
初三语法练习题目选编一、选择题1. He is ______ boy in the class.a. tallb. tallerc. tallest2. We _______ dinner when the phone rang.a. was havingb. were havingc. are having3. I have never been to _______ interesting place like this before.a. suchb. soc. too4. _______ late for school again, or you will get a detention.a. Do not beb. Not bec. Not to be5. _______ in China, my dad can speak Mandarin fluently.a. Bornb. Being bornc. Having been born6. He wants me to help him, _______ I am too busy right now.a. butb. soc. because7. _______ you go, I will go too.a. Whereb. Whenc. What8. _______ the window, it looks like it's going to rain.a. Look outb. Look upc. Look through9. I _______ my homework when my friend called me last night.a. was doingb. didc. have done10. We _______ play football every weekend, but now we prefer hiking.a. used tob. use toc. are used to二、填空题1. She _______ (not ride) her bike to school every day.2. _______ (you visit) your grandparents last summer?3. She _______ (not finish) her homework yet.4. I _______ (move) to a new city three years ago.5. Tony _______ (not sleep) well last night.三、改错题1. He do his homework every day.2. I going to the park yesterday.3. She is not know the answer to the question.4. We should to call the police immediately.5. They doesn't want to go to the party.四、句子翻译1. 我不喜欢喝咖啡。

题目一:选择适当的词填空1. Tom is _______ honest boy. He never tells lies.a) ab) anc) thed) no article needed2. My sister is _______ engineer. She designs buildings.a) theb) anc) ad) no article needed3. She _______ a book when I entered her room.a) readsb) is readingc) was readingd) has read4. The students _______ to the teacher in class when the principal entered.a) will listenb) listenc) listenedd) were listening5. I _______ dinner when you called. Can I call you back later?a) hadb) was havingc) hasd) have had题目二:填入适当的词或短语1. They _______ the movie to be very interesting.a) thinkb) are thinkingc) thoughtd) have thought2. _______ you ever _______ a concert before?a) Were, attendb) Have, attendedc) Did, attendedd) Are, attending3. I'm sorry, I _______ do what you ask. I'm too busy.a) couldn'tb) mightn'tc) needn'td) wouldn't4. _______ class begins, please turn off your cellphones.a) Untilb) Sincec) Befored) While5. The students had to work _______ late _______ finish the project.a) so, tob) too, toc) such, thatd) too, that题目三:改错请从下列每句的四个选项中,找出错误之处并进行改正。

初三英语语法单选题20题1.Excuse me, could you tell me _____?A.what time is itB.what time it isC.what's the timeD.what's time it is答案:B。
宾语从句要用陈述句语序,选项A、C、D 都是疑问句语序,只有选项B 是陈述句语序。
2.My mother asked me _____ I had finished my homework.A.thatB.ifC.whatD.when答案:B。
选项 A that 在宾语从句中无实际意义,只起连接作用,此处语义不符;选项C what 表示“什么”,与题意不符;选项D when 表示“什么时候”,与题意不符。
选项B if 表示“是否”,符合题意。
3.I don't know _____ he will come or not.A.ifB.whetherC.thatD.when答案:B。
if 和whether 都可以表示“是否”,但在与or not 连用时只能用whether。
选项 A if 不能与or not 连用;选项C that 无“是否”之意;选项D when 表示“什么时候”,与题意不符。
4.Can you tell me _____ you will go to the park?A.whatB.thatC.ifD.when答案:D。
选项 A what 表示“什么”,与题意不符;选项B that 在宾语从句中无实际意义,只起连接作用,此处语义不符;选项C if 表示“是否”,与题意不符。
选项D when 表示“什么时候”,符合题意。
5.She wondered _____ her father was at home.A.thatB.ifC.whatD.when答案:B。

【篇⼀】初三英语语法训练题练习题 1.Bytheway,whowillteach___popmusicnextterm?B.ourC.oursD.we 2.BothPingpingandBeibeihavedone___homework.A.hisB.herC.theirD.both’s 3.Everybodyishere,___?A.isn’teverybodyB.isn’titC.isn’theD.aren’tthey 4.Itwas___whowrotethosewordsontheblackboard.A.heB.himC.himselfD.his 5.Hewantsnothingbutahouseof____.A.hisownB.himself c.hisfatherD.hisownhouse 6.Canyouexpress___inEnglish?A.yourselfB.youC.yoursD.yours’ 7.Oneofthemhasn’tgot___lessonsprepared.A.herB.itsC.one’sD.his 8.Youdon’tlookquite___today.What’sthematterwithyou?A.youB.yourC.yourownD.yourself 9.Though___isalongwayfromhere,we’lldoourbesttoreachthereintime.A.thereB.itC.itsD.itself 10.Wedon’tconsider___necessaryforthemtomoveintothathouse.A.thatB.thisC.itD.them 11.___isagreatandgloriouscountry.A.OurB.OursC.ItsD.Our’s 12.Heparentsaregoingonastudytripwithafriendof___.A.themB.theirC.themselvesD.theirs 13.I’msorrytosay___ofyouranswersarecorrect.A.noneB.neitherC.bothD.any 14.---Whoisthatknockingatthedoor? ----_____mustbethemilkman.A.HeB.SheC.ItD.Theman 15.___agreetoyourplan.A.AnyoneofusB.NooneofusC.NoneofusD.Someoneofus 16.Thebooksherearenotsowellwrittenas___ontheshelf.A.thatB.thoseC.onesD.them 17.Myfatherisafarmer,but___isyours?A.whoB.howC.whichD.what 18.___doyouthinkofmycomposition?A.HowB.WhatC.WhichD.Why 19.___ofyouwouldliketogetmethebike?A.WhichB.WhatC.WhomD.Whomever 20.Pleasewriteonthepaper___line.A.eachotherB.everyotherC.allotherD.thisandthat 【篇⼆】初三英语语法训练题练习题 1.Thisis___reading-room.A.theteacher’sB.teacher’sC.teacher’sD.theteachers’ 2.Nothingwasfoundbut___broken.A.theroomwindowB.theroom’swindowC.theroomofthewindowD.thewindowofroom 3.Howmany___wouldyoulike?A.paperB.breadC.piecesofpapersD.piecesofbread 4.Hewaspraisedforhis___.A.braveB.braveryC.bravelyD.greatbrave 5.Pleasegetmeanew___whenyougototown.A.clothesB.dressC.clothingD.trousers 6.Thereare34___doctorsinthehospital.A.womanB.womenC.woman’sD.women’s 7.Some___areeventhinnerthanyourlittlefinger.A.bambooB.bamboosC.kindsofbambooD.kindsofbamboos 8.Hewasborninthistownandnowhelivesin___.A.BuildingsecondB.BuildingTwoC.theBuildingTwoD.BuildingtheSecond 9.Oldasheis,hehas___todoeveryday.A.alotofworkB.muchworksC.lotsofhomeworksD.quitealotofhomeworks 10.Jack’sroomisfurnishedwith___.A.newfurnituresB.manynewfurnituresC.manynewpiecesoffurnituresD.manynewpiecesoffurniture 11.Haveyouread___newspaperyet?A.today’sB.Today’sC.thetoday’sD.yourtoday’s 12.It’snotfar,only___walkfromheretoourschool.A.atenminutesB.tenminutesC.atenminutes’D.tenminutes’ stmonth,hewroteme___letter.A.a1000-wordB.1000wordsC.a1000-wordsD.1000words’ 14.Hehada___sleepyesterday.A.agoodnightB.agood-nightC.agoodnight’sD.good-night’s 15.___isnotalongwaytodrive.A.ThreemilesdistanceB.Three-miledistanceC.Threemiles’distanceD.Athree-mile-distance 16.Hisisn’tfitforthework.Pleasegetme___.A.somethingelseB.somebodyelseC.someoneelse’sD.somebody’selse 17.Doyouknowhowlarge___is?A.populationofChinaB.ChinesepopulationC.ChinapopulationD.China’spopulation 18.___istoomuchfortheboytocarry.A.TheboxweightB.Thebox’sweightC.TheweightoftheboxD.Theboxoftheweight 19.Excuseme,howcanIgettothenearest___shop?A.shoesB.shoeC.shoes’D.shoe’s 20.What___weatherwe’rehavingthesedays!A.niceB.anice 【篇三】初三英语语法训练题练习题 1.Somepeoplearestillin____habitofwritingsillythingsin____publicplaces.A.the;theB./;/C.the;/D./;the 2.Asweknow,____knowledgeisamustin____internationaltradetoday.A.a;/B.the;anC.the;theD./;the 3.Sheis____newcomerto____chemistrybutshehasalreadymadesomeimportantdiscoveries.A.the;theB.the;/C.a;/D.a;the 4.Theboyledtheblindmanby____armtocross____street.A.an;theB.the;theC.the;aD.an;a 5.Sometimes____weakcandefeat____strong.A./;/B.the;theC.the;aD./;the 6.Heis____youngerofthetwobrothers.A.aB.theC./D.one ndto____eastof____UralsiscallAsia.A.the;theB./;theC./;/D.the;/ 8.Takethesechairsaway;theyarestandingin____way.A.oneB.aC.theD.this 9.Doyouknow____Frenchfor“hen”?A.aB.anC.theD./ 10.Ilikewatching____TVandlistento____radio.A.the;theB./;/C.the;/D./;the 11.Hehastriedtwicebutisaskedtohave____thirdtry.A.anotherB.aC.oneD.the 12.Thereis____“n”intheword“north”.A.anB.aC.theD./ 13.____summermorning,Tomgotupearlyandwentfishing.A.AB.OneC.TheD./ 14.____writerand____poetiscomingtogiveusatalkthisafternoon.A.A;aB.The;theC.The;aD.The;/ 15.Mr.Brownwaselected____headofourcompany.A.aB.theC./D.one 16.Abookselleris____manwhosellsbooks.A.oneB.theC.aD./ 17.Jackenjoys____musicwhilehisbrotherlikestogoto____cinema.A./;/B.the;theC.the;/D./;the 18.Iusuallyhave____lunchathomebutyesterdayIhad____goodlunchatthatrestaurant.A./;aB.the;/C.the;aD.the;the 19.Hesleepsduring____dayandworksat____night.A./;theB.the;/C./;/D.the;/ 20.____Jacksonshavecome,Wecanbeginourpartynow.A.AB.OneC.TheD./。

初三英语语法练习题一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20题)1. - ________ does your brother go to work?- By car.A. HowB. WhatC. WhereD. When2. I think English is ________ than Chinese.A. easyB. easilyC. easierD. easiest3. There isn't ________ milk in the bottle. Let's buy some.A. someB. anyC. manyD. much4. I'm going to ___________ a book from the library this afternoon.A. borrowB. lendC. rentD. buy5. She ________ to eat anything. She was too tired.A. is too tiredB. too is tiredC. was too tiredD. too was tired6. - The weather is so hot today!- Yes, it's even ________ than yesterday.A. hotB. hotterC. hottestD. the hottest7. My sister asked me ________ I was free on the weekend.A. ifB. thatC. whatD. whether8. I don't like ________ chocolates.A. eatB. eatingC. ateD. to eat9. ________ pays more attention, ________ will make more progress.A. Whoever; whoeverB. Whoever; whoC. Who; whoD. Who; whoever10. - What happened to you? You look so upset.- I ________ my wallet on the way to school this morning.A. lostB. have lostC. was losingD. lose11. My sister is good ________ playing the piano.A. forB. toC. onD. at12. - ________ do you go to the cinema?- Twice a month.A. How oftenB. What kindC. How farD. How long13. Tom ________ the book for two days.A. borrowedB. has borrowedC. borrowD. was borrowing14. - I'm sorry for being late.- ________. I've just arrived.A. You're welcomeB. That's all rightC. Never mindD. I don't like it15. - How much ________ the T-shirt?- 50 dollars.A. doB. doesC. areD. is16. - Do you know the boy ________ glasses?- Yes, he is my brother.A. withB. wearsC. inD. on17. - When ________ your sister usually go to bed?- At 10 o'clock.A. hasB. doC. didD. is18. It's time ________ the party. Please come and join us.A. to startB. startingC. for startD. starts19. Andy studies ________ because he wants to be a doctor in the future.A. hardlyB. very badC. hardly enoughD. very hard20. - May I smoke here?- No, you ________.A. may notB. mustn'tC. needn'tD. shouldn't二、完形填空(每题1.5分,共15题)One day, Jack and Tim were walking in the park. Suddenly, a boy__21__ Jack on the arm and took his money. Jack shouted "Help!" But__22__ ran after the boy.__23__ another boy came along and asked what the thief looked like. Jack __24__ "He's wearing a white shirt and blue shorts." So, the boy ran in the __25__ of the thief. He __26__ him at last and caught him with the help of some people.__27__ Jack went up to that boy and wanted to give him money. But he said, "__28__!" "You've caught him." "But I __29__ my money," said Jack. "Your money! I thought you were __30__ for help! " said the boy. " It is my pleasure to help you. If you want to give me something, please tell it to the __31__."__32__ Jack and Tim went home, Jack gave something to the boy's mother. "Where did you get these?" 34__ the mother. " Why did you give them to me? It was my son who helped __35__" said Jack.21. A. pushed B. struck C. hit D. kicked22. A. All B. Nobody C. Somebody D. Anybody23. A. Instead B. Instead of C. But D. Though24. A. said B. spoke C. talked D. told25. A. end B. order C. beginning D. front26. A. followed B. saw C. found D. heard27. A. So B. Another C. But D. Then28. A. Yes B. Thank you C. Sure D. No29. A. lost B. searched C. found D. forgot30. A. looking B. hearing C. asking D. wanting31. A. teacher B. policeman C. cleaner D. doctor32. A. As B. When C. Though D. While33. A. On B. At C. In D. To34. A. Let B. Said C. Told D. Answered35. A. me B. him C. her D. them三、阅读理解(每题2分,共10题)AMy favourite subject is English. My English teacher is Miss Green. She is a beautiful lady. Her classes are always interesting. She is kind to us and she is always ready to help us.Our English classroom is very nice. There are about fifty students in our class. Miss Green always keeps the classroom tidy and clean.She often comes to school early and works late. In the classroom, she teaches us English and our good classroom manners (礼貌).We are happy in her class. We often have fun together. I have learned a lot of English in her class.( ) 36. What's the writer's favourite subject?A. MathsB. ChineseC. P.E.D. English( ) 37. What does the writer tell us about Miss Green?A. She is tallB. She is oldC. She is kindD. She is strict( ) 38. How many students are there in the writer's class?A. FiveB. FifteenC. FiftyD. More than fifty( ) 39. What does Miss Green do after school?A. She plays games with the studentsB. She goes home earlyC. She stays in the classroom and worksD. She often cleans the classroom( ) 40. What does the writer mean by "her good classroom manners"?A. Miss Green's proper teaching methodsB. Miss Green's good mannersC. Our English teacher's teaching methodsD. Our good manners in the classroomBWhat's for dinner?Many people around the world like to have lots of different food for dinner.In China, for example, they eat rice every day because it's cheaper than bread. The Japanese eat a lot of fish. In Italy, they usually have pasta (面食).Americans like to cook. They might have salad (沙拉) for the first course, then soup, meat, vegetables and, of course, dessert (甜点). InThailand, people eat rice with every meal. They love to eat all kinds of vegetables and fruit.The English usually have fish and chips (炸鱼和炸薯片) for dinner. And in Brazil, people have meat made into spaghetti.So, when you're in a new country, why not eat the same food as the people there? It's a good way to enjoy the new culture!( ) 41. Which country eats rice every day?A. AmericaB. ItalyC. ChinaD. Japan( ) 42. Which country eats a lot of salad?A. AmericaB. ItalyC. ChinaD. Japan( ) 43. What do the English usually have for dinner?A. Fish and chipsB. Rice and vegetablesC. Salad and vegetablesD. Meat and vegetables( ) 44. What do Americans usually have for dinner?A. RiceB. Fish and chipsC. PastaD. Lots of different food( ) 45. Why does the writer ask us to eat the same food as the people in a new country?A. Because it's a good way to enjoy the new cultureB. Because it's cheapC. Because it's expensiveD. Because it's easy to make四、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(每题1分,共10题)46. Can you tell me the d________ to the post office?47. My father often buys a n________ for me on my birthday.48. John is t________ now, he wants to have a rest.49. How many l________ are there in the fridge? I want to make a cake.50. There isn't enough time. We have to do everything f________.51. The teacher told us a s_______ to learn English well. That's listening more and speaking more.52. Sorry, I can't h________ your question. It is too difficult.53. The shoes look nice. Can I t______ them on?54. I can't find my watch. Could you p________ me?55. Please f________ the window. It's too hot here.五、根据汉语提示完成句子(每题2分,共5题)56. 看!老师要进来了。

初三第四单元英语语法练习题1. 选择正确的单词填空:a) I ____ my hair before I left the house.b) She ____ studying for the exam last night.c) They ____ to the party last weekend.d) The dog ____ at the postman this morning.e) We ____ for the bus when it arrived.2. 选择适当的物主代词填空:a) That book is ____.b) Is this pencil ____?c) Those shoes are not ____.d) The house is ____.e) Please pass me ____ phone.3. 选择正确的动词形式填空:a) I ____ (see / saw / seen) her yesterday at the mall.b) They ____ (go / goes / went) to the beach every summer.c) She ____ (is / am / have been) cooking dinner since 6 o'clock.d) He ____ (play / plays / played) the guitar very well.e) We ____ (has / have / had) a great time at the party last night.4. 选择正确的并列连词填空:a) He likes playing soccer, ____ he prefers basketball.b) I wanted to go to the park, ____ it started raining.c) She didn't study for the test, ____ she still got an A.d) You can either take the bus, ____ you can walk home.e) He didn't go to the movie, ____ he stayed home and watched TV.5. 改正下列句子的语法错误:a) The girl sing very well.b) My uncle have a big house in the city.c) I can't goes to the party tonight.d) They were ate dinner when the phone rang.e) We has been friends for many years.6. 从括号中选择正确的疑问词填空:a) ____ is your favorite color?b) ____ is your sister going to the concert with?c) ____ did you go on vacation last summer?d) ____ are you doing this weekend?e) ____ is the capital city of France?7. 选择适当的形容词或副词填空:a) She performed ____ (good / well) in the school play.b) The weather is getting ____ (hotter / more hot) every day.c) I feel ____ (bad / badly) for not attending the party.d) The car is driving ____ (fast / fastly) down the highway.e) The house is ____ (beautiful / beautifully) decorated for Christmas.8. 选择正确的被动语态填空:a) The cake ____ (eaten / eat) by the children at the party.b) The letter ____ (written / write) by my sister.c) The window ____ (broke / broken) during the storm.d) Were the books ____ (bring / brought) to the library?e) The problem can't be ____ (solve / solved) easily.9. 填入适当的介词:a) He walked ____ the street and turned right.b) She is interested ____ learning new languages.c) The cat ran ____ the room and hid under the bed.d) The students are excited ____ the field trip.e) We sat ____ the table and had dinner together.10. 根据提示翻译句子:a) 你喜欢去什么地方度假?(Where / like / go / vacation)b) 他们正在为婚礼做准备。

一、填空题1. 她已经买了三本书, __________ ?2. 他用了多长时间 __________ 准备明天的演讲?3. 今晚我们 __________ 看电影,还是在家里吃晚饭?4. 这个问题 __________ 简单,我可以回答。
5. 他不懂英语,所以不知道他的那个朋友 __________ 说什么。
二、选择题1. —你昨天晚上去看电影了吗?— __________,我太累了,所以就在家里休息了。
a. 是的b. 不是的c. 是的吧d. 不是的吧2. —你知道他是在哪里学习的吗?— __________,我没有见过他。
a. 是的b. 不是的c. 是的吧d. 不是的吧3. —你今天看到他了吗?— __________,因为他不上学。
a. 是的b. 不是的c. 是的吧d. 不是的吧4. —你能教我怎么去邮局吗?— __________,它就在你住的街道上。
a. 是的b. 不是的c. 是的吧d. 不是的吧5. —你打算什么时候去旅行?— __________,我还没有决定。
a. 是的b. 不是的c. 是的吧d. 不是的吧三、改错题1. 我走过希望的大街,看到一群悲伤的人们。
(______)2. 幸福的时光总是短暂的,我们应该珍惜它们。
(______)3. 谁愿意帮我解决这个问题吗? (______)4. 他是一个有趣的人,他总能让大家开心。
(______)5. 她花了很多时间在学习上,所以她取得了好成绩。
1. The students have finished their homework. a. last weekend2. We are going to the park. b. after lunch3. The train will leave c. for my birthday4. I saw a movie with my friends. d. in five minutes5. I will get a gift e. tomorrow morning五、阅读理解题Mr. Smith is a teacher. He likes sports very much. Every morning, he gets up early and goes for a walk. After that, he usually plays football with his students in the school playground. In the afternoon, he enjoys swimming in the pool. He thinks doing sports is good for his health.根据短文内容,回答以下问题:1. What does Mr. Smith like?2. When does Mr. Smith usually play football with his students?3. Where does Mr. Smith swim?4. Why does Mr. Smith think doing sports is good for his health?(正文结束)以上是一些与初三语法相关的练习题,希望能对大家的语法学习有所帮助。

初三英语复习语法练习及答案一、用所给动词的适当形式填空:1、Tom (be) in Paris since 2 years ago.2、I (be) to the Great Wall twice.3、My uncle (be) in this city for many years.4、We (visit) our teacher already.5、May (go) home yet?6、He (read) the book 3 times.7、They just (leave) the farm.8、She (not play) football these days.9、My friend (see) the film before.10、He never (meet) a foreigner.11、He (give) you the answer as soon as he (come) back.12、There (be) a meeting tomorrow. Please (come) on time.13、My mother (work) for 3 years.14、(be) there much snow last winter? No, there (not).15、We (start) at 10 if it (stop) raining.16、The plane (take off) in a moment.17、It (rain) for 3 days. There are too much rain is year.18、How long you uncle (live) in Beijing.19、We (learn) many words since we can to this school.20、Where is Tom?He (go) to Hangzhou. he ever (be) there before?Yes. He (be) there 3 times.When he (go) there?He (go) there 3 days ago.21、The wind (blow) hard yesterday. It (blow) off my hat.22、you (hear) the news last night?23、They (write) letters the whole morning. They didn't havea rest.24、One day I (happen) to be alone at home. He (come) and we (have) a chat.(聊天)25、She often (talk) about that book.26、The train (leave) in 10 minutes.27、Look! The children (play) in the park.28、I already (walk) for 20 minutes. I'm too lived.29、How long your father (live) in Beijing.30、I (not read) today's newspaper yet it (come)?31、His father (be) a doctor since 1987.32、The foreign guests (arrive) in 5 minutes.33、I (see) her this morning. What's wrong with her?34、The boy (study) now. (not make) any noise.35、Yesterday I (go) to (see) a film. On my way to the cinema,I (meet) your mother there. We(talk) a lot. We (be) very happy.36、What you usually (do) after class? Sometimes I (go) to the library and sometimes I (have) sports with my classmates.37、The students (listen) to the radio. (not sing) here, please.38、I'm late the train (leave)?39、Last week my grandma (go) to (see) a friend of her. She (be) very happy. She (cook) a good dinner. They (enjoy) it very much.40、Tomorrow (be) Sunday. I (visit) an old friend.41、I (fall) and (hurt) my neck last week.42、Sometimes Li Ming (do) his homework at school. Now he (do) it in the classroom.43、What Lin Ying (do) now? She (help) Wang Lin with his lessons. she often(help) him with his lessons? Yes, she (help) him with his lessons twice a week.44、We (have) one or two new subjects every year. We (have) physics next year. I (work) hard at it.45、It's five o'clock now. The students (clean) their classroom.46、Li Fang's father (work) in that school.47、We (have) a good time in the Summer Palace last Sunday.48、He (not do) the cooking yesterday.49、Look! the students (dance).50、Mary (listen) to the radio when her mother came in.51、Last night the boy (draw) a picture.52、My mother (work) for 3hours. She is very busy.53、I already (walk) for 20 minutes. I'm too tired to move.54、They (wait) for us for 3 hours.55、It's ten o'clock now. The meeting (last) for 2 hours.56、May I borrow the book "Lucky Jim"? Sorry, I (return) it.57、A: How many times you (see) the film? B: About 5 times.A: When you (see) it for the first time? B: 2 years ago.A: you (like) it? B: Yes. I (like) it very much?二、根据句意, 选用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空:Asleep, crowd round, try, watch, answer rain, worry, put on, clean, talk, arrive in, prefer…to, do, catch up1、My grandmather usually TV after supper.2、I don't know how this question.3、The teacher told him not to be late.4、I won't go to see you if it tomorrow.5、Have you your homework yet?6、The students their teacher and asking a lot of question now.7、Our friend tea coffee.8、Mr Green Beijing last night.9、Please be quiet. Mr Wang now.10、If you work hard, you with others.11、She looks , I'm sure she is having trouble.12、You'd better your coat. It's cold outside.13、Have you finished your bedroom?14、I met Tom in the street. I stop with him.Bgo, rain, jump, teach, stop talking, must send, be, happen, worry, come, live, help, stop cry1、Mrs Li always about her children.2、There no hospital thirty years ago.3、It's time for class. We'd better right now.4、English twice a day on TV.5、A young man into the river and saved the boy.6、Look at the dark cloud! It soon.7、Nothing to the boy since you left.8、Father won't let her alone.9、Spring after winter.10、My father with us three years ago.11、he you with the cooking yesterday?12、How did Lin Feng make the baby ?13、The old man is ill. He to the hospital.Cbe, take, use, stay, hear, sing, write, go, come, keep…wait, lock, build, swim1、you free last Sunday?2、Jim's uncle often fishing when it is fine.3、Uncle Wang back in a month.4、Great changes place since 1980.5、He me for a long time yesterday afternoon.6、Keys by people for doors.7、How long Peter here since he came here? "Five years."8、you from your parents last month?9、this swimming pool in 1990?10、Tom's friend often in makes.11、Listen! Rose and her sister beautifully.12、Do you know if Mr King to his teacher soon?Dbe, born, have, listen, read, cook, open, run, found, clean, lend, be, produce 1、I my bike to him a moment ago.2、There four classes tomorrow morning.3、These machines in Shanghai last year.4、The People's Republic of China in 1949.5、Look! How fast Lin Tao !6、The new students' rooms once a week.7、He on May 20, 1978.8、It's time for us lunch now.9、They enjoyed to this song.10、Our teacher asked us to go on the newbooks.11、I would like you the meal today.12、It's vely hot today. Why not the windows?Ebegin, build, see, learn, take, rong…up, visit, go, have, get, play, work1、Do you know how cities long ago?2、Mr Green a lot of places since he left his hometown.3、Look! The children with snow in front of the building.4、I'll tell him about it. When I him tomorrow evening.5、Our teacher us to the Great Wall next week.6、The house many years ago.7、Miss Black to the cinema twice a month.8、Mary and Jane up very early this morning. They are reading now.9、The girl wanted to know how English.10、I would like a cup of tea.11、Please me when you are free.12、She in this factory for 2 years.Fgive, bring, go, speak, rain, turn off, make, sleep, play, build1、Tom many friends since he came here.2、She swimming tomorrow afternoon.3、Jim is always busy. He only sixhours every night.4、Chinese in many countries today.5、Look! the students football on the playgrownd.6、The bridge by the farmers themselves in 1950.7、The headmaster us a talk yesterday.8、Please the lights when you leave.9、Mr Smith asked me the book with me that afternoon.10、Take the rain coat with you. It now.三、完成下列反意疑问句1、You're in Grade two now, ?2、Your father is a worker, ?3、Mary is going to study Chinese, ?4、We're going to have a meeting this week, ?5、Jack is playing in the garden, ?6、They all look fine, ?7、You like English, ?8、Kate swims the best in her class, ?9、Mike watches TV every day, ?10、They like spring best, ?11、They won't have a good time, ?12、He will go to see a film, ?13、She isn't going to buy a book, ?14、Tom and Mike are watching TV, ?15、You are doing some washing, ?16、Mrs White is cleaning the room, ?17、I bad a rest a moment ago, ?18、He was a teacher a year ago, ?19、They wrote letters last Sunday, ?20、Mr Smith made a table last year, ?21、Don't open the door, ?22、Let's go to school, ?23、Listen to me, ?24、There's little water in the rive, ?25、The little girl can hardly read, ?26、He has never been to Japan, ?27、The students borrowed few English books from the library, ?28、Kate made few mistakes in the exam, ?四、单项选择1、The boy likes questions.A.ask B.answer C.to ask2、We'll try there on time.A.to get B.getting C.got3、They hoped their mother soon.A.to see B.saw C.seeing4、I'm glad you again.A.meet B.met C.to meet5、He often helps me my bike.A.mending B.to mend C.to mended6、I heard Alice in the next door.A.sings B.sang C.sing7、The work is easy. Let him it by himself.A.do B.to do C.doing8、He saw Dick in and take a book away.A.came B.coming C.come9、Does Jack want a writer?A.be B.is C.to be10、The boss had them from morning to night.A.worked B.working C.work11、It's time home.A.to go B.went C.going12、Tom is kind. He would like you.A.to help B.help C.helped13、Don't forget your books to school.A.bring B.to bring C.brought14、I don't know .A.where does he live B.what is he doing C.where he lives D.what he is dring it15、Ask him how much .A.did it cost B.cost it C.it costed D.it costs16、I wonder used for.A.what was this room B.which was this roomC.what this room was D.that this room was17、I really don't know .A.where he was born B.where he is born C.where was he born D.where is he born18、We have no iden .A.how worried was he B.how worried he was C.that was he worried D.what was he worried19、He wanted to know there.A.how long time I had been B.how long had I been C.how long I had been D.how long I was20、My mother wants to know .A.how is Tom getting along B.how he is getting along C.what is he getting along D.what he is getting along 21、What shall we do it rains tomorrow?A.if B.when C.since22、The doctor didn't have a rest the operation was over.A.before B.after C.until23、She didn't go to the cinema she was very busy.A.when B.until C.because24、His parents didn't send their children to school life was hard.A.if B.while C.because25、Finish doing your homework you go to bed.A.before B.until C.after26、The film was interesting all of us wanted to see it again. A.as, as B.so, that C.such, that27、he heard a girl crying for help outside, he rushed out of the room. A.Before B.As soon as C.after28、There are students in Class One in Class Two.A.as many, than B.as much, asC.more, than D.so many, as29、I was watching TV, my sister was litening to the radio programme.A.After B.While C.Before30、Let's wait for him he back.A.until, will come B.until, cameC.if, will come D.until, comes31、I'll remember her the letter.A.give B.gave C.to give32、He turned on the radio and stopped to the radio. A.listened B.to listen C.listening33、He had decided it again.A.written B.writing C.to write34、It's cold. You need warm clothes.A.to wear B.wearing C.wore35、Mr Black mill agree there with you.A.to go B.went C.will go36、They were able to last year.A.swam B.swim C.swimming37、She is pleased her friend.A.to meet B.met C.meeting38、They were sorry that.A.to hear B.heard C.hearing39、He is sure tomorrow.A.to come B.will come C.coming40、Teacher told us quiet.A.is B.are C.to be41、He will teach me this year.A.to skate B.skating C.skated42、They asked him any noise.A.not making B.no make C.not to make43、Did you hear her the song in English last night? A.sing B.sang C.to sing D.sings44、The students don't know next.A.to do what B.what to do C.what do D.do what 45、The boss made them ten hours a day. A.worked B.working C.work D.to work46、I'd like my good friend to my home.A.come B.will come C.coming D.to come47、Will you help me this morning?A.do the wash B.to do the wash C.do the washing D.doing the washing 48、I'd love that film, will it be on tomorrow?A.see B.to see C.seeing D.seen49、He told them on with the work.A.to go B.going C.go D.went50、We'll try the work before seven o'clock.A.finished B.finish C.to finish D.finishing51、It's raining hard. You'd better .A.go out B.not go out C.no to go out D.to not go out52、This maths problem is difficult. Let me it over.A.to think B.thinking C.think D.thought53、Sorry I've kept you for a long time.A.wait B.to wait C.waiting D.waited54、It's not easy a foreign language.A.learns B.learn C.to learn D.learning55、The doctor was busy on the woman at that time.A.operate B.operating C.to operate D.operated56、I'm hungry. Please give me something .A.eat B.eating C.to eat D.eaten57、Mr Smith enjoys to light music.A.listens B.to listen C.listening D.listen58、It was very late at night he still went on .A.works B.worked C.working D.work59、When they walked along the river, they suddenly heard somebody for help. A.call B.calling C.called D.to call60、Stop and listen to me carefully said the teacher.A.to talk B.talking C.talk D.talks61、The teacher asked me the question in English.A.answer B.to answer C.answered D.answering62、It was eleven o'clock, she stopped the child from TV.A.watch B.watching C.to watch D.watched63、He is strong enougn the box.A.carry B.to carry C.carrying D.carries64、Please be quiet. You talk loudly in the library.A.needn't B.mustn't C.need D.must65、Don't be late. You be there on time.A.must B.can C.may D.needn't66、" I speak to Ann?" "Speaking."A.Must B.May C.Need D.Shall67、I've looked for my pen everywhere, but I find it.A.couldn't B.can't C.mustn't D.didn't68、Excuse me I ask you a question?A.will B.do C.may D.would69、This science book good care of.A.must be take B.must take C.must be taken D.must to be taken 70、"Must I finish my homework now?" "No, you ."A.mustn't B.can't C.needn't D.may not71、"You must be here at six tomorrow morning." "Sorry I be here so early." A.need B.must C.may D.can't72、you answer the telephone, please?A.Must B.May C.Need D.Could73、Don't be late. You be there on time.A.must B.can C.may D.needn't74、We catch up with you. Please speak a little more slowly.A.can B.can't C.may not D.must75、This watch next Monday.A.can mended B.can be mended C.can be mend D.can be mending 76、The stars in the daytime.A.can't be see B.can't see C.can't be saw D.can't be seen77、Tom was very hungry he ate all the cakes.A.and B.but C.so D.or78、The teacher is very tired she is still working very hard.A.but B.so C.and D.or79、Mr Wang has worked there it opened.A.because B.since C.for D.so80、We'll go to visit the Great Wall it doesn't rain tomorrow.A.since B.before C.when D.if81、I came into the office, the teachers were having a meeting.A.When B.While C.Which D.Since82、It's a long time we met last.A.before B.after C.since D.so83、I didn't watch TV I finished my work.A.after B.when C.while D.until84、I hear easy.A.that physics isn't B.if physics isn't C.what physics is D.that physics85、She tole me her teacher.A.Mr Green is B.that Mr Green is C.if Mr Green was D.Mr Green was86、Do you know to that post offece?A.How much is it B.how far it is C.how far is it D.how long it is87、Do you remember how many times to America?A.have you been B.had you been C.did you go D.youhave been88、I didn't know in the classroom.A.is she B.if she is C.if was she D.if she was89、Does anybody know for Xi'an tomerrow?A.if is Licy leaving B.if Lucy leaves C.that Lucy is leaving D.that Licy leaves 90、Do you know back soon?A.when she will come B.if will she comeC.if she will come D.if she comes91、I heard badly hurt.A.that his son is B.if his son wasC.that his son was D.if his son was92、I'm not sure this way.A.the word can be used B.if can the word be usedC.if the word can be used D.that the word can be used93、I don't know .A.what's his name B.what name is hisC.what his name is D.what was his name94、Do you know so worried?A.why is your friend B.why was your friendC.why your friend is D.how is your friend95、Do you know ?A.whose clild he is B.whose child is he C.whose clild he is D.who's child he is 96、He asked which picture .A.Is Mike's B.Mike's was C.was Mike's D.Mike's is97、Can you tell me how often to see his brother?A.does he goB.he goes C.he go D.he is98、The teacher didn't tell me to have a test next week.A.if we are going B.if we were goingC.that we are going D.we are going【答案】一、 1、has been 2、have been 3、has been 4、have visited5、Has, gone6、has read7、have, left8、hasn't played9、has seen 10、has, neet 11、will give, comes12、will be, come 13、has, worked 14、was, wasn't 15、will start, stops16、will take off 17、has rained 18、has, lived19、have learned 20、has gone, has, been, has been did, go, went21、blew, blew 22、Did, hear 23、were writing24、happened, came, had 25、talks26、will leave 27、are playing 28、have, walked29、has, lived 30、haven't read, has, come 31、has been32、will arrive 33、didn't see 34、is studying, Don't make35、went, see, met, talked, were 36、do, do, go, have37、are listening, Don't sing 38、Has, left39、went, see, was, cooked, enjoyed 40、is, will visit41、fell, hurt 42、does, is doing43、is, doing, is helping, Does, help, helps 44、have, will have, will work45、are clearing 46、works 47、had 48、didn't do49、are dancing 50、was listening 51、drew 52、has worked53、have walked 54、have waited 55、has lasted 56、have returned57、have, seen, did, see, Do, like, like二、 A1、watches 2、to answer 3、to try 4、rains 5、done6、are crowing round7、prefers, to8、arrived in9、is sleeping 10、will 11、worried 12、put on13、cleaning 14、cleaningB1、worries 2、was 3、stop talking 4、is taught 5、jumped6、will rain7、has happened8、go9、comes 10、lived11、Did, help 12、stop crying 13、must be sentC1、Were 2、goes 3、will come 4、have taken5、kept, waiting6、are used, locking7、has, stayed8、Did, hear 9、Was, built 10、swims 11、are singing 12、will writeD1、lent 2、will be 3、were produced4、was founded5、is running6、are cleaned7、was born8、to have 9、listening 10、reading 11、to cook12、openE1、began 2、has visited 3、are playing 4、see 5、will take6、was built7、goes8、got9、to learn 10、to have11、ring, up 12、has workedF1、has made 2、will go 3、sleeps 4、is spoken5、are playing6、was built7、gave8、turn off9、to bring 10、is raining三、 1、aren't you 2、isn't he 3、isn't she 4、aren't we5、isn't he6、don't they7、don't you8、doesn't she9、does he 10、don't they 11、will they 12、won't he13、is she 14、aren't they 15、aren't you 16、isn't she17、didn't I 18、wasn't he 19、didn't they 20、didn't he21、will you 22、shall we 23、will you 24、is there25、can she 26、has he 27、did they 28、did she四、1—5 CAACB 6—10 CACCC 11—15 AABBD 16—20 CABCB 21—25 ACCDA 26—30 BBCBD 31—35 CBCAA 36—40 BAAAC 41—45 ACABC 46—50 DCBAC 51—55 BCCCB 56—60 CCCBB 61—65 BBBBA 66—70 BBCCC 71—75 DDABB 76—80 DCABD 81—85 ACDAD 86—90 BDDCC 91—95 CCCCA 96—98 CBB。

初三英语语法练习题及答案1. 单项选择题:(1) --- Have you finished your homework?--- Not yet. I ________ doing it right now.A. amB. wasC. willD. have been(2) It _______ hard to believe that Lucy _______ such a silly mistake.A. is; madeB. was; madeC. is; has madeD. was; has made(3) I don't mind doing the shopping. ________, I enjoy it.A. More importantlyB. On the contraryC. Even soD. In other words(4) The teacher asked us to ________ microplastic pollution and its impact on the environment.A. learnB. studyC. investigateD. research2. 完形填空:Computers can be very helpful in learning, but they can also be a __1__ of distraction. It is very __2__ to spend too much time playing computer games or watching videos rather than studying. Therefore, it is important __3__ students to find a balance between using computers for school work and using them for entertainment.When used __4__ , computers can provide many benefits. For example, students can use the internet to __5__ information for research projects. There are also many educational websites and software that can help students __6__ their learning. __7__ using computers, students can practice their English skills by chatting with language partners or participating in online language courses. These tools and resources can__8__ students' learning experience and make it more __9__ and enjoyable.However, it is important for students to __10__ the time they spend using computers. They should set __11__ for themselves and avoid spending excessive time on non-educational activities. __12__ using computers for entertainment, students should be __13__ and choose activities that can benefit their learning, such as watching educational videos or reading digital books. By __14__ their computer usage, students can get the most out of their __15__.答案:1. source2. easy3. for4. properly5. gather6. enhance7. through8. enrich9. effective 10. control11. limits 12. When 13. selective 14. managing 15. computers3. 改错题:阅读下面短文,在文中的每一行中找出一个错误,然后在答题卡上按规定的格式改正。

初三英语上册语法练习题1. 选择题(1) My brother _________ basketball every Sunday morning.A. playsB. playC. playedD. playing(2) She __________ her homework before she went to bed.A. finishedB. finishC. finishesD. finishing(3) They ____________ a new car next month.A. will buyB. buyC. boughtD. buying(4) _________ your parents busy yesterday?A. WasB. DidC. IsD. Do(5) Sarah ___________ to travel to France next summer.A. wantsB. wantC. wantedD. wanting2. 完形填空It was a sunny day. Mary 1 a swim in the lake. 2 she arrived at the lake, she saw a little boat. Mary got 3 the boat and started to row. Suddenly, the wind was too strong and the waves were too high. The boat 4 over and fell into the water. Mary didn't know how to swim. She shouted for help, but no one heard her. Luckily, there was a man fishing nearby. He saw Mary 5 water and quickly swam over to her. He held her and swam back to the shore. Mary thanked the man for saving her life. She promised to 6 how to swim so that she could help others in the future.(1) A. went B. goes C. go D. going(2) A. After B. Before C. When D. While(3) A. on B. in C. about D. off(4) A. turned B. turned C. turns D. turning(5) A. in B. on C. under D. above(6) A. learn B. learns C. learning D. learned3. 句型转换(1) He will visit his grandparents next week. (改为一般疑问句)____________ he ____________ his grandparents next week?(2) I usually play the guitar after dinner. (改为否定句)I usually ____________ the guitar after dinner.(3) They have lived in this city for two years. (对画线部分进行提问)____________ ____________ they lived in this city?(4) Jenny is reading a book in the living room now. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)____________ Jenny ____________ a book in the living room now?No, ____________ ____________.(5) It's too hot today. We can go swimming. (合并为一个句子)It's ____________ hot today ____________ ____________ can go swimming.4. 根据汉语提示完成句子(1) My sister likes swimming, but I ________________. (不喜欢)(2) The students are ________________ (排队) to enter the classroom.(3) I enjoy ________________ (读书) novels in my free time.(4) The concert ________________ (将在明天举行) at the stadium.(5) He ________________ (写信给) his pen pal every month.5. 根据对话内容选择恰当的单词或短语A: Hi, Lucy. How was your weekend?B: It was great! I went camping with my family.A: That sounds fun. Where did you go?B: We went to a beautiful lake 1 the mountains.A: Oh, I love 2 in the mountains. Did you do any activities?B: Yes, we went hiking and fishing. The view was amazing.A: That sounds incredible. Did you catch any fish?B: Yes, we caught some fish 3 the lake. We grilled them for dinner.A: Yummy! I wish I can go camping 4 day.(1) A. between B. among C. beside D. near(2) A. walk B. walking C. to walk D. walks(3) A. at B. in C. on D. by(4) A. each B. every C. all D. some6. 书面表达假设你叫Tom,请你用英语给你的朋友Mike写一封信,告诉他你最喜欢的科目以及你计划为期两周的假期的安排。

英语初三语法练习题一、选择题(每题1分,共30分)1. —_______do you go to the gym?—Three times a week.A. How oftenB. How longC. How muchD. How far2. Sally _______ English since she was 7 years old.A. learnsB. has learnedC. learnedD. will learn3. My grandfather _______ a new bicycle for my birthday next week.A. buysB. is going to buyC. boughtD. will buy4. —Whose book is this?—It _______ be Tom's. He left it on the desk.A. mustB. mightC. canD. could5. I will help you with your homework after I _______ my own.A. finishB. finishedC. am finishingD. have finished6. Chinese is _______ difficult language _______ learn.A. a; toB. an; /C. a; /D. an; to7. If he _______ harder, he would have passed the exam.A. studiesB. studiedC. had studiedD. would study8. The book is _______ interesting _______ I can't put it down.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. too; toD. very; that9. —You look tired. _______ you _______ for a long time?—Yes, I _______ in the library all day.A. Have; been studying; haveB. Did; study; didC. Have; studied; haveD. Do; study; do10. Anna _______ her homework now. Can you please call her back?A. doesB. is doingC. has doneD. did11. I _______ to Peru twice. It's a beautiful country.A. goB. have beenC. will goD. went12. He is _______ person I have ever met. He is always smiling and happy.A. the most friendlyB. friendlierC. friendliestD. more friendly13. Tom _______ not only English, but also Chinese and French.A. can speakB. could speakC. speaksD. will speak14. The girl _______ to show us her new dress, but she _______ it at home.A. wants; forgotB. want; forgetsC. wants; forgetsD. want; forgot15. John is a good student. He _______ late for class.A. never isB. is neverC. never doesD. does never16. —_______ does your father work?—In a hospital.A. WhenB. WhatC. HowD. Where17. The little boy _______ quietly when his mother came into the room.A. was sleepingB. sleepsC. sleptD. has been sleeping18. I won't leave until my partner _______.A. will comeB. comesC. will have comeD. came19. —Who taught you to swim?—_______.A. NoneB. Some booksC. By myselfD. My sister help me20. We enjoy _______ football after school.A. to playB. playingC. playD. played21. I'm tired. _______ to bed early tonight.A. I'll goB. I'll wentC. I goD. I went22. The boy _______ in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.A. playedB. was playingC. has playedD. will play23. We _______ our English teacher for three years.A. haveB. have hadC. hadD. will have had24. The car _______ by my father last year.A. boughtB. is boughtC. was boughtD. has bought25. —Would you like to see a film with me this evening?—Sorry, I_______, but I'm really busy.A. don'tB. can'tC. may notD. won't26. Let's go hiking if it _______ tomorrow.A. isn't rainingB. didn't rainC. won't rainD. doesn't rain27. The box is _______ heavy _______ I can't lift it.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. too; toD. very; that28. He _______ English since he _______ to Australia.A. learns; cameB. learned; will comeC. has learned; cameD. learned; comes29. The old man _______ at the bus stop since morning. He _______ very tired.A. waits; isB. waited; wasC. has been waiting; isD. has waited; is30. _______ good news!A. WhatB. HowC. How aD. What a二、完形填空(每题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

中考英语时态专项练习班级考号姓名总分【真题再现】一、1.I scared of dogs ever since i dog hurt me when I was five years olD.(浙江杭州)A.will beB.wasC.have beenD.would be2.My grandparents for over 60 years and they love each other very much.(江苏宿迁)A.have been marriedC.were marriedB.got marriedD.have got married3.Please wait.She to you in a few minutes.A.TalkB.talkedC.have talkedD.will talk(重庆)4.-Cathy, can you answer the door? I the room.-I'm coming,Mum. (安徽)A.cleanB.cleanedC.have cleanedD.am cleaning5.-When shall we begin our meeting?-We'll begin it when Helen . (重庆)esB.cameC.will comee6.Stop smoking, Joe! You yourself if you keep on doing it like that! (重庆)A.will killB.have killedC.killD.killed7.Hurry up! Mark and Carl us. (北京)A.expectB.are expectingC.have expectedD.will expect8.-I went to visit you yesterday evening,but you weren’t in.Where were you then?-Oh,I my pet dog in the park.I_this dog for three days and it’s very cute.(四川凉山)A.was walking;have hadB.walked; boughtC.was walking; have boughtD.walked; have had9.-When will Uncle Sam come to see us?-He'll visit us this weekenD.He me that by e mail. (江苏南京)A.toldB.is toldC.will tellD.was going to tell10.Neither the headmaster nor the teachers take a vacation next week.(内蒙古呼和浩特)A.were going toB.is going toC.was going toD.are going to11.In the past few years, great changes in Lianyungang. (江苏连云港)A.take placeB.took placeC.have taken placeD.have been taken place12.-Look at the sign!It says“No Smoking”.-Oh, sorry. it. (山东滨州)A.don't seeB.haven't seenC.wasn't seenD.didn't see13.-Tom, you ever_that new film?-Yes, I it a week ago. (四川广安)A.have; seen; sawB.have; seen; seeC.do; see; seeD.had; seen; saw14.-Our classmates went to a concert yesterday afternoon.-What a pity! I my homework. (山东泰安)A.had doneB.was doingC.am doingD.would do15.I the book Little Women,but I'll let you read it first. (四川成都)A.haven't readB.don't readC.won't read二、根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.Mybrotherisill,________Ihavetostayathome.2.Thefilmmustbeveryinteresting,________manypeoplearebuyi ngticketsinline.3.Mycomputerisne nedittoyou.________yourfatherexplainedittoyou,youdidn’tunderstandit8.Sinceyoufeelsotired,you’dbetterhaveagoodrest.______________youfeelsotired,you’dbetterhaveagoodrest.9.Hehaslosthisbike,sohadtobuyanotheronebike.________hehaslosthisbike,hehadtobuyanotherone.10.Ifyoudon’tstudyharder,youwillfailinthetest.Study,harder,______youwillfailinthetest.附加练习1.I’dliketogoshoppingwithyou,_____I’mtoobusytoday.A.butB.andC.soD.or2.I’mdifferentfrommytwinsister.Ilovedancing,_____sheisinte restedinreading.A.soB.orC.butD.and3.Holdontoyourdreams,_____theywillcometrueoneday.A.butB.andC.orD.so4.-Somebodyiswaitingoutside.Hewantstoseeyou.-_____nooneknowsI’mhere.A.ForB.AndC.ButD.So5.Id on’tunderstandthetext_____therearefewnewwordsinit.A.soB.becauseC.ifD.though6.Wedidn’thaveenoughchairs,_____someofthestudentshadt ositonthefloor.A.butB.soC.orD.and7._____MrsWilsoncameintotheclassroom,allthechildrenwelco medherA.WhetherB.AswellasC.IfD.Assoonas9._____heisn’trichenough,heoftengivesawaymoneytosome poorchildren.A.ThoughB.WhenC.BecauseD.If10._____ourfootballteamfailedinthematch,wetriedourbest.A.ASB.ThoughC.Because11.-Wouldyouliketoplaybasketballwithus?-Yes,I’dloveto._____I’mafraidIhavenoti me.A.SoB.ButC.OrD.And12.Itwassnowinghard_____wehadtostayathomeandwatchTV.A.thatB.so.C.butD.because13.-It’salongstory,_____youcanhardlyfindanynewwordsinit.-Good!_____itwillbetoohardforchildren.A.so,ThenB.and,OrC.but,OrD.though,And14.Takemoreexercise,_____you’llbehealthier.A.andB.orC.butD.then15.-YousawthefilmHarryPotterlastnight,didn’tyou?-Yes,_____Imissedthebeginning.A.andB.soC.butD.then16.-Therearemanypicturesinthebook.-Great!_____itwillbehardforyoungchildrentoread.A.andB.SoC.But17.Ihadinvitedeverybody,______onlytwopeoplecametomapar ty.A.orB.butC.andD.so18.You’lldomuchbetter______you’remorecarefulwithyours pelling.A.ifB.beforeC.althoughD.unless20.Thisdressstilllooksprettyonyou,______itisoutofstyle.A.thoughB.butC.sinceD.if21.WhatshouldIdo______Iwanttobethinner?A.thoughB.unlessC.butD.if22.-WouldyoupleasegivethisMP3toMary?-Sure.I’llgiveittoher______shecomeback..A.beforeB.assoonasC.till23.Thequestionis______hewon’tlistentoanyone.A.thatB.whetherC.ifD.when24.-Yourpictureiswonderful!-Iworkedfor8hours______Ifinishedit.A.whenB.beforeC.whileD.after25.Mathsisnoteasytolearn,______wemustworkherder.A.butB.orC.soC.and26.Tedtriedhisbest,______hecaughtupwiththeothersatlast.A.butB.orC.andD.because27.Hecan’tdecidewhichtochoose______t hereisnodifferenceb etweenthem.A.butB.soC.because28.MrHuangdecidedtobuythatCDplayer______itwasexpensive.A.eventhoughB.sothatC.becauseD.asif30.Agoodfriendalwaysgivesyouahelpinghand______you’rein trouble.A.whenB.beforeC.untilD.though31.Hedidn’tknowthenews_______hisparentstoldhimaboutit.A.whenB.afterC.assoonasD.until32.______hesaidhewasn’thungryatall,heateabigbreakfast.A.UnlessB.BecauseC.IfD.Though33.–Youwatchedthefashionshowlastweek,didn’tyou?-Yes,______Imissedthebeginning.A.orB.soC.andD.but34.Iwillwait______hecomeback,becauseIhavesomethingtotell him.A.untilB.beforeC.when35.Takemoreexercise,_______you’llbehealthier.A.andB.orC.but36.Wokehard,_______youwillfallbehind.A.orB.andC.soD.sobut37.Therewas______smokethattheycouldn’ts eeanythingclearl y.A.tooB.toomanyC.somuchD.somany38.Thetwofriendswere______pleasedtoseeeachotherthatforg oteverything.A.soB.tooC.veryD.much39.Hehad______muchworktodothathecouldn’tgoout.A.soB.muchC.asD.or40.Tomhasbeeninthefactory______heleftschool.A.whenB.sinceC.assoonasD.whether41.Thenursedoesn’tfeelwelltoday,______shestillworksveryha rd.A.butB.andC.orD.when42.______mymother______mysisterwatchesTVplaysthesedays.A.Either,notB.Both,andC.Neither,orD.Neither,nor43.Lucyknewnothingaboutit______hersistertoldher.A.becauseB.untilC.ifD.since44.Ileftmyumbrellainmyroom.Couldyouwait______Igobacktogetit?A.whenB.ifC.whileD.before45.Studyhard,______youwillfallbehindtheother.A.andB.butC.orD.though初三英语语法篇二:初中英语语法大全精华版一.名词I.名词的种类:1.规则名词的复数形式:名词的复数形式,一般在单数形式后面加-s或-es。

一、选择题1.My mother when I got home yesterday.A.will cook B.cooks C.has cooked D.was cooking D解析:D【解析】句意:当我昨天回到家的时候,我的妈妈正在做饭。
2.—Surprise! Cindy is singing in the concert.—But she ______.A.will refuse B.refusedC.refuses D.has refuse B解析:B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:——好意外!辛迪正在音乐会上唱歌。
3.—Rose, can you give me a hand?—Just a minute. I ______ the followers.A.am watering B.have wateredC.watered D.water A解析:A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:——Rose,你能帮我一下吗?——等一下,我正在浇花。
4.We’re not sure _______ there’ll be _______ or not tomorrow.A.if; rains B.if; rainy C.whether; raining D.whether; rain D解析:D【解析】句意:我们不确定明天是否会下雨。

九年级英文语法练习题一、选择题1. —Are you going to the party tonight?—No, I ______. I have to finish my homework.A. don’tB. can’tC. won’tD. needn’t2. The weather is so nice. Let’s go for a walk, ______?A. shall weB. will youC. do youD. are you3. Linda is good at sports. She ______ her school basketball team last year.A. joinedB. has joinedC. joinsD. had joined4. ______ you practice playing the piano every day, you won’t improve your skills.A. UnlessB. IfC. AlthoughD. Since5. —Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you everywhere.—Sorry, I ______ over at my friend’s house.A. wasB. have beenC. will beD. would be二、填空题6. ______ people in the world can speak Mandarin Chinese.7. My sister ______ to music when she was doing her homework last night.8. The teacher told us ______ TV for too long might damage our eyes.9. ______ book is this? Is it yours?10. We ______ already ______ dinner when you called us.三、改错题11. Mary asked me if did I like her new dress.12. Both of the students studied hardly for the English test.13. How many times do you go swimming in a week?14. His father asked him to don't play computer games all day.15. We ca n’t let they go out alone at night.四、写作题请你根据下面的图片描述你上个周末的活动,用英语写一篇短文。

一、选择题1.I think the music is great , and it is worth________A.to listen B.to listen to C.listening D.listening to D解析:D【解析】【详解】句意:我认为这个音乐很好,很值得听。
listen听,根据固定搭配be worth doing sth值得做某事,排除A和B,由listen是不及物动词,后面不能直接加宾语,如果想要加“听”的对象,要用listen to,这里是指听音乐,to不能省略,排除C,故选D。
2.In the past he often made his sister____, but now he is often made ___by his sister.A.to cry; to cry B.cry; cryC.to cry; cry D.cry; to cry D解析:D【解析】【分析】考点:非谓语动词【详解】句意:在过去,他经常把妹妹弄哭,但是现在他经常被妹妹弄哭。
make sb do sth使某人做某事;sb be made to do sth某人被使得做某事。
3.—Do you like watching cooking programs on TV?—No, I don’t , but my twin brother . He's very fond of cooking.A.does B.do C.is D.are A解析:A【解析】【详解】句意:——你喜欢看电视上的烹饪节目吗?——不,我不喜欢,但是我的双胞胎哥哥/弟弟喜欢。
此处用助动词代替动词,用来表示刚提到的动作,以避免重复,排除C和D;主语是my twin brother,第三人称单数,助动词用第三人称单数形式does。
4.Here _______a nice photo of my family.A.am B.be C.is D.are C解析:C【解析】【详解】句意:这是一张我家漂亮全家福。

初三英语语法强化练习题及答案1. 选择题1. — _______ do you usually go to school?— By bike.A. HowB. WhatC. WhenD. Why2. Lisa _____ swimming every Sunday morning.A. goB. goesC. is goingD. went3. Don't worry. I _______ a mistake next time.A. not makeB. will not makeC. don't makeD. didn't make4. Tom _____ football yesterday afternoon.A. playedB. playC. is playingD. plays5. — Did you see Mary at the party?— No, by the time I got there, she _______.A. leavesB. had leftC. has leftD. will leave答案:1. A2. B3. B4. A5. B2. 完成句子1. I often ____ (help) my mother with the cooking on weekends.2. They _______ (not watch) TV last night. They went to the cinema instead.3. Sam ______ (buy) a new bike for his birthday next month.4. The teacher told us ______ (not make) noise in class.5. My sister and I _______ (visit) our grandparents every summer vacation.答案:1. help2. didn't watch3. will buy4. not to make5. visit3. 改错题1. He am going to play basketball after school.2. How many fishes did you caught at the lake?3. We was studying when the lights went out.4. Sarah and Jane is best friends.5. My brother go to the park every Sunday.答案:1. am → is2. caught → catch3. was → were4. is → are5. go → goes4. 完形填空AMany people love to travel, but not everyone enjoys the same way to travel. Some people enjoy traveling by plane because it is fast and __1__. They can get to their destination (目的地) in a short time. Some people enjoy traveling by train because they can see the __2__ along the way. They can meet __3__ people and talk to them.BOthers love to travel by car. They can enjoy the __4__ view (风景) and stop whenever they like. They can take _____5____ photos. Some people love to travel on foot or by bike. They can stop and look at the view __6__. If they are tired, they can __7__ and take a rest. They can ____8___ anything they like on the way.CDifferent ways of traveling have different ___9___. All in all, __10__ allows us to learn more about the world and enjoy the beauty of life.1. A. comfortable2. A. sun3. A. much4. A. bad5. A. more6. A. faraway7. A. work8. A. look9. A. purposes10. A. travel答案:1. fast2. view3. more4. beautiful5. more6. closely7. sit8. buy9. advantages10. Travel以上是初三英语语法强化练习题及答案,希望对你有所帮助。

一、句子填空1. Tom is good ________ swimming. He swims ________ a fish.答案:at, like解析:at后面应接表示能力或技能的名词或动词的-ing形式,like 表示"像……一样"。
2. I'm sorry ________ I can't go to the party. I have too much homework ________ do.答案:but, to解析:but表示转折关系,to do表示"要做……"。
3. My sister ________ a beautiful voice. She often ________ in the school choir.答案:has, sings解析:has是have的第三人称单数形式,表示"拥有……";sings表示"唱歌"。
二、句型转换1. He is running in the park.(改为否定句)答案:He is not running in the park.解析:在be动词后面加not构成否定句。
2. They have finished their homework.(改为一般疑问句)答案:Have they finished their homework?解析:把助动词have调到句首构成一般疑问句。
3. She can swim across the river.(对划线部分提问)答案:What can she do?解析:对"she can do"进行提问。
三、选择填空1. ________ your brother Chinese?A. IsB. AreC. AmD. Do答案:A. Is解析:根据句子的主语"your brother",可知应使用第三人称单数形式"is"。

宾语从句1. I don't know how ________ the new mobile phone.eingC.to useed2. I have some tickets for the football match. I called my friends to see ________.A.where they bought themB.why they liked to go thereC.when we went togetherD.whether they'd like to go3. I plan to go the Xingtai Museum, but I'm not sure ________.A.how I can get thereB.how can I get thereC.how I could get thereD.how could I get there4. I just wonder ________.A.if they are going onB.how are they going onC.how they are going on5. 一Excuse me, I wonder ________?—Yes, it's near the bookstore.A.where we will go for the holidayB.if there is a lost and found officeC.when she will give me a callD.how we can go to Hong Kong6. —I have sore eyes. Can you tell me ______?—People's Hospital. It has the best doctors in the city.A.if I should go to the hospitalB.which hospital I should chooseC.how I can go to the hospital7. Peter asks me ________ I'd like to go swimming with him tomorrow or not.A.thatB.whyC.whetherD.where8. —Excuse me, I wonder ________.—Yes, it's near the bank.A.where we will go for the holidayB.if there is a big supermarketC.when she will send me a letterD.how we can go to Hainan9. At the fire station, we learned how to call the firefighters and ________ when there is a fire.A.what to doB.how to doC.why to do10. Do you know ________ Zunyi or not tomorrow?A.whether are they leaving forB.whether they are leaving forC.if are they leaving forD.if they are leaving for11. —I'm new here. I don't know ________ it takes us to get there.—About 5 minutes.A.how muchB.how oftenC.how longD.how far12. —Do you know ________?—Yes. He kept working hard all the time.A.what Tim's favourite hobby isB.why Tim always watches TVC.how Tim achieved his dream13. —I'd like to know ________.—Maybe in the forest.A.whether we will go campingB.where will we go campingC.whether will we go campingD.where we will go camping14. —I wonder ________.—I'm not sure. Maybe his car was broken on the road.A.why Tom was late for the meeting this morningB.how Tom get to the town to meet his friendC.what Tom will do to celebrate his birthday15. I don't remember ________ the book yesterday.A.where did I putB.where I putC.where will I putD.where I will put16. —What did the teacher ask you just now?—He asked me ________ I was from Japan.A.thatB.whereC.whatD.whether17. —Could you tell me ________ this vacation?—The Great Wall.A.what you want to doB.when you want to startC.where you want to visit18. —Can you guess ________ the sports shoes?—Yes, he asked his father to pay for it.A.how Bob paid forB.why Bob boughtC.when Bob paid forD.where Bob bought19. Could you tell me ________? Maybe I can help you find her/him.A.what you are doingB.who you are waiting forC.why you stand hereD.where you live20. —When will we get to the science museum?—I don't know ________ it will take. You may ask Lily.A.how oftenB.how farC.how long21. —Do you still remember ________ when you heard the news?—Yes, of course.A.what are you doingB.what you are doingC.what were you doingD.what you were doing22. —Could you tell me ________ this morning?—I'm sorry. I got up so late that I couldn't catch the first bus.A.why were you late for classB.if you were late for classC.why you were late for classD.how you went to school23. I wondered ________.A.why she is so happyB.why was she late for schoolC.if she would be willing to meet usD.whether is there a bus stop or not24. —Lily, do you know ________?—It is usually on Saturday evening. All my family enjoy the program.A.what TV program your family like bestB.who hosts the Chinese Poetry ConferenceC.when the Chinese Poetry Conference is on25. —Do you know ________?—At 9:00 tomorrow morning.A.when the video meeting beganB.why the video meeting beginsC.when the video meeting will beginD.where the video meeting will begin26. —There will be a concert this evening. But I don't know ________.—By underground. It takes less time.A.where it will be heldB.how can I goC.where will it be heldD.how I can go27. Please tell me ________.A.what does the criminal look likeB.what the criminal looks likeC.what is your nameD.what do you like28. I hear we'll have picnic next Sunday. Could you tell me ________?A.what we'll doB.who had itC.where we'll goD.when we had it29. Peter didn't know ________ next so he was very worried.A.what should he doB.what will he doC.how to doD.what to do30. —Do you know ________ see Beijing Opera?—Yes, you can go to Mei Lanfang Theatre.A.how we canB.where we canC.when we shall31. —Does Ted tell you ________ he will come next week?—No, he doesn't. But ________ he comes, I will call you.A.if; whetherB.whether; ifC.whether; whetherD.if; until32. I'm not sure ________. Maybe he is an artist.A.who is our new neighborB.what is our new neighborC.who our new neighbor isD.what our new neighbor is33. The physics teacher told us that ________.A.light traveled faster than soundB.sound travels faster than lightC.light travels faster than sound34. —Did you know ________?—No, I had no idea.A.what is the matter?B.who will win the first prize?C.what was wrong with TimD.where would they meet us35. —Do you know ________ I can get the information about the magazine I want to borrow?—Of course. You can check it on this computer.A.whereB.whoC.whenD.which36. —Paul, could you tell me ________?—Sure. Next week.A.where will we have a physics examB.when we will have a physics examC.when would we have a physics exam37. —Excuse me, could you please tell me ________?—For drying the shoes and clothes quickly in winter.A.what is the machine used forB.what the machine is used forC.how does the machine workD.how the machine works38. —Excuse me, could you please tell me ________?—I believe Chinese people did.A.who climbed Qomolangma firstB.who climb Qomolangma firstC.how they climbed Qomolangma firstD.how did they climb Qomolangma first39. Did you ask the teacher ________ the day before?A.what was happened to herB.what she had happenedC.what she happenedD.what had happened to her40. Wow! There are so many books. I really can't decide ________.A.where to buyB.which to buyC.what to buyD.how to buy参考答案1. C2.D3. A4. C5. B6.B7. C8. B9.A10.B11.C12. C13.D14.A15. B16. D17. C18.A19. B20.C21. D22. C23. C24.C25.C26.D27.B28.C29.D30. B31. B32. D33. C34. C35.A36. B37. B38.A39.D40. B定语从句一)基础练习1.Do you know the man _____ is talking to Miss Wu?A. whichB. whoseC. who2.--Who is the man ______ was talking to our English teacher?--Oh! It’s Mr. Baker, our math teacher.A. heB. thatC. whomD. which3.I hate the people ______ don’t help others when they are in trouble.A. whoB. whichC. theyD. where4.The foreigner _______ visited our school is from Canada.A. whichB. whenC. whoD. whom5.George Mallory was an English school teacher _______ loved climbing.A. whoB. whomC. heD. which6.--Look! That is the woman _____ I met yesterday.--Oh? She is my aunt.A. whatB. whoC. whereD. when7.The girl _____ you talked with at the school gate is our new math teacher.A.whoseB.whichC.thatD.what8.I have many good friends _____ my parents love very much.A.whereB.whoseC.whomD.which9.--Which invention do you like best?--WeChat. It's an invention _____ can help us communicate with others freely.A. whereB. thatC. what10.Many people like the program Happy Camp _____ is showed on Hunan TV.A. whoB. whichC. whom11.--Do you like the weekly talk show, The Reader, on CCTV?--Sure. It's a great TV programme _____ brings the habit of reading back into thepublic.A. whoB. thatC. what12.This is the factory _____ I visited last year.A. whichB. whatC. who13.The movie _____we saw last night was fantastic.A.thatB.whatC.whoseD.who14.--Have you found the mobile phone _____ you lost last week?--No, but I've just bought a new one.A.whatB.whoC.whomD.which15.--Mr Fan, could you lend me the book _____ you bought last week?--Of course, here you are.A.whereB.whoC.whenD.which16.My sister would like to go to places _____ she's interested in.A.whereB.whenC.thatD.who17.--Do you still keep the photo _____ we took in Shanghai ten years ago?--Of course I do.A.whoB.whichC.whomD.what18.Here comes the woman _____ son has been missing for several days.A.whomB.whoC.whoseD.which19.Jack is the boy _____ legs were badly hurt in the accident.A.thatB.whoseC.whom20.I like the house_____ windows face south.A. whoseB. who’sC. it'sD. its21.He has forgotten the day _______ he arrived.A. whenB. whereC. thatD. which22.He still remembers the days ______ he spent with your family.A. whenB. whereC. thatD. onwhich23.This is the house _______ I want to buy.A. in whichB. thatC. whoseD. where24.This is the house _______ our beloved Premier Zhou once lived and worked.A. whichB. thatC. whenD. where25.He didn’t tell me the place _______ he was born.A. thatB. whichC. whenD. where26.This is the place _______I have ever visited.A. thereB. whenC. whereD. which27.There will be a flower show in the park ____ we visited last week.A. whoB. whenC. whatD. which28.That is the reason ____ he came to see you.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. why29.Nobody knows the reason ______ she didn’t come to the meeting.A. thatB. whichC. whyD. when30.They talked about things and persons _____ they remembered in the school.A. whichB. thatC. who31.There is something_____to me.A. that is belongB. that belongC. that belongsD. which belongs32.WeChat is the best way of communication_____people like.A. thatB. whichC. who33.The first book _____ my brother read was a picture book.A. whichB. thatC. whyD. who11。
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初三英语复习语法练习1. She is a student, _____ name is Julia.A. itsB. herC. hersD. his2. Could you help _____ with ___ English, please.A. I, myB. me, meC. me, myD. my, I3. A friend of _____ came here yesterday. A. my B. his C. him D. himself4. ______ pencil-box is beautiful. But ___ is more beautiful than ______.A. Toms, my, heB.Tom's, mine, hisC. Tom's, mine, himD. Tom's, my, his5. Most of ______like Chinese food.A. theyB. TheirC. ThemD. theirs6. Don't you let ____ help you ?A. I and my friendB. my friend and IC. my friend and meD. my friend and I to7. How hard______ works!A. weB. himC. heD. his8. __ have been chosen.A. I, you and heB. He, you and IC. You, he and ID. You,and me9. She gave the erasers to Lucy and _______ .A. IB. meC. myD. mine .10. That's not ______, it is_______. I made it ______ .A. ours, mine, myselfB. your, mine, myselfC. yours, her, myselfD. yours, my, myself11. We bought _____ English-Chinese dictionaries.A. usB. oursC. ourselvesD. to us12. Most people think ______ are winning SARS.A. oursB. ourselvesC. weD. us13. There are some ________ on the hill.A. sheepsB. a sheepC. sheepD. sheepes14. Mr Black often gives us ________ by Email.A. some good informationB. some good informationsC. good informationsD. a good information15. There are some new books in the school library. They are ____ books.A. childB. childrens'C. childrenD. children's16. I have worn out my shoes, so I want to buy a new ___ .A. pairB. oneC. onesD. trousers17. Meimei's handwriting is better than any other ______ in his class.A. studentsB. studentsC. student'sD. students'18. The hospital is a bit far from here. It's about ___ .A. forty minutes's walkB. forty minute's walkC. forty minutes walkD. forty minutes' walk19. How many__ are there in your class ?A. JapaneseB. AmericanC. AustralianD. Canadian20. I found my black cat in_____ room.A. Jim and MikeB. Jim and Mike'sC. Jim's and Mike'sD. Jim's and Mike21. How much are the _____ ? A. bread B. meats. C. potatos D. tomatoes22. There are many ______ in our school.A. woman teachersB. woman's teachersC. women teachersD. women's teachers23. Three months ______ a long time for me.A. is B. are C. have D. has24. There are ______ and ______ on the table.A. two boxes cake; four bottle of orangesB. two boxes cake; four bottle of orangeC. two boxes of cakes; four bottles of orangeD. two box of cakes; four bottles of oranges25. I think English is as ____ as math.A. importantB. importanterC. more importantD. most important26. Which subject do you like ____ , math, Chinese or English ?A. betterB. bestC. wellD. very much27. Beijing is one of _____ cities in China.A. largeB. largerC. the largestD. largest28. Lucy is ___ of all. N A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest29. Of all the students in our class. Betty writes ___ very carefully B. most carefullyC. more carefully D. the most careful30. Can you do the work with _____ money and _____ people?A. less, fewerB. fewer, lessC. little, lessD. lest, fewest31. Chinese is the language spoken by the ___ number of the people in the world, but it's not as ___ as English.A. largest; widely spokenB. large; wide spokenC. larger; widely speakingD. largest; wide speaking32.Kate has some apples.Jim has__ apples than Kate. Meimei has _ of all.A. more, the mostB. the most, moreC. more, mostD. many, the more33. Bob is __ of the two boys. Mary is ____ of the three girls.A. tall, shortB. taller, the shorterC. tallest, the shortestD. the taller, the shortest34. This one is not good, that one is ____.A. more badB. even worseC. still worstD. more badly35. Let's go by car. It's _______.A. cheap a lotB. cheap muchC. more cheapD. much cheaper36. He drives much _____ than he did three years ago.A. carefulB. carefullyC. more carefulD. more carefully37. Do you know _____ this time yesterday?A. who are they waitingB. who they are waiting forC. who were they waitingD. who they were waiting for38. Could you tell us ____ ?A. if your father doesB. what does your father doC . your father does what D. what your father does39. Can you tell me what ______ next Sunday?A. will they doB. they would doC. would they doD. they will do40. She asked me if I knew ______.A. whose pen was itB. whose pen it wasC. whose pen it isD. whose pen is it41. Excuse me, could you tell me ______ ?A. when can I get to the stationB. I can get to which stationC. which station I can get toD. how I can get to the station42. Can you tell meswheres______ ? .A. is the post officeB. the post office isC. does the post officeD. the post office does43. Do you know who ______ with at eight yesterday ?A. he is talkingB. was he talkingC. he was talkingD. is he talking44. They wondered if the teacher ______ us English the next term.A. would teachB. had taughtC. will teachD. taught45. He told me that the sun ______ in the east.A. risesB. raisesC. roseD. raised46. The boy asked ______ any noise from outside.A. whether had I heardB. whether I had heardC . whether have I heard D. whether I have heard47. This map will show you _______ .A.swheresis the Summer PalaceB.swheresthe Summer Palace isC.swheresis the Summer Palace likeD. how the Summer Palace is like48. My brother ___ to the ground while ___ his bicycle and hurt his leg.A. falls; is he ridingB. fell; he was ridingC. falls; he is ridingD. felt; was he riding49. It ____ me two hours to get there by bus.A. spentB. tookC. usedD. paid50. I ______ half an hour on my homework yesterday.A. tookB. spendC. usedD. spent51. A recorder is often ______ in our English class.A. usedB. spentC. takenD. use52. I feel hungry. Please ______ me something to eat.A. takeB. bringC. carryD. pull53. It is raining. ___ the raincoat with you when you go out.A. BringB. TakeC. PutD. Took54. The Young Pioneer ______ water for the old man every day.A. carryB. bringC. takesD. carries55. I can ______ you my dictionary, but you can _____ it for only a week. .A. borrow, returnB. lend, borrowC. lend, keepD. lend, return56. Dr White can ______ French very well.A. speakB. talkC. sayD. tell57. The man doesn't know how to____ this word in English.A. speakB. tellC. talkD. say58. We'll go to ______ a film instead of ______ a book in bed.A. read; lookB. see; readC. see; readingD. watch; look at59. Have they ______ in Beijing? A. arrive B. reached C. got D. arrived60 . When we ______ to the railway station, the train had already left.A. reachedB. gotC. arrivedD. get61. I ______ the teacher, but I ______ nothing because I'm think about my trip.A. heard; listenedB. listen to; hearC. hear; listenD. listened to; heard62. I'm _________ in that ________ filmA. interesting; interestedB. interested; interestingC. interested; interestedD. interesting; interesting63. We were ________ when the _________ football match was over.A. exciting; excitedB. excited; excitingC. exciting; excitingD. excited; excited64. I'd like to say this present doesn't ________ .A. spend you much moneyB. cost your money too muchC. take you too much moneyD. have you paid too much65. - My parents have ever been to Canada.- Really? When ________ there ?A. have they beenB. will they goC. had they beenD. did they go66. -wheres________ ?- He has left a(n) ________ saying that he has something important to do.A. has Tom gone; messageB. has Tom been; noteC. will Tom go; wordD. did Tom go; excuse67. __________ the end of last term, they ________ 500 new words.A. By; had learnedB. At; wouldC. Since; learnedD. During; have learned68. During the last ________ years he ________ me a lot of help.A. a few; giveB. few; gaveC. few; has givenD. a few; would give69. Her father told her he ___________.A. will buy her a penB. is buying her a penC. bought her a penD. would buy her a pen70. - Can I see the headmaster at the moment, please ?- I'm afraid not. He ________ out. He ________ in 10 minutes.A. goes; comesB. gone; cameC. will go; will comeD. has gone; will come back71. I'll go camping with you, if I ________ free tomorrow.A. will beB. shall beC. amD. was72. Since last year I _______ her only twice.A. have seen B. saw C. have saw D. see73. _________ to go to the super market every day ?A. Are you likeB. Do you likeC. Won't you likeD. Have you like74. Middle school students _________ not to smoke.A. is always toldB. always tellC. are always toldD. always told75. He said his father _______ . His father ________ in 1985. He ______for 19 years.A. had died; died; has been deadB. died; had died; had diedC. was died; died; had diedD. died; had dead; has been dead76. The class _________ for ten minutes when I went to school ________.A. had begun; in a hurryB. had ended; hurryC. had been on; in a hurryingD. had been over; in a hurriedly77.―Is Kate in, please ? I want to ______ her.―Sorry, she is out. You'd better ______ her later.A. see; findB. speak to; callC. visit; ring upD. talk to; look for78. English is used more widely than ________ .A. any other languagesB. any languageC. every other languagesD. any other language79. _______ foreigners come to visit this museum every day.A. Several thousandB. Several thousandsC. Several thousand ofD. Several thousands of80. I don't like sports, but I like watching others _______ .A. to playB. playC. while playingD. when playing81. The temperature today is very good for a picnic, for it's _______ too cold ______ too hot.A. both; andB. not; butC. either; orD. neither; nor82. He read it again to me _______ I could understand.A. so asB. so thatC. orD. but83. The Great Green Wall will stop the ____ from _______ the earth away.A. sand; movingB. sand; blowC. wind; moveD. wind; blowing84. China ______ a lot in the ______ ten years.A. was changed; firstB. changed; pastC. has changed; lastD. has changed; next85.―________ do you still stay in the office for ?―I have to finished ______ report.A. Who; the writtenB. Which; to writeC. What; writingD. Why; written the86. 4,208 _____ four thousand, two hundred and eight.A. is read asB. reads asC. is said asD. says as87. Which is _______ country, France or Germany ?A. a more developingB. the more developedC. a less developedD. the less developing88. You often read _______ English _______ Chinese aloud in the morning.A. either; orB. neither; orC. both; orD. only; but also89. Sorry, you speak _______ quickly ______ I can't follow you.A. too; toB. so; thatC. as; toD. very; so90. This lesson is _______ difficult for us _________ .A. so; to understandB. too; to understandC. very; to understand itD. too much; to understand91. Alice is very pleased ________ the present for her birthday.A. with seeingB. with lookingC. by looking atD. to see92. I don't think the tight suit ______ you. _______ it ?A. is fit; doB. fits; doesC. is fit for; don'tD. fits for; doesn't93. He wanted to buy a blue shirt and _________ .A. so did heB. so he doesC. so he didD. so does he94. Does she feel like _________ on Sunday ?A. go to shoppingB. going shoppingC. go to the shopsD. to go shopping95. No one told us ________, so we need your help.A. how to do itB. what to do itC. how should we doD. what should we do96. Don't forget _________ your dictionary here with you next time.A. to getB. to bringC. takingD. carrying97. I don't think they will finish the work on time, ____________ ?A. will heB. won't heC. does heD. is he98. Jane sings very well, and ________.A. so did her sisterB. so does her sisterC. her sister does soD. so does her sisters99. He stopped _______ with me, because there was a call for him.A. talkB. talksC. talkingD. to talk100. Let's go out for fun, __________ ?A. will you B. won't you C. shall we D. do we101. How tall is the tree ? It's ___________ .A. ten metres tallB.-ten metre tallC.-ten metre tallD.-ten metres tall 102. We'll have a _________ holiday, what about going to Huang Shan ?A. seven daysB. seven dayC. seven-dayD. seven-days103. I don't want the bananas. It smells ________ . A. nice B. good C. terrible D. badly104. We'll eat some of the meat for lunch and keep _______ for supper.A. the onesB. the restC. the othersD. the few。