一、烘燥和加湿预办理机械:烘燥和加湿预办理机械Dry and wet pre-treatment machinery1.1.炭化机 Carbonisingmachines1.2.烧毛机 Singeringmachines1.3.织物冲洗机、打浆和除杂机Fabric cleaning machines, Beating and Dustremoval machines 1.4.煮呢机、煮布锅、沸煮设施Crabbing machines, Kiers, Boiling apparatus1.5.退浆机 Desizingmachines1.6.分批漂白机 Bleaching apparatus and machines, Batch1.7.连续漂白机Bleaching plant, Continuous1.8.纱线清洗机Yarn washing machines1.9.绳状清洗机Rope washing machine1.10.平幅清洗机Open-width washing machines1.11.溶剂清洗机Solvent washing machines1.12.缩呢机、缩绒机 Milling/fulling machines1.13.纱线丝光机 Mercerizing machines for yarns1.14.机织和针织织物丝光机 Mercerizing machines for woven and knitted fabrics二、染色机和染色设施:染色机和染色设施Dyeing machines and apparatus2.1.连续式丝束及毛条染色生产线Continuous dyeing lines for tows and tops2.2.连续式纱线染色生产线Continuous dyeing lines for yarn2.3.经纱连续染色生产线Continuous dyeing lines for warp2.4.窄幅织物连续染色机Continuous dyeing lines for narrow fabrics2.5.地毯织物连续染色机 Continuousdyeing lines for carpets2.6.其余织物连续染色机Continuous dyeing lines for other fabrics2.7.地毯织物匹染机 Piecedyeing machines for carpets2.8.高温筒子纱线染色机HT dyeing apparatus for cones2.9.高温经轴染色设施HT dyeing apparatus for beams2.10.常压纱线染色设施Yarn dyeing apparatus, atmospheric pressure2.11.轧染机 Padding mangles2.12.绞纱染色机 Cabinet hank dyeing machines2.13.常压织物染色装置Fabric dyeing apparatus, atmospheric pressure2.14.发射染色机 Jet dyeing machines2.15.高温溢流染色机 HT overflow dyeing machines2.16.常压溢流染色机 Overflow dyeing machines, atmosphericpressure2.17.纱盘染槽 Winch becks2.18.卷染机 Jiggers2.19.星型架染色机Star-frame dyers2.20.织物多色间隔染色机Random dyeing machines for fabric2.21.离心式染色机Centrifugal dyeing machines2.22.转筒染色机Drum dyeing machines2.23.椭圆槽浆翼染色机Oval paddle dyeing machines2.24.小样染色设施Sample dyeing equipment2.25.实验室用染色装置Laboratory dyeing equipment三、印花机:印花机Printing machinery3.1. 毛条和纱线印花机Top and yarn printing machines3.2. 辊筒印花机Roller printing machines3.3. 平网印花机Flat screen printing machines3.4. 圆网印花机Rotary screen printing machines3.5. 自动筛网印花单元Automated screen printing carriages3.6. 转移印花机Transfer printing calenders3.7. 织物喷色印花机(服饰及制成品用喷色印花机)Ink jet printing machines for fabrics 3.8. 布边印花机Selvedge printing machines四、脱水机:脱水机Water extraction machines4.1. 轧水机Roller squeezers4.2. 抽吸式脱水机Suctionextractors4.3. 离心式脱水机Centrifugal hydro-extractors4.4. 其余脱水机Other water extraction machines五、拉幅和烘燥机:拉幅和烘燥机Tentering and dryingmachines5.1.扩幅机 Equalizing machines5.2.拉幅机 Tenteringand stentering machines5.3.悬浮烘燥机Float dryers5.4.无张力和履带烘燥机Tensionless and conveyor dryers5.5.连续转笼烘燥机 Continuous tumblers5.6.悬环式烘燥机,长环悬挂烘燥机Loop dryers, Festoon dryers5.7.长环蒸化机Loop steamers5.8. 蒸汽烘燥机Steam dryers5.9. 热风烘燥机Hot flues5.10.印花后烘燥装置 Post-printing dryers, Drying lofts5.11.抽吸式转笼烘燥机,筛网圆筒烘燥机Suction drum dryers, Sieve drum dryers 5.12.红外线烘燥机Infrared dryers5.13.立式烘燥机 Verticaldryers5.14.圆筒烘燥机,转鼓式烘燥机Cylinder drying machines, Drum dryingmachines 5.15.呢绒轧光机Felt calenders5.16.绞纱烘燥机Hank dryers5.17.筒纱烘燥机Package dryers5.18.地道式烘燥机Tunnel dryers5.19.高频烘燥机Radio frequency dryers5.20.烘室、烘炉Drying chambers, Ovens5.21.真空烘燥机Vacuum dryers5.22.间歇式转笼Discontinuous tumblers六、整理机械:整理机械Finishing machines6.1.给湿机Damping machines6.2.蒸化机、汽蒸机 Agers, Steaming machines and apparatus6.3.蒸呢机 Decatisingmachinery6.4.起绒机Raising machines6.5.修毛整理机 Tigeringmachines6.6.抛光机Polishing machines6.7.剪毛机Shearing machines6.8.丝绒割绒机 Cuttingmachines for velvets and velveteens6.9.磨毛机Suede finishing machines6.10.刷布机Brushing machines6.11.上蜡机Waxing machines6.12.绒毛织物整理机 Pile finishing machines6.13.揉布整理机Finish breaking machines6.14.喷气整理机 Air jet finishing machines6.15.轧光机 Calenders6.16.烧毛机Singeing machines6.17.滚筒熨烫机Roller presses6.18.整理熨烫机Finishing presses6.19.针织物熨烫机Knitwear ironing presses6.20.袜子预约型机Preboardingmachines6.21.针织物定型机Boarding machines for knitwear6.22.针织物整理机Finishing machines for knitwear6.23.窄幅织物整理机Finishing machines for narrow fabrics6.24. 纺织工业用打褶机Pleating machines for the textile industry6.25.地毯涂胶机Carpet glueing machines6.26.预缩机Shrinking machines6.27.高温焙烘机Polymerisers6.28.胶合及层压机Combining and laminating machines6.29.涂层机Coating machines6.30.等离子体办理机Machines for plasma treatment6.31.浸轧机Padding and impregnating machines6.32.植绒印花机Flock-printing machines6.33.洗呢机Degreasing machines6.34.宽幅织物激光殊效设施Laser machines for special effects on broadfabrics七、剪切、验布、量布、卷布和折布机械:剪切、验布、量布、卷布和折布机械Cutting, Inspecting, Measuring, Rolling andFolding machinery7.1. 热剪切机Hot-cutting machines7.2. 机械剪切机Mechanical cutting machines7.3. 激光剪切机Laser cutting machines7.4. 超声剪切机Ultrasonic cutting machines7.5. 验布机Inspecting machines7.6. 机织物量布、卷布、折布机Measuring, Rolling, Folding machines forwoven fabrics7.7. 针织物量布、卷布、折布机Measuring, Rolling, Folding machines for knittedfabrics7.8. 非织造布量布、卷布、折布机Measuring, Rolling, Folding machines fornonwovens7.9. 窄幅织物量布、卷布、折布机Measuring, Rolling, Folding machines fornarrow fabrics八、协助机械:清洗、漂白、染色、印花、烘燥、整理、卷布、剪切和折布机械协助机械 Auxiliary machines for washing, bleaching,dyeing, printing, drying, finishing, rolling, cutting and folding8.1. 色彩、整理剂混淆机、虑色浆机、乳化机 Mixing machines for colors and finishingagents, color straining and emulsifying8.2.染料配色系统 Dyeing color kitchens8.3.印花糊料准备系统 Colorkitchens for printing paste preparation8.4.配色系统、助剂配制系统Color and chemical dispensing systems8.5.花筒雕琢机Roller engraving machines8.6.圆网制网系统 Engraving systems for rotary screens8.7.平网制网系统 Patterning systems for flat screens8.8.转移印花协助机械Auxiliary machinery for transfer printing8.9.平网、圆网洗网机Cleaning machines for screens8.10.研磨机Grinding machines8.11.纤维束、丝束、毛条打包机Presses for bumps, tows and tops8.12.缝袋与缝头机 Bag stitching and end-to-end sewing machines8.13.整纬器 Weft straighteners8.14.绳状退捻、翻起色、剖幅机Rope detwisting, turning and slittingmachines8.15.卷布、码布装置 Winding and plaiting devices8.16.清洗、漂白、染色、印花、烘燥、整理、卷布、剪切和折布用运输装置Transport devicesfor washing, bleaching,dyeing, printing, drying, finishing, rolling, cutting and folding九、附件类:清洗、漂白、染色、印花、烘燥、整理、卷布、剪切和折布用附件Accessories for washing,bleaching, dyeing,printing, drying, finishing, rolling, cutting andfolding 9.1. 剪毛刀、剪毛辊 Shearing-blades and rollers9.2. 染色锭、染色管和锥形管Dyeing spindles, dyeing tubes and cones9.3.染色经轴Dye beams9.4.针铗、布铗和针板Pins, Stentercilps and Pin plates9.5.烘燥用输送带 Conveyorbelts for dryers9.6.印花筛网Screens for printing9.7.转移印花纸 Papers for transfer printing9.8.印花滚筒Printing rollers9.9.喷墨头 Ink jet printing cartridges heads9.10.喷墨印花墨盒 Ink jet printing cartridges9.11.轧光机轧辊 Calenderbowls9.12.起绒机弹性针布 Flexible clothing for raising machines9.13.辊轴包覆物 Roller coverings9.14.拉伸辊 Stretching rollers9.15.绳状织物开幅装置Expanders for fabrics in rope form9.16.导布装置 Fabrics guiding devices9.17.在线传感器机丈量装置Online sensors and measuring devices 9.18.卷布辊Winding rollers9.19. 印花整理用衬毯Blankets for printing and finishing9.20.袜子定形板Hosiery shapes。
SPX FLOW Spray Dryer升级与优化指南说明书
MAXIMISING LIFETIME VALUEUpgrade Today to Meet the Demands of TomorrowAchieving Maximum Value from Your Spray Dryer • M• E xpanded capacity • I ncreased availability • A • T • I mproved safety • V alidated processes• R • R educed emissionsWhy Modernise?Upgrading your spray dryers can yield great rewards. Y our plant will be more efficient, your people and plant will be safer, and you will be well positioned to take advantage of new market opportunities. Plus, you can get it all done with minimal CAPEX. Identifying Your NeedsEquipped with proven techniques refined over decades of experience, SPX FLOW Rebuild & Upgrade specialists visit your site to assess your operations and identify areas where the greatest impact can be achieved. We then provide full installation, commissioning, and startup services, or can supervise your teams to ensure they are doing things right.TAPPING THE HIDDEN VALUE IN YOUR SPRAY DRYER PLANTEfficient spray drying reduces energy use and otheroperating costs while improving process stability, yield, and hygiene.A carefully planned rebuild or upgrade scenario improves performance and extends the life of your equipment.Our spray dry process experts apply a unique methodology to rejuvenate under-performing air heaters, dehumidification, and heat recovery systems. They also make your process smarter with software that self-corrects process anomalies and dramatically compresses product delivery schedules via dual feed lines.With SPX FLOW, you can rest assured you are getting maximum return on your assets.PLANTEFFICIENCY321ABCDRebuilding and upgrading is not simply about fixing what is broken. Our customers often want to raise their operations to a new level - perhaps to modify a product or meet an emerging market trend. Whatever optimisation is required, SPX FLOW has the experts and equipment necessary to make it happen.Product Preparation and Air ParametersF eed (water % + solids %)A ir inlet (temperature and moisture content)A ir outlet (temperature and moisture content)E nd product (solids % + moisture content %)OPTIMISE PROCESSES AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION65246Safety is a critical factor for most rebuild and upgrade projects. An inefficient operation can put your people and plant at risk, and negatively affect profitability. SPX FLOW helps identify and eliminate potential hazards while offering solutions that make your operation safer than ever.IMPROVE SPRAY DRYER PLANTSAFETYWhere most spray dryer solution providers provide expertise in just a few areas and rely on third-party solutions to address your needs, SPX FLOW delivers a single solution from beginning to end. The result is a system composed of high-quality components that work seamlessly together to deliver maximum value. Additionally, we offer a single point of contact so that you always know an expert is on the job. Our goal is to deliver lower operating costs with increased performance and higher production value. That is the SPX FLOW difference.A SINGLE SOLUTION FROM INQUIRY TO ACCEPTANCES ol u De l iv P ro po So l u• W • I • E • D • L• M • M • MY criteria:• C • P • M • S • ISPX FLOW, Inc. reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation. Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless confirmed in writing. Please contact your local sales representative for product availability in your region. The green “ ” is a trademark of SPX FLOW, Inc.For more information, visit .©2022 SPX FLOW, Inc.ANH_Spray-Dryer-Plant-Rebuild-and-Upgrade_BRO_0822_GB Version: 08/2022。
英文原文Drying TechnologyThere are three main types of gas-suspension dryers:∙Spray dryers, to convert a liquid solution or suspension to a dry, free-flowing powder∙Fluid-bed dryers, used to dry wet filter cake, or for pastes and sludges with dry product recirculation∙Flash dryers, for a relatively dry, crumbly, non-sticky feedThe type of dryer chosen for any given application depends on both the feed properties and product requirements. Important feed properties are the moisture content, solids, viscosity, and density, as well as any volatile, flammable, or toxic components. Dried product specifications may include average particle size and particle size distribution, density, moisture content, and residual volatiles or solvents. Powder characteristics can be controlled and powder properties maintained constant through continuous operation.Spray DryingSpray drying is a three-step drying process involving both particle formation and drying. (1) The process begins with the atomization of a liquid feed into a spray of fine droplets. (2) Then a heated gas stream suspends the droplets, evaporating the liquid and leaving the solids in essentially their original size and shape. (3) Finally, the dried powder is separated from the gas stream and collected. Spent drying gas is either treated and exhausted to the atmosphere or recirculated to the system. These three steps are accomplished by three components: the atomizer, the disperser, and the drying chamber.The selection and operation of the atomizer is of extreme importance in achieving an optimum operation and production of top-quality powders. There are four main types of atomization:∙Centrifugal atomization, the most common, uses a rotating wheel or disc to break the liquid stream into droplets. The rotational speed determines the mean particle size, while the particle size distribution about the mean remains fairly constant in a system. Centrifugal atomizers are available in a large variety of sizes, from laboratory scale to very large commercial units.∙Hydraulic pressure-nozzle atomization forces pressurized fluid through an orifice. Multiple nozzles are used to increase capacity. The particle size depends on the pressure drop across the orifice, so that the orifice size determines the capacity of the system. This type of atomization is simpler than centrifugal, but cannot be controlled as well. It is not suitable for abrasive materials, or materials that tend to plug the orifices.∙Two-fluid pneumatic atomization uses nozzles, as well, but introduces a second fluid, usually compressed air, into the liquid stream to atomize it. This type of atomization has the advantage of relatively low pressures and velocities and a shorter required drying path. It is most often used in small-scale equipment, laboratory or pilot size.∙Sonic atomization, not yet widely used, passes a liquid over a surface vibrated at ultrasonic frequencies. It can produce very fine droplets at low flow rates. Current limitations are capacity and the range of different product that can be atomized.After atomization, a disperser brings the heated gas into contact with the droplets. The disperser must accomplish three things: mix the gas with the droplets, begin the drying process, and determine the flow paths through the drying chamber. The drying gas may be heated directly by combustion of natural gas, propane, or fuel oil, or indirectly using shell-and-tube or finned heat exchangers. Electric heaters may be used in small dryers. Industrial radial fans move the heated gas through the system.The drying chamber must be sized to allow adequate contact time for evaporation of all of the liquid to produce a dry powder product. Factors that impact the drying time include the temperature difference between the droplets and the drying gas, and their flow rates. The exact shape of the chamber depends on the drying characteristics and product specifications, but most are cylindrical with a cone-shaped lower section to facilitate collection of the product.Finally, proper configuration of the atomizer, disperser, and drying chamber is essential for complete drying and to avoid the deposit of wet material on the interior surfaces of the dryer. Designs may use co-current, counter-current, or mixed flow patterns.The powder is separated from the drying gas at the bottom of the chamber. Most often, the gas exits through an outlet duct in the center of the cone. Heavier or coarser particles will be separated at this point, dropping into the cone to be collected through an air lock. Then either cyclones or fabric filters (or both) remove the remaining powder from the exit gas. In systems producing a very fine powder, most of the collection takes place at this point.Fluid-Bed DryingFluid-bed drying is a process in which a gas is forced upward through a bed of moist particles to achieve a fluidized state. The particles are suspended in the gas stream and dry as they flow along with the gas. Fluid beds can be either cylindrical or rectangular. There are two basic types offluid-bed designs:∙Plug flow fluid beds are used for feeds that are directly fluidizable. Baffles in the bed limit mixing in the horizontal direction to maintain plug flow. This type of bed is ideal for removal of bound volatiles or for heating and cooling. The volatile content and temperature vary uniformly as the solids pass through the bed. Baffle design depends on the shape and size of the bed, with spiral or radial baffles used in circular beds and straight baffles in rectangular.∙Back-mixed fluid beds are used for feeds that cannot be fluidized in their original state, but become fluidizable after a short time in the dryer. The feed is distributed over the bed surface, designed to allow total solids mixing. Product temperature and moisture are uniform across the fluidized layer. Heating surfaces may be immersed in the fluidized layer to improve thermal efficiency and performance.A combination system uses a back-mixed fluid bed to reduce the moisture level of the wet feed, followed by a plug-flow section to achieve final specifications. This type of arrangement is quite common.The advantages of fluidized-bed drying are: relatively long residence times allow highheat-transfer coefficients between the particles and the gas; the ability to closely control product temperature makes fluidized beds ideal for processing temperature-sensitive solids; and they have the highest thermal efficiency of any gas-suspension drying system.Disadvantages are: they can process only a limited range of materials; product particles are relatively large; and there may be difficulty processing needle- or platelet-shaped particles.Flash DryingFlash drying forces drying gas through a heater and upward through a duct or flash tube. The high-velocity gas stream instantly suspends the feed, which enters just after the heater, and carries it to the collection equipment, usually cyclones or bag collectors.Flash dryers are the simplest gas-suspension dryers, and require the least space. Residence time within the dryer is very short, usually less than 3 seconds. Particles must be quite small, and the best feed is reasonably dry, crumbly, and not sticky. There are several ways to obtain the required feed qualities:∙ A cage mill may be used to break up the feed into the required small particles.∙If the feed is too wet or pasty, dry solids may be backmixed to create the proper consistency.∙An agitated design, using a high-speed disintegrating rotor, will keep all particles moving. This design is shorter and larger in diameter than a flash tube, creating a very compact system. Hybrid DryersThere are a number of hydrid systems used in applications where a single system cannot handle the requirements of both the feed and product. The most common are:∙Fluidized spray dryers (FSD™) combine spray with fluid bed drying to produce agglomerated products. The top of the system is a spray dryer, atomizing the liquid and contacting it with heated gas. Additional heated gas is introduced at the bottom to create a fluidized bed portion of the drying chamber. This type of dryer will produce a dustless, free-flowing agglomerated product. It is ideal for products that must dissolve easily, e.g. food colors, dyestuffs, pigments, and some agricultural chemicals.∙ A flash dryer may be used to remove surface moisture, followed by a fluid bed for removal of bound moisture.Niro DryersThe MOBILE MINOR™ is a laboratory-scale spray dryer known for its flexibility and different levels of control systems. It is used to dry small quantities of solutions, suspensions, and emulsions into representative powder samples. Test results provide important information for selecting the design and technical specification of a given drying project.The PRODUCTION MINOR™ is a larger spray dryer that can be used for pilot testing or small-scale production. It has a choice of atomizers, heating systems, and powder discharge. The Fluidized Spray Dryer (FSD™) was invented and patented by Niro in the early 1980s. It combines fluidization and spray-drying technologies to dry a wide variety of products, including many that cannot be dried using conventional equipment. Advantages include easy control of the size and structure of the particles, making it ideal for agglomerated products, and low powder temperatures for thermally sensitive materials. It is also very energy efficient.中文译文干燥技术主要有三种气体悬浮烘干:喷雾干燥器,把液体溶液或悬浮于干燥,自由流动的粉末流化床干燥机,用干,湿滤饼,或浆和污泥干产品再循环闪蒸干燥机,在相当干燥,松软,非饲料粘粘该型干燥器选择任何特定应用取决于双方的饲料性能和产品的要求. 重要饲料性能是水分含量,固形物,粘度,密度,以及任何挥发性,易燃或有毒成分. 木片产品规格可能包括平均粒度分布,密度,含水率,残留挥发或溶剂. 粉末特性可控制粉末特性保持不变,通过连续运行.喷雾干燥.喷雾干燥是一个三步走的干燥过程中,涉及两种粒子形成和干燥. ( 1 )进程始于雾化的液体饲料成喷雾雾滴. ( 2 ) ,然后加热气流暂时飞沫96.3%的液体和离开固体基本上是原来的大小和形状. ( 3)最后,干粉分离气流和收集. 用干燥气体要么是治疗和精疲力竭的气氛或循环使用该系统. 这三个步骤是由三部分组成:雾化,分散,而干燥室.选择和操作的喷雾器,是极端重要性,实现最佳的操作和生产顶级质量粉末. 主要有4种雾化:离心雾化,最常见的,用一个旋转轮或盘打破液体流成液滴. 转速确定的平均粒径, 而粒度分布大约平均维持在相当稳定的系统. 离心式雾化器可有多种尺寸,从实验室规模比较大的商业单位. 液压喷嘴雾化势力加压流体通过一个小孔. 多喷头用来增加容量. 颗粒大小取决于压降过孔板, 使孔大小决定了系统的容量. 这种雾化简单得多离心,但无法控制等. 它是不适合研磨材料,或材料,往往堵塞孔口. 双流体气动雾化喷嘴的用途,以及如何引进,但第二液,通常压缩空气成液体流雾化. 这种雾化的优点在于较低的压力和速度,缩短干燥所需的路径. 这是最常用的小型设备,实验室或中试规模. 声波雾化,尚未广泛使用,在经过了超过液体表面振捣,在超声波的频率. 它可以产生非常细微的动作,在低流率. 电流限制能力,以及各种不同的产品,可雾化.雾化后,使分散的炽热气体接触到液滴. 分散必须完成三件事:混合气体与雾滴,从干燥过程中, 并确定流路径通过干燥室. 干燥气体,可直接加热燃烧天然气,丙烷或燃油或间接使用壳管式或翅片式换热器. 电加热器,可用于小型烘干机. 工业径向球迷提出了激烈的天然气通过该系统. 烘干室必须大小以便有充裕的时间接触蒸发所有的液体产生一个干粉产品. 因素的影响,干燥时间,包括温差的雾滴和干燥气体. 而其流率. 确切庭取决于干燥特性及产品规格, 但大多数是圆柱与锥形下段,以方便收集的产品. 最后,妥善配置的喷雾器,播种机, 和干燥室必须彻底干燥,以避免存款湿材料的内表面在吹干. 设计可利用顺流,逆流或混合流模式. 粉末分离的干燥气室底部. 在多数情况下,出口气体通过一个插座导管中心的锥. 较重或粗颗粒将会分开,在这一点上, 坠入锥可通过收集空锁. 然后要么旋风或织物过滤器(或两者)来清除残留的粉末从出口气. 在系统产生非常微细粉末,大部分的收集发生在这一点.流化床干燥流化床干燥过程中的气体被迫通过向上一床湿颗粒实现沸腾状态. 这些微粒悬浮在气流和干燥,因为他们流随气. 流化床可分为圆柱形或长方形. 有两个基本类型的流化床设计:堵塞流病床被用作饲料,是直接发霉. 挡板床搅拌限制在水平方向上保持堵塞水流. 这种床是理想的搬迁势必挥发或加热和冷却. 挥发量与温度变化一致的固体通过床底下. 挡板的设计取决于形状和尺寸的床, 螺旋或径向隔板采用圆形床和直挡板的长方形. 返混流化床用作饲料,不能流于原始状态, 但成为发霉后,在很短的时间干燥. 饲料派发超过床面,旨在让总固体混合. 产品的温度和湿度都是一刀切流化床层. 受热面,可沉浸在流态化层,以提高热效率和业绩.组合系统采用返混流化床,以减少水分含量的湿饲料其次是一个插件流断面,以达到最终规格. 这种安排是司空见惯. 优点流化床干燥如下: 较长的停留时间,让高传热系数与粒子间的气体; 能密切控制产品温度使得流化床理想的加工温度敏感固体; 他们有最高的热效率气体悬浮干燥系统. 缺点是:它们能过程只是一个范围有限的材料; 产品颗粒较大; 并有可能难以处理针头或血小板形颗粒.速干速干势力干燥气体通过一个加热器,向上通过导管或闪光灯管. 高速气流瞬间停止饲料,其中大部分进入刚刚加热器缥缈,它的采集设备,通常旋风或袋收藏. 闪蒸干燥机是最简单的气体悬浮烘干机,并要求最少的空间. 居留时间内干燥,是非常短,通常小于3秒. 粒子必须相当小,而最好的饲料是合理的干燥,松软,不发粘. 有几种方法,以取得所需的饲料品质: 笼子轧机可用于击破饲料成所需的小颗粒. 如果饲料过于潮湿或糊状,干物质可backmixed 创造适当的一致性. 激动的设计,采用高速粉碎转子,会让所有粒子. 这个设计是较短时间和较大的直径比闪光灯管,创造一个非常紧凑的系统.混合式干燥机有一些氢化系统在应用中,一个单一的系统,不能处理的要求,既饲料和产品. 最常见的有:流化床喷雾干燥器(消防™)结合喷雾流化床干燥制粒生产的产品. 顶级的系统是一个喷雾干燥机,雾化液接触,并与炽热气体. 新增天然气加热介绍,在底部形成流化床部分的干燥室. 这种烘干机将产生一个无尘,自由流动的压块产品. 它是理想的产品,必须解散容易,例如:食用色素,染料,颜料,以及一些农业化学品. 一个旋转闪蒸干燥机,可用于去除表面水分,然后由流化床去除一定水分.Niro干燥移动轻微™是一个实验室规模喷雾干燥机已知的灵活性和不同层次的控制系统. 它是用来干少量溶液,悬浮,乳液为代表的粉末样本. 测试结果提供了重要信息,为选择设计和技术规格,某一干燥工程. 生产小型™是一个较大型喷雾干燥机,可用于试验或小规模生产. 它可以选择雾化器,暖气系统,粉尘排放. 04-0357喷雾干燥机(消防™) ,发明和专利niro在八十年代初期. 它集流和喷雾干燥技术,干燥的多种产品, 其中有许多是不能晒干使用常规设备. 优点包括易于控制的规模和结构的粒子,使之适合压块产品低气温粉热敏感材料. 这也是很有效的能源.。
spray proof 防溅spray proof 防溅防溅的spray pump 喷淋泵spray rail 防溅条spray resistance 飞溅阻力spray shield 防溅板spray test 雾化试验spray tight =spraytight防溅的spray type air cooler 喷淋式空气冷却器spray type desuperheater 喷淋式过热蒸汽降温器spray type evaporator 喷淋式蒸发器spray type heat exchanger 喷淋式热交换器spray up n. 喷射成型spray valve 喷雾阀spray washer 喷射式清洗机spray 浪花spray 浪花;水雾;喷雾器;喷咀;喷雾spray 喷雾spray 油花spray-painting plant 喷漆装置sprayboard 首防浪板sprayed metal coating 金属喷涂层sprayed 喷雾的sprayer plate 雾化板sprayer 喷雾器sprayer 喷雾器;喷油咀sprayer 洒水车spraying gear 喷水装置spraying nozzle 喷雾器spraying nozzle 喷嘴spraying nozzle 水雾喷嘴spraying pistol with pot 带壶喷枪spraying pistol 喷雾器spraying shop 喷漆间spraying system 喷淋系统spraying 喷射spraying 喷射喷雾spraying 喷雾spraymetal 喷镀金属sprayproof electric machine 防溅式电机sprayproof 防溅的spraytight 防溅的spraytight 溅密的spraytightness 风雨密spraywashing 喷射清洗spread an awning! 张开天幕!spread beam sling 带梁的吊索spread beam 带梁的吊索spread fires 升火spread mooring analysis 伸张系泊分析spread of bearings 方位角摆动范围spread of risks 危险分散spread of voltage 电压不稳定spread reflection 混合反射spread shore 滑道横支柱spread spectrum modulation technique 扩展频谱调制技术spread spectrum random access 扩展频谱随机存取spread spectrum 扩展频谱spread 方帆宽度;展开spread 扩展spread 片体距spreader jackstay 吊架支索spreader lift 张帆杆吊索spreader shore 滑道横支柱spreader stoker 撒播式机械加煤机spreader 带梁的吊索;集装箱吊具spreader 扩张器spreader 伸张器具;集装箱吊具spreading power 涂盖能力spring 大潮spring a butt 木板端接松离spring a leak 产生漏缝spring abutment 弹簧座spring ammeter 弹簧安培表spring and lever-loaded valve 弹簧平衡阀spring application 弹簧压紧spring assembly 弹簧组spring attachment 弹簧附件spring back 弹复原状spring balance safety valve 弹簧平衡安全阀spring balance 弹簧秤spring balanced hatch cover 弹簧平衡式舱口盖spring balanced hatchcover 弹簧平衡舱口盖spring ball joint 弹簧球节spring band 弹簧箍spring bar 弹簧杆spring base 弹簧座spring bearing 弹簧轴承spring bearing 弹簧柱spring bearing 中间轴轴承spring bow 弹簧弓spring bracket 弹簧托架spring brake 弹簧闸spring buckle 弹簧扣spring buffer 弹簧缓冲器spring buoy 弹力浮筒spring callipers 弹簧卡钳spring cap 弹簧帽spring capacity 弹簧容量spring carrier 弹簧托架spring charged hydrostatic valve 静压弹簧阀spring clamp 弹簧夹spring clip 弹簧夹spring clutch 弹簧离合器spring coil 弹簧圈spring collar 弹簧挡圈spring collet 弹簧夹头spring combination 簧片组合spring constant 弹簧常数spring constellations 春季星座spring contact 弹簧触点spring contactor 弹簧接触器spring control 弹簧控制spring cotter 弹簧销spring cotter 弹性制销spring coupling 弹簧联轴器spring damper 弹簧减震器spring detent 弹簧擒纵器spring die 弹簧板牙spring drive 弹簧传动spring equilizing device 弹簧平衡装置spring equinox 春分;春分点spring expander 弹簧扩张器spring fastener 弹簧扣spring finger 弹簧夹spring fit hole 装配弹簧孔spring for fuel injector 喷油器调压弹簧spring for pressure limiting valve 限压阀弹簧spring for rocker shaft 摇臂轴弹簧spring for valve 气阀弹簧spring fuse 弹簧保险丝spring governor 弹簧调速器spring guide 弹簧导盘spring hanger 弹簧挂钩spring high water 大潮高潮spring high water 大潮高潮大潮高潮spring holder 弹簧定位销spring holder 弹簧座spring hook 弹簧钩spring ice 蜂巢冰spring in seabed 海底喷泉spring jack 弹簧塞孔spring key 弹簧键spring lay rope (钢丝spring layer 锐变层spring leaf 簧片spring line 倒缆spring load 用弹簧加载spring loaded brake 弹簧闸spring loaded governor 弹簧调速器spring loaded overflow valve 弹簧溢流阀spring loaded pressure valve 弹簧压力阀spring loaded relief valve 弹簧安全阀spring loaded safety valve 弹簧安全阀spring loaded sparking plug 弹簧火花塞spring loaded valve 弹簧阀spring loaded 弹簧式spring loaded 用弹簧加载的spring lock washer 弹簧锁紧垫圈spring lock 弹簧锁spring low water 大潮低潮spring low water 大潮低潮大潮平均低潮spring material 弹簧材料spring mattress 弹簧床垫spring mounted engine 弹簧减震发动机spring of cylinder lubricator plunger 气缸注油器柱塞弹簧spring operated band brake 弹簧带式闸spring operated brake 弹簧闸spring opposed bellows 弹簧压制膜盒spring pad 弹簧垫spring pin 弹性销spring pivot 弹簧支枢spring plate for valve 气阀弹簧座spring plate 弹簧板spring plunger 弹簧柱塞spring pressure gauge 弹簧压力表spring quadrant steerer 弹簧舵扇舵机spring quadrant 弹簧舵柄弧spring quadrant 弹簧舵扇spring range of tide 平均大潮差spring range 大潮潮差spring rate 大潮流速spring resonance 弹簧共振spring retainer 弹簧承座spring return switch 弹簧开关spring ring 弹簧圈spring rise 大潮升spring rod 弹簧导杆spring saddle 弹簧鞍座spring safety valve 弹簧安全阀spring scales 弹簧秤spring seat 弹簧座spring shackle 弹簧卸扣spring sheet holder 金属片弹簧夹spring shock absorber 弹簧减震器spring sludge 蜂巢冰spring sludge 蜂巢冰蜂巢冰spring stay 桅间横牵索spring steel band 弹簧钢带spring steel wire 弹簧钢丝spring steel 弹簧钢spring stiffness 弹簧钢度spring style 草图设计spring support 弹簧座spring surge 弹簧颤动spring suspended 弹簧悬吊spring switch 弹簧开关spring tension 弹簧张力spring tensioner 弹簧的调压螺钉spring tester 弹簧检验器spring tidal current 大潮潮流spring tide 大潮spring tide 大潮朔望潮spring tides 大潮spring tiller 弹簧舵柄弧spring tiller 弹簧减振舵扇spring time 大潮时间spring tool 弹簧刀spring towing hook 弹簧拖钩spring tube 弹簧管spring valve 弹簧阀spring velocity 大潮流速spring washer 弹簧垫圈spring water stopper 弹簧止水夹spring winch 倒缆机spring wire 弹簧钢丝spring 弹簧春季spring 弹簧的spring 弹簧发条春季泉水spring 弹簧斜缆spring 弹性spring 倒缆;大潮;弹簧;春;泉水spring 牵spring 朔望大潮spring-restrained accelerometer 弹簧限制式加速度计springing 波激振动springing 弹动springing 弹动弹簧装置sprinkle 酒sprinkle 喷淋sprinkle 微阵雨sprinkler fire-extinguishing system 喷洒灭火系统sprinkler head 喷水器;洒水头sprinkler head 喷水头sprinkler installation 喷水器装置sprinkler installation 自动洒水灭火装置sprinkler pump 洒水式消防系统泵sprinkler system of life boat 救生艇洒水系统sprinkler system 喷洒系统sprinkler system 洒水装置sprinkler valve 喷淋器阀sprinkler 喷水器sprinkler 洒水器sprinkler 洒水器;甲板洒水装置sprinkling machine 喷水器sprinkling system 喷洒系统sprinkling system 喷水系统sprinkling zone 喷水区域sprinkling 洒水sprit 斜杠帆spritsail 斜杠帆sprocket chain 链轮上的链条sprocket gear 链轮sprocket wheel 持链轮sprocket wheel 链轮sprocket winch 链轮绞车sprocket bitsprocket 持链轮sprocket 链轮sprocket 链轮链轮铣刀sproket wheel 锚机)持链轮sproket 锚机)持链轮spruce 针枞sprue 流道sprung out 冒水sprung planking 人字形甲板铺板sprung planking 弯曲木甲板sprung planking 弯曲木甲板弯曲木甲板sprung 裂开或弯曲spud can 桩脚箱spud carriage 定位桩拖架spud leg 桩腿spud 定位桩spud 短而粗的东西spuds 大桩spun line 细绳spun yarn packing 麻丝填料spun yarn 细索spun yarn 细索油麻绳spunyarn packing 麻丝填料spunyarn 麻丝spunyarn 麻丝绞绳spur beam 明轮梁spur bevel gear 正齿伞齿轮spur dyke 丁坝spur gear 正齿轮spur geared winch 正齿轮绞车spur geared 正齿轮传动的spur gearing 正齿轮传动装置spur grommet 带齿铜环spur grommet 帆布眼)带齿铜环spur line 货物支线spur pinion 正小齿轮spur shore 边撑柱spur shore 码头撑柱spur shore 码头撑柱;边撑柱spur teeth grommet 带齿铜环spur teeth grommet 帆布眼)带齿铜环spur teeth 正齿spur type 正齿式spur wheel 正齿轮spur 齿spur 突出部分;助抓突角;丁坝;短木支撑;小型系缆柱;齿spur 突岩spurious am rejection 寄生调幅抑制spurious capacitance 寄生电容spurious disk 虚圆面spurious echoes 假回波spurious emission 杂散发射spurious frequency 寄生频率spurious image 散杂影像spurious modulation 寄生调制spurious noise 寄生噪声spurious oscillation 寄生振荡spurious phase modulation 寄生调相spurious response 假信号spurious signal 寄生信号spurious 假的spurious 假的;伪造的spurious 伪的spurling gate 甲板锚链孔spurling gate 锚链管spurling pipe 锚链管spurling pipe 锚链管锚链管spurn gear 正齿轮spurn water board 挡浪板spurn water washsrake 液舱内制水板spurn water 防浪板spurn water 防浪板;舷侧导水板spurn water 舷侧导水板spurn water)wash strake 舷墙spurn wheel 正齿轮spurt 物价的暂时上涨sputter 飞溅出来的东西劈啪声vi.飞溅sputter 劈啪声sputtered film disc 溅射薄膜磁盘sputtering 溅射sputum 痰spy boat 间谍船spy glass 小望远镜spy hole 探视孔spy satellite 间谍卫星squadron 小舰队;中队squall cloud 飑云squall line 飑线squall 暴风squall 暴风飑squall 飑squally weather 风暴天气squally weather 狂风多的squally 狂风多的squally 狂风多的;暴风雨气候squally 起风暴的多风波的square account 结帐square array 方阵列square bar 方杆square bar 方形钢square bend 直角弯头square boat spike 大方钉square boat spike 大方钉大方钉square body frames 船中部肋骨square body 船中平行体square body 平行中部船体square bolt 方螺栓square box socket wrench 方套筒扳手square box spanner 方套筒扳手square box wrench 方套筒扳手square brackets 方括号square butt joint 平头对接square butt welding 平头对接焊square butt 平头对接square centimeter 平方厘米square centimetres 平方厘米square coarse file 粗方锉square corner 方角square cotter 方销square cut stern 方形船尾方形尾船square cut stern 方形尾船square deal 公平交易square die 方板牙square edge 直角边square elbow 直角弯头square emergency wood 方木square error pattern 方形差错模型square figure knot 方花结square file 方锉square foot 平方英尺square frame 船平行中体处肋骨square front lamp 方形灯square groove 方槽square groove 方槽;i形灯square groove 无坡口接缝square grooved welding 无坡口焊接square head bolt 方头螺栓square head screw 方头螺钉square hole 方孔square hysteresis-loop characteristic 方形磁滞回线特性square inch 平方英寸square iron 方铁square key 方键square kilometres 平方公里square knot 平结square loop antenna 矩形天线square manhole jointing 方形炉门垫圈square matrix 方阵square meter 平方米square mil 方密尔square mile 平方英里square millimeter 方颈螺栓square millimeter 平方毫米square n. 正方形平方直角尺a.平方的square netter 敷网渔船square nose shovel 方头铲square nut 方螺母square of pegasus 飞马座四方形square of the hatch 舱口盖下空间square of the hatch 舱口下空间square pin 方销square port 方形舷窗square pulse 矩形脉冲square reef knot 平结square rig 横帆式square rigger 横帆船square ring spanner 方套筒扳手square rod 方棒square root 平方根square rubber strip 方橡胶条square sail 横帆square screw thread 方螺纹square search 海上)展开方形搜索square search 展开方形搜索square shank ratchet drill 方头钢钻square smooth file 细方锉square socket wrench with pin handle t 形销柄方套筒扳手square socket wrench 方套筒扳手square spanner 方头扳手square stations 站线square steel 方钢square stem 直船首柱square stem 直船首柱直船首柱直立船首柱square stern 方形船尾square stock 方料square sum of residues 残差平方和square surface 四方平面square thread 方螺纹square tongs 方钳square transom stern 残差平方和square tuck stern 方形船尾square tuck 方形船尾后端square washer 方垫圈square wave generator 方波产生器square wave 矩形波square wrench 方扳手square yard 横帆桁square yard 平方码square measure 面积square measuresquare 平方square 正方形;平方;锚杆眼;丁字规;广场;使与桅或龙骨成直角;付清square 正方形平方直角尺正方形的square 组合角尺square-head 方头的square-law detection 平方律检波square-sterned ship 方尾船square-tuck stern 方尾square-wave 方波squared paper 方格纸squared-off cargo space 形状规则舱室squareiron 方铁squareness 垂直度squarer 矩形波形成器;平方电路squarer 矩形波形成器矩形脉冲形成器平方电路squarer 矩形波形成器矩形脉冲形成器平方电路平方器squarer 矩形脉冲形成器squares 方木squarestern 方形船尾squaring circuit 矩形波整形电路squaring circuit 矩形脉冲形成电路squaring 形成矩形形成矩形脉冲四扭编织电缆squat 尾墩现象squatting speed 航行尾倾临界航速squawk 尖锐声故障squeak 尖锐声squeegee 橡皮地板擦squeezable waveguide 可压缩波导管squeeze clamps 货件夹钳squeeze grip type release valve 压柄式放泄阀squeeze riveter 压铆机squeeze 挤压squeeze 压挤squeezer 压挤机squelch 静噪电路squelch 噪声抑制电路squib 商品标签小型点火器squilgee 橡皮地板擦squirm 绳索的扭曲squirrel-cage antenna 笼形天线squirrel-cage armature 鼠笼式电枢squirrel-cage blower 鼠笼式风机squirrel-cage induction motor 鼠笼式感应电动机squirrel-cage motor 鼠笼式电动机squirrel-cage repulsion motor 鼠笼式推斥电动机squirrel-cage rotor 鼠笼式转子squirrel-cage winding 鼠笼绕组squirrel-cage winding 鼠笼式绕组squirrel-cage 鼠笼squirt 喷射器squirt 喷射器水枪squitter 断续振荡器squitter 间歇振荡器srait 海峡ss guang hua 光华轮ss titanic 泰坦尼克轮ssb 单边带st.elmo's fire 桅上电火st.ench shipping co. ltd v. phosphate mining co. 圣·安克轮船有限公司诉磷矿开采公司案stabilised presentation 稳定显示stabiliser valve 稳压管stabiliser 稳定器stability air curtain 稳定气幕stability analysis 稳性分析stability and trim sheet 稳性与纵倾计算表stability arm 稳性力臂stability at the helm circle 回转灵敏性stability at the helm circle 回转稳性stability augmentation system 运动稳定性增加系统stability augmentation 稳性增值stability book 稳性报告书stability booklet 稳性手册stability calculation 稳性计算stability coefficient 稳性系数stability condition 稳性条件stability constant 稳性常数stability criterion numeral 稳性衡准数stability criterion 稳性准则stability curve 复原力曲线stability curve 稳性曲线stability curve 稳性曲线图stability data 稳性数据stability diagram 稳性曲线图stability float 稳定浮体stability in damaged condition 破舱稳性stability in pitching 纵摇稳性stability in rolling 横摇稳性stability index 稳定性指数stability indicator 稳性指示器stability information 稳性数据stability jet 稳定喷咀stability lead 横稳压载stability letter 稳性证书stability limit 稳定限度stability limit 稳定限度稳性极限stability limit 稳性极限stability line 稳定线stability loss 稳性损失stability margin 稳定裕量stability margin 稳定裕量稳性储备stability margin 稳性储备stability measurement 稳性测量stability meter 稳性试验仪stability model 稳性试验模型stability moment 稳性力矩stability of cargo 货物稳性stability of carrier frequency 载频稳定度stability of motion 航向稳定性stability of motion 运动稳定性stability of passenger ship 客船稳性stability of route 航向稳定性stability of ship 船舶稳性stability of the ship 船舶稳性stability of vibration 振动稳定性stability parameter 稳定性参数stability quality 稳定性stability recorder 稳性记录仪stability report 稳性报告stability rule 稳定性定则stability standard 稳性标准stability test 倾斜试验stability test 稳性试验stability theory 稳性理论stability value 稳性值stability 流动稳定性stability 稳定性stability 稳性stability-flooded calculation 破舱稳性计算stabilitytest 稳性试验stabilization by current feedback 电流反馈稳定stabilization control 定值控制stabilization of operating point 工作点稳定stabilization of speed 转速稳定化stabilization of sweep generator 扫描振荡器稳定stabilization system 定值系统stabilization trial 减摇试验stabilization 稳定stabilization 稳定化stabilization 稳定减摇stabilizator =stabilizer稳定器减摇装置稳定剂stabilizator 稳定器stabilizator 稳定器稳定剂@n.稳定器减摇装置@稳定器stabilize 稳定减摇stabilized antenna 稳定天线stabilized feedback 稳定反馈stabilized gasoline 稳定汽油stabilized oscillator 稳定振荡器stabilized platform 稳定平台stabilized power supply 稳压电源stabilized presentation 稳定显示stabilized shunt-wound motor 稳定并励电动机stabilized 稳定的减摇的stabilizer control gear 减摇控制设备stabilizer control panel 减摇装置控制板stabilizer efficiency 减摇装置效率stabilizer room 减摇装置舱stabilizer stable platform 稳定平台stabilizer vane 稳定叶片stabilizer 减摇装置stabilizer 减摇装置;稳定器stabilizer 稳定器;安定剂stabilizer 稳定器减摇装置稳定剂stabilizing angle limiter 稳定角限制器stabilizing bulge 减摇船腹stabilizing bulge 舷侧防摇水舱stabilizing circuit 稳定电路stabilizing couple 稳定力偶stabilizing device 稳定装置stabilizing deyice 稳定装置stabilizing efficiency 减摇效果stabilizing equipment 稳定设备stabilizing feedback network 稳定反馈网络stabilizing fin 防摇鳍stabilizing fin 稳定鳍stabilizing gyroscope 陀螺稳定装置stabilizing hammer 稳定锤stabilizing installation 减摇装置stabilizing moment 稳定力矩stabilizing network 稳定网络stabilizing nozzle 稳定喷咀stabilizing tail 尾稳定器stabilizing tank 减摇水舱stabilizing 稳定stabilizing 稳定减摇stabilogauge 稳性测量仪stabilovolt tube 稳压管stabilovolt valve 稳压管stabilovolt 稳压管stabilovolt 一种稳压管的商品名stabilzing bulge 舷侧防摇水舱stable arc welding 稳定电弧焊stable bill of lading 过期提单stable condition 稳定工况stable cost 固定费用stable equilibrium 稳定平衡stable frequency signal 稳定频率信号stable governor 稳定调节器stable gravimeter 稳定重力仪stable grout 稳定灌浆stable loop 稳定回路stable manifold 稳定流形stable motion 稳定运动stable node 稳定结点stable nucleus 稳定原子核stable ocean platform 稳定式海洋平台stable operation power 稳定运行功率stable oscillation 稳定摇荡stable oscillation 稳定振荡stable platform 稳定平台stable range rings 固定距离圈stable running 稳定运行stable stability 正稳性stable system 稳定系统stable vertical 垂直陀螺仪stable vibration 稳定振动stable 稳定的staboard aft. 右舷后stack air casing 烟囱空气隔层stack building 堆积楼stack coil 叠层线圈stack cover 烟囱盖stack cover 烟囱帽stack crane 堆装起重机stack induction 烟囱通风stack loss 烟囱排烟损失stack loss 烟囱损失stack mast 烟囱桅stack paint 烟囱漆stack pile 同厚度stack up n. 堆积stack 叠式存储器stack 烟囱stackable flat 可叠放平板箱stacked integrated circuit 迭层集成电路stacked integrated circuit 叠层集成电路stacked plate 堆积式承载板stacked type regulator 单元组合式调节器stacked 堆迭的stacker crane 码垛机stacker 叠式存储器stacker 堆码搭扣stacker 堆码搭扣;码垛机;叠式存贮器stacking adapter 堆放装置stacking adapter 堆装连接机stacking adapter 双头插销stacking beam 堆码梁stacking crane 堆码起重机stacking fitting 固定上下集装箱的)双头插销双头插销stacking fittings 堆装件stacking hatch cover 堆叠式舱盖stacking load 堆码负重stacking load 堆码负重集装箱)堆码负重stacking straddle carrier 堆装跨运车stacking test 堆码试验stacking test 码垛stacking 码垛stacking 码垛;堆码试验stadia arc 视距弧stadia measurement 视距测量stadia rod 视距尺stadia surveying 视距测量stadia tables 视距计算表stadia telescope 视距望远镜stadia 视距stadia 视距;视距准尺stadimeter 测距仪stadimeter 测距仪近距离)测距仪的一种stadimeter 六分仪测距仪stadiometer 曲线长度仪器)staff and globe buoy 带球杆形浮标staff guage 量杆staff light 杆形灯标staff 水尺;棒;杆staff 小轴杆stag unit 蒸汽与燃气轮机联合装置stage bearer 架板架横撑木stage bent 船台脚手架支柱stage bent 工作架直柱stage board 舷外作业板架stage boat 邮件船stage boat 邮件船邮务艇stage casing pump 多级离合泵stage chamber pump 多级离心泵stage efficiency 级效率stage for liferaft 救生筏滑架stage further 下几级stage gangway 架板stage gangway 装货平台跳板stage gear ratio 级传动比stage heat drop 级内焓降stage heating 级间加热stage internal efficiency 级内效率stage internal heat drop 级内焓降stage lashing 捆扎用油麻绳;跳板结;脚手架捆绑法stage matching 级的匹配stage number 级数stage of amplification 放大级stage of call 呼叫阶段stage of liferaft 救生筏滑架stage of selection 选择级stage of turning 回转运动阶段stage plank 工作跳板stage plank 架板stage planking 舷外作业脚手架踏板stage pole 船台脚手架支柱stage pole 脚手架支柱stage rope 架板绳stage sling slip knot 架板活结stage sling 架板绳stage temperature rise 级温升stage turbine 分级式涡轮机stage valve 级阀stage 调节级stage 浮码头stage 激励级stage 级台阶段stage 水位;级;程度staged refrigeration 分阶段冷冻staged 分阶段发生的stager 有经验的人stagflation 滞胀stagger circuit 参差调谐式电路stagger tune 交错调谐stagger 摆动误差stagger 摆动误差侧向往复偏移a.交错的stagger 交错;摇摆staggered welding 交错间断焊接;之形焊接staggered arrangement 交错排列staggered arrangement 交错排列布置staggered circuit 参差调谐电路staggered gear 错列齿轮staggered gear 交错齿轮staggered gear 交错集管staggered intermittent welding 交错间断焊staggered piling 错列打桩staggered riveting 交错铆接staggered riveting 交错铆接;之形铆接staggered scanning 隔行扫描staggered scanning 交错扫描staggered section view 阶段剖视图staggered tooth double-helical gear 交错齿人字齿轮staggered tooth 交错齿staggered tube layout 管子错列布置staggered tube layout 交错管路布置图staggered tuned 交错调谐的staggered 交错的staggeredwelding 交错间断焊交错间断焊接staggering 谐振回路失谐参差调谐staghorn bollard 十字形带缆桩staging upright 工作架直柱staging 脚手架台架staging 台架staging 舷外作业架板stagnant glacier 静止冰川stagnant 停滞的stagnation enthalpy 滞止焓stagnation overpressure 驻点超压stagnation point movement 驻点移动stagnation point 驻点stagnation pressure tube 总压管stagnation pressure 滞止压力stagnation steam parameter 滞止蒸汽参数stagnation temperature 滞止温度stagnation 驻点驻止stain varnish 染色清漆stain varnish 着色清漆stain 弄脏stain 污点stain 污点锈stained by mud 已有泥渍stained by oil 已有油渍stained by paint 已有油漆渍stained by rust 已有锈渍stained by salt water 盐渍stained by water 已有水渍stained due to 由于……污渍stained glass 色玻璃stained glass 有色玻璃stainless clad 不锈包层钢stainless electrode 不锈钢焊条stainless rule 不锈钢尺stainless sheathed wire 不锈钢铠装线stainless steel grinding dust 不锈钢屑stainless steel propellor 不锈钢螺旋桨stainless steel 不锈钢stainless 不锈的不锈钢的stair case 楼梯stair landing 梯台stair way 楼梯stair 梯的一级stair 梯级stair-step signal 梯级信号staircase 楼梯staircase 梯子stairway enclosure 梯口室stairway stringer 梯道侧板stairway stringer 舷梯侧板stairway 楼梯staith 铁路装货台staith 铁路装货台;煤的装卸转运码头;河岸码头staithe 铁路装货台staiths 铁路装货台stake anchor 桩锚stake beacon 标桩stake boat 舷标艇stake net 桩围渔网stake 渔栅桩形标stake 桩stakeboat 换拖趸船stale bill of lading 过期提单stale check 过期支票stale debt 过时效的债务stale 不新鲜的;腐败的stale 发霉的stalinite 钢化玻璃stall flutter 失速颤振stall flutter 失速喘振stall line 失速线stall margin 失举裕量stall margin 失速喘振边界stall margin 失速裕量stall pattern 失速型态stall performance 失速性能stall proof 防失速的stall propagation 失速传播stall zone 失速区stall 发生故障stall 失速stall 完全失速stalled area 失速范围stalled current 停转电流stalling current 停转电流stalling incidence 失速迎角stalling load 打滑载荷stalling load 停转负载stalling point 失速点stalling region 失速区stalling rudder angle 临界舵角stalling rudder angle 失举舵角stalling speed 失速速率stalling torque 停转转矩stalling 失速stallometer 临界速度指示器stallometer 失速信号器stalloy 硅钢硅钢片stalodicator 货物稳度和配置状况指示器stalodicator 稳性和货物配置状况指示器stalodicator 稳性指示器stamp clause 特别条款stamp clause 印戳条款stamp duty 印花税stamp forging process 压锻工艺stamp forging 压锻stamp fork 压锻stamp note 装货执照stamp 烙印stamped and addressed envelope 贴有邮票和盖有地址的信封stamped circuit 冲压印成电路stamped policy 已缴印花税的保单stamper 模子stamping die 压印模stamping press 压印机stamping 冲压stamukha 搁浅的冰山stamukhi 搁浅的冰山群stanch 坚固的stanch 止漏stanchion socket 支柱插座stanchion step 支柱座stanchion 栏杆柱stanchion 支柱stanchion 柱stand by battery 备用电池组stand by engine 备车stand by engine 备车!stand by engine 备车主机准备stand by facilities 备用设备stand by 备车辅助的stand clear 避开stand column 管柱stand column 水位计)管柱stand for 指向stand in to land 驶向海岸stand in 驶近;参加stand of tide 平潮stand off and on 一会儿接近海岸一会儿远离海岸航驶stand off to sea 出海stand off 驶离stand on end 立置;竖着放stand on vessel 被让路船stand on 直航stand out 离岸向海上航驶;突出stand over 延期;监督stand pipe 管柱stand pipe 竖管管柱水位计)管柱stand pipe=standpipe 竖管stand the test 试验合格stand to sea 向海航行stand to 向某处航驶stand trial 受审stand upon the course 稳住航向stand 控制台stand 站立;停止stand 站住stand-by air compressor 备用空气压缩机stand-by alternator 备用交流发电机stand-by application 备用机工作stand-by battery 备用电池stand-by block 备用块stand-by boat 守护船stand-by circuit 备用电路stand-by compressor 备用压缩机stand-by computer 备用计算机stand-by engine 备用发动机stand-by engine 备用发动机备车stand-by engine 主机准备stand-by engines 备车stand-by equipment 备用设备stand-by facilities 备用设备stand-by fan 备用风机stand-by generating set 备用发电机组stand-by generating station 备用电站stand-by generator 备用发电机stand-by machine 备用机器备用电机stand-by machinery 备用机械设备stand-by motor 备用电动机stand-by n. open bevel 型钢的)钝夹角stand-by one 备件stand-by plant 备用机组stand-by plant 备用装置stand-by power supply 备用供电stand-by power 备用功率stand-by pump 待机备用泵stand-by purifier 备用净油机stand-by sequence control 备车顺序控制stand-by set 备用机组stand-by station 待机位置stand-by time record 待时记录stand-by time 闲置时间备用时间stand-by unattended time 准备就绪但无人管理的时间stand-by unit 备用机组stand-by 等待stand-by 主机准备stand-by 准备stand-off distance 驶离距离stand-off 离岸行驶stand-on light beacon 照准灯标stand-on light beacons 照准灯标stand-on vessel 被让路船stand-on vessel 权利船stand-on vessel 直航船stand-on 直航standard compass 标准磁罗经standard 20-feet container 20 英尺标准集装箱standard address generator 标准地址发生器standard ambient condition 标准环境状态standard ammeter 标准安培表standard arbitration clause 标准仲裁条款standard association of australia 澳大利亚标准协会standard atmosphere conditions 标准大气条件standard atmosphere pressure 标准大气压力standard atmosphere 标准大气standard atmospheric pressure 标准大气压standard bar 标准轴standard bare weight 标准空船重量standard bareboat charter 标准光船租赁合同standard barometer 标准气压计standard beam approach 标准波束处理standard block gauge 标准块视standard book number 标准书号(曾用名standard broadcast 标准广播standard cable 标准电缆standard candle 标准烛光standard capacitance 标准电容standard cell 标准电池standard charter party 租船合同标准格式standard charter party form 标准租船合同范本standard charter party 租船合同标准格式standard chroma subcarrier frequency 标准彩色副载波频率standard chronometer 标准天文钟standard cipher 标准密码standard code book 标准电码本standard code for information interchange 美国信息交换标准码standard compass course 标准罗经航向standard compass deviation 标准罗经自差standard compass 标准罗经standard component 标准件standard condition 标准条件standard condition 标准状态standard condition 标准状态标准工况standard conductivity 标准电导率standard container 标准集装箱standard contract 标准合同standard copper wire 标准铜线standard copper 标准铜standard cubic feet per second 标准立方英尺秒standard cubic foot 标准立方英尺standard cylindrical gauge 标准圆柱规standard de stat 罗马尼亚国家标准standard design 标准设计典型图standard deviation 标准偏差standard dimension 标准尺寸standard dimensions of the channel 航道标准尺度standard discharge connection 标准排放接头standard displacement 标准排水量standard drawing 标准图standard earth station 标准地球站standard electrode 标准电极standard electronic automatic computer 标准电子自动计算机standard electronic package 标准电子仪器组件standard equipment 标准设备standard error of the mean 标准平均误差standard error 标准误差standard export packages 出口包装standard fire test 标准火灾试验standard for acceptance 验收标准standard form 标准格式standard form 标准形式standard format for sar situation report 搜救情景报告标准格式standard format for sar situation reports 情况报告标准格式standard forms of charter party 租船合同标准格式standard frame turbine 标准组件涡轮机standard freight scale 基准运费率standard frequency and time signal satellite service 卫星标准频率和时间信号业务standard frequency and time signal service 标准频率和时间信号业务standard frequency and time signal station 标准频率和时间信号电台standard frequency and time signal 校准频率和时间信号standard frequency and time signals 标频时信号standard frequency signal 标准频率信号standard frequency source 标准频率源standard frequency station 标准频率电台standard frequency system 标准频率系统standard frequency transmission 标准频率传输standard frequency 标准频率standard fresh water 标准淡水standard frieght scale 标准运费率standard function 标准函数standard gauge 标准测规standard gauge 标准规standard gauge 标准线规standard greetings 标准贺电standard group 标准群standard guage 标准轨standard hardware program 标准硬件程序standard hole system 基孔制standard horse-power 标准马力standard horsepower 标准马力standard inductor 标准感应器standard industrial classification 标准工业分类standard instrument 标准测试仪器standard interface description 标准规定接口standard international ship report format 国际船舶报告标准格式standard international trade classification 标准国际贸易分类standard international trade classifications 国际标准贸易分类standard key 标准键standard knee 倒装肘板standard latitude 基准纬度;基准纬度standard load 标准负荷standard loran 标准罗兰standard loran 罗兰astandard machinery 普通机械standard magnetic compass 标准磁罗经standard maintenance procedures 标准维护程序standard maneuver 标准操纵standard marine navigation vocabulary 《标准航海用语》standard marine navigational vocabulary 标准海上航行词汇standard marine navigational vocabulary 标准航海英语standard maritime vocabulary 标准航海词汇standard mean ocean water 标准平均海洋潮位standard meridian 标准子午线;地图投影标准子午线standard meter 标准表standard mile 标准英里standard model 标准模型standard model 标准式standard modular system of package 程序包的标准模块系统standard navigation computer 标准导航计算机standard network access protocol 标准网络接入规程standard nomenclature list 标准名词汇编standard noon 区时十二点standard of care 谨慎程度;标准standard of conduct 行为准则standard of damage 破损标准standard of measurement 量度标度standard of measurement 量度标准standard of performance 性能标准standard of subdivision 分舱标准standard operating procedure 标准操作步骤standard organization of iran 伊朗国家标准standard orifice 标准孔口standard package 标准组件standard parallel 标准纬线standard parts 标准零件standard patch 临时堵漏用木结构standard pattern 标准型standard pillar 管柱。
基伊埃工程技术(中国)有限公司 MOBILE MINOR TM实验型喷雾干燥器
基伊埃工程技术(中国)有限公司 MOBILE MINOR TM实
1.精益求精,做喷雾干燥领域的先锋——访基伊埃工程技术(中国)有限公司基伊埃尼鲁乳品事业部销售工程师韩亮 [J], 卜庆婧
2.跨越干燥技术巅峰的领导者——专访基伊埃工程技术(中国)公司尼鲁化工事业部经理钱嘉林先生 [J], 郭宁
3.基伊埃工程技术(中国)有限公司——工艺工程的完美解决方案 [J],
4.基伊埃工程技术(中国)有限公司搬迁庆典在沪举行 [J],
5.上海伊埃姆西节能工程技术有限公司 [J],
涂装工艺英语注塑机:Injection喷油:Spraying丝印:Net Printing烫金:Bronzing大件喷柜:Spraying booth塑胶无尘涂装生产线:Plastic Dust-free Painting Production Line无尘生产车间:Dust-free Painting Workshop产品:Products工人正在喷涂电视机外壳:The worker is spraying the Television outer shell 供风系统:Dust-free painting starts with air purification排风系统:Painting Room Gas Treatment打磨:Burnish; rubbing; sanding丝印:Net Printing喷嘴:nozzle施工粘度Working viscosity喷涂压力:spray pressure喷枪距离:spray distance喷涂轨迹:spray track雾化:atomization挥发速度:volatilizate speed喷枪口径:spray gun caliber手动除尘:The worker is doing away with the dust无尘喷涂室:Dust-free spray booth水转印:Water Transfer PrintingUV 固化线:Automatic UV Light Drying Equipment各类塑胶产品喷涂展示:The plastics rubber springs the product of the paint 电视机外壳:TV set casing提供机械性能测试报告:Provide mechanical test report低温跌落测试:Cold drop test常温跌落测试:Normal drop test检验电性能:Check electrical performance涂料专业术语涂层:coating涂料:coating涂膜:film coating溶剂Solvent稀释剂Thinner丙烯酸Acrylic树脂Resin丙烯酸Acrylic Resin环氧树脂Epoxy Resin聚酯树脂Polyester Resin氨基树脂Amino Resin聚氨酯polyurethane醇酸树脂Alkyd Resin热固型和热塑性丙烯酸树脂Thermosetting & Thermoplastic Acrylic 有机和无机颜料Orgasmic & Inorganic Pigment铝粉浆Aluminum Paste铜金粉(浆)Bronze powder(Paste)色浆Colorant蜡粉(浆) Wax powder(Dispersion)玻璃珠Glass Bead流平剂Leveling Agent硅类消泡剂Deformer附着力促进剂Adhesion Promoter颜料分散剂Dispersing Agent(dispersant)UV 固化涂料UV-curing Paints卷材涂料Coil Coating粘合剂Adhesives塑胶材料Plastic material金属材料Metal material配方formulation性能Performance耐磨性Abrasion performance喷涂性Applicability附着力Adhesion硬度Hardness表干Touch Dry硬干hard Dry固体份NON-Volatile比重Specific Gravity粘度Viscosity细度Fineness厚度Thickness漆膜外观Appearance颜色Color光泽Gloss包装Parking批号Batch. NO检测Back-check底漆Primer清漆varnish不良缺陷专业术语脆化embitterment丝状腐蚀fibril corrosion针孔状腐蚀corrosion pin-holes生白锈white-rusting生锈rusting长霉mildew-growing粉化chalking剥落peeling龟裂crack; map cracking; tear; worming ,crocodilian : 龟裂形成:crack formation龟裂增大:crack growth深裂deep cracks小裂crazing细裂checking微裂hair-cracking开裂cracking起泡blistering软化softening溶胀swelling变白whitening失光loss of gloss起霜blooming破坏perishing ;failure漂白bleaching漆膜变色discoloration of film 刷痕brush mark收缩shrinkage缩孔cratering厚边fat edge漏涂区miss coating接痕lapping defect咬底lifting渗色bleeding不盖底(露底)non-hiding闪光flashing起霜花frosting爆孔popping沉淀settling有粗粒seed返粗pig ski发花floating浮色flooding起气泡bubbling针孔pin-holes起皱wrinkling橘皮orange skin发白blushing流挂runs; sags; curtains丝纹ropiness发浑clouding原漆变色discoloration of paints or varnish 增稠thickening变稠fattening絮凝flocculation胶化gelling结皮skinning相容性compatibility助齐|「adjuvant; aids组份component;耐磨性abrasive resistance耐冲击性resistance to shock耐冲刷性abrasion resistance耐醇性alcohol resistance耐腐蚀corrosion resistance耐热性heat resistance耐寒性freeze resistance耐湿性wet fastness试验设备英语:品管仪器表Equipment for Quality Control Dept制造厂家Manufacturer数量Quantity规格Specification天平Balance电子天平Electric Balance数位温度计Digital Thermometer膜厚仪Coating Thickness Measuring Instrument落球试验(冲击试验)Falling Ball Impact Test数码相机Digital camera塞规Pin Gauge拉力计Thrustor微电脑恒温恒湿试验机Programmable temperature and humidity chamber 气相色谱仪Gas Chromatograph machine拉伸试验机tension testing machine喷枪spray gun压力罐overhead tank压缩空气管pressure hose恒温恒湿机constant temperature and constant humidity testing machine高低温试验机High-low temperature testing apparatus涂装废气处理设备Coating waste gas processing equipment 涂装废水处理设备Coating waste liquid processing equipment 喷涂机器人Painting robot无尘喷房Dust-free spray booth注塑机:Injection丝印:Net Printing烫金:Bronzing超声波:Ultrasonic wave; supersonic wave高周波设备:High-frequency equipment电脑镭射雕刻:CNC laser engraving machines电脑数控磨床:CNC grinding machines电脑数控车床:CNC lathes火花机:CNC Sparking EDM线切割机:CNC Wire CUTEDM大件喷柜:Spraying booth供风系统:Dust-free painting starts with air purification排风系统:Painting Room Gas Treatment手动除尘:The worker is doing away with the dust无尘喷涂室:Dust-free spray booth水转印:Water Transfer PrintingUV 固化线:Automatic UV Light Drying Equipment著名涂料企业:AKAO NOBEL 阿克苏.诺贝尔荷兰ICI 帝国化学英国PPG Industries 玻璃工业美国Henkel 汉高德国Du pont杜邦美国BASF 巴斯夫德国Nippon paint 立邦日本Kansai 关西日本Total 托塔法国3M 3M 美国Korea chemical 韩国化学韩国Dainippon Ink & Chemical 大日本油墨日本颜色中英文对照red 红色white白色black 黑色brown 棕色yellow 黄色green 绿色blue 蓝色orange 橙色silver 银色pink粉红色salmon pink 橙红色baby pink浅粉红色shocking pink鲜粉红色brown 褐色,茶色beige 灰褐色chocolate红褐色,赭石色sandy beige 浅褐色aquamarine blue 蓝绿色camel驼色olive green 橄榄绿cobalt lue 钴蓝色,艳蓝色amber琥珀色moss green苔绿色khaki 卡其色emerald green 鲜绿色turquoise blue 土耳其玉色maroon褐红色navy blue藏青色,深蓝色,天蓝色scarlet 绯红,猩红mauve紫红wine red 葡萄酒红purple, violet 紫色lavender 淡紫色lilac 浅紫色pansy 紫罗兰色antique violet 古紫色off-white 灰白色ivory 象牙色oyster white 乳白色smoky gray 烟灰色misty gray 雾灰色检测项目中英文对照夕卜观:appearance包装:packaging硬度:hardness附着力:adhesion耐磨性:abrasion resistance粘度:viscosity耐酒精性:alcohol resistance耐电压测试:insulating property耐腐蚀性: corrosion resistance遮盖力:hiding power耐高温高湿:resistance to heat & humidity 耐盐水:salt water resistance常用的溶剂:中文名称:甲苯英文名称:toluene ; toluol ;methylbenzene 中文名称:二甲苯英文名称:xylene ; xylol ;dimethyl benzene 中文名称:环己烷英文名称:cyclohexane中文名称:异丙醇英文名称:isopropyl alcohol; isopropanol 中文名称:异丁醇英文名称:isobutyl alcohol中文名称:环己酮英文名称:cyclohexanone中文名称:正丁醇英文名称:n-butyl alcohol; n-butanol中文名称:双丙酮醇英文名称:diacetone alcohol;5-hydroxy-5-methyl-2-pentanone中文名称:乙酸乙酯;醋酸乙酯英文名称:ethyl acetate中文名称:乙酸正丁酯;醋酸正丁酯英文名称:n-butyl acetate中文名称:二乙二醇-乙醚乙酸酯;二甘醇-乙醚醋酸酯;卡必醇醋酸酯英文名称:carbitol acetate中文名称:异氟尔酮;3,5,5-三甲基-2-环己烯-1-酮英文名称:isophorone中文名称:丙酮英文名称:acetone;propanone中文名称:甲基乙基酮;丁酮英文名称:methyl ethyl ketone;2-butanone;MEK中文名称:二乙二醇丁醚;二甘醇一丁醚;丁基卡必醇英文名称:diethylene glycol monobutyl ether;butyl carbitol;butyl digol 中文名称:乙醇英文名称:alcohol涂装常用对话1.What is a formulation of a silver paint? 银粉漆的配方中包括那些成份?2.In a silver paint, resin、pigments、solvents、silver powders and some aids are its components.银粉漆中主要包括树脂、颜料、银粉、溶剂和一些助剂。
6 染整加工天丝®织物通过染整加工可获得各种不同的美学效果,本章将详细介绍加工不同风格天丝®面料的工艺细节。
6.1 100%天丝®梭织布的前处理6.1.1 织物的准备在织造过程中,严禁产生过松或过紧的布边,布边应当足够结实以承受湿处理加工中的强烈作用。
6.1.2 烧毛我们极力建议对坯布进行烧毛,并采用有预刷毛装置的高强度烧毛机。
6.1.3 退浆及煮练退浆及煮练过程都应采用平幅工序,因为带有浆料的天丝®布料在水中会因高度膨胀而变硬,若使用绳状喷射式染色机进行前处理会形成永久折绉。
6.1.4 漂白October 2000天丝®是一种清洁纤维,除加工浅色或漂白产品外,一般不进行漂白处理。
制浆常用术语中英文对照 semi-chemical pulp 半化学浆:用化学处理,例如蒸煮,从植树物纤维原料中部分地除去非纤维素成分而制得的纸浆,为了达到纤维分离需要进行随后的机械处理。
breader, breaker beater 拌浆机:装有(或不装)底刀并装有一个带钝刀辊子的碎浆机。
cemi-bleached pulp 半漂浆:漂白至中等白度的纸浆。
shive 粗纤维束:存在于纸浆或纸中的纤维物料的粗大部分。
straw pulp 稻、麦草浆:用稻、麦秆制得的造纸用浆。
amur silver gress pulp 荻浆:用荻秆制得的造纸用浆。
waste paper 废纸:在使用或加工后可以被回收而重新用于造纸的纸或纸板。
air-dry pulp 风干浆:在技术上指水分含量与周围环境相平衡的纸浆;在商业上指供需间商定的含有规定水分的纸浆。
dry pulp 干浆:水分含量接近风干浆的纸浆。
brown mechanical pulp 褐色磨木浆:用汽蒸或煮过的木材制得的褐色磨石磨木浆。
black liquor 黑液:从化学浆(通常指硫酸盐法或烧碱法)蒸煮后的产物中分离出来的蒸煮废液。
chemical pulp 化学浆:用化学处理,例如蒸煮,从植物纤维原料中除去相当大一部分非纤维素成分而制得的纸浆,不需要为了达到纤维分离而进行随后的机械处理。
mechanical pulp 机械浆 完全用机械的方法从不同的植物纤维原料中制得的造纸用浆。
alkaline sulphite pulp碱性亚硫酸盐浆 用亚硫酸钠和氢氧化钠组成的药液蒸煮植物纤维所制得的化学浆。
pulp cleaning 浆的净化:用重力净化、离心净化和通过一定大小的筛孔和筛缝等物理方法从浆料中除去无用物质。
pulp screening 浆的筛选:净化浆料的一种方法。
航海及海运专业英语词汇(S9)spray proof 防溅spray proof 防溅防溅的spray pump 喷淋泵spray rail 防溅条spray resistance 飞溅阻力spray shield 防溅板spray test 雾化试验spray tight =spraytight防溅的spray type air cooler 喷淋式空气冷却器spray type desuperheater 喷淋式过热蒸汽降温器spray type evaporator 喷淋式蒸发器spray type heat exchanger 喷淋式热交换器spray up n. 喷射成型spray valve 喷雾阀spray washer 喷射式清洗机spray 浪花spray 浪花;水雾;喷雾器;喷咀;喷雾spray 喷雾spray 油花spray-painting plant 喷漆装置sprayboard 首防浪板sprayed metal coating 金属喷涂层sprayed 喷雾的sprayer plate 雾化板sprayer 喷雾器sprayer 喷雾器;喷油咀sprayer 洒水车spraying gear 喷水装置spraying nozzle 喷雾器spraying nozzle 喷嘴spraying nozzle 水雾喷嘴spraying pistol with pot 带壶喷枪spraying pistol 喷雾器spraying shop 喷漆间spraying system 喷淋系统spraying 喷射spraying 喷射喷雾spraying 喷雾spraymetal 喷镀金属sprayproof electric machine 防溅式电机sprayproof 防溅的spraytight 防溅的spraytight 溅密的spraytightness 风雨密spraywashing 喷射清洗spread an awning! 张开天幕!spread beam sling 带梁的吊索spread beam 带梁的吊索spread fires 升火spread mooring analysis 伸张系泊分析spread of bearings 方位角摆动范围spread of risks 危险分散spread of voltage 电压不稳定spread reflection 混合反射spread shore 滑道横支柱spread spectrum modulation technique 扩展频谱调制技术spread spectrum random access 扩展频谱随机存取spread spectrum 扩展频谱spread 方帆宽度;展开spread 扩展spread 片体距spreader jackstay 吊架支索spreader lift 张帆杆吊索spreader shore 滑道横支柱spreader stoker 撒播式机械加煤机spreader 带梁的吊索;集装箱吊具spreader 扩张器spreader 伸张器具;集装箱吊具spreading power 涂盖能力spring 大潮spring a butt 木板端接松离spring a leak 产生漏缝spring abutment 弹簧座spring ammeter 弹簧安培表spring and lever-loaded valve 弹簧平衡阀spring application 弹簧压紧spring assembly 弹簧组spring attachment 弹簧附件spring back 弹复原状spring balance safety valve 弹簧平衡安全阀spring balance 弹簧秤spring balanced hatch cover 弹簧平衡式舱口盖spring balanced hatchcover 弹簧平衡舱口盖spring ball joint 弹簧球节spring band 弹簧箍spring bar 弹簧杆spring base 弹簧座spring bearing 弹簧轴承spring bearing 弹簧柱spring bearing 中间轴轴承spring bow 弹簧弓spring bracket 弹簧托架spring brake 弹簧闸spring buckle 弹簧扣spring buffer 弹簧缓冲器spring buoy 弹力浮筒spring callipers 弹簧卡钳spring cap 弹簧帽spring capacity 弹簧容量spring carrier 弹簧托架spring charged hydrostatic valve 静压弹簧阀spring clamp 弹簧夹spring clip 弹簧夹spring clutch 弹簧离合器spring coil 弹簧圈spring collar 弹簧挡圈spring collet 弹簧夹头spring combination 簧片组合spring constant 弹簧常数spring constellations 春季星座spring contact 弹簧触点spring contactor 弹簧接触器spring control 弹簧控制spring cotter 弹簧销spring cotter 弹性制销spring coupling 弹簧联轴器spring damper 弹簧减震器spring detent 弹簧擒纵器spring die 弹簧板牙spring drive 弹簧传动spring equilizing device 弹簧平衡装置spring equinox 春分;春分点spring expander 弹簧扩张器spring fastener 弹簧扣spring finger 弹簧夹spring fit hole 装配弹簧孔spring for fuel injector 喷油器调压弹簧spring for pressure limiting valve 限压阀弹簧spring for rocker shaft 摇臂轴弹簧spring for valve 气阀弹簧spring fuse 弹簧保险丝spring governor 弹簧调速器spring guide 弹簧导盘spring hanger 弹簧挂钩spring high water 大潮高潮spring high water 大潮高潮大潮高潮spring holder 弹簧定位销spring holder 弹簧座spring hook 弹簧钩spring ice 蜂巢冰spring in seabed 海底喷泉spring jack 弹簧塞孔spring key 弹簧键spring lay rope (钢丝spring layer 锐变层spring leaf 簧片spring line 倒缆spring load 用弹簧加载spring loaded governor 弹簧调速器spring loaded overflow valve 弹簧溢流阀spring loaded pressure valve 弹簧压力阀spring loaded relief valve 弹簧安全阀spring loaded safety valve 弹簧安全阀spring loaded sparking plug 弹簧火花塞spring loaded valve 弹簧阀spring loaded 弹簧式spring loaded 用弹簧加载的spring lock washer 弹簧锁紧垫圈spring lock 弹簧锁spring low water 大潮低潮spring low water 大潮低潮大潮平均低潮spring material 弹簧材料spring mattress 弹簧床垫spring mounted engine 弹簧减震发动机spring of cylinder lubricator plunger 气缸注油器柱塞弹簧spring operated band brake 弹簧带式闸spring operated brake 弹簧闸spring opposed bellows 弹簧压制膜盒spring pad 弹簧垫spring pin 弹性销spring pivot 弹簧支枢spring plate for valve 气阀弹簧座spring plate 弹簧板spring plunger 弹簧柱塞spring pressure gauge 弹簧压力表spring quadrant steerer 弹簧舵扇舵机spring quadrant 弹簧舵柄弧spring range of tide 平均大潮差spring range 大潮潮差spring rate 大潮流速spring resonance 弹簧共振spring retainer 弹簧承座spring return switch 弹簧开关spring ring 弹簧圈spring rise 大潮升spring rod 弹簧导杆spring saddle 弹簧鞍座spring safety valve 弹簧安全阀spring scales 弹簧秤spring seat 弹簧座spring shackle 弹簧卸扣spring sheet holder 金属片弹簧夹spring shock absorber 弹簧减震器spring sludge 蜂巢冰spring sludge 蜂巢冰蜂巢冰spring stay 桅间横牵索spring steel band 弹簧钢带spring steel wire 弹簧钢丝spring steel 弹簧钢spring stiffness 弹簧钢度spring style 草图设计spring support 弹簧座spring surge 弹簧颤动spring suspended 弹簧悬吊spring switch 弹簧开关spring tension 弹簧张力spring tensioner 弹簧的调压螺钉spring tester 弹簧检验器spring tidal current 大潮潮流spring tide 大潮spring tide 大潮朔望潮spring tides 大潮spring tiller 弹簧舵柄弧spring tiller 弹簧减振舵扇spring time 大潮时间spring tool 弹簧刀spring towing hook 弹簧拖钩spring tube 弹簧管spring valve 弹簧阀spring velocity 大潮流速spring washer 弹簧垫圈spring water stopper 弹簧止水夹spring winch 倒缆机spring wire 弹簧钢丝spring 弹簧春季spring 弹簧的spring 弹簧发条春季泉水spring 弹簧斜缆spring 弹性spring 倒缆;大潮;弹簧;春;泉水spring 牵spring 朔望大潮spring-restrained accelerometer 弹簧限制式加速度计springing 波激振动springing 弹动springing 弹动弹簧装置sprinkle 酒sprinkle 喷淋sprinkle 微阵雨sprinkler fire-extinguishing system 喷洒灭火系统sprinkler head 喷水器;洒水头sprinkler head 喷水头sprinkler installation 喷水器装置sprinkler installation 自动洒水灭火装置sprinkler pump 洒水式消防系统泵sprinkler system of life boat 救生艇洒水系统sprinkler system 喷洒系统sprinkler system 洒水装置sprinkler valve 喷淋器阀sprinkler 喷水器sprinkler 洒水器sprinkler 洒水器;甲板洒水装置sprinkling machine 喷水器sprinkling system 喷洒系统sprinkling system 喷水系统sprinkling zone 喷水区域sprinkling 洒水sprit 斜杠帆spritsail 斜杠帆sprocket chain 链轮上的链条sprocket gear 链轮sprocket wheel 持链轮sprocket wheel 链轮sprocket winch 链轮绞车sprocket bitsprocket 持链轮sprocket 链轮sprocket 链轮链轮铣刀sproket wheel 锚机)持链轮sproket 锚机)持链轮spruce 针枞sprue 流道sprung out 冒水sprung planking 人字形甲板铺板sprung planking 弯曲木甲板sprung planking 弯曲木甲板弯曲木甲板sprung 裂开或弯曲spud can 桩脚箱spud carriage 定位桩拖架spud leg 桩腿spud 定位桩spud 短而粗的东西spuds 大桩spun line 细绳spun yarn packing 麻丝填料spun yarn 细索spun yarn 细索油麻绳spunyarn packing 麻丝填料spunyarn 麻丝spunyarn 麻丝绞绳spur beam 明轮梁spur bevel gear 正齿伞齿轮spur dyke 丁坝spur gear 正齿轮spur geared winch 正齿轮绞车spur geared 正齿轮传动的spur gearing 正齿轮传动装置spur grommet 带齿铜环spur grommet 帆布眼)带齿铜环spur line 货物支线spur pinion 正小齿轮spur shore 边撑柱spur shore 码头撑柱spur shore 码头撑柱;边撑柱spur teeth grommet 带齿铜环spur teeth grommet 帆布眼)带齿铜环spur teeth 正齿spur type 正齿式spur wheel 正齿轮spur 齿spur 突出部分;助抓突角;丁坝;短木支撑;小型系缆柱;齿spur 突岩spurious am rejection 寄生调幅抑制spurious capacitance 寄生电容spurious disk 虚圆面spurious echoes 假回波spurious emission 杂散发射spurious frequency 寄生频率spurious image 散杂影像spurious modulation 寄生调制spurious noise 寄生噪声spurious oscillation 寄生振荡spurious phase modulation 寄生调相spurious response 假信号spurious signal 寄生信号spurious 假的spurious 假的;伪造的spurious 伪的spurling gate 甲板锚链孔spurling gate 锚链管spurling pipe 锚链管spurling pipe 锚链管锚链管spurn gear 正齿轮spurn water board 挡浪板spurn water washsrake 液舱内制水板spurn water 防浪板spurn water 防浪板;舷侧导水板spurn water 舷侧导水板spurn water)wash strake 舷墙spurn wheel 正齿轮spurt 物价的暂时上涨sputter 飞溅出来的东西劈啪声vi.飞溅sputter 劈啪声sputtered film disc 溅射薄膜磁盘sputtering 溅射sputum 痰spy boat 间谍船spy glass 小望远镜spy hole 探视孔spy satellite 间谍卫星squadron 小舰队;中队squall cloud 飑云squall line 飑线squall 暴风squall 暴风飑squall 飑squally weather 风暴天气squally weather 狂风多的squally 狂风多的squally 狂风多的;暴风雨气候squally 起风暴的多风波的square account 结帐square array 方阵列square bar 方杆square bar 方形钢square bend 直角弯头square boat spike 大方钉square boat spike 大方钉大方钉square body frames 船中部肋骨square body 船中平行体square body 平行中部船体square bolt 方螺栓square box socket wrench 方套筒扳手square box spanner 方套筒扳手square box wrench 方套筒扳手square brackets 方括号square butt joint 平头对接square butt welding 平头对接焊square butt 平头对接square centimeter 平方厘米square centimetres 平方厘米square coarse file 粗方锉square corner 方角square cotter 方销square cut stern 方形船尾方形尾船square cut stern 方形尾船square deal 公平交易square die 方板牙square edge 直角边square elbow 直角弯头square emergency wood 方木square error pattern 方形差错模型square figure knot 方花结square file 方锉square foot 平方英尺square frame 船平行中体处肋骨square front lamp 方形灯square groove 方槽square groove 方槽;i形灯square groove 无坡口接缝square grooved welding 无坡口焊接square head bolt 方头螺栓square head screw 方头螺钉square hole 方孔square hysteresis-loop characteristic 方形磁滞回线特性square inch 平方英寸square iron 方铁square key 方键square kilometres 平方公里square knot 平结square loop antenna 矩形天线square manhole jointing 方形炉门垫圈square matrix 方阵square meter 平方米square mil 方密尔square mile 平方英里square millimeter 方颈螺栓square millimeter 平方毫米square n. 正方形平方直角尺a.平方的square netter 敷网渔船square nose shovel 方头铲square nut 方螺母square of pegasus 飞马座四方形square of the hatch 舱口盖下空间square of the hatch 舱口下空间square pin 方销square port 方形舷窗square pulse 矩形脉冲square reef knot 平结square rig 横帆式square rigger 横帆船square ring spanner 方套筒扳手square rod 方棒square root 平方根square rubber strip 方橡胶条square sail 横帆square screw thread 方螺纹square search 海上)展开方形搜索square search 展开方形搜索square shank ratchet drill 方头钢钻square smooth file 细方锉square socket wrench with pin handle t 形销柄方套筒扳手square socket wrench 方套筒扳手square spanner 方头扳手square stations 站线square steel 方钢square stem 直船首柱square stem 直船首柱直船首柱直立船首柱square stern 方形船尾square stock 方料square sum of residues 残差平方和square surface 四方平面square thread 方螺纹square tongs 方钳square transom stern 残差平方和square tuck stern 方形船尾square tuck 方形船尾后端square washer 方垫圈square wave generator 方波产生器square wave 矩形波square wrench 方扳手square yard 横帆桁square yard 平方码square measure 面积square measuresquare 平方square 正方形;平方;锚杆眼;丁字规;广场;使与桅或龙骨成直角;付清square 正方形平方直角尺正方形的square 组合角尺square-head 方头的square-law detection 平方律检波square-sterned ship 方尾船square-tuck stern 方尾square-wave 方波squared paper 方格纸squared-off cargo space 形状规则舱室squareiron 方铁squareness 垂直度squarer 矩形波形成器;平方电路squarer 矩形波形成器矩形脉冲形成器平方电路squarer 矩形波形成器矩形脉冲形成器平方电路平方器squarer 矩形脉冲形成器squares 方木squarestern 方形船尾squaring circuit 矩形波整形电路squaring circuit 矩形脉冲形成电路squaring 形成矩形形成矩形脉冲四扭编织电缆squat 尾墩现象squatting speed 航行尾倾临界航速squawk 尖锐声故障squeak 尖锐声squeegee 橡皮地板擦squeezable waveguide 可压缩波导管squeeze clamps 货件夹钳squeeze grip type release valve 压柄式放泄阀squeeze riveter 压铆机squeeze 挤压squeeze 压挤squeezer 压挤机squelch 静噪电路squelch 噪声抑制电路squib 商品标签小型点火器squilgee 橡皮地板擦squirm 绳索的扭曲squirrel-cage antenna 笼形天线squirrel-cage armature 鼠笼式电枢squirrel-cage blower 鼠笼式风机squirrel-cage induction motor 鼠笼式感应电动机squirrel-cage motor 鼠笼式电动机squirrel-cage repulsion motor 鼠笼式推斥电动机squirrel-cage rotor 鼠笼式转子squirrel-cage winding 鼠笼绕组squirrel-cage winding 鼠笼式绕组squirrel-cage 鼠笼squirt 喷射器squirt 喷射器水枪squitter 断续振荡器squitter 间歇振荡器srait 海峡ss guang hua 光华轮ss titanic 泰坦尼克轮ssb 单边带st.elmo's fire 桅上电火st.ench shipping co. ltd v. phosphate mining co. 圣·安克轮船有限公司诉磷矿开采公司案stabilised presentation 稳定显示stabiliser valve 稳压管stabiliser 稳定器stability air curtain 稳定气幕stability analysis 稳性分析stability and trim sheet 稳性与纵倾计算表stability arm 稳性力臂stability at the helm circle 回转灵敏性stability at the helm circle 回转稳性stability augmentation system 运动稳定性增加系统stability book 稳性报告书stability booklet 稳性手册stability calculation 稳性计算stability coefficient 稳性系数stability condition 稳性条件stability constant 稳性常数stability criterion numeral 稳性衡准数stability criterion 稳性准则stability curve 复原力曲线stability curve 稳性曲线stability curve 稳性曲线图stability data 稳性数据stability diagram 稳性曲线图stability float 稳定浮体stability in damaged condition 破舱稳性stability in pitching 纵摇稳性stability in rolling 横摇稳性stability index 稳定性指数stability indicator 稳性指示器stability information 稳性数据stability jet 稳定喷咀stability lead 横稳压载stability letter 稳性证书stability limit 稳定限度stability limit 稳定限度稳性极限stability limit 稳性极限stability line 稳定线stability loss 稳性损失stability margin 稳定裕量stability margin 稳性储备stability measurement 稳性测量stability meter 稳性试验仪stability model 稳性试验模型stability moment 稳性力矩stability of cargo 货物稳性stability of carrier frequency 载频稳定度stability of motion 航向稳定性stability of motion 运动稳定性stability of passenger ship 客船稳性stability of route 航向稳定性stability of ship 船舶稳性stability of the ship 船舶稳性stability of vibration 振动稳定性stability parameter 稳定性参数stability quality 稳定性stability recorder 稳性记录仪stability report 稳性报告stability rule 稳定性定则stability standard 稳性标准stability test 倾斜试验stability test 稳性试验stability theory 稳性理论stability value 稳性值stability 流动稳定性stability 稳定性stability 稳性stability-flooded calculation 破舱稳性计算stabilitytest 稳性试验stabilization by current feedback 电流反馈稳定stabilization control 定值控制stabilization of operating point 工作点稳定stabilization of speed 转速稳定化stabilization of sweep generator 扫描振荡器稳定stabilization system 定值系统stabilization trial 减摇试验stabilization 稳定stabilization 稳定化stabilization 稳定减摇stabilizator =stabilizer稳定器减摇装置稳定剂stabilizator 稳定器stabilizator 稳定器稳定剂@n.稳定器减摇装置@稳定器stabilize 稳定减摇stabilized antenna 稳定天线stabilized feedback 稳定反馈stabilized gasoline 稳定汽油stabilized oscillator 稳定振荡器stabilized platform 稳定平台stabilized power supply 稳压电源stabilized presentation 稳定显示stabilized shunt-wound motor 稳定并励电动机stabilized 稳定的减摇的stabilizer control gear 减摇控制设备stabilizer control panel 减摇装置控制板stabilizer efficiency 减摇装置效率stabilizer room 减摇装置舱stabilizer stable platform 稳定平台stabilizer vane 稳定叶片stabilizer 减摇装置stabilizer 减摇装置;稳定器stabilizer 稳定器;安定剂stabilizer 稳定器减摇装置稳定剂stabilizing angle limiter 稳定角限制器stabilizing bulge 减摇船腹stabilizing bulge 舷侧防摇水舱stabilizing circuit 稳定电路stabilizing couple 稳定力偶stabilizing device 稳定装置stabilizing deyice 稳定装置stabilizing efficiency 减摇效果stabilizing equipment 稳定设备stabilizing feedback network 稳定反馈网络stabilizing fin 防摇鳍stabilizing fin 稳定鳍stabilizing gyroscope 陀螺稳定装置stabilizing hammer 稳定锤stabilizing installation 减摇装置stabilizing moment 稳定力矩stabilizing network 稳定网络stabilizing nozzle 稳定喷咀stabilizing tail 尾稳定器stabilizing tank 减摇水舱stabilizing 稳定stabilizing 稳定减摇stabilogauge 稳性测量仪stabilovolt tube 稳压管stabilovolt valve 稳压管stabilovolt 稳压管stabilovolt 一种稳压管的商品名stabilzing bulge 舷侧防摇水舱stable arc welding 稳定电弧焊stable bill of lading 过期提单stable condition 稳定工况stable cost 固定费用stable equilibrium 稳定平衡stable frequency signal 稳定频率信号stable governor 稳定调节器stable gravimeter 稳定重力仪stable grout 稳定灌浆stable loop 稳定回路stable manifold 稳定流形stable motion 稳定运动stable node 稳定结点stable nucleus 稳定原子核stable ocean platform 稳定式海洋平台stable operation power 稳定运行功率stable oscillation 稳定摇荡stable oscillation 稳定振荡stable platform 稳定平台stable range rings 固定距离圈stable running 稳定运行stable stability 正稳性stable system 稳定系统stable vertical 垂直陀螺仪stable vibration 稳定振动stable 稳定的staboard aft. 右舷后stack air casing 烟囱空气隔层stack building 堆积楼stack coil 叠层线圈stack cover 烟囱盖stack cover 烟囱帽stack crane 堆装起重机stack induction 烟囱通风stack loss 烟囱排烟损失stack loss 烟囱损失stack mast 烟囱桅stack paint 烟囱漆stack pile 同厚度stack up n. 堆积stack 叠式存储器stack 烟囱stackable flat 可叠放平板箱stacked integrated circuit 迭层集成电路stacked integrated circuit 叠层集成电路stacked plate 堆积式承载板stacked type regulator 单元组合式调节器stacked 堆迭的stacker crane 码垛机stacker 叠式存储器stacker 堆码搭扣stacker 堆码搭扣;码垛机;叠式存贮器stacking adapter 堆放装置stacking adapter 堆装连接机stacking adapter 双头插销stacking beam 堆码梁stacking crane 堆码起重机stacking fitting 固定上下集装箱的)双头插销双头插销stacking fittings 堆装件stacking hatch cover 堆叠式舱盖stacking load 堆码负重stacking load 堆码负重集装箱)堆码负重stacking straddle carrier 堆装跨运车stacking test 堆码试验stacking test 码垛stacking 码垛stacking 码垛;堆码试验stadia arc 视距弧stadia measurement 视距测量stadia rod 视距尺stadia surveying 视距测量stadia tables 视距计算表stadia telescope 视距望远镜stadia 视距stadia 视距;视距准尺stadimeter 测距仪stadimeter 测距仪近距离)测距仪的一种stadimeter 六分仪测距仪stadiometer 曲线长度仪器)staff and globe buoy 带球杆形浮标staff guage 量杆staff light 杆形灯标staff 水尺;棒;杆staff 小轴杆stag unit 蒸汽与燃气轮机联合装置stage bearer 架板架横撑木stage bent 船台脚手架支柱stage bent 工作架直柱stage board 舷外作业板架stage boat 邮件船stage boat 邮件船邮务艇stage casing pump 多级离合泵stage chamber pump 多级离心泵stage efficiency 级效率stage for liferaft 救生筏滑架stage further 下几级stage gangway 架板stage gangway 装货平台跳板stage gear ratio 级传动比stage heat drop 级内焓降stage heating 级间加热stage internal efficiency 级内效率stage internal heat drop 级内焓降stage lashing 捆扎用油麻绳;跳板结;脚手架捆绑法stage matching 级的匹配stage number 级数stage of amplification 放大级stage of call 呼叫阶段stage of liferaft 救生筏滑架stage of selection 选择级stage of turning 回转运动阶段stage plank 工作跳板stage plank 架板stage planking 舷外作业脚手架踏板stage pole 船台脚手架支柱stage pole 脚手架支柱stage rope 架板绳stage sling slip knot 架板活结stage sling 架板绳stage temperature rise 级温升stage turbine 分级式涡轮机stage valve 级阀stage 调节级stage 浮码头stage 激励级stage 级台阶段stage 水位;级;程度staged refrigeration 分阶段冷冻staged 分阶段发生的stager 有经验的人stagflation 滞胀stagger circuit 参差调谐式电路stagger tune 交错调谐stagger 摆动误差stagger 摆动误差侧向往复偏移a.交错的stagger 交错;摇摆staggered welding 交错间断焊接;之形焊接staggered arrangement 交错排列staggered arrangement 交错排列布置staggered circuit 参差调谐电路staggered gear 错列齿轮staggered gear 交错齿轮staggered gear 交错集管staggered intermittent welding 交错间断焊staggered piling 错列打桩staggered riveting 交错铆接staggered riveting 交错铆接;之形铆接staggered scanning 隔行扫描staggered scanning 交错扫描staggered section view 阶段剖视图staggered tooth double-helical gear 交错齿人字齿轮staggered tooth 交错齿staggered tube layout 管子错列布置staggered tube layout 交错管路布置图staggered tuned 交错调谐的staggered 交错的staggeredwelding 交错间断焊交错间断焊接staggering 谐振回路失谐参差调谐staghorn bollard 十字形带缆桩staging upright 工作架直柱staging 脚手架台架staging 台架staging 舷外作业架板stagnant glacier 静止冰川stagnant 停滞的stagnation enthalpy 滞止焓stagnation overpressure 驻点超压stagnation point movement 驻点移动stagnation point 驻点stagnation pressure tube 总压管stagnation pressure 滞止压力stagnation steam parameter 滞止蒸汽参数stagnation temperature 滞止温度stagnation 驻点驻止stain varnish 染色清漆stain varnish 着色清漆stain 弄脏stain 污点stain 污点锈stained by mud 已有泥渍stained by oil 已有油渍stained by paint 已有油漆渍stained by rust 已有锈渍stained by salt water 盐渍stained by water 已有水渍stained due to 由于……污渍stained glass 色玻璃stained glass 有色玻璃stainless clad 不锈包层钢stainless electrode 不锈钢焊条stainless rule 不锈钢尺stainless sheathed wire 不锈钢铠装线stainless steel grinding dust 不锈钢屑stainless steel propellor 不锈钢螺旋桨stainless steel 不锈钢stainless 不锈的不锈钢的stair case 楼梯stair landing 梯台stair way 楼梯stair 梯的一级stair 梯级stair-step signal 梯级信号staircase 楼梯staircase 梯子stairway enclosure 梯口室stairway stringer 梯道侧板stairway stringer 舷梯侧板stairway 楼梯staith 铁路装货台staith 铁路装货台;煤的装卸转运码头;河岸码头staithe 铁路装货台staiths 铁路装货台stake anchor 桩锚stake beacon 标桩stake boat 舷标艇stake net 桩围渔网stake 渔栅桩形标stake 桩stakeboat 换拖趸船stale bill of lading 过期提单stale check 过期支票stale debt 过时效的债务stale 不新鲜的;腐败的stale 发霉的stalinite 钢化玻璃stall flutter 失速颤振stall flutter 失速喘振stall line 失速线stall margin 失举裕量stall margin 失速喘振边界stall margin 失速裕量stall pattern 失速型态stall performance 失速性能stall proof 防失速的stall propagation 失速传播stall zone 失速区stall 发生故障stall 失速stall 完全失速stalled area 失速范围stalled current 停转电流stalling current 停转电流stalling incidence 失速迎角stalling load 打滑载荷stalling load 停转负载stalling point 失速点stalling region 失速区stalling rudder angle 临界舵角stalling rudder angle 失举舵角stalling speed 失速速率stalling torque 停转转矩stalling 失速stallometer 临界速度指示器stallometer 失速信号器stalloy 硅钢硅钢片stalodicator 货物稳度和配置状况指示器stalodicator 稳性和货物配置状况指示器stalodicator 稳性指示器stamp clause 特别条款stamp clause 印戳条款stamp duty 印花税stamp forging process 压锻工艺stamp forging 压锻stamp fork 压锻stamp note 装货执照stamp 烙印stamped and addressed envelope 贴有邮票和盖有地址的信封stamped circuit 冲压印成电路stamped policy 已缴印花税的保单stamper 模子stamping die 压印模stamping press 压印机stamping 冲压stamukha 搁浅的冰山stamukhi 搁浅的冰山群stanch 坚固的stanch 止漏stanchion socket 支柱插座stanchion step 支柱座stanchion 栏杆柱stanchion 支柱stanchion 柱stand by battery 备用电池组stand by engine 备车stand by engine 备车!stand by engine 备车主机准备stand by facilities 备用设备stand by 备车辅助的stand clear 避开stand column 管柱stand column 水位计)管柱stand for 指向stand in to land 驶向海岸stand in 驶近;参加stand of tide 平潮stand off and on 一会儿接近海岸一会儿远离海岸航驶stand off to sea 出海stand off 驶离stand on end 立置;竖着放stand on vessel 被让路船stand on 直航stand out 离岸向海上航驶;突出stand over 延期;监督stand pipe 管柱stand pipe 竖管管柱水位计)管柱stand pipe=standpipe 竖管stand the test 试验合格stand to sea 向海航行stand to 向某处航驶stand trial 受审stand upon the course 稳住航向stand 控制台stand 站立;停止stand 站住stand-by air compressor 备用空气压缩机stand-by alternator 备用交流发电机stand-by application 备用机工作stand-by battery 备用电池stand-by block 备用块stand-by boat 守护船stand-by circuit 备用电路stand-by compressor 备用压缩机stand-by computer 备用计算机stand-by engine 备用发动机stand-by engine 备用发动机备车stand-by engine 主机准备stand-by engines 备车stand-by equipment 备用设备stand-by facilities 备用设备stand-by fan 备用风机stand-by generating set 备用发电机组stand-by generating station 备用电站stand-by generator 备用发电机stand-by machine 备用机器备用电机stand-by machinery 备用机械设备stand-by motor 备用电动机stand-by n. open bevel 型钢的)钝夹角stand-by one 备件stand-by plant 备用机组stand-by plant 备用装置stand-by power supply 备用供电stand-by power 备用功率stand-by pump 待机备用泵stand-by purifier 备用净油机stand-by sequence control 备车顺序控制stand-by set 备用机组stand-by station 待机位置stand-by time record 待时记录stand-by time 闲置时间备用时间stand-by unattended time 准备就绪但无人管理的时间stand-by unit 备用机组stand-by 等待stand-by 主机准备stand-by 准备stand-off distance 驶离距离stand-off 离岸行驶stand-on light beacon 照准灯标stand-on light beacons 照准灯标stand-on vessel 被让路船stand-on vessel 权利船stand-on vessel 直航船stand-on 直航standard compass 标准磁罗经standard 20-feet container 20 英尺标准集装箱standard address generator 标准地址发生器standard ambient condition 标准环境状态standard ammeter 标准安培表standard arbitration clause 标准仲裁条款standard association of australia 澳大利亚标准协会standard atmosphere conditions 标准大气条件standard atmosphere pressure 标准大气压力standard atmosphere 标准大气standard atmospheric pressure 标准大气压standard bar 标准轴standard bare weight 标准空船重量standard bareboat charter 标准光船租赁合同standard barometer 标准气压计standard beam approach 标准波束处理standard block gauge 标准块视standard book number 标准书号(曾用名standard broadcast 标准广播standard cable 标准电缆standard candle 标准烛光standard capacitance 标准电容standard cell 标准电池standard charter party 租船合同标准格式standard charter party form 标准租船合同范本standard charter party 租船合同标准格式standard chroma subcarrier frequency 标准彩色副载波频率standard chronometer 标准天文钟standard cipher 标准密码standard code book 标准电码本standard code for information interchange 美国信息交换标准码standard compass course 标准罗经航向standard compass deviation 标准罗经自差standard compass 标准罗经standard component 标准件standard condition 标准条件standard condition 标准状态standard condition 标准状态标准工况standard conductivity 标准电导率standard container 标准集装箱standard contract 标准合同standard copper wire 标准铜线standard copper 标准铜standard cubic feet per second 标准立方英尺秒standard cubic foot 标准立方英尺standard cylindrical gauge 标准圆柱规standard de stat 罗马尼亚国家标准standard design 标准设计典型图standard deviation 标准偏差standard dimension 标准尺寸standard dimensions of the channel 航道标准尺度standard discharge connection 标准排放接头standard displacement 标准排水量standard drawing 标准图standard earth station 标准地球站standard electrode 标准电极standard electronic automatic computer 标准电子自动计算机standard electronic package 标准电子仪器组件standard equipment 标准设备standard error of the mean 标准平均误差standard error 标准误差standard export packages 出口包装standard fire test 标准火灾试验standard for acceptance 验收标准standard form 标准格式standard form 标准形式standard format for sar situation report 搜救情景报告标准格式standard format for sar situation reports 情况报告标准格式standard forms of charter party 租船合同标准格式standard frame turbine 标准组件涡轮机standard freight scale 基准运费率standard frequency and time signal satellite service 卫星标准频率和时间信号业务standard frequency and time signal service 标准频率和时间信号业务standard frequency and time signal station 标准频率和时间信号电台standard frequency and time signal 校准频率和时间信号standard frequency and time signals 标频时信号standard frequency signal 标准频率信号standard frequency source 标准频率源standard frequency station 标准频率电台standard frequency system 标准频率系统standard frequency transmission 标准频率传输standard frequency 标准频率standard frieght scale 标准运费率standard function 标准函数standard gauge 标准测规standard gauge 标准规standard gauge 标准线规standard greetings 标准贺电standard group 标准群standard guage 标准轨standard hardware program 标准硬件程序standard hole system 基孔制standard horse-power 标准马力standard horsepower 标准马力standard inductor 标准感应器standard industrial classification 标准工业分类standard instrument 标准测试仪器standard interface description 标准规定接口standard international ship report format 国际船舶报告标准格式standard international trade classification 标准国际贸易分类standard international trade classifications 国际标准贸易分类standard key 标准键standard knee 倒装肘板standard latitude 基准纬度;基准纬度standard load 标准负荷standard loran 标准罗兰standard loran 罗兰astandard machinery 普通机械standard magnetic compass 标准磁罗经standard maintenance procedures 标准维护程序standard marine navigation vocabulary 《标准航海用语》standard marine navigational vocabulary 标准海上航行词汇standard marine navigational vocabulary 标准航海英语standard maritime vocabulary 标准航海词汇standard mean ocean water 标准平均海洋潮位standard meridian 标准子午线;地图投影标准子午线standard meter 标准表standard mile 标准英里standard model 标准模型standard model 标准式standard modular system of package 程序包的标准模块系统standard navigation computer 标准导航计算机standard network access protocol 标准网络接入规程standard nomenclature list 标准名词汇编standard noon 区时十二点standard of care 谨慎程度;标准standard of conduct 行为准则standard of damage 破损标准standard of measurement 量度标度standard of measurement 量度标准standard of performance 性能标准standard of subdivision 分舱标准standard operating procedure 标准操作步骤standard organization of iran 伊朗国家标准standard orifice 标准孔口standard package 标准组件standard parallel 标准纬线standard parts 标准零件standard patch 临时堵漏用木结构。
a brand优可丝®安护除拥有优可丝系列产品优异特性外,优可丝®安护纤维从源头严格管控,在制浆和纤维生产过程中,均保证使用无氯漂工艺,采用源自芬兰的世界级领先技术、闭环制造工艺,环境指标优于欧盟最佳可行技术标准。
0氯残留,安全防护依据第三方权威机构检测,优可丝®安护纤维及其原料浆粕未检测到含有有害的可吸附有机卤化物AOX 和可萃取有机卤化物EOX。
EcoCosy®优可丝®木源纤维·无纺同肌肤 天然亲近纯净天然吸湿,源自100%种植林木温和亲肤,100%生物基认证完全生物降解,无有害物质残留体贴柔软贴肤,平滑透气从种植到环境保护,全程责任关注安心悉心构建全过程可追溯管理体系 权威国际认证优可丝®安护纤维布面缠结时,其沟槽结构使制成的无纺布更加蓬松,布面透气性优于纯棉制品。
EcoCosy®优可丝®木源纤维·无纺—— 臻纯粹 安心呵护 ——随着消费者对于安全的关注,越来越多与皮肤直接接触的品类对于原材料提出了更高安全等级的要求。
在生产过程中使用和添加化学品,尤其是在生产漂白阶段的产生的一系列有机氯化合物(AOX 和EOX)对消费者的健康造成潜在的影响得到了越来越多的关注,而优可丝®安护纤维由此应运而生。
优可丝®清新纤维通过Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX®第一类产品的检测,表明该产品符合该级标准对婴幼儿产品设立的最新纺织生态条款,符合现时欧盟<化学品注册、评估、授权和限制>(REACH)法规的要求。
斯普瑞 spray 空气雾化喷嘴
斯普瑞spray 空气雾化喷嘴斯普瑞(spray)空气雾化喷嘴空气雾化喷嘴是所有喷雾喷嘴类型中最为通用的类型,一般适用于很多应用,例如冲模润滑、喷雾喷涂、湿润、加湿、烟气调质和粉尘控制。
低聚糖浆喷雾干燥工艺英文回答:The spray drying process of oligosaccharide syrup involves converting a liquid syrup into a dry powder form through the use of hot air. This process is commonly used in the food and pharmaceutical industries to produce powdered products with improved stability, shelf life, and ease of handling.To begin the spray drying process, the oligosaccharide syrup is first atomized into small droplets using a spray nozzle. These droplets are then introduced into a drying chamber where they come into contact with hot air. The hot air rapidly evaporates the water content of the droplets, leaving behind solid particles of the oligosaccharide.The key parameters in the spray drying process include the inlet air temperature, the feed rate of the syrup, the atomization pressure, and the residence time in the dryingchamber. These parameters need to be carefully controlled to achieve the desired product characteristics such as particle size, moisture content, and bulk density.For example, if the inlet air temperature is too high, it can cause the oligosaccharide particles to overheat and result in a loss of product quality. On the other hand, if the temperature is too low, it may lead to incomplete drying and the formation of sticky particles.Similarly, the feed rate of the syrup needs to be optimized to ensure that the drying chamber is not overloaded, which can result in poor drying efficiency and uneven particle size distribution. It is also important to maintain the appropriate atomization pressure to achieve the desired droplet size for efficient drying.The residence time in the drying chamber is another critical factor. If the residence time is too short, the particles may not be fully dried, leading to high moisture content and poor product stability. Conversely, if the residence time is too long, it can cause excessive heatexposure and degradation of the oligosaccharide.In summary, the spray drying process of oligosaccharide syrup involves atomizing the syrup into small droplets, which are then dried using hot air. The control of parameters such as inlet air temperature, feed rate, atomization pressure, and residence time is crucial for achieving the desired product quality. Proper optimizationof these parameters ensures the production of a high-quality powdered oligosaccharide product with improved stability and shelf life.中文回答:低聚糖浆喷雾干燥工艺是将液体浆糊通过热空气转化为干燥粉末的过程。
各种面料水洗常用英语(一)1、普洗(GARMENT WASH)普洗即普通洗涤,只不过将我们平日所熟悉的洗涤改为机械化而已,其水温在60°-90°C 左右,加一定的洗涤剂,经过15分钟的左右普通洗涤后,过清水加柔软剂即可,使织物更柔软、舒适,在视觉上更自然更干净。
2、石洗/ 石磨(STONE WASH)石洗即在洗水中加入一定大小的浮石,使浮石与衣服打磨,打磨缸内的水位以衣物完全浸透的低水位进行,以使得浮石能很好地与衣物接触。
3、酵素洗(ENZYME WASH)酵素是一种纤维素酶,它可以在一定PH值和温度下,对纤维结构产生降解作用,使布面可以较温和地褪色,褪毛(产生“桃皮”效果),并得到持久的柔软效果。
可以石头并用或代替石头,若与石头并用,通常称为酵素石洗(ENZYME STONE WASH)。
4、砂洗(SAND WASH)砂洗多用一些碱性,氧化性助剂,使衣物洗后有一定褪色效果及陈旧感,若配以石磨,洗后布料表面会产生一层柔和霜白的绒毛,再加入一些柔软剂,可使洗后织物松软、柔和,从而提高穿着的舒适性。
(1)砂洗用剂a) 膨化剂: 根据纤维的类别,织物的组织结构和紧密程度而选定膨化剂和浓度,温度、时间等膨化条件,纯棉衣物砂洗时可以采用碱性膨化剂如纯碱来加以膨化处理。
b) 砂洗剂: 衣物经膨化后,纤维疏松,再籍助于特殊的砂洗进行摩擦,使疏松的表面纤维产生丰满柔和的茸毛,欲使绒面丰满,必须选用不同形态,不同硬度的砂粉,如可选用菱形砂(使松散的纤维产生绒毛),多角形砂(使绒挺立),圆形砂(使绒毛丰满)。
制浆工艺impregnator预浸器refiner盘磨机preheater预加热器pre-steaming bin预蒸仓heat recovery热回收thickner浓缩机Twin-Roll Press双辊挤浆机Thickening浓缩HC-bleaching高浓漂白Reject chest渣浆池Reject refiner渣浆池Screw drainer螺旋卸料器Plug screw feeder料塞螺旋喂料器Primary screen一段筛Stator plate定盘Standpipe立管Flat zone平盘区Blow line喷放管线Pressure cyclone压力旋风别离器Gravity重力Impurity杂质Extractive抽取物Manganese锰Equalizing bin匀料仓Rotomixer转子混合器Bleaching liquor漂液Disc screen盘筛Level indicator液位指示器Metering screw计量螺旋Gyratory screen旋筛Reclaim卸料Screw feeder螺旋喂料器Distallition蒸馏Shive纤维束Barometric leg水腿Filtrate滤液White water chest白水池Dewater脱水Pressurized preheating常压预加热Single-disc refiner单盘盘磨机Latency潜能Preheater加热器Double-disc refiner双盘盘磨机Load split荷载分配Coarse fiber粗纤维Reject浆渣Single-stage refining一段磨浆Pilot scale中试厂Energy consumption能耗Tear strength扯破强度Retention time滞留时间Overpressure超压Lamella薄片Fiber wall纤维墙Compressed steam压缩蒸汽Soft fiber软纤维Moisture content水份Softness柔软度Toughness硬度Tensile index抗张指数Tear index扯破指数Light scattering光散射系数Bulk松厚度Yield得率Standard newsprint 尺度新闻纸Improved newsprint改良新闻纸Saturated steam饱和蒸汽Suspended solid悬浮物Effluent treatment污水处置Dew point露点Screen basket筛鼓Fastening bolt 稳固螺栓Stuffing box填料箱Inspection hatch查抄孔Hub轮毂spherical thrust roller bearing球墨止推滚柱轴承fastening screw紧固螺丝friction force摩擦力valve tray 填料方式bubble cap汽泡盖sieve tray滤网盘downcomer下导管weir堰板volatile component挥发元素Gap clearance盘隙Refining intensity磨浆强度Centrifugal force离心力Drag force拖拉力Residence time逗留时间Long fiber content长纤维含量Conical refiner椎形盘磨机Breaker bar破碎棒Hydrogen peroxide过氧化氢Sodium hydroxide氢氧化钠Sodium silicate硅酸钠Sodium sulfite亚硫酸钠Hydrosulfite次硫酸钠transducer传感器thermometer温度计neutral point中性点dynamic balance动态平衡Short circuit current短回路电流The related vocabulary for A package (A包相关词汇)Approach flow system流送系统disc filter多盘Thick stock screening浓浆筛选super clear filtrate超清滤液Fiber recovery纤维回收clear filtrate清滤液Cleaner除砂器cloudy filtrate浊滤液Flying wing Deculator cord packing盘根with cleaner 飞翼式除气器 double suction pump双吸泵Headbox 流浆箱make-up water补充水Wire pit 机外白水槽accept良浆Condenser冷凝器reject尾渣Vacuum pump真空泵interface衔接Centrifugal pump离心泵sight glass视镜Diagram pump隔膜泵votex nozzle涡流喷嘴Screw pump螺杆泵throttling valve节流阀Displacement pump置换泵recovered fiber回收纤维WW channel白水方管NBKP漂白针叶硫酸盐浆Dilution headbox screen稀释水筛BCTMP漂白化学热磨机械浆HB screen纸机筛poplar pulp杨木浆Broke thickener chest损纸浓缩浆池sweetener垫层浆Dry broke intermitted chest干损纸中间浆池DIP脱墨浆Silencer消音器broken损纸Seal pit水封池dilution water稀释水Manifolds上浆总管sealing water密封水Separator别离器defibrination纤维疏解Vibrations sensor振动传感器oscillating shower摆动喷淋FC motor变频电机flow sheet流程图Dosing chest配浆池emergency stop急停Mixing chest混合浆池manufacturing drawing制造图Machine chest抄前池foundation drawing根底图Stuffing box填料箱reference drawing参考图Header总管functional diagram功能图Distribution pipe布浆管interlocking diagram连锁图Deflector 导流板over flow溢流Suction side引程侧solid content固含量Head扬程buffer缓冲器Counter flange配对法兰furnish配比Anchor bolt地脚螺栓magnetic flow-meter电磁流量计Slid rail 滑轨periodical variation周期波动Tensioning equipment张紧装置random variation随机波动Wall ring大法兰〔墙环〕fiber orientation纤维定向Motor stand电机座scaling结垢Fastening element紧固件pressure pulsation压力脉冲Steam heater蒸汽加热器flow evenness均衡流量Plug flow滞流short circulation短循环Transition flow过渡流(混流) air pocket气袋slime腐浆turbulence flow紊流(湍流)Medium-consistency storage tower中浓储浆塔plunger pump潜水泵局部造纸术语:grade 纸种grammage 定量width on reel 卷取纸幅宽coating weight 涂布量moisture before coating 涂前水份moisture on reel 卷取水份steam pressure 蒸汽压力steam consumption 蒸汽灌消耗量wire speed 网速press speed 压榨速度reel speed 卷取速度furnish 浆料配比Temp.in HB 流浆箱浆料温度press data 压榨数据supplier 供应商installed date安装日期days running运行天数style型号basis weight克重tension张力felt width on stretcher张紧辊上毛毯宽度stretched/stretch to go张紧辊张紧位置uhle box 毛毯真空箱vaccum真空度air velocity空气流速vacuum system 真空系统edge shower边缘喷淋水lubrication shower低压润滑喷淋水HP shower高压喷淋水moisture profiles水份图像moisture point measurements水份测量点absorption capability透水度常用高得率浆中英文对照SGW (Stone Ground Wood) 磨石磨木浆PGW (Pressurized Ground Wood) 压力磨石磨木浆TGW (high Temperature Ground Wood) 高温磨石磨木浆RMP (Refiner Mechanical Pulp) 盘磨机械浆TMP (Thermo-Mechanical Pulp) 预热盘磨机械浆CMP (Chemi-Mechanical Pulp) 化学盘磨机械浆CTMP (Chemi-Thermo-Mechanical Pulp) 化学预热机械浆APMP (Alkaline Peroxide Mechanical Pulp) 碱性过氧化氢化学机械浆SCMP (Sulfonated Chemi-Mechanical Pulp) 磺化化学机械浆BMP (Bio-Mechanical Pulp) 生物机械浆SEP (Steam Explosion Pulping) 蒸汽爆破法制浆EMP (Extruder Mechanical Pulp) 挤压法机械浆SCP (Semi-Chemical Pulp) 半化学法浆NSSC (Neutral Sulphite Semi-Chemical pulp) 中性亚硫酸盐法半化学浆ASSC (Alkaline Sulphite Semi-Chemical pulp) 碱性亚硫酸盐法半化学浆各种缩写:AA = atomic absorption原子吸收ABS = acrylonitrile-buladrene styrene丙烯腈—丁;烯—苯乙烯ACAR = angular correlation of annihilation radiation消除辐射的角相关性AM = acrylamide丙烯酰胺AOX = adsorbable organic halides可吸附的有机卤化物AP = plkali pulp碱法纸浆APAM = anionic polyacrylamide阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺ASB = aerotion stabilization basin不变曝气池AST = activated sludge treatment活性污泥处置BBCT = best convential pollutant cotrol technology最常用污染物控制技术BDMT = bone dry metric tons绝干公吨BME = bipolar membrane electro dialysis两极膜电透析BMP = best management practices最优办理实践BOD = biochemical oxygen demand生化耗氧量BP = boiling point沸点BPK = bleached papergrade kraft and soda(出产)白纸用硫酸盐和荷性纳法浆BPT = best practicable control technology最正确实用控制技术BTU = british thermal unit英热单元BW = basis weight定量CCAD = computer aided design计算机辅助设计CBLI = chemistry-based leak indicator化学(法)示漏器CC = consistency controller浓度调节器CFD = computational fluid dynamics计算流体动力学CI = colour index比色指数= cofidence interval置信区间CL = colored ledger彩色底板CLSM = confocal laser scanning microscopy共焦激光扫描显微镜CMC = carboxy methylated cellulose羧甲基纤维素COMS = compliance optimization modeling system寻优模型系统CP = chemical pulp化学浆= chemical pure化学纯CPPC = coordinated phosphate/pH chemistry controller配位磷酸盐/pH 调节器CR = consistency regulator浓度调节器CRP = chloride removal process氯化物排出法CSD = condensate steam distillation column冷凝汽馏塔CTMP = chemical treatment in terms of sulphonation硫化期间的化学处置= chemithermomechanical pulp化学热磨机械浆CTU = centigrade thermal unit公制热量单元CV = coefficient variation偏离系数= crystal violet结晶紫DD = dioxide二氧化物DAF = dissolved air floatation(溶)气浮DCS = dissolved and colloidal substances溶解与胶态物= distributed control system集散控制系统DELS = Doppler electrophoretic light scattering多普勒电泳光扫描DIP = deinked pulp脱墨纸浆DKP = deinked kraft pulp脱墨牛皮纸浆DLK = double-line clippings双线限位DMS = dynamic mechanical spectroscopy动力谱学DMSO = dimethyl sulfoxide二甲亚砜DMT = dimethyl terephthalate对邻苯二甲酸二甲酯DO = dissolved oxygen溶解氧DP = degree of polymerization聚合度DSC = differential scanning calorimetry微分扫描量热法DVC = digital valve controller数字伐控制器EEC = embedded costs插入成本ECF = elemental chlorine free无元素氯(漂白)EDTA = ethylene eiamine tetraacetic acid乙二胺四乙酸EPC = experimental prismatic calcite尝试棱镜方解石ERV = estimated replacement value预计代替值ESP = electrostatic precipitator静电滤尘器= emergency shutdown procedure变乱停机程序EVA = ethylene vinyl acetate乙烯乙酸乙烯酯ESPRA = empire state paper research associates国立造纸研究会EVOH = ethylene-vinyl alcohol乙烯-乙烯醇FFAS = formamidine sulfinic acid甲脒亚磺酸FBB = folding box board折叠箱纸板FBK = fully bleached kraft全漂牛皮纸FC = flow controller流量控制器FID = free induction decays自由感应衰减FP = freezing point冰点;凝固点GGDP = gross domestic product本国出产总值GEMS = general energy and materials balance system通用能量和物料平衡系统GLC = gas-liquid chromatography气液色谱GPC = gel permeation chromatographic analysis凝胶渗透色谱阐发GPM = gallons per minute加仑/分钟HHC = high consistency高浓HCR = high consistency refiner高浓磨浆机HD = high density高密度HPR = high production rate高出产率HPSEC = high-performance size-exclusion chromatography高性能粒度筛析色谱法HRT = hydraulic retention time水力逗留时间HTH = high test hypochlorite高级漂粉HV = high voltage高压HW = hardwood硬木IIMPM = interactive multiplanar model彼此作用的多面模型IPST = institute of paper science and technology造纸科技研究院IWC = international water consultants国际水质参谋团JJIT = just-in-time正好;准时KKP = kraft pulp牛皮浆;硫酸盐浆LLC = level controller液面控制器LCC = lignin-carbohydrate complexes木素-碳水化合物复合体LCL = lower control limits控制下限LCR = level cotroller and recorder液面控制记录仪LDPE = low density poly ethylene低密度聚乙烯LDV = laser Doppler velocimetry激光多普勒测速法LIVG = low inlet velocity gasification process低入口速度气化工艺LPR = low production rate低出产率LRD = long rang dependence广范围相关LVDT = linear position transducer线性位移变送器LWC = lightweight coated低定量涂布的MMACT = maximum achievable control technology最大可达控制技术MAP = modified atmosphere packaging改良常压包装法MC = marginal cost边际成本= medium consistency中浓(度)MDI = methylendiphenyl diisocyanate亚甲苯二苯二异氰酸酯MeB = methylene blue亚甲基兰,四甲基兰MEK = methyl ethyl ketone甲(基)乙(基)酮MF = machine finished机械整饰的MG = machine glazed机械上光的= malachte green孔雀绿MISS = mixed liquor suspended solids (有机物与活性污泥 )混合液中悬浮固体MOW = mixed office waste混合办公废纸MRP = matal removal process金属(离子)脱除过程MSW = municipal solid waste城市固体废物MVP = moisture vapor permeability水蒸汽渗透性MWL = milled wood lignin磨木木素NNC = nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素NF = nanofiltration超滤 (毫微过滤)NMR = nuclear magnetic resonance核磁共振NSPS = new source performance standards新的资源性能尺度NSSC = neutral sulfite semi-chemical pulp中性亚硫酸半化学浆OOCC = old corrugated container旧瓦楞纸箱OD = over dry绝干;烘干OEE = overall equipment efficiency总设备效率OIT = oxidative induction temperature氧化起始温度O&M = operating and maintenance 使用与维护ONP = old newspaper旧新闻纸OPP = oriented polypropylene取向聚丙烯OPR = oil penetration rates渗油率OWL = oxidized white liquor氧化白液PPAL = positron annihilation life time正电子湮没寿命PC = pressure controller压力调节器PCA = principal components analysis主成分阐发PCC = precipitated calcium carbonate沉淀碳酸钙PCR = pressure controller and recorder压力调节记录仪PDSC = pressure differential scanning colorimetry压差扫描量热术PEMS = predictive emissions modeling system预测排放模型系统PEO = poly ethylene oxide聚氧化乙烯PGS = papergrade sulfite造纸用硫磺PGW = pressurized groundwood压力磨木浆PM = paper machine 造纸机;抄纸机PM/ECCM = preventive maintenance and essential care and condition monitoring预防维修/底子维修及状态监测PP = polypropylene聚丙烯PSES = pretreatment standards for existing sources现存资源预测尺度PSM = process safety management(出产)过程安然办理PTFE = polytetrafluoroethylene聚四氟乙烯PTR = photothermal radiometry光热辐射阐发法PVC = polyvinylchloride聚氯乙烯PVDC = polyvinyl dichloride聚二氯乙烯PVSK = polyvinylsulfate聚乙烯硫酸酯RRDH = rapid displacement heating快速置换加热法RH = relative humidity相对湿度RMP = refiner mechanical pulp木片磨木浆;盘磨机械浆RN = regular number纸板尺度号RT = radiographic testing射线照相试验,X射线查验SSBK = solid bleached kraft(同质)漂白牛皮纸SBR = sequencing batch reactors程序化间歇反响器SC = super calendered超等压光的SDI = silt density index淤泥浓度指数SE = supplemental energy补充能量;辅助能SEC = size exclusion chromatographic粒度筛析色谱法SEM = scanning electron microscope扫描电子显微镜SEM-EDS = scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive spectrometry扫描电子显微镜—能量分散能谱测定法SGW = stone ground wood磨石磨木浆SIF = stress intensity factor应力强度系数;应力强化因子SOPs = standard operating procedures尺度作业程序SP = sulphite pulp亚硫酸盐纸浆SPC = satislical process control过程控制SRT = solids retention time粒子留着时间SUB = solid unbleached board(同质)本色浆纸板SW = softwood软木;针叶树SWL = sulphite waste liguor亚硫酸盐废液TTAC = totally applied chlorine总用氯量TC = temperature controller温度调节器TCDF = tetrachlorodibenzofuran四氯二苯并呋喃TCF = totally chlorine-free全无氯(漂白)TCR = temperature controller and recorder温度调节记录仪TGA = thermal gravimetric analysis热重阐发TLA = thin layer activation薄层活性化TMP = thermo mechanical pulp热磨机械浆TP = thermo-plastic热塑性的TQ = threshold quantity临界量(值)TRS = total reduced sulfur总复原硫TS = tensile strength抗张强度TSS = total suspended solids总悬浮固体量UUBB = unbeached board本色(浆)纸板UBK = unbeached kraft本色牛皮纸UCL = upper control limits控制上限UT = ultrasonic testing超声试验UV = ultraviolet紫外光VVOC = volatile organic compound挥发性有机化合物WWAS = waste-activated sludge废活性污泥WFMT = wet fluorescent magnetic particle test湿荧光磁粉试验WL = white ledger白色帐簿纸WLC = white-lined chipboard白浆衬里的粗纸板WP = wood pulp木浆WVTR = water vapor transmission rate水蒸汽传递速度YYI = yellow index返黄值;返黄指数YP = yield point屈服(软化)点。
通过采用添加剂M,用正交试验方法,得出最佳整理配方:树脂整理剂B 45 g/L,催化剂B 15 g/L,添加剂30 g/L,保护剂40g/L,含硅柔软剂10g/L,醋酸0.3g/L,整理后织物上甲醛含量释放都小于75ppm,符合生态加工的低甲醛整理要求。
处置内装物/容器……CODE:PRODUCT NAME:Barium hydroxide octahydrate COMPANY NAME:Street Address:City:HANGZHOU Country:CHINAPostal Code:310020Phone Number:Emergency Phone Number:DIRECTIONS FOR USE:/Fill Weight:Lot Number:Gross Weight:Fill Date:Expiration Date:UN1564Proper shipping name:Barium compoundDANGERH332-Harmful if inhaledH302-Harmful if swallowedH314-Causes severe skin burns and eye damageP260-Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/sprayP271-Use only outdoors or in a well ventilated area.P280-Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protectionP264-Wash… throughly after handling。