage. Additionally, I can offer recommendations for postharvest handling practices to maintain fruit freshness and extend its shelf life.Crop Rotation and Cover Crops:Crop rotation and the use of cover crops can improve soil health, reduce pest pressure, and supplement soil organic matter. I can advise you on implementing these practices within your orchard system to enhance soilfertility and overall orchard productivity.Record-Keeping and Monitoring:Regular monitoring and record-keeping are essential for tracking orchard performance and identifying areas for improvement. I can provide guidance on establishing a monitoring system to record data on tree health, fruit production, pest and disease incidence, and other relevant parameters.Continuing Education:The agricultural field is constantly evolving. To stay informed about the latest research and best practices, I recommend attending industry workshops, conferences, andcontinuing education programs. This will empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to optimize yourorchard's performance.中文回答:作为一名农艺师,我可以全方位地指导你们果农提高果园的产量和果品质量。

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RECOMMENDED APPLICATION OF NUTRIPLANT PRODUCTSCROP:RICE–TRANSPLANTEDIMPORTANT REMINDER:A.It is best if a soil analysis is done periodically,preferably every3years,on thearea to be planted prior to planting to determine the quantity or amount offertilizer required particularly NPK.B.Nutriplant products contain essential nutrient elements to enhance seedgermination and growth,increase yield and better quality of harvest.Itsupplements the nutrient deficiency not present in other fertilizer.e hybrid or certified seeds for better germination.D.Follow the recommended rate and method of application and consult an Amwayagriculture technician if necessary.1.THE APSA80(SOIL CONDITIONER AND ADJUVANT)Land Preparation∙Dilute80ml(8tablespoon)in16liters of water or1liter APSA80in1drum (200liters)of water and spray the solution on the soil2to3days beforeplanting.∙Spray10to12spray loads of APSA80per hectare as soil conditioner.∙Spray Apsa80solution to the seed bed and to the area where the seedlings will be transplanted.Objective:To loosen the soil for better penetration and retention of water and moisture;for better penetration of oxygen in the soil;for faster penetration of ground fertilizer;and easy pulling of seedlings.Adjuvant and Sticker∙Mix5ml(1teaspoon)of Apsa80to16liters(1knapsack sprayer)of solution of Nutriplant AG,Nutriplant NPK,Nutriplant Zinc,Nutriplant Potassium andNutriplant SL.∙Apsa80can also be mixed with any pesticide,fungicide and other fertilizer diluted in water using the same rate of5ml(1teaspoon)for every16literssolution.Objective:To enhance the performance of Nutriplant products and other solutions such as better emulsification,uniform spraying or application as sticker and spreader.REMINDER:APSA80IS NOT A PESTICIDE AND CAN NOT BE USED TO KILL INSECTS AND PESTS2.NUTRIPLANT SL(SEED TREATMENT)Preparation of Solution for soaking or spraying of Palay seeds∙Dilute80ml(8tablespoon)Nutriplant SL in40liters of water for every40kilos (1bag)of palay seeds∙If seeds is less than or more than40kilos,the dilution rate is2ml Nutriplant SL for1liter of water for every1kilo of seeds∙Always use clean water to avoid contamination of seeds.∙Using a clean and appropriate container,soak seeds to the Nutriplant SL solution overnight before incubation.Incubation period could take1-2days depending onfarmer’s practice.∙Sprayed to the seed bed the excess Nutriplant SL solution after sowing of seeds.∙If soaking is difficult to do,spray Nutriplant SL solution to the seeds before incubation.However,ensure that all seeds are uniformly treated.Objective:To enhance seed emergence and root growth.3.NUTRIPLANT SD(SEED TREATMENT)Preparation of Nutriplant SD powder for Palay Seeds∙Use Nutriplant SD powder if soaking or spraying of Nutriplant SL solution is difficult∙Mix Nutriplant SD powder at the rate100grams per bag(40kilos)of seeds using the appropriate container∙Mixing should be done after the seeds have been soaked in a clean water and before incubation∙The seeds must be air dried to ensure uniform coating and to prevent the powder from sticking to the handsObjective:To enhance seed emergence and root growth4.NUTRIPLANT AG AND NUTRIPLANT ZINC8%Zn(FOLIAR FERTILIZER)∙Dilute80-100ml.(8-10tablespoons)Nutriplant AG plus50ml(5tablespoon) Nutriplant Zinc plus5ml.(1teaspoon)of APSA80in16liters of water or1literNutriplant AG plus500ml(half liter)Nutriplant Zinc plus65ml.(6.5tablespoon)APSA80per drum(200liters.)water.Always shake the bottle of Nutriplant AGand Nutriplant Zinc before mixing with water.∙Always use clean water and avoid storing the solution for more than24hours after dilution.∙Spray the Nutriplant AG and Nutriplant Zinc solution10-25days after transplanting(DAT).∙Repeat spraying of Nutriplant AG solution only using the same dilution rate of 80-100ml(8-10tablespoon)plus5ml(1teaspoon)Apsa80per16liters ofwater40-45DAT or during panicle initiation.∙Spraying should be done early morning or late in the afternoon for maximum efficacyObjective:To reduce stress after transplanting,enhance growth and tillers,and to supply essential nutrients during panicle initiation5.NUTRIPLANT NPK4-18-18and NUTRIPLANT POTASSIUM25%K(FOLIARFERTILIZER)∙Dilute100ml(10tablespoon)Nutriplant NPK plus50ml(5tablespoon) Nutriplant Potassium plus5ml(1teaspoon)in16liters of water or1literNutriplant NPK plus500ml(half liter)Nutriplant Potassium plus65ml(6.5tablespoon)Apsa80per drum(200liters)water.Always shake the bottle ofNutriplant NPK and Nutriplant Potassium before mixing.∙Always use clean water and avoid storing the solution for more than24hours after dilution.∙Spray Nutriplant NPK and Nutriplant Potassium solution60-65DAT or at early booting stage∙Spraying should be done early morning or late in the afternoon for maximum efficacyObjective:To supply plant with N,P,K when soil availability is low which are critical during grain development and maturity up to ripening stages.CAUTION:Nutriplant AG,Nutriplant NPK,Nutriplant Zinc and Nutriplant Potassium can be used in combination with most other fertilizers and pesticides.However,a test area should be done when mixed with other chemicals prior to large scale application for maximum efficiency.6.SUMMARY OF QUANTITY PRODUCTS NEEDED∙1X250ml Nutriplant SL(good for125kilos of Palay seeds)or∙1x150gms Nutriplant SD(good for60kilos of Palay seeds)∙1x1Liter Apsa80(for soil conditioning)∙1x250ml Apsa80(for adjuvant and sticker)∙2x1liter Nutriplant AG(1liter10-25DAT and1liter40-45DAT)∙1x500ml Nutriplant Zinc8%(10-25DAT mixed with Nutriplant AG)∙1x1liter Nutriplant NPK(60-65DAT mixed with Nutriplant Potassium25%)∙1x500ml Nutriplant Potassium25%(60-65DAT mixed with Nutriplant NPK) Note:Choose only between Nutriplant SL or Nutriplant SD as seed treatment.Treatment of hybrid seeds will use less SD or SL.Excess Apsa80can be used also for spraying of other chemicals like insecticide,herbicide and snail killer chemicals diluted in water.。
