The American Society
1.The Age of Realism (How to define the Realistic Period in American literary history?)The period ranging from 1865 to l914 has been referred to as the Age of Realism in the 1iterary history of the United States, which is actually a movement or tendency that dominated the spirit of American literature, especia1ly American fiction, from the 1850s onwards. Realism was a reaction against Romanticism or a move away from the bias towards romance andself-creating fictions, and it paved the way to Modernism. Instead of thinking about the irrational, the imaginative, realists touched upon social and political realities and pressures in the post-Civil war society. Three dominant figures are William Dean Howells, Mark Twain, and Henry James.2.The historical and socio-cultural background of American Realism The American society after the Civil War provided rich soil for the rise and deve1opment of Realism. This period is characterized with changes, in relation to every aspect of American life, politically, economically, culturally, and religiously. First of all, politically, the Civil War affected both the social and the value system of the country. America had transformed itse1f into an industria1ized and commercialized society. Wilderness gave way to civilization. The burgeoning economy and industry stepped up urbanization. However, economically, the changes were not all for the better. The industrialization and the urbanization were accompanied by the incalculable sufferings of the laboring people. Therefore, polarization of the wellbeing between the poorand the rich started to show up. Thirdly, as far as the ideology was concerned, people became dubious about the human nature and the benevo1ence of God, which the Transcendentalists cared most. What Mark Twain referred to as“ the Gi1ded Age” replaced the frontier and the spirit of the frontiersman, which is the spirit of freedom and human connection. Fourthly, the literary scene after the Civi1 War proved to be quite different a picture. The harshrea1ities of life as well as the disillusion of heroism resulting from the dark memories of the Civil War had set the nation against the romance. The Americans began to be tired of the sentimental feelings of Romanticism. Thus, started a new period in the American literary writings known as the Age of Realism, characterized by a great interest in the realities of life.1.What is Realism?In art and literature, Realism refers to an attempt to describe human behavior and surroundings or to represent figures exactly as they act or appear in life. Realism emerged as a literary movement in Europe in the1850s. In reaction to Romanticism, realistic writers should set down theirobservations impartially and objectively. They insisted on accurate documentation, sociological insight, and avoidance of poetic diction and idealization. The subjects were to be taken from everyday life, preferably from lower-class life. Realism entered American literature after the Civil War. William Dean Howells, Mark Twain, and Henry James were the pioneers of realism in the U.S.2.The literary characteristics of the Realistic Period in American literatureGuided by the principle of adhering to the truthful treatment of 1ife, the realists touched upon various contemporary social and political issues. In their works, instead of writing about the polite, we11--dressed,grammatica1ly correct middle--class young people who moved in exotic places and remote times, they introduced industrial workers and farmers, ambitious businessmen and vagrants, prostitutes and unheroic soldiers as major characters in fiction. They approached the harsh realities and pressures in the post-Civil War society either by a comprehensive picture of modern life in its various occupations, c1ass stratifications and manners, or by a psychological exploration of man's subconsciousness.The three dominant figures of the period are William Dean Howells, Mark Twain, and Henry James. Together they brought to fulfillment native trends in the realistic portrayal of the 1andscape and social surfaces, brought to perfection the vernacular style, and explored and exploited the literary possibilities of the interior life.The major writers in the Realistic PeriodI. Mark Twain (1835--19l0)马克·吐温Mark Twain is a great literary giant of America, whom H.L.Mencken considered “the true father of our national literature.” With works like Adventure of Huckleberry Finn (1884) and Life on the Mississippi (1883) Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made a more extensive combination of American folk humor and serious literature than previous writers had ever done.(一)一般识记Mark Twain’s life and writing:Mark Twain, Pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, was born on November 30, 1835, in Missouri, and grew up in the river town of Hannibal. After his father died, he began to seek his own fortune .He once worked as a journeyman printer, a steamboat pilot, a newspaper colunist and as adeadpan lecturer. Twain's writing took the form of humorous journalism of the time, and it ennabled him to master the technique of narration.(二) 识记Mark Twain’s major works:1.《汤姆·索亚历险记》(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 1876)这部小说通常被认为是一个儿童故事;它围绕汤姆和他的伙伴展开。
American Society,美国社会
I. Immigration and Ethnicity
Factors affecting the immigration
Pushing factors of the ancestral country Pulling factors of the host country (U.S.)
I. Immigration and Ethnicity
Chinese Exclusion
After the United States acquired California in 1848, a large number of Chinese emigrated to the Pacific Coast, where they provided cheap labor for the construction of the transcontinental railroad. Anti-Chinese feeling steadily increased during the 1860s and 1870s as American workers found themselves competing unsuccessfully with Chinese laborers for jobs. The U.S. government responded by passing the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882. The act prohibited Chinese immigration for ten years. In 1892 the law was extended for another ten years, and in 1902 it became permanent. The law was repealed during World War II, when China and the United States were allied in the struggle against Japan. The Chinese population in the United States declined from 107,000 in 1890 to just 75,000 in 1930.
临床检验相关英文杂志1.Clinical Chemistry临床化学杂志, 2006年影响因子5.454. 2005年:7.717. 临床化学(检验)专业的王牌杂志.网址:/,该杂志由美国临床化学协会(American Association for Clinical Chemistry)主办,编委和主编都是检验界最顶级的专家,现任编委为Nader Rifai,是心血管疾病标志物的专家。
我国平均每年在该杂志上发10-15篇论文,多数是中科院以及各医科大学从事分子生物学,生物化学的单位发的,纯由医院检验科发的文章较少.以下是杂志的英文介绍(摘自杂志主页):Clinical Chemistry is the leading forum for peer-reviewed, original research on innovative practices in today s clinical laboratory. In addition to being the most cited journal in the field (over 18,000 citations in 2005), Clin Chem has the highest Impact Factor (7.717 in 2005) among journals of clinical chemistry, clinical (or anatomic) pathology, analytical chemistry, and the subspecialties, such as transfusion medicine, clinical microbiology. The journal issued monthly, publishes contributions, either experimental or theoretical, that concern basic materials or principles, analytical and molecular diagnostic techniques, instrumentation, data processing, statistical analyses of data, clinical investigations in which chemistry has played a major role, or laboratory animal studies of chemically oriented problems of human disease.2.Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine临床化学和实验室医学杂志年影响因子1.725. 是FESCC(欧洲临床化学和实验室医学学会论坛)和IFCC (国际临床化学和实验室医学学会论坛联合会)的官方出版物。
journal of the american chemical society引用简写
journal of the american chemical society引用简写摘要:一、引言1.介绍《美国化学学会杂志》2.阐述其在化学领域的重要性3.简述本文将讨论的内容二、《美国化学学会杂志》引用简写1.简写的定义及作用2.简写规则及示例3.简写与全写的转换三、简写在学术文献中的应用1.提高写作效率2.方便阅读与理解3.规范引用格式四、简写与全写的选择1.根据文献类型选择2.根据作者与读者需求选择3.注意保持学术规范五、结论1.总结简写的重要性2.强调在学术写作中合理使用简写3.展望简写在化学领域的未来发展趋势正文:《美国化学学会杂志》(Journal of the American Chemical Society,简称JACS)是化学领域具有重要影响力的学术期刊,发表了许多关于化学研究的原创性论文。
例如,在全写“美国化学学会”(American Chemical Society,ACS)后,再次出现时可以简写为“ACS”。
例如,在简写“JACS”后,适时插入全写“Journal of the American Chemical Society”,以帮助读者建立联系。
本科毕业论文(二〇一一届)题目从《了不起的盖茨比》看“美国梦”的破灭学院专业汉语言文学班级学号学生姓名指导教师完成日期教务处制二〇一一年五月目录摘要.............................................................................................................. 2 关键词.. (2)Abstract............................................................................................................2 Keywords ........................................................................................................2 一、弗司各特菲茨杰拉德简介..............................................................2 二、“美国梦”的历史渊源和主题变奏......................................................4 三、作品中盖茨比“美国梦三部曲”的寻求与幻灭..................................5 (一)发财梦..........................................................................................5 (二)地位梦..........................................................................................8 (三)爱情梦..........................................................................................9 四、盖茨比美国梦破灭引起的思考............................................................12 注释........................................................................................................15 参考文献........................................................................................................16 致谢........................................................................................................18从《了不起的盖茨比》看“美国梦”的破灭摘要:对“美国梦”的形成与发展以及小说主人公盖茨比“美国梦”进行分析。
journal of the american society of nephrology投稿经验
journal of the american society of
1. 确保您的研究在领域具有重要性和独创性。
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3. 研究方法和数据采集应具有严谨性和可靠性。
4. 尽量简明扼要地写作,并使用清晰的科学语言。
5. 研究结果和讨论应与先前的研究成果相联系,并针对所研究问题进行解释。
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journal of the american chemical society引用简写
journal of the american chemical society引用简写一、概述期刊《美国化学学会期刊》(Journal of the American Chemical Society,简称JACS)的重要性《美国化学学会期刊》(Journal of the American Chemical Society,简称JACS)是全球顶级化学领域期刊,创刊于1879年,由美国化学学会(American Chemical Society)出版。
JACS的引用简写就是Journal of the American Chemical Society的缩写,即“J.Am.Chem.Soc.”。
三、分析JACS引用简写的应用场景和实用性在化学领域的学术论文、研究报告、书籍等文献中,作者经常会引用JACS 上发表的研究成果。
四、举例说明如何在学术论文和报告中使用JACS引用简写以下是一个使用JACS引用简写的例子:在论文中,作者可以这样引用一篇发表在JACS上的文章:“近年来,研究者们对金属有机框架材料(Metal-Organic Frameworks,简称MOFs)的研究兴趣不断增加。
据报道,MOFs具有很高的比表面积和可调变的组成,因此在气体吸附、分离和储存等方面具有广泛的应用前景(J.Am.Chem.Soc., 2018, 140, 10916-10918)。
CCF推荐的国际学术会议和期刊目录修订版发布CCF(China Computer Federation中国计算机学会)于2010年8月发布了第一版推荐的国际学术会议和期刊目录,一年来,经过业内专家的反馈和修订,于日前推出了修订版,现将修订版予以发布。
中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物(网络/信息安全)一、 A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TIFS IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics andSecurity IEEE /organizations/society/sp/tifs.html2. TDSC IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure ComputingIEEE /tdsc/3. TISSEC ACM Transactions on Information and SystemSecurity ACM /二、 B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. Journal of Cryptology Springer /jofc/jofc.html2. Journal of Computer SecurityIOS Press /jcs/3. IEEE Security & Privacy IEEE/security/4. Computers &Security Elsevier JISecJournal of Internet Security NahumGoldmann. /JiSec/index.asp6. Designs, Codes andCryptography Springer /east/home/math/numbers?SGWID=5 -10048-70-35730330-07. IET Information Security IET /IET-IFS8. EURASIP Journal on InformationSecurity Hindawi /journals/is三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. CISDA Computational Intelligence for Security and DefenseApplications IEEE /2. CLSR Computer Law and SecurityReports Elsevier /science/journal/026736493. Information Management & Computer Security MCB UniversityPress /info/journals/imcs/imcs.jsp4. Information Security TechnicalReport Elsevier /locate/istr中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(网络/信息安全方向)一、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. S&PIEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy IEEE /TC/SP-Index.html2. CCSACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security ACM /sigs/sigsac/ccs/3. CRYPTO International Cryptology Conference Springer-Verlag /conferences/二、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. SecurityUSENIX Security Symposium USENIX /events/2. NDSSISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium Internet Society /isoc/conferences/ndss/3. EurocryptAnnual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques Springer /conferences/eurocrypt2009/4. IH Workshop on Information Hiding Springer-Verlag /~rja14/ihws.html5. ESORICSEuropean Symposium on Research in Computer Security Springer-Verlag RAIDInternational Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection Springer-Verlag /7. ACSACAnnual Computer Security Applications ConferenceIEEE /8. DSNThe International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks IEEE/IFIP /9. CSFWIEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop /CSFWweb/10. TCC Theory of Cryptography Conference Springer-Verlag /~tcc08/11. ASIACRYPT Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security Springer-Verlag /conferences/ 12. PKC International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography Springer-Verlag /workshops/pkc2008/三、 C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. SecureCommInternational Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks ACM /2. ASIACCSACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security ACM .tw/asiaccs/3. ACNSApplied Cryptography and Network Security Springer-Verlag /acns_home/4. NSPWNew Security Paradigms Workshop ACM /current/5. FC Financial Cryptography Springer-Verlag SACACM Symposium on Applied Computing ACM /conferences/sac/ 7. ICICS International Conference on Information and Communications Security Springer /ICICS06/8. ISC Information Security Conference Springer /9. ICISCInternational Conference on Information Security and Cryptology Springer /10. FSE Fast Software Encryption Springer WiSe ACM Workshop on Wireless Security ACM /~adrian/wise2004/12. SASN ACM Workshop on Security of Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks ACM /~szhu/SASN2006/13. WORM ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode ACM /~farnam/worm2006.html14. DRM ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management ACM /~drm2007/15. SEC IFIP International Information Security Conference Springer IWIAIEEE International Information Assurance Workshop IEEE /17. IAWIEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop IEEE /workshop18. SACMATACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies ACM /19. CHESWorkshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems Springer /20. CT-RSA RSA Conference, Cryptographers' Track Springer /21. DIMVA SIG SIDAR Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware and Vulnerability Assessment IEEE /dimva200622. SRUTI Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet USENIX /events/23. HotSecUSENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security USENIX /events/ 24. HotBots USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets USENIX /event/hotbots07/tech/25. ACM MM&SEC ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop ACM。
美国老师推荐作文题目英语1. "The American Dream: Myth or Reality?"分析美国梦的概念及其在当代美国社会中的意义。
2. "The Impact of Social Media on Modern Communication"探讨社交媒体对人际交流方式的影响。
3. "The Role of Technology in Education"讨论技术在教育领域的应用及其对学习过程的改进。
4. "Environmental Conservation: Personal Responsibility or Government Duty?"辩论环境保护是个人责任还是政府职责。
5. "The Influence of Hollywood on Global Culture"分析好莱坞电影对全球文化的影响。
6. "The Challenges of Immigrant Integration in the United States"探讨移民在美国融入社会所面临的挑战。
7. "The Evolution of American Politics"回顾美国政治的演变及其对国家发展的影响。
8. "The Significance of Diversity in the American Workplace"讨论多样性在美国工作场所的重要性。
9. "The Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement in the UnitedStates"分析美国民权运动的遗产及其对现代社会的影响。
10. "The Future of Renewable Energy in America"预测美国可再生能源的未来及其对环境的潜在影响。
journal of the american ceramic societyendnote格式
journal of the american ceramicsocietyendnote格式引言概述:Journal of the American Ceramic Society (JACS) is a renowned scientific publication that focuses on the advancement of knowledge and research in the field of ceramics. As a leading platform for ceramic scientists and researchers, JACS provides a valuable resource for the dissemination of innovative ideas and cutting-edge research findings. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the endnote format for citing references in JACS articles.正文内容:1. Endnote Format:1.1. Author Names: In JACS, the author names should be listed in the format of last name followed by initials. Multiple authors should be separated by commas, and the last author should be preceded by an ampersand "&" instead of "and."1.2. Title of the Article: The title of the article should be written in sentence case, with only the first letter of the first word and proper nouns capitalized. It should be followed by a period.1.3. Journal Name: The full name of the journal, "Journal of the American Ceramic Society," should be written in italics and followed by a comma.1.4. Year of Publication: The year of publication should be enclosed in parentheses and followed by a comma.1.5. Volume and Issue Numbers: The volume number should be written in italics, followed by a comma and the issue number (if applicable). Both should be followed by a comma.1.6. Page Numbers: The page numbers of the article should be indicated by "pp." followed by a space, and the page range should be provided.2. Endnote Format for Journal Articles:2.1. Single Author:2.1.1. Author's Last Name, Initials. Title of the Article. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, (Year), Volume(Issue), pp. Page Range.2.2. Multiple Authors:2.2.1. Author 1's Last Name, Initials; Author 2's Last Name, Initials; Author 3's Last Name, Initials & Author 4's Last Name, Initials. Title of the Article. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, (Year), Volume(Issue), pp. Page Range.3. Endnote Format for Books:3.1. Single Author:3.1.1. Author's Last Name, Initials. Book Title. Publisher, Year, Page Range.3.2. Multiple Authors:3.2.1. Author 1's Last Name, Initials; Author 2's Last Name, Initials; Author 3's Last Name, Initials & Author 4's Last Name, Initials. Book Title. Publisher, Year, Page Range.4. Endnote Format for Conference Papers:4.1. Single Author:4.1.1. Author's Last Name, Initials. Title of the Paper. In Proceedings of the Conference Name, Publisher, Year, Page Range.4.2. Multiple Authors:4.2.1. Author 1's Last Name, Initials; Author 2's Last Name, Initials; Author 3's Last Name, Initials & Author 4's Last Name, Initials. Title of the Paper. In Proceedings of the Conference Name, Publisher, Year, Page Range.5. Endnote Format for Websites:5.1. Author or Organization (if available). Title of the Webpage. Website Name, URL (Accessed Day Month Year).总结:In conclusion, the endnote format for citing references in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society (JACS) follows specific guidelines. The author names, article titles, journal names, year of publication, volume and issue numbers, and page numbers should be presented in a consistent manner. Whether citing journal articles, books, conference papers, or websites, adhering to the prescribed endnote format ensures accuracy and uniformity in referencing. Researchers and authors should pay careful attention to these guidelines to maintain the integrity and professionalism of their work when submitting articles to JACS.。
• It provides a safety net for a large number of
people against economic disasters.
2.Welfare Programme
• Main federal welfare programs
• Medicaid(公共医疗补助制度) • AFDC / 抚养未成年子女家庭补助) • Food stamp(食物劵):A stamp or coupon, issued
• Begin from 65 years old 从65岁开始可以退休并获得退休金
• In 1983, age was raised to 66 by 2009 and to 67 by 2027 1983年,政府把退休年龄从2009年起改为66岁,2027 年起改为67岁。
I. Public social services II. Voluntary services III. Health care services IV. Housing
Two Opposite Traditions
• Individualism and Indepedence
Health insurance coverage
2. Public sector
Medicare ( 医 疗 保 险 ) is a social insurance program administered by the United States government, providing health insurance coverage to people who are aged 65 and over; to those who are under 65 and are permanently physically disabled or who have a congenital physical disability; or to those who meet other special criteria. Medicaid (医疗保健) is the United States health program for people and families with low incomes and resources.
American social problems美国的社会问题
Guess ?
Diabetes in America
• Studies performed over the past 40 years have shown that the prevalence of diabetes has increased dramatically in American and that a substantial proportion of population has diabetes.
From the racial aspect:
• A higher proportion of the black population is poor or unemployed;
• Racial prejudice.
The abuse of Power by Government and Corporation
• Smoking is not allowed in any public buildings, on any public transportation, in shops, movie theaters, schools, and office buildings. The general rule is if you are indoors, then you probably are not allowed to smoke. The exceptions are bars, nightclubs, and some restaurants. If a restaurant does allow smoking, it will only be in an area that is designated for smokers. If you are with someone, even outdoors, it is polite to ask if they mind before you start smoking.
美国社会与文化英语作文American Society and Culture: A Melting Pot of DiversityThe United States of America is often referred to as a "melting pot" due to its rich tapestry of cultures and traditions that have been woven together by immigrants from all over the world. This diversity is not only a hallmark of American society but also a driving force behind its cultural evolution.One of the most striking aspects of American culture is its emphasis on individualism. Unlike many collectivist societies, the U.S. places a high value on personal freedom and self-reliance. This is reflected in the American Dream, a national ethos that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can achieve success through hard work.The American society is also characterized by a strong work ethic and a competitive spirit. Success is often measured by professional achievements and material wealth. This can be seen in the country's robust economy, which is fueled by innovation and entrepreneurship.Culturally, the United States is a blend of influences from Native American traditions, African heritage, European settlers, and more recent immigrants from Asia and Latin America. This mix is evident in the nation's cuisine, music,and festivals. For instance, American food ranges from the traditional turkey at Thanksgiving to the influence of Mexican, Italian, and Asian dishes in contemporary cuisine.Music is another area where the diversity of American culture shines. From the rhythm and blues born out of African American communities to the country music that originated in the rural South, the variety of musical genres is vast and rich.The American education system is also a reflection of its society's values. It encourages critical thinking, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge. Higher education institutionslike Harvard, Stanford, and MIT are renowned worldwide fortheir academic excellence and research contributions.However, American society is not without its challenges. Issues such as racial inequality, income disparity, andpolitical polarization are ongoing concerns that the nation continues to grapple with. Despite these challenges, theUnited States remains a symbol of opportunity and freedom for many.In conclusion, American society and culture are dynamic and ever-changing, shaped by the continuous influx of people from different backgrounds. It is this diversity that makesthe United States a unique and influential player on theglobal stage. As the country continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to see how its society and culture will reflectthe changing demographics and values of its people.。
4.American Social Relations Gladys G. Doty Janet Ross American society is much more informal than that of many other countries and ,in some ways, is characterized by less social distinction. The American mixture of pride in achievement and sense of “I’m just as good as anybody else.” Along with lack of importance placed on personal dignity, is difficult for a foreigner to understand. Americans in general do not like to be considered inferior, and they grumble loudly about inc onveniences or not getting a “fair deal.” Yet they do not make a point of their personal honor. As an illustration of the difference between European and American reflection in this respect, John Whyte in American Words and Ways gives the following account.美国的社会比其他国家的社会更加非正式,在某些方面,美国社会的特征就是较少的社会差别。
美国社会现状英文作文英文:The current state of American society is complex and multifaceted. On one hand, there are many positive aspects of American society, such as the diversity of its people and the opportunities it provides for individuals to succeed. However, there are also many challenges and issues that need to be addressed.One of the biggest issues in American society today is inequality. This can be seen in many different areas, such as income inequality, racial inequality, and gender inequality. For example, while the United States is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, there are still many people who live in poverty and struggle to make ends meet. Additionally, there are still many instances of discrimination and prejudice against minority groups, which can make it difficult for them to succeed and thrive.Another issue in American society is the political polarization that has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. This has led to a lack of cooperation and compromise between different political parties, which can make it difficult to address important issues and make progress on important policy initiatives.Despite these challenges, however, there are many positive aspects of American society that should not be overlooked. For example, the United States is home to many innovative and creative individuals who are making important contributions to society in a variety of fields. Additionally, the country has a strong tradition of freedom and democracy, which has helped to shape its identity and values.Overall, while there are certainly challenges and issues that need to be addressed in American society, there is also much to be proud of and hopeful for.中文:美国社会现状是复杂而多方面的。
美国文化介绍简短1.美国文化介绍(简短)Americansocietyhasgreatmovementswithinitself.Thesemovements areshownintwoaspects:movementsamongstlocationsandmovementsi nsidethesociety.TheUnitedStatesarerelativelymoreopenandhave morefreedom.Developedtransportandthetraditionofadventureand sportymakesalotofAmericanmigratefromcountrysidetocities,fro mdowntowntouptown;andfromnorthtothesouthernsunnyland,fromon ecitytoanother.UnlikeEuropeancountries,thesocialclassesinAm ericaisnotsostable.Furthermore,withtheadvocationofpublicedu cation,movementsupwardsalongthesocialladderhavebecomepossib le.Manypeoplelivinginthestates,nomatterwhethertheyareNative Americanorimmigrantsfromoverseas,havethesamedreamofchanging theirsocialclassandmaketheirlifetimedreamcometruethroughthe irownefforts.Thisiswhattheyoftencalled"Americandream".Ameri cansocietyhasgreatmovementswithinitself.Thesemovementsaresh ownintwoaspects:movementsamongstlocationsandmovementsinside thesociety.TheUnitedStatesarerelativelymoreopenandhavemoref reedom.Developedtransportandthetraditionofadventureandsport ymakesalotofAmericanmigratefromcountrysidetocities,fromdown towntouptown;andfromnorthtothesouthernsunnyland,fromonecitytoanother.UnlikeEuropeancountries,thesocialclassesinAmerica isnotsostable.Furthermore,withtheadvocationofpubliceducatio n,movementsupwardsalongthesocialladderhavebecomepossible.Ma nypeoplelivinginthestates,nomatterwhethertheyareNativeAmeri canorimmigrantsfromoverseas,havethesamedreamofchangingtheir socialclassandmaketheirlifetimedreamcometruethroughtheirown efforts.Thisiswhattheyoftencalled"Americandream".Americanso cietyhasgreatmovementswithinitself.Thesemovementsareshownin twoaspects:movementsamongstlocationsandmovementsinsidetheso ciety.TheUnitedStatesarerelativelymoreopenandhavemorefreedo m.Developedtransportandthetraditionofadventureandsportymake salotofAmericanmigratefromcountrysidetocities,fromdowntownt ouptown;andfromnorthtothesouthernsunnyland,fromonecitytoano ther.UnlikeEuropeancountries,thesocialclassesinAmericaisnot sostable.Furthermore,withtheadvocationofpubliceducation,mov ementsupwardsalongthesocialladderhavebecomepossible.Manypeo plelivinginthestates,nomatterwhethertheyareNativeAmericanor immigrantsfromoverseas,havethesamedreamofchangingtheirsocia lclassandmaketheirlifetimedreamcometruethroughtheirowneffor ts.Thisiswhattheyoftencalled"Americandream".美国是流动性很大的社会。
Americans enjoy a wide range of entertainment options, including movies, music, and television shows. The entertainment industry is a major contributor to the US economy.
Americans believe in the power of community and the importance of giving back. Many Americans volunteer their time and resources to serve their communities.
Individualism: Americans value the individual and believe that everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness and success. This often leads to a strong focus on personal growth, self-expression, and personal freedom.
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The middle period (1870-1895): The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today《镀金时代》(1973) ; Life on the Mississippi (1875 ); Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) ; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
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Tom Sawyer is regarded as a classic treatment of American boyhood. The sequel, Huckleberry Finn, would follow in 1884, as well as two lesser novels featuring Tom Sawyer: Tom Sawyer Abroad (1894) and Tom Sawyer, Detective (1896). Background Affected by the Industrial Revolution, the development of economy was prosperous. In 1970s , American capitalism came into monopolization phase. People almost paid no attention to the moral rules and those old tradition and began to challenge the convention.
The late period (1895-1910): Following the Equator赤道 环游记 The Mysterious Stranger《神秘陌生人》(1900) Autobiography(1907)
Twain's first important work, "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County", was first published in the New York Saturday Press on November 18, 1865. Other
The American Society, the American Character and Mark Twain
The early period (1865-1870) The middle period (1870-1895) The late period (1895-1910)
works: Running for Governor , A Mysterious Visit and so on.
He exposed the racial discrimination, the wrong atmosphere psychological speculation and social moral dislocation and hypocrisy in the society.
Twain's first novel is Twain's only collaboration; it was written with his neighbor, Charles Dudley Warner. Theme The novel nonetheless is noteworthy for capturing the avarice ,greed ,and political corruption of post-Civil War America and for naming that era.
A major theme of the book, insofar as a book can have a theme when assembled and revised from the newspaper columns Twain sent back to America as the journey progressed, is that of the conflict between history and the modern world; The humorous travel narrative presents a patriotic American's views of the sights and pokes fun at fellow travelers, guidebooks, and unfamiliar customs.
The Innocents Abroad
On June 8, 1867, Background One of the most successful travel books of the century,was created afterTwain set sail on the pleasure cruiser Quaker City for five months. It shows the superiority of the American people in front of the imprint of the feudal society in European.
The early period (1865-1870): The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County《加利维拉县有名的跳蛙》 (1865)The Innocents Abroad or The New Pilgrims‘ Progress《傻子出国记》(1869)
The Gilded Age 1873 :A Tale of Today
Background The North in 1865 was an extremely prosperous region. Its economy had boomed during the war, bringing economic growth to both the factories and the farms. Since the war had been fought almost entirely on Southern soil, the North did not have to face the task of rebuilding. However, despite its relative prosperity, the war had been costly for the North. It shows the contrast between an ideal "Golden Age," and a less worthy "Gilded Age,’’.
Theme: The novel is a vindication of what Mark Twain cal led “thedamned human race.” That is the theme of man’s inhumanity to manof human cruelty, hypocrisies, dishonesties, and moral corruptions. Mark Twain’s thematic contras ts between innocence and experience, nature and c ulture, wilderness and civilization.