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Research on Hierarchical Interactive Teaching Model Based on Naive Bayesian ClassificationDongyan FanInformation faculty, Business College of Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030031, ChinaAbstract—The purpose of this research is improving the current inject classroom teaching mode that ignores individual differences and inefficiency of students. By studying classification algorithm in data mining and applying the classification method based on Naive Bayes algorithm, we designed and implemented scientific classification of students, and draw lessons from stratified and interactive teaching mode, so as to builded a new effective teaching mode. The results show that through scientific classification of students, real-time hierarchical interaction teaching effectively stimulate students' interest in learning, improve cooperation ability, and improve classroom teaching efficiency.Keywords—Naive Bayesian; student classification; hierarchical interactive; teaching modelI.I NTRODUCTIONUnder the background of big data era, the current teaching mode is not adapt to the cultivation of innovative talents, there are many problems, such as low efficiency of classroom, teachers' manipulation of teaching process, ignore the individual differences of students in knowledge transfer ability. Therefore, this study aimed at these problems, by studying classification algorithm in data mining and applying the classification method based on Naive Bayes algorithm, we design and implement scientific classification of students, and draw lessons from stratified and interactive teaching mode, so as to build a new effective teaching mode. The mode enable students to learn efficiently, so as to adapt to the trend of rapid development of new technology and cultivate innovative talents.II.R ESEARCH M ETHODThe research and practice of the hierarchical interactive teaching model based on the Naive Bayesian classification is based on the classification of students' differences. So there are two major tasks need to do: the approaches to the students' difference measurement and grouping and the design of hierarchical interactive teaching framework. Its method flow is shown in Figure I.FIGURE I. RESEARCH METHOD FLOWFirst of all, based on the samples, the naive Bayes algorithm according to the student's attribute value is used to test the students' differences. Then, according to the results to make a scientific difference classification to achieve effective grouping for students. At the same time, the design of the hierarchical interactive teaching framework is carried out by the two subjects (the student is the main body, the teacher is the leading part). Finally, the teaching effect is evaluated and analyzed.III.S TUDENT C LASSIFICATION D ESIGN B ASED ON N AIVEB AYESIANA.Naive Bayesian Theoretical PrincipleAt present, there are many kinds of algorithms in data mining, such as based on Bayes algorithm, decision tree algorithm, neural network algorithm, rough set algorithm, genetic algorithm, support vector machine algorithm and so on. In the practical application of many classification algorithms, the most widely used algorithm is Naive Bayesian algorithm model. Naive Bayes is a simple and effective classification model.From Bayes’ theorem recall that:()()()||P A B P BP B AP A= (1)Equation (1): P(A) and P(B) separate representation the probability of occurrenceof events A andevents B.()|P A B indicates the probability of occurrence of event A under the premise that event B occurs. ()|P A B is a priori probability, and its value is often easily obtained.()|P B A indicates the probability of occurrence of event B under the premise that event A occurs. ()|P B A is a posteriori probability, and its value is the result of the solution of the Bayesian formula.The classifier structure diagram based on the naive Bayes algorithm is shown in Figure II. It’s leaf node Am represents the m attribute, and the root node C represents the category. Suppose {},,D C A S=are training samples, it includes the studentcategory {}12,,iC C C C= and the student attribute {}12,,mA A A A= .Suppose {}12,,nS S S S= represents acollection of classified students, in whichnS represents nthstudent. Suppose {}12,,k mX a a a= is a student to be classified,International Conference on Computer Science, Electronics and Communication Engineering (CSECE 2018)in which each m a represents an attribute eigenvalue of the pending item k X .FIGURE II. THE CLASSIFIER STRUCTURE DIAGRAMB. Design the Individualized Attributes of StudentsThe student classification method based on the naive Bayes algorithm is used the information of the past students as the sample set , which is used to construct the naive Bayes classifier.Students are classified according to the information of the students' attributes. The students divided into the same category are not simply using the score as criterion of evaluation. Its are classified by comprehensive evaluation after combination of other attributes.The difference classification based on the naive Bayes algorithm is select the individual attributes of the students as shown in Figure III. The students which 8 attribute values similar in the two dimensions (character and learning style) are put into one category, while the 12 attributes values of the three dimensions of personal basic situation, learning interest and cognitive ability are different. The purpose of the classification is to carry out differential teaching to implicit dynamic stratification and heterogeneous cooperation for students'cognitive ability, learning interest and basic information.FIGURE III. INDIVIDUALIZED ATTRIBUTES OF STUDENTSC. Student Classification Design Based on Naive Bayesian The process based on the naive Bayes classification is shown in Figure IV.FIGURE IV. STUDENT CLASSIFICATION CYCLE FLOW CHARTBASED ON NAIVE BAYES ALGORITHM1)()i P C is set to indicate the frequency of the occurrence of the student category i C in the training sample concentration, that is the category probability. For sample data sets, there are different levels of students in each category, which avoids the discrimination of students.()()i i P C Count C n= (2)The function ()i Count C represents the number of students belonging to category i which is in the entire student sample collection of S .n represents the total number of the entire student sample collection of S .2)()|j j i P A C a = is set to represent the conditional probability of each characteristic attribute value of the student in the category.()()()|i C j j j j i i P A C Count A a a Count C ===(3)j j A a =indicates that the value of the j attribute is j a .Thefunction ()i C j j Count A a =represents the number of students which the attribute name is j A and attribute value is j a in the i student category.3) ()|k i P X C is set to represent the conditional probability of the students k X to be classified in the student category i C , m represents the number of attributes that describe student differences.()()1||mk i j j i j P X C P A C a ===∏ (4)4) ()j j P A a = is set to represent the probability of the student's attribute j A when the value is j a . ()()j j j j P A Count A a a n=== (5)The function ()j j Count A a = indicates the number when the value of attribute j is j a .5) ()k P X is set to indicate the probability that the student k X should be classified in the training sample concentration. ()()1mk j j j P X P A a ===∏ (6)6) ()|i k P C X is set to represent the conditional probability that the student k X should be classified to category i . ()()()()||k i i i k k P X C P C P C X P X =(7)7) ()max |k P C X is set to represent the maximum category probability of the student k X which should be classified to the student category .()()()(){}max 12|max |,|,,|k k k i k P C X P C X P C X P C X = (8) max C indicates the maximum category of conditionalprobability which is obtained by (8).Finally, (8) is used to calculate the maximum category probability of the students to be classified in the students category. That is the category of the students to be classified. At this point, one classification ends.IV. T HE D ESIGN OF THE H IERARCHICAL I NTERACTIVET EACHING F RAMEWORK The hierarchical interactive teaching model is an independent, inquiring and cooperative teaching model based on the classification of the naive Bayes algorithm. This model breaks the original classroom structure, and takes the interaction of teachers and students as the carrier, and also group autonomy, and let the students as the subject of the class. This model is guided by the task of the problem, and it is based on the students' self-study, and it aims at the completion of the task of the group. This model creates an ecological chain class based on group mutual learning to solve problems. It pays attention to the state of learning and the quality of life for every student. The design of the hierarchical interactive teaching model framework is shown in Figure V.FIGURE V. THE HIERARCHICAL INTERACTIVE TEACHING MODELFRAMEWORKThe four layers of the hierarchical interactive teaching model are closely related to each other, and support each other dynamically with the spiral. The five segments drive each other to form a whole, interlace and connect with each other. This teaching mode makes the classroom an active area for teachers and students to resonate with their ideology and to show their personality together.V.A NALYSIS OF T EACHING E FFECTIn this paper, the teaching effect is analyzed from two aspects by using the method of questionnaire and comparative experiment. First, the experimental class's comparative analysis before and after the experiment is carried out. Then, a comparative analysis between the experimental class and the contrast class is carried out.The comparative data of the experimental class before and after the experiment are shown in Figure VI. From Figure VI, it can be seen that 85.72% of the students have An attitude of approval towards the application of the hierarchical interactive teaching model based on the naive Bayes algorithm in the teaching. There are 70.13% of the students satisfied with the improved teaching effect. At the same time, it can be seen that the students' interest in learning and the ability to communicate and cooperate have improved obviously.FIGURE VI. THE COMPARATIVE DATA OF THE EXPERIMENTALCLASS BEFORE AND AFTER THE EXPERIMENT The comparison between the experimental class and the contrast class is shown in Figure VII. From Figure VII, we can see that students' satisfaction degree, teaching effect satisfaction and group learning atmosphere based on Naive Bayes algorithm classification are higher than those of the contrast class. At the same time, it can be seen that the students' interest in learning and the ability to communicate and cooperate have also been improved.FIGURE VII. THE COMPARISON BETWEEN THE EXPERIMENTALCLASS AND THE CONTRAST CLASSVI.C ONCLUSIONThe comprehensive analysis shows that, in the implementation of the hierarchical interactive teaching model based on the naive Bayes algorithm, the new teaching mode was accepted by the students , it was welcomed by the students. The new teaching mode can improve the ability of learning interest and collaboration of students. It has a very good teaching effect. Experiments show that the classification algorithm based on Naive Bayes has better feasibility and effectiveness in solving student classification problem.However, due to the limited personal time and ability, there are still some shortcomings in the study. In order to better achieve hierarchical interaction teaching mode based on Naive Bayes algorithm and improve teaching effect, we still need to further improve the limitation of applying naive Bayes algorithm, that is, suppose the attributes of students are independent.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThis work was supported by “Research and construction of the practice teaching system of information specialty(J2016138, The major project of teaching reform research in Shanxi Education Department)” and “The optimization and the platform construction of the practice teaching system of information specialty (SYJ201509, The major project of the research on teaching reform Business College of Shanxi University)”. Our special thanks are due to Prof. Ma Shangcai, for his helpful discussion with preparing the manuscript.R EFERENCES[1]Jonathan Rauh. Problems in Identifying Public and Private Organizations:A Demonstration Using a Simple Naive Bayesian Classification[J]. 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“对战”形式完成教学评测。学生按时完成任务可 以获得奖励,并用来升级角色的经验值(Experience Points,XP)——这将使其角色提高战斗水平并学 习新的技能。如果一个学生违反了课堂纪律,就会 失去生命值,甚至最终导致角色在“对战”中失败。 如果学生获得经验值点数,对相应角色及其团队都 有益处;相反,如果一个学生失去了生命值点数, 其团队的其他成员角色也会受到伤害,并且大家必 须完成各种额外任务。无论如何,学生们需要共同 努力才能使团队获得成功。一般而言,没有学生愿 意自己的不当行为损害团队利益,导致他人失败。 游戏团队中,学生还可以帮助彼此成长。例如,如 果学生的虚拟角色是一名战士,而队友因为上课迟 到面临生命值点数降低,则该学生可以通过完成额 外的学习任务来挽救队友。学生知道他们在课堂上 的行为会影响整个团队的进度、这会激励他们强化 课堂上的积极行为和团队合作,提升课堂学习效率。 Classcraft 每个月都会发布新的故事情节和场景供教 育工作者选择,帮助提升学生的课堂参与感 [19]。除 了在预制故事中添加课程任务外,Classcraft 还允许 教师自己编写课程,通过上传不同的学习任务来教 授不同的科目。根据在课堂活动中收集的数据,教 师还可以查看学生的行为并进行分析。
是以游戏软件为基础的学习,教育游戏(Educational Games)的设
计与开发是当前研究的主流方向。教育游戏模糊了学习与游戏、正式 学习与非正式学习的边界 [13];但是有别于教育游戏的软件性质(见表
研究表明,随着游戏在当代文化中的地位日益 提高,其在教育中能够扮演的角色也越来越多样化。 Classcraft 作为受到游戏启发开发的教育解决方案, 它对于学习的积极作用和游戏非常相似。
1.retrieve information检索信息work architecture网络结构3.Web-browsing and e-mail applications网页浏览和电子邮件应用4.application protocol 应用层协议5.e-mail routing information 电邮路由信息6.authoritative name server 授权域名服务器7.datagram communication service 报文通信服务8.Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions 多用网络邮件扩展9.flow control algorithms 流程控制算法 10.check bits 校验位11.Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议 er Datagram Protocol 用户数据报协议13.routing table 路由表 14.Interpret as Command 命令解释1.subscriber access network 客户接入网络2.Internet backbone 因特网主干网3.Cable Television(CATV) network 电缆电视网络 cable 同轴电缆5.point-to-multipoint optical network 点对多点逛网络6.Logical Link Identifier 逻辑连接标识 capacity 信道容量 8.time-division multiple access 时分多路接入9.Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步传输模式 10.Full Service Access Network 全功能接入网络11.Generic Framing Procedure 通用帧进程 12.Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字层13.Quality of Service 服务质量1.point-to-point connections 点对点连接B Host Controller Interface USB主机控制器接口3.Bandwidth sharing and allocation 宽带共享和分配4.Full Speed USB peripherals 全速USB外设5.Enhanced Host Controller Interface 增强型主机控制器接口6.detachable cable 可分离电缆7.tiered-star topology 层叠星状拓扑结构 8.upstream connection 上行连接9.Isochronous Data Transfers 同步数据传输 10.Interrupt Data Transfers 中断数据传输11.Bulk Data Transfer 批量数据传输12.High Mobility Performance Radio Local Area Network 高灵活性无限局域网1.hypertext-matching analysis 超文本匹配分析2.Web popularity contest 网站普及性竞争3.Web crawler 网虫4.research engine 科研引擎5.Internet Protocol Television 网络协议电视6.Broadband access 宽带接入7.air broadcast channels 无线广播频道 8.Real-time video on demand 实时随选频道9.client-oriented service 面向客户服务 10.value-added services 增值服务11.service control architecture 服务控制体系 12.conditional-access management 有条件接入管理13.real-time rating engine 实时速率引擎 14.Extensible Markup Language 可扩展标记语言mand-line mode 命令行模式2.Internet Control Message Protocol 网络控制消息协议3.query/response mechanism 询问/解答机制4.Path discovery 路径发掘5.routing table 路由表6.Traffic Capture Tools 流量捕获工具7.Protocol analyzer 协议解析器 8.multicast address 多点传送地址9.capture engine 捕获引擎 10.Type-of-Service 服务类型1.utility programs 工具程序2.Virus triggering phase 病毒触发阶段3.Virus Execution phase 病毒执行阶段4.executable files 可执行文件5.Types of Viruses 病毒类型6.Boot sector virus 引导扇区病毒7.Stealth virus 隐性病毒 8.Polymorphic virus 变异病毒9.mutation engine 变异机制 10.encryption key 加密键11.virus-creation toolkit 病毒制作工具 macro 自动执行宏13.password-cracking program 密码破解程序 14.Microsoft Internet Information Server 微软网络信息系统15.Digital Immune System 数字免疫系统 16.Security measures 安全机制1.Centralized data processing system 集中式数据处理系统2.Enterprise-wide network 企域网3.Internet service provide 网络服务提供商4.incoming IP packet 入网IP包5.default discard policy 默认遗弃方案6.packet-filtering level 包过滤层er authentication schemes 用户认证机制 8.filtering router 过滤路由器9.Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 简易邮件传输协议 10.screened host firewall 屏蔽主机防火墙11.firewall types and configurations 防火墙类型及配置1. The expectations toward the IPTV (Internet Protocol Televison) business rose particularly last year, mainly because of the gradual falling of the technical barriers . Today , IPTV is considered a business Opportunity by telco operators ,not only for the service itself , but also for the prospects it can open up in terms of integration with other services.翻译去年业界对IPTV(互联网协议电视)的商业预期大大提高了,主要原因是技术障碍逐渐减少了.今天,通信运营商认为IPTV是一个商业机会, 不仅在于IPTV业务本身,而且还在于IPTV与其他业务的结合可能开创的前景2. In past years,telcos have successfully launched the Broadband access that became a viable replacement for the declining switched voice business,deriving mainly from fixed-mobile substitution . Broadband access is becoming a market that is subject to price declines for the acquisition of the same bandwidth.In many countries ,telcos' market dominance is threatened by cable operators' triple-play offerings,which provide broadband access ,TV,and telephony on a single platform.In this scenario ,it is critical for telcos to support broadband penetration and ARPU through value-added services.翻译在过去几年里,电信运营商成功地进行了用户的宽带接入,这成为对逐渐衰退的语言交换业务的可用的替代方式,这种衰退主要来自移动电话对固定电话的替代.宽带接入正在成为一个市场的主要原因是获得同样带宽的价格下降了.在很多国家,电信运营商的市场优势受到了有线电视运营商的威胁,他们提出了"三合一"的服务,即在同一个平台上实现宽带接入、电视和电话业务。
英语自我介绍Hello everyone,My name is [Your Name], and I am delighted to have the opportunity to introduce myself to all of you today. I am [Your Age] years old, and I come from [Your Country]. I grew up in a small town called [Your Hometown], and it has shaped me into the person I am today.First and foremost, I am a curious and inquisitive individual, always seeking knowledge and new experiences. Throughout my life, I have always had a thirst for learning and exploring different subjects and cultures. I have a passion for languages and am currently fluent in [Your Native Language] and [Secondary Language]. I am also studying [Third Language] in order to broaden my horizons even further.Aside from my love for languages, I have a deep interest in the sciences, particularly physics and biology. I find great joy in discovering the intricacies of the natural world and understanding how it works. In fact, I am currently pursuing a degree in [Your Field of Study] at [Your University]. I am constantly amazed by the fascinating discoveries within my field and hope to contribute to its advancement in the future.In addition to my academic pursuits, I also have a creative side. I am an avid photographer, capturing moments and emotions through my lens. Photography allows me to express myself and see the beauty in everyday life. I also enjoy playing the piano, finding solace in the music and letting my fingers dance across the keys.Outside of my studies and hobbies, I am a firm believer in the importance of giving back to the community. I have actively volunteered in various organizations, such as [Charity Organization], where I have helped to provide education and support to underprivileged children. Seeing the smiles on their faces and witnessing the positive impact we can have on their lives is truly rewarding.Furthermore, I am a strong advocate for environmental conservation and sustainability. I believe that it is our responsibility to protect and preserve the planet for future generations. I have participated in beach clean-ups and recycling campaigns to raise awareness about the pressing issues our worldis facing. I hope to continue making a difference by promotingeco-friendly practices and inspiring others to take action.In terms of my future goals, I aspire to make a meaningful impact in my field of study. I want to contribute towards advancements in technology and scientific understanding, ultimately improving the lives of people around the world. I also hope to continue exploring new cultures and languages, connecting with people from diverse backgrounds and broadening my perspective.In conclusion, I am a passionate and determined individual who strives to make a positive impact on the world around me. I believe in the power of knowledge, creativity, and community involvement.I am excited to embark on this journey of self-discovery and growth, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share a part of my story with all of you.Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to getting to know all of you better.Of course! Here's a continuation of the introduction, providing more details and elaborating on my experiences and aspirations:During my academic journey, I have had the privilege of participating in numerous research projects and internships, which have provided me with invaluable hands-on experience in my field. These experiences have allowed me to work alongside renowned scientists and experts, expanding my knowledge and honing my skills. I am grateful for the mentors who have guided and inspired me, pushing me to stretch the boundaries of my capabilities.One particular research project that has left a lasting impact on me focused on renewable energy sources. I worked with a team to develop a prototype for an innovative solar-powered system that could provide electricity to remote and underserved communities. Witnessing the potential of this technology to transform lives and promote sustainable development further reinforced my commitment to advocating for clean and renewable energy options. Apart from my academic and professional pursuits, I am a firm believer in the power of cultural exchange and understanding. I have been fortunate enough to travel to various countries, immersing myself in different cultures and broadening my perspectives. These experiences have humbled me and taught me the importance of empathy and compassion. They have also highlighted the interconnectedness of our world and the necessity of working together to address global challenges.Additionally, I am a strong proponent of gender equality and empowering women. I have been actively involved in initiatives that promote education and leadership opportunities for girls and women. I firmly believe that empowering women is not only a fundamental human right but also a catalyst for social and economic progress. By supporting and uplifting women, we can create a more equitable society and unlock the potential of half the global population.In my spare time, I enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts and experiences through my blog. It is a platform where I can express myself freely and connect with others who share similar interests or experiences. Through my writing, I strive to inspire and encourage others to pursue their passions, overcome obstacles, and make a difference in their own unique way.Looking toward the future, I am excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. I am determined to make a meaningful impact in my field, whether it be through innovative research, teaching, or advocacy. As technology continues to advance rapidly, I am eager to explore the intersections between different disciplines and contribute to interdisciplinary collaborations that can solve complex problems.Moreover, I am conscious of the need to promote sustainability in all aspects of life. I believe that individual actions, no matter how small, can create a ripple effect and contribute to a more sustainable future. I am committed to practicing and promoting sustainable habits, such as reducing waste, conserving resources,and supporting local and eco-friendly businesses.In conclusion, I am a passionate and driven individual who strives to make a positive impact both academically and socially. I believe in the power of knowledge, creativity, and community involvement to bring about positive change. I am excited to continue growing, learning, and collaborating with others to create a more just, sustainable, and inclusive world.Thank you for taking the time to read about my journey so far, and I look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead.。
河北省邯郸市魏县2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题一、阅读理解Do you want to boost your ATAR, a rank which indicates the overall achievements of all Year 12 students in Australia, and get a preview of university life? When you join the Deakin Accelerate Program, you’ll get a head start by completing two first-year university units while you’re still a high school student.How Deakin Accelerate Program worksYou’ll study two first-year university units through the program. If you choose to study and experience university life on campus, you’ll attend classes and conferences during the day. Or if studying online is more accessible for you, complete the program online in your free time at school or after hours when it suits you.No matter how you choose to study, you’ll benefit from our online learning platform, which allows you to access classes, workshops, resources and more. Whether you’ re using your desktop, tablet or mobile, you’ll have access to course content all year round and get answers in real time.After successfully completing your Accelerate units, you’ll gain credits which you’ can put towards a related Deakin university course. Plus, there is no charge for that.Apply to the Deakin Accelerate Program if you’re:·a high achiever with above-average Year 11 results;·looking for an extra challenge in high school;·a self-starter who can work independently;·keen to make a head start on your university degree.To be qualified for the program, you must:·be completing Year 12 in 2024;·meet the high school subject requirement;·attain a minimum average grade of 65% across your subjects.For more information about the Deakin Accelerate Program, you can read our FAQs or get in touch using our online inquiry form.Submit an inquiry1.What benefit do participants gain from the Deakin Accelerate Program?A.Receiving a preview of their ATAR.B.Experiencing different learning styles.C.Completing two years’ university units.D.Earning credits towards university courses. 2.What is available for participants on the online learning platform?A.Real-time response.B.Guidance on using devices.C.High school course content.D.An online learning schedule.3.Which is a requirement for the applicants?A.Submitting an inquiry form.B.Graduating from university in 2024.C.Having started to study for a university degree.D.Achieving an average score of at least 65% in all subjects.Now my dad is one of those people who never seem to have much trouble figuring out how to make money. Sure, Mom and Dad had some trouble keeping it for a little while during the bankruptcy (破产) years, but bringing home a good income was never really a problem. That’s because my parents have never been confused about where money comes from.It’s something my dad has told me pretty much every day: Money comes from work. Our culture has made many wonderful advances to ensure the safety and well-being of children. But we may have taken this too far. Many parents today are so centered on what their children want that they have lost perspective on what their children really need. Perspective — looking at life over time — demands that you teach children to work. Teaching a child to work is not child abuse. We teach them to work not for our benefit, but because it gives them both dignity in a job well done today and the tools and character to win in the future as adults.You should view teaching your children to work in the same way you view teaching them to bathe and brush their teeth — as a necessary skill for life. If your child graduates from high school and his only skill set consists of playing video games, complaining and eating junk food, then you have set him up to fail.Another huge benefit of teaching a child the wonder of work is that she will tend to stay away from people who refuse to work. Why is this good? Because you want your daughter tomarry Mr. Right, not Mr. Lazy.So train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not go away from it. 4.Which of the following can best describe the author’s dad?A.Generous.B.Hardworking.C.Considerate.D.Confident.5.According to paragraph 2, what are parents today supposed to do?A.To instruct children to work.B.To focus on children’s needs.C.To ensure children’s well-being.D.To maintain the dignity of children. 6.What’s the benefit children can get from work?A.Getting rid of bad habits.B.Helping support the family.C.Learning to use money wisely.D.Keeping away from lazy people. 7.Which column does the text possibly come from?A.Career planning.B.Parental education.C.Financial management.D.Parent-child relationship.Total solar eclipses (日食) have scared people since time out of mind. The first record of one, preserved on a clay tablet found at Ugarit, once a trade city but destroyed later in Syria, is believed from its age and location to describe either an eclipse that happened in 1375 BC or one in 1223 BC.Legendary explanations for eclipses include the Sun being eaten by dogs, frogs or dragons. The reality is not romantic. Why are total ones, like the one coming on April 8, so rare?Solar eclipses are a special case of phenomena called transits and occultations, in which an intervening (介于中间的) heavenly body stops light from a star reaching an observer. If the blocking body appears smaller in the sky than the star, the result is called a transit and looks like a dark spot crossing the star’s surface. If the blocking object appears larger than the star, the star disappears completely—an occultation. A total eclipse is an occultation.Solar eclipses may be either of these things, since the apparent sizes in the sky of the Sun and the Moon, viewed from Earth, are almost identical. If the Moon orbited Earth in the same plane as Earth orbits the Sun, eclipses would happen every month, but would be total only in the tropics (热带地区). In reality, the average interval between total eclipses is 18 months, and they may be seen from time to time all over the world. The path of totality across Earth’s surface isnarrow and the period short (a maximum of just over seven and a half minutes). Outside these boundaries, the Sun will appear partially eclipsed, looking like a pie that something has taken a bite from.The Great North American Eclipse, as it has been called, will be a sight to be hold on April 8. But it should also be cherished, because total eclipses of the Sun will not happen for ever. Tidal friction (潮汐摩擦) causes the Moon to move away from Earth at 3.8 cm a year, making it appear smaller and smaller in the sky. In 600 million years or so the last, short totality will occur. 8.What does the clay tablet of Ugarit represent?A.Some figures of ancient animals.B.The Sun being eaten by some animals.C.Ancient people who were hunting for animals.D.The earliest total solar eclipse recorded.9.How does the author develop paragraph 2?A.By listing statistics.B.By giving definitions.C.By giving examples.D.By analyzing cause and effect.10.What can we learn about total solar eclipses from paragraph 3?A.Their duration is relatively longer.B.They take place every month actually.C.They are visible only from a narrow path.D.They look like a bite taken out of the Sun.11.What makes total solar eclipses so rare?A.The moving-away Moon.B.The stronger tide on Earth.C.The smaller attraction of the Moon for Earth.D.The changing distance between the Sun and Earth.Handwriting notes in class might seem outdated as smartphones and other digital technology cover every aspect of learning across schools and universities. But a steady stream of research continues to suggest that taking notes the traditional way is still the best way to learn, especially for young children. And now scientists are finally zeroing in on why.The new research, by Audrey van der Meer and Ruud van der Weel at the NorwegianUniversity of Science and Technology (NTNU), builds on a foundational 2014 study suggesting that people taking notes by computer were typing without thinking. “It kind of goes in through your ears and comes out through your fingertips, but you don’t process the incoming information,” she says. But when taking notes by hand, it’s often impossible to write everything down; students have to actively pay attention to the incoming information and process it — prioritize it, consolidate it and try to relate it to things they’ve learned before. This conscious action of building onto existing knowledge can make it easier to stay engaged and grasp new concepts.To understand specific brain activity differences during the two note-taking approaches, the researchers sewed electrodes (电极) into a hairnet with 256 sensors that recorded the brain activity of 36 students as they wrote or typed 15 words from the game Pictionary that were displayed on a screen.When students wrote the words by hand, the sensors detected widespread connectivity across many brain regions. Typing, however, led to minimal activity, if any, in the same areas. Handwriting set off connection patterns covering visual regions, which receive and process sensory information, and the motor cortex (运动皮层). The latter handles body movement and sensorimotor integration, which helps the brain use environmental inputs to inform a person’s next action.Sophia Vinci-Booher, an assistant professor of educational brain science at Vanderbilt University, says, “People may not realize when they materialize something by writing or drawing it, this strengthens the concept and helps it stick in their memory.”12.What do we know about the new research?A.It is an initial study on note-taking.B.It offers a new note-taking method.C.It finds the evidence for previous finding.D.It introduces how to take noteseffectively.13.What does the underlined word “consolidate” probably mean in paragraph 2?A.Integrate.B.Demonstrate.C.Obtain.D.Share.14.What happens in the brain when taking notes by hand?A.Visual systems are lacking in activities.B.Some brain areas are highly involved.C.Sensory information is processed rapidly.D.The motor cortex accepts visualinformation.15.What is Sophia Vinci-Booher’s attitude towards the new research?A.Approving.B.Dismissive.C.Doubtful.D.Unclear.Several years ago, I experienced daily severe headaches that made me want to bang my head against a brick wall. I was desperate to find a cure. 16In my hopelessness, my father suggested acupuncture (针灸), a treatment he had experienced in Hong Kong. It had successfully relieved his lower back pain when other treatments and medicines had failed. With limited exposure to traditional Chinese medicine, I decided to give acupuncture a try.With no particular expectations, I found myself in the office of a middle-aged woman, surrounded by Chinese herbal medicines. After explaining my issue, she placed 3 fingers on my wrist to feel my heartbeat. 17 Soon, she took out the needles, which made me somewhat uneasy as such objects typically make me uncomfortable.18 To deal with my headaches, the treatment began on the back of my hand, far from my head. As the doctor gently handled the needles, I got the feeling that something was flowing throughout my entire body.The doctor then continued to tap and move more needles across my body. The electricity was turned on, and the doctor left the room. 19 Around the 5-minute mark, the doctor returned and adjusted the electricity level. A moment later, before I knew it, she turned off the electricity and removed the needles, marking an end to the 20-minute process. She then gave me some herbal medicine to take for 5 days.I returned to the doctor for a total of 10 sessions, and each time the same routine was repeated and the same herbal medicine was given. The true benefits of the acupuncture treatment became clear: I remained free of headaches for 2 years. 20 If you’ve experienced similar conditions, I highly recommend trying it.A.At last, my efforts paid off.B.I now strongly advocate acupuncture.C.I was then guided to a room and told to lie down.D.Despite trying different solutions, nothing worked.E.My initial experience with acupuncture was quite surprising.F.Though it may seem scary, the acupuncture cured my back pain.G.Lying still, I could sense the electricity flowing throughout my body.二、完形填空Frank Herbert’s 1965 novel Dune is widely considered one of the best sci-fi books ever written. It is also one of the first to take environmental concerns 21 .“It’s really calling attention to the 22 to think ecologically,” says Gerry Canavan, co-editor of the history of science fiction. “Prior to that moment, people just weren’t thinking in that way.”Herbert 23 to find a publisher for Dune, facing 23 rejections before it was finally 24 by Chilton Book Company. As the book gained 25 -winning two most prestigious(有声望的)prizes in science fiction and eventually selling around 20 million copies 26 -it began to affect pop culture.Dune 27 the environmental movement, which Herbert largely embraced. “I’m 28 to be put in the position of telling my grandchildren ‘Sorry, no more world for you. We have 29 all the resources,’” Herbert said at the first Earth Day in 1970.Herbert was one of the earliest to 30 renewable energy ,installing(安装) his own solar collector and windmill. He believed that understanding the 31 of human actions could reduce environmental damage.The 32 for Dune came from Herbert’s visit to Oregon’s sand dunes in 1957, where he 33 efforts to stabilize the landscape from local people. His novel serves as a cautionary tale about humanity’s relationship with the environment and the disastrous effects of 34 resource exploitation(开发).Dune challenges readers to consider the impact of their actions on the planet and serves as a 35 of the importance of sustainable living. 21.A.personally B.literally C.seriously D.equally 22.A.necessity B.attempt C.agreement D.freedom 23.A.happened B.struggled C.chosen D.hesitated 24.A.dismissed B.accepted C.recommended D.purchased 25.A.permission B.control time turn advance total 27.A.challenged B.pushed C.skipped D.simplified 28.A.unwilling B.unfortunate C.unsuitable D.unlikely 29.A.picked up B.given up C.used up D.piled up 30.A.advocate B.assign C.investigate D.deliver 31.A.similarity B.consequences C.flexibility D.strengths B.proposal C.inspiration D.desire 33.A.witnessed B.spared C.confirmed D.graded B.balanced C.unchecked D.unchanged B.symbol C.victim D.reminder三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
小学上册英语第一单元全练全测英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do you call a person who draws pictures?A. PainterB. ArtistC. SculptorD. IllustratorB2.We should encourage ______ (可持续发展) in gardening.3.We will _______ (celebrate) Halloween together.4. A playful ___ (小猴子) swings in the trees.5. A sloth spends most of its time ________________ (睡觉).6.Certain plants can thrive in ______ (低光) conditions.7.What is the name of the famous ship that sank in 1912?A. Queen MaryB. TitanicC. LusitaniaD. BritannicB8.The _______ can help purify the air in your home.9.What is the color of a typical sunflower?A. RedB. YellowC. BlueD. Green10.The __________ (历史的成果) inspire innovation.11.My sister enjoys __________ (参加) workshops and classes.12.h Revolution inspired movements for ________ (自由) worldwide. The Fren13.What do we call the shape of a triangle?A. RoundB. FlatC. AngularD. CurvedC14.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Turkey?A. TroyB. AthensC. RomeD. JerusalemA15.I think it’s fun to try ________ (新的食物).16. A __________ is a measure of how hot or cold something is.17.What do we call a person who collects coins?A. PhilatelistB. NumismatistC. CollectorD. Historian18.In a precipitation reaction, the formation of a solid occurs when two _____ combine.19.What is the name of the famous online shopping platform?A. eBayB. AmazonC. AlibabaD. EtsyB20.She is ___ her shoes. (putting on)21.We can ___ a treasure hunt. (have)22.My pet hamster is very _______ (活泼).23.How many legs does an octopus have?A. SixB. EightC. TenD. Twelve24.What is the name of the famous bear who loves honey?A. PaddingtonB. Winnie the PoohC. Yogi BearD. Smokey Bear25.What type of animal is a dolphin?A. FishB. ReptileC. MammalD. AmphibianC26.Which of these is a type of fruit?A. PotatoB. BeanC. PeachD. LettuceC27. A ______ is an animal that can be found in a zoo.28.What is the main ingredient in ice cream?A. MilkB. WaterC. JuiceD. Soda29.The chemical symbol for selenium is _____.30.The capital city of Djibouti is ________ (吉布提的首都城市是________).31.What is the capital city of Egypt?A. CairoB. GizaC. AlexandriaD. Luxor32.What do we call a person who studies the relationships between societies?A. SociologistB. AnthropologistC. HistorianD. Political ScientistA33.The ________ (task) requires focus.34.The butterfly is colorful and _______ (蝴蝶色彩斑斓且_______).35.Frogs can make a ______ sound.36.It is _____ (sunny) today.37.The chihuahua is a tiny ________________ (狗).38.What do we call the tall structures that touch the sky?A. MountainsB. TreesC. BuildingsD. HillsC39.The __________ can affect the availability of resources.40.On weekends, I often go _______ (购物) with my family.41.What is the color of a traditional school bus?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. RedB42. A crab can walk sideways using its ______ (腿).43.The _____ (leaf) is turning yellow.44. A solid has a _____ shape and volume.45.The chemical formula for barium chloride is ______.46.How many continents are there in the world?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. EightC47.We watch ________ (documentaries) about nature.48.What is the name of the famous lion in "The Lion King"?A. SimbaB. MufasaC. ScarD. NalaA49.We usually have ________ for lunch at school.50.I love my _____ (玩具车) collection.51.What is the name of our planet?A. MarsB. VenusC. EarthD. Jupiter52.The main component of natural gas is ______.53.My uncle is a wonderful __________ (教师) who inspires others.54.Certain plants can be grown indoors or ______. (某些植物可以在室内或室外生长。
小学上册英语第五单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.My dad encourages healthy __________ (生活方式).2.The _____ (蜗牛) is very slow but persistent.3.The _____ (糖果) is very sweet.4.Rainforests have a high level of ______ (湿度).5. A _______ is a substance that donates electrons in a reaction.6.What do you call a piece of furniture to sit on?A. TableB. ChairC. CouchD. BenchB7.Insects have ______ legs.8.ts have deep roots that help them survive in ______ conditions. (某些植物有深根,有助于它们在干旱条件下生存。
) Some pla9.The __________ (自然资源) are vital for survival.10.What is the name of the traditional Japanese dish made with raw fish?A. SushiB. SashimiC. TempuraD. RamenA11.The pelican's bill acts like a net for catching ________________ (鱼).12.What is the main ingredient in pasta?A. WheatB. RiceC. CornD. Barley13.Did you see a _______ (小野猪) in the woods?14.Europe is a continent located to the _______ of Asia.15.What do we call the person who teaches us in school?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. ChefD. EngineerB16.What is the capital of New Zealand?A. AucklandB. WellingtonC. ChristchurchD. HamiltonB17.My brother loves __________ (进行科学研究).18.Light-years measure the ______ that light travels in one year.19.What is the name of the famous detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle?A. Hercule PoirotB. Sam SpadeC. Sherlock HolmesD. Philip MarloweC20.I enjoy _______ (playing) board games.21. A parakeet can learn to whistle ______ (曲调).22.What do we call the act of teaching someone?A. TrainingB. CoachingC. InstructingD. EducatingD23.She is a pilot, ______ (她是一名飞行员), flying across the sky.24.Chickens lay ______ for breakfast.25.We go to school by ________ every day.26.The __________ (南北战争) ended in 1865.27. A ____(wildfire) can rapidly destroy vast areas of land.28. A solution with a pH of is considered very _______.29.The capital of the British Virgin Islands is __________.30.My favorite book is ________.31.When vinegar and baking soda mix, they create __________.32.The first person to swim across the English Channel was _______. (马修·韦本)33.What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost her shoe?A. Snow WhiteB. CinderellaC. Sleeping BeautyD. Little Red Riding HoodB34.My dog enjoys playing with other ______ (动物).35.Space probes are designed for long-distance _______.36.I like to _______ (与朋友聊天).37.My uncle is a __________. (律师)38.She is _____ to her friend. (talking)39.The __________ (历史的思维模式) inspires innovation.40.My cousin is a great ____ (athlete).41.I like to draw ________ in my sketchbook.42.The ______ (小鸡) pecks at the ground for food.43. A _______ can help to measure the intensity of sound in different environments.44.When ice melts, it turns into __________.45.ic sank on its maiden voyage in ________ (1912). The Tita46.The country famous for its poets is ________ (波兰).47.What do you use to cut paper?A. KnifeB. ScissorsC. SpoonD. Fork48.The rabbit’s ears help it hear _______ (声音).49. A catapult can launch a ______.50.The chemical properties of metals include being ______ and malleable.51.What is the main ingredient in bread?A. RiceB. WheatC. CornD. OatsB52.I think it’s important to be curious. Asking questions helps us lea rn and grow. I love discovering new facts about __________ and sharing them with my friends.53.What do we call a young reindeer?A. CalfB. FawnC. KitD. PupA Calf54.What is the name of the famous ancient civilization in Mesopotamia?A. EgyptiansB. SumeriansC. GreeksD. RomansB55.The squirrel collects _______ (坚果) for winter.56.What is 3 + 6?A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 11A57.What is the name of the popular board game where you buy properties?A. ChessB. MonopolyC. ScrabbleD. ClueB58.We can _______ a fun game tonight.59.What is the process of converting a liquid into a gas called?A. MeltingB. FreezingC. EvaporationD. CondensationC60.I can ______ (draw) a map of my town.61.Which of these is a cold beverage?A. TeaB. CocoaC. LemonadeD. CoffeeC62.The earth's atmosphere is mostly made up of ______.63.The sunflowers turn toward the _______ during the day.64.The Earth's surface is covered by diverse ecosystems, including ______ and deserts.65.Planting trees can combat __________ (气候变化).66.The _______ can be used for making natural dyes.67.The _____ (青蛙) has sticky pads on its feet for climbing.68.The kangaroo can jump over _______ (障碍物).69.The __________ is a region known for its fjords.70.What is the opposit e of ‘tall’?A. ShortB. WideC. LongD. Big71.Emma is a ______. She enjoys dancing.72.Metals are usually _____ (conductors) of electricity.73.Astronomy helps us understand our place in the ______.74.I want to learn how to ________ (弹吉他).75.I enjoy ______ (与同学一起) participating in competitions.76.I watch the clouds float across the ______ (天空).77.The fish has bright _______ (颜色).78. A butterfly goes through four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and ______.79.What is the tallest mountain in North America?A. Mount RushmoreB. Mount DenaliC. Mount RainierD. Mount Hood80.The chemical formula for sodium oxalate is __________.81.The ancient Greeks studied ________ to understand the world around them.82.听一听,为下面图片排列顺序,每个句子读三遍。
Research on the Construction of Intelligent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Platform in Universities Based on Neural Network TechnologyTao ZhangSchool of Foreign Languages, Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, 450064ABSTRACTWith the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, neuralnetwork technology has become an important branch in the field ofAI. In higher education, neural network technology has also begun tobe applied in the construction of teaching platforms, providing newideas and methods for the development of intelligent innovation andentrepreneurship teaching platforms in universities. This paper aims toexplore the construction path of a university's intelligent innovation andentrepreneurship teaching platform based on neural network technology,providing references for the construction of intelligent innovation andentrepreneurship teaching platforms in universities.KEYWORDSNeural network technology; University; Intelligence; Innovation andentrepreneurship teaching platform; Construction pathDOI: 10.47297/taposatWSP2633-456913.202304011 IntroductionWith the continuous progress and widespread application of information technology, artificial intelligence has become an essential component of today’s society. Neural network technology, as an important branch of artificial intelligence, possesses powerful learning and prediction capabilities and has been widely applied in image recognition, natural language processing, speech recognition, and other fields. In higher education, neural network technology has also begun to be applied in the construction of teaching platforms, offering new ideas and methods for the development of intelligent innovation and entrepreneurship teaching platforms in universities.2 Research Background and Significance(1) The Role of Intelligent Teaching Platforms in Enhancing Innovation and Entrepreneurship EducationIntelligent teaching platforms play a crucial role in enhancing innovation and entrepreneurship education. They enable personalized learning and intelligent guidance, helping students better understand and master the study material, thereby improving learning outcomes and self-confidence. Additionally, these platforms also provide intelligent analysis and management tools for teachers, enabling them to gain insights into students’ learning progress and needs, leading to more preciseTheory and Practice of Science and Technologyteaching and personalized guidance, ultimately enhancing the overall teaching effectiveness and quality.(2) Analyzing the advantages of neural network technology application in the education sectorThe application of neural network technology in education offers various advantages. Firstly, it facilitates personalized learning, tailoring individualized learning plans for each student based on their learning characteristics and progress, thereby meeting their specific learning needs. Secondly, neural network technology enables intelligent guidance, analyzing students’ learning performance and difficulties, and providing them with corresponding learning advice and solutions. Thirdly, it facilitates intelligent assessment, conducting comprehensive and accurate evaluations of students’ learning performance and mastery, offering targeted feedback and improvement measures for both teachers and students. Furthermore, neural network technology can achieve intelligent recommendation, suggesting relevant learning resources and content based on students’ interests and abilities, thereby stimulating students’ learning motivation and engagement. Lastly, the intelligent analysis capabilities of neural network technology help teachers gain a better understanding of students’ learning situations and processes, providing scientific evidence for instructional design and management, and ultimately improving teaching effectiveness and quality.3 Application of Neural Network Technology in the Construction of Intelligent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Platforms in Universities(1) Personalized teachingUsing neural network technology, personalized learning models can be constructed based on students’ learning habits, abilities, interests, and other factors, providing tailored teaching services to students. For example, by analyzing students’ answer data, students can be categorized, and suitable learning resources can be recommended to them. For hands-on learners, more practical exercises and case analyses can be provided, while for theory-oriented learners, more theoretical knowledge can be offered. This approach better meets students' individual needs and enhances their learning motivation.(2) Intelligent assessmentThrough neural network technology, students' learning outcomes can be intelligently assessed, enabling a better understanding of their learning situation and timely adjustment of teaching strategies. For instance, during exams, neural networks can automatically grade students’ papers, providing quick and accurate scores and error analysis. This not only lightens the workload of teachers but also improves the accuracy and objectivity of assessments. Furthermore, through data analysis of students’ exam scores, trends in their academic performance can be predicted, leading to targeted learning recommendations.(3) Intelligent recommendationUsing neural network technology, students can receive recommendations for suitable courses, majors, and careers based on their learning progress and interests. For example, for students who enjoy programming, relevant learning resources and projects can be recommended to help themVol.4 No.1 2023 further develop their skills. Additionally, by analyzing students’ course selection data, the neural network can suggest courses that are beneficial for their career development.(4) Intelligent interactionLeveraging neural network technology enables intelligent interaction features. Students can interact with the system in real-time through voice, text, images, and other means, facilitating immediate communication and feedback, thus enhancing their learning experience and efficiency. Teachers can also provide real-time learning support and guidance through intelligent interaction. For instance, in programming education, the neural network can analyze students’ code in real-time, offering targeted suggestions and guidance to help students better understand and master the knowledge.4 Construction of Neural Network-based Intelligent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Platform in Universities(1) Establish data collection systemThe construction of a neural network-based intelligent innovation and entrepreneurship teaching platform in universities requires a substantial amount of data for training and optimization. Therefore, it is essential to establish a comprehensive data collection system. This system can utilize technological means to gather relevant student data, such as learning behavior, academic performance, and social interactions, while ensuring data accuracy and security.(2) Build model training platformThe development of an intelligent innovation and entrepreneurship teaching platform using neural network technology necessitates the construction of a model training platform. Cloud computing technology can be employed to establish a high-performance computing cluster, providing powerful computational support for model training. Additionally, a distributed training framework can be adopted to enable parallel processing of large-scale data. Students can access learning resources, participate in activities, and receive study reminders anytime, anywhere through mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Moreover, mobile application platforms can facilitate interaction and communication between students and teachers or other students.(3) Formulate intelligent teaching strategiesThe formulation of intelligent teaching strategies is the foundation of constructing an intelligent innovation and entrepreneurship teaching platform in universities. By analyzing students’ learning situations and needs, personalized learning plans and resources that cater to individual students' characteristics can be devised to achieve personalized teaching. Additionally, intelligent assessment and recommendation functionalities can be utilized to provide intelligent teaching services.(4) Establish intelligent teaching environmentThe establishment of an intelligent teaching environment is crucial in the construction of an intelligent innovation and entrepreneurship teaching platform in universities. The creation of facilities such as intelligent classrooms and laboratories can facilitate the development of an intelligent teaching environment. Meanwhile, leveraging intelligent interaction capabilities enables real-timeTheory and Practice of Science and Technologycommunication and feedback between students and the system, enhancing their learning experience and efficiency.(5) Develop intelligent teaching resourcesThe development of intelligent teaching resources is the core of constructing an intelligent innovation and entrepreneurship teaching platform in universities. By developing intelligent textbooks, experimental materials, and other teaching resources, the creation of intelligent teaching resources can be achieved. Additionally, through intelligent recommendation features, students can access learning resources and services that align with their interests and needs.5 Empirical Study(1) Research methods and procedures1) Data CollectionCollect data from the experimental group and the control group. The experimental data comes from students enrolled in an innovation and entrepreneurship course at a certain university, including students’ personal information, learning data, grades, learning behaviors, and teachers’ assessments of students' learning.2) Data preprocessingConduct data cleaning, handle missing values, and perform feature extraction to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the data.3) Model trainingSelect suitable neural network models, such as convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, etc., to analyze and model the data, establishing models for personalized teaching, intelligent assessment, intelligent recommendation, and intelligent interaction.4) Model evaluationDivide the processed data into training, validation, and testing sets, and use methods like cross-validation to evaluate the performance and accuracy of the models. Model parameters are adjusted based on student and course characteristics to improve model performance.(2) Analyzing experimental data and resultsBy comparing the performance of different neural network models, the experimental data and results are analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness and contribution of neural network technology in the construction of the innovation and entrepreneurship teaching platform. The advantages of the intelligent teaching platform are found in the following aspects:1) Personalized teachingThe intelligent teaching platform can provide personalized learning content and teaching strategies based on each student's learning data and interests, thereby increasing students’ learning motivation.Vol.4 No.1 20232) Intelligent assessmentThe intelligent teaching platform can provide accurate assessments and feedback by analyzing students’ learning outcomes and practice data, helping students understand their learning progress and areas for improvement, and making timely adjustments and improvements.3) Intelligent recommendationThe intelligent teaching platform can provide intelligent recommendation services to students based on their learning situation and interests, recommending suitable learning resources and activities to expand students’ knowledge and perspectives, thereby enhancing their learning effectiveness and satisfaction.4) Intelligent interactionBy deploying the trained models to practical application scenarios such as the intelligent teaching platform, intelligent interaction is achieved. The system analyzes users’ questions and historical data, uses the trained models for prediction, and returns the most likely answers. Through continuous interaction and learning, the system can gradually improve the accuracy and efficiency of responses, enhancing users’ overall experience.6 ConclusionThrough measures such as establishing a data collection system and constructing model training platforms, the level of construction and the quality of services of the intelligent innovation and entrepreneurship teaching platform in universities can be effectively improved. Neural network technology also provides new ideas and methods for the construction of intelligent innovation and entrepreneurship teaching platforms in universities: by formulating personalized teaching strategies, building intelligent teaching environments, and developing intelligent teaching resources, the construction and application of intelligent innovation and entrepreneurship teaching platforms in universities can be achieved. In the future, with the continuous development and application of neural network technology, the construction of intelligent innovation and entrepreneurship teaching platforms in universities will become more refined and widespread, providing better intelligent teaching services for more students.About the AuthorTao Zhang (1989-), male, Han nationality, native place: Queshan County, Henan Province, professional title: lecturer, postgraduate degree, research direction: employment and entrepreneurship guidance.References[1] Yingshuai Dong. Jiaxuan Qu. 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Cultural and Educational Materials, 2021 (23) : 191-94.[5] Qiang Wang.Discussion on the construction of “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” platform based on Co-construction of school and enterprise [J]. Qinghai Transportation Science and Technology,2021,33(04):46-48.。
Flexible scheduling
Online live courses allow for flexible scheduling, making it convenient for students to learn according to their own time.
Efficient learning
Learning objective
Through systematic course learning and practice, improve students' English language abilities, achieve the level of passing the Cambridge English exam, and lay a solid foundation for future learning and work.
Live courses usually have a playback function, allowing students to watch repeatedly, deepen understanding, and improve learning efficiency.
Interactive learning experience
Group Discussion
Role playing
Interactive games
In the course, a group discussion session will be arranged where students can discuss problems, share viewpoints, and improve their oral expression skills with their classmates.
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.When caught _____ in the exam, he begged for the teacher’s pardon and tried ______ punishment.A.cheating; escaping be cheating; to escapeC.cheating; to escape be cheating; escaping2.I’m sure that your letter will get _____attention. They know you’re waiting for the reply.A.continued B.immediate C.careful D.general3.Just as the famous man _____it, “Anything one man can imagine, other men can make____real.”A.says, it B.put, / C.says, / D.put, them4.My sister met him in the street yesterday afternoon, so he ______ your lecture.A.shouldn’t have attended B.couldn’t h ave attendedC.mustn’t have attended D.needn’t have attended5.As often happens after long sleeplessness, he was ________ by an unreasoning panic.A.seized B.fascinatedC.impressed D.embarrassed6.— ________ your purchases in time, make sure the express company knows your address exactly.A.To receive B.ReceivedC.Receiving D.Having received7.Li Hua ____ his money for dollars before he went on a holiday in America.A.exchanges B.has exchangedC.will exchange D.had exchanged8.Their products enjoy 30 percent ________ of the market in this country because both the quality and their service are fine.A.features B.shares C.interests D.sales9.Hot the night air was,we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.A.although B.while D.however10.I certainly expect to be elected best student of the year. It’s really ________!A.a good Samaritan B.a wet blanketC.a feather in my cap D.a piece of cake11.______to work overtime that evening,I missed a wonderful film.A.Having been asked B.To askC.Having asked D.To be asked12.The accident which left 15 people on board dead ________ if both the angry female passenger and the bus driver had kept calm.A.should have avoided B.should be avoidedC.could have avoided D.could have been avoided13.The village evolved into a major e-commerce center, and _____ the past, the villagers owed their success to the reform and opening-up policy.A.reviewed review D.being reviewed14.This morning I picked up wallet in surprise on my way to school.A.A;a B.the;a C.a;\ D.\;the15.----- Hi, Mark. How was the musical evening?----- Excellent! Ales and Andy performed _________ and they won the firs prize.A.skillfully B.commonly C.willingly D.nervously16.—Betty was feeling pretty blue for a while, but she’s better now.—_______.A.Oh, that’s kind of you B.CongratulationsC.Oh, I’m glad to hear tha t D.It’s my pleasure17.We climbed up to the top of a hill,___________ we got a good view of the whole forest park.A.which B.whereC.when D.that18.—Do you know what EU stands for, Tommy?—Sure.It stands for the European Union,______ European political and economic organization that encourages trade and friendship between ______ countries that are; the B.a; the C.the; /; /19.—What does the sign over there read?—"No person_______ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area."A.shall B.may C.must D.Will20.After the flooding, people were suffering in that area, ________ urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter to survive.A.which B.whoC.where D.what第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
理想是人生导航的灯塔英语作文Ideal is the beacon of life navigation because of the ideal, people will struggle for their own ideals, and work hard my ideal is to be a hard gardener - a teacher, a glorious people's teacher. The teacher like the gardener, the young plants grow into towering trees The teacher is human soul engineer, generations of teachers, and selfless dedication, and a month year cultivation in the three feet high on the podium, spread knowledge, spread of human civilization, for the country by churning out generations of outstanding talents, to make the society more civilized, more prosperous and strong country Kindergarten, the teacher teaches us singing and dancing, tell the story listens to us At that time, I think the teacher is amazing, it's great, what will be, I thought: I grow up, I also want to be a magic teacher, teach children know I had the teacher taught us to be the truth, tell us to do an honest boy When we are sad, the teacher gives us comfort; When we encounter setbacks, the teacher to encourage us if I become a teacher, boarded the three feet high platform, to teach the children knowledge, lead them in the sea of knowledge, it is a wonderful thing ah! I will take my students as my children, like taking care of their own children to take care of them, education so that they can understand the true meaning of life from a small story of truth, kindness and beauty; Let them appreciate the quietness of all sounds from the picturesque poems of tang and Song dynasties, but the silence of the remaining chimes makes them feel the magic of nature from the blooming buds of flowers. Let them feel the magic of language from English words. Let them feel the magic of the kingdom of mathematics from a lively jumble of numbers I will also let the children from learning to find fun, in the fun of learning, love learning when they pick up the cup, I will tell them not to be proud, must make persistent efforts, in the future to continue to work hard; When they are on the way to grow discouraged when in trouble, I'll tell them not to be discouraged, sunshine always after the rain, insist on is victory Education my child like at that time, the teacher education we put them into a caring, responsible, have a sense of justice of their children, grew up to be a useful talents to the society I have been in this ideal and unremitting efforts, solid learning every - door courses, step by step toward this goal to climb.....。
英语三分钟自我介绍面试稿1Good morning/afternoon, my dear professors. Iam very glad to be here for your interview. My nameis , years old. I come from , a very beautiful city. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in university in July, 20. And now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to University.Generally speaking, I am a hard-working student. I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. When I was sophomore, I found web design very interesting, so I learned it very hard. To weave a homepage for myself, I stayed with my personal computer for half a month, and I am the first one in my class who own his homepage. Furthermore, I am a person with great perseverance. During the days preparing for the first eamination, I insist on runningevery day, no matter what the weather was like. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.Well, in my spare time, I like basketball, tennis and Chinese chess. Also, English is my favorite. I often go to English corner to practice my oral English on every Thursday, and write compositions to improve my written ability. But I know my English is not good enough, I will continue studying.Ok, that’s all, thank you for your attention.英语三分钟自我介绍面试稿2Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. Im confident that I can succeed. Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 26 years old, born in Shandong province. I graduated from Qingdao University. My major is electronics. And I got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 20xx. I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major. It is my long cherished dream to be an engineer and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability.In July 20, I began working for a small private company as a technical support engineer in Qingdao city. Because there was no more chance for me to give full play to my talent, so I decided to change my job. And in August 20, I left for Beijing and worked for a foreign enterprise as an automation software test engineer. Because I want to change my working environment, Id like to find a job which is more challenging. Moreover,Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain a lot from working in this kind of company. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position. I think Im a good team player and a person of great honesty to others. Also,I am able to work under great pressure. I am confident that I am qualified for the post of engineer in your company.英语三分钟自我介绍面试稿3I am Sravani, I am from Secunderabad. My hobbies are listening to music most of the time and playing badminton, indoor games such as caroms , chess etc. My strengths are, I am optimistic in nature, and my parents. Coming to my family background weare four of us: me, my father, mother and a younger brother.My father is SCR employee, mom house wife and brother is perceiving his B.Pharm 3rd year. Moving on to my educational background: I have done my schooling from Keyes high school in the year 20xx, I finished bipc from srichaitanya in the year 20xx, i have completed B.Sc. Nursing from Yashoda institutions under NTR university in the year 20xx. The whole of20xx I was working as staff nurse in Yashoda hospital. Right now I am looking out for BPO because I got engaged last year, my in-laws are against me not to work in nursing department. So, i am looking out for BPO because as it provides good platform for freshers and more over it would welcome a person at any educational level with good communication skills and ability to handle customers.英语三分钟自我介绍面试稿4good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll inthis prestigious university in i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at .my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 with a ease.and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend several paci will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of pp, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online.through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a few gloriousmemory on stage. that is my pride.ou for giving me the chance英语三分钟自我介绍面试稿5After completing my military service, I have been looking for a challenging goal for me to achieve. And I found that the Intermediate of General English Proficiency Test fits my new achievement properly.I graduated from Taipei Commercial Junior College, majored in business administration. Instead of spending much time in playing, I devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all meaningful things happened in daily life. By the way, I learned a lot from Mr. Wang, the professor of my business class. He is my good friend till now an often gives some appropriate suggestions toward my problem confusion.My father is , in the same way, a good consultant to me. As he said:I am in poor education, little for you; to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words, I do think so. I was born in a country of Ping Tung Country, farming is our career of generations. There are four people in my family, Mother is housewife and my brother is a student of anAgriculture College.I am optimistic and active, and I am confident that I can pass the test. Thank you for your precious to read my autobiography.。
2025年研究生考试考研英语(一201)复习试题与参考答案一、完型填空(10分)Part A: Cloze TestFor each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the given options. Read the passage carefully before making your choices.The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming the way we communicate, work, and access information. Its impact on society is immense, and it continues to evolve at a rapid pace. The following passage discusses some of the challenges and opportunities that arise from this digital revolution.1.The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, making it possible to connect with people all around the world 1_____.a) within secondsb) through traditional mailc) with the help of telephonesd) by using ancient means2.Social media platforms have 2_____ the number of online interactions and have become a powerful tool for social networking.a) diminishedb) increasedc) remained stabled) decreased3.One of the primary challenges of the digital age is the 3_____ of information overload.a) abundanceb) scarcityc) diversityd) precisionpanies are using big data analytics to 4_____ customer preferences and improve their services.a) predictb) ignorec) eliminated) overlook5.The rise of e-commerce has 5_____ the way we shop, offering convenience and a wider variety of products.a) transformedb) complicatedc) simplifiedd) eliminated6.While the internet has brought numerous benefits, it has also given riseto issues such as 6_____.a) improved educationb) increased job opportunitiesc) cybersecurity threatsd) better healthcare7.Online learning platforms have made education more accessible, allowing students to 7_____ courses from the comfort of their homes.a) submitb) participate inc) purchased) donate8.The rapid development of artificial intelligence has sparked 8_____ about the future of work and the potential displacement of jobs.a) excitementb) optimismc) concernd) indifference9.Internet privacy is a growing concern, with many users feeling that their personal data is not 9_____.a) secureb) accessiblec) sharedernments around the world are working to 10_____ internet regulations to ensure a safe and secure online environment.a) establishb) dismantlec) modifyd) ignore11.The internet has 11_____ the way we consume news, with many people relying on social media for updates.a) enrichedb) diminishedc) diversifiedd) consolidated12.One of the biggest advantages of the internet is its 12_____ in terms of information sharing and collaboration.a) limitationsb) benefitsc) challengesd) costs13.Online communication can sometimes lead to misunderstandings due to a lack of 13_____.a) clarityc) privacyd) access14.Cybersecurity experts are constantly working to 14_____ new threats and vulnerabilities.a) addressb) createc) ignored) eliminate15.The internet has 15_____ the global economy, facilitating international trade and business operations.a) boostedb) weakenedc) stabilizedd) diversified16.One of the challenges of the digital age is the 16_____ of digital literacy skills.a) shortageb) abundancec) diversityd) uniformity17.The internet has 17_____ the boundaries of traditional education,allowing for more personalized learning experiences.a) expandedb) narrowedc) maintainedd) eliminated18.While the internet offers numerous benefits, it also presents 18_____ in terms of mental health and well-being.a) opportunitiesb) challengesc) distractionsd) advancements19.Many people argue that the internet has 19_____ our attention spans, making us more prone to multitasking and shorter attention spans.a) extendedb) decreasedc) maintainedd) diversified20.Despite its challenges, the internet remains a powerful tool that has the potential to 20_____ our lives in countless ways.a) enrichb) degradec) isolated) confineAnswers:1.a) within seconds2.b) increased3.a) abundance4.a) predict5.a) transformed二、传统阅读理解(本部分有4大题,每大题10分,共40分)First QuestionPassage:“The Evolution of the English Language”The history of the English language is typically divided into three periods: Old English (approximately 450 to 1100 AD), Middle English (1100 to 1500), and Modern English (from 1500 to the present day). The language spoken during the Old English period was very different from the English we use today; it was heavily influenced by Germanic languages due to the Anglo-Saxon invasions. After the Norman Conquest in 1066, French became the language of the royal court and the ruling classes, which led to a significant number of French words being incorporated into the English vocabulary.During the Middle English period, the language began to take on a more familiar form as the influence of Latin and French from the Church and the Normansblended with the existing Germanic base. This period also saw the Great Vowel Shift, a major change in pronunciation that started around the 15th century and continued through the 17th century, transforming the sound system of the English language.Modern English emerged as a result of various linguistic changes and innovations, including the invention of the printing press, which standardized spelling, and the Renaissance, which introduced many Greek and Latin terms into the language. Today, English continues to evolve, absorbing new words from cultures all over the world, reflecting the globalized nature of our society.1、What were the main influences on Old English?A) Latin and FrenchB) French and ItalianC) Germanic languages and LatinD) Germanic languages and French2、When did the English language begin to shift significantly towards its modern form?A) After the Norman ConquestB) Around the 15th centuryC) During the RenaissanceD) In the 18th century3、Which event is credited with standardizing English spelling?A) The Norman ConquestB) The Great Vowel ShiftC) The invention of the printing pressD) The Renaissance4、What does the passage suggest about the current state of the English language?A) It is no longer evolving.B) It has stopped borrowing words from other languages.C) It remains static and unchanged since the Middle English period.D) It is continuing to evolve and incorporate new words from various cultures.5、Which of the following best describes the impact of the Great Vowel Shift?A) It introduced French vocabulary into English.B) It led to changes in the pronunciation of English vowels.C) It standardized the spelling of English words.D) It marked the beginning of the Old English period.Answers:1、D2、B3、C4、D5、B第二题Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.The advent of the internet has revolutionized the way we access information and communicate with others. From the early days of dial-up modems to the lightning-fast speeds of today’s 5G n etworks, the internet has grown exponentially. This rapid expansion has not only brought about convenience but also raised concerns about privacy and security.1.The passage discusses the impact of the internet on:a)Educationb)Communicationc)Entertainmentd)Transportation2.The phrase “revolutions the way we access information” suggests that the internet has:a)Made information less accessibleb)Had no impact on information accessc)Made information more accessibled)Brought about confusion in information access3.The term “exponentially” implies that the growth of the internet has been:a)Slow and steadyb)Unpredictablec)Very fast and intensed)Gradual and consistent4.The passage mentions that the internet has brought about both convenience and concerns. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a concern?a)Privacy issuesb)Security breachesc)Increased traffic congestiond)Loss of face-to-face interactions5.The author’s tone towards the internet can be described as:a)Highly criticalb)Indifferentc)Positive and optimisticd)Negative and skepticalAnswers:1.b) Communication2.c) Made information more accessible3.c) Very fast and intense4.c) Increased traffic congestion5.c) Positive and optimisticThird QuestionPassage:In today’s fast-paced world, technology has become an indispensable part of our lives. It shapes how we communicate, learn, and even entertain ourselves. One area where technology has made significant strides is in education. The advent of e-learning platforms has revolutionized traditional classroom settings, making education more accessible and flexible than ever before.However, the integration of technology into education is not without its challenges. Critics argue that excessive reliance on technology could lead toa decrease in face-to-face interaction among students, potentially weakening their social skills. Moreover, there is concern about the digital divide, which refers to the gap between those who have ready access to digital technology and those who do not. This disparity can exacerbate existing educational inequalities if not properly addressed.Despite these concerns, proponents of educational technology believe that the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. With the right policies in place to ensure equitable access and usage, technology can serve as a powerful tool to enhance learning experiences and outcomes.Questions:1、What is one major benefit of integrating technology into education according to the passage?Answer: The major benefit mentioned is that technology makes education more accessible and flexible through e-learning platforms.2、What potential drawback of technological integration into education is mentioned?Answer: A potential drawback is the decrease in face-to-face interactions among students, which might weaken their social skills.3、How does the passage define the term “digital divide”?Answer: The “digital divide” is defined as the gap between those who have ready access to digital technology and those who do not.4、What concern is raised regarding the digital divide in the context ofeducation?Answer: The concern is that the digital divide could exacerbate existing educational inequalities.5、According to the passage, what condition must be met to harness the full benefits of educational technology?Answer: The condition stated is that there need to be right policies in place to ensure equitable access and usage of technology.第四题Reading Passage:In the era of digital technology, the importance of traditional reading skills has often been overlooked. However, reading traditional books offers numerous benefits that cannot be replicated by digital devices. This passage discusses the advantages of reading traditional books over digital ones.The benefits of reading traditional books are multifaceted. Firstly, it enhances cognitive development. The physical act of turning pages and holding a book requires more engagement from the reader, which leads to better concentration and comprehension. Secondly, reading traditional books promotes relaxation and reduces stress. The tactile experience of holding a book and the soothing sound of pages turning create a calming atmosphere that is conducive to relaxation. Thirdly, traditional books offer a unique sense of ownership and connection. Collecting books and having them on a shelf creates a personal library that is a reflection of one’s personality and interests. Lastly,traditional books have a longer lifespan than digital devices, making them a more sustainable choice.Despite the numerous benefits of reading traditional books, the rise of digital technology has led to a decline in book reading. Many people now prefer to read on e-readers or smartphones, which are more convenient and portable. However, this convenience comes at a cost. E-readers and smartphones can be addictive, leading to shorter attention spans and reduced concentration. Additionally, the screen glare and blue light emitted by digital devices can be harmful to one’s eyes and overall health.The importance of traditional reading skills cannot be overstated. Reading traditional books offers numerous benefits that contribute to cognitive development, relaxation, personal connection, and sustainability. While digital technology has its advantages, it is crucial to maintain the habit of reading traditional books to reap these benefits.Questions:1、What is the main advantage of reading traditional books mentioned in the passage?A. They are more portable.B. They enhance cognitive development.C. They are more convenient.D. They are more sustainable.2、According to the passage, how does reading traditional books contributeto relaxation?A. It provides a soothing sound of pages turning.B. It enhances cognitive development.C. It promotes social interaction.D. It helps in reducing stress.3、What is one of the unique benefits of traditional books mentioned in the passage?A. They have a longer lifespan than digital devices.B. They can be easily shared with others.C. They are more durable than digital devices.D. They offer a personal sense of connection.4、Why does the passage mention the decline in book reading?A. Because digital technology is more convenient.B. Because traditional books are more expensive.C. Because people prefer to read on e-readers.D. Because traditional books are less accessible.5、What is the author’s main argument in the passage?A. Traditional books are better than digital devices.B. Digital technology is more beneficial for reading.C. Traditional reading skills are important to maintain.D. Digital devices are more sustainable than traditional books.Answers:1、B2、A3、D4、A5、C三、阅读理解新题型(10分)Section III Reading Comprehension (New Type)Part ADirections: There is a passage in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage:The rise of the Internet and the spread of social media have dramatically changed the way we communicate and interact with each other. One of the most significant impacts of these technologies is the transformation of traditional media, which has led to the emergence of new forms of media and communication. This shift has not only altered the way we consume information but also the way we create and share it.The traditional media landscape, dominated by newspapers, television, and radio, has been rapidly reshaped by the digital age. These platforms have adaptedto the digital environment, offering users more personalized and interactive experiences. However, the rise of digital media has also brought challenges, such as the spread of misinformation and the decline in the quality of content.One of the most notable developments in digital media is the rise of influencers. Influencers are individuals who have established a significant online presence and have gained a loyal following. They often use their platforms to promote products, services, or ideas, and their influence can be significant. The power of influencers lies in their ability to reach a large audience quickly and effectively.Despite the benefits, the influence of digital media and influencers raises important ethical and social questions. The spread of fake news, for instance, is a direct consequence of the rapid dissemination of information online. Moreover, the influence of influencers can sometimes lead to harmful behaviors, such as the promotion of unrealistic body image or the encouragement of materialism.The impact of digital media on society is multifaceted. It has democratized information, allowing individuals to access and share knowledge more easily than ever before. However, it has also created new forms of inequality, such as the digital divide, where individuals without access to the internet are left behind.Questions:1.What is the main topic of the passage?A) The rise of digital mediaB) The decline of traditional mediaC) The rise of influencersD) The impact of digital media on society2.According to the passage, what is one of the challenges brought by the rise of digital media?A) The increase in the quality of contentB) The spread of misinformationC) The decrease in the number of traditional media platformsD) The increase in the number of influencers3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an ethical or social question raised by the influence of digital media?A) The spread of fake newsB) The promotion of unrealistic body imageC) The increase in the number of newspapersD) The encouragement of materialism4.What is the author’s attitude towards the democratization of information by digital media?A) SkepticalB) NeutralC) SupportiveD) Critical5.The passage suggests that the digital divide can result in:A) More people having access to informationB) Less people having access to informationC) No change in the access to informationD) A more equal distribution of informationAnswers:1.D) The impact of digital media on society2.B) The spread of misinformation3.C) The increase in the number of newspapers4.C) Supportive5.B) Less people having access to information四、翻译(本大题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)第一题Translate the following Chinese paragraph into English.中文段落:“近年来,随着科技的飞速发展,人们的生活方式发生了翻天覆地的变化。
小学上册英语全练全测(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ancient Greeks celebrated athletic competitions at the ________ (奥林匹克运动会).2.The chemical formula for potassium hydrogen phthalate is _____.3.What do we call the large body of salt water?A. RiverB. OceanC. LakeD. Pond答案:B4.What do you call the action of putting something back in its place?A. ReturningB. ReplacingC. StoringD. Organizing答案:A5.What is the term for a large structure built to carry water?A. CanalB. AqueductC. PipelineD. Reservoir答案:B6.In a physical change, the substance's _____ does not change.7.The chemical formula for ethanol is ________.8.We should ________ our toys.9.This girl, ______ (这个女孩), loves helping others.10.What do we call the period of one hundred years?A. DecadeB. CenturyC. MillenniumD. Era答案:B11.The __________ is the capital city of Chile. (圣地亚哥)12.We saw a ________ (movie) last night.13.The __________ is a major geographical region in Asia. (中亚)14.What is the value of 5 2 + 3?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7答案:C15.What is the main source of energy for the Earth?A. WindB. SunC. WaterD. Coal16.The _____ (根部) store energy for the plant.17.What is the term for a person who studies history?A. HistorianB. ArchaeologistC. AnthropologistD. Sociologist答案:A18.I like to race my ________ (玩具名称) against others.19.What do you call the art of making paper flowers?A. OrigamiB. QuillingC. PapercraftD. Floral Design答案:A20.What do we call the total number of individuals of a species in a given area?A. PopulationB. CommunityC. EcosystemD. Biome答案:A21.How many zeros are in one thousand?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four22.What do we call the process of making food ready to eat?A. CookingB. CleaningC. EatingD. Baking答案:A23.The ______ (植物的特性) can inform gardening methods.24.What do we call the force that pulls objects toward the Earth?A. FrictionB. GravityC. MagnetismD. Pressure答案:B Gravity25.I made a model of a ________ (飞机) for my school project. It took a lot of________ (时间).26.The _______ (Vatican City) is the smallest independent state in the world.27.I have a toy _______ that dances and sings all my favorite tunes.28. A ________ is an area of land that is controlled by a government.29.What do you call a person who studies marine life?A. Marine biologistB. OceanographerC. Aquatic scientistD. All of the above答案:D30.I see a _____ (cat) on the roof.31.The ______ (绿色植物) purify the air.32.The flamingo wades through shallow ______ (水) to find food.33. A reaction that absorbs heat is called an ______ reaction.34.What is the name of the famous landmark in Italy?A. Eiffel TowerB. Leaning Tower of PisaC. ColosseumD. Statue of Liberty35.The _____ (小溪) flows through the garden, providing water.36.I can dance ______.37.What is the main ingredient in pizza dough?A. RiceB. FlourC. CornD. Sugar答案:B38.I write ______ (信) to my friend.39.The _____ (温度) can affect how fast a plant grows.40.When you mix vinegar and baking soda, it creates _______. (气泡)41.My aunt is a ______. She works in a hospital.42.What do we call the animal that is known for changing colors?A. ChameleonB. GeckoC. IguanaD. Monitor lizard答案:A43.How many bones are in the adult human body?A. 206B. 201C. 210D. 215答案:A44.I think it’s important to stay curious and never stop ________ (学习).45.The _____ (手册) is useful.46.How many wheels does a motorcycle have?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four47.The _______ (兔子) eats fresh vegetables.48.My best friend is very __________. (体贴)49.What is 4 x 2?A. 6B. 8C. 10D. 12答案:B50.I found a ______ in my pocket. (button)51.The capital of Guyana is __________.52.His favorite color is ________.53.Sedimentary rocks are formed from ______ of other rocks.54.My sister enjoys __________ (参加) art classes.55.What is 20 5?A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 25答案:B56.An endothermic process absorbs ______.57.My brother, ______ (我弟弟), is very talented at music.58.ts can survive in very ______ (干燥) conditions. Some pla59.I want to _______ my dreams come true.60.I read a ______ (故事) before going to sleep.61. A solution with a pH less than is considered _______.62.I like to ___ (eat/cook) food.63.The chemical symbol for rhodium is _____.64.What is the capital of Greece?A. AthensB. RomeC. ParisD. Istanbul答案:A65.What do you call a young walrus?A. CalfB. PupC. KitD. Fawn答案:A66.What is the name of the largest rainforest in the world?A. AmazonB. CongoC. TaigaD. Temperate67.The ____ has a soft voice and is heard in the morning.68.I have a _____ (new) bicycle.69.The chemical symbol for carbon is ______.70.What do we use to clean our teeth?A. SoapB. ToothbrushC. ShampooD. Towel答案:B71.The sun sets in the _____ (west/east).72.What do we call the process of plants making their own food?A. PhotosynthesisB. RespirationC. DigestionD. Evaporation答案:A73. A _____ (苗) is a young plant.74.The coffee is ___ (hot/cold).75.The _______ can help create a relaxing environment.76.We have a ______ (家庭) game night.77.The _______ (The Cold War) led to conflicts around the globe.78.The falcon is known for its _______ (速度).79.What do you call a baby otter?A. PupB. KitC. CalfD. Cub80.What is the process of growing seeds into plants called?A. GerminationB. FertilizationC. PhotosynthesisD. Pollination答案:A81.What do you call a young giraffe?A. CalfB. FoalC. PupD. Kit答案:A82.Which month comes after July?A. JuneB. AugustC. SeptemberD. May答案:B83.The garden has many _______ that blossom beautifully all year long.84.I always try to help my classmates when they need ________ (帮助) with their work.85.My favorite part of the day is after school when I can play with my ____. (玩具名称)86.Hubble's law explains the expansion of the ______.87.Trees provide ______ for many animals.88.What is the name of the famous tower in Paris?A. Leaning Tower of PisaB. Burj KhalifaC. Eiffel TowerD. Empire State Building答案:C89.The atomic number of an element is determined by the number of _____.90. A mouse is a common ______ (宠物).91.I enjoy playing ______ (棋) with my family. It helps me think strategically and improves my ______ (思维能力).92.My sister loves to plant _____ in her room.93.The owl hunts ______ (老鼠) at night.94.I like to ___ new friends. (meet)95.The _____ (植物产品) include many useful items.96. A reaction that requires energy input is called an ______ reaction.97. A chipmunk gathers _______ (坚果) for winter.98.The __________ (土壤的质量) impacts plant growth significantly.99.What is the name of the popular video-sharing platform?A. VimeoB. YouTubeC. TwitchD. Dailymotion答案:B100.My mom is cooking ________ for dinner.。
Unit 5 Languages Around the World(学生版) 25年高考英语一轮复习
单元提升卷06Unit5Languages Around the World单元基础知识巩固I.拓展词汇变形1.n.体系;制度;系统→adj.系统的→adv.系统地提到;参考;查阅vt.查询;叫……求助于→n.参考3.vt.以……为据点;以……为基础n.底部;根据→adj.以(某事)为基础的;以……为重要部分(或特征)的→adj.基本的;基础的4.n.(植物、语言等的)变体;异体;多样化→vi.不同;变化→adj.不同的;各种各样的5.vt.欣赏;重视;感激;领会vi.增值→n.欣赏;感激;领会;重视6.n.尊重;关注vt.把……视为;看待→prep.关于7.adj.全球的;全世界的→adv.全球地;全世界地8.adj.特定的;明确的;具体的→adv.特定地;明确地;具体地9.adj.主要的;重要的;大的n.主修课程;主修学生vi.主修;专门研究→n.多数;大多数10.vt.联系;讲述→adj.相关的;有联系的→n.关系;联系11.n.符号;象征→adj.象征的;象征性的→vt.象征;是……的象征12.n.文明;文明世界→adj.文明的13.n.同等的人;相等物adj.相同的;同样的→adv.相同地;同样地→n.平等14.n.要求;需求vt.强烈要求;需要vi.查问→adj.要求高的;苛求的15.n.描写(文字);形容→vt.描述;描写16.vt.联系;讲述→adj.相关的;有联系的→n.关系;联系II.核心短语互译1.对……的态度2.指的是;描述;提到;查阅3.注意4.追溯到5.浮沉;兴衰;荣辱6.因……著名7.被看作8.至关重要9.在……中起重要作用10.导致11.观点;看法12.适应;习惯于13.与……相关;涉及;谈到14.放弃15.做某事有困难16.取决于;依靠;依赖17.match...with..18.official connected the beginning21.develop into matter where,who,what, considered to related to一、用单词的适当形式完成句子1.Divide the cake into quarters and share it(equal).2.When we’re on holiday in Canada,we live like the(native).3.The banana is native Taiwan.4.Looking after babies is a(demand)job.5.The workers demanded(tell)what had happened to the factory.6.No one will appreciate(treat)like a second-class citizen.7.He begged(tell)the truth,but his mother refused to tell him.8.The conflict had developed into a stage the two countries were gathering big troops on the border.9.The couple just gets registered at the government office.Marriage(regard)as a cardinal issue since ancient times.10.You can refer this dictionary if you have any difficulty in learning English.11.The(major)of them demand that food and water should be supplied in time.12.Our school will organize some campus activities,like“English Evening”,a platform students can show their English.13.“Sponges become bigger and bigger over time;another fossil piece(date)back to around300 million years ago was also recently discovered in Ireland,for example.14.A(beg)is someone who lives by asking people for money or food.15.What he stressed was related teenagers’education.16.The position calls for(relate)experience in the field and good skills at using computers. 17.The article gives a detailed(describe)of the beauty of Mount Tianshan.18.Trends toward the(global)of industry have dramatically affected food production in California. 19.At that time,people(carve)some symbols on animal bones and shells.20.Every means(have)been used to calm the woman down.21.On the(base)of your basic knowledge about the history of the Tang Dynasty,I think it easier for you to understand Tang poems.22.It is a pity that some people can’t go back home at the Spring Festival for(vary)reasons.23.They have developed their friendship to a stage they share happiness and sufferings.24.No matter we are,we are able to keep in contact with loved ones with all sorts of communication software.25.The of the students look forward to in English because English can find a job easily.(major)26.I am sorry to hear that you have trouble(improve)your English at the new school. 27.the fact that she was wearing a seat belt,she was thrown sharply forward.28.In(refer)to the topic we debated yesterday,it is no good saying more.29.He opens a door which our imagination enters a new world,a world of love,beauty and heroism.30.Bones symbols were carved,known as“oracle bones”,have contributed a lot to our understanding of China’s past.二、单词拼写31.She promised to help me move into my new(公寓套房)on the weekend.32.Would you like to take the(地铁)to get there?33.It was last(学期)that I began to appreciate classic works.34.I have given a specific(描述)of the symbols carved on the bone.35.What you said was completely untrue,and I(要求)an immediate apology.36.For this reason,learning French isn’t a(费力的事)for me at all.37.The activity not only strengthened their friendship but also built up their(性格).38.(尽管)the heavy rain,they went on working hard.39.I tried every(方法)to get children interested in my class.40.She made a(n)(提及)to her previous experience in the industry during the interview.41.This(全球的)site is a place for runners to share their stories about running.42.I would(感激)it if you could pay in cash.43.China is a country with a long(文明)of5000years.44.This cultural programme is aimed to encourage teenagers to read more(经典作品).45.Not only did the race improve our physical and psychological quality,but it also helped us build a positive (态度)towards life.三、阅读理解“Learning about one’s own culture,as well as the culture of others,is important,”says Sanam Akhlagh, who set up Pardis for Children.Located in New York City,the nonprofit brings Iranian-American families together and offers after-school programs for children to learn about their heritage.Classes explore Iranian music, art,and history,among other topics.Akhlagh has always been interested in education,kids,and culture,But she felt a void(空虚)before setting up Pardis in2011.She hadn’t been able to get together with friends who share her Iranian heritage periodically. She also thought her children needed that community.“I want kids to know their culture and language,”Akhlagh said,“So if they’re Iranian,they actually know what that means.”But she also wants them to create a bond.“I want them to build a community that they’ll hopefully keep, and stay fiends together for years to come,”she said,“want them to have a beautiful,positive memory(回忆) related to Iranian culture and the Persian language.”Learning about your own culture and language,and understanding other cultures from around the world, Akhlagh explained,makes you a richer and more tolerant(宽容的)person.It also makes you appreciate other people’s way of life.“The exchange of cultures is of great importance,”Akhlagh said.“It is much harder to call people of certain countries or cultures your enemy when you actually know them.When you eat their food,or when you dance to their music together,when you read their literature,it becomes more real,and you start appreciating everyone.”When asked her advice for young people,Akhlagh encouraged exploration and discovery.“If you have the opportunity,always be curious to make friends,”she said.“Get to know people from different cultures and be curious.Always try to know more and travel.”46.What is the purpose of Pardis for Children?A.To enrich children’s social life.B.To improve children’s artistic abilities.C.To educate children on Iranian culture.D.To develop children’s love for their country.47.What does the underlined word“bond”mean in paragraph4?A.Custom.B.Program.C.Relationship.D.Schedule.48.What does Akhlagh think of the exchange of cultures?A.It is a way of life.B.It can promote peace.C.It is a chance to grow D.It increases your wealth.49.What is Akhlagh’s advice for young people?A.Caring more about their friends.B.Being open to different cultures.C.Taking every opportunity to study.D.Feeling confident about making friends.The prodigious ability of our species to rapidly assimilate vocabulary,expanding from a mere300lexemes by the tender age of two to an impressive repertoire exceeding1,000by the age of four,remains a subject of profound enigma.Certain scholars in the realms of cognitive science and linguistics have posited that the human mind enters the world equipped with innate cognitive predispositions and logical parameters that facilitate this linguistic feat.However,recent advancements in the sphere of machine learning have unveiled the potential for swift acquisition of semantic understanding from sparse data,eschewing the need for preconceived,hardwired assumptions.An ensemble of researchers has triumphantly honed a rudimentary artificial intelligence construct to correlate visual representations with their corresponding lexical entities,utilizing a mere61hours of ambient visual recordings and auditory data—previously amassed from an individual known as Sam during the years 2013and2014.Though this represents but a minuscule fraction of a child’s developmental chronicle,it transpires that this was sufficiently informative to prompt the AI in discerning the significance of select vocables.These revelations intimate that the process of linguistic acquisition may be more straightforward than hitherto presumed.It is conceivable that the juvenile mind does not necessitate a tailor-made,sophisticated linguistic apparatus to adeptly apprehend the essence of words,posits Jessica Sullivan,an adjunct professor of psychology at Skidmore College.“This is an exceptionally elegant inquiry,”she articulates,as it presents corroborative evidence that rudimentary data extracted from a child’s perspective is sufficiently abundant to initiate the processes of pattern recognition and lexical assimilation.The recent scholarly endeavor also illustrates the plausibility of machines emulating the learning modalities inherent to human cognition.Vast linguistic models are typically nurtured on colossal datasets encompassing billions,if not trillions,of lexical permutations.In stark contrast,human beings manage with a significantly reduced informational intake,as articulated by the principal scribe of the study,Wai Keen Vong.With the appropriate genre of data,the chasm separating machine and human learning could be substantially bridged.Nevertheless,further investigation is warranted in select dimensions of this pioneering research.The savants concede that their findings do not conclusively elucidate the mechanisms by which children amass vocabulary.Additionally,the study’s purview was confined to the identification of nouns pertaining to tangible entities.Despite these limitations,this represents a stride toward a more profound comprehension of our own cognitive faculties,which may ultimately contribute to the enhancement of human pedagogical practices, according to Eva Portelance,a scholar in computational linguistics.She remarks that AI research has the potential to shed light on enigmatic queries about our essence that have persisted over time.“We can harness these paradigms in a salutary manner,to the advantage of scientific discovery and societal progress,”Portelance further elaborates.50.What is a significant finding of machine-learning research?A.Vocabulary increases gradually with age.B.Vocabulary can be acquired from minimal data.C.Language acquisition is tied to built-in expectations.D.Language acquisition is as complex as formerly assumed.51.What does the underlined word“prompt”in paragraph2mean?A.Facilitate.B.Persuade.C.Advise.D.Expect.52.What is discussed about the new research in paragraph5?A.Its limitations.B.Its strengths.C.Its uniqueness.D.Its process.53.What is Eva Portelance’s attitude to the AI research?A.Doubtful.B.Cautious.C.Dismissive.D.Positive.四、完形填空Research has shown that two-thirds of human conversation is taken up not with discussion of the cultural or political problems of the day,not heated debates about films we’ve just watched or books we’ve just finished reading,but plain and simple54.Language is our greatest treasure as a species,and what do we55do with it?We gossip.About others’behaviour and private lives,such as who’s doing what with whom,who’s in and who’s out and why;how to deal with difficult56situations involving children,lovers,and colleagues.So why are we keen on gossiping?Are we just natural wasters of both time and words?Or do we talk a lot about nothing in particular simply to avoid facing up to the really important issues of life?It’s not57 according to Professor Robin Dunbar.In fact,in his latest book,Grooming,Gossip and the Evolution of Language, the psychologist says gossip is one of these really58issues.Dunbar59the traditional view that language was developed by the men at the early stage ofsocial development in order to organize their manly hunting activities more effectively,or even to promote the exchange of poetic stories about their origins and the supernatural.Instead he suggests that language evolved among women.We don’t spend two-thirds of our time gossiping just because we can talk,argues Dunbar—60,he goes on to say,language evolved specifically to allow us to gossip.Dunbar arrived at his cheery theory by studying the61of the higher primates(灵长类动物)like monkeys.By means of grooming—cleaning the fur by brushing it,monkeys form groups with other individuals on whom they can rely for support in the event of some kind of conflict within the group or62from outside it.As we human beings evolve from a particular branch of the primate family,Dunbar63that at one time in our history we did much the same.Grouping together made sense because the bigger the group,the greater the64it provided;on the other hand,the bigger the group,the greater the stresses of living close to others.Grooming helped to65the pressure and calm everybody down.But as the groups got bigger and bigger,the amount of time spent in grooming activities also had to be 66to maintain its effectiveness.Clearly,a more67kind of grooming was needed,and thus language evolved as a kind of vocal(有声的)grooming which allowed humans to develop relationship with ever-larger groups by exchanging information over a wider network of individuals than would be possible by one-to-one68contact.54.A.mission B.radiation C.comparison D.gossip 55.A.occasionally B.merely C.habitually B.political C.historical D.leisurely57.A.the case B.the question C.the issue D.the B.sensitive C.royal D.vital59.A.confirms B.outlines C.dismisses D.broadens60.A.for instance B.on the contrary addition a result 61.A.motivation B.motive C.emotion D.behaviour 62.A.inspection B.harmony C.attack D.assistance 63.A.convinces B.comprises C.confesses D.concludes 64.A.prospect C.maintenance D.luxury65.A.discipline B.bother C.maintain D.ease66.A.cast B.consumed C.extended D.floated67.A.common B.efficient C.scientific D.thoughtful68.A.invisible B.daily C.constant D.physical阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
关于使用电子设备阅读的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Digital Age of ReadingWe live in a world that is becoming increasingly digitized with each passing year. From the way we communicate and entertain ourselves to how we work and learn, digital technology has firmly embedded itself into almost every aspect of our modern lives. One area where this digital shift is particularly evident is in the realm of reading and literature. E-books, online articles and digital reading in general have rapidly risen in popularity, prompting some to wonder if the traditional printed book will eventually become obsolete. As a student navigating this brave new digital world of reading, I have some thoughts to share on the matter.On a personal level, I must admit that I was initially resistant to the idea of reading books on an electronic device. There was just something deeply satisfying about holding a physical book in my hands, feeling the texture of the paper, and having the wonderful words permanently inked on those tangible pages.Reading in this traditional sense felt like a warm, comforting ritual that provided an escape into another reality. I was skeptical that the cold, impersonal nature of a digital screen could ever recreate that same magic.However, as I spent more time reading digital texts for school assignments and embraced modern technology in other areas of my life, I slowly began to appreciate the unique advantages of electronic reading as well. The sheer convenience of being able to access a vast library of books and materials instantly on a slim, portable device is quite remarkable. No longer was I constrained by what was physically available - the entirety of human knowledge seemed to be quite literally at my fingertips.As I read more on my laptop, tablet and smartphone, I also started to recognize how the digital format could enhance the overall reading experience in many ways. Being able to easily adjust the font size, brightness and background proved to be incredibly helpful, especially for those late-night reading sessions. The ability to instantly define unfamiliar words, bookmark key passages, and even have text read aloud opened up new avenues for learning and comprehension. Digital textsalso made research far more efficient by allowing me to quickly cross-reference sources and compile relevant information.That said, I don't believe printed books are in any danger of becoming obsolete anytime soon. For me personally, there is still an irreplaceable joy in curling up with a physical book, totally immersed in its pages. Studies have shown that we tend to have higher comprehension and retention rates when reading on paper compared to screens. There is simply a degree of mental connection and focus that comes from having that tangible book in your hands. Many also argue that prolonged screen reading can lead to eye strain, headaches and disrupted sleep patterns in a way that traditional books do not.Looking at the broader societal impact, the widespread digitization of the publishing industry and the internet's role as an open platform for sharing written works has been a mixed blessing. On one hand, it has revolutionized accessibility to literature on a global scale and empowered countless new voices to share their stories in ways that were never possible before. On the other, it has disrupted traditional publishing models, piracy of online content remains a concern, and the seemingly infinite flow of digital information presents new challenges in combating misinformation and maintaining credible sources.Ultimately, from my perspective as a student in this digital age, reading on electronic devices is neither inherently good nor bad - it simply represents a profound evolution in how we engage with the written word. Like any technological advancement, it comes with its own set of pros and cons that must be carefully weighed. My own approach has been to embrace the advantages that digital reading has to offer, while still maintaining a deep appreciation for the unmatched charm of printed literature.At the end of the day, the true power of reading lies not in the physical format itself, but in the enlightening exchange of ideas, perspectives, and stories that it facilitates. As long as we continue to nurture a love of reading across all mediums and diligently seek out knowledge from quality sources, the written word will endure regardless of how it is delivered to us. We should celebrate digital reading for enhancing accessibility and convenience, just as we cherish traditional books for the unique, visceral literary experience they provide. For those like me who have grown up amid this technological Renaissance, we are fortunate to have both at our disposal as invaluable tools of learning and imagination.篇2Is Reading on Screens Really That Different?As a student in the digital age, reading on electronic devices has become a huge part of my life. From textbooks and academic journals to news articles and even novels, so much of what I read these days happens on a screen rather than on paper. At first, this shift from physical books to digital formats felt really strange and unnatural. But over time, I've grown quite accustomed to digesting information this way. Still, I can't help but wonder if reading on screens is fundamentally changing how I process and comprehend what I'm reading compared to the old-fashioned way of reading on paper.One of the biggest differences I've noticed is the effect screens have on my ability to focus and sustain my attention. When I'm reading a physical book, there's a kind of linear flow and singular focus that takes over. The book is right there in front of me, and aside from modestdistractions in my immediate surroundings, nothing is actively competing for my attention. But reading on a laptop, tablet or phone is a totally different experience. Those same devices that allow me to access reading material anywhere also bombard me with a constant stream of potential distractions - - notifications, pop-ups, the temptation to quickly switch over to other apps or websites. It's like my brainis being actively pulled in multiple directions at once, fracturing my concentration.Then there's the issue of how we actually comprehend and retain information when reading digitally versus on paper. Various studies have produced conflicting results, but some suggest that prolonged reading on screens has a negative impact on our comprehension and memory compared to reading physical books and documents. The theory is that our brains process digital and physical reading differently due to the contrasting physical cues and mental mapping involved. With physical books, you can feel the pages between your fingers, visualize your progress through the book's thickness, and create a sort of spatial memory map as you read. Digital formats don't provide those same tangible reference points.That said, some recent research indicates that for simpler, more straightforward reading tasks like browsing articles, digital formats may actually be just as good or even better than physical print when it comes to comprehension. It's with more complex, in-depth reading assignments where paper seems to have an edge in terms of focus and overall cognitive absorption of the material. So while I generally prefer reading lengthier texts for class on paper when possible, I've gotten used to navigatingshorter readings like online articles and blog posts on screens without too much difficulty.Beyond just comprehension, I also wonder about the more subjective side of things -- whether reading digitally impacts my overall depth of engagement with a text compared to reading on paper. With physical books in particular, there's an almost romantic quality of diving into the world between those two covers and getting immersed in that self-contained narrative or argument. You hold this one unified object in your hands conveying the author's complete thoughts and ideas on a subject. In contrast, most digital reading feels more fragmented and divorced from any kind of unified physical vessel, just excerpts plucked from the ether and flashing temporarily on a screen before disappearing again when you move on. While practical for quick information retrieval, it can sometimes feel far more transient and less engaging than reading a book that you can get wrapped up in over an extended period.That more ephemeral quality of digital reading has made it harder for me to develop the same depth of personal connection and sentimentality toward many of the texts I've read on screens, especially fiction. There's a big difference between seeing a battered old paperback novel that you've poured over sittingwell-worn on your shelf versus just having a digital file stored somewhere in the cloud, bereft of any unique personal history or physical reminders of the reading experience. But maybe I'm just being nostalgic about the old days of physical print. Just because a reading experience doesn't leave behind artifacts like folded pages or marginalia doesn't necessarily diminish its intellectual impact.At the end of the day, any reading format that transmits knowledge and facilitates learning shouldn't be diminished. But I do worry that reading on screens is eroding some of the tangible elements and rituals around the written word that have been baked into our culture and habits over centuries. Will future generations lose that visceral connection and sense of romance tied to physically holding and experiencing a book? Will the rise of on-screen reading fundamentally change how we process lengthy, complicated texts compared to previous eras? Only time will tell.For now, as both a consumer and purveyor of knowledge, I strive to toggle between both physical and digital reading in a balanced way. Some texts I explore onscreen, whether for convenience, cost savings or environmental reasons. For others, if I suspect the book or document merits an especially focusedeffort or want to forge more of that personal connection, I opt for paper. Each format has its own pros and cons that mesh with different reading tasks. There's room for both in my life as a student. But as someone who loves the power of the written word, I hope future generations don't lose touch with the unique magic contained within the inked pages of an old-fashioned printed book.篇3The Digital Age: A Blessing or a Curse for Reading?As a student in the 21st century, I can hardly imagine life without electronic devices. They have become an integral part of our daily lives, permeating every aspect, including how we read and consume information. While the advent of e-readers, tablets, and smartphones has undoubtedly revolutionized the reading experience, it has also sparked a heated debate about the impact of digital reading on our cognitive abilities and overallwell-being.On one hand, the convenience and accessibility offered by electronic devices have made reading more accessible than ever before. Gone are the days when we had to lug around heavy books or scour libraries for that elusive title. With just a few tapson our devices, we can access a vast library of digital books, articles, and other reading materials, all at our fingertips. This convenience has encouraged many people, including myself, to read more frequently and explore a wider range of topics.Moreover, digital reading has opened up new possibilities for interactive and multimedia-enhanced experiences. E-books can now incorporate videos, animations, and interactive quizzes, making the reading process more engaging and immersive. This multi-sensory approach to reading can be particularly beneficial for visual learners and those who struggle with traditionaltext-based materials.However, there are also valid concerns about the potential drawbacks of digital reading. One of the most significant challenges is the impact on our attention span and focus. The constant influx of notifications, emails, and social media updates can make it difficult to remain fully immersed in a digital text. The temptation to multitask or switch between apps can disrupt our concentration and diminish our ability to comprehend and retain information effectively.Furthermore, the blue light emitted by electronic devices has been linked to various health issues, including eye strain, headaches, and disrupted sleep patterns. Prolonged exposure tothis type of light can be particularly detrimental for students, who often spend countless hours reading and studying on their devices.Another concern is the potential impact on our cognitive abilities and critical thinking skills. While digital reading can provide instant access to information, it may also foster a more superficial approach to learning. The ease of skimming and scrolling through digital texts can lead to a lack of deep engagement with the material, hindering our ability to comprehend complex ideas and form well-reasoned arguments.Additionally, the lack of physical cues and tactile feedback associated with traditional books can make it more challenging to remember and internalize information from digital texts. The act of turning pages and feeling the weight of a book in our hands can create a stronger connection with the material and enhance our recall abilities.Despite these concerns, it is crucial to recognize that the digital age has also brought about numerous opportunities for enhancing reading experiences. One significant advantage is the ability to customize and personalize digital texts to suit individual preferences and needs. Features such as adjustable font sizes, line spacing, and background colors can make readingmore comfortable and accessible for those with visual impairments or specific learning needs.Moreover, digital reading platforms often incorporate powerful search and annotation tools, allowing readers to easily find relevant information, highlight important passages, and make notes directly within the text. This can be particularly useful for students engaged in research or close reading activities.Ultimately, the impact of digital reading on our lives and learning experiences is a complex issue with no clear-cut answers. As with any technology, it is essential to strike a balance and use electronic devices mindfully and responsibly.One approach could be to embrace a hybrid reading strategy, combining the convenience of digital reading with the tactile and immersive experience of traditional books. For example, we could use e-readers or tablets for quick reference or casual reading, while reserving physical books for more in-depth study or leisure reading.Additionally, it is crucial to develop effective strategies for managing distractions and maintaining focus while reading digitally. This may involve setting specific times fordistraction-free reading, disabling notifications, or using apps that block distracting websites and applications.In educational settings, it is important for teachers and instructors to provide guidance on effective digital reading strategies and foster critical thinking skills. This could involve incorporating multimedia resources and interactive elements into digital texts while also emphasizing the importance of deep engagement and critical analysis.As students, we must also take responsibility for our own learning and reading habits. By being mindful of the potential pitfalls of digital reading and actively seeking ways to mitigate them, we can harness the power of technology while preserving the essence of meaningful and impactful reading experiences.In conclusion, the digital age has undoubtedly transformed the way we read and consume information. While electronic devices offer convenience and accessibility, they also present challenges in terms of maintaining focus, preserving cognitive abilities, and fostering deep engagement with texts. As students, it is imperative that we embrace a balanced approach, recognizing both the advantages and potential drawbacks of digital reading, and actively seek strategies to enhance our learning experiences in this ever-evolving digital landscape.。
cognitive affective model of e-learning -回复
cognitive affective model of e-learning -回复题目:认知情感模型在电子学习中的应用Introduction:电子学习已成为当今教育领域的重要组成部分,为学生提供了更灵活的学习方式。
I. 认知情感模型的基本概念认知情感模型是基于认知理论和情感理论的一种教育模型,其目标是促进学生在学习过程中的积极情感和认知体验。
II. 认知情感模型在电子学习中的作用1. 维持学习者的积极情感认知情感模型通过引入适当的挑战性任务、鼓励自主学习和提供即时反馈等方式,帮助学生保持对学习的兴趣和投入感。
2. 个性化学习的实现认知情感模型可以通过评估学生的学习风格、兴趣和能力来提供个性化的学习路径和资源。
III. 认知情感模型在电子学习中的实施方法1. 多媒体元素的应用在电子学习过程中,多媒体元素有助于吸引学生的注意力并提高学习效果。
2. 互动性的增加为了增强学习者的参与感,电子学习平台可以提供互动的学习环境。
3. 提供及时反馈认知情感模型强调及时反馈的重要性。
考研英语二真题模拟试卷一、阅读理解Passage 1In recent years, the discussion on the impact of technology on society has been a hot topic. The advancement inartificial intelligence (AI) and automation has led to a significant shift in the job market, with many traditional roles being replaced by machines. This has sparked debates on the necessity of re-skilling the workforce and the potential for increased unemployment rates.Questions:1. What is the main concern regarding the impact of AI and automation on the job market?2. According to the passage, what is the implication of the shift in the job market due to technology?3. What solution is suggested to address the challenges posed by technological advancements?Passage 2The educational system is facing a transformation as online learning platforms are becoming increasingly popular. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the shift to remote learning has accelerated, and educators are exploring new ways to deliver quality education. However, concerns about the effectivenessof online learning and the digital divide among students have been raised.Questions:1. What has been the catalyst for the increased popularity of online learning platforms?2. What are the potential issues associated with the shift to remote learning?3. How can the educational system address the challenges of providing quality education through online platforms?二、完形填空In the era of globalization, cultural exchange has become a common phenomenon. People from different countries are nowable to experience and appreciate the customs and traditionsof others. However, with this cultural interaction comes the challenge of maintaining one's cultural identity while embracing new influences.[Here, the passage for the cloze test would be provided, with blanks for the test-takers to fill in with the correct words.]三、翻译Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese:1. The rapid development of technology has brought about unprecedented changes to our daily lives.2. Environmental protection is a global issue that requiresthe collective efforts of all nations.3. The government has implemented a series of measures to stimulate economic growth.四、写作Write an essay on the topic "The Role of Technology in Modern Society". Your essay should be no less than 300 words and should include the following points:- The influence of technology on various aspects of society.- The potential benefits and drawbacks of technological advancements.- Your personal view on how to balance the integration of technology with the preservation of traditional values.结束语This mock exam is designed to simulate the actual test environment for the English II section of the postgraduate entrance examination. It is crucial for students tofamiliarize themselves with the format and types of questions they may encounter. Regular practice with such simulationscan greatly enhance one's confidence and preparedness for the actual exam. Good luck with your studies and exam preparation!。
英语报刊选读英语报刊选读参考答案Journalistic Reading教师用书Teacher’s Book总主编王嘉褆主编林玫刘雁BOOK ONE (2)UNIT 1 Campus (2)UNIT 2 Entertainment (5)UNIT 3 Entertainment (8)UNIT 4 Food (12)UNIT 5 Crime (15)UNIT 6 Disaster (19)UNIT 7 Sports (23)UNIT 8 Art (27)UNIT 9 Economy (30)UNIT 10 Ecology (35)UNIT 11 Health (38)UNIT12 Automobile & Driving (42)UNIT 13 Quality problems (47)UNIT 14 Shopping (51)UNIT 15 Gun control (55)UNIT 16 Psychology (58)BOOK ONEUNIT 1 CampusI.Vocabulary Builder1.Definition1)chaotic: extremely disorganized; badly organized; be in mess2)primary: main; most important; key; major; chief; prime; principal3)seduce: attract; tempt4)highlight: the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part ofsomething such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition5)reluctant: unwilling6)compelling: very interesting or exciting, so that you have to payattention7)reveal: show; indicate8)mainstream: accepted by or involving most people in a society;normal; ordinary9)critical: important; crucial10)evolution: a long, gradual process during which something developsand changes, usually becoming more advanced; a gradual change and development2. Terms translation1) a bipartisan consensus2)high school diploma3)drop-out rate4)college wage premium5)the K-12 system6)more academically rigorous7)well-rounded citizens8)certification tests9)career and technical education3. Blank filling1) persevered 2) persisted 3) insisted 4) insisted 5) persevere6) agony 7) adversity 8) torment 9) plight 10) assure/reassure11) insure/ensure 12) insure 13) insure/ensure 14) assured/reassuredII.Translation1.选择圣路易斯的华盛顿大学是个不错的决定,但真正让我享受到理想大学生活的,(不是大学本身)是我到了大学后作的一些决定。
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Toward Design of E-Learning Platform in Grid Environments Kuan-Ching Li2 Chuan-Ko Tsai1,2 Yin-Te Tsai1 Hsiao-Hsi Wang21 Dept. of Computer Science and Communication EngineeringProvidence UniversityShalu, Taichung 43301 TaiwanE-mail: {g9234052, yttsai}@.tw2 PDPC - Parallel and Distributed Processing CenterDept. of Computer Science and Information ManagementProvidence UniversityShalu, Taichung 43301 TaiwanE-mail: {kuancli, hhwang}@.twAbstractIn recent years, with the rapid development of communication and network technologies, e-learning has been popularized and it became one of the most well-known teaching methods, due to its practicability. However, current e-learning systems present drawbacks. The key problem in present e-learning researches is regarding to ways to support learning systems in scalable, open, dynamic and heterogeneous environments. In this paper, we introduce an e-learning architecture based on grid technology to support learning in distributed environments. A prototype of e-learning platform using grid environment is proposed, built up using a number of open source e-learning softwares in a heterogeneous environment.Index Terms –E-Learning, Grid Technology, Distributed Environments, Open Source.1. IntroductionIn recent years, with the rapid development in communication and network technologies, e-learning has been popularized and become one of the most popular teaching methods in educational community. Along with the gradual improvements found in network bandwidth and quality, real-time transmission of high-quality video and audio has become possible and true reality. Because of these major transitions, conventional methods of school education have also followed this trend.E-learning utilizes electronic devices to assist the education or training process, taking advantage of the internet or any other communication channel to connect other devices, to deliver information and knowledge. This model of learning has many advantages with respect to traditional models: a better interaction between the learner and the learning resources he uses, i.e., the learning is not passive; learning can happen anytime and anywhere, i.e., there are not boundaries tied to time and place; a tutor, or learner himself, is able to monitor the progress and to customize the learning experience basing on learner skills and preferences [2].Though, there are some drawbacks related to current learning solutions. First, they are mainly focused on the content delivery, leaving in the background the collaborative view. Second, current learning platforms only support a specific learning-domain and are not able to support learning in different domains [2]. Third, many e-learning platforms and systems have been developed and commercialized. These are based on client-server, peer-to-peer, and web service architecture, their limitations in scalability, availability, and distribution of computing power as well as storage capabilities [10]. Along with these drawbacks, we present an e-learning architecture based on grid technology to solve current e-learning platform problems.In e-learning research, it is a crucial problem the support of learning in scalable, open, dynamic and heterogeneous environments. The scenario is a large scale and connected environment of learning management systems, learning content management systems and virtual classroom systems of different organizations.Grid computing has emerged as an important new field, distinguished from conventional distributed computing by its focus on large-scale resource sharing, innovative applications and, in some cases, high-performance orientation [1]. Grid technology address issues related to access provisioning coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi institutional virtual organization [9].By adopting grid technology, it is possible a wide-scale learning resource sharing in heterogeneous and geographically distributed environments, the implementation of learning organizations in which different actors (teachers, learners), sharing a common target, are able to cooperate to obtain a result.The remainder of this research paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we introduce generic learning management system, and concepts of grid computing and web services. In section 3, it is discussed the proposed e-learning grid architecture, while in section 4, we present our e-learning platform prototype. Finally in section 5, some conclusions and future works are presented.2. Background2.1 E-Learning SystemsGeneral e-learning systems have four components: People, Authoring System, Run-Time System, and Learning Management System (LMS), as shown in Figure 1 [10]. People in these systems are the learners and authors, while others may include trainers and administrators. Authors (which may be teachers or instructional designers) create content, which is stored under the control of a LMS, and typically in a database. Existing content can be updated, and it can also be exchanged with other systems [3][4].A LMS is managed under the control of an administrator, and it interacts, with a run-time environment which is addressed by learners, who in turn may be coached by a trainer. These components of an e-learning system can be logically and physically distributed. In order to make such a distribution feasible, standards such as IMS and SCORM have been proposed, to ensure plug-and-play compatibility [5][7].An e-learning platform requires an LMS, to store and manage the teaching content. It is a collection of e-learning tools available through a shared administrative interface. A learning management can be thought as the platform in which online courses or online components of courses are assembled and used from. Hall 0 defines an LMS as: “Software that automates the administration of training events. All Learning Management Systems (LMSs) manage the log-in of registered users, manage course catalogs, record data from learners, and provide reports to management.”Figure 1. Generic View of Learning ManagementSystems.2.2 Grid ComputingThe grid computing paradigm essentially aggregates the view on existing hardware and software resources. The term Grid is chosen as an analogy to a power Grid that provides consistent, pervasive, dependable, transparent access to electricity irrespective of its source [8][9].The concept of Grid computing focuses on resource sharing, which is not primarily file exchange, but rather direct access to computers, software, data, and other resources, as is required by a range of collaborative problem-solving and resource-brokering strategies emerging in industry, science and engineering.This description of Grid architecture identifies requirements for general classes of component. The result is an extensible, open architectural structurewithin which can be placed solutions to key user requirements. The architecture is organized into component layers, as shown below. Components within each layer share common characteristics, but can build on capabilities and behaviors provided by any lower layer. The architectural description is high level and places few constraints on design and implementation. The layered Grid architecture and its relationship to the internet protocol architecture are shown in Figure 2.The Grid Fabric layer contains the resources that are to be shared. This could include computational power, data storage, sensors etc. This sharing is controlled by Grid protocols but the resource could include local networks. In this case, the local protocols take over at this point. The Grid system is just concerned with access above this point.The Connectivity layer contains the communication and authentication protocols required for Grid-specific network transactions. Communication protocols enable the exchange of data between different Fabric layer resources. Authentication protocols build on communication services to provide secure mechanisms for verifying the identity of users and resources.The Resource layer uses the communication and security protocols of the Connectivity layer to control the secure negotiation, initiation, monitoring, control, accounting, and payment of sharing operations on individual resources. Resource layer protocols call Fabric layer functions to access and control local resources. Resource layer protocols are concerned entirely with individual resources.While the Resource layer is focused on interactions with a single resource, the Collective layer contains protocols and services that are global in nature and capture interactions across collections of resources. Collective components are designed that they implement a wide variety of sharing behaviors without placing new requirements on the fabric resources being shared such as: A directory service may allow users to query for resources by name or by attributes such as type, availability, or load.The final layer in the Grid architecture comprises the user applications. Applications are constructed in terms of, and by calling upon, services defined at each layer in the Grid structure. At each layer, well-defined protocols provide access to some useful service: resource management, data access, resource discovery, and so forth. At each layer, protocols and services are used to perform desired actions.Figure 2. The Grid architecture.2.3 Web ServicesWeb services define a technique for describing software components to be accessed via internet, a communication media between different platforms. Web services standard is defined within the W3C, that has the support of large number of industries, and the components interact between in the service processes that are based on XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI. The architecture of Web services standard is shown in Figure 3 [12].Figure 3. Web services architecture.Web services are described by XML that covers all the details that is necessary to interact among services, including message formats, transport protocols and location. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) provides a means of messaging between a service provider and a service requestor. It is independent of underlying the transport protocol. SOAP can carry on HTTP, FTP and SMTP. WSDL is a XML-basedlanguage to describe a Web service how to access them, to provide a formal framework to describe services in terms of protocols servers, ports and operations that can be invoked, the specification that provides a SOAP binding which is the most natural technology to be used for implements a Web Services. Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) provides the registry and search mechanism for Web services. Concisely, WSDL describes the format SOAP messages, and UDDI serves as a discovery service for the WSDL descriptions.The Grid emphasizes the usage of Web services, and it does not use SOAP for all communications. If needed, alternate transport can be utilized, for example to achieve higher performance or to be able to collide with a specialized network protocols.One critical point is on how to combine the different heterogeneous resources in Grid. XML-based metadata is a popular problem solving, so it has been widely used. The XML document can not only help manage facilities, but also interchange between different databases. The interface based on Web services can integrate not only the web resources easily, but also make the occurrence much faster to duplicate. The process of duplication becomes much easier, since it is based on the open structure of web service.3. Proposed E-Learning Grid Architecture The architecture contains five layers from bottom to up, as shown in Figure4. The infrastructure layer, at the lowest layer, supports basic networking environment, including computing devices, networking and networking protocols etc. Secondly, the basic service oriented architecture for implementing the basic web services related protocols such as XML, UDDI/SOAP/WSDL etc. This layer provides the elementary connectivity, interoperation, reliability and flexibility for the layers on top of it. As next layer, the grid middleware layer is the core of the architecture where the basic grid problems such as distribution, dynamic, open and cross-organization are resolved. The content layer is on top of grid middleware layer to store all of learning contents in our platform. At last, the learning grid portal supports single user sign on the system. In next subsections, brief introduction of these layers will be discussed.Figure 4. A E-Learning Grid Architecture.3.1 Grid Middleware LayerThis layer is a crucial layer to build a grid environment and should be on existing OGSA compliant middleware such as Globus Toolkit 4 (GT4). The Globus project provides open source software toolkit that can be used to build computational grids and grid-based applications [11]. It allows sharing of computing power, databases, and other resources securely across corporate, institutional and geographic boundaries without sacrificing local autonomy. It implements services for Resource Management, Information Services and Data Management in the Grid. The main functions of them are listed below: It enables single sign-on, authorization and security mechanism based on the Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI).3.1.1 Resource Management:Grid resource management involves the coordination of a number of components, including resource registries, staging of executable files, discovery, monitoring, allocation, and data access. The Globus toolkit includes a set of components to help users havea standard set of interfaces for the coordination of the above activities. Grid Resource Allocation and Management (GRAM) is used for allocation of computational resources and for monitoring and control of computation on those resources. GRAM provides a set of standard interfaces and components to collectively manage a job task, and to provide resource information including job status and resource configuration.3.1.2 Information ServicesInformation services have to fulfill the following requirements: a basis for configuration and adaptation in heterogeneous environments; uniform and flexible access to static and dynamic information; scalable and efficient access to data; access to multiple information sources; decentralized maintenance capabilities. The monitoring and Discovery Service (MDS) provides a uniform framework for discovering and accessing configuration and status information such as compute server configuration, network status, and the capabilities and policies of services.3.1.3 Data ManagementThe data management services provide standard means for helping to manage the Grid computing environment. GridFTP is a standard extension to the normal FTP (File transfer Protocol) that works with the Grid Computing data requirements. This is a high-performance, secure, reliable, data transfer protocol that is optimized for high bandwidth across wide area networks. This is a standard that provides GSI security, parallel transfer capabilities, and channel reusability.Replica management service in grid middleware layer provides guarantee for better quality of resource sharing, which implements functions of transparent data transfer/copy, transparent copy selection in grid. The Replica Location Service (RLS) maintains and provides access to mapping information from logical names regarding data items to target names. These target names may represent physical locations of data items, or an entry in the RLS may map to another level of logical naming for the data item. The RLS is intended to be one of a set of services for providing data replication management in grids. 3.2 Content Repository LayerThis layer is on top of grid middleware layer to store all of contents in our platform. As above mentioned an e-learning system needs a Learning Management System to store and manage its teaching content. However, every LMS platform runs its own learning materials, which cannot be exchanged with those of other LMSs. To deal with this problem, the U.S. government launched the Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative (ADL) [6] is unifying e-learning specifications emerging from the international standards organizations into a single specification referred to as the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM). SCORM aims to establish a mechanism for repeated use and sharing of courseware as a way to reduce the time and cost of developing courseware and to make courseware reusable and acceptable to different LMSs.The SCORM standard is divided into 2 parts: the Content Aggregation Model (CAM) and Run-time Environment (RTE). CAM-produced courseware is based on the principles of reusability, interoperability, and shareability, and it includes three major modules: content model, metadata, and content packaging. Courseware elements are defined as content objects in the content model and must be properly arranged to make a reusable course, also known as an SCO (Sharable Content Object). SCO elements, such as html files, graphic files, and multimedia files, are known as “assets.” Metadata files describe courseware information using XML. The description of courseware and elements made by metadata enables further management of course resources. Content packaging uses the Manifest XML files, denominated as imsmanifest.xml, to arrange and package SCOs in a course framework.Some LMSs will be used as learning grid nodes when implementing a complete learning grid platform in which each node is provided with an interface for linkage between the Grid interface and the LMS.Although an SCO meets the SCORM standards and can be run in every LMS, it may still be inconvenient for sharing among multiple LMSs because of the lack of a fast, safe, and secure mechanism. Each SCO Repository in the LMS is linked through Globus Middleware, and each and every LMS node can share SCOs with other LMSs. Based on Grid Middleware Globus which is in the middle of the communicationbetween nodes is conducted via the Learning GridPortal, which is the interface between grid nodes.3.3 Learning Grid PortalLearning grid portal is the unified entry for all grid platform users. Users from different organizations who logon it could share learning resources without knowing where they come from.4. Prototyping the E-learning platform4.1 Execution flow of a learning platform in GridIn this section, we want to describe the main execution flow of a learner utilizing the proposed learning platform, as also briefly shown in Figure 5.(1) A learner enter the grid portal, the grid portal havea user database which store user information andaccess rights. When a user wants to enter the grid environment, the system will checks the user’s login name and password against the values stored in the database,(2)If the login was successful, the system will show alist of all resources currently available in the grid and the status and type of all resources in the grid.It then requests from each computer (if each computer has it own LMS) some status information (e.g., unused storage space, how many learning content),(3)Furthermore, a broker is assigned which canhandle requests to distribute computation or data across other computers in the grid,(4)For the distribution of data it uses the GridFTP toaccess the other computer’s resource,(5)For the resource have a high speed accessperformance, Replica Location Service supports multiple locations for the same file throughout the grid.4.2 E-learning platform PrototypeIn our learning grid platform, GT4 was installed on each site. Three different versions of open source Learning Management Systems have been installed in these sites in our grid platform: ILIAS is installed in site A, Claroline in site B, while Dokeos in site C. The Grid Portal has been developed using GridSphere in OGCE Release 2 [18].Figure 5. Execution flow of a learner utilizinge-learning platform.Figure 6. Prototype of the Learning Grid. ILIAS [13] is a powerful web-based learning management system that allows users to create, edit and publish learning and teaching material in an integrated system with their normal web browsers. Tools for cooperative working and communication are included as well. ILIAS is available as open source software under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Universities, educational institutions, privateand public companies, and every interested person may use the system free of charge and contribute to its further development. ILIAS is the first free software LMS that has reached SCORM 1.2 Conformance Level LMS-RTE3 and therefore guarantees platform independent re-use of contents [14]. Due to a modular and object oriented software architecture; ILIAS allows easy customizing of the platform for specific purposes.Claroline [14] is a free application based on PHP/MySQL allowing teachers or education organizations to create and administrate courses through the web. Developed from teachers to teachers, Claroline is built over sound pedagogical principles allowing a large variety of pedagogical setup including widening of traditional classroom and online collaborative learning.Dokeos [15] is an Open Source e-learning and course management web application translated in 34 languages and helping more than 1.000 organizations worldwide to manage learning and collaboration activities.The NSF Middleware Initiative’s (NMI’s) OGCE portal provides access to Grid technologies through sharable and reusable components [16]. In addition, the GridSphere portal framework provides an open-source portlet based Web portal [17]. With the GridPortlets Web application, users upload their Grid credentials and use them to gain access to a variety of Grid services.We plan to place multimedia educational materials with different contents in each site. For instance, site A could be used for English teaching materials, site B for chemistry related materials, while site C for bioinformatics related materials.5. Conclusion and future workIn this paper, we have proposed architecture for e-learning platform based on grid technology. In a learning grid environment, learner can learn in scalable, open, dynamic and heterogeneous environments. At present, most e-learning environment architectures use single computers or servers as their structural foundations. The innovative e-learning architecture is presented; as it can solve current e-learning platform problems.To make resources in the learning grid platform available to users, we have to setup a Grid Portal, which is in its preliminary version at the present stage of investigation. We intend that this platform may enable people to process interactions and opinion exchanges through video and audio simultaneously, in situations such as training, teaching, conference and seminar, among others. AcknowledgementsThis research is supported by National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan, under grants NSC94-2213-E-126-005, NSC94-2218-E-126-001 and NSC94-2218-E-007-057, National Center for High Performance Computing (NCHC) - Grid Operation Center, Taiwan, and Providence University Grant.References[1] B. Hall, “New Technology Definitions”,retrieved August 5, 2003 from/public/glossary/index.htm, 2003.[2]I.Foster, C. Kesselman, and S. 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Vossen, “Towards E-LearningGrids: using Grid Computing in ElectronicLearning”, Proceeding of IEEE Workshop onKnowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence, NovaScotia, Canada, pages:4-15, 2003.[12]The Globus alliance, .[13]Web Services Architecture, W3C WorkingGroup Note 11 February 2004./TR/ws-arch/.[14]ILIAS open source, .[15] –Open Source eLearning,/.[16]Dokeos Open Source e-Learning,/.[17]OGCE: Open Grid Computing Environment,/index.php[18]Gridsphere , /。