文件類別Documentclassification:SZSOP 文件名稱Document name:文件目的Document object:文件編號Document number:SZSOP-3-012-RM版次記錄Revision record:版次R evision文 件 變 更 記 錄Change document record日期D ate 1NONE2002/8/2822004/8/232004/9/142005/5/2452006/2/1762006/7/572006/7/1082006/9/192007/6/22102007/6/20112007/8/8固晶參數規范Die bar machine parameter range億光 電 子(蘇 州) 有 限 公 司 EVERLIGHT (SUZHOU ) ELECTRONICS CO,. LTD.為維持固晶品質及讓技朮人員有所依據,特制訂此參數調校規范In order to keep the quality of Die bar and let engineer have accroding ,stipulate for this parameter range.1. 目的:1. Purpose: 為維持固晶品質及讓技朮人員有所依據,特制訂此參數調校規范。
In order to keep the quality of Die bar and let engineer have accroding ,stipulate for thisparameter range.2. 適用范圍:2. Scope:固晶機種類D/B MACHINE SORT NECASMCPS-100VX ASM809-01CPS-100VXW CPS-110VX CPS-110VXII CPS-500CPS-610CPS-610VX CPS-610VXR BESTEM-D01BESTEM-D01RAD8930V ASM AD829AASM809-08億光電子(蘇州)有限公司 EVERLIGHT (SUZHOU ) ELECTRONICS CO,. LTD.制訂日期Date 2007/8/8SZSOP-3-012-RM文件編號Document number制訂部門Issude department 1/17維護部Maintenance dept.固晶參數規范D/B machine parameterrange擬案Issued by 頁數Page版別Revision 孫予玉Yuyu Sun11億光電子(蘇州)有限公司 EVERLIGHT(SUZHOU) ELECTRONICS CO,. LTD.億光電子(蘇州)有限公司 EVERLIGHT(SUZHOU) ELECTRONICS CO,. LTD.億光電子(蘇州)有限公司 EVERLIGHT(SUZHOU) ELECTRONICS CO,. LTD.億光電子(蘇州)有限公司 EVERLIGHT(SUZHOU) ELECTRONICS CO,. LTD.億光電子(蘇州)有限公司 EVERLIGHT(SUZHOU) ELECTRONICS CO,. LTD.億光電子(蘇州)有限公司 EVERLIGHT(SUZHOU) ELECTRONICS CO,. LTD.億光電子(蘇州)有限公司 EVERLIGHT(SUZHOU) ELECTRONICS CO,. LTD.(0~40)億光電子(蘇州)有限公司 EVERLIGHT(SUZHOU) ELECTRONICS CO,. LTD.(0~40)(0~40)(0~40)(0~400)附件(Appendix):12002/8/2822004/8/232004/9/142005/5/2452006/2/1762006/7/572006/7/1082006/9/192007/6/22102007/7/20112007/8/8修改1. 增加新自動固晶機BESTEM-D01。
预计20xx 年新兴市场百万富翁财富将占全球37%,其中亚洲(除日本以外)的财富份额将达到20%,超过西欧。
APPENDIX IINDEXChapter-Page Data ID# of Actuations per Marking5-061407# of Cassettes per Lot7-101522# of Die in Judgment Block6-05244# of Die Inside One Group X2-1012# of Die Inside One Group Y2-1013# of Error Retries7-061107# of Judgment Blocks6-05245# of Multi Test Sites9-13# of Needle Tips9-13# of Pass Dice2-04251# of Pass Dice6-03251# of Pass Die6-28251# of Probing Die6-27710# of Retries at Alignment Error3-031192# of Retries of Marking5-091445# of Sampling Pass Die6-04258# of Skipped Rows for Continuous Fail Check6-09226# of Skipped Rows for Yield Checking6-03247# of Touchdown per Cleaning6-2213394 inch Wafer ID Position 7-0910864 inch Wafer Reference Position 7-091085Appendix I-1COVER/CONTENTS4.5 inch Wafer ID Position 7-0910884.5 inch Wafer Reference Position 7-0910875 inch Wafer ID Position 7-0910905 inch Wafer Reference Position 7-0910896 inch Wafer ID Position 7-0910926 inch Wafer Reference Position 7-0910918 inch Cassette Specification?7-0210098 inch Wafer ID Position 7-0910948 inch Wafer Reference Position 7-091093 AA-PM-6000A Compatible Mode8-072047 Adaptive Device - n9-14Adding Basic Operation Data When dd, du8-072455 Agreement Device Data Settings9-14Alarm Auto Off Time9-092120 Alignment Lighting/Brightness Settings3-05Alignment Main Axis3-0341 Alignment Mode3-0448 Alignment Range3-0443 Alignment Start Position X3-0444 Alignment Start Position Y3-0445 All Lot Finish Signal (EC)8-081965 Amount of Chuck Movement on X axis When6-231375 Needle Cleaning at Contact HeightAmount of Chuck Movement on Y axis When6-231376 Needle Cleaning at Contact HeightAppointment CAT. Yield Check Settings6-07Appendix I-2Appointment of Drive Marker by Category5-061414 Assot. Of Auto Needle Height Setting3-191238 Auto Pad Selection Margin6-15293 BBIN Count Check for DUT of Execute Mode6-06268 BIN Count Check for DUT Setting6-06Block Size for Block Sampling X4-05165 Block Size for Block Sampling Y4-05166 Brightness 6-15291 Brightness for Wafer ID Reading7-071153 Brightness Setting6-15295 Brush Needle Cleaning Sequence Settings6-25Brush Needle Cleaning Settings6-25Bump Height (Standard: 0)2-0764 CCalculate Checksum?7-061102 Calculation of Broken Wafer Center2-071184 Calculation of Measurement Position of Broken Wa2-081185 Card Name9-15Card Preheat Time3-201227 Card Type9-12Cassette # of Characters7-111534 Cassette Spec. for 4, 5 & 6 inch WF.7-021007 Category # for Repeat Touchdown8-041996 Category Check Settings4-13Category Data for Multi Pass Probing4-14Appendix I-3Category Limit Setting6-07Category Numbered?9-102108 Center Area Extent3-24213 Change for contact height by Z-SW at stop of prob4-111262 Character Settings7-08Check BIN No.6-06270 Check Category Settings6-11Check Category Settings6-12Check Lot # of Characters7-111528 Check of Marker Adjustment5-051418 Check Time8-04Check Timing of Marker Actuation Limit5-051416 Chuck Center Offset3-24216 Chuck height revise function changed chuck tempe3-222189 Chuck Position after Lot End7-031017 Chuck Temperature (deg)2-0333 Cleaning Area Margin from Wafer Edge6-242283 Cleaning Contact Interval6-221359 Cleaning Count for Contact Count Wafer Cleaning6-242288 Cleaning Overdrive6-221338 Cleaning Touchdown Limit (Cleaning Limit)6-231341 Cleaning Unit6-221332 Cleaning Unit Height6-221335 Cleaning Wafer Flat/Notch Direction6-241373 Cleaning Wafer Flat/Notch Setting6-241346 Cleaning Wafer Size6-241333Appendix I-4Cleaning Wafer Thickness6-241334 Clear Lot # at Lot End?7-101545 Clearance4-101263 Color of Wafer ID Characters7-061101 Combination of Wafer Management ID7-101523 Command Complete Signal (MC) Settings8-08Confirm of Auto Needle Height Adjustment3-191231 Cont. Fail Mark NG Limit5-091438 Contact Check Method3-171253 Contact Count9-15Contact Count in Wafer2-04218 Contact Die in No Protrude Probing4-122213 Contact Position Control of Probe Card4-121268 Continuous Fail between Chip Settings6-12Continuous Fail between Chip?6-121276 Continuous Fail Tolerant Die #6-14289 Coordinate Origin3-161246 Copy Data changing location?9-112183 Correlation Continual Failcheck Settings6-28Correlation Load from6-27704 Correlation Map Settings6-28Correlation Probing Mode6-27706 Correlation Yield Check Settings6-28DData ID Display?9-092111 DATA IN at Sampling Start Die?3-171243Appendix I-5DATA IN at Sampling Start Die?4-051243 Default Operation Unit9-092109 Delay after Marker Actuation5-051404 Delay after Reaching Temperature2-0337 Delay Time before PIN Up7-031018 Delay Time on Subchuck7-031019 Device2-021 Device Attribute Display?9-102107 Device Data Store after Map Change by Sequence9-102148 Device for Outputting Results5-091459 Device for Outputting Results6-161314 Device List Data Display?9-102113 Dice for Multi Pass Probing4-141381 Die Gross6-03252 Die Gross6-28273 Die Interval for Brush Cleaning6-251351 Die Interval for Cleaning6-221336 Die Interval of Fail Mark Inspection5-081440 Die Interval of Needle Inspection6-151292 Direction of Probing Start4-101261 Display # of Remaining Wafers?9-081954 Display Center Coordinates?6-171305 Display Chuck Height?9-081953 Display Coordinates?9-081952 Display Fail Mark Diameter?5-111451 Display Fail Mark Size?5-111450Appendix I-6Display Map?4-061662 Display Mark Position? (Distance from window)6-171308 Display Marker Status?9-081955 Display Multi Pattern?4-061866 Display Needle Inspection Result?6-171304 Display Needle Mark Size?6-171306 Display OK or NG?5-111452 Display Result of Fail Mark Inspection?5-111449 Display Result?6-171307 Display Total, Pass & Fail?9-081951 Distinction Category Settings8-04Double Wafer ID Check in Cassette7-071128 Dummy Start Signal at:8-031994 DUT BIN Error Count6-06271 DUT Check for Continuous Fail Setting6-10EError Signal (A)8-081962 Evaluation of Multi Pass Probing4-141382 Existence of Adaptive Device Name9-14FFail Mark Die Margin5-091455 Fail Mark Inspection Result Transfer?8-072453 Fail Mark Inspection Size Settings5-10Fail Mark Wafer Margin5-081413 Feedback to Device Parameter?3-182139 Feedback to Device Parameter?3-192140Appendix I-7Flat/Notch Direction (deg)2-028 Flat/Notch Direction (deg)2-066 Font Magnification (Horizontal)7-071157 Font Magnification (Vertical)7-071156 GGenerate Check Characters? (Manual)7-061111 GP-IB I/F Timeout Check Time8-062461 GP-IB Text Delimiter8-052013 Gross of Sampling Die6-04259 Group Index Size X2-1015 Group Index Size Y2-1016 HHigh MAG. Brightness3-0554 High MAG. Lighting3-0551 Hold Time for Chuck Up at Demo Mode9-092101 Iin Wafer Fail Check Execute Mode6-10228 in Wafer Fail Check Setting6-10Index Size Measurement?3-0449 Index Size X2-024 Index Size X9-13Index Size Y2-025 Index Size Y9-13Initial Chuck Height9-092103 Input Format of Map Data9-071908 Input Map Data from:9-071907Appendix I-8Input Map Data?9-071906 Input Map from6-28712 Inspect after Needle Cleaning?6-151296 Inspection Result Display Settings5-11Inspection Result Display Settings6-16Interrupt Infinitive Handshaking Loop?8-052016 Interval of measurement of chuck height3-222191 KKind of Regular & Multi Pass Probing2-03209 LLighting6-15290 Line Category Data Store?9-071912 Locating Direction of Target Die3-1082 Location #9-13Location No. for Tester2-04207 Lot # of Characters7-111526 Lot # of Offset7-111527 Lot # per Loader7-111550 Lot End Signal at:8-031993 Low MAG. Brightness3-0553 Low MAG. Brightness3-15133 Low MAG. Lighting3-0550 Low MAG. Lighting3-15132 MMAG. of Reference Pattern3-1092 Maintenance/Adjustment Mode9-092015Appendix I-9Map Area Calculation3-161259 Map Display Attribute Settings4-07Map Name Setting6-28Map Print Attribute Settings4-09Map Print Heading4-061601 Mark Check Die5-121458 Marker #5-051409 Marker Actuation Current5-051410 Marker Actuation Limit (Marker Limit)5-051412 Marker Actuation Time5-051403 Marker No. for Die Category Settings5-06Marker No. for Reserved Marking Die5-06Marking Clearance5-061408 Marking Die Margin5-02323 Marking Die Setting4-04169 Marking to Marking Die at On Site Marking?8-062025 Max. Tolerant Needle Mark Area Ratio (%)6-14305 Max. Tolerant Needle Mark Size X6-14284 Max. Tolerant Needle Mark Size Y6-14285 Maximum Auto Focus Needles3-14137 Maximum Movement3-24211 Maximum Needle Alignment Pads3-13117 Maximum Temperature at No Control9-102054 Maximum Tolerant Mark Diameter5-101435 Medium Warning Mark Diameter5-101436 Method for Constructing Test Die Map3-161239Appendix I-10Method for Constructing Test Die Map4-041239 Method of Contact Position Alignment 3-181228 Method of Die Attribute Selection3-161240 Method of Die Attribute Selection4-041240 Method of External Control8-01Method of Marking5-051401 Method of Needle Height Setting3-191234 Method of Wafer ID Reading7-061082 Method of Yield Checking for Sample Die6-03255 Min. Tolerant Needle Mark Area Ratio (%)6-14306 Min. Tolerant Needle Mark Size X6-14286 Min. Tolerant Needle Mark Size Y6-14287 Minimum Distance between Pads6-14294 Minimum Movement3-24212 Minimum Tolerant Mark Diameter5-101437 Multi Pass Probing Operation Settings4-14Multi Probing Setting2-04203 NNeedle Alignment Algorithm3-15125 Needle Alignment by Lot Start?3-172178 Needle Alignment Die Coordinate X3-12113 Needle Alignment Die Coordinate Y3-12114 Needle Alignment Die Setting3-12111 Needle Alignment End Time at Chip Unit3-201258 Needle Alignment Fine Adjustment Data X3-13118 Needle Alignment Fine Adjustment Data Y3-13119Appendix I-11Needle Alignment Interval3-201245 Needle Alignment Interval at Chip Unit3-201257 Needle Alignment Mode3-13116 Needle Alignment Settings3-18Needle Cleaning at Contact Height6-221370 Needle Cleaning Count9-15Needle Cleaning Count at Contact Height6-231374 Needle Design Data Settings9-14Needle Height Mode (Auto Focus)3-14136 Needle Height on Probe Card3-12115 Needle Height Position Setting 3-14134 Needle Height Settings3-19Needle Inspection Execution Site Settings6-16Needle Inspection Result Transfer8-072454 Needle Inspection Settings6-15Needle Tip Found at Before Lot3-172177 Number of Adaptive Device Name9-14OOff Site Marking Pos. -X from Die Center5-02337 Off Site Marking Pos. -Y from Die Center5-02338 ON WAFER Determination4-03155 Open Slot Wafer Set Check9-102143 Output EOI?8-052022 Output Format of Map Data9-071903 Output Log Data?9-112155 Output Map Data to:9-071902Appendix I-12Output Map Data?9-071901 Output Message after Unloading to tray7-051026 Output of Needle Alignment Results?3-181229 Output Results of Fail Mark Inspection?5-091464 Output Results of Needle Mark Inspection?6-161313 Output STB for K Command at:8-052021 Output STB Manual Unload?8-052024 Output STB when restart probing after manual test 8-072443 Output To3-181230 Output TTL Signal on GP-IB I/F?8-072040 Overdrive Offset3-24217 PPass Count Check at Every DUT6-07Pass Count Check at Every DUT6-07747 PASS Count Check for DUT of Execute Mode6-06264 PASS Count Check for DUT Setting6-06Pass Count Setting at Every DUT6-07Pass Die Percent. For Sampling2-04257 Pass Die Percent. For Sampling6-04257 Pass Die Percentabe2-04250 Pass Die Percentage6-03250 Pass Die Percentage6-28267 PASS Error Count for DUT6-06266 Pass Fail Category?8-021982 Pass Fail Category?9-031982 Pass/Fail Category Settings8-02Appendix I-13Pass/Fail Category Settings9-03Pause/Conrtinue Signal (PA/CO/PP) Settings8-08Perform 1st Fail Mark Die Inspection?5-081441 Perform Action Pending Except Test End?8-052020 Perform All Site Inspecting in a Lump?6-161315 Perform Appointment Category Yield Checking?6-07275 Perform Auto Brightness Setting?3-041196 Perform Auto Focusing?3-041191 Perform Auto Lot End Managing?7-111547 Perform Brush Cleaning at Wafer Cleaning?6-252295 Perform Brush Needle Cleaning at Lot End?6-252282 Perform Brush Needle Cleaning?6-251347 Perform Card Data Management?9-092105 Perform CONT. Fail Die Inspection?6-151295 Perform Contact Count Wafer Cleaning?6-242287 Perform Continual Fail Checking?6-28222 Perform Continuous Fail Checking?6-09221 Perform Counter Re-Calculating at Wafer End?9-111367 Perform Defocusing?3-041197 Perform Fail Mark Inspection with Time Interval?5-081446 Perform Fail Mark Inspection?5-081431 Perform First Wafer Stopping after Needle Alignme3-171226 Perform Last Fail Mark Die Inspection?5-081442 Perform Last Wafer Inspection of Cassette?6-151299 Perform Lot Management?7-101521 Perform Mark Count?5-121457Appendix I-14Perform Marking after Yield Error?6-031282 Perform Marking At Mark Nonexistence On Wafer 5-12Perform Marking?5-02321 Perform Needle Alignment after TEST HEAD Oper3-171251 Perform Needle Cleaning at Check Back?6-091272 Perform Needle Cleaning at Lot End?6-221345 Perform Needle Cleaning at Lot Start6-241368 Perform Needle Cleaning?6-221331 Perform Needle Mark Inspection?6-14281 Perform One-Point DATA-IN?3-161244 Perform One-Point DATA-IN?4-041244 Perform Perimeter Marking?5-02324 Perform Pin Up/Down at Front Area?9-092104 Perform Printout Items Re-printing?9-062373 Perform Reserved Marking Die Inspection?5-091456 Perform Setting Probing Reference Position?4-122212 Perform Single Direction Probing?4-122211 Perform Site-1 Blink?4-061865 Perform Skipping Dice?4-04160 Perform Slot No. Replacing at Print Out?9-04745 Perform Statistics at Manual Unload?7-021003 Perform STB Changing at Continuous Fail Error?8-062028 Perform STB Code Handshaking?8-052014 Perform Temperature Control?2-0331 Perform Total Print When Lot Interrupt?9-061493 Perform Unit Cleaning at Brush Cleaning?6-252289Appendix I-15Perform Visible Inspection?7-041021 Perform Wafer ID Reading?7-061081 Perform Waiting at Lot Start after Temperature Arri9-102138 Perform Yield Checking?6-03241 Perform Yield Checking?6-28262 Perimeter Marking Area 5-02331 Perimeter Marking Area Determination5-02325 Perimeter Marking Distance from Flat5-02320 Pitch of Wafer ID Character7-071106 Position of Site 1 - X9-13Position of Site 1 - Y9-13Position of Slot No. 17-021053 Prealignment Precision7-071095 Print Format #9-04713 Print Map To4-061664 Print out at Cassette End?9-051477 Print out at CONT. Fail Error?9-051485 Print out at Empty Slot?9-061496 Print out at Error?9-061487 Print out at Lot End?9-051479 Print out at Wafer End?9-051475 Print out at Wafer ID Read Error?9-061490 Print out at Wafer Reject?9-051481 Print out at Yield Error?9-051483 Print out Parameter Data to:9-092102 Print out Probing Results?9-051471Appendix I-16Print out to:9-051472 Print out Wafer Heading?9-051473 Priority Settings?6-121278 Probe Card Center Offset (X)3-14121 Probe Card Center Offset (Y)3-14122 Probe Card Center Position3-13112 Probe Card Thickness3-12126 Probe Sampling 1st Die?4-101265 Prober Mode Setting9-102112 Prober Ready Signal (>)8-082017 Probing Mode2-03201 Probing Overdrive4-10204 Probing Z Up Speed4-10205 Processing after Correlation Probing 6-27709 Processing When Lot # not Input7-101524 RRe-register Mode after Alignment Error3-0452 Reading Window Size (Horizontal)7-071155 Reading Window Size (Vertical)7-071154 Recovery at Alignment Error3-031193 Recovery at Cleaning Limit Over6-231342 Recovery at CONT. Fail Reject6-091273 Recovery at Continuous Fail Error6-091271 Recovery at Loader Vacuum Error7-021006 Recovery at Marker Limit Over5-051406 Recovery at Output Error9-071904Appendix I-17Recovery at Prealignment Error7-021005 Recovery at Print Error9-061489 Recovery at Target Sense Error3-171221 Recovery At Thickness Error2-071183 Recovery at Vacuum Error7-021004 Recovery at Wafer ID Read Error7-061083 Recovery at Yield Error6-031281 Reference Coordinate X3-161248 Reference Coordinate Y3-161249 Reference Die Coordinate X3-0883 Reference Die Coordinate Y3-0884 Reference Die Setting3-0881 Reference Evaluation Value6-15297 Reference Flat (Multiple Flats)2-067 Registration of Mail Mark5-081465 Registration of Reference Pattern3-041194 Registration of Reference Pattern for Taget Sense3-1091 Regular & Multi Pass Probing2-03202 Relative Coordinate (Center Origin) X for Target Se3-1187 Relative Coordinate (Center Origin) Y for Target Se3-1188 Relative Coordinate (Target Die Origin) X for Refer3-1189 Relative Coordinate (Target Die Origin) Y for Refer3-1190 Renewal of Alignment Model in First Wafer3-061200 Repeat Touchdown at:8-031995 Repeat Touchdowns at Fail8-042005 Repeat Touchdowns at Specified Category8-042006Appendix I-18Reprobe at Yield Error?6-081283 Restart Position after Needle Alignment (Hard Ope3-171364 Restart Position after Needle Alignment (Sequence3-171223 Restart Position of Probing4-101264 Retry at Needle Alignment Error (Low Mag.)3-182176 Retry Marking at Error?5-091443 Reverse Print to Internal Printer?9-061492 SSampling Die Selection4-05162 Sampling Die Setting4-05160 Sampling Start Die Coordinate X4-05163 Sampling Start Die Coordinate Y4-05164 Sampling Test Die Settings4-05Screen Auto Redisplay Time Interval7-121876 Screen Display Sequence Settings7-12Selection of Needle Inspection Pads6-161303 Serial # of Characters7-111542 Shift between Touchdowns6-231340 Site & Category Print Setting9-061495 Site 1 ON-WAFER Mode (Multi Probing)8-041997 Size of Block Printed by Stepper - X3-039 Size of Block Printed by Stepper - Y3-0310 Size of Inspection Window X5-101433 Size of Inspection Window Y5-101434 Size of Wafer ID Char. (Horizontal)7-071104 Size of Wafer ID Char. (Vertical)7-071105Appendix I-19Slot # of Characters7-111538 Slot No. (Print) Replacement Settings9-04SOAK TIME Settings3-20Standard Movement3-24210 Starting Die # for Judgment6-05246 STB Code Settings8-07STB Out Delay Time8-062036 Stop Inspection Execute7-051033 Stop Inspection Interval Method7-051034 STOP of Continuous Appointed CAT Settings6-11STOP of Continuous Appointed Category?6-111274 Substitute with Special Symbol?7-061110 Sum Up of Multi Pass Probing4-141386 TTarget Search Range3-1095 Target Sense Method3-1085 Target Sense Settings3-10Temperature Correction Function for Absolute8-072458 Moving Command of X, Y axisTemperature Stability Time Inner Machine3-201250 Temperature Tolerant Deviation2-0334 Test Area Determination4-03151 Test Die at Pass after Needle Cleaning6-132234 Test Die Determination4-03157 Test Die Margin4-03154 Test End Signal (TC) Settings8-08Appendix I-20Test Start Signal (TS) Settings8-08Tester Spec9-102121 Time for Displaying Result5-111453 Time for Displaying Result6-171309 Time for STB Handshaking8-052015 Time Interval (MIN.)5-081448 Timing for Category Checking6-07748 Timing for Clearing Reference Data3-061172 Timing for Correlation Probing6-27702 Timing for Yield Checking6-03242 Timing of Reference Coordinates DATA IN3-161242 Tolerant # of Buffering for Visible Inspection7-051025 Tolerant # of Continual Fails6-28227 Tolerant # of Continuous Fails6-09223 Tolerant # of Continuous?6-111275 Tolerant # of Fail Check Backs6-09224 Tolerant # of Needle Cleaning9-13Tolerant # of Needle Touchdowns9-13Tolerant # of Reject Wafers6-09225 Tolerant # of Wafer Reject6-03260 Tolerant Deviation in Thickness Between Wafers2-071181 Tolerant Deviation in Thickness On Wafer2-071182 Tolerant Error of Needle Position (from Pad Center3-15130 Tolerant Error of Needle Position (from Pad Edge)3-15128 Tolerant Error of Needle Tip Focus Posi. (from Ave3-15129 Tolerant to Missing Needles3-15131Appendix I-21Total Check for Continuous Fail6-10230 Travel of Marking Die by J Command?8-062026 Turnoff Time for Display Back Light9-092106 Type of Camera Used5-081432 Type of Control Code for External Printer9-05Type of GP-IB Test End Commands8-052019 UUnder Shoot at Touchdown4-121269 Unload Flat/Notch Direction7-021013 Unload Stop Wafer Interval7-05Unload Stop?7-051027 Untest Time3-201237 Up or Down Marking Selection5-051402 Upper limit of <Z-UP> switch (Distance from contac3-191233 Upper limit of Auto Needle Height (Distance from c3-191232 Usage Cleaning Wafer Thickness6-242286 Use Data for Cleaning WF Flat/Notch Dir.6-241369 Use Group Index?2-1011 Use Map?6-28711 Use Micro-Probing?2-03208 VVisible Inspection Interval7-041022 Visible Inspection Interval7-051035 Visible Inspection Interval Method7-041030 Visible Inspection Method7-041023 Visible Inspection Wait7-041024Appendix I-22Wafer Auto Load?8-082034 Wafer Count Signal at Manual Unload?8-041998 Wafer Count Signal Output Interval at Prealignmen8-042003 Wafer End Signal (PC)8-082011 Wafer End Signal at CONT. Fail Reject?8-031991 Wafer End Signal at Manual Unloading?8-031992 Wafer Figure Measurement Method?2-081189 Wafer ID Length7-061097 Wafer ID Orientation7-061096 Wafer ID Position Settings7-09Wafer Interval for Brush Cleaning6-251352 Wafer Interval for Cleaning6-221337 Wafer Interval of Fail Mark Inspection5-081439 Wafer Interval of Needle Inspection6-151291 Wafer Interval of Stop before Probing Sta.3-172175 Wafer Load/Unload Method7-021001 Wafer Margin4-03153 Wafer Size2-022 Wafer Thickness Calculation2-0762 Wafer Type for Fixed Used Tray7-021002 Wait for L Command8-052023 Wait time to start measurement of chuck height3-222190 Waiting Time at Lot Start after Temperature Arrival9-10Watch time of measurement of chuck height3-222192 Window Size6-14288Appendix I-23X Coordinate Increment To The3-161224YY Coordinate Increment To The3-161225 Yield Checking Method6-03248 Yield Checking Method6-28263Appendix I-24。
Create a hole in the “groundplane” for the port. Select “groundplane”. Click OK Select “port”. Click OK 3D Modeler/Boolean/Subtract
Create a hole in the port to accommodate the feed. Select “port”. Click OK Select “feed”. Click OK 3D Modeler/Boolean/Subtract
Patch Antenna: Solid Model Construction
Select the menu item Draw/Rectangle First point: X = -16.0, Y = -16.0, Z = 5.0 Size: X = 32.0, Y= 32.0 Name: patch Select the menu item Draw/Box Box base vertex: X= -80.0, Y= -80.0, Z= -35.0 Size: X= 160.0, Y= 160.0, Z= 75 Name: air Materals: air Select the menu item View/Fit All/All Views
Patch Antenna: Getting Started
Ansoft Design Environment
The following features of the Ansoft Optimetrics Design Environment are used to create this passive device model
ECE R13H 第1版 第1次修订
}Rev.2/Add.12H/Rev.1/Amend.1E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/5056 November 2008AGREEMENTCONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF APPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OFTHESE PRESCRIPTIONS /(Revision 2, including the amendments that entered into force on 16 October 1995)_________Addendum 12H: Regulation No. 13-HRevision 1 - Amendment 1Supplement 6 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 15 October 2008UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF PASSENGER CARSWITH REGARD TO BRAKING_________UNITED NATIONS∗/ Former title of the Agreement:Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.GE.08-E/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.12H/Rev.1/Amend.1E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 13-Hpage 2Paragraph, amend to read:" A break in the wiring ... ON (activated) position.However, if the parking braking system detects correct clamping of the parkingbrake, the flashing of the red warning signal may be suppressed and the non-flashing red signal shall be used to indicate "parking brake applied".Where actuation of the parking brake is normally indicated by a separate redwarning signal ……."Annex 1Insert a title, to read (including the insertion of a new footnote */):"COMMUNICATION */_____________*/ At the request of (an) applicant(s) for Regulation No. 90 approval, the information shall be provided by the Type Approval Authority as contained in Appendix 1 to this annex. However, this information shall not be provided for purposes other than Regulation No. 90 approvals." Add a new Appendix 1, to read:"Annex 1 – Appendix 1LIST OF VEHICLE DATA FOR THE PURPOSE OF REGULATION No. 90 APPROVALS 1. Description of the vehicle type...................................................................................1.1. Trade name or mark of the vehicle, if available..........................................................1.2. Vehicle category.........................................................................................................1.3. Vehicle type according to Regulation No. 13-H approval...........................................1.4. Models or trade names of vehicles constituting the vehicle type, if available................................................................................................................................................1.5. Manufacturer’s name and address...............................................................................2. Make and type of brake linings...................................................................................2.1. Brake linings tested to all relevant prescriptions of Annex 3 ......................................2.2. Brake linings tested to Annex.....................................................................................3. Minimum mass of vehicle...........................................................................................3.1. Distribution of mass of each axle (maximum value)...................................................}Rev.2/Add.12H/Rev.1/Amend.1E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 13-Hpage 34. Maximum mass of vehicle.......................................................................................... 4.1. Distribution of mass of each axle (maximum value)....................................................5. Maximum vehicle speed.............................................................................................6. Tyre and wheel dimensions.........................................................................................7. Brake circuit configuration (e.g. front/rear or diagonal split).......................................8. Declaration of which is the secondary braking system.................................................9. Specifications of brake valves (if applicable).............................................................. 9.1. Adjustment specifications of the load sensing valve....................................................9.2. Setting of pressure valve.............................................................................................10. Designed brake force distribution................................................................................11. Specification of brake................................................................................................. 11.1. Disc brake type (e.g. number of pistons with diameter(s), ventilated or solid disc)................................................................................................................................... 11.2. Drum brake type (e.g. duo servo, with piston size and drum dimensions)....................................................................................................................................................... 11.3. In case of compressed air brake systems, e.g. type and size of chambers, levers, etc....................................................................................................................................12. Master cylinder type and size......................................................................................13. Booster type and size.................................................................................................."-----。
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SOLOMON SYSTECHSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAThis document contains information on a product under development. Solomon Systech reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice. SSD2533 Rev 0.10 P 1/31 Oct 2010 Copyright © 2010 Solomon Systech LimitedSSD2533Product Preview23 Driving x 41 SensingCapacitive Touch Panel ControllerAppendix: IC Revision history of SSD2533 SpecificationVersion Change Items Effective Date 0.10 1st Release 26-Oct-10 Solomon Systech Oct 2010P 2/31 Rev 0.10 SSD2533CONTENTS1GENERAL DESCRIPTION (6)2FEATURES (6)3ORDERING INFORMATION (6)4BLOCK DIAGRAM (7)5PIN ARRANGEMENT (8)5.1100 PINS QFP (8)5.268 PINS QFN (9)5.348 PINS QFN (10)6PIN DESCRIPTIONS (11)6.1P OWER (11)6.2L OGIC (11)6.3A NALOG (12)6.4I NPUT AND O UTPUT (12)7FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DESCRIPTIONS (13)8COMMAND TABLE (13)9COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS (13)10REGISTERS (14)11MAXIMUM RATINGS (15)12DC CHARACTERISTICS (15)13AC CHARACTERISTICS (16)14POWER UP/DOWN SEQUENCE (18)14.1P OWER UP / DOWN FLOW CHART (18)14.2P OWER UP (19)14.3P OWER DOWN (20)15APPLICATION EXAMPLES (21)15.1A PPLICATION D IAGRAM (21)15.2P ANEL DESIGN REFERENCE (22)15.3FPC DESIGN REFERENCE (24)16PACKAGE INFORMATION (25)16.1QFP100 PINS (14X14MM) (25)16.2QFN68 PINS (8X8MM) (27)16.3QFN48 PINS (6X6MM) (28)16.4P ACKAGE ORIENTATION (29)SSD2533 Rev 0.10 P 3/31 Oct 2010Solomon SystechTABLEST ABLE 3-1:O RDERING I NFORMATION (6)T ABLE 5-1:100 PINS QFP P IN A SSIGNMENT T ABLE (8)T ABLE 5-2:68 PINS QFN P IN A SSIGNMENT T ABLE (9)T ABLE 5-3:48 PINS QFN P IN A SSIGNMENT T ABLE (10)T ABLE 11-1:M AXIMUM R ATINGS (V OLTAGE R EFERENCED TO V SS) (15)T ABLE 13-1:I2C I NTERFACE T IMING C HARACTERISTICS (16)T ABLE 13-2:S ERIAL T IMING C HARACTERISTICS (TA=-40 TO 85゚C,VDDIO=2.7V,VSS=0V) (17)T ABLE 15-1:5I NCH T OUCH P ANEL C HARACTERISTICS (23)T ABLE 15-2:7 TO 10I NCH T OUCH P ANEL C HARACTERISTICS (23)Solomon Systech Oct 2010P 4/31 Rev 0.10 SSD2533FIGURESF IGURE 4-1:SSD2533B LOCK D IAGRAM (7)F IGURE 5-1:P IN-OUT D IAGRAM –100 PINS QFP(T OP VIEW) (8)F IGURE 5-2:P IN-OUT D IAGRAM –68 PINS QFN(T OP VIEW) (9)F IGURE 5-3:P IN-OUT D IAGRAM –48 PINS QFN(T OP VIEW) (10)F IGURE 13-1:I2C INTERFACE T IMING CHARACTERISTICS (16)F IGURE 13-2:S ERIAL T IMING C HARACTERISTICS (17)F IGURE 15-1:A PPLICATION E XAMPLE (21)F IGURE 16-1:SSD2533QT2 PACKAGE ORIENTATION (29)F IGURE 16-2:SSD2533QN4 PACKAGE ORIENTATION (29)F IGURE 16-3:SSD2533QN5 PACKAGE ORIENTATION (30)SSD2533 Rev 0.10 P 5/31 Oct 2010Solomon Systech1GENERAL DESCRIPTIONSSD2533 is an all in one capacitive touch panel driver that integrated the power circuits, drivingand sensing circuits into a single MCU based chip. It can drive capacitive type touch panel withup to 23 driving and 41 sensing lines.2FEATURES•Operating voltage:o VCI: 2.5 ~ 3.3Vo VDDIO: 1.65 ~ 3.3V•6V to 9V(max.) driving voltage with external booster Caps•16 steps in 0.5V increment programmable driving voltage control•16 bit MCU core.•2K x 16 bit RAM for external ROM program.•16K x 16-bit Internal ROM•Support 2560x1408 touch resolution and capable to support up to Full-HD panel•Support 150Hz max. sampling rate (25 ~150Hz user programmable)•Total 23 driving and 41 sensing pins•Fully programmable driver scanning order•8 choices for Touch Screen Orientation control•Provide (X,Y) coordinates and number of touch points with force index and speed index• 4 independent capacitive sensing pins and 4 independent GPIO pins•Support up to 10 fingers•Automatic mode switching (Normal, Idle)•Auto calibration for each cross-over point•Support IIC (up to 400kbits/sec) and USB 1.1 interface•Package: QFN48, QFN68 and QFP1003ORDERING INFORMATIONTable 3-1: Ordering InformationOrdering Part Number Drive Sense Package Form MOQ / MPQ RemarkSSD2533QN5 1612 QFN48 TBD TBD SSD2533QN4 2112 QFN68 TBD TBD SSD2533QT2 2341 QFP100 TBD TBDSolomon Systech Oct 2010P 6/31 Rev 0.10 SSD25334BLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 4-1: SSD2533 Block DiagramSSD2533 Rev 0.10 P 7/31 Oct 2010Solomon Systech5 PIN ARRANGEMENT5.1100 pins QFPFigure 5-1: Pin-out Diagram – 100 pins QFP (Top view)Pin # Signal Name Pin # Signal Name Pin # Signal Name Pin # Signal Name1 AVSS 26 C3N 51 SENSE32 76 SENSE07SENSE0677SENSE312 /RESET 27 C3P 5278 SENSE05SENSE303 /IRQ 28 VOUT 5379 SENSE0429 VCHS 54SENSE294MASTER_SDA30 DRIVE00 55 SENSE28 80 SENSE035 MASTER_SCK6 SLAVE_SDA 31 DRIVE01 56 SENSE27 81 SENSE027 SLAVE_SCK 32 DRIVE02 57 SENSE26 82 SENSE018 STYPE0 33 DRIVE03 58 SENSE25 83 SENSE0084 AVSS9 STYPE1 34 DRIVE04 59 SENSE2410 KEY00 35 DRIVE05 60 SENSE23 85 VCI11 KEY01 36 DRIVE06 61 SENSE22 86 DRIVE2287 DRIVE2112 KEY02 37 DRIVE07 62 SENSE2188 DRIVE2013 KEY03 38 DRIVE08 63 SENSE2014 GPIO00 39 DRIVE09 64 SENSE19 89 DRIVE1915 GPIO01 40 DRIVE10 65 SENSE18 90 DRIVE1816 GPIO02 41 AVSS 66 SENSE17 91 DRIVE1717 GPIO03 42 VCI 67 SENSE16 92 DRIVE1693 DRIVE1518 DVSS 43 SENSE40 68SENSE1519 VCORE 44 SENSE39 69 SENSE14 94 DRIVE1420 VDDIO 45 SENSE38 70 SENSE1395 DRIVE1396SENSE12DRIVE1221 VCI 4671SENSE377297 DRIVE11SENSE11SENSE3622 BIAS 4798 VCHSSENSE1023 AVSS 48 SENSE35 7399 USB_DP74SENSE09SENSE3424 C2P 49100USB_DNSENSE0875SENSE3325 C2N 50Table 5-1 : 100 pins QFP Pin Assignment TableSolomon Systech Oct 2010P 8/31 Rev 0.10 SSD25335.268 pins QFNFigure 5-2: Pin-out Diagram – 68 pins QFN (Top view)Pin # Signal Name Pin # Signal Name Pin #Signal Name Pin #Signal Name1 /RESET 18 C3N 35 NC 52 AVSS2 /IRQ 19 C3P 36 NC 53 DRIVE223 MASTER_SDA 20 VOUT 37 NC 54 DRIVE214 MASTER_SCK 21 VCHS 38 SENSE20 55 DRIVE205 SLAVE_SDA 22 DRIVE00 39 SENSE19 56 DRIVE196 SLAVE_SCK 23 DRIVE01 40 SENSE18 57 DRIVE187 STYPE 24 DRIVE02 41 SENSE17 58 DRIVE178 GPIO003 25 DRIVE03 42 SENSE16 59 DRIVE169 DVSS 26 DRIVE04 43 SENSE15 60 DRIVE1510 VCORE 27 DRIVE05 44 SENSE14 61 DRIVE1411 VDDIO 28 DRIVE06 45 SENSE13 62 DRIVE1363SENSE12DRIVE1212 VCI 29DRIVE074613 BIAS 30 DRIVE08 47 SENSE11 64 DRIVE1114 AVSS 31 DRIVE09 48 SENSE10 65 VCHS15 C2P 32 DRIVE10 49 SENSE09 66 AVSS16 C2N 33 AVSS 50 NC 67 NC17 NC 34 NC 51 NC 68 NCTable 5-2 : 68 pins QFN Pin Assignment TableSSD2533 Rev 0.10 P 9/31 Oct 2010Solomon SystechSolomon SystechOct 2010P 10/31 Rev 0.10 SSD25335.3 48 pins QFNFigure 5-3: Pin-out Diagram – 48 pins QFN (Top view)Pin # Signal Name Pin # Signal Name Pin #Signal Name Pin #Signal Name 1 /RESET 13 C3N 25 SENSE20 37 AVSS 2 /IRQ 14 C3P 26 SENSE19 38DRIVE19 3 SLAVE_SDA 15 VOUT 27 SENSE18 39 DRIVE18 4 SLAVE_SCK 16 VCHS 28 SENSE17 40 DRIVE17 5 STYPE 17 DRIVE04 29 SENSE16 41 DRIVE16 6 DVSS 18 DRIVE05 30 SENSE15 42 DRIVE15 7 VCORE 19 DRIVE06 31 SENSE14 43 DRIVE14 8 VCI 20 DRIVE07 32 SENSE13 44 DRIVE13 9 BIAS 21 DRIVE08 33 SENSE12 45 DRIVE12 10 AVSS 22 DRIVE09 34 SENSE11 46 DRIVE11 11 C2P 23 DRIVE10 35 SENSE10 47 VCHS 12 C2N 24 AVSS 36 SENSE09 48 AVSSTable 5-3 : 48 pins QFN Pin Assignment Table6Key:PIN DESCRIPTIONSI = Input O =Output IO = Bi-directional (input/output) P = Power pin Hi-Z = High impedance6.1PowerPin Name VDDIO VCI VCHS DVSS AVSS Type P P P P P RESET# State N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Description This pin is power supply input for I/O buffer This pin is power supply input for analog circuit This pin is ground for Booster and HV switches This pin is ground for logic This pin is ground for analog6.2LogicPin Name /RESET /IRQ SLAVE_ SDA SLAVE_ SCK MASTER _SDA MASTER _SCK STYPE0, STYPE1, GPIO3 USB_DP USB_DN Type I O IO I IO I I IO IO RESET# State VDDIO VDDIO Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Description This is Reset pin for the chip This is Interrupt pin for Interrupt request IIC data pin IIC clock input pin IIC data pin in MCU mode IIC clock input pin in MCU mode Bus interface mode selection pin. USB data+ pin USB data- pinSSD2533Rev 0.10P 11/31Oct 2010Solomon Systech6.3AnalogPin Name C2P C2N C3P C3N VOUTBIASType IO IO IO IO P P PRESET# State VCI/VCHS VCI/VCHS VCI/VCHS VCI/VCHS VCI/VCHS VCI/VCHS N/ADescription Booster pin. Connect a capacitor to C2N Booster pin. Connect a capacitor to C2P Booster pin. Connect a capacitor to C3N Booster pin. Connect a capacitor to C3P Output power supply for booster. Connect a capacitor for stabilization Regulated voltage supply for sensor circuit. Connect a capacitor for stabilization Regulated voltage supply for logic circuit. Connect a capacitor for stabilizationVCORE6.4Input and OutputPin Name SENSE00 – SENSE40 DRIVE00 – DRIVE22 KEY00 – KEY03 GPIO00 – GPIO03 Type I O I I RESET# State Hi-Z VCHS Hi-Z Hi-Z Description Sensor input pins Driver output pins Self-cap input pins GPIO pinsSolomon SystechOct 2010 P 12/31Rev 0.10SSD25337TBDFUNCTIONAL BLOCK DESCRIPTIONS8TBDCOMMAND TABLE9TBDCOMMAND DESCRIPTIONSSSD2533Rev 0.10P 13/31Oct 2010Solomon Systech10 REGISTERSVDDIO = VCI = 2.775V 1.) Hardware Reset 2.) Set the number of driver line. 3.) Set the number of sense line. 4.) Set the driver line scanning order. 5.) Turn on the booster circuit and set the VOUT to ~7.5V.Hardware ResetSet the number of driver lineSet the number of sense lineSet the driver line scanning orderTurn on the booster circuit and set the VOUT to ~7.5VSolomon SystechOct 2010 P 14/31Rev 0.10SSD253311 MAXIMUM RATINGSTable 11-1: Maximum Ratings (Voltage Referenced to VSS) Parameter Value Supply Voltage for Logic -0.3 to +2.0 Supply Voltage for I/O -0.3 to +4.0 Input Voltage VSS -0.3 to +5.0 Current Drain Per Pin Excluding VCORE and VSS 25 Operating Temperature -40 to +85 Storage Temperature -65 to +150Symbol VCORE VDDIO VCI I TA TSTGUnit V V V mA o C o CMaximum ratings are those values beyond which damages to the device may occur. Functional operation should be restricted to the limits in the Electrical Characteristics tables or Pin Description section This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that VCI and VOUT be constrained to the range VSS < VDD ≤ VCI < VOUT. Reliability of operation is enhanced if unused input is connected to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either VSS or VDD). Unused outputs must be left open. This device may be light sensitive. Caution should be taken to avoid exposure of this device to any light source during normal operation. This device is not radiation protected.12 DC CHARACTERISTICSDC Characteristics (Unless otherwise specified, Voltage Referenced to VSS, TA = -40 to 85oC)Symbol Parameter VDDIO VCI Isleep1 Isleep2 Idp VOUT VOH1 VOL1 VIH1 VIL1 IOH IOL IOZ IIL/IIH Note1: Power supply pin of I/O pins Booster Reference Supply Voltage Range (3) Sleep mode current (VCI pin) Sleep mode current (VDDIO pin) Operating mode current VOUT booster efficiency1 Logic High Output Voltage Logic Low Output Voltage Logic High Input voltage Logic Low Input voltage Logic High Output Current Source Logic Low Output Current Drain Logic Output Tri-state Current Drain Source Logic Input Current Conditions Recommend Operating Voltage Possible Operating Voltage Recommend Operating Voltage Possible Operating Voltage VDDIO=1.8V, VCI=2.8V 100pF loading at Source output VDDEXT=VDDIO=1.8V, VCI=3.3V IDP = IVDDIO + IVDDEXT + IVCI See Note1 Iout=-100uA Iout=100uA Min 1.65 2.5 or VDDIO 70 0.9 * VDDIO 0 0.8 * VDDIO 0 50 -1 -1 Typ TBD TBD TBD 85 Max 3.3 3.3 TBD TBD TBD VDDIO 0.1 * VDDIO VDDIO 0.2 * VDDIO -50 1 1 Unit VVuA uA mA % V V V V μA μA μA μAVOH = VDDIO-0.4V VOL = 0.4VVOUT efficiency = VOUT /(2 x VCI) x 100%SSD2533Rev 0.10P 15/31Oct 2010Solomon Systech13 AC CHARACTERISTICSConditions: VDD - VSS = 2.4 to 3.5V VDDIO = VDD TA = 25°CTable 13-1 :I C Interface Timing Characteristics2Symbol tcycle tHSTART tHD tSD tSSTART tSSTOP tR tF tIDLEParameter Clock Cycle Time Start condition Hold Time Data Hold Time (for “SDA” pin) Data Setup Time Start condition Setup Time (Only relevant for a repeated Start condition) Stop condition Setup Time Rise Time for data and clock pin Fall Time for data and clock pin Idle Time before a new transmission can startMin 2.5 0.6 0 100 0.6 0.6 1.3Typ -Max 300 300 -Unit us us ns ns us us ns ns usFigure 13-1 : I C interface Timing characteristicsSDA 0.8VDDIO 0.2VDDIO2////tIDLEtHD tHSTARTSCL 0.8VDDIO 0.2VDDIOtF tSDtRtSSTARTtSSTOPtCYCLESolomon SystechOct 2010 P 16/31Rev 0.10SSD2533Table 13-2 : Serial Timing Characteristics (TA = -40 to 85 ゚ C, VDDIO = 2.7V, VSS =0V)Symbol Parameter Clock Cycle Time Address Setup Time Address Hold Time Chip Select Setup Time Chip Select Hold Time Write Data Setup Time Write Data Hold Time Clock Low Time Clock High Time Rise Time Fall Time Min 58.8 10 5 30 29.4 30 30 29.4 29.4 Typ Max 15 15 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns nstcycle tAS tAH tCSS tCSH tDSW tOHW tCLKL tCLKH tR tFD/C (Required if PS1 = H)0.8VDDIO 0.2VDDIOtAS tAH tCS H t c ycle tC L KHCStCSS0.2VDDIOtC LK L SCK tF tDSW SDA Valid DatatR0.8VDDIO 0.2VDDIOtDHW0.8VDDIO 0.2VDDIOCSSCKSDAD7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0Figure 13-2 : Serial Timing CharacteristicsSSD2533Rev 0.10P 17/31Oct 2010Solomon Systech14Power up/down Sequence14.1 Power up / down flow chartThe figures below illustrate a flow chart and timing diagram for power up/down sequence of the driver.Power Supply VCI = 2.5V ~ 3.3V VDDIO = 1.65V ~ VVCIHardware Reset Active low ≥10uSTurn on LCD panelInitialization init code (refer to software setup ) - Need 300ms to stabilizeNormal Operation ModeEntering Power Saving Powering offPower Saving Mode- Automatic entered after a period of time without touch. - Turn off LCD display -Power OffTurn off booster Delay 50ms Idle Mode Enable sleep Mode Discharge VOUT at least <4V - Power off VCI and VDDIO suppliesReturning to Normal Mode- Turn on LCD display - init code (refer to software setup )Note:To prevent potential damage to the device, all capacitors must be discharged to below 0.5V before the driver is removed from, or before the driver is attached to those components.Solomon SystechOct 2010 P 18/31Rev 0.10SSD253314.2 Power upSymbol tPR tPD tSTABLE tRES tREADYParameter Power rise time Power delay time Chip stable time Reset pulse Chip need time after hardware resetMin 4 -Typ -Max 30 30 10 1Unit us us us us ustPR VCI CS tPD VDDIO tSTABLE RES tREADY SDA, SCL tRESSSD2533Rev 0.10P 19/31Oct 2010Solomon Systech14.3 Power downSymbol tDISCHARGE tPDOWNParameter VOUT discharge wait time Power Hold timeMin 50 50Typ -Max -Unit ms msVOUT.TDISCHARGEVCI/VDDIORES tPHOLDSDA, SCL Power off Enter power save mode•With regards to the Power Off, Vout should be discharged at least below than 5V before turn off the VCI/VDDIO power suppliesSolomon SystechOct 2010 P 20/31Rev 0.10SSD253315APPLICATION EXAMPLES 15.1Application DiagramFigure 15-1: Application Example23 pins driving Signals 7.5V max1~2.2uF/6.3V1~2.2uF/16V15.2 Panel design referenceTable 15-1 : 5 Inch Touch Panel CharacteristicsUnitMax Symbol Parameter Min TypRdrive Drive line resistance - 4 6 kΩRsense Sense line resistance - 4 6 kΩPitch Touch pattern pitch 3 - 6 mmGw Pattern Gap width 0.3 0.5 1 mmISO Isolation Glass thickness - - 0.6 mmLens 0.4 0.5 1 mmProtectiveFPL FrontTable 15-2 : 7 to 10 Inch Touch Panel CharacteristicsUnitMax Symbol Parameter Min TypRdrive Drive line resistance - 20 TBDkΩRsense Sense line resistance - 20 TBDkΩPitch Touch pattern pitch 3 - 6 mmGw Pattern Gap width 0.3 0.5 1 mmISO Isolation Glass thickness - - 0.6 mmProtectiveLens 0.4 0.5 1 mmFPL Front•Drive line resistance and Sense line resistance included the Diamond pattern, routing trace, FPC and package resistance.•Metal coating is recommended for the ITO trace.•GND line is recommended to insert between the drive and sense line.15.3 FPC design reference• GND line is recommended to insert between the drive and sense line. • The DRIVE line should not cross over the SENSE line.G N DU S B _D P U S B _D N G N D /R E S E T /I R Q M A S T E R _S D A M A S T E R _S C K S L A V E _S D A S L A V E _S C K S T Y P E 0 S T Y P E 1 K E Y 00 K E Y 01 K E Y 02 K E Y 03 G P I O 00 G P I O 01 G P I O 02 G P I O 03 G N D G N D V D D I O V C I G N DDRIVE11…DRIVE22 GND SENSE00…SENSE40 GND DRIVE10…DRIVE0016PACKAGE INFORMATION 16.1QFP 100 pins (14x14mm)SYMBOL MIN NOM MAXTOTAL THICKNESS A --- --- 1.2STAND OFF A1 0.05 --- 0.15MOLD THICKNESS A2 0.95 --- 1.05WIDTH(PLATING) b 0.17 0.22 0.27LEADWIDTH b1 0.17 0.2 0.23LEADBSCX D 16BSCY E 16BODY SIZE X D1 14 BSCY E1 14 BSCLEAD PITCH e 0.5 BSCL 0.45 0.6 0.751REF FOOTPRINT L1θ0o 3.5o7oθ1 0o --- ---θ2 11o 12o 13oθ3 11o 12o 13oR1 0.08 --- ---R2 0.08 ---S 0.2 --- ---PACKAGE EDGE TOLERANCE aaa 0.2LEAD EDGE TOLERANCE bbb 0.2COPLANARITY ccc0.08 LEAD OFFSET ddd 0.08MOLD FLATNESS eee 0.0516.2QFN 68 pins (8x8mm)SYMBOL MIN NOM MAXTHICKNESS A 0.8 0.85 0.9 TOTALSTAND OFF A1 0 0.035 0.05MOLD THICKNESS A2 --- 0.65 0.67L/F THICKNESS A3 0.203 REFWIDTH b 0.15 0.20 0.25LEADBODY SIZE X D 8 BSCY E 8 BSCLEAD PITCH e 0.4 BSCSIZE X J 6.1 6.2 6.3 EPY K 6.1 6.2 6.3LENGTH L 0.35 0.4 0.45 LEADPACKAGE EDGE TOLERANCE aaa 0.1MOLD FLATNESS bbb 0.1COPLANARITY ccc 0.08LEAD OFFSET ddd 0.1EXPOSED PAD OFFSET eee 0.116.3QFN 48 pins (6x6mm)SYMBOL MIN NOM MAXTHICKNESS A 0.8 0.85 0.9TOTALSTAND OFF A1 0 0.035 0.05MOLD THICKNESS A2 --- 0.65 0.67L/F THICKNESS A3 0.203 REFWIDTH b 0.15 0.2 0.25LEADBODY SIZE X D 6 BSCY E6BSCLEAD PITCH e 0.4 BSCSIZE X J 4.1 4.2 4.3EPY K 4.1 4.2 4.3LENGTH L 0.35 0.4 0.45LEADPACKAGE EDGE TOLERANCE aaa 0.1MOLD FLATNESS bbb 0.10.08COPLANARITY cccLEAD OFFSET ddd 0.1EXPOSED PAD OFFSET eee 0.116.4Package orientationFigure 16-1 : SSD2533QT2 package orientationFigure 16-2 : SSD2533QN4 package orientationFigure 16-3 : SSD2533QN5 package orientationSolomon Systech reserves the right to make changes without notice to any products herein. Solomon Systech makes nowarranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SolomonSystech assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any, andall, liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters can and do vary indifferent applications. All operating parameters, including “Typical” must be validated for each customer application by thecustomer’s technical experts. Solomon Systech does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.Solomon Systech products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgicalimplant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failureof the Solomon Systech product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase oruse Solomon Systech products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SolomonSystech and its offices, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, andexpenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associatedwith such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Solomon Systech was negligent regarding the designor manufacture of the part.The product(s) listed in this datasheet comply with Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of27 January 2004 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment andPeople’s Republic of China Electronic Industry Standard SJ/T 11363-2006 “Requirements for concentration limits for certainhazardous substances in electronic information products (电子信息产品中有毒有害物质的限量要求)”. Hazardous Substancestest report is available upon request.SSD2533 Rev 0.10 P 31/31 Oct 2010Solomon Systech。
SAT词频__词根词缀_灵格思_Section08序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7005currency3[?k?r?nsi]n.货币;词根:curr=run,表示"跑,发生,快速做……"出现,事件,发生的事情]]男→adj.正在发生的,偶然发生的) 2:current当前的;流通的(curr跑,发生,快速做……+ent……的→跑的→流动[的])3:concurrent同时发生的,一致的(concur[v.意见相同,一致, 互助]+ent……的→concurrent同时发生的)4:current电流,水流;潮流,趋势(curr跑,发生,快速做……+ent……的→跑的→流动[的])5:occurrence发生,出现,事件,发生的事情(occur[v.发生,出现;存在;想起,想到]+ence表名词→occurrence发生,出现) 6:curriculum[(curr跑,发生,快速做……+iculum表名词→学生跑来跑去的[依据]→课程表)7006curricula3[k??r?kj?l?]n.课程;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7007curriculum3[k??r?kj?l?m]n.全部课程,课程词根:curr=run,表示"跑,发生,快速做……"1:occurrent正在发生的,偶然发生的(occurrence[[n.发生, 出现,事件,发生的事情]]男→adj.正在发生的,偶然发生的) 2:concurrent同时发生的,一致的(concur[v.意见相同,一致, 互助]+ent……的→concurrent同时发生的)3:current当前的;流通的(curr跑,发生,快速做……+ent……的→跑的→流动[的])4:curriculum[(curr跑,发生,快速做……+iculum表名词→学生跑来跑去的[依据]→课程表)5:occurrence发生,出现,事件,发生的事情(occur[v.发生,出现;存在;想起,想到]+ence表名词→occurrence发生,出现) 6:currency流传,流通;通货,货币(curr跑,发生,快速做……+ency表名词→流通货币[跑来跑去的钱])7008curtain3[?k?:tn]n.窗帘,门帘;vt.给(窗户或房间)装上帘子;词根:court表示"庭院,宫廷"1:courteous有礼貌的(court庭院,宫廷+eous……的→来自宫廷的礼节→有礼貌的)2:courtesy礼貌(court庭院,宫廷+esy→来自宫廷的礼节) 3:curtain窗帘,门帘(curt=court法庭+ain表名词→开庭前启幕)4:court法院,庭院,朝廷,宫庭,球场(court庭院,宫廷→n.法院,庭院,朝廷,宫庭,球场)7009cylindrical3[s??l?ndr?kl]adj.圆柱形的,圆筒状的,气缸(或滚筒)的;词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7011dangle3[?d??gl]vi.悬荡,垂着摆动;vt.使摇晃地挂着或摆荡;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7012darker3[dɑ:k?]adj.黑暗的( dark的比较级);词根:N/A同根词:N/A7013daylight3[?de?la?t]n.日光,白昼;词根:day=day,表示"日,日子"1:everyday每天的,日常的,平常的,平凡的(every每一的+day日,日子→每天的→日常的→平常的→平凡的)2:daily每日的,日常的(day日,日子+ly表副词或形容词等→daily每日的[地]→日报)3:nowadays现今,现在(now现在+a+days=day的复数→adv.现今,现在)4:daily每日,日常地,天天(day日,日子+ly表副词或形容词等→daily每日的[地]→日报)5:date日期,日子(day日,日子→date)6:daytime白天,日间(day日,日子+time时间→n.白天,日间)7:daybreak黎明,拂晓(day日,日子+break破晓→n.黎明,拂晓)8:date约会,定日期(day日,日子→date)7014deaf3[def]adj.聋的;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7015debunk3[?di:?b??k]vt.揭穿真相,暴露词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7016deceit3[d??si:t]n.欺骗,欺诈;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7017deduced3[di?dju:st]v.推论,演绎( deduce的过去式和过去分词 )词根:N/A同根词:N/A7018deducted3[di?d?ktid]v.扣除,减去( deduct的过去式和过去分词 )词根:N/A同根词:N/A7019default3[d??f?:lt]vi.未履行任务或责任;vt.未履行,拖欠;n.未履行,拖欠;词根:fault1.=err/deceive,表示"犯错误,欺骗";2.=表示"错,假"1:fault过失,过错;缺点,毛病(fault=fall犯错误,欺骗→错)2:default拖久[债务]不履行;缺席(de加强+fault犯错误,欺骗→更加错→一拖再拖的债务)7020defender3[d??fend?(r)]n.防御者,守卫者;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7021defensibility3[d?fens?'b?l?t?]n.可防卫性,防卫的可能性词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7022defensiveness3[d?'fens?vn?s]防御性词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7023defer3[d??f?:(r)]vt.使推迟;vi.服从;词根:fer=bring/carry,表示"带来,拿来"+fer带来,拿来+ous……的→带来花→有花的)2:aquiferous含水的,蓄水的(aqui水+fer带来,拿来+ous……的→带来水的)3:referable可归[起]因于……的,可归入……的;与……有关的(refer[v.参考,查询;提到,引用,涉及;提交,上呈]+able能……的→能提到的,能找到原因的→可归于……)4:conferment给予,商量,授予(con共同+fer带来,拿来+ment表名词→共同带来东西→给予[奖品等])5:conference[正式]会议;讨论,商谈(confer[v.商讨;授予,颁给[勋衔,学位等]]+ence表名词→n.[正式]会议;讨论,商谈)6:deferment推迟;延迟(defer推迟+ment表名词→n.推迟;延迟)7:transfer转移;转换;转让;过户;迁移;改乘(trans变换,交换+fer带→转移过去→转学,转移)8:fertilize使受精;施肥于,使肥沃(fertile[adj.肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的]+ize表动词→v.使受精;施肥于,使肥沃)9:differ不同(dif不同+fer带来→带来不同→不同)10:defer敬从(de加强+fer带来,拿来→一再带来敬意)7024deficient3[d??f??nt]adj.不足的,缺乏的;词根:fici=do,make表示"做,制作"1:efficient有效的,效率高的;有能力的,能胜任的(ef出+fici做,制作+ent……的→能做出事来→有效的)2:deficient缺乏的,不足的,不完善的(de去掉+fici做,制作+ent……的→做得不够的→不足的)3:proficient精通的;熟练的(pro前面+fici做+ent……的→做在[别人]前面→精通)4:proficiency[in]熟练,精通(proficient[[adj.精通的;熟练的]]→n.[in]熟练,精通)7025deficit3[?def?s?t]n.不足额;词根:N/A词缀:-it1.表名词,"……人";2.表抽象名词同根词:N/A7026deformity3[d??f?:m?ti]n.畸形的人(或物);词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7027defunct3[d??f??kt]adj.<正>已故的,不存在的;n.死者,死人词根:N/A同根词:N/A7028degradation3[?degr??de??n]n.堕落;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7029degrade3[d??gre?d]vt.降低,贬低;vt.& vi.(使)退化,降解,分解;词根:grad=step/grade,表示"步,级"1:degrading可耻的,不名誉的(de向下+grad步,级+ing……的→向下降了→不名誉的)2:retrograde后退的(retro向后+grade等级,级别→向后退步)3:downgrade下坡的,使降级,小看(down向下+grade[n.等级,级别;年级;分数v.分等,分级]→向下降级)4:centigrade摄氏温度计[的];百分度[的](centi百+grade级,度→adj.&n.摄氏温度计[的];百分度[的])5:graduation毕业[典礼];刻度(graduate[n.大学毕业生,研究生v.大学毕业adj.毕了业的]+ion表名词→n.毕业[典礼];刻度)6:downgrade下坡,退步(down向下+grade[n.等级,级别;年级;分数v.分等,分级]→向下降级)7:upgrade提升,使升级(up向上+grade[n.等级,级别;年级;分数v.分等,分级]→向上升级)8:degrade使降给;使堕落(de向下+grade[n.等级,级别;年级;分数v.分等,分级]→向下降级)9:retrograde倒退(retro向后+grade等级,级别→向后退步)7030dehumanize3[?di:?hju:m?na?z]vt.使失去人性,使非人化词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7031dejected3[d??d?ekt?d]adj.沮丧的,忧郁的,失望的词根:ject=throw/st,表示"投掷,扔"+ive……的→扔上去的,附加的)2:subject隶属的;易遭(sub在下面+ject投掷,扔→扔下去→服从的,扔下去大家讨论的主题)3:objective客观的,真实的(object[n.物体;客体,对象;目标;宾语v.[to]反对]+ive……的→客观的[词性变化:作名词,表示"目标,目的"])4:reject落选者(re回+ject扔回来→拒绝)5:ejection喷出,排出物(eject[v.投出,掷出]+ion表名词→n.喷出,排出物)6:subject主题;学科(sub在下面+ject投掷,扔→扔下去→服从的,扔下去大家讨论的主题)7:conjecture推测,臆测(con共同+ject投掷,扔+ure表名词→大家一起扔[思想]→推测)8:project投射出(pro向前+ject扔→扔向前面→投射;引申为工程项目)9:deject使沮丧,使灰心(de向下+ject投掷,扔→情绪向下扔→沮丧)10:subject的(sub在下面+ject投掷,扔→扔下去→服从的,扔下去大家讨论的主题)7032dell3[del]n.小谷,幽谷词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7033delusion3[d??lu:?n]n.欺骗;词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7034denote3[d??n??t]vt.指代;词根:not=known,表示"知道,注意,注释"+orious多……的→多惹人注意的→臭名昭著的)2:noticeable显而易见的,值得注意的(notice注意到,注意+able……的→adj.显而易见的,值得注意的)3:notice通知,通告,布告;注意,认识(not知道,注意,注释+ice表名词→n.通知,通告,布告;注意,认识v.注意到,注意)4:notable值得注意的,显著的,著名的(not知道,注意,注释+able能……的→n.值得注意的,显著的,著名的)5:notion概念,想法,意念,看法,观点(not知道,注意,注释+ion表名词→n.概念,想法,意念,看法,观点)6:denote指示,表示,意味着(de加强+not知道,注意,注释+e→指示)7:notify通知,告知,报告(not知道,注意,注释+ify表动词→给以注意→通知)8:note注意到(not知道,注意,注释+e→n.笔记;注释v.注意到)7035density3[?dens?ti]n.密度;词根:dens=makethick,表示"变浓厚"1:dense浓厚的,密集的,稠密的(dens变浓厚+e→adj.浓厚的,密集的,稠密的)2:densimeter比重计,密度计(densi=dens变浓厚+meter测量→n.比重计,密度计)3:density密集,密度,浓度(dens变浓厚+ity性质,特性→n.密集,密度,浓度)4:condense凝结;浓缩(con全部+dense浓密的→v.凝结;浓缩)7036dental3[?dentl]n.齿音词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7037dependable3[d??pend?bl]adj.可信赖的,可靠的;词根:pend1.=expend,表示"花费,支付";2.最初意思为"称重量而衡量……",引申出花费,支付;3.=hang,表示"悬挂"相信]+able可以……的→adj.可依赖的)2:impending即将发生的,逼近的(im进入+pending即将发生的→adj.即将发生的,逼近的)3:dependent依靠的,依赖的,从属的;随…而定的(depend[v.[on]取决于,依靠,信赖,相信]+ent……的→adj.依靠的,依赖的,从属的;随…而定的)4:appendix附录,附属物;阑尾,盲肠(append[v.附加,添加,悬挂]+ix表名词→n.附录,附属物;阑尾,盲肠)5:perpendicular垂直[线](per全部+pend悬挂+ic+ular表形容词→全部挂着的→垂直的)6:pendulum摆,钟摆(pend悬挂+ulum东西→挂着[摆动]的东西→钟摆)7:depend[on]取决于,依靠,信赖,相信(de下+pend悬挂→附属于另一物件)8:append附加,添加,悬挂(ap加强动作+pend悬挂→挂上去→悬挂)9:expend消费,花费(ex出+pend花费,支付→花钱出去)7038depletion3[d?'pli:?n]n.消耗,用尽;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7039deposit3[d??p?z?t]n.储蓄,存款;vt.&vi.储蓄;vi.沉淀词根:posit1.=put,表示"放";2.引申为"职位"1:positive肯定的,积极的,绝对的,无疑的,正的(posit放+ive……的→确定"放"→肯定的,积极的,主动的)2:composite混合成的,综合成的(com共同+posit放+e→放到一起→混合物)3:apposite适当的,恰切的(ap加强动作+posit放+e→放得好→适当的)4:disposition排列,部署;性格倾向;倾向,意向(dis分开+posit 放+ion表名词→分开放→安排→引申为人的喜好,心情)5:repository贮藏室,智囊团,知识库,仓库(re重新+posit放+ory场所,范围→重新[不断]放东西的地方→仓库)6:apposition并置,同格(ap加强+posit放+ion表名词→放在一起→并置)7:deposit存放;使沉淀;付[保证金](de下+posit放→放下不用)8:posit安置(posit放→假设)序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7040derisive3[d??ra?s?v]adj.嘲笑的,嘲弄的adv.嘲笑地,嘲弄地n.嘲笑,嘲弄词根:ris1.表示"升起,唤醒";2.=laugh,表示"笑"1:derisive嘲弄的(de坏+ris笑+ive……的→坏笑的→嘲弄的)2:risible可笑的,引人发笑的(ris笑+ible能……的→能笑的→可笑的)3:risibility爱笑,幽默感(risib=risible[adj.可笑的,引人发笑的]+ility→n.爱笑,幽默感)4:rise上升,增加,上涨(ris升起,唤醒+e→n.&v.上升,增加,上涨)5:arise出现,发生,起因于(a+rise[n.&v.上升,增加,上涨]→v.出现,发生,起因于)7041desktop3[?deskt?p]n.桌面词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7042dessert3[d??z?:t]n.餐后甜食;词根:serv1.=serve/keep,表示"服务";2.保持,保留保留,储备;预定]+ed……的→保留的,不多说的)2:servile奴性的,百依百顺的(serv服务+ile……的→为[主人] 服务的)3:serviceable有用的,耐用的(service[n.服务;公共设施;维修保养;行政部门v.维修]+able能……的→可服务的→有用的)4:deservedly应得报酬地,当然地(deserve[v.应受,值得]+dly→adv.应得报酬地,当然地)5:observance遵守,奉行[法律,习俗](ob加强+serve=serv 保持+ance表名词→一直在保持→遵守,奉行)6:servility奴态,卑屈(servile[adj.奴性的,百依百顺的]+ity表名词→n.奴态,卑屈)7:conservation保存,保护,保守;守恒,不灭(conserve保存,保藏+ation表名词→n.保存,保护,保守;守恒,不灭)8:deserve应受,值得(de加强+serv服务+e→加强服务→值得[重视])9:conserve保存,保藏(con全部+serv保持+e→全部保持下来→保存)10:service维修(serv服务+ice→n.服务;公共设施;维修保养;行政部门v.维修)序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7043developer3[d??vel?p?(r)]n.开发者;词根:velop=towrapup表示"包,包裹"扬]+able能……的→adj.可发展的;可开发的)2:developmental发展的(development[n.发展]+al……的→adj.发展的)3:envelope信封;封套(envelop[n.&v.包封,遮盖,包围n.信封]+e→n.信封;封套)4:envelop信封(en使……+velop包,包裹→包封,遮盖)5:developer开发者(develop[v.发展,发达,发扬]+er人→n.开发者)6:envelop包封,遮盖,包围(en使……+velop包,包裹→包封, 遮盖)7:develop发展,发达,发扬(de分开+velop包,包裹→把包着的打开→发展,发达)7044developmental3[d??vel?p?mentl]adj.发展的;词根:velop=towrapup表示"包,包裹"1:developable可发展的;可开发的(develop[v.发展,发达,发扬]+able能……的→adj.可发展的;可开发的)2:developmental发展的(development[n.发展]+al……的→adj.发展的)3:developer开发者(develop[v.发展,发达,发扬]+er人→n.开发者)4:envelope信封;封套(envelop[n.&v.包封,遮盖,包围n.信封]+e→n.信封;封套)5:envelop信封(en使……+velop包,包裹→包封,遮盖)6:envelop包封,遮盖,包围(en使……+velop包,包裹→包封, 遮盖)7:develop发展,发达,发扬(de分开+velop包,包裹→把包着的打开→发展,发达)序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7045deviate3[?di:vie?t]v.脱离,越轨,违背,误入歧途;n.脱离常轨的人adj.脱离常轨的词根:vi=way,表示"道路"+ous……的→道路穿过去的→能透过去的)2:previous先前的,以前的(pre预先,先前+vi路[引申为走]+ous……的→先走的,先前的)3:obvious明显的,显而易见的(ob加强+vi道路+ous……的→就在路上→明显的)4:perviousness渗透[性];透[渗]水性(pervious[adj.能被通过的,能透过去的]+ness表名词→n.渗透[性];透[渗]水性) 5:vector[数]向量,矢量(vect=vi道路+or→n.[数]向量,矢量v.无线电导引)6:deviate[from]背离,偏离(de离+vi道路+ate表动词→偏离道路,越轨)7:vector无线电导引(vect=vi道路+or→n.[数]向量,矢量v. 无线电导引)8:obviate排除[困难](ob倒,去掉+vi道路+ate表动词→从道路上去掉东西→排除障碍)7046dial3[?da??l]n.日晷;vt.& vi.打电话,拨电话号码vt.用标度盘测量;词根:di=day,表示"日,日子"1:postmeridian午后的,午后发生的(post后面+meridian正午→adj.午后的,午后发生的)2:meridian子午线的;全盛期的(meri中间+di日,日子+an表名词和形容词→在日子中间→正午)3:antemeridian上午的(ante前面+meridian正午→adj.上午的)4:meridian正午(meri中间+di日,日子+an表名词和形容词→在日子中间→正午)5:diary日记,日记簿(di日,日子+ary表名词→n.日记,日记簿)6:dial钟[表]面,刻度盘,拨号盘(di日,日子+al→日晷)7:dial拨号,打电话(di日,日子+al→日晷)7047diastolic3[?da??'st?l?k]adj.心脏舒张的词根:N/A同根词:N/A7048digital3[?d?d??tl]adj.数字的;n.手指;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7049diorama3[?darɑ:m?]词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7050dip3[d?p]vt.浸;vt.& vi.(使)微降,(使)下沉;n.浏览;vi.浸水;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7051directory3[d??rekt?ri]n.人名地址录,(电话)号码簿;adj.指导的,指挥的;词根:N/A词缀:-ory1.表形容词,"……的";2.表名词,"场所,范围"同根词:N/A7052discernment3[d??s?:nm?nt]n.<褒>识别能力;词根:cern=sure/separate,表示"搞清,区别"词缀:dis-1.表示"分开,分离,去掉";2.表示"否定,不,消失掉"1:discernible能够分辨的(discern[v.辨别;区分]+ible能……的→adj.能够分辨的)2:concerned关心的,有关的(concern[v.关系到n.关心]+ed……的→adj.关心的,有关的)3:concern关心(con共同+cern搞清,区别→共同搞清楚→关心)4:discernment辨别能力(discern[v.辨别;区分]+ment表名词→n.辨别能力)5:concern关系到(con共同+cern搞清,区别→共同搞清楚→关心)6:discern辨别;区分(dis分开+cern搞清,区别→分开搞清→区别)7053disclose3[d?s?kl??z]vt.公开;词根:clos=close,表示"关闭"2:close接近(close=clos关闭→靠拢→近的→接近)3:close结束(close=clos关闭→靠拢→近的→接近)4:closure关闭;停止(clos关闭+ure表名词→close的名词)5:closet壁橱;秘室(clos关闭+et小东西→关的小东西→壁橱)6:enclose包围,围绕(en进入+clos关闭+e→被关起来→包围)7:disclose揭发;泄露(dis分开,打开+clos关闭+e→把关的打开→揭发)7054disclosure3[d?s?kl(r)]n.(发明等的)公开;词根:N/A 同根词:N/A 7055disco3[?d?sk??]词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7056disconcert3[?d?sk?n?s?:t]vt.使不安;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7057discontent3[?d?sk?n?tent]n.不满,不平;adj.不满的;v.使不满意;词根:ten1.=hold,表示"拿住,握住,支撑";2.挽留多……的→拿住不放→固执的)2:untenable站不住脚的,防守不住的(un不+tenable[adj.站得住脚的,无懈可击的]→adj.站不住脚的,防守不住的)3:content[with]满足的(con全部+ten拿住,握住,支撑+t→全部拿住→容量,内容;满足的)4:maintenance维修,保养,维持,保持,生活费用(main=man手+ten拿住,握住,支撑+ance表名词→用手拿住→维修,坚持)5:tenancy租赁期限;租佃,租用,租赁(ten拿住,握住,支撑+ancy表名词→拿[钱]租房)6:content容量,内容,[(con全部+ten拿住,握住,支撑+t→全部拿住→容量,内容;满足的)7:fasten[使]固定,系牢,绑紧,扣紧(fas+ten拿住,握住,支撑→v.[使]固定,系牢,绑紧,扣紧)8:tenant租借,承租(ten拿住,握住,支撑+ant人→拿[钱]租房之人)9:countenance支持,赞成(coun=con+ten拿住,握住,支撑+ance表名词→全部控制→容忍,表示不提意见,同意)7058discord3[?d?sk?:d]n.不和;v.不一致;词根:cord=heart,表示"心脏,一致"1:cordiform心形的(cordi=cord心脏,一致+form形状→adj.心形的)2:according相符的,一致的,根据……而定的(accord[n.&v.一致;符合]+ing形容词→adj.相符的,一致的,根据……而定的) 3:cordial首要的,主要的(cord心脏,一致+ial……的→adj.首要的,主要的)4:discordance不协调; 不一致(discord[n.不和;不一致]+ance表名词→n.不协调; 不一致)5:discord不和;不一致(dis不+cord心脏,一致→心不一样) 6:concord协调;协议(con共同+cord心脏,一致→心一样) 7:record记录(re一再+cord心脏,一致→一再放在心上→记录)8:accord一致;符合(ac加强+cord心脏,一致→心心相符)序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7059discreet3[d??skri:t]adj.谨慎的,慎重的;词根:cret=sure/separate,表示"搞清,区别"1:discrete分立的(dis分开+cret区别+e→分开区别→不同的)2:discreet慎重的,谨慎的(dis分开+creet=cret区别→区别对待)3:secret秘密[的](se分开+cret区别→分开来放→秘密的) 4:discretion谨慎,小心(discrete[adj.分立的]+ion动作或状态→discretion谨慎,小心)5:secrete分泌;藏匿(se分开+cret分辨+e→分辨开→分泌; 藏起来)7060discrete3[d??skri:t]adj.分离的,不相关联的;词根:cret=sure/separate,表示"搞清,区别"1:discreet慎重的,谨慎的(dis分开+creet=cret区别→区别对待)2:discrete分立的(dis分开+cret区别+e→分开区别→不同的)3:secret秘密[的](se分开+cret区别→分开来放→秘密的) 4:discretion谨慎,小心(discrete[adj.分立的]+ion动作或状态→discretion谨慎,小心)5:secrete分泌;藏匿(se分开+cret分辨+e→分辨开→分泌; 藏起来)7061discretion3[d??skre?n]n.慎重,慎重;词根:cret=sure/separate,表示"搞清,区别"1:discrete分立的(dis分开+cret区别+e→分开区别→不同的)2:discreet慎重的,谨慎的(dis分开+creet=cret区别→区别对待)3:secret秘密[的](se分开+cret区别→分开来放→秘密的)4:discretion谨慎,小心(discrete[adj.分立的]+ion动作或状态→discretion谨慎,小心)5:secrete分泌;藏匿(se分开+cret分辨+e→分辨开→分泌;藏起来)7062disembodied3[?d?s?m?b?did]adj.(灵魂)脱离肉体的;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7063disinformation3[?d?s??nf??me??n]n.故意的假情报词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7064disintegration3[d?s??nt?'ɡre??n]n.瓦解;词根:integr=whole,表示"完整"1:integral构成整体所必需的;完整的(integr完整+al……的→adj.构成整体所必需的;完整的)2:integration综合(integrate[v.[into,with][使]成为一体,[使]结合在一起]+ion表名词→n.综合)3:integrity正直,诚实;完整,完全(integr完整+ity表名词→n.正直,诚实;完整,完全)4:disintegration瓦解(dis分开+integration[n.综合]→n.瓦解)5:disintegrate分裂成小片,瓦解(dis分开+integrate成为一体→v.分裂成小片,瓦解)6:integrate[into,with][使]成为一体,[使]结合在一起(integr完整+ate使……→v.[into,with][使]成为一体,[使]结合在一起)7065disinterest3[d?s??ntr?st]n.无兴趣;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7066disoriented3[d?'s?:r??nt?d]adj.分不清方向或目标的,无判断力的v.使(某人)迷失方向(disorient的过去式和过去分词 )词根:N/A同根词:N/A7067disperse3[d??sp?:s]vt.& vi.(使)分散,(使)散开;adj.分散的词根:spers=scatter,表示"散开"1:dispersion散布,驱散,传播,散射(disperse[v.[使]分散;[使]散开;疏散]+ion表名词→n.散布,驱散,传播,散射)2:interspersion散布,布置,点缀(intersperse[v.散布,点缀]+ion表名词→n.散布,布置,点缀)3:aspersion诽谤,中伤(asperse[v.诽谤]+ion表名词→n.诽谤,中伤)4:asperse诽谤(a坏+spers散开+e→散开坏话→诽谤)5:intersperse散布,点缀(inter在……中间+spers散开+e→在中间散开)6:disperse[使]分散;[使]散开;疏散(dis分开+spers散开+e→disperse分散)7068disposable3[d??sp??z?bl]adj.一次性的,可任意处理的;n.〈美口〉使用后随即抛掉的东西(尤指容器等)词根:N/A同根词:N/A7069disproportionately3[?d?spr?'p?:??n?tl?]adv.不匀称,不相称词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7071disrespect3[?d?sr??spekt]n.失礼,无礼vt.不尊敬,不尊重词根:N/A同根词:N/A7072disrespectful3[?d?sr?'spektfl]adj.失礼的,无礼的;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7073dissemination3[d??sem?'ne??n]n.散播,宣传;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7074distill3[d?s't?l]v.蒸馏,提取,滴下vt.抽出…的精华;vi.蒸馏;词根:still=smalldrop,表示"小水滴"1:still静止的,寂静的(still小水滴→蒸馏)2:still还,仍然;更;安静地(still小水滴→蒸馏)3:still蒸馏(still小水滴→蒸馏)4:instillation灌输,滴,滴下(instill[v.滴注,逐渐灌输]+ation表名词→n.灌输,滴,滴下)5:distillate精华,蒸馏物(distill蒸馏,用蒸馏法提取+ate表名词→n.精华,蒸馏物)6:distill蒸馏,用蒸馏法提取;吸取,提炼(dis分开+still小水滴→蒸馏[把纯与不纯分开])7:instill滴注,逐渐灌输(in进+still小水滴→滴进去→滴注)7075distillation3[?d?st?'le??n]n.(各种释义的)蒸馏(过程);词根:still=smalldrop,表示"小水滴"1:still静止的,寂静的(still小水滴→蒸馏)2:still还,仍然;更;安静地(still小水滴→蒸馏)3:instillation灌输,滴,滴下(instill[v.滴注,逐渐灌输]+ation表名词→n.灌输,滴,滴下)4:distillation蒸馏(distillate[n.精华,蒸馏物]+ion表名词→n.蒸馏)5:distillate精华,蒸馏物(distill蒸馏,用蒸馏法提取+ate表名词→n.精华,蒸馏物)6:distill蒸馏,用蒸馏法提取;吸取,提炼(dis分开+still小水滴→蒸馏[把纯与不纯分开])7:instill滴注,逐渐灌输(in进+still小水滴→滴进去→滴注)7076distinctiveness3[d?'st??kt?vn?s]特殊[独特]性词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7077distraction3[d??str?k?n]n.注意力分散;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7078ditch3[d?t?]n.沟渠;vt.摆脱,抛弃;vi.使(飞机)在海上紧急降落,(在海上)迫降;词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7079divine3[d??va?n]adj.神的,天赐的;vt.&vi.占卜,预言;n.牧师;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7080divulge3[da??v?ld?]vt.泄露;词根:vulg=people,表示"人群"1:vulgar粗俗的,庸俗的,本土的,通俗的,普通的(vulg人群+ar……的→adj.粗俗的,庸俗的,本土的,通俗的,普通的)2:vulgus平民百姓(vulg人群+us表名词→n.平民百姓)3:vulgarity粗俗,低级(vulgar[adj.粗俗的,庸俗的,本土的,通俗的,普通的]+ity表名词→n.粗俗,低级)4:divulge泄露,透露(di分开+vulg普通+e→在普通人中传开→泄露)7081doctrinaire3[?d?ktr??ne?(r)]adj.教条(主义)的词根:doct=toteach,表示"教"词缀:-aire1.表名词,"……人或物";2.也可以表示形容词1:doctrinaire教条的,迂腐的(doctrine[n.教义,主义;学说]+aire人→教条的人→空论家)2:doctoral博士的(doctor[n.医生;博士v.授以博士学位;诊断;修改]+al……的→adj.博士的)3:doctrinaire空论家(doctrine[n.教义,主义;学说]+aire人→教条的人→空论家)4:doctor医生;博士(doct教+or人→教的人→有学问的人) 5:doctrine教义,主义;学说(doctr=doct教+ine状态→教的状态→教条)6:doctor授以博士学位;诊断;修改(doct教+or人→教的人→有学问的人)7:doctrinaire教条的,迂腐的(doctrine教条+aire人→教条的人→空论家)8:millionaire百万富翁(million百万+aire……人或物→n.百万富翁)9:doctrinaire空论家(doctrine教条+aire人→教条的人→空论家)7082dogmatic3[d?g?m?t?k]adj.教条的;词根:N/A词缀:-atic表形容词,"有……性质的"同根词:N/A7083domesticity3[?d??me?st?s?ti]n.家庭生活词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7084dorm3[d?:m]n.宿舍词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7085dormant3[?d?:m?nt]adj.潜伏的,蛰服的,休眠的;词根:dorm=sleep,表示"睡眠"容词→adj.睡眠状态的,静止的,隐匿的)2:dormitive安眠的(dorm睡眠+itive……的→adj.安眠的n.安眠药)3:dormitory集体寝室;宿舍(dorm睡眠+it+ory场所→n.集体寝室;宿舍)4:dormitive安眠药(dorm睡眠+itive……的→adj.安眠的n.安眠药)5:dormancy睡眠,冬眠,隐匿(dorm睡眠+ancy表名词→n.睡眠,冬眠,隐匿)7086downhill3[?da?n?h?l]adv.向山下;adj.向下的,下降的;n.下坡路;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7087drag3[dr?g]vt.拖拽;vi.沿地面拖动;n.拖,拉;词根:drag=pull,表示"拉,拖,绘画"1:draft草稿,草案,草图(drag拉,拖,绘画+ft→n.草稿,草案,草图v.起草,为……制作草图)2:drag拖;拉;牵扯(drag拉,拖→牵扯)3:draft起草,为……制作草图(drag拉,拖,绘画+ft→n.草稿,草案,草图v.起草,为……制作草图)7088drain3[dre?n]vi.排水;vt.喝光,喝干;n.排水;词根:dry表示"干"1:dry干的,口渴的(dry干→adj.干的,口渴的v.[使]干燥,[使]变干)2:drought干旱,缺乏(dry过去分词形式→drought干旱,缺乏)3:drain排水沟(dry干+ain表名词→使……干了→流干→耗尽→排水沟)4:drain耗尽,排水,流干(dry干+ain表名词→使……干了→流干→耗尽→排水沟)5:dry[使]干燥,[使]变干(dry干→adj.干的,口渴的v.[使]干燥,[使]变干)7089dramatist3[?dr?m?t?st]n.剧作家;词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7090drastically3[drɑ:st?kl?]adv.大大地,彻底地;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7091dreadful3[?dredfl]adj.可怕的;n.<英>惊险小说[杂志]词根:N/A同根词:N/A7092drip3[dr?p]vt.& vi.(使)滴下vi.滴出;n.滴答,滴答滴答的声音;词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7094dupe3[dju:p]vt.欺骗;n.易受骗的人,上当者词根:N/A同根词:N/A7095duplicity 3[dju:?pl?s?ti]n.表里不一;词根:du=two,表示"二,双"1:duplicate 复制的,二重的(du 二,双+plic 重复+ate 表动词,形容词或名词→重复第二份→复制)2:duplex 双重的;双倍的(du 二,双+plex 重叠→而重的)3:dual 双重的(du 二,双+al……的→adj.双重的)4:dozen 一打,十二个(do=du 二,双+zen 十→二个加十个→十二个)5:duplicate 复制品(du 二,双+plic 重复+ate 表动词,形容词或名词→重复第二份→复制)6:duplicity 欺骗,口是心非(du 二,双+plic 重复+ity 状态→两种重复状态→二心)7:duel 决斗(du 二+el=bell 斗→合成为duel →二人斗)8:duplicate 复写,使加倍(du 二,双+plic 重复+ate 表动词,形容词或名词→重复第二份→复制)7096dusty 3[?d?sti]adj.布满灰尘的;词根:N/A 同根词:N/A 7097dweller 3[?dwel?(r)]生)词根:N/A 同根词:N/A 7098dwindling 3[?dwindl??]adj.逐渐减少的v.逐渐变少或变小( dwindle 的现在分词 )词根:N/A 同根词:N/A 7099earl 3[?:l]n.(英国)伯爵词根:N/A 同根词:N/A 7100ebullient 3[??b?li?nt]adj.热情奔放的;词根:N/A 同根词:N/A 7101ecstasy 3[?ekst?si]n.狂喜;词根:N/A 同根词:N/A 7102edifice3[?ed?f?s]n.大建筑物;词根:N/A 同根词:N/A 7103eff3[ef]n.字母fv.弄糟,滚开,咒骂词根:N/A同根词:N/A序号单词词频音标中文解释词根词缀同根词7104efficacious3[?ef??kes]adj.(药、措施等)有效的词根:fic1.=face,表示"脸,面";2.=do,make表示"做,制作"来的)2:superficial肤浅的(super在……上面+fic做+ial……的→在表面上做)3:efficacious有效的,灵验的(efficacy[[n.功效,效能,效力]]男→adj.有效的,灵验的)4:profit利润,收益(pro很多+fit=fic做→做很多,做得好→利润)5:efficacy功效,效能,效力(ef出+fic做,制作+acy状态,结果→做出来的结果→功效)6:fiction虚构,编造;小说(fict=fic做,制作+ion表名词→做出的故事)7105ego3[?i:g??]n.自我;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7106egotist3[i:ɡ?t?st]n.自我中心主义者词根:N/A同根词:N/A 7107egotistical3[?i:ɡ?'t?st?k]adj.自我本位的,任性的词根:N/A同根词:N/A7108eighty3[?e?ti]num.八十n.八十;adj.八十的;词根:N/A同根词:N/A7109elaboration3[??l?b?'re??n]n.精心制作(或计划);词根:N/A同根词:N/A。
AC 150/5345-26D
Manager, Airport Engineering Division Federal Aviation Administration ATTN: AAS-100
Plug, figure 1(a) Plug, figure 2(a) Plug, figures 3(a), & 3(c) Plug, figures 4(a), 4(b) & 4(c) Plug, figures 7(a), 7(b), & 7(c) Plug, figure 8 Receptacle, figure 1(b) Receptacle, figure 1(c) Receptacle, figure 2(b) Receptacle, figures 3(b), & 3(d) Receptacle, figures 5(a), 5(b), & 5(c) Receptacle, figures 6(a), 6(b), & 6(c)
1.2.1 Type. Plugs and receptacles with the following electrical characteristics are covered by the specification:
Type I Type II
1 conductor, 25 ampere, 5000 volt 2 conductor, 20 ampere, 600 volt
2. EFFECTIVE DATE. Effective six months after the issue date of this AC, only that equipment qualified per the specifications herein will be listed per AC 150/5345-53, Airport Lighting Equipment Certification Program.
附录A.1 存储器构造 (1)A.2 特殊继电器 (3)A.3 指令清单 (12)附录A.1.1 位存储器设备位存储器设备是提供位读写的存储设备。
P , M, L, K, F 区域都是位存储器设备。
< 位存储器设备的符号 >< 位存储器设备的内存结构 >位地址赋值( 0 ~ F : 十六进制 ) 字地址赋值(十进制 ) 设备赋值( P, M, L, K, F )FEDCBA987654321000 001 002 003nnn = P002BA.1.2 位 / 字存储器设备( 定时器& 计数器)定时器和计数器存储区域包括三部分-输出位 、当前值字和设定值字。
当T 或 C 区域被当成位指令的运算对象时,指令对定时器和计数器的输出位有影响。
如果T 或C 区域被使用做字指令的运算对象,指令影响当前值。
A.1.3 字存储器设备D 区域由字来使用。
因此,D 区域不能被用做位指令例如:LOAD, OUT 等的运算对象。
如要通过位来控制D 区域,请使用特殊指令如:BLD 、BAND 、BOR 等。
FEDCBA987654321D0000 D0001D0002 D0003Dnnnn = D0002A.2.1 K10S1 / K10S / K30S / K60S1) F 设备2) 其它特殊继电器A.2.2 K80S / K200S / K300S / K1000S1) F 继电器高速连接标志清单x : K1000S = 9, K300S / K200S = 4, n = 0 ~ 7 (槽号码)槽号& 标志清单高速连接信息标志清单的详细信息(m=0时)高速连接信息标志清单的详细信息(m= 1 到3)从属系统标志清单⏹●: 仅适用于K1000S, K300S, K200S 系列 : 仅适用于K10S,K10S1, K30S, K60S 系列 : 在K80S 不能使用。
1,cargo handling security measures in SEL1
2,who decides the opening/closing the access doors
3,what situation to be reported by dept.
Date of Audits andReviews
Chief Auditor
Checking Contents
5,the operation key points with ISPS Code not applied port
Nand Flash中的误码率
NAND Flash memories [1][2] are widely used for data storage because of their compactness, low power, low cost, high data throughput, and reliability. Scaling and multi-level-cell (MLC) technology [3] have enabled NAND to replace hard disk drives (HDDs) in portable devices and in some computers. Like HDDs, NAND memories are not intrinsically error-free but rely on error correction coding (ECC) [4] to correct raw bit errors. (Appendix 1 reviews NAND’s basic structure and operation.) Prior work has identified several mechanisms that can lead to bit errors in Flash memories, including program disturb from tunneling and hot-electron injection [5][6][7][8][9], quantumlevel noise effects [10][11], erratic tunneling [12][13], SILCrelated data retention and read disturb [14][15][16], and detrapping-induced retention [17][18][19][20][21][22][23]. The prior work investigated shifts in memory-cell device characteristics such as the threshold voltage (VT); the shifts were physically explained and mathematically modeled. Little has been written on the data error rate caused by these shifts. This paper begins with observed raw bit errors, identifies the physical causes, and estimates the rate of failure with ECC applied. The fraction of bits that contain incorrect data before applying ECC is called the raw bit error rate (RBER). The error rate after applying ECC is called the uncorrectable bit error rate (UBER). HDD manufacturers and NAND-based storage manufacturers −13 often quote UBER values on their datasheets, typically 10 to −16 10 [24]. But little is written about how UBER is defined or measured. This paper presents workable definitions and measurement methods applicable to NAND. UBER is a useful reliability metric for mass-storage devices such as HDDs because a bit error that damages one file out of many is not equivalent to a functional failure that destroys the drive. UBER is used to specify the data-corruption rate, whereas metrics such as mean time between failure (MTBF) [25] specify the functional failure rate. This distinction is often not made for electronic components; instead, a device is often counted simply
Division of Pediatric General SurgeryAppendectomyPost-operative InstructionsWhat is an appendix?The appendix is a small, narrow pouch attached to the large intestine. It is in the right lowerabdomen.What is appendicitis?Food and stool can get trapped within the appendix and cause it to swell and become inflamed or infected. A viral illness can also cause the appendix to swell and become blocked. The appendix must be removed before it burst or ‘perforates’ and spreads the infection within the abdomen What are the symptoms?The most common symptom is pain in the abdomen. Children usually first complain of pain around their umbilicus (belly button) and do not want to eat. The pain gradually moves to the right lower part of the abdomen. There may be nausea, vomiting and a small amount of diarrhea. Movement tends to make the pain worse. Children may have a slight fever at first. If the appendix perforates your child may get a high fever due to the spread of infection.Dr Monja ProctorDr Edwin HatchDr John LawrenceDr Robert Weinsheimer Pediatric General Surgery 1101 Madison, Suite 800 Seattle, WA 98104206-215-2700What are the treatment options? Appendectomy is the surgery that removes the appendix. In cases of perforated/ruptured appendicitis or in other cases; the treatment may include antibiotics for a longer period of time and possible delayed surgery.What happens during surgery?Before surgery your child will need an intravenous line (IV). This is a tube that goes into the blood vessel. It is an effective way to give antibiotics to protect against infection and replace fluids until your child is eating and drinking.At the time of surgery a general anesthetic will be given to your child. The surgeon will remove the appendix either through a single small incision or by using a laparoscope. Your child may have a thin drainage tube to drain fluid from the abdomen.Care after SurgeryIf the appendix is not perforated then your child may stay in the hospital 1 to 2 days after surgery. As your child feels ready food and activity will be restarted slowly.If the appendix is perforated your child may need to stay 5 to 10 days in the hospital. Your child will get antibiotics and fluids through the IV during this time and may go home on oral antibiotics.How do I care for my child at home? IncisionKeep the incision clean and dry for 48 hoursYour child can take a shower 2 days after surgery. No bath or swimming for 1 weekIn most cases your child will go home with a waterproof or gauze dressing over the incision. You can remove the dressing 2 days after surgery. Small tapes (steri-strips) may be placed on the incision. These steri-strips will fall off within a couple of weeks. You may trim them if they begin to curl up.DietYour child can eat normally at home, start with small quantities of bland food and advance as tolerated.ComfortYour child may need pain medicine for a few days at home. A gradual return to activities will help in keeping your child comfortable.ActivityAvoid activities that strain the stomach area such as heavy lifting (backpacks), playing sports or other contact activities for about 2-4 weeks after surgery. An excuse note is available on request.Bike riding is OK (with a helmet) after 2 weeks if pain free.Return to schoolYour child may return to school as soon as they feel ready.Follow upThe surgeon will see your child in 1-2 weeks after leaving the hospital to make sure the incision is healing and your child is recovering well. Then your child’s regular doctor will provide care.When do I call the doctor?VomitingFever (greater than 101 degrees Fahrenheit) Pain not relieved with painkillersIncrease pain and swelling around the incision site.Redness, separation of the edges of the incision or oozing of pus or liquid or bleeding. Diarrhea lasting more than a dayPlease call the pediatric surgery office at 206-215-2700 if you have any questions about pain control, infection or other concerns.Notes__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Pediatric General Surgery1101 Madison, Suite 800Seattle, WA 98104©2008 SWEDISH HEALTH SERVICES PEDS-07-07642 11/08。
LACE/Météo France stay reportEstimating the Added Value of Land SAF AlbedoAssimilation in ALADINNovember 2008Jure Cedilnik*1.IntroductionThe products of Land SAF project [Geiger, 2008] are operationally available for quite some time now,yet up to now there was no real attempt to use these products in context of the ALADIN/ARPEGE/AROME NWP system.During this stay I evaluated the use of Land SAF albedo product as a source of observation for assimilation in ALADIN NWP model. The assimilation was performed with Kalman filter to minimize the error covariance of analyzed field.2.Experiments' designThe observation vector for Kalman filter analysis of albedo has three components: two climatological albedoes (one for bare soil and one for vegetation) and the Land SAF total bi-hemispherical albedo product, which is derived on a daily basis from MSG observations [Geiger, 2008]. For a detailed description of Kalman filter analysis of albedo, (see Carrer, MF internal note).The initial version of analysis software uses ecoclimap data for climatology (both albedoes and fraction of vegetation). Though there is an obvious inconsistency between the two climatologies it was argued that this is not a big deficiency and since it would take only little effort to run an experiment with such data, it was decided to give it a try. This can be also considered as a sensitivity study – to see what the magnitude of impact that the albedo parameter has on model forecast. However, to at least try to isolate the impact of Land SAF alone, another experiment suite was introduced – one that would take into account the modification of ALADIN albedoes only with ecoclimap database values. The description and names of the experiments are shown in Table 1 in the Appendix part of this report.At this point it was also decided that later on, the system will be redesigned in such a way that it will use native ALADIN climatological albedoes and ALADIN vegetation fraction and furthermore, that there will be only one interpolation (.e.g from SEVIRI to ALADIN LCC grid) – no intermediate step with regular latlon grid of ecoclimap. The reason for this redesign is also that the architecture of initial assimilation code was not suitable for operational purposes. A simple diagram of dataflow that this scheme would use for the application in operational NWP is presented in Figure 1.The chosen period for testing was from 1st of February to end of July 2007 (6 months altogether). A run was performed every day at 00 for up to +54 hours. The domain used was the *Jure Cedilnik ( jure.cedilnik@gov.si )Slovenian Meteorological Service, Environmental Agency of Slovenia, V ojkova 1b, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Sloveniacurrent operational domain of Slovenian meteorological service with resolution of around 9.5 km and the size of 256x270 points, see for example Figure 2. The analyzed albedo values from one day before were used to modify only the initial condition file. Coupling files were not touched and were exactly the same with all the experiments – this was to speed-up the computation and economize the computational cost.OLIVE Swapp environment was used for experiments'control and perform standard diagnostics (computation of statistical scores as it is done in COMPASS department). For more technical details about the set-up of the experiments see the appendix of this report.Figure 1: Dataflow of the redesigned experiment: the oval boxes are simple (one task only) programs and the process is controlled by a script. Such a design is quite suitable for a potential use in operational environment.3.Results – using ecoclimap climatology for albedo analysisDuring the first phase three experiments were performed altogether: reference run, a run with analyzed albedoes(analyzed through use of ecoclimap climatology)and a supplementary reference (a run with ecoclimap albedoes). Figure 2, left shows a quite significant impact of new (satellite and ecoclimap) data on the 12 hour forecast of 2m temperature. The differences seem to be more pronounced in flat terrain regions and basins – see for example the Po valley or the Rhone delta region. The highest differences are in favour of higher temperatures e.g. lower albedo values. Probably the reason for this is the difference in the albedo of vegetation – the growing period starts earlier than usual.Figure 3 shows the same impact in terms of statistical scores. Scores were computed on a slightly smaller domain (see Figure 10in the Appendix). It seems that the greatest impact on temperature scores is during daytime, which corresponds to maximum solar activity and peak in shortwave radiation. However the favorable temperature bias is kept even during the night. Another interesting thing is that the difference between ALADIN with ecoclimap albedoes and reference ALADIN (Figure3, bottom) is negligible and this can serve as a circumstantial evidence that the most of improvement is a consequence of satellite measurements alone.Figure2: 2m temperature after 12 hours of integration (left) and total albedo (right) difference between ALADIN run with analysed albedo (using ecoclimap climatology) and reference run.The date is 15th of February 2007.Figure 3: Statistical scores (bias and RMSE) for 2m SYNOP temperature for February 2007 for three pairs of experiments: a run with analyzed albedo (“landsaf”) compared to ALADIN “reference” (top), analyzed albedo run (“landsaf”) compared to ALADIN with albedo values from ecoclimap (“ecoclimap”) (middle) and ALADIN with ecoclimap (“ecoclimap”) values of albedo compared to a “reference” ALADIN run (bottom).However, scores for early summer season are less pronounced. As it can be seen from Figure 4, the impact is rather neutral. When looking at a particular case (Figure 5, left) one observes a rather strangely looking noisy pattern for the difference of the two 2m temperature fields (albedo analyzed and reference run). The emergence of this pattern is peculiar especially due to the fact that the new albedo field difference (Figure 5, right) (which is the only thing we modify) does not exhibit any similar pattern. A very likely explanation for this is that very small differences in albedo can cause small differences in temperature which differently feed the convection and turbulence schemes which are in turn producing different cloud cover and even small differences in precipitation amount. And due to these differences in radiative forcing and latent heat release the final temperature fields can be quite different with great fluctuation from one grid point to another. See Figure 6, left for the difference in the cloud cover in one case. Further evidence that the noise is caused by convection is that at forecast time +6 (in the morning) the noisy pattern is practically non-existing (Figure 6, right).Notice also that the average difference for February is much higher than in June.Figure 4: Same as Figure 3, but for June 2007 and only comparison of experiment with analyzed albedo (“landsaf”) and the run with ecoclimap (“ecoclimap”) albedo values in ALADIN.Figure 5: Same as Figure 2 but for 15th of June 2007.Figure 6: The difference in total cloud cover at noon (+12 hrs) (left) and early morning 2m temperature (at +6 hrs) for an early summer day (15th of June 2007) for the run with analyzed albedoes (“landsaf”) and therun with ecoclimap (“ecoclimap”) value of albedo.4.Results – using ALADIN climatology for albedo analysis (or consistent)Though the results in the previous section are quite convincing it is important to notice, that the differences between the climatology of ecoclimap and the one of ALADIN exist and even might be quite significant. And it is not only the two climatological albedo values that matter, one of the largest climatological differences is the vegetation fraction (Figure 7). The vegetation fraction is important because it appears in the obs operator of the Kalman filter analysis.Figure 7: The vegetation fraction in ALADIN (left) and in ecoclimap (right) for February. Both are derived from the vegetation, bare soil and total albedo values and both are scaled to ALADIN grid and the legend ofthe plot is the same.In spite of these large differences, it can be seen that the consistent experiments' results (Figure 8) seem very similar to the results in the previous section. And the same goes for the statistical scores (Figure 9).Figure 8: Same as Figure 2, but for LandSAF assimilation in native ALADIN LCC grid.Figure 9: Time series of 2m temperature scores for February (left column), March (middle column) and June (right column). The first row is a 12 hour forecast, second row 24 hour, third one 36 hour and last row is for 48 hour forecast. Lower two lines on each graph are biases and upper ones are RMSE. The full magenta lineis the assimilation run and the blue broken line is the reference.Furthermore it can be seen from Figure 9, that the model has a significant cold bias in winter time and satellite data is reducing this bias. However this bias correction is more pronounced during day-time: at forecast times +12 and +36 (rows 1 and 3 in left column of Figure 9). The overall impact (in terms of statistical scores) of satellite data analysis is practically negligible in June (right column).An interesting phenomena can be observed in timeseries of scores in March. It appears that the influence of satellite data is particularly strong from 10th to 20th of March when the gap between the two runs is quite large. During those days the run with albedo assimilation is “overcorrecting” the bias. This process is yet to be investigated, but the first guess is that it must have something to do with snow-melting: Figure 10 shows how the snow cover decreased during those days of March.Figure 10: The albedo of snow for 10th (upper left), 15th (upper right) and 20th (bottom) of March. The domain is latlon over central Europe. Perhaps the only geographical marker is the comma shaped patternwhich is the Alpine ridge.Even when considering the non-favorable evolution of scores during the above mentioned period in spring, the average statistics for the entire month looks very similar to what was observed with first “non-consistent” results (Figure 11).Figure 11: Average monthly scores for February (left), March (middle) and June (right) 2007 for 2m temperature for native grid Land SAF assimilation (“natlsaf”) and reference.5.Conclusions and further workThe use of Land SAF albedo product as the input for surface assimilation in ALADIN clearly has a positive impact in winter time and (so far it seems) neutral impact in summer time. Some situations need to be further examined, particularly time evolution of temperature and albedo for some grid points. Another scope of evaluation would be by using fluxes at certain gridpoints. There is also a need to do some tuning: it seems that the uncertainty values of the albedo product are pretty low and hence much more weight is put to the satellite.The work presented here clearly has the potential for operational use. The code and the scripts are available and only minor modifications would be necessary for operational use.Furthermore, it is meaningful to say that one would want to include snow cover analysis and snow albedo analysis in the same manner; particularly the snow cover is one of the points where improvement would be most urgent (ALADIN is currently using climatological snow cover).Another possibility is the exploitation of other Land SAF products which are not necessarily at the same level of sophistication as the albedo (maybe even in experimental phase) – vegetation fraction and LAI, where the former would probably need to be analyzed before albedo (the obs operator for albedo is a function of vegetation fraction).Appendix: Short technical documentationA.1 Original Kalman filter softwareThe initial version of Kalman filter software was written by Dominique Carrer, it used ecoclimap data as the climatology (note that ecoclimap uses tiles – the vegetation area of each grid point is split into 12 (in this case) tiles).This software is actually a set of tools:– a look-up table generator (to be used for interpolation from SEVIRI Land SAF grid to latlon grid of ecoclimap),–an interpolation part (a tool that actually performs interpolation by making use of SEVIRI input file and look-up tables)–and finally the analysis part (which read all the data and performs Kalman filtering, giving binary files in the output).The best source of information regarding this package is: dominque.carrer@meteo.frA.2 Tool to intepolate and inject fields in ALADIN fileFor the first part of the evaluation experiment I used a program called injectalbedo. This is a simple program for manipulation of FA files. It opens an ALADIN file, extracts coordinates of ALADIN LCC grid, reads in the albedo analysis (for bare soil and vegetation) in binary format in ecoclimap latlon grid and performs a bilinear interpolation of the values of four nearest neighbors of latlon grid to every ALADIN grid point and finally replaces the field in ALADIN file by the values obtained with interpolation from albedo analysis.A.3 Software for assimilation in native ALADIN (LCC) gridAfter the initial tests with assimilation in ecoclimap grid turned out promising, I coded a version of the software similar to 1) that performs the analysis on ALADIN LCC grid.The programs are the following:–SEVIRI2LCC_lookup: creates a look-up table for SEVIRI grid from ALADIN LCC grid; for every point in ALADIN, the closest satellite point is found and the two indexes of this point are written in two files (LOOKUP_FILE_LCC-SEVIRI_LAT andLOOKUP_FILE_LCC-SEVIRI_LON) in binary format–SEVIRI2LCC_interp: the two look-up files from previous point are used to interpolate SEVIRI HDF5 data (albedo, error of albedo and quality flag) to ALADIN grid, again the output is a binary file–KALMAN4ALBEDO: the program that does the analysis, a modified version of the third line under 1).On top of that, another script was written that merges all the three parts in a time loop and controls the input and output. So that the programs themselves are only tools and the script is the main part.A.4 Performed experiments and their namesAll the experiments were performed on Slovenian operational ALADIN domain (covering central Europe, the Alps and central Mediterranean area, see for example Figure 1) with a recent Météo France ALADIN setup(cy32t0.oper).The names of experiments,taken from the OLIVE environment, are in Table 1.All the results of the experiments can be found on cougar: ~mrpa669/xp/$EXP. The coupling files were produced only with the reference run, the other runs used the same coupling files to minimize the computational cost.Table 1: Description of the experiments used and their names as used by OLIVE.Exp. name Description62ZY A reference run, from 1/2/2007 to 31/7/2007630L Same as reference, but with LandSAF analysed (ecoclimap climatology was used for analysis) albedo values “injected” in INIT file631D Same as reference, but with ecoclimap albedo values “injected” in INIT file636I Same as reference, but with LandSAF analysed albedo values in INIT file, where the analysis was performed in native grid and model climatology was usedFigure 10: The verification domain size used for the computation ofstatistical scores. The shaded colors are height of orography [m].。
Group standard VW 80149Issue 2021-08 Class. No.:8MADescriptors:12 volts, alternator, converter, energy supply, high current, high-current loads, loadHigh-Current LoadsAdditional Requirements and TestsPrefaceThe limited capacity (static and dynamic) of the vehicle electrical system is confronted with the in-creasing demand for electrical energy. An electrical system overload can result in voltage fluctua-tions that are noticeable in the comfort area (e.g., fluctuating interior blower speed, light flickering) as well as in voltage fluctuations that lead to functional limitations/failures in the vehicle (e.g., loss of electrical steering assistance).This part of the standard describes the test report that the contractor must prepare in collaboration with the purchaser. The purpose of the test report is to give the purchaser an overview of the dy-namic behavior of the respective load.Previous issuesVW 80149: 2009-11, 2013-09, 2018-02ChangesThe following changes have been made to VW 80149: 2018-02:a)Nomenclature editedb)Section 4 restructuredc)Section 4.3.1 expandedd)Section 4.3.2 expandede)Section 5 restructuredf)Section 5.2.1 addedg)Section 5.4 expanded and restructuredh)Section 6 restructuredi)Section 7.8 restructuredj)Section 7.8.3 expandedk)Appendix A updatedAlways use the latest version of this standard.Page 1 of 21 This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature. A comma is used as the decimal sign.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version controls.All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consentof one of the Volkswagen Group’s Standards departments. | internal© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2019-10Page 2VW 80149: 2021-08ContentsPageScope .........................................................................................................................3Definitions ..................................................................................................................3Abbreviations .............................................................................................................3General ......................................................................................................................3General supply requirements .....................................................................................3Identification of high-current loads .............................................................................3Energy supply ............................................................................................................412 V energy supply through a classical alternator (conventional vehicle) ..................412-V energy supply by DC-DC converter (MHEV, HEV, PHEV, BEV) ........................4System use in the two architectures ..........................................................................4Limits and test specifications .....................................................................................4General ......................................................................................................................4General limits and test specifications .........................................................................4Current threshold for classification as a high-current load .........................................4Test voltage specifications .........................................................................................5Voltage levels .............................................................................................................5Maximum power consumption and energy backfeed .................................................5Limits and test specifications (vehicles with a conventional powertrain) ....................6Maximum permitted high-current load gradients ........................................................6Control frequency range .............................................................................................6Limits and test specifications (MHEV, HEV, PHEV, BEV) ..........................................7Testing and evaluation for classification .....................................................................7Test .............................................................................................................................7Measurement setup ...................................................................................................7Evaluation of load step ...............................................................................................8Evaluation of load dump ...........................................................................................10Requirements for the design of high-current loads ..................................................12Obligation to report ...................................................................................................12Maximum total power of the high-current load .........................................................12Design specifications for multiple-actuator systems ................................................12Voltage sensing ........................................................................................................12Reporting of power consumption .............................................................................13Current input ............................................................................................................13Efficiency ..................................................................................................................14Stabilization measures .............................................................................................15General ....................................................................................................................15Overvoltage/undervoltage control strategies ............................................................15Degradation strategy ................................................................................................15Information on 12 V start during driving ...................................................................18SW model for simulation ..........................................................................................18Tests for verification of implemented measures .......................................................19Efficiency verification ................................................................................................19Measurement for verification of the degradation concept ........................................20Applicable documents ..............................................................................................20 ................................................................................................................................21High-current load test report (21)12344. A A.1Page 3VW 80149: 2021-08ScopeThis standard describes requirements and limits, as well as test conditions and tests, that must be adhered to/performed when developing high-current loads. It defines specifications for the design of electrical components to ensure voltage stability in the vehicle.This standard does not supersede the requirements of Volkswagen standard VW 80000, nor VDA 320 published by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA).DefinitionsIntelligent brake actuatorTime from "ignition system on" to "ignition system off"Abbreviations48-V mild hybrid (electric vehicle)Battery electric vehicle Electronic control unitElectromechanical power steering Electronic Stability Control Electric vehicleFour-wheel steering Hybrid electric vehicle HardwareConcept Freeze Low-voltagePower electronicsProduct Emergence Process Project FeasibilityPlug-in hybrid electric vehicle Project Premises Steering control unit SoftwareVehicle electrical systemElectromechanical brake boosterGeneralGeneral supply requirementsApproval of first supply and changes as per VW 01155The general requirements as per VW 80000 apply.Avoidance of harmful substances as per VW 91101Identification of high-current loadsA high-current load is identified by the limits and parameters described in the following sections be-ing exceeded. When these are exceeded, the component is identified as a high-current load and,therefore, there is an obligation to report it to the purchaser.1 2Smart Actuator Terminal 15 on-to-off cycle 348-V MHEV BEV ECU EPS ESC EV HAL HEV HW KF LV PE PEP PF PHEV PP SCU SW VES eBKV 4 4.14.2Page 4VW 80149: 2021-08Energy supply12 V energy supply through a classical alternator (conventional vehicle)In conventional vehicle systems, energy is converted by claw pole alternators. From a physical standpoint, only low current gradients (< 300 A/s) can be realized using this type of energy conver-sion.In order to ensure a stable energy supply and low voltage fluctuation, there must be an obligation to report high-current loads when the ramp-up, control, or ramp-down gradients are > 300 A/s and when the current threshold is exceeded (see also section 5).12-V energy supply by DC-DC converter (MHEV, HEV, PHEV, BEV)In vehicle systems with an integrated medium-voltage or high-voltage battery pack (MHEV, HEV,PHEV, BEV), the 12-V energy generation is realized by a dynamically regulating DC-DC converter.The quantity of energy demanded is supplied from the medium-voltage or high-voltage battery pack through the DC-DC converter on the low-voltage side. From a physical standpoint, for this type of energy supply, the converter's peak flow is, in most cases, the design-relevant parameter.In order to ensure a stable voltage supply, there must be an obligation to report high-current loads when the ramp-up, control, or ramp-down gradients are > 15 kA/s and when the current threshold is exceeded (see also section 5).System use in the two architecturesIf a high-current load is used in the two vehicle electrical system architectures (described insection 4.3.1 and section 4.3.2), there is an obligation to report any exceeding of the specifications detailed in section 4.3.1.For configurable systems, a design for the corresponding scope of application can be created. The obligation to report parameters described in section 4.3.1 and section 4.3.2 remain unchanged.Configurable systems must be protected in the corresponding vehicle architectures.Limits and test specifications GeneralThis section summarizes all the limits and test specifications that must be complied with. If they are exceeded, the purchaser must be informed directly. High-current loads must preferably be de-signed with ohmic behavior. In the case of deviating behavior (current/power control), a separate agreement must be reached with the purchaser.General limits and test specificationsCurrent threshold for classification as a high-current loadAn electrical load must be classified as a high-current load if it exceeds the current threshold I X,max (see table 1) and the maximum permitted current gradients (see table 5 and table 7).4.3 5.15.2 5.2.1Page 5VW 80149: 2021-08Table 1 – Current threshold of the high-current loadParameter Value ToleranceDescriptionI X,max30 A—Current threshold for classification as a high-current load (regardless of electrical-systemtopology)Test voltage specificationsThe tests described in section 6 must be performed at three voltages (see table 2) with an ideal current source (R i = 0 Ω).Table 2 – Test voltage specificationsParameter Value Tolerance DescriptionV A,min 11,8 V ±100 mV Test voltage minimum setting V A,max 15,6 V ±100 mV Test voltage maximum setting V A,crit 9,8 V ±100 mV Minimum critical test voltage R i,source0 Ω—Ideal voltage/current sourceVoltage levelsA load identified as a dynamic high-current load must switch to the specified function modes for the self-protection of the vehicle electrical system in the event that the defined voltage levels (see table 3) are exceeded/not reached (see also section 7.8).Table 3 – Voltage levelsThe individual voltage values V A,min_derate_100% and V A,min_derate_0% (see table 3) are transmitted to the high-current load on the vehicle bus or agreed upon with the purchaser.Maximum power consumption and energy backfeedThe load must not exceed a specified maximum power consumption (see table 4) in the 12-V elec-trical system. If the high-current load can actively backfeed energy into the vehicle electrical sys-tem, functional conditions (see table 4) must be taken into account. The functional behavior must be agreed upon with the purchaser.5.2.2 6VW 80149: 2021-08Table 4 – Power consumption and energy backfeedParameterValueToleranceDescriptionPower consumptionP max,A00-A1 200 W—P max at V A,min for vehicles up to A-class (modular transverse matrix (MQB) A, Golf, Po-lo, etc.)P max,B-D1 500 W —P max at V A,min for vehicles from B-class (modular longitudinal matrix (MLB), Passat,etc.)P max,individual actuator 400 W —In systems with several active sinks Voltage sensingt sense≤ 2 ms—Calculation tasks for the analysis of V sense Sink energy backfeedI max,backfeed 15 A ±5%Maximum permissible backfeed current of the component (does not apply to components with an active backfeed in order to realize CO 2 re-duction potentials)If exceeded, an agreement with the purchaseris always required.Limits and test specifications (vehicles with a conventional powertrain)Maximum permitted high-current load gradientsThe gradients specified must be determined as per section 6. Deviations from these specifications (table 5) must be agreed upon with the purchaser.Table 5 – High-current load gradientsParameter ValueToleranceDescriptionLoad impositionf´(l X )300 A/s —Maximum permitted positive gradient at thecomponents t t5 ms—Dead time until alternator provides energyLoad dump|f´(l X )|300 A/s—Maximum permitted negative gradient at thecomponentsControl frequency rangeTo prevent alternator controller oscillations with actively controlled high-current loads, the frequen-cy range as per table 6 is not permitted.5.3 7VW 80149: 2021-08Table 6 – Non-permitted frequency range for dynamic closed-loop controlParameter Value ToleranceDescriptionf control10 Hz to 100 Hz—Prevention of alternator controller oscillationsLimits and test specifications (MHEV, HEV, PHEV, BEV)The gradients specified must be determined as per section 6. Deviations from these specifications (see table 7) must be agreed upon with the purchaser.Table 7 – High-current load gradientsParameter ValueToleranceDescriptionLoad impositionf´(I X )15 kA/s —Maximum permitted positive gradient at thecomponents t t1 ms—Dead time until DC-DC converter supplies ener-gyLoad dump|f´(I X )|15 kA/s—Maximum permitted negative gradient at thecomponentsIf an undervoltage is detected in the electrical system (V component < 9,8 V), a gradient of 300 A/s must be maintained in order to protect the electrical system against another undervoltage. This state must be maintained for this terminal 15 on-to-off cycle.Testing and evaluation for classification TestAt least the function of the component in terms of the current and voltage curves at which the high-est powers are consumed or fed into the electrical system (recording of vehicle state, voltages, cur-rents, temperature) must be measured. Multiple measurements may need to be performed/ana-lyzed, of which the most critical matters.The measurements are performed in early project phases as a component test by the contractor. If the component is installed in the vehicle, the overall validation and electrical-system stability re-lease are performed by the purchaser.Measurement setupTo record the characteristic electrical values for the classification of the load, the measurement set-up as per figure 1 must be used for the measurements to be performed.The measurement setup consists of an ideal direct-current voltage source, the load to be meas-ured (consisting of a switch S 1 and a load resistor R X ), as well a measuring device with potentially separated inputs (e.g., oscilloscope) to record the voltage and current.The voltage source must be designed so that the load's maximum required power as well as its maximum dynamics can be supplied. The measurement is performed on the component at three different supply voltages (see section 5).5.46 6.16.2Page 8VW 80149: 2021-08The load diagram, consisting of a switch and a load resistor, is of symbolic character. The internal setup and type of the connection are component-specific and can deviate from the equivalent cir-cuit.The measuring device for recording the load current and the voltage at the component must be atleast of the accuracy class 0,5 and have a minimum sampling rate of 10 kHz.Legend1Ideal voltage source2loadRXSymbolic load resistorS1Symbolic switch, closing at time T0 (activation of the load)M1Measuring device (preferably oscilloscope)VXVoltage at the load inputTTime at which the switch is closedFigure 1 – Measurement setup for determining the characteristic electrical values Evaluation of load stepFor the classification of the load, diagrams with values as per figure 2 must be generated for the measured current profiles. Both start-up and closed-loop control must be considered in these dia-grams.6.3Page 9VW 80149: 2021-08Legend1I in A2t in sPeak current above the alternator characteristic curveXCharge taken from the SLI batteryQB-)Positive gradient of the current curve (gradient for the load step)f´(IXI(t)Measured current curve of the load over timeX(t)Current curve of the DC-DC converter over time (current output)IDC/DC+I(t)Current curve of the alternator over time (current output)G+Switch-on time of the loadttDC-DC converter energy output time point1Alternator energy output time pointt2tTime at which the load step is compensated by the DC-DC converter3Time at which the load step is compensated by the alternatort4tTime at which the current is at 10% of the peakatTime at which the current is at 90% of the peakbFigure 2 – Determination of the characteristics during load stepCalculating the SLI battery power draw and sink current gradientformula (1) describes the battery power draw calculation in systems with alternator energy genera-tion. formula (2) describes the power draw with supply from a DC-DC converter.Page 10VW 80149: 2021-08Battery power draw in vehicles with a 12-V alternator(1)Battery power draw in vehicles with a DC-DC converter(2)The charge quantity Q B- is the area below the measured current curve I X (t), less the area resulting from the current curve of the positive alternator gradient I G+(t) (in formula (1)) and less the area re-sulting from the current curve of the DC-DC converter I DC/DC (t) (in formula (2)). The lower limit for calculating the integral is the switch-on time of the load t 0, the upper limit is the time t 4 (alternator)and t 3 (DC-DC converter), at which the current curve of the load and the current curve of the alter-nator/DC-DC converter intersect.The gradient for the load step is calculated using formula (3).Gradient for load step(3)The positive gradient of the current curve f´(l X ) results from the difference between the 0,1-fold peak current and the 0,9-fold value. This value must be divided by the time that is required for the current curve to increase from the 0,1-fold value to the 0,9-fold value.Evaluation of load dumpFor the classification of the load, diagrams with values as per figure 3 must be generated for the measured current profiles. Both closed-loop control and power down must be considered in these diagrams.6.4Legend 1I in A 2t in sX,switch-offPeak current to be switched offI X,switch-off (t)Current curve of the load over timeI G-(t)Current curve of the alternator over time (withdrawal of the current output)f´(l X,switch-off )Negative gradient of the current curve (gradient for the load dump)I DC/DC-(t)Current curve of the DC-DC converter over time (withdrawal of the current output)tc Time at which the current is at 90% of the peak tdTime at which the current is at 10% of the peakFigure 3 – Determination of the characteristics during load dumpCalculating the sink current gradientWhen evaluating the load dump, the gradient of the peak current to be switched off in the range 0,9 × X,switch-off to 0,1 × X,switch-off is significant as soon as it exceeds the value of the negative gradi-ent of the alternator current/DC-DC converter.The value of the gradient for the load dump is calculated using formula (4).Gradient for load dump(4)The negative gradient of the current curve f´(l X,switch-off ) results from the difference between the 0,9-fold peak current and the 0,1-fold value. This value must be divided by the time that is required for the current curve to decrease from the 0,9-fold value to the 0,1-fold value.Requirements for the design of high-current loads Obligation to reportIf a load is defined as a dynamic high-current load, the purchaser must be informed immediately.The identification is apparent at the parameter limits described in section 5. As per the PEP, and by the "KF milestone" at the latest, the system parameters of each high-current load must be re-ported to the purchaser so that the energy supply system design can be adapted to the vehicle re-quirements.If a component identified as a high-current load places an Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL)requirement on the energy supply in the electrical system, this must also be reported in detail to the purchaser by the "PP milestone" at the latest.Maximum total power of the high-current loadFrom a peak power of P max at V A,min (see section 5), a system evaluation that tests the conversion of the components to a higher voltage level must be submitted during the concept phase (e.g.,nominal voltage level V nominal = 24 V/48 V/.../400 V). This voltage level must be agreed with the pur-chaser in the run-up to the quotation.NOTE: A separation of power unit (V >> 12 V) and logic unit (V nominal = 12 V) can be used when looking at the system.Design specifications for multiple-actuator systemsIf an overall system contains more than one high-current actuator with P max,individual actuator (see section 5), there must be a functional allowance for equalizing a simultaneous peak-current re-quirement.Voltage sensingAn internal voltage sensing must be effected both for the power unit and the logic unit. A potentially redundant design of the voltage sensing must be defined by the system engineer.Calculation tasks for the evaluation and further processing of the sensed voltage (V sense ) must run in a time loop of ≤ 2 ms.A degradation strategy based on the voltage sensing must be activated at integration level 2 at the latest and must be agreed with the purchaser.Activation of the high-current load's power unitThe activation of the electric machine or motor or actuator via the PE must be controlled so that,for example, a soft start-up/soft rundown/soft closed-loop control (see figure 4, A) can be imple-mented.An activation that has a current curve with steep control ramps, short circuit start-up, and hard shutdown (see figure 4, B) is not permitted. Functions such as soft start-up, soft rundown, or soft7 control must be agreed upon with the purchaser in the course of the project and during the B-sample definition phase at the latest.A "quasi" short circuit, as can occur on engine start-up, is not permitted in normal operation. The engine start-up currents must be limitable through calibration. In the case of use in conventional vehicles, the frequency range of 10 Hz to 100 Hz is not permitted for permanent activation in thepower unit. This frequency band can interact with the alternator controller and cause oscillations.Legend 1Start-up2Closed-loop control 3RundownA Soft start-up, soft rundown and soft closed-loop control BShort circuit start-up, steep control ramps and hard shutoffFigure 4 – Schematic representation of the high-current load activationReporting of power consumptionAt every operating point, the component must determine and report its current power input. As part of a possible prediction of the power that will shortly be required by the high-current component, a power requirement signal must be generated (e.g., air spring: "compressor will run shortly", EPS power requirement bit when parking, early danger detection to minimize the effects of/to prevent a crash by the pre-collision system).Current inputIf a load is able to actively feed current via its supply connections into the vehicle electrical system,this current must be limited to a maximum of I max,backfeed .For this, the following approach can be followed:–Storage of the backfeed energy in the high-current component (e.g., in an intermediate circuitcapacitor).7.57.6If a component feeds energy back into the electrical system, this component must not exceed the ECU operating voltage limits as per VW 80000.The backfeed must be agreed upon with the purchaser.EfficiencyThe efficiency of the component must average 80% over the entire operating range. The purchaser will disclose the exact value to the contractor.The efficiency is calculated from the sum of individual operating points in the component's charac-teristic map and corresponding weighting. It is calculated using formula (5).EfficiencyLegend j Indexn Number of operating points on the characteristic map to be used forthe efficiency calculation Mean efficiencyηj Efficiency at the operating point used P out j Power output at the operating point used P in j Power input at the operating point usedP mech j Mechanical power output of the component at the transition point in the vehicle at the operating point usedP el j Electrical power input of the component across all electrical connec-tions for power and logic at the operating point usedw jWeighting of the operating point (considering frequency in customer operation)(5)The mean efficiency is calculated from the sum of individual efficiencies, where each individual effi-ciency must be allocated a weighting. The individual efficiency is calculated from the ratio of the power output to the power input, in this case of the mechanical power to the electrical power.The purchaser will define the operating points and their weighting in similar form (see table 8).Table 8 – Operating points and their weightingOperating pointMechanical variable 1Mechanical variable 2Electrical variable 1Electrical variable 2Weighting1237.7。
中国合格评定国家认可委员会实验室认可证书附件(No. CNAS L1290)名称: 上海市轴承技术研究所检测实验室地址:上海市复兴西路100号签发日期:2007年12月12日有效期至:2009年04月01日附件1-1 认可的检测能力范围CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF LABORATORY ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(No. CNAS L1290)NAME:Shanghai Bearing Research Institute Test LaboratoryADDRESS:No.100, Fuxing West Road, Shanghai, ChinaDate of issue:2007-12-12 Date of expiry:2009-04-01 APPENDIX1-1 LIST OF ACCREDITED TESTING SCOPE中国合格评定国家认可委员会实 验 室 认 可 证 书 附 件(No. CNAS L1290)名称: 上海市轴承技术研究所检测实验室 地址:上海市复兴西路100号签发日期:2007年12月12日 有效期至:2009年04月01日附件1-2 认可的校准能力范围CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF LABORATORY ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(No. CNAS L1290)NAME: Shanghai Bearing Research Institute Test LaboratoryADDRESS:No.100, Fuxing West Road, Shanghai, ChinaDate of issue:2007-12-12 Date of expiry:2009-04-01 APPENDIX1-2 LIST OF ACCREDITED CALIBRATION SCOPE中国合格评定国家认可委员会实验室认可证书附件(No. CNAS L1290)名称: 上海市轴承技术研究所检测实验室地址:上海市复兴西路100号签发日期:2007年12月12日有效期至:2009年04月01日附件2 认可的授权签字人及其授权签字领域CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF LABORATORY ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(No. CNAS L1290)NAME: Shanghai Bearing Research Institute Test LaboratoryADDRESS:No.100, Fuxing West Road, Shanghai, ChinaDate of issue:2007-12-12 Date of expiry:2009-04-01 APPENDIX2 LIST OF ACCREDITED SIGNATORY AND SCOPE。
ISO9001:2015版主要变化▪ A.标准更一般化和更容易被服务业采用:用“goods and services”替代“product”。
减少原来自硬件领域的实践的规范性要求,尤其是条款7.1.4 监视和测量设备和8.5产品和服务的开发。
▪ B.组织环境:新增2条条款(4.1理解组织及其环境和4.2理解利益相关方的需求和期望):要求组织确定能影响质量管理体系策划的议题和要求,并作为开发质量管理体系的输入。
▪ C.过程方法:成为标准的单独要求(条款4.4.2)▪ D.风险和预防措施:不包含“预防措施”特定要求条款,原因是正式管理体系的主要目的之一就是作为预防工具。
▪ E.“文件化信息”替代了“文件”和“记录”。
▪ F.产品和服务的外部提供的控制(条款8.4):涉及到所有形式的外部提供:从供应商采购,与关联公司的安排,到外包组织的过程和职能,及任何其他方式。
要求组织采取基于风险的管理办法去确定适宜的控制类型和程度10.1不符合和纠正措施不符合发生时,组织应:a) 对不符合作出反应,适用时,并且1)采取措施对其控制和纠正,和2)处理其后果,b)评价消除不符合原因而采取措施的需求,以便不再发生或在其它地方发生,通过:1)评审不符合,2)确定不符合的原因,和3)确定是否有类似不符合存在,或可能发生,c)实施任何必要的措施,d)评审所采取的任何纠正措施的有效性,和e)如需要,对质量管理体系进行更改,纠正措施应与所遇到的不符合的影响程度相适应。
组织应保持文件化信息作为下面的证据:a) 不符合性质和采取的任何后续措施,和b) 任何纠正措施的结果。
10.2 改进组织应改进质量管理体系的适宜性,充分性和有效性。
组织应改进质量管理体系, 过程,产品和服务,适当时, 通过响应以下方面:a) 数据分析的结果,b) 组织环境的变化,c) 已识别风险的变化(见6.1),和d) 新的机会。
7.1 MCU INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................................16 7.1.1 6800 Mode ..................................................................................................................................................16 7.1.2 8080 Mode ..................................................................................................................................................16 7.1.3 Register Pin Mapping .................................................................................................................................16 7.1.4 Pixel Data Format ......................................................................................................................................16 7.1.5 Tearing Effect Signal (TE) ..........................................................................................................................17 7.2 SYSTEM CLOCK GENERATION .............................................................................................................................18 7.3 FRAME BUFFER....................................................................................................................................................19 7.4 SYSTEM CLOCK AND RESET MANAGER ...............................................................................................................19 7.5 LCD CONTROLLER ..............................................................................................................................................20 7.5.1 Display Format ...........................................................................................................................................20 7.5.2 General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) ......................................................................................................20
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a-1 Pipe Pressure Drop MethodVapour Phase Pressure Drop MethodsPressure drop can be calculated either from the theoretically derived equation for isothermal flow of a compressible fluid in a horizontal pipe:Where:G = Mass flowa = Cross sectional area of pipeP 1 = Upstream pressureP 2 = Downstream pressureR = Universal gas constantf = Moody friction factorφ = Internal diameterL = Equivalent lengthT = TemperatureM = Molecular weightOr from the theoretically derived equation for adiabatic flow of a compressible fluid in a horizontal pipe:Where: G = Mass flowa = Cross sectional area of pipeP 1 = Upstream pressureR = Universal gas constantV 1 = Upstream velocityV 2 = Downstream velocityf = Moody friction factorφ = Internal diameterL = Equivalent lengthγ = Ratio of specific heatsThe Moody friction factor is calculated using an equation appropriate for the flow regime. These equations correlate the friction factor to the pipe diameter, Reynolds number and roughness of the pipe:Turbulent Flow (Re > 4000)Where: f = Moody friction factorRe = Reynolds numberφ = Internal diametere = Absolute pipe roughnessOr from the Chen equation:Where: f = Moody friction factorRe =Reynolds numberφ = Internal diametere = Absolute pipe roughness Transition Flow (2100 < Re < 4000)Where: f = Moody friction factorRe = Reynolds numberφ = Internal diametere = Absolute pipe roughness Laminar Flow (Re < 2100)Where: f = Moody friction factorRe = Reynolds numberThe Darcy friction factor is given by:Where: f = Moody friction factorf d = Darcy friction factor2-Phase Pressure DropBeggs and BrillThe Beggs and Brill9 method is based on work done with an air-water mixture at many different conditions, and is applicable for inclined flow. In the Beggs and Brill correlation, the flow regime is determined using the Froude number and inlet liquid content. The flow map used is based on horizontal flow and has four regimes: segregated, intermittent, distributed and transition. Once the flow regime has been determined, the liquid hold-up for a horizontal pipe is calculated, using the correlation applicable to that regime. A factor is applied to this hold-up to account for pipe inclination. From the hold-up, a two-phase friction factor is calculated and the pressure gradient determined.The boundaries between regions are defined in terms of two constants and the Froude number:Where: x = ln(λ)λ = input liquid content = q liquid /(q liquid +q gas )q = in situ volumetric flowrateAccording to Beggs and Brill:1. If the Froude number is less than L1, the flow pattern is segregated.2. If the Froude number is greater than both L1 and L2, the flow pattern is distributed.3.If the Froude number is greater than L1 and smaller than Lthe flow pattern is intermittent.2Dukler MethodThe Dukler method breaks the pressure drop into three components - Friction, Elevation and Acceleration. The total pressure drop is the sum of the pressure drop due to these components.Where: ∆P Total = Total change in pressure∆P F = Change in pressure due to friction∆P E = Change in pressure due to elevation∆P A = Change in pressure due to accelerationThe pressure drop due to friction is:Where: fTP = Two-phase friction factor (determined empirically)L = Equivalent length of the pipeline (ft)V m = Velocity of the two-phase mixture in pipeline assuming equal velocity (ft/s)ρm = Density of two-phase mixture (lb/ft 3 )g c = Gravitational constant (32.2 lbm-ft/lbf-s 2 )D = Inside diameter of pipe (ft)The pressure drop due the elevation is:Where: Eh = Liquid head factor (determined empirically)ρL = Liquid densityΣH = Sum of elevation changesThe pressure drop due to acceleration is usually very small in oil/gas distribution systems, butbecomes significant in designing flare systems:Where: A = Cross-sectional areaρg = Gas densityQ GPL = Volume of gas flowing at pipeline temperature and pressure (ft 3 /hr)Q LPL = Volume of liquid flowing at pipeline temperature and pressure (ft 3 /hr)R L = Liquid holdup in pipeline as a percentage of pipeline capacityθ = Angle of the pipe bendOrkiszewski MethodThe Orkiszewski method assumes there are four different flow regimes existing in vertical two-phase flow - bubble, slug, annular-slug transition and annular-mist.The bubble flow regime consists mainly of liquid with a small amount of a free-gas phase. The gas phase consists of small, randomly distributed gas bubbles with varying diameters. The gas phase has little effect on the pressure gradient (with the exception of its density).In the slug flow regime, the gas phase is most pronounced. The gas bubbles coalesce and form stable bubbles of approximately the same size and shape. The gas bubbles are separated by slugs of a continuous liquid phase. There is a film of liquid around the gas bubbles. The gas bubbles move faster than the liquid phase. At high flow velocities, the liquid can become entrained in the gas bubbles. The gas and liquid phases may have significant effects on the pressure gradient.Transition flow is the regime where the change from a continuous liquid phase to a continuous gas phase occurs. In this regime, the gas phase becomes more dominant, with a significant amount of liquid becoming entrained in the gas phase. The liquid slug between the gas bubbles virtually disappears in the transition regime.In the annular-mist regime, the gas phase is continuous and is the controlling phase. The bulk of the liquid is entrained and carried in the gas phase.Orkiszewski defined bubble flow, slug flow, mist flow and gas velocity numbers which are used to determine the appropriate flow regime.If the ratio of superficial gas velocity to the non-slip velocity is less than the bubble flow number, then bubble flow exists, for which the pressure drop is:Where: ∆P = Pressure drop (lb/ft 2 per foot of length)f tp = Two-phase friction factorρL = Liquid density (lb/ft 3 )V sL = Superficial liquid velocity (ft/s)R L = Dimensionless factor dependent on non-slip velocityg c = Gravitational constant (32.2 lbm-ft/lbf-s 2 )D = Hydraulic diameter (ft)If the ratio of superficial gas velocity to the non-slip velocity is greater than the bubble flow number, and the gas velocity number is smaller than the slug flow number, then slug flow exists. The pressure drop in this case is:Where: V ns = Non-slip velocityV r = Bubble rise velocityΓ = ConstantThe pressure drop calculation for mist flow is as follows:Where: V sg = Superficial gas velocity (ft/s)ρg = Gas density (lb/ft 3 )The pressure drop for the transition flow is:Where: ∆Ps = Pressure drop for slug flow∆Pm = Pressure drop for mixed flowχ = Weighting factor, dependent on mist flow, slug flow, and gas velocity numbers.The pressure drop calculated by the previous equations are for a one-foot length of pipe. These are converted to total pressure drop by:Where : ρ = Density of the flowing regime (lb/ft 3)Q total = Mass rate of combined liquid/gas (lb/s)G f = Gas flow rate (ft 3/s)A p = Cross-sectional area of pipe (ft 2)p = Average pressure in segment (psia)∆P = Unit pressure drop (as calculated above)L = Length of line segment (ft)A-2 Fittings Pressure Drop MethodsFitting pressure losses are calculated from a type specific loss coefficient, K, which is defined by:Where: ∆P = Total Pressure LossP = Static Pressureρ = DensityU = VelocityThe static inlet pressure is then calculated from the following equation in which it is assumed that there is no elevation change across the node:Where: P = Total pressure lossP = Static pressureρ = Density U = VelocitySubscripts:1 = Inlet2 = OutletEnlargers/ContractionsThe loss coefficient is calculated from the ratio of the smaller diameter to the larger diameter, which is defined by:Sudden and gradual contractionSudden and gradual enlargementTeesTees can be modelled either using a flow independent loss coefficient for each flow path or using variable loss coefficients that are a function of the volumetric flow and area for each flow path as well as the branch angle. The following numbering scheme is used to reference the flow paths:Constant Loss CoefficientVariable Loss CoefficientsThe loss coefficient is a function of the branch angle, branch area to total flow area ratio and branch volumetric flow to total volumetric flow ratio. These values have been graphically represented by Miller. reference here A typical chart for K23 in combining flow is shown:Orifice PlatesOrifice plates can either be modelled as a sudden contraction from the inlet line size to the hole diameter followed by a sudden expansion from the hole diameter to the outlet line size. This simplistic treatment if often adequate given the uncertainty in the prediction of two phase loss coefficients.Alternatively the equation for a thin orifice plate may be used:= Inlet pipe diameterWhere:d1= Hole diameterd2SeparatorsThe pressure loss for a separator is modelled by treating it as a sudden enlargement of the total flow from the inlet line size to the hydraulic diameter of the body followed by a sudden contraction of the vapour flow from the hydraulic diameter of the body to the to the outlet line size. Friction losses within the separator body are ignored.Vapour-Liquid EquilibriumCompressible GasThe PVT relationship is expressed as:Where: P = pressureV = VolumeZ = Compressibility factorR = Gas constantT = TemperatureThe compressibility factor Z is a function of reduced temperature and pressure. The overall critical temperature and pressure are determined using applicable mixing rules.Vapour PressureThe following equations are used for estimating the vapour pressure, given the component critical properties:Where: p *r = Reduced vapour pressure (p */p c )p * = Vapour pressure (psi abs)p c = Critical pressure (psi abs)ω = Acentric factor T r = Reduced temperature (T/T c )T = Temperature (°R)T c = Critical Temperature (°R)This equation is restricted to reduced temperatures greater than 0.30, and should not be used below the freezing point. Its use was intended for hydrocarbons, but it generally works well with water.Soave Redlich KwongIt was noted by Wilson (1965, 1966) that the main drawback of the Redlich-Kwong equation of state was its inability of accurately reproducing the vapour pressures of pure component constituents of a given mixture. He proposed a modification to the RK equation of state using the acentricity as a correlating parameter, but this approach was widely ignored until 1972, when Soave (1972) proposed a modification of the SRK equation of this form:The a term was fitted in such a way as to reproduce the vapour pressure of hydrocarbons using the acentric factor as a correlating parameter. This led to the following development:The reduced form is:The SRK equation of state can represent with good accuracy the behaviour of hydrocarbon systems for separation operations, and since it is readily converted into computer code, its usage has been extensive in the last twenty years. Other derived thermodynamic properties, like enthalpies and entropies, are reasonably accurate for engineering work, and the SRK equation enjoys wide acceptance in the engineering community today.Peng RobinsonPeng and Robinson (1976) noted that although the SRK was an improvement over the RK equation for VLE calculations, the densities for the liquid phase were still in considerable disagreement with experimental values due to a universal critical compressibility factor of 0.3333, which was still too high. They proposed a modification to the RK equation which reduced the critical compressibility to about 0.307, and which would also represent the VLE of natural gas systems accurately. This improved equation is represented by:They used the same functional dependency for the α term as Soave:The accuracy of the SRK and PR equations of state are roughly the same (except for density calculations).Physical PropertiesVapour DensityVapour density is calculated using the compressibility factor calculated from the Berthalot equation. This equation correlates the compressibility factor to the pseudo reduced pressure and pseudo reduced temperature:The density is then calculated from the real gas equation:Liquid DensitySaturated liquid volumes are obtained using a corresponding states equation developed by R. W. Hankinson and G. H. Thompson which explicitly relates the liquid volume of a pure component to its reduced temperature and a second parameter termed the characteristic volume. This method has been adopted as an API standard. The pure compound parameters needed in the corresponding states liquid density (COSTALD) calculations are taken from the original tables published by Hankinson and Thompson, and the API data book for components contained in FLARENET’s library. The parameters for hypothetical components are based on the API gravity and the generalised Lu equation. Although the COSTALD method was developed for saturated liquid densities, it can be applied to sub-cooled liquid densities, i.e., at pressures greater than the vapour pressure, using the Chueh and Prausnitz correction factor for compressed fluids. The COSTALD model was modified to improve its accuracy to predict the density for all systems whose pseudo-reduced temperature is below 1.0. Above this temperature, the equation of state compressibility factor is used to calculate the liquid density.Vapour ViscosityVapour viscosity is calculated from the Golubev method. These equations correlate the vapour viscosity to molecular weight, temperature and the pseudo critical properties.Liquid ViscosityFLARENET will automatically select the model best suited for predicting the phase viscosities of the system under study. The model selected will be from one of the three available in FLARENET: a modification of the NBS method (Ely and Hanley), Twu’s model, and a modification of the Letsou-Stiel correlation. FLARENET will select the appropriate model using the following criteria:Chemical System Liquid Phase MethodologyLight Hydrocarbons (NBP < 155 F)Mod. Ely and HandleyHeavy Hydrocarbons (NBP > 155F)TwuNon-Ideal Chemicals Mod Letsou-StielAll the models are based on corresponding states principles and have been modified for more reliable application. These models were selected since they were found from internal validation to yield the most reliable results for the chemical systems shown. Viscosity predictions for light hydrocarbon liquid phases and vapour phases were found to be handled more reliably by an in-house modification of the original Ely and Hanley model, heavier hydrocarbon liquids were more effectively handled by Twu’s model, and chemical systems were more accurately handled by an in-house modification of the original Letsou-Stiel model.A complete description of the original corresponding states (NBS) model used for viscosity predictions is presented by Ely and Hanley in their NBS publication. The original model has been modified to eliminate the iterative procedure for calculating the system shape factors. The generalised Leech-Leland shape factor models have been replaced by component specific models. FLARENET constructs a PVT map for each component and regresses the shape factor constants such that the PVT map can be reproduced using the reference fluid. It is important to note that the PVT map is constructed using the COSTALD for the liquid region. The shape factorconstants for all the library components have already been regressed and are stored with the pure component properties.Pseudo component shape factor constants are regressed when the physical properties are supplied. Kinematic or dynamic viscosity versus temperature curves may be supplied to replace FLARENET’s internal pure component viscosity correlations. FLARENET uses the viscosity curves, whether supplied or internally calculated, with the physical properties to generate a PVT map and regress the shape factor constants. Pure component data is not required, but if it is available it will increase the accuracy of the calculation.The general model employs methane as a reference fluid and is applicable to the entire range of non-polar fluid mixtures in the hydrocarbon industry. Accuracy for highly aromatic or naphthenic oil will be increased by supplying viscosity curves when available, since the pure component property generators were developed for average crude oils. The model also handles water and acid gases as well as quantum gases.Although the modified NBS model handles these systems very well, the Twu method was found to do a better job of predicting the viscosities of heavier hydrocarbon liquids. The Twu model1 is also based on corresponding states principles, but has implemented a viscosity correlation for n-alkanes as its reference fluid instead of methane. A complete description of this model is given in the paper titled "Internally Consistent Correlation for Predicting Liquid Viscosities of Petroleum Fractions".For chemical systems the modified NBS model of Ely and Hanley is used for predicting vapour phase viscosities, whereas a modified form of the Letsou-Stiel model is used for predicting the liquid viscosities. This method is also based on corresponding states principles and was found to perform satisfactorily for the components tested.The parameters supplied for all FLARENET pure library components have been fit to match existing viscosity data over a broad operating range. Although this will yield good viscosity predictions as an average over the entire range, improved accuracy over a more narrow operating range can be achieved by supplying viscosity curves for any given component. This may be achieved either by modifying an existing library component through FLARENET’s component librarian or by entering the desired component as a hypothetical and supplying its viscosity curve.Liquid Phase Mixing Rules for ViscosityThe estimates of the apparent liquid phase viscosity of immiscible Hydrocarbon Liquid - Aqueous mixtures are calculated using the following "mixing rules":•If the volume fraction of the hydrocarbon phase is greater than or equal to 0.33, the following equation is used:Where: µ= apparent viscosityeffµ= viscosity of Hydrocarbon phaseoilν= volume fraction Hydrocarbon phaseoil•If the volume fraction of the hydrocarbon phase is less than 0.33, the following equation is used:Where: µ= apparent viscosityeffµ= viscosity of Hydrocarbon phaseoilµ= viscosity of Aqueous phaseH2Oν= volume fraction Hydrocarbon phaseoilThe remaining properties of the pseudo phase are calculated as follows:Thermal ConductivityAs in viscosity predictions, a number of different models and component specific correlations are implemented for prediction of liquid and vapour phase thermal conductivities. The text by Reid, Prausnitz and Poling was used as a general guideline in determining which model was best suited for each class of components. For hydrocarbon systems the corresponding states method proposed by Ely and Hanley is generally used. The method requires molecular weight, acentric factor and ideal heat capacity for each component. These parameters are tabulated for all library components and may either be input or calculated for hypothetical components. It is recommended that all of these parameters be supplied for non-hydrocarbon hypotheticals to ensure reliable thermal conductivity coefficients and enthalpy departures.The modifications to the method are identical to those for the viscosity calculations. Shape factors calculated in the viscosity routines are used directly in the thermal conductivity equations. The accuracy of the method will depend on the consistency of the original PVT map.The Sato-Reidel method is used for liquid phase thermal conductivity predictions of glycols and acids, the Latini et al. Method is used for esters, alcohols and light hydrocarbons in the range of C3 - C7, and the Missenard and Reidel method is used for the remaining components.For vapour phase thermal conductivity predictions, the Misic and Thodos, and Chung et al. methods are used. The effect of higher pressure on thermal conductivities is taken into account by the Chung et al. method.As in viscosity, the thermal conductivity for two liquid phases is approximated by using empirical mixing rules for generating a single pseudo liquid phase property.EnthalpyIdeal GasThe ideal gas enthalpy is calculated from the following equation:Where: H = Ideal enthalpyT = TemperatureA, B, C, D, E = Ideal Gas heat capacity termsLee-KeslerThe Lee-Kesler enthalpy method corrects the ideal gas enthalpy for temperature and pressure.= Critical temperatureWhere: TcH = Specific enthalpyω = Acentric factorr = Reference fluids = Simple fluidH ideal = Ideal enthalpyb, c, d, β, γ = Lee-Kesler termsH dep = Ideal Gas departure enthalpyEquations of StateThe Enthalpy and Entropy calculations are performed rigorously using the following exact thermodynamic relations:For the Peng Robinson Equation of State, we have:For the SRK Equation of State, we have:A andB are defined in the table below:Where:ID = Ideal Gas° = Reference stateR = Ideal gas constantH = EnthalpyS = EntropyNoiseThe sound pressure level at a given distance from the pipe is calculated from the following equations. In these equations the noise producing mechanism is assumed to be solely due to the pressure drop due to friction:Where: L = Equivalent lengthSPL = Sound pressure levelr = Distance from pipeφ = Internal diameter pressureη = Acoustic efficiency∆P = Change in PressureThe acoustical efficiency is calculated from the following graph:Where:The transmission loss due to the pipe wall is calculated from:。