

Damage detection in an aircraft foam sandwich panel using nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy

Damage detection in an aircraft foam sandwich panel using nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy

Damage detection in an aircraft foam sandwich panelusing nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopyG.Zumpano a ,M.Meob,*aDepartment of Engineering,Cambridge University,Trumpington Street,Cambridge CB21PZ,UKbDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,University of Bath,Bath BA27AY,UKAvailable online 3April 2007AbstractA novel damage detection technique,based on nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy (NEWS)approach,is presented in this paper.This technique detects the presence of structural changes by monitoring the presence of harmonics and sidebands generated by the interaction between a low frequency and a high frequency harmonic excitation signal,due to the nonlinear material behaviour caused by the pres-ence of damage.The proposed methodology was tested on a sandwich plate after being impacted by a foreign object under low velocity impact con-ditions.The high frequency signal was modulated in amplitude and the changes of the structural response,in terms of harmonic and sidebands amplitude,were recorded.The spectra and time frequency representation (TFR)were evaluated using wavelet transformations (WT).The experimental harmonic and sidebands amplitude resulted in close agreement with the theoretical behaviour of nonlinear behaviour of damaged materials.More specifically,the 3rd harmonics of the low frequency signal component showed a quadratic depen-dence with the low frequency response amplitude,as predicted by the theory for a hysteretic nonlinear material.Differently,the exper-imental second sidebands of the high frequency signal resulted bounded by curves representing the second sideband behaviour for pure hysteretic material (lower bound)and classical nonlinear material (upper bound).In particular,for small low frequency response ampli-tudes,the experimental second sidebands tended to be closer to the classical nonlinear material curve,while for the largest amplitudes investigated the response resembled a hysteretic material behaviour.The results showed that the proposed methodology was capable of detecting successfully the presence of impact damage and can be used as a first assessment of the presence of damage in aircraft structures where the presence of damage should be quickly estimated.Ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy;Harmonics;Sidebands;Wavelets;Impact damage;Sandwich panel1.IntroductionIn order to increase the structure safety and to reduce maintenance cost by early damage detection,aircraft industries are steering the development of nondestructive testing techniques.Nowadays,a great deal of consideration is given to the development of damage detection techniques based on linear acoustics within a predictive maintenance ually,the damage presence and severity are estimated by acoustical linear techniques,analyzing wavespeed changes,damage reflected waves,and/or amplitude changes.However,a new promising NDT class,based on material nonlinear elastic wave behaviour [1–9]monitor-ing,is under investigation.The advantage of nonlinear elastic wave NDT based techniques is their large sensitivity to damage than linear elastic based techniques [1],so as early signs of material degradation can be detected long before linear acoustic properties change.The theory back-ground of nonlinear elastic wave propagation is based on the concept of nonlinear mesoscopic elasticity [1,2].In pres-ence of such nonlinear mesoscopic units,the structural dynamic response shows different behaviours with the change of the excitation load.In particular,when a sample is excited simultaneously with continuous waves of two0045-7949/$-see front matter Ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/pstruc.2007.02.018*Corresponding author.Tel.:+441225384224;fax:+441225386928.E-mail address:m.meo@ (M.Meo)./locate/compstrucAvailable online at Computers and Structures 86(2008)483–490separate frequencies,frequency-mixing spectral compo-nents are generated such as harmonics and the sum and dif-ference of the excitation frequency waves(sidebands).This behaviour is clearly identifiable in damaged materials but hardly measurable in undamaged materials.This makes the monitoring of these phenomena,an effective method to detect micro-damage in aircraft composite materials. However,the methodology has yet to be developed and applied to aircraft composite structures and much work is needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the methods and the easy-of-implementation in a structural health mon-itoring system.This paper investigated the capability of the proposed techniques to detect the presence of impact dam-age on an aircraft sandwich panel.Impact damage is an important issue,since striking foreign objects on composite structures may cause small undetectable damages for the current inspection technologies that under in-service cyclic loads might degenerate in a premature catastrophic failure of the structure.2.Theoretical backgroundExperimental evidences[7–9]showed that classical non-linear models[10]cannot explain the nonlinear behaviour generated by local nonlinear forces due to damage presence (such as cracks,voids,and contacts).A theoretical descrip-tion of this behaviour can be given by the nonlinear meso-scopic elastic material model,which contains terms that describe classical nonlinearity,as well as hysteresis,and discrete memory[1–3].This is possible by adding to the nonlinear classical stress strain relationship,a stress depen-dence on strain time derivative(see Eq.(1)),which allows the reproduction of phenomena like the hysteresis and material memory introduced by damage in aerospace structures:r¼ZKðe;_eÞd eð1ÞTable1Acoustic contribution of the material model coefficientsLinear Nonlinear classic1st order(b)Nonlinear classic2nd order(d)Nonlinear hysteretic(a)Modulus(e)KεKεKεStress(e)σεσεσεModulus(t)KtimeK timeKtimeKtimeStrain(t)εtime εtimeεtimeεtimeStrain spectrumA(ε)1ωA(ε)1 2 3 4 ω135ωA(ε)A(ε)135ωHarmonicamplitudedependence No dependence2nd harm.:slope2,3rd harm.:slope3,4th harm.:slope4,etc.No even harm.3rd harm.:slope3,5th harm.:slope5,etc.No even harm.3rd harm.:slope2,5th harm.:slope2,etc.484G.Zumpano,M.Meo/Computers and Structures86(2008)483–490where K is the nonlinear and hysteretic modulus given by K ðe ;_eÞ¼K 0f 1Àbe Àde 2Àa ½D e þe ðt Þsign ð_e ÞþÁÁÁ g ð2Þwhere K 0is the linear modulus,D e is the strain amplitudechange over the last period,b and d classical nonlinear coefficients,and a material hysteresis measure.The full spectrum of options given by the Eq.(2)[1]is summarizedFig.1.(a)Test panel Fig.2.TF representation of CWT coefficient amplitudes for a 7.5V high frequency excitation amplitude:(a)low frequency window and (b)high frequency window.Fig.3.TF representation of CWT coefficient amplitudes for a 20V high frequency excitation amplitude:(a)low frequency window and (b)high frequency window.G.Zumpano,M.Meo /Computers and Structures 86(2008)483–490485in Table 1,where the pure nonlinear hysteretic behaviour is displayed along side with the classical nonlinear and linear materials.Experimental and numerical evidences [1]showed that:•The 3rd harmonic is quadratic with the fundamental amplitude for a purely hysteretic material and cubic according to classical nonlinear theory.•A second-order sideband f 2±2f 1,generated by a bi-tone excitation (f 1and f 2has amplitude proportional to a A 1A 2for a purely hysteretic material,in contrast with an amplitude dependence proportional to C ðb ;d ÞA 21A 2for a classical nonlinear material.•For a classical nonlinear material,the first-order side-band (f 2±f 1)amplitude is linear with the excitation amplitudes b A 1A 2.Part of this work was focused on understanding the type of nonlinearities introduced by the presence of impact damage in a sandwich plate.3.Experimental set-upA sandwich section of a firewall of helicopters,which consisted of a Nomex 6.35mm thick and Hexcel AS4-8552laminates was analysed.The plate dimensions were 380·253·2mm plate (Fig.1a),and it was clamped on the right short edges.The equipment configuration is sche-matized in Fig.1b.A piezoelectric transducer was used to generate the low frequency and the high frequency wave.The transducer was driven at the bi-tone sine wave (f 1=7400Hzf 2=384kHz)by a TTi waveform generator.The plate response was acquired by broad band AE sensors (Fig.1a),digitalized by a Tektronics oscilloscope with a sampling frequency of 5MHz and stored using 250k points.The acquired signals were averaged 40times before being stored in order to minimise their noise content.The damage was introduced by impacting the sandwich plate with a sharp object,yielding to a visible hole of 1mm diameter and 5mm deep.Various acquisitions were carried out by modulating the bi-tone excitation signal and by keeping constant the voltage of the low frequency sine (10Vpp)and modulating the voltage of the high frequency sine wave (384kHz)from 20Vpp to 7.5Vpp.4.Wavelet transformsNowadays,Fourier transforms are the most used spec-trum analysis tool.Unfortunately,according to the uncer-tainty principle [11]the frequency (D x )and time resolution (D t )are related by the following inequality:D t D x P12ð3ÞThis means that the higher the time resolution,the smal-ler the frequency resolution.Therefore,in order to have both high frequency and time resolutions long time lags have to be acquired and stored.This is because in the presented investigation,in order to have a high frequency resolution of the signal spectrum (20Hz),aimed at the cap-ture of possible frequency-mixing spectral components such as harmonics and sidebands generated by the presence of damage,ended in the acquisition of 250k pointlongFig.4.Time harmonics evolution for the low frequency excitation component:(a)CWT coefficient amplitudes and (b)harmonics frequency deviation.486G.Zumpano,M.Meo /Computers and Structures 86(2008)483–490signals.An alternative way using a time–frequency (TF)representation (wavelets transform –WT)was considered.Such approach guaranteed higher frequency resolution than FFT (working on a shorter data record)and the pos-sibility to analyse the time–frequency evolution of the signal.WT linearly decompose an arbitrary signal s (t )by pro-jecting it on functions that are simply dilations and trans-lations of a parent (or mother)wavelet g (t )via the convolution of the signal and the scaled/shifted parent wavelet.CWT ða ;t Þ¼1ffiffiffia p Z 1À1s ðs Þg Ãt Às a d s ð4Þwhere a is the dilation parameter and s is the translationparameter.Fig.5.Time sideband evolution for the high frequency excitation component:(a)CWT coefficient amplitudes and (b)sideband frequency deviation.G.Zumpano,M.Meo /Computers and Structures 86(2008)483–490487A Morlet wavelet[12–14]was selected as mother wavelet between the countless exciting.This choice was determined by the Morlet wavelets analogies with the Fourier trans-forms expressed by its equation:gðtÞ¼1ffiffiffiffiffip cp eÀt2cðcosðx0tÞþi sinðx0tÞÞð5ÞBasically,the Morlet wavelets are a Gaussian-windowed Fourier transform,with a central frequency f0¼x0=2p and the width of the gauss curve(the wavelet frequency band)c.The central frequency f0was determined by the fre-quency resolution D f,requested for the signal processing (in this work D f=1Hz),and the maximum frequency f max of interest as showed below[14]:f0P2af maxþD f2ÀÁ2pffiffiffic p D fð6Þwith a larger than2.5.ResultsA double investigation of frequency-mixing spectral components due to material nonlinearities was performed [15].In thefirst investigation,the plate dynamic response was analysed using wavelet TF representation,while,the second analysis was carried out by evaluating the power spectra of the dynamic responses of the sandwich plate under bi-harmonic excitation using wavelet TFR.5.1.Time frequency representation analysisTo reduce the computational time of the CWTs,the acquired signals were evaluated in two frequency windows (Figs.2and3).The low frequency window was defined between0.9and3.5times the low excitation frequency (7400Hz).The high frequency window was defined by a frequency range betweenÀ5.5and5.5times the low excita-tion frequency component centred at the high excitation frequency component.By analysing the high frequency windows(Figs.2b and3b),time end effects[14]are clearly identifiable;therefore the CWT decomposition was not taken into account in these regions in both the frequency windows investigated.By identifying CWT coefficient peaks in frequency at each computed time step for every applied voltage load (from7.5to20V),the time frequency behaviour of the fre-quency-mixing spectral components can be traced.Then, the tendency lines of the harmonics and sidebands time behaviours can be plotted by a least squarefitting,used to reduce the noise pollution(Figs.4and5).As expected the amplitude time evolution for the har-monics presented small variations(Fig.4a).On the other hand,the frequency deviation from the expected harmonic frequency changes with time(Fig.4b).Moreover,if the portions of the tendency lines near the investigated time interval borders are not considered a peri-odic frequency deviation can be observed in the limits of the noise pollution and of the frequency resolution employed(1Hz).However,no apparent link between the frequency deviations and the excitation amplitude seemed to exist.In contrast with thefindings of the low frequency win-dows,a clear increase of the sideband amplitudes and fre-quency deviations with the load amplitude is recorded (Fig.5).Every deviation from this behaviour should be related to noise presence.Possible correlations may exist between the low fre-quency load cycling and the frequency deviationflotation (Fig.5b),although the mechanisms are not clear.488G.Zumpano,M.Meo/Computers and Structures86(2008)483–490Further investigations are necessary to establish if the dynamics of nonlinear mechanisms can be observed by time–frequency observations.A similar possibility will make available to researchers further insights in the nonlin-ear complex material behaviour.5.2.Power spectrum analysisThe response power spectra(PS),as those showed in Figs.2and3,were evaluated as follows:PSðfÞ¼P t ft w¼t0½CWT f;t wðÞ ½CWTðf;t wÞ Ãt fÀt0ð7Þwhere f is the frequency;t0and t f are thefirst and the last time step to be considered;t w is the time step index;½CWTðf;t wÞ and½CWTðf;t wÞ Ãare,respectively,the wave-let coefficient matrix and its complex conjugate.The prod-uct between those matrices is made coefficient by coefficient.Consistently with the wavelet TFR(Section5.1),a series of harmonics of the low frequency component of the exci-tation as well as sidebands of the high frequency compo-nent were easily identified(Figs.2and3).The amplitude changes of the harmonics and sidebands at the different excitation load are shown in Fig.6.The amplitude for the low frequency component of the excitation showed a decreasing behaviour with the increase of the voltage of the high frequency(Fig.6a).The consequent energy loss was compensated by the increase of the odd harmonics (Fig.6b).In particular,the3rd harmonic amplitudefitted a quadratic polynomial as predicted by the theory for purely hysteretic material(Fig.7b).The plate response amplitude at high excitation frequency component increased with decreasing rate with the excitation voltage. The deriving energy loss was compensated by the growth of its sideband amplitudes(Fig.7a).By observing the behaviour of thefirst left and right sidebands(Fig.8),it is possible to note that the curves fol-low the classical twofold nonlinear interaction between f1 and f2with their amplitude proportional to bÆA1ÆA2. As shown in Fig.9a,the experimental second sidebandsresulted bounded by the curves a A1A2and Cðb;dÞA21A2(Section2).These curves reproduce the second sideband behaviour for pure hysteretic material and classical nonlin-ear material respectively.The experimental second side-bands tended to be closer to the classical nonlinear material curve(for small high frequency response ampli-tudes),while for the largest amplitude investigated the response deviates from it tending to the hysteretic material behaviour.A similar deviation from the classical nonlinear behaviour with the increase of the high frequency response amplitude was given by thefirst sideband(Fig.9b).This showed that damage introduced in the sandwich plate caused both classical nonlinear and hysteretic behaviour, where the hysteric contribution increases with the excita-tion load.6.ConclusionThis paper presented a damage detection investigation carried out using nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy (NEWS).The methodology is based on the observation of the presence of harmonics and sidebands on the spec-trum of acquired signal excited by a bi-tone signal.A double investigation of frequency-mixing spectral components due to material nonlinearities was performed. In thefirst investigation,the plate dynamic response was analysed using wavelet TF representation,while,the sec-ond analysis was carried out by evaluating the power spec-tra of the dynamic responses of the sandwich plate under bi-harmonic excitation using wavelet TFR.In pristine conditions,the signal spectrum did not pres-ent any harmonic or sidebands,which were recorded on the damaged signal spectrum.The experimental harmonic and sidebands amplitude resulted in close agreement with the theoretical behaviour of nonlinear behaviour of damaged materials.In particular,the3rd harmonics of the low fre-quency signal component showed hysteretic nonlinear material behaviour highlighted by the quadratic depen-dence with the low frequency response amplitude.Differ-ently,the experimental second sidebands tended to be closer to the classical nonlinear material curve for small low frequency response amplitudes,while hysteretic mate-rial behaviour was recorded for larger amplitudes.Overall,the proposed approach is capable of detecting the presence of damages on sandwich composite structure,G.Zumpano,M.Meo/Computers and Structures86(2008)483–490489even when this is contained in a small area,and it is hardly visible as for low velocity impact damage.References[1]Van Den Abeele K,Johnston PA,Sutin A.Nonlinear elastic wavespectroscopy(NEWS)techniques to discern material damage,part I: nonlinear wave modulation spectroscopy(NWMS).Res Nondestr Eval2000;12:17–30.[2]Guyer RA,Johnson PA.Nonlinear mesoscopic elasticity:evidencefor a new class of materials.Phys Today1999(April):30–6.[3]Johnston P.The new wave in acoustic testing.Mater World1999;7(9):544–6.[4]Ostrovsky LA,Johnston PA.Dynamic nonlinear elasticity ingeomaterials.Rivista del Nuovo Cimento2001;24(7).[5]Van Den Abeele KEA,Sutin A,Carmeliet J,Johnston PA.Micro-damage diagnostics using nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy (NEWS).NDT&E Int2001;34:239–48.[6]Van Den Abeele KE-A,Carmeliet J,Ten Cate JA,Johnston PA.Nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy(NEWS)techniques to discern material damage,part II:Single-mode nonlinear resonance acoustic spectroscopy.Res Nondestr Eval2000;12:31–42.[7]Van Den Abeele KE-A,De Visscher J.Damage assessment inreinforced concrete using spectral and temporal nonlinear vibration techniques.Cement Concrete Res2000:1453–64.[8]Van Den Abeele K,Van De Velde K,Carmeliet J.Inferring thedegradation of pultruted composites from dynamic nonlinear reso-nance measurements.Polymer Compos2001;22.[9]Hamilton MF.Nonlinear wave propagation in mechanics,Vol.AMD-77.New York:The American Mechanical Engineers;1986.[10]Landau LD,Lifshitz EM.Theory of elasticity.Tarrytown,NY:Pergamon;1959.[11]Loughlin PJ,Cohen L.The uncertainty principle:global,local,orboth?IEEE Trans Signal Process2004;52(5).[12]Mallat S.A wavelet tour of signal processing.London:AcademicPress;1998.[13]Kareem A,Kijewski T.Time-frequency analysis of wind effects onstructures.J Wind Eng Ind Aerodyn2002;90:1435.[14]Meo M,Zumpano G,Meng X,Cosser E,Roberts G,Dodson A.Measurements of dynamic properties of a medium span suspension bridge by using the wavelet transforms.Mech Syst Signal Process 2004.[15]Meo M,Zumpano G.Nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy identifi-cation of impact damage on a sandwich pos Struct 2005;71(3–4):469–74.490G.Zumpano,M.Meo/Computers and Structures86(2008)483–490。



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HB2-523 HB2-710 HB2-622 HB2-315 HB4-105 HB4-109 HB4-428 HB4-526 HB4-420 HB4-421 HB4-318 HB4-326政法学院 7个6-208 6-209 16-206 16-30316 -21119A-1211 19A-202体育学院 7个18B-116 18B-131 16-309 19A-106 19B-111 14-110 19B120文学院 16个18B-504 18B-519 18B-510 18B-417 18B-509 18B-517 19B-302 19B-505 19B-511 19B-201 19B-611 19B-614 19B-623 19B-516 19B-403 19B-617外国语学院 21个HK1-523 HK 1-623 HK 2-229 HK 2-301 HK 2-316 HK 2-317 HK 2-410 HK 2-412 HK 2-416 HK 2-423 HK 2-628 HK 2-524 HK 2-318 HK 2-504 HK 2-509 HK 5-411 HK 5-414 HK 5-514 HK 5-418 HK 5-516 HK 5-529艺术学院 16个1-208 1-325 1-412 1-506 1-515 1-611 1-715 1-716 1-707 2-406 2-410 2-414 2-712 2-713 2-725 2-726信息与数学学院 10个6-210 6-215 1-1-9-2 10C-306 10C-315 10C-323 10C-415 10C-424 10C-501 10C-518物理科学与技术学院 6个6-307 6-309 10A-102 10B-229 11-312 11-402 化学与环境工程学院 19个7-1113 7-1123 7-132 7-152 7-153 7-163 7-181 7-191 10A-206 10A-212 10A-220 10A-318 10A-420 10A-502 10B-621 10B-705 10B-721 10-319 10-410生命科学院 13个FH1-208 FH1-305 FH1-306 FH1-416 FH1-420 FH1-501FH1-511 FH3-420 FH3-508 FH3-513 FH3-616 FH3-715 FH3-720石油工程学院 24个HK1-212 HK1-214 HK1-217 HK1-218 HK1-225 HK1-303 HK1-517 HK1-520 HK1-522 HK3-415 HK3-417 HK3-515 HK3-610 HK3-611 HK4-304 HK4-311 HK4-312 HK4-314 HK4-316 HK4-522 HK4-524 HK4-621 HK4-622 HK4-629 地球物理与石油资源学院 11个2-118 2-121 2-229 2-510 8-121 9-1149-207 9-404 9-502 11-306 11-308地球科学学院 10个1-102 1-104 1-127 1-205 1-327 3-2739-312 9-313 9-315 9-426机械工程学院 14个XF1-323 XF1-324 XF1-326 XF1-622 XF1-624 XF1-629 XF1-729 XF1-730 XF1-733 XF5-101 XF5-211 XF5-214 XF6-105 XF6-208电子信息学院 20个XF2-116XF2-301XF2-303XF2-612XF2-629XF2-630 XF2-634XF2-637XF2-704XF2-717XF5-117XF5-119 XF5-107XF6-605XF6-701XF6-703XF6-705XF6-707 XF6-709XF6-711计算机科学学院 14个CT4-210 CT4-417 CT5-534 CT6-635 8-1-1-2 8-2-8-2 8-2-9-1 8-2-9-2 9-117 9-125 9-127 18A-617 18A-620 18B-203城市建设学院 12个3-132 3-141 3-142 3-193 4-291 5-3055-307 5-310 17-101 17-102 18-307 18-319 农学院 9个FH2-517 FH3-101 FH3-104 FH3-107 FH3-113 FH3-116 FH3-117 FH3-317 FH3-318园艺园林学院 13个HB1-117 HB1-121 HB1-311 HB1-312 HB1-313 HB1-323 HB1--507 HB1-516 10-301 10-304 10-308 10-309 10-508动物科学学院 8个9-201 11-208 11-301 HB1-526 HB1-601 HB1-603 HB1-717 HB1-718医学院 9个14-205 14-406 15-311 15-312 18-604 18-612 19-326 19-426 19-640临床医学院 6个4-502 4-504 4-508 4-506 4-505 3-209 管理学院 26个FH3-121 FH3-202 FH3-213 FH3-218 FH3-223 FH3-305 FH3-521 FH3-525 FH3-726 FH3-729 FH5-105 FH5-224 FH7-120 FH7-203 FH7-208 FH7-214 FH7-303 FH7-313 FH7-609 FH7-701 FH7-715 FH7-717 FH7-718 FH3-316 FH3-711 FH-728教育科学系 4个6-504 6-505 10-620 10-719地化系 7个HK1-413 HK1-427 HK1-431 HK4-127 HK4-129 HK5-241HK5-318国际学院 4个19A-305 19A-301 19A-402 19A-306一工部 47个1-417 1-419 1-204 2-420 2-318 2-216 3-201 3-306 3-405 3-601 3-402 4-512 4-505 4-510 5-603 5-503 5-509 6-605 6-402 6-403 6-107 6-111 7-403 7-514 7-515 7-304 7-402 7-101 7-108 7-107 7-109 7-209 7-207 7-203 7-301 7-702 7-115 8-107 8-110 8-212 8-601 8-508 8-311 8-405 8-7064、优秀辅导员经济学院:王辉政法学院:杨琳丽体育学院:孙国涛文学院:丁明霞地化系:刘娥艺术学院:陈志雄数学学院:杨学文物理学院:张莉生科学院:向云彬油工学院:张磊地物学院:杨会军地科学院:薛天庆机械学院:杨琴管理学院:娄洁民电信学院:赖文慧计科学院:任倩城建学院:张科农学院:王中梅医学院:黄柏青临床医学:罗铜铠教科系:于永伟化工学院:彭礼进张旭外语学院:伍廉松薛阳动科学院:郭启炜秦良斌园林学院:郝勇李璐璐丁植磊一工部:李则俊毛德波张凡张浩胡艳华苏玉蓉肖寒之齐书荣章艳谷军周俊严实张昊颜学俊5、优秀班主任经济学院:谢云何蒲明邵书慧周三中政法学院:吴珊珊李红李薇体育学院:王金林黄赛强文学院:杨家海周书航向德富外国语学:卫晓旭程坤周杰马晓晶方爱萍艺术学院:王慧宋颖段碧垒数学学院:艾莉萍谢作喜曹静物理学院:陈一之谢丽化工学院:付家新严瑾王兰洁苏高申生命科学:严寒王辰余知和孙恺油工学院:石宝成刘卫红欧阳传湘王红松李菊花张志全地物学院:唐军严丽萍地科学院:张先明张娟刘少华罗顺社机械学院:杨德强杨全辉赵军静代荣荣睢满仓电信学院:罗明璋邹玲康玮潘永琴高秀娥计科学院:杨强吴磊付盈余华平城建学院:邓广中张德茂柯昌军胡菲菲刘显成农学院:王文凯张文英史彩华谢广林园艺学院:孙陶泽王万喜姚振动科学院:杨小林李助南罗静波杨军管理学院:陈勇袁成龙肖慧李洪文刘江荣医学院:敖薪许本柯苏波陈晓光临床医学:胡承明车翔教科系:郑雪艳陈方地化系:赵红静陈燕飞继续教育:舒克才张俊一工部: 张毅呙林兵屈晓莉李琼华刘羿6、三好学生标兵经济学院:刘黎李霜刘贞肖红平谢平政法学院:殷宗平陈海体育学院:黄光彬江皓文学院:鲁青黄双孙瑞梅外语学院:赵园园张婵张文龙刘田张琳艺术学院:李玲王丛丛詹明伟李念数学学院:吴文杰段孝茹物理学院:岳超赵娅娟化工学院:宋小燕吴静张世东夏会玲李凤戴传武李小敏生科学院:饶剑郭子龙王丹程茂芳杨旺陈燕平油程学院:潘豪李惠芳于萌高燕燕陈云霞地物学院:万海清蒋淑桐李曼龚琴地科学院:潘虹姜继连胡芳陈茜王勤机械学院:戴薇李方刘永华刘念电信学院:刘琴琴曹立立张慧刘娟卢小刚计科学院:王三权胡华良阮班勇仰盼盼赵新元任辉城建学院:吕远贵徐婧刘碧文刘舜黄晓武农学院:刘林肖静静园艺学院:彭强柳威赵伦杰动科学院:杨群辉刘方刘清管理学院:张萌曹振佳毕定朱蕾潘景医学院:田水清李伶芝胡欢欢孙凤华李平彭笑临床学院:吴龙军朱晓慧教科系:陈德胜张玉敏地化系:陶文芳山溪国际学院:秦锦魏娜邹雪瑶一工部:侯力嘉杨晓盈舒久明柳唯谢文萍丁情燕卢婧何普红胡晓玲雷红敏戈晓丽张磊于奇平谢新华姚莎莎张倩潘雪肖欢胡忱刘梦芸郑晓妍张苗贺玉荣王大伟赵李芬张旭柯茜茜李如然余夏黄玲韩文学向元婧宋登蓉彭飞陈佳瑞七、三好学生经济学院 45人余嫚张慧杨利玲陈艳荣钟小舒付晚霞朱美标贺申容樊婕徐涛宋圆黄晶晶唐少峰张玺王红燕章小雨曹巍徐媛媛马比双王爱平柯莹莹桂青李丹丹刘凡谢梦妮马丽陈静周雪陈荣王敏雷静向丹韩宇婷杨珊杨小晶曾娅彭苗李杰张宇周晓旋吴秀娟田满张小翠闻凤琴杨容容政法学院18人唐秀荣陈海娇朱甜范珍乔珊徐明黄萱薛欢吴玉凤张勤范伟艳段江平宋欢欢杨军陈倩蔡锦绣王欢孙玉熊体育学院 20人吴超屈成美缪洋张全别必元郑娅娴张姣李星星王礼殷霞苏俭张静李国辉张胡彬向俊胡蜜张婷高健刘美玲李亚美文学院 29人李松竹陈丹夏章杰刘芳曹建文杨康魏亲娣赵川贾登雷灵丹杨欢彭艳梅周昱谷胡欢欢赵俊弟宋伟胡小凡邓洁雷灵丹陈凯歌周耀苏长鸿许龙李季刘仁史俊婷罗俊张月程丝雨外国语学院44人张惠敏冯莉黎智敏周会马静周靖杨青霞周璐王任平武庆涛黄韦邹庆喻利娟黄盼廖丽萍尹伊珺李田王斌黄馨诚贺小玲谢蕾蕾吕小玲李晓琴汪益飞魏旭良祁淑琴许圆圆朱玲颜红霞黄宏坤陶建华王亚奇高燕郑维方程吴素涂樱花吴雄艳邵梦罗曼黄家顺刘明郑明星葛佳彬艺术学院37人孙杰陈娜尹晓燕吴慧彬陈丽丽张永超罗雪李守超陈强王思范孙睿王晓历杨惟珊欧阳丽张柳刘梦颖朱正凯徐开升喻端凤曾静孙倩李振华彭雪丽孙振西谢晨羽陈甜姜从步苏冠蓉王赟卓唐明星崔婉婷宋妍妍许爽刘芳慧涂素冰吕聪张青信息与数学学院19人熊娉鄢圆圆邹少勇肖浩谢栗张盼张磊兰洁张林锋王劲海易云云梁俊王春帅文明吴鹏周园曹玲芝杜阳利金家林物理科学与技术学院 17人黄孝昙潘为山吴禄军孙友权马文辉王家福甘小珍张静廖明军陈礼林陈艳裴梓任崔金廖雷周红梅曾赛李俊杰化学与环境工程学院 63人石建华陈蕾陈海峰董霆何志仁杨懿余凤蔡晓芳敖平韦娇龙王凡侯聪张玉珠张成龙李明会左摇彭小凡涂珊周英杰秦红霞刘琳金培玉曾迪谢作松夏辉张丽吴力张琳琳徐茂林陈泓羽胡金元刘雅旋张文俊王杨程响铃高莉李艳华陈鹏程松民冷倩胡浩浩张颖陈志军刘苗丁磊冯娟郑雪梅张满郝妍柳义刘欢李久启董艳闵才顺尤菊龚永欢田小平孙强周银张成博陈钰明李永妮鲁鹏生命科学院 31人陈楚英李娟张宇陈冲王才华柯浩张淑云马琼杨丽丽刘丽王瑞品徐星星何娟娟许志强刘海冬査元元唐文婷卓丹应平王翠杨军黄先仁万顺李长朋代金城鄢倩王春凡李金敏宋朋睿郑志芳乐功书石油工程学院 50人张婷静周彪冯利红韩成罗忠贤何振华卢川孙维韩会颖高大鹏徐涛于良汪杰覃世琴曾媛胡雅琴胡淑敏孙以帆杨红高娴付敏袁玲高申领张为张连枝张芳胡蝶彭汝杰张青茹陈银欧阳云丽黄婷王修武王丽罗迪左坤李辰谭苗顾浩刘玉奎罗恋陈绪跃涂乙马淑勤徐德权朱娜程昌慧赵义强李晨付随艺地球物理与石油资源学院 31人唐霞张波刘欢蔡明虞兵吴俊曾富强郭玉华倪瑶李秋思盛冠群刘小琴尹文笋许秋来高良雨张小明钱小会谢立芳沈伟正姚江源李华阳闫家宁李志张雷洁刘嫒嫒刘欠韩博华刘洋龚兵钟雨何晶地球科学学院49铁婷婷韩维涛姜萍方竞男李正华徐鹏程杨菲华晓丽张振杰曹春张璐李丽李娟陶梅许亭邓春英王凤波李云飞邓刚王宝红周信李爽爽周娇张婧如刘俊玲张翠周敏郭敏黄银涛吕倩黄鑫罗静赵怡佘家朝郑是竞胡晓贤朱洁李素霞库细锋陈婉李舒曼杨建伟明楷曼董清源文沾陈晨刘一慧张倩李昆机械工程学院 40人许沙周贝郑孝宝朱高磊耿娟沈雄季春珑周浩阳振华肖洋轶左永强王帅伟廖利辉王军甘露胡鹤翔黄习志王丹丁郑倩王婷陈策杨涛张金山王俊杰宫世超贾浪田灵飞楮玉程张传奇姜丹余刚段清龙刘雷敏余学康董建刘正佑杨烈黄岩瞿姗李浩鹏电子信息学院43人杨红陈冲李佩熊洋建蔡文李超周婷婷胡德伟张景邓超曾诚方学南赵江涵周萍熊炳辉赵胜洪志鹏袁舟张培肖磊吕威俊黄芬张键江昆黄科熊香春陈海洋彭琳晓周江黄琴李彬殷秋丽宋立万想郑红萍朱峰桂新涛陈玉婷刘焕升陈玉炎陈智文彭琼王秋燕计算机科学学院 52人陈辽辽杜春兰李春山段忠凯黄小娟刘黎明汪超刘江山汪彬英王成余兵陈璐璐陈群朱正伟马媛媛方宏玲肖先彩王杨菁张欢董帅铭蔡习文王欢黄渊丁保安王刚蒋琼吉小龙刘宏伟万莎朱尧胡文刘忺陈芹芹余良勇郑于宏熊璐胡晨金世琼李传秋胡晓明孙方郭飞胡志宝郑丹平黄文祥杨世玲胡曼向兰吴根新江珍珍柳菊董元珍城市建设学院 43人彭瑞陈霞邢振熙张朝虎裴星彤陈翥杨溪卢进东黄文文谭小艳叶琼邹瑜汤凡姚成蔡宜波马威郑金贵胡月奇宋德胜熊亚平李平余冰清伍阳杨超庞德光潘康宓飞肖丽君钱海艳周卫蔡振兴操改改谢显烽潘放放王星星何成林刘莲任晓阳李科梦高倩陈飞柯涛吴海朋农学院 22人王会徐雅静李素娟雷兵朱传奇王启锋刘继玲宋县廷揭玉春李臣飞伍章健郑露露洪霞陈婷婷廖映超从丽娟张惠蕾丁声福马文婷邓成菊马庆李超园艺园林学院 27人何玉枝刘晓丹曾文杰高小燕李涛刘小芳詹文伟刘欧马念汤田伟张琼王瑶颜学文谭海波汤昆官旭罗燕龚付全朱娇鲁蕾程晓龙卢孝海孙亚红曹雪芹赵婷婷杨会韩蓉动物科学学院 27人金叶李慧董黎黄翠邓勇姚曼杨洋庹锐冯娇林洋廖凯姚福梅邹婷婷王鹏霄金颖颖牛青青史小娜黄雯吴和龙刘君何祥龙符莞婷项林盛陈卉黄燕罗会黄栋才管理学院 50人张小丽康乐马小玲闵佳周升红张丽邓晋升孙琪梁小平龚晓莲乔婷婷郑联欢陈海群范博娟刘畅屈欢施倩倩王露邓畅何秋连周连梅熊平平曹丽娟唐碧碧汪茜胡亚娟曹琼肖玮平成红林肖露李培蒋焕杜来花李志颖骆传广李利乐曼徐璐罗娟王倩倩高艳谢雪琴毛文琦刘雪莲明立立张婷李小雪范瑞波蒋慧黄小晶医学院48人于兰谭倩胡娟胡逢璐杨岚马小蓉徐言成向新春黄伏琳肖雪娇朱丽君杨凡张晨夏正伦张云李婧超彭婷朱云霞江晥温秀荣汪玲珍崔菲菲龚玲张莹高莲莲吴铁曹文陈娇娇冯娅刘小梅左丹黎胡欢欢刘风沈红婷刘欢杨秀景江焕袁利梅赵星丽周凤洁罗丽华黄蓉胡燕许光华周荣詹莹莹陈梦陈伦霞临床医学院13人刘会杨宗高翔张晓美张永娇蒙秋杨倩文方艳刘婧承陈燕玲刘义均胡惠雯夏婷教育科学系7人陈敏任银平闵珊刘恋朱俊陈飞飞史华一地化系 13人谢静红刘亭王丹妮昌琪李香芹杨露顿小妹袁玉玲徐韵黄小艳秦赛赛罗珍闫龙增国际学院27人范玲玲余晓婷邓娇胡静刘康张绽洁陈丹刘亚肖蕾吴燕燕邹晓姗许珊张菁锋陶晓光殷俊黄佩刘少冬叶华艳董小娜杨东亚覃婧周婷谭晓娣吴纯张家榕任蓓蓓吴琪继续教育学院68人王金娥侯丽娟黄恺李婧仲锐史展朱晓华刘旭生汪丰皮俊王翔李稳强双虎常亮程熠婷张翱洋张菁薇刘冬颖梁敏刘金玲苏敏成剑涛刘存进王芬李娜穆化巍伏莉莎寇丽颖张光波郭丹高洋黄小莲王玥晨刘小妹于欣柳莹李涛赵海昕姜德明韩影薛娟左磊瞿燕张雪莲吕萍李瑾穆育秦丁炜杨芳王硕陈春雨牛娜胡淑容陈瑜徐苗苗王斌曾光王礼斌黄海董舜超贺杨高彦松武春艳杨莉耿荣燕陈朝辉彭晓龙袁贺一工部 283人袁凯汪胜彭超宋亚敏肖云芳万惟超王驰严姣杨利邓佑波王光壮张文黄维维赵勇李军宋登蓉张淑贞傅腾腾江慧黄鑫黄小芳冯艳林董中美卢会平田敏陈维黄金莲吴婷婷谢雨刘礼陈艳萍刘彩娥王洋孙惠惠余晓静马明刘婷高依杨惠刘爽孙萍胡春梅胡登陶想林殷秀利黄蓉谭世伟杨墁刑太涌周明扬童璐一叶盼盼张佳佳肖慧敏王月红吴玉华卢婧伍建林谢兰兰何普红彭晶张婷邹敏曹秀荣陈文爽肖乐符志强宋莹周莹胡晓玲姚思陈玉华张彬徐鹏鹏胡勇章军袁喜红黄咏明李莉张玲柳承芳黎慧杨兰兰方海燕许凌秦伦龚雨龙骆广黄煌陈晓霞赵李芬张思杨汶娟童志雄郑强元王训来易安斌王晶李艳妮曹纯洁黄星邱霞严昌鹏应思思王超赵梦娇刘昌为王珊清冀慧鸣刘宇徐建通梅婷刘芬周从启周智刘云峰李叶鹏王敏朱琪胡满熊丹李红宾李振熊杰金少杰赵露黄艺赵婷婷李昊成金力周虎成邹芦吴志成杨该腰李言围吴金平雷华梅赵莎莎刘宇刘琴马启翠肖珊靳银蕊李雪琴管若梅刘明阳谢瑶黄玲周素菲尹姗姗倪珊王洋晏威曹慧匡涛吕全佘露段安安舒久明张倩康晓楠邓胜明张琴邓志钧邱泽卉马丽汤亚顽李恒石耀周妮妮刘彦忠文星黄珍珍陈立平吴红婷周亚群卢丹凤汤金芳吴艺群李艳清赵佩余浪张朝婵范婷王美玲徐睿刘威张兰汪江英李景波周超张兵兵张金霞董雄健常晶晶李莎许武廷胡强王玉兰周新硕王祥景茜王安忆秦国省赵悦万静雅陈华陈婷婷黎萌佟彤陈哲姚远马菊菊黄静左琳黄梅张晓惠鄢慧蔡杰杨纯余婉华雷小虎梁敏程霞雷小丽易家莉戴红叶葛玲丽郭景柯茜茜陈小梅兰敏李如然夏静静赵丽荣王梦洁张莉李婷婷薛爱珍颜亚云袁越阮意辉程佳斌黄兴史川张慕博邹容唐婷婷章成文蔡雪解淑林罗亚能吴秉承王克菊徐亚娟杨芬袁珍杨菲菲卢桂玲阳娥李甜郭慧施姣姣王静何文卿余夏徐亚喻盟盟王万婷王晶蒋雅丽黄玲余燕王静陈佳瑞陈华陈超陈桥邓勇李小娟何刘惠孙艳娟肖净尹优秀研究生(102人)李静孙婉婷熊黎王静韩静芸韩笑周忠丽孙萌盖东芳何红娟田健曹婷王艳玲余运君干涛陈岩张风琴梁平邱小庆彭友新霍松颜谨曾昭清王洁雅黄磊田海李文英屈胜元李友培汪亚蓉付利琴曾念游园付蓉赵蓓孙敬陈嵘陈铭培胡瑶田文元范文同王安龙伍泽云孙小琴谢宋雷易娟子李春霞王朝锋安丹伍媛聂晓庆秦璐江秋菊胡勇高慧娉李密宋鹏张艳朱俊强王美格王东辉余烨张振平蒋海军连小翠何珍罗文周新平任长青柯兰梅余亮范杰蹇清平朱露陈河青李寿勇孙仁俊柳进雷阳周洋李娟孙江华双雪芹杨起谭肖笛王哲平曹鹏高剑华张威威唐寅韦宏霞胡静于海新费华东张莹涂金钊陶文詹兆文黑花丽王祖林赵光锐王辉八、优秀学生干部经济学院 34人李明张红杨东华袁瑞明吕韬陈金虎刘冰张文杰张黎黎朱小红闫辉余治华樊瑶刘征李振欣彭景林菁菁赵鑫王艳萍黄华陈旭智徐元许思愿彭婷樊琪马万里王敏王阳朱小红刘雯郭浩闫辉钟倩倩石晓燕政法学院24人曾秀珍黄吉东赵天仪王兴鹏康曦吴林钊段小艳谭建军李久玲王蓓蓓温超兵童丽君马晶蔡丽春程思游雪原吴中奇刘秋霞胡胜全方龙王雨鲍则飞董雪平黄萱体育学院 26人谭向菊曾燕李玉龄孙丽娜张超聂慧邓家洋李艺李露孙晓洁马亚蕾周静刘佳宁强练林杰彭超颜星星赵祥宏刘娟袁翀翀李丰湉陈文汉卢望刘胜勇宋志伟邓燕文学院32人杜立梁静茹麻赵盼乔磊开有为戴健黄辉李奕轩汪晶涂雨刘慧左小南石万柯友兵王佳苏继滨张青张明珠刘佳张珊刘飞飞李云罗胤杨国武周泽杨勇郑娟娟田诗涛刘帅勾建富邓洁吴昌清外国语学院43人宋托黄媛冯晓娟成芬曾博洁王梦玲彭叶马杰梅丽萍危文静邱红星周兴艳齐玲丽卢梦月种延侠张学梓李娜肖洁曾娜王蕾张艳周淼王巧马怡李赟刘思琦程玲余璇刘诚军杜玉梅曾沙沙张群张立杰冷玮张梦曾光刘小翠廖艳玲李娜翟玲娜王威田怡鄢紫艺术学院33人游舒婷余婵涂鑫王娜肖树亮张教广仉志强饶阳王艳黄群蓝婷李龙昌唐尚南王琳闫萌萌苏帅军郭丽彬李岩毛竹青张亮刘源杨恺诚王春生蔡倩云黄珊黄建丰朱波成坤范厚祺梁瑞海胡萌逯金鹏李慧信息与数学学院24人汪祖刚范兴凯潘丽丽汪雷刘建勋龚雪琴吴业宏毛旺徐微苏严何建设李钰秦丽丽马国强黄琪廖萌陈学英沈忱马衍杨波邬晓满杨钢陈黎陈锐物理科学与技术学院 21人李福超郜文才李俊杰魏小辉王应山韩磊吴晓晴吴柳柳雷炎斌黄洪彭小龙王三龙王菊杨青王国威万聪田云云孙金光陈鼎朱雪云赵立杰化学与环境工程学院 40人张浩黄翔宇叶刚胡倩尹小丽马俊锋郑齐贵郑旋谢松任丹丹张池姚明李振明王弦胡军万剑吴俊李华云赵美玲杨景芳李萍萍夏丽娟王小习张芳刘露刘磊刘露樊瑞雪余祥勇魏学平骆楚华周玄李钊王诗萌刘蔓左国磊张静李莹余云龙黄超生命科学院 33人袁华辉费凉凉宋文娟李龙王晓龙刘成都孙婷肖伟姚迪王帆肖娜王珊珊王印程静肖婉苏燕唐文婷陈争超王玉真王慧敏李岩王青郑权任展宏陈博华刘婷婷易永刚袁碧陈冲饶志鹏王杰王强侯杨庆石油工程学院 36 人陈圆圆高俊寿翔李莹莹宋仁智周玉霞卢梅丁志君周世民鲁军辉范生林卜凡康李文亮王云龙孙纬赵良龙马晓勇熊文学陈向阳王学敢郑腊年张斌张雯倩陈诚侯建平刘耀华魏娟贾永康蔡浩李佳佳刘凯周鑫刘英波赵想安卢婧杜楠地球物理与石油资源学院 32人黄洋牟茜张庆谢祥成家杰张磊许磊明章惠叶涛黄旸董政陆晨晨南煜刘陈龙罗飞熊镭杜东霞李玮刘炜王海朋张默刘方圆贺剑波陈祯祥温静董娜熊健舒坤江艳陈刚袁伊人蔡晓慧地球科学学院42杨凯郭璟宏彭颖霞舒梁峰吴年文刘建富刘怀金闵业高李飞黄敏张清朋王义章鄂明峰肖雄武秦超朱金朱丰赵笑蕾杨德飞谢伟温旭东王旭影丁柯文刘春黎吴茜汤睿佳李轶王升阳赵志鹏冯帅李晓晨綦艳丽杨芳王渝喧梁艳罗真叶庆峰李琪冯文杰徐欣然袁耀锋孙宇徐京坤吕浩志机械工程学院 38人江彪梅求军向尚进杨进户哲曹瑞韩世彬庞文彬冯勇高雷雷林云钟谢世涛张译寒王莉莉田刚戴冰红郭文茁乔鸿云胡少华文祥宇伊鸿杰熊西望祝鹏华毛彩进王登峰袁正豪阳维亮江福强邢浪李友兴李超庄琼阳朱贵杰陆西刘洋梅伟伟章杰马继南电子信息学院35人段志军何有源谢玲玲牛宣云梅朋向伟祝世武李青詹万鹏赵桥生付少东陈明李辉赵鹏辉朱大微雷虹卜敏董佳褚阳肖荆陵龚珍丁晓炎胡浩李兆平闫觅李雪利郭开武杨先正刘虹余耒何彪彭伟伦田荣徐朝阳肖卫计算机科学学院 39人熊锋李腾飞陈猛幸明刚董帅铭徐春虹李春山黄善红叶云洁朱威赖灿云王小飞吴绍伟李翔李文韬滕俊易佩珍姜凯王伟东肖建涛赵男杰赵云雷亚武陈佳赵慧何志昌黄卉涂宇星王露潘娜李玉娇汤佩黄力赵路杨佳余伟标张天贺范玉婵陈弘毅城市建设学院 41人颜学礼钱利军盖斌田才季栋孙金石胡军刘焱峰陈月杨四平宣世野吴文忠聂威李东邹杰程珑付炀周晨张鹏孙方林鞠开林李爽爽贺秋云韦媛圆陈夏陈新炎崔海峰王嵩泽廖秋阳祝玉香张志忠段凯陈磊罗志伟李国斌张楷元杨宝珍陈伟高向云胡飞武潘路农学院 36人王小金周亚杰苏娜张元霞方归燕柯智玲罗婷徐静高森易娟蒋艳艳陈光然唐春平张建中杨茜杨文杰刘盛景祝云田宇刘天林余敏韩春胜王爱江成耀何慧严军吕靖冯雨艳钟伏付孙文杰李仲辰董中美陆晓珍曾发林柯智玲吴勇园艺园林学院31人陈蓉艳李洪礼杨媛媛曾志勇赵克祥骆鹏辛志坤石秀娟陈倩胡九利姜耀杰张守勇张佳颖石红臣曾明子王德霖刘微微丁霖望蓉杨小秋徐凤碧张志良杨秀琴杜鹏戴鹏杨涛曹明琴郭娇汤杰颜学文米春晓动物科学学院 28人杨勇郑光瓶周悦李志成李鑫修小茜曾思慧吴岳周从姣夏媛徐旭敏钱微陈刚耀多婷姜胜萍马念念刘雪莲王彬杨建彪鲍思妮汤艳红叶聪严余柳青卓张全海王雪涂爱平邓泽召管理学院42人张磊陈黎明陈锟朱元江童方方乐曼郭鸿黄祥祥肖丽周虹兵徐小强朱薇薇邓坚陈泽民刘合钢尚志华杨革郭浩景永飞周巧龚关晏良君柳青周磊陈光伟吴跃伟潘景石丽娜陈彦辉周中平邢子全肖君丽刘娇姜明超隗华何维郭娟李扬郭鸿曾诚余霞李敏医学院41人付莉丽张燕廖宗峰葛鋆胡莎黄蓓熊祎刘晓英龚雪雷焦陶然张世银。



毕业设计(论文)英文翻译原文院(系):桂林航天工业学院专业:计算机通信工程学生姓名:吴富豪学号: 2012045Z0208指导教师:宋美杰职称:讲师2014年11月2日桂林电子科技大学毕业设计(论文)原文用纸第 1 页共2 页From the world of radio in the world to a single chipModern computer technology, industrial revolution, the world economy from the capital into the economy to knowledge economy. Field in the electronic world, from the 20th century into the era of radio to computer technology in the 21st century as the center of the intelligent modern era of electronic systems. The basic core of modern electronic systems are embedded computer systems (referred to as embedded systems), while the microcontroller is the most typical and most extensive and most popular embedded systems.First, radio has created generations of excellence in the worldFifties and sixties in the 20th century, the most representative of the advanced electronic technology is wireless technology, including radio broadcasting, radio, wireless communications (telegraph), Amateur Radio, radio positioning, navigation and other telemetry, remote control, remote technology. Early that these electronic technology led many young people into the wonderful digital world, radio show was a wonderful life, the prospects for science and technology. Electronics began to form a new discipline. Radio electronics, wireless communications began e-world journey.Radio technology not only as a representative of advanced science and technology at that time, but also from popular to professional fields of science, attracting the young people and enable them to find a lot of fun. Ore from the bedside to the superheterodyne radio radio; report issued from the radio amateur radio stations; from the telephone, electric bell to the radio control model. Became popular youth radio technology, science and technology education is the most popular and most extensive content. So far, many of the older generation of engineers, experts, Professor of the year are radio enthusiasts. Fun radio technology, radio technology, comprehensive training, from basic principles of electronics, electronic components to the radio-based remote control, telemetry, remote electronic systems, has trained several generations of technological excellence.Second, from the popularity of the radio era to era of electronic technologyThe early radio technology to promote the development of electronic technology, most notably electronic vacuum tube technology to semiconductor electronic technology. Semiconductor technology to realize the active device miniaturization and low cost, so more popular with radio technology and innovation, and to greatly broaden the number ofnon-radio-control areas.The development of semiconductor technology lead to the production of integrated circuit, forming the modern electronic technology leap from discrete electronics into the era of era of integrated circuits. Electronic design engineers no longer use the discrete electronic components designed circuit modules, and direct selection of integrated circuit components constitute a single system. They freed the design of the circuit unit dedicated to system design, greatly liberating the productive forces of science and technology, promote the wider spread of electronic systems.Semiconductor integrated circuits in the basic digital logic circuits first breakthrough.A large number of digital logic circuits, such as gates, counters, timers, shift registers, and analog switches, comparators, etc., for the electronic digital control provides excellent conditions for the traditional mechanical control to electronic control. Power electronic devices and sensor technology to make the original to the radio as the center of electronic technology turned to mechanical engineering in the field of digital control systems, testing in the field of information collection, movement of electrical mechanical servo drive control object.Semiconductor and integrated circuit technology will bring us a universal age of electronic technology, wireless technology as the field of electronic technology a part of.70 years into the 20th century, large scale integrated circuit appeared to promote the conventional electronic circuit unit-specific electronic systems development. Many electronic systems unit into a dedicated integrated devices such as radios, electronic clocks, calculators, electronic engineers in these areas from the circuit, the system designed to debug into the device selection, peripheral device adapter work. Electronic technology, and electronic products enriched, electronic engineers to reduce the difficulty, but at the same time, radio technology, electronic technology has weakened the charm. The development of semiconductor integrated circuits classical electronic systems are maturing, remain in the large scale integrated circuit other than the shrinking of electronic technology, electronic technology is not the old days of radio fun times and comprehensive engineering training.Third, from the classic era of electronic technology to modern electronic technology of the times80 years into the 20th century, the century of economic change is the most important revolution in the computer. The computer revolution in the most important sign is the birth of the computer embedded applications. Modern computer numerical requirements should be born. A long period of time, is to develop the massive computer numerical duty. But the computer shows the logic operation, processing, control, attracting experts in the field of electronic control, they want development to meet the control object requirements of embedded applications, computer systems. If you meet the massive data-processing computer system known as general-purpose computer system, then the system can be the embedded object (such as ships, aircraft, motorcycles, etc.) in a computer system called the embedded computer. Clearly, both the direction of technology development are different. The former requires massive data storage, handling, processing and analysis of high-speed data transmission; while the latter requires reliable operation in the target environment, the external physical parameters on high-speed acquisition, analysis and processing logic and the rapid control of external objects. It will add an early general-purpose computer data acquisition unit, the output driver circuit reluctance to form a heat treatment furnace temperature control system. This general-purpose computer system is not possible for most of the electronic system used, and to make general-purpose computer system meets the requirements of embedded applications, will inevitably affect the development of high-speed numeric processing. In order to solve the contradiction between the development of computer technology, in the 20th century 70s, semiconductor experts another way, in full accordance with the electronic system embedded computer application requirements, a micro-computer's basic system on a chip, the formation of the early SCM (Single Chip Microcomputer). After the advent of single chip in the computer industry began to appear in the general-purpose computer systems and embedded systems the two branches. Since then, both the embedded system, or general-purpose computer systems have been developed rapidly.Although the early general-purpose computer converted the embedded computer systems, and real embedded system began in the emergence of SCM. Because the microcontroller is designed specifically for embedded applications, the MCU can only achieve embedded applications. MCU embedded applications that best meet environmental requirements, for example, chip-level physical space, large-scale integrated circuits low-cost, good peripheral interface bus and outstanding control of instruction.A computer system microcontroller core, embedded electronic systems, intelligent electronic systems for the foundation. Therefore, the current single chip electronic system in widespread use of electronic systems to enable rapid transition to the classical modern intelligent electronic systems.4, single chip to create the modern era of electronic systemsA microcontroller and embedded systemsEmbedded computer systems from embedded applications, embedded systems for early general-purpose computer adapted to the object system embedded in a variety of electronic systems, such as the ship's autopilot, engine monitoring systems. Embedded system is primarily a computer system, followed by it being embedded into the object system, objects in the object system to achieve required data collection, processing, status display, the output control functions, as embedded in the object system, embedded system computer does not have an independent form and function of the computer. SCM is entirely in accordance with the requirements of embedded system design, so SCM is the most typical embedded systems. SCM is the early application of technical requirements in accordance with the design of embedded computer chip integration, hence the name single chip. Subsequently, the MCU embedded applications to meet the growing demands of its control functions and peripheral interface functions, in particular, highlight the control function, so has international name the single chip microcontroller (MCU, Microcontroller Unit).2 MCU modern electronic systems consisting of electronic systems will become mainstreamMCU is a device-level computer systems, it can be embedded into any object system to achieve intelligent control. Small to micro-machinery, such as watches, hearing aids. Low-cost integrated device-level, low-to a few dollars, ten dollars, enough to spread to many civilian SCM appliances, electronic toys to go. SCM constitutes a modern electronic systems has in-depth to the households, are changing our lives, such as home audio, televisions, washing machines, microwave ovens, telephones, security systems, and air conditioners. SCM innovation the original electronic systems, such as microwave ovens use SCM, it can easily set the clock, the program memory, power control; air conditioner after use of SCM is not only convenient for remote parameter setting, running automatically transform, frequency control can be achieved. At present, many household appliances such as VCD,DVD only single chip to achieve its function may occur before.3 Embedded Systems led the entire electronics industryCurrent electronic components industry, in addition to microprocessors, embedded system devices, the most modern electronic systems around the supporting components industries, such as keys used to meet the human-computer interaction, LED / LCD display drivers, LED / LCD display units, voice integrated device, etc., to meet the requirements of data acquisition channel digital sensor, ADC, data acquisition module, signal conditioning modules to meet the servo drive control in the DAC, solid state relays, stepper motor controller, frequency control unit, etc., to meet the communication requirements various bus driver, level converters.Electronic components in the embedded systems world, driven by embedded applications along fully meet requirements of modern electronic systems development. This makes the original classic world of increasingly small electronic systems. Practitioners in the various electronic systems to modern electronic systems as early as possible to stay.5, SCM will create a new generation of electronic eliteIf the 50's, radio has created several generations of the world elite, then today's SCM will create a new generation of e-world elite.A single chip with you to the intelligent electronicsIf we as a dead classic electronic system electronic system, then the intelligent modern electronic systems is a "life" of the electronic system. Application System of hardware, electronic systems, "body", microcontroller applications, the application gives it "life." For example, in the design of intelligent machines monitor display, it can boot the system self-test results show, not to enter the work shows a variety of stand-by state, equipment run-time display running processes, work can be displayed after the end of the current results, self results, raw data, reports and other various processing. Unattended, it can run automatically given a variety of functions.Intelligent electronic systems for the endless realm, often without additional hardware resources can achieve all kinds of renovated function. It is also present in many household appliances feature a large number of additional factors.2 single chip computer with you to the industrial areaThe 21st century is the century of humanity into the computer age, many people are notused in the manufacture of computer is the computer. People using the computer, only the people engaged in embedded system applications really into the internal computer system hardware and software systems, can we truly understand the nature of the computer's intelligence and grasp the knowledge of intelligent design. MCU applications starting from the learning technology applications in today's computer software training, hardware and technical personnel of one of the best roads.3 SCM bring you into the most attractive in the digital worldCharming single chip to enable you to experience the true meaning of the computer, you can design intelligent microcontroller hands-on toys, different applications can be designed to achieve different functions. Both software design and hardware making there, both mental and physical, but also hands. Primary level can develop intelligent toys, with macro programming. Intermediate levels can develop some intelligent controller, such as computer mouse, smart cars, all kinds of remote control model. High levels can be developed robots, such as robot soccer, the development of industrial control units, network communications, and high-level language with assembly language or design application. Microcontroller and embedded systems around the formation of the future of the electronics industry, will provide a vast world of electronic fans, an even broader than the current wireless world, richer, more durable, more attractive in the digital world. Plunge into the microcontroller in the world to, will benefit your life.MCU AttacksCurrently, there are four single chip attack technique, namely:1 software attackThe technology is commonly used processor communication interface and use protocol, encryption algorithm or the algorithm of security vulnerabilities to attack. The success of software attack is a typical example of the early ATMEL AT89C MCU attacks. Attacker single chip erase operation of the timing design flaw, erase the encryption used by ourselves locked in place, the next stop on-chip program memory data erase operation, thus bringing into too close a single chip SCM not encrypted, and then use the programmer to read out chip program.2 electronic detection of attacksThe technology is usually a high time resolution to monitor the processor during normal operation of all power and interface simulation features, and by monitoring theelectromagnetic radiation characteristics of it to attack. Because SCM is an active electronic device, when it executes a different command, the corresponding changes in the power consumption accordingly. This through the use of special electronic measuring instruments and mathematical statistical analysis and detection of these changes, you can access key information specific microcontroller.3 fault generation technologyAbnormal working conditions of the technology used to make the processor errors, and provide additional access to attack. Produce the most widely used means of attack, including the fault of the impact and the clock voltage shock. Low voltage and high voltage protection circuit attack can be used to prohibit the work of processor execution errors or enforcement action. Clock transition may reset the transient protection circuit will not damage the protected information. Power and clock transients transition effects in certain single-processor instruction decoding and execution.4 probeThis technology is directly exposed to chip connection, and then observe, manipulate, interfere with single chip to achieve the attack purpose. For convenience, these four people will attack techniques are divided into two categories is the intrusion type attack (physical attack), such attack requires destruction of package, then use semiconductor test equipment, microscopes and micro-positioning device, in a special laboratory spend hours or even weeks to complete. All of the micro-probe techniques are invasive type attack. The other three methods are non-invasive type attack, attack the MCU will not be physical damage. In some cases, non-invasive-type attacks are particularly dangerous, but because of non-invasive type attacks can usually be made and the necessary equipment to upgrade, so it is cheap.Most non-invasive type attack requires the attacker have a good knowledge of processors and software knowledge. In contrast, the invasive type of probe do not need too much of the initial attack of knowledge, and usually a set of similar technology available to deal with a wide range of productsMCU general process of invasion-type attackInvasive type of attack is thrown off its first chip package. There are two ways to achieve this goal: the first one is completely dissolved out chip package, exposed metal connections. The second is only removed to the top of the plastic package silicon core. Thefirst method is the need to bind to the test fixture on the chip, using bind Taiwan to operate. The second method requires the attacker in addition to a certain degree of knowledge and necessary skills, but also the wisdom and patience, but operate relatively easy.Above the plastic chips can be opened with a knife, epoxy around the chip can be eroded by concentrated nitric acid. Hot concentrated nitric acid will dissolve out without affecting the chip, chip packaging and connection. This process usually very dry conditions, because the presence of water may erode the aluminum wire connections have been exposed.Then, in ultrasonic cleaning of the pool first chip with acetone to remove residual nitric acid, then washed with water to remove salt and dried. No ultrasound pool, are generally skip this step. This case, the chip surface, a bit dirty, but do not affect the operation of UV effects on the chip. The final step is to find the location of the protection fuse and fuse protection under exposure to UV light. General use at least a 100 times magnification microscope, from the programming voltage input pin of the connection tracking in, to find protection fuse. If there is no microscope, the use of different parts of the chip is exposed to ultraviolet light and observe the results under the simple search mode. Operation applied opaque paper cover to protect the program memory chips are not erased by ultraviolet light. Will protect the fuse exposed under UV light 5 to 10 minutes to destroy the protection bit of the protective effect, use a simple programmer can directly read the contents of program memory.The use of the protective layer to protect the MCU EEPROM cell, using ultraviolet light reset protection circuit is not feasible. For this type of MCU, the general use of micro-probe technology to read the memory contents. In the chip package is opened, the chip placed under the microscope can easily find from the memory circuit connected to other parts of the data bus.For some reason, the chip lock-bit programming mode is not locked in the memory of the visit. Advantage of this flaw on the data lines to probe the above data can be read all you want. In programming mode, restart the process of reading and connect probe to the other data can be read online program and data memory, all of the information.There is also a possible means of attack is the use of microscopy and laser cutting machines and other equipment to find the fuse protection to this part of the circuit tracing and linking all the signal lines. Because of the design defects, so long as cut off from othercircuit protection fuse to a one signal line, you can ban the entire protection. For some reason, this thread is very far from the other line, so the use of laser cutting machine can cut the wire without affecting the adjacent line. In this way, using a simple programmer can directly read the contents of program memory.Although the most common single chip microcontroller has fuse blown inside the code protection features, but because of general low-end MCU is not positioning the production of safe products, so they often do not provide targeted preventive measures and the low level of security. MCU applications with a broad, large sales volume, commission processing and transfer of technology between firms frequently spilled a lot of technical data, making use of loopholes in the design of such chips and test interface manufacturer, and by modifying the invasive type fuse protection bits, etc. means of attack or invasion-type attack to read MCU's internal procedures have become easier.About common single chipSTC microcontrollerSTC's mainly based on the 8051 microcontroller core is a new generation of enhanced MCU, the instruction code is fully compatible with the traditional 8051, 8 to 12 times faster, with ADC, 4 Road, PWM, dual serial ports, a global unique ID, encryption of good, strong anti-interference.PIC Microcontroller:MICROCHIP's products is its prominent feature is a small, low power consumption, reduced instruction set, interference, reliability, strong analog interface, the code of confidentiality is good, most of the chip has its compatible FLASH program memory chips. EMC SCM:Elan's products in Taiwan, with much of the PIC 8-bit microcontroller compatible, and compatible products, resources, compared to the PIC's more, cheap, there are many series of options, but less interference.ATMEL microcontroller (MCU 51):ATMEl company's 8-bit microcontroller with AT89, AT90 two series, AT89 series is the 8-bit Flash microcontroller 8051 is compatible with the static clock mode; AT90 RISC MCU is to enhance the structure, all static methods of work, containing the line can be Flash MCU programming, also known A VR microcontroller.桂林电子科技大学毕业设计(论文)原文用纸第10 页共10 页PHLIPIS 51PLC Microcontroller (MCU 51):PHILIPS company's MCU is based on the 80C51 microcontroller core, embedded power-down detection, simulation and on-chip RC oscillator and other functions, which makes 51LPC in highly integrated, low cost, low power design to meet various applications performance requirements.HOLTEK SCM:Sheng Yang, Taiwan Semiconductor's single chip, cheap more categories, but less interference for consumer products.TI company microcontroller (MCU 51):Texas Instruments MSP430 provides the TMS370 and two series of general-purpose microcontroller. TMS370 MCU is the 8-bit CMOS MCU with a variety of storage mode, a variety of external interface mode, suitable for real-time control of complex situations; MSP430 MCU is a low power, high functionality integrated 16-bit low-power microcontroller, especially for applications that require low power consumption occasions Taiwan Sonix's single, mostly 8-bit machines, some with PIC 8-bit microcontroller compatible, cheap, the system clock frequency may be more options there PMW ADC internal noise filtering within the vibration. Shortcomings RAM space is too small, better anti-interference.。


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快速刀具伺服机构研究进展吴 丹 谢晓丹 王先逵清华大学,北京,100084摘要:快速刀具伺服机构(F TS )是非圆数控车削和非轴对称车削的一项共同的关键性技术。

论述了F TS 的发展历程、结构特点及性能指标。

详细介绍了压电陶瓷F TS 、磁致伸缩F TS 、洛仑兹力F TS 、麦克斯韦力F TS 的国内外研究情况,阐述了它们的原理、结构、性能优缺点及应用情况,并给出了F TS用于非轴对称光学元件车削的实例。

指出超高频响(大于1000Hz )短行程(小于100μm )的F TS 是当今研究热点,压电陶瓷F TS 和麦克斯韦力F TS 都可以实现较高频响,其中麦克斯韦力型F TS 是可实现超高频响的一种全新类型的F TS 。

关键词:快速刀具伺服机构;响应频率;非圆车削;非轴对称车削中图分类号:T G506;T G70 文章编号:1004—132X (2008)11—1379—07R esearch R eview of F ast Tool ServoWu Dan Xie Xiaodan Wang Xiankui Tsinghua University ,Beijing ,100084Abstract :Fast tool servo (F TS )is one of t he key technologies in bot h noncircular t urning and non -axisymmet ric t urning fields.The researching history ,st ruct ure characteristics and performance indices of F TS system were p resented ,and lot s of existing F TSs were reviewed.Afterwards ,four kinds of F TSs including piezoelectric F TS ,magnetostrictive F TS ,Lorentz force F TS and Maxwell force (normal -stress electro magnetic force )F TS were discussed ,involving t heir working princi 2ples ,configuration ,applications ,respective pro s and cons.In addition ,several cases of F TS ’s apply 2ing in non -axisymmet ric t urning were given.The viewpoint s are t hat ult rafast -response (>1000Hz )short -stroke (<100μm )F TS is t he focus in current research ,and bot h piezoelectric F TS and Maxwell force F TS are accessing to ultrafast -response ;especially t he Maxwell force ,it is an excellent new p rinciple for realizing ultrafast -response F TS.K ey w ords :fast tool servo ;response frequency ;noncircular t urning ;non -axisymmet ric t urning收稿日期:2007—11—05基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50675117)0 引言近年来,非圆截面零件和非轴对称(即非旋转对称)光学元件分别在机械工业和光电产业中得到了广泛应用。



江汉大学毕业论文(设计)外文翻译原文来源Android™A Programmer’s Guide中文翻译安卓程序员指南学院数学与计算机科学学院专业网络工程姓名吴晓伟学号200808204105指导教师沈整2012年3月28日Android™A Programmer’s Guid eJ.F. DiMarzioNew York Chicago San FranciscoLisbon London Madrid Mexico CityMilan New Delhi San JuanSeoul Singapore Sydney TorontoAbout the AuthorJ.F. DiMarzio is a developer with over 15 years ofexperience in networking and application developmentand is the author of seven books on computing technologies.He has become a leading resource in the fields of ITconsulting and development. He lives in Central Florida.About the Technical EditorGilbert L. Polo is a software developer with over 20years of experience working in the telecommunications,financial, and, most recently, educational industries. Hehas programmed in various languages including C, C++,Java, and C#.Chapter1What Is Android?Key Skills & Concepts●History of embedded device programming●Explanation of Open Handset Alliance●First look at the Android home screenIt can be said that, for a while, traditional desktop application developers have been spoiled. This is not to say that traditional desktop application development is easierthan other forms of development. However, as traditional desktop application developers, we have had the ability to create almost any kind of application we can imagine. I am including myself in this grouping because I got my start in desktop programming.One aspect that has made desktop programming more accessible is that we have had the ability to interact with the desktop operating system, and thus interact with any underlying hardware, pretty freely (or at least with minimal exceptions). This kind of freedom to program independently, however, has never really been available to the small group of programmers who dared to venture into the murky waters of cell phone development.NOTEI refer to two different kinds of developers in this discussion: traditional desktop application developers, who work in almost any language and whose end product, applications, are built to run on any “desktop” operating system; and Android developers, Java developers who develop for the Android platform. This is not for the purposes of saying one is by any means better or worse than the other.Rather, the distinction is made for purposes of comparing the development styles and tools of desktop operating system environments to the mobile operating system environment, Android.Brief History of Embedd ed Device Programming For a long time, cell phone developers comprised a small sect of a slightly larger group of developers known as embedded device developers. Seen as a less “glamorous” si bling to desktop—and later web—development, embedded device development typically got the proverbial short end of the stick as far as hardware and operating system features, because embedded device manufacturers were notoriously stingy on feature support. Embedded device manufacturers typically needed to guard their hardware secrets closely, so they gave embedded device developers few libraries to call when trying to interact with a specific device. Embedded devices differ from desktops in that an embedded device is typically a “computer on a chip.” For example, consider your standard television remote control; it is not really seen as an overwhelming achievement of technological complexity. When any button is pressed, a chip interprets the signal in a way that has been programmed into the device. This allows the device to know what to expect from the input device (key pad), and how to respond to those commands (for example, turn on the television). This is a simple form of embedded device programming. However, believe it or not, simple devices such as these are definitely related to the roots of early cell phone devices and development.Most embedded devices ran (and in some cases still run) proprietary operating systems. The reason for choosing to create a proprietary operating system rather than use any consumer system was really a product of necessity. Simple devices did not need very robust and optimized operating systems.As a product of device evolution, many of the more complex embedded devices, such as early PDAs, household security systems, and GPSs, moved to somewhat standardized operating system platforms about five years ago. Small-footprint operating systems such as Linux, or even an embedded version of Microsoft Windows, have become more prevalent on many embedded devices. Around this time in device evolution, cell phones branched from other embedded devices onto their own path. This branching is evident when you examine their architecture.Nearly since their inception, cell phones have been fringe devices insofar as they run on proprietary software—software that is owned and controlled by the manufacturer, and is almost always considered to be a “closed” system. The practice of manufacturers using proprietary operating systems began more out of necessity than any other reason. That is, cell phone manufacturers typically used hardware that was completely developed in-house, or at least hardware that was specifically developed for the purposes of running cell phone equipment. As a result, there were no openly available, off-the-shelf software packages or solutions that would reliably interact with their hardware. Since the manufacturers also wanted to guard very closely their hardware trade secrets, some of which could be revealed by allowing access to the software level of the device, the common practice was, and in most cases still is, to use completely proprietary and closed software to run their devices. The downside to this is that anyone who wanted to develop applications for cell phones needed to have intimate knowledge of the proprietary environment within which it was to run. The solution was to purchase expensive development tools directly from the manufacturer. This isolated many of the “homebrew” developers.NOTEA growing culture of homebrew developers has embraced cell phone application development. The term “homebrew” refers to the fact that these developers typically do not work for a cell phone development company and generally produce small, one-off products on their own time.Anothe r, more compelling “necessity” that kept cell phone development out of the hands of the everyday developer was the hardware manufacturers’ solution to the “memory versus need” dilemma. Until recently, cell phones did little more than execute and receive phone calls, track your contacts, and possibly send and receive short text messages; not really the “Swiss army knives” of technology they are today. Even as late as 2002, cell phones with cameras were not commonly found in the hands of consumers.By 1997, small applications such as calculators and games (Tetris, for example) crept their way onto cell phones, but the overwhelming function was still that of a phone dialer itself. Cell phones had not yet become the multiuse, multifunction personal tools they are today. No one yet saw the need for Internet browsing, MP3 playing, or any of the multitudes of functions we are accustomed to using today. It is possible that the cell phone manufacturers of 1997 did not fully perceive the need consumers would have for an all-in-one device. However, even if the need was present, a lack of device memory and storage capacity was an even bigger obstacle toovercome. More people may have wanted their devices to be all-in-one tools, but manufacturers still had to climb the memory hurdle.To put the problem simply, it takes memory to store and run applications on any device, cell phones included. Cell phones, as a device, until recently did not have the amount of memory available to them that would facilitate the inclusion of “extra”programs. Within the last two years, the price of memory has reached very low levels.Device manufacturers now have the ability to include more memory at lower prices. Many cell phones now have more standard memory than the average PC had in the mid-1990s. So, now that we have the need, and the memory, we can all jump in and develop cool applications for cell phones around the world, right? Not exactly.Device manufacturers still closely guard the operating systems that run on their devices. While a few have opened up to the point where they will allow some Java-based applications to run within a small environment on the phone, many do not allow this. Even the systems that do allow some Java apps to run do not allow the kind of access to the “core” sy stem that standard desktop developers are accustomed to having.Open Handset Alliance and AndroidThis barrier to application development began to crumble in November of 2007 when Google, under the Open Handset Alliance, released Android. The Open Handset Alliance is a group of hardware and software developers, including Google, NTT DoCoMo, Sprint Nextel, and HTC, whose goal is to create a more open cell phone environment.The first product to be released under the alliance is the mobile device operating system, Android. (For more information about the Open Handset Alliance, see .) With the release of Android, Google made available a host of development tools and tutorials to aid would-be developers onto the new system. Help files, the platform software development kit (SDK), and even a developers’ community can be found at Google’s Android website, /android. This site should be your starting point, and I highly encourage you to visit the site.NOTEGoogle, in promoting the new Android operating system, even went as far as to create a $10 million contest looking for new and exciting Android applications.While cell phones running Linux, Windows, and even PalmOS are easy to find, as of this writing, no hardware platforms have been announced for Android to run on. HTC, LGElectronics, Motorola, and Samsung are members of the Open Handset Alliance, under which Android has been released, so we can only hope that they have plans fora few Android-based devices in the near future. With its release in November 2007, the system itself is still in a software-only beta. This is good news for developers because it gives us a rare advance look at a future system and a chance to begin developing applications that will run as soon as the hardware is released.NOTEThis strategy clearly gives the Open Handset Alliance a big advantage over other cell phone operating system developers, because there could be an uncountable number of applications available immediately for the first devices released to run Android.Introduction to AndroidAndroid, as a system, is a Java-based operating system that runs on the Linux 2.6 kernel. The system is very lightweight and full featured. Figure 1-1 shows the unmodified Android home screen.Figure 1-1 The current Android home screen as seen on the Android Emulator Android applications are developed using Java and can be ported rather easily to the new platform. If you have not yet downloaded Java or are unsure about which version you need, I detail the installation of the development environment in Chapter 2. Other features of Android include an accelerated 3-D graphics engine (based on hardware support), database support powered by SQLite, and an integrated web browser.If you are familiar with Java programming or are an OOP developer of any sort,you are likely used to programmatic user interface (UI) development—that is, UI placement which is handled directly within the program code. Android, while recognizing and allowing for programmatic UI development, also supports the newer, XML-based UI layout. XMLUI layout is a fairly new concept to the average desktop developer. I will cover both the XML UI layout and the programmatic UI development in the supporting chapters of this book.One of the more exciting and compelling features of Android is that, because of its architecture, third-party applications—including those that are “home grown”—are executed with the same system priority as those that are bundled with the core system.This is a major departure from most systems, which give embedded system apps a greater execution priority than the thread priority available to apps created by third-party developers. Also, each application is executed within its own thread using a very lightweight virtual machine.Aside from the very generous SDK and the well-formed libraries that are available to us to develop with, the most exciting feature for Android developers is that we now have access to anything the operating system has access to. In other words, if you want to create an application that dials the phone, you have access to the phone’s dialer; if you want to create an application that utilizes the phone’s internal GPS (if equipped), you have access to it. The potential for developers to create dynamic and intriguing applications is now wide open.On top of all the features that are available from the Android side of the equation, Google has thrown in some very tantalizing features of its own. Developers of Android applications will be able to tie their applications into existing Google offerings such as Google Maps and the omnipresent Google Search. Suppose you want to write an application that pulls up a Google map of where an incoming call is emanating from, or you want to be able to store common search results with your contacts; the doors of possibility have been flung wide open with Android.Ask the ExpertQ: What is the difference between Google and the Open Handset Alliance?A: Google is a member of the Open Handset Alliance. Google, after purchasing the original developer of Android, released the operating system under the Open Handset Alliance.Q: Is Android capable of running any Linux software?A: Not necessarily. While I am sure that there will be ways to get around most any open source system, applications need to be compiled using the Android SDK to run on Android. The main reason for this is that Android applications execute files in aspecific format; this will be discussed in later chapters.Reference:[1]Hello Android. Introducing Google’s Mobile Developmeng Platform 3rd.Edition,Ed Burnette,The Pragmatic Bookshelf[2]The.Android.Developers.Cookbook Building Applications with the Android SDK,James Steele Nelson,Addison-Wesley[3] Pro Android Media. Developing Graphics,Music,Video and Rich Media Apps for Smartphones and Tablets,Shawn Van Every,Apress[4] Professional.Android.2.Application.Development.(Wrox,.2010,.0470565527)程序员指南原著:J.F.DiMarzio翻译:张劲锋关于作者:J.F.DiMarzio是一个在网络和程序开发领域拥有超过15年经验的程序开发员并且是7本关于计算机科学书籍的作者。










弹簧隔振支座水平反复荷载与水平位移关系的拟静力试验Quasi-Static Test of the Relationship Between Horizontal Repeated Load andHorizontal Displacement of Spring Isolation Supports刘彦英(中建二局第一建筑工程有限公司,北京100023)LIU Yan-ying(The First Construction Enginering Company Ltd.of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau,Beijing 100023,China)【摘要】为确定大型设施竖向隔振对弹簧支座抗震性能的要求,以盖板水平位移是否受限为基本条件,对10个弹簧隔振支座试件进行拟静力试验,基于试验结果探讨水平反复荷载与水平位移的关系,并提出有利于弹簧隔振支座有效使用的具体策略,以提升弹簧隔振支座的抗振性能,保证此类支座的稳定性。

Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation after Off-pump versus On-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graf

Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation after Off-pump versus On-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graf

956J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci ] 37(6):2017Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation after Off-pump versus On-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials and Propensity Score Matching Trials *Chuang-yan WU (吴创炎)1†, Si-hua WANG (王思桦)2†, Yu-qiang SHANG (尚玉强)3#, Jia-hong XIA (夏家红)1# 1Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, 2Department of Thoracic Surgery, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430022, China 3Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, The Central Hospital of Wuhan, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430014, China© Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017Summary: The association between atrial fibrillation (AF) after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and the surgical techniques selected has been extensively reported. However, no consistent results were obtained. In the present study, a meta-analysis was conducted by searching the electronic databases PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Cochrane to identify the association of post-CABG AF with on-pump (conventional CABG , cCABG) or off-pump CABG (OPCABG). Outcomes from randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and propensity score matching (PSM) trials were pooled by using the fixed-effect or the random-effect modeling method, and verified by the quality-effect modeling method. There were 35 studies with 36 independent reports that met the inclusion criteria and were eventually included in our meta-analysis. The total odds ratio (OR) of the incidence of post-CABG AF between OPCABG and cCABG was 0.80 (95% CI 0.71–0.91). The 25 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) had an OR of 0.69 (95% CI 0.56–0.86), while the OR of the 11 PSM trials was 0.88 (95% CI 0.77–1.00). Twenty-six studies involving the patients at a mean age no more than 65 years showed an OR of 0.76 (95% CI 0.64–0.90), whereas 10 studies with patients greater than 65 years old showed an OR of 0.90 (95% CI 0.78–1.05). The results of this meta-analysis suggest that OPCAB surgery may reduce the incidence of post-CABG AF when compared to cCABG and that younger patients may benefit more from OPCAB and have a lower incidence of post-CABG AF.Key words: off-pump coronary artery bypass; coronary artery bypass surgery; atrial fibrillationAtrial fibrillation (AF) is a common post-opera-tive complication of cardiac surgery. Fifteen to thirty percent patients undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) develop AF [1, 2]. Post-CABG AF can lead to thromboembolic complications, addi-tional pharmacotherapy, longer hospital stays, and increased cost. AF is also found associated with anxi-ety and stroke [3, 4]. Several studies have also suggested that post-CABG AF increases early mortality and af-fects long-term survival [5, 6].The pathogenesis of post-CABG AF is not fully understood. Some perioperative factors, such as elec-trolyte imbalance, inadequate myocardial protection and β blocker withdrawal, may precipitate the genera-tion of AF in these patients [7]. Additionally, it was found that the ischemia caused by use of cardiopul-monary bypass (CPB) for CABG may result in AF [8]. There are several techniques that are applied to CABG,Chuang-yan WU, E-mail: caffein@; Si-hua WANG , E-mail: 23024400@ †These authors contributed equally to this work. #Corresponding authors, Jia-hong XIA, E-mail: jiahong.xia @; Yu-qiang SHANG , E-mail: syq027@ *This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81401323 and No. 81130056). of which the most popular are on-pump CABG (con-ventional CABG, cCABG) and off-pump CABG (OPCAB)[9]. The main difference between these tech-niques is the use of CPB. The relationship between CPB and post-operative AF, however, is undeter-mined [10]. Therefore, it remains unclear whether avoiding CPB can reduce the incidence of AF after CABG.Systematic reviews of a great many of random-ized clinical trials (RCTs) and propensity score matching (PSM) trials have been performed to explore the association of CPB with post-CABG AF [11, 12]. However, there are some limitations in the systematic reviews. First, only RCTs or PSM trials were included in the studies. Second, subgroup analysis was not conducted in the studies so that the possible factors, such as age and other risk factors, for heterogeneity between the studies were not sufficiently evaluated. The studies containing elderly or high-risk patients would produce greater heterogeneity [13, 14]. Moreover, explaining the causes of heterogeneity is more mean-ingful than calculating the overall estimates via a meta-analysis [15].To further clarify the association between post-CABG AF and CPB, we conducted a meta-analysis of all published RCTs and PSM trials in37(6):956-964,2017J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci ]DOI https:///10.1007/s11596-017-1834-5J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci ] 37(6):2017 957the present study and explored the heterogeneity be-tween studies.1 MATERIALS AND METHODS1.1 Search StrategyTo identify relevant studies on the relationship between post-CABG AF and CPB, an electronic search was performed in the Embase, PubMed and Web of Science databases prior to June 2016. Index terms, including (1) “off-pump coronary artery by-pass”, “OPCAB” or “beating heart”; (2) “coronary artery bypass surgery”, “coronary artery bypass graft”, “heart bypass”, “bypass surgery” or “cardiopulmonary bypass” and (3) “atrial fibrillation”, “AF” or “a-fib”, were applied in the literature search in various combi-nations. Furthermore, an additional check was per-formed on reference lists from identified studies for more suitable articles. The language of the included articles was restricted to English. 1.2 Inclusion CriteriaStudies which met the following inclusion criteria were included: (1) prospective randomized or retro-spective matched study that randomly compared OPCAB and on-pump CABG techniques; (2) the out-comes of interest included AF; and (3) studies con-taining a previously unreported patient group. Editori-als, letters, reviews and non-human studies were ex-cluded from the study. Our study was conducted ac-cording to the guidelines for meta-analysis (PRISMA)[16].1.3 Data ExtractionTwo authors collected data independently on the basis of the guidelines for meta-analysis. A third re-viewer was consulted to reach agreement when the discrepancies appeared. The name of the first author, year of publication, country and continent, type of study design, characteristics of the study population, and number of patients who developed AF after un-dergoing OPCAB or cCABG were collected from all the included studies. 1.4 Quality AssessmentTwo reviewers performed a quality assessment based on the criteria for the quality of randomized studies proposed by Heyland et al [17, 18]. For practical use, PSMs were defined as poor quality and graded 3 points as the average of this level. The results of the quality-effect model were used to explore the sensitiv-ity and stability of our conclusions. 1.5 Statistical AnalysisORs and 95% CIs were introduced as the com-mon measurement. To select the effect model of best fit, heterogeneity was first evaluated in our meta-analysis. If heterogeneity was negligible, the fixed-effect modeling method was used in the analysis; otherwise, the random-effect modeling method was employed [19]. The I 2 statistic and Cochran Q test were applied to estimate the heterogeneity among the iden-tified studies [20]. The quality-effect model is a method used to weigh studies in a meta-analysis using quality scores, and whereby the effects of publication bias or low study quality bias are reduced [15, 21]. Subgroup analysis on study design, year of publication, geo-graphical region, age and quality of study were per-formed in this meta-analysis.Publication bias was estimated using funnel plots and the tests of Begg and Egger [22, 23]. Forest plots were applied to assess the overall association between post-CABG AF and the chosen method. All the analy-ses were performed using MetaXL 2.2 and STATA 12.0. In our analysis, all P values were calculated to be two-sided, with the level less than 0.05 considered to be statistically significant.2 RESULTS2.1 Study CharacteristicsA total of 988 potentially relevant studies were identified by searching the databases mentioned before. After removing the duplicates and inappropriate pub-lication types, 725 potentially relevant articles were obtained. Reviewing the titles and abstracts excluded 644 studies because of non-compliance with the inclu-sion criteria. Finally, 35 articles with 36 independent reports were included in the meta-analysis [24–58]. The study identification and selection is summarized in fig. 1 and the study characteristics in table 1. The studies included consisted of 25 RCTs involving 7 658 pa-tients with 3 874 undergoing OPCAB, and 11 PSM studies including 18 265 patients with 9 082 receiving OPCAB. Most RCTs were ranked at level 2 (moderate quality), except five RCTs at level 3 (high quality). The 11 PSMs fell on level 1 (low quality). Among these studies, 21 were performed in Europe, 9 in North America, 5 in Asia and 1 in Oceania. Eighteen reports were published before 2003 (including 2003), and the others after 2003.Fig. 1Flow chart of the meta-analysis958 J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci ] 37(6):2017Table 1 Study characteristicsMean age (years)Female%AFNon-AFStudy Style Grade Quality Location OPCAB cCABG OPCAB cCABG OPCAB cCABG OPCAB cCABG OPCAB cCABGAlamanni (2008) PSM 3 L Italy 1062 1062 66.0 66.0 19.5% 17.6% 112 109 950 953 Almassi (2012) RCT 9 M USA 1047 1056 62.0 62.3 NA NA 283 268 764 788 Al-Ruzzeh (2006) RCT 10 M UK 84 84 63.1 63.1 17.0% 16.0% 28 22 56 62 Ascione (2003)PSM3 L UK 74 176 66.0 65.0 14.0% 8.0% 15 37 59 139 Attaran (2010) PSM 3 L Turkey 319 319 66.6 66.3 15.70%15.10%89 89 230 230 BHACAS 1 (2002) RCT 9 M UK 100 100 62.2 61.7 NA NA 11 45 89 55 BHACAS 2 (2002)RCT9MUK10010163.861.2NANA14298672Böning (2014) RCT 7 M Germany 1033 1038 78.6 78.4 30.0% 33.0% 55 54 978 984Bull (2001) PSM 3 L USA 40 40 64.9 64.6 12.0% 7.0% 7 7 33 33 Calafiore (2003) PSM 3 L Italy 961 961 64.2 64.5 16.8% 16.9% 102 150 859 811 Czerny (2000) RCT 9 M UK 14 16 63.3 65.1 28.6% 18.8% 3 3 11 13 Czerny (2001) RCT 7 M Austria 40 40 64.7 62.3 NA NA 7 7 33 33 Gerola (2004) RCT 7 M Brazil 80 80 59.1 58.9 36.3% 32.5% 4 7 76 73 Haase (2003) PSM 3 L Australia 90 90 65.9 64.7 37.7% 26.7% 29 31 61 59 Hravnak (2004) PSM 3 L USA 107 107 66.3 66.4 40.0% 40.0% 38 36 69 71 J-S (2004) RCT 7 M Sweden 26 26 62.2 62.5 30.8% 38.5% 7 12 19 14 Karthik (2003) PSM 3 L UK417 411 66.0 64.0 30.5% 24.6% 112 95 305 316Kim (2002) RCT 10 M Korea 123 76 63.0 62.0 33.3% 27.6% 15 17 108 59 Kobayashi (2005) RCT 10 M Japan 81 86 60.0 59.0 13.6% 12.8% 19 19 62 67 Lee (2003) RCT 11 H USA 30 30 65.5 66.0 20.0% 27.0% 7 12 23 18 Legare (2004) RCT 11 H Canada 150 150 62.1 63.7 18.7% 20.7% 38 48 112 102 Mack (2004) PSM 3 L USA5774 5774 NA NA NA NA 1205 1439 4569 4335Mariscalco (2006) RCT 10 M Italy 35 35 66.1 64.2 57.1% 48.6% 14 12 21 23 Muneretto (2003) RCT 10 M Italy 88 88 67.0 66.0 37.5% 40.9% 19 31 69 57 Penttila (2003) RCT 8 M Finland 11 11 59.5 59.2 NA NA 1 3 10 8 Puskas (2003) RCT 13 H USA 98 99 62.2 62.5 22.0% 23.0% 16 22 82 77 Saleh (2010) PSM 3 L UK 107 107 81.6 82.0 27.1% 25.2% 31 39 76 68Smith (2002) RCT 11 H UK 21 23 61.3 66.0 14.3% 17.4% 5 6 16 17 Straka (2004)RCT11HCzech Republic204 184 63.0 62.0 62.0% 23.0% 20 24 184 160T-H (2000) RCT 8 M USA 101 108 64.0 67.0 25% 29% 23 42 78 66 Tashnizi (2012) RCT 7 M Iran 95 33 58.8 52.0 NA NA 15 7 80 26 Turk (2007) PSM 3 L Turkey 131 136 NA NA 22.1% 22.8% 29 35 102 101 van Dijk (2001)RCT 12H the Netherlands142 139 61.7 60.8 53.5% 48.9% 2021 122 118 Wan (2004)RCT 9 M Hong Kong, CN18 19 63.6 65.4 16.7% 42.0% 33 15 16 Widimsky (2004) RCT 8 M Czech Republic123 132 61.6 61.4 22.0% 16.0% 2024 103 108 Zamvar (2002) RCT 9 M UK 30 30 63.5 61.6 16.7% 10.0% 4 10 26 20AF: arterial fibrillation; OPCAB: off-pump CABG; cCABG: conventional CABG, also on-pump CABG; NA: not available; H: high quality; M: moderatequality; L: low qualityAll of the reports contained comparable groups in regards to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, age and gender. Two studies fo-cused on elderly individuals with a maximum age of 75 years. Three studies included patients who experi-enced repeated operations. All the studies clearly de-fined the outcome of interest as AF. Although three of the studies contained patients with pre-operation AF, only new-onset AF was counted. 2.2 Meta-analysis ResultsNine out of the 36 reports concluded that OPCAB could reduce the incidence of post-CABG AF. In all the studies, 18.7% (2 420/12 956) of patients in theOPCAB group developed AF, compared to 21.7% (2 815/12 967) in the cCABG group. The P value of het-erogeneity (P h ) was 0.001. The OR was calculated to be 0.8, with a 95% CI of 0.71 to 0.91, using a ran-dom-effect model (fig. 2). 2.3 Subgroup AnalysesResults of the subgroup analyses are shown in fig. 3. Subgroup analysis on study style revealed that 25 RCTs reported an OR of 0.69 (95% CI 0.56–0.86; P=0.001; P h =0.001) for the incidence of post-CABG AF, while 11 PSM studies showed an OR of 0.88 (95% CI 0.77–1.00; P=0.058; P h =0.126). When stratified by the year of publication, 18 out of the 36 studies pub-J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci ] 37(6):2017 959lished before 2003 (including 2003) showed the OR of 0.63 (95% CI 0.48–0.82; P=0.001; P h =0.001) for the incidence of post-CABG AF; the other 18 studies pub-lished after 2003 reported an OR of 0.86 (95% CI 0.81-0.92; P<0.001; P h =0.324). According to the loca-tion of the studies, 21 European studies showed an OR of 0.75 (95% CI 0.61–0.94; P=0.011; P h =0), 9 American studies an OR of 0.82 (95% CI 0.68-0.99; P=0.043; P h =0.057), 5 Asian studies an OR of 0.90 (95% CI 0.70–1.16; P=0.398; P h =0.507) and 1 Oce-anian study an OR of 0.91 (95% CI 0.49–1.68; P=0.752). In terms of patient age, 26 studies with a mean age no more than 65 years showed an OR of 0.76 (95% CI 0.64–0.90; P<0.001; P h =0.001), and 10 studies with a mean age greater than 65 years showed an OR of 0.90 (95% CI 0.78–1.05; P=0.173; P h =0.274). When the high-quality studies were ana-lyzed, the OR for the incidence of post-CABG AF became 0.73 (95% CI 0.55–0.98; P=0.034; P h =0.939); the studies of moderate quality reported an OR of 0.67 (95% CI 0.51–0.89; P=0.006; P h =0) with a heteroge-neity of 49.38; those with low quality had an OR of 0.88 (95% CI 0.77–1.00; P=0.058; P h =0.126). 2.4 Sensitivity AnalysesVarious modeling methods were used in the study (fixed-effect model, OR 0.83, 95% CI 0.78–0.88; random-effect model, OR=0.80, 95% CI 0.71–0.91; quality-effect model, OR=0.74, 95% CI 0.64–0.87) (fig. 4). Additionally, the leave-one-out method was conducted. As shown in fig. 5, the con-clusions were not significantly altered after use of the leave-one-out method and the ORs ranged from 0.80 (95% CI 0.75–0.85) to 0.86 (95% CI 0.79–0.94).Fig. 2 Pooled random effects OR and 95% CIs for the asso-ciation between the incidence of post-CABG AF and OPCAB or cCABGThe triangles and horizontal lines correspond to the study-specific ORs and 95% CIs, respectively. The gray areas reflect the study-specific weight. The dia-monds represent the pooled ORs and 95% CIs of each subgroup and overall population. The vertical solid line shows the OR of 1 and the vertical dashed line indicates the overall pooled OR of 0.80.Fig. 3 Results of subgroup analysis on the association between the incidence of post-CABG AF and OPCAB or cCABGThe triangles and horizontal lines represent the corresponding ORs and 95% CIs. The vertical solid line shows the OR of 1.2.5 Publication BiasThe funnel plots for the morbidity showed a symmetrical inverted funnel (95% CI) (fig. 6). TheEgger test and Begg did not suggest any publication bias (Begg, P =0.157; Egger, P =0296). Thus, no pub-lication bias was observed in this study.960 J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci ] 37(6):2017Fig. 4 Results of quality-effect model on the association between the incidence of post-CABG AF and OPCAB or cCABGThe circles and horizontal lines represent the corresponding ORs and 95% CIs, respectively.Fig. 5 Results of leave-one-out analysis on the association between the incidence of post-CABG AF and OPCAB or cCABGThe circles and horizontal lines represent the corresponding ORs and 95% CIs, respectively.3 DISCUSSIONIn previous meta-analyses comparing outcomes between OPCAB and cCABG, no consensus has been made about the incidence of post-CABG AF. Møller et al showed that there was a significantly reduced risk of AF in OPCAB group as compared with cCABGgroup in RCTs, although no statistically significant differences were found regarding the mortality, stroke or myocardial infarction [11]. On the contrary, Kuss et al showed that in a meta-analysis of PSM studies, the ORs for AF was not significant and the OPCAB tech-nique was associated with short-term mortality, stroke, and other complications [21].J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci ] 37(6):2017 961Fig. 6 Funnel plot of the meta-analysisThe vertical solid line represents the summary effect estimates, and the dotted lines are pseudo 95% CIs. The square and horizontal lines represent the corre-sponding ORs and 95% CIs. The vertical solid line shows the OR of 1 and the vertical dashed line indi-cates the overall pooled OR of 0.74.The conclusions of our meta-analysis relative to the two previous are more convincing due to the rig-orous analyses employed. First, our analysis included a total of 25 923 patients, which is much greater than those in the former studies and allowed us to uncover the associations with increased power. Second, each study in our meta-analysis was graded, and we used a random-effect model, fixed-effect model and qual-ity-effect model to assess the association between OPCAB and the incidence of post-CABG AF. Our meta-analysis demonstrated that OPCAB surgery could reduce the incidence of post-CABG AF when compared to cCABG because the OR for this rela-tionship between incidence of AF after OPCAB versus cCABG was calculated to be 0.80 (95% CI 0.71–0.91); younger patients might benefit more from OPCAB with a lower incidence of post-CABG AF.In a meta-analysis, high heterogeneity between studies may lead to an erroneous conclusion. In the present meta-analysis, three different models were used to assess the OR, which greatly decreased the heterogeneity between different studies. In addition to patient characteristics and surgical techniques, the study design, year of publication, location of the stud-ies, and comparability of the two groups were also examined in the meta-analysis.Our meta-analysis included only RCTs and PSM studies. Though RCTs are the gold standard for clini-cal trials, the patients in RCTs may be younger and healthier, and patient numbers are not sufficient for the meta-analysis. Because of this, we introduced PSM studies into our analysis. PSM is a statistical matching technique that attempts to estimate the effect of a treatment, policy, or other intervention by accounting for the covariates that predict receiving the treatment.Subgroup analysis on the study types revealed that in 25 RCTs, the incidence of post-CABG AF wassignificantly decreased, while in 11 PSM studies, a marginal significant association between post-CABG AF and CPB was observed. Besides, a significant as-sociation was found in the three study groups with different qualities. These results suggested that not only the studies with high or moderate quality but also the studies of low quality showed a statistical signifi-cance between post-CABG AF and CPB, which strengthens the validity of our results.The year of publication was taken into account in the subgroup analyses, and the result showed that the year of publication might contribute to the heterogene-ity, as the studies published more recently had a higher P h of 0.324. The variance may be caused by the fact that OPCABG has been conducted in more and more centers. Although the OR increased slightly, this result demonstrated that the techniques became more stable, the design of the studies was more rigorous, and the evidence became more credible. In addition to the year of publication, the location of the studies was further studied. There were four geographical regions in-cluded in our study: Europe, America, Asia and Oce-ania. We found that the relationships between the in-cidence of AF after OPCAB versus cCABG in Euro-pean and in American studies were statistically sig-nificant, while no association was confirmed to be significant in Asian and in Oceanic studies.Age was reported to be a powerful independent predictor of post-CABG AF. It was possibly related to an increasing incidence of hypertension, atherosclero-sis, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-ease (COPD) in elderly patients [59]. Conducting an analysis on age in our study, we found that age was a potential protective factor for AF and that younger people might benefit more from OPCAB and they had a lower incidence of post-CABG AF. As for the analy-sis of age in our work, 26 studies included patients with a mean age of no more than 65 years, and the remaining 10 studies involved patients with a mean age greater than 65 years. Compared to the older pa-tients (OR=0.90, 95% CI 0.78–1.05, P=0.173), the younger patients had a lower risk for developing AF (OR=0.76, 95% CI 0.64–0.90, P<0.001).Although our study yielded important conclu-sions, there are several limitations. First, preoperative complications, such as a history of heart surgery, hy-pertension, COPD, diabetes mellitus, and low ejection fraction, were not taken into account in the study. Second, different surgeons in the various reports un-dertook different techniques, which increased the het-erogeneity between studies. Third, other intraoperative variables such as different types of incisions, the number of arteries bypassed and the learning curve of the surgical techniques were not examined in this study. Finally, the type of equipment and the duration of postoperative arrhythmia monitoring might vary from study to study. Further studies with large sample size are needed to confirm our results.To sum up, with the advances the technology,962 J Huazhong Univ Sci Technol [Med Sci ] 37(6):2017OPCAB has challenged the status of cCABG. Fur-thermore, more mini-invasive techniques, such as clampless or anaortic off-pump surgery and hybrid revascularization, have been developed. The theoreti-cal benefits of avoiding CPB seem to support use of OPCAB. Moreover, our work suggests that OPCAB may reduce the incidence of post-CABG AF, and we found that younger patients might benefit more from OPCAB.Conflict of Interest StatementThe authors reported no conflict of interest in the arti-cle.REFERENCES 1 Villareal RP, Hariharan R, Liu BC, et al . Postoperativeatrial fibrillation and mortality after coronary artery bypass surgery. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2004,43(5): 742- 748 2 Amar D, Shi W, Hogue CW, et al . Clinical predictionrule for atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting. 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6. Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?
Humphry Davy
Sir Humphry Davy, British (1778- 1829) He did research into different gases and discovered the medicinal value of nitrous(含氮的) oxide(氧化物) (or laughing gas) as an
anaesthetic(麻醉剂). In 1815 he developed a safety lamp for
7. Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?
Zhang Heng Zhang Heng, Chinese (78- 139). He invented the first seismograph(测震仪、地震仪) to indicate in the direction of an earthquake. It was in the shape of a cylinder(圆筒形) with eight dragonheads round the top, each with a ball in its mouth.
Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research?
Discussion 2 Put them in a right order Stages in setting out a new scientific idea: ⑦ Draw a conclusion ③ Think of a method ④ Collect results ② Make a question ① Find a problem ⑤ Analyse the results



第八届CASIO杯翻译竞赛英语组原文How Writers Build the BrandBy Tony Perrottet As every author knows,writing a book is the easy part these days.It’s when the publication date looms that we have to roll up our sleeves and tackle the real literary labor:rabid self-promotion.For weeks beforehand,we are compelled to bombard every friend,relative and vague acquaintance with creative e-mails and Facebook alerts,polish up our Web sites with suspiciously youthful author photos,and,in an orgy of blogs,tweets and YouTube trailers,attempt to inform an already inundated world of our every reading,signing,review,interview and(well,one can dream!)TV -appearance.In this era when most writers are expected to do everything but run the printing presses,self-promotion is so accepted that we hardly give it a second thought.And yet, whenever I have a new book about to come out,I have to shake the unpleasant sensation that there is something unseemly about my own clamor for attention. Peddling my work like a Viagra salesman still feels at odds with the high calling of literature.In such moments of doubt,I look to history for reassurance.It’s always comforting to be reminded that literary whoring—I mean,self-marketing—has been practiced by the greats.The most revered of French novelists recognized the need for P.R.“For artists, the great problem to solve is how to get oneself noticed,”Balzac observed in“Lost Illusions,”his classic novel about literary life in early19th-century Paris.As another master,Stendhal,remarked in his autobiography“Memoirs of an Egotist,”“Great success is not possible without a certain degree of shamelessness,and even of out-and-out charlatanism.”Those words should be on the Authors Guild coat of arms.Hemingway set the modern gold standard for inventive self-branding,burnishing his image with photo ops from safaris,fishing trips and war zones.But he also posed for beer ads.In1951,Hem endorsed Ballantine Ale in a double-page spread in Lifemagazine,complete with a shot of him looking manly in his Havana abode.As recounted in“Hemingway and the Mechanism of Fame,”edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli and Judith S.Baughman,he proudly appeared in ads for Pan Am and Parker pens,selling his name with the abandon permitted to Jennifer Lopez or LeBron James today.Other American writers were evidently inspired.In1953,John Steinbeck also began shilling for Ballantine,recommending a chilled brew after a hard day’s labor in the fields.Even Vladimir Nabokov had an eye for self-marketing,subtly suggesting to photo editors that they feature him as a lepidopterist prancing about the forests in cap, shorts and long socks.(“Some fascinating photos might be also taken of me,a burly but agile man,stalking a rarity or sweeping it into my net from a flowerhead,”he enthused.)Across the pond,the Bloomsbury set regularly posed for fashion shoots in British Vogue in the1920s.The frumpy Virginia Woolf even went on a“Pretty Woman”-style shopping expedition at French couture houses in London with the magazine’s fashion editor in1925.But the tradition of self-promotion predates the camera by millenniums.In440 B.C.or so,a first-time Greek author named Herodotus paid for his own book tour around the Aegean.His big break came during the Olympic Games,when he stood up in the temple of Zeus and declaimed his“Histories”to the wealthy,influential crowd. In the12th century,the clergyman Gerald of Wales organized his own book party in Oxford,hoping to appeal to college audiences.According to“The Oxford Book of Oxford,”edited by Jan Morris,he invited scholars to his lodgings,where he plied them with good food and ale for three days,along with long recitations of his golden prose.But they got off easy compared with those invited to the“Funeral Supper”of the18th-century French bon vivant Grimod de la Reynière,held to promote his opus “Reflections on Pleasure.”The guests’curiosity turned to horror when they found themselves locked in a candlelit hall with a catafalque for a dining table,and were served an endless meal by black-robed waiters while Grimod insulted them as an audience watched from the balcony.When the diners were finally released at7a.m., they spread word that Grimod was mad—and his book quickly went through three -printings.Such pioneering gestures pale,however,before the promotional stunts of the 19th century.In“Crescendo of the Virtuoso:Spectacle,Skill,and Self-Promotion in Paris During the Age of Revolution,”the historian Paul Metzner notes that new technology led to an explosion in the number of newspapers in Paris,creating an array of publicity options.In“Lost Illusions,”Balzac observes that it was standard practice in Paris to bribe editors and critics with cash and lavish dinners to secure review space, while the city was plastered with loud posters advertising new releases.In1887,Guy de Maupassant sent up a hot-air balloon over the Seine with the name of his latest short story,“Le Horla,”painted on its side.In1884,Maurice Barrès hired men to wear sandwich boards promoting his literary review,Les Taches d’Encre.In1932, Colette created her own line of cosmetics sold through a Paris store.(This first venture into literary name-licensing was,tragically,a flop).American authors did try to keep up.Walt Whitman notoriously wrote his own anonymous reviews,which would not be out of place today on Amazon.“An American bard at last!”he raved in1855.“Large,proud,affectionate,eating,drinking and breeding,his costume manly and free,his face sunburnt and bearded.”But nobody could quite match the creativity of the Europeans.Perhaps the most astonishing P.R.stunt—one that must inspire awe among authors today—was plotted in Paris in1927by Georges Simenon,the Belgian-born author of the Inspector Maigret novels.For100,000francs,the wildly prolific Simenon agreed to write an entire novel while suspended in a glass cage outside the Moulin Rouge nightclub for 72hours.Members of the public would be invited to choose the novel’s characters, subject matter and title,while Simenon hammered out the pages on a typewriter.A newspaper advertisement promised the result would be“a record novel:record speed, record endurance and,dare we add,record talent!”It was a marketing coup.As Pierre Assouline notes in“Simenon:A Biography,”journalists in Paris“talked of nothing else.”As it happens,Simenon never went through with the glass-cage stunt,because the newspaper financing it went bankrupt.Still,he achieved huge publicity(and got to pocket25,000francs of the advance),and the idea took on a life of its own.It wassimply too good a story for Parisians to drop.For decades,French journalists would describe the Moulin Rouge event in elaborate detail,as if they had actually attended it. (The British essayist Alain de Botton matched Simenon’s chutzpah,if not quite his glamour,a few years ago when he set up shop in Heathrow for a week and became the airport’s first“writer in residence.”But then he actually got a book out of it,along with prime placement in Heathrow’s bookshops.)What lessons can we draw from all this?Probably none,except that even the most egregious act of self-¬promotion will be forgiven in time.So writers today should take heart.We could dress like Lady Gaga and hang from a cage at a Yankees game—if any of us looked as good near-naked,that is.On second thought,maybe there’s a reason we have agents to rein in our P.R. ideas.第八届CASIO杯翻译竞赛英语组获奖译文(英语组)看作家如何打造品牌托尼·佩罗泰特[1]正如每位作家都知道的,现如今,写书本身并不是件难事,倒是临近出版之前,我们才需要打起精神、全力以赴地应对真正的文字工作,即疯狂的自我宣传。



A controller enabling precise positioning and sway reduction inbridge and gantry cranesKhalid L. Sorensen, William Singhose, Stephen DickersonThe George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 813 Ferst Dr., MARC 257, Atlanta, GA 30332-0405, USAReceived 28 September 2005; accepted 30 March 2006Available online 5 June 2006一个控制器使门式起重机和减摇桥精确定位Khalid L. Sorensen, William Singhose, Stephen Dickerson, 乔治亚机械工程学院,乔治亚技术学院, Ferst博士813,MARC 257 ,亚特兰大,GA 30332-0405,美国,2005年9月28日收到,2006年3月30日接受,2006年6月5日可在线使用.一个控制器使门式起重机和减摇桥精确定位摘要起重机是很难精确操纵载荷的。

振荡,可以诱导成大桥或手推车的阻尼系统轻度运动,并且还对环境造成滋扰. 为解决上述两种振荡的来源,结合反馈和输入整形控制器的发展。

该控制器是由三个不同的模块组成,反馈模块的检测和定位误差补偿; 第二反馈模块侦测并拒绝振动; 使用塑料造填充的第三个模块,以减轻振荡。

一个使用精确的模型矢量驱动的交流感应马达,为典型的大型起重机, 用同一个褶分析技术,将非线性动力学起重机器分为对照设计。



外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 关于神华集团露天矿拉斗铲的应用研究

外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 关于神华集团露天矿拉斗铲的应用研究

Research of dragline application in Shenhua Group opencastminesABSTRACT:Dragline application is an advanced technique for opencast mining, which is integrated with mining, transportation and earth discharge. It can directly discharge the stripping earth into the earth stockyard. This technique enjoys the advantage of large production capacity, cost effective and the shallow-burden opencast Mining. This article summarizes the dragline application in Heidaigou Opencast Mine, including the dragline typethe analyses of the mining parameter and cast blast technique and economic and technological analyses, and also introduces the dragline application in Haerwusu Opencast Mine. The two examples witness the availability of the dragline used in Chinese opencast mines and its potential application as well.1 QUESTIONCoal is the major consumption energy in China. In recent years, the coal recovery at state-owned main coalmines, state-owned local coalmines and country coalmines in our country is 50%, 30% and 15% respectively. The recovery of our coal resource is low, for underground mining methods hold much more proportion. Why surface mining with higher recovery is not developed universally? Analysis founds that is related much to technology of surface mining .The railway transport technology was employed mainly in 60s,shovel-truck technology was developed in 80s. But shovel-truck technology has brought high production costs for a long time past because of many influence from fuel cost, mining depth, working bench length, haulage distance to the dump yard, etc. Furthermore, this surface mining technology, which working bench length is no more than 1.5 km, designed capability is no more than 15 mt, is not competitive in the market, so a new surface mining technology is urgently needed.The dragline stripping application is an advanced mining technology in the world, which integrates with three operations of digging, transport and dumping, can strip the overburden and dump at the spoil side of the mined-out area. This application is in worldwide use nowadays, for its easier mining method, no restriction of working bench length. Centralized operation, higher efficiency and especial advantages to almost flat-bedded deposit,2 RESEARCH OF DRAGLINE APPLICATION IN ZHUNGEER COALMINEShenhua Group Zhungeer Energy Co. Ltd, is an extra-large-size comprehensive energy enterprise integrated with Heidaigou Coalmine and an integral preparation plant with an annual output of 12,000,000 tons each, a mine-mouth power plant with an installed capacity of 2×100 MW and a first-degree single-track electric railway of 264 km long straight, and all facilities and equipments of the company are first-class and modern. With the development and industry reforms, the company gradually started to develop in a steadier and faster way. In order to match with requirements of the ambient electricity marketing, our company planned to expand the capability of exiting mine from 12 mt/a to 20 mt/a, then we started the dragline application research in Heidaigou Open pit since 2002. Here we take Heidaigou Opencast Coalmine as an example, mainly introduce the machine model selection, operation parameter analysis, cast blast technology and economic benefit.2.1.Availability of dragline application in Heidaigou Opencast CoalmineIn Heidaigou Opencast Coalmine, the thickness of surface soil is about 49 meters, rock layer about 56 meters and coal seam about 28.8 meters. The surface soil is to be stripped by bucket wheel excavator continuous system; rock and coal by shovel-truck system. The rock layer thickness ranges from 50 to 70 meters, with a lot of fractures, hardness of the rock f= 3 –5. The coal type is lignite with features of low sulfur, extra low phosphorus, medium ash and high ash fusion point; the average calorific value is 19223-22154 J/g (4588 ~5288 cal/g), well qualified for power. The average thickness of the main minable coal seam (No. 6 coal seam) is 24 meters, the slope is no more than 3 ~5º, and the hardness of coal f = 1-3. Considering the coal deposit and rock condition, cast blast and dragline application will be a very suitable stripping method for the mine. The dragline can be located at the top of the coal floor, rock above coal top floor can be dumped into the inner dump, the left rock and the top losses still employs the original mining technology2.2 Dragline stripping operationDragline can be applied in four ways. The mine chooses one of them. To make a dragline stand on the extended platform leveled by a bulldozer after blasting, and dump the overburden into the mined-out area, refer to Figure1.2.3 Stripping parameters are defined as follows2.3.1 coal mining working bench lengthThe minimum coal mining working bench length is related to the productionscale. Coal seam thickness coal seam density and working bench advance speed, the calculation formula is detailed as below:Lmin = M/(V× h × r × d) = 2002 mTake 2000m for easier calculation. Stripping working bench length is 2110 meters, of 1987 meters is to be done by dragline alone, of 61 meters at each end walls is to be done under the assistance of other auxiliary equipments.2.3.2 Stripping working bench parametersStripping working bench parameters: the height of stripping bench is 45m, coal bench is 30m, bank width is 60 m, stripping bench slope is 75º, coal bench slope is 75º, inner dump bench slope is 38º, the blast drop is 31.5 m, casting factor is 0.25, coal haulage ramp width is 30 m, dumping material swell factor is 1.35, spoil height is 72.5m, average height of spoil yard is 60.8m.2.4 Plan of truck haulage in the pitWe designed two ramps at both end walls according To the features of one dragline stripping technology and tile complicated deposit conditions. In this way, the coal continuous production is guaranteed, for the: other ramp can be used when the dragline operation stops the access of one ramp.2.5 Dragline stripping stepsDragline strips overburden and exposes coal on the blasted level. While coal is dug at the right mining block, and transported by trucks from the right ramp. With the performance of stripping, some coal at left Mining block is exposed gradually, at meanwhile, the coal in the right mining block is gradually mined out, so the coal digging shall be moved to left block. At this time, coal digging is performed al both blocks, and coal can be moved out by both coal ramps. When coal-digging transfers to left block completely, the coal will be moved out from left ramp. At this time, cast blast can be conducted in the right block where box cutting is already finished. After dragline operated at left block moves to the limit of two blocks, dragline will walk from the top of blasted pile to the right block and start operation there. After dragline finishes all exposure of coal in the middle of the block, it will walk to left end wall and start next operation circle.2.6 Dragline production capability calculationa. Dragline annual production:)1(K H V L Q n -⨯⨯⨯=41018.1844⨯=m³b. Dragline annual volume of per cubic meter of bucket capacity:34m 1022)/(3600⨯=⨯⨯⨯=s z m d K T K T Qc. Dragline bucket capacity:8.8322/18.1844/===d n Q Q E m³2.7 Coal mining methodWe take the original coal mining method, that is, to expose coal over top floor of the coal seam, separate layers along coal slope, mine the coal by layers, dig and transport coal separately. Bench height of top No.6 coal seam is 0 ~12 m, middle No.6 coal seam is 10~15 m, bottom No. 6 coal seam is 6m, the total width of exposed coal is only 60 m, so mining along the dragline working direction is the only available way.2.8 Cast blast(l) Borehole Drilling and Blast Method: we will employ a blast hole drill with a 270~300mm diameter bit, 50~60 m drilling depth and 70 ~90℃ drilling angle to drill through. We use multi-row millisecond cast blast pattern with 0.8 kg/ m³ power factor and 25% casting factor. In order to stabilize the stripping bench slope and minimize vibration, we plan to use pre-split blast, the pre-split borehole is 160~200 mm, and space is 3 m, power volume of each borehole is 75 kg and distance from the maim blast hole is 4m. We take triangle blast hole pattern at both of rock layer and coal seam.(2) Vibration and Security Measures: reduce some explosive of detonation; delay intervals and detonation order; pre-split blast.2.9 Comparisons with the main features of shovel-truck operationIn order to explore the technical feasibility and economic benefit, we also studied the shovel-truck operation, and compared the main features, as follows.2.9.1 The main technical features of shovel-truck applicationMining Program consists: the overburden after extension of the mine will be losses, rock above coal top floor and coal seam .The mining technologies consist: BWE continuous system for losses and maximum stripping volume is 19 15 mm³/a, shovel-truck operation for the left losses and rocks, above the coal topfloor, shovel-truck-brusher station-belt conveyer semi-continuous system for coal seam.Main equipments and Quantities: required equipment to reach planned production: 5 units of 14rn³ single shovels, 1 units of 25.2 rn³ single shovel, 9 units of 32 rn³single shoves, 1 unit of 38 rn³ single shovel, 24 units of 108 ton trucks, 104 units of 154 ton trucks.2.9.2 main technical features of dragline applicationThe mining technologies consist: BWE continuous system for losses, shovel-truck operation for the losses above and under the wheel and in the northwest end walls and rock under the losses, dragline application for rock layer above the coal top floor, shovel-truck-brusher station-belt conveyer semi-continuous system for coal seam.Main equipments and Quantities: for BWE mining continuous system: 4 units 3100 rn³/h bucket wheel excavator, 2 units of 6200 rn³/h spreaders, 6780 m long belt conveyor (1.4 m wide), 6595 m long belt conveyor (1.8 m wide)For shovel-truck operation: Losses above and under the wheel and northwest end wall and rock will employ shovel-truck operation. Required equipments: 3 units of 32 m³ single shoves, l unit of 25.2 m³ single shovel, 4 units of 14 m³ single shovels, 42 units 154 ton trucks, 11 units 108 ton trucks.For dragline application: 1 dragline, bucket size is 85 m³, operating radium is 121.9 meters, and machine weight is 6718 tons.For the coal mining system: 1 unit of 38 m³ single shovel, 2 units of 14 m³ single shovels, 19 units of 154 ton trucks and 13 units of 108 ton trucks.2.10 Economic index analysis and evaluation of mining technologyCompare a dragline application design with shovel-truck operation design: Economic Index Analysis proves that dragline application in Heidaigou Opencast Coalmine is economically reasonable .It costs less, the increased production operating cost is 23.25 Yuan/t, 13.20 Yuan/t less than shovel truck design; It operates more efficiently, stripping capability of one dragline equals with 4 units of 395 B1 shovels and 34 units of 154 ton trucks; There is no capital construction needed, with dragline application, working slope angle increased, rock bench and coal benches are to be combined, so none of capital construction is required; Labor productivity will highly increase to 52.78t/p from 49.11t/p by shovel-truck. In a word, every index is superior to the ones of shovel-truck operation.2.11 Research of dragline application in Harwusu Opencast CoalmineHarwusu Opencast Coalmine is adjacent to Heidaigou Opencast Coalmine. With the construction and development of ambient power stations, coal marketing becomes larger and larger year by year, industry groups of coal and power joint operation gradually come into being. The coal deposit condition of Harwusu Opencast Coalmine is quite similar to Heidaigou mine, so dragline can be operated in the same operation procedure and method.Selected machine model: 1 2570WS dragline, 109 m³ bucket capacity, 107 m operating radium, 121.9 m boom length, 7413 t working weight.3 RESEARCH OF DRAGLINE APPLICATION IN VICTORY NO.1 OPENCAST COALMINEShenhua Group Victory Coalfield is located in the middle of Xilinguole League of Inner Mongolia, the mining condition enjoys exceptional advantages, and it is an important coal base for power and chemical industries. Construction capability is 20 mt/a, which will be constructed in two phases: 10 mt/a production for phase I , to realize full production by 2009;20 mt/a for phase Ⅱ,to realize full production by 2015. There are two kinds of major minable coal seams, NO.5 and NO.6 coal seam, angle slope is less than 5º, the average coal seam of NO.5 is 18.16 m, well developed; the average coal seam of No.6 is about 36.64 m, best developed. The overburden above coal seam is very thin, the average stripping ratio is 2.65t/ m³, and so opencast mining is the most advantageous mining methods. The overburden is of soft rocks mainly, rocks which vertical pressure is less than 6.0Mpa account for 89% more.The practical working bench length of dragline application is 1800m. Stripping bench height is 45 m, Selected Machine Model is 1570 WS dragline with 66 m³(additionally increase 4 m³ more than needed) bucket capacity, 106 m operating radium, 115.8 m boom length, 34º boom angle, 62.5 m maximum digging depth, 51.2 m maximum dump height, 179.2 t maximum suspension load, 4559 t working weight. Annual advance is 200 meters; annual mining production is 17.28 mm³. All benches are to be dug directly without drilling and blasting except stripping rock bench, and the drilling and blasting method are to be applied is rather easy.关于神华集团露天矿拉斗铲的应用研究摘要:拉斗铲在露天矿的应用是一种先进的技术,它能集开采、运输、剥离于一体。




W or ld English i n Ch i na :/Ch inglish 0and /Ch ina English 0oLIU Zhen(Sc hool of F oreign Languag es ,Beijing F orestry Unive rsit y ,Beijing,China 100083)[Abstr act] This paper a tte m pts to i n troduce the status ofW orld English i n co ntemporary Ch i na and to under li ne thenecessity ofm a i nta i ning Ch i nese cu lt ura l i dentity i n usi ng Engli sh i n the gl obal village .F irstl y ,Ch i nese .co n trove rsia l atti 2t udes to wards English w ill be presented .Next ,t wo stages of using English in conte m pora ry Ch i na w ill be ana l yzed respec 2ti ve l y )na m e l y )/Ch i ngli sh 0and /Chi na Engli sh 0.F i na lly ,so me pedagogica l i m plica ti ons w ill be off e red and Chi na Eng 2li sh is t o be encouraged i n Chi nese classroo m as a fa m ilym e m ber ofW or l d Engli sh .[K ey words] W or l d Engli sh ;Chi nglish ;Ch i na Engli sh[中图分类号]H 31315 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]167228610(2008)0820019205I .In troducti o nMuch has been written about English as an i n ter 2national language or a globa l language si n ce the last centur y i n the light of the w i d espread use ofEnglish as a language f or i n ternati o na l co mmun ication.Rather t h an revie w ing the spread of English i n a globa l context i n deta i,l th i s paper w ill take account of anot h er con 2cept /W orl d Engli s h 0wh ich has e merged recently and br i n g it i n to a Ch i n ese context pri m arily i n ter m s of t w o stages of nativiz ati o n of English i n con te mporary Ch i 2na :/Chinglish 0and /Ch i n a English 0.An early account ofW orl d English was provi d edby S m ith (1976)[1]5under t h e ter m English as an I n 2ter national Language ,being descri b ed as ,/a language other than one .s mot h er tongue 2that is ,a second lan 2guage 2wh i c h is used by people of dif ferent nati o ns to co mmunicate with one another 0.I n R ajagopalan .s ar 2ticle published i n t h e EL T Jour na,l he revealed that /World English is a li n gu istic pheno menon the li k e of which we have never seen bef ore ,,it is a hotchpotch of d ialects and accen ts at different stages of nativiz ati o n (or ,contrari w ise ,f o ssiliz ati o n)where there are no re 2al r u les of the ga me ;if anyth i n g ,the rules are con 2stantl y be i n g revised or re i n vented even as t h e ga meprogresses 0[2]115.Concerni n g t h e characteristics of W orld English descri b ed above ,I re lated the concept naturally to the English be i n g used i n the Chinese contex.t It is true tha t Ch i n a possesses the largest English 2lear n i n g popu 2lati o n i n the world ,and /it see ms there are more peo 2ple l e ar n i n g to speak English i n Ch i n a than t h ere are English speakers in the whol e of the U nited States 0(Taylor 2002),cited in Jiang (2003)[3]3;however ,since Chinese language is most w ide l y spoken i n the worl d ,and English is ma i n l y bei n g learnt as a f o reign language in China ,are all the Chinese who are l e ar n 2ing English really keen on doi n g i?t Besides ,when English is used i n i n ternati o na l co mmun icati o n ,to what extent can the Ch i n ese people /nativiz e 0English wh ich i s a tota lly d iff eren t language f ro m t h e ir deep 2rooted first language ?And what stages m ight be gone through f ro m the perspecti v e of the developmen t of World English ?The ma i n pur pose of t h is paper is to off er d iff erent i n sights into the status ofW orl d English in Ch i n a and to h i g h li g ht the necessity ofma i n ta i n i n g Ch i n ese cu ltur 2a l i d entity in usi n g English in the global village .The19first part of the paper w ill present a tensi o n bet w een t w o d iff erent Ch i n ese attit u des to war ds the spread of English i n China,inc l u d i n g both enthusias m and re2 sistance on this issue,and then will concentrate on the t w o stages of usi n g English i n conte mporary China) which are,Ch i n glish and China English)to illustrate so me Ch i n ese characteristics and cult u re reflected in W orl d English.So m e pedagogical i m plicati o ns w ill be provi d ed at the end of the paper.II.A tension between t w o Ch inese a ttitud es to2 wa rds th e spr ead of E nglish i n Ch i n aA s Ch i n a is usua ll y regarded as an EFL country,I was surprised when I sa w so me artic l e referred to Eng2 lish as a Second Language(ESL)f or the Ch i n ese(e.g.N iu and W olff[4]).Is it t h e/English craz e0of m illi o ns of Ch i n ese peop le tha t gi v es such i m pression, or the status of Engli s h has rea ll y changed in China?A re all the Chinese scholars excited to see the i n creas2 i n g popularity of English thr oughout the country?In t h is part we w ill see an i n creasi n g tension bet w een t w o Chinese attitudes to wards English in China,.i e.en2 thusias m f or English and resistance to the spread of English.1.Enthusias m f or EnglishIn the present day of China,accordi n g to Jiang (2003)[3],over200m illion ch ildren,about20%of t h e total i n the worl d,are learning English i n schools, and about13m illi o n young people at university.Be2 si d es,not only studen ts learn English as a co mpu lsor y course,but m illi o ns of peop le attend various English tra i n i n g classes f or dif ferent purposes.More peop le wan t to get such certificates li k e T OEFL(T est ofEng2 lish as a Foreign Language),GRE(G raduate Record Exa m i n ation),G M AT(Graduate Manage ment Adm is2 si o n Test),or I EL TS(I nterna ti o na l English Language Test Syste m)to go abroad or to get a better job.A nd teachers in schools and educated e mp l o yees lear n Eng2 lish f or expecting a higher professi o na l title.Further2 more,/Chinese governments at all leve ls have realized t h e i m portance of the language f or the ir modern iz ati o n dr i v e and are tryi n g to persuade the people to lear n it0 [3]4.In Be ijing,police m en,taxi dri v ers,and even t h ose elderly matrons i n vol v ed i n co mmun ity services are expected to he l p i n English when the ti m es come f or the2008O ly mpic G a m es and/English materials such as E ng lish for P olice me n,E ng lish for Citize ns, and TaxiDrive r.sE ng lish are ava ilab le in bookstores. Shanghai has been doing the sa me since the2001 Shanghai APEC meeting,which used English as its wor k i n g language,and is continuing to do so because the city has started to prepare f or the2010W orl d Fair, f or t h e first ti m e hosted by a deve l o ping country0[3].C ited fr o m Peop l e.sDa il y Onli n e,Jiang a lso add2 ed that t h e M inistry of Education has asked those Chi2 nese un i v ersities under its direct adm i n istration to use popular f ore i g n(ma i n l y English)textbooks and to con2 duct lectures in English and,a t the sa me ti m e,to en2 courage Ch i n ese professors to co mp ile teach i n g materi2 a ls in English./M i n istry expects5-10%of the uni2 versity courses to be taught in English w ith i n the next three years0[3].2.Resistance to the spread of EnglishDesp ite the/English f ever0acr oss the country, so me Chi n ese scholars hold very skeptica l attit u des to2 war ds the i n fluence of w idespread use of English i n Ch i n a,and so me of the m even sho wed the ir strong dis2 agree ment t h at Chinese peop le should not pu t too much e mphasis on English in th i s coun try,wh ich partl y be2 cause such/nationw ide Chinese ca mpaign0wou l d bri n g an i m mersi o n i n W estern concepts so that/a cer2 ta i n a mount of traditi o na lChinese though tw ill give way to a certain a mount of W estern thought0[4]and the sovere i g nty of China m ight be threatened;and partly because t h is wou l d/decrease confidence i n the Chi2 nese language and b l o ck t h e deve l o p m ent and populari2 z ati o n of Ch i n ese cu lture0[3].N iu andW olff[4]10accused this unusual pheno m e2 non i n China and satiriz ed that/The fi n al resu lt m ay be a coun try that is ne ither pure ly Chinese nor purely W ester n,but rat h er a Western iz ed Ch i n a which m ight more aptly,of r uef ully,be referred to as/Ch2 ingland0.The people,the ir culture,and the ir lan2 guage will e ither be Mandari n sprinkled w it h English wor ds or a W esternized Ch i n ese people who speak bro2 ken English,or/Chinglish0,(Shanghai Star10-24 -02/Guangz hou pub lic servants should possess an English vocabulary of at least1,000words.0)So m e si m ilar war n i n gs given by other schol a rs are mentioned by Ji a ng(2003)[3]6.For exa mple,Profes2 sor Du of the Chinese Un i v ersity ofH ongK ong recently /warned of the negati v e eff ects if English were to be2 co me the co mmon language of t h e acade m ic world[i n Ch i n a]0;so me scholarsworr y that the i n ternati o na liza2 tion of English is making Ch i n ese a d i a lec;t and it is str ongl y suggested by so me researchers t h at the/Eng2 lish class0a t the un i v ersity and(post-)graduate lev2 e l develop an a wareness of the mother tongue and cul2 ture bef ore taking up their research in the English lan2 guage,culture and literature.20III.Tw o stages of u sing English in conte m pora ry Ch i n aEnglish i n conte mporar y Ch i n a has gone through t w o stages till no w accord i n g to the co mmon vie ws a2 mong Ch i n ese sc hol a rs3][5][6],wh ich are/Ch i n glish0 and/China English0.H o wever,schol a rs.attitudes to war ds the first stage/Ch i n glish0are still d iff eren.t1.ChinglishChinglish,as its b lend na me sho ws,is an/i n ter2 language0which i s used by Selinker(1972),cited in Jiang(1995)[5]51,to/e mphasiz e the str ucturally and phonologically i n ter m ediate status of a lear ner.s lan2 guage syste m bet w een mother tongue and target lan2 guage0.It is characterized as/Mandarin spri n k led w it h English wor ds and phrases or English w ith aM an2 dari n2intr oduced syntax0[7]30and the most obvi o us f ea2 ture of Chingli s h is typ i c ally refl e cted in the auto m atic litera l translati o n fro m Chinese.For exa mp le,Good good study,day day up!(Fro m:hao hao xue x,i tian tian xiang shang)wh ich means/Study hard,and do have a progressi v e spirit every day0H orse horse ti g er ti g er.(Fro m:m a ma hu hu) which means/very careless or j u st so2so0W here,where(Fr o m:na li na li)which means, /N o,no,I.m not so good;or you.re flatteri n g me.0 Another f eature ofCh i n glish,accord i n g to Ji a ng, can be seen fro m t h e aspect of pronunciati o n.For ex2 a mp le,so me Ch i n ese studen ts unconsciously add a fi2 nal/ /to the words end i n g w ith consonants,such as -and.[·nd ],-desk.[desk ],-must.[m st ], etc;the voiced/ /and the voiceless/H/are of ten pronounced as/z/and/s/i n stead because there are no such sounds i n Ch i n ese and so me learners do have proble ms to pronounce the m.Concern i n g the nature of Chinglish,there are t w o opposite vie ws existi n g at presen.t One is that such ki n d of b izarre word2f or2word translati o n of Ch i n ese ex2 pressi o ns and i d i o m smakes no sense to f oreigners,and t h e result of usi n g Chingli s h i s a lo w leve l of inte lligi2 b ility,which ha mpers i n ter national and intercu ltural co mmunicati o n.Consequentl y,/Ch i n glish has been seri o usly scor ned at ho me and abroad as Ch i n ese Pidg2 i n Engli s h,and re m ai n s a m atter of concer n and cont2 ention0[6]42.H o wever,the other side ar gues that Ch2 i n glish i s an unavoidab le and necessary stage on the way of lear n i n g English as a f ore i g n language i n China, and/China is a develop i n g nation and well w ithin its rights i n develop i n g a f or m ofEnglish that best su its the needs of its genera l populati o n when co mmun i c ating w ith one another0there f ore,/as l o ng as it serves as an ef fecti v e means of i n ternal and exter nal co mmun i c ation w ith both L1and L2speakers ofEnglish0[7]35,it can2 not be regar ded as unacceptab le or bad language.2.Ch i n a EnglishThe stage ofCh i n a Engli s h is deri v ed f ro m another ter m Chinese English,wh ic h is consi d ered si m ilar to Ch i n glish to so me scholars.China English is first put f or ward i n1980by Professor Ge Chuangu i(1983),ci2 ted i n W ei and Fei(2003)[6]43,who regards English i n Ch i n a as/the i n evitab le outco m e of translati n g into English ite ms spec ific to Ch i n ese cult u re,as w ith /Four Books0(fro m Si Shu),/F ive Classics0(fro m Wu J ing)and an/E i g ht2legged essay0(fr o m Bagu2 we n)0.L i(1993),cited i n Jiang(2003)[3]7,rede2 fines China English after revie w i n g several persons. defi n iti o ns as f ollo ws:/Ch i n a English has nor m a ti v e English as its core but w ith Ch i n ese characteristics i n lexicon,syntax and discourse,and it is e mp l o yed to express Ch i n a2specific th i n gs through means of translit2 erati o n,borro w i n g and se man tic regenerati o n butw it h2 out i n terf erence fro m the Chinese language0.Many scholars pref er/Ch i n a English0as an ap2 propriate na me to re f er to the/English as used in Chi2 na0.Particu larly i n both Jiang(1995)[5]and We i and Fei(2003)[6],Ch i n a English is regarded as a me mber of the f a m ily of World Englishes2an English w ith Ch i n ese characteristi c s and cu lture.The f ollo w ing are so me un ique aspects ofCh i n a English wh ich are of2 f ered separately by the above t w o artic les.Jiang(1995)[5]51ana l y ses t h e characteristics of Ch i n a English:)a near2native yet Chi n ese accent)words which are basic only to Chi n ese because of its history,envir onment and politics)dead or old2f ashioned f or m s or pr onunciations fr o m Ch i n ese approaches to language learning)a li n gu istic m i x ture of Britain and American English in both spoken and written f or m s.So China English is a/nativiz a ti o n0of the nor m ati v e English used by Ch i n ese people m ai n ly i n Ch i n a,f or i n terna2 tional and i n tranational purposes.It is self2j u stif ying as an English.W ei and Fei(2003)[6]44co mpare the d iff erences bet w een Ch i n a English and Standard English in ter ms of lexis,syntax and discourse,although Li(1993), cited i n Ji a ng(2003)[3],c lai m s that/there exists no21such thing called Standard English0.In the first place,/the lexis of a language disti n cti v e l y de mon2 strates the culture of its speakers0[6]44.Some Chinese words have made the ir way i n to English by translitera2 ti o n or literal translati o n.For exa mple,Kung F u, mahjong,typhoon,yin and yang,etc.have already beco me English words through transliterati o n;besi d es, such cult u re2bound expressions li k e paper tiger,Gang of F our,one countr y t w o syste m s,ve geta ble ba sket pro2 ject,ei g ht2trea s ure rice and three re presenta ti v es are translated literally f ro m correspondi n g Ch i n ese w ith ob2 vious Ch i n eseness.Another note worthy feature of Ch i n a English is its syntax since/aspects of a non2native English speaker. s native lingu isti c and cu ltural lif e m ay be transf erred to English0[6].So me characteristics are:(1)A pre ferre d word order:S+adv./adjunct+ V+O or adv./adj u nct+S+V+O,as i n:A.Mary yester day bought a dictionary.(N ot /Mary bough t a dictionar y yesterday.0)stweek I went to Nan ji n g.(Not/I went to N anjing l a st week.0)(2)China Eng lish se ntences often have a/top heavy0structure,the so2ca lle d/lion st y le0(J ia D elin 1990,cite d in Wei a nd F ei(2003)[6],in which mod2 i f ie rs are pu t in front of the ite m mod i f ie d.In contra st, a na tive Eng lish speaker te nds to use the/top li g ht0or /pe a coc k st y le0,whic h often results in la r ge2sca le e m2 be dding,as f ollo ws:A.China English:For m e to get up bef ore6o. clock in the mor n i n g is i m possible.Standar d English:It is i m possi b le f orm e to get up bef ore6o.clock i n the morning.B.China English:The best ti m e f or doi n g it co m es no w.Standard English:No w is t h e best ti m e f or doi n gi.t(3)Use of the pa ssive voice is ra re:A.So me people tol d me that you had l o st the ga m e.(N ot/I was told that you had lost the ga me0.)B.It is a hard job but so meone must do i.t(N ot /It is a hard job but it has to be done0.)(4)Res ponse to ne ga tive questions and t a g ques2 tions.A.-/Isn.t there any coff ee i n t h e cup0?) /Yes0(m eans/Yes,there is no coff ee0)B.-/Y ou didn.t go to school yesterday,did you?0)/Yes,I d i d n.t0.Fi n a lly,pattern of discourse is h i g hli g hted as a stri k i n g feature of Ch i n a English i n ter m s of both d ia2 logues and written passages.So me typ ica l China Eng2 lish co mmun icati v e patterns are strongly i n fl u enced by patter ns ofCh i n ese though,t and so me are d irect trans2 lati o ns fro m the mother tongue[6].For exa mple,it is not unco mmon to hear such greeti n gs li k e/H ave you eaten up?0or/W here are you goi n g?0which m ight be strange f or native English speakers and see ms i n vading the others.pri v acy;in add ition,accor d i n g to the habit of addressing so meone by his or her title,we can often see such f or ms of address/Teacher Zhang0or/Dear Teacher0in Ch i n a English;moreover,modest re2 sponse to co mpli m ent is extre m ely typical in China English under the i n fl u ence of Conf ucius.thoughts, tha t.s why you can often hear Ch i n ese people say /No,no,my English is ver y poor0when you appreci2 ate t h e ir good English.As to the patter n of written discourse i n China English,Kap lan(1996),cited in W ei and Fe i (2003)[6],mar ks it as/an approach by i n d irec2 tion0,which means,/the development of the para2 graph may be said to be turning and turning i n a w i d e2 n i n g gyre.The c ircles or gyre tur n around the sub ject and sho w it fro m a variety of tangential vie ws,but the sub ject is never looked directly0.Contrarily,the nor2 mally desirab le pattern i n English writi n g is do m i n antly /li n ear0in its development(Kap lan1996),cited i n W ei and Fe i(2003)[6],and may be ca lled/General2 Particular Patter n0.Generally speak i n g,i n China English,there is a clear lingu istic transf er fro m Ch i n ese.If we look at Ch i n a English f ro m the aspect of a variety of W orl d Englishes,it p lays an i m portant role i n i n troducing Ch i n ese culture and the Chineseness to the worl d through i n ternati o na l co mmun icati o n.Desp ite the f act tha tm any scholars are reluctant to accept China Eng2 lish as a variety ofEnglish,/China English has a cline of intelligibility much as i n other varieties of English and asmore f oreignersm ake more contactw it h Ch i n ese cult u re,i n telli g ibility w ill presumably i n crease0[6]46.I V.Pedagogica l i m p lica ti o n sFro m analyzi n g t h e deve l o p m ent of the t w o stages i n the use of English i n Ch i n a,Chinese educators and English teachers shou l d have a general i d ea aboutwhat phases t h e lear ners w ill go through during language lear n i n g i n Ch i n ese soc i o cu ltural con text and consi d er22wha tEnglish shou l d be taught in conte mporary China.I n my vie w,on the one hand,the stage of Ch i n glish shou l d not be encouraged duri n g English language teach i n g and teachers should give pr oper gu idance to t h e lear ners.A lthough Ch i n a has rights to deve l o p its o wn language to su it t h e needs of the genera l popula2 ti o n,the purpose of lear n i n g English is to i n crease i n2 telli g ibility when co mmun ica te w ith people fro m other areas of the world in th is gl o ba l village,and not to set barriers w ith those odd word2f or2wor d translations.On t h e other hand,we shou l d realize/lear n i n g a f ore i g n language does not change one.s i d entity0,and/since it is we ll agreed that language is tied to the cu lture of its user,we have to read j u st our English teach i n g ma2 terials i n order to he l p learners to use English fluen tl y i n a Ch i n ese cu ltura l contex,t and enab le f oreigners to understand our culture better0[6].China English,a part of Chinese cu lture,should not be excluded f ro m English language teach i n g.V.C onclusionTo summariz e,the paper has tried to consider the use ofWorld English in the Ch i n ese context ch i e fl y in t h e light of the t w o stages thatWorld English is refl e c2 ted in conte mporar y China,na m ely,Ch i n glish and China English.Two conflicti n g vie ws to wards the status ofWorld English in Ch i n a were provi d ed i n the first part,and then Chinglish and Ch i n a English were i n tro2 duced separately w it h t h e ir characteristics ill u strated.F i n ally,so me i m p licati o ns f or English language teach2 i n g were off ered in the li g ht of the va l u e of China Eng2 lish.G raddol[8]56believes that/as Engli s h sh if ts f ro m f oreign2l a nguage to second2language sta t u s f or an i n2creasing nu mber of peop le,we can expect a large num2 ber of l o cal varieties0.Wh ile we cannot guarantee English w ill certa i n l y beco me the second language i n Ch i n a,Ch i n a English see ms appropr i a te to be a variety ofWorl d Englishes at presen.t A s W e i and Fe i[6]46 sa i d,/Ch i n a English is a result of struggling to keep one.s o wn cultural identity w ith i n the fra m e work of i n2 tercu ltura l co mmun ication,and we shou l d keep i n m i n d that the goa l f or learn i n g English i s not only to lear n t h e cu lture of its native speakers but a lso,i m por2 tantl y,to co mmun icate our o wn cu lture w ith i n the worl d co mmun ity0.=R ef erences>[1]B rutt2G riffler,J.Worl d E n g lis h:A Study o f its Develo p2m ent[M].C levedon:M u ltilingualM atters Ltd.,2002.[2]R a j agopa l an,K.The concept of W orld English.and itsi m p licati ons for ELT[J].EL T J o urna l,2004,58(2):111-117.[3]Ji ang,Y.J.Engli sh as a Chi nese l anguage[J].E nglis hTo day,2003,74(19/2):3-8.[4]N i u,Q.&W olf,f M.Chi na and Ch i nese,or Ch i nglandand Ch i ngli sh[J].Englis h To day,2003,74(19/2):9-11.[5]Jiang,Y.J.Ch i nglish and China English[J].E nglis hTo day,1995,41(11/1):51-53.[6]W e,i Y.&Fe,i i ng Engli sh i n Ch i na[J].E nglis hTo day,2003,76(19/4):42-47.[7]N i u,Q.&Wolf,f M.The Ch i nglis h sy ndro m e:do recentdeve l op m ents endanger t he language policy of Chi na[J].Eng lis h T o day,2003,76(19/4):30-35.[8]G raddo,l D.The F u t ure of Englis h[M].London:B ritishCounc i,l1997.中国的世界英语)))/中式英语0与/中国英语0刘真(北京林业大学外语学院,北京100083)[摘要]本文旨在介绍/世界英语0在当前中国的地位以及在地球村这个大环境下使用英语时保持中国文化特色的必要性。


DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.80.073006 PACS numbers: 14.60.Pq, 25.30.Pt
I. INTRODUCTION The fact that three active neutrinos possess nondegenerate but tiny masses is a striking signature of new physics beyond the standard model [1]. Perhaps the most popular approach towards understanding the small neutrino mass scale ( < 1 eV) is the seesaw mechanism [2], which contains three right-handed neutrinos and retains SUð2ÞL Â Uð1ÞY gauge symmetry. Although this mechanism can naturally work at a superhigh-energy scale ( $ 1014 GeV) to generate tiny Majorana neutrino masses, it loses direct testability on the experimental side and causes a hierarchy problem on the theoretical side [3]. A straightforward way out is to lower the seesaw scale down to the TeV scale, an energy frontier to soon be explored by the LHC. But such a TeV-scale seesaw scenario inevitably suffers from a terrible fine-tuning of cancellations between the Yukawa coupling texture and the heavy Majorana mass matrix [4]. To resolve this unnaturalness problem built in the canonical (type-I) seesaw mechanism at low energies, there has been some new interest in a relatively old idea— the inverse seesaw mechanism [5]. The inverse seesaw mechanism, which can be regarded as the simplest multiple seesaw picture [6], is an extension of the canonical seesaw mechanism by introducing three additional gauge-singlet neutrinos together with one gauge-singlet scalar. Its typical result for the effective mass matrix of three active neutrinos is M ¼ T À1 T Þ M ðMR ÞÀ1 MD in the leading-order approximaMD ðMR tion, where the scales of three mass matrices may naturally satisfy MR ) MD ) M . The smallness of M can be attributed to both the smallness of M and the smallness of MD =MR at the TeV scale [i.e., MR $ Oð1Þ TeV]. It is





关键词:旅游宣传材料;翻译功能理论;翻译策略中图分类号:~3l5.9文献标识码:A文章编号:l000-5285(2006)02-0l35-06收稿日期:2004-05-ll 作者简介:林晓琴(l974—),女,福建福清人,福建师范大学外国语学院讲师,硕士,主要从事翻译教学与研一、引言中国历史悠久,地大物博,其美不胜收的自然风光与人文景观吸引了无数前来观光览胜的海内外游客。



二、英汉旅游宣传材料的功能实现方式对比由于民族思维方式、文化传统和审美情趣的差异,英、汉旅游宣传材料的表达方式存在明显差异:l 、汉语重引经据典,英语重直扣主题(A )“烟水苍茫月色迷,渔舟晚泊栈桥西。








第十一届CASIO杯翻译竞赛原文(英语组)To evoke the London borough of Diston,we turn to the poetry of Chaos:Each thing hostileTo every other thing:at every pointHot fought cold,moist dry,soft hard,and the weightlessResisted weight.So Des lived his life in tunnels.The tunnel from flat to school,the tunnel(not the same tunnel)from school to flat.And all the warrens that took him to Grace,and brought him back again.He lived his life in tunnels…And yet for the sensitive soul, in Diston Town,there was really only one place to look.Where did the eyes go?They went up,up.School–Squeers Free,under a sky of white:the weakling headmaster,the demoralised chalkies in their rayon tracksuits,the ramshackle little gym with its tripwires and booby traps,the Lifestyle Consultants(Every Child Matters),and the Special Needs Coordinators(who dealt with all the‘non-readers’).In addition, Squeers Free set the standard for the most police call-outs,the least GCSE passes,and the highest truancy rates.It also led the pack in suspensions,expulsions,and PRU ‘offrolls’;such an offroll–a transfer to a Pupil Referral Unit–was usually the doorway to a Youth Custody Centre and then a Young Offender Institution.Lionel, who had followed this route,always spoke of his five and a half years(on and off)in a Young Offender Institution(or Yoi,as he called it)with rueful fondness,like one recalling a rite of passage–inevitable,bittersweet.I was out for a month,he would typically reminisce.Then I was back up north.Doing me Yoi.On the other hand,Squeers Free had in its staff room an exceptional Learning Mentor–a Mr Vincent Tigg.What’s going on with you,Desmond?You were always an idle little sod.Now you can’t get enough of it.Well,what next?I fancy modern languages,sir.And history.And sociology.And astronomy.And–You can’t study everything,you know.Yes I can.Renaissance boy,innit.…You want to watch that smile,lad.All right.We’ll see about you.Now off you go.And in the schoolyard?On the face of it,Des was a prime candidate for persecution.He seldom bunked off,he never slept in class,he didn’t assault the teachers or shoot up in the toilets–and he preferred the company of the gentler sex (the gentler sex,at Squeers Free,being quite rough enough).So in the normal course of things Des would have been savagely bullied,as all the other misfits(swats,wimps, four-eyes,sweating fatties)were savagely bullied–to the brink of suicide and beyond. They called him Skiprope and Hopscotch,but Des wasn’t bullied.How to explain this? To use Uncle Ringo’s favourite expression,it was a no-brainer.Desmond Pepperdine was inviolable.He was the nephew,and ward,of Lionel Asbo.It was different on the street.Once a term,true,Lionel escorted him to Squeers Free,and escorted him back again the same day(restraining,with exaggerated difficulty,the two frothing pitbulls on their thick steel chains).But it would be foolish to suppose that each and every gangbanger and posse-artist(and every Yardie and jihadi)in the entire manor had heard tell of the great asocial.And it was different at night,because different people,different shapes,levered themselves upward after dark…Des was fleet of foot,but he was otherwise unsuited to life in Diston Town. Second or even first nature to Lionel(who was pronounced‘uncontrollable’at the age of eighteen months),violence was alien to Des,who always felt that violence–extreme and ubiquitous though it certainly seemed to be–came from another dimension.So,this day,he went down the tunnel and attended school.But on his way home he feinted sideways and took a detour.With hesitation,and with deafening self-consciousness,he entered the Public Library on Blimber Road.Squeers Free had a library,of course,a distant Portakabin with a few primers and ripped paperbacks scattered across its floor…But this:rank upon rank of proud-chested bookcases,likelavishly decorated generals.By what right or title could you claim any share of it?He entered the Reading Room,where the newspapers,firmly clamped to long wooden struts,were apparently available for scrutiny.No one stopped him as he approached.He had of course seen the dailies before,in the corner shop and so on,and there were Gran’s Telegraphs,but his experience of actual newsprint was confined to the Morning Larks that Lionel left around the flat,all scrumpled up,like origami tumbleweeds(there was also the occasional Diston Gazette).Respectfully averting his eyes from the Times,the Independent,and the Guardian,Des reached for the Sun, which at least looked like a Lark,with its crimson logo and the footballer’s fiancée on the cover staggering out of a nightclub with blood running down her neck.And,sure enough,on page three(News in Briefs)there was a hefty redhead wearing knickers and a sombrero.But then all resemblances ceased.You got scandal and gossip,and more girls, but also international news,parliamentary reports,comment,analysis…Until now he had accepted the Morning Lark as an accurate reflection of reality.Indeed,he sometimes thought it was a local paper(a light-hearted adjunct to the Gazette),such was its fidelity to the customs and mores of his borough.Now,though,as he stood there with the Sun quivering in his hands,the Lark stood revealed for what it was–a daily lads’mag,perfunctorily posing as a journal of record.The Sun,additionally to recommend it,had an agony column presided over not by the feckless Jennaveieve,but by a wise-looking old dear called Daphne,who dealt sympathetically,that day,with a number of quite serious problems and dilemmas,and suggested leaflets and helplines,and seemed genuinely…第十一届CASIO杯翻译竞赛获奖译文(英语组)莱昂内尔•阿斯博[英]马丁•艾米斯作徐弘译为了描绘伦敦自治市迪斯顿,我们借用混沌之诗:物物相克,同在一体而冷热相争、干湿相抗、软硬相攻、轻重相击。



吴远宁英语口译Woo Yuan-ning's Journey as an English InterpreterWoo Yuan-ning's passion for languages and cross-cultural communication has led him on an extraordinary journey as a professional English interpreter. From a young age, Woo demonstrated an exceptional aptitude for languages, quickly mastering Mandarin Chinese and English with remarkable fluency. This innate talent, coupled with his unwavering dedication and intellectual curiosity, propelled him to pursue a career that would allow him to leverage his linguistic abilities in meaningful ways.After completing his undergraduate studies, Woo embarked on a path that would ultimately shape his professional identity. He recognized the growing demand for skilled interpreters who could facilitate seamless communication between individuals and organizations from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Driven by a desire to make a tangible impact, Woo decided to specialize in English interpretation, a field that would challenge him intellectually and provide him with opportunities to contribute toglobal understanding.Woo's journey as an English interpreter began with extensive training and honing of his craft. He immersed himself in the nuances of both the English and Chinese languages, studying the historical, cultural, and linguistic factors that influence communication patterns and idiomatic expressions. This deep understanding of the intricacies of language allowed Woo to develop the ability to accurately convey complex ideas and subtle nuances, ensuring that the intended meaning was preserved during the interpretation process.One of the defining moments in Woo's career came when he was tasked with interpreting for a high-profile international business negotiation. The stakes were high, and the pressure was palpable, as the success of the negotiation hinged on the seamless transfer of information between the Chinese and English-speaking parties. Woo rose to the occasion, demonstrating his exceptional skills in real-time interpretation. His ability to quickly analyze the context, anticipate potential challenges, and deliver precise and concise translations earned him the admiration of all involved.The success of this pivotal event propelled Woo's reputation as a highly skilled and reliable English interpreter. He began to receive invitations to interpret for a wide range of events, from political summits and diplomatic forums to international conferences andcultural exchanges. Each assignment presented unique challenges, requiring Woo to adapt his approach and draw upon his extensive knowledge and experience.One of the most rewarding aspects of Woo's work as an English interpreter is the opportunity to facilitate meaningful connections between people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. He takes great pride in his ability to bridge the gap, enabling effective communication and fostering mutual understanding. Whether interpreting for high-level government officials or facilitating cross-cultural dialogues, Woo's dedication to his craft and his commitment to promoting global cooperation are evident in his every interaction.Beyond his professional achievements, Woo is also deeply invested in mentoring and inspiring the next generation of interpreters. He frequently shares his insights and experiences with aspiring linguists, imparting the invaluable lessons he has learned over the course of his career. Woo's passion for his work and his unwavering dedication to excellence serve as a testament to the transformative power of language and the profound impact that skilled interpreters can have on the world stage.As Woo continues to navigate the dynamic landscape of international communication, he remains steadfast in his pursuit ofexcellence. His unwavering commitment to his craft, his adaptability in the face of new challenges, and his genuine desire to make a positive impact on the world around him have solidified his reputation as one of the most respected and sought-after English interpreters in the field. Woo's journey is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and the transformative potential of language.。



吴晨 B12080317专业英语翻译材料假设A (.)是超指数P1=0.9、P2=0.1、u1=0.45、u2=0.02、E (x )=7,B 的Erlang 函数(3 0.6)、E[D1]=5,估计E[N(10)]和Var[N(10)],估计 1000{(1)/1:100.{(10)}}x p D x x p D x =≤=>∑重新考虑问题20定义1()max{|()}ni H x n D i x ==≤∑。

H (x )代表需求累计小于x的需求出现的次数。

我们可见{H (x ),x>0}是一个更新进程且间隔区分时间为B ,我们称他们是更新函数R (x )=E[H (x )],另外需求进程是动态的,我们现在合并一个(s ,S )补充策略,s 是订货点,S 是订货水平,s ≥0,s<S 让Ip (t )表示在时期t 的存货水平。

Ip (t )是被决策者所知道的包括存货在手中和订购中的时间t ,在任何时间t 。

假如Ip (t )是小于s 的,订单的大小s- Ip (t )是确定的和到达L 个单位时间延迟。

交付时间L 是持续的,我们假设未满足的需求是后订购的,在下一个交付被满足。

令△=S-s ,间隔点在两个连续的再生点形成一个再生循环,让Tn 表示n 次再生循环,让K (t )表示再生次数在[0,t]之间,然后{K (t ),t>0}是一个更新进程在时间{Tn},让G (x )和g (x )成为符合更新函数和密度函数在这三个进程中,我们概述注释在如下表格中(t )≡P{T1≤t}。

依据An (.)和Bn (.)(b )找出E (T1)(c )渐进更新密度lim ()t g t →∞是多少? 重新考虑存货问题20和21描述的,g (u )△u 代表一个存货补充命令发生在(u ,u+△u )之间的可能性,假设在之间Ip (0)=S 。

在最后时期的存货补充的条件下,证明如下式:{()}1()()[1()],0tp P I t s A t g t u A u du t ==-+--≥⎰(a ) 当s ≤x<S,我们定义(,){()}p p f t x dx P x I t x dx =<<+在时间t 之前的最后一次补充的时间证明如下:11110(,)[()()]()()[()()]()tp n n n n n n f t x A t A t bn s x g t u A u A u bn s x du∞∞++===--+---∑∑⎰an 和bn 分别是An 和Bn 的密度函数。

从07's TEM-8英译试题看语段翻译中若干问题

从07's TEM-8英译试题看语段翻译中若干问题

从07's TEM-8英译试题看语段翻译中若干问题
1.浅谈英汉语段翻译中的择义理据性——07'TEM-8英译试题例解 [J], 孙燕;吴其中
2.从纽马克翻译论看蜀地方言文化负载词的翻译以《中国文学》中罗淑小说的四篇英译文为例 [J], 孙明珠;韩江洪
3.从翻译适应选择论看外宣翻译中的译者主体性--以江西省抚州市外宣材料英译为例 [J], 何树林;罗长田
4.从纽马克翻译论看蜀地方言文化负载词的翻译——以《中国文学》中罗淑小说的四篇英译文为例 [J], 孙明珠;韩江洪;
5.从功能主义翻译理论看《登鹳雀楼》19个英译本中的动词翻译 [J], 邵倩







[关键词]中国仓鼠卵巢细胞;高效表达;外源基因[中图分类号]Q813[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1009-0002(2009)03-0422-04New Technology of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells Expression SystemLI Shi-Chong,HUANG Pei-Tang,CHEN Zhao-LieBeijing Institute of Biotechnology,Beijing100071,China[Abstract]Chinese hamster ovary(CHO)cells are among the best systems for biopharmaceutical production,and are the most frequently used mammalian host for biopharmaceutical industry.Traditional methods for obtaining high-level expres-sion cells are tedious and time-consuming.In recently years,new technology are come forth to facilitate the reconstruction of high yield CHO cells.These new technologies enhance exogenous expression level efficiently by means of overcoming the post-effect,increasing gene transcription efficiency,mRNA translation efficiency,mRMA stability and high produce cells screening efficiency.In comparison with MTX gene amplification system,these methods take advantages of both time and labour saving,and little probability of losing high-level expression cells.[Key words]Chinese hamster ovary cell;high level expression;exogenous gene中国仓鼠卵巢(Chinese hamster ovary,CHO)细胞是外源真核基因的最佳表达系统之一,也是生物制药中最常用的哺乳动物细胞。

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本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文学生姓名:吴姚振院(系):电子工程学院专业班级:电信0402指导教师:刘峰完成日期:20 年月日要求1、外文翻译是毕业设计(论文)的主要内容之一,必须学生独立完成。







数字通信:基础与应用(第二版)Digital Communications:Fundamentals and Applications (Second Edition)作者: Bernard Sklar起止页码:第3页至第13页出版日期(期刊号):2006年10月出版单位:电子工业出版社外文翻译译文:信号与频谱1.1数字通信信号处理1.1.1为什么要进行数字化为什么通信系统,无论军用系统还是商业系统,都在进行“数字化”?这有很多原因。






























图1.2中DCS 必不可少的信号处理方框有:格式化、调制、解调/检测和同步。

格式化是将信源转换成比特,从而确保信息与DCS 信号处理的并存性。




术语基带是指从直流(或接近直流)延伸到某个有限值的信号频谱,这个值通常是小于几个MHz 。


当二进制符号应用脉冲调制时,产生的二进制波形就称为脉冲编码调制(PCM )波形。

PCM 波形有几种类型(在第二章详述),在电话通信中通常被称为线性码。

当脉冲调制应用非二进制符号时,产生的波形被称为M 进制脉冲调制波形,这样的波形有好几种类型,在第二章中将描述这几种波形,并且重点强调脉冲幅度调制(PAM )。

经过脉冲调制后,每个消息码元或信道码元都转变成基带波形()t g i 形式,其中i=1,…,M 。


读者可能想知道,既然代表二进制1和0的不同电平,可以看作每个脉冲占用一个比特时间的冲激或理想矩形脉冲,那么为什么还需要一个单独的方框用于脉冲调制呢?在这些电压电平和用于调制的基带波形之间有两个重要的区别:第一,脉冲调制方框适用于各种二进制和M 进制脉冲波形,2.8.2描述了这些波形不同有用的特性;第二,脉冲调制方框中的滤波器产生持续时间大于1比特时间的脉冲。



在射频传输的应用中,下一个重要的步骤是带通调制,只要传输介质不支持脉冲波形的传播,就必须应用带通调制,此时传输介质所需要的信号是带通波形()t s i ,当i=1,…,M 。

术语带通表明基带波形()t g i 的频谱通过一个载波被转移到一个比()t g i 频谱大得多的频率点。

当()t s i 经信道传输时,会受到信道特性的影响,而信道特性可以用信道冲激响应()t h c 来描述(见1.6.1节)。

此外,在信号传输线路的各个点上,加性随机噪声会使接收信号()t r 失真,所以接收信号是发送信号在转输中的失真版本。

接收信号()t r 可以表示为()())(t n t h s t r c i +*= i=1,….,M (1.1)其中,*表示卷积运算(见附录A ),()t n 表示噪声处理(见1.5.5节)。

在相反方向上,接收机前端或解调器对每个带通波形()t r 提供下变频转换,解调器把()t r 恢复成最佳基带脉冲波形()t z ,为检测做准备。


均衡可以认为是一种滤波选择,可以处理由信道引起的任何不良影响,它可以包含在解调器中,也可在解调气后;当信道冲激响应()t h c 使接收信号严重失真时,均衡器就变得必不可少了。

均衡器用于补偿(消除或减弱)由非理想的()t h c 所引起的任何形式的信号失真。

最后,采样步骤把成形的脉冲()t z 转变成采样信号()T z ,检测步骤是将()T z 转变成信道码元的估值Λi u 或消息码元的估值Λi m (若没有信道编码)。




需要注意的是,典型的DCS 或者采用信源编码(数字化和压缩信源信息),或者采用比较简单的格式化变换(只有数字信号),系统不会同时采用信源编码和格式化,因为前者已经包含了数字化信息的必要步骤。


对于给定的数据速率,在增加传输带宽或译码器复杂性的条件下,信道编码能减少差错概率E P ,或者在保持所求的差错概率E P 的条件下减少所需的信噪比。





DCS 中对所有信号处理的控制都涉及到同步及其关键部分——时钟信号。


图1.3指出基本信号处理功能,可以被看做对信号的变换,分为以下9类:1. 格式化和信源编码2. 基带信号处理3. 带通信号处理4. 均衡5. 信道编码6. 多路复用和多址接入7. 扩展8. 加密9. 同步虽然这种结构有一些内在的交叉,但它为本书提供了有用的结构框架。
