
Analyzing contact problem between a functionally graded plate of finite dimensions and a rigid

Analyzing contact problem between a functionally graded plate of finite dimensions and a rigid

Analyzing contact problem between a functionally graded plate of finite dimensions and a rigid spherical indenterAli Nikbakht a,Alireza Fallahi Arezoodar b,*,Mojtaba Sadighi b,Ali Talezadeh ba New Technologies Research Center,Amirkabir University of Technology,Tehran158754413,Iranb Mechanical Engineering Department,Amirkabir University of Technology,Tehran158754413,Irana r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received6December2013 Accepted11March2014 Available online19March2014Keywords:Contact mechanics Functionally graded materials Plate a b s t r a c tElastic contact of a functionally graded plate offinite dimensions with continuous variation of material properties and a rigid spherical indenter is studied.The plate is consisted of a ductile(metal)phase at the lower and a brittle(ceramic)phase at the upper surface.The punch acts on the upper surface which is the ceramic richer section of the plate.The contact problem in functionally graded(FG)structures has been studied widely;in such problems the main focus has been on FG structures with infinite di-mensions where Hertzian or modified Hertzian contact laws can properly predict the contact parameters such as the size of the contact region and the pressure distribution under the punch.However,due to the finite dimensions of the considered plate in this study,the contact problem needs to be reconsidered. While Hertz’s contact law predicts a power equal to1.5for the force indentation relation,the results of this study show that for an FG plate the exponent of the contact law depends on the brittle to ductile phases ratio of moduli of elasticity and material properties distribution.In cases in which the brittle phase has a lower modulus of elasticity compared to the ductile phase,the contact law exponent is independent of material properties distribution.In addition,in such cases the maximum compressive contact stress is located directly on the upper surface of the plate.On the other hand,in cases in which the brittle phase is stiffer than the metal phase,the exponent of the contact law is a function of material properties distribution and the location of the maximum compressive contact stress is beneath the upper surface.In addition,in general the contact parameters are independent from the microstructural in-teractions of the constituting phases.Since several numerical examples are examined here,thesefind-ings can be interpreted as the most general rules in the contact problem between an FG plate and a rigid sphere.Ó2014Elsevier Masson SAS.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionFunctionally graded materials(FGMs)are composite materials mostly consisted of metal and ceramic phases(Yu et al.,2010).These materials are generally designed for a special function which is mainly defined by considering the environment that the material is supposed to work in.In addition,the non-homogeneity concept which is accompanied by this group of materials enables the in-dustrial engineers to design structures with optimum performance.A precious review on the concept,application and analysis of FGMs is presented by Birman and Byrd(2007).One of the most important applications of FGMs is in developing surfaces that can sustain contact loading conditions(Cooley,2005).In addition,applying graded materials seems to be a solution in reducing the induced damage due to impact loading on structures(Apetre et al.,2006; Tasdemirci and Hall,2009).On the other hand,in designing struc-tures which are under impact loading the main initial step is to study the contact problem between the bodies(Apetre et al.,2006).Thus the study of contact is an important stage in designing a graded structure.Thefirst analytical solution of the contact mechanics between two bodies has been presented by Hertz in1881(Hertz, 1881).After Hertz,the problem of contact mechanics has been studied widely by many researchers;an excellent range of examples and solutions is provided by Johnson(1985).However studying the contact between bodies is a difficult task since the contact problem is a mixed boundary value problem with known traction outside and displacement inside the contact region.Due to the non-homogeneity accompanied with the concept of FGMs,the contact problem in these materials is more complex.The contact problem of non-homogeneous and anisotropic beams and plates is briefly*Corresponding author.Tel.:þ982164543453.E-mail lists available at ScienceDirectEuropean Journal of Mechanics A/Solids journal homep age:/locate/ejmsol/10.1016/j.euromechsol.2014.03.0010997-7538/Ó2014Elsevier Masson SAS.All rights reserved.European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids47(2014)92e100reviewed by Abrate(Abrate,1998).Wu and Yen(1994)have worked on the contact of laminated composite plates and rigid spherical indenters(Wu and Yen,1994).Anderson(2003)and Saadati and Sadighi(2011)have studied the contact problem in composite sandwich plates(Anderson,2003;Saadati and Sadighi,2011).In thefield of FGMs,the focus has been on the contact me-chanics of graded coating/substrate systems.Giannakopoulos (1998)has addressed the analytical and experimental advances in indentation of FGMs in the absence of residual stresses (Giannakopoulos,1998).Guler and Erdogan(2007)considered the contact problems of parabolic and cylindrical stamps on graded coatings with exponential variation of elastic properties(Guler and Erdogan,2007).Choi and Paulino(2008)and Dag et al.(2012)have studied the same contact problem but for aflat punch(Choi and Paulino,2008;Dag et al.,2012).Liu et al.(2012)have considered the heat generation due to sliding contact and have solved the coupled thermo-elastic contact problem(Liu et al.,2012).An important structure which is frequently used by many en-gineers and designers is rectangular plates withfinite dimensions. On the other hand,compared to the case of conventionalfiber composite laminates,considering the benefits of FGMs has turned the idea of taking advantage of functionally graded plates as an attractive option for engineers and designers.However as mentioned above,the investigations in thefield of the contact mechanics in FGMs are concentrated on the semi-infinite regions. But considering the influence of size effects on the contact pa-rameters,particularly the effect offinite thickness,necessitates an independent study of the contact mechanics in a functionally graded plate offinite dimensions and thickness.The authors of this paper(Nikbakht et al.in2012and2013)have developed an elastic analytical-numerical approach to explore the contact parameters of a functionally graded plate and a rigid spherical indenter which is validated by ABAQUSfinite element package as well(Nikbakht et al.,2013a,2013b).They have presented numerical examples for graded low carbon steel plates which are either coated on one surface or both surfaces by vitreous enamel.Their results show that for such graded plates the contact force is proportional to the indentation to the power of about2.0regardless of the variation in the material properties.In addition,they have numerically and experimentally examined the elastic e plastic indentation of a vit-reous enameled low carbon steel plate by a rigid spherical indenter and found out that the best curvefitted on the force-indentation data is a polynomial of power3.0(Nikbakht et al.,2013c).While the elastic e plastic contact must be studied for each material distribution and a general rule may not be extracted,the elastic contact problem seems to follow more regular laws.Besides, in many industrial applications such as those dealing with low velocity impact,considering elastic contact deformation is suffi-cient for engineering purposes.The previous studies conducted by the authors include a graded plate with a brittle phase(enamel) which is less stiff than the ductile phase(low carbon steel).Thus it is important to establish the contact force-indentation relation for a graded plate in a more general way.In this research,the frictionless elastic contact mechanics of a functionally graded plate offinite dimensions and a rigid spherical punch is studied.The main idea is to extract a general decree that describes the effect of material properties variation on the contact problem of an FG plate and a rigid sphere.The plate is assumed to be simply supported and is richer from the brittle phase at the upper and from the ductile phase at the lower surface and the punch is in contact with the brittle phase.The variation of elastic material properties is considered to be one dimensional through the thickness of the plate and is estimated by a volume fraction based model originally proposed by Tamura,Tomota and Ozawa. The analysis method of the contact problem is based on the work of Nikbakht et al.(2013a).By using this analytical method,the effect of material properties variation on the contact law is studied for different ceramic to metal elastic modulus ratios.In addition,an industrial example is presented for aluminum-alumina graded plates and the results are compared to the previously obtained results by the authors for graded enameled low carbon steel plates.2.Material propertiesIn most graded structures,the main available parameter of the microstructure is the distribution of the volume fraction of the constituting phases.Thus,the variation of the volume fraction should be the key parameter in any accurate model of estimating the effective material properties of a graded structure.On the other hand,the microstructural behavior and interactions of the consti-tuting phases must be taken into account as well.In order to ach-ieve these goals,in this research,a volume fraction based model originally proposed by Tamura,Tomota and Ozawa(called TTO model henceforth)(Tamura et al.,1973;Jin et al.,2003)is used to estimate the effective material properties of the graded plate.This model relates the uniaxial stress,s,and strain,3,of a two-phase composite to the corresponding average stresses and strains of the two constituent materials.For a two-phase composite:s¼V1s1þV2s2and3¼V131þV232(1) where s i and3i(i¼1,2)denote the average stresses and strains in the constituting phases.The TTO model introduces an additional parameter q,called the stress to strain transfer ratio which depends on the effect of microstructural behavior of the constituting phases and is defined asq¼s1Às231À32;0q N(2)This parameter may be determined experimentally or numeri-cally for any composite material system consisted of two phases.By assuming linear stress e strain relation of the constituting phases and by setting the index regarding the properties of the metal phase equal to2,in elastic applications the TTO model estimates the modulus of elasticity of the composite structure,E,to beE¼V2E2ðqþE1Þ=ðqþE2Þþð1ÀV2ÞE1V2122(3)where E i(i¼1,2)stands for the modulus of elasticity of the constituting phases.As described before,the graded plate is coated on one side;therefore,a proper approximation of the volume fraction distribution through the thickness of the plate may be a power-law relation asV2¼12Àzhr;Àh2z h2(4)where z is the coordinate in the gradation direction,h is the thickness of the graded medium(in the direction of gradation)and r is the exponent which describes the way in which the volume fraction distributes in the graded layer.By using nano-indentation technique,Nikbakht et al.has examined and verified the appro-priate efficiency of this model in predicting effective elastic mate-rial properties of FGMs compared to ordinary models such as linear rule of mixtures(Nikbakht et al.,2013b).In this research a range of ceramic to metal elastic modulus ratios(E1/E2)is considered tofind the effect of changing this ratio on the contact parameters.In addition,the results for analyzing the contact problem for two industrial examples are presented andA.Nikbakht et al./European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids47(2014)92e10093compared to each other.First,a functionally graded low carbon steel plate which is coated by vitreous enamel is considered.Vit-reous enamels are inorganic chemical resistant and durable mate-rials that are used as coating for metallic components.In practical applications,vitreous enamel coatings have excellent resistance to chemical corrosion processes,good resistance to tribological phe-nomena such as abrasive wear and the capability to prevent instability due to impact loadings(Zucchelli et al.,2010a,2010b). One of the main applications of vitreous enamels is to be used as coating of low carbon steels which results in a ceramic-metal composite structure with excellent chemical and tribological properties.Furthermore,vitreous enamel is used as a remedy to oxidation vulnerability of low carbon steel.The other industrial example considered here is aluminum-alumina graded composite plate.Owing to its high melting temperature and high hardness, alumina has been cited to be an excellent example of an industrial coating(Wu et al.,2007;Tilbrook et al.,2007;He et al.,2009).In addition,the combination of alumina and aluminum creates a proper composite structure to be used in applications where high toughness and hardness in addition to durability and integrity of the structure are required(Wu et al.,2007).The elastic material properties of the constituting phases of the low carbon steel-enamel and aluminum-alumina graded plates which are consid-ered in the numerical simulations are listed in Table1.Based on Eqs.(3)and(4)and for an arbitrary value of E2¼150 GPa,the TTO model estimated variation of the modulus of elasticity of the composite(E)through the thickness of the graded layer is demonstrated in Figs.1and2for E1/E2¼0.5and E1/E2¼2,respec-tively.In both of thesefigures,the distribution of modulus of elasticity is presented for different values of r and q.The shape and variation of the distribution of E is the same as the ones illustrated in Figs.1and2for any other value of E2and any other ratio of E1/E2<1or E1/E2>1.In general,for E1/E2<1increasing the power r of the volume fraction of the ductile phase decreases the overall stiffness of the plate,while in the case of a graded plate withE1/E2>1increasing r increases the overall stiffness(part(a)of Figs.1and2).In addition,in all cases,increasing q is equal to an increase in the overall stiffness of the plate(part(b)of Figs.1and2). However,the dependence of E on q is not sensible in all points in the gradation direction.Fig.3demonstrates this dependence for r¼0.1,r¼1and r¼5in two arbitrary sections located in the metal and ceramic phase richer sections in the gradation direction.In Fig.3,the dashed and solid lines denote the curves for E1/E2¼0.5 and E1/E2¼2,respectively.Furthermore,the lines with a star marker represent the value of E for z/h¼À0.3(which is an arbitrary location in the metal phase richer section)while the lines with a square marker are drawn for z/h¼0.3(which is an arbitrary location in the ceramic richer parts of the plate).For values of r around unity,in all sections of the plate and for any value of E1/E2, increasing q increases the modulus of elasticity of the composite (Fig.3(b)).However as r reduces from unity,the effect of changing q on the variation of E is more sensible in the ceramic richer sections (Fig.3(a)),regardless of the value of E1/E2.Vice versa,by increasing r from unity,E varies more in the metal richer parts of the plate (Fig.3(c)).Another conclusion which may be interpreted from the results of Fig.3(c)is the fact that by increasing both r and the value of E1/E2the stiffness of the plate is enormously increased in all sections of the plate.The way in which E varies by changing E2is illustrates in Fig.4. As it can be deduced from thisfigure,for a constant amount of V2, increasing E2raises the value of E specially for E1/E2>1.Generally, the studies conducted tofind the dependence of the stiffness on the variation of q are reasonable when local interactions of the constituting phases as well as definite sections of the plate are considered.This seems to be logical since the value of q is a measure of the microstructural interactions.3.Elastic contact analysisThefirst step toward analyzing the contact problem is to determine the displacementfield of the plate.Pagano(1970)has presented an exact elasticity solution for the displacementfield of a simply supported laminated composite plate(Pagano,1970),but this solution is only applicable to plates with piecewise constant material properties(Reddy,1984).In1984,Reddy proposed a simple higher order deformation theory for plates that can be used in the case of graded plates as well(Reddy,1984;Shen,2002). However his theory is unable to predict the changes in plate thickness.Based on the idea taken from Reddy’s theory,in thisTable1Elastic material properties of the constituting phases of the low carbon steel-enamel and aluminum-alumina graded plates.Constituting phase Low carbonsteel-enamel plates Aluminum-alumina plates(Shen,2009)Low carbon steel Vitreousenamel aAluminum AluminaModulus ofElasticity(GPa)1807070320 Poisson’s Ratio b0. More information on vitreous enamel coatings is presented in the work of Zucchelli et al.(Zucchelli et al.,2010a,2010b).b The Poisson’s ratio is set equal to0.3due to the results of Shbeeb and Benienda (Shbeeb and Binienda,1999).Fig.1.Distribution of modulus of elasticity of the composite(E)for E1/E2¼0.5in agraded medium(a)for different values of r and(b)for different values of q.A.Nikbakht et al./European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids47(2014)92e10094research a higher order deformation theory which takes into ac-count the changes in plate thickness is considered as below:u ðx ;y ;z Þ¼P 3i ¼0z i u i ðx ;y Þv ðx ;y ;z Þ¼P3i ¼0z i v i ðx ;y Þw ðx ;y ;z Þ¼P2i ¼0z i w i ðx ;y Þ(5)The in-plane displacement components of Reddy ’s theory andthose in Eq.(5)are identical;however,the transverse components of the two theories are totally different where Reddy ’s theory does not include the change in the thickness of the plate.Since linear elastic deformation is assumed,there is no coupling between the bending and stretching of the plate and as a result u 0¼v 0¼0.In addition,due to the fact that the contact is consid-ered to be frictionless,the shear stress vanishes on the upper and lower surfaces of the plate,which results in the following relation between the displacement components of Eq.(5)2u 2þv w 1v x ¼0;2v 2þv w 1v y¼0;u 3¼À43h2v w 0v x þu 1þh 24v w 2v x v 3¼À43h 2v w 0v y þv 1þh 24v w 2v y An isotropic graded plate of a Âb Âh dimensions (where a <b and h is the thickness)is considered.By assuming linear elasticity,the stress e strain relation for the plate isÈs xx s yy s zz s xy s yz s zxÉT ¼C 6Â6È3xx3yy3zz23xy23yz23zxÉT(6)In Eq.(6),s ij and 3ij (i ,j ¼x ,y ,z )are the stress and strain com-ponents.In addition,C 11¼C 22¼C 33¼l (z )þ2m (z ),C ij ¼l (z )for i ,j ¼1,2,3and i s j ,C 44¼C 55¼C 66¼m (z )and all other C ij are equal to zero.Furthermore,l and m are Lame ’s constants which in thecaseFig.2.Distribution of modulus of elasticity of the composite (E )for E 1/E 2¼2in a graded medium (a)for different values of r and (b)for different values of q.Fig.3.The effect of changing q on the value of the modulus of elasticity of the com-posite (E )for r ¼0.1(a),r ¼1(b)and r ¼5(c)in the ductile and ceramic richer sectionsof a graded medium.A.Nikbakht et al./European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 47(2014)92e 10095of a graded plate are functions of z .The equations of the equilibrium of the plate are derived by taking advantage of the principle of minimum total potential energy in terms of the displacement field parameters u i ,v i and w i .For the considered simply supported plate,the boundary con-ditions are stated ass yy ðx ;0;z Þ¼s yy ðx ;b ;z Þ¼u ðx ;0;z Þ¼u ðx ;b ;z Þ¼0s xx ð0;y ;z Þ¼s xx ða ;y ;z Þ¼v ð0;y ;z Þ¼v ða ;y ;z Þ¼0w ð0;y ;z Þ¼w ða ;y ;z Þ¼w ðx ;0;z Þ¼w ðx ;b ;z Þ¼0(7)The distributed transverse loading p ¼p (x ,y ),which in this case is the pressure distribution under the punch in the contact area,may be expanded in a double Fourier series asp ðx ;y Þ¼X N m ¼1X N n ¼1P mn sinm p x a sinn p y b(8)The equations of equilibrium of the plate are solved based on Navier ’s solution method and by taking advantage of the Fourier series expansion for the displacement field components that satisfy the boundary conditions of Eq.(7).Up to this point,the deformation of the graded plate under anarbitrary transverse loading is determined.However,to the farthest knowledge of the authors,an analytical solution for the pressure distribution under the punch does not exist.Thus,here an analytical-numerical technique is used to study the contact pa-rameters.This method that is brie fly described in the following is based on the derivation of an exact Green ’s function which is solved numerically to find the pressure distribution under the punch (Wu and Yen,1994).Since linear elasticity conditions are assumed for the plate deformation,for any arbitrary transverse loading,the displacement of the upper surface of the plate isw x ;y ;h2 ¼X N m ¼1X N n ¼1P mn w mn sin m p x a sin n p y b (9)in which w mn is the displacement of the upper surface of the plateunder a transverse loading p ðx ;y Þ¼sin ðm p x =a Þsin ðn p y =b Þof unit amplitude.Substituting the value of P mn from Eq.(8)into Eq.(9)results in the following equation:In Eq.(10),G (x ,y ;x ,h )is the Green ’s function which representsthe lateral displacement of a point (x ,y )due to a unit load inserted at (x ,h ),both on the upper surface of the plate and U is the contactarea.On the other hand,w (x ,y ,h /2)must conform to the indenter shape in the contact area,thus:w ÀR þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiR 2Àðx Àx 0Þ2Àðy Ày 0Þ2q ¼Z UG ðx ;y ;x ;h Þp ðx ;h Þd x d h(11)where w is the vertical displacement of the punch,R is the punch radius and (x 0,y 0)is the initial contact point.In order to calculate the integration in Eq.(11),an initial rectangular contact area is assumed and is divided into N ¼l x Âl y small patches of s Ât di-mensions (l x and l y are the number of patches in x and y directions respectively).By considering the contact pressure of each patch to be constant,Eq.(11)may easily be integrated to result the following linear equation:w ÀR þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiR 2Àðx i Àx 0Þ2Àðy i Ày 0Þ2q ¼X N j ¼1L ij P j(12)whereFor a meaningful contact,the following conditions must be satis fied by the contact pressure under the punchp ðx ;y Þ<0;ðx ;y Þ˛Up ðx ;y Þ¼0;ðx ;y Þ˛ðF ÀU Þðx ;y Þ;B ;ðx ;y Þ˛ðF ÀU Þ(13)where F and B are the upper surface of the plate and the indenter surface,respectively.The pressure distribution under the punch is found by solving a linear set of N equations with N unknown pressures at each patch.This set of equations is constructed by setting x and y in Eq.(12)equal to the coordinates of the center of each small patch,(x i ,y i )and i ¼1,.,N .The pressure at each patch found by solving Eq.(12)must be controlled to be consistent with the conditions of Eq.(13).This means that all patches with nonnegative pressure are eliminated from the assumed contact region and the solution is repeated.This procedure continues until the pressure at all remaining patches is positive.The elimination of the patches with nonnegative pressurealso gives the overall shape of the contact region.In order to decrease the error accompanied by applying the numerical method,more than N equations are produced in calculating the pressure at eachA.Nikbakht et al./European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 47(2014)92e 10096patch and the error is reduced by taking advantage of least square method.As a general rule,it should be mentioned that increasing the number of patches,increases the accuracy of both the pressure distribution and the contact area size and shape.The detailed pro-cedure and the con figuration of the considered system may be found in the work of Nikbakht et al.(2013a).4.Results and discussionIn this section,by using the described method in the previous section,the elastic frictionless contact problem of a rigid spherical punch and a graded plate is studied by presenting numerical ex-amples.As a first step,an arbitrary value of E 2¼150GPa is assumed for the modulus of elasticity of the metal (ductile)phase and the contact parameters are studied for different values of E 1/E 2.In order to check the generality of the findings in this step,two kinds of graded plates with industrial applications are considered:i )a graded plate consisted of steel and vitreous enamel with E 1/E 2¼70/180<1and ii )a graded plate with aluminum and alumina with E 1/E 2¼320/70>1.In all numerical examples,the variation of the volume fraction of the metal phase is considered to follow Eq.(4).In addition,the initial contact point of the punch is assumed to be at the center of the plate span (x 0¼a /2and y 0¼b /2)and the vertical displacement of punch is set equal to 2mm (w ¼2mm).Before presenting the results,a convergence analysis is needed for the method described in Section 3.The detail procedure and examples of this analysis may be found in the work of Nikbakht et al.(2013a).Introducing a parameter called indentation (a )which is the difference between the displacements of the upper and lower surfaces of the plate directly beneath the punch (a ¼w (x 0,y 0,Àh /2)Àw (x 0,y 0,h /2)),the contact law is de fined as the relation between the contact force (F )and the indentation.One of the parameters that is studied here for all numerical examples is the contact law,which is also called F Àa curve or relation here-after.In addition to the contact law,the effect of material properties variation on the stress distribution in the plate is investigated.Moreover,the range of applicability of Hertzian contact law in problems concerning a plate of finite dimensions is examined for a homogeneous plate of E 2¼70GPa.4.1.A general case:changing the ratio E 1/E 2In this example,the contact law is determined for a range of values for the ceramic to metal elastic modulus ratio (E 1/E 2).Themodulus of elasticity of the metal phase is assumed to be equal to 150GPa (E 2¼150GPa).For different values of r and arbitrary fixed values of q ¼20GPa,h ¼6mm and R ¼10mm,the F Àa curves for E 1/E 2<1and E 1/E 2>1are demonstrated in Fig.5.The results of this figure reveal the fact that for small values of r the effect of E 1/E 2is not signi ficant.Furthermore,increasing r decreases the contact force for E 1/E 2<1and increases the contact force for E 1/E 2>1.The examinations show that changing the value of q does not affect the contact law.In addition,it seems that a power law curve may well be fitted on the contact force-indentation curves.The outcome for the exponent of a power-law curve fitting and the meansquareFig.5.The F Àa curves for (a)E 1/E 2<1and (b)E 1/E 2>1(a Âb ¼100Â150mm Âmm,h ¼6mm,R ¼10mm,E 2¼150GPa,q ¼20GPa).Table 2The power C 2of the power-law relation,F ¼C 1a C 2,fitted on the F Àa curves for a range of E 1/E 2and different values of r and the mean square error of the fitted curve,2(E 2¼150GPa,q ¼20GPa).r ¼0.1r ¼1r ¼10C 2 1.6327 1.5956 1.5849E 1/E 2¼0.520.99950.99920.9994C 2 1.6397 1.6225 1.6174E 1/E 2¼0.7520.99960.99950.9996C 2 1.6496 1.6751 1.6859E 1/E 2¼1.520.99970.99970.9997C 2 1.6529 1.6942 1.7146E 1/E 2¼220.99970.99960.9997C 2 1.6564 1.7223 1.7638E 1/E 2¼320.99970.99940.9996C 2 1.6582 1.7406 1.8040E 1/E 2¼420.99970.99930.9995Fig.4.The effect of changing the modulus of elasticity of the ductile phase (E 2)on the value of the modulus of elasticity of the composite (E ).A.Nikbakht et al./European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 47(2014)92e 10097。



punch. As a special case, the results m the paper can be degenerated into the corresponding conclusions m 2D decag­
onal quasicrystals. K eyw ords:two-dimensional(2D) octagonal quasicrystals;frictional contact problem ;singularity;Riemann-Hilbert boundary problem ;complex variable method
in 1D and 2D qu asicrystals h alf-sp ac e,and the in­ trinsic Unks between the penetration depth and the indentation force w a s presented[10 11]. B y using complex variable method,the frictional and the adhesive contact problems w ere studied in 1D orth orh o m b ic,2D dodecagonal and 3D c o s a h e d ra l quasicrystals, and the expressions of contact stress and contact displacement were obtained under the action of a single rigid flat punch[12 14]. T h e smooth contact problem with cracks was discussed in elastic hal--plane of one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals. By means of reasonable stress function decomposition, the distribution of contact stress under the punch and the stress intensity factor at the crack ttp were obtained[15].

22.1.4 Frictional behavior 摩擦行为

22.1.4 Frictional behavior  摩擦行为

ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual22.1.4 Frictional behavior 摩擦行为Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit ABAQUS/CAEReferences•“Mechanical contact properties: overview,” Section 22.1.1•“FRIC,” Section 25.2.8•“VFRIC,” Section 25.3.2•*FRICTION•*CHANGE FRICTION•“Creating interaction properties,” Section 15.11.2 of the ABAQUS/CAE User's ManualOverviewWhen surfaces are in contact they usually transmit shear as well as normal forces across their interface. There is generally a relationship between these two force components. The relationship, known as the friction between the contacting bodies, is usually expressed in terms of the stresses at the interface of the bodies. The friction models available in ABAQUS:当发生接触时,表面通常通过接触面传播剪力和法向力。



在ABAQUS中的摩擦模型:•include the classical isotropic Coulomb friction model (see “Coulomb friction,” Section 5.2.3 of the ABAQUS Theory Manual), which in ABAQUS:•包括经典的各向同性库仑摩擦模型(见“Coulomb friction,” Section5.2.3 of the ABAQUS Theory Manual),该模型在ABAQUS中:in its general form allows the friction coefficient to be defined in terms of slip rate, contact pressure, averagesurface temperature at the contact point, and fieldvariables; and◆普通式允许根据滑移率,接触压力,接触点的平均表面温度和场变量定义摩擦系数;◆provides the option for you to define a static and a kineticfriction coefficient with a smooth transition zone definedby an exponential curve;◆提供选项来定义静止和运动学的摩擦系数用由指数曲线定义的平滑转换区;•allow the introduction of a shear stress limit, , which is the maximum value of shear stress that can be carried by the interface before the surfaces begin to slide;•允许引入剪应力极限,该应力极限是接触面在开始滑动前所能承受的最大剪应力值;•include an anisotropic extension of the basic Coulomb friction model in ABAQUS/Standard;•包括在ABAQUS/Standard中对基本库仑摩擦模型的各向异性扩展;•include a model that eliminates frictional slip when surfaces are in contact;•包括当表面接触时消除摩擦滑动的模型;•include a “softened” interface model for sticking friction in ABAQUS/Explicit in which the shear stress is a function of elastic slip;•包括在ABAQUS/Explicit中针对粘着摩擦的软接触面模型,在粘着摩擦中剪应力是弹性滑动的函数;•can be implemented with a stiffness (penalty) method, a kinematic method (in ABAQUS/Explicit), or a Lagrange multiplier method (in ABAQUS/Standard), depending on the contact algorithm used; and •可用刚度(罚函数)法,运动学法(ABAQUS/Explicit里)或者拉格朗日乘子法(ABAQUS/Standard里)来实现,摩擦决于使用的算法。



Frictionally excited thermoelastic instability in disc brakes—Transientproblem in the full contact regimeAbstractExceeding the critical sliding velocity in disc brakes can cause unwanted forming of hot spots, non-uniform distribution of contact pressure, vibration, and also, in many cases, permanent damage of the disc. Consequently, in the last decade, a great deal of consideration has been given to modeling methods of thermo elastic instability (TEI), which leads to these effects. Models based on the finite element method are also being developed in addition to the analytical approach. The analytical model of TEI development described in the paper by Lee and Barber [Frictionally excited thermo elastic instability in automotive disk brakes. ASME Journal of Tribology 1993;115:607–14] has been expanded in the presented work. Specific attention was given to the modification of their model, to catch the fact that the arc length of pads is less than the circumference of the disc, and to the development of temperature perturbation amplitude in the early stage of breaking, when pads are in the full contact with the disc. A way is proposed how to take into account both of the initial non-flatness of the disc friction surface and change of the perturbation shape inside the disc in the course of braking.Keywords: Thermo elastic instability; TEI; Disc brake; Hot spots1. IntroductionFormation of hot spots as well as non-uniform distribution of the contact pressure is an unwanted effect emerging in disc brakes in the course of braking or during engagement of a transmission clutch. If the sliding velocity is high enough, this effect can become unstable and can result in disc material damage, frictional vibration, wear, etc. Therefore, a lot of experimental effort is being spent to understand better this effect (cf. Refs.) or to model it in the most feasible fashion. Barber described the thermo elastic instability (TEI)as the cause of the phenomenon. Later Dow and Burton and Burton et al.introduced a mathematical model to establish critical sliding velocity for instability, where two thermo elastic half-planes are considered in contact along their common interface. It is in a work by Lee and Barber that the effect of the thickness was considered and that a model applicable for disc brakes was proposed. Lee and Barber’s model is made up with a metallic layer sliding between twohalf-planes of frictional material. Only recently a parametric analysis of TEI in disc brakes was made or TEI in multi-disc clutches and brakes was modeled. The evolution of hot spots amplitudes has been addressed in Refs. Using analytical approach or the effect of intermittent contact was considered. Finally, the finite element method was also applied to render the onset of TEI (see Ref.).The analysis of nonlinear transient behavior in the mode, when separated contact regions occur, is even accomplished in Ref. As in the case of other engineering problems of instability, it turns out that a more accurate prediction by mathematical modeling is often questionable. This is mainly imparted by neglecting various imperfections and random fluctuations or by the impossibility to describe all possible influences appropriately. Therefore, some effort aroused to interpret results of certain experiments in addition to classical TEI (see, e.g.Ref).This paper is related to the work by Lee and Barber [7].Using an analytical approach, it treats the inception of TEI and the development of hot spots during the full contact regime in the disc brakes. The model proposed in Section 2 enables to cover finite thickness of both friction pads and the ribbed portion of the disc. Section 3 is devoted to the problems of modeling of partial disc surface contact with the pads. Section 4 introduces the term of ‘‘thermal capacity of perturbation’’ emphasizing its association with the value of growth rate, or the sliding velocity magnitude. An analysis of the disc friction surfaces non-flatness and its influence on initial amplitude of perturbations is put forward in the Section 5. Finally, the Section 6 offers a model of temperature perturbation development initiated by the mentioned initial discnon-flatness in the course of braking. The model being in use here comes from a differential equation that covers the variation of the‘‘thermal capacity’’ during the full contact regime of the braking.2. Elaboration of Lee and Barber modelThe brake disc is represented by three layers. The middle one of thickness 2a3 stands for the ribbed portion of the disc with full sidewalls of thickness a2 connected to it. The pads are represented by layers of thickness a1, which are immovable and pressed to each other by a uniform pressure p. The brake disc slips in between these pads at a constant velocity V.We will investigate the conditions under which a spatially sinusoidal perturbation in the temperature and stress fields can grow exponentially with respect to the time in a similar manner to that adopted by Lee and Barber. It is evidenced in their work [7] that it is sufficient to handle only the antisymmetric problem. The perturbations that are symmetric with respect to the midplane of the disc can grow at a velocity well above the sliding velocity V thus being made uninteresting.Let us introduce a coordinate system (x1; y1)fixed to one of the pads (see Fig. 1) thepoints of contact surface between the pad and disc having y1 = 0. Furthermore, let acoordinate system (x2; y2)be fixed to the disc with y2=0 for the points of the midplane. We suppose the perturbation to have a relative velocity ci with respect to the layer i, and the coordinate system (x; y)to move together with the perturbated field. Then we can writeV = c1 -c2; c2 = c3; x = x1 -c1t = x2 -c2t,x2 = x3; y = y2 =y3 =y1 + a2 + a3.We will search the perturbation of the uniform temperature field in the formand the perturbation of the contact pressure in the formwhere t is the time, b denotes a growth rate, subscript I refers to a layer in the model, and j =-1½is the imaginary unit. The parameter m=m(n)=2pin/cir =2pi/L, where n is the number of hot spots on the circumference of the disc cir and L is wavelength of perturbations. The symbols T0m and p0m in the above formulae denote the amplitudes of initial non-uniformities (e.g. fluctuations). Both perturbations (2) and (3) will be searched as complex functions their real part describing the actual perturbation of temperature or pressure field.Obviously, if the growth rate b<0, the initial fluctuations are damped. On the other hand, instability develops ifB〉0.2.1. Temperature field perturbationHeat flux in the direction of the x-axis is zero when the ribbed portion of the disc is considered. Next, let us denote ki = Ki/Qicpi coefficient of the layer i temperature diffusion. Parameters Ki, Qi, cpi are, respectively, the thermal conductivity, density and specific heat of the material for i =1,2. They have been re-calculated to the entire volume of the layer (i = 3) when the ribbed portion of the disc is considered. The perturbation of the temperature field is the solution of the equationsWith and it will meet the following conditions:1,The layers 1 and 2 will have the same temperature at the contact surface2,The layers 2 and 3 will reach the same temperature and the same heat flux in the direction y,3,Antisymmetric condition at the midplaneThe perturbations will be zero at the external surface of a friction pad(If, instead, zero heat flux through external surface has been specified, we obtain practically identical numerical solution for current pads).If we write the temperature development in individual layers in a suitable formwe obtainwhereand2.2. Thermo elastic stresses and displacementsFor the sake of simplicity, let us consider the ribbed portion of the disc to be isotropic environment with corrected modulus of elasticity though, actually, the stiffness of this layer in the direction x differs from that in the direction y. Such simplification is, however, admissible as the yielding central layer 3 practically does not take effect on the disc flexural rigidity unlike full sidewalls (layer 2). Given a thermal field perturbation, we can express the stress state and displacements caused by this perturbation for any layer. The thermo elastic problem can be solved by superimposing a particular solution on the general isothermal solution. We look for the particular solution of a layer in form of a strain potential. The general isothermal solution is given by means of the harmonic potentials after Green and Zerna (see Ref.[18]) and contains four coefficients A, B, C, D for every layer. The relateddisplacement and stress field components are written out in the Appendix A.在全接触条件下,盘式制动器摩擦激发瞬态热弹性不稳定的研究摘要超过临界滑动盘式制动器速度可能会导致形成局部过热,不统一的接触压力,振动分布,而且,在多数情况下,会造成盘式制动闸永久性损坏。












ANSYSWorkbench中的几种载荷的含义ANSYS Workbench 中的几种载荷的含义2010-10-29 22:03 字号:小大我要评论(0)1) 方向载荷对大多数有方向的载荷和支撑,其方向多可以在任意坐标系中定义:–坐标系必须在加载前定义而且只有在直角坐标系下才能定义载荷和支撑的方向.–在Details view中, 改变“Define By”到“Components”. 然后从下拉菜单中选择合适的直角坐标系.–在所选坐标系中指定x, y, 和z分量–不是所有的载荷和支撑支持使用坐标系。

2) 加速度 (重力)–加速度以长度比上时间的平方为单位作用在整个模型上。





–其值为9.80665 m/s2 (在国际单位制中)–标准的地球重力载荷方向可以沿总体坐标轴的任何一个轴。


3) 旋转速度旋转速度是另一个可以实现的惯性载荷–整个模型围绕一根轴在给定的速度下旋转–可以通过定义一个矢量来实现,应用几何结构定义的轴以及定义的旋转速度–可以通过部件来定义,在总体坐标系下指定初始和其组成部分–由于模型绕着某根轴转动,因此要特别注意这个轴。


这个可以在路径“Tools > Control Panel >Miscellaneous > AngularVelocity” 里改变成每分钟旋转的弧度(RPM)来代替。

4) 压力载荷:–压力只能施加在表面并且通常与表面的法向一致–正值代表进入表面 (例如压缩) ;负值代表从表面出来 (例如抽气等)–压力的单位为每个单位面积上力的大小5) 力载荷:–力可以施加在结构的最外面,边缘或者表面。

ANSYS Workbench 中的几种载荷的含义

ANSYS Workbench 中的几种载荷的含义

3) 旋转速度
– 整个模型围绕一根轴在给定的速度下旋转
– 可以通过定义一个矢量来实现,应用几何结构定义的轴以及定义的旋转速度
– 可以通过部件来定义,在总体坐标系下指定初始和其组成部分
– 由于模型绕着某根轴转动,因此要特别注意这个轴。
– 缺省旋转速度需要输入每秒所转过的弧度值。这个可以在路径“Tools > Control Panel >Miscellaneous > AngularVelocity” 里改变成每分钟旋转的弧度(RPM)来代替。
4) 压力载荷:
– 正值代表进入表面 (例如压缩) ;负值代表从表面出来 (例如抽) 力载荷:
– 力将分布到整个结构当中去。这就意味着假如一个力施加到两个同样的表面上,每个表面将承受这个力的一半。力单位为质量乘以长度比上时间的平方。
– 加速度可以通过定义部件或者矢量进行施加。
– 其值为9.80665 m/s2 (在国际单位制中)
– 标准的地球重力载荷方向可以沿总体坐标轴的任何一个轴。

ANSYS Workbench五种接触类型浅析

ANSYS Workbench五种接触类型浅析

Bonded: This is the default configuration and applies to all contact regions (surfaces, solids, lines, faces, edges). If contact regions are bonded, then no sliding or separation between faces or edges is allowed.No Separation: This contact setting is similar to the bonded case. It only applies to regions of faces (for 3-D solids) or edges (for 2-D plates). Separation of faces in contact is not allowed, but small amounts of frictionless sliding can occur along contact faces. [Not supported for Explicit Dynamics analyses.]Frictionless: This setting models standard unilateral contact; that is, normal pressure equals zero if separation occurs. It only applies to regions of faces (for 3-D solids) or edges (for 2-D plates).Rough: Similar to the frictionless setting, this setting models perfectly rough frictional contact where there is no sliding. It only applies to regions of faces (for 3-D solids) or edges (for 2-D plates). By default, no automatic closing of gaps is performed. This case corresponds to an infinite friction coefficient between the contacting bodies. [Not supported for Explicit Dynamics analyses.]Frictional: In this setting, two contacting faces can carry shear stresses up to a certain magnitude across their interface before they start sliding relative to each other. It only applies to regions of faces.Workbench中提供了5种接触类型,单从字面上很难理解这几种接触的区别,下面将帮助中关于这几个接触类型的描述翻译出来,供参考:Bonded(绑定):这是AWE中关于接触的默认设置。



abaqus交叉项系数Abaqus is a popular finite element analysis software that is widely used in the field of engineering and mechanics. It offers a wide range of capabilities and features that allow users to simulate and analyze complex mechanical systems. One of the advanced features of Abaqus is the inclusion of cross-term coefficients, which can significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of simulation results.Cross-term coefficients, in the context of Abaqus, refer to the coefficients used to describe the interaction between different terms in a mathematical equation. In the finite element method, complex mechanical systems are discretized into smaller elements, and the behavior of each element is described by a set of equations. These equations are then assembled to form a global system of equations, which can be solved to determine the response of the entire system.However, in some cases, the behavior of a mechanical system cannot be adequately described by the linear combination of individual terms. There may be interactions or coupling effects between different terms that need to be taken into account. This iswhere cross-term coefficients come into play. By includingcross-term coefficients in the equations, Abaqus allows users to accurately model and simulate systems with complex behavior.To understand the importance and usage of cross-term coefficients in Abaqus, let's consider a practical example. Suppose we want to analyze the behavior of a reinforced concrete beam under different loading conditions. Concrete is a brittle material, and it tends to crack under tension. On the other hand, the steel reinforcement within the concrete beam provides tensile strength and prevents cracking. To accurately predict the behavior of the beam, we need to consider the interaction between the concrete and reinforcement.In Abaqus, we can define separate material properties for both concrete and steel reinforcement. The cross-term coefficients are then used to describe the interaction between the two materials. By correctly specifying the cross-term coefficients, we can accurately capture the behavior of the beam, including the formation and propagation of cracks, the distribution of stresses, and the overall deformation.The process of including cross-term coefficients in an Abaqus simulation involves several steps. First, we need to define the material properties for each material, including the elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, and yield strength. Additionally, we need to specify the type of interaction between the materials, such as bonded, contact, or frictional.Next, we need to define the appropriate cross-term coefficients. These coefficients quantify the interaction between the different terms in the equations. They can be determined through experimental testing or derived from analytical models. Abaqus provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to input the cross-term coefficients directly into the simulation.Once the cross-term coefficients are defined, we can proceed with setting up the boundary conditions, loading conditions, and meshing the geometry. Abaqus offers a range of tools and options to facilitate these steps, making it easier for users to prepare their models for simulation.After all the necessary inputs are provided, we can run the simulation in Abaqus and obtain the results. The cross-termcoefficients play a vital role in ensuring the accuracy of the simulation. They allow us to capture the complex behavior and interactions within the mechanical system, which in turn enables us to make informed decisions and predictions.In conclusion, cross-term coefficients are essential in Abaqus simulations to accurately model and analyze mechanical systems with complex behavior. By including these coefficients, users can capture the interactions between different terms in the equations and obtain reliable results. The process of incorporating cross-term coefficients in an Abaqus simulation involves defining the material properties, specifying the type of interaction, inputting the coefficients, setting up the boundary conditions, and running the simulation. With Abaqus and the inclusion of cross-term coefficients, engineers and researchers can gain valuable insights into the behavior of various mechanical systems, leading to safer and more efficient designs.。


– It is assumed that the user has already covered Chapter 2 Nonlinear Structural prior to this chapter. Basic concept of contact Contact Formulations Stiffness and Penetration Workshop 3A Pinball Region Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Postprocessing Contact Results Workshop 3B
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary © 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Release 13.0 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical – Introduction to Contact
... Contact Formulations
Customer Training Material
• The main difference between Pure Penalty and Augmented Lagrange methods is that the latter augments the contact force (pressure) calculations:
Customer Training Material
• When two separate surfaces touch each other such that they become mutually tangent, they are said to be in contact. • In the common physical sense, surfaces that are in contact have these characteristics:



第51卷第12期2020年12月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.51No.12Dec.2020铝电解阴极燕尾槽内炭块−糊料−钢棒界面接触状态仿真优化吕晓军,孙启东,陈昌,李劼(中南大学冶金与环境学院,湖南长沙,410083)摘要:为探明铝电解槽阴极燕尾槽内各界面的接触行为及其界面接触电阻对阴极电热应力场的影响,建立基于接触电阻的物理场计算方法,对比分析接触电阻对阴极燕尾槽电场−热场−应力场的影响,提出并构建了接触压力与接触电阻之间的双向耦合方法,考察接触应力和接触电阻两者动态平衡下的电热场分布特性。


研究结果表明:施加接触电阻后阴极电压降由221.69mV 增加到311.85mV ,由接触电阻引起的接触电压降为90mV ,约占整个阴极电压降的29%;而阴极电流密度由41.52mA/mm 2减小到29.90mA/mm 2,阴极电流密度下降了约28%;燕尾槽侧部接触压力高于顶部接触压力,接触压力主要集中于燕尾槽的“燕尾”处;相比未考虑接触电阻的计算结果,考虑接触电阻的铝电解槽电热场分布及计算结果更加接近生产实际,其接触压力整体上提高了约0.25MPa ;接触电阻会引起阴极高温区域向炭块底部和X 轴方向扩张,导致炭块的温度梯度减小;在阴极炭块可承载范围内,通过钢棒糊膨胀系数优化计算,发现适当增大接触压力能够有效降低阴极电压降,当阴极钢棒糊的热膨胀系数增加4倍时,阴极电压降降低了12.68mV ,且温度场未出现明显变化;在铝电解槽物理场的计算过程中,需要考虑与重视燕尾槽内界面接触电阻,这有利于更加准确地认识和了解阴极物理场的分布特性。

关键词:铝电解;接触压力;有限元;电场−热场−应力场耦合中图分类号:TF845.6文献标志码:A开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID)文章编号:1672-7207(2020)12-3331-10Numerical simulation and optimization of contact state forcathode slot of aluminum electrolytic cellLÜXiaojun,SUN Qidong,CHEN Chang,LI Jie(College of Metallurgy and Environment,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China)Abstract:To explore the influences of interfacial contact behaviors and contact pressure in aluminum reduction cell cathode slot on electrothermal and mechanical field,the physical field calculation based on contact resistant was performed to analyze the effects of contact resistance on electrothermal and mechanical field of the cathode slot.The method of coupling between contact pressure and contact resistance was reported and the electrothermalDOI:10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2020.12.007收稿日期:2020−06−24;修回日期:2020−08−30基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金资助项目(51674302)(Project(51674302)supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China)通信作者:吕晓军,博士,教授,从事高温熔盐电化学、材料冶金及模拟计算研究;E-mail :*****************.cn第51卷中南大学学报(自然科学版)field distribution characteristics during the dynamic balance of contact stress and contact resistance were studied.In addition,the effect of expansion coefficient of the ramming paste on the cathode electrothermal field was considered based on the calculation model.The results show that the cathode voltage drop increases from 221.69mV to311.85mV with the contact resistance applied,and the contact voltage drop caused by the contact resistance is90mV,which accounts for about29%of the entire cathode voltage drop.Furthermore,the cathode current density decreases from41.52mA/mm2to29.90mA/mm2,which drops by about28%.The side contact pressure of the slot is larger than the top contact pressure and the pressure is mainly concentrated at the end termination of the pared with the result without considering contact resistance,the existence of contact resistance leads to the calculation result of the electrothermal field distribution closer to the actual production,andthe overall contact pressure increases by about0.25MPa.Meanwhile,contact resistance promotes the high-temperature region to expand to the block bottom and X-axis,and then the temperature gradient of the carbon block decreases.Additionally,the cathode voltage drop can effectively decrease by optimizing the expansion coefficient of the steel rod paste.The cathode voltage drop decreases by12.68mV when the thermal expansion coefficient of the cathode steel rod paste increases by4times,and the temperature field does not change significantly.Therefore,the interfacial contact resistance in the slot should be considered and paid attention to the calculation process of physical field of the aluminum reduction cell,which facilitates the understanding of the distribution of the cathode physical field.Key words:aluminum electrolysis;contact pressure;finite element;electric-thermal-mechanical coupling铝电解槽是一种多相多场交互作用下的大型复杂高温电化学反应器,且槽内涉及多种材料间的相互接触以及接触界面之间的电场−热场−应力场等传递,直接影响着铝电解槽运行的稳定性与技术经济指标。

Contact Models

Contact Models

Contact Models接触模型A contact model describes how elements behave when they come into contact with each other. Using the Interaction pulldown menu and + pick-list, you can build a list (stack) of contact models. The top element is applied first, then the next one down and so on. Use the up and down buttons to move the contact model up and down the list (check the sections below since some models need to be at the start or end of the list). To remove an item, click the x button. Click the preferences button to configure the selected model.(接触模型描述了元素间的接触行为。






)Every simulation must have at least one base particle-to-particle and oneparticle-to-geometry contact model. EDEM is supplied with several integrated contact models; you can also add your own custom plug-in contact models. Refer to the user section of the DEM website and the EDEM Programming Guide for details.(所有仿真必须至少包含一个基础的颗粒-颗粒和颗粒-几何体接触模型。



Removable joint structures 可拆联接结构
1. Reliable joint structures 可靠联接结构
1) When drawing, one should ensure that the external thread fully goes into the internal thread. The external thread should have an escape or the internal thread should have a chamfer. 要使外螺纹全部拧入内螺纹中,外螺纹终止处应有退刀 槽, 内螺纹起始端应有倒角。
本 小 节 结 束
前一页 退出
Structures of parts contact 接触处的结构
在垂直方向 上只可以有 一对接触面
Inappropriate 不合理
在水平方向 上只可以有 一对接触面
Appropriate 合 理
Structures of parts contact 接触处的结构



BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IAŞIPublicat deUniversitatea Tehnică …Gheorghe Asachi” din IaşiTomul LIV (LVIII), Fasc. 3, 2011SecţiaCONSTRUCŢII. ARHITECTURĂPENALTY BASED ALGORITHMS FOR FRICTIONALCONTACT PROBLEMSBYANDREI-IONUŢŞTEFANCU*, SILVIU-CRISTIAN MELENCIUCand MIHAI BUDESCU“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi,Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building ServicesReceived: June 21, 2011Accepted for publication: August 29, 2011Abstract. The finite element method is a numerical method that can be successfully used to generate solutions for problems belonging to a vast array of engineering fields: stationary, transitory, linear or nonlinear problems. For the linear case, computing the solution to the given problem is a straightforward process, the displacements are obtained in a single step and all the other quantities are evaluated afterwards. When faced with a nonlinear problems, in this case with a contact nonlinearity, one needs to account for the fact that the stiffness matrix of the systems varies with the loading, the force vs. stiffness relation being unknown prior to the beginning of the analysis. Modern software using the finite element method to solve contact problems usually approaches such problems via two basic theories that, although different in their approaches, lead to the desired solutions. One of the theories is known as the penalty function method, and the other as the Lagrange multipliers method. The hereby paper briefly presents the two methods emphasizing the penalty based ones. The paper also underscores the influence of input parameters for the case of the two methods on the results when using the software ANSYS 12.Key words: finite element method; pure penalty methods; Lagrange multipliers method; H-adaptive meshing.*Corresponding author: e-mail: stefancu@ce.tuiasi.ro120Andrei-IonuţŞtefancu, Silviu-Cristian Melenciuc and Mihai Budescu1. IntroductionThe finite element method (FEM) is a numerical method that can be applied to obtain solutions to problems belonging to a variety of engineering disciplines: stationary problems, transitory problems, linear or nonlinear stress/strain problems. Heat transfer, fluid flow, or electromagnetism problems can also be solved using FEM.The first ones to publish articles in this field are Alexander Hrennikoff (1941) and Richard Courant (1943). Although their approaches are different, they have a common feature – discretization of continua into a series of discrete sub-domains called elements. Olgierd Zienkiewicz summarizes the work of his predecessors in what was to be known as FEM (1947). In 1960 Ray Clough is the first one to use the term finite element. Zienkiewicz and Cheung published in 1967 the first book entirely devoted to the finite element method.In this context, in 1971, the first version of the ANSYS software is released. Currently, the ANSYS software package is able to solve static, dynamic, heat transfer, fluid flow, electromagnetics problems, etc. ANSYS is a market leader for more than 20 years (Moavenim, 1999). In the present study version 12.0.1 of the software was used (ANSYS Workbench 2.0, 2009).2. Finite Element Formulations of Contact ProblemsThere are two basic theories that, although different in their approaches, offer the desired solutions to body contact problems: the penalty function method and the Lagrange multipliers method.The main difference between them is the way they include in their formulation the potential energy of contacting surfaces.The penalty function method, due to its economy, has received a wider acceptance. The method is very useful when solving frictional contact problems, while the Lagrange method, based on multipliers, is known for its accuracy.The main drawback of the Lagrange method is that it may lead to ill-converging solutions while the penalty formulation may lead to inaccurate ones.In the following the pure penalty, the augmented Lagrange methods will be presented.2.1. The Penalty MethodThe penalty method involves adding a penalty term to enhance the solving process. In contact problems the penalty term includes the stiffness matrix of the contact surface. The matrix results from the concept that one body imaginary penetrates the another (Wriggers et al., 1990).Bul. Inst. Polit. Ia şi, t. LVII (LXI), f. 3, 2011 121The stiffness matrix of the contact surface is added to the stiffness matrix of the contacting body, so that the incremental equation of the Finite Element becomes[K b + K c ]u = F , (1)where: K b is the stiffness matrix of contacting bodies; K c – stiffness matrix of contact surface; u – displacement; F – force.The magnitude of the contact surface is unknown (Stein & Ramm, 2003), therefore its stiffness matrix, K c , is a nonlinear term. The total load and displacement values are∑Δ=F F tot , (2)∑Δ=u u tot, (3)where: F tot is the force vector; u tot – displacement vector.To derive the stiffness matrix, the contact zone (encompassing the contact surface) is divided into a series of contact elements. The element represents the interaction between the surface node of one body with the respective element face of the other body. Fig. 1 shows a contact element in a two dimensional application. It is composed of a slave node (point S ) and a master line, connecting nodes 1 and 2. S 0 marks the slave node before the application of the load increment, and S marks the node after loading.Fig. 1 – Contact element – penalty method formulation.Given the nature of the numerical simulations presented afterwards only the sliding mode of friction will be presented. In this case, the tangential force acting at the contact surface equals the magnitude of the friction force, hence the first variation of the potential energy of a contact element ist n n d t t n n t t n n c g g k g g g k g f g f δμδδδδ)sgn( +=+=Π, (4)122 Andrei-Ionu ţ Ştefancu, Silviu-Cristian Melenciuc and Mihai Budescuwhere: k n represents penalty terms used to express the relationship between the contact force and the penetrations along the normal direction; k t – penalty terms used to express the relationship between the contact force and the penetrations along the tangential direction; g n – penetration along the normal direction; g t – penetration along the tangential direction;n n n f k g =, (5))()sgn(n n d t t g k g f μ−=. (6)2.2. The Augmented Lagrange Multiplier MethodIn the case of classical Lagrange Multiplier Method the contact forces are expressed by Lagrange multipliers. The augmented Lagrange method involves the regularization of classical Lagrange method by adding a penalty function from the penalty method (Simo & Laursen, 1992). This method, unlike the classical one, can be applied to sticking friction, sliding friction, and to africtionless contactFig. 2 – Contact element – Lagrangian methods.The contact problem involves the minimization of potential П by equating to zero the following expression:kg g g u u T T b 21)(),(+Λ+Π=ΛΠ, (7) where ⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧=Λk t k n t n t n Tλλλλλλ,...,,2211, (8) with:n λ – Lagrange multiplier for the normal direction;t λ– Lagrange multiplier for the tangential direction;Bul. Inst. Polit. Ia şi, t. LVII (LXI), f. 3, 2011 12312k n n n 12k t t t g g g g ,,...,g g g ⎡⎤⎧⎫⎧⎫⎧⎫⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪=⎢⎥⎨⎬⎨⎬⎨⎬⎢⎥⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎭⎩⎭⎩⎭⎣⎦. (9)3. Parametric Analysis of Frictional ContactIn order to illustrate the way that the contact algorithms may influence the results a parametric analysis is performed. The purpose of this analysis is to exemplify how various input parameters can alter the results.3.1. Finite Elements Formulations of Contact Problems in ANSYSThe Finite Elements (FE) software ANSYS, for the penalty method, assumes that contact force along the normal direction is written as follows:cont.penetr.cont.F x K Δ=Δ, (10)where: K cont. is the contact stiffness, defined by real constant FKN for the 17x contact elements (in the current analysis the 174 contact element is used); x penetr. – distance between two existing nodes on separate contact bodies; F cont. – contact force. ANSYS automatically chooses the real constant FKN as a scale factor of the stiffness of the underlying elements. This value can be modified by the user (via FKN – a scale factor).Given the fact that the augmented Lagrange method is actually a penalty method with penetration control, the contact force is computed according to eq. (10), the only difference being the contact stiffness formulationpenetr.cont.1x K i i +=+λλ, (11)where λi is a Lagrange multiplier.Although the Lagrange multipliers are condensed out at the element level, one can think regarding this method as the same as a regular penalty one except that the contact stiffness is “updated” per contact element (Imaoka, 2001).Similar to the normal direction, a real constant – FKT models the tangential stiffness of the contact.3.2. Adaptive Solutions in ANSYSIn order to overcome the influence of the meshing upon the final results of the analysis and to improve the accuracy of the solution an adaptive solution will be used.124 Andrei-Ionu ţ Ştefancu, Silviu-Cristian Melenciuc and Mihai BudescuIn ANSYS the desired accuracy of a solution can be achieved by means of adaptive and iterative analysis, whereby h -adaptive methodology is employed.The h -adaptive method begins with an initial FE model that is refined over various iterations by replacing coarse elements with finer ones in selected regions of the model. This is effectively a selective remeshing procedure.The criterion for which elements are selected for adaptive refinement depends on geometry and, for the current analysis, on a 10% allowable difference between the maximum values of the frictional (obtained in two consecutive runs with different meshes).The user-specified accuracy is achieved when convergence is satisfied as follows:)in ...,3,2,1( ,1001R n i E i i i −=<⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛−+φφφ, (11) where:φis the result quantity; E – expected accuracy (10% for this case); R – the region on the geometry that is being subjected to adaptive analysis (entire geometry in this case); i – the iteration number.The results are compared from iteration i to iteration i + 1. Iteration in this context includes a full analysis in which h -adaptive meshing and solving are performed.For this case of adaptive procedures, the ANSYS product identifies the largest elements, which are deleted and replaced with a finer FE representation (ANSYS, 2009).The overall results show a good behavior of the model. Only two iteration are performed in order to satisfy reach the expected accuracy of the solution.Table 1 h-Adaptive Methodology Convergence HistoryIteration Frictional Stress, [MPa]Change, [%] Nodes Elements 1 0.130042,518 352 2 0.12739–2.0571 14,158 8,2343.3. The Model Used in the Parametric AnalysisThe model used, represented in Fig. 3, comprises two solids made up of nonlinear structural steel materials. The larger solid has its lower surface fixed while at the upper end interacts with the smaller solid via a frictional contact (coefficient of friction 0.2). A normal pressure of 0.5 MPa is applied on top of the smaller solid, and displacement is applied on the left hand side face.Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVII (LXI), f. 3, 2011 125Fig. 3 – The model used in the parametric analysis. A – frictionalcontact; B – applied pressure; C – fixed support; D – applieddisplacement.Input parameters:a) FE formulation (P1); this parameter can take two values: 0 for augmented Lagrange method and 1 for pure penalty method;b) the normal contact stiffness factor FKN (P2) that varies between 0.01 and 1;c) the tangent contact stiffness factor FKT (P3) that varies between 0.01 and 1.Output parameters: a number of output parameters have been monitored, such as: maximum (P5) and minimum (P8) normal elastic strain, maximum (P9) and minimum (P10) shear elastic strain, maximum (P12) and minimum (P13) normal stress, maximum (P14) and minimum (P15) shear stress, maximum (P11) frictional stress, maximum (P6) penetration, analysis run time (P7), maximum stiffness energy (P16).3.4. Results of the Parametric AnalysisThe parametric analysis provides a wide range of information regarding the dependence of the output parameters on the input ones. Based on the relevance of the results only a limited amount of them will be presented.The local sensitivity chart allows one to appreciate the impact of the input parameters on the output ones. This means that the output is computed based on the change of each input independently of the current value of each input parameter. The larger the change of the output, the more significant is the input parameter that was varied (ANSYS, 2009). Since the local sensibilities can only be computed for continuous parameters (P1 is a discrete one) the sensibility chart will be presented for the pure penalty and augmented Lagrange method individually.126Andrei-IonuţŞtefancu, Silviu-Cristian Melenciuc and Mihai BudescuFig. 4 – Local sensibility chart – Lagrangian method.Fig. 5 – Local sensibility chart – pure penalty method.Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVII (LXI), f. 3, 2011 127It can be seen, from Fig. 5, that the pure penalty method is less sensitiveto contact normal and tangent stiffness than the augmented Lagrange method.The only output parameter influenced by the contact stiffness is the analysisrun-time.In Figs. 4 and 5 only sensitivities of the three parameters (P5, P6, P7)have been presented because the sensitivities of the other are zero or almostzero. Based on this the variation of P5, P6 and P7, with P2 and P3, arepresented in what follows.a bFig. 6 – Variation of P5 with P2 and P3: a – augmented Lagrangemethod; b – pure penalty method.a bFig. 7 – Variation of P6 with P2 and P3: a – augmented Lagrangemethod; b – pure penalty method.As it can be seen from Figs. 6 and 7 there isn’t an exact pattern of thevariation of the maximum normal elastic strain (P5), maximum penetration128Andrei-IonuţŞtefancu, Silviu-Cristian Melenciuc and Mihai Budescu(P6) or analysis run time (P7) with the normal (P2) and tangent (P3) contactstiffness factor.Give the kinematic nature of the problem, and the contact type(frictional) it can be observed from Fig. 8 that the analysis run time (the timeneeded to compute a solution for the given problem) is tangent stiffnessdependent.a bFig. 8 – Variation of P7 with P2 and P3: a – augmented Lagrangemethod; b – pure penalty method.4. ConclusionsGiven the high nonlinear characteristic of the frictional contacts an extraattention is necessary to be paid to contact algorithms and their inputparameters. In such case an h-adaptive solution is recommended to be usedbecause such approach can “fade out” the influence of contact parameters onmost of the output parameters.If working circumstances require fulfilling certain limitations, accuracyconditions may be enforced, thus improving the confidence level of the finalsolution. One must keep in mind though, that an increased number of accuracyconvergence conditions leads to prohibitive analysis run time.REFERENCESClough R.W., The Finite Element Method in Plane Stress Analysis. Proc. 2nd ASCEConf. on Electron. Comp., Pittsburg,Pennsylvania, 1960.Courant R., Variational Methods for the Solution of Problems in Equilibrum and Vibra-tions. Bul. of the Amer. Mathem. Soc., 49,1-23 (1943).Hrennikoff A., Solution of Problems of Elasticity by the Frame-Work Method. ASME,J. of Appl. Mech., 8, 169–175 1(941).Bul. Inst. Polit. Ia şi, t. LVII (LXI), f. 3, 2011 129 Imaoka S., Sheldon’s ANSYS Tips and Tricks: Understanding Lagrange Multipliers .available on-line at /ansys/tips_sheldon/STI07_Lagrange_Mul-tipliers.pdf , 2001.Moavenim A., Finite Element Analysis – Theory and Applicaion with ANSYS . PrenticeHall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1999.Simo J.C., Laursen T.A., An Augmented Lagrangian Treatment of Contact ProblemsInvolving Friction . Comp. a. Struct., 42, 1, 97-116 (1992).Stein E., Ramm E., Error-Controlled Adaptive Finite Elements in Solid Mechanics . J.Wiley a. Sons, NY, 2003.Wriggers P., Vu Van T., Stein E., Finite Element Formulation of Large DeformationImpact-Contact Problems with Friction . Comp. a. Struct., 37, 3, 319-331 (1990).Zienkiewicz O.C., Cheung Y.K., The Finite Element Method in Continuum andStructural Mechanics . McGraw Hill, NY, 1967.Zienkiewicz O.C., The Stress Distribution in Gravity Dams . J. Inst. Civ. Engng., 27,244-271 (1947). * * * ANSYS Workbench 2.0 Framework Version: 12.0.1. ANSYS Inc., 2009. * * * Design Exploration . ANSYS Inc., 2009. * * * Theory Reference, Analysis Tools, ANSYS Workbench Product Adaptive Solutions . ANSYS Inc., 2009.ALGORITMI BAZA ŢI PE METODA COREC ŢIILOR UTILIZA ŢI ÎNREZOLVAREA PROBLEMELOR DE CONTACT CU FRECARE(Rezumat)Metoda elementului finit este o metod ă numeric ă ce poate fi aplicat ă cu succes pentru a ob ţine solu ţiile problemelor dintr-o multitudine de discipline inginere şti: probleme sta ţionare, probleme tranzitorii, liniare sau neliniare. În cazul liniar g ăsirea solu ţiei unei probleme date este un proces simplu. Deplas ările sunt ob ţinute într-un singur pas de analiz ă, tensiunile şi deforma ţiile fiind evaluate ulterior. În cazul problemelor neliniare – în acest caz neliniaritate de contact – trebuie s ă se ţin ă cont de faptul c ă matricea de rigiditate a sistemului variaz ă func ţie de înc ărcare, rela ţia for ţă vs . rigiditate nefiind cunoscut ă a priori . Programele moderne, ce folosesc metoda elementului finit pentru a rezolva probleme de contact, abordeaz ă de obicei astfel de probleme prin intermediul a dou ă teorii care, de şi diferite în abord ările lor, conduc la solu ţia dorit ă. Una dintre teorii este cunoscut ă sub numele de metoda corec ţiilor, iar cealalt ă ca metoda multiplicatorilor Lagrange. În lucrare se prezint ă pe scurt cele dou ă metode, accentul punându-se pe metodele bazate pe corec ţii. Lucrarea eviden ţiaz ă, de asemenea, influen ţa parametrilor de intrare caracteristici algoritmilor de rezolvare a problemelor de contact asupra rezultatelor atunci când se utilizeaz ă pachetul software ANSYS 12.。



专利名称:ANALYSIS APPARATUS FOR CONTACTLESS ANALYSIS OF THE SHAPE OF ATRANSPARENT BODY, AND METHOD FORCARRYING OUT THE CONTACTLESSANALYSIS发明人:Carsten Etzold,Friedrich Neuhaeuser-Wespy 申请号:US14114431申请日:20120427公开号:US20140055568A1公开日:20140227专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:The invention relates to an analysis apparatus for the contactless analysis of the shape of a transparent body, in particular of a substantially spherical active substance bead, having at least one support for the body and at least one image recording apparatus, wherein the support has a test image, in particular a test grid, and at least one detection means is provided in order to detect, using the detection means, the three-dimensional shape and/or contour of the body and/or the test image which is modulated by the optical properties of the body, in particular the test grid. The invention also relates to a method for the contactless analysis of the shape of the transparent body.申请人:Carsten Etzold,Friedrich Neuhaeuser-Wespy地址:Bonaduz CH,Zuerich CH国籍:CH,CH更多信息请下载全文后查看。

3D Discrete Contact Problems with Coulomb Friction and a Solution-Dependent Coefficient of Friction

3D Discrete Contact Problems with Coulomb Friction and a Solution-Dependent Coefficient of Friction

Weak Formulation
Find u ∈ K such that F ( u t )Tν (u ) ∈ H −1/2 (Γc ) and a(u , v − u ) − F ( u t )Tν (u ), v t − u t
T. Ligurský (Charles University, Prague)
3D Contact Problems with Coulomb Friction
10 / 38
Define Φ : H+ (Γc ) × L2 + (Γc ) → H+ (Γc ) × H+ Φ(ϕ, g ) = ( u t , −Tν (u )) ,
Auxiliary Problem
Find u := u (ϕ, g ) ∈ K such that a(u , v − u ) + (F (ϕ)g , v t − u t )0,Γc ≥ F (v − u ) ∀v ∈ K. (P (ϕ, g ))
(P (ϕ, g )) is the weak formulation of a contact problem with given friction and the fixed coefficient F (ϕ).
(Γc ):
(ϕ, g ) ∈ H+ (Γc ) × L2 + (Γc ) ,
where u := u (ϕ, g ) solves (P (ϕ, g )) and Tν (u ) is the corresponding normal contact stress. =⇒ If ( u t , −Tν (u )) is a fixed-point of Φ in H+ (Γc ) × L2 + (Γc ), i.e.: Φ( u t , −Tν (u )) = ( u t , −Tν (u )) , then u is a solution to (P ).



ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual22.1.4 Frictional behavior 摩擦行为Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit ABAQUS/CAEReferences∙“Mechanical contact properties: overview,” Section 22.1.1∙“FRIC,” Section 25.2.8∙“VFRIC,” Section 25.3.2∙*FRICTION∙*CHANGE FRICTION∙“Creating interaction properties,” Section 15.11.2 of the ABAQUS/CAE User's ManualOverviewWhen surfaces are in contact they usually transmit shear as well as normal forces across their interface. There is generally a relationship between these two force components. The relationship, known as the friction between the contacting bodies, is usually expressed in terms of the stresses at the interface of the bodies. The friction models available in ABAQUS:当发生接触时,表面通常通过接触面传播剪力和法向力。



在ABAQUS中的摩擦模型:∙include the classical isotropic Coulomb friction model (see “Coulomb friction,” Section 5.2.3 of the ABAQUS Theory Manual), which in ABAQUS:∙包括经典的各向同性库仑摩擦模型(见“Coulomb friction,” Section5.2.3 of the ABAQUS Theory Manual),该模型在ABAQUS中:in its general form allows the friction coefficient to be defined in terms of slip rate, contact pressure, averagesurface temperature at the contact point, and fieldvariables; and◆普通式允许根据滑移率,接触压力,接触点的平均表面温度和场变量定义摩擦系数;◆provides the option for you to define a static and a kineticfriction coefficient with a smooth transition zone definedby an exponential curve;◆提供选项来定义静止和运动学的摩擦系数用由指数曲线定义的平滑转换区;∙allow the introduction of a shear stress limit, , which is the maximum value of shear stress that can be carried by the interface before the surfaces begin to slide;∙允许引入剪应力极限,该应力极限是接触面在开始滑动前所能承受的最大剪应力值;∙include an anisotropic extension of the basic Coulomb friction model in ABAQUS/Standard;∙包括在ABAQUS/Standard中对基本库仑摩擦模型的各向异性扩展;∙include a model that eliminates frictional slip when surfaces are in contact;∙包括当表面接触时消除摩擦滑动的模型;∙include a “softened” interface model for sticking friction in ABAQUS/Explicit in which the shear stress is a function of elastic slip;∙包括在ABAQUS/Explicit中针对粘着摩擦的软接触面模型,在粘着摩擦中剪应力是弹性滑动的函数;∙can be implemented with a stiffness (penalty) method, a kinematic method (in ABAQUS/Explicit), or a Lagrange multiplier method (in ABAQUS/Standard), depending on the contact algorithm used; and ∙可用刚度(罚函数)法,运动学法(ABAQUS/Explicit里)或者拉格朗日乘子法(ABAQUS/Standard里)来实现,摩擦决于使用的算法。



英语作文摩擦力Title: Understanding Friction: A Fundamental Force in Physics。

Friction is a force that opposes the motion of objectsin contact with each other. It plays a crucial role in our daily lives and is a fundamental concept in physics. Inthis essay, we will delve into the nature of friction, its various types, factors affecting it, and its significancein different contexts.Firstly, it's essential to understand the types of friction. There are mainly three types: static friction, kinetic friction, and rolling friction. Static friction occurs when two surfaces are not moving relative to each other, but there is a force applied that could potentially cause motion. Kinetic friction, on the other hand, arises when the surfaces are in motion relative to each other. Rolling friction occurs when an object rolls over a surface, and friction opposes this motion.The magnitude of friction depends on several factors. One crucial factor is the nature of the surfaces in contact. Smoother surfaces generally exhibit less friction comparedto rough surfaces. Additionally, the force pressing the surfaces together, known as the normal force, also affects friction. The greater the normal force, the stronger the frictional force. The coefficient of friction, which is a measure of the interaction between the materials in contact, also influences friction. It varies depending on the materials involved and whether the surfaces are stationaryor in motion.Friction plays a significant role in various aspects of our lives. In transportation, it is essential for vehiclesto have sufficient friction between tires and roads to ensure stability and control. Engineers study friction to design better tires that offer optimal grip in different road conditions. Similarly, understanding friction iscrucial in sports, where athletes rely on friction between their shoes and the ground for traction and maneuverability.In manufacturing and industry, friction is both a friend and a foe. It is essential for processes like drilling, cutting, and grinding, where friction is used to shape materials. However, excessive friction can lead to wear and tear of machinery parts, reducing efficiency and increasing maintenance costs. Engineers and technicians work to minimize friction in moving parts by using lubricants and designing smoother surfaces.Friction also plays a crucial role in physics experiments and research. Scientists study friction to understand the behavior of materials under different conditions. Friction experiments help validate theoretical models and contribute to advancements in various fields, including materials science and nanotechnology.Moreover, friction is central to the study of motion and dynamics. It is a force that must be considered in any analysis involving motion on surfaces. Frictional forces can affect the acceleration, velocity, and trajectory of objects, making them a key consideration in fields such as mechanics and robotics.In conclusion, friction is a fundamental force in physics that influences various aspects of our lives and the world around us. From everyday activities to scientific research, its effects are widespread and significant. By understanding the nature of friction and its underlying principles, we can better navigate our physical environment and drive innovation in technology and engineering.。



ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual22.1.4 Frictional behavior 摩擦行为Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit ABAQUS/CAEReferences∙“Mechanical contact properties: overview,” Section 22.1.1∙“FRIC,” Section 25.2.8∙“VFRIC,” Section 25.3.2∙*FRICTION∙*CHANGE FRICTION∙“Creating interaction properties,” Section 15.11.2 of the ABAQUS/CAE User's ManualOverviewWhen surfaces are in contact they usually transmit shear as well as normal forces across their interface. There is generally a relationship between these two force components. The relationship, known as the friction between the contacting bodies, is usually expressed in terms of the stresses at the interface of the bodies. The friction models available in ABAQUS:当发生接触时,表面通常通过接触面传播剪力和法向力。



在ABAQUS中的摩擦模型:∙include the classical isotropic Coulomb friction model (see “Coulomb friction,” Section 5.2.3 of the ABAQUS Theory Manual), which in ABAQUS:∙包括经典的各向同性库仑摩擦模型(见“Coulomb friction,” Section5.2.3 of the ABAQUS Theory Manual),该模型在ABAQUS中:in its general form allows the friction coefficient to be defined in terms of slip rate, contact pressure, averagesurface temperature at the contact point, and fieldvariables; and◆普通式允许根据滑移率,接触压力,接触点的平均表面温度和场变量定义摩擦系数;◆provides the option for you to define a static and a kineticfriction coefficient with a smooth transition zone definedby an exponential curve;◆提供选项来定义静止和运动学的摩擦系数用由指数曲线定义的平滑转换区;∙allow the introduction of a shear stress limit, , which is the maximum value of shear stress that can be carried by the interface before the surfaces begin to slide;∙允许引入剪应力极限,该应力极限是接触面在开始滑动前所能承受的最大剪应力值;∙include an anisotropic extension of the basic Coulomb friction model in ABAQUS/Standard;∙包括在ABAQUS/Standard中对基本库仑摩擦模型的各向异性扩展;∙include a model that eliminates frictional slip when surfaces are in contact;∙包括当表面接触时消除摩擦滑动的模型;∙include a “softened” interface model for sticking friction in ABAQUS/Explicit in which the shear stress is a function of elastic slip;∙包括在ABAQUS/Explicit中针对粘着摩擦的软接触面模型,在粘着摩擦中剪应力是弹性滑动的函数;∙can be implemented with a stiffness (penalty) method, a kinematic method (in ABAQUS/Explicit), or a Lagrange multiplier method (in ABAQUS/Standard), depending on the contact algorithm used; and ∙可用刚度(罚函数)法,运动学法(ABAQUS/Explicit里)或者拉格朗日乘子法(ABAQUS/Standard里)来实现,摩擦决于使用的算法。

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1 Introduction
applications in an industrial setting where it is bene cial to understand the dynamics of systems with frictional contacts. Examples include part-feeding systems 1] and automatic assembly of mechanical components 2]. When a component is fed, typically at high speeds, along guides or rollers, it may experience multiple frictional contacts with surrounding rigid bodies before arriving at its nal destination. Similarly, during the insertion of a peg into a hole, there may be several contacts between the peg and the hole before successful assembly 3]. Examples of robotic systems with frictional contacts include multi ngered grippers 4], multiarm manipulation systems, legged locomotion systems, and wheeled robots on uneven terrain. Finally, there are many examples of mechanical systems in which frictional contacts are essential to the successful operation of the system 5]. In order to successfully design and optimize such mechanical systems or manufacturing processes, a method for modeling and simulating mechanical systems with frictional contacts is necessary 6]. Systems with frictional contacts The dynamic equations of motion for a mechanical system comprised of rigid bodies can be written in the form: M q + c(q q) = + T _ (1) q
The suppor GER93-55018 and MSS91-57156 is gratefully acknowledged.
= T T T T NS NR TR where p = m + r and Coulomb's law is employed. Contacts between rigid bodies generate complementary constraints on the position (or velocity or acceleration) variables and the corresponding force variables as detailed in 7, 8]. These conditions allow active contacts to become inactive. The case of inactive contacts becoming active is modeled by rigid body impacts and is treated elsewhere 9, 10]. Existence and uniqueness The problem of determining contact forces for the rigid body problem can be reduced to a linear complimentarity problem (LCP ) in the planar case 7, 8]. It is well-known that in the frictionless case, there is always a unique solution for q. When the constraints are not all independent (the rows of q are not linearly independent), the system is statically indeterminate and the constraint forces cannot be uniquely determined. In the frictional case, if all contacts are known to be rolling (sticking), then the relative tangential velocity, _ T i, is zero at each contact, and the existence of a solution can be shown if the Jacobian q is full rank 8]. In all other cases, the initial value problem can be shown to have no solution or multiple solutions for special choices of initial conditions.
Since the di culties of proving existence and uniqueness arise due to the presence of unknown contact forces ( ) that are subject to nonlinear constraints, it is attractive to pursue models in which the contact forces are explicit functions of the state variables (q q). A continuum model for modeling the _ deformations at each contact is described in 11]. This general approach is further re ned by 12]. Existence and uniqueness is shown for the special case in which the maximum tangential force at each point is a priori known. The disadvantage in this approach is the complexity of the model. The contact models lead to a high-dimensional, sti system of equations and a run time that is unacceptable for real-time simulation. The goal of the paper We develop a simpli ed model of compliance that overcomes the shortcomings of the rigid body model and successfully approximates the dynamics of the continuum model. The second goal of the paper is to examine the stability of the solutions obtained by the rigid body model. When the reduced order rigid body model and the more complex compliant contact model agree in their predictions, it is attractive to pursue the simulation using rigid body models. We argue that rigid body dynamic simulation is meaningful only when the solution of the compliant contact model converges to the solution of the rigid body model. Finally, we use methods from singular perturbation analysis to establish conditions under which the solution predicted by the rigid body model is stable. b) a)
Rigid body dynamic simulation There are many
where q 2 <n is the vector of generalized coordinates, M is an n n positive-de nite symmetric inertia matrix, c(q q) is a n 1 vector of nonlinear inertial forces, _ is the vector of applied (external) forces and torques, and is the vector of constraint forces. The system is subject to p constraints: T 0 (q) = 1 (q) (2) p(q)] and q in Equation (1) is the p n Jacobian matrix, @ . We will assume, without loss of generality, @q that this does not include bilateral, holonomic constraints. Further, for the sake of simplicity, we will assume that nonholonomic constraints are not present. Let there be m contacts, consisting of r rolling contacts and s sliding contacts. Let the subscripts N and T denote quantities in the normal and tangential directions and the subscripts S and R denote sliding and rolling (sticking) contacts respectively. The Jacobian matrix and constraint forces in (1) for a planar system are given by: h i T = ^ Tq T q T q (3) q S NR TR h i ^ Sq = NSq ; TSq diag( s sign( _ TSq ))