Infrared Photometry and Evolution of Mass-Losing AGB Stars I. Carbon Stars Revisited




天文学英语Astronomy is a science that studies the universe,including planets, stars, galaxies, moons, comets, asteroids, and other celestial objects. It seeks to understand the formation and evolution of these bodies, their motion through space and time, their composition, their interactions withone another, and the origin and ultimate fate of the universe. Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences, and has contributed enormously to the development of other disciplines, including mathematics, physics, geology, chemistry, and biology.In English, astronomy has been traditionally known as “astronomy” since the mid-sixteenth century. It derivesfrom the Greek astronomia, which means “the science of stars.” The scientific study of the universe in terms of its physical and chemical structure, its history and evolution, and its relationships with other bodies in the universe is known as astrophysics. Astrophysics includes many branches, such as cosmology, relativistic astrophysics, galactic astronomy, stellar astronomy, and planetary sciences.Observational astronomy is the science of observing celestial objects and the phenomena they produce.Professional astronomers use optical, infrared, radio, ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma-ray telescopes to observe and analyze the radiation from space. They also use spectroscopy and photometry to study the nature and properties of objectsin the sky. In addition, modern observatories now employ powerful computers to process astronomical images and todetect and classify celestial objects.Theoretical astrophysics is the study of the fundamental laws of physics and their application to the structure and evolution of the universe. It involves mathematical modeling of the behavior of the universe, and the application of these models to understand the observed characteristics of astronomical objects. It also involves theoretical calculations of the evolution of stars and galaxies, and other types of bodies in the universe.An important area of astronomy is astrobiology, the study of the origin, evolution, and distribution of life in the universe. Astrobiology includes research into the limits of life in extreme environments, the search for extraterrestrial life, and the origin and evolution of life on Earth. Another fascinating aspect of astronomy is astroparticle physics, the study of particles and fields that are generated through interactions between high-energy cosmic rays and the interstellar medium.Finally, one of the most fascinating aspects of astronomy is the public outreach side of the discipline. Astronomers use their knowledge to educate the general public about the universe and its many mysteries. They also use public outreach programs to encourage interest in the sciences, and to make people more aware of the world around them.。



(二)振动形式 modes of vibration -多原子分子 伸缩振动 弯曲振动 -双原子分子
伸缩振动 stretching vibration
不对称伸 as asymmetrical
对称伸缩 s symmetrical
banding vibration
Ev = ( V+1/2 ) h -(V+1/2)2xh + …
2. 振动频率
(s -1)
’— 折合原子量
mA + mB
K(N/cm) (cm-1) c-c 单键 5 1190 c=c 双键 10 1690 c=c 三键 15 2100 c-H 5 2900 K越大,基频峰的波数越高。 由于氢原子的原子量最小,因此含氢官能团的基频峰的波数都很大。
特征区 指纹区

折合原子量相同的基团,一般 > >

施勇 教育经历:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

施勇 教育经历:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


南京大学 天文与空间科学学院email: yong@教育经历: 1999.9-­‐2003.7 北京大学,地球物理系,天文专业,学士学位。

2003.8-­‐2008.8 亚利桑那大学(美国),天文学,博士学位。

工作经历: 2008.8-­‐2009.8: 亚利桑那大学(美国),博士后。

2009.9-­‐2013.2: 加州理工学院(美国),博士后。

2013.3至今: 南京大学,教授,博导,国家青年千人。

科研基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目,11373021,极端贫金属星系:尘埃特性和恒星形成,2014/01-2017/12,80 万元,在研,主持。

中国科学院战略性先导B专项,XDB09000000, 宇宙结构起源B类先导,2014/01-至今,66万,在研,参与(骨干成员)。

中央组织部青年千人项目(第四批),2013.1-2015.12, 200万,在研、主持。

江苏省基金杰出青年项目,BK20150014, 2015.7-2018.7, 100万,在研、主持。

空间望远镜项目: • P I o n H erschel O T2 y shi 3 (16.1 h rs, p riority 1):“Extremely-­‐metal p oor g alaxies: m apping d ust e mission”• T echnical C ontact a nd C o-­‐I o n S pitzer-­‐50507, 50508 (14.2 h rs, P I: G. R ieke)“Quasar a nd U LIRG E volution”• T echnical C ontact∗ a nd C o-­‐I o n S pitzer-­‐50196 (25.1 h rs, P I: G. R ieke.):“Cosmic Evolution of Star Formation in Quasar Hosts from z=1 to the Present”• T echnical C ontact∗ a nd C o-­‐I o n S pitzer-­‐40385 (2.1 h rs, P I: G. R ieke.):“A C hallenge t o t he U nification M odel”地面望远镜项目:• K eck 10 m: D EIMOS• I RAM 30 m: 24 h rs (2014A), 59.5 h rs (2016A).• P alomar 200 i nch: D BSP; L FC; W IRC• C FHT: M egaCAM• B ok 2.3 m• A rizona R adio O bservatory N RAO-­‐12m• A rizona R adio O bservatory S MT-­‐10m学术服务:ApJ, A pJL, A&A, A J, S ciChina, R AA的审稿人Telescope A ccess P rogram 望远镜分配委员会委员论文发表情况汇总(共36篇)通讯作者 非通讯作者 总计Nature 1 0 1Nature子刊 0 1 117 18 35ApJ, ApJS, ApJL,MNRAS, A&A(全部为NatureIndex高影响力科学期刊)AJ 0 1 1总计 18 20 38第一或通讯作者论文: 18. Zhang, Z.; Shi, Y* et al. 2016, ApJL, 819, 27“Distributions of quasar hosts on the galaxy main-sequence plane”17. Zhou, L.; Shi, Y* et al. 2016, MNRAS, 458, 772“Spatially resolved dust emission of extremely metal poor galaxies”16. S hi, Y.*, W ang, J., Z hang, Z.-­‐Y. e t a l. 2015, A pJL, 804, 11“The Weak Carbon Monoxide Emission in an Extremely Metal-­‐poor Galaxy, Sextans A”15. S hi, Y.*, A rmus, L., H elou, G. e t a l. 2014, N ature, 514, 335–338“Inefficient s tar f ormation i n e xtremely m etal p oor g alaxies”14. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G., Ogle, P. et al., 2014, ApJS, 214, 23 “Infrared spectra and photometry o f c omplete s amples o f P G a nd 2MASS q uasars”13. Shi, Y.*, Helou, G., Armus, L. 2013, ApJ, 777, 6 “A Joint Model Of X-­‐ray And Infrared B ackgrounds. I I. C ompton-­‐Thick A GN A bundance”12. Shi, Y.*, Helou, G., et al. 2013, ApJ, 764, 28 “A Joint Model of the X-­‐Ray and Infrared E xtragalactic B ackgrounds. I. M odel C onstruc-­‐ t ion a nd F irst R esults”11. Shi, Y.*, Helou, G., et al. 2011, ApJ, 733, 87 “Extended Schmidt Law: Roles Of Existing S tars I n C urrent S tar F ormation”10. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., et al. 2010, ApJ, 714, 115 “Unobscured Type 2 Active Galactic N uclei”9. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., et al. 2009, ApJ, 703, 1107 “Cosmic Evolution of Star Formation i n T ype-­‐1 Q uasar H osts S ince z = 1”8. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., et al. 2009, ApJ, 697, 1764 “Role of Major Mergers In Cosmic S tar F ormation E volution”7. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H. et al. 2008, ApJ, 688, 794 “BH Accretion in Low-­‐Mass Galaxies S ince z∼1”6. Shi, Y.*, Ogle, P., Rieke, G. H. et al. 2007, ApJ, 669, 841 “Aromatic Features in AGN: S tar-­‐Forming I nfrared L uminosity F unction o f A GN H ost G alaxies”5. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., Hines, D. C. et al. 2007, ApJ, 655, 781 “Thermal and Nonthermal I nfrared E mission f rom M87”4. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., Hines, D. C. et al. 2006, ApJ, 653, 127 “9.7 um Silicate Features i n A ctive G alactic N uclei: N ew I nsights i nto U nification M odels”3. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., Papovich, C. et al. 2006, ApJ, 645, 199 “Morphology of Spitzer 24 u m D etected G alaxies i n t he U DF: T he L inks b etween S tar F or-­‐ m ation and G alaxy M orphology”2. Shi, Y.*, Rieke, G. H., Hines, D. C. et al. 2005, ApJ, 629, 88 “Far-­‐Infrared Observations o f R adio Q uasars a nd F R I I R adio G alaxies”1.Shi, Y., & Xu, R. X.* 2003, ApJ, 596, 75 “Can the Age Discrepancies of NeutronStars B e C ircumvented b y a n A ccretion-­‐assisted T orque?”其他作者论文:20. G uo R. e t a l. (Shi Y. 5th a uthor), 2016, A pJ a ccepted, a rXiv:1604.0712219. Chen, Y. et al. (Shi Y. 4th author), 2016, MNRAS accepted, “Boxy Hα EmissionProfiles i n S tar-­‐Forming G alaxies”18. Bian, W. H. et al. (Shi Y. 4th author), 2016, MNRAS, 456, 4081, “Spectral principal component analysis of mid-infrared spectra of a sample of PG QSOs”17. Wang, J. et al. (Shi Y. 4th author), 2016, MNRAS, 455, 3986, “Dense-gas properties in Arp 220 revealed by isotopologue lines”16. Wang, J. et al. (Shi Y. 7th author), 2014, Nature Communication, 5, 5449 “SiO and C H3OH m ega-­‐masers i n N GC 1068”15. Kirkpatrick, A. et al. (Shi Y. 10th author) , 2014, ApJ, 796, 135 “Early Science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: Exploring the Effect of AGN Activity on the Relationships b etween M olecular G as, D ust, a nd S tar F ormation”14. Wang, J. et al. et al. (Shi Y. 4th author) , 2014, ApJ, 796, 57 “Isotopologues o f Dense G as T racers i n N GC 1068”13. Jin, S. et al. (Shi Y. 4th author), 2014, ApJ, 787, 63 “Color-­‐Magnitude Distribution o f F ace-­‐on n earby G alaxies i n S loan D igital S ky S urvey D R7”12. D ale, D. e t a l. (Shi Y. 6th a uthor), 2014, A pJ, 784, 83 “A T wo-­‐parameter M odel for the Infrared/Submillimeter/Radio Spectral Energy Distributions of Galaxies and A ctive G alactic N uclei”11. Wang, J. et al. (Shi Y. 3rd author), 2013, ApJL, 778, 39 “A SiO 2-­‐1 Survey toward G as-­‐rich A ctive G alaxies”10. Magdis, G. E. et al. (Shi Y. 22th author), 2013, A&A, 558, 136 “Mid-­‐ to far infrared p roperties o f s tar-­‐forming g alaxies a nd a ctive g alactic n uclei”9. Kim, Ji Hoon, et al. (Shi Y. 16th author), 2012, ApJ, 760, 120 “The 3.3 m Polycyclic A romatic H ydrocarbon E mission a s a S tar F ormation R ate I ndicator”8. Wang, J., et al. (Shi Y. 3rd author) 2011, MNRAS, 416, 21 “CS (5-­‐4) survey towards n earby i nfrared b right g alaxies”7. T yler, K. D., R ieke, G. H. e t a l. (Shi Y. 9th a uthor) 2011, A pJ, 738, 56 “The N ature of S tar F ormation a t 24 m i n t he G roup E nvironment a t 0.3 < z < 0.55”6. Wu, Y., et al. (Shi Y. 2nd author) 2011, ApJ, 734, 40 “The Mid-­‐infrared Luminosity Function at z < 0.3 from 5MUSES: Understanding the Star Formation/Active G alactic N ucleus B alance f rom a S pectroscopic V iew”5. W u, Y., e t a l. (Shi Y. 5th a uthor) 2010, A pJ, 723, 895 “Infrared L uminosities a nd Aromatic F eatures i n t he 24um F lux L imited S ample o f 5MUSES”4. Mason, R. E., et al. (Shi Y. 3nd author) 2009, ApJ, 693, 136 “The Origin of the Silicate E mission F eatures i n t he S eyfert 2 G alaxy N GC 2110”3. B allantyne, D. R., e t a l. (Shi Y. 2nd a uthor) 2006, A pJ, 653, 1070 “Does t he A GN Unified M odel E volve w ith R edshift? U sing t he X-­‐Ray B ackground t o P re-­‐ d ict t he Mid-­‐Infrared E mission o f A GNs”2. J iang, L. e t a l. (Shi Y. 4th a uthor) 2006, A J, 132, 2127 “Probing t he E volution o f Infrared P roperties o f z ∼6 Q uasars: S pitzer O bservations”1. Wu, Y. et al. (Shi Y. 4th author) 2004, A&A, 426, 503 “A study of high velocity molecular o utflows w ith a n u p-­‐to-­‐date s ample”。



大小麦哲伦云的星际消光薛梦瑶;姜碧沩;高健【摘要】We review the extinction laws of the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) from the ultravi-olet (UV), optical to infrared and the 2D extinction maps of the MCs. The dust properties of the MCs are also discussed. The color excess E (B-V ) of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is about 0.13 mag. If RV=2.6 is adopted, the AV value is about 0.34 mag. The color excess E(B-V ) of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is about 0.16 mag, which corresponds to an AV of about 0.45 mag (for RV=2.8). The star formation regions LMC 30 Dor and Super Shell LMC 2 could be considered as relatively dense regions. They both lack the 2175˚A extinction bump feature and their extinction rises steeply in the UV range, while in the diffuse regions of LMC, the 2175˚A bump is relatively strong. As for the SMC, the 2175˚A bump is absent in the SMC bar region, and the extinction rises even more steeply in the UV band, while in the SMC wing region, the 2175˚A bump feature is present. In the infrared band, the ratio of the color excess E(J-H)/E(H-K) is roughly between 1.03 and 1.36 for LMC, clearly lower than the ratio of the Milky Way that is about 1.73. In SMC, the infrared extinction is fairly small, and as a tiny error of photometry or intrinsic color will bring large uncertainty, there is no consistent conclusion yet. The extinction curves of the LMC and SMC can not be described by the simple CCM parameterization containing a single param-eter RV which is valid for the Milky Way. By fitting the extinction curve as well as the infrared radiationof the Magellanic Clouds, it is found that the carbonaceous dust grains, compared to the silicate dust, are less abundant than those in the Milky Way. In particular, the lack of small carbonaceous dust grains is suggested to explain the w eakness of the 2175˚A bump in the star-forming regions where the UV photons may destroy the very small carrier like graphite or PAH molecules. The dust-to-gas ratio in the MCs is significantly lower than that in the Milky Way very possibly due to the lower metallicity.%综述了大小麦哲伦云在紫外、可见光和红外波段的消光规律及其2D 消光图,并讨论了其尘埃的性质。

第一篇 分光光度计的前世今生

第一篇 分光光度计的前世今生





)1941年,第一台商用紫外可见分光光度计Beckman DU横空出世了。


Bechman公司设计的第一台原型UV-vis分光光度计,称为Model A。

光源是钨灯,使用玻璃棱镜为分光元件,但是后来发现,玻璃不能用于紫外区,所以,后来制造了Model B.Model B使用了石英棱镜。

Model B使用了某种机构(叫tangent bar mechanism)来使波长线性化,但这种机构过于灵敏和compressed。

Mode A和Model B都使用一种叫Bechman PH mete r的附加装置作为读出装置。

我们知道,PH计其实就是个高阻抗毫伏计,所以它这个PH meter其实就是个毫伏计,读出放大Model A和B的微弱电信号。

为了改进Model B的波长扫描机构过于灵敏的缺点,又设计了Model C(如图1.1.2), Model C 使用了一种叫scroll drive 的机构来波长线性化,这个机构后来使用在所有的Bechman 石英棱镜仪器中。

Model C同样使用PH meter作为读出装置。

由于这种分离式设计不方便,使人不快,所以把PH meter和单色器做在一起,诞生了Modle D(图1.1.3)注:PH meter和单色器集成在一起是根据资料上说的,但是对比图1.1.2,图1.1.3,图1.1.4,并看不出PH meter在哪里。








关键词:谱学,近红外线;荧光光度测定法;癌,肝细胞;肝切除术基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(81773177)Applicationofnear-infraredfluorescenceimaginginhepatectomyofhepatocellularcarcinomaDUANYanheng,ANJiaze.(DepartmentofHepatobiliarySurgery,TheFirstAffiliatedHospitalofAirForceMedicalUniversity,Xi’an710032,China)Correspondingauthor:ANJiaze,,andhepatectomyrequirestheremovalofprimarytumorandthepreservationofnormallivertissuetothemaximumextent.Howeverinclinicalsurgery,itisdifficulttoaccuratelyidentifytumortissueanditsboundarywithvisualinspectionandpalpation,whichoftenresultsinunder-resectionorover-resection.Near-infraredfluorescence(NIRF)imagingisareal-timenoninvasiveimagingtechniquewithlowcostsandhighsensitivity,andextensivestudieshavebeenconductedtoinvestigateitsapplicationinguidingsurgicalresectionoftumors.Withthedevelopmentoffluorescenceimagingsystemandfluorescenceprobe,intraop erativetumorlocalizationandboundarydeterminationcanberealizedtomakethesurgerymoreaccurate.ThisarticlereviewsthedevelopmentofvariousNIRFprobesforintraoperativenavigationinHCCanddiscussescurrentchallengesandpotentialop portunitiesoftheseimagingprobes.Keywords:Spectroscopy,Near-Infrared;Fluorophotometry;Carcinoma,Hepatocellular;HepatectomyResearchfunding:NationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(GeneralProgram)(81773177) 原发性肝癌在我国的发病率位居常见恶性肿瘤的第4位,是肿瘤致死的第2病因,严重威胁人民的生命和健康。



活化粉煤灰填充聚氯乙烯板材的研究3 吕瑶姣 刘跃龙 张季爽 (湖南大学环境科学与工程系,长沙410082) (湖南大学化学化工学院,长沙410082)摘要 用不同的活化粉煤灰代替活性碳酸钙作聚氯乙烯板材中的填料,制取试样并测试其性能。


关键词 粉煤灰 化学改性 聚氯乙烯 3国家自然科学基金资助项目(29070326)1 引言作者曾对粉煤灰活化[1],活化粉煤灰在橡胶制品中作填料等作过研究报导[2],为拓展活化粉煤灰的应用范围,将活化粉煤灰送株洲塑料厂,用其作聚氯乙烯板材中的填料。


2 实验原料实验所用粉煤灰为湘潭电厂浮选粉煤灰和株洲电厂微珠,其化学成分和粒度分布列于表1和表2。

表1 粉煤灰中主要成分的含量(质量百分数)%成分S iO 2Al 2O 3Fe 2O 3CaOM gO 烧失量株电粉煤灰45~5922~313~5114~2161127~16湖电浮选灰42~5723~303~82~7015~25~10表2 粉煤灰的粒度分布灰种类中位径Πμm频率最大的粒径Πμm75%灰的粒径Πμm 25%灰的粒径Πμm 比表面积Πm 2・g -1湘电浮选灰3711025153≤64181≤1919801197株电微珠1215812190≤15137≤9192014323 粉煤灰的活化粉煤灰活化[3],[4]由于活化剂的性质不同,实验中采用了湿法和干法两种工艺311 湿法活化用正交试验设计确定的活化条件为:常温下以水:粉煤灰=3∶1形成混合液,分批加入定量的活化剂,充分搅拌反应30min ,过滤后在选定温度下烘干。

312 干法活化选择合适的溶剂将活化剂配成稀溶液,再将该溶液按比例均匀喷洒到已筛分的粉煤灰中,充分混合后在选定温度下反应1~2h 。



照明基本的专业英文词汇ambipolar diffusion\[物]双极扩散arc discharge\电弧放电, 弧光放电avalanche\n.雪崩\v.雪崩buffer gas\缓冲气体candle\n.蜡烛vt.对着光检查cap\灯座charge neutrality\电中性区chromaticity diagram色度图coiled coil\卷曲螺旋colorimetry\色度学Columnar cell\柱状细胞compact fluorescent lamp\紧凑型荧光灯cone cell\视锥细胞, 圆锥细胞critical angle\n.[物][空]临界角carbon arc lamp\炭弧灯diffuse\v.散播, 传播, 漫射, 扩散, (使)慢慢混合\adj.散开的, 弥漫的diffuse reflection\漫反射diffuse transmission\扩散透射\ 漫透射\ 扩散传输diffusion\n.扩散, 传播, 漫射double helix\二重螺旋线, 双螺旋线electroluminescent lamp\场致发光灯electrode\n.电极electroluminescence\n. [物]场致发光, 电致发光electromagnetic radiation\电磁辐射electromagnetic wave\n.[电磁]电磁波envelope\玻壳filament\n.细丝, 灯丝filter\n.滤波器, 过滤器, 滤光器, 筛选fluorescent lamp\n.荧光灯(管),日光灯(管)full radiator\完全辐射体fuse\n.保险丝, 熔丝\v.熔合gas incandescent lamp\充气白炽灯gas-filled lamp\充气灯getter\消气剂glass pinch\玻璃封接glow discharge\辉光放电high pressure mercury lamp\高压汞灯high pressure xenon lamp\高压氙灯homogeneous light\单色光illuminance\n.(=illumination)照明[度], 启发Incandescent lamp\白炽灯, 白热灯incidence\n.]入射incident angle\入射角inert gas\惰性气体infrared ray\adj.红外线的\n.红外线intensity\光强irradiation\辐照度lamp cap\灯(泡)头\ 管帽lead wire\导线light intensity\光强度low pressure discharge\低气压放电low pressure sodium vapour lamp\低气压钠灯luminance\[计] 亮度luminous flux\n.[物]光通量(其单位为流明lumen) luminous intensity\发光强度, 照度medium\n.媒体, 方法, 媒介\adj.中间的, 中等的, 半生熟的mesopic vision\过渡视觉\ 黄昏黎明视觉metal halide lamp\金属卤化物灯metastable states\亚稳态monochromitry/monochromatic\单色neon arc lamp\氖(弧)灯, 氖光灯, 霓虹灯neon lamp\n.霓虹灯phosphor\荧光粉photogenerator\半导体发光器photometers\n.光度计, 曝光计photometry\n.光度测定, 测光法photopic vision\亮视觉, 白昼视觉photosynthesis\n.光合作用positive column\正柱区primary color\原色prismatic\adj.棱镜的propagation\n.动植物, 繁殖, (声波, 电磁辐射等)传播radial\ 射线radiance\辐亮度radiation flux\辐射通量radiation power\辐射功率radio wave\n.无线电波radiometry\n.辐射线测定reflect\v.反射,reflection angle\n.反射角refraction\折射retina\n. [解]视网膜saturated color\饱和色scattering\n.散射scotopic vision\暗[夜, 微光]视觉solid angle\n.[几]立体角, 多面角spectral luminous efficiency\光谱效率曲线spectrum\波谱spirality\n.螺旋形sputtering\ 溅射\ 阴极真空喷镀, 阴极溅镀thermal radiation\热辐射total internal reflection\[光]全内反射total reflection\全反射transmission\n.播送, 发射, 传动, 传送, 传输, 转播trichromatic\adj.三色的, 三色版的, 三原色的tungsten halogen lamp\卤钨灯ultraviolet radiation\n.紫外线vacuum lamp\真空灯visible light\可见光wavelength\n.[物][无]波长23 直接眩光(direct glare)视野内由于极高亮度或因光源遮蔽不足、或因高亮度反射所引起之眩光24 方向性照明(directional lighting)指于工作面或目标物上主要来自单一方向之照明25 减能眩光(disability glare)指减低视功能及明视度之眩光26 不舒服眩光(discomfort glare)指令人感觉不舒服之眩光27 效力(efficacy)参照luminous efficacy of a source of light28 效率(efficiency)参照luminaire efficiency,luminous efficacy of a source of light29 放电灯(electric-discharge lamp)指电流经由特殊蒸汽或气体流通因而产生光线或是接近可见光之辐射能的一种电灯30 开窗式(fenestration)指利用开窗、或开窗安排(通常利用光介质控制)俾引入昼光之任何采光方式31 张角或光束角(field angle)于垂直光束中心线之一平面上,光度等于10%最大光度之二方向间的夹角32 灯具(fixture)参照luminaire33 泛光灯(floodlight)指当参考之景或物之照明需求比其背景强出许多时,被设计用来照明某一景或物之光投射器34 日光灯(fluorescent lamp)属于一种低压水银放电灯35 平壁式或隐藏式灯具(flush mounted or recessed luminaire)指安装于天花板内(或安置于墙壁或其它隔间之中)的一种灯具,灯具之开口通常与其所在平面切齐36 光通量(flux)参照luminous flux37 尺烛光(foot candle,fc)当长度以尺为单位时之照度单位;一流明之光束照射于一平方尺面积上可获得一尺烛光之照度38 全般照明(general lighting)提供全部地区照度大体上呈现均匀分布之一种照明设计39 眩光(glare)视野内产生人眼无法适应之光亮感觉,可能引起厌恶、不舒服甚或丧失明视度40 高光度放电管灯(high intensity dischare lamp)包括水银灯、复金属灯及高压钠气灯41 高压钠气灯(high pressure sodium(HPS)lamp)一种高光度放电灯,可藉施压(100Torr)于含钠气灯管使之放射发光42 照度(illuminance)E=dX/dA,指于工作面上接受之入射光通量密度;单位为勒克司(Lux),英美为尺烛光(foot-candle),1fc=43 照度计(illuminance (lux or foot candle)meter)于一平面上测量照度之一种仪器44 照明(illumination)指以灯光照亮之动作或被灯照亮之状态45 白炽灯(incandescent filament lamp)藉将灯丝通以电流使之白炽化发光之电灯46 光强度(intensity)luminous intensity及radiant intensity之简写47 反平方定律(inverse-square law)E=I/d2;照度与距离平方成反比而与光度成正比48 等照度线(isolux(isofootcandle)line)指被照面上将相同照度之所有点利用适当坐标绘成的曲线;不同之等照度线构成等照度图49 电灯(lamp)人工光源之一般通称50 灯管流明降落系数(lamp lumen depreciation factor,LLD)用于照明计算之一项乘数,说明灯管之最初照度与使用末期灯管预期之最低照度的关系51 电灯遮光角(lamp shielding angle)指介于电灯遮蔽体或铠板平面,与最接近电灯及铠板片切线方向之水平面二者间之夹角。



absolute energy distribution 绝对能量分布abundance effect 丰度效应angular diameter—redshift relation 角径—红移关系asteroid astrometry 小行星天体测量bursting pulsar (GRO J1744-28 )暴态脉冲星Caliban 天卫十七canonical Big Bang 典型大爆炸Cepheid binary 造父双星CH anomaly CH 反常chromospheric plage 色球谱斑circumnuclear star-forming ring 核周产星环circumstellar astrophysics 星周天体物理CN anomaly CN 反常colliding-wind binary 星风互撞双星collisional de-excitation 碰撞去激发collisional ionization 碰撞电离collision line broadening 碰撞谱线致宽Compton loss 康普顿耗损continuous opacity 连续不透明度coronagraphic camera 日冕照相机coronal active region 日冕活动区cosmic-ray exposure age 宇宙线曝射法年龄count—magnitude relation 计数—星等关系Cousins color system 卡曾斯颜色系统dating method 纪年法DDO color system DDO 颜色系统deep sky object 深空天体deep sky phenomena 深空天象dense star cluster 稠密星团diagnostics 诊断法dissociative recombination 离解复合Doppler line broadening 多普勒谱线致宽epicyclic orbit 本轮轨道extragalactic background 河外背景extragalactic background radiation 河外背景辐射flare particle emission 耀斑粒子发射flare physics 耀斑物理Fm star Fm 星focal plane spectrometer 焦面分光计focusing X-ray telescope 聚焦X 射线望远镜Friedmann time 弗里德曼时间galactic chimney 星系通道Galactic chimney 银河系通道gas relention age 气体变异法年龄Gauss line profile 高斯谱线轮廓GCR (Galactic cosmic rays )银河系宇宙线Geneva color system 日内瓦颜色系统global oscilletion 全球振荡GW-Vir instability strip 室女GW 不稳定带Highly Advanced Laboratory for 〈HALCA〉通讯和天文高新空间Communications and Astronomy 实验室(HALCA )Hipparcos catalogue 依巴谷星表Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET )〈HET〉大型拼镶镜面望远镜Hoyle—Narlikar cosmology 霍伊尔—纳里卡宇宙学Hubble Deep Field (HDF )哈勃深空区human space flight 载人空间飞行、人上天imaging spectrograph 成象摄谱仪infrared camera 红外照相机infrared luminosity 红外光度infrared polarimetry 红外偏振测量in-situ acceleration 原位加速intercept age 截距法年龄inverse Compton limit 逆康普顿极限isochron age 等龄线法年龄Johnson color system 约翰逊颜色系统K giant variable (KGV )K 型巨变星kinetic equilibrium 运动学平衡large-scale beam 大尺度射束large-scale jet 大尺度喷流limb polarization 临边偏振line-profile variable 谱线轮廓变星long term fluctuation 长期起伏Lorentz line profile 洛伦兹谱线轮廓magnetic arm 磁臂Mars globe 火星仪massive black hole 大质量黑洞mean extinction coefficient 平均消光系数mean luminosity density 平均光度密度microwave storm 微波噪暴Milli-Meter Array (MMA )〈MMA〉毫米波射电望远镜阵molecular maser 分子微波激射、分子脉泽moving atmosphere 动态大气neutrino loss rate 中微子耗损率non-linear astronomy 非线性天文non-standard model 非标准模型passband width 带宽P Cygni type star 天鹅P 型星Perseus chimney 英仙通道planetary companion 似行星伴天体plateau phase 平台阶段primordial abundance 原始丰度protobinary system 原双星proto-brown dwarf 原褐矮星quiescent galaxy 宁静星系radiation transport 辐射转移radio-intermediate quasar 中介射电类星体random peculiar motion 随机本动relative energy distribution 相对能量分布RGU color system RGU 颜色系统ringed barred galaxy 有环棒旋星系ringed barred spiral galaxy 有环棒旋星系rise phase 上升阶段Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE )〈RXTE〉X 射线时变探测器RQPNMLK color system RQPNMLK 颜色系统Scheuer—Readhead hypothesis 朔伊尔—里德黑德假说Serpens molecular cloud 巨蛇分子云soft X-ray transient (SXT )软X 射线暂现源solar dynamo 太阳发电机solar global parameter 太阳整体参数solar neighbourhood 太阳附近空间spectral catalogue 光谱表spectral duplicity 光谱成双性star-formation process 产星过程star-forming phase 产星阶段Stroemgren color system 颜色系统Sub-Millimeter Array (SMA )〈SMA〉亚毫米波射电望远镜阵superassociation 超级星协supermassive black hole 特大质量黑洞supersoft X-ray source 超软X 射线源super-star cluster 超级星团Sycorax 天卫十七symbiotic recurrent nova 共生再发新星synchrotron loss 同步加速耗损time dilation 时间扩展tired-light model 光线老化宇宙模型tremendous outburst amplitude 巨爆幅tremendous outburst amplitude dwarf 巨爆幅矮新星nova (TOAD )Tycho catalogue 第谷星表UBV color system UBV 颜色系统UBVRI color system UBVRI 颜色系统ultraviolet luminosity 紫外光度unrestricted orbit 无限制性轨道uvby color system uvby 颜色系统VBLUW color system VBLUW 颜色系统V enus globe 金星仪Vilnius color system 维尔纽斯颜色系统Virgo galaxy cluster 室女星系团VLBA (Very Long Baseline Array )〈VLBA〉甚长基线射电望远镜阵V oigt line profile 佛克特谱线轮廓VRI color system VRI 颜色系统Walraven color system 沃尔拉文颜色系统waning crescent 残月waning gibbous 亏凸月waxing crescent 娥眉月waxing gibbous 盈凸月WBVR color system WBVR 颜色系统Wood color system 伍德颜色系统zodiacal light photometry 黄道光测光11-year solar cycle 11 年太阳周αCygni variable 天津四型变星δDoradus variable 剑鱼δ型变星Vainu Bappu Observatory 巴普天文台variable-velocity star 视向速度变星vectorial astrometry 矢量天体测量vector-point diagram 矢点图V ega 〈维佳〉行星际探测器V ega phenomenon 织女星现象velocity variable 视向速度变星V enera 〈金星〉号行星际探测器very strong-lined giant, VSL giant 甚强线巨星very strong-lined star, VSL star 甚强线星video astronomy 录象天文viewfinder 寻星镜Viking 〈海盗〉号火星探测器virial coefficient 位力系数virial equilibrium 位力平衡virial radius 位力半径virial temperature 位力温度virtual phase CCD 虚相CCDvisible arm 可见臂visible component 可见子星visual star 光学星VLT, Very Large Telescope 甚大望远镜void 巨洞V ondrak method 冯德拉克方法V oyager 〈旅行者〉号行星际探测器VSOP, VLBI Space Observatory 空间甚长基线干涉测量Programme 天文台计划wave-front sensor 波前传感器weak-line T Tauri star 弱线金牛T 型星Wesselink mass 韦塞林克质量WET, Whole Earth Telescope 全球望远镜WHT, William Herschel Telescope 〈赫歇尔〉望远镜wide-angle eyepiece 广角目镜wide binary galaxy 远距双重星系wide visual binary 远距目视双星Wild Duck cluster (M 11 )野鸭星团Wind 〈风〉太阳风和地球外空磁层探测器WIRE, Wide-field Infrared Explorer 〈WIRE〉广角红外探测器WIYN Telescope, Wisconsin-Indiana- 〈WIYN〉望远镜Yale-NOAO TelescopeWR nebula, Wolf-Rayet nebula WR 星云Wyoming Infrared Telescope 怀俄明红外望远镜xenobiology 外空生物学XMM, X-ray Mirror Mission X 射线成象望远镜X-ray corona X 射线冕X-ray eclipse X 射线食X-ray halo X 射线晕XTE, X-ray Timing Explorer X 射线计时探测器yellow straggler 黄离散星Yohkoh 〈阳光〉太阳探测器young stellar object (YSO )年轻恒星体ZAHB, zero-age horizontal branch 零龄水平支Zanstra temperature 赞斯特拉温度ZZ Ceti star 鲸鱼ZZ 型星γ-ray burster (GRB )γ射线暴源γ-ray line γ谱线γ-ray line astronomy γ谱线天文γ-ray line emission γ谱线发射ζAurigae binary 御夫ζ型双星ζAurigae variable 御夫ζ型变星TAMS, terminal-age main sequence 终龄主序Taurus molecular cloud (TMC )金牛分子云TDT, terrestrial dynamical time 地球力学时television guider 电视导星器television-type detector 电视型探测器Tenma 〈天马〉X 射线天文卫星terrestrial reference system 地球参考系tetrad 四元基thermal background 热背景辐射thermal background radiation 热背景辐射thermal pulse 热脉冲thermonuclear runaway 热核暴涨thick-disk population 厚盘族thinned CCD 薄型CCDthird light 第三光源time-signal station 时号台timing age 计时年龄tomograph 三维结构图toner 调色剂torquetum 赤基黄道仪TRACE, Transition Region and Coronal 〈TRACE〉太阳过渡区和日冕Explorer 探测器tracker 跟踪器transfer efficiency 转移效率transition region line 过渡区谱线trans-Nepturnian object 海外天体Trapezium cluster 猎户四边形星团triad 三元基tri-dimensional spectroscopy 三维分光triquetum 三角仪tuning-fork diagram 音叉图turnoff age 拐点年龄turnoff mass 拐点质量two-dimensional photometry 二维测光two-dimensional spectroscopy 二维分光UKIRT, UK Infrared Telescope Facility 联合王国红外望远镜UKST, UK Schmidt Telescope 联合王国施密特望远镜ultracompact H Ⅱregion 超致密电离氢区ultradeep-field observation 特深天区观测ultraluminous galaxy 超高光度星系ultrametal-poor star 特贫金属星Ulysses 〈尤利西斯〉太阳探测器unseen component 未见子星upper tangent arc 上正切晕弧unnumbered asteroid 未编号小行星Uranian ring 天王星环Ursa Major group 大熊星群Ursa Minorids 小熊流星群Sagittarius dwarf 人马矮星系Sagittarius dwarf galaxy 人马矮星系Sagittarius galaxy 人马星系Saha equation 沙哈方程Sakigake 〈先驱〉空间探测器Saturn-crossing asteroid 越土小行星Saturnian ringlet 土星细环Saturnshine 土星反照scroll 卷滚Sculptor group 玉夫星系群Sculptor Supercluster 玉夫超星系团Sculptor void 玉夫巨洞secondary crater 次级陨击坑secondary resonance 次共振secular evolution 长期演化secular resonance 长期共振seeing management 视宁度控管segregation 层化selenogony 月球起源学separatrice 分界sequential estimation 序贯估计sequential processing 序贯处理serendipitous X-ray source 偶遇X 射线源serendipitous γ-ray source 偶遇γ射线源Serrurier truss 赛路里桁架shell galaxy 壳星系shepherd satellite 牧羊犬卫星shock temperature 激波温度silicon target vidicon 硅靶光导摄象管single-arc method 单弧法SIRTF, Space Infrared Telescope 空间红外望远镜Facilityslitless spectroscopy 无缝分光slit spectroscopy 有缝分光slow pulsar 慢转脉冲星SMM, Solar Maximum MIssion 太阳极大使者SMT, Submillimeter Telescope 亚毫米波望远镜SOFIA, Stratospheric Observatory for 〈索菲雅〉机载红外望远镜Infrared Astronomysoft γ-ray burst repeater 软γ暴复现源soft γrepeater (SGR )软γ射线复现源SOHO, Solar and Heliospheric 〈索贺〉太阳和太阳风层探测器Observatorysolar circle 太阳圈solar oscillation 太阳振荡solar pulsation 太阳脉动solar-radiation pressure 太阳辐射压solar-terrestrial environment 日地环境solitary 孤子性soliton star 孤子星South Galactic Cap 南银冠South Galactic Pole 南银极space density profile 空间密度轮廓space geodesy 空间大地测量space geodynamics 空间地球动力学Spacelab 空间实验室spatial mass segregation 空间质量分层speckle masking 斑点掩模speckle photometry 斑点测光speckle spectroscopy 斑点分光spectral comparator 比长仪spectrophotometric distance 分光光度距离spectrophotometric standard 分光光度标准星spectroscopic period 分光周期specular density 定向密度spherical dwarf 椭球矮星系spin evolution 自旋演化spin period 自旋周期spin phase 自旋相位spiral 旋涡星系spiral arm tracer 示臂天体Spoerer minimum 斯珀勒极小spotted star 富黑子恒星SST, Spectroscopic Survey Telescope 分光巡天望远镜standard radial-velocity star 视向速度标准星standard rotational-velocity star 自转速度标准星standard velocity star 视向速度标准星starburst 星暴starburst galaxy 星暴星系starburst nucleus 星暴star complex 恒星复合体star-formation activity 产星活动star-formation burst 产星暴star-formation efficiency (SFE )产星效率star-formation rate 产星率star-formation region 产星区star-forming region 产星区starpatch 星斑static property 静态特性statistical orbit-determination 统计定轨理论theorysteep-spectrum radio quasar 陡谱射电类星体stellar environment 恒星环境stellar halo 恒星晕stellar jet 恒星喷流stellar speedometer 恒星视向速度仪stellar seismology 星震学Stokes polarimetry 斯托克斯偏振测量strange attractor 奇异吸引体strange star 奇异星sub-arcsec radio astronomy 亚角秒射电天文学Subaru Telescope 昴星望远镜subcluster 次团subclustering 次成团subdwarf B star B 型亚矮星subdwarf O star O 型亚矮星subgiant branch 亚巨星支submilliarcsecond optical astrometry 亚毫角秒光波天体测量submillimeter astronomy 亚毫米波天文submillimeter observatory 亚毫米波天文台submillimeter photometry 亚毫米波测光submillimeter space astronomy 亚毫米波空间天文submillimeter telescope 亚毫米波望远镜submillisecond optical pulsar 亚毫秒光学脉冲星submillisecond pulsar 亚毫秒脉冲星submillisecond radio pulsar 亚毫秒射电脉冲星substellar object 亚恒星天体subsynchronism 亚同步subsynchronous rotation 亚同步自转Sunflower galaxy (M 63 )葵花星系sungrazer comet 掠日彗星supercluster 超星团; 超星系团supergalactic streamer 超星系流状结构supergiant molecular cloud (SGMC )超巨分子云superhump 长驼峰superhumper 长驼峰星supermaximum 长极大supernova rate 超新星频数、超新星出现率supernova shock 超新星激波superoutburst 长爆发superwind galaxy 超级风星系supporting system 支承系统surface activity 表面活动surface-brightness profile 面亮度轮廓surface-channel CCD 表面型CCDSU Ursae Majoris star 大熊SU 型星SW AS, Submillimeter Wave Astronomy 亚毫米波天文卫星Satallitesymbiotic binary 共生双星symbiotic Mira 共生刍藁symbiotic nova 共生新星synthetic-aperture radar 综合孔径雷达systemic velocity 质心速度radial pulsator 径向脉动星radial-velocity orbit 分光解radial-velocity reference star 视向速度参考星radial-velocity standard star 视向速度标准星radial-velocity survey 视向速度巡天radio arm 射电臂radio counterpart 射电对应体radio loud quasar 强射电类星体radio observation 射电观测radio picture 射电图radio pollution 射电污染radio supernova 射电超新星rapid burster 快暴源rapidly oscillating Ap star 快速振荡Ap 星readout 读出readout noise 读出噪声recycled pulsar 再生脉冲星reddened galaxy 红化星系reddened object 红化天体reddened quasar 红化类星体red horizontal branch (RHB )红水平分支red nebulous object (RNO )红色云状体Red Rectangle nebula 红矩形星云redshift survey 红移巡天red straggler 红离散星reflex motion 反映运动regression period 退行周期regular cluster 规则星团; 规则星系团relaxation effect 弛豫效应reset 清零resonance overlap theory 共振重叠理论return-beam tube 回束摄象管richness parameter 富度参数Ring nebula (M 57、NGC 6720 )环状星云ring-plane crossing 环面穿越Rosalind 天卫十三ROSAT, Roentgensatellit 〈ROSAT〉天文卫星Rosette Molecular Cloud (RMC )玫瑰分子云Rossby number 罗斯贝数rotating variable 自转变星rotational evolution 自转演化rotational inclination 自转轴倾角rotational modulation 自转调制rotational period 自转周期rotational phase 自转相位rotational pole 自转极rotational velocity 自转速度rotation frequency 自转频率rotation phase 自转相位rotation rate 自转速率rubber second 负闰秒rubidium-strontium dating 铷锶计年pan 摇镜头parry arc 彩晕弧partial-eclipse solution 偏食解particle astrophysics 粒子天体物理path of annularity 环食带path of totality 全食带PDS, photo-digitizing system、PDS、数字图象仪、photometric data system 测光数据仪penetrative convection 贯穿对流pentaprism test 五棱镜检验percolation 渗流periapse 近质心点periapse distance 近质心距periapsis distance 近拱距perigalactic distance 近银心距perigalacticon 近银心点perimartian 近火点period gap 周期空隙period-luminosity-colour relation 周光色关系PG 1159 star PG 1159 恒星photoflo 去渍剂photographic spectroscopy 照相分光photometric accuracy 测光精度photometric error 测光误差photometric night 测光夜photometric standard star 测光标准星photospheric abundance 光球丰度photospheric activity 光球活动photospheric line 光球谱线planetary biology 行星生物学planetary geology 行星地质学Pleiad 昴团星plerion 类蟹遗迹plerionic remnant 类蟹遗迹plerionic supernova remnant 类蟹超新星遗迹plumbicon 氧化铅光导摄象管pluton 类冥行星p-mode p 模、压力模pointimg accuracy 指向精度point spread function 点扩散函数polarimetric standard star 偏振标准星polarization standard star 偏振标准星polar-ring galaxy 极环星系Portia 天卫十二post AGB star AGB 后恒星post-core-collapse cluster 核心坍缩后星团post-coronal region 冕外区post-main-sequence star 主序后星post red-supergiant 红超巨后星post starburst galaxy 星暴后星系post T Tauri star 金牛T 后星potassium-argon dating 钾氩计年precataclysmic binary 激变前双星precataclysmic variable 激变前变星preceding limb 西边缘、前导边缘precessing-disk model 进动盘模型precession globe 岁差仪precession period 进动周期preflash 预照光pre-main-sequence spectroscopic 主序前分光双星binarypre-planetary disk 前行星盘pre-white dwarf 白矮前身星primary crater 初级陨击坑primordial binary 原始双星principle of mediocrity 折衷原则progenitor 前身星; 前身天体progenitor star 前身星projected density profile 投影密度轮廓proper-motion membership 自行成员星proper reference frame 固有参考架proper reference system 固有参考系proplyd 原行星盘proto-binary 原双星proto-cluster 原星团proto-cluster of galaxies 原星系团proto-earth 原地球proto-galactic cloud 原星系云proto-galactic object 原星系天体proto-Galaxy 原银河系proto-globular cluster 原球状星团proto-Jupiter 原木星proto-planet 原行星proto-planetary disk 原行星盘proto-planetary system 原行星系proto-shell star 原气壳星proto-sun 原太阳pseudo body-fixed system 准地固坐标系Puck 天卫十五pulsar time scale 脉冲星时标pulsation axis 脉动对称轴pulsation equation 脉动方程pulsation frequency 脉动频率pulsation phase 脉动阶段pulsation pole 脉动极pulse light curve 脉冲光变曲线pyrometry 高温测量QPO, quasi-periodic oscillation 似周期振荡quantum cosmology 量子宇宙学quantum universe 量子宇宙quasar astronomy 类星体天文quiescence 宁静态naked-eye variable star 肉眼变星naked T Tauri star 显露金牛T 型星narrow-line radio galaxy (NLRG )窄线射电星系Nasmyth spectrograph 内氏焦点摄谱仪natural reference frame 自然参考架natural refenence system 自然参考系natural seeing 自然视宁度near-contact binary 接近相接双星near-earth asteroid 近地小行星near-earth asteroid belt 近地小行星带near-earth comet 近地彗星NEO, near-earth object 近地天体neon nova 氖新星Nepturian ring 海王星环neutrino astrophysics 中微子天文NNTT, National New Technology Telescope国立新技术望远镜NOAO, National Optical Astronomical 国立光学天文台Observatoriesnocturnal 夜间定时仪nodal precession 交点进动nodal regression 交点退行non-destroy readout (NDRO )无破坏读出nonlinear infall mode 非线性下落模型nonlinear stability 非线性稳定性nonnucleated dwarf elliptical 无核矮椭圆星系nonnucleated dwarf galaxy 无核矮星系nonpotentiality 非势场性nonredundant masking 非过剩遮幅成象nonthermal radio halo 非热射电晕normal tail 正常彗尾North Galactic Cap 北银冠NOT, Nordic Optical Telescope 北欧光学望远镜nova rate 新星频数、新星出现率NTT, New Technology Telescope 新技术望远镜nucleated dwarf elliptical 有核矮椭圆星系nucleated dwarf galaxy 有核矮星系number density profile 数密度轮廓numbered asteroid 编号小行星oblique pulsator 斜脉动星observational cosmology 观测宇宙学observational dispersion 观测弥散度observational material 观测资料observing season 观测季occultation band 掩带O-Ne-Mg white dwarf 氧氖镁白矮星one-parameter method 单参数法on-line data handling 联机数据处理on-line filtering 联机滤波open cluster of galaxies 疏散星系团Ophelia 天卫七optical aperture-synthesis imaging 光波综合孔径成象optical arm 光学臂optical disk 光学盘optical light 可见光optical luminosity function 光学光度函数optically visible object 光学可见天体optical picture 光学图optical spectroscopy 光波分光orbital circularization 轨道圆化orbital eccentricity 轨道偏心率orbital evolution 轨道演化orbital frequency 轨道频率orbital inclination 轨道倾角orbit plane 轨道面order region 有序区organon parallacticon 星位尺Orion association 猎户星协orrery 太阳系仪orthogonal transformation 正交变换oscillation phase 振动相位outer asteroid belt 外小行星带outer-belt asteroid 外带小行星outer halo cluster 外晕族星团outside-eclipse variation 食外变光overshoot 超射OVV quasar, optically violently OVV 类星体variable quasar、optically violent variablevquasaroxygen sequence 氧序Kalman filter 卡尔曼滤波器KAO, Kuiper Air-borne Observatory 〈柯伊伯〉机载望远镜Keck ⅠTelescope 凯克Ⅰ望远镜Keck ⅡTelescope 凯克Ⅱ望远镜Kuiper belt 柯伊伯带Kuiper-belt object 柯伊伯带天体Kuiper disk 柯伊伯盘LAMOST, Large Multi-Object Fibre 大型多天体分光望远镜Spectroscopic TelescopeLaplacian plane 拉普拉斯平面late cluster 晚型星系团LBT, Large Binocular Telescope 〈LBT〉大型双筒望远镜lead oxide vidicon 氧化铅光导摄象管Leo Triplet 狮子三重星系LEST, Large Earth-based Solar 〈LEST〉大型地基太阳望远镜Telescopelevel-Ⅰcivilization Ⅰ级文明level-Ⅱcivilization Ⅱ级文明level-Ⅲcivilization Ⅲ级文明Leverrier ring 勒威耶环Liapunov characteristic number 李雅普诺夫特征数(LCN )light crown 轻冕玻璃light echo 回光light-gathering aperture 聚光孔径light pollution 光污染light sensation 光感line image sensor 线成象敏感器line locking 线锁line-ratio method 谱线比法Liner, low ionization nuclear 低电离核区emission-line regionline spread function 线扩散函数LMT, Large Millimeter Telescope 〈LMT〉大型毫米波望远镜local galaxy 局域星系local inertial frame 局域惯性架local inertial system 局域惯性系local object 局域天体local star 局域恒星look-up table (LUT )对照表low-mass X-ray binary 小质量X 射线双星low-metallicity cluster 低金属度星团;低金属度星系团low-resolution spectrograph 低分辨摄谱仪low-resolution spectroscopy 低分辨分光low - z 小红移luminosity mass 光度质量luminosity segregation 光度层化luminous blue variable 高光度蓝变星lunar atmosphere 月球大气lunar chiaroscuro 月相图Lunar Prospector 〈月球勘探者〉Ly-αforest 莱曼-α森林MACHO (massive compact halo 晕族大质量致密天体object )Magellan 〈麦哲伦〉金星探测器Magellan Telescope 〈麦哲伦〉望远镜magnetic canopy 磁蓬magnetic cataclysmic variable 磁激变变星magnetic curve 磁变曲线magnetic obliquity 磁夹角magnetic period 磁变周期magnetic phase 磁变相位magnitude range 星等范围main asteroid belt 主小行星带main-belt asteroid 主带小行星main resonance 主共振main-sequence band 主序带Mars-crossing asteroid 越火小行星Mars Pathfinder 火星探路者mass loss rate 质量损失率mass segregation 质量层化Mayall Telescope 梅奥尔望远镜Mclntosh classification 麦金托什分类McMullan camera 麦克马伦电子照相机mean motion resonance 平均运动共振membership of cluster of galaxies 星系团成员membership of star cluster 星团成员merge 并合merger 并合星系; 并合恒星merging galaxy 并合星系merging star 并合恒星mesogranulation 中米粒组织mesogranule 中米粒metallicity 金属度metallicity gradient 金属度梯度metal-poor cluster 贫金属星团metal-rich cluster 富金属星团MGS, Mars Global Surveyor 火星环球勘测者micro-arcsec astrometry 微角秒天体测量microchannel electron multiplier 微通道电子倍增管microflare 微耀斑microgravitational lens 微引力透镜microgravitational lensing 微引力透镜效应microturbulent velocity 微湍速度millimeter-wave astronomy 毫米波天文millisecond pulsar 毫秒脉冲星minimum mass 质量下限minimum variance 最小方差mixed-polarity magnetic field 极性混合磁场MMT, Multiple-Mirror Telescope 多镜面望远镜moderate-resolution spectrograph 中分辨摄谱仪moderate-resolution spectroscopy 中分辨分光modified isochrone method 改进等龄线法molecular outflow 外向分子流molecular shock 分子激波monolithic-mirror telescope 单镜面望远镜moom 行星环卫星moon-crossing asteroid 越月小行星morphological astronomy 形态天文morphology segregation 形态层化MSSSO, Mount Stromlo and Siding 斯特朗洛山和赛丁泉天文台Spring Observatorymultichannel astrometric photometer 多通道天测光度计(MAP )multi-object spectroscopy 多天体分光multiple-arc method 复弧法multiple redshift 多重红移multiple system 多重星系multi-wavelength astronomy 多波段天文multi-wavelength astrophysics 多波段天体物理Ida 艾达(小行星243号)IEH, International Extreme Ultraviolet 〈IEH〉国际极紫外飞行器HitchhikerIERS, International Earth Rotation 国际地球自转服务Serviceimage deconvolution 图象消旋image degradation 星象劣化image dissector 析象管image distoration 星象复原image photon counting system 成象光子计数系统image sharpening 星象增锐image spread 星象扩散度imaging polarimetry 成象偏振测量imaging spectrophotometry 成象分光光度测量immersed echelle 浸渍阶梯光栅impulsive solar flare 脉冲太阳耀斑infralateral arc 外侧晕弧infrared CCD 红外CCDinfrared corona 红外冕infrared helioseismology 红外日震学infrared index 红外infrared observatory 红外天文台infrared spectroscopy 红外分光initial earth 初始地球initial mass distribution 初始质量分布initial planet 初始行星initial star 初始恒星initial sun 初始太阳inner coma 内彗发inner halo cluster 内晕族星团integrability 可积性Integral Sign galaxy (UGC 3697 )积分号星系integrated diode array (IDA )集成二极管阵intensified CCD 增强CCDIntercosmos 〈国际宇宙〉天文卫星interline transfer 行间转移intermediate parent body 中间母体intermediate polar 中介偏振星international atomic time 国际原子时International Celestial Reference 国际天球参考系Frame (ICRF )intraday variation 快速变化intranetwork element 网内元intrinsic dispersion 内廪弥散度ion spot 离子斑IPCS, Image Photon Counting System 图象光子计数器IRIS, Infrared Imager / Spectrograph 红外成象器/摄谱仪IRPS, Infrared Photometer / Spectro- 红外光度计/分光计meterirregular cluster 不规则星团; 不规则星系团IRTF, NASA Infrared Telescope 〈IRTF〉美国宇航局红外Facility 望远镜IRTS, Infrared Telescope in Space 〈IRTS〉空间红外望远镜ISO, Infrared Space Observatory 〈ISO〉红外空间天文台isochrone method 等龄线法IUE, International Ultraviolet 〈IUE〉国际紫外探测器ExplorerJewel Box (NGC 4755 )宝盒星团Jovian magnetosphere 木星磁层Jovian ring 木星环Jovian ringlet 木星细环Jovian seismology 木震学jovicentric orbit 木心轨道J-type star J 型星Juliet 天卫十一Jupiter-crossing asteroid 越木小行星Galactic aggregate 银河星集Galactic astronomy 银河系天文Galactic bar 银河系棒galactic bar 星系棒galactic cannibalism 星系吞食galactic content 星系成分galactic merge 星系并合galactic pericentre 近银心点Galactocentric distance 银心距galaxy cluster 星系团Galle ring 伽勒环Galilean transformation 伽利略变换Galileo 〈伽利略〉木星探测器gas-dust complex 气尘复合体Genesis rock 创世岩Gemini Telescope 大型双子望远镜Geoalert, Geophysical Alert Broadcast 地球物理警报广播giant granulation 巨米粒组织giant granule 巨米粒giant radio pulse 巨射电脉冲Ginga 〈星系〉X 射线天文卫星Giotto 〈乔托〉空间探测器glassceramic 微晶玻璃glitch activity 自转突变活动global change 全球变化global sensitivity 全局灵敏度GMC, giant molecular cloud 巨分子云g-mode g 模、重力模gold spot 金斑病GONG, Global Oscillation Network 太阳全球振荡监测网GroupGPS, global positioning system 全球定位系统Granat 〈石榴〉号天文卫星grand design spiral 宏象旋涡星系gravitational astronomy 引力天文gravitational lensing 引力透镜效应gravitational micro-lensing 微引力透镜效应great attractor 巨引源Great Dark Spot 大暗斑Great White Spot 大白斑grism 棱栅GRO, Gamma-Ray Observatory γ射线天文台guidscope 导星镜GW Virginis star 室女GW 型星habitable planet 可居住行星Hakucho 〈天鹅〉X 射线天文卫星Hale Telescope 海尔望远镜halo dwarf 晕族矮星halo globular cluster 晕族球状星团Hanle effect 汉勒效应hard X-ray source 硬X 射线源Hay spot 哈伊斑HEAO, High-Energy Astronomical 〈HEAO〉高能天文台Observatoryheavy-element star 重元素星heiligenschein 灵光Helene 土卫十二helicity 螺度heliocentric radial velocity 日心视向速度heliomagnetosphere 日球磁层helioseismology 日震学helium abundance 氦丰度helium main-sequence 氦主序helium-strong star 强氦线星helium white dwarf 氦白矮星Helix galaxy (NGC 2685 )螺旋星系Herbig Ae star 赫比格Ae 型星Herbig Be star 赫比格Be 型星Herbig-Haro flow 赫比格-阿罗流Herbig-Haro shock wave 赫比格-阿罗激波hidden magnetic flux 隐磁流high-field pulsar 强磁场脉冲星highly polarized quasar (HPQ )高偏振类星体high-mass X-ray binary 大质量X 射线双星high-metallicity cluster 高金属度星团;高金属度星系团high-resolution spectrograph 高分辨摄谱仪high-resolution spectroscopy 高分辨分光high - z 大红移Hinotori 〈火鸟〉太阳探测器Hipparcos, High Precision Parallax 〈依巴谷〉卫星Collecting SatelliteHipparcos and Tycho Catalogues 〈依巴谷〉和〈第谷〉星表holographic grating 全息光栅Hooker Telescope 胡克望远镜host galaxy 寄主星系hot R Coronae Borealis star 高温北冕R 型星HST, Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃空间望远镜Hubble age 哈勃年龄Hubble distance 哈勃距离Hubble parameter 哈勃参数Hubble velocity 哈勃速度hump cepheid 驼峰造父变星Hyad 毕团星hybrid-chromosphere star 混合色球星hybrid star 混合大气星hydrogen-deficient star 缺氢星hydrogenous atmosphere 氢型大气hypergiant 特超巨星Eagle nebula (M 16 )鹰状星云earty cluster 早型星系团early earth 早期地球early planet 早期行星early-stage star 演化早期星early stellar evolution 恒星早期演化early sun 早期太阳earth-approaching asteroid 近地小行星earth-approaching comet 近地彗星earth-approaching object 近地天体earth-crossing asteroid 越地小行星earth-crossing comet 越地彗星earth-crossing object 越地天体earth orientation parameter 地球定向参数earth rotation parameter 地球自转参数eccentric-disk model 偏心盘模型effect of relaxation 弛豫效应Egg nebula (AFGL 2688 )蛋状星云electronographic photometry 电子照相测光elemental abundance 元素丰度elliptical 椭圆星系elliptical dwarf 椭圆矮星系emulated data 仿真数据emulation 仿真encounter-type orbit 交会型轨道enhanced network 增强网络equatorial rotational velocity 赤道自转速度equatorium 行星定位仪equipartition of kinetic energy 动能均分eruptive period 爆发周期Eskimo nebula (NGC 2392 )爱斯基摩星云estimated accuracy 估计精度estimation theory 估计理论EUVE, Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer 〈EUVE〉极紫外探测器Exclamation Mark galaxy 惊叹号星系Exosat 〈Exosat〉欧洲X 射线天文卫星extended Kalman filter 扩充卡尔曼滤波器extragalactic jet 河外喷流extragalactic radio astronomy 河外射电天文extrasolar planet 太阳系外行星extrasolar planetary system 太阳系外行星系extraterrestrial intelligence 地外智慧生物extreme helium star 极端氦星Fabry-Perot imaging spectrograph 法布里-珀罗成象摄谱仪Fabry-Perot interferometry 法布里-珀罗干涉测量Fabry-Perot spectrograph 法布里-珀罗摄谱仪face-on galaxy 正向星系face-on spiral 正向旋涡星系facility seeing 人为视宁度fall 见落陨星fast pulsar 快转脉冲星fat zero 胖零Fermi normal coordinate system 费米标准坐标系Fermi-Walker transportation 费米-沃克移动fibre spectroscopy 光纤分光field centre 场中心field galaxy 场星系field pulsar 场脉冲星filter photography 滤光片照相观测filter wheel 滤光片转盘find 发见陨星finder chart 证认图finderscope 寻星镜first-ascent giant branch 初升巨星支first giant branch 初升巨星支flare puff 耀斑喷焰flat field 平场flat field correction 平场改正flat fielding 平场处理flat-spectrum radio quasar 平谱射电类星体flux standard 流量标准星flux-tube dynamics 磁流管动力学f-mode f 模、基本模following limb 东边缘、后随边缘foreground galaxy 前景星系foreground galaxy cluster 前景星系团formal accuracy 形式精度Foucaultgram 傅科检验图样Foucault knife-edge test 傅科刀口检验fourth cosmic velocity 第四宇宙速度frame transfer 帧转移Fresnel lens 菲涅尔透镜fuzz 展云CAMC, Carlsberg Automatic Meridian 卡尔斯伯格自动子午环Circlecannibalism 吞食cannibalized galaxy 被吞星系cannibalizing galaxy 吞食星系。



红外分光光度法测定水中石油的常见技术问题及解决办法杨小梦,吴伟文 (深圳市南山区环境监测站,广东深圳 518052)摘 要:国标GB/T16488-1996是目前测定水体中石油的最好方法,文章通过长期的实验研究,对该方法中样品的采集、萃取剂的提纯与回收、实验材料的替换、吸附剂的去油等一系列问题进行了探讨,并提出了相应的解决办法。

关键词:红外光度法;测定;石油中图分类号:X832 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100226002(2004)0620037202CommontechnicalproblemsandthesolvingwayonoilmonitoringinwaterbyinfraredphotometryYANGXiao-meng,etal (EnvironmentMonitoringStationofNanshanDistrictinShenzhenCityGuangdong,Shenzhen518052,China )Abstract :ThenationallevelofGB ΠT16488-1996provestobethebestwayatpresenttomonitoringoilinwater.Thisarticlehasraisedthe relatedsolutiontotheproblemsafteralong-tyermexperimentalresearchandaprobeifaseriesofproblemsaboutsamplecollecting,purificationandrecyclingofextractingpreparation,substitutionforexperimentingmaterials,oil-partitionsorbentandsoon.Keywords :infraredphotometry;monitoring;oil收稿日期:2003205209;修订日期:2004206220作者简介:杨小梦(1966-),女,湖北汉川人,高级工程师.2 结论(1)差压式BOD 5测定法对高浓度水样的直接测定,应适当加大接种量。



照明灯饰灯具分类英语词汇室内灯residential lamp / light枝状大吊灯chandeliers吊灯pendant lamp / light半吊灯half pendant lamp / light台灯table lamp / light壁灯wall lamp / light孙光辉Jacky Sun落地灯floor lamp / light吸顶灯ceiling lamp / light水晶灯crystal lamp / light木灯wooden lamp / light宫灯palace lamp / light仿水晶灯imitated crystal lamp / light低压灯low voltage lamp / light工艺灯artificial lamp / light石艺灯marble lamp / light羊皮灯parchment lamp / light镜前灯mirror front lamp / light镜画灯picture lamp / light吊线灯track / line lamp / light格栅灯grille lamp / light水珠灯water pearl lamp / light导轨灯track lamp / light柱灯pillar lamp / light蒂凡尼灯tiffany lamp / light风水灯water fountain lamp / light户外灯outdoor lamp / light路灯street lamp / light筒灯down lamp / light投光射灯spot lamp / light翻译整理Translated by孙光辉Jacky Sun庭院灯garden lamp / light草坪灯lawn lamp / light草地灯lawn lamp / light防水灯water proof lamp / Under water lamp 柱头灯water jet lamp / light水底灯underwater lamp / light户外壁灯outdoor wall lamp / light组合灯assembled lamp / light太阳能灯solar lamp / light彩灯holiday lamp / light彩虹灯rainbow lamp / light烟花灯firework lamp / lightambipolar diffusion [物]双极扩散arc discharge 电弧放电, 弧光放电avalanche n.雪崩v.雪崩buffer gas 缓冲气体cap 灯座charge neutrality 电中性区chromaticity diagram色度图coiled coil 卷曲螺旋colorimetry 色度学Columnar cell 柱状细胞compact fluorescent lamp 紧凑型荧光灯cone cell 视锥细胞, 圆锥细胞critical angle n.[物][空]临界角carbon arc lamp 炭弧灯diffuse v.散播, 传播, 漫射, 扩散, (使)慢慢混合adj.散开的, 弥漫的diffuse reflection 漫反射diffuse transmission 扩散透射漫透射扩散传输diffusion n.扩散, 传播, 漫射double helix 二重螺旋线, 双螺旋线electroluminescent lamp 场致发光灯electrode n.电极electroluminescence n. [物]场致发光, 电致发光electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射electromagnetic wave n.[电磁]电磁波envelope 玻壳filament n.细丝, 灯丝filter n.滤波器, 过滤器, 滤光器, 筛选fluorescent lamp n.荧光灯(管),日光灯(管)full radiator 完全辐射体fuse n.保险丝, 熔丝v.熔合gas incandescent lamp 充气白炽灯gas-filled lamp 充气灯getter 消气剂glass pinch 玻璃封接glow discharge 辉光放电high pressure mercury lamp 高压汞灯high pressure xenon lamp 高压氙灯homogeneous light 单色光illuminance n.(=illumination)照明[度], 启发Incandescent lamp 白炽灯, 白热灯incidence n.]入射incident angle 入射角inert gas 惰性气体infrared ray adj.红外线的n.红外线intensity 光强irradiation 辐照度lamp cap 灯(泡)头管帽lead wire 导线light intensity 光强度low pressure discharge 低气压放电low pressure sodium vapour lamp 低气压钠灯luminance [计] 亮度luminous flux n.[物]光通量(其单位为流明lumen)luminous intensity 发光强度, 照度medium n.媒体, 方法, 媒介adj.中间的, 中等的, 半生熟的mesopic vision 过渡视觉黄昏黎明视觉metal halide lamp 金属卤化物灯metastable states 亚稳态monochromitry/monochromatic 单色neon arc lamp 氖(弧)灯, 氖光灯, 霓虹灯neon lamp n.霓虹灯phosphor 荧光粉photogenerator 半导体发光器photometers n.光度计, 曝光计photometry n.光度测定, 测光法photopic vision 亮视觉, 白昼视觉photosynthesis n.光合作用positive column 正柱区primary color 原色prismatic adj.棱镜的propagation n.动植物, 繁殖, (声波, 电磁辐射等)传播radial 射线radiance 辐亮度radiation flux 辐射通量radiation power 辐射功率radio wave n.无线电波radiometry n.辐射线测定reflect v.反射,reflection angle n.反射角refraction 折射retina n. [解]视网膜saturated color 饱和色scattering n.散射scotopic vision 暗[夜, 微光]视觉solid angle n.[几]立体角, 多面角spectral luminous efficiency 光谱效率曲线spectrum 波谱spirality n.螺旋形sputtering 溅射阴极真空喷镀, 阴极溅镀thermal radiation 热辐射total internal reflection [光]全内反射total reflection 全反射transmission n.播送, 发射, 传动, 传送, 传输, 转播trichromatic adj.三色的, 三色版的, 三原色的tungsten halogen lamp 卤钨灯ultraviolet radiation n.紫外线vacuum lamp 真空灯visible light 可见光wavelength n.[物][无]波长照明术语1˙重点照明〔accent lighting〕指用以强调某一特别目标物,或是引人注意视野中某一局部之一种方向性照明2˙调适〔accommodation〕指人的眼睛焦点自某一点移动至另一点之改变过程3˙顺应〔adaptation〕指人眼视觉系统调适较多或较少、或不同色光之过程,其会影响视觉灵敏度4˙周围照明〔ambient lighting〕指可以产生全般照明之全地区性照明5˙外表平均亮度〔average luminance, of a surface〕指实际离开光照面上单位面积之总流明光通量6˙灯具平均亮度〔average luminance, of a luminaire 〕指于某一角度之光度除以灯具在该方向之投影面积7˙遮蔽体〔baffle〕指于某一特定角度遮蔽光线直接照射、或吸收不需要光线之不透明或半透明对象8˙安定器〔ballast〕指与放电灯一起使用之一种装置藉以获得起动及运转时所需电路之电流、电压及波形等条件9˙光束角〔beam angle〕指于垂直光束中心线之一平面上,光度等于50%最大光度之二方向的夹角10˙亮度〔brightness〕参照subjective brightness, luminance, veiling luminance11˙新烛光〔candela, cd〕光度单位,参考图F1;以点光源为中心,半径为一公尺作球,如贯穿此球面一平方公尺面积上的光束为一流明时,那么此方向之光度称为一新烛光12˙烛光功率〔candle power〕I=dX/dS,以新烛光表示13˙光度配光曲线〔candle power distribution curve〕指在一平面上以一电灯或灯具之光源中心利用极坐标方式绘出光度变化情形之曲线14˙屋顶高窗采光〔clere story〕指建筑物具有透明屋顶、或是墙壁具有采光玻璃窗之照明设计15˙照明率〔coefficient of utilization〕指于工作面上接收算得之流明光通量对于估计的电灯放射光通量之比值(等于室利用率×灯具效率)16˙演色性〔color rendering〕指于一光源下某目标物外观呈现之色彩与其在参考光源(如日光)下原有色彩相比其演出之真实感如何是否与原有色彩一样17˙比照〔contrast〕参照luminance18˙比照灵敏度〔contrast sensitivity〕检测出辉度差异之能力,如以定性方式说明那么其等于比照定限之倒数19˙灯具遮光角〔cutoff angle of a luminaire〕自最低点量测,人眼所无法看见裸光之第一条光线与垂直线二者之间的夹角20˙漫射反射〔diffuse reflection〕指入射光束于某一角度X围内反射回去之过程21˙漫射照明〔diffused lighting〕指入射光线并非主要来自单一特别方向之照明方式22˙漫射器〔diffuser〕指某种装置可用以反射、或散射光源所发出之光线,通常主要可藉由漫射完成23˙直接眩光〔direct glare〕视野内由于极高亮度或因光源遮蔽缺乏、或因高亮度反射所引起之眩光24˙方向性照明〔directional lighting〕指于工作面或目标物上主要来自单一方向之照明25˙减能眩光〔disability glare〕指减低视功能及明视度之眩光26˙不舒服眩光〔discomfort glare〕指令人感觉不舒服之眩光27˙效力〔efficacy〕参照luminous efficacy of a source of light28˙效率〔efficiency〕参照luminaire efficiency, luminous efficacy of a source of light29˙放电灯〔electric-discharge lamp〕指电流经由特殊蒸汽或气体流通因而产生光线或是接近可见光之辐射能的一种电灯30˙开窗式〔fenestration〕指利用开窗、或开窗安排(通常利用光介质控制)俾引入昼光之任何采光方式31˙X角或光束角〔field angle〕于垂直光束中心线之一平面上,光度等于10%最大光度之二方向间的夹角32˙灯具〔fixture〕参照luminaire33˙泛光灯〔floodlight〕指当参考之景或物之照明需求比其背景强出许多时,被设计用来照明某一景或物之光投射器34˙日光灯〔fluorescent lamp〕属于一种低压水银放电灯35˙平壁式或隐藏式灯具(flush mounted or recessed luminaire)指安装于天花板内(或安置于墙壁或其它隔间之中)的一种灯具,灯具之开口通常与其所在平面切齐36˙光通量〔flux〕参照luminous flux37˙呎烛光〔foot candle, fc〕当长度以呎为单位时之照度单位;一流明之光束照射于一平方呎面积上可获得一呎烛光之照度38˙全般照明〔general lighting〕提供全部地区照度大体上呈现均匀分布之一种照明设计39˙眩光〔glare〕视野内产生人眼无法适应之光亮感觉,可能引起厌恶、不舒服甚或丧失明视度40˙高光度放电管灯〔high intensity dischare lamp〕包括水银灯、复金属灯及高压钠气灯41˙高压钠气灯〔high pressure sodium(HPS)lamp〕一种高光度放电灯,可藉施压1.33x104Pa(100Torr)于含钠气灯管使之放射发光42˙照度〔illuminance〕E=dX/dA,指于工作面上承受之入射光通量密度;单位为勒克司(Lux),英美为呎烛光(foot-candle),1fc=10.76lux43˙照度计〔illuminance (lux or foot candle)meter〕于一平面上测量照度之一种仪器44˙照明〔illumination〕指以灯光照亮之动作或被灯照亮之状态45˙白炽灯〔incandescent filament lamp〕藉将灯丝通以电流使之白炽化发光之电灯46˙光强度〔intensity〕luminous intensity及radiant intensity之简写47˙反平方定律〔inverse-square law〕E=I/d2;照度与距离平方成反比而与光度成正比48˙等照度线〔isolux(isofootcandle)line〕指被照面上将一样照度之所有点利用适当坐标绘成的曲线;不同之等照度线构成等照度图49˙电灯〔lamp〕人工光源之一般通称50˙灯管流明降落系数〔lamp lumen depreciation factor,LLD〕用于照明计算之一项乘数,说明灯管之最初照度与使用末期灯管预期之最低照度的关系51˙电灯遮光角〔lamp shielding angle〕指介于电灯遮蔽体或铠板平面,与最接近电灯及铠板片切线方向之水平面二者间之夹角。



光电英语词汇(M2)光电英语词汇(M2)光电英语词汇(M2)microfluorometer 测微荧光计microfluoroscope 显微萤光镜microfocus x-ray tube 显微测焦x射线管microgaph 显微照相,缩微照相microgeometeric 微观几何的micrograph 显微像micrography 显微照相术,缩微照相术microgroove recording 密纹录声microguide 微型导光管microhardness 微硬度microhardness tester 显微硬度试验器microhologam 显微全像图microholography 微型全息照相术microimage 微像microimpurity 微量杂质microindicator 测微指示器microinterferometer 微型干涉仪microlamp 微型灯microlens 微型透镜microlite 微晶,细晶石microlithography (1)缩微平版(2)印刷术(3)显微光刻microlock 微波锁定microlux 微勒micromachining 精密加工micromanipulator 微型操纵器,微型机械手micromechanics 微型机械micromechanism 微型机构micrometeing 测微法micrometer 测微计,千公尺micrometer caliper 千分测径规micrometer collar (1)千公尺套圈(2)微米轴环micrometer depth agage 深度千分尺micrometer dial 千分刻度盘,微米刻度盘micrometer eyepiece 测微目镜micrometer gage 测微规micrometer head 千分卡头micrometer measuring rod 测微量杆micrometer microscope 测微显微镜micrometer ocular 测微目镜micrometer scale 测微计尺micrometer screw 测微螺旋micrometer stand 千分尺支架micrometer with dial gage 指示测微计micrometer with vernier 游标测微计micrometer(μm) 测微计micrometric reader 测微读数器micrometric screw 测微螺杆,微动螺丝micrometry 测微法micromicofarad 微微法拉microminaturization 微型化,超小型化micromodule 微型组件micromotoscope 显微电影摄影装置micromovement 微位移micron (1)微米(2)百万分之一(3)微子micron power 微粉磨料micron (μ)微米microoptic clinometer 显微光学测角器microoptic theodolite 光学测微经纬仪microphenomenon 微观现像microphone 传声器,送话器microphonic noise 颤噪音microphotodensitometer 显微光学密度计microphotofabrication 显微相制作microphotograph 显微相microphotographic apparatus 显恤照相装置microphotography 显微照相术microphotometer 显微光度计,测微光度计microphotometer comparator 显微光计比较器microphotometers 测微光度计microphotometry 测微光度术microphtograph 显微照相micropits 微阱microplasma 微等离子体microplasma emission 敢等离子体辐射micropoistioning device 微定位装置micropolarimeter 测微偏振计micropolariscope 测微偏振镜micropositioner 微定位器micropot 微型电势计,微型电位计microprism 微棱镜microprobe 微探针microprobe scane 微探针扫描microprocessor 微处理器microprocessor-controlled automatic positioningequipment 微处理器控制自动定位设备microprogramming 微程序设计microprojector 显微投影机micropulse 微脉冲micropulser 微脉冲发生器micropyrometer 测微高温计microradiograph 显微x射线照相microradiography 显微x射线照相术microradiometer 微辐射计microray 微波光线microreciprocal degree 微倒度microresonator 微共振腔microroughness 微观粗糙度microscanning 微扫描microscope 显微镜microscope analysis 显微分析microscope column 显微镜立柱microscope eyepiece 显微镜目镜microscope for research 科研用显微镜microscope for workshop 车间用显微镜microscope imbedding media 显微镜埋置用材料microscope immerison liquids 显微镜浸液microscope immersion fluid 显微镜浸液microscope in dark field 暗视场显微镜microscope objective 显微物镜microscope objective interferometer 显微物镜干涉仪microscope objectives lenses 显微镜对物镜microscope photometers 显微镜光度计microscope stage 显微镜台microscope system 显微系统microscope type measurement instruments 显微镜式量测设备microscope, compound microscope 显微镜,复合显微镜microscope-micrometer 显微测微计microscopic (1)微观的(2)显微镜的microscopic field 显微场microscopic holography 显微全息照相术microscopic iage 显微镜像microscopist 显微镜工作者microscoppic analysis 显微分析microscopy 显微术,显微学microscratch 微痕microsecond 微秒microshell target 微壳靶microspectrograph 显微摄谱仪microspectrography 显微分光摄谱术microspectrophotometer 显微分光光度计microspectroscope 显微分光镜microspectroscopy 显微分光术microstereology 显微透视术microstructure 微观结构,显微组织microsystem 微型系械microtechnic 精密技术microtelescope 显微望远镜microtome (1)切片机(2)检镜用刀microvolt 微伏microwatt 微瓦microwave 微波microwave amplification by the stimulated emission of rdiation (maser)(1)微波激射(2)微波激射器microwave amplifier 微波放大器microwave double resonance 微波双共振microwave frequency modulated light 微波频率调制光microwave holography 微波全息术microwave interferometer 微波干涉仪microwave lens 微波透镜microwave mapping 微波测绘microwave method 微波法microwave optics 微波光学microwave oscillator 微波振子microwave photomixing 微波光电混频microwave phototube 微波电管microwave pulse 微波脉冲microwave solid state maser 固体微波激射器microwave spectroscopic analysis 微波波谱分析microwave spectroscopy 微波谱学microwave spectrum 微波谱学microwave technology 微波技术microwave tube 微波管microwave-image 微波图像microwave-modulated light 微波调制法microwave-modulated optical doppler radar 微波调制多普勒光电达microwaveguide 微波导microwelding 微型焊接micrphoto 显微照片micrprogram 微程序micrurgy 配镜微控mid shot (1)中景(2)中摄mid-course guidance 中程制导mid-frequency 中心频率mid-ir 中红外mid-plane 中平面,中线平面mid-position 中间位置middle infrared band 中红外区,中红外波段middle infrared gear 中红外设备middle infrared wavelength 中红外波长middle ultraviolet 中紫外middle ultraviolet band 中紫外区,中紫外波段midget condenser 小型电容器midlatitude 中纬度midpoint 中点mie scattering 米氏散射mie's scattering laser radar 米氏散射激光雷达mie-debye scatterng theory 米-德拜散射理论mifocused image 散焦像migration 徒动,迁移migration impurity 迁移杂质mikrokator 扭簧式比较仪mil 密耳mile 英里milibar 毫巴military communication satellite 军用通信卫星military finfrared equipment 军用射击制仪器military fire-kcontrol insturment military optical instrument 军用红外装置military telescope 军用光学仪器milk glass 军用望远镜mill 乳白玻璃miller's rule 密勒-波文原理miller-bowen principle (1)碾磨,碾磨机(2)铣,铣刀,铣床(3)滚轧机milli 毫milli- 毫milliammeter 毫安计milliampere (ma)毫安计millibar 毫巴millidiopter 微折光度milligram (mg)毫克millijoule 毫焦耳millilambert 毫朗白millilitre 毫升millimcro 毫微millimcron 毫微米millimcrosecond light source 毫微秒光源millimeter 公厘,毫米millimeter-wave image 毫米波图像millimeter-wave imagingunit 毫米波成像器millimeter-wave maser 毫米波微波激光器millimeter-wavelaser 毫米波激光器millimetre (mm)毫米milling 铣milling machine 铣床million 兆,百万milliphot 毫辐透millipore 微孔millirad 毫拉德millisecond (ms)毫秒millisecond laser pulse 毫秒激光脉冲millivolt (mv)毫伏millivoltmeter 毫伏计milliwatt (mw)毫瓦min-laser 小型激光器minature camera 小型照相机minature solide-state laer 小型固体激光器minaturized atmospheric pressure nitrogen laser 小型大气压氮激光器mine surveying 矿山勘测mineral 矿物mineral binder bond 无机黏结剂miners's copass 矿工罗盘仪mini disc (md)players 迷你音碟机mini discs : mds 迷你音碟片mini discs: mds 迷你音碟片miniature lamps 微型手术灯miniature light sources 小型光源minicam 小型照相机minicomputre 小型计算机minification (1)缩小(2)缩小率minimeter (1)指针测微器(2)千分比较仪(3)空气负压仪minimization 最小化minimum 最小,最低minimum angle of deviation 最小偏向角minimum angle of resolution 最小分辨角minimum detectable power (mdp)最小可测功率minimum deviation grating 最小偏向光栅minimum focus 最小焦距minimum perceptible 最小可观察体minimum perceptible brightness difference 最小视觉亮度差minimum pulse time 最小脉冲时间minimum pumping power 最低抽运功,最小泵浦功率minimum resolution 最小分辨率minimum separable 最小间距minimum speparation 最小间畣minimum spot size 最小点径minimum threshold power 最小阈值功率minimum visible 最小可见的mining microscope 矿山显微镜minipad 小垫片minium 红铅,红丹,铅丹minmal sequence 最小序列minminaturization 小型化minor (1)较小的,次要的(2)子式minor axis 短轴minor of determinant 子行列式minority carrier 少数载体minority-carrier 少数载流子minus 负号minus lens 负透镜minute 分mios 金一绝一氧一半导体mipack fiuorescence 碰撞激发荧火mirage 海市蜃楼,蜃景mired (microreciprocal degree)微倒度mired-shift value 倒微度位移值mirofilm camaera 缩微胶片照相机mirror (1)镜(2)反射镜mirror assembly 反射镜装置mirror blank, mirror substrate 面镜基底mirror camera 镜式照相机mirror cell and support system 反射镜和支架系统mirror coating 反射镜镀层mirror condenser 反射式聚光镜mirror elements 镜元mirror extensometer 镜神伸长计mirror galvanometer 光测检流计mirror galvanometer oscillograph 镜测检流计示波图mirror housing 反射镜外罩mirror image 镜像mirror lens 反射镜透镜mirror lock lever 反光镜锁紧杆mirror microscope 镜式显微镜mirror peak 镜巅值mirror plane 镜平面mirror ramp 反射镜斜面mirror reflection 镜面反射mirror reflector 镜式反射器mirror scanning mechanism 镜扫描装置mirror spacing 镜间距mirror stereoscope 反光立体镜mirror support 反射镜支架mirror symmetry 镜面对称性mirror system 镜系统mirror telescope 镜式望远镜mirror testing 面镜测验mirror transition 镜像转换mirror wavebeam guide 镜式光导管mirror wheel (1)镜轮(2)镜鼓mirror-image measurement 镜像测量mirrorless 无反射镜mirrorlike beavior 镜状特性misadjustment 误调misalignment (1)失准直,失调准(2)不重合misarrangement 不正确配置misatched transmission line 失配发送线miscalculation 误算miscibiltity 可混性,溶混性miscoding 错编码misconnection 误接misis 金一绝一半一绝一半导体miskfocusing 散焦像mismatch condition 不匹配条件mismatching (1)失配(2)失谐(3)不重合misnomer 误称,用字错误misorientation 取向错误misplacement 错位misrefgistration 配准不良,错误配准missed-signal probability 失信号率missile tracking system 导弹跟踪系统missile-guidancae laser radar 导弹制导激光器雷达missile-mounted telescope 导弹载望远镜mist (1)雾(2)油雾mist zone 雾区mistake 错误,误差mistuning 失谐miter (1)斜角缝,斜接面(2)45度接合miter gear 等径伞齿轮miter square 斜角尺mitochodria 线粒体mixed astigmatsism 混合像散mixed circuit 混波电路mixed crystal 混合晶体mixed excimer 混合激元mixed light lamp 混合光源灯mixed reflection 混合反射mixed reflection mixer 混合反射mixed transmission 混合透射mixed-ion laser 混合离子激光器mixer (1)混合器(2)混频管mixer crystal 混频晶体mixing 混频mixture 混合物mixture of colors 色混合mlti-microchannel plate 多微通道板mnos 金氮半导体mobile dip 可动凹陷mobile ir thermography 移动式红外热像仪mobile optical communication system (vehicles) 光行动通讯系统mobile optical communication system(vehicles) 光行动通讯系统mobile otpcial tracking unit (motu)随动光学跟踪装置mobility (1)迁移率(2)变动率modal dispersion 模态色散modal matrix 模态阵modality 模态mode (1)样式,方定(2)模,波型(3)振荡模,传输模mode 1 (and mode2) 模态一(及模式二)mode amplitude 模振幅mode beating 模拍频mode competition 模竞争,波型竞争mode configuration 模式结构mode confinement 模限制mode control 模控制mode conversion 模转换mode coupled laser 模耦合激光器mode coupling 模耦合,波型耦合mode cross section 模截面mode degeneracy 模简并mode density 模密度mode distortion 模态畸变mode envelope (1)波模包迹(2)模式轮廓mode excitation 模激发mode filling factor 模态充填因素mode filter 滤模器mode frequencey 振荡模式频率mode group 模系mode hopping 模跳跃mode interference noise 模态干涉噪音mode locked 锁模mode locking 锁模,波模锁定mode matching 模匹配mode matching lens 模匹配透镜mode mixing 模混合mode number 模数mode of bivration 振动方式mode of decay (1)衷变方式(2)衷变型mode of laser 激光模mode of optical cavity 光学共振腔模mode of resonance 共振模mode pattern 模图样,波型图样mode perturbation 模式微扰mode pulling effect 模牵引效应mode pushing 波模推离mode scrambler 模态码器mode selecting etalon 选模标准具mode selecting technique 选模技术mode selection 模选择mode selection by fabry-perot etalon 法布里-珀罗标准具选模mode selection by pinhole 小孔选模mode selection by short-cavity 裋腔选模mode selective etalon 选模标准具mode selective resonator 选模性共振腔mode selectivity 模选择性mode selector 模选择器mode sequence 波型序mode slink 模壑mode spectrum 模频谱mode stop 波型光阑mode structure 模结构mode suppression 模抑制mode suppression technique 模抑制技术mode sweeping 模态拂掠mode switching 波型转换往关mode volume 模体积mode-discriminating interferometer 模-鉴别干涉仪mode-loced train 锁模列mode-locked copper vapor laser 锁模铜蒸气激光器mode-locked dual polarization operation 锁模双偏振运转mode-locked dye laser 锁模染料激光器mode-locked laer 锁模激光器mode-locked laser 锁定模雷射mode-locked laser pulse 锁模激光脉冲mode-locked neodymiumdoped glass laser 锁模钕玻璃激光器mode-locked state 锁模态mode-locking by amplitude modulation 调幅锁模mode-locking by frequency modulation 调频锁模mode-locking frequency doubler 锁模倍频器mode-locking laser 锁模激光器mode-locking technique 锁模技术mode-looking effect 锁模效应model (1)模型(2)样品modelling (1)模型化(2)成形,仿形modelocker 锁模器modem 调制器modem (modulator-demodulator)调制与解调器modern optics 现代光学modernization 现代化modification 变态,修改modified chemical vapor deposition (mcvd)变化化学汽相积沈modified involute gear 渐开线修正齿轮modular 模数的modulated cw lidar 调制连续波激光雷达modulated flux 调制光通量modulated grating hologram 已调光栅全像图modulated light beam 调制光束modulated light wave 调制光波modulated spectrum 调制频谱,调制光谱modulated wave 调制波modulated zone plate 已调区平板modulated zone plate (mpz)调制波带板modulated-grating hologram 调制光栅全息图modulating amplifier 调制放大器modulating camera 调制照相机modulating crystal 调制晶体modulating disk 调制盘modulating wave 调制波modulation 调制modulation bandwidth 调制带宽度modulation degree 调变度modulation envelope 调制波包络线modulation factor 调制因数modulation nosie 调制噪声modulation reticle 调制盘modulation transfer function (mtf)analysis/measurement equipmentmtf 分析/量modulation transfer function (mtf)调制转移函数modulation transfer function (mtf)analysis/measurement equipmentmtf 分析/量测装置modulation trnasfer function (mtf)调制传递函数modulation width 调制宽度modulator 调制器modulator crstal 调制晶体module (1)模,模数,模量(2)组件,模件(3)舱室modulus 模数,模量modulus of complex number 复数模量modulus of elasticity 弹性模量moelcular beam modulation 分子束调制mohs hardness 莫赫硬度moire effect 莫阿效应moire fringe 莫阿干涉条纹moire grids 莫阿栅moire hologrpahy 莫阿全息术moire method pattern measurement equipment 云纹图形量测设备moire microwave holographpy 莫阿微波全息术moire pattern 莫阿干涉条纹图样moire technique 莫阿技术moire topography 云纹地形图术moirs topography 莫阿拓捕图学,莫阿地形测量学moist 潮湿的moisture resistant 抗湿moisture-proof 防湿moisture-proofing storages 防湿保存箱mol 摩尔,克分子molar 克分子的mold (1)型(2)造型moldavite 暗绿玻璃molded blank 压型柸料molded lens 模造透镜molding (1)造型,制型,翻砂(2)嵌条molecular 分子的molecular beam epitaxial reactorsmbe 设备molecular beam epitaxy (mbe)分子束磊晶法;分子子束外延molecular beam stark effect 分子束斯塔克效应molecular bond 分子键molecular crystal 分子晶体molecular diffsuion 分子扩散molecular dimer 分子二聚物molecular dispersion 分子色散molecular electro-optics 分子电子光学molecular energy level 分子能级molecular gas laser 分子气体激光器molecular hydrogen laser 氢分子激光器molecular laser 分子激光器molecular measuring machine 分子量测机molecular orbital method 分子轨道法molecular reflection 分子反射molecular refraction 分子折射molecular sieve 分子筛molecular spectroscopy 分子光谱学molecular spectrum 分子光谱molecular vibration 分子振动molecular weight 分子量molecular xenon laser 氙分子激光器molecularity 分子性molecule 分子moll mircrophotometer 摩耳测微光度计mollier diagram 莫里而图molten glass 熔化玻璃molten-salt growth 熔盐生长法molybdate 钼酸盐molybdenum (mo)钼molybdenum boat 钼舟molybdenum oxide 氧化相molybdenum single crtstal 钼单晶moment (1)力矩(2)瞬时moment amatrix 矩量矩阵moment arm 矩臂moment of dipole 偶极矩moment of inertai 转动惯量momentum 动量momentum conservation 动量守恒momentum of electromagnetic radiation 电磁轴射动量monad 单轴monazite 独居石monchrome television 黑白电视mondromy 单值monitor 监控器monitoring 监控,监视,监测monitoring laser 监控激光器monlithic tuner 单片调谐器mono-objective binocular microscope 单物镜双目显微镜monoaxial 单轴的monobromonaphthalene imersion system 一溴化奈浸液系统monocel 单电池monocentric eyepiece 单心目镜monocentric ocular 单心目镜monochroic 单色的monochromasia (1)单色的(2)全色盲,单色视症monochromatic 单色的monochromatic aberration 单色像差monochromatic approximation 单色近似monochromatic burner 单色灯monochromatic emission 单色辐射monochromatic field 单色场monochromatic filter 单色滤波器monochromatic illuminator 单色照明器monochromatic light 单色光monochromatic objective 单色物镜monochromatic pinhole method 单色针孔法monochromatic pinhole technique 单色针孔技术monochromatic radiation 单色辐射monochromatic spectrum 单色光谱monochromatic wave 单色波monochromaticity 单色性monochromatization 单色化monochromator 单色仪monochromator in visible and ultra violet 可见光区与紫外区单色仪monochromators 单色器monochrome (1)单色的,黑白的(2)黑白影片,黑白照片monochrome camera 黑白电视摄像机monochrome display 黑白显示,单色显示monochrome television 黑白电视monocle 单片眼镜monoclinic 单斜的monoclinic crystal 单斜晶体monoclinic crystal system 单斜晶系monoclinic photoconductive detector 单片光导探测器monoclinic symmetry 单斜对称monocrystal 单晶体monocrystalline ingot 单晶锭块monocrystalline wire 单晶丝monocular 单目的,单筒的monocular diplopia 单目双像monocular fieldglass 单筒望远镜monocular microscope 单筒显微镜monocular vison 单眼视觉monodirectional 单向monodisperisty 单色散性monodmin degree 单畴度monoenergetic (1)单能的(2)单色的monoergic 单能的monofocal 单聚焦的monoformer 光电单函数发生器monogenetic (1)单性的(2)单色的monogramming 字并合monohedral 单面的monohedron 单面体monolayer 单层monolithic (1)整体的(2)单片的monolithic crystal 单块晶体monolithic ic 单石积体电路monolithic infrared detector 单块红外探测器monolithic memory 单片存储器monolithic photoconductive detector 单块光电导探测器monolithic silicon mosaic 单片硅镶嵌monomer 单体monomer exchange diffusion 单体交换换析monomode fubre 单模纤维monopack 单包monophase 单相的monopolar 单极的monopole spectrometer 单极分光计monopulse 单脉冲monoscoep tube 单像管monoscope 单像管monoscope cathode-ray tube 单筒阴极射线管monoscope character generator 单像管字符产生器monostable 单稳态的,单稳定的monostable display 单态显示monostable flip-flop 单稳态触发器monostable multivibrator 单稳态多谐振荡器monostatic heterodyne system 单静态外差系统monotone 单调monotonically decreasing function 单调下降函数monotony 单一性,单调monovalent 单价monovalent ion 单价离子monoxide 一氧化物montage (1)装配(2)剪辑moon 月球moon-beased laser communication system 月球-地球激光通信系统moon-shaped lens 月形透镜mooney rhomb 蒙内菱形镜moonlight 月光mopopulse optical radar 单脉冲光雷达moring-magnet instrument 动磁式仪表morphology 形态学,形貌学morphotropy 变形性morse taper 莫氏维度mortar (1)研钵(2)胶泥mos photodiode 金属氧化物半导体光电二极管mosaic (1)镶嵌(2)感光镶嵌幕mosaic block 镶嵌块mosaic structure 镶嵌结构mosaic surface 镶嵌面mosaicker 镶嵌仪mositure 潮湿,湿气mositure absorption 水分吸收moss-burstein effect 莫斯-布尔斯坦效应mossbuer spectrometer 穆斯堡尔光谱计mother glass 母玻璃motion 运动,移动motion picture 电影motion picture camera 电影摄影机motion picture cartoon 动图片,卡通片motion picture equipment 电影设备motion picture film 电影胶片motion picture holography 电影全息术motion picture printer 影片印片机motion picture projector 电影放映机motion-blurred image 运动模糊像motometer 转数计motor 电动机,马达motor-generator 电动发电机组motorized copying camera 电动复制照相机mott scattering 莫脱散射mottle 斑点,斑纹mould (1)塑模(2)造型,铸型moulded glass 模压玻璃moulded lens 模压透镜moulded lens blank 模压透镜毛柸moulding die 压模moulding press 模压机mounting cement 装配胶mounting cup 球支承座mounting flange 安装用法兰mountion (1)装置(2)安装(3)底座mountion plate 安装板,安装平台mouthpiece (1)口罩(2)送话器口movement 运动,运作movie 电影movie camera 电影摄影机moving light spot 动光点moving picture 电影moving reflector 活动反射器moving wave 行波moving-coil galvanometer 动圈式检流计moving-iron instrument 动铁式仪表moviola 声画同步器mu-metal 高导磁合金muff 套筒,轴衬套muffled glass 遮光玻璃mulitiple-cavity 多通道mulitphoton molecular dissociation 多光子分子离散mullite 富铝红柱石multi colour lasers 多色雷射multi elliptical-cryindrical cavity 多椭圆筒共振器multi-coated lens 多层镀膜透镜multi-electrode 多电极的multi-function products (mfps)多功能复合事务机multi-lateral 多侧multi-photocatode image converter 多光电阴极变像管multi-photon microscopy 多光子显微技术multi-plate frication clutch 多片摩擦离合器multi-roll bearing 滚针轴承multi-speed drive 多级变速传multi-spike optical filter 多脉冲滤光器multi-strand filament 多股灯丝multialkali photocathode 多硷光阴机multiangualr 多角multiband spectral camera 多谱段照相机multibeam holography 多光束全息术multibeam interferometer 多光束干涉仪multibeam resonator 多光束共振器multichannel 多通道multichannel analyzer 多通道分析器multichannel image dissector 多通道析像管multichannel laser system 多路激光器系统multichannel optical code disk 多信道光学编码盘multichannel scaler 多通道定标器multichannel smiultaneosu spectrophotometer 多通道同时分光光度计multichannel spectrometer 多道分光计multichip 夕片multicolor 多色multicolor hologram 多色全息照片multicolor holography 多色全息术multicolor laser 多色激光器multicolor light beam 多色光束multicolor three-demensional image 多色三维图像multicolor wavefront 多色波前multicolored filter 多色滤光器multicomponent 多元multicomponent glass 多元玻璃multicomponent glass optical fiber 多元玻璃光学纤维multidimensional 多维multidimensional convolution 多维卷积multidisciplinary 多学科的multidither coat system 多颤振器相干光学适应系统multidomained 多界的multidoped material 多掺杂材料multielement detector 多元探测器multielement lens 多元透镜multielement optical system 多元光学系统multifibre 多股纤维束multifilament lamp 多灯丝白炽灯multiflash 多次闪光器multifocal 多焦点的multifocal lens 多焦点透镜multifocal spectacles 多焦点眼镜multifocus viewfinder 多聚焦取景器multifrequency operation 多频率进行multifunctional 多功能的multigrid 多栅的multihead amplifier 多头放大器multijunction 多结multilarer blockiing filter 多层截止滤光片multilayer 多层multilayer dielectric coating 多层介质膜multilayer dielectric film 多层介质膜multilayer dielectric reflector 多层介质膜反射器multilayer film 多层膜multilayer filter 多层膜滤光片multilayer glass 多层玻璃multilayer mirror 多层反射镜multilayer mirrors 多层面镜multilayer overcoated aluminum 多层保护涂层铝膜multilevel laser 多能级激光器multilevel system 多能级系统multiline 多谱线multilobed beadm 多瓣光束multilongitudianl-mode laser 多纵模激光multimedium 多媒质multimeter 多量程仪表,万用表multimode 多模,多渡型multimode cavity 多模共振腔multimode cavity oscillation 多模腔振荡multimode fiber transmission 多模光学纤维传输multimode laser 多模激光器multimode laser emission 多模激光发射multimode optical fibre 多模光学纤维multimode oscillation 多模振荡multimode step-index fibre 多模阶梯折射率光学纤维multinomial 多项式multiorbit flight 多轨道飞行multipactor effect 次级电子倍增效应multipass 多通multipass fabry-perot spectroscopy 多通法布里-珀罗光谱学multipass interferometry 多通干涉法multipass laser 多通激光器multipass telescopic amplifier 多通望远镜式放大器multipdynode electron multiplier 多打拿极电子倍增器,多倍增极电子倍增器multiphase 多相multiphnono relaxation 多声弛声multiphonon 多声子multiphonon absorption 多声子吸收multiphoton 多光子multiphoton -effect 多光子效应multiphoton absorptpion 多光子吸收multiphoton excitation 多光子激发multiphoton ionization 多光子电离multiphoton transition 多光子跃迁multiphotonic spectroscopy 多光子光谱学multiple 多重的,复式的multiple beta gauge 多腔multiple channel 多通道比色计multiple channel colorimeter 多通道折像管multiple dielectric layer 多层衍射multiple diffraction 多重发射multiple emission 多次曝光multiple exposure 多次曝光全息图multiple fibre 复式纤维multiple film 多层膜multiple finder 万能取景器multiple grating 复式光栅multiple image lenses 多影像透镜multiple imaging system 重成像系统multiple integral image 多重积分像multiple key 花键multiple level 多能级multiple light courcess 多光源multiple mirror resonator 多镜面共振器multiple nosepiece 复式换镜旋转盘multiple order spectrum 多级光谱multiple photogrammetric camera 多镜头航空测量照相机multiple probemeasurement 多探针测量multiple pulse 多脉冲multiple quantum 多量子multiple quantum transition 多量子跃迁multiple recording 多重记录,多通道记录multiple reflection 多次反射multiple scannaing 重复扫描multiple scattering 多次散射multiple serial camera 多镜头连续照相机multiple spark camera 多火花照相机multiple spline 花键multiple surface coating 多层镀膜法multiple thread screw 多头螺杆multiple thread worm 多头蜗杆multiple trace drum camera 多道转鼓照相机multiple-beam fringe 多光束干涉条纹multiple-beam interference 多光束干涉multiple-beam interferometer 多光束干涉仪multiple-beam interferometry 多光束干涉测量法multiple-beam radiation 多射束辐射multiple-channel image dissecotr tube 多涂层纤维multiple-coated fibre 多层介质膜multiple-exposure hologram 多次曝光干涉测量法multiple-feed system 复馈系统multiple-layer diskshutter 多层转盘式快门multiple-lens aerial camera 多镜头航空摄影机multiple-lens block 多镜头组件multiple-lens camera 多镜头摄影机multiple-passing grating 多通光栅multiple-passing prism monochromator 多通棱镜单色仪multiple-photon-pumped 多光子抽运的multiple-pinhole camera 多针孔照相机multiple-tube laser 多管激光器multiple-valence electrons 多个价电子multiple-wave interference 多重波干涉multiple-wavelenght monochromator 多波段单色仪multiplet 多重线multiplex (1)多部的(2)多路传输multiplex coding 多路传输编码multiplex gain 多重增益multiplexed filter 多路传输滤波器multiplexed optical scanner 多路传输光学扫描器multiplexer (1)多路调制器(2)倍增器multiplexing (1)多路传输(2)倍增multiplexing hologram 多重全息图multiplexing several dfb laser 多重分布反馈激光器multiplicand 被乘数multiplication (1)放大,倍增(2)乘法multiplicity 多重性multiplier (1)乘数(2)培增器(3)扩程器multiplier phototube 光电倍增管multiplier-detector 倍增管探测器multiply ionized gass 多离子化气体multiply periodic 多周期的multiply-reflected image 多次反射像multiply-scattered wave 多次散射波multiplying factor 放大系数,倍增系数multiplying lensless fourier hologram 多重无透镜傅里叶全息图multiplying power 倍率multipoint recorder 多点记录器multipolar 多极的multipole 多极multipostion deflector 多位偏转器multipropellant 多圆推推剂multipruose ir emitter 多用途红外线发射源multiqurpose television camera 多用途电视摄像机multirange (1)多量程的,多标度的(2)多段multireflection tehcnique 多次反射技术multireflector 多重反射器multiroation 多变旋光multiscaler 万能定标器multislist monochromator 多缝单色仪multislit system 多缝系统multisource 多光源multispectral band camera 多谱段照相机multispectral image descriptor system 多光谱图像绘制系统multispectral photography 多光谱图像multispectral scanning system 多谱段扫描系统multispectral sensor 多光谱传动multistable 多稳态的multistage 多级multistage amplifier 多级放大器multistage electro-optic amplitude modulator 多级电光振幅调制器multistage image tube 多级显像管multistage radiative transition 多级辐射跃迁multistage rocket 多级火箭multitarget 多靶multitrack recording 多迹记录;多音轨录音multivibrator 多谐振荡器multivoltemeter 多量程伏特计,多量程电压表multixposure 多次曝光mumerism 变构现像munsell chroma 孟塞尔色品munsell color scale 孟塞尔色标munsell color standard 孟塞尔彩色标准munsell color system 孟塞尔彩色制munsell value 孟塞尔色度值muonμ介子muon hodoscopeμ介子描亦仪muon telescopeμ介子望远镜muscovite 白云器mushroom cam 蕈状凸轮muta-rotation 变异旋光mutation-induced by laser 激光诱变光的mutual coherence 互相干性mutual coherence function 互相干函数mutual conductance 互导mutual inductance 互感mutual intensity 相互强度mutually quenched injection laser 相互犴灭注入式激光器mutually synchronized systems 相互同步系统mydriasis 瞳孔放大mydriatic (1)瞳孔放大的(2)扩瞳药mylar 聚酯树醴myopia 近视者myopic 近视眼的myopic eye 近视眼myopic lens 近视眼镜myopy 近视myosis 瞳孔缩小myotics 睫肌收缩剂myria- 万myriabit memory 万位存储器myriameter wave 万米波myyope 近视者光电英语词汇(M2) 相关内容:。



物理专业英语词汇(F) f band f 带f center f 心f center laser f 心激光器f center maser f心微波激射器f layer f 层f value振子强度f/d ratio f/d 比face centered crystal 面心晶体face centered cubic lattice 面心立方晶格face centered cubic structure 面心立方结构face centered lattice 面心点阵factor因子factor group 剩余群facula光斑faddeev equation法捷耶夫方程faddeev popov ghost法捷耶夫波波夫鬼态fading衰退;褪色fahrenheit scale 华氏温标fahrenheit temperature scale 华氏温标fahrenheit thermometer 华氏温度计fall降低fall of potential 电压降fall time下降时间falling sphere viscometer 落球粘度计fallout放射性沉降物false image 鬼象family 族family of asteroids 小行星族family of comets 彗星族fano factor 法诺因子far field pattern 远场图样far infrared远红外区far infrared laser远红外激光器far infrared radiation 远红外卜辐射far infrared rays 远红外卜线far point 远点far ultraviolet 远紫外区far ultraviolet laser 远紫外激光器far ultraviolet radiation 紫外线辐射far ultraviolet rays 远紫夕卜线farad 法faraday法拉第faraday cage法拉第笼faraday cell 法拉第盒faraday constant 法拉第常数faraday cup法拉第笼faraday dark space 法拉第暗区faraday effect 磁致旋光faraday rotation 磁致旋光faraday tube法拉第管faraday,s law法拉第定律farvitron线振质谱仪fast迅速的fast breeder reactor 快增殖堆fast fission快中子裂变fast fission effect快中子裂变效应fast fourier transform快速傅里叶变换fast neutron 快中子fast neutron reactor 快中子堆fast nova快新星fast reactor 快中子堆fatigue 疲劳fatigue limit疲劳极限fatigue strength 疲劳强度fcc structure面心立方结构feedback 反馈feedback amplifier 反馈放大器feedback circuit 反馈电路feedback control 反馈控制feedback factor 反馈系数feedback ratio 反馈比feeder馈电线femto 飞femtometer 费密femtosecond 飞秒femtosecond region 飞秒区域fermat,s principle 费马原理fermi费密fermi acceleration 费密加速fermi age费密年龄fermi dirac statistics 费密统计法fermi distribution 费密分布fermi energy 费密能fermi gas费密气体fermi glass费密玻璃fermi hole费密空穴fermi interaction 费密相互酌fermi level费密能级fermi liquid费密液体fermi particle 费密子fermi pasta ulam problem费密巴斯德乌拉姆问题fermi resonance 费密共振fermi selection rule 费密选择定则fermi statistics费密统计法fermi surface 费密面fermi temperature 费密温度fermi transition 费密跃迁fermi's golden rule费密黄金定律fermiology费密面学fermion费密子fermionic dark matter 费密子暗物质fermium 镄ferrielectricity 亚电性ferrimagnetic resonance 亚铁磁共振ferrimagnetism铁氧体磁性ferrite铁氧体ferrite magnetostrictive vibrator 铁氧体磁致伸缩振子ferro resonance 铁磁共振ferroelastic phase transition 铁弹性相变ferroelasticity 铁弹性ferroelectric 铁电的ferroelectric domain 铁电畴ferroelectric mode 铁电模ferroelectric phase transition 铁电相变ferroelectric semiconductor 铁电半导体ferroelectric substance 铁电性材料ferroelectricity 铁电性ferrofluid 铁磁铃ferromagnet 铁磁体ferromagnetic 铁磁的ferromagnetic dielectrics 铁磁电介质ferromagnetic fluid 铁磁铃ferromagnetic material 铁磁性材料ferromagnetic resonance 铁磁共振ferromagnetic substance 铁磁性材料ferromagnetic superconductor 铁磁超导体ferromagnetic thin film 铁磁薄膜ferromagnetism 铁磁性feynman diagram 费因曼图feynman path integral费因曼的路径积分feynman spectrum 费因曼谱ffag synchrotron固定场交变梯度回旋加速器fiber纤维fiber bundle 纤维丛fiber electrometer 悬丝静电计fiber laser纤维激光器fiber optics纤维光学fiber structure 纤维结构fibonacci semiconductor superlattice 菲博纳奇半导体超晶格fibril小纤维fibril structure 纤维结构fick,s law斐克定律fictitious spin quantum number 假想自旋量子数fictitious year 假年field场;体field adsorption 场吸附field current 励磁电流field density 场密度field desorption 场致退吸field distortion 场畸变field distribution 场的分布field effect transistor 场效应晶体管field electron emission 场致电子发射field emission 场致发射field emission microscope场致发射显微镜;自动电子显微镜field emitted electron 场致发射电子field equation 场方程field intensity 场强field ion microscope场致离子显微镜field lens 场镜field magnet 场磁铁field of forces 力场field of gravity 重力场field of view 视场field of vision 视场field operator 场算符field particle 场粒子field quantum 场量子field stop 场栏field strength 场强field structure 场结构field theory 场论fifth force第五种力fifth fundamental force 第五种基本力figure图形figure of merit 优值figure of noise 噪声指数file文件filled band 满带filled level满带能级filled shell 满壳层film软片film badge胶片剂量计film boiling膜态沸腾film dosimeter胶片剂量计film type condensation 膜状凝结filter滤器滤光器滤波器filtration 过滤final product最终产物final state interaction 终态相互酌final vacuum极限真空finder取景器finding telescope 寻星镜fine particle 微粒子fine structure 精细结构fine structure constant 精细结构常数fine structure splitting 精细结构劈裂finesse 锐度finite difference method 差分法finite element method 有限元法finite group 有限群finite universe 有限宇宙fireball 火球fireball model 火球模型first harmonics 基波first integral 初积分first law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律first order phase transition 一级相转变first point of aries 春分点first quarter 上弦first resonance 一次共振first sound第一次声波fish finder鱼群探测器fissible可裂变的fissile可裂变的fissile nucleus可分裂的核fissility可分变性fission 分裂fission chain reaction 裂变链式反应fission chamber 裂变室fission counter 裂变计数器fission energy 裂变能量fission event裂变事件fission fragment 裂变碎片fission neutron 裂变中子fission yield裂变产额fissionable可裂变的fissionable nucleus 可裂变核 fissioning isomer 裂变同质异能素 fit适合five minute oscillations 五分钟振动 fixation 定影fixed capacitor固定电容器fixed point 定点fixed resistor固定电阻器fixed star 恒星fixing定影fixing solution 定影液fizeau fringe 菲佐条纹fizeau interferometer 菲佐干涉仪flame火焰flame photometer 火焰光度计flame photometry火焰光度法flame spectrum 火焰光谱flare太阳耀斑flare star 耀星flash闪光flash of light 闪光flash photolysis 闪烁光解flash spectrum 闪光光谱flat surface 平面flatness problem平坦性问题flattening 扁率flavor 味flexibility 挠性flexible polymer挠性聚合体flexural rigidity 弯曲刚度flexural strength 抗挠强度flexure 挠曲flexure vibration 弯曲振动flicker 闪烁flicker effect 闪烁效应flicker noise闪变噪声flicker photometer 闪烁光度计flight path飞越距离flight time飞越时间flint glass火石玻璃flip flop触发器flip flop circuit双稳态触发电路floating body 浮体floating point representation 浮点表示floating zone melting method 浮区熔炼法flocculation 凝聚flood and ebb 潮汐flooding 溢流floppy disk 软磁盘flow 流flow birefringence 怜双折射flow counter柳式计数管flow dichroism 怜二色性flow equation 怜方程flow parameter 怜参数flow pattern 镣flow proportional counter 怜正比计数器flow rate 量flow visualization 辽视化flowmeter 量计fluctuating force 涨落力fluctuation 起伏fluctuation dissipation theorem 涨落耗散定理fluctuon起伏量子fluent变数fluid 铃fluid dynamics 铃动力学fluid elasticity 水弹性fluid model 铃模型fluidal 铃的fluidic 铃的fluidity 怜性fluorescence 荧光fluorescence center 荧光中心fluorescence dosimeter 荧光剂量计fluorescence spectrophotometer 荧光分光光度计fluorescence spectrum 荧光光谱fluorescence yield 荧光产额fluorescent 萤光的fluorescent indicator tube 荧光指示管fluorescent lamp 荧光灯fluorescent material 萤光材料fluorescent radiation 特狰射fluorescent scattering 荧光散射fluorescent screen 荧光屏fluorescent x rays 荧光 x 射线fluorimeter 荧光计fluorine 氟fluorite structure 萤石型结构fluorography荧光照相法fluorometer 荧光计fluorometric analysis 荧光分析fluoroscope 荧光镜fluoroscopy荧光检查法fluorspar structure 萤石型结构flux通量flux creep磁通量蠕变flux density通量密度flux flow磁通量流flux jump磁通量跃变flux method 熔剂法flux motion 磁通量运动flux of energy 能通量flux of light 光通量flux of radiation 辐射通量flux pinning 通量锁住flux pump 通量泵flux quantization 磁通量量子化flux quantum磁通量子fluxmeter磁通计fluxoid磁通量子fluxon磁通量子fly苍蝇座flying spot electron microscope 扫描电子显微镜fm receiver档接受器focal distance 焦星巨focal length 焦星巨focal line 焦线focal plane 焦面focal point 焦点focal power 光焦度focal surface 焦曲面fock representation 福克表示fock space福克空间focometer焦距计focon聚焦锥focus焦点focused ion beam聚焦离子束focusing 倒focusing camera 倒照相机focusing coil聚焦线圈focusing cone 聚焦锥focusing lens 聚焦透镜focusing quadrupole magnet 聚焦四极磁铁focuson聚焦子foil 箔fokker planck equation 福克普朗克方程follow up control 随动控制foot pound second system 英尺磅秒单位制forbidden禁戒的forbidden band 禁带forbidden decay 禁戒衰变forbidden line 禁线forbidden lines in astrophysics 天体物理学中的禁线forbidden reflection 禁戒反射forbidden transition 禁戒跃迁forbiddenness 禁戒force 力force function 力函数force of attraction 弓|力force of gravity 重力force of inertia 惯性力force of repulsion 斥力force of rolling friction 滚动摩擦力force of sliding friction 滑动摩擦力force polygon力的多边形force triangle力的三角形forced circulation 强制循环forced convection 强制对流forced emission 强迫发射forced oscillations 受迫振荡forced vibration 受迫振荡forced vortex 强迫涡流fore vacuum 前级真空forecast 预报forecast of solar activity 太阳活动预告foreign atom 杂质原子forepump预备真空泵fork mounting 叉式装置form drag 型阻form factor形状因子formant共振峰formation of order 秩序形成formula 公式formulation 公式化fornax天炉座fortran程序语言forward scattering 前方散射foucault currents 涡电流foucault knife edge test 傅科刀口检验foucault's pendulum 傅科摆fountain effect 喷水效应four current 四维电流four dimensional space 四维空间four dimensional structure of the universe 宇宙四维结构four dimensionality 四维性four factor formula 四因子公式four force四维力four momentum 四维动量four potential 四维势four terminal network 四端网络four vector 四维矢four velocity四维速度four wave mixing 四波混合fourier component 谐波分量fourier integral傅里叶积分fourier number 傅里叶数fourier series傅里叶级数fourier spectroscopy 傅里叶光谱学fourier transform hologram傅里叶变换全息图fourier transform spectrometer 傅里叶光谱仪fourier transformation 傅里叶变换fourth sound第四次声波fractal 分形fractal dimension 分形维数fractional charge 分数电荷fractional crystallization 分级结晶fractional quantum hall effect 分数量子霍尔效应fracton分形子fracture 破裂fracture mechanics 断裂力学fragility 脆性frame antenna环形天线frame of reference 参考系francium 钫franck condon principle 富兰克康登原理franck hertz,s experiment 富兰克赫兹实验 frank read source弗朗克里德源franklin富兰克林fraunhofer diffraction 夫琅和费衍射fraunhofer hologram夫琅和费全息图fraunhofer line夫琅和费谱线fre量子free自由的free charge自由电荷free convection自由对流自然对流free electron自由电子free electron laser自由电子激光器free energy 自由能free energy of activation 激活的自由能free field自由场free free transition 自由自由跃迁free group自由群free gyroscope自由陀螺仪free motion自由运动free neutron自由中子free oscillation 自由振动free path自由程free pendulum 自由摆free rotation自由旋转free space自由空间free state自由态free surface 自由面free system 自由系free vibration 自由振动free volume自由体积free volume theory自由体积理论freedom 自由freezing 凝固freezing mixture 冷冻剂freezing point 凝固点frenkel defect夫伦克尔缺陷frenkel exciton 夫伦克尔激子frequency 频率frequency analysis 频率分析frequency band 频带frequency characteristic 频率特性frequency converter 变频器frequency converter tube 变频管frequency counter 频率计数器frequency divider 分频器frequency domain 频域frequency factor 频率因子frequency meter 频率计frequency modulation 档frequency multiplier倍频器频率倍增器frequency range 频率范围frequency response 频率响应frequency response method 频率特性法frequency shift 移频frequency spectrum 频谱frequency stability 频率稳定度frequency stabilized laser 稳频激光器frequency transfer function 频率传递函数fresnel diffraction 菲涅耳衍射fresnel half period zones 菲涅耳半周期带fresnel hologram菲涅耳全息图fresnel lens菲涅耳透镜fresnel prism 菲涅耳棱镜fresnel rhomb菲涅耳斜方系fresnel zone 菲涅耳带fresnel,s biprism菲涅耳双棱镜fresnel's dragging coefficient 菲涅耳曳引系数fresnel,s zone plate 菲涅耳波带片friction 摩擦friction coefficient 摩擦系数friction cone 摩擦锥friction layer 摩擦层friction loss摩擦损失friction of fluid lubrication 液体润滑摩擦frictional drag 摩擦阻力frictional electricity 摩擦电frictional force 摩擦力frictional oscillation 摩擦振动frictional resistance 摩擦阻力 friedel sum rule弗里德尔的求和定则 friedmann equation 弗里德曼方程friedmann universe弗里德曼宇宙frigorimeter 深冷温度计fringes with white light 白光干涉条纹froude number 弗劳德数frozen in magnetic field 冻结磁场frustrated total internal reflection 衰减全内反射frustration 抑止ft value ft 值fuel assembly燃料组件fuel cell燃料电池fuel cycle燃料循环fuel regeneration 燃料再生fuel reprocessing 燃料再生fuel rod燃料元件棒fugacity挥发性fulcrum 支点full load 满载full moon 望月full wave rectification 全波整流full width at half maximum 半宽度fullerene球壳状碳分子function 函数functional 泛函functional analysis 泛函分析functional ceramics 机能陶瓷functional derivative 泛函微分fundamental absorption 基本吸收fundamental catalog 基本星表fundamental constants 基本常数fundamental doublet 基本双重线fundamental frequency 基频率fundamental interaction 基本相互酌fundamental law 基本定律fundamental magnitude 基本量fundamental mode 关Bfundamental particle 基础粒子fundamental research 基础研究fundamental series 伯格曼系fundamental star 基本星fundamental theorem 基本定理fundamental tone 基音fundamental unit 基本单位furnace 炉furry,s theorem 弗里定理fuse熔断器保险丝fused quartz 熔融石英fusible alloy易熔合金fusing point 熔点fusion熔化fusion fission hybrid reactor核聚变裂变混合反应堆fusion point 熔点fusion reaction 聚变反应fusion reactor 热核堆fusion temperature 聚变温度。







其中一类文章站在传统艺术史的角度,对米切尔的相关理论作出了批评,认为他的“图像学研究”已经超越了艺术史的范畴,并且完全可以用广义的“视觉研究”替代①这一类文章以刘晋晋的《并非图像学的图像学——论米切尔的一个概念》为代表,详见刘晋晋:《并非图像学的图像学——论米切尔的一个概念》,《美术观察》2009年第11 期。






朗伯-比尔定律出处的英文的参考文献Title: The Origin of Lambert's Law: A Reference StudyIntroductionLambert's Law, also known as the Beer-Lambert Law or the Beer-Lambert-Bouguer Law, is a fundamental principle in the field of spectroscopy and light absorption. It describes the relationship between the attenuation of light passing through a medium and the properties of that medium. This law is essential for understanding the behavior of light in various substances and has found widespread application in chemistry, physics, biology, and environmental science. In this reference study, we will explore the origins of Lambert's Law and its historical significance.The Origins of Lambert's LawLambert's Law was first introduced by the Swiss mathematician and physicist Johann Heinrich Lambert in 1760 in his book "Photometria." Lambert was a pioneering figure in the study of light and optics and made significant contributions to the development of photometry and mathematical physics. In his work, Lambert derived the law to describe the absorption of light by opaque and translucent media, such as gases, liquids, andsolids. He established a mathematical formula that relates the amount of light absorbed to the thickness of the medium and its optical properties.Lambert's Law states that the intensity of light passing through a medium decreases exponentially with the thickness of the medium and the concentration of absorbing molecules. This relationship is expressed by the following equation:I = I₀ * e^(-α * c * L)Where:I is the intensity of light after passing through the medium,I₀ is the initial intensity of incident light,α is the absorption coefficient of the medium,c is the concentration of absorbing molecules, andL is the path length of the medium.Lambert's Law has been extensively validated through experimental studies and is widely used in spectroscopic analysis, chemical kinetics, and atmospheric science. It provides a quantitative framework for measuring the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by different substances and hasbecome a foundational principle in the field of optical spectroscopy.Historical Significance and ImpactThe development of Lambert's Law marked a significant milestone in the history of science and laid the groundwork for modern spectroscopic techniques. Lambert's pioneering work paved the way for further research on light absorption, transmission, and scattering in different materials. His law has played a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the interaction of light with matter and has led to numerous practical applications in various disciplines.In the 19th century, the French mathematician August Beer extended Lambert's Law by incorporating the concentration of absorbing molecules into the equation, giving rise to theBeer-Lambert Law. This enhanced version of the law has become a fundamental tool in quantitative spectroscopic analysis, particularly in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, environmental science, and pharmacology.In the early 20th century, the American physicist William F. Meggers and the French physicist André Louis Brouwer further refined Lambert's Law by considering the influence of scattering and multiple reflections in the medium. This led to thedevelopment of the Beer-Lambert-Bouguer Law, which accounts for the total attenuation of light in a medium due to absorption, scattering, and reflection.Today, Lambert's Law continues to be a cornerstone of spectroscopic research and remains an indispensable tool for studying the optical properties of materials. It has been instrumental in the development of advanced spectroscopic techniques, such as UV-visible spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The legacy of Lambert's Law lives on in the vast array of applications that rely on its principles to unravel the mysteries of the natural world.ConclusionLambert's Law has stood the test of time as a fundamental principle in the study of light absorption and transmission. Its origins can be traced back to the pioneering work of Johann Heinrich Lambert in the 18th century, and its legacy continues to shape the field of spectroscopy and related disciplines. By understanding the historical context and significance of Lambert's Law, we can appreciate the profound impact it has had on the advancement of scientific knowledge and technological innovation. As we look to the future, Lambert's Law willundoubtedly remain a guiding principle in the exploration of the mysteries of light and matter.。



第50卷第4期 V〇1.50 No.4红外与激光工程Infrared and Laser Engineering2021年4月Apr. 2021中波128〇xl024红外成像组件设计(特邀)张宝辉,李中文,吴杰,吉莉,王炜毅,蔡璐,时亚辉,法静怡(昆明物理研究所南京研发中心,江苏南京211106)摘要:随着红外器件和成像技术的不断发展,各种夜视系统对百万像素的中波红外成像组件的需求 越来越多。

基于国产15nm 1280x1024中波HgCdTe探测器,以探测器和杜瓦自身包络为基准,突破 小体积、轻量化、一体化设计,研制出了紧凑型双FP G A处理平台的百万像素中波红外成像机芯组件, 组件尺寸155 mm><95 mm><95 mm,质量为1400 g,支持SDI、Cameralink接口输出;在该平台上实现元替换、非均勾校正、降噪、细节增强、动态范围压缩、局部增强等实时图像处理算法,针对传统的红外 成像算法提出了基于残差的非均勾校正算法与自适应局部增强算法,提升组件的成像性能。

测试试验 表明:组件实时输出分辨率为1280x1024像素的高质量低噪声的红外图像,噪声等效温差(NETD)< 30 mK,组件满足高温601,低温-40尤工作要求,组件所采用的改进处理算法,最终输出图像提升明显:关键词:红外成像;制冷红外;FPGA;探测器组件;中波红外中图分类号:TN215 文献标志码:A DOI:10.3788/IRLA20211023Design of mid-wave 128〇xl 024 infraredimaging components {Invited)Zhang Baohui,Li Zhongwen,Wu Jie,Ji Li, Wang W eiyi,Cai Lu,Shi Yahui,Fa Jingyi(Nanjing Research Center, Kunming Institute of Physics, Nanjing 211106, China)Abstract: As infrared devices and technologies develops, the demand for megapixel mid-wave infrared imaging components o f various night vision systems is rising. The megapixel mid-wave infrared imaging component based on the domestic 1280x1024 medium wave (15 |im) infrared HgCdTe detector was developed, which took the detector and the Dewar's own envelope as the benchmark and made a breakthrough in small fomi-factor and lightweight integrated design. The component with the size o f 155 mm><95 mm><95 mm and the weight o f 1400 g were considered to collect and process the information from the large area o f Infrared Focal Plane Arrays (IRFPA). Thus, a low-noise image acquisition and processing hardware platform based on dual FPGA architecture was brought up, which supported SDI/Cameralink interface output. In the section o f algorithm, the optimized non-uniformity correction (NUC) algorithm o f the focal plane pixel response and the acquisition circuit, as well as the contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) method compared with traditional image enhancement technologies were proposed. In addition, blind pixel replacement, denoising, latitude reduction and further procedures were implemented to make the image quality improving. Test results show that the noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) o f the component is lower than 30 mK, and the detector performs stably at the temperature from -40^to 60 ^C. The proposed improved algorithm is fruitful in raising the quality o f both thermal imaging and infrared system performance.Key words: infrared imaging; cooled infrared; FPGA; detector components; mid-wave infrared收稿日期:202卜02-23;修订日期:202卜03-19基金项目:国家重点研发计划“变革性技术关键科学问题”重点专项(2017YFA0701204)0引言自红外成像系统在美国问世以来,已经过60多 年的发展[11。

Hanbook of Optical Systems

Hanbook of Optical Systems

6 Volume SetHandbook ofOptical Systems SAVE WITH YOURCONTINUATION ORDER!Dear Scientist, dear Librarian,The development, design and optimization of optical systems are ofgrowing interest, yet there are few suitable books available. I believe this is because industrial specialists have most of the experience, but no time and interest in publishing it. Academic books provide a good didactic,scientific introduction, but the practical side is missed. On the other hand,a true understanding requires several disciplines: It is necessary to have a mathematical insight into the algorithms, to understand the physicalprinciples of optics and to transfer the computed results to the hardware.In addition, the growing use of modern complex components, the appli-cation of more physical principles and increasing computer power over the past two decades has broadened the gap between classical optical design and modern simulation approaches.At the beginning of my career more than 20 years ago, I wished for such a book and had the idea of filling this gap. This series is divided into three major sections. The first two volumes deal with the fundamentals oftechnical and physical optics. Volumes three and four are the central parts and describe aberration theory, the principles of optical design and the building blocks of complete systems. The remaining two volumes cover the testing of system performance and special aspects.Our aim with this work is to provide a good graphical illustration of the problems, to keep the derivations short and to supply a professional soft-ware for rapid application of the lessons learned. This will help professional optical designers and advanced students to understand and solve their tasks quickly.Herbert Gross Carl Zeiss AGHerbert Grossstudied physics at the University of Stutt-gart, Germany, and joined Carl Zeiss in 1982, where has since been working in the department of optical design. His special areas of interest are the develop-ment of simulation methods, optical design software and algorithms, themodeling of laser systems and simulation of problems in physical optics, and the tolerance and the measurement of optical systems. Since 1995, he has been head of the central optical design department at Zeiss. In 1995, he received his PhD at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, on the modeling of laser beam propagation in the partial coherent region.>gives a unique overview for both newcomersand professionals in academia and industry >balances comprehensive introduction withlatest research results in a uniform style >features over 3,000 color illustrations thatfacilitate access to complex problems >written by experts at the world's leadingmanufacturer of optical systemsTHEReference on Optical DesignMichael Totzeckreceived his PhD in 1989 from the Tech-nical University of Berlin, where he also gained his lecturingqualification in 1995. In 1991, he was awarded the AEG Carl-Ramsauer-Award for his PhD thesis on near field diffraction.From 1995 to 2002, he headed a group on high resolution microscopy at the Institute of Applied Optics in Stuttgart, Germany.He has been with Carl Zeiss since 2002,working in the department for optical design. His current research topic is electromagnetic imaging with high-NA optical systems. He has published 40papers on diffraction theory, near-field optics, high-resolution microscopy, inter-ferometry, metrology, optical singularities,polarization-optics and physics educationWolfgang Singerreceived his PhD at the Institute of Applied Optics at the University of Stuttgart in 1995with a thesis on micro-optics, propagation theory and tomography.He spent his post doctorate at the Insti-tute de Microtechnique in Neuchatel,Switzerland, where he developed diffractive diffusers for DUV illumination systems.Since 1998, he has been with Carl Zeiss,working in the department of optical design and simulation for lithographic optics. His work includes tolerance of objectives and the design of illumination systems of EUV systems. His special interests are imaging theory and partial coherence, and he has written his own simulation software. He holds 50 patents and has published some 30 papers andcontributions to textbooks.Volume 1Fundamentals of Technical OpticsThis first volume of the handbook intro-duces readers to the basics of geometrical and technical optics. For an understanding of optical systems, it is necessary to be familiar with the paraxial optics, the methods of ray tracing, the notations of geometrical optics and the description of optical systems. Very often the simple geometrical model is not sufficient to understand complex systems, therefore the wave optical model, light sources and receivers are discussed here too.Special components, such as gratings,prisms or aspherical lenses are described in detail to provide an understanding of modern complex systems. A short intro-duction into aberrations and the testing of optical systems allow readers to consider and control the quality of optical systems.Contents:Introduction Paraxial optics Dielectric interfaces Materials Raytracing Photometry Lightsources Sensors and receivers Theory of color Optical systems Aberrations Waveoptics Plates and prisms Gratings Special components TestingVolume 2Physical Image FormationThe second volume presents a more rigorous physical description of the image formation in optical systems on the basis of first principles. Starting with wave equation and the theory of diffraction, readers are introduced in detail to the Fourier theory of optics, since this is a necessaryassumption for an understanding of the finite resolution of optical systems, the basic optical quality criteria, the imaging in three dimensions, the influence of the illumination and the coherence andpolarization properties of the light source.In particular, the connection between the geometrical and the wave optical models are explained and readers are able to understand the well-known simulation algorithms used in the calculation of the exact properties of modern optical systems.Contents:Wave equation Diffraction Interference and coherence Imaging Imaging with partial coherence Three dimensional imaging PolarizationPolarization and optical imagingFROM Exper t TO Exper tPublication Date Volumes 1 and 2:Spring 2005SAVE with your continuation order!Volume 3Aberration Theory and Correction of Optical SystemsHANNFRIED ZÜGGE, HERBERT GROSS, both from Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany, FRITZ BLECHINGER, LINOS, Munich, Germany and WOLFGANG SINGER, Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, GermanyContents:Aberrations Image Quality Criteria Correction of Aberrations Optimization Methods of Correction Gradient Systems Illumination Systems Tolerancing System Integration Software OPTALIX for optical design Volume 4Survey of Optical InstrumentsHANNFRIED ZÜGGE, HERBERT GROSS, bothfrom Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany, FRITZBLECHINGER, LINOS, Munich, Germany,BERTRAM ACHTNER, Zeiss AG, Oberkochen,MICHAEL KEMPE, Zeiss AG, Jena, Germanyand WOLFGANG SINGER, Zeiss AG, Ober-kochen, GermanyContents:Introduction Human eye SimpleSystems Eyepieces BinocularsTelescopes Photographic lensesMicroscopic Systems Scan SystemsInfrared Systems Zoom SystemsProjection Systems Relay SystemsOphthalmological Systems IlluminationSystems Spectroscopic Systems OtherSystemsVolume 5Metrology of OpticalComponents and SystemsBERND DÖRBAND, HENRIETTE MÜLLER andHERBERT GROSS, all from Carl Zeiss AG,Oberkochen, GermanyContents:Introduction Interferometry Photo-metry and spectrometry Image geometryPrinciples of measuring image qualityPropagation measurement techniquesPolarimetry Materials Geometry of con-ventional components Special componentsCoatings Surface imperfections Light-sources and radiation Basic parameter ofsystems Image quality of systemsVolume 6Advanced Physical OpticsHERBERT GROSS, MICHAEL TOTZECK, WOLF-GANG SINGER, all from Zeiss AG, Oberkochen,and MICHAEL KEMPE, Zeiss AG, Jena, GermanyContents:Laser beams Beam quality criteriaDiffractive optics Holography Thin layersShort pulses Microscopical methodsNear field optics Confocal imagingScattering Thermal effects in opticalsystems Statistical optics Fiber opticLaserresonators Adaptive optics Beamprofiling Beam PropagationPublication Date Volumes 5 and 6:Autumn 2007Publication Date Volumes 3 and 4:Spring 2006The Optics EncyclopediaBasic Foundations and Practical Applications. 5 VolumesEdited by THOMAS G. BROWN, The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, et al.With about 100 expert articles in 5 volumes,this is both a comprehensive review as well as an introduction to the entire field. The contributions range from classical optics right up to the latest applications, including >IT and telecommunication >Optical sensing >Material processing >Biomedicine>Optical components and systems >Laser design and technology 3527-40320-5 2003 3530pp with approx 1100 figs, 50 in color, and approx 100 tabs Hbk €1099.00 /£ 765.00 /US$ 1430.00Light Vision ColorA VALBERGThe book takes a well-balanced, interdisci-plinary approach to our most important sensory system. In doing so, it successfully combines basics in vision sciences with recent developments from different areas such as neuroscience, biophysics, sensory psychology and philosophy. 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%Infrared spectraphotometry was used for determining petroleum substance in groundwater. Petroleum substance in groundwater was extracted by carbon tetrachloride, adsorbed by magnesium silicate, then detected after removing polar substances. The detection limit was 0.014 mg/L,and the relative standard deviation of the detection results was in the range of 0.65%–1.18%(n=l1). The recoveries of standard additions were 84.0%and 93.2%. The method is sensitive,simple,rapid,and it can meet the analysis demand of the petroleum class in groundwater.【期刊名称】《化学分析计量》【年(卷),期】2014(000)004【总页数】3页(P14-16)【关键词】红外分光光度法;石油类物质;地下水;四氯化碳【作者】蔡小虎;蔡述伟;程青;周迅;沈小明【作者单位】南京地质矿产研究所,南京 210016;南京地质矿产研究所,南京210016;南京地质矿产研究所,南京 210016;南京地质矿产研究所,南京 210016;南京地质矿产研究所,南京 210016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.3随着社会和经济的发展,环境污染日趋严重,水质监测是水资源管理与保护的重要基础,也是保护水环境的重要手段。


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英文文献翻译The technology of generating infrared image basedon electric heating film technology基于电热膜技术的红外图像生成技术文献来源:脉冲功率激光技术国家重点实验室作者:路元,冯云松,乔涯译者:林凯鹏指导教师:胡长松The technology of generating infrared image based onelectric heating film technologyLu Yuan Feng Yun-song Qiao Ya(State Key Laboratory of Pulsed Power Laser Technology, Hefei Anhui 230037, China)ABSTRACTThe technology of generating infrared image based on electric heating film technology by its resistance per unit area was studied. A Lifgt-off-road vehicle was used as an object to be simulated. An infrared thermograph was used to photography the light-off-road vehicle from a specific corner. As a result several infrared images of the light-off-road vehicle were obtained and the thermal distribution of the vehicle was also obtained at the same time. A matlab program was used to process the image. The image was divided into several areas according to its grey level. Each area has its own temperature range. The average temperature of each area was calculated. A thermal balance equation was established according to the average temperature of each area and the environment temperature. By solving these equations, the radiant existances of these areas were gotten. The heating power per unit area of these areas was calculated. The electric heating film was preparation accordingly. The power was applied on the film and the infrared thermograph was used to observe it. The infrared image of the film has a high similarity with the true light-off-road vehicle ’s.Keywords: electric heating film, infrared image, simulation1. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONAll kinds objects have infrared radiation. The infrared radiant characteristic of an object is depending on its surface temperature and its surface emissivity. The radiation can be calculated by Planck equation. The usual form of the equation is written in terms of the radiant exitance as a function of wavelength. Considering the emissivity of a certain object, the radiant exitance can be written [1]:11251-=T c e c M λλλλε (1) Where λM is the spectral radiant exitance, 1c is the first radiation constant and 2c is the second radiationconstant. They are given by:-1-2821m Wm 10741832.32μπ⨯==hc cK m 10438786.1/22⋅⨯==-k hc c Where c is the speed of light in vacuum, h is Planck ’s constant, k is Boltzmann ’s constant, and T is the temperaturein kelvins. Since the emissivity is fixed for certain material, the temperature is the major factor that influences infrared radiation. It is usually more useful to know the value of the total power emitted from a body, rather than its spectral extent. The well-known Stephan-Boltzmann law gives the total radiant exitance as:4T M g εσ= (2)Where ε is the emissivity of an object. σ is the Stephan-Boltzmann constant. It has been evaluated and is given by]K Wm [1067.542-8-⨯=σFor an object, the reason of it showing different infrared image is that it has different temperature on different parts of it. Thus we can simulate a true object ’s infrared image by reappearing the temperature of the object.The technology of generating infrared image based on electric heating film technology was brought forward according to the infrared radiation theory. The main course is: the infrared image of an object was obtained firstly, and then the image was divided into several areas according to its temperature and its grey level. The radiation power of these parts was calculated. The resistance per unit area of these parts were calculated when the voltage of the film was certain. The heating film was prepared according to the resistance per unit area. When the film was heated by electricity power, the relevant infrared image will appear.2. INFRARED IMAGE OBTAIN OF AN OBJECT AND RELATIVELY CALCULATION2.1 infrared image and its temperature distributingA Light-off-road vehicle was used as an object to be simulated. The vehicle was fired up in idle state. Ten minutes late, an infrared thermograph was used to photography the light-off-road vehicle from a specific corner. Fig.1 was the infrared image of the vehicle.Fig.1 infrared image of a Light-off-road vehicleThe analysis and process to the image was carried out. The infrared image was divided into seven temperature areas by its grey level. These areas showed in fig.2. The average temperature of the area is the same for those areas which have the same number.Fig.2 the grey level of the vehicleThe average temperature of these areas showed in table 1 and the temperature of background is 24℃.Table 1 The average temperature of different areasFor these areas, we hypothesized that the area “i ” has a temperaturei T , the temperature background is B T . The acreage of area “i ” isi A . The acreage of these areas is calculated.2.2 Heating power calculationWhen the electric heating film was powered on, most of the electron power it gotten was converted to heat power. The temperature of these areas rose. The temperature of these area achieve maximum when the area was in thermal equilibrium state with the environment. When the film was in thermal equilibrium, we have: i i Q =Φ (3)Where i Q is the heating power of area “i ” and i Φ is the lost power of the area “i ” because of the heat exchange between the area and the environment.The heat exchanges [3] between the area “i ” and the environment were composed of two parts: radiation heat transfer and convective heat transfer. The lost power of area “i ” is the sum of radiation heat transfer and convective heat transfer:44()()B B B i i i i i A T T hA T T σεεΦ=-+- (4)Where ε is surface emissivity of the film andB ε is the emissivity of background, h is heat transfer coefficient ofthe surface.When it was in heat balance, we have44()()B B B i i i i i P A T T hA T T σεε=-+- (5)Wherei P is the heating power of area “i ” of the film.2.3 Methods of temperature controlling and relative calculationThere are three methods for the film to control the temperature. The first method is that all areas were connected in series and one power was used to supply power. The second method is that all areas were connected in parallel and one power was used to supply power. The third method is that every area was supplied by different power. The voltage of the power can be 220V, 110V, 24V and 12V. Both ac power and dc power can be used. The first method was used. Thus we have: 2i i P I R = (6)1n i i PUI ==∑ (7)Where I is the current in the film, i R is the resistance of area “i ” and U is voltage added on the whole film.3. SIMULATION OF THE INFRARED OBJECTThe acreage of these areas was calculated by AUTOCAD software. For convenience, we scale down the size of the film. Assuming the length of film is 0.5m, the acreages of these areas are calculated and which was showed in table 2.Table 2 The acreage of these areas on filmThe heat power of these areas was calculated and showed in table 3.Table 3 The heat power of these areas on filmThe power per unit area was calculated and showed in table 4.Table 4 The power per unit area of these areas on filmAssuming the power was 20V in dc. The resistance of these areas was showed in table 5.Table 5 The resistance of these areas on filmAccording to the data, the film was prepared . A couple conductors were extracted from the film. When the power was applied on the film, the infrared image will appear of a Light-off-road vehicle will appear.4. INFRARED IMAGE GENERATION AND EVALUATION4.1 infrared image generation of the filmA rectangle on electric heating film was made according the data calculated [5]. When the power was on, an infrared thermograph was used to observe the film. The images we gotten by an infrared thermograph were showed in fig. 3. These images were the infrared images of the film when the film was powered on. These images were captured when the time was at 0 and 4th, 10th, 16th, 22nd, 28th, second.On these images, we can see that the infrared image of the film was appeared as a Light-off-road vehicle when the power was on. It was vague at first, and then it became clearer when the time went on.Fig. 3 infrared images generated by the heating film4.2 evaluation of infrared image of the filmThe infrared images were evaluated according to reference 6; the similarity defined in reference 6 was used. The infrared image of true vehicle and the infrared image of the film were extracted. The pixels were 296×140. The infrared image of the vehicle was showed in fig.5 and the infrared images of the film were showed in fig.6. The infrared image of the film was captured at 0 second and 4th, 10th, 16th, 22nd, 28th, second.Fig.4 infrared image of the vehicleFig5. Infrared images of the heating filmThe similarity [6] between the infrared image of the true vehicle and the infrared image of the film was calculated according to reference [6]. The result was showed in table 6.Table 6 The image similarity between the vehicle and the heating filmFrom the table 6, we can see that the similarity between infrared image of the film and it of the vehicle was different for the time we capturing images. The similarity became bigger when the infrared image of the became clearer. When the time was 28th second, the similarity achieved 0.7724. For the reason that technology level of making film, data ’s accepted or rejected, there will be error on property of the film between the film we made and the film we designed. These will reduce the similarity on infrared images between the film and the true vehicle.5. CONCLUSIONThe technology can be used to simulate infrared image of a true object. By improving the technology, the simulation effect will be promoted. The method can be applied to many fields such as infrared decoy target, infrared thermography simulation and infrared equipment inspection.Reference :1. M. Planck, Theory of Heat, Macmillan, New York(1957)2. M. A. Bramson, Infrared, A Handbook for Application, Plenum Press, New York(1966).3. Yuan LU ,Dan WU ,Wei JIN , De-peng HOU, A Study on Infrared Radiation of Terrain by Modeling, Infrared Technology, Vol.30 No.2, 75-79, (2008).4.Hong-ye CHEN, Zhao-yang ZENG, Wen-bin XIE, Jun-yu LU, ZHU Chao,Thermal Characteristic Analysis for Electric Heating Film as Infrared Decoy, LASER & INFRARED, Vo.l 37, No. 4, 336-337, (2007)5. ZENG Zhao-yang,CHENHong-ye,CHEN Kui-feng, The Characteristic of Electric Heating Film and Its Application in Military, LASER & INFRARED, Vo.l 38, No. 9 894-896, (2008).6. Weidong Xu, xuliang lu, A model based on texture analysis for the performance evaluation of camouflage screen equipment. ACTA ARMAMENTARII, Vol. 23 No.3 329-331(2002).摘 要基于电热膜技术以其单位面积电阻产生的红外图像进行了工艺研究.一种轻型越野车为对象进行模拟。

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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0509739v 1 24 S e p 2005Astronomy &Astrophysics manuscript no.3208guan February 5,2008(DOI:will be inserted by hand later)Infrared Photometry and Evolution of Mass-Losing AGB Stars.I.Carbon Stars RevisitedR.Guandalini 1,M.Busso 1,S.Ciprini 2,1,G.Silvestro 3,and P.Persi 41Dipartimento di Fisica,Universit`a di Perugia,Via A.Pascoli,06123Perugia,Italy e-mail:roald.guandalini@fisica.unipg.it2Tuorla Astronomical Observatory,University of Turku,V¨a is¨a l¨a ntie 20,21500Piikki¨o ,Finland e-mail:stefano.ciprini@utu.fi3Dipartimento di Fisica Generale,Universit`a di Torino,Via P.Giuria 1,10125Torino,Italy e-mail:silvestro@ph.unito.it4Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica,00100Roma,Italy e-mail:persi@r.itReceived 8April 2005/Accepted 12September 2005Abstract.As part of a reanalysis of galactic Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB)stars at infrared (IR)wavelengths,we discuss a sample (357)of carbon stars for which mass loss rates,near-IR photometry and distance estimates exist.For 252sources we collected mid-IR fluxes from the MSX (6C)and the ISO-SWS catalogues.Most stars have spectral energy distributions up to 21µm,and some (1/3)up to 45µm.This wide wavelength coverage allows us to obtain reliable bolometric magnitudes.The properties of our sample are discussed with emphasis on ∼70stars with astrometric distances.We show that mid-IR fluxes are crucial to estimate the magnitude of stars with dusty envelopes.We construct HR diagrams and show that the luminosities agree fairly well with model predictions based on the Schwarzschild’s criterion,contrary to what is widely argued in the literature.A problem with the brightness of C stars does not appear to exist.From the relative number of Mira and Semiregular C-variables,we argue that the switch between these classes is unlikely to be connected to thermal pulses.The relevance of the two populations varies with the evolution,with Miras dominating the final stages.We also analyze mass loss rates,which increase for increasing luminosity,but with a spread that probably results from a dependence on a number of parameters (like e.g.different stellar masses and different mechanisms powering stellar winds).Instead,mass loss rates are well monitored by IR colours,especially if extended to 20µm and beyond,where AGB envelopes behave like black bodies.From these colours the evolutionary status of various classes of C stars is discussed.Key words.Stars:mass-loss –Stars:AGB and post-AGB –Stars:carbon –Infrared:stars1.IntroductionWinds from AGB stars replenish the Interstellar Medium with a large portion of the matter returned from stellar evolution (70%according to Sedlmayr 1994),through the formation of cool envelopes (Winters et al.2002,2003)where dust grains condense (Schirrmacher et al.2003;Carciofiet al.2004).Such grains carry the signature of the nucleosynthesis episodes occurring in the AGB phases (Busso et al.1999;Wasserburg et al.2005);their pres-ence has been recognized in meteorites and brings direct information on circumstellar processes (e.g.Zinner 2000;Ott 2001).As AGB stars radiate most of their flux at long wavelengths,large surveys of infrared (IR)observa-tions play a fundamental role in studying their luminosity and their winds (see e.g.Habing 1996;Epchtein1999).2Guandalini et al.:Infrared Luminosities of CStarsFig.1.SWS spectra for an irregular variable(TX Psc),aMira variable(IZ Peg)and a post-AGB star(V353Aur).The dominant role of IR emission longward of20µm forMiras and post-AGB sources is a general property of oursample.proved knowledge of stellar distances(e.g.Van Eck et al.1998;Knapp et al.2003;Bergeat&Chevallier2005).A real step forward would be to derive realistic for-mulae,linking the efficiency of stellar winds to the lumi-nosities,colours and chemical properties of AGB stars,tobe adopted as inputs for stellar models,thus avoiding freeparameterizations.This kind of studies has become quan-titative only recently(van Loon et al.2005),while pre-vious attempts(Vassiliadis&Wood1993;Bl¨o cker1995)suffered from large uncertainties(Wood1996).Reducing those previous uncertainties also requiresa good knowledge of absolute magnitudes,through im-proved distances;so far,mass loss studies for galacticAGB stars often adopted some average constant value forthe luminosity(see Jura1986;Jura&Kleinmann1989;Le Bertre et al.2001).Relevant exceptions exist,e.g.inthe thorough analysis of C-rich sources by Bergeat andhis group(see Bergeat et al.2002a,b,hereafter BKR1,BKR2),where however the photometric data are ratherheterogeneous(see also Knapik et al.1999;Bergeat et al.2001).With the above difficulties in mind,we plan to performa thorough reanalysis of AGB luminosities and mass loss:this is actually the main scientific scope of our projectfor putting an IR telescope(the International RoboticAntarctic Infrared Telescope)in Antarctica,at the Italian-French base of Dome C(Tosti et al.2004).It will allow ex-tensive monitoring of AGB sources in Magellanic Cloudsand in the southern Milky Way up to20µm(and possiblybeyond,given the unique characteristics of the Antarcticatmosphere).This paper is in fact part of the preliminaryworks necessary to define the key projects for the tele-scope.We shall therefore consider,in a series of works,alltypes of AGB stars(M,MS-S,C giants),using existingcatalogues of IR observations and compiling a homoge-neous list of luminosities,distances,mass loss rates,look-ing for correlations between them and the IR data.Westart with C-rich AGB stars;next steps will analyze MS-Sgiants,where C-and s-element enrichment becomes ob-servable,andfinally the more disperse family of M giants.In this note we collected a sample of357C-rich sourceswith near-infrared(IR)photometry and mass loss esti-mates;these last are revised by scaling previous obser-vations with updated distance determinations.For an-other sample of252C stars we have collected also space-borne mid-IR photometry in theλ=8−15µm inter-val and/or atλ∼21µm.The intersection of these twogroups is made of214C-rich objects.For this sample,near IR data are provided by ground-based surveys like2MASS(Cutri et al.2003)and DENIS(Epchtein et al.1999;Fouqu´e et al.2000);those for mid-IR are taken fromthe recent space-borne missions,ISO and MSX.The rele-vance of MSX colours for classifying AGB stars has beenrecently pointed out(Ortiz et al.2005),with an approachwhich is complementary to ours.IRAS measurements arenot included in our analysis because of their lower qualityand spatial resolution(hence larger contamination)com-pared to more modern experiments.A homogeneous com-pilation of IR colours for stars of known distance will allowus to precisely estimate the bolometric corrections(BCs)and to correlate mass loss rates with luminosity(and/orthe colour excess).We started from previous work done by BKR1&BKR2,who classified C stars in several discrete families:the more advanced subclasses,named’Carbon Variables’or CVs,from CV3on,correspond to bright thermallypulsing AGB stars.Bolometric magnitudes were esti-mated by those authors using optical photometry byBaumert(1972),near-IR data from Gezari et al.(1993),and including IRASfluxes at12and25µm.Carefulupgrades of Hipparcos were included.In our work weshall consider newer and more homogeneous IR datafrom the ground and from space,with Spectral EnergyGuandalini et al.:Infrared Luminosities of C Stars3Distributions(SEDs)covering a wider wavelength baseline up to45µm.In this way we also aim at verifying on wider statistics suggestions previously advanced by Busso et al. (1996),Marengo et al.(1997,1999),Busso et al.(2001), according to which mid-IR colours are good indicators of the mass loss efficiency,and permit afirst classification of the chemical properties of the circumstellar envelopes.The choice of discussingfirst a sample of Carbon-rich AGB stars is motivated by the fact that optical C(N)stars(usually irregular or semi-regular pulsators) present a sufficient level of homogeneity to be consid-ered as a snapshot on the relatively long(1-3×106yr) TP-AGB evolution.They correspond to the moment in which the C/O number ratio reaches unity in stars of moderate mass(lower than3M⊙:Claussen et al.1987; Busso et al.1999;Abia et al.2001,2002;Kahane et al. 2000).When looking at IR properties,however,one has to remember that more massive and evolved sources become part of the sample,thus making the picture more com-plex(Barnbaum et al.1991).Mass loss rates have been shown to span a wide interval,from a few10−8M⊙/yr, (Olofsson et al.1993a,b;Sch¨o ier&Olofsson2001)to10−4 M⊙/yr for the most massive and/or evolved objects (Groenewegen et al.2002a,b).All stars outside the mass range in which C-rich at-mospheres are formed will reach thefinal stages while re-maining O-rich.This is due either to the inefficiency of dredge-up(for lower masses),or to the fact that mas-sive AGB stars(M≥5M⊙)burn the new carbon as soon as it is dredged to the envelope,thanks to the hot bottom burning(hbb)phenomenon(Karakas&Lattanzio 2004).Observational evidence of this occurrence is emerg-ing in various contexts(Smith et al.1995;van Loon et al. 2001,2005;Whitelock et al.2003;Cioni et al.2003).See in particular van Loon et al.(1999a,b),hereafter VL1, VL2.This paper is organized as follows.In section2the C-star sample and the photometric measurements are pre-sented;in section3we discuss mass loss rates from radio studies,together with the required updates(e.g.on the distance).The luminosities and colours of our sample stars are presented in sections4and5,together with the conse-quences of our analysis for the AGB evolution and dredge up.Correlations found between luminosity,colours and mass loss rates are reviewed in sections6.Some general conclusions are drawn in section7.2.C-star photometry from ISO-SWS and MSXcataloguesGround-based photometric studies of C stars in the8-14µm window were often performed through1µm-wide filters,centered around8.8,11.7and12.5µm.We decided therefore to compile colours includingfilters as close as possible to the above ones,to make comparisons easier.The largest inventories of IR observations longward of2.2µm for AGB stars come from space experiments. Le Bertre et al.(2001,2003)examined the sample from the Japanese experiment IRTS.We shall consider in-stead data from the European ISO mission and from the American MSX satellite(using the Infrared Point Source Catalogue,version6C).In the case of ISO,the best known, nearby AGB stars are always too bright to be observed by the imaging camera(ISOCAM:see Cesarsky et al. 1996).Luckily,the database of the Short Wavelength Spectrometer(SWS:Valentijn et al.1996)contains spec-tra of many known AGBs,and offers also a good photo-metric calibration.We therefore performed a re-binning of AGB SWS spectra from the ISO archives at the Centre de Donn´e es Stellaires(CDS)of Strasbourg.In doing this, the spectral energy distributions were convolved with the response curves of commonfilters centered at8.8,11.7 and12.5µm,available from the TIRCAM consortium (Persi et al.1994).For the sake of simplicity,thesefilters will be indicated by:[8.8],[11.7],[12.5].We also rebinned data at longer wavelength,convolving them with thefil-ters at14.7and21.3µm from MSX.Sources for which ISOfluxes in different epochs vary significantly were com-bined to get average spectra:a few sources showed the remarkable property of a global(bolometric)variation up to a factor of two.Such phenomena have been observed previously(Le Bertre1992,1993;van Loon et al.1998): for interpretations the reader is referred to van Loon et al. (1998).A number of our sources have complete SWS spectra up to45µm:those among them that also have near-IR photometry and estimates for mass loss and distance (49in total of the about70astrometric sources)repre-sent a’best selection’,from which we can expect to derive all photometric properties with high precision,including the bolometric magnitudes(these last will simply come out from integrating theflux from1to45µm,as for the whole sample opticalfluxes are very small compared to the IR ones).Three examples of such complete spectra, representative of stars with small,moderate and large IR excess,are presented in Fig.1.They show one of the main points we want to underline in this work:deriving bolo-metric magnitudes from too short wavelengths can be very misleading,especially for very red sources.As examples, using BCs derived from J–K,as in Costa&Frogel(1996), the sources in Fig.1would be assigned absolute magni-tudes of:−4.8(TX Psc);≥1.0(IZ Peg);≥1.0(V353 Aur).The last two numbers derive from assuming gener-ous upper limits of0.05Jy for the very low Jfluxes of these red sources.When BCs are instead computed start-ing from IR photometry extending from the K-band to 10–20µm,as in Le Bertre et al.(2001),more reason-able magnitudes are obtained:M bol=−5.2,−4.8,−5.9, respectively.When,finally,we apply our BCs(see next sections)derived from photometry up to45µm,we get M bol=−5.5,−4.8,−6.2in the three cases.For very red sources(about25%of Miras and most post-AGBs)even our Spectral Energy Distributions(SEDs)up to45µm are insufficient to gather the wholeflux.For them,the luminosities we estimate will be lower limits.Concerning the MSX sample,we adopted thefluxes at 14.7and21.3µm as provided by the catalogue,while in4Guandalini et al.:Infrared Luminosities of C Starsthe8–14µm range,fluxes in the[8.8]and[12.5]filters were inferred from those in the MSX bands’A’and’C’. In order to do this we selected a group of sources in com-mon between ISO-SWS and MSX.For them,we derived correlations between the two sets offilters,obtaining the following relations:log F12.5=0.80176log F C+0.3349log F8.8=0.9377log F A+0.1266with regression coefficients(R2)of0.95,0.94respectively. The relations apply to all sources examined:colour effects on different types of stars are negligible.They were used for expressing the MSXfluxes in the set offilters adopted. This can be done without loss of accuracy,as the uncer-tainty of IR colours is at least±0.1m.Noflux at11.7µm can obviously be derived for MSX stars.The resulting list of ISO and MSX C-rich AGB sources, with their inferred IRfluxes,is presented in Tables1to 4.Here variability types are taken from the Combined General Catalogue of Variable Stars(Samus et al.2004). In the tables we have included near-IR data from2MASS, together with general information available on the vari-ability type and on parameters relevant for estimating mass loss rates(see next section).One problem affecting our sample is that data from catalogues are single-epoch measurements;though the amplitude of the light curves decreases sharply when moving from optical to near-IR wavelengths,we expect that J,H,K data can be still affected by uncertainties of several tenths of a magni-tude.This problem affects only the bluest semi-regular and irregular variables(at the lowest luminosities and mass loss rates considered).Indeed,despite the fact that redder sources also show larger amplitude variations in near-IRfilters,theirflux is usually dominated by mid-IR wavelengths,where the variability vanishes because the photosphere is not seen.The very large near-to-mid IR colours of several Miras and of all post-AGB sources make any variability at short wavelengths irrelevant(exceptions might occur for the few sources showing factor-of-two vari-ations in the bolometric luminosities).Also,the photomet-ric data in the tables do not contain corrections for inter-stellar extinction,for two reasons.On one side extinction becomes small at the long wavelengths considered here;on the other hand,our stars are distributed in all directions of the sky,so that we should adopt average extinction laws, but these are rather uncertain,and it is not clear that (at IR wavelengths)average corrections are substantially better than nothing.As our stars are occasionally very distant(above1kpc)one has to estimate the effects of neglecting extinction.Let’s consider representative cases at200and2000pc distance.For the average interstel-lar medium one has A V(200pc)=0.15m;A V(2000pc)= 2.2m(Gillett et al.1975;Knude1979).The wavelength dependence can be taken from Draine(1989),as being Aλ∼λ−1.75.At mid-IR wavelengths(10µm and beyond) this implies negligible corrections(0.015m at maximum),well within the photometric uncertainly,even for the most distant sources.In the K-band(2.2µm)extinction is ir-relevant within1kpc,but may be appreciable for the most distant stars(0.2m at2kpc).We notice that the unknown variability induces a scatter whose amplitude is similar to the uncertainty related to extinction.Neglecting this last, however,introduces systematic effects on the most distant stars,so that their near-IR luminosity will be underesti-mated.Hence at near-IR wavelengths,catalogue data for distant(≥1kpc)LPVs taken at face values are typi-cally uncertain by a few tenths of a magnitude(from both statistical and systematic errors).The effects on the bolo-metric magnitude distribution in our sample are however small,due to the large IR excesses of most distant sources that make near-IR data relatively unimportant for them.When using the data of Tables1to4for determin-ing standard colours,we applied standard photometric calibrations,adopting suggestions by Bessell et al.(1998) and by Glass(1999)and interpolating them with black bodies for obtaining thefluxes in the selected1-µm-wide filters.According to this procedure,thefluxes(Jy)of a zero-magnitude star in thefilters used are:52.23([8.8]), 29.55([11.7]),25.88([12.5]),20.25([14.7]),8.91([21.3]). For near-IR,2MASS calibrations are given in Cohen et al. (2003).3.Estimates for mass loss and related problems The work by Jura(1986)and Jura&Kleinmann(1989) set the stage for subsequent studies on AGB winds.These authors used mass loss rates estimated across the previous ten years,and mid-IR photometric observations from the IRAS satellite.Unfortunately,the scarcity of data then available led them to adopt average hypotheses on the luminosities,assuming a constant value of104L⊙for all types of AGB stars.This fact(and the modest precision of IRAS photometry)prevents us from making too system-atic comparisons of those works with the present analysis, where the luminosities are estimated thanks to measure-ments of the distance,sometimes of astrometric quality. We shall however comment later on mass loss rates for the sources we have in common with the quoted studies.The inventory of more recent analyses on mass loss in AGB stars includes works dedicated to Carbon-rich stars(Olofsson et al.1993a,b;Kastner et al.1993; Sch¨o ier&Olofsson2001;Groenewegen et al.2002a,b; Sch¨o ier et al.2002),to Oxygen-rich M–MS–S stars (Sahai&Liechti1995;Groenewegen&de Jong1998; Olofsson et al.2002),and more general approaches includ-ing all classes of AGB objects(Kastner1992;Loup et al. 1993;Le Bertre et al.2001,2003;Winters et al.2002, 2003).From the theoretical point of view,the very lim-ited evidence of coronal X-ray emission(Jura&Helfland 1984;Sahai et al.2003;Kastner&Soker2003)demon-strated that mass loss mechanisms were different than in the sun.Radiation pressure on dust grains was suggested to be at the origin of red giant winds by Salpeter(1974). In this approach,if the momentum of the radiationfieldGuandalini etcan be completely transferred to dust and gasthe envelope,then the mass loss rate can be˙M∼2×10−8τd(L∗/L⊙)×(v/kms−1)−1M whereτd is the average optical depth of dust. phase of the envelope might be dragged by problem is how to transfer momentum tothe photosphere,as above1500-2000K no pound made with light elements(C to Si) evaporation.Hence,stellar pulsation in(Wood et al.1999;Wood2000),pushing the large distances and the temperature to low troducing shock waves should also be very important e.g.Fleischer et al.1992,1995;Winters et al. 1997,2000a,b).All approaches suffer from many limitations,cent work was concentrated on semi-empirical approaches derived from observations.As an example,Le Bertre et al. (2001,2003)used near-IRfluxes(in K,L’),then adopt-ing simplifying assumptions like e.g a constant luminosity of8000L⊙for all the sources studied.Being based on a wavelength interval where the AGB photosphere dom-inates theflux,these estimates are also affected by the intrinsic uncertainty of the variability.Other mass loss estimates were derived from obser-vations at millimeter or radio wavelengths,where the variable star is not seen.In most cases they adopt procedures early suggested by Knapp&Morris(1985) for CO lines.For example,Olofsson et al.(1993a,b) and Groenewegen et al.(2002a,b)assume emission from an optically thick environment,with afixed size for the CO envelope,R CO.Due to this,they can some-times underestimate the wind efficiency by factors3-4 (Sch¨o ier&Olofsson2001).A more general case was considered by Loup et al. (1993),Kastner(1992),Kastner et al.(1993)and Winters et al.(2003).The results are given in terms of the distance d(in kpc),of the expansion velocity V e(in km/sec),and of theflux f.We adopt Loup et al.(1993)’s formulation whenever possible,re-scaling their mass loss rates with more recent estimates for the distance and for V e.When data from Loup et al.(1993)are not available, we use instead the Olofsson et al.(1993a,b)procedure, again updating the parameters when possible.Tables1to4report the relevant data for those stars for which IR photometry was derived in the previous sec-tion,together with the updated estimates for mass loss rates.It is interesting to note(see Fig.2)that for the few sources we have in common with Jura(1986)and Jura&Kleinmann(1989)and despite the mentioned un-certainties of these older analyses,there is a fair correla-tion between the mass loss rates given by the above au-thors and those derived by us(with a regression coefficient R2=0.88).In most cases the sources are Mira variables.We shall be guided by the data of the AGB stars (Table1)with the best distance estimates.They in-clude objects with astrometric measurements(usually from Hipparcos),for which we adopt the recommendedexisting correlation between mass loss esti-mates published by Jura(1986)and Jura&Kleinmann (1989)and our re-calibration of measurements from Loup et al.(1993)with updated distances.values by Bergeat&Chevallier(2005),plus a small group of post-AGB stars for which the distance was derived from dedicated studies of the circumstellar envelopes.Our men-tioned’best selection’is actually made by those sources, among the objects in Table1,for which also the integral of the SED up to45µm is available.We give a lower weight to other methods of deriving distances(the corresponding points in thefigures will be smaller).When nothing else is available,we quote in the tables distances estimated by Loup et al.(1993)by assuming a specific value for the lu-minosity.Obviously,these sources will be used only when a precise knowledge of the distance is irrelevant, colour-colour diagrams.4.Energy distributions and photometriccalibrationsA few SEDs,chosen to represent the various shapes found in our sample,are shown in Fig.3.They illustrate how different the spectra for different types of sources are, displaying the increasing importance of mid-IR(10and 20µm)wavelengths when moving from irregular(or semi-regular)pulsators toward Miras and post-AGB stars.This has two important consequences as discussed below.First of all,it is clear from thefigure that,when the observations are not extended up to at least20µm,most of theflux from the reddest objects is missed.Plots like those in Fig.1reveal that many AGB stars radiate the majority of theirflux in a region between20and45µm. This range is rarely considered in dealing with large sam-ples of sources.In the past,theflux in the60µm IRAS filter was often used as representative of far IR,and corre-lated with mass loss.However,IRAS60µm data may be partially contaminated by diffuse(cirrus)emission;more-over,the IRAS spatial resolution at those wavelengths is very poor.6Guandalini et al.:Infrared Luminosities of CStarsFig.3.The Spectral energy distribution up to 21.3µm of a number of sources in our sample,divided according to their type,as constructed with the set of 1-µm-wide filters described in the text.Secondly,when we consider the relative number ofsources having SEDs with the various appearances of Fig.3(with semiregulars and Miras occurring with nearly equal frequency)doubts arise on the common idea that the different variability types are alternatively encoun-tered along the AGB due to the variations of luminosity in correspondence of thermal pulses (see e.g.Cioni et al.2001).These doubts are best illustrated with reference to the behaviour of the stellar luminosity on the AGB (Fig.4).The usual interpretation might in principle be true for the first thermal pulses,when the star is oxygen-rich,as regimes of higher and lower luminosity are both encountered,due to the occurrence of post-flash dips.In early phases these dips cover nearly 30%of the time be-tween adjacent pulses (for a recent review on the models,see e.g.Straniero et al.2005)and hence imply that lower-luminosity variables (identified with semiregulars)should account for ∼30%of the total number of O-rich AGB stars.However,for the final C-rich phases the duration of low-luminosity regimes becomes increasingly short with increasing pulse number.According to Fig.4,relative to a 2M ⊙AGB star of solar metallicity,the stages where the luminosity is lower than average by at least 0.2m account for about 10percent of the time spent by the star as a C-rich giant:if C-rich semiregular variables were to be as-sociated with these low luminosity regimes,they should be pretty rare,contrary to the evidence we have.Our sample was selected from mass loss data and therefore is certainly biased toward the reddest and more mass-losing Miras,but despite this semiregular variables are of equal statistical weight.If the AGB stars really switch from oneFig.4.Model bolometric magnitude of a 2M ⊙AGB star during the phase of thermal pulses on the AGB.Model from the FRANEC code,as computed by Straniero et al.(1998).variability type to another (see e.g.Cioni et al.2001)this is unlikely to be related to thermal pulses;rather,in atmo-spheres animated by complex pulsations,superposition of close-by frequencies can induce beats and hence amplitude modulations (with periods of centuries or millenia,see e.g.Marengo et al.2001)that may be independent from what happens in the internal layers.One has to notice that,in the BKR1&BKR2classification in CV classes,the com-plex behaviour of the C/O ratio shows an increase with class number and with decreasing T eff ,down to about 2500K;Miras (classes CV5−CV6)occupy regions with higher C/O ratios than SRa,b stars (classes CV3+and CV4).This fact,and the gradual SED changes we see (Fig.3),with smooth transitions from Semiregulars to Miras and then to post-AGBs,leads to the conclusion that,at least on average,most Miras are in an evolutionary stage subsequent to semiregulars.Oscillations between the two types should exist,but the final evolutionary stages should be more heavily populated by Mira-like variables.SEDs like those of Figure 3were the base for esti-mating bolometric magnitudes.We used for this the fun-damental relation of photometry,according to which one has (see e.g.Glass 1999):M bol =∞F νdν+C (1)where C =−18.98when the flux is expressed in W/m 2.As a consistency check we derived the zero-magnitude flux from the data of Bessell et al.(1998),extended from the U to the Q band,finding C=−19.01,a very good approx-imation to (1).The bolometric magnitude of AGB stars。
