船厂 厦门船厂 渤海船厂 上海3条、外高桥3条、北海船厂4条 外高桥1条、欧华6条、江苏澄西2条 欧华4条、新港3条、龙穴2条、熔盛重工10条、江南造船4条、江苏东方2条、沪东6条、大连重工6条 龙穴6条、杨帆4条、新港4条、金陵1条、新联7条、大连4条、广东COSCO3条、江苏HANTONG7条、欧华2条 渤海造船4条,江苏新世纪4条 文冲造船 大连造船 中船澄西2条、中船黄埔2条、欧华6条、正和7条、北海8条、武昌船舶6条、沪东中华2条、舟山常石15条 熔盛重工2条、大连重工2条 广州文冲 澄西6条、江东2条 熔盛重工8条、新时代2条 外高桥 厦门3条、东方14条、渤海4条、青山4条、大连2条、五三4条、扬州大洋5条、扬子江6条、南通明德4条、中海工业13条 龙穴2条、金海湾1条 扬子造船4条、上海8条、江南长兴12条 太平洋造船 泰州口岸 龙穴3条、金陵2条、江南1条、青岛北海3条、杨帆6条 大连重工 沪东中华4条、上海船厂2条 上海4条、中远南通4条、沪东2条、江门南洋6条、常石舟山4条、欧华1条、熔盛重工2条、新港5条、新世纪2条、龙穴2条 熔盛重工 沪东中华 中国6条、浙江1条、扬子江2条、扬州国裕4条、青岛北海5条、南通4条、大宇造船5条 熔盛重工2条、江门6条、大连船舶5条 上海船厂4、沪东2条 沪东
时间 2010年1月 2010年2月 2010年3月 2010年4月 2010年5月 2010年6月
船数 2 0 10 4 9 39 38 8 2 5 48 4 2 8 10 2 59 3 24 8 2 15 2 6 32 2 2 27 13 6 4
作者: 无
作者机构: 不详
出版物刊名: 上海经济
页码: 76-76页
年卷期: 2010年 第11期
主题词: 宏观经济运行态势 2010年 社会消费品零售总额 规模以上工业增加值 房地产开发投资 同比增长 进出口总额 中国
检测中心具备该抗生素检测设备和方法。 圜
同比增 长2 . %。 贸易顺 差4 . t 美 元 。 22 7 3L 山东 、 福 建 、 广 东 、 辽 宁 、 浙 江 、 海 南 、 江
原产 国进 口食品 可不 贴Qs 标志
根 据 《 品 安 全 法 , 国 外 原 产 国 进 I 的 食 食 : 1
台 贸 易 优 势 继 续 扩 大 外 ,其 他 市 场 开 拓 也 成 效 显
据介绍 ,
食 品安 全 法 》 的 相 关 规 定 对 进 口
食 品有 中文标 签要 求 。 中文标 签主 要 包括 以 下 几要 素 :食 品 名 称 、成 分 或 配 料 表 、 生 产 日期 、保 质
期 、原 产 国 、进 口商 或 经销 商或 代 理 商 ( 者 其 一 ) 三 的 名称 、地址 以及 联 系 电话 等 。此 外 ,进 口食 品对
著 , 已连 续 举 办 多 届的 福 州渔 业 博 览会影 响面 逐 步 扩 大 ,海 峡 渔 业 周 的 品牌 效应 逐 渐 形 成 。广 东 、辽 宁 、浙 江 分 列 全 国第 三 、四 、五 位 ,出 口额 分 别 为 1 . 亿 美元 、 l . t 45 3 1L美元 和 l 亿 美元 , 同比分 别 增 l 长2 . %、 l . %和2 . %。海 南 、江 苏和 广西 出 口 76 48 21
验检疫部 门盖章出具的卫生证书。卫生证书上的内
容包 括 产 品名 称 、生 产 日期 、保 质期 、原 产 国以 及
4 .% H19 。圜 66  ̄1. %
规格。 圜
/、 ,
■ ∞L——— ————————— ———一
1 农产品加工业 2
~ — —
保险兼业代理机构实现保费收入4789.83亿元,同比增长44.36%,占总保费收入的42.29%,同比上升3.62个百分点;其中银保保费收入3202.38亿元,占比66.86% 。
2011-1-4 17:05:00中国物流与采购网
中国经济信息网 比上半年收窄了 3.2 个百分点。分港口看,沿海港口共完成旅客吞吐 5219 万人次,
同比下降 10.9%;内河港口完成旅客吞吐量 1610 万人次,同比下降 18.8%。前三 季度,规模以上港口完成货物吞吐量 59.37 亿吨,同比增长 15.6%,增速较上半年 下降了 3.3 个百分点,但高于去年同期 9.5 个百分点。其中,外贸货物吞吐量 18.50 亿吨,增长 15.7%。前三季度,全国规模以上港口完成集装箱吞吐量 10752.36 万
(三)交通固定资产投资额快速增长 .................................. 7
Ⅱ 3季度水路运输生产情况............................................9 一、港口运行情况 .................................................. 9 (一)港口旅客吞吐量 .............................................. 9 (二)港口货物吞吐量 ............................................. 10 (三)港口集装箱吞吐量 ........................................... 14 (四)重点物资港口吞吐情况 ....................................... 15 二、航运市场运行情况 ............................................. 15 (一)水路旅客运输量 ............................................. 15 (二)水路货物运输量 ............................................. 16 (三)集装箱航运市场 ............................................. 16 (四)沿海散货航运市场 ........................................... 18 三、长江航运市场行情 ............................................. 20
第36期2010年三季度业绩预增上市公司(4)证券代码证券简称业绩预告摘要09三季度每股收益(元)000060中金岭南净利润35,000万元~45,000万元,增长65.91%~113.31%0.74000078海王生物净利润3,900万元,增长51.37%0.03000537广宇发展净利润8950万元~10050万元,增长302.35%~351.8%0.07000982中银绒业净利润4,500万元~5,100万元,增长102.07%~129.01%0.11002008大族激光增长300%~330%0.24002024苏宁电器增长30%~50%0.57002027七喜控股增长30.00%~50.00%0.03002041登海种业增长150%~180%0.06002060粤水电增减变动0.00%~30.00%0.20002066瑞泰科技增长10.00%~30.00%0.31002140东华科技增长0.00%~30.00%0.60002142宁波银行增长50.00%~70.00%0.45002172澳洋科技增长50%~100%-0.36证券代码证券简称业绩预告摘要09三季度每股收益(元)600081东风科技增长1600%~1900%-0.04600584长电科技增长145~156倍0.12600626申达股份增长100%以上0.08600748上实发展增加50%以上0.09600963岳阳纸业增长50%以上0.29002192路翔股份增减变动0.00%~30.00%-0.05002244滨江集团增长20.00%~50.00%0.58002263大东南增长0.00%~50.00%0.17002297博云新材增长10.00%~30.00%———002332仙琚制药增长20.00%~50.00%———002341新纶科技增长30.00%~50.00%———002385大北农增减变动0.00%~30.00%———002430杭氧股份增长30.00%~50.00%———600019宝钢股份增幅为140%~160%0.7176精选资料DATA:赵迪E-mail:*****************ghts Reserved.。
2010年上市公司三季度业绩一览(2)精选资料DATA:周道E-mail:*******************ights Reserved.证券代码证券简称09三季度每股收益(元)2010三季度每股收益(元)每股净资产(元)净资产收益率(%)股东户数增减(%)机构持股(%)002337赛象科技0.680.4210.14 6.40-3.659.07002342巨力索具0.400.30 4.379.36-8.159.09002346柘中建设0.370.13 6.53 3.17-7.38 3.57002348高乐股份0.480.447.269.62-16.3313.55002349精华制药0.470.44 6.7010.11 6.23 6.53002358森源电气0.590.649.829.46-7.2249.00002359齐星铁塔0.390.27 5.84 6.96-34.60 1.95002360同德化工———0.669.2510.030.82———002363隆基机械0.440.34 6.79 6.88-7.500.75002364中恒电气———0.428.227.26 2.6019.87002365永安药业———0.4110.70 5.43 6.400.94002366丹甫股份———0.41 5.3310.44-7.280.69002368太极股份———0.639.749.57-6.5316.42002373联信永益———-0.268.83-4.23 6.00———002411九九久———0.24 5.44 6.53 1.55 5.99002412汉森制药———0.7711.859.280.12 2.44002420毅昌股份———0.26 3.858.85-9.90 5.58002423中原特钢———0.14 3.78 4.31-15.83 4.49002424贵州百灵———0.6412.497.32-5.4216.79002425凯撒股份———0.417.84 6.91-54.9411.05002428云南锗业———0.419.577.08-12.8112.70002429兆驰股份———0.57 5.4215.24-1.397.31002430杭氧股份———0.68 5.6814.68-45.6329.74002435长江润发———0.24 5.43 6.77-24.8110.20002440闰土股份———0.8711.7011.45———22.17002442龙星化工———0.30 5.157.05——— 4.41002443金洲管道———0.518.96 6.98———9.69002446盛路通信———0.29 6.21 6.30——— 6.91002376新北洋———0.437.258.68-25.5235.73002379鲁丰股份0.360.3611.02 4.720.490.47002384东山精密———0.468.477.8234.3930.79002386天原集团———0.208.11 2.75-9.25 3.13002389南洋科技———0.6810.339.40 6.51 1.06002390信邦制药———0.3910.88 4.99-1.2111.64002391长青股份———0.589.799.2636.22 1.03002395双象股份———0.438.517.06-9.9010.68002396星网锐捷———0.618.559.19-46.4627.44002397梦洁家纺———0.8110.267.650.5929.98002400省广股份———0.7512.089.14-46.9333.22002401交技发展———0.669.319.81-4.84 1.74002405四维图新———0.46 5.0413.63-19.0222.56002406远东传动———0.919.5213.11-32.90 1.87002408齐翔腾达——— 1.169.3117.93-56.218.25002410广联达——— 1.049.2511.56-59.0931.97002448中原内配——— 1.149.2914.56——— 1.01002449国星光电———0.629.338.78———33.39002450康得新———0.44 5.3710.06———12.46002456欧菲光———0.519.95 6.54———27.36002462嘉事堂———0.23 6.42 4.56——————002463沪电股份———0.39 4.2510.88——— 1.03002464金利科技———0.52 5.3812.12——————002465海格通信———0.5212.46 5.37——— 2.93002466天齐锂业———0.389.63 4.95———0.77002468艾迪西———0.41 4.8812.49——————002469三维工程———0.6610.348.35——— 2.03002471中超电缆———0.31 5.117.15——————002472双环传动——— 1.1410.0813.28——————002473圣莱达———0.39 5.278.45——————002474榕基软件———0.6210.977.35———18.51002476宝莫股份———0.467.068.00———7.93002479富春环保———0.638.359.39———0.46002481双塔食品———0.5612.167.70——————002484江海股份———0.527.557.95——— 2.19002487大金重工———0.7211.488.13——————300014亿纬锂能0.410.26 4.24 6.32-2.38 1.66证券代码证券简称09三季度每股收益(元)2010三季度每股收益(元)每股净资产(元)净资产收益率(%)股东户数增减(%)机构持股(%)002124天邦股份0.300.17 1.919.19 6.43 4.42002125湘潭电化-0.030.22 3.42 6.7821.9859.66002127新民科技0.200.29 2.7911.1611.9555.57002129中环股份-0.090.10 3.08 3.40-19.2449.84002133广宇集团0.310.28 2.6510.91-3.9917.06002136安纳达0.050.24 2.719.23-1.4948.72002138顺络电子0.370.40 3.1713.5537.6663.41002139拓邦股份0.250.32 2.2614.87-11.7620.55002146荣盛发展0.470.42 3.0114.9913.5468.09002148北纬通信0.340.42 5.418.01-17.3612.81002158汉钟精机0.330.54 3.4516.38-21.1882.78002159三特索道0.150.20 3.57 5.617.6450.36002161远望谷0.130.15 1.918.19-33.2419.73002164东力传动0.410.37 5.247.70-16.7850.31002209达意隆0.310.18 2.81 6.66 4.0928.78002222福晶科技0.160.23 2.997.84-7.547.00002223鱼跃医疗0.470.46 3.2417.84-5.3635.35002224三力士0.320.32 3.1410.5012.84———002228合兴包装0.250.25 3.648.06-9.0231.53002229鸿博股份0.260.26 3.597.32 4.74———002232启明信息0.220.23 2.959.02-21.7233.19002236大华股份0.90 1.047.4715.05-12.7925.46002237恒邦股份0.600.677.019.96-6.80 2.86002244滨江集团0.270.33 2.8012.45-1.5521.86002245澳洋顺昌0.130.32 2.5413.45 6.9513.33002249大洋电机0.710.36 3.0012.2330.8327.84002250联化科技0.660.56 3.3317.76-13.8321.32002251步步高0.460.47 5.638.17-2.8430.26002165红宝丽0.530.31 2.2914.4922.7353.51002167东方锆业0.250.16 3.22 5.1921.63 4.34002168深圳惠程0.180.15 1.808.51-39.25 2.98002174梅花伞0.090.10 2.73 3.75-19.2860.31002178延华智能0.110.10 3.08 3.2510.96———002186全聚德0.470.57 5.1511.17-6.8933.23002189利达光电-0.030.07 2.41 3.040.5817.27002190成飞集成0.210.15 2.66 5.7787.9614.26002193山东如意0.210.22 4.11 5.49 4.0437.43002198嘉应制药0.120.08 1.50 5.31——————002199东晶电子0.160.22 2.519.00-15.98 5.19002200绿大地0.590.12 3.91 3.23-36.7943.95002201九鼎新材0.080.08 2.78 2.9026.38 1.60002205国统股份0.320.36 4.049.44-25.9832.56002207准油股份-0.050.06 3.63 1.5617.59———002208合肥城建0.330.39 2.9514.0814.0210.53002254烟台氨纶0.410.72 6.2911.7716.8817.72002258利尔化学0.450.34 4.158.29 1.66 2.99002264新华都0.530.41 3.5012.35-5.7625.58002265西仪股份0.040.02 1.850.75-0.0712.48002270法因数控0.340.16 3.75 4.19 3.01———002276万马电缆0.440.21 2.648.21-3.16———002277友阿股份0.770.52 4.6711.64-0.5424.33002278神开股份0.350.22 4.96 4.508.74———002279久其软件0.040.02 5.290.37-0.160.74002282博深工具0.290.29 4.44 6.54-5.71———002295精艺股份0.440.39 5.99 6.72 2.78———002296辉煌科技0.380.25 5.42 4.49-34.0739.89002299圣农发展0.380.37 4.049.3048.7839.51002309中利科技 1.250.549.29 5.9613.69 4.80002312三泰电子0.340.15 5.10 3.02-2.748.71002315焦点科技0.660.7912.72 6.2525.9736.72002316键桥通讯0.240.17 5.06 3.46 4.96 4.19002321华英农业0.320.23 6.26 3.77-4.42 1.14002326永太科技0.390.33 6.49 5.03-27.2453.37002331皖通科技0.550.33 6.35 5.10-5.96 1.11002334英威腾0.960.687.9313.8550.2522.45精选资责任编辑:周道ights Reserved.证券代码证券简称09三季度每股收益(元)2010三季度每股收益(元)每股净资产(元)净资产收益率(%)股东户数增减(%)机构持股(%)300016北陆药业0.530.33 4.517.64-7.790.33300018中元华电0.760.25 4.96 4.94-10.658.59300019硅宝科技0.740.34 4.038.58-10.56 1.31300020银江股份0.490.24 3.73 6.62-17.8922.48300058蓝色光标0.670.487.2010.31-19.8945.92300059东方财富0.510.4211.37 5.85-14.36 5.40300070碧水源———0.4819.11 4.0121.4829.57300072三聚环保———0.4910.68 6.59 3.4034.11300077国民技术——— 1.5024.5110.02 3.3120.84300078中瑞思创——— 1.1017.0110.18-11.487.31300079数码视讯——— 1.0718.698.56-5.84 2.53300106西部牧业———0.30 4.368.07——— 2.89300110华仁药业———0.22 5.057.36———8.78300114中航电测———0.538.377.78——————600231凌钢股份0.260.57 4.4613.63 3.9112.87600239云南城投0.180.07 4.64 1.54-1.9913.15600251冠农股份-0.040.06 2.27 2.64-23.4059.58600256广汇股份0.380.39 2.9714.130.9424.97600309烟台万华0.520.58 3.3518.2411.5259.85600312平高电气0.16-0.05 3.27-1.4014.5238.55600328兰太实业0.020.11 2.83 4.050.8248.79600339天利高新-0.020.25 2.5010.60-2.7233.11600340ST 国祥-0.080.02 1.890.8217.9535.67600365通葡股份0.宝光股份0.040.07 1.654.4841.5036.06600386北巴传媒0.220.25 2.969.2910.0165.11600399抚顺特钢0.030.03 3.17 1.08-1.3112.76600408安泰集团-0.21-0.02 2.72-0.90 3.29 6.75300115长盈精密——— 1.0013.839.19———6.32300118东方日升——— 1.2913.5712.17———0.79300121阳谷华泰———0.37 6.908.75———9.07300122智飞生物———0.48 5.1513.80——— 6.29600011华能国际0.340.26 3.437.64-4.5876.96600059古越龙山0.080.13 3.23 4.85-3.2129.11600061中纺投资-0.010.02 1.30 1.64-17.2946.62600084*ST 中葡-0.40-0.21 1.08-17.47-7.2228.97600105永鼎股份0.260.43 3.5413.07 2.4946.84600117西宁特钢0.020.18 3.34 5.41-4.5558.05600121郑州煤电0.120.15 2.88 5.43-3.8153.50600123兰花科创 1.68 1.7110.9216.9315.7557.16600125铁龙物流0.290.37 3.0612.6248.8217.53600146大元股份-0.150.03 1.41 2.07-31.5035.11600217*ST 秦岭-0.350.05-0.37———-3.9045.20600226升华拜克0.350.24证券代码证券简称09三季度每股收益(元)2010三季度每股收益(元)每股净资产(元)净资产收益率(%)股东户数增减(%)机构持股(%)600725云维股份-0.040.08 4.01 1.95 6.9560.93600738兰州民百0.080.11 1.367.2020.6437.01600742一汽富维0.85 1.769.3920.46-42.2347.57600774汉商集团0.000.00 2.730.15-18.1642.17600803威远生化0.030.00 1.430.03 3.3618.64600808马钢股份0.000.14 3.53 3.90-3.8269.39600809山西汾酒0.85 1.24 4.5529.69-3.9778.67600829三精制药0.560.66 3.9217.02-12.7585.88600868ST 梅雁0.000.11 1.1010.69-4.83 4.02600870ST 厦华0.260.17-2.53———-8.8847.54600873五洲明珠0.080.13 2.28 6.01-14.9838.64600880博瑞传播0.520.41 2.5417.4335.4026.77600892ST 宝诚-0.14-0.15-0.64——— 1.7515.49600894广钢股份0.040.010.79 1.81-4.8765.94600971恒源煤电 1.27 2.2110.3324.42-1.1226.81601000唐山港———0.34 3.4311.25-46.03 1.38601002晋亿实业-0.020.27 2.3712.00-11.1764.32601101昊华能源——— 1.7411.6120.9813.9420.19601268二重重装———0.10 3.25 3.81-3.1313.42601369陕鼓动力———0.54 4.3715.25-8.0213.14601958金钼股份0.140.17 4.07 4.25-10.5228.14600705S*ST 北亚-0.02-0.010.00-18750.000.28600439瑞贝卡0.150.20 1.9110.64-9.6345.70600444*ST 国通-0.37-0.020.70-2.1221.4414.81600448华纺股份-0.220.06 1.28 4.98-10.0947.18600458时代新材0.370.73 6.0816.22-8.7031.53600459贵研铂业0.200.41 5.427.66 2.6049.97600467好当家0.110.12 2.09 5.95-17.0355.90600490*ST 合臣-0.34-0.180.53-28.74-24.8143.23600496精工钢构0.380.41 3.9110.89-16.1047.86600521华海药业0.340.20 2.787.23-8.5718.66600522中天科技0.78 1.00 5.7618.37-20.9039.89600525长园集团0.520.29 4.417.15-8.7359.29600537海通集团0.02-0.08 2.06-3.65-41.9814.54600539狮头股份0.060.02 3.830.40-3.577.87600546山煤国际0.040.79 4.0821.31-5.0128.80600560金自天正0.280.39 5.277.68-1.4653.72600600青岛啤酒0.96 1.13 6.9917.27-21.6924.45600619海立股份0.080.14 2.60 5.53 1.7574.44600666西南药业0.200.20 2.249.28-16.2540.43600668尖峰集团0.110.12 2.85 4.16-4.0217.44600682南京新百0.170.20 2.99 6.77 1.3053.66600697欧亚集团0.510.55 5.2610.65-11.9046.422010年三季度业绩预增上市公司(7)精选资料DATA :周道E-mail:*******************ights Reserved.。
China Vanke Co., Ltd.2010 Third Quarterly Report§1 Important Notice1.1 The Board, the Supervisory Committee, Directors, members of the Supervisory Committee and senior management of the Company warrant that in respect of the information contained in this Quarterly Report, there are no misrepresentations or misleading statements, or material omission, and individually and collectively accept full responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this Quarterly Report.1.2 None of the Director, member of the Supervisory Committee and senior management fails to assure or disputes with the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this Quarterly Report.1.3 Deputy Chairman Qiao Shibo, Director Wang Yin and Director Jiang Wei were not able to attend the board meeting in person due to their business engagements and had authorised Director Yu Liang to represent them and vote on behalf of them.1.4 This quarterly financial statements of the Company have not been audited.1.5 The Company’s Chairman Wang Shi, Director and President Yu Liang, and Executive Vice President and Supervisor of Finance Wang Wenjin declare that the financial report contained in this Quarterly Report is warranted to be true and complete.§2 Basic Corporate Information2.1 Major accounting data and financial indicators(Unit: RMB)As at 30 September 2010As at 31 December 2009 Changes Total assets 188,292,319,208 138,027,359,150 36.42% Shareholders’ equity(excluding minorityinterests)40,255,221,614 37,375,888,061 7.70% Total Shares 10,995,210,21810,995,210,218-Net assets per share 3.66 3.407.70%From July to September 2010ChangesFrom January toSeptember 2010ChangesRevenue 5,269,980,667-29.12%21,086,234,891-24.66% Profit attributable to equity shareholdersof the Company459,505,335 6.07%3,272,003,90810.63% Net cash inflow from operating activities --(1,207,363,590)-110.74% Net cash inflow from operating activitiesper share--(0.11)-110.74% Basic earnings per share 0.042 6.07%0.29810.63% Diluted earnings per share 0.042 6.07%0.29810.63%Return on equity 1.15%Decrease 0.10percentage points8.39%Decrease 0.45percentage pointsNote: 1. The net assets and net profit used to calculate the above-mentioned indicators refer to the equity and profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company.2. The above-mentioned return on equity is calculated by weighted average method.2.2 Total number of shareholders and shareholding of the top 10 shareholders of non-restrictedtradable shares as at the end of the Reporting PeriodAs at the end of 30 September 2010, the total number of shareholders of the Company was 1,306,313 (including 1,276,270 holders of A shares and 30,043 holders of B shares).Total number of shareholders as at the end of the Reporting Period1,306,313 Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders of non-restricted tradable sharesSerial No. Name of shareholders (in full)Total number of non-restricted tradable sharesheld as at the end of the Reporting PeriodType1China Resources Co., Limited 1,619,094,766 A Share2Bank of China - E Fund Shenzhen Stock Exchange100 Exchange-Traded Fund150,556,325 AShare3Liu Yuansheng 133,791,208 A Share4China Life Insurance Company Limited– Dividend-Distribution– Individual Dividend- 005L-FH002 Shen111,741,448 AShare5ICBC–Rongtong Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100 IndexSecurities Investment Fund 102,239,426 AShare6 Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC 100,240,821 A Share7 CCB-Bosera Theme Industry Stock SecuritiesInvestment Fund 98,000,000 AShare8HTHK/CMGFSGUFP-CMG First State China GrowthFund 92,012,968 BShare9Toyo Securities Asia Limited-A/C Client 82,454,306 B Share10ICBC - China International Domestic DemandDynamic Stock Securities Investment Fund 73,809,464 AShareAs at the end of 30 September 2010, the total number of shares of the Company was 10,995,210,218, including 9,680,254,750 A shares and 1,314,955,468 B shares.2.3 Bond holdings of the Company’s top 10 bondholders as at the end of Reporting Period(1) Name of the top 10 bondholders of 08 Vanke G1 bonds and their bondholdingsSerialNo.Bondholder No. of bonds held1New China Life Insurance Company–Dividend Distribution–Individual Dividend-018L-FH002 Shen5,548,2622China Petroleum Finance Co., Ltd.4,157,662 3China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co. Ltd.3,433,312 4China Life Insurance Company Ltd.2,619,042 5China Ping An Life Insurance Company Limited–Traditional–General Insurance Products2,560,7276 China Life Property and Casualty Insurance Company Limited –Traditional – GeneralInsurance Products 1,820,0007 CNPC Pension Scheme - ICBC 1,017,9848China Life Pension Company Limited–Internal Resources1,000,000 9China Property & Casualty Reinsurance Company Ltd.776,162 10Generali China Life Insurance–Investment Related Products–Stock Account706,500 (2) Name of the top 10 bondholders of 08 Vanke G2 bonds and their bondholdingsSerialNo.Bondholder No. of bonds held 1ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management Co., Ltd – ICBC – Assets of Specific Clients2,728,528 2CCB – ICBC Credit Suisse Credit Tianli Bond Securities Investment Fund 2,346,450 3ICBC- Harvest Stable Earning Bond Securities Investment Fund2,059,4054 China National Machinery Import & Export Corporation 1,500,7595206 Portfolio of National Social Security Fund, PRC1,430,218 6CCB–Fullgoal Tianfeng Surging Income Bond Securities Investment Fund1,364,700 7CNPC Pension Scheme - ICBC972,256 8801 Portfolio of National Social Security Fund, PRC959,778 9China Ping An Trust & Investment Co. Ltd – CMB Furui Life Individua 922,343 10China Ping An Trust & Investment Co. Ltd – Bank Comm Furui Life Dividend Distribution742,569§3 Management Discussion and AnalysisAs the new construction projects which increased since the second half of 2009 were gradually launched during the Reporting Period, new housing supply rose steadily and sales activities reached a peak in September 2010. The area of newly launched projects in the 14 major cities on which China Vanke focused increased by approximately 100% in September when compared with the monthly average in the second quarter. Owing to the increase in supply, the overall transaction volume of residential properties in major cities in the third quarter surged when compared with the previous quarter, but was still significantly lower than that in the corresponding period of the previous year. When compared with the same period last year, the sales area of new residential properties in the above-mentioned cities in the third quarter declined by 35.9%.In view of the sales area to approved pre-sales area ratio, new housing supply in the third quarter surpassed that of sales in the same period, marking the end of the decline in home inventory that had started since 2009. It is expected that the new housing supply in the fourth quarter will remain high, while housinginventory available for sale will gradually rise.The land market showed signs of a cool-down in the first half of the current year, but saw a rebound in the third quarter, with reserve price and average transaction price higher than those in the second quarter. However, both reserve price and average transaction price had yet to return to their levels in 2009. On the whole, the main trends in the market that we see is property developers facing tighter liquidity, while the rebound in the land market is expected not to last long.At the end of the Reporting Period, to strengthen the effect of the previous round of macro adjustments and to further implement State Council’s “Notice regarding determination to curb rapidly rising housing price in certain cities”, the relevant ministries under the State Council successively introduced measures to impose new requirements in relation to the regulation of the property industry, including: all commercial banks suspend loans to families purchasing their third house and to those non local residents who cannot provide proof of local tax payment or proof of social insurance payment for more than one year; raise the down payment for first-time buyers of commodity housing to 30% or above; adjust deed tax and preferential tax policies for personal income tax, etc. As at the date of announcement of the Report, a number of cities have promulgated measures to limit the total number of properties bought by a single family.The aforesaid policies reinforce the State’s commitment to regulate the property market and guard against overly rapid rise in housing prices, which will have significant impact on the market. Since the introduction of the measures, the number of visitors to show apartments of projects being launched in general drops. Customers’ desire to buy declines significantly. It is expected that as the measures gradually take effect, investment-driven demand will further be restrained, while the overall market sales will slow down, inventory available for sale will increase, supply-demand balance will change to become more favourable for home purchasers, and demand from end-users will further dominate the market in the future.In view of the change in market environment, the Company will continue to adhere to its basic principles of “not hoarding land resources; not stalling home sale; not acquiring supreme land lot”, and will sell its housing units at a price with reference to home purchasers’ desired and acceptable level, in order to keep sales moving at a reasonable rate. As the Company has gained first mover advantage in project launch since the beginning of this year, it is not under too much sales pressure for the rest of the year. In addition, with its competitive edges in unique features and product mix, which sees a high proportion of small-sized residential units and furbished units, China Vanke is quite confident in continuing to surpass the overall market performance.In the third quarter, the Company’s product positioning continued to target at end users and the Company achieved satisfactory sales results. Its cumulative sales area and sales amount in the third quarter reached 2,808,000 sq m and RMB34.64 billion respectively, representing increases of 73.9% and 124.9% respectively from those of the corresponding period of 2009. From January to September 2010, the Company realized sales area and sales amount of 6,011,000 sq m and RMB71.42 billion respectively, representing 17.8% and 54.8% respectively from those of the corresponding period of 2009.Since completion of different projects occur on different dates in a year, the Company’s floor area completed between January and September 2010 represented a relatively small portion of the total area completed in the entire year. The booked area and booked revenue between January and September 2010 amounted to 2,160,000 sq m and RMB20.92 billion respectively, representing a decline of 39.0% and 24.2% respectively when compared with those of the same period last year. The Company realized revenue of RMB21.09 billion, representing a 24.7% decrease from that of the same period last year. With more projects to be completed and recognized in the fourth quarter, it is expected that the Company’s booked revenue in the fourth quarter will surpass the sum of those in the previous three quarters.As most of the projects booked in the corresponding period of the previous year consisted of projects sold during the trough period in 2008, booked earnings had improved considerably since the beginning of this year, with year-on-year growth in net profit significantly surpassing that of revenue. Between July and September, the Company achieved net profit of RMB460 million, representing a 6.1% increase from that of the same period last year. From January to September, the Company realized a total of RMB3.27 billion in net profit, representing a 10.6% increase when compared with that of the corresponding period of the previous year.As at the end of the Reporting Period, the Company had an area of 7,840,000 sq m sold but incomplete and not yet booked, with an aggregate contract amount of approximately RMB86.3 billion. Included in the consolidated statements was an area of 6,600,000 sq m sold but not yet booked, with a contract amount of RMB77.8 billion, representing increases of 40% and 44% when compared with those in the interim period. Since the proportion of furbished units has been rising in recent years and the period from completion of sale to satisfying the conditions for recognition has been prolonged, the number of properties sold but not yet booked has been increasing. Such trend is expected to continue for at least a year.Since the Company’s sales went well in the third quarter, with successive record high monthly sales in August and September, the Company’s cash and cash equivalents at the end of the Reporting Period rose significantly to RMB31.54 billion when compared with that at the end of the interim period, which far exceeded the aggregate amount of short-term borrowings and long-term borrowings due within one year of RMB15.83 billion. The Company’s financial position was further enhanced. Affected by substantial growth in advance receipts, the Company’s gearing ratio was 73.8%, slightly increased from that at the end of the interim period. However, advance receipts did not constitute pressure of repayment. The Company’s interest-bearing borrowings actually accounted for only 23.9% of its total assets. Of the interest-bearing borrowings, short-term borrowings accounted for only 35.2%. As at the end of the Reporting Period, the Company’s net gearing ratio was 27.2%, representing a decrease of 13.6 percentage points from 40.8% at the end of the interim period.As at the end of September, among the Company’s different types of inventories, completed properties (completed properties ready for sale) amounted to RMB5.24 billion, accounting for only 4.2%, representing a decline from that at the end of the interim period. The Company continued to maintain a healthy inventory structure.During the Reporting Period, the Company continued to adhere to its prudent investment strategy of “forgoing the opportunity rather than making wrong acquisitions”, leverage the edge of its geographical diversification, and control the risks of land acquisition. In the third quarter, the Company entered new markets of Qingyuan, Yangzhou, Langfang, with a total of 20 new projects. The total planned GFA of the aforesaid 20 new projects attributable to China Vanke’s equity holding amounted to 5,260,000 sq m. Of the new projects acquired between January and September 2010, the total planned GFA attributable to China Vanke’s equity holding amounted to 14,270,000 sq m. The average accommodation value of the newly added projects remained at a relatively low level of around RMB2,400. The Company is currently in a strong cash position, with cash sufficient to fund future development. The Company will continue to adopt prudent investment strategy and rapid development strategy, and acquire project resources necessary for property development at reasonable prices, and pay close attention to possible opportunities arising from market adjustment.§4 Significant E vents4.1 Significant changes and reasons for such changes in major items of the accounting statements and financial indicators of the Company√Applicable □Not applicableItems 30/9/2010(RMB'000)31/12/2009(RMB'000)Change(+/-)Reasons for changeInterest in jointly controlledentities 3,791,949.16 2,763,877.4037.20% Increase of investmentOther financial assets 88,483.63 255,622.80-65.39% Disposal of available for sale financial assets Properties under development 65,814,360.88 41,872,964.9657.18% Increase in property developmentInterest-bearingborrowings(Short term) 15,831,178.46 8,628,670.4883.47% Change in debt structureTrade and other payables 88,775,815.29 55,244,411.8760.70% Increase in investment for the development of projects with associates and jointly controlled entitiesItems2010.1-9(RMB'000)2009.1-9(RMB'000)Change(+/-)Reasons for changeRevenue 21,086,234.89 27,988,969.28 -24.66% Difference in booked time of property development Cost of sales 13,509,556.74 20,414,159.49-33.82% Difference in booked time of property development Financial income 447,777.18 183,521.35143.99% Increase in dividends from investment of cost methodShare of profits less losses of jointly controlled entities 70,433.01 -4,580.861637.55%More profits recognized from jointly controlledentitiesAttributable to minority interests 553,641.75 712,389.72-22.28% Decreased in booked revenue of corporate projects4.2 Progress of significant events and analysis of their impact and solutions√Applicable □Not applicableOn 15 September 2009 the “Resolution Regarding The Proposal On The Public Offer Of New A Shares” was approved at theCompany’s First Special General Meeting of 2009. Validity period of the resolution is: 12 months from the date of shareholders’ meeting in which the resolution was reviewed and approved. As at 15 September 2010, the above-mentioned resolution ofshareholders’ meeting was due. According to the relevant regulations, the “Resolution Regarding The Proposal On The Public Offer Of New A Shares” reviewed and approved at the first Special General Meeting of 2009 became invalid.4.3 Implementation of the undertakings given by the Company, shareholders and beneficialcontrollers√ Applicable □Not applicableUndertaking Details ImplementationOther undertakingsChina Resources National Corporation (“CRNC”) – the parent company of CRC, being the Company’s original single largest shareholder and the present single largest shareholder, gave a significant undertaking to the Company in 2001:CRNC would provide as much support to the Company as it did in the past, as long as such support was beneficial to the Company’s development, and that it would remain impartial in the event of any competition between the investment projects of the Company and that of CRNC and its subsidiaries, and in the event of any disagreements or disputes arising from horizontal competition.CRNC has fulfilled its undertakings. 4.4 Warning of and explanation for the accumulated net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period forecast to be a probable loss or to be significantly differed from that of the corresponding period of the previous year □Applicable √Not applicable4.5 Other major events and their explanations 4.5.1 Securities investments □Applicable √Not applicable4.5.2 Equity interests held in other listed companies √Applicable □Not applicable(Unit: RMB)Stock code Stock abbreviation Initial investment amountPercentage of shareholdingsBooked value as at the end of the Reporting PeriodGains/(losses) from January to September in 2010Changes in equity attributable to equity shareholders from January to September in 2010000001 Shenzhen Development Bank Co., Ltd – A - --43,480,910.81 (61,866,882.60)600697 Changchun Eurasia Group Co., Ltd - --44,208,569.16 (40,907,808.62)600680 Shanghai Potevio Co.,Ltd- --28,385,048.22 (32,361,871.93)600751SST Tianjin Marine Shipping Co., Ltd.143,600.00 0.04%143,600.00--Total 143,600.00 -143,600.00116,074,528.19 (135,136,563.15)SST Tianjin Marine Shipping Co., Ltd has not undergone share reform.2. During the Reporting Period, all equity interests of Shenzhen Development Bank Co., Ltd – A, Changchun EurasiaGroup Co., Ltd, and Shanghai Potevio Co., Ltd held by the Company were sold, and gains from the disposal was recognized as “Investment Income”.4.5.3 Investor relations activities such as meetings, communications and handling of inquiries during the Reporting PeriodType of Activities Time Location ApproachClassification of visitorsIssues discussed and information providedCITIC Securitiesmeeting 2010.7QingdaoFace to face meeting Investors including securities companies, funds,etc BNP meeting 2010.7 Hong KongFace to facemeeting Investors including securities companies, funds,etcCredit Suisse meeting 2010.7 Hong KongFace to facemeeting Investors including securities companies, funds,etcCLSA meeting 2010.7 Hong KongFace to facemeeting Investors including securities companies, funds,etcCITIC Securitiesmeeting 2010.7 ShenzhenFace to facemeetingInvestors including securities companies, funds, etcInterim results presentation 2010.8Hong Kong, Shenzhen (Shanghai, Beijing) Face to facemeetingInvestors including securities companies, funds,individual investors, etcCredit Suisse meeting 2010.8 Hong KongFace to facemeeting Investors including securities companies, funds,etcBNP meeting2010.8 Hong KongFace to facemeetingInvestors including securities companies, funds,etcPublished informationincluding the Company’sregular reports.(I) Major issues discussed:(1) The Company’s dailyoperations; (2) The Company’s development strategies; (3) The Company’s opinion on thechanges in the industry. (II) Major information provided:Shenyin Wanguomeeting 2010.8 BeijingFace to face meeting Investors including securities companies, funds,individual investors, etcGuotai Junan meeting2010.8 ShenzhenFace to face meeting Investors including securities companies, funds,etcNomura Securitiesmeeting 2010.9 Tokyo Face to face meeting Investors including securities companies, funds,etcCITIC Securitiesmeeting2010.9Dongguan Face to face meeting Investors including securities companies, funds,etcUBS meeting 2010.9Hong Kong Face to face meeting Investors including securities companies, funds,etcCLSA meeting 2010.9Hong Kong Face to face meeting Investors including securities companies, funds,etcNote: The above-mentioned meetings included one-on-one meetings, small group meetings and large group presentation. The Company received or met with investors from over 50 companies.Securities companies During the ReportingPeriod Shenzhen, Guangzhou,Zhongshan, Xiamen,Sanya, Changsha,Shanghai, Hangzhou,Nanjing, Wuxi, Ningbo,Beijing, Tianjin,Shenyang, Changchun,Small group or one-on-one Dalian, Qingdao,Wuhan, Chengdu,Chongqing,, Xi’an , etcGoldman Sachs, Great Wall Securities, Macquarie, Deutsche Bank, CLSA, UBS,Credit Suisse, Shenyin Wanguo,Nikko CordialSecurities, CITIC Securities, Orient Securities,BNP, Essence Securities, Citi, DBS Vickers Securities, Morgan Stanley, HSBC, Samsung Securities, CICC, Guangfa Securities, Gaohua Securities, Changjiang Securities, NomuraSecurities, JP Morgan, Qilu Securities,Masterlink Securities, Daiwa Securities, RoyalBank of Scotland, Clairvoyance, DaewooSecurities Galaxy Securities, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, and Merrill Lynch, etc Fund and other investmentcompanies and individual investorsDuring the Reporting Period Shenzhen, Guangzhou,Zhongshan, Xiamen,Sanya, Changsha,Shanghai, Hangzhou,Nanjing, Wuxi, Ningbo,Beijing, Tianjin,Shenyang, Changchun, Dalian, Qingdao,Wuhan, Chengdu,Chongqing,, Xi’an , etcSmall group or one-on-one Cephei Investment, Bosera Fund,Soros Fund Management, Invesco Great wall Fund, Wanjia Fund, ABN AMRO TEDA, China Orient Asset Management, Tianhong Fund, Yinhua Fund, Orient Fund, Southern Fund, Fortis Haitong Investment Management, China AMC, Taikang Life, CCB Principal AMC, Franklin Templeton Sealand Fund, Hua An Fund, Huashang Fund, AETNA Fund CSC Fund, SinoPac Fund, [Uni-President Fund, HSBC Fund, Invesco Fund, Fubon Fund, Shin Kong Life, MassMutual Mercuries Life, TransGlobe Life, Korea Development Bank, Taiyo Life Insurance, Great Wall Fund, Lion Fund, Changjiang Pension, JF Asset Mgmt, Lazard Asset Management, Mondrian, BaringAssets, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority,Capital Research, Chuo Mitsui Investment, BSIGenerale, DBSAM, HTCapital, PHEIM, Chilton Investment Company, The BlackstoneGroup, Cadwalader,Wickersham & Taft, William McAree Investment Partners,Blackrock, TT International, Boyer Allan,Noondays, Moore Capital, Tiger Asia, Buenavista Fund, Bennelong Asset Management, First State Investment, Keywise, Harvest Global Investments, China Life Investment, Wellington, Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, Standard Life Investments, Blue Ridge Capital LLC, Baillie Gifford, Penta, Spinner Asset Management, Tuboron Partners, Highbridge, AMP, Perpetual, Och-Ziff, Trivest, Prudential, BroadPeak, Waddell&Reed, NSSF, BOC Group Life Assurance, EMIC, TM Capital Partners, Tudor Investments Corporation, Tantallon Capital, Resolution Capital, Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management, Colonial First State, Cathay Life, Kingdon Capital, Neuberger Berman, Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Mount Kellett Capital, Sumitomo Mitsui Asset, Clough Capital Partners, Buena Vista, etcI4.5.4 Other major events and their explanations√ Applicable □Not applicable(1) The Company did not provide any funds for use by its controlling shareholder and its related parties, nor did the Company provide any guarantee to third parties in violation of regulations and procedures;(2) Corporate bonds of the CompanyDuring the Reporting Period, the Company distributed the second-year interest of the Company’s “08 Vanke G1” and “08 Vanke G2” corporate bonds.4.6 Investment in derivatives√ Applicable □Not applicableRemarks on risk analysis and management of derivative positions during the Reporting Period (including but not limited to market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, operational risk and legal risk, etc.) In order to limit the risk association with the fluctuations of interest rate, the Company entered into Interest Rate Swap(IRS) agreements and would charge the counterparty an interest according to floating interest, in order to pay the floating-rate interest to the original lender, and pay a fixed rate to the counter party.IRS is used to control the risk arising from the change in interest rate by fixing a forward interest rate on the notional amount during the term of the foreign currency loan.Change in market price or fair value of the derivatives during the Reporting Period, as well as the method, related assumptions and parameters used to analyse the fair value of derivatives should be disclosed The effect of the change in the IRS value on the Company’s profit or loss during the Reporting Period was RMB (16,275,323.80). The value of the Company’s IRS is determined with reference to the fair value appraised as at 30 September 2010.Remarks on whether there is a material change in the accounting policy and principles for derivatives during the Reporting PeriodNoProfessional opinions from independent directors, sponsor or financial adviser on the Company’s investment and risk management of derivatives The Company’s independent directors are of the view that financial instruments such as IRS reduced the probable loss associated with foreign currency loan in the event of significant fluctuations in interest rate. The relevant arrangement of the Company has been prudent and reasonable.4.6.1 Derivative positions as at the end of the Reporting Period√Applicable□ Not applicable(Unit: RMB)Types of contracts Contract amount as atthe beginning of theperiodContract amountas at the end of theperiodProfit/loss duringthe ReportingPeriodContract amount as apercentage of net assets asat the end of the periodInterest rate swap(IRS) agreement 462,610,550.001,717,895,966.99(16,275,323.80) 4.27% Total 462,610,550.001,717,895,966.99(16,275,323.80) 4.27%。
中信海直:2010年第三季度报告全文 2010-10-30
中信海洋直升机股份有限公司2010年第三季度季度报告全文§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。
1.2 公司全体董事、监事和高级管理人员对公司2010年第三季度报告无异议。
1.3 除下列董事外,其他董事亲自出席了审议本次季报的董事会会议未亲自出席董事姓名 未亲自出席董事职务 未亲自出席会议原因被委托人姓名 唐岚董事因公出国孙志鸿1.4 公司第三季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。
1.5 公司负责人毕为、主管会计工作负责人唐万元及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)陈宏运声明:保证季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标单位:元2010.9.30 2009.12.31增减幅度(%)总资产(元)2,564,717,636.822,504,105,814.33 2.42%归属于上市公司股东的所有者权益(元)1,563,201,275.691,492,859,293.22 4.71%股本(股)513,600,000.00513,600,000.00 0.00%归属于上市公司股东的每股净资产(元/股) 3.04362.9067 4.71%2010年7-9月 比上年同期增减(%)2010年1-9月比上年同期增减(%)营业总收入(元)214,388,467.85-0.87%615,171,893.24 5.76%归属于上市公司股东的净利润(元) 35,613,754.4953.79%96,021,982.47 7.08%经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元) - - 163,394,684.15 135.80%每股经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元/股)- -0.3181 135.80%基本每股收益(元/股) 0.069453.88%0.1870 7.10%稀释每股收益(元/股) 0.069453.88%0.1870 7.10%加权平均净资产收益率(%) 2.30%0.76% 6.28% 0.05%扣除非经常性损益后的加权平均净资产收益率(%) 2.22%0.66%6.24% 2.59%非经常性损益项目年初至报告期末金额附注非流动资产处置损益-1,043,624.28其中:102.49万元为湛江分公司老办公楼清理损失费,其余为其他固定资产清理净损失。
各大航运公司相继公布第三季度业绩,尽管中国远洋第三季度亏损收窄,但头三季仍累积亏损64 亿元(人民币,下同),该公司继去年成为A 股「亏损王」之后,料今年难逃脱被冠ST 帽子(连续两年亏损后,股票名字前要加上ST 符号)。
除非中国远洋能在第四季度实现超过64 亿元的盈利,但业内普遍认为,这个机会微乎其微。
分析指出,中远连续亏损归根到底是2008 年旺季对市场形势判断过于乐观。
当时该公司为避免租金上涨,签订了大量3 至5 年的高价船舶租赁合同,目前部分船舶租金已下跌至合同价的八分之一。
尽管未履行合同金额已从2008 年的590 亿元大幅降至今年上半年的200 亿元,但瑞银证券认为,受此影响,中远的干散货业务将至少亏损到2013 或2014 年。
作为行业领头羊的马士基今年上半年航运业务亏得一塌糊涂,但依靠石油和钻井业务,但集团仍有21 亿美元盈利。
前三季度国民经济运行态势总体良好来源:国家统计局发布时间:2010-10-21 10:00前三季度国民经济运行态势总体良好(2010年10月21日)中华人民共和国国家统计局新闻发言人盛来运前三季度,面对复杂多变的国内外环境和各种重大挑战,在党中央、国务院的正确领导下,各地区、各部门坚持实施应对国际金融危机冲击的一揽子计划和各项政策措施,加快推进经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整,经济向好势头进一步巩固,继续朝着宏观调控的预期方向发展。
内河航运将 出振兴规划
近 日 ,交 通运 输 部水 运 局 国 际 航运 管 理处 处 长 李宏 印在 “ 国
中远集 团2 1 年上市公司信息披露及 0 0 投资者关 系工作专题会议召开
中远集 团2 1年 上市公 司信息 披露及投资者 00 关系工作专题会议于2 1年 3 1 日在北京举行 。 00 月 5 这是 中远 集 团第 一次 召开系统 内上市公 司信息披 露及投 资者关 系工作 的会 议 。中远集 团副总裁张 良、集 团投资者 关系部相 关人员 及 中国远 洋 、中
k” 包 程 也 中 船 的 个 钥 e 总 工 ,是 远 务 首 交 i y
匙项 目,合 同总造 价57 亿美元 。S vnBai .4 ea rzl 项 目的建 造规模 和管 理难 度远远 大 于 已交 付 的
“ea rlr SvnD ie”项 目,这也 标志着中远船务 的海 l
中远物流签炼油扩能改造项 目物流 服 务 协 议
3 1 目,中国远洋物流有 限公 司与中国石油 月 2 天然 气股份有 限公 司呼 和浩 特石化分公 司签 署5 0 0 正式启动 , 现 计划于21年一季度交付 。 ( )I 02 徐华 l 】
帆 ” , 借 助 南 美 洲 的 信
风 ,此 次航 行 将节 省 三分
之一 的燃 料 。现 阶段 ,风
帆系统将 为 “ 特杰迪 多拉”号节省 1%的燃料 ;两年后 ,改 良过 的天 玛 0 帆系统 预计 可以提高节油效率3 %,同时减少船只温室气体排放 。欧盟 0 和德 国共出资7 万欧元用 于开发风帆系统 。圈 8
际航运上海论坛2 1”通气会上透 00 露 ,国家将会出台一个促进 内河发 展的指导意见。李宏印表示 ,内河
中国远洋目前资产总额超过3000亿元 人民币,海外资产和收入已超过总量的 半数以上,正在形成完整的航运、物流 、码头、船舶修造的全球业务链
DDiaigargarm am 33
从销售成本率上看,中国远洋的表现也是在2007年、2008年、和2010 年表现较好,均小于1,分别为72.72%、75.28%、82.29%。2009年大 于1,为103.63%。2011、2012年都大于1,分别为104.33%和101.29% 。也正是近两年,中国远洋的收入减少,成本上升。
从净资产收益率上看,2007,2008年较好,资产净利率较高,盈利能 力强。 但从2009年扩张后,净资产收益率表现较差,除2010年为正 的外,其他几年都为负,2012年甚至达到了-20.81%。中国远洋近两 年的资产利用效率极度恶化。
4.2、 资产结构
资产负债 率
2007 2008 0.52 0.48
2009 0.61
2010 0.59
2011 0.68
2012 0.75
❖ 资产负债率反映了公司长期偿债能力的强弱,可以衡量 公司总资产中权益所有者与债权人所投资金是否合理。比例越 低,意味着担保能力越强,债权人的借贷风险越小。一般资产 负债率在0.5左右较好。
中国远洋控股股份有限公司2010年半年度报告摘要§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。
1.2 公司全体董事出席董事会会议。
1.3 公司半年度财务报告未经审计。
1.4 是否存在被控股股东及其关联方非经营性占用资金情况否1.5 是否存在违反规定决策程序对外提供担保的情况否1.6 公司负责人董事长魏家福先生,执行董事、总经理张良先生、主管会计工作负责人财务总监何家乐先生及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)财务部总经理丰金华先生声明:保证半年度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 基本情况简介股票简称 中国远洋股票代码 601919股票上市交易所上海证券交易所股票简称 中国远洋股票代码 1919股票上市交易所香港联合交易所董事会秘书 证券事务代表姓名 张永坚 梁宏、明东联系地址 中国天津市天津港保税区通达广场1号3层中国天津市天津港保税区通达广场1号3层电话 (022) 66270898 (022) 66270898传真 (022) 66270899 (022) 66270899电子信箱 investor@ lianghong@;mingdong@2.2 主要财务数据和指标2.2.1 主要会计数据和财务指标单位:元 币种:人民币本报告期末 上年度期末 本报告期末比上年度期末增减(%)总资产 146,198,652,070.27 138,619,517,243.53 5.47所有者权益(或股东权益)45,056,243,747.1842,822,055,320.60 5.22归属于上市公司股东的每股净资产(元/股)4.41 4.195.25报告期(1-6月) 上年同期 本报告期比上年同期增减(%)营业利润 5,139,493,854.67-3,463,510,133.09248.39利润总额 4,957,496,958.35 -4,196,436,341.58218.14归属于上市公司股东的净利润3,526,104,735.84 -4,647,997,917.40175.86归属于上市公司股东的扣除非经常性损益的净利润2,765,824,758.97 -8,313,911,226.97133.27基本每股收益(元) 0.35-0.45177.78扣除非经常性损益后的基本每股收益(元)0.27 -0.81133.33稀释每股收益(元) 0.35 -0.45177.78加权平均净资产收益率(%)8.07-9.52增长17.59个百分点经营活动产生的现金流量净额4,731,366,030.58 -6,278,788,480.83175.35每股经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元)0.46 -0.61175.412.2.2 非经常性损益项目√适用 □不适用单位:元 币种:人民币非经常性损益项目 金额非流动资产处置损益 298,792,809.35计入当期损益的政府补助(与企业业务密切相关,按照国家统一标准定额或定量享受的政府补助除外)47,889,816.74除同公司正常经营业务相关的有效套期保值业务外,持有交易性金融资产、交易性金融负债产生的公允价值变动损益,以及处置交易性金融资产、交易性金融负债和可供出售金融资产取得的投资收益83,429,094.12单独进行减值测试的应收款项减值准备转回 31,411,432.48除上述各项之外的其他营业外收入和支出 -527,914,863.57其他符合非经常性损益定义的损益项目 1,069,510,591.85所得税影响额 -185,173,809.69少数股东权益影响额(税后) -57,665,094.41合计 760,279,976.872.2.3 境内外会计准则差异2.2.3.1 同时按照国际会计准则与按中国会计准则披露的财务报告中净利润和净资产差异情况√适用 □不适用单位:元 币种:人民币净利润 净资产本期数 上期数 期末数 期初数按中国会计准则3,526,104,735.84 -4,647,997,917.4045,056,243,747.1842,822,055,320.60按香港会计准则调整的项目及金额:境内外因固定资产成本基础-32,362,122.90 2,581,375.10221,035,051.06248,574,142.19不同之差异境内外因功能性货币的认定和处理方式不同之差异-47,792,612.94 43,301,542.30-1,155,023,798.24-1,078,286,462.79按香港会计准则3,445,950,000.00 -4,602,115,000.0044,122,255,000.00 41,992,343, 同时按照境外会计准则与按中国会计准则披露的财务报告中净利润和净资产差异情况□适用√不适用2.2.3.3 境内外会计准则差异的说明1、香港财务报告准则的财务资料均按资产的历史成本减除摊销记量,对境内按会计准则记账的资产评估增值及其摊销予以冲回之差异。
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中国远洋控股股份有限公司6019192010年第三季度报告目录§1 重要提示 (2)§2 公司基本情况 (2)§3 重要事项 (3)§4 附录 (10)§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及其董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。
1.2 公司全体董事出席董事会会议。
1.3 公司第三季度财务报告未经审计。
1.4公司负责人姓名 董事长魏家福先生、总经理张良先生主管会计工作负责人姓名 何家乐先生会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)姓名 丰金华先生公司负责人董事长魏家福先生、总经理张良先生、主管会计工作负责人何家乐先生及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)丰金华先生声明:保证本季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标币种:人民币本报告期末 上年度期末 本报告期末比上年度期末增减(%)总资产(元) 151,627,108,146.37138,619,517,243.53 9.38所有者权益(或股东权益)(元) 46,909,662,476.8442,822,055,320.60 9.55归属于上市公司股东的每股净资产(元/股)4.59 4.19 9.55年初至报告期期末 (1-9月) 比上年同期增减(%)经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元) 9,342,738,959.46 242.32每股经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元/股)0.91 242.19报告期 (7-9月) 年初至报告期期末(1-9月)本报告期比上年同期增减(%)归属于上市公司股东的净利润(元) 2,112,501,961.065,638,606,696.90 205.23基本每股收益(元/股) 0.200.55 205.77扣除非经常性损益后的基本每股收益(元/股)0.220.49 153.85稀释每股收益(元/股) 0.200.55 205.77加权平均净资产收益率(%) 4.5512.62 23.91扣除非经常性损益后的加权平均净资产收益率(%)4.8411.17 30.72注:本集团上年同期金额,按同一控制下企业合并要求进行了重列。
扣除非经常性损益项目和金额:单位:元 币种:人民币项目 年初至报告期期末金额(1-9月)说明非流动资产处置损益 300,824,324.19主要为期内处置部分船舶取得收益计入当期损益的政府补助(与企业业务密切相关,按照国家统一标准定额或定量享受的政府补助除外) 64,103,769.58主要为地方财政补贴及税收返还收入债务重组损益 -36,234.00除同公司正常经营业务相关的有效套期保值业务外,持有交易性金融资产、交易性金融负债产生的公允价值变动损益,以及处置交易性金融资产、交易性金融负债和可供出售金融资产取得的投资收益 105,646,825.50主要为持有远期运费协议的公允价值变动损益及远期运费协议结算损益、处置可供出售金融资产的处置损益单独进行减值测试的应收款项减值准备转回14,121,137.27除上述各项之外的其他营业外收入和支出 -909,833,328.54主要为针对期末亏损合同计提的预计负债金额其他符合非经常性损益定义的损益项目 1,290,238,389.60为根据合同结算情况转回2009年度计提亏损合同金额所得税影响额 -200,054,567.24少数股东权益影响额(税后) -16,766,175.92合计 648,244,140.442.2 报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表单位:股 报告期末股东总数(户) 432,921前十名无限售条件流通股股东持股情况股东名称(全称) 期末持有无限售条件流通股的数量种类HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED 2,569,929,420境外上市外资股 中国核工业集团公司 72,000,000人民币普通股 中国中化股份有限公司 40,000,000人民币普通股 交通银行-易方达 50 指数证券投资基金34,812,235人民币普通股 中国农业银行-中邮核心成长股票型证券投资基金32,966,700人民币普通股五矿投资发展有限责任公司31,000,000人民币普通股中国工商银行-上证50交易型开放式指数证券投资基金23,630,682人民币普通股 中国节能环保集团公司 23,500,000人民币普通股 中国建设银行-长城品牌优选股票型证券投资基金22,409,291人民币普通股航天科技财务有限责任公司20,324,942人民币普通股 北京首创投资担保有限责任公司20,000,000人民币普通股§3 重要事项3.1 公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因√适用 □不适用交易性金融资产截至2010年9月30日,本集团交易性金融资产余额为人民币477,894,987.27元,较年初5,681,426.07元增加472,213,561.20元。
其中,亏损合同余额1,075,102,933.81元,较年初1,419,030,331.41 元减少343,927,397.60元。
期内,所属干散货船公司根据租船合同结算情况分别确认收入及成本,相应转回以前年度计提预计负债1,290,238,389.60元;同时,于期末按未来一年BDI指数平均预计2600点,调整、新增预计负债953,069,436.45 元。
亏损合同期末余额1,075,102,933.81元中,已签订租出船合同(即已锁定)的租入船合同,计提预计负债余额为680,602,368.69元;对于2011 年9月30日之前到期的敞口租入船合同,计提预计负债余额为394,500,565.12元。