







关键词:功能对等  科技英语  翻译策略一、引言随着经济全球化的深入发展和中国的改革开放逐步踏入“深水区”,中国和国外的交流愈发频繁。

科技英语(EST,English for Science and Technology)是专门用途英语(ESP,English for Specific Purposes)中最重要的一个分支,不但量大,而且特点鲜明。
















2024年第7期现代商贸工业Modern Business Trade Industry基金项目:西安石油大学2021年度研究生教育综合改革研究与实践课题 石油特色翻译课程案例教学模式研究及案例库建设(2021-X -YJG -020)㊂作者简介:牛绿洲(1992-),女,吉林榆树人,西安石油大学外国语学院翻译硕士,研究方向:英语笔译;高鹏鹏,陕西礼泉人,西安石油大学外国语学院副教授㊁硕士生导师,研究方向:石油专门用途英语翻译理论与实践㊂功能对等理论下的 双碳 文本翻译探索牛绿洲㊀高鹏鹏(西安石油大学,陕西西安710065)摘㊀要:在全球围绕 双碳 目标进行环境保护的背景下, 双碳 技术文本的翻译需求越来越受到重视㊂本文以功能对等理论为指导理论,结合COCA 语料库,从语义㊁语篇两个层面对此类文本的翻译方法进行探索,从语义的角度,对行业的专业术语进行准确把握;语篇层面,注重目标文本的句式特点与篇章结构,符合目标语行业表达习惯,从而达到满足跨文化交际的目的㊂关键词: 双碳 文本;功能对等理论;翻译中图分类号:F74㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀doi:10.19311/ki.1672-3198.2024.07.0320㊀引言沙涛㊁李群㊁于法稳(2022)发布了‘低碳发展蓝皮书“中国碳中和发展报告,影响巨大㊂通过对源文本分析,译者发现可行性研究报告属于应用科技类文本,具有信息量大㊁逻辑严密等特点㊂吕娜(2021)通过评‘英汉翻译技巧“一书,进行功能对等理论与科技文本翻译的契合性探索㊂1㊀尤金㊃奈达功能对等理论尤金㊃奈达首先提出 动态对等 理论,所追求的是用最自然的语言来最大程度地呈现源文本信息㊂之后又提出了 功能对等 理论,该理论以实现翻译的交际功能,读者的心理感受对等为重点,在此基础上,尽量追求形式对等㊂2㊀ 双碳 类文本研究在 双碳 文本中,涉碳术语多,需要准确翻译;从表达方式来看,源文本分句(即流水句)居多㊂而目标文本,需句式精练,符合目标语读者的阅读习惯㊂可进行原文结构的调整,采用直译㊁意译㊁增译法等翻译方法,借助长句㊁被动语态㊁定语从句等翻译手段以实现译文的可读性㊁客观性㊂3㊀功能对等理论指导下的 双碳 类文本翻译根据 双碳 类文本行文风格特点,在目标文本再现源文本信息的基础上,译者从语义㊁语篇两个层面剖析,以此来最大程度地实现信息对等与读者心理反应对等,同时进行一些必要的删减增补,以此达到舍形取神的目的㊂3.1㊀语义层面3.1.1㊀聚焦原文,精准翻译在 双碳 文本中,官方的翻译直接采用即可;而有些术语新词,则是中国根据本国国情提出,多用四字或六字词语表达,强调对偶工整等㊂ 在新词生成的背后,有着人类普遍的认知机制,这就为英汉互译提供了可能 邵斌,黎昌抱(2010)㊂译者借助COCA 语料库,对此类新词的高频翻译进行分析,结合具体词汇语义,将其置于原文语义中㊂例1:中国生态文明建设进入以降碳为重点战略方向,推动减污降碳协同增效,促进经济社会发展全面绿色转型,实现生态环境质量改善由量变到质变的关键时期㊂Translation:The building of Chinese eco -civilization has entered the critical period,with carbon reduction as its key strategic orientation,promoting synergistic effect of the reduction of pollution and carbon emissions,and the green transformation of economic and social development in an all -round way,thus to accomplish improvement of biological environment from quantitative change to quality.分析: 中国生态文明 全面绿色转型 翻译时通过参照平行文本,查询中国术语库,采用直译的方法㊂其中 减污降碳 翻译,一方面注重翻译完整性,另一方面又力求译文的简洁客观性,符合科技英语表达习惯,根据句意,减㊁降可省译,均翻译为reduction㊂例2: 十三五 时期是碳减排相关政策文件的主要形成期,这一时期减排目标逐步明确㊁减排范围逐渐扩展到各个领域,这也是中国碳汇指数整体呈现上升趋势的重要原因㊂Translation:The 13th Five -Year Plan is a critical pe-riod that sees the documents about reduction of carbon emis-sions are mainly formulated,a period that witnesses gradual-ly clearer goal for carbon reduction and more wide range that expands into every field,which is the main reason for the ascending of carbon offset index in China.分析:该句主要是 碳汇 的翻译,译者通过查询COCA 术语库方法,主要有carbon sink,carbon storage 及carbon offset 的翻译(见表1),其中carbon storage 总词频㊃39㊃现代商贸工业Modern Business Trade Industry2024年第7期最高,在学术期刊中的使用量也最高㊂显然根据词频使用情况来确定 碳汇 翻译是不恰当的㊂文中指的是中国出台系列政策措施来抵消二氧化碳的排放量㊂而off-set本身有补偿;抵消之意㊂因而采用 carbon offset 的翻译用法㊂表1㊀碳汇英文翻译碳汇翻译总词频总文本词频学术期刊词频carbon sink985934 carbon storage1176483 carbon offset33286㊀㊀注:数据来源COCA语料库㊂3.1.2㊀适度转化,结构调整双碳文本中存在隐含主语,多为并列句㊂反观英文,则需主语明确,主次分明㊂翻译应确定主语使句子结构完整;另使用加注法对句意进行补充说明,实现句意的完整传达㊂例:有研究认为人均GDP达到2.2万美元时,在统计意义上可实现人均碳排放达峰,但受多种不确定性因素影响,各国人均碳排放峰值和达到峰值的年份不同㊂Translation:Some research shows that Peak Carbon Dioxide Emission of per capita can be achieved in statistics level once GDP of per capita attains$22,000.Yet the peak value realized in different countries and in different years differs affected by uncertain factors.分析:可采用被动语态的翻译,将原句的 在统计意义上可实现人均碳排放达峰 作主句,并使 人均碳排放达峰 作被动语态中的主语,这样使得行文客观,便于读者理解事实的发生原因㊁发现以及结果㊂3.1.3㊀聚焦背景,化虚为实译者需充分了解翻译文本的背景知识,考虑文本所要传达的信息背景,进行上下文分析联系㊂在翻译中要指代明确,避免出现混淆㊁指代不明的情况,将源文本中隐含的知识化为实体㊂例1:从 双碳 目标经济学内涵来看,碳中和是基于经济增长与二氧化碳排放脱钩理论及EKC假说,由发展优先到建设 美丽中国 ㊁实现中国经济低碳转型与高质量发展的现实要求㊂Translation:To view double carbon (peak carbon dioxide emissions,carbon neutrality)within the category of the target economics,carbon neutrality is based on economic growth,decoupling theory for carbon dioxide emissions and EKC hypothesis.And it requires that what China should do in realistic areas range from priority development to beauti-ful China,realization of low-carbon transformation and high-quality development in economics.分析: 现实要求 前修饰的定语成分较多,若按原文结构翻译,则译文冗杂㊂将 要求 名词译为动词 re-quire , 现实 处理为状语 in realistic areas ,并在从句中采用增加主语的方法 what China should do ,实现语义层面的对等㊂例2:未来40年内,中国将开启经济社会的全方位绿色低碳转型,而碳中和对世界各国而言都是一条全新的发展道路,并没有成功经验可以借鉴,中国必须自主探索相关路径,主动应对挑战并克服困难㊂Translation:In the next40years,China will initiate green low-carbon transformation of economic society in allrespects.While the carbon neutrality is a new development path for all countries,and none of successful experience could be borrowed from,so it is necessary that China explore its own way independently,actively facing challenges and o-vercoming difficulties.分析: 相关路径 是需符合中国国情的道路,采用增译法 its own way ;在第二个意群中添加 so 表示原文的一句到底处理为因果句使其条理分明㊂3.2㊀语篇层面在实现译文的语意完整基础上,语篇的连贯性不可或缺,需厘清意群,梳理句子主干与分支;同时化繁为简,表达凝练㊂例:中国减排成效显著,2019年碳排放强度比2005年降低48.1%,但碳中和目标提出后,中国的碳减排工作遇到了转折点,需从产业到部门㊁从国家到省(区㊁市)重新探索更为安全可靠的方案和路径,挖掘产业升级与绿色转型的潜在机遇㊂Translation:Carbon reductions in China has achieved great fruit for lowered48.1%of carbon emissions in2019 compared with that in2015.However,the proceeding carbon emissions faced a turning point since the Carbon Neutrality goal was proposed,which requires that we need again ex-plore scheme and pathway more safe and reliable from the national level to capital,prefecture also municipality,tap po-tential opportunities for industry upgrading and green trans-formation.分析:该表达是典型的流水句式,逐句翻译可读性不高㊂故将原句整合为两个意群,第一个为国内形势 降低48.1%,整理为一个英语长句;并通过 how-ever 衔接两个意群㊂4㊀结语本文通过语义分析㊁语篇分析两个层面对此类文本的翻译进行剖析,认为应以准确翻译 语义 为首要任务,兼顾形式对等,灵活运用功能对等理论,使目标语读者接收到和源语读者一样的文本信息与感受,从而实现中国 双碳 话语的有效传播㊂参考文献[1]匡耀求,肖子茜,谢梦仪,等.术语Carbon Storage汉译探讨[J].中国科技术语,2022,24(04):86-95.[2]吕娜.功能对等理论在英语翻译中的应用探讨 评‘英汉翻译技巧“[J].热带作物学报,2021,42(06):1843. [3]沙涛,李群,于法稳,等.‘低碳发展蓝皮书“中国碳中和发展报告[M].社会科学文献出版社,2022:001-043.㊃49㊃。



现代商贸工业2021年第17期149作者简介:张洁(1996-),女,汉族,山东济宁人,山东科技大学研究生在读,研究方向:英语笔译㊂卡特福德翻译转换理论指导下科技英语的翻译与研究张 洁(山东科技大学外国语学院,山东青岛266590)摘 要:随着时代的发展,科技英语已成为连接国际新兴产业技术的纽带,在学习和交流先进科学技术方面发挥着重要的中介作用㊂科技英语重在传递信息,卡特福德的翻译转换理论是以牺牲形式对等为基础,力求语意的准确传达㊂因此本文在卡特福德翻译转换理论的指导下,结合科技英语的特点,探讨卡式翻译转换理论在科技翻译实践中的应用㊂关键词:卡特福德;翻译转换理论;科技英语;翻译研究中图分类号:G 4 文献标识码:A d o i :10.19311/j .c n k i .1672-3198.2021.17.070 1965年,英国著名翻译理论家,约翰㊃坎尼森㊃卡特福德(J ㊃C ㊃C a t f o r d)在其著作‘翻译的语言学理论“(AL i n g u i s t i cT h e o r y o fT r a n s l a t i o n ,1965)中首次提出 翻译转换 这一概念,他将 转换 定义为 原语进入译语过程中离开形式的对应㊂虽然我国在翻译研究中已取得了一定的成果,但很少有人将词汇㊁句法作为切入点,深入到翻译过程的内部中去㊂本文将从 翻译转换 入手,结合具体实例,阐述翻译转换理论在科技英语中的应用㊂1 卡特福德翻译转换理论卡特福德沿袭了韩礼德的系统功能语法,从语言学的角度分析语言在语境中的作用功能㊂就翻译而言,卡特福德将此定义为 用一种等值的语言的文本材料替换另一种语言的文本材料㊂这里的等值并不是词对词的再现原文信息,而是要注意语义的传达㊂卡特福德在等值理论的基础上提出了 形式对应 和 文本等值 , 形式对应 是指 译文的任何一个类别与源语所在的类别完全对应 ,它更多关注的是两种语言之间更为宽泛的一个概念;而 文本等值 是指 译文的全文或部分与原文部全文或部分等值 ,更侧重于特定一对源语与译语之间的关系㊂当两个概念不同时, 翻译转换 就此出现,因此,翻译转换就是这样从原语到目标语过程中偏离了形式对应㊂在韩礼德阶和范畴的基础上他将翻译转换分为两类,分别为层次转换(l e v e ls h i f t s )和范畴转换(c a t e g o r y s h i f t s )㊂2 科技英语的特点科技英语不像文学那样具有感性形象思维,科技英语不带主观色彩㊁客观描述性强㊁逻辑清晰㊁措辞严谨,其目的是传达信息,使读者容易理解而不产生太多的想象㊂科技英语在文体修辞上也不经常运用比喻㊁排比㊁夸张等修辞手段,而是要准确表达客观规律,按照逻辑思维清晰地描述问题㊂2.1 词汇特点在词汇方面,科技英语最典型的特征就是使用大量专业术语,而且此类专业词汇词义单一,出现频率不高,在翻译时,译者要借助资料进行查阅,力保准确传达信息;另外一个典型特征是随着时代的发展,语言也在不断更新变化,再加上科技英语本身语言简练的特点,人们越来越喜欢运用缩合法进行构词㊂例如, s m o g 一词为 s m o k e 和 f o g的组合, f i n t e c h 为 f i -n a n c e 与 t e c h n o l o g y的合写,此类单词还有很多,译者在翻译时要清楚这些单词中掐头去尾的成分㊂2.2 句法特点在句法方面,科技英语注重客观事实㊁概念描述性强㊁语言简练㊁逻辑性强㊂由于英汉思维习惯的不同,英语语言中常常使用被动句㊂例如, U s e r d e v i c e sm a yb e g i v e n r e l a y i n g f u nc t i o n a l i t y i n o rde r t o s u p po r t a n d /o r a s s i s t o t h e r d e v i c e s t o r e a c h t h e n e t w o r kn o d e s t h a ta r e s t i l l o p e r a t i o n a l A c c u r a c y i s e x p r e s s e d a s ab s o l u t e e r r o r o r r e l a t i v e e r r o r . b e g i v e n ,b e e x pr e s s e d 都体现了英语的被动语态,被动语态的广泛使用可以体现科技英语以客观的方式叙述事实,凸显科学性,译者在翻译时要注意汉语的表达习惯,不要过分拘泥于原文的结构㊂科技英语句法上另一个特点表现在大量使用长难句,例如, L a s e r ,i t s c r e a t i o nb e i n g t h o u gh t t ob e o n e o f t o d a y sw o n d e r ,i s n o t h i n g m o r e t h a n a l i gh t d i f -f e r s f r o mo r d i n a r y l i g h t so n l y i n t h a t i t i sm a n y t i m e s m o r e p o w e r f u l a n d s o c a n b e a p pl i e d i n t h e f i e l d t h a t n o o r d i n a r y l i gh t o r o t h e r s u b s t a n c e h a s e v e r b e e n a b l e t o g e t i n . 此句结构较为复杂,既有被动语态,又包含从句㊁比较级等,翻译长难句时,译者要抓住句子的中心内容,弄清各部分之间的逻辑关系,按照汉语表达习惯正确译出原文意思㊂3 翻译转换理论在科技英语中的应用商贸教育现代商贸工业2021年第17期1503.1 层次转换层次转换是指一种语言中的语法现象,在翻译时在使用另一种语言的词汇来表达㊂卡特福德将层次转换划分为四个层次,分别为语法层㊁词汇层㊁形态层和语音层㊂事实上只有词汇层和语法层发生了转换㊂从英汉两种语言的区别来看,英语的语言形式变化是显性的,而汉语的变化是隐藏在语义中的㊂在语法中,英语名词都单复数形式,英语动词有时态的变化;而汉语不会具体体现在词形上㊂举例来说:(1)A l b e r tE i n s t e i n ,w h od e v e l o p e dt h e t h e o r y of r e l a t i v i t y.(阿尔伯特㊃爱因斯坦创立了相对论㊂)原文中的 d e v e l o p e d 是 d e v e l o p的过去式,表达事情发生在过去㊂英语中将其动词变为过去时态,这是语法上的改变㊂但是在汉语中表达过去时态往往是添加词汇,译文增加了 了 表示发生再过去㊂(2)W h e n t r a v e l i n g i n a h i g h -s p e e d t r a i n ,p a s s e n -g e r sw o u l dw a n t t o u t i l i z e t h e o n -b o a r d t i m e f o r t h e i r u s u a l a c t i v i t i e s i nas i m i l a rw a y a sw h e nt h e y ar ea t h o m e .(乘客在列车上想像在家里一样使用网络㊂)原文中 p a s s e n g e r s 是名词 p a s s e n ge r 的复数形式,在单词后面加上 s表示很多乘客㊂但是在汉语中不会对 乘客 本身做任何改变,而是增加相应的数词来表达和源语同样的意思㊂以上两句话中在词汇和语法上都体现了卡特福德的层次转换,将源语中的语法体现以词汇的形式在目标语中表达出来㊂3.2 范畴转换卡特福德的翻译转换理论绝大部分用来分析范畴转换的㊂他将范畴转换分为四中不同的类型,分别为结构转换㊁词类转换㊁单位转换和内部体系转换㊂(1)结构转换:卡特福德认为借此转换是翻译过程中运用最多的转换方法㊂在英汉两种语言中比如主被动语态的转换㊁句子结构成分之间的转换㊁肯定否定之间的转换等都用到结构转换㊂例如,1990ss a wt h eg r e a t a d v a n c e d i n c o m p u t e r i n d u s t r y w i t h e m e r ge n c e of m u l t i m e d i a .(伴随着多媒体的出现,计算机工业在上世纪90年代取得了显著的发展㊂)分析此句可以看出原句1990s 作为一个无灵主语(英语中将无生命的事物名词称为无灵名词),译成汉语时,将无灵主语却译成了状语,这种语言间结构的转换便称为结构转换㊂(2)词类转换:词类转换顾名思义就是一种词性转换为另一种词性的过程,比如汉英中的名词转换为动词㊁形容词转换为名词㊁副词转换为形容词等㊂举例来说, T h i s p r o p e r t y i s o f g r e a t i m po r t a n c e . (这一特性是极为重要的㊂) i m p o r t a n c e 名词 重要性 译为了汉语的 重要的 ,将名词转换成了形容词,词性发生了改变㊂(3)单位转换:韩礼德在系统功能语法中将阶分为三种,级阶㊁说明阶和精密阶,级阶又进一步分为词素㊁词㊁词组㊁分句以及句子㊂卡特福德在韩礼德 级阶 的概念基础上进一步分析,认为它是目标语中等值翻译与源语不在统一阶级上㊂例如,O n a c c o u n t o f t h e a c c u -r a c y a n d e l s ew i t hw h i c h r e s i s t a n c em e a s u r e m e n t sm a yb em a d e a n d t h ew e l l -k n o w nm a n n e r i nw h ic h r e s i s t -a n c e v a r i e sw i t h t e m pe r a t u r e ,i t i s c o m m o n t ou s e t h i s v a r i a t i o n t o i n d i c a t ec h a n g e s i nt e m pe r a t u r e .(我们知道,电阻是随着温度的变化而变化的㊂电阻测量起来既准确又方便,因此通常使用电阻的变化来表示温度的变化㊂)原句一气呵成并且包含多个并列从句,句子里的主要成分以及逻辑关系并不是很密切㊂译成汉语时,首先可以将其断句,找到主要成分;然后按照汉语的表达习惯将长句中的从句分别译成独立的小句;最后为了使句子连贯可以适当增加一些范畴词,这种处理方法准确的传达了信息,译文也不会冗长㊂(4)内部体系转换:内部体系转换是指源语和目标语的成分大致对应,但是没有非常具体的表达,在翻译时译者需要在目标语里选择一个非对应的词语进行表达㊂例如,T h e c o n c e p t o fH e t N e t s h a s a l r e a d yb e e n i m -pl e m e n t e d i n c u r r e n t n e t w o r k s .(异构网络已经应用于当前网络中)笔者在汉语中没有找到与 H e t N e t s相对应的确切的表述,但通过上下文的语境分析这是在描述一种新型网络,所以可以确定为 网络 ,通过查阅资料发现 H e t N e t s 是由 h e t e r o ge n e o u s 和n e t -w o r k s合成的新词,根据两个单词的意思,运用内部体系转换,笔者将其处理成为 异构网络 ㊂4 总结卡特福德的翻译转换理论是一种全新的尝试,他将语言学的最新成果应用到翻译过程中去,为译界提供了新思路㊂但是,没有一个翻译理论是完美的,卡特福德对内部体系转换的分析也暴露了其中的一些缺陷㊂翻译转换理论仅适用于句子层级以下的分析,只能解决语言结构上的问题,没有从整个语篇的角度进行研究,这也是其他译者对于翻译转换理论进行抨击的主要因素㊂但是翻译是个 仁者见仁,智者见智 的问题,没有最好的翻译,只有更好的翻译㊂作为译者要秉承客观理性的态度认识该理论,提高自身翻译能力,促使翻译理论不断向前发展㊂参考文献[1]C a t f o r d ,J .C .AL i n g u i s t i cT h e o r y ofT r a n s l a t i o n [M ].L o n d o n :O x f o r dU n i v e r s i t y P r e s s ,1965.[2]O s s e i r a n ,A .,M o n s e r r a t ,J .F .5G M o b i l e a n dW i r e l e s s C o m m u n i -c a t i o nT e c h n o l o g y [M ].L o n d o n :C a m b r i d g eU n i v e r s i t y P r e s s ,2016.[3]杰里米㊃芒迪.翻译学导论:理论与应用[M ].李德凤,等译.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2014.[4]卡特福德.翻译的语言学理论[M ].穆雷,译.北京:旅游教育出版社,1991.[5]杨跃,马刚.实用科技英语翻译[M ].西安:西安交通大学出版社,2008.[6]朱曼菲.翻译转换理论在翻译实践中的应用 以‘冰雪王国:伟大而惊险的北极征程“为例[D ].北京:北京外国语大学,2016.。



章的类 似的结构 中或相 同的词汇搭 配上 , 使非 同义词在特定 的场合或者说在特定 的语境 中具有 同义关 系。这种情 况通 常也被归于 同义词语 的替代 的范畴 , 本文基于行文方便的考 虑 , 两者 分别予 以论 述。这 种情况 更应 该 引起我 们 的重 将 视, 这类 句子汉译 时 同样应 该使用 同一个词 汇来 表 达。否 则, 如果不顾两种语 言行文 习惯 的差异 , 生搬硬套 , 就有 可能
使用同义词或近义词 , 又称为 同义词语 的替 代 , 指使用
两个或两个 以上含义基本相 同的词语来 表达 同一个概 念的 事物、 行为或状态。这种句子译成汉语 , 译名应尽量一致 , 不 必寻找汉语 同义词 。例如 :

英语 的异 词同义 , 又称多词 一义 , 通常指 同一 概念 的事
两者都用生物系统作模式 , 仿生学为研制有效的人工机 器和人造系统而寻求新答案 , 控制论则寻求解 释生物行 为的
答案 。
物 、 为或状态使用 两个 Biblioteka 两个 以上含义基本相 同的不 同词 行
语来表达 的现象 , 有时 同一 概念 的事 物、 为或状 态使用 但 行 两个或两个 以上含义不 同的词语来 表达 的现 象也称 为异词 同义。英 美人写文章常常追求语 言“ 化” vr t) 不仅有 变 ( ai y , e
近义词 , 二是使用异义词 , 三是利 用词 汇的上 下义关 系。 以 下我们分别探讨 。
1 .使 用 同义 词 或 近 义 词
原译 : 切削通过 刀具 表面时, 控制切削 的有效方法是 : 引
导细圈使其成为紧密缠绕的螺旋 体。
孤立地看 , 原文 c i hp和 ci并 非同义词 : o l 前者 为“ 金 属 ( 等的) 切削 ”后 者为 “ 圈” “ , 线 、 绕组 ” 。但 从语篇看 , 两者具

















关键词:功能对等理论;科技文本翻译;英汉翻译A Report on E-C Translation of Ecological EST under the Guidance of Functional Equivalence TheoryA Report on E-C Translation of Ecological EST under the Guidance ofFunctional Equivalence TheoryAbstractWith the rapid development of the global economy, the speed of urbanization is gradually increasing, and problems such as air pollution and climate change have become two major challenges in environmental governance. As the largest developing country in the world, China has experienced an unprecedented economic increasing. The construction of the ecological environment has been a core of socialist modernization. Considering the background, the translator decides to translate Blue Green Solutions. This book mainly introduces innovative urban environmental governance solutions developed by the scientific research team of Imperial College to provide new ideas for urban governance. The program has already carried out pilot work in many countries and regions, but its application in China is still blank. The main purpose of this translation practice is to provide a more valuable reference for the relevant fields in China through the translation of this book and to provide reference and inspiration for the translation of ecological EST texts.The translator analyzes the source text and the parallel text combining with the stylistic and grammatical characteristics of the EST text, under the guidance of functional equivalence theory, solves the problems encountered in the translation process and finally writes this translation practice report.This report includes task introduction, translation process, case study and conclusion. The case study is the core of this report. The translator uses Nida’s functional equivalence theory as a guide to explore the problems encountered in the translation process from the three levels of lexical level, syntactic level, and discourse level, and proposes corresponding solutions. At the lexical level, the translator uses addition and omission, as well as literal translation of terms and contextual translation of common words. At syntactic level, the translator uses conversion to make appropriate changes to the form of the translation based on differences in Chinese and English expression habits. In order to achieve coherence and equivalence at discourse level, the translator adopts the method of rearrangement and addition. Finally, the report will have a conclusion of the translation methods in the translation practice and the summary and limitations of the entire work.Key Words:Functional Equivalence; EST Translation; E-C Translation目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)Chapter 1 Introduction (1)1.1 Background of the Translation Project (1)1.2 Significance of the Translation Project (2)Chapter 2 Theoretical Basis (3)2.1 EST and EST Translation (3)2.1 Overview on Nida’s Translation Theory (3)2.2 Nida’s Functional equivalence (4)2.3 The Application of Functional Equivalence (6)Chapter 3 Translation Process (7)3.1 Pre-Translation Preparation (7)3.2 Analysis of the Source Text (8)3.2.1 Lexical features (8)3.2.2 Syntactic Features (9)Chapter 4 Case Study (11)4.1 Translation at Lexical Level (11)4.1.1 Literal Translation (11)4.1.2 Contextual Translation (13)4.1.3 Amplification and Omission (14)4.2 Translation at Syntactic Level (15)4.2.1 Nominalizations to Verbs (15)4.2.1 Passive V oice to Active V oice (16)4.3 Translation at Discourse Level (17)Chapter 5 Conclusion (21)5.1 Findings in the Translation Process (21)5.2 Summary and Limitations (22)References (23)Appendix I Term Bank and Abbreviation (25)Appendix II Source Text and Target Text (29)Acknowledgments (88)大连理工大学学位论文版权使用授权书 (89)Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Translation ProjectUrbanization is characteristic of the modern world. At present, economic and social development is in an important strategic transition period, and urbanization has been given an important historical mission. However, the impact of urbanization on the ecological environment cannot be ignored. How to improve the quality and benefits of urbanization development in accordance with the concept of green development is a challenge faced by China and all countries in the world. As an applied discipline, the translation should make its due contribution to people’s further understanding of the world. It is the mission of our translation students to translate valuable foreign books or materials into Chinese and introduce them to Chinese people to expand international cooperation and promote the better development of our economy.My translation project is a technological report entitled Blue Green Solutions, edited by Čedo Maksimovic and some other contributors. This technological report was fun ded by Climate-KIC, which is a Knowledge and Innovation Community supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. Čedo Maksimovic, the major contributor to this guidebook, is from Imperial College London. His research fields include applied fluid mechanics in urban water systems: storm drainage, urban flooding water supply and interactions of urban water systems and infrastructure with the environment. In addition to lecturing on the MSc and UG courses, Prof. Maksimovic serves as a project coordinator of EPSRC, EU and UNESCO projects in the UK, and other projects in Europe and in other continents dealing with the above topics. This translation project comes from the BGS translation cooperation project that my supervisor discussed with the author at Imperial College.Blue Green Solutions is a guidebook that presents an innovative framework to systematically unlock the multiple benefits of city natural infrastructure [1]. Chapter 1 gives an introduction of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) and Blue Green Solutions (BGS) to prove that the NBS is a mono-function way, which has become increasingly unsuitable for cities nowadays. The Blue Green Dream (BGD) project created a framework for synergizing urban water and plant systems to provide effective, multifunctional Blue Green Solutions (BGS) to support urban adaptation to climatic change. Chapter 2 describes the development process of BGS, the limitations of traditional NBS in urban transitions and the innovative urban transition of BGS. It is pointed out that the BGS is not based on a single discipline to provide solutions for urban transition but is based on the coordination and communication of multiple discipline teams. Chapter 3 describes the design process when planning urban transition with BGS, and reduces the cost to the minimum by coordinating the participation degree of each stakeholder to realizeA Report on E-C Translation of Ecological EST under the Guidance of Functional Equivalence Theorythe maximization of the benefits of urban transition. Chapter 4 describes how to quantify the economic and ecological benefits of the blue-green solution. Chapter 5 is a case study of six pilot units.1.2 Significance of the Translation ProjectThis translation project is significant in the following two senses:Academic significance. BGS elaborated on the relationship between urban design and climate change from the perspective of urbanization. Each contributor is an expert in environmental engineering, civil engineering, energy and economics, and explains the whole process of BGS from pre-design to construction to benefit evaluation. After an in-depth study of climate change, they created new solutions that were different from traditional NBSs. Secondly, the study of climate change involves many factors, including science, energy, politics and economy. Therefore, it is not a simple matter to make it clear. This guidebook makes a detailed case study of the communities, campuses and other places that adopt the BGS to realize construction or renovation, then proves the correctness and innovation of the theory with practice. So this guidebook provides a good platform for the target language readers and related researchers.Realistic significance. The special feature of the BGS is that its target group can be a professional group, as well as developers, factory managers, governments, investors and other stakeholders. This paper presents the theoretical knowledge that BGS takes and the benefits that BGS brings. Translating this guidebook into Chinese is valuable for relevant experts and stakeholders to use for reference in designing urban construction or renovation. In addition, translating this paper into Chinese will provide a window for the public to understand the close relationship between urban development and climate change. As the biggest developing country in the world, China will contribute significantly to global environmental protection and economic development by running her own affairs well. Therefore, translating this book into Chinese can provide more reference programs for China in the construction of ecological civilization.大连理工大学专业学位硕士论文Chapter 2 Theoretical Basis2.0 EST and EST TranslationIn the first chapter, the content of the source text is about the new research in the area of environmental engineering, which is typical English for Science and Technology (EST). Many related studies on the translation of EST texts have shown that the style of EST is characterized by standard language, objective statement, strong logic, a large amount of information and a high degree of specialization. Compared with literary translation, scientific translation requires a translation that is accurate and expressive in content, well-structured and well-defined [2,3]. Therefore, when translating EST texts, the translator must analyze the characteristics and language features of the source text.In the translation process, the translator believes that the ultimate purpose of EST translation is using simple, accurate language to express the same concepts and information as the original to promote scientific and technological knowledge. Therefore, in addition to considering the basic concepts of the translation such as “literal translation” and “parallel translation,” it should also pay attention to the equivalence in the function of the target text and the source text to make sure that the reader or audience may have the same response of the source language receptor [4]. Therefore, from the perspective of the requirements of EST translation and the reader’s response, EST translation coincides with Nida's functional equivalence theory.2.1 Overview on Nida’s Translation TheoryNida’s basic translation ideas can be summarized in the following three points. ①Translation is a communicative activity between languages. ②The goal of translation is to transfer the meanings. ③In order to transfer meanings, the form of the source texts can be adjusted [4]. Nida regards translation as a cross-language, cross-cultural communicative activity, which is in line with the purpose of the EST translation, that is, to convey the latest research in related disciplines, and to provide new research methods for the domestic academic circles. For the second point, Nida’s explanation is: To make the source text reader and target text readers communicate with each other, the meaning of the source texts must be clearly transferred. This is also the most basic requirement for translation of the source text. Since the habit of Chinese and English expressions are not the same, in order to achieve translation, the forms of language expressions must be changed. EST has its own textual characteristics, and we must correctly grasp these characteristics in translation, and reproduce the information of the source language with the closest and natural equivalents[5]. This is the core point of functional equivalence theory.A Report on E-C Translation of Ecological EST under the Guidance of Functional Equivalence TheoryIn addition to functional equivalence theory, Nida believes that the translation process can be divided into following four stages, namely analysis, transfer, restructuring and test [5]. ①Analysis is mainly to determine the meaning of the original text. The meaning here refers to the meaning of words, phrases, grammar, syntax and discourse structure. That is, the translators must grasp both the meaning of the content and the characteristics of the form. ②Transfer is to transfer the information analyzed from the source language to the target language. ③Restructuring is to reorganize the words, syntax and discourse features to achieve maximum comprehension of the target receptor. ④Test. To expose the deficiency of translation based on testing the reader’s response. Transfer, restructuring and test is a process that needs to be repeated in the translation process in order to do the best translation. Therefore, in the translation process, the characteristics of the original text should be analyzed first. After having a complete grasp of the content and linguistic characteristics of the original text, it should be translated sentence by sentence.2.2 Nida’s Functional equivalenceThe core of Nida’s “f unctional equivalence” theory is to make the translated text arouse the same effect on target readers as close as possible as the source text on its readers [6]. Dynamic equivalence (or functional equivalence) is an approach to translation in which the original language is translated “thought for thought” rather than “word for word” as in form equivalence. For Nida, in translation, the meaning is first, and form is second, namely the priority of functional equivalence over formal equivalence. The “function” of a language refers to the verbal role that a language can play in its use. Different languages must be different in grammar or expression habits, but they can have the same or similar functions to each other. So that the key to translation is the target text can produce the corresponding effect of the source text in the cultural background of the source language in the cultural background of the target language. Nida emphasizes that the key to translation is “equivalence,” “in formation,” “meaning,” and “style” [7].As mentioned earlier, “translation is a communicative activity,” the purpose of translation is to seek the “equivalence” of the source language and target language. The information conveyed by translation is not only superficial textual information but also deep cultural and social information. Nida expounds dynamic equivalence from four aspects: lexical equivalence, syntactic equivalence, textual equivalence and stylistic equivalence [8].(1) Lexical equivalence: The meaning of a word is decided by its use in the language. Find the corresponding meaning in the target language.(2) Syntactic equivalence: Translators must not only know whether the target language has such a structure, but also understand how often this structure is used.大连理工大学专业学位硕士论文(3) Discourse equivalence: In the discourse analysis, we can not only analyze the language itself but also how the language conveys the meaning and function in a specific context.(4) Stylistic equivalence: Translation works of different styles have their own unique language characteristics. Only when mastering both the source and target language characteristics and being proficient in using both languages, can translators create a translation work that truly reflects the source language style.Under the framework of functional equivalence theory, EST translation should follow the following principles [9]:(1) Faithfulness to the original author: in translation, we should pay special attention to the unity of the target text and the original text, and follow the principle of “faithfulness to the original author.” On the basis of this principle, the translator should give full play to the role of the original text, requiring the translator not only to understand the thinking mode of the source text but also to fully understand the communicative function of the source text to the source text.(2) Serving the target language receptors: take full account of the r eader’s understanding of the translation and use the most “natural” form of language translation. This “naturalness,” on the condition that the target language recipient’s understanding needs are satisfied, includes two meanings: the translation should be authentic, and the translation should be read in a natural way, so as to avoid translationese.(3) Fully considering the function of information: in the EST translation, the translator should fully consider the cultural background of the target language, and based on this background, fully consider the information function. If the target readers have strong professional knowledge of related fields, maximally retain the original style and words of science and technology in the text, English professional term will not affect their reading and understanding, the target language reader can completely rely on their professional skills to understand English paragraph means of science and technology. If the target language reader has the weak professional knowledge, the translator should strive to achieve the equivalence from words to sentences as far as possible so as not to affect the target language readers to further understand the meaning and improve their reading experiences.In translation practices, Nida believes that the most important equivalence is the semantic equivalence. For EST translation, the author believes that the translator must first grasp the style of EST, that is, the stylistic characteristics of EST must be clarified in the pre-translation preparation. Secondly, translators should adhere to the principle of lexical equivalence and semantic equivalence in translation, so that the content of the source texts has the same effect as the source texts.A Report on E-C Translation of Ecological EST under the Guidance of Functional Equivalence Theory2.3 The Application of Functional EquivalenceAs mentioned above, the core of functional equivalence is that the receptors’ response to the target text is the same as the original response to the source text. Given this, Nida defines translation as “reproducing the source messages in the target language from meanings to stylistic features with the closest natural equivalents[10]”. Guided by functional equivalence theory, the translator of this report tries to seek equivalence as far as possible from perspectives of lexicon, syntax and discourse.First of all, by applying the “functional equivalence theory,” the translator first takes the reader’s response to the text as the most important factor in translation practice from the perspective of the discourse. “Lexical equivalence” emphasizes the equivalence of meaning and part-of-speech in EST translation as well as the equivalence of communication functions by adding and deleting words; “syntactic equivalence” requires translators to get rid of constraints of forms and express the meaning of the source texts clearly and completely. The functional equivalence theory also takes into account the logical relationships between words and between sentences to flexibly change the part of speech. For scientific and technological styles, it is particularly necessary to pay attention to the structures such as passive voice, attributives, adverbials, etc. Based on the first two types of equivalence, translators are required to proceed from the whole passage, reasonably arrange sentence groups, and pay attention to the logical relationship between sentences. “Stylistic equivalence” is the top priority of all equivalence strategies. The writing style of a scientific article should not be similar to literary styles, such as a novel.Secondly, the four steps of translation emphasized in Nida’s theory also play a guiding role in translation practice. The analysis section allows the translator to determine the style and the linguistic features of the source texts before translating. The text analysis before translation facilitates the translator to achieve stylistic equivalence in translation, which is of great significance to the realization of functional equivalence in the EST translation. Transfer and restructuring require translators to flexibly apply various translation strategies in lexical and syntactic translation according to the four translation principles of equivalence and functional equivalence mentioned above, to achieve functional equivalence in translation. In the process of proofreading, the quality of the translated text should be determined according to the standards proposed by the functional equivalence theory, in addition to determining whether the translation achieves four equivalence.The functional equivalence theory points out a way for translators to EST translation, which has great guiding significance for translators’ translation practice.大连理工大学专业学位硕士论文Chapter 3 Translation Process3.1 Pre-Translation PreparationTranslation preparation is necessary for the translation project. For EST translation, according to the functional equivalence theory, the translation should achieve stylistic equivalence with the original text, which requires the translator to have a holistic grasp of the stylistic features of the original text. In this translation practice, the source text has many terms, and consistency of the terms is one of the important criteria to measure the quality of translation and is also one of the important tasks of proofreading. So, it is necessary to have preparation before translation. With careful preparation, the translation work will be effectively completed, and high-quality translation will be delivered in a timely manner. Therefore, after receiving this translation project, the author of this report first makes the following translation preparations.For the terminological consistency, the translator chooses to use computer-aided translation software (hereinafter referred to as CAT). The advantage of CAT is that the same content will not be translated twice, which saves the workload of terminological consistency. In this translation project, the translator uses SDL Trados Studio 2019. Its advantages are shown in the following aspects: translation memory (TM), matching, and termbase (MultiTerm). The memory function and matching function of Trados complement each other. The memory function refers to the automatic storage of the translation and the sorting, establishment and continuous updating of the memory base in the process of translation by Trados, and the matching function refers to the analysis of the source text and the target text with the help of Trados to accurately identify the corresponding sentences and paragraphs, and automatically pop up the matching sentence paragraph when similar sentence paragraphs appear in the following paragraphs. With the help of the memory and matching function of Trados, the source text can be better understood according to the existing translation, qualified translation can be produced, and the consistency of the same type of text can be maintained. MultiTerm can standardize all the professional terms. The translator only needs to establish one or more standard term lists containing the source language and the target language. By opening the corresponding term list in Trados, the system will automatically identify which terms have been defined in the text and give the standard translation, which effectively keeps the terminological consistency and accuracy [11].Because there are a large number of technical terms in “Blue Green Solutions,” the author of this report prepares some dictionaries. In addition to dictionaries, the author prepares relevant translation books, such as A Course in English-Chinese Translation, which is written by Zhang Peiji, Functional Translation Theory and ESP Translation Study written by Wang Miao. In addition, The translator has a preparation of parallel texts. In the EST translation, understandingis the premise. Only when the meaning is understood correctly can a concise and correct translation be produced. English of science and technology covers a wide range of disciplines, and it is difficult for translators to be familiar with or master all the professional terms in various fields. In the process of EST translation, the elaboration and determination of terms require time and effort, and mistranslations often occur due to a lack of professional knowledge and contextual knowledge. By introducing parallel text, the translator can get a general understanding of the common terms and expressions in this field, and turn the terms in the text into his own vocabulary reserve, so as to effectively and accurately solve the problem of term translation[12], so as to ensure accurate and appropriate semantic equivalence during the translation. In addition, Nida’s theory of stylistic equivalence requires that the target text should fulfill the same function of the source text, so as to satisfy the way of expression of the target text. By using parallel text, in addition to the accurate expression of vocabulary, it also contributes to the overall smoothness of the target text and the functional equivalence of the original text. In addition, parallel text can also effectively help translators expand their knowledge, improve their ability to identify various professional terms, and find subtle differences among different meanings with a rigorous attitude, so as to select appropriate translation strategies and convey the original meaning to readers accurately and smoothly. Therefore, the translator prepares relevant parallel texts.3.2 Analysis of the Source TextDifferent from the literary text, the EST text has its own characteristics and features. In order to describe the objective world accurately, the style of science and technology texts should be concise in the form, coherent in the semantic expression, and objective in the use of language.3.2.1 Lexical featuresThe lexical features of the source text include three main points:Terminology. The purpose of science and technology text is to deliver technical information or science facts. To achieve this point, the terminology is widely used in science and technology text to ensure the accuracy of the content. Blue Green Solutions is a technical report which gives a new method in urbanization and city reconstruction, in which numerous terminologies are used to demonstrate the theories proposed in the report. As the following table 1 shows, some terms are demonstrated. The rest of the terms and abbreviations refer to Appendix I.Tab. 3.1 Technical WordsST TTPhotovoltaics 光伏Topography 地形、地貌Adiabatic Cooling 隔热冷却Evapotranspiration 蒸散Semi-technical word. The semi-technical words in the science and technology texts are basically derived from common English vocabulary, which referenced in a professional, scientific and technological field. Most of this type of word polysemy, which has both non-technical and technical meanings [13].Example 1. This means that interventions such as tree pits and green roofs are better equipped to manage, for example, extreme rainfall events.Example 2. A key advantage is that being vegetation based, their construction and operation has a low carbon and materials footprint.In example 1., “green roofs” is not literally referred to as a roof with green color. It is a concept of “planting on rooftops, balconies, walls, the top of underground garages, overpasses, and other special spaces of buildings and structures that are not connected to the ground, nature, and soil [14].”In example 2., “footprints” refers to “The area of a biologically productive area that is needed to maintain the survival of a person, region, or country, or that can accommodate waste emitted by humans [15].”Abbreviation. Abbreviations are easy to write, identify and remember. In science and technology English, there are a large number of vocabulary abbreviations and abbreviations.Example 3. The Blue Green Dream (BGD) project built upon and expanded the SUDS and WSUD Historical development of Blue Green Solutions (BG-S) via SUDS and WSUD concept to produce a systematic, quantitative framework for utilizing the full range of ecosystem services that NBS provide, yielding Blue Green Solutions.3.2.2 Syntactic FeaturesThe syntactic features in the source text include the following two main points:Passive voice. According to statistics, one-third of the verbs in science and technology texts are used in passive forms. The science and technology texts focus on narrative and reasoning. The reader pays attention to the author’s point of view or the content of the invention, not the author himself. To emphasize and highlight the author’s point of view and inventions, more passive voices are used in EST texts than general English texts [16].Example 4. All interactions are therefore systematically mapped, modelled and quantified to enable the design team to make a decision using quantified performance indicators.。



Modern Linguistics 现代语言学, 2020, 8(2), 143-148Published Online April 2020 in Hans. /journal/mlhttps:///10.12677/ml.2020.82021Register Variation of Website Newsand Its Translation—A Case Study of Translating China Daily Website English NewsJiahui YuCanvard College of Beijing Technology and Business University, BeijingReceived: Feb. 23rd, 2020; accepted: Apr. 3rd, 2020; published: Apr. 10th, 2020AbstractCompared with news of other media, website news writing is more easily influenced by external factors such as the hyperlinks of internet, the big data and the page views etc. In addition, the ex-pression and sentence structure of website news are much more flexible, which can explain why language deviation occurs in website news. These creative language deviants in website news can provoke vivid and eye-catching effects. Halliday, the founder of the Systematic-functional Gram-mar, emphasizes that changes in context may cause the language deviation. This paper attempts to explore the relation between register variation and the three variables of register, namely field, tenor and mode. To better produce the effect of such register variation, the author attempts to provide some translation methods including the literal translation, free translation, and paraph-rasing etc. within the framework of register theory. This paper is expected to enrich studies on language deviation as well as website news writing.KeywordsRegister Theory, Register Variation, Eye-Catching Effect网站新闻的语域变异及其翻译——以中国日报网英文新闻编译为例于佳惠北京工商大学嘉华学院,北京收稿日期:2020年2月23日;录用日期:2020年4月3日;发布日期:2020年4月10日于佳惠摘 要和其他新闻媒介相比,网站新闻易受超链接、大数据、浏览量等外部因素的影响。



中英语言文学类学术论文摘要语类及语言特点对比分析--一项基于自建语料库的研究范春香【摘要】The development of the computer technology leads the language research into a new age. In this research we take advantage of the corpus-driven approach to illustrate the differences and similarities in the generic structural potential (GSP) and the language features of Chinese and English article abstracts by building our own corpora of article abstracts and using AntConc. Results show that both the GSP and the language features have their own Chinese and English characteristics. This research makes the Chinese writers know how to write an article abstract and lays a ground for them who will publish their works in the high-quality magazines and even in the foreign ones.% 计算机技术的发展使语言研究进入了崭新的阶段。










































































本文分析了科技英语名词化结构的特点、原因以及构成 ,并讨论了不同构成的翻译方法。

关键词:科技英语名词化结构行为名词AbstractNominalization is one of the most important stylistic features of EST. This paper mainly analyses the characteristic, cause and formation of the nominalization of EST, and also presents different ways of translation. Key words: EST nominalization action nounR•夸克等编著的《当代英语语法》( A Grammar of Contemporary English) 在论述科技英语中复杂的语法现象时 ,提到了科技英语的两个最显著特点 : 广泛使用名词化结构和大量使用被动语态。




现从英语名词化结构的主要特点入手, 分析这类词语在汉译时的困难, 提出了归化处理的翻译策略。

一、名词化结构的主要特点英语名词化结构的大量使用减少了英语篇中功能词的使用, 有利于突出英语语篇的主题信息。

从系统功能语法的交际功能角度讲, 名词化结构体现的是事实或过程作为参与者, 避免或减少了施动者人的参与。

这是因为科技英语语篇的主要用途是科技工作者以书面语言形式给读者提供和交流信息, 语篇内容往往是新的科研成果, 科研方法或实验操作过程。

为了使得提供信息易被受话人理解,保证所提供信息的客观和真实性, 科技工作者作为发话人往往不出现在信息交流中, 而是以事实或过程作为参与者。



- 236-校园英语 / 翻译探究科技英语的文体特征及翻译策略——以石油英语翻译为例中国石油大学文学院/杨晓【摘要】随着现代科学技术的发展,科技英语已成为一种重要的英语文体,而阅读和翻译科技英文文献也成为科研上作者一项基本素质。



【关键词】科技英语 文体特征 翻译策略科技文体是自然科学和技术人员从事专业活动时使用的一种文体。




翻译原文:①Hydrocarbon exploration (or oil and gas exploration) is the search by petroleum geologists and geophysicists for hydrocarbon deposits beneath the Earth's surface, such as oil and natural gas. ②Oil and gas exploration are grouped under the science of petroleum geology.③Visible surface features such as oil seeps, natural gas seeps, pockmarks (underwater craters caused by escaping gas) provide basic evidence of hydrocarbon generation (be it shallow or deep in the Earth). ④However, most exploration depends on highly sophisticated technology to detect and determine the extent of these deposits using exploration geophysics.⑤ Areas thought to contain hydrocarbons are initially subjected to a gravity survey, magnetic survey, passive seismic or regional seismic reflection surveys to detect large-scale features of the sub-surface geology.⑥ Features of interest (known as leads) are subjected to more detailed seismic surveys which work on the principle of the time it takes for reflected sound waves to travel through matter (rock) of varying densities and using the process of depth conversion to create a profile of the substructure. ⑦Finally, when a prospect has been identified and evaluated and passes the oil company's selection criteria, an exploration well is drilled in an attempt to conclusively determine the presence or absence of oil or gas.译文:①油气勘探(或石油和天然气勘探)是指石油地质学家和地球物理学家寻找地下的油气藏,如石油和天然气。







以人教版六年级上Unit1How tall are you?中的Read and write为例,这篇课文讲述Wu Yifan和他的家人去郊外旅游的故事,教师在语篇教学时,可向学生提出以下的问题:“What is the story talking about?”“Who is younger?”“When is the duck’s shadow longer?”这三个问题与课文的内容有密切的联系,问题层层相扣,逻辑清晰,能够让学生由浅入深地理解文章的故事,提问中学生的思维会处于活跃的状态,他们会积极地思考教师的问题,如此能够培养他们思维的逻辑性。




以人教版五年级下Unit2My favourite season中的Read and write为例,教师在呈现语篇内容前,可让学生观察本单元题目,由此,他们可推断本篇文章包含的选项包括:(1)spring(2)summer (3)autumn(4)winter,还包含在每个季节可以做的事。



汉英翻译中的重复问题探究付迎雪【摘要】Repetition was an important means of cohesion in Chinese which possesses plenty of reduplication words .This feature of Chi-nese is closely connected with the phonetic characteristics of the Chinese language and thinking patterns of the Chinese people .In con-trast, substitution serves as the main vehicle for cohesion in English and repetition is on the whole utilized for the purposes of empha -sis, clarity and rhetoric.Apart from"explicit repetitions", there are abundant implicit repetitions in Chinese .If this distinction is neg-lected, redundancy will appear in C-E translation, especially when the deep meaning of the Chinese source text is not considered thor-oughly, reducing readability of the translation .This article explores the differences and causes in the employment of repetition in Eng -lish and Chinese and suggests possible ways to deal with this difference in C -E translation.%重复在汉语中是一种重要的语篇衔接手段,除此之外汉语还有着丰富的叠词。














英语翻译论文题目英语翻译论文题目写英语翻译的论文需要写哪些内容呢?选什么样的题目合适?下面是应届毕业生小编为大家收集的关于英语翻译论文题目,欢迎大家阅读!1、谈英语谚语的翻译2、谈英语幽默的翻译3、英语汉译技巧初探4、地方名胜古迹汉译英5、翻译中常见错误分析6、中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响7、会话含义的推导与翻译8、词汇的文化内涵与翻译9、语境在翻译中的作用10、翻译技巧探索11、商标词翻译12、广告语言的翻译13、论英汉互译中的语义等值问题14、英汉文化差异对翻译的影响15、英汉谚语的理解和翻译16、浅谈颜色词在英语中的翻译17、中西文化差异与翻译障碍18、英语比喻性词语中文化内涵及翻译19、英语意义否定表现法及其汉译20、浅谈新闻标题的翻译21、互文性理论下的电影片名翻译22、从唐诗《春望》英译比较看译者主体性23、功能对等理论在英文电影字幕翻译中的应用-以《肖申克的救赎》为个案24、语篇翻译中的衔接与连贯25、从关联理论视角看汉语习语的英译26、从目的论角度看新闻标题英汉翻译27、目的论关照下的汉语标语翻译28、影视翻译的特点及技巧-阿甘正传个案研究29、The Characteristics of Athletic English and Its Translation 体育英语的特点及翻译30、Chinese Reduplicated Words and their Translation into English 汉语叠词及其英译31、Non-Correspondence in English-Chinese Translation of Color Words中英文翻译中颜色词的非对应32、On the Cultural Signification of Animal Idioms and Translation 动物俚语文化含义与翻译33、Foreignizing and Domesticating Translations in Cross-cultural Vision跨文化视野中的异化和归化翻译34、The Loss of Affective Meaning in Trans lation ―from the Perspective of Cultural Differences 从文化差异的角度看翻译中情感意义的丢失35、On the Explicitness and Implicitness of Conjunctions in English-Chinese Translation Process 论连词再英汉翻译中的显性和隐性存在36、Approaching Domestication and Foreignization in Translation from a Functional Perspective 从功能翻译角度看归化与异化37、Conversion of Part of Speech in English-Chinese Translation 英译汉中词类的转换38、The Transfer of Culture Image and of English and Chinese Idioms in Translating 论英汉习语翻译中的文化意象的转化VI 旅游英语方向的选题39、科技汉英翻译中的.修辞现象述评 ( An Overview of Rhetoricin Scientific English Translation )40、科技英汉翻译中的虚实互化现象微探( Research on the Change from Abstractness to Concreteness in Scientific Translation )41、翻译方法个案研究?如?“从海明威的短篇小说《一个干净、明亮的地方》看简洁句的翻译”?42、两个译本比较研究 ?或某个译本翻译评论?43、某个著名翻译家翻译方法或翻译风格研究44、英汉习语翻译方法研究45、广告翻译策略研究46、Culture Differences and Translation of English &Chinese Idioms47、浅析应用文体之翻译48、烹饪英语翻译探微49、科技英语翻译方法例析50、中式菜谱的英译51、汉语颜色词的英译52、福克勒小说的英译53、英语俚语的汉译54、论英语委婉语的差异和翻译对策55、实用文体翻译中的语言、文化透视?结合语言学、跨文化交际等相关内容分析影响实用文体翻译的因素?56、关于对外交流翻译中不足的反思?如?电影名的误译?旅游翻译的误译及其他。























2492020年40期总第532期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS功能翻译理论视角下的中药说明书英译初探文/全雪娇 贾 芳 姚文娟 董 宁一定的联系,至于保持什么样的联系则需要根据翻译工作的目的以及中药说明书英译的目标来决定;第三,中药说明书的英译工作在实际翻译过程中一定要能够高效化解客观存在的文化以及语言障碍,要让英译工作的对象能够读通顺、读明白。












即“ L e a d i n g( e n t e r p i r s e s ) : S u p p o r t t h e i n d u s 【 r i a l i z a t i o n o f a g r i c u l —
t u r e a n d t h e d e v e l o p me n t o f l e a d i n g a g r i h u s i n e s s e . ” 。
交 际语 气等 翻 译 策 略 。 关 键词 : 标 语 口号 莫译
1 . 引 言
狗 情有 独 钟 . 将狗 视为宠物之首 , 同 样 的 内容 英 语 表 述 为 “ B e
wa r e o fDo g s ”。
策 略
中英 文 表 示 有 关 “ 禁止 ……” 、 “ 请 勿……” 等 标 语 口号 的 语 气不 同 。汉语 采 用 命 令 式 、 祈 使 句 。然 而存 英 语 国家 得 体 性 往 往产 生 于 间 接 、 含蓄 , 过于直 露的 、 强 加 性 的禁 止 用 语 不 是 很 受 欢 迎 。如 汉 语 中 的 “ 游人止步 ” , 英 文采用 “ C l o s e d t o v i s i —
L ONDON” 。这 一 口号 凝 练 简 约 , 头韵奇妙。 中英 文 标语 口号 句 式 上 最 显 著 的差 别 在 于 “ 英 语 大 量 使
3 . 标 语 口号 的翻 译 策 略 3 . 1 明确 语 用意 义 , 避 免 文 化 差异 。 由于 中英 文 化 的 不 同 , 中 国文 化 的 独 特 的 东 西 , 对 海 外 受 众 而言 ,往 往 觉 得 陌 生 。 翻译 这 种 标语 口号 时要 避 免 文 化 差 异 .应 正 确 翻 译 其 语 用 意 义 。 龙 是 中 国 人心 目中最 神 圣 的动 物。 如, 龙 的传 人 、 龙 子 龙孙 等 。 在 汉语 巾 , “ 龙” 总是 用 于 褒 义 。 西方人则认为d r a g o n ( 龙) 是邪恶 的 , 是 凶残 的古 怪 野 兽 , 是 恶 的 象征 。在 翻译 “ 支持农业产业化经营和龙头企业发展 ” 中 的 “ 龙 头( 企业 ) ” 时, 可舍弃“ 龙头” 的形象 , 只 保 英 译 探 析



科技语篇英译新探1 The Development of Artificial IntelligenceIn the face of the rapid development of science and technology today, artificial intelligence, as a key area of science and technology, has made great strides in its development. With the continuous innovation and breakthrough of human-oriented scientific research, gradually, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an inseparable part of the daily life of mankind.As the core and core technology of robots, artificial intelligence based on the biological intelligence theory of human brain and formed from the development of neural network technology, can include expert systems, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, machine learning and other areas of research. It is a powerful technological support for the development of various scientific fields.2 AI- Powered Facial RecognitionAI-powered facial recognition, as one of the important applications of artificial intelligence, has been widely used to identify and verify human identity in various fields. To some extent, it subverts traditional methods such as manualidentity verification and brings a more secure and convenient user experience.Biometric technologies, such as face recognition, serve as the verification method to ide ntify a person’s identity. AI-powered facial recognition technology, with its accuracy, flexibility, reliability and convenience, can be used in many scenes. It is becoming a popular technology for its practical applications in finance, retail, and law enforcement domains. Currently, facial recognition technology is also widely used in hospitals, communities, factories, schools, and other industries and fields.3 Benefits of AIThe development of artificial intelligence has revolutionized many aspects of life and has made the world a better place. AI-driven approaches have enhanced efficiencyin different fields by helping to automate tedious tasks and reduce manual labor costs.In addition, due to the implementation of graphical interface, AI system is becoming more and more intelligent. For example, robots are increasingly used in manufacturing, a development that can facilitate the production process. AI can also facilitate the operation of heavy machinery, therebyhelping more people to complete more tasks faster than ever before.By introducing AI technology, many novel solutions can be found to solve various problems and improve overall efficiency. AI is being developed to enhance the security of information, build intelligent transportation systems and even identify diseases during medical exams. All in all, AI-enabled technologies are revolutionizing the way people live.。

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两 种 语 言 的 科 技 文体 特 征 , 又要 遵 循 翻 译 理 论 原 则 或标 准 , 妙 运 用 各种 不 同 的英 译 技 巧 , 巧 以使 译 文 符 合 专业 要 求 。
关 键 词 : 技 语 篇 ; 体 特征 ; 译 科 文 翻 中图 分 类 号 : 1 . H3 5 9 文献标识码 : A 文 章 编 号 : 6 1 9 4 ( 0 1 0 —0 30 1 7 — 2 7 2 1 ) 30 3 — 3
On t eT a sa in ft eDic u s fCh n s h r n l t o o h s o r eo i e e
f rS in e a d T c n lg n o En l h o ce c n e h o o y i t gi s
Ab ta t I r n lt g t ed s o re o h n s o in ea d T c n lg ( T)it g ih c o d n O t el — s r c :n ta sai h i u s fC ie ef rS e c n e h o o y CS n c c n o En l ,a c r ig t h i s n g i t n u t r l e t r s f o h Chn s n n l h a d t erdfe e c s usi a d c l a a u e t ie ea d E gi n h i i r n e ,wes o l o n y c n i e esy it e — c u f o b s f h ud n to l o s rt tl i la d h sc
第2 卷 第 3 8 期
20 11年 5 月
安 徽 工 业 大 学学 报 ( 会 科 学 版 ) 社
J un lo h i iest fT c n lg S ca c n e) o ra fAn u Unv ri o eh oo y( o il i c s y S e
Z HU nz e ・Z Yu -h n HAN c n  ̄ G o g
( p rme to r i n L n u g ,Xime iest De a t n f Fo eg a g a e a n Unv r i y
o e h oo y,Xime lg a n3 1 2 j a hn )
t rs o S a d E T,b t lo fl w h rn ilso t n ad f r n lt n t e r n k o d u eo h a sain u e fC T n S u s l t ep icp e rsa d r so a sa i h o y a ma eg o s f et n lt a oo t o d t r o t c nq e r m h n s t n l h e h i u s fo C ie ei o E g i . n s
V0. 8,No 3 12 .
M a ,2 0 1 y 1
科 技 语 篇 英 译 新 探
朱云 贞, 张聪 义
( 门理 工学 院 外语 系 , 厦 福建 厦 门 3 12 ) 6 0 4
摘 要 : 科 技 语 篇英 译中 , 根 据 汉 、 的 语 言 文 化 特 点 与 差 异 , 科 技 题 材 的 文 体 特 征 出 发 , 要 考 虑 汉 、 在 应 英 从 既 英
Ke r s: y wo d CST ic r e;syl tc fat es;ta sa in ds ous t i i e ur s r n lt o
经 济和科 技 的迅 速 发展 迫 切需 要 科 技 翻译 , 若 倘 在 发 展 中失 去 了语 言 沟 通之 间的桥 梁— — 翻 译 , 多 众 的科技 成就 哪能如此 迅速 地成 为造 福 全人 类 的 巨大 生 产 力 ? L 回顾 2 世 纪的科技发 展历程 , 1 O 人类 在科学理 论 上 发现 了“ 子 论 和相 对 论 ” 在 科 学 理 论 模 型 上 建 立 量 , 了“ 基本 粒子夸 克模 型 、 N 双 螺旋 结 构模 型 、 宙 大 D A 宇 爆 炸学 说 、 算 机模 型和 地 球 板块 模 型” 在 尖 端 技 术 计 , 上 发展 了“ 核技术 、 天技 术 、 算机 技 术 、 因技 术 和 航 计 基 激 光技 术” 。这 些进 步与发 展 表 明 , 技 的竞争 已成 为 科 国家 间综合 实力竞争 的决定性 因素 。2 世 纪 的科技 发 1 展 涵盖 了信息 技术 、 命科 学 与生 物技 术 、 源技 术 和 生 能 纳 米技术 等 关键 领 域 , 种科 技 竞 争 趋 势 将 会 更 加 明 这 显 o2 以预见 , 们未来 相 当长 一段 时 间 内的 翻译 主 [可 2 我 角 仍将 是科技 翻译 。2 O世纪 7 O年 代 以来 , 际上对 科 国 技 翻译 给予 了高度重 视 , 多 学者 逐渐 转 移译 事 重 心 , 许 开 始对其 精 心 探 研 。科 技 汉 英 互译 可 以说是 一 门 “ 边 缘 学科 ”介 于理 工 类 各 专业 与英 语 专 业 之 间 , , 因而 要 求 其研 究人 员 既 要有 较 高 的英 语 水 平 , 要 有 较 深 的 又 专 业修养 。科 技翻译 主要 是研 究 自然 界各 种 物 质和 现 象 及其 利用 与 改造 中积 累 下来 的经 验 和 知 识 。] 难 [不 3 想 象 , 事科 技翻译 时 , 者 除 了要 有 较 高 的语 言 文字 从 译 水 平 以及较 丰富 的文化 、 专业 知 识外 , 必须 了解科 技 还 汉 、 的文体 特征 、 循 翻译 的普通 原 则 并掌 握 包括 词 英 遵 句 和语 篇在 内的 必要 翻译 技 巧 , 为并 非译 好 每一 词 因 句 就等 于译 好一 篇 文 章 。一 篇文 章 往往 并 不 只是单 词 与 句子 的堆 砌 , 它有 自身 的 结构 、 点 与 风格 , 特 除掌 握 词 与句 子 的翻 译 方法 与 技 巧 , 尚应 了解 与 掌握 语 篇 的 翻译规 律 。科 技语 篇 与 文 学 语 篇 截然 不 同 , 具有 自 它