图1吉林东北师大附中2008-2009学年度九年级物理上学期第三次月一、单项选择题:(每小题2分,共12分)1. 知识价值的体现之一是它可以让我们避免许多可以避免的事故。
在以下安全提示中与摩擦力知识有关的是( )A .车未停稳,请勿下车 B .在地铁车站站台上候车的人必须站在安全线以外C .雨天路滑,驾驶员小心驾驶 D .大型的载重卡车安装多个轮子2. 2008北京奥运会体育运动场上有许多地方用到了物理知识,下列分析不正确...的是( ) A .跳板跳水运动员起跳时利用了跳板的弹力B .跳远运动员助跑是为了利用身体运动的惯性 C .掷出去的铅球总是沿曲线落到地面上,是由于受到空气阻力作用D .在4×100m 接力赛中,为保证交接棒顺利进行,交接棒时两运动员应尽可能做到相对静止 3.为了支援四川灾后重建,海外华人华侨捐赠的物资将陆续运抵我国。
若一艘满载赈灾物资的货轮从海上进入长江后,轮船所受的浮力( )A .不变 B .变大 C .变小D .无法确定4.青藏铁路建成后,乘高原列车去西藏旅游的人越来越多,与普通列车相比,高原列车内还配有供氧系统和医疗应急系统,这样做是因为高原上( )A .大气压强小,空气中含氧量小B .大气压强大,空气中含氧量大C .大气压强小,空气中含氧量大D .大气压强大,空气中含氧量小5.我国“神舟七号”载人飞船在轨道上正常飞行时处于“失重”状态,在这种环境下测量以下物理量,哪个物理量与在地面上相比是不同的( )A .长度 B .质量 C .密度 D .重力6.如图1,A 、B 、C 、D 分别是用照相机拍摄(每0.1S 拍摄一次)的小球在四种不同运动状态下的照片,其中受到平衡力作用的是 ( )二、填空题:(每空1分,共16分)7. 如图2所示茶壶的容积为600ml ,用它最多可装水_________g ;若以O 为支点向上提壶把向杯中倒水,则它相当于一个_________ 杠杆(选填“省力”、“费力”或“等臂”);壶盖上有个小孔是利用 使水能顺利倒出;壶嘴和壶身要相平是利用 原理。
“鹰隼三朝展羽翼,”2013-2014 学年学期高年级 考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:10分命题人: 审题人:注意事项: 1.本次考试使用条形码粘贴,学生需认真核对条形码粘贴上的信息,确认无误后粘到答题卡上指定位置; 2.客观题填涂必须使用2B铅笔,且按要求填满填涂点; 3.答题内容必须全部书写在答题卡题目规定的答题区域内(每题的答题区域以方框为界); 4.必须保持答题卡的卷面整洁、平整,不得揉、搓或折叠,以免影响扫描效果.第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 已知集合,,则满足条件的集合的个数为1 函数的定义域为 (A)(B) (C)(D),则 (A)1(B)(C)(D)-1 在一次跳,甲、乙员各跳.设命题“甲”, 命题“乙”,则命题(A)甲、乙试跳成绩没有超过2米(B)甲、乙人试跳成绩没有超过2米(C)甲、乙至少有一人试跳成绩超过2米(D)甲、乙至少有一人试跳成绩没有超过2米 表示 (A)两条直线(B)两条射线 (C)两条线段(D)一条射线和一条线段 已知函数,x∈R,若≥1,则x的取值范围为(B) (C)(D) 的三个内角所对的边分别为,,则 (B)(C)(D) 函数的两个零点分别位于区间(A)和内(B)和内 (C)和内(D)和内曲线在点处的切线的斜率为(B)(C)(D) “”是函数在区间单调递增的 (A)充分不必要条件(B)必要不充分条件 (C)充分必要条件(D)既不充分也不必要条件 已知函数则函数的大致图象是 (A)(B)(C)(D) 已知函数,函数倍(纵坐不变),得到函数的图象,则关于有下列 ①函数是奇函数不是周期函数的图像关于点(π,0)中心对称的最大值为第Ⅱ卷 本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分.第13题~第21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须做答.第22题~第24题为选考题,考生根据要求做答. 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分. 已知幂函数的图象过点,则 . 如图中,点在边上, ,则的长为 . 已知均为锐角,,则设为实常数是定义在R上的奇函数当时. 若“,”是假命题,则的取值范围为三、解答题:解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤. (本小题满分12分) 已知,:,若是的必要不充分条件,求实数的取值范围.(本小题满分12分) ,的部分图象如图所示. (Ⅰ)求函数的解析式; (Ⅱ)求函数的单调递增区间.(本小题满分12分) 在中,角所对的边分别为设为的面积,满足 (Ⅰ)求角的大小; 求的最大值. (本小题满分12分) 已知真命题:“函数的图像关于点成中心对称图形”的充要条件为“函数是奇函数”.将函数的图像向左平移个单位再向上平移2个单位求此时图像对应的函数解析式并利用题设中的真命题求函数图像对称中心的坐标求函数图像对称中心的坐标已知命题“函数 的图像关于某直线成轴对称图像”的充要条件为“存在实数和使得函数 是偶函数”.判断该命题的真假如果是真命题请给予证明如果是假命题请说明理由并类比题设的真命题对它进行修改使之成为真命题(不必证明).(本小题满分12分) 已知函数是自然对数的底数. (Ⅰ)求函数的单调区间和极值; 函数对任意满足求证当; ,且,求证 请考生在第22、23、24题中任选择一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分,做答时请写清题号. (本小题满分10分)选修41:几何证明选讲如图,锐角的内心为,过点作直线的垂线,垂足为,点为内切圆与边的切点. (Ⅰ)求证:四点共圆; (Ⅱ)若,求的度数.(本小题满分10分)选修4-4:坐标系与参数方程选讲 在平面直角坐标系中,曲线的参数方程为 (为参数),曲线的参数方程为(为参数).在以为极点,轴的正半轴为极轴的极坐标系中,射线与,各有一个交点.当时,这两个交点间的距离为,当时,这两个交点重合. 分别说明,是什么曲线,并求出a与b的值; (Ⅱ)设当时,与,的交点分别为,当时,与,的交点分别为,求四边形的面积.(本小题满分10分)选修4-5:不等式选讲 已知函数. 若不等式的解集为,求实数的值; 在的条件下,若对一切实数恒成立,求实数的取值范围. 2013-201本大题共12小题,每小题5分.1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(A)(C)(D)(D)(C)(B)(D)(A)(B )(A)(D)(A)提示: (12)解析:①错误,是偶函数;②即为的一个周期; ③正确,可以验证恒成立,故(π,0)的图像令t=,t∈[-1,1],则(t)=t (1-t2)=( t-t3)令′(t)=(1-3t2)=0,得. 当t=±1时,函数值为0;当时,函数值为;当时,函数值为. ∴ (t)max=,即的最大值为.二.填空题:本大题共4个小题,每小题5分. (13)(1) (15)(16)(16)是定义在R上的奇函数, 又“”是假命题,则是真命题, 当时,,解得,① 当时,,结合均值不等式有,得或,② ①②取交集得的取值范围是. 三.解答题:本大题共6个小题,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.(17)(本题满分分)由题意或,:,,, ……6分 ∵是的必要不充分条件, ……10分 ∴或,∴或, ∴实数的取值范围(1)(本题满分分)解析:由题设图象知,周期,所以, 因为点(,0)在函数图象上,所以Asin(2×+φ)=0,即sin(+φ)=0. 又因为0<φ<,所以,从而+φ=π,即. 又点(01)在函数图象上,所以,得A=2,故函数f (x)的解析式为f (x)=2sin(2x+). 由,得,k∈Z, 所以函数g(x)的单调递增区间是k∈Z). ……12分 ()(本题满分分)解:由题意可知absinC=·2abcosC,所以tanC=.因为0<C<π,所以C=.由已知sinA+sinB=sinA+sin(-A)=sinA+cosA+sinA =sin(A+). ∵0<A<,∴<A+<,∴当A+=即A=时,sinA+sinB的最大值是.……12分 (20)(本题满分分)平移后图像对应的函数解析式为,,∴是奇函数由题设真命题知函数图像对称中心的坐标是.设的对称中心为,由题设知函数是奇函数.设则由不等式的解集关于原点对称,得.此时.任取由得8分 所以函数图像对称中心的坐标是.此命题是假命题.举反例说明:函数的图像关于直线成轴对称图像但是对任意实数和函数即总不是偶函数.10分 修改后的真命题:“函数的图像关于直线成轴对称图像”的充要条件是“函数是偶函数”.12分 (2)(本题满分分)=,∴=. ……2分 令=0,解得. 2+0-极大值∴在内是增函数,在内是减函数. ……3分 ∴当时,取得极大值=. ……4分 (Ⅱ)证明:,, ∴=. ……6分 当时,<0,>4,从而<0, ∴>0,在是增函数. ……8分 (Ⅲ)证明:∵在内是增函数,在内是减函数. ∴当,且,,不可能在同一单调区间内. 不妨设,由(Ⅱ)可知, 又,∴. ∵,∴. ∵,且在区间内为增函数, ∴,即 ……12分 (22)(本题满分分)AC相切于点E,得, ∵,得, ∴四点共圆. ……5分 (Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)知四点共圆,得∠DEF =∠DAF, , 结合BF⊥AF,得∠DEF =∠DAF =∠ADF=,∴. 由得∠DEF=. ……10分 (23)(本题满分分)解:C1是圆,C2是椭圆. 当时,射线l与C1,C2交点的直角坐标分别为(1,0),(a,0),因为这两点间的距离为2,所以a=3. 当时,射线l与C1,C2交点的直角坐标分别为(0,1),(0,b),因为这两点重合,所以b=1.C1,C2方程分别为 当时,射线l与C1交点A1的横坐标为,与C2交点B1的横坐标为 当时,射线l与C1,C2的两个交点A2,B2分别与A1,B1关于x轴对称,因此四边形A1A2B2B1为梯形. 故四边形A1A2B2B1的面积为(本题满分分)由f(x)≤3,得|x-a|≤3,解得a-3≤x≤a+3. 又已知不等式f(x)≤3的解集为{x|-1≤x≤5},解得a=2.当a=2时,f(x)=|x-2|. 设g(x)=f(x)+f(x+5)|x-2|+|x+3|= 所以当x<-3时,g(x)>5;当-3≤x≤2时,g(x)=5;当x>2时,g(x)>5. 综上可得,g(x)的最小值为5.从而,若f(x)+f(x+5)≥m,即g(x)≥m对一切实数x恒成立,则m的取值范围为(-∞,5]. 法二当a=2时,f(x)=|x-2|, 由|x-2|+|x+3|≥|(x-2)-(x+3)|=5(当且仅当-3≤x≤2时等号成立)得,f(x)+f(x+5)≥m,即g(x)≥m对一切实数x恒成立,, ∴m的取值范围为(-∞,5].。
Entrance Examination for New ComersThe Examination for Old Students of the Advanced English Class, Grade 2TEST PAPER1. Test Time: 90 Minutes Total Score: 150 Points Pages Amount: 6 Pages2. Write your answers on the answer sheet. You can take your test paper after test.3. Each correct answer counts for one point except where noted.4. Read the title carefully before you do the test. Check your answers after finishing the test.A. Listening Comprehension. (25 Points) Listen to the record (Chapter 4 of The Merchant of V enice by William Shakespeare, rewritten by David O‟Flaherty) and answer the following questions. We play the record t hree times. Part 1. Choose T (for true) or F (for false) to each statement. 1. Bassanio realized that Balthasar was his wife. 2. Shylock wanted Antonio to bleed to death. 3. Balthasar used the terms of the contracts to save Antonio ‟s life. 4. Shylock must be thrown in jail forever. 1. The Duke didn ‟t mind that Balthasar would Antonio. 2. Mercy the person who gives it and the person who takes it. 3. Shylock began his long knife. 4. If Antonio loses a drop of blood, you will the law. 5. You also could be killed. You have tried to someone. Part 3. Who said the following sentences? Link the sentences with the person who said it. 1. You should choose to be merciful. ○a The Duke 2. Don ‟t blame yourself for my death. ○b Shylock 3. The contract says nothing about a doctor. ○c Antonio 4. I don ‟t think that anyone should have a beg for their life. ○d Balthasar Part 4. Link the statements to make four correct sentences according to the record. 1. The Duke wondered ○A you can take a pound of flesh from Antonio. 2. According to the law ○B and let me tear up the loan contract. 3. You have the power ○C to give Antonio his life. 4. Take this money ○D if Balthasar was experienced enough. Part 5. Rewrite the story in 70 words. (8 Points)B. Vocabulary and Grammar. (35 Points)Part 1. Translate the following phrases into English.1.财政部 2. 微波炉 3. 治疗疾病 4. 液氮 5. 一个公平的价格 6. 淡水7. 用完8. 躺下9. 穿衣服10. 生日卡11. 下流的手势12. 通常13. 文化震惊14. 目的15. 虽然16. 点火Part 2. In Lesson 1 (Brats), do you remember the brat Lizzie? Translate the sentences of the things she did. Each correct answer counts for 2 points.1. 她把一根花园的水管放进她父亲的车的油箱里。
以下关于3He的说法正确的是A.是4He的同分异构体B.比4He多一个中子C.是4He的同位素D.比4He少一个质子7.下列说法不正确的是A.NaOH、SO2、CH2=CH2都能使溴水褪色,但原理各不相同B.活性炭、氯气和二氧化硫都能使品红溶液褪色,且原理相同C.Al、NaHCO3、CH3COONH4既能跟盐酸反应,又能跟烧碱溶液反应D.C6H5OH、FeSO4溶液、Na2SO3溶液在空气中都易因氧化而变质8.在容积不变的密闭容器中,一定条件下进行如下反应:(g)+ CO2(g);△H=-373.2kJ/mol。
下图曲线a表示该反应过程NO(g)+ CO(g)N中,NO的转化率与反应时间的关系。
则可选用的电极材料和电解质溶液是A.铂做阳极、铜做阴极,电解硫酸铜溶液B.石墨做阳极和阴极,电解硫酸C.铜做阳极、铁做阴极,电解氯化铜溶液D.铜做阳极、铜做阴极,电解硫酸铜溶液11.设N A为阿伏加德罗常数值,下列说法正确的是A.7.8gNa2O2与足量的CO2反应,转移的电子数为0.2N AB.常温常压时,36g重氧(18O2)气体所含分子数为N AC .17g 羟基中含有的电子数为10N AD .标准状况下,22.4L 苯所含的分子数约为N A12.下列离子方程式,正确的是A .往NaOH 溶液中滴加少量AlCl 3溶液Al 3++ 3OH —== Al (OH )3↓ B .石灰石和盐酸溶液反应 CO 3 2—+ 2H +=== CO 2↑+ H 2OC .向氯化亚铁溶液中通入氯气Fe 2++ Cl 2 == Fe 3++ 2Cl —D .向Ba (OH )2 溶液中逐滴加入NaHCO 3溶液至Ba 2+刚好沉淀完全:Ba 2++OH -+HCO 3-=BaCO 3↓+H 2O13.某有机物A 是农药生产中的一种中间体,其结构简式如下, 下列叙述正确的是A .有机物A 属于芳香烃B .有机物A 可以和Br 2的CCl 4溶液发生加成反应C .有机物A 和浓硫酸混合加热,可以发生消去反应D .1molA 和足量的NaOH 溶液反应,最多可以消耗3molNaOH26.(10分)以海水中常见物质A 为原料可以发展很多种工业,下图中包含了中学课本中介绍的几种基本工业生产,请根据各物质之间的转化关系回答下列问题:(1)C 和D 、C 和G 反应都可以制取消毒剂。
吉林省东北师大附中2008年高考数学(理)模拟试卷本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共4页,试卷满分150分,答题时间为120分钟. 注意事项:1.答题前,考生必须将自己的姓名、准考号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内. 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,在试题卷上作答无效.3.非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字迹工整,笔迹清楚,请按照题号顺序在各个题目的答题区域作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效. 4.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀.参考公式 如果事件A、B互斥,那么)()()(B P A P B A P +=+ 如果事件A、B相互独立,那么)()()(B P A P B A P ⋅=⋅ 如果事件A在一次试验中发生的概率是P,那么n 次独立重复试验中恰好发生k 次的概率是()(1)k k n kn nP k C P P -=- 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题(本卷共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)(1)给定集合B A 、,定义},,{B n A m n m x x B A ∈∈-==*,若}4,3{=A ,}2,1{=B ,则集合B A *中的所有元素之和为(A ) 9 (B ) 8 (C ) 7(D ) 6 (2)设a 是实数,且)2)(3(i i a -+是实数,则=a(A ) 5(B ) 6(C ) 7(D ) 8(3)已知向量a ),(y x =,b )2,1(-=,且a +b =(1,3),则a 等于(A )2(B )3(C )5(D )10(4)下列四个函数中,同时具备:①最小正周期为π=T ;②初相为6π-的两个性质的函数是(A ))62sin(π+=x y (B ))62sin(π-=x y (C ))621sin(π-=x y (D ))621sin(π+=x y球的表面积公式24S R π=其中R表示球的半径 球的体积公式343V R π=其中R表示球的半径(5)条件21 :>+x p ,条件131:>-xq ,则p ⌝是q ⌝的 (A ) 充分不必要条件 (B )必要不充分条件 (C ) 充要条件(D )既不充分也不必要条件(6)已知等比数列{n a }的各项都是正数,且974=⋅a a ,则数列}{log 3n a 的前10项和为(A )45log 3(B )103(C )10 (D )20(7)设b a ,都是正数,则222)(b a b a ++的最小值是(A )41 (B )21 (C )2 (D )4(8)已知0)2(),1,0()(1<≠>-fax ,则)1(1+-x f 的图象可能是(9)直线a x =与函数x x g x 、x f cos )(sin )(==的图像分别交于N M 、两点,则MN 的最大值为 (A )1 (B (C (D )2(10)椭圆)0(12222>>=+b a b y a x 的中心、右焦点、右顶点、右准线与x 轴的交点依次为O 、F 、A 、H ,则||||OH FA 的最大值为 (A )21(B )31 (C )41 (D )1(11)在北京奥运会开始前,组委会要从8名志愿服务者中挑选6人分别去奥运会场馆“鸟巢”和“水立方”进行实地培训,每处3人,其中甲、乙两人不能分到同一组,且乙不能去“水立方”,则不同的安排方法种数为(A )240 (B )280(C )282 (D )290(12)已知梯形ABCD ,AB//CD ,AD =CD =BC =21AB =1,E 为AB 的中点,将△ADE 沿DE 折起使点A 至点P ,且平面PDE ⊥平面DEBC ,则点D 到平面PBC 的距离是ABCEP(A ) (B ) (C ) (D )(A )26 (B )46 (C )23 (D )43 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共90分)二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.把正确答案填在答题卡的横线上) (13)一个高为2的正三棱柱有一个内切球(球与正三棱柱的两个底面和三个侧面都相切),则球的表面积为 . (14)n xx )12(3-的展开式中,只有第五项的二项式系数最大,则展开式中的常数项是 .(15)已知实数x 、y 满足条件⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≥≤-+.y x y x 00022,,则yx z +⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=21的最小值为 .(16)给出定义:若2121+≤<-m x m (其中m 为整数),则m 叫做离实数x 最近的整数,记作{}x m =. 在此基础上给出下列关于函数}{)(x x x f -=的四个命题: ①函数)(x f y =的定义域为R ,值域为]21,0[; ②函数)(x f y =的图像关于直线2kx =(Z k ∈)对称; ③函数)(x f y =是周期函数,最小正周期为1; ④函数)(x f y =在⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-21,21上是增函数. 其中正确的命题的序号是 .三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) (17)(本小题满分10分)在△ABC 中,角A 、B 、C 的对边分别为a 、b 、c , △ABC 的外接圆半径R =3,且满足BCA B C sin sin sin 2cos cos -=. (Ⅰ)求角B 和边b 的大小; (Ⅱ)求△ABC 的面积的最大值.(18)(本小题满分12分)某市举行的一次数学新课程骨干教师培训,共邀请10名使用不同版本教材的教师,数据如下表所示:(Ⅱ)培训活动随机选出2名代表发言,设发言代表中使用人教B 版的女教师人数为ξ,求随机变量ξ的分布列和数学期望E ξ.(19)(本小题满分12分)如图,已知正四棱锥ABCD P -中,==PA AB 2,M 是侧面上A 到C 的最短路线与PB 的交点. (Ⅰ)证明:PD ∥面MAC ; (Ⅱ)求二面角B AD M --的大小. (20)(本小题满分12分)已知各项均为正数的数列}{n a 中,11=a , 022112=----n n n n a a a a ,*N n ∈,且2≥n .(Ⅰ)求{}n a 的通项公式;(Ⅱ)设n b n 2=,*N n ∈,n S 为数列}{n b 的前n 项和,求nna S 的最大值. (21)(本小题满分12分)已知F是抛物线)0(2:2>=p px y C 的焦点,过F 的直线l 与圆O :4122=+y x 切于点),41(t M )0(>t . (Ⅰ) 求抛物线C 的方程;(Ⅱ) 若l 与抛物线交于B A ,两点,11,B A 在直线m :1-=x 上,N 点在圆O =时,△N B A 11面积的最大值.(22)(本小题满分12分)xBCDPM已知函数x xbax x f ln 2)(--=,若曲线)(x f y =在1=x 处的切线是024=-+y x (Ⅰ)求函数)(x f 的解析式及单调区间;(Ⅱ)若在]2,41[上至少存在一个0x ,使得4232ln 42)(20-+-<t t x f 成立,求实数t 的取值范围.参考答案一、选择题(1) D (2) B (3) C (4) B (5) A (6) C (7) B (8) A (9) B (10) C (11) D (12)B 二、填空题(13)π4 (14) 7 (15)41(16)①②③ 三、解答题 (17)解:(Ⅰ) 由BCA B C sin sin sin 2cos cos -=整理得B A C B C B cos sin 2sin cos cos sin =+ ∴B A C B cos sin 2)sin(=+ ∴B A A cos sin 2sin = ∴21cos =B , ∵π<<B 0 ,∴3π=B ∵ B R b sin 2=, ∴3=b ………………………………………………5分 (Ⅱ)∵ABC ∆S =)32sin(sin 33sin sin 3sin 212A A C A R B ac -==π⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+-=21)62sin(233πAABCDPMO EF ∵320π<<A ,∴67626πππ<-<-A ,∴1)62sin(21≤-<-πA ∴当1)62sin(=-πA ,即3π=A 时, ABC △S 的最大值是439.…………10分 (18)解:(Ⅰ)记2人恰好是教不同版本的男教师的事件为A ,从10名教师中随机选出2名共210C 种选法,所以这2人恰好是教不同版本的男教师的概率是152)(2101213==C C C A P . ……………………………………6分(Ⅱ)由题意得0,1,2ξ=157)0(21027===C C P ξ, 157)1(2101317===C C C P ξ,151)2(21023===C C P ξ. …………………………………………………………9分故ξ的分布列为所以,数学期望53151215711570=⨯+⨯+⨯=ξE . …………………12分 (19)(Ⅰ)证明:∵PAB ∆和PCB ∆是全等的正三角形,∴M 为PB 的中点.又四棱锥P-ABCD 为正四棱锥,∴AC 、BD 的交点O 为BD 中点, ∴MO ∥PD ,∵⊂MO 平面MAC ,且⊄PD 平面MAC ,∴PD ∥面MAC .…………………………………………………………6分(Ⅱ)解法一:过点M 作ME BD ⊥于点E ,则点E 为OB 中点,且⊥ME 面ABCD ,过点E 作AD EF ⊥于点F ,连结MF ,则M F E ∠就是二面角B AD M --的平面角.经计算可得,2=PO ,∴22=ME ,且43==DB DE AB EF ,∴23=EF . ∴322322tan ===∠EF ME MFE 。
在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1. 若为虚数单位,则复数等于()(A)(B)(C)(D)参考答案:D2. 已知函数在其定义域上单调递减,则函数的单调增区间是A. B. C.D.参考答案:D3. 设α、β是两个不同的平面,a、b是两条不同的直线,给出下列四个命题,其中真命题是()A.若a∥α,b∥α,则a∥bB.若a∥α,b∥β,则α∥βC.若a⊥α,b⊥β,a⊥b,则α⊥βD.若a、b在平面α内的射影互相垂直,则a⊥b参考答案:C 【分析】A选项用空间中直线的位置关系讨论;B选项用面面平行的条件进行讨论;C选项用面面垂直的判定定理进行判断;D选项用线线的位置关系进行讨论,【解答】解:A选项不正确,a∥α,b∥α,两直线的位置关系可能是平行,相交、异面B选项不正确,两个平面平行于同一条直线,两平面的位置关系可能是平行或者相交.C选项正确,由b⊥β,a⊥b可得出β∥a或β?a,又a⊥α故有α⊥βD选项不正确,本命题用图形说明,如图三棱锥P﹣ABC中,侧棱PB垂直于底面,PA,PC两线在底面上的投影垂直,而两线不垂直.故选C【点评】本题考查平面与平面之间的位置关系,考查了面面垂直的判定面面平行的判定,考查了空间想像能力.4. 已知双曲线的右焦点与抛物线的焦点重合,则该双曲线的焦点到其渐近线的距离为A. B. C.3 D.5参考答案:A略5. 将正三棱柱截去三个角(如右图所示A、B、C分别是△GHI三边的中点)得到的几何体如下图,则该几何体按右图所示方向的左视图(或称左视图)为参考答案:A截前的左视图是一个矩形,截后改变的只是B,C,F方向上的6. 函数f(x)的定义域为D,若对于任意的x1、x2∈D,当x1<x2时,都有f(x1)≤f(x2),则称函数f(x)在D上为非减函数.设函数f(x)在[0,1]上为非减函数,且满足以下三个条件:①f(0)=0;②;③.则等于()A. B. C.1 D.参考答案:D7.设函数,若,且,则mn的取值范围是()A. B. C. D.参考答案:答案:A8. 某一简单几何体的三视图如图2所示,该几何体的外接球的表面积是( ) A. 13π B. 16π C. 25π D. 27π参考答案:C9. 某次数学测试后从两个班中各随机的抽取10名学生的数学成绩,作出它们的茎叶图如图所示,已知甲班的中位数为,标准差为,乙班的中位数为,标准差为,则由茎叶图可得()A.B.C.D.参考答案:A10. (04年全国卷Ⅱ理)在坐标平面内,与点A(1,2)距离为1,且与点B(3,1)距离为2的直线共有(A)1条(B)2条(C)3条(D)4条参考答案:答案:B二、填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分11. 在数列中,,则____________.参考答案:-1略12. 若函数f(x)=,则函数f(x )的定义域是.参考答案:{x|x<1且x≠0}【考点】函数的定义域及其求法.【专题】计算题;函数的性质及应用.【分析】要使函数有意义,则需1﹣x>0,且lg(1﹣x)≠0,解得即可得到定义域.【解答】解:要使函数有意义,则需1﹣x>0,且lg(1﹣x)≠0,即有x<1且x≠0.则定义域为{x|x<1且x≠0}.故答案为:{x|x<1且x≠0}.【点评】本题考查函数的定义域的求法,注意分式分母不为0,对数的真数大于0,考查运算能力,属于基础题.13. 已知正四面体A-BCD,它的内切球(与四个面都相切的球)半径为r,外接球(过正四面体的四个顶点的球)的半径为R,则=________参考答案:314. (14)如图,函数f(x)的图象是折线段ABC,其中A,B,C的坐标分别为(0,4),(2,0),(6,4),f’(x)为的导函数,则f(1) +f (4)= 。
2008—2009学年吉大附中初二年级分班考试数学试卷一、选择题(共8小题,每小题3分,满分24分)1.底边为10的等腰三角形腰长为b,则b的取值范围是()A.0<b<5 B.0<b<10 C.b>5 D.b>102.对于用四舍五入得到的近似数300和0.03万,下列说法正确的是()A.有效数字和精确度都相同B.有效数字不同,精确度相同C.有效数字相同,精确度不同D.以上答案都不对3.有关近似数9.60×106,下列说法正确的个数是()①保留了三位有效数字;②精确到百分位;③保留两位有效数字;④精确到万位;⑤9,6是精确数字,0是近似数;⑥9是精确数字,6,0是近似数字.A.2个B.3个C.4个D.5个4.从镜子中看到钟的时间是8点25分,正确的时间应是()A.3点45分B.3点35分C.3点30分D.3点25分5.在下列各式中,应填入-a的是()A.a12=-a13•()4B.a12=(-a)5•()7C.a12=-a4•()8D.a12=a13+()6.满足下列条件的△ABC,其中是直角三角形的有()①∠A=2∠B=3∠C;②∠A=∠B=30°;③∠A+∠B=∠C;④∠A= 1/2∠B= 1/3∠C;⑤∠A+∠B=2∠C.A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个7.在下列条件中,不能判定两直角三角形全等的是()A.斜边和一锐角对应相等B.斜边上的中线和一直角边对应相等C.两边分别相等D.直角的平分线和一直角边对应相等8.如图,在△ABC中,∠A=52°,∠ABC与∠ACB的角平分线交于D1,∠ABD1与∠ACD1的角平分线交于点D2,依此类推,∠ABD4与∠ACD4的角平分线交于点D5,则∠BD5C的度数是()A.56°B.60°C.68°D.94°二、填空题(共8小题,每小题3分,满分24分)9.如果x n-2•x n=x2,则n=10.x6n=()2=()3,16n=()4.11.1/ (-5)-2-(-5)+(-5)0=12.(x+b)2=x2+ax+121,则ab=13.近似数3.82×106精确到位,有个有效数字;把3.9868保留二个有效数字的近似值是14.现在某实验室有A,B二项互相独立的实验,已知A成功的概率是1/2,,,B成功的概率是2/3,,二项实验同时成功的概率是15.已知:a+b=8,a2+b2=32,则ab=16.周先生在中国工商银行办理了一个活期储蓄帐号,并且设置了一个四位数的密码:现已知这个四位数的左边第一个数字为7,如果把这个数字7调到最后一位,其余顺序不变,那么这个数就要减少954.根据以上信息可知,周先生设置的密码是三、解答题(共9小题,满分52分)17.附加题:等边三角形给人以“稳如泰山”的美感,它具有独特的对称性,请你用两种不同的分割方法,将以下两个等边三角形分别割成四个等腰三角形.(在图中画出分割线,并标出必要的角的度数)18.附加题:如图,在△ABC中,AB=3,AC=4,BC=5,现将它折叠,使点C与B重合,求折痕DE的长.19.当x=2,y= 1/2时,求代数式(x+y)(x-y)+(x-y)2-(x2-3xy)的值.20.计算(2+1)(22+1)(24+1)(28+1)(216+1)232-1.21.剪一个正方形纸片ABCD,取AD的中点E,F是BA的延长线上一点,AF= 1/2AB,你能猜想BE与DF之间的关系吗?为什么?22.如图,P是∠AOB内任一点,分别在OA、OB上,求作两点P1,P2,使△PP1P2的周长最小(简要说明作法).23.如图,在△ABC中,BD、CE是△ABC的高,在BD上取点P,在CE的延长线上取点Q,使BP=AC,CQ=AB,猜想一下,AQ,AP有怎样的数量关系?为什么?24.有一“摆地摊”的摊主,他拿出3个白球,3个黑球,放在一个袋子里,让人们摸球中奖,只交2元钱就可以从袋子里摸3个球,如果摸到的3个球都是白球,可以得10元的回报,请计算一下中奖的概率,并估算一天有300人摸奖,摊主所骗走多少钱.25.已知有理数a,b,c满足下列条件:a-b=4,ab+c2=-4.(1)求有理数a,b,c的值.(2)求代数式a b+b c的值.一、选择题(共8小题,每小题3分,满分24分)1.底边为10的等腰三角形腰长为b,则b的取值范围是()A.0<0<5 B.0<b<10 C.b>5 D.b>10c2.对于用四舍五入得到的近似数300和0.03万,下列说法正确的是()A.有效数字和精确度都相同B.有效数字不同,精确度相同C.有效数字相同,精确度不同D.以上答案都不对D3.有关近似数9.60×106,下列说法正确的个数是()①保留了三位有效数字;②精确到百分位;③保留两位有效数字;④精确到万位;⑤9,6是精确数字,0是近似数;⑥9是精确数字,6,0是近似数字.A.2个B.3个C.4个D.5个A4.从镜子中看到钟的时间是8点25分,正确的时间应是()A.3点45分B.3点35分C.3点30分D.3点25分B5.在下列各式中,应填入-a的是()A.a12=-a13•()4B.a12=(-a)5•()7C.a12=-a4•()8D.a12=a13+()B6.满足下列条件的△ABC,其中是直角三角形的有()①∠A=2∠B=3∠C;②∠A=∠B=30°;③∠A+∠B=∠C;④∠A=1/2 ∠B= 1/3∠C;⑤∠A+∠B=2∠C.A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个B7.在下列条件中,不能判定两直角三角形全等的是()A.斜边和一锐角对应相等B.斜边上的中线和一直角边对应相等C.两边分别相等D.直角的平分线和一直角边对应相等C8.如图,在△ABC中,∠A=52°,∠ABC与∠ACB的角平分线交于D1,∠ABD1与∠ACD1的角平分线交于点D2,依此类推,∠ABD4与∠ACD4的角平分线交于点D5,则∠BD5C的度数是()AA.56°B.60°C.68°D.94°二、填空题(共8小题,每小题3分,满分24分)9.如果x n-2•x n=x2,则n=210.x6n=(x3n)2=(x2n)3,16n=(2n)4.11.3112.(x+b)2=x2+ax+121,则ab=24213.万3 4.014.1/315.已知:a+b=8,a2+b2=32,则ab=1616.周先生在中国工商银行办理了一个活期储蓄帐号,并且设置了一个四位数的密码:现已知这个四位数的左边第一个数字为7,如果把这个数字7调到最后一位,其余顺序不变,那么这个数就要减少954.根据以上信息可知,周先生设置的密码是767117(2004•衢州)附加题:等边三角形给人以“稳如泰山”的美感,它具有独特的对称性,请你用两种不同的分割方法,将以下两个等边三角形分别割成四个等腰三角形.(在图中画出分割线,并标出必要的角的度数)考点:作图—应用与设计作图.分析:①利用等边三角形的中位线即可将其分割成四个等边三角形;②利用三角形的和一条高将其分割成两个等边三角形和两个等腰三角形.18附加题:如图,在△ABC中,AB=3,AC=4,BC=5,现将它折叠,使点C与B重合,求折痕DE的长.考点:翻折变换(折叠问题);勾股定理.专题:计算题.分析:利用勾股定理逆定理求出∠A=90°,再利用折叠得到的Rt△CDE,根据勾股定理即可求出折痕.解答:解:连接DB,由题意知:ED是BC的中垂线,所以CD=BD.又32+42=52所以∠A=90°.设CD=x,则DB=x,AD=4-x,在Rt△ADB中,由勾股定理得(4-x)2+32=x2所以x=25/8在Rt△CDE中,由勾股定理得DE2=CD2-CE2=(25/8)2-(5/2)2=225/64∴DE=15/819(2000•东城区)当x=2,y= 1/2时,求代数式(x+y)(x-y)+(x-y)2-(x2-3xy)的值.考点:整式的混合运算—化简求值.分析:先利用平方差公式和完全平方公式把原式展开,再合并同类项,最后代数求值.=5.20计算(2+1)(22+1)(24+1)(28+1)(216+1)232-1.考点:平方差公式.=1.21剪一个正方形纸片ABCD,取AD的中点E,F是BA的延长线上一点,AF= 1/2AB,你能猜想BE与DF之间的关系吗?为什么?考点:正方形的性质;全等三角形的判定与性质.专题:探究型.分析:一般线段的关系是相等(数量上)或垂直(位置上)等,此题BE与DF之间的关系是BE=DF且BE⊥DF.要证明线段相等或垂直往往通过证明三角形全等来解题,此题根据已知条件容易证明△ADF≌△ABE,然后利用全等三角形的性质可以得到题目的结论.解答:解:BE=DF且BE⊥DF;理由是:在正方形ABCD中,∵AE=1/2AD AF=1/2AB AD=AB,∴AE=AF,∵AD=AB,∠DAB=∠DAF,∴△ADF≌△ABE,∴BE=DF,延长BE交DF于G,∵∠BEA=∠DEG=∠AFD,∠ADF+∠AFD=90°,∴∠DEG+∠ADF=90°,22如图,P是∠AOB内任一点,分别在OA、OB上,求作两点P1,P2,使△PP1P2的周长最小(简要说明作法).考点:轴对称-最短路线问题.专题:作图题.分析:要使△PP1P2的周长最小,就要三边都最短,所以就要利用轴对称图形的性质和同一平面内线段最短来作这个三角形.解答:解:(1)作点P关于OA、OB的对称点M、N;(2)连接M、N,分别交OA,OB分别于P1、P2,则△PP1P2即为所求的三角形.23如图,在△ABC中,BD、CE是△ABC的高,在BD上取点P,在CE的延长线上取点Q,使BP=AC,CQ=AB,猜想一下,AQ,AP有怎样的数量关系?为什么?考点:全等三角形的判定与性质.专题:探究型.分析:AQ=AP.一般证明线段相等往往利用全等三角形的对应边相等解决,此题根据已知条件容易证明△ACQ≌△ABP,然后利用全等三角形的性质解题.解答:解:AQ=AP.理由是:∵BD、CE是△ABC的高,∴∠ACE+∠CAE=90°,∠ABD+∠BAD=90°.∴∠ACE=∠ABD.∵BP=AC,CQ=AB,∴△ACQ≌△ABP.∴AQ=AP.24有一“摆地摊”的摊主,他拿出3个白球,3个黑球,放在一个袋子里,让人们摸球中奖,只交2元钱就可以从袋子里摸3个球,如果摸到的3个球都是白球,可以得10元的回报,请计算一下中奖的概率,并估算一天有300人摸奖,摊主所骗走多少钱.考点:列表法与树状图法;游戏公平性.分析:此题需要三步完成,所以采用树状图法解题比较简单,解题时要注意此题属于不放回实验,因为此题比较麻烦,也可采用乘法公式求概率.解答:解:共有6×5×4=120种情况,其中三个都是白球的情况只有6种,所以中奖的概率为P=6/120=1/20即摸20次有1次中奖,故一天骗走的钱为:300×2-300/20×10=450元.25已知有理数a,b,c满足下列条件:a-b=4,ab+c2=-4.(1)求有理数a,b,c的值.(2)求代数式a b+b c的值.考点:负整数指数幂;非负数的性质:偶次方;零指数幂.专题:计算题.分析:先以已知条件进行整理,然后代入求解.解答:解:(1)由a-b=4得a=b+4,∴(b+4)b+c2=-4,整理得b2+4b+4+c2=0,即(b+2)2+c2=0,从而b=-2,c=0,∴a=2;(2)原式=2-2+(-2)0=1/4+1=5/4.。
吉林大学附属中学高一 物理上册11月质量检测考试试题_及答案
吉林大学附属中学高一 物理上册11月质量检测考试试题_及答案一、选择题1.小洪同学乘出租车从校门口出发,到火车站接到同学后当即随车回校.出租车票如图所示,则以下说法正确的是( )A .位移为16.2kmB .路程为0C .11:48指的是时间D .11:05指的是时刻2.A 、B 、C 三点在同一直线上,一个物体自A 点从静止开始作匀加速直线运动,经过B 点时的速度为2v ,到C 点时的速度为6v ,则AB 与BC 两段距离大小之比是 A .1:3B .1:8C .1:9D .3:323.质量为50kg 的乘客乘坐电梯从四层到一层,电梯自四层启动向下做匀加速运动,加速度的大小是0.6m/s 2,则电梯启动时地板对乘客的支持力为 ( )( g=10m/s 2) A .530NB .500NC .450ND .470N4.如图所示,人站立在体重计上,下列说法正确的是( )A .人对体重计的压力和体重计对人的支持力是一对平衡力B .人对体重计的压力和体重计对人的支持力是一对作用力和反作用力C .人所受的重力和人对体重计的压力是一对平衡力D .人所受的重力和人对体重计的压力是一对作用力和反作用力5.“蛟龙号”是我国首台自主研制的作业型深海载人潜水器,它是目前世界上下潜能力最强的潜水器.假设某次海试活动中,“蛟龙号”完成海底任务后竖直上浮,从上浮速度为v 时开始计时,此后“蛟龙号”匀减速上浮,经过时间t ,上浮到海面,速度恰好减为零.则“蚊龙号”在00()t t t <时刻距离海平面的深度为()A .2vtB .202t tvC .0012t vt t ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭D .()202v t t t- 6.把一个重为G 的物体,用一个水平力F =kt (k 为恒量,t 为时间)压在竖直的足够高的平整的墙上,如下图所示,从t =0开始物体所受的摩擦力F f 随t 的变化关系是( )A.B.C.D.7.一辆汽车由静止开始做匀速直线运动,从开始运动到驶过第一个100m距离时,速度增加了10m/s,汽车驶过第二个100m时,速度的增加量是A.4.1m/s B.8.2m/s C.10m/s D.20m/s8.如图所示,球A在斜面上,被竖直挡板挡住而处于静止状态,关于球A所受的弹力,以下说法正确的是 ( )A.球A仅受一个弹力作用,弹力的方向垂直斜面向上B.球A受两个弹力作用,一个水平向左,一个垂直斜面向下C.球A受两个弹力作用,一个水平向右,一个垂直斜面向上D.球A受三个弹力作用,一个水平向右,一个垂直斜面向上,一个竖直向下.9.2018年7月1日,具有完全自主产权的我国加长版“复兴号”动车组正式在京沪线上运行。
吉林大学附属中学高一 物理上册11月质量检测考试试题_及答案
吉林大学附属中学高一 物理上册11月质量检测考试试题_及答案一、选择题1.关于重力加速度的说法中,不正确的是( )A .在同一地点物体自由下落时的重力加速度与静止时的重力加速度大小一样B .在地面上不同的地方,重力加速度g 的大小不同,但它们相差不是很大C .在地球上同一地点,一切物体在自由落体运动中的加速度都相同D .重力加速度g 是标量,只有大小没有方向,通常计算中g 取9.8m/s 22.已知物理量λ的单位为“m”、物理量v 的单位为“m/s”、物理量f 的单位为“s -1”,则由这三个物理量组成的关系式正确的是( )A .v =fB .v =λfC .f =vλD .λ=vf3.如图所示,粗糙的A 、B 长方体木块叠放在一起,放在水平桌面上,B 木块受到一个水平方向的牵引力,但仍然保持静止,则B 木块受力个数为A .4B .5C .6D .34.如图所示,用水平力去推静止在水平地面上的大木箱, 没有推动。
关于木箱受到的推力和摩擦力,下列说法正确的是A .推力和摩擦力大小相等B .推力小于摩擦力C .推力和摩擦力方向相同D .推力大于摩擦力5.某同学用如图所示方法做共点力平衡实验.M 、N 为摩擦不计的定滑轮,O 点是轻质细绳OA 、OB 和OC 的结点,桌上有若干相同的钩码,他已经在A 点和C 点分别挂了3个和4个钩码,为使O 点在两滑轮间某位置受力平衡,在B 点挂的钩码数可能是( )A .1个B .3个C .5个D .7个6.在日常生活中,人们常把物体运动的路程与运动时间的比值定义为物体运动的平均速率.某同学假日乘汽车到南京观光,在公路上两次看到路牌和手表如图所示,则该同学乘坐的汽车在该段时间内行驶的平均速率为A.60 km/h B.29 km/h C.19 km/h D.9 km/h7.在电视连续剧《西游记》中,常常有孙悟空“腾云驾雾”的镜头,这通常是采用“背景拍摄法”:让“孙悟空”站在平台上,做着飞行的动作,在他的背后展现出蓝天和急速飘动的白.放云,同时加上烟雾效果;摄影师把人物动作和飘动的白云及下面的烟雾等一起摄入镜头.这时,观众所选的参考系是()映时,观众就感觉到“孙悟空”在“腾云驾雾”A.“孙悟空”B.平台C.飘动的白云D.烟雾8.如图所示,斜面小车M静止在光滑水平面上,一边紧贴墙壁.若再在斜面上加一物体m,且M、m相对静止,此时小车受力个数为()A.3 B.4 C.5 D.69.第19届亚洲运动会将于2022年9月10日~9月25日在中国杭州举行.杭州是中国第三个取得夏季亚运会主办权的城市,图中的“莲花碗”是田径的主赛场,下列关于亚运会田径项目的叙述正确的是( )A.研究短跑运动员终点撞线时可将运动员看成质点B.在田径比赛中跑步运动员的比赛成绩是一个时间间隔C.短跑运动员跑100m和200m都是指位移D.高水平运动员400m比赛的平均速度有可能大于其他运动员200m比赛的平均速度10.现有八个描述运动的物理量:①位移;②路程;③时间;④瞬时速度;⑤平均速度;⑥速率;⑦速度变化量;⑧加速度.全部是矢量的组合是()A.①②④⑤⑥B.①⑤⑥⑦⑧C.④⑤⑥⑦⑧D.①④⑤⑦⑧11.下列物理量中,不是矢量的是( )A.路程 B.位移 C.瞬时速度 D.加速度12.关于自由落体运动,下列说法正确的是()A.自由落体运动是一种匀速直线运动B.物体刚下落时,速度和加速度都为零C.古希腊哲学家亚里士多德认为物体下落快慢与质量无关D.伽利略认为,如果没有空气阻力,重物与轻物应该下落得同样快13.如图,在幼儿园的游乐场中,一小男孩从右侧梯子爬上滑梯,用时10s,然后在上面平台站了5s,接着从左侧的滑梯上由静止开始滑到水平地面,用时3s.下面关于他在滑梯上运动情况的说法中正确的是()A.他爬上去和滑下来的路程相等B.他爬上去和滑下来的位移相同C.他在第15s末开始要下滑,指的是时间间隔D.他整个过程用时18s,指的是时间间隔14.如图所示,物体m静止在粗糙斜面上,现用从零开始逐渐增大的水平推力F作用在物体上,且使物体保持静止状态,则()A.斜面所受物体的静摩擦力方向一直沿斜面向下B.斜面对物体的静摩擦力一直增大C.物体所受的合外力不可能为零D.斜面对物体的静摩擦力先减小后增大15.(题文)重型自卸车利用液压装置使车厢缓慢倾斜到一定角度,车厢上的石块就会自动滑下,以下说法正确的是A.在石块下滑前后自卸车与石块整体的重心位置不变B.自卸车车厢倾角越大,石块与车厢的动摩擦因数越小C.自卸车车厢倾角越大,车厢与石块间的正压力减小D.石块开始下滑时,受到的摩擦力大于重力沿斜面方向的分力16.去年,李世石的人机对决引起了全世界的关注.解说围棋的棋盘如图所示.棋盘竖直放置.棋盘和棋子都是磁性材料制成,能吸在棋盘上,不计棋子之间的相互作用力,下列说法正确的是()A.棋子共受三个力作用B.棋子对棋盘的压力大小等于其所受重力的大小C.磁性越强的棋子,所受的摩擦力越大D.减小棋子的质量,棋子所受到的摩擦力减小17.关于加速度,下列说法中不正确的是()A.速度变化越大,加速度一定越大B.速度变化越快,加速度一定越大C.速度变化一样但所用的时间越短,加速度一定越大D.单位时间内速度变化越大,加速度一定越大18.下列作直线运动的v-t图象中,表示质点作匀变速直线运动的是()A.B.C.D.19.近年来高楼坠物事故频发,若将高楼坠物视为自由落体运动,下列图像能基本反映高楼坠物下落时各物理量变化规律的是 ( )A .B .C .D .20.小洪同学乘出租车从校门口出发,到火车站接到同学后当即随车回校.出租车票如图所示,则以下说法正确的是( )A .位移为16.2kmB .路程为0C .11:48指的是时间D .11:05指的是时刻二、多选题21.从离地H 高处自由下落小球a ,同时在它正下方H 处以速度0v 竖直上抛另一小球b ,不计空气阻力,以下说法正确的( )A .若0v gH >b 在上升过程中与a 球相遇 B .若0v gH <b 在下落过程中肯定与a 球相遇 C .若02gH v =b 和a 不会在空中相遇 D .若0v gH =b 球速度为零。
吉林省吉林大学附属中学高三上学期第一次摸底考试物理试卷 Word版含答案.pdf
吉大附中高中部2015-2016学年上学期 高三年级第一次摸底考试 物 理 试 卷 试卷满分:100 考试时间:90分钟 命题人:李鹏 审题人:孙伟 注意事项: 1.请考生将姓名、班级、考号与座位号填写在答题纸指定的位置上; 2.客观题的作答:将正确答案填写在答题纸指定的位置上; 3.主观题的作答:必须在答题纸上对应题目的答题区域内作答,在此区域外书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。
第Ⅰ卷(客观题4分) 一、选择题:本题共1小题,每小题4分。
1.关于科学家和他们的贡献,下列说法正确的是 A.伽利略发现了行星运动的规律 B.牛顿发现了万有引力定律,并计算出太阳与地球之间的引力大小 C.笛卡尔对牛顿第一定律的建立做出了贡献 D.亚里士多德认为必须有力的作用物体才能运动;哥白尼发现了行星沿椭圆轨道运行 .甲、乙两车在公路上沿同一方向做直线运动,在时,乙车在甲车前处,它们的 v-t图象如图所示,下列对汽车运动情况的描述正确的是 A.甲车先做匀速运动再做反向匀减速运动 B.在第20s末,甲、乙两车的加速度大小相等 C.在第30s末,甲、乙两车相距100m D.在整个运动过程中,甲、乙两车可以相遇两次 .如图所示,置于固定斜面上的物体A受到平行于斜面向下的力作用保持静止。
若力F大小 不变,将力F在竖直平面内由沿斜面向下缓慢地转到沿斜面向上(转 动范围如图中虚线所示),在F转动过程中,物体始终保持静止。
在 此过程中物体与斜面间的 A.弹力可能先增大后减小 B.弹力一定先减小后增大 C.摩擦力可能先减小后增大 D.摩擦力一定一直减小 .如右图所示,长为L的轻杆A一端固定一个质量为m的小球B,另一端固定在水平转轴O 上,轻杆A绕转轴O在竖直平面内匀速转动,角速度为ω。
在轻杆A与水平方向的夹角α 从0°增加到90°的过程中,下列说法正确的是 A.小球B受到轻杆A作用力的方向一定沿着轻杆A B.小球B受到的合力的方向一定沿着轻杆A C.小球B受到轻杆A的作用力逐渐增大 D.小球B受到轻杆A的作用力对小球B做正功 5.2013年6月,我国首次实现太空授课,航员在飞船舱内与地面学生实时交流 了51分钟。
吉林省吉林大学附属中学2016届高三数学上学期第一次摸底考试试题 理试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟注意事项:1.请考生将姓名、班级、考号与座位号填写在答题纸指定的位置上; 2.客观题的作答:将正确答案填涂在答题纸指定的位置上;3.主观题的作答:必须在答题纸上对应题目的答题区域内作答,在此区域外书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。
第Ⅰ卷(客观题60分) 一. 选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给同的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。
(1)设U =R ,已知集合{|1}A x x =>,{|}B x x a =>,且()U A B =R ð,则实数a 的取值范围是(A )(1)-∞,(B )(1]-∞,(C )(1)+∞, (D )[1)+∞,(2)已知O A B C ,,,为同一平面内的四个点,若20AC CB +=,则向量OC 等于(A )2133OA OB -(B )1233OA OB -+ (C )2OA OB -(D )2OA OB -+(3)已知a b ,是实数,则“11()()33a b <”是“33log log a b >”的 (A )充分而不必要条件(B )必要而不充分条件 (C )充要条件(D )既不充分也不必要条件(4)若命题“0x ∃∈R ,使得20230x mx m ++-<”为假命题,则实数m 的取值范围是(A )[26], (B )[62]--, (C )(26), (D )(62)--,(5)若1sin()63πα-=,则22cos ()162πα+-=(A )13(B )13-(C )79(D )79-(6)已知命题p :函数12x y a +=-的图象恒过定点(12),;命题q :若函数(1)y f x =-为偶函数,则函数()y f x =的图象关于直线1x =对称,则下列命题为真命题的是 (A )p q ∨ (B )p q ∧ (C )p q ⌝∧(D )p q ∨⌝(7)已知R 上的偶函数()f x 满足(1)(1)f x f x -=+,若01x <≤时,()2x f x =,则2(log 6)f =(A )6(B )3(C )32(D )34(8)已知函数12*1210()(2)n n n n n f x x a x a x a x a n n ----=+++++>∈N ,,设0x 是函数()f x 的零点的最大值,则下述论断一定错误的是(A )0()0f x '≠ (B )0()0f x '= (C )0()0f x '> (D )0()0f x '<(9)设函数()sin cos2f x x x =图象的一个对称轴方程是(A )4x π=-(B )0x = (C )4x π=(D )2x π=(10)已知函数1()ln sin 1xf x x x+=+-,则关于a 的不等式2(2)(4)0f a f a -+-<的解集是(A )2) (B )(32)-, (C )(12), (D )(11)曲线ln(21)y x =-上的点到直线230x y -+=的最短距离是(A(B )(C ) (D )0(12)已知函数()e x f x ax =-有两个零点12x x <,则下列说法错误的是 (A )e a > (B )122x x +>(C )121x x >(D )()f x 有极小值点0x ,且1202x x x +<第Ⅱ卷(主观题90分)本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分。
吉林省东北师大附中2007—2008学年度高三第四次摸底考试数学试题(文科)本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分. 共150分,考试时间120分钟. 注意事项:1.第Ⅰ卷的答案用2B 铅笔涂在答题卡上,第Ⅱ卷的答案或解答过程均写在答题纸内的指定处,写在试题卷上的无效.2.答题前,考生务必将自己的“班级”、“学号”、“姓名”写在答题卡和答题纸上. 3.考试结束后,只交答题卡和答题纸.第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1.已知命题p :1≤∈x cos R x ,有对任意,则( )A .1≥∈⌝x cos R x p ,使:存在B .1≥∈⌝x cos R x p ,有:对任意C .1>∈⌝x cos R x p ,使:存在D .1>∈⌝x cos R x p ,有:对任意2.已知向量()43,-=,()43-=,,则a 与b( )A .垂直B .不垂直也不平行C .平行且同向D .平行且反向3.某水果经销商进了一车苹果,从中随机抽取了10个苹果,其重量(单位:克)分别为:148,146,151,150,152,147,150,152,153,149,由此估计这车苹果单个重量的期望是( )A .147.8克B .149.4克C .149.8克D .150.2克4.集合{},,若,φ=⋂<-=⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧<+-=B A b x x B x x x A 1011则b 的取值范围是 ( )A .-2≤b <0B .0<b≤2C .-2≤b≤2D . 22-≤≥b b 或5.双曲线x 2-y 2=4的两条渐进线和直线x=2围成一个三角形区域(含边界),则该区域可表示为( )A .⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≤-≥+200x y x y xB .⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤≥-≥+200x y x y xC .⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤≥-≤+200x y x y xD .⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤≤-≤+200x y x y x6.已知数列{a n }对于任意m 、n ∈N*,有a m +a n =a m+n ,若,411=a 则a 40等于 ( )S EF ACA .8B .9C .10D .117.已知定义域为R 的函数()x f 在区间()∞+,4上为减函数,且函数()4+=x f y 为偶函数,则( )A .()()32f f >B .()()52f f >C .()()53f f >D .()()63f f >8.如图,在正四面体S —ABC 中,E 为SA 的中点,F 为∆ABC的中心,则异面直线EF 与AB 所成的角是 ( ) A .30︒ B .45︒ C .60︒ D .90︒ 9.在821⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-x x 的展开式中,含x 的项的系数是 ( )A .55B .-55C .56D .-5610.已知函数()()⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛<>>∈+=200πϕωϕω,,,A R x x sin A x f 的图象(部分)如图所示,则()x f 的解析式是( )A .()()R x x sin x f ∈⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=62ππ B.()()R x x sin x f ∈⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=622ππ C.()()R x x sin x f ∈⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=32ππD.()()R x x sin x f ∈⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=322ππ 11.a n =()*N n C n ∈+21,则na a a 11121+++ 等于 ( )A .2⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-111n B .⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-n 112 C .2-n1 D .1-n2 12.已知椭圆15922=+y x ,过右焦点F 做不垂直于x 轴的弦交椭圆于A 、B 两点,AB 的垂直平分线交x 轴于N ,则=AB NF :( )A .21B .31 C .32D .41第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共90分)二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.)13.若函数()y f x =的图象与函数x y 4=的图象关于直线y x =对称,则()f x =________;14.若抛物线22y px =的焦点与椭圆14822=+y x 的右焦点重合,则p 的值为 ; 15.某考生从“××大学”所给的7个专业中选择3个作为自己的志愿,其中甲、乙两个专业不能同时兼报,则该考生有 种不同的填写..志愿方法; 16.对于函数的这些性质:①奇函数;②偶函数;③增函数;④减函数;⑤周期性;函数()Rx x x x f ∈+=,35具有的性质的序号是 .三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.) 17.(10分)在△ABC 中,角C B A ,,所对的边分别为c b a ,,,22sin 2sin =++CB A . I .试判断△ABC 的形状;II .若△ABC 的周长为16,求面积的最大值.18.(12分)从4名男生和2名女生中任选3人参加演讲比赛. (1)求所选3人都是男生的概率;(2)求所选3人中至少有1名女生的概率.19.(本小题12分)如图,在长方体1111D C B A ABCD -中,2,11===AB AD AA ,点E 在棱AB 上移动. (1)求证:D A E D 11⊥;(2)E 为AB 中点时,求点E 到平面 1ACD 的距离; (3)AE 等于何值时,二面角D EC D --1的大小是4π.20.(12分)设数列{}n a 满足*N n na a a a n n ∈=++++-,444413221 .(Ⅰ)求数列{}n a 的通项; (Ⅱ)设n nnb a =,求数列{}n b 的前n 项和n S .21.(12分)已知函数c bx ax x x f ++-=23)(的图象为曲线E .(I )若曲线E 上存在点P ,使曲线E 在P 点处的切线与x 轴平行,求b a ,的关系; (II )说明函数)(x f 可以在1-=x 和3=x 时取得极值,并求此时b a ,的值; (III )在满足(2)的条件下,c x f 2)(<在]6,2[-∈x 时恒成立,求c 的取值范围.22.(12分)已知双曲线C 的中心在原点,对称轴为坐标轴,其一条渐近线方程是0=+y x ,且双曲线C 过点)1,2(-P .(1)求此双曲线C 的方程;(2)设直线l 过点)1,0(A ,其方向向量为),1(k e =)0(>k ,令向量n 满足0=⋅e n .双曲线C 的右支上是否存在唯一一点B =. 若存在,求出对应的k 值和B 的坐标;若不存在,说明理由.吉林省东北师大附中2007—2008学年度高三第四次摸底考试数学试题(文科)参考答案一、选择题CDBBB CDCDA BB13.()04>=x x log y 14.4 15.2116.①③ 17.(10分)解:Ⅰ、)42sin(22sin 2cos 2sin2sinππ+=+=+-C C C C C2242πππ==+∴C C 即 所以此三角形为直角三角形.Ⅱ.ab ab b a b a 221622+≥+++=2)22(64-≤∴ab 当且仅当b a =时取等号,此时面积的最大值为()24632-.18.(12分)(1)解:所选3人都是男生的概率为 513634=C C(2)解:所选3人中至少有1名女生的概率为543614222412=+C C C C C 另解:1-545113634=-=C C19.(12分)解:(1)由于 D AE 11D AA 面⊥,11AD D A ⊥,根据三垂线定理,得D A E D 11⊥. (4分) (2)设E 到平面1ACD 的距离为h .在1ACD ∆中,51==CD AC ,21=AD ,231=∆C AD S , 而21=∆ACE S ,h S DD S C AD ACE ⋅=⋅∴∆∆113131V 1-D =AEC,得31=h . (8分) (3)过D 作CE DH ⊥于H ,连接DE H D 、1,则CE H D ⊥1.1DHD ∠∴为二面角D EC D --1的平面角.设,x AE =则,2x BE -=在DH D 1∆中,1DHD ∠∴4π=,得1=DH .由于DA CD DH CE ⋅=⋅, 即21)2(2=+-x ,解得32-=x .因此,当32-=x 时,二面角D EC D --1的大小为4π. (12分)20.(12分)解:(I) ,444413221n a a a a n n =++++-(),241444123221≥-=++++--n n a a a a n n (),241441≥--=∴-n n n a n n()241≥=∴n a n n 验证1n =时也满足上式, ()*N n a n n ∈=∴41(II) ∵n nnb a =,∴n n n b 4⋅=, ()1443424132nn n S ⋅++⋅+⋅+⋅=()()244143424141432+⋅+⋅-++⋅+⋅+⋅=n n n n n S(1)-(2)得1324414141413+⋅-⋅++⋅+⋅+⋅=-n nn n S()14414143+⋅---=-∴n nn n S ()44439111+-⋅=∴++n n n n S21.(12分)解:(1)b x a x x f +-='23)(2,设切点为),(00y x P ,则曲线)(x f y =在点P 的切线的斜率b ax x x f k +-='=020023)(,由题意知023)(0200=+-='b ax x x f 有解,∴01242≥-=∆b a 即b a 32≥.(2)若函数)(x f 可以在1-=x 和3=x 时取得极值,则023)(2=+-='b x a x x f 有两个解1-=x 和3=x ,且满足b a 32≥. 易得9,3-==b a .(3)由(2),得c x x x x f +--=93)(23.根据题意,x x x c 9323-->(]6,2[-∈x )恒成立.∵函数x x x x g 93)(23--=(]6,2[-∈x )在1-=x 时有极大值5(用求导的方法), 且()=6g 54,(),22-=-g .∴函数x x x x g 93)(23--=(]6,2[-∈x )的最大值为54.所以54>c .22.解:(1)设双曲线C 的方程为)0(22≠=-λλy x ,将点)1,2(-P 代入可得1=λ, ∴双曲线C 的方程为122=-y x .(2)依题意,直线 l 的方程为1+=kx y )1(>k .设),(00y x B 是双曲线右支上满足= 的点,结合 0=⋅,得11200+=+-k y kx ,即点),(00y x B 到直线l 的距离 111200=++-=k y kx d若1>k ,则直线l 在双曲线C 右支的上方,故100+<kx y ,从而11200+-+=k kx y . 又因为 12020=-y x ,所以 0123)11(2)1(2202202=+-+++-+-k k x k k x k .此时 012>-k ,由0=∆得 25=k ,此时方程有唯一解 50=x ,则)2,5(B 综上,符合条件的k 值为 25=k ,此时)2,5(B .。
吉大附中高中部2015-2016学年下学期高三年级第二次模拟考试 数学(文科) 试 卷试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟注意事项:1.请考生将姓名、班级、考号与座位号填写在答题纸指定的位置上; 2.客观题的作答:将正确答案填涂在答题纸指定的位置上;3.主观题的作答:必须在答题纸上对应题目的答题区域内作答,在此区域外书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。
第Ⅰ卷(客观题60分)一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,每小题给出四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求.(1)设集合221{|21}{|10}4x A x B x x -=<<=-,…,则A B 等于( )(A ){|11}x x -≤… (B ){|12}x x <≤ (C ){|01}x x <≤(D ){|02}x x <<(2)已知等比数列{a n }中,123a a +=,3412a a +=,则56a a += ( )(A )3(B )15(C )48(D )63(3)在区间[11]-,上随机取一个数k ,使直线(2)y k x =+与圆221x y +=相交的概率为( )(A )12(B )13(C (D (4)设复数i z x y =+ (x ,y ∈R ),i 为虚数单位,则下列结论正确的是( )(A )|z -z |=2y(B )z 2=x 2+y 2 (C )|z -z |2x ?(D )|z |… |x |+|y |(5)执行两次下图所示的程序框图,若第一次输入的a 的值为 1.2-,第二次输入的a 的值为1.2,则第一次、第二次输出的a 的值分别为( )(A )0.2,0.2 (B )0.2,0.8 (C )0.8, 0.2 (D )0.8,0.8(6)2016年3月9日至15日,谷歌人工智能系统“阿尔法”迎战围棋冠军李世石,最终结果“阿尔法”以总比分4比1战胜李世石.许多人认为这场比赛是人类的胜利,也有许多人持反对意见,有网友为此进行了调查,在参加调查的2548名男性中有1560名持反对意见,2452名女性中有1200名持反对意见,在运用这些数据说明“性别”对判断“人机大战是人类的胜利”是否有关系时,应采用的统计方法是( ) (A )茎叶图 (B )分层抽样(C )独立性检验(D )回归直线方程(7)下列函数既是奇函数,又在区间(01),上单调递减的是( )(A )3()f x x = (B )()|1|f x x =-+ (C )1()ln1xf x x-=+ (D )()22x x f x -=+(8)已知一个几何体可切割成一个多面体及一个旋转体的一部分,其三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积是( ) (A )32π(B )1π+ (C )16π+(D )π(9)给定两个命题p ,q ,若⌝p 是q 的必要而不充分条件,则p 是⌝q 的( )(A )充分而不必要条件 (B )必要而不充分条件 (C )充要条件(D )既不充分也不必要条件(10)将所有正偶数按如下方式进行排列,则2 016位于( )第1行:2 4 第2行:6 810 12第3行:14 16 18 20 22 24第4行:26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40…… …… ……(A )第30行(B )第31行(C )第32行(D )第33行(11)已知四棱锥P ABCD -的顶点都在球O 的球面上,底面ABCD 是矩形,24AB AD ==平面PAD ⊥底面ABCD ,PAD △为等边三角形,则球面O 的表面积为( )(A )323π(B )32π (C )64π (D )643π(12)已知集合2{()|()|1|20}f x f x ax x a x =-++<∈R ,为空集,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) (A)+)∞ (B)+)∞(C)+)∞ (D)(-∞ 第Ⅱ卷(主观题90分)二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分.(13)若实数x ,y 满足1000x y x y x -+⎧⎪+⎨⎪⎩≥,≥,≤,则z =3x +2y 的最小值是 .(14)已知正方形ABCD 的边长为2,E 为CD 的中点,则AE BD ⋅=__________.(15) 函数()f x 的图象如图所示,()f x '是()f x 的导函数,设(2)a f '=-,(3)b f '=-,(2)(3)c f f =---,则a b c ,,由小到大的关系为 .(16)已知数列{a n }满足a 1=1,1*()2n n n a a n a +=∈+N .若111()(1)n nb n b a λλ+=-+=-,,且数列{b n }是递增数列,则实数λ的取值范围是 .三、解答题:解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤. (17)(本小题满分12分)已知ABC △的内角A B C ,,的对边分别为a b c ,,,且满足sin(2)22cos()sin A B A B A+=++.(Ⅰ)求ba的值;(Ⅱ)若1a c =,ABC △的面积.(18)(本小题满分12分)如图,直三棱柱ABC -A 1B 1C 1的底面是边长为2的正三角形,E ,F 分别是BC ,CC 1的中点.(Ⅰ)证明:平面AEF ⊥平面B 1BCC 1;(Ⅱ)若直线A 1C 与平面A 1ABB 1所成的角为45°,求三棱锥F -AEC 的体积.(19)(本小题满分12分)已知某中学高三文科班学生共有800人参加了数学与地理的水平测试,现学校决定利用随机数表法从中抽取100人进行成绩抽样统计,先将800人按001002003800,,,,L 进行编号.(Ⅰ)如果从第8行第7列的数开始向右读,请你依次写出最先检测的3个人的编号;(下面摘取了第7行至第9行)(Ⅱ)抽的100人的数学与地理的水平测试成绩如下表:成绩分为优秀、良好、及格三个等级,横向、纵向分别表示地理成绩与数学成绩,例如:表中数学成绩为良好的共有2018442++=人,若在该样本中,数学成绩优秀率为30%,求a b ,的值.(Ⅲ)将108a b ≥,≥的a b ,表示成有序数对()a b ,,求“在地理成绩为及格的学生中,数学成绩为优秀的人数比及格的人数少”的数对()a b ,的概率.(20)(本小题满分12分)已知点(60)H -,,点(0)P b ,在y 轴上,点(0)Q a ,在x 轴的正半轴上,且满足HP ⊥PQ ,点M 在直线PQ 上,且满足PM -2MQ =0,(Ⅰ)当点P 在y 轴上移动时,求点M 的轨迹C 的方程;(Ⅱ)过点(10)T -,作直线l 与轨迹C 交于A 、B 两点,线段AB 的垂直平分线与x 轴的交点为0(0)E x ,,设线段AB 的中点为D ,且2|||DE AB ,求0x 的值.84 42 17 53 31 57 24 55 06 88 77 04 74 47 67 21 76 33 50 25 83 92 12 06 7663 01 63 78 59 16 95 56 67 19 98 10 50 71 75 12 86 73 58 07 44 39 52 38 7933 21 12 34 29 78 64 56 07 82 52 42 07 44 38 15 51 00 13 42 99 66 02 79 54(21)(本小题满分12分)已知函数2()1axf x a x =++,g (x )=a ln x -x (a ≠0). (Ⅰ)求函数f (x )的单调区间;(Ⅱ)证明:当a > 0时,对于任意x 1,x 2∈(0,e],总有g (x 1) < f (x 2)成立,其中e 2.71828=是自然对数的底数.请考生在第22、23、24题任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分。
吉林大学附属中学高一 物理上册11月质量检测考试试题_及答案
吉林大学附属中学高一 物理上册11月质量检测考试试题_及答案一、选择题1.在变速直线运动中,下面关于速度和加速度关系的说法,正确的是( ) A .物体速度变化得越快,加速度一定越大 B .速度越大的物体,运动的加速度一定越大 C .物体速度的方向和加速度的方向一定相同 D .物体速度为零,加速度也一定为零2.如图所示,在水平力F 的作用下,木块A 、B 保持静止.若木块A 与B 的接触面是水平的,且F≠0.则关于木块B 的受力个数可能是( )A .3个或4个B .3个或5个C .4个或5个D .4个或6个3.质量为50kg 的乘客乘坐电梯从四层到一层,电梯自四层启动向下做匀加速运动,加速度的大小是0.6m/s 2,则电梯启动时地板对乘客的支持力为 ( )( g=10m/s 2) A .530NB .500NC .450ND .470N4.课间休息时,负责擦黑板的同学为方便老师下节课使用,将磁性板擦吸附在磁性黑板上如图所示,下列说法正确的是( )A .板擦受到四个力作用,其中有三个力的施力物体是黑板B .板擦受到的摩擦力大于重力C .作用在板擦上的磁力和弹力是一对相互作用力D .若磁力突然消失,板擦仍能保持静止不动5.把竖直向下的90N 的力分解为两个分力,一个分力在水平方向上等于120N ,则另一个分力的大小为( ) A .30NB .90NC .120ND .150N6.一石块从楼顶自由落下,不计空气阻力,取210m/s g .石块在下落过程中,第4s 末的速度大小为( ) A .10m/sB .20m/sC .30m/sD .40m/s7.下列叙述中不符合历史事实的是( )A .古希腊哲学家亚里士多德认为物体越重,下落得越快B .伽利略发现亚里士多德的观点有自相矛盾的地方C .伽利略认为,如果没有空气阻力,重物与轻物应该下落得同样快D.伽利略用实验直接证实了自由落体运动是初速度为零的匀速直线运动8.关于速度的描述,下列说法中正确的是A.京沪高速铁路测试时的列车最高时速可达484km/h,指的是瞬时速度B.电动自行车限速20 km/h,指的是平均速度C.子弹射出枪口时的速度为500m/s,指的是平均速度D.某运动员百米跑的成绩是10s,则他冲刺时的速度一定为10m/s9.下列说法正确的是( )A.运动越快的汽车越不容易停下来,是因为汽车运动得越快,惯性越大B.同一物体在地球上不同的位置受到的重力是不同,所以它的惯性也随位置的变化而变化C.一个小球竖直上抛,抛出后能继续上升,是因为小球运动过程中受到了向上的推力D.物体的惯性大小只与本身的质量有关,质量大的物体惯性大,质量小的物体惯性小10.以下各物理量属于矢量的是A.质量B.时间间隔C.摩擦力D.动摩擦因数11.射箭是奥运会正式比赛项目.运动员将箭射出后,箭在空中飞行过程中受到的力有( )A.重力B.重力、弓弦的弹力C.重力、空气作用力D.重力、弓弦的弹力、空气作用力12.如图所示为一物体做匀变速直线运动的速度图线,下列判断正确的是()A.物体一直往正方向运动B.物体的加速度大小为2m/s2C.4s末物体位于出发点D.2s后的物体做减速运动13.某一质点沿直线ox 方向做变速运动,它离开O 点的距离x 随时间变化的关系为x =8+2t 3(m),它的速度随时间t 变化的关系为v =6t 2(m/s ),该质点在t =0到t =2s 间的平均速度和t =2s 时的瞬时速度的大小分别为( ) A .12m/s ,8m/sB .8m/s ,24m/sC .12m/s ,24m/sD .8m/s ,12m/s14.一个以初速度v 0沿直线运动的物体,t 秒末速度为v t ,其v-t 如图所示,v 为t 秒内物体运动的平均速度,a 表示物体的加速度.在0~t 秒内,下列说法中正确的是:A .02tv v v += B .02tv v v +<C .a 逐渐增大D .有一个时刻的加速度0t v v a t-=15.两物体都做匀变速直线运动,在给定的时间间隔t 内( ) A .加速度大的,其位移一定大 B .初速度大的,其位移一定大 C .末速度大的,其位移一定大D .平均速度大的,其位移一定大16.如图所示,一根轻弹簧的原长为,一端固定,另一端受到水平拉力的作用,长度变为,已知弹簧始终在弹性限度内,则此弹簧的劲度系数为( )A .B .C .D .17.以下物理量中是矢量的有 ( )a.位移b.路程c.瞬时速度d.平均速度e.时间f.加速度g.速率 A .只有acdf B .只有adf C .只有afg D .只有af18.如图,在幼儿园的游乐场中,一小男孩从右侧梯子爬上滑梯,用时10s ,然后在上面平台站了5s ,接着从左侧的滑梯上由静止开始滑到水平地面,用时3s .下面关于他在滑梯上运动情况的说法中正确的是( )A.他爬上去和滑下来的路程相等B.他爬上去和滑下来的位移相同C.他在第15s末开始要下滑,指的是时间间隔D.他整个过程用时18s,指的是时间间隔19.如图所示,手沿水平方向将书压在竖直墙壁上,使其保持静止,现增大手对书的压力,则书()A.将沿墙壁滑动B.受到的合外力增大C.对墙壁的压力不变D.受到的静摩擦力不变20.航天员北京时间2013年6月20日上午10点在太空给地面的学生讲课.此次太空授课主要面向中小学生,其中有失重条件下物体运动的特点,及在失重的情况下如何测量物体的质量,第一次在太空中展示如何用牛顿定律测质量;测量的示意图如下图所示,测量的方法为:先把航天员固定在人体支架上,然后另一航天员将其向外拉到一定位置松手(图甲所示),最后支架会在弹簧恒定弹力的作用下拉回到初始位置(图乙所示).假设支架向外伸长的位移为S,弹簧对支架的作用力为恒力,大小为F,支架回到初始位置所用时间为t,则测量者的质量为:A .2Ft m S =B .22Ft m S=C .24Ft m S=D .2Ft m S=二、多选题21.如图所示,光滑斜面A E 被分成四个相等的部分,一物体由A 点从静止释放,则下列说法正确的是( )A .物体到达各点的速率:::1:2:3:2BCDE v v v v = B .物体到达各E 点、B 点所经历的时间3E B t t = C .物体从A 到E 的平均速度B v v =D .物体通过每一部分时,时间之比为:::1:3:5:7AB BC CD DE t t t t =22.如图所示,物体A 和B 的质量均为m ,分别与跨过定滑轮的轻绳连接(不计绳与轮、滑轮与轴之间的摩擦),用水平变力F 拉物体A 沿水平方向向右做匀速直线运动。
Examination of the Advanced English Class, Grade 3TEST PAPER TWODirections:1.The full mark of the examination will be 150 points.2.The examination includes two parts, TEST ONE must be finished during the examination, and TESTTWO is allowed to be finished after school.3.You must finish TEST ONE in 50 minutes, and your answers must be written on the answer sheet.4.The answer sheet includes two parts. Answer the questions in TEST ONE on ANSWER SHEET ONE andit must be handed in when the examination is over.5.The test paper can be taken after the examination. ANSWER SHEET ONE is only needed.6.Each correct answer counts for 1 point except where noted.TEST ONEA. Vocabulary and Grammar. (50 Points, 30 Minutes)B. Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning). (20 Points, 20 Minutes)D IRECTIONS:In this part, you will have 20 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on ANSWER SHEET ONE. For questions 1~7, markY for YES, if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N for NO, if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG for NOT GIVEN, if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 8~10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.The World in a Glass: Six Drinks That Changed HistoryTom Standage urges drinkers to savor the history of their favorite beverages along with the taste.The author of A History of the World in 6 Glasses (Walker & Company, June 2005), Standage lauds the libations that have helped shape our world from the Stone Age to the present day.―The important drinks are still drinks that we enjoy today.‖ Said Standage, a technology editor at the London-based magazine the Economist. ―They are relics(纪念物)of different historical periods still found in our kitchens‖.Take the six-park, whose contents first fizzed at the dawn of civilization.BeerThe ancient Sumerians, who built advanced city-states in the area of present-day Iraq, began fermenting (发酵) beer from barley at least 6.000 years ago.―When people started agriculture the first crops they produced were barley or wheat. You consume those c rops as bread and as beer.‖ Standage noted. ―It‘s the drink associated with the dawn of civilization. It‘s as simple as that.‖Beer was popular with the masses from the beginning.―Beer would have been something that a common person could have had in the h ouse and made whenever they wanted.‖ Said Linda Bisson, a microbiologist at the Department of Viticulture and Enology at the University of California, Davis.―The guys who built the pyramids were paid in beer and bread.‖ Standage added. ―It was the definin g drink of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Everybody drink it. Today it‘s the drink of the working man, and it was then as well. ‖WineWine may be as old or older then beer--though no one can be certain.Paleolithic humans probably sampled the first. ―Wine‖ as th e juice of naturally fermented wild grapes. But producing and storing wine proved difficult for early cultures.―To make wine you have to have fresh grapes,‖ said Bisson, the UC Davis microbiologist. ―For beer you can just store grain and old water to proc ess it at any time.‖Making wine also demanded pottery that could preserve the precious liquid.―Wine may be easier to make [than beer], but it‘s the harder to store,‖ Bisson added. ―For most ancient cultures it would have been hard to catch [fermenting gr ape juice] as wine on its way to [becoming] vinegar.‖Such caveats and expense of producing wine helped the beverage quickly gain more cache t (威望) than beer. Wine was originally associated with social elites and religious activities.Wine snobbery may be nearly as old as wine itself. Greeks and Romans produced many grades of wine for various social classes.The quest for quality became an economic engine and later drove cultural expansion.―Once you had regions [like Greece and Rome] that could distinguish themselves as making good stuff, it gave them an economic boost,‖ Bisson said. ―Beer just wasn‘t as special.‖SpiritsHard liquor, particularly brandy and rum, placated (安抚) sailors during the long sea voyages of the Age of Exploration, when European powers plied the seas during the 15th, 16th, and early 17th centuries.Rum played a crucial part of the triangular trade between Britain, Africa, and the North American colonies that once dominates the Atlantic economy.Standage also suggests that rum may have been more responsible than tea for the independence movement in Britain‘s American colonies.―Distilling molasses for rum was very important to the New England economy,‖ he explained. ―When the British tried to tax molasses it struck at the heart of t he economy. The idea of ‗no taxation without representation‘ originated with molasses and sugar. Only at the end did it refer to tea.‖Great Britain‘s longtime superiority at sea may also own a debt to its navy‘s drink of rum-based choice, grog (掺水烈酒),which was made a compulsory beverage for sailors in the late 18th century.―They would make grog with rum, water, and lemon or lime juice,‖ Standage said. ―This improved the taste but also reduced illness and scurvy. Fleet physicians thought that this had doubled the efficiency of the fleet.‖CoffeeThe story of modern coffee starts in the Arabian Peninsula, where roasted beans were first brewed around A.D.1000. Sometime around the 15th century, coffee spread throughout the Arab world.―In the Arab world, coff ee rose as an alternative to alcohol, and coffeehouses as alternatives to taverns (酒馆)--both of which are banned by Islam,‖ Standage said.When coffee arrived in Europe it was similarly hailed as an ―anti-alcohol‖ that was quite welcome during the Age of Reason in the 18th century.―Just at the point when the Enlightenment is getting going, here‘s a drink that sharpens the mind,‖ Standage said. ―The coffeehouse is the perfect venue(聚会地点) to get together and exchange ideas and information. The French Revolu tion started in a coffeehouse.‖Coffee also fuelled commerce and had strong links to the rituals of business that remain to the present day. Lloyds of London and the London Stock Exchange were both originally coffeehouses.TeaTea became a daily drink in China around the third century A.D.Standage says tea played a leading role in the expansion of imperial and industrial might in Great Britain many centuries later. During the 19th century, the East India Company enjoyed a monopoly on tea exports from China.―Englishmen around the world could drink tea, whether they were a colonial administrator in India or a London businessman,‖ Standage said. ―The sun never set on the British Empire--which meant that it was always teatime somewhere.‖As the Industrial Revolution of 18th and 19th centuries gained steam, tea provided some of the fuel. Factory workers stayed alert during long, monotonous shifts thanks to welcome tea breaks.The beverage also had unintended health benefits for rapidly growing urban areas. ―Whe n you start packing people together in cities it‘s helpful to have a water-purification technology like tea,‖ which was brewed with boiling water, Standage explained.Coca-ColaIn 1886 pharmacist John Stith Pemberton sold about nine Coca-Colas a day.Toda y his soft drink is one of the world‘s most valuable brands—sold in more countries than the United Nations has members.―It may be the second most widely understood phrase in the world after ‗OK‘,‖ Standage said.The drink has become a symbol of the United States—love it or hate it. Standage notes that East Germans quickly reached for Cokes when the Berlin Wall fell, while Thai Muslims poured it out into the street to show disdain for the U.S. in the days leading up to 2003 invasion of Iraq.―Coca-Cola encapsulates what happened in the 20th century: the rise of consumer capitalism and the emergence of America as a superpower,‖ Standage said. ―It‘s globalization in a bottle.‖While Coke may not always produce a smile, a survey by the Economist magazine (Stand age‘s employer), suggests that the soft drink‘s presence is a great indicator of happy citizens. When countries were polled for happiness, as defined by a United Nations index, high scores correlated with sales of Coca-Cola.―It‘s not because [Coke] makes people happy, but because [its] sales happen in the dynamic free-market economies that tend to produce happy people,‖ Standage said.Questions:1.The passage gives a brief description of the content of a new book, A History of the World in 6 Glasses.2.The ancient Sumerians began fermenting beer from barley at least 6000 years ago.3.Today beer is the drink of the working man, which was not the case before.4.Greeks probably sampled the first ―wine‖ as the juice of naturally fermented wild grapes.5.The caveats and the expense of producing wine helped it quickly gain more cachet than beer.6.Standage suggests that tea may have been more responsible than rum for the independence movement inBritain‘s American colonies.7.Coffee is the best drink according to Standage.8.Sometime around the 15th century coffee spread throughout .9.During the 19th century, the monopoly in tea exports from China is .10.Coca-Cola has become a symbol of .TEST TWOReading Comprehension.(A) Choose the best answer according to the passage. Each correct answer counts for 0.5 point.After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced(1) for a few days, I was (2) to wait tables on my own. All went (3) that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily (4) the tables not far from the kitchen.(5) , I still felt it a little hard to carry the trays.Before I knew it, the (6) was full of people. I moved slowly, (7) every step. I remember how (8) when I saw the tray stand near the tables; it looked different from the one I was (9) on. It had nice handles, which made it (10) to move around. I was pleased with everything and began to (11) I was a natural at this job.Then, an old man came to me and said, ―Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved (12) you work. It seems your tray stand has been very (13) to you, but you are getting ready to (14) now, and my wife needs her (15) back.‖At first his (16) did not get across. ―What was he talking about!‖ Then, I got it. I had set my trays on his wife‘s orthopedic walker. I stood frozen as ice, but my face was (17) . I wanted to get into a hole and (18) .Since then, I have learned from many mistakes such as the one I just (19) . I have learned to be more (20) and not to be too sure of myself.1. A. manager B. assistant C. cook D. waitress2. A. promised B. invited C. allowed D. advised3. A. well B. quickly C. safely D. wrong4. A. left B. given C. brought D. shown5. A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Finally6. A. kitchen B. street C. restaurant D. table7. A. minding B. changing C. taking D. saving8. A. angry B. calm C. sad D. happy9. A. fixed B. trained C. loaded D. waited10.A. slower B. lighter C. quieter D. easier11.A. believe B. agree C. regret D. pretend12.A. letting B. making C. watching D. having13.A. useful B. familiar C. unusual D. interesting14.A. rest B. order C. eat D. leave15.A. bag B. walker C. tray D. coat16.A. idea B. praise C. message D. need17.A. cold B. full of joy C. pale D. on fire18.A. lie B. hide C. defend D. stay19.A. repeated B. discovered C. corrected D. described20.A. careful B. patient C. honest D. practical(B) Read the passage and answer the following questions.How Could You?When I was a puppy, I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh. You called me your child, and despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple of murdered throw pillows, I became your best friend. Whenever I was ―bad‖, you‘d shake your finger at me and ask ―How could you?‖------but then you‘d relent, and roll me over a belly rub.My housebreaking took a little longer than expected, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. I remember those nights of nuzzling you in bed and listening to your confidences and secret dreams, and I believed that life could not be any more perfect. We went for long walks and runs in the park, car rides, stops for ice cream (I only got the cone because ―ice cream is bad for dogs‖, you said), and I took long naps in the sun waiting for you to come home at the end of the day.Gradually, you began spending more time at work and your career, and more timesearching for a human mate. I waited for you patiently, comforted you throughheartbreaks and disappointments, never chided you about bad decisions, and romped withglee at your homecomings, and when you fell i n love. She, now your wife, is not a ―dogperson‖------still I welcomed her into our home, tried to show her affection, and obeyedher. I was happy because you were happy.Then the human babies came along and I shared your excitement. I was fascinatedby their pinkness, how they smelled, and I wanted to mother them, too. Only she and youworried that I might hurt them, and I spent most of my time banished to another room, orto a dog crate. Oh, how I wanted to love them, but became a ―prisoner of love‖. As they began to grow, I became their friend. They clung to my fur and pulled themselves up on wobbly legs, poked fingers in my eyes, investigated my ears, and gave me kisses on my nose. I loved everything about them and their touch------because your touch was now so infrequent------and I would have defended them with my life if needed be. I would sneak into their beds and listen to their worries and secret dreams, and together we waited for the sound of your car in the driveway.There had been a time, when others asked you if you had a dog, that you produced a photo of me from your wallet and told them stories about me. These past few years, you just answered ―yes‖ and changed the subject. I had gone from being ―your dog‖ to ―just a dog‖, and you resented ever y expenditure on my behalf. Now, you have a new career opportunity in another city, and you and they will be moving to an apartment that does not allow pets. You‘ve made the right decision for your ―family‖, but there was a time when I was your only family.I was excited about the car ride until we arrived at the animal shelter. It smelled of dogs and cats, of fear, of hopelessness. You filled out the paperwork and said, ―I know you will find a good home for her.‖ They shrugged and gave you a pained look. They understand the realities facing a middle-aged dog, even one with ―papers‖. You had to pry your son‘s fingers loose from my collar, as he screamed ―No, Daddy. Please don‘tlet them take my dog!‖ And I worried for him, and what lessons you had just taugh t him about friendship and loyalty, about love and responsibility, and about respect for all life.You gave me a good-bye pat on the head, avoided my eyes, and politely refused to take my collar and leash with you. You had a deadline to meet and now I have one, too. After you left, the two nice ladies said you probably knew about your upcoming move months ago and made no attempt to find me another good home. They shook their heads and asked ―How could you?‖They are as attentive to us here in the shelter as their busy schedules allow. They feed us, of course, butI lost my appetite days ago. At first, whenever anyone passed my pen, I rushed to the front,hoping it was you------that you had changed your mind------that this was all a bad dream…or I hoped it would at least be someone who cared, anyone who might save me. When Irealized I could not compete with the frontlinking for attention of happy puppies, obliviousto their own fate, I retreated to a far corner and waited.I heard footsteps as she came for me at the end of the day, and I padded along theaisle after her to a separate room. A blissfully quiet room. She placed me on the table andrubbed my ears, and told me not to worry. My heart pounded in anticipation of what was tocome, but there was also a sense of relief. The prisoner of love had run out of days. As is my nature, I was more concerned about her. The burden which she bears weighs heavily on her, and I know that, the same day I knew your every mood. She gently placed a tourniquet around my foreleg as a tear ran down her cheek. I licked her hand in the same way I used to comfort you so many years ago. She expertly slid the hypodermic needle into my vein. As I felt the sting and the cool liquid coursing through my body, I lay down sleeply, loo ked in her kind eyes and murmured ―How could you?‖Perhaps because she understood my dog-speak, she said ―I‘m so sorry.‖ She hugged me, and hurriedly explained it was her job to make sure I went to a better place, where I wouldn‘t be ignored or abused or abandoned, or have to fend for myself------a place of love and light so very different from this earthly place.And with my last bit of energy, I tried to convey to her with a thump of my tail that my ―How could you?‖ was not directed at her. It was you, My Beloved Master, I was thinking of. I will think of you and wait for you forever. May everyone in your life continue to show you so much loyalty.Jim Willis, Pieces of My Heart------Writings Inspired by Animals & Natures Questions:1.How many times did the sentence ―How could you?‖ mentioned in the passage?2.According to the passage, why the dog was happy?3.Where did the man sent his dog to?4.What happened to the dog in the end?5.What do you want to say to the dog‘s master? (At least 20 words)(C) In the following text, some segments have been removed. Choose the most suitable one from the list A~G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are 2 extra choices. Each correct answer counts for 2 points.The time for sharpening pencils, arranging your desk, and doing almost anything else instead of writing has ended. The first draft will appear on the page only if you stop avoiding the inevitable and sit, stand up, or lie down to write. (1)Be flexible. Your outline should smoothly conduct you from one point to the next, but do not permit it to railroad you. If a relevant and important idea occurs to you know, work it into the draft. (2) Grammar, punctuation, and spelling can wait until you revise. Concentrate on what you are saying. Good writing most often occurs when you are in hot pursuit of an idea rather than in a nervous search for errors.(3) Your pages will be easier to keep track of that way, and, if you have to clip a paragraph to place it elsewhere, you will not lose any writing on the other side.If you are working on a word processor, you can take advantage of its capacity to make additions and deletions as well as move entire paragraphs by making just a few simple keyboard commands. Some software can also check spelling and certain grammatical elements in your writing. (4) These print-outs are also easier to read than the screen when you are working on revisions.Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that is unrelated to your thesis and add material necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing. The students who wrote ―The A & P as a State of Mind‖ wisely dropped a paragraph that questioned whether Sammy displays chauvinistic attitudes toward women. (5)Remember that your initial draft is only that. You should go through the paper many times------and then again------working to substantiate and clarify your ideas. You may even end up with several entire versions of the paper. Rewrite. The sentences within each paragraph should be related to a single topic. Translations should connect one paragraph to the next so that there are no abrupt or confusing shifts. Awkward or wordy phrasing or unclear sentences and paragraphs should be mercilessly poked and prodded into shape. Choices:[A] To make revising easier, leave wide margins and extra space between lines so that you can easily addwords, sentences, and corrections. Write on only one side of the paper.[B] After you have clearly and adequately, developed the body of your paper, pay particular attention to theintroductory and concluding paragraphs. It‘s probably best to write the introduction last, after you know precisely what you are introducing. Concluding paragraphs demand equal attention because they leave the reader with a final impression.[C] It‘s worth remembering, however, that though a clean copy fresh off a printer may look terrific, it will readonly as well as the thinking and writing that have gone into it. Many writers prudently store their data on disks and print their pages each time they finish a draft to avoid losing any material because of power failures or other problems.[D] It makes no difference how you write, just so you do. Now that you have developed a topic into anattentive thesis, you can assemble your notes and begin to flesh out whatever outline you have made. [E] Although this is an interesting issue, it has nothing to do with the thesis, which explains how the settinginfluence Sammy‘s decision to quit his job. Instead of including that paragraph, she added one that described Lengel‘s crabbed response to the girls so that she could lend up to the A & P ―policy‖ he enforces.[F] In the final paragraph about the significance of the setting in ―A & P‖, the student brings together thereasons Sammy quit his job by referring to his refusal to accept Lengel‘s store policies.[G] By using the first draft as a means of thinking about what you want to say, you will very likely discovermore than your notes origina lly suggested. Plenty of good writers don‘t use outlines at all but discover ordering principles as they write. Do not attempt to compose a perfectly correct draft the first time around.(D) Choose the correct words from the box to fill in the blanks.During sleep, the fatigue(疲劳) of the body 1 and recuperation(恢复)begins. The tired mind gathers new energy. Once awake, the memory improves, and annoyance and problems are seen in a better 2 .Some adults require little sleep; others need eight to ten hours in every twenty-four. 3 sleep sixteen to eighteen hours daily and as they grow older, the 4 gradually diminishes. Young students may need twelve hours; university students may need ten. A worker with a 5 demanding job may also need ten, whereas an executive worker under treat pressure may manage on six to eight..Many famous people are reputed little sleep. Napoleon, Thomas Edison and Charles Darwin apparently 6 only four to six hours a night.Whatever your 7 need, you can be sure that by the age of thirty you will have sleep for a total of more than twelve years. By that age you will also have developed a sleep 8 : a favorite hour, a favorite bed, a favorite position, and a formula you need to follow in order to rest comfortably.Investigators have tried to find out how long a person can go without sleep. Several people have reached more than 115 hours, nearly five days, 9 animals kept awake for from five to eight days have died of(E) Read the passage and solve the problem.Playfair CipherFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Playfair cipher or Playfair square is a manual symmetric encryption technique and was the first literal digraph substitution cipher. The scheme was invented in 1854 by Charles Wheatstone, but bears the name of Lord Playfair who promoted the use of the cipher.Using PlayfairThe Playfair cipher uses a 5 by 5 table containing a key word or phrase.Memorization of the keyword and 4 simple rules was all that was required to create the 5by 5 table and use the cipher.To generate the key table, one would first fill in the spaces in the table with the lettersof the keyword (dropping any duplicate letters), then fill the remaining spaces with the restof the letters of the alphabet in order (usually omitting "Q" to reduce the alphabet to fit,other versions put both "I" and "J" in the same space). The key can be written in the toprows of the table, from left to right, or in some other pattern, such as a spiral beginning inthe upper-left-hand corner and ending in the center. The keyword together with theconventions for filling in the 5 by 5 table constitute the cipher key.To encrypt a message, one would break the message into digraphs (groups of 2letters) such that, for example, "Hello World" becomes "HE LL OW OR LD", and mapthem out on the key table. The two letters of the digraph look like the corners of arectangle in the key table. Note the relative position of the corners of this rectangle. Thenapply the following 4 rules, in order, to each pair of letters in the plaintext:If both letters are the same (or only one letter is left), add an "X" after the first letter. Encrypt the new pair and continue. Some variants of Playfair use "Q" instead of "X", but any uncommon monograph will do.If the letters appear on the same row of your table, replace them with the letters to their immediate right respectively (wrapping around to the left side of the row if a letter in the original pair was on the right side of the row).If the letters appear on the same column of your table, replace them with the letters immediately below respectively (wrapping around to the top side of the column if a letter in the original pair was on the bottom side of the column).If the letters are not on the same row or column, replace them with the letters on the same row respectively but at the other pair of corners of the rectangle defined by the original pair. The order is important – the first encrypted letter of the pair is the one that lies on the same row as the first plaintext letter.To decrypt, use the inverse of these 4 rules (dropping any extra "X"s (or "Q"s) that don't make sense in the final message when you finish).Example:Using "playfair example" as the key, the table becomes:P L A Y FI R E X MB C D G HJ K N O ST U V W ZEncrypting the message "Hide the gold in the tree stump":HI DE TH EG OL DI NT HE TR EX ES TU MP1.The pair HI forms a rectangle, replace it with BM2.The pair DE is in a column, replace it with ND3.The pair TH forms a rectangle, replace it with ZB4.The pair EG forms a rectangle, replace it with XD5.The pair OL forms a rectangle, replace it with KY6.The pair DI forms a rectangle, replace it with BE7.The pair NT forms a rectangle, replace it with JV8.The pair HE forms a rectangle, replace it with DM9.The pair TR forms a rectangle, replace it with UI10.The pair EX (X inserted to split EE) is in a row, replace it with XM11.The pair ES forms a rectangle, replace it with MN12.The pair TU is in a row, replace it with UV13.The pair MP forms a rectangle, replace it with IFThus the message "Hide the gold in the tree stump" becomes "BMNDZBXDKYBEJVDMUIXMMNUVIF". Problem:You received a Playfair code ―NS CS NS PM SE SJ XC UJ AB SC‖ from your friend. What did your friend want to tell you? Use SECRET as the keyword to decode the code. (Use the ―Omitting Q‖ edition of Playfair.) Directions:Write the key table on the column on the answer sheet, and write the decoded message on the line below the column in pairs. The correct letters counts for 5 point, and the correct column counts for 5 points. EXAMPLE COLOMN:(F) Read the passage and then answer the following questions.The Magic of Jane AustenJane Austen probably can‘t compete yet with Shakespeare or Dickens for thegreatest number of adaptations, tie-ins and other epiphenomena. Dickens has a themepark in Chatham, England, while the Austen-themed resort called Pembrook Park existsso far only in Austenland, a just-published chick-lit novel by Shannon Hale, whoseauthor‘s note describes her as ―an avid Austen fan.‖Last summer, a British actress named Emma Campbell Webster published Lost inAusten: Create Your Own Jane Austen Adventure, an interactive fiction game with youas the main cha racter. Your mission is ―to marry both prudently and for love.‖ And inAugust, 2007, the film Becoming Jane invents an Elizabeth/Darcy-esque love affairbetween 20-year-old Jane and a rebellious young lawyer.Austen is the Virginia Woolf of today: a certifiably great novelist starring in booksand films, yet one who might go to the same manicurist as you. Shakespeare and Dickens were pop-culture entertainers in centuries past, but as familiar as they remain, they‘ve sunk into venerability. Austen, on the other hand, has become our contemporary. Nobody would be surprised to see her shelved at Barnes & Noble)。
A.V ocabulary. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Each correct answer counts for one point.1.Lee married the who delivered Ming-fu’s letters2.Bob, Eddy, and David are .3.One night, at a romantic , Ming-fu asked Lee, “Will you marry me?”4.Mclntyre was --- he was very .5.Bob and Eddy had the same hair.6.The dish soap was a free from a soap company.7.Jeff Keith ran from the East to the West.8.Roley weighted 600 pounds, so he went on a .9.In one day, Manuel fifty heads.10.In 18 months, Roley lost 400 .B.Functions. Match the questions with answers. (five points)Example:( D ) How many letters did Ming-fu wrote to Lee?1.( )How many people shaved their heads at first?2.( )How many months did Roley went on his diet?3.( )Are Bob and Eddy Twins?4.( )How many pairs of running shoes did Jeff wore out?A.Eighteen.B.Thirty-six.C.Four.D.Seven hundred.E.No, they aren’t.C. Comprehension. Reviewing the story in Unit 3. Each correct answer counts for two points.Roley Mclntyre was very big. He 600 pounds. He couldn’t drive a car. Roley’s doctor said, “Mr Mclntyre, you have to lose weight, or you’re going to . Roley went on a . In 18 months, he lost 400 pounds and got with Josephine.D. Match the descriptions with the person. Each correct answer counts for one point.1.( )He wrote 700 love letters to his girlfriend.2.( )He ran from the East Coast to the West Coast.3.( )He shaved 50 heads in one day.4.( )They are triplets.5.( )He lost 400 pounds in 18 months.6.( )He ate dish soap for dinner.7.( )She married Roley.8.( )She married the postman who delivered her boyfriend’s letters.9.( )Her husband didn’t want her to shave her head.10.( )He delivered letters, and married someone’s girlfriend.A.Manuel GarciaB. Bob, Eddy, DavidC. The postmanD. Jeff KeithE. Ming-fuF. LeeG. M anuel’s wifeH. JoeI. Roley Mclnt yreJ. Josephine E. Choose(√) the correct words to complete the sentences. Each correct answer counts for one point.1.Ming-fu and Lee met at a party/concert.2.Ming-fu began writing postcards/letters to Lee.3.Jeff wore out 5/36 plastic legs.4.When Jeff was 3,600/12 years old, he had cancer.5.Roley was big, so he had a special/regular car.6.The doctor said, “ You need a special coffin/car for a very big man.”7.Joe ate dish soap/mailbox for dinner.8.No one sick/died from eating the soap.9.Bob, Eddy, and David are triplets/twins.10.Lee married the post office/postman who delivered Ming-fu’s letters.F. Circle the correct answers. Each correct answer counts for one point.Joe died from eating the soap. T FRoley weighted 600 pounds at first. T FLee married the postman. T FManuel broke his leg from the chemotherapy. T FMing-fu wrote letters to Lee because he hated Lee. T FG. Fill in the blank, translate and choose five to make sentences. Each two correct word and translate counts for one point, each correct sentence counts for one point.1. s m l2. stom ch e3. l b l4. c c r5. d pr s d6. p tt7. pl st c8. m rr9. t pl10. b cH. Fill in the blanks. Each correct answer counts for one point.1. We use the d to clean the dishes.2. He thinks he is big, so he g .3. The mailman d the letters.4. M ing-fu loved Lee when he saw Lee at the first time. It was l .5. Bob, Eddy, and David have the same color eyes and d .6. Manuel has f , so he shaved 50 heads in one day.7. Many people saw there was a picture of lemons on the label, so they think it’s a bottle of l .8. The doctor said that Roley have to lose weight, or he is g .9. Jeff ran from the East Coast to the West Coast of the U .10.People can do anything they w .I. Reading. Read the passage, and answer the following questions. Each correct answer counts for two points.Dish Soap For DinnerJoe came home from work and opened his mailbox. In his mailbox he found a yellow bottle of soap---soap for washing dishes.The dish soap was a free sample from a soap company. The company mailed small bottles of soap to millions of people. It was a new soap with a little lemon juice in it. The company wanted people to try it.Joe looked at his bottle of soap. There was a picture of two lemons on the label. Over the lemons were the words “with Real Lemon Juice.”“Good!” Joe thought. “A free sample of lemon juice! I’m going to have a salad for dinner. This lemon juice will taste good on my salad.” Joe put the soap on his salad and ate it. After Joe ate the salad, he felt sick.Joe wasn’t th e only person who got sick. A lot of people thought the soap was lemon juice. They put the soap on fish, on salads, and in tea. Later they felt sick, too. Some people had stomachaches but felt better in a few hours. Some people felt really sick and went to the hospital. Luckily, no one died from eating the soap.What can we learn from Joe’s story? Read labels carefully. And don’t eat dish soap for dinner!1. What is the soap for?A. EatingB. Washing dishesC. Cleaning the roomD. Put in tea2. What is on the label?A. The words “Dish Soap”B. Two orangesC. Joe’s pictureD. Two lemons3. Where do some people put the soap?A. In the car.B. On the sofa.C. In the tea.D. On the TV.4. How did Joe felt when he ate the soap?A. Sick.B. Happy.C. Great.D. Lucky5. What can we learn from Joe’s story?A. Read labels carefully and don’t eat dish soap for dinner.B. Eating dish soap can let people die.C. Joe likes eating dish soap.D. How to wash dishes.J. Understanding. Cross out(×)the word doesn’t belong. Each correct answer counts for two points.1. dish soap lemon letter smile2. pound kilogram centimeter pint3. dish soap bacon meat chicken4. artificial leg running shoes triplets socks5. curly hair blue eyes big nose plastic legK. Translate the sentences. Each correct word counts for one point.1. 乔不是生病的唯一人。
08年第一学期期末试卷)1、下列各式正确的是( )A.5.05.1>-B. 22)2(3-<- C. 551-<-D. 06<- 2、下列方程变形中,正确的是( )A. 132312=+=+x x x x ,得由B. 25434352⨯==x x ,得由 C. 43214321⨯==x x ,得由 D. 61231=+-=+-x x ,得由3、用一副三角板画角,不能画出的角的度数是( )A.15 B.75 C.145 D.1654、下列图形中,表示南偏西︒60的射线是( )A B C D5、某种商品标价为120元,若以九折降价出售,相对于进价仍获利20%,则该商品的进价是( )元 A.95 B.90 C.85 D.806、下列说法错误的是( )A.近似数3.14精确到0.01B.176000用科学计数法表示为51076.1⨯ C.25.40万精确到百分位 D.近似数0.0160有4个有效数字7、若关于x 的方程12=+x m 和方程1213+=-x x 的解相同,则m 的值为( )A. 0 B. 1 C. 2- D.21-8、如图1,须再添上一个面,折叠后才能围成一个正方体,下面是四位同学补画的情况(图中阴影部分),其中正确的是()9、为了了解一批电视机的寿命,从中抽取100台电视机进行试验,这个调查的样本是( ) A.这批电视机 B. 这批电视机的寿命 C.抽取的100台电视机的寿命 D.10010、下面语句正确的有( )个 A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5①两条直线被第三条直线所截,若同旁内角相等,则两直线平行; ②两条直线被第三条直线所截,内错角的平分线互相平行; ③若两条直线都与第三条直线平行,那么这两条直线平行;④在同一平面内,两条直线都与第三条直线垂直,则这两条直线平行;⑤两条平行线被第三条直线所截,同位角的角平分线互相平行。
11、已知︒=∠36α,则α∠的余角为12、上午10点30分,时针与分针成 度的角13、已知a 与b 互为相反数,则式子b a 222---的值是 14、若3=x 是方程b x =-231的一个解,则b 等于 15、从家到学校共有3条路可以走,如图所示,若想走最近的路,应选择 (填序号), 这是根据16、若一个角等于它的补角的5倍,则这个角的度数是17、张大爷要对自己鱼塘中鱼的总数进行估计,第一次捞出50条,并将每条鱼作出记号再放入水中,当它们完全混于鱼群中,又捞出150条,发现带有记号的鱼有10条,张大爷的鱼塘中估计有鱼 条18、如图,若AB OC ⊥于点O ,︒=∠90MON , 则图中互余的角有 对,互补的角有 对19、六个正方体A 、B 、C 、D 、E 、F 的可见 部分如图所示,右图是其中两个正方体的侧 面展开图,那么它是正方体的侧面展开图。
吉林省吉林大学附属中学高三数学上学期第一次摸底考试试题 理
吉林省吉林大学附属中学2016届高三数学上学期第一次摸底考试试题 理试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟注意事项:1.请考生将姓名、班级、考号与座位号填写在答题纸指定的位置上; 2.客观题的作答:将正确答案填涂在答题纸指定的位置上;3.主观题的作答:必须在答题纸上对应题目的答题区域内作答,在此区域外书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。
第Ⅰ卷(客观题60分) 一. 选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给同的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。
(1)设U =R ,已知集合{|1}A x x =>,{|}B x x a =>,且()U A B =R U ð,则实数a 的取值范围是 (A )(1)-∞,(B )(1]-∞,(C )(1)+∞,(D )[1)+∞,(2)已知O A B C ,,,为同一平面内的四个点,若20AC CB +=u u u r u u u r r ,则向量OC u u u r 等于(A )2133OA OB -u u ur u u u r(B )1233OA OB -+u u ur u u u r (C )2OA OB -u u u r u u u r(D )2OA OB -+u u u r u u u r(3)已知a b ,是实数,则“11()()33a b <”是“33log log a b >”的(A )充分而不必要条件(B )必要而不充分条件 (C )充要条件(D )既不充分也不必要条件(4)若命题“0x ∃∈R ,使得20230x mx m ++-<”为假命题,则实数m 的取值范围是(A )[26], (B )[62]--, (C )(26), (D )(62)--,(5)若1sin()63πα-=,则22cos ()162πα+-=(A )13(B )13-(C )79(D )79-(6)已知命题p :函数12x y a +=-的图象恒过定点(12),;命题q :若函数(1)y f x =-为偶函数,则函数()y f x =的图象关于直线1x =对称,则下列命题为真命题的是 (A )p q ∨ (B )p q ∧ (C )p q ⌝∧(D )p q ∨⌝(7)已知R 上的偶函数()f x 满足(1)(1)f x f x -=+,若01x <≤时,()2x f x =,则2(log 6)f =(A )6(B )3(C )32(D )34(8)已知函数12*1210()(2)n n n n n f x x a x a x a x a n n ----=+++++>∈N L ,,设0x 是函数()f x 的零点的最大值,则下述论断一定错误的是(A )0()0f x '≠ (B )0()0f x '= (C )0()0f x '> (D )0()0f x '<(9)设函数()sin cos2f x x x =图象的一个对称轴方程是(A )4x π=-(B )0x = (C )4x π=(D )2x π=(10)已知函数1()ln sin 1xf x x x+=+-,则关于a 的不等式2(2)(4)0f a f a -+-<的解集是(A )(32),(B )(32)-, (C )(12), (D )(35),(11)曲线ln(21)y x =-上的点到直线230x y -+=的最短距离是(A 5(B )25(C )35 (D )0(12)已知函数()e x f x ax =-有两个零点12x x <,则下列说法错误的是 (A )e a > (B )122x x +>(C )121x x >(D )()f x 有极小值点0x ,且1202x x x +<第Ⅱ卷(主观题90分)本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分。
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Examination of the Advanced English Class, Grade 3SIMULATED EXAMINATIONTEST PAPERVocabulary and GrammarPart 1. Fill in the blanks with correct forms of the words we learned in the text of Units 3---7. The first letter of the words are given.1.He has a big family, so he has to keep t of everything.2.They were very poor, and the whole family only lived in a small s which was built by wood.3.We don’t want to have birth control. It’s against our r .4. A Chinese believed that the king is a son of God.5.You m me. I mean thirty, not thirteen!6.Every pair of angles in the two triangles is the same, so we call them “s triangles”.7.The j to the U.S. is really exciting. We all enjoys it.8.He p that we’re in grave danger.9.Her three kids were born in the same day at the same time. They are t .10.The gold necklace only cost 500 yuan. It’s a real b !Reading and WritingPart 1. Reading Comprehension. (50 Points)(A) Read the passage and then answer the following questions. Each correct answer counts for 4 points.A Tale Of Of Three CitiesWith a recession in the American economy looking to be imminent, the tireless locomotive of the global economy seems finally to have run out of puff. How serious are the consequences likely to be? Much more could go wrong: a collapse of the dollar, or of U.S. consumer confidence as house prices continue their fall. But taking the long view, the global economy is at a remarkable moment.According to the World Bank’s recent Global Economic Prospects report, global growth in 2007 was 3.6%, down a little from 3.9% in 2006. But among developing economies, growth was a remarkable 7.4%. This isn’t just the predictable of the rise of China and India; on the back of strong commodity prices (and relative peace), African economies, too, are performing better than they have for a generation.Global Economy and NylonkongHow did the world come to this happy position? You can list the usual reason: two decades of decent macroeconomic policymaking, the dissemination of transforming technologies and tools such as the internet, and open trading systems. All of these are the atributes that combine to form that much discused phenomenon: globalization. But in this special report, we look at one overlooked aspect of a genetation’s worth of global growth: the extent to which New York City, London, and Hong Kong, three cities linked by a shared economic culture, have come to be both examples and explanations of globalization. Connected by long-haul jets and fiber-optic cable, and spaced neatly around the globe, the three cities have (by accident-nobody planned this) created a financial network that has been able to lubricate the global economy. Understand this network of cities-Nylonkong, we call it-and you understand our time.Go back nearly 30 years, and few would have thought that any of the three cities were about to remake the world for the better. In september of 1982, the Hong Kong stock exchange lost a quarter of its value. At the same time, London and New York City were bywords of urban decay. In 1981, London saw some of the most bitter riots in a cetury. New York almost went bankrupt in 1975; by the early 1980s’its streets were potholed, filthy and dangerous.Challenge and ChangeYet even in the darkest times, the Nylonkong cities had the sort of hidden strengths that would be their salvation. All had a certain adaptability hardwired into their people. All were once centers of manufacturing, but all have been able to shift their economic focus to the service sector. All are------or have been------great ports. The sense of being a blue-water place is vital to the sities success. It has made them open to trade, with all the transformative capacity atht trade has to shake up estabished orders and make the exotic familiar.Their history as ports has made Nylonkong open to the world in other ways, too. New York, of course, has long been thought of as a city of immigrants. But increasingly, so is London. In 2006, according to the london Labour Force Survey, 31% of the city’s residents had been born outside Britain. Hong Kong has always been a place for migrants.The network of international trading and personal contacts that shape New York, London and Hong Kong facilitate their key, industry. If the 19th century was the age of empire and the 20th one of war, so the 21st century, to tate, is an age of finance. It is the banks and investment cash and spreading it around the world, who have made today’s global fuction. But the job has become too big for one place to handle. Now Nylonkong, that interconnected tripartite city, greases the wheels of trade and development. This is where the great banks------Citigroup and HSBC, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan------have their headquarters and their key regional offices; this is where ambitious companies go to seek financing or go public.Great cities, of course, are about more that money and finance. They are messy agglonerations of talent and culrure. That is how they attract men and women in the financial sector who could choose to live anywhere. That’s a reason why Nylonkong needs to be careful not to kill the goose that lays its golden egg. These places are not cheap. According to the consultancy ECA International, Hong Kong’s high-end apartments last year had the most expensive tents in the world, with New York third and London sixth.The sheer expense of living in Nylonkong is but one of the challenges facing it. In the case of New York, high real estate prices may squeeze out of town the very people that make a city fun and livable. Globalization may have brought many benefits to those who live in London, New York and Hong Kong, but it has at the same time made the familiar strange, and turned the known world upside down.Yet these are places that know how to meet a challenge. They’ve done it before. From being dismissed as long past their prime a quarter of a century ago, New York, London and Hong Kong have gone on to extraordinary heights. Tying themselves toghther, they have also knitted the world into a seamless fabric, financing and transporting the container vessels and the streams of data that have made today’s global ecomomy a phenomenon that has increased the life chances of countless millions. Welcome to Nylonkong,(C) Read the passage and answer the questions. Each correct answer counts for 4 points.Premier Wen Jiabao’s QuotationsJohn Gu“No matter what, I want you to ensure these 100,000 people are out of the harm's way. This is a mandate to be obeyed.”“All I have to say is that people have be en your very source of livelihood. You go figure what needs to be done.”“The priority goes to saving lives, those lives in major disaster areas, those in the epicenter and those in hard-to-reach areas.”“We are going to spare no efforts in saving lives; we are not going to let up. Even if there is only one person under the rubbles, we will save him.”“Right now, the number one task is to work against the clock to save lives. Every single minute and every single second counts.”“I am Grandpa Wen. You kids please hold on and be tough for me. Rescue is on the way.”“Here are my three bows to those who perished.”“Houses can crack and cave in, but they can be rebuilt. As long as we are alive, we can make it through and we can emerge from the natural disaster the winners. As long as our hands are intact, we'll put them to good use to build a better future.”“Don't cry now. You are the survivor of this calamity. The government will take care of you, your means of subsistence and your schooling needs. T ake good care and be strong.”Our primary task is to save lives. We will do our utmost to save lives, whatever it takes. No difficulties shall be too great for our servicemen in uniform. They will reach the most heavily devastated areas evenif it means that they have to walk there.Questions:1.Why did Premier Wen say the words?2.Why Premier Wen seemed so angry according to the passage?3.What do you think of the serious earthquake?4.What do you think of our Premier Wen?5.How can we get over the difficulties? Say something about what you want to do.Part 2. Writing Skills. (20 Points)Directions:You just arrivd from Canada. When you’re checking your luggage, you found out that you forgot to return a CD to Bob, your landlord there. Write him a letter to1)make an apology,2)suggest a solution.You should write about 100 words.。