【精编范文】雅思词汇速记之医疗篇-实用word文档 (2页)
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mental hospital 精神病医院 clinic 诊所
physician / internist 内科医生 oculist / eye doctor 眼科医生
surgon 外科医生 dentist 牙医
vet 兽医 shrink 心理医生
symptom 症状 have / catch a cold 感冒
have a sore throat 嗓子痛 have a stomachache 胃痛
have a fever 发烧 pneumonia 肺炎
flu 流感 have a cough 咳嗽
have a headache 头痛 have a toothache 牙痛
liver trouble 肝炎 allergy 过敏症
twisted / sprained 扭伤的 feel dizzy 头晕
feel chilly 觉得发冷 asthma 哮喘
diabetics 糖尿病患者 cramps 抽筋
vomit / throw up / nauseate 呕吐 diarrhea 腹泻
vomitive / pukey 恶心的 luggies / phlegm 痰
have a stuffed nose 鼻子不通 cholera 霍乱。
1. ailment [ˈeɪlmənt] n. 小病;疾病。
2. symptom [ˈsɪmptəm] n. 症状。
- headache [ˈhedeɪk] n. 头痛。
- fever [ˈfiːvə(r)] n. 发烧;发热。
- cough [kɒf] n. 咳嗽。
- cold [kəʊld] n. 感冒。
- flu [fluː] n. 流感。
- stomachache [ˈstʌməkeɪk] n. 胃痛;肚子痛。
- toothache [ˈtuːθeɪk] n. 牙痛。
- backache [ˈbækeɪk] n. 背痛。
- injury [ˈɪndʒəri] n. 伤害;损伤(可指身体受伤,如sports injury运动损伤)- infection [ɪnˈfekʃn] n. 感染。
- allergy [ˈælədʒi] n. 过敏。
- asthma [ˈæsmə] n. 哮喘。
3. disease [dɪˈziːz] n. 疾病(比ailment更严重、更正式)- cancer [ˈkænsə(r)] n. 癌症。
- diabetes [ˌdaɪəˈbiːtiːz] n. 糖尿病。
- heart disease [hɑːt dɪˈziːz] 心脏病。
- stroke [strəʊk] n. 中风。
1. doctor [ˈdɒktə(r)] n. 医生。
- general practitioner (GP) [ˌdʒenrəl prækˈtɪʃənə(r)] 全科医生。
- specialist [ˈspeʃəlɪst] n. 专家(如a heart specialist心脏病专家)- surgeon [ˈsɜːdʒən] n. 外科医生。
- physician [fɪˈzɪʃn] n. 内科医生。
医疗健康有关的英语词汇一、常见疾病词汇1. Diabetes (糖尿病)2. Hypertension (高血压)3. Asthma (哮喘)4. Cancer (癌症)5. Heart Disease (心脏病)6. Stroke (中风)7. Arthritis (关节炎)8. Obesity (肥胖症)9. Allergy (过敏)10. Depression (抑郁症)二、身体部位词汇1. Heart (心脏)2. Brain (大脑)3. Liver (肝脏)4. Lung (肺)5. Kidney (肾脏)6. Stomach (胃)7. Intestine (肠道)8. Bone (骨骼)9. Muscle (肌肉)10. Skin (皮肤)三、医疗检查与治疗词汇1. Xray (X光检查)2. CT Scan (CT扫描)3. MRI (磁共振成像)4. Ultrasound (超声波检查)5. Blood Test (血液检查)6. Urine Test (尿液检查)7. Physical Examination (体检)8. Surgery (手术)9. Medication (药物治疗)10. Therapy (治疗)四、医疗人员与设施词汇1. Doctor (医生)2. Nurse (护士)3. Surgeon (外科医生)4. Physician (内科医生)5. Dentist (牙医)6. Hospital (医院)7. Clinic (诊所)8. Pharmacy (药房)9. Ambulance (救护车)10. Health Insurance (医疗保险)五、健康生活习惯词汇1. Exercise (锻炼)2. Diet (饮食)3. Sleep (睡眠)4. Relaxation (放松)5. Meditation (冥想)6. Hydration (补水)7. Quit Smoking (戒烟)8. Limit Alcohol (限酒)9. Preventive Measures (预防措施)10. Healthy Lifestyle (健康生活方式)六、症状描述词汇1. Fever (发烧)2. Cough (咳嗽)3. Sore Throat (喉咙痛)4. Headache (头痛)5. Nausea (恶心)6. Vomiting (呕吐)7. Diarrhea (腹泻)8. Constipation (便秘)9. Fatigue (疲劳)10. Pain (疼痛)七、药物与治疗用品词汇1. Painkiller (止痛药)2. Antibiotic (抗生素)3. Antihistamine (抗组胺药)4. Insulin (胰岛素)5. Aspirin (阿司匹林)6. Tablet (药片)7. Capsule (胶囊)8. Syrup (糖浆)9. Injection (注射)10. Bandage (绷带)八、健康与福祉相关词汇1. Wellness (健康)2. Wellbeing (福祉)3. Prevention (预防)4. Recovery (恢复)5. Rehabilitation (康复)6. Immunization (免疫)7. Vaccination (接种疫苗)8. Nutrition (营养)9. Hygiene (卫生)10. Stress Management (压力管理)九、医疗专业术语词汇1. Appendicitis (阑尾炎)2. Appendectomy (阑尾切除手术)3. Hypoglycemia (低血糖)4. Hyperglycemia (高血糖)5. Hypotension (低血压)6. Hypertrophy (肥大)7. Myocardial Infarction (心肌梗死)8. Osteoporosis (骨质疏松)9. Parkinson's Disease (帕金森病)10. Alzheimer's Disease (阿尔茨海默病)十、医疗保险与费用词汇1. Premium (保险费)2. Deductible (免赔额)3. Copayment (共同支付)4. Coverage (保险覆盖范围)5. Claim (理赔)6. Policy (保险单)7. Provider (医疗服务提供者)8. Outofpocket (自付费用)9. Reimbursement (报销)10. Preexisting Condition (既有疾病)十一、心理健康相关词汇1.心理学 Psychology2.心理咨询 Counseling3.心理治疗 Psychotherapy4.情绪波动 Emotional Fluctuations5.焦虑 Anxiety6.恐慌症 Panic Attack7.强迫症 ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder (OCD)8.创伤后应激障碍 PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)9.心理韧性 Psychological Resilience10.自我认知 SelfAwareness十二、替代疗法与补充医学词汇1.针灸 Acupuncture2.按摩 Massage Therapy3.瑜伽 Yoga4.冥想 Meditation5.草药 Herbal Medicine6.顺势疗法 Homeopathy7.营养补充剂 Dietary Supplements8.脊椎按摩 Chiropractic9.能量疗法 Energy Healing10.整骨疗法 Osteopathy十三、医疗程序与手术术语词汇1.活检 Biopsy2.透析 Dialysis3.放疗 Radiation Therapy4.化疗 Chemotherapy5.激光手术 Laser Surgery6.微创手术 Minimally Invasive Surgery7.器官移植 Organ Transplant8.冠状动脉搭桥手术 Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)9.人工关节置换 Total Joint Replacement10.腹腔镜手术 Laparoscopic Surgery 十四、孕妇与婴儿健康词汇1.妊娠 Pregnancy2.产前检查 Prenatal Care3.分娩 Labor and Delivery4.哺乳 Breastfeeding5.新生儿护理 Newborn Care6.儿科 Pediatrics7.免疫接种 Immunization Schedule8.婴儿食品 Ba Food9.儿童成长发育 Child Development10.产后护理 Postpartum Care十五、健康饮食与营养词汇1.卡路里 Calorie2.蛋白质 Protein3.碳水化合物 Carbohydrates4.脂肪 Fats5.维生素 Vitamins6.矿物质 Minerals7.膳食纤维 Dietary Fiber8.均衡饮食 Balanced Diet9.低脂饮食 LowFat Diet10.素食主义 Vegetarianism通过这些词汇的积累,你将能够更好地理解和沟通医疗健康相关的信息,无论是在专业领域还是日常生活中。
感冒等轻度的普通疾病病患一般去到当地社区的Family Doctor,或是私人医生的诊所:Clinic 比较多。
还有一些专科类诊所比如牙医:The Dentist’s 或者dentist's office,Dental Clinic等
Drug Store
感冒咳嗽(cold and cough)常见症状(symptom):流涕Runny Nose,喷嚏Sneeze,鼻塞Blocked Nose,咽喉痛Sore Throat,头痛Headache乏力Tiredness,肌肉疼痛Muscle Pain,高烧Fever
对抗生素类药的使用也是有严格规定的,必须要医生处方:Prescription Drug or Ethical Drug,一些非处方药也使我们常见的:Non-prescription Drug 或者Over-the-Counter(OTC)。
(一)医疗、医院、医生1 、医生①doctor,medical worker②physician 内科医生③surgeon 外科医生④doctor in charge 主治医生⑤intern 实习医生⑥resident doctor 住院医生2 、医院①hospitalThe specialized hospital 专科医院The general hospital 普通医院The community hospital 社区医院The public hospital 公立医院The private hospital 私立医院②clinc 门诊Conventional clinic treatment普通门诊③ward 病房④medical team 医疗队3、医疗手段(1)drug therapy 药物治疗(2)medical treatment 医疗(3)medical instruments 医疗器械(4)diagnose (v)诊断(n)diagnosis(5)prevent (v)预防(6)sterilize (v)消毒|(7)administrate a drug 给药(8)prevent and treat disease (v)预防和治疗疾病(9)TCM 中医(10)chemotherapy 化疗(11)medical service 医疗服务(12)complain of (v)主述(13)health checkup 健康普查(14)diagnosing and treating 诊断和治疗(15)consult the doctor(v)咨询;4 、医疗体制(1 )healthcare system 医疗体制(2 )medical disputes 医疗纠纷(3 )medical accident 医疗事故(4 )the relationship between doctors and patients 医患关系(5 )medical insurance system 医疗保险体系(6 )medical aid fund 医疗救助基金5 、医德(1 )medical ethics 医德(2 )patient-oriented 以病人为核心(3 )humanistic 人道主义的(4 )compassionate 富于同情性的(5 )considerate 体贴周到的(6 )resolute 果断的(7 )service quality 服务质量(8 )to give top priority to the lives and health of people6 、病人(1 )patient(2 )the sick(3 )the invalid(4)sufferer(二)疾病1 、患病的表达方式⑴suffer from (v )(2)contract (v )(3)people with some disease 患病人群(4)the people susceptible to some disease 易感某种疾病的人 2 、必知疾病名称heart disease 心脏病hypertension 高血压kidney problem 肾病stroke 休克the blood pressure 血压diabetes 糖尿病obesity 肥胖terminal illness 绝症incurable illness 不治之症cancer 癌症tumor 肿瘤cancer of early stage 癌症晚期emergency case 急症serious illness 重症the difficult and complicated cases 疑难病short breath 短气syndrome 综合症complications 并发症process 病程bone loss 骨质疏松short-sighted (adj)近视3、传染病(1)感染源virus 病毒bacteria 细菌pest 害虫channel and media 传染途径及媒介(2 )传染疾病some disease epidemic 传染性疾病plague 鼠疫influenza (简)flu 流感infection contagion 传染病infectious diseases 传染病AIDS 艾滋病SARS(3)传染epidemic (a)流行的,传染的block the channel (v)disseminate 传播cross infection 交叉感染5 、疾病、病痛illnesssicknessdiseaseailmentsuffering6 、疾病的转归(1 )疾病的恢复recover recoveryrecuperateresumerecruitreinstate(2)疾病的恶化deteriorateaggravateexasperatemake worseworsen7、其他相关词汇outbreak and spendingbreak out (v)疾病的爆发spread (v)疾病的扩散the incidence of common diseases 常见病发生率taboo 禁忌speed up blood circulation (v)improve the cardiac functions (v)side effects 副反应complain of 主述(三)药物1 、药物名称medicinedrugremedymedicinal herbspowertabletpill2 、药物用法开药:prescribe some medicine for some diseaseswrite out a proscription服药take a medicine治…的疾病a remedy for some diseases3 、其他相关词汇drug therapy 药物治疗side effects 副反应drug abuse 药物滥用drugstore 药房over the counter 非处方药drug allergy 药物过敏drug poisoning 药物中毒prescription 处方expenses for medicine 药费charges for medicinedrug rebate 药品回扣(四)心理疾病1 、心理学专业词汇subhealth 亚健康psychological benefits 心理健康psychological problem 心理问题psychological consultation 心理咨询psychological obstacles 心理障碍mental obstacles 心理障碍psychological massage 心理按摩psychology 心理学/ 心理psychotherapy 心理治疗psychological expert 心理专家2 、情绪词汇overcomedisappointdisappointedshy ,flushfrustrationfailurewillpoweroptimismoptimisticbe sensitive tonervoustensionalsad agony pessimism pessimisticconfident confidencestress pressuredepress depresseddepression depressive3 、疲劳相关词汇fatigue tire (v)weariness (n)tired(a)exhausted(a)fatigued (a)weary(五)肥胖与营养1 、营养物质nutrient 营养素protein 蛋白质fat 脂肪glucose 葡萄糖vitamin 维生素sugar 糖类heat calories quantity of heat 热量carbohydrate 碳水化合物soft drink beverage 软饮料cholesterol胆固醇2 、营养与饮食a well-balanced dietnutrition 营养nutritional 营养的二、医学写作其他常用词汇1. 下降、减少reduction,decrease,decline,diminution, drop,descend,go / come down,fall2. 上升、增加rise; go up; ascend;increase3. 禽流感H1N1 flu / bird flu / avian flu;4. 食品安全food safety5. 公共卫生突发事件public health emergencies6. 应急反应immediate response to7. .关注民生concern(focus on, pay attention to) people’s l ivelihood/well-being &>6IU8. 城乡卫生体系urban-rural medical and health system9. 预防保健disease prevention and health care10. 服务体系service system A11. 讲究卫生pay attention to hygiene12. 个人和环境卫生personal and environmental hygiene 9i.13. 清淡的lite14. 蛋白添加饮食protein-complemented diet15. 预防的措施preventive initiatives=preventive measures ^AN16. 人畜共患病zoonosis=anthropozoonosis.人兽共患病17. 虫媒insect pollination;18. 虫媒传染病insect-borne /arthropod-borne infectious disease19. 肾病综合征nephritic/renal syndrome;20. 爆发流行break out, explode; an epidemic outbreak of explosion21. 传染(及相关词):infect/infection/infectious, communicate/communicable, contagion/contagious, transmission/transmittable;!"22. 传播途径route of transmission, bird flu transmits by air/wind;person to person transmission23. 传播,散布:diffuse,prevalence,spread,transmit,disseminate,propagate/ propagation{D24. 污染pollution/ pollute,contamination/contaminate25. 福祉well-being, happiness26. 衰老grow old;aging;senility;senile s27. 每况愈下from bad to worse28. 相似的akin to=similar to29. 脓的,化脓的purulent –30. 脂肪肝fatty liver31. 血压hypertension32. 肠癌Cancer of Rectum and Colon33. 亚健康sub-health 834. 过劳死death from overwork [35. 长期以来for a long time ; over the years 036. 养生preserve one's health; nourishing of life; keep in good health37. 分类be divided into=fall into three categories=be grouped according to their origin, intothree classes.=be categorized according to/be roughly classified into three kinds38. 基本职责=basic/ fundamental/essential/elementary duties/responsibilities/obligations39. 基本原则fundamental principle/ rule, basic rule or principle40. 道德morals, morality, ethics均含“道德”之意。
威学一百托福雅思考试常见的医疗类词汇今天,威学一百为大家整理了一些考试中常见的医学类词汇,看看你们认识多少?人物类护士nurse看护助手nursing aide护士长nursing supervisor眼科医生optician助理兽医veterinary assistant兽医veterinarian精神病医师psychiatrist外科医生surgeon内科医生physician儿科医生pediatrician住院医师resident doctor中医师herb doctor助产士accoucheur医疗主任clinical director食疗技师dietary technician急诊技师emergency medical technician健美师fitness instructor病历员medical records clerk看护员nursing administrator职业疗法occupational therapist药学师pharmacist药品技师pharmacy technician理疗师physical therapist助理医师physician’s assistant有氧治疗师respiratory therapist语言心理学家speech pathologist脊椎指压治疗者chiropractor牙科助理dental assistant牙科医生dentist牙科保健dental hygienist牙科技师dental technician整牙医生orthodontist家庭护理home health aide实验技师lab technician器官类backbone/spine 脊椎The backboneor spine 脊骨或脊柱sputum 唾液、痰esophagus 食道管skull 颅骨脑壳头脑智能thick skull 头脑迟钝skull and cross-bones (表示危险的)骷髅图;[古]海盗旗The terms saturated fat has become a skull and crossbones in people's minds.疾病名称lupomania 狂犬病diabetes 糖尿病(=diabetes mellitus)hypertension 高血压hypotension 低血压Hypertension and diabetes can cause havoc(破坏) in other ways.高血压和糖尿病可能在其它方面造成大的破环。
医学英语核心词汇(一) 医疗、医院、医生1、医生(1) doctor,medical worker(2) physician 内科医生(3) surgeon 外科医生(4) doctor in charge 主治医生(5) intern 实习医生(6) resident doctor 住院医生2、医院(1) hospitalThe specialized hospital 专科医院The general hospital 普通医院The community hospital 社区医院The public hospital 公立医院The private hospital 私立医院The foreign-funded hospital外资医院(2) clinic 门诊(3) ward 病房(4) medical team 医疗队3、医疗手段(1) drug therapy 药物治疗(2) medical treatment 医疗(3) medical instruments 医疗器械(4) diagnose (v) 诊断(n) diagnosis(5) prevent (v) 预防(6) sterilize (v) 消毒disinfect(7) administrate a drug 给药(8) prevent and treat disease (v) 预防和治疗疾病(9) TCM 中医Traditional Chinese Medicine(10) chemotherapy 化疗(11) medical service 医疗服务(12) complain of (v) 主述(13) health checkup 健康普查(14) diagnosing and treating 诊断和治疗(15) consult the doctor (v) 就医4、医疗体制(1) healthcare system 医疗体制(2) medical disputes 医疗纠纷(3) medical accident 医疗事故(4) the relationship between doctors and patients 医患关系(5) medical insurance system 医疗保险体系(6) medical aid fund 医疗救助基金5、医德(1) medical ethics 医德(2) patient-oriented 以病人为核心(3) humanistic 人道主义的(4) compassionate 富于同情性的(5) considerate 体贴周到的(6) resolute 果断的(7) service quality 服务质量6、病人(1) patient(2) the sick(3) the invalid(4) sufferer(二) 必知疾病名称1、患病的表达方式(1) suffer from (v )(2) contract (v)(3) people with some disease 患病人群(4) the people susceptible to some disease 易感某种疾病的人2、必知疾病名称heart disease 心脏病hypertension 高血压kidney problem 肾病coma 昏迷stroke 中风shock 休克dizzy 晕眩的;昏乱的;使人头晕的;心不在焉的vomit 吐出;使……呕吐the blood pressure 血压diabetes 糖尿病obesity 肥胖terminal illness 绝症incurable illness 不治之症cancer 癌症tumor 肿瘤(malignant-恶性)cancer of late stage 癌症晚期emergency case 急症serious illness 重症the difficult and complicated cases 疑难病short breath 短气syndrome 综合症complications 并发症process 病程bone loss 骨质疏松osteoporosisshort-sighted (adj) 近视choke 窒息arthritis 关节炎cardiovascular diseases 心血管疾病myocardial infarction 心肌梗死high risk group高危人群prenatal care/diagnosis产前护理/诊断maternity wards产科病房3、其他相关词汇break out (v) 疾病的爆发spread (v) 疾病的扩散the incidence of common diseases 常见病发生率taboo 禁忌speed up blood circulation (v)加速血液循环improve the cardiac functions (v)改善心脏功能side effects 副反应complain of 主述4、传染病专题★(2005 年博士英语题)(1) 感染源virus 病毒bacteria 细菌pest 害虫channel and media 传染途径及媒介(2) 传染疾病epidemic diseases 传染性疾病plague 鼠疫influenza (简) flu 流感infection contagion 传染病infectious diseases 传染病AIDS 艾滋病SARS(3) 传染epidemic (a) 流行的,传染的disseminate 传播cross infection 交叉感染5、疾病名称illnesssicknessdiseaseailmentsuffering6、疾病的转归(1) 疾病的恢复recover, recoveryrecuperateresumerecruitreinstate(2) 疾病的恶化deteriorate aggravate exasperateworsen(三) 药物1、药物名称medicinedrugremedymedicinal herbs powertabletpillcapsule2、相关词汇drug therapy 药物治疗side effects 副反应drug abuse 药物滥用drugstore 药房over the counter 非处方药drug allergy 药物过敏drug poisoning 药物中毒prescription 处方(recipe)expenses for medicine 药费charges for medicinedrug rebate 药品回扣3、药物用法(1) 开药prescribe some medicine for some diseases write out a prescription(2) 服药take a medicine(3) 治…的疾病a remedy for some diseases(四) 心理疾病1、心理学专业词汇subhealth 亚健康psychological benefits 心理健康psychological problem 心理问题psychological consultation 心理咨询psychological obstacles 心理障碍mental obstacles 心理障碍psychological massage 心理按摩psychology 心理学/心理psychotherapy 心理治疗psychological expert 心理专家2、疲劳相关词汇fatigue (n) tire (v) weariness (n) tired(a) exhausted (a) fatigued (a) weary(a)(五) 肥胖与营养1、营养物质nutrient 营养素protein 蛋白质fat 脂肪glucose 葡萄糖vitamin 维生素sugar 糖类heat calories 热量carbohydrate 碳水化合物cholesterol 胆固醇soft drink, beverage 软饮料2、营养与饮食a well-balanced dietnutrition 营养nutritional 营养的nutritious 有营养的nutritionist 营养学家malnutrition 营养失调metabolism 物质代谢fat-free foodthe prepared food 熟食grain 谷物porridge n. 粥,糊;麦片粥vt. 服刑food shortages 食品短缺imbalance (n), unbalanced (a) 失衡3、营养失衡相关疾病strokeobesityhypertensiondiabetes4、治疗措施diet drug 减肥药lose weight 减肥(六) 生活习惯、健康及运动1、生活习惯life-style 生活习惯a disorder of body and minda physical and mental disordercrazy tempo of life 快节奏的生活fast-paced life high tempo of lifebe accustomed to sththe exercise habit2、运动与休息ample sleep 充足的睡眠work outdo physical exercisesports activities 体育活动strenuous exercise 剧烈运动do sportssports ground (简) gym 体育场馆be more/less physically fitconstitution 体质。
tablet药片 penicillin盘尼西林antibiotic抗生素 ointment药膏medication药物 aspirin阿司匹林preventive injection预防针 gauze纱布stethoscope听诊器 injection注射febrifuge退烧药 capsule胶囊take one‘s temperature量体温 see a doctor看病take one‘s blood pressure量血压 give a presc ription开药方have an operation 动手术 make an appointment预约physician/internist内科医生 oculist/eye doctor眼科医生surgon外科医生 dentist牙医mental hospital精神病医院 clinic诊所shrink心理医生 symptom症状 have/catch a cold感冒have a sore throat嗓子痛 have a headache头痛 have a toothache牙痛liver trouble肝炎 allergy过敏症twisted/sprained扭伤的 feel dizzy头晕diabetics糖尿病患者 cramps抽筋vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐 diarrhea腹泻vomitive/pukey恶心的 luggies/phlegm痰yellow fever黄热病 hay fever枯草热eyedrops眼药水 syrup糖浆pad药棉块 vitamin维他命send for a doctor请医生feel one‘s pulse量脉搏。
雅思考试阅读核心认知词-医学健康篇advent [ˈædvent] n.到来,出现acupuncture [ˈækjupʌŋktʃə(r)] n.针刺疗法,针灸afflict [əˈflɪkt] v.使苦恼;折磨ailment [ˈeɪlmənt] n.疾病allergy [ˈælədʒi] n.过敏反应,过敏anatomy [əˈnætəmi] n.解剖学;解剖antidote [ˈæntidəʊt] n.解毒药artery [ˈɑːtəri] n.动脉;要道arthritis [ɑːˈθraɪtɪs] n.关节炎asthma [ˈæsmə] n.哮喘症athlete [ˈæθliːt] n.运动员;擅长运动的人audio [ˈɔːdiəʊ] a.听觉的;声音的autoimmune [ˌɔːtəʊɪˈmjuːn] a.自身免疫的backbone [ˈbækbəʊn] n.脊柱;骨干,支柱bacterial [bækˈtɪəriəl] a.细菌的bruise [bruːz] n.挫伤v.受挫;擦伤bulk [bʌlk] n.大量a.大批的cardiology [ˌkɑːdiˈɒlədʒi] n.心脏病学cardiovascular [ˌkɑːdiəʊˈvæskjələ(r)] a.心血管的cervical [ˈsɜːvɪkl] a.子宫颈的;颈部的check-up [ˈtʃek ʌp] n.检查;体格检查chemotherapy [ˌkiːməʊˈθerəpi] n.化学疗法clinic [ˈklɪnɪk] n.门诊部;诊所complementary [ˌkɒmplɪˈmentri] a.补足的,补充的concur [kənˈkɜː(r)] v.同意,一致consultation [ˌkɒnslˈteɪʃn] n.咨询;磋商coordinate [kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪt] v.协调,调节;配合curative [ˈkjʊərətɪv] a.有疗效的defective [dɪˈfektɪv] a.有缺陷的,不完美的detection [dɪˈtekʃn] n.侦查;察觉deviance [ˈdiːviəns] n.异常者的行为/特征diabetes [ˌdaɪəˈbiːtiːz] n.糖尿病;多尿症diagnose [ˈdaɪəɡnəʊz] v.诊断;判断disfigure [dɪsˈfɪɡə(r)] v.毁容dizziness [ˈdɪzinəs] n.头昏眼花,眩晕domesticate [dəˈmestɪkeɪt] v.驯养;教化dose [dəʊs] n.剂量,一剂dubious [ˈdjuːbiəs] a.怀疑的;靠不住的dumb [dʌm] a.哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的dynamic [daɪˈnæmɪk] a.动力的,活跃的dystrophy [ˈdɪstrəfi] n.营养障碍;营养不良elbow [ˈelbəʊ] n.肘;(衣服的)肘部embryo [ˈembriəʊ] n.胚,胚胎;事物的萌芽期emerge [ɪˈmɜːdʒ] v.出现;显露,(事实等)暴露emotion [ɪˈməʊʃn] n.感情;情绪epidemic [ˌepɪˈdemɪk] n.流行病;流行a.(疾病)流行性的esoteric [ˌiːsəˈterɪk] a.只有内行才懂的;难懂的essence [ˈesns] n.本质;精髓ethanol [ˈeθənɒl] n.乙醇excess [ɪkˈses] n.超越;过量a.过量的,额外的excessively [ɪkˈsesɪvli] ad.过分地;过度地exclusively [ɪkˈskluːsɪvli] ad.专有地,专门地exhaustive [ɪɡˈzɔːstɪv] a.详尽的;彻底的extract [ɪkˈstrækt] v.取出;提取[ˈekstrækt] n.摘录;提出物extraction [ɪkˈstrækʃn] n.提取,提炼;抽出,拔出;开采feeble [ˈfiːbl] a.虚弱的;无效的female [ˈfiːmeɪl] n.女子a.女(性)的;雌性的foetus [ˈfiːtəs] n.胎儿fungus [ˈfʌŋɡəs] n.真菌;霉菌gene [dʒiːn] n.基因gene recombination 基因重组germ [dʒɜːm] n.微生物;细菌;胚芽gland [ɡlænd] n.腺glow [ɡləʊ] n.灼热;色彩鲜艳v.发热;洋溢;绚丽夺目glutamate [ˈɡluːtəmeɪt] n.谷氨酸盐heal [hiːl] v.治愈,康复;调停healing [ˈhiːlɪŋ] n.康复,复原a.有疗效的hypnotic [hɪpˈnɒtɪk] a.催眠的n.安眠药inflammable [ɪnˈflæməbl] a.易燃的;易怒的influenza [ˌɪnfluˈenzə] n.流行性感冒instinct [ˈɪnstɪŋkt] n.本能,直觉;天性intensity [ɪnˈtensəti] n.强烈,剧烈;强度intestine [ɪnˈtestɪn] n.[pl.]肠a.内部的iris [ˈaɪrɪs] n.[pl.irises,irides]虹;(眼球的)虹膜jaw [dʒɔː] n.颌;颚liver [ˈlɪvə(r)] n.肝脏;居住者meagre [ˈmiːɡə(r)] a.痩的;(尤指食物)粗劣的meditation [ˌmedɪˈteɪʃn] n.冥想;沉思,深思melatonin [ˌmeləˈtəʊnɪn] n.褪黑激素mental [ˈmentl] a.心理的,精神的;智力的modify [ˈmɒdɪfaɪ] v.更改,修改;(语法上)修饰molecule [ˈmɒlɪkjuːl] n.分子mood [muːd] n.心情,情绪musculo-skeletal [ˈmʌskjʊləʊˈskelətl] a.肌与骨骼的neural [ˈnjʊərəl] a.神经的;神经系统的;神经中枢的neurotrophic [ˌnjʊərəˈtrɒfɪk] a.神经营养的;亲神经的;向神经的obesity [əʊˈbiːsəti] n.肥大,肥胖odour [ˈəʊdə(r)] n.气味organ [ˈɔːɡən] n.器官;机构organism [ˈɔːɡənɪzəm] n.生物,有机体paralysis [pəˈræləsɪs] n.瘫痪,麻痹parasite [ˈpærəsaɪt] n.寄生虫pathology [pəˈθɒlədʒi] n.病理学;病变preserve [prɪˈzɜːv] v.保护,维护;保存,保养;保鲜,贮存pharmaceutical [ˌfɑːməˈsuːtɪkl] a.制药的n.药物physician [fɪˈzɪʃn] n.内科医生,医师poisonous [ˈpɔɪzənəs] a.有毒的;恶毒的predatory [ˈpredətri] a.掠夺的,掠夺成性的;食肉的;捕食生物的pregnancy [ˈpreɡnənsi] n.怀孕,怀孕期prevention [prɪˈvenʃn] n.预防;防止;防范preventive [prɪˈventɪv] a.预防性的n.预防法psyche [ˈsaɪki] n.灵魂;心灵psychiatrist [saɪˈkaɪətrɪst] n.精神病学家;精神病医生psychology [saɪˈkɒlədʒi] n.心理学;心理特征quantitative [ˈkwɒntɪtətɪv] a.定量的;量的,数量的relentless [rɪˈlentləs] a.无情的,残酷的reproduction [ˌriːprəˈdʌkʃn] n.繁殖,生殖;复制;复制品respiratory [rəˈspɪrətri] a.呼吸的robust [rəʊˈbʌst] a.健壮的,强壮的sanitation [ˌsænɪˈteɪʃn] n.公共卫生;卫生设施sinew [ˈsɪnjuː] n.肌腱;[pl.]肌肉slumber [ˈslʌmbə(r)] v./n.睡眠span [spæn] n.跨距;一段时间v.持续;横跨spasmodic [spæzˈmɒdɪk] a.痉挛的;间歇性的specimen [ˈspesɪmən] n.标本speculation [ˌspekjuˈleɪʃn] n.猜测,推测;思索;投机买卖spine [spaɪn] n.脊柱stammer [ˈstæmə(r)] v.口吃n.结巴,口吃steady [ˈstedi] a.稳的;稳定的v.使稳定strain [streɪn] n.拉力;扭伤,拉伤;压力v.拉伤,扭伤;尽力;拉紧stroke [strəʊk] n.中风;用手划水;划桨v.抚摸succumb [səˈkʌm] v.屈服;因……死亡survive [səˈvaɪv] v.活下来;幸免于swap [swɒp] v./n.交换tablet [ˈtæblət] n.药片temper [ˈtempə(r)] n.情绪v.使缓和therapist [ˈθerəpɪst] n.(某种疗法的)治疗专家thigh [θaɪ] n.大腿toxin [ˈtɒksɪn] n.毒素,毒质uneasy [ʌnˈiːzi] a.心神不安的,担心的vary [ˈveəri] v.改变,变化;(使)多样化virus [ˈvaɪrəs] n.病毒waist [weɪst] n.腰,腰部wastage [ˈweɪstɪdʒ] n.消耗量;损耗womb [wuːm] n.子宫;发源地worm [wɜːm] n.蠕虫;[pl.]寄生虫,肠虫。
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mental hospital精神病医院
oculist/eye doctor眼科医生
have a sore throat嗓子痛
have a stomachache胃痛
have a femental hospital精神病医院 clinic诊所 physician/internist内科医生 oculist/eye doctor眼科医生 surgon外科医生 dentist牙医 vet兽医 shrink心理医生 symptom症状 have a sore throat嗓子痛 have a stomachache胃痛 have a
fever发烧 pneumonia肺炎