

十九世纪法国作家儒勒·凡尔纳In the th century Jules Verne

著有许多脍炙人口的冒险小说wrote some of the greatest adventure stories ever told.

诸如《海底两万里》ovels such as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,

《地心游记》Journey to the Center of the Earth,

以及《神秘岛》and The Mysterious Island.

人们大都认为其作品是科幻小说t consider these works of science fiction.

但凡尔纳迷另有想法Vernians know otherwise.

惨了ot good!

狗狗乖Whoa! Good boy!



拼了Here we go!

晚上好警官大人Evening, officers.

有兴趣一起夜泳吗Anyone up for a late night swim?

老兄这星期的牌局怎么没来Hey, buddy. Missed you at poker this week.

谢谢你通知我具体什么情况Thanks for the call. What's going on?

这事本不该外泄We didn't want this going out over the radio.

这孩子私闯卫星基地Kid broke into a satellite facility.

然后骑着摩托冲进了老迈家泳池Then he drove his dirt bike into the McGillicuttys' pool.

我说服他们别起诉了I talked them out of pressing charges.


你继父来了Your stepfather's here for you.

不是继父是监护人o. Legal guardian.

要不是我If it weren't for me,

你非得在少管所待上半年you'd be in juvie for the next six months.

我宁愿被关起来Rather do the time.

想说说为什么要闯进Do you want to explain to me why you were breaking into

一个偏僻的卫星基地吗a satellite facility in the middle of nowhere?

别担心妈妈Don't worry about it, Mom.

真的没什么It's nothing, really.

警察深更半夜来电话还叫没事The police calling in the middle of the night is nothing?


他去那儿干嘛找什么What was he doing there? What was he looking for?

宝贝我也不知道还得问他Honey, I don't know. All we can do is asking him.

肖恩得谈谈这事Hey. Sean, we gotta talk about this.

我就纳闷了他哪儿来的发言权I'm confused. Who gave him a speaking part?


不是我发言现在你都坐牢了Without my speaking part, we'd visit you in jail right now.

住这里跟坐牢没差别I'm already in jail.

你什么意思肖恩What is that suped to mean? Sean?

我压根不乐意离开学校离开朋友Look, I didn't ask to be taken away from my school and friends,

但还不是被你们一路拽到代顿了and dragged all the way to Dayton.


-算了利兹-不能算了- It's okay, Liz. - o, it's not.



他爸一走孩子心里肯定不好过It's gotta be tough on him with his father gone.

不能拿这个当借口That still doesn't excuse his behavior.



既然得到了就得弄明白有什么涵义ow that I got you, I just gotta figure out what you mean. an}fsbbordc&HB&}私人空间非请莫入

别烦我ot here.

是我在忙吗Hey, it's me. You busy?


我就是想和你谈谈I was looking to talk to you.

家长过分关心可能会让孩子反感You know, very concerned adult to somewhat troubled youth. 那跟我有什么关系Which one am I in that equation?

i}穿透过道照在我门前Cracked up the walkway to my door

i}引领你出现Brought you as a

哥们儿Hey, buddy.

这是什么What's all this?


是密文对吧看着像摩斯电码That's a cryptogram, right? Looks like Morse code.


你看Yeah, look.

单音节词表示"点" 双音节词表示"划"One syllable words, dots. Two syllable words, dashes. 我当海军时学过这个I learned that in the avy.

好那它说了什么Okay, then. What's it say?

干嘛用的What's it for?

很复杂It's complicated.

密码也不简单So is the code.

好吧是这样Okay. Here's the deal.

几天前有个无线电信号A few nights ago, a radio signal got sent out.

发射方位不明重复发送这些内容Could've been anywhere. It was these words on a loop.

皮普佐恩斯特拉克斯"Pip, Zorn, Strux."


都是凡尔纳小说中的人物All characters from the books of Verne.

明显是凡尔纳迷发送的So, clearly, the message was by a Vernian.

我的设备功率不够And my equipment wasn't

没法接收到完整电文所以powerful enough to receive the whole message, so.

所以你闯入卫星基地私接信号So you broke into that satellite facility to bt your signal.

有人发送了这密电Someone sent this message

我得破解它and I'm gonna be the person to solve it.

这对我很重要This is really important to me.

那这样吧我们一起来破解怎么样Hey, you know what? Why don't we solve this together? 也好Fine.


第一部分应该是The first part of the message reads,

I S L "岛""The. i. s. l." island.



R E "真的"R. E. "Real.


"岛真的存在"The island is real."

真的不是耍我吧You're serious? You're not messing with me?

不是上面的确说"岛真的存在"o. That's what it says. "The island is real."

怎么可能I can't believe it.

难以置信真有人找到了那个岛I can't believe somebody actually found the island. 哪个岛What island?

神秘岛The Mysterious Island.

凡尔纳迷已经找了很久很久Vernians have been looking for this for years.

后面怎么说What's the rest say?

史蒂夫之子生于."Child of Steve, born eighteen


生于年"Born ."

史蒂夫之子史蒂夫之子Child of Steve. Child of Steve.

也许就是史蒂夫的儿子Maybe "Son of Steve"?

史蒂文儿子史蒂文森Steven's son. Stevenson.


-罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森-作者吗- Robert Louis Stevenson. - The author.


作者出生远早于年肯定是别人He was born way before . Gotta be somebody else. 也许不是别人Maybe it's not a somebody.

也许是别的东西Maybe it's a something.

你找什么What are we looking for?

放哪儿啦Come on.

《金银岛》Treasure Island,

罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森著于年written by Robert Louis Stevenson in .

-剩下的谜题呢-就好- What's the next part of the riddle? - All right.

这个姓氏行动迅速"The name that's last is going fast.

他的故事在雷米尔鲁的桅杆上飘动He hitched his tale to Lemuel's mast."

姓氏行动迅速跑步者吗Okay, so his last name is going fast. A runner?

姓什么才表示行动迅速呢What if his last name is fast?

飞逝迅速快速Fleet or Quick. Swift.

斯威夫特乔纳森·斯威夫特Swift. Jonathan Swift.


另一作家Another author.

写了另外一个岛Writing about another island.


这么说雷米尔鲁肯定是指.So "Lemuel" must be.

太棒了雷米尔鲁·格列佛ice. Lemuel Gulliver.


现在有三本不同的小说We have three different books.

三个不同的作者写成By three different authors.

描写三个不同的岛屿About three different islands.


也许三本书写的就是同一个岛屿Maybe all three books are about the same island. 也许正因如此才没人找到这个岛Maybe that's why nobody else has ever found it 因为别人都没利用另外两本书because they haven't used the other two books. 《金银岛》有幅地图Treasure Island's got a map.

斯威夫特这本也有Yeah, Swift has one too.

可都跟凡尔纳的不一样难以理解These are different from Verne's. I don't get it. 你在干嘛What are you doing?

知道我当海军时干什么吃的吗肖恩You know what I did in the avy, Sean?


我曾连续三年I won the esteemed

荣获Rochefort Award

洛克福特奖three years in a row

全靠我的破译本领for code-breaking.


神秘岛现出原形了We found your Mysterious Island.

那些是什么Uh, what are te?


经纬度Longitude and latitude.

具体位置就是在And that'll put us right about


距离帕劳英里That's miles off the coast of Palau,


位于南太平洋in the middle of the South Pacific.

你干什么What are you doing?

-我得走了-去哪儿- I gotta go. - Go where?

神秘岛To Mysterious Island.

好啊真不错All right, cool.

那你路过月球时Hey, can you stop by the moon

顺便给我买杯思乐冰吧and grab me a Slurpee?


随你笑话Joke all you want.

那当然你在这给我听好了Yeah, I will, and you're gonna be here to listen to it. 你不许去帕劳肖恩You're not going to Palau, Sean.

为什么不行Why not?

第一你被禁足了umber one, you're grounded.

另外你还得上学On top of that, you got school.

我可是全优生I'm a straight-A student.

旷几天课没事I can afford to miss a couple days.

况且这可是神秘岛啊Besides, this is Mysterious Island.

淡定好吗Slow down. Okay?

你认为你可以绕地球半圈You think you'll travel half way around the world

就为见见那发密电的疯子吗meet up with some lunatic messing around on a ham radio?

他可不是疯子It's not some lunatic.

他叫亚历山大·安德森是我爷爷It's Alexander Anderson, my grandfather.

你怎么知道是他发的How would you know he sent that?

当然了他是家族第一个凡尔纳迷Look, it makes perfect sense. He's the original Vernian in the family

究其半生都在搜寻那个岛he's been looking for the island half his life

只是这两年没了音讯and nobody's heard from him in two years.

我猜他碰到麻烦了I think he's in trouble.

-我要去找他-打住肖恩- I'm gonna find him. - Sean, stop. Sean.


我不会让你独自搞什么营救I'm not letting you go on a rescue mission by yourself.

不管你乐不乐意Whether you like it or not buddy,

你还是个孩子you're still a kid.

好吧我理解你的处境Look, I understand your situation, okay?

你想哄我妈妈高兴非常感谢真的You wanna make my mom happy and I appreciate that. I really do.

但你该做的But you need to just focus

只是运作你那建筑公司on running your construction company

付按揭照顾好我妈and paying the mortgage and asking her how her day was,

至于我不牢您费神了because I'm okay.

不管你爱不爱听这事远比你重要And like it or not, this is bigger than you.

很明显消息是他爷爷发的Apparently the message was sent by his grandfather.

肖恩说他有两年没音讯了Sean said he's been missing for a couple years.

要是常来常往怎么会断了音讯It's hard to be missing if you were never around.

亚历山大·安德森的话我一句也不信I wouldn't trust one word from Alexander Anderson.

但肖恩深信不疑Sean seems really convinced.

亚历山大巧舌如簧Oh, it's always convincing from Alexander.

明白I see.

肖恩心中亚历山大定是个卓越的探险家So in Sean's mind, Alexander's this glamorous adventurer.

现实中他却无情无意When in reality he was a man

家人最需要时总不闻不问that wasn't there there when his family needed him the t.

这样我们更该让肖恩去That's why we need to let Sean go on this trip.


肖恩生活中需要有个男人Sean needs a man in his life.

一个愿意支持他与他时时沟通的男人Somebody who'll be there for him and connect with him.

这次一起破译密文We were cracking that code,

还是头一次好好相处超过五分钟that was the first time that we were on the same page for more than minutes.

那带他去别的岛培养感情啊Then bond with him on some non-mysterious island,

夏威夷什么的like Hawaii.

夏威夷你我蜜月之旅啊Ah, Hawaii. Our honeymoon.

i}阿罗哈Aloha oe.


但我是认真的宝贝Yes, but I'm serious, babe.

我也是认真的I'm serious too.

我们飞到帕劳We'll fly down to Palau.

等肖恩意识到岛并不存在When Sean realizes the island's not real,

他爷爷不在那里时his grandfather's not there,

我再好好安慰一番I'll be there to cushion the blow,

那就大功告成了and done will be done.

早啊哥们儿七点整Good morning, buddy. hours.

我忙着呢I'm busy.

我想你再忙也能腾时间干这个I don't think you're gonna be too busy for this.

让我去帕劳了I'm going to Palau?

差不多Ha, ha. Ce.

是我们去帕劳We're going to Palau.


我知道你得过洛克福特奖I know you've won the esteemed Rochefort Award

但这次探险我酝酿已久听我的好吧but I've been on these adventures before so let me handle this.

兄弟放松点谁出钱谁才是老大Easy, buddy. Just remember who's financing this whole trip. 伊莎贝拉女王也没跟着哥伦布找新大陆Queen Isabella didn't tag along with Columbus.

成你的事我不插手Okay, Isabella. I'll let you handle your thing.

看看到时候.We'll see how.

慢点当心你那蜥蜴小心点Wait, watch the lizard. Watch.

原来大块头还怕小爬虫啊Big man's afraid of a little lizard?

大块头什么都不怕Big man's not afraid anything.

我爱蜥蜴.做成的皮鞋皮带I love lizards when they're boots and belts.

打搅一下Excuse us.



你好吗我们Hey, how's it going? We, uh.

我们美国人We Americans.

你Uh, you,

导游吗tour guide?

-肖恩-我来- Sean. - I got this.

你带我们船You. you take us on boat.

海水On water.

你们想租船吗You wanna charter a boat?

帕劳官方语言The official language of Palau?


谢谢Thank you.

对我们想找船上这个岛Uh, yeah, we need someone to take us to an island located here. 想都别想Absolutely not.

等等为什么Wait, why?

因为那里没有岛只有没完没了的风暴Because there is no island, just a bunch of storms. 那里是海船的墓地It's a graveyard for ships.

我们可以多给钱美金We'll pay you good money, $!

只有傻瓜才为钱玩儿命Only a fool trades his life for money.

你好你好今天你们来着了Excuse me, excuse me. Today is your lucky day.

我叫嘎巴托·拉瓜坦帕劳最牛的船长Hey, I'm Gabato Laguatan, best captain in Palau. 知道你们需要交通工具I understand you in need of transportation.

太好了我们要去这里That's great. We need someone to get us here.

如果行我们出一千块A thousand bucks if you can.

轻松小菜一碟来吧Ooh, baby! Easy-peasy, easy-peasy. Let's go.

给我Here we go.

走伙计们绝对差不了Let's go. Man, this is gonna be so good.

包二位满意You know, you won't be disappointed.

我带出海的游客成千上万I've taken hundreds of people out to sea.

每次都一个不漏带回来I come back with them alt every single time.

-好船-漂亮- ice ride. - ice ride.

谢谢谢谢了Thank you, thank you, thank you.

这堆破烂儿是什么What in the blue heck is that?

帕劳最好的直升飞机That's the finest helicopter in Palau.

还能有更糟的吗Hate to see the worst.

这是我的防盗系统That's my security system.

-我还不如坐泰坦尼克号呢-凯兰妮- I'd rather take the Titanic. - Kailani!

游客来啦We have customers here.

必须见见我女儿You simply must meet my daughter.

大美人一个She's a real beauty.

跟我一个模子印出来的Looks just like me.

这破玩意飞不起来This chopper's not gonna work out.

其实吧汉克知道吗Actually, Hank, you know what?

我又好好看了下ow that I get a better look at it,

这飞机美得耀眼this chopper's pretty freaking gorgeous.

这女儿像你This daughter looks like you?

看鼻孔长一样嘛Look. Same trils.

他们是谁Who are these guys?

我是科学探险家你好I am a scientific explorer. Hi.

他是.And he's a.

-汉克-对汉克- Hank. - Hank.

我们想去这个坐标Right. So we need to get to these coordinates.

这直升机不去ot on this helicopter.

那是海里最危险的地方That's the deadliest part of the ocean.

停停宝贝Time-out. Sweetness, sweetness.

宝贝你听着Sweetness, look.

他们可是愿出美元啊They agreed to pay us American dollars, okay?

这样就能让你上大学了I could help with college for you then.

加到Make it .

不行说好多少就多少o way. We had a deal.

那就Then make it .

但愿二位能找到别人带你们过去And good luck finding someone else to take you there.


能刷卡吗Do you take Visa?


各位下午好欢迎加入嘎巴托豪华游Good afternoon, folks, and welcome to Gabato Luxury Tours.

请坐好放松身心Please sit back, relax

开始终身难忘的旅程吧and get ready for the ride of a lifetime.

现在是机长广播And now a word from our pilot.

我是机长本机.This is your pilot, and.

出门不幸Here we go.


左侧舷窗下If you look out your window on your left, gentlemen,

您将欣赏到太平洋you will see what is known as the Pacific Ocean.

右侧舷窗下您将欣赏到On your right side, you will see

另一侧的太平洋the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

你要一路唠叨个不停吗You gonna do that the whole trip?

先生您支付的可是豪华游Sir, you did pay for the luxury tour.

天空真美是吧It's a beautiful sky, huh?

我是说今天有点格外的I mean, today just seems especially




我得做完飞行安全检查I have to finish this in-flight safety check.

我们得绕开风暴We have to go around the storm.

可根据坐标岛就在那里Uh, according to these coordinates, that's where the island is.

那里没有岛There is no island there.

看来我们能亲自确认一遍了It looks like we are about to find out.

爸爸我们得马上离开这里Papa, we gotta get out of here now!

我也想离开来着I was thinking the same thing!

不不等等o, no, no. Wait!

《神秘岛》第一章写道The Mysterious Island, chapter one!

乘客"The passengers

被吸入had been taken into

一个柱状的气旋a circling movement of a column of air."

我们就要卷进五级飓风里了We're about to fly into a Category hurricane!

别再照本宣科了ow's not the time to take the book literally!

得进入风眼才能到达神秘岛We have to go into the eye of the hurricane to get to the island!

你有病吧我们都快死了Are you psychotic? We'll never survive!

我们必须相信凡尔纳We gotta trust Verne!

你知道我相信什么吗重力学You know what I trust? Gravity.

嘎巴托带我们出去Gabato, get us out of here now!

你说得对我赞成You're right, I agree with you.

但是有一件事得说明But here's the deal

这飞机不在我掌控之内了I'm not flying this helicopter anymore!

风门坏了The throttle's broken!


我们要掉下去了We're going down!

挺住啊Hold on!

进去了Here we go!

不不要死在这里啊o! ot like this!

稳住啊稳住Hang on! Hang on!




醒醒孩子Come on, buddy.

快醒醒Come on.

没事了没事了It's okay. It's okay.

看看能否坐起来Try and sit up.


我就说能成功的吧I told you it'd work.

你说得没错You were right.

真不敢相信居然真到岛上了I can't believe we made it.

他可是儒勒·凡尔纳It's Jules Verne, man.

你得相信他You gotta believe.

我们这是在哪Where are we?

我爸爸呢Where's my father?

谁来救救我Somebody help me!

救命啊Help me!

我的身子被截成两半了My body's been cut in half!

你的脚还在呢Your foot's right there.

我切断的脚丫子My severed foot.

断了它还在动And it's moving!

它在动It's moving.

我没被截成两段太好了Oh, and I'm still in one piece. Yay.

你说的没错这里确实有个岛Well, you were right. There is an island.

但看起来不太像岛ot much of one.

跟我想的差远了This is not what I was expecting.

好了大伙听着All right, guys, listen up.

把冲上岸的物品收集起来We have to gather up everything that washed ashore 盘点装备and take stock of our supplies.

得找个避难所快行动吧We need to find a shelter. Let's go.

宝贝你在这呢我以为你丢了呢There you are, baby. I thought I t you.

我的心肝Oh, yeah. My girl.

我发现一条离开海岸的路Hey, I think I found a way off the beach!

什么声音What was that?

黑漆漆的洞里总是有怪声It's a scary noise in a dark cave.

继续走继续走快走Keep moving. Keep moving. Go, go.

如果这是天堂我就提前来报到了If this is heaven, I'm checking in.

女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen,

向你们隆重介绍I give you

神秘岛The Mysterious Island.

这是到底是什么地方What is this place?

这座岛让我们变小了This island, it shrunk us!

或者说让我们变巨人了Or turned us into giants?

肖恩凡尔纳对此作何解释Sean, what does Verne say about this?

这是岛屿生物地理学定律之一It's one of the first laws of island biogeography.

小型动物变大而大型动物变小Small animals become large and large animals become small. 小人国斯威夫特在格列佛游记中提到过Lilliputian. Swift alluded to it in Gulliver's Travels. an}fsbbordshad}斯威芙特是《格列佛游记》的作者

我想把它当宠物养I'd like to keep him as a pet.

再给他织件毛衣I could knit him a little trunk-warmer.

再见小家伙See you, buddy.

看那边你们看到那股烟了吗Hey, check it out. You guys see that smoke?

那肯定就是我爷爷的营地That's gotta be my grandpa's campsite.

你怎么知道How do you know?

不然呢What else could it be?

也许是当地人点火烧烤The natives sparking up a barbecue,

准备把我们当晚餐呢getting ready to cook us for dinner.

那就只能一探究竟了Only one way to find out.

到此为止Whoa, time-out!

我希望你爷爷平安I hope your grandfather's okay,

但是我们不去了but my father and I aren't going.

-我们要回到岸边去-回去干嘛- We're headed back to the beach. - To do what?

用贝壳或者海草拼个SOS也许有人能看到Spell SOS with seashells and maybe kelp.

.海草外面只有永不停息Kelp? There's a boat-eating,

遇船吞船遇机吞机的飓风plane-eating hurricane out there g.

谁能看见你那SOS啊obody's gonna see your kelp.

肖恩说得对Sean's absolutely right.

我们得一起找到他爷爷We stick together, once he finds his grandfather,

然后用他的无线电求救use his radio to call for help.


但我们要是死无全尸就怪你Just know that if we get torn to bits, I'm blaming you.

我也怪你I'm blaming you too.

说的在理Real smooth.

关我屁事啊What did I do?

说真的我是说错还是做错什么了啊Seriously, what did I say? What did I do?

防晒指数SPF ?

挤挤更健康是吧You squeeze it and a sweater comes out?

很搞海军兄Yeah, that's funny, avy man.

你被晒熟时可别哭着找我要Don't come crying to me when you're as red as a tomato.

我有那么脆弱吗Do I look like I burn?

那是胶粘石That's one gooey rock.

都别动o one move.

这些不是石头These aren't rocks.

而是蛋They're eggs.

别扯了那快打碎几个煎蛋吃吧Get out. Why don't we crack a couple open and make some omelets?

那可不明智ot a good idea.

别呀我们还没吃早餐呢Come on, man, I haven't had breakfast yet.

既然蛋有这么大Shh! Where there are giant eggs,

妈妈肯定更了不得there must be a giant mother.

那肯定是蜥蜴It had to be a lizard.

为啥不是蛇啊Why couldn't it be snakes?


没办法了我们要快但更要小心Okay, okay we just need to move quickly but carefully.

蜥蜴听觉和嗅觉都极好Lizards have incredible hearing and an acute sense of smell.

走吧走吧Let's move. Just move.

我们真的走在蛋壳上We are literally walking on eggshells.


千万别动Don't take another step.

爸爸小心Papa, be careful.

别担心宝贝Don't worry, honey.

没事I got this.

看没事吧See? o problem. Oh!

我的妈呀Oh, man!

快跑快跑快跑Run, run, run!

进丛林里去Head for the jungle!

快点快点Faster! Faster!

快跑快快Let's go! Go! Go!


快点Come on!

这边This way!

快跑Let's go!

快快快跑Go, go, go! Move!

它在你们后面快跑It's right behind you! Hurry!

快点啊Come on!


哥斯拉Hey, Godzilla!


不好了Oh, crap.

苍天啊Oh, man!

快跑快跑快跑Oh, go, go, go!

快点快点Come on, come on!

-快点快跑-快点- Come on, keep moving! - Hurry!

退后退后退后Back! Back! Back!

肖恩到我后面去Sean, get behind me.

肖恩背包给我Sean, backpack!

退后退后Back! Back!

-汉克汉克-退后- Hank! Hank! - Back!

别吵肖恩她害怕了ot now, Sean. She's scared!

不是她是冷血动物很喜欢热源o, she's cold-blooded and attracted to heat! 太险了That's emasculating.

现在怎么办ow what?

只有一个办法了ow there's only one thing left.

用拳头招待她The thunder cookie.

看来弄巧成拙了I think I just made it worse.

希望她不喜欢波利尼西亚食物Hope she doesn't like Polynesian food.

但愿她不喜欢沾上便便的食物I hope she don't like food with poop in its pants! 快跑快跑快跑Go, go, go!

大家没事吧Everybody okay?


傻站着干嘛鼓掌啊Well, don't just stand there. Applaud!


太神奇了That was amazing.

完美模仿蜥蜴交尾叫A pitch-perfect frill-necked lizard mating call.

屡试不爽They fall for it all the time.

这是嘎巴托和凯兰妮This is Gabato and Kailani.

他们开直升机送我来的Their helicopter brought us here.

见到你们很高兴Pleasure. Pleasure.

我是肖恩的继父汉克·帕森斯And I'm Sean's stepfather, Hank Parsons.

我帮肖恩破解你的密电I helped Sean crack your code.

你就是他继父You're the stepfather?

怪不得这么久才破译Well, maybe that's why it took so long, eh?

毕竟要将转换成摩斯密码的After all, how hard can it be to crack a code

凡尔纳主人公破译出来by converting a string of Vernian characters

也不是什么难事into a list of dots and dashes.

你留个字条不是更直截了当Or you could have just sent a message not in code. 这就对了There it is,

这更表明你不是安德森家的人definitive proof that you are not an Anderson.

我想我们还是快点离开这里I think it's best we get out of here.

那声交尾叫声之后After that mating call,

她可能就认定你当老公了she may have ideas about making you her husband. 想得周到不错嘛亨利Oh, witty. Good for you, Henry.

我叫汉克不是亨利就是汉克The name's Hank. It's never Henry. Just Hank.

我看你是个很有决断力的人Ah. I see you're a man of incisive decision.

要不你来带路Why don't you lead the way?

但是Oh, actually

我们似乎还想见到明早的太阳没错we want to live through the night. Yes.

所以你们大家So maybe you should all

还是跟我走吧follow me. Come on.


我跟你走I'm following you.

好快走吧跟上去All right, come on. Go ahead.

太帅了That's awesome.

到了伙计们Here we are, folks.

上来吧Come on up.

这就是我家This is my place.


有正常运转的电梯室内卫生间We've got a working elevator, indoor plumbing. an}fsbbordshad}请别把树叶冲走

我甚至还配备了And I've even got

台英寸A -inch


这些怎么建起来的How'd you build all this stuff?

我是用搭乘的那艘名叫I made it out of the sailboat

"碧眼露西一号"的船做成的that brought me here. Old Blue-Eyed Lucy.

她在那场飓风中丧生了She gave her life in that hurricane

所以我才得以发现so that I could discover

这无比绚丽的the ever-glorious

神秘岛Mysterious Island.


谢谢Oh, thank you.

你就用这无线电发射信号的吗This the radio you used to send the signal?

对我用闹钟Yes. I made it myself

和从那边山上挖出的铜out of an alarm clock

外加一个茶匙做成的some copper I mined in the hills over there and a teaspoon. 你知道这花了我多长时间吗You know how long it took me to make it?

我不知道Oh, I don't know.

或许比.Probably a little less than

谁管你啊who cares?

三个月Three months.

你知道要是换成你得花多长时间吗You know how long it would've taken you? 永远都做不出来哈哈哈Forever. Ha-ha-ha!

我们联系下帕劳Let's just contact Palau,

离开这座岛吧get off this island.

那可不那么容易亲爱的It's not that easy, darling.

你必须等到卫星You have to wait for the satellite

绕到适当的位置才行to come around to the proper ition.

那要多久How long's that gonna take?

大约两周吧Oh, about two weeks.

等等你是说我们要在困这里两周Wait, do you mean we're stuck here for two weeks?

"困在这里" 我觉得这会很有意思"Stuck here"? I think it'll be fun.

我们能更了解彼此We can get to know each other better.

肖恩苟活在这可一点都不好玩Sean, surviving here won't be fun.

如果两周不跟你妈妈联系她该多担心How will your mom feel if we're off the grid for two weeks?

等你们回去的时候兴许她都改嫁了By the time you get back, she's probably gonna be remarried.

你就任由他这么跟你说话啊You gonna let him talk to you like that?

没事It's okay.

好吧哈兰德·桑德斯您怎么打算的Okay, so, what's the plan, Colonel Sanders?


要不你再给我们秀秀你那些How about you show us more of your trinkets

根本没法让我们离开这座岛的小玩意that won't get us off this island?

有人想看看蛋是怎么孵化的吗Anyone else thinking about the eggs hatching?

如果你害怕小动物If you're afraid of a few critters,

那你一开始就不该来这亨利maybe you shouldn't have come down here, Henry.

这是神秘岛It is called the Mysterious Island.

那就肯定有很多神秘的事物地如其名You should've expected mysterious things. It's right in the title.

我知道书上怎么写I know what the book says.

你想找神秘岛现在找到了You wanted to find Mysterious Island. Mission accomplished.

你想找你奶奶You wanted to find your Grandmother.

也找到了Mission accomplished.

天亮我们就走At daybreak we're out of here.

最后说一次我叫汉克And for the last time, it's Hank.

干嘛那么着急What's the hurry?

明天我带你们去个地方Tomorrow, I am gonna show you a place


那一定会让你们窒息的that will take your breath away.

永远窒息Like forever?

天机不可泄露You're all gonna find out.

先睡一会吧So let's get some shut-eye.


明天可是个大日子It's a big day tomorrow.

晚安亲爱的Good night, honey.

-晚安爸爸-晚安- Good night, Papa. - Good night.

还好吧Hey, how's it going?

除却你使我们被困岛上之外Well, apart from you stranding us on this stupid island,

其他都挺好just fine.

好好Good. Good.

我想So, hey, I was thinking, you know,

如果你愿意的话sometime we could hang out or something

我们可以聊聊天什么的if you wanted to.

我已经感觉你对乐趣的理解I have a feeling that your idea of fun

和我对乐趣的理解完全不同and my idea of fun are two very different things.

也许吧I don't know.

你周末喜欢干嘛What do you like doing on the weekends?

收集标记软体动物Collect and label mollusks.

不是吧我也喜欢o way! Me too.

我可喜欢软体动物了I'm way into mollusks.

-真的吗-真的- Really? - Yeah.

那你喜欢什么Well, which one's your favorite?

.我喜欢麦克泽皮特克蜗牛Mine's the Mxyzptlk snail.

说了你可能不信但那也是我的最爱You're not gonna believe me, but that's my favorite too. 那是我瞎编的I just made that up.

麦克泽皮特克根本不是蜗牛Mxyzptlk isn't a snail.

而是超人的一个劲敌It's one of Superman's archenemies.

伤人心啊Way to slay the heart.


想引起一个女人的注意Getting the attention of a woman

是最难的事之一is one of the hardest things to do.

好吧All right.

我该怎么做卡萨诺瓦So, what do I do, Casanova?


我等你这话很久了I been waiting a long time to have this talk with you, buddy.

要了解女孩你必须知道三件事There are three things to know about understanding girls.

第一别靠直觉umber one Don't follow your instincts.

生活的其他事情都能靠直觉指引Any other area in life instincts will get you there.

除了女人ot with women.

所以你想要什么就反其道而行So whatever you think you should do, do the opite.

第二你要开放敏感umber two You need to be open, sensitive.

女人想要的男人Women don't want a man just because

不仅仅得像我这样孔武有力这还不够he's big and strong and has abs like mine. o.

她们想要个灵魂伴侣闺蜜They want a thinker, they want a feeler.

她们希望有人能理解她们They want someone who can understand them.

女人喜欢那种感受内心深处情感的男人Women want a man who is in touch with his t inner emotions.

第三条则是最重要的And the third thing is the t important.

这条规则千百年来迷倒了无数妹子It's something that women have responded to for thousands of years.

告诉我Well, tell me.

你得这样You have got to do this.

这是什么What is that?

这是在传递爱的信号扔个浆果试试That is the pec pop of love. ow go on and throw a berry. -不-扔一个- o. - Throw a berry.

你后面就有拿起一个扔过来There's some behind you. Grab one and throw it.

别害怕他们也不会咬你Don't be afraid, they're not gonna bite.

摘个浆果Grab a berry.


继续摘一串连续扔来Go ahead, grab a bunch. Rapid-fire, now.

我可不会连续扔I'm not doing rapid-fire.

你要不喂它们可是会不停哟They will not stop until you feed them.

喂不要Feed them? o.

它们饿了They're hungry.

我来喂I'll feed them.

好来Attaboy. Come get some.

好了你准备好了吗预备开始Okay, you ready? Ready? Here we go.


准备好了吗这个可不一样Ready? This one's special.

没问题Make this one count.

真不可思议太厉害了o way, that's awesome.

别夸他Stop encouraging him.

这是一种天赋It's a gift.

-是一种天赋-他有天赋- It is a gift. - He has a gift.

肖恩这屡试不爽Sean, it works every time.

跟上叨叨快点Come on, Gabby. Get a move on.

他要去哪Where's he going?

不知道但是你再慢点I don't know, but if this goes on much longer,

他就要打屁股了快点he'll blow a hip. Come on.

我知道了Oh! I'm going.

快点快点我们马上就到了Come on, come on. We're alt there.

准备好了叨叨我要让你窒息了Get ready, Gabby. I'm about to take your breath away. 不可置信Unbelievable.

现在佩服你奶奶了吧How do you like Grandma now?


好几千年没人住了叨叨o one's been home for thousands of years, Gabby.

有谁能猜一下Can anybody guess

这些是什么what all this is?

你认识吗Do you know?




是海神波塞冬Well, that's eidon.


-能挪一下吗-行- Can you move this? - Yeah.



我不敢相信I can't believe it.

我们站在了亚特兰提斯城We're standing in the t city of Atlantis.

凡尔纳笔下的亚特兰提斯The same Atlantis that Verne wrote about,

他巨细无遗描写的神秘岛down to the last detail.

可它不是在海底下吗But wasn't Atlantis underwater?

凡尔纳描写时它的确在海底Oh, when Verne wrote about it, it was,

但它每年经历一个周期but it has a -year cycle

有一半的时间在水上and spends half its time above the water.

那另一半时间呢What about the other half?

这叫地壳构造循环It's called tectonic recurrence.

海床因为岩层火山活动而隆起The ocean bed buckles due to volcanic activity

将地表推高拉低pulling land to the surface.

这个岛因此被带回海底Then the entire island sinks back to the bottom of the sea.

没人见过这么大规模的地质运动obody's ever seen it on this big of a scale.

太惊人了This is amazing.

跟我来Come with me.

我寻找这个天堂已经年了I've been looking for this piece of paradise for years.

我答应过你爸要一起找到它I promised your old man that we'd find it together.

但他无缘分享这一刻But he's not here to enjoy it

只得确保他儿子一定在这里so I made sure that his son would be.

所以我才编了那密码That is why I encoded that message.

我想让安德森家的人在别人之前I wanted an Anderson to see this place

最先看到这个地方before anyone else.

有些人的姓氏被用来命名Some men get to put their names

星星和物种还有植物on stars, species, plants.

我们的名字则会被用在We get to put our name

这个神奇的岛上on this gorgeous island.

两周后通知当局来接我们In two weeks, we'll contact the authorities to pick us up

三周后我们将登上时代杂志的封面and in three weeks, we'll be on the cover of TIME magazine.


我们有麻烦了We got a problem.

什么意思What do you talking about?

看这水这是海水You see this? It's saltwater.

海水能到达这么深的陆地的唯一可能是The only way saltwater gets this far inland

从地底下渗出来is if it enters the subsoil from below.


所以这个岛快沉了So this island's about to go under.

是你的脑子进水了吧The only saltwater here is on your brain.

我分析过样本I've analyzed the samples

也计算过数据and I've calculated the numbers.

这岛还要年才会沉没This island isn't due to sink for years.

亚历山大你的数据错了Alexander, your numbers are wrong.

你怎么知道And how would you know that?

我弄工程时偶然发现被水冲刷过的地方I've come acs this as we build over runoff areas.

会土壤液化[地盘破坏方式]It's called soil liquefaction.

看在这里隔水层缝隙里就能看到Look, you can see it in the cracks in the confining beds all along here, along here,

还有那里这后面over there, back here.

好吧你说的有道理Okay, you made your point.

我们还有多长时间Well, how long do we have?

根据这些水我猜If I had to guess, based on all this water

两天最多三天two, three days max.

然后呢我没有救生圈Then what? Because I ain't no flotation device, man.

走不了那就惨了You gonna be if we don't figure this out.

一定有办法离开这里的There must be some way off this island.

我们能造一艘船We could build a boat.

环绕这岛的风暴会把它撕碎The storm around this island will chew it up, spit it out.

我有办法了I've got something.

我们去找鹦鹉螺What about the autilus?

那东西能帮忙什么How is an exercise machine gonna help us get out of here?

我是说鹦鹉螺号o, no, the autilus.

尼莫船长年造的潜水艇Captain emo's submarine, built in .

好主意肖恩Well done, Sean.

章凡尔纳写到它藏在岛上某处Chapter , Verne wrote it is hidden on the island.

如果能及时找到If we can make it there in time,

我们可以绕过飓风回到帕劳we can ride it under the hurricane back to Palau.

但是问题是Okay. One question

它在哪Where is it?

只有一个人能告诉我们There's only one man who can tell us that

那就是尼莫船长and that is Captain emo himself.


达卡岩穴The Dakkar Grotto.

尼莫船长的长眠之地The final resting place of Captain emo.

传说他的船员把他埋这里了Legend has it his crew buried him there.

那东西最好在这里I'll tell you what had better be in there

他的航海日志emo's journal.

它会告诉我们鹦鹉螺号的位置It could tell us the location of the autilus.

我可爬不进去I've never been able to crawl in there on my own.

太肥了点Too many fried eggs, I'm afraid.

我去I'll go.

我是惟一的人选I'm the only one who can fit.

不行那里太危险o way. It's too dangerous.

真贴心可我不需要经过你的允许Sweet, but I don't need your permission.


-爸爸爱你-记住安全守则- Papa loves you. - You remember the drill.

小心点不知道下面有什么危险Be careful. Who knows what's down there.

亲爱的你没事吧没事吧Honey? Honey? You okay?!

没事I'm fine.

我进来了I'm inside!

里面有什么What was that?

这就是岛屿下沉的声音So that's what a sinking island sounds like.



把她拉出来Pull her out! Pull her out!

这人的字真潦草啊Man, that guy had some terrible handwriting.

-像梵文-很接近了这是北印度文- Looks like Sanskrit. - Ce. It's Hindi.

是的尼莫来自印度Yeah, emo's from India.

这里写着It says here

鹦鹉螺号位于岛另一头的玄武岩洞里that the autilus is in a basalt cave on the other side of the island,

就在波塞冬崖的下面just under eidon's Cliffs.

我知道I know

那地方this place.

就是去那里That's where we gotta go.

怎么去比较好What's the best way there?

很难说Well, now, that depends.

最安全的办法是沿着海岸线走The safest way is around the shoreline

但最快的办法是直穿过岛中心but the fastest way is acs the heart of the island.

你觉得呢汉克What do you think, Hank?

-没得选只能求快-他说的对- I think we got no choice. The quickest way. - He's right.

我赞成I'm in.

但是警告你Yeah, but let me warn you.

岛中心充满了The heart of this island

崎岖的山is full of jagged mountains,

黑暗的丛林可怕的生物dark jungles and terrifying creatures

你会噩梦不断的who will give you nightmares.


谁准备好去冒险了who's up for an adventure?

我们到了吗Are we there yet?

该到自然就会到叨叨We get there when we get there, Gabby.

怎么回事What was that?

岛下面的海底岩层The tectonic plates are starting to pull apart

开始裂了underneath the island.

快走快快We gotta move. Let's go. Move.


等等那是什么Wait, what is that?

是火山灰吗V olcanic ash?

看起来像是It looks like.


纯金Pure gold.

是史蒂文森小说The treasure Stevenson

《金银岛》提到的宝藏talked about in Treasure Island.

火山喷出来的就是构成它的东西V olcanoes are made of what they erupt.

如果喷出来的是金子So if that thing's erupting gold, then it's.

那这座山就是金山了A mountain of gold.

一定蕴藏了大量金矿Must be massive gold deits.

我们去看看Let's go check it out.

等等Hold on.

那太费时间了That'll take us days out of our way.

我们没那么多时间We don't have the time.

挤点时间这可是座金山哪Let's make the time. V olcanic gold?

是科学上的重大发现啊That's a huge scientific breakthrough.

知道但我们必须快去找鹦鹉螺号I understand, but we gotta get to the autilus.

汉克我不是小孩子了Hank, I'm not just a little kid. Okay?

我也有决定权I get a say in this too.

肖恩我得对你负责Sean, I am responsible for you.

不能拿你的生命冒险I'd never take a chance with your life.

你不能命令他做什么或不做什么Hey, hey, you can't tell him what to do.

你不是他爸You're not his father.

据我所知From what I hear

你这个爷爷当得也不称职you haven't been much of a grandfather.

我在各方面给他树立榜样I have given him something to live up to.

科学探险梦想Science, adventure, wonder.

你给过他什么What have you ever given him?

我给过他很多I've given him a lot of things,

其中一项是责任感a sense of responsibility being one of them.

你显然不具备此项Something clearly you don't have.

不能去You're not going.

我们要快走没得商量We're getting out of here. End of discussion.

肖恩求你我们得快离开这个岛Sean, please. We have to get off this island.

再见啦金子Bye-bye, gold.

你没事吧Hey, you okay?

没事儿Yeah. Fine.

只是我不需要汉克成日管着我It's just, you know, I don't need Hank trying to tell me what to do all the time.

我爸也管的很多My dad's always trying to get involved too,

总把我弄得很难堪but he usually ends up embarrassing me.

是吗怎么说Yeah? How?

去年暑假我想去打工Last summer I was trying to get a job

他就开着直升机在帕劳so he flew all over Palau dropping

撒了几千份我的简历thousands of copies of my resume from his helicopter.

真难堪啊他们管这么多真的很烦人That's embarrassing. Isn't that the worst when they try so hard?


要是啥都不管才更糟呢I mean, the worst would be if they didn't try at all.

亚历山大你的指南针指向正确吗Alexander, are you sure your compass readings are correct? 当然正确啦咋了Of course I am. Why?


Lion King 狮子王中英文剧本 From the day we arrive on the planet 从我们出生的那一刻And,blinking,step into the sun 睁开眼睛走入阳光 There's more to see than can ever be seen 那儿有你看不完的东西 More to do than can ever be done 有你做不完的事 There's far too much to take in here 有数不尽你无法体会经验的事 More to find than can ever be found 有找不完的宝藏 But the sun roll ing high 可是太阳高挂在天空 Through the sapphire sky 在那色彩多变的天空中 Keeps great and smal l on the endless round 不论伟大与渺小都保存下来 It's the circle of life 那是生生不息 And it moves us all 而那感动了你我 Through despair and hope 历经绝望与希望 Through faith and love 历经信心与爱 Till we find our place 直到我们找到归属之地 On the path unwind ing 在我们已知的种种之中 In the circle 在那生生不息之中 The circle of life 生生不息…  It's the circle of life 生生不息 And it moves us all 而那令我们感动 Through despair and hope 历经绝望与希望 Through faith and love 历经信心与爱 Till we find our place 直到我们找到归属之地 On the path unwinding 在我们已知的种种之中 In the circle 在那生生不息之中 The circle of life 生生不息…  Life's not fair,is it? You see,I... Well,I shall never be king. And you shall never see the light of another day. Adieu. 生命真不公平啊!你看我呢,永远都当不上王,而你永远也见不到明天了,再见 Didn't your mother tell you not to play with your food? 你妈妈没有教你不要玩弄你的食物 What do you want? 你想干什么? I'm here to announce that King Mufasa's on his way. So you'd better have a good excuse.for missing the ceremony this morning. 我是来这里宣布大王木法沙要来了所以对你今天早上没有出席那个仪式最好找个借口 Oh,now,look,Zazu. You've made me lose my lunch. 你害我的午餐都没了 Ha! You'll lose more than that...when the king gets through with you. He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia. 等大王跟你算帐之后你不见的东西还会更多他就像只拉肚子的河马一样愤怒 Ooh. I quiver with fear! 我怕得全身发抖Now,Scar,don't look at me that way. Help! 好了,刀疤,不要那样看我救命啊! Drop him. 刀疤,吐出来 Impeccable timing,Your Majesty. 你来得可真是时候,大王陛下 Why,if it isn't my big brother... 这不是我大哥吗?descending from on high to mingle with the commoner s. 屈尊降贵的来跟我这普通人厮混 Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba. 我跟沙拉碧在辛巴的介绍仪式中没有看到你 That was today? Oh,I feel simply awful! Must've slipped my mind. 那是今天吗?我觉得好害怕呀!我八成是给忘了 Yes,well,as slippery as your mind is..as the king's brother... you should've been first in line! . 是呀,你忘的不只如此,身为大王的弟弟你应该站在第一位Well,I was first in line... until the little hairball was born. 我原本是第一位直到这个小毛球出生 That hairball is my son...and your future king. 这个小毛球是我儿子他也是你未来的国王 Oh,I shall practice my curtsy.我该学学我的礼节啦 Don't turn your back on me,Scar. 千万不要背对着我,刀疤 Oh,no,Mufasa. Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me. 不,木法沙,或许是你不该背对着我 Is that a challenge?这是一个挑战吗? Temper,temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you. 冷静!冷静!我哪敢向大王你挑战呢? Pity. Why not? 可惜,为什么呢? As far as brains go,I got the lion's share. 要说脑袋的话我是有狮子的智慧 But when it comes to brute strength... 说到蛮力嘛…  I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool. 恐怕我就是基因遗传比较不明显的例子了 There's one in every family,sire. Two in mine,actually...and they always manage to ruin special occasions. What am I going to do with him?He'd make a very handsome throw rug. 每个家庭都会有这个问题陛下,事实上我家有两个而且他们总会想尽办法破坏特别的场合我该拿他怎么办?拿他做地毯会非常好看 Zazu! 沙祖 And just think, whenever he gets dirty... you could take him out and beat him. 而且想一想,每次弄脏的时候你可以拿出去打一打 Dad! Dad! Come on,Dad,we gotta go! Wake up! Sorry. Dad. Dad. 爸,爸快起来,我们要走了啦!对不起爸…爸…


十九世纪法国作家儒勒·凡尔纳In the th century Jules Verne 著有许多脍炙人口的冒险小说wrote some of the greatest adventure stories ever told. 诸如《海底两万里》ovels such as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, 《地心游记》Journey to the Center of the Earth, 以及《神秘岛》and The Mysterious Island. 人们大都认为其作品是科幻小说t consider these works of science fiction. 但凡尔纳迷另有想法Vernians know otherwise. 惨了ot good! 狗狗乖Whoa! Good boy! 不会吧Seriously? 好吧Okay. 拼了Here we go! 晚上好警官大人Evening, officers. 有兴趣一起夜泳吗Anyone up for a late night swim? 老兄这星期的牌局怎么没来Hey, buddy. Missed you at poker this week. 谢谢你通知我具体什么情况Thanks for the call. What's going on? 这事本不该外泄We didn't want this going out over the radio. 这孩子私闯卫星基地Kid broke into a satellite facility. 然后骑着摩托冲进了老迈家泳池Then he drove his dirt bike into the McGillicuttys' pool. 我说服他们别起诉了I talked them out of pressing charges. 安德森Anderson! 你继父来了Your stepfather's here for you. 不是继父是监护人o. Legal guardian. 要不是我If it weren't for me, 你非得在少管所待上半年you'd be in juvie for the next six months. 我宁愿被关起来Rather do the time. 想说说为什么要闯进Do you want to explain to me why you were breaking into 一个偏僻的卫星基地吗a satellite facility in the middle of nowhere? 别担心妈妈Don't worry about it, Mom. 真的没什么It's nothing, really. 警察深更半夜来电话还叫没事The police calling in the middle of the night is nothing? 肖恩Sean? 他去那儿干嘛找什么What was he doing there? What was he looking for? 宝贝我也不知道还得问他Honey, I don't know. All we can do is asking him. 肖恩得谈谈这事Hey. Sean, we gotta talk about this. 我就纳闷了他哪儿来的发言权I'm confused. Who gave him a speaking part? 怎么说话呢Hey. 不是我发言现在你都坐牢了Without my speaking part, we'd visit you in jail right now. 住这里跟坐牢没差别I'm already in jail. 你什么意思肖恩What is that suped to mean? Sean? 我压根不乐意离开学校离开朋友Look, I didn't ask to be taken away from my school and friends, 但还不是被你们一路拽到代顿了and dragged all the way to Dayton. an}fsbbordshad}代顿美国俄亥俄州西南部城市


参观芜湖博物馆观后感作文五篇 芜湖市徽商博物馆是国内首个以弘扬徽商精神、展示徽商文化的民间主题藏馆。下面是橙子为大家整理的参观芜湖博物馆观后感作文五篇相关模板,接下来我们一起来看看吧! 参观芜湖博物馆观后感作文五篇(一) 今天,我们一家三口冒着蒙蒙细雨,乘车去芜湖市新建的博物馆。博物馆外面有一个个大大的水池,左一行,右一行。我想连外面都被布置得这么壮观,里面肯定也非常壮观!进了博物馆,我先跑过去看了看电脑地图,这儿原来分三层,第一层是芜湖以前的老房子、长街、米市,还有许多假人“开”的“药店、衣店、饰品店”等等,可让我印象最深刻的是二楼的恐龙骨头、铜器。爸爸跟我说:“铜器是公元前的物品,在一场大地震后被埋在了土里,又过了几千年,它们才被现代人民挖了出来,恐龙骨头也是”。三楼的服饰五颜六色我也非常喜欢,大多数服饰都是以前唱梨簧戏时穿的。博物馆就像一本历史大全,它能让我们大开眼界,我下次一定还来看更多历史文物! 参观芜湖博物馆观后感作文五篇(二) 11月26日,我参加了学校天门文学社组织的一次博物馆采风活动,能参加这次活动,我既兴奋又高兴。 从学校出发,经过了45分钟焦急的等待,我们终于到达博物馆了!博物馆里非常安静,一进门,就看见了一些古老的图片。有“20世纪30年代的芜湖水灾图片”、“20世纪20年代的清弋江图片”、“下长街”、“赭山公园老照片”……这些照片分别叙述了芜湖不同时期的

历史。 走过这些老照片,便能看见许多摆放在玻璃柜里的文物。你瞧,“蟠纹钫”、“青铜牺鼎”、“青瓷羊尊”、“丹阳铜镜”、“青铜鸠杖首”“凤首柄盂”“青铜盂”,这些文物个个都雕工精美,简直令人拍案叫绝啊! 给我印象最深的还数“长街”了!“长街”里有各种各样的店铺:药铺、裁缝铺、钱庄、酒庄……还有“金隆兴牛肉馆”,金隆兴酒店到现在还有呢!很多家店铺里都站着“人”——老板或伙计,这些“人”并不是真的人,只是非常逼真的蜡像而已,但看起来却是那样的栩栩如生,可逼真啦!他们一个个站在门前,似乎都在招揽生意呢! 你瞧:这家裁缝铺里,蜡像老板双眉紧皱,嘴巴微微咧开,右手拿着一把剪刀,左手牵着布料,正在非常专注地制作衣服呢!再瞧,这家裁缝铺的衣架上挂着各式各色的衣服,看起来很有立体感,其实是画在墙壁上的,看到这些栩栩如生的衣服,你是不是也想进去量身定做一件衣服呢! 参观完“长街”,我们深刻了解到我们芜湖的风土人情,更能体会到芜湖悠久的历史和古老的传承! 当然,博物馆里的文物肯定不止这些,还有“人字洞”、“古墓葬”、“蓝铜矿”、“金铜矿”、“孔雀石”、“芙蓉水晶”、“素三彩陶船”、“历代铜镜”……如果你还想继续了解,那就亲自到博物馆来参观吧! 参观芜湖博物馆观后感作文五篇(三) 暑假里,我陪着爷爷奶奶、外公外婆来到了我向往以久的芜湖市


一、填空。(5分) 1.《地心游记》是法国儒尔·凡尔纳的作品。 2.我还知道《地心游记》作者的其他作品有:《海底两万里》、《八十天环游世界》、《从地球到月球》。 二、选择题。(4分) 1. 德国矿物学教授黎登布洛克教授在一本古老的书籍里偶然发现一张带有密码的 ()。 A 羊皮纸 B 毛边纸 C 铅化纸 2. 教授带着侄子,由()出发,到了冰岛又请一位向导()随行。 A 意大利 B 汉堡 C 冰岛 A 马尔塔 B 汉恩斯 C 格劳班 3.在探险途中迷路的() A 黎登布洛克 B 汉恩斯 C 阿克塞 三、判断题。(3分) 1.是黎登布洛克教授破解了纸上的密码。() 2.整个穿越地心的探险全长4000英里。() 3.回到地面后,教授的成就得到了承认,阿克赛娶回了心爱的姑娘,汉恩斯也回到了冰岛的家乡。()

四、问答题。(8分) 1.三个月的地心历险,探险者们做了充足的准备,比如:带了足够的粮食、仪器和武器等,你能例举出一些,并简单说说这些物品在探险中的必要性吗? 2.三位探险者,历尽艰险和种种奇观,一路上克服了缺水、迷路、风暴、高温等各种困难,也得到了地下海、史前人骨骸等惊世的发现。请你结合自己觉得印象最深的部分,谈谈科幻小说作品的特点。 1、内容简介(25分) 《地心游记》讲述了19世纪中期,德国科学家黎登布洛克教授在一本古老的书籍里偶然得到了一张古老的羊皮纸,发现前人曾到地心旅行,上面记述从一个神秘的火山口进入就可以到达地球中心!教授对此深信不疑,决定也作同样的旅行。他在某年5 月27 日带了侄子阿克赛尔以及足够的粮食、仪器和武器等。由汉堡出发,到了冰岛又请一位向导汉斯进行了一次穿越地心的冒险旅行。他们三人按照前人的指行,由(冰岛的斯奈菲尔)的死火山口下降,旅行中(炙热、眩晕、饥渴、黑暗、迷路)一路随行,不过探险三人组也饱览了地下海的雄伟风光,经历了一场海怪大战,见识了异常珍贵的古生物化石,还遇到了一个放牧大象的远古巨人。经过三个月的


1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,000 2 00:00:06,100 --> 00:00:15,000 3 00:01:31,000 --> 00:01:31,810 地壳30千米 4 00:01:31,840 --> 00:01:32,500 上地幔720千米 5 00:01:32,670 --> 00:01:33,500 下地幔2171千米 6 00:01:33,550 --> 00:01:34,516 外核5100千米 7 00:01:34,580 --> 00:01:35,518 内核6400千米 8 00:01:42,580 --> 00:01:44,690 地球 (很久很久以前) 9 00:02:12,345 --> 00:02:13,835 打门! Goal! 10 00:03:04,500 --> 00:03:06,911 冰河世纪4:大陆漂移 11 00:03:24,551 --> 00:03:26,678

那是什么?艾莉,你听到了么? What was that? Ellie, did you hear that? 12 00:03:26,887 --> 00:03:29,219 我听到了,曼尼,不管是什么,还很远 I heard it, Manny. Whatever it is, it's miles away. 13 00:03:29,389 --> 00:03:30,720 桃子,你还好么? Peaches, are you all right? 14 00:03:31,258 --> 00:03:32,247 她去哪儿了? Where is she? 15 00:03:32,526 --> 00:03:34,517 小孩子哪有那么起这么早 No teenager is ever up early. 16 00:03:35,595 --> 00:03:37,790 放心啦,典狱长,人家又没给关禁闭 Easy warden, she's not on lockdown. 17 00:03:42,469 --> 00:03:44,869 你们俩是怎么当叔叔的! You two were supposed to be responsible uncles! 18 00:03:44,938 --> 00:03:48,169 什么?我才没有看到桃子15还是20分钟前溜走了What? I didn't see Peaches sneak off maybe 15 or 20 minutes ago. 19 00:03:48,241 --> 00:03:50,402

《神秘岛》 有感

《神秘岛》有感 《神秘岛》很值得一看,下面是关于《神秘岛》的读后感,欢迎阅读借鉴,希望你们喜欢~ 《神秘岛》读后感 《神秘岛》是“科幻小说之父”法国作家儒勒凡尔纳的代表作之一。它讲述的是在美国南北战争的时候,5名北军俘虏乘坐气球逃离战俘营,落难荒岛,并依靠智慧和过人的毅力在岛上生存了下来,开始了幸福的生活。后来他们登上格兰特船长的儿子驾驶的游船“邓肯号”重返祖国。 凡尔纳那非凡的想象力和浪漫而又符合科学的幻想,让我对这本书爱不释手,拿到书不到半天的时间,我就把它看完了。 在这篇读后感开始之前,我要先问大家一个问题:如果你、一条对你最忠实的狗和四位朋友一起沦落在了一个荒岛上,你们会怎么办 《神秘岛》这本书便是讲述了这样一个故事,显现出了人类坚强、执着的本性。 工程师史密斯及几位朋友沦落荒岛,并在岛上开始了美好的新生活。我最感兴趣的自然是建设家园的那部分内容。在那部分里,工程师出力最多,什么砖窑、炸药、风磨,还有很多机械都出自这位花甲之年的健壮老人之手。他带领大家开山凿洞、挖掘河道、烧制砖陶,将无人的荒岛变成了人间的天堂。对了,他们还驯养了一只聪明的猩猩宝宝做仆人,制作了很多现代化的东西,还圈养飞禽走兽,利用一草一木。大家想一下,这么多有思想并愿意努力的人在一起,又有什么能抵挡他们呢 然而,在岛上,每当危急时刻,他们总能得到一个神秘人物的帮助。他是谁,在哪里呢 我将文章分为了几部分,来谈谈我对这部科幻名著的感受和看法。

一、五个俘虏的自由之旅 在北国南北战争期间,工程师史密斯和其余4位朋友成为了敌人的俘虏,但他们不甘在牢里苟活,便秘密策划乘坐一只热气球出逃。 这是人的天性,不由自主地对自由的向往。 二、沦落孤岛的绝望比不上求生的希望 热气球遭遇暴风,五个人沦落孤岛,不得不在这个荒无人烟的小岛上自生自灭。但他们没有向命运屈服。 在陷入绝境的时候不丧失希望,就能走出困境,重见光明。 三、共建美好新家园 小岛成了五个人的乐园,他们圈养飞禽走兽、建造美丽家园、驯化猩猩仆人。 今天我得到了很多启示:书是人类进步的阶梯;舒适知识的源泉;书是生活的解码;书会使人们的人格得到升华。因此,我们要多读好书来提高我们的素质和修养从而吩咐自己的知识,净化自己的心灵升华自己的人格。 《神秘岛》读后感 电影讲的是一个叫肖恩的小男孩儿,他想去冒险。 肖恩和继父汉克一起去找爷爷。他们和一个直升机驾驶员和他的女儿,一起开着直升机到了那座传说中的神秘岛。突然,有一只大象走来,他们扭头一看,高大的大象变成了低矮的小象了,他们恍然大悟,惊奇的发现大的动物变成了小的动物、小的动物变成了大的动物。他们走到了一些大石头那里,爬上了这些大石头。走着走着,突然看见了一只特别大的蜥蜴,四个人这才明白这不是大石头,而是蜥蜴的蛋。汉克说:“我们得小声点儿走,要是被蜥蜴看见了那就惨了。”他们刚走几步,嘎巴托掉进了蜥蜴的蛋里,这下惨了,蜥蜴被


参观博物馆作文观后感300字 博物馆是征集、典藏、陈列和研究代表自然和人类文化遗产的实物的场所,下面是橙子为大家整理的参观博物馆作文观后感300字相关模板,接下来我们一起来看看吧! 参观博物馆作文观后感300字(一) 去年五一,我和爸爸妈妈去了一个很有价值的地方——博物馆。 在博物馆里也看到一件最有价值的“东西”——关于南方雪灾的图片。 那里面有许多的关于雪灾的图片。在图片的下面,还有许多的文字来解释。 我看到许多的解放军叔叔,白天辛苦的铲雪,而晚上呢?只能在那冰冷的雪地上睡觉。他们一天天“生活”在那冰天雪地的地方! 多少的电力工人和志愿者,也参加了这个“活动”。他们有的在电线上铲雪,是多么的寒冷呀,多么的危险呀。万一要是一失足,那么,那可怕的天堂里就有多了一条生命的灵魂!这是多么的可怕呀 ! 最使人感动的是温家宝爷爷说过的一句话:“先把飞机起飞,到时候一定能找到飞机降落的地方。”这句话表现了温爷爷对老百姓的关爱;温爷爷把老百姓看成了自己的父母,自己的儿女,和自己的兄弟姐妹一样对待! 除了这些感人的图片,博物馆里还有许多名人的字画,和一些艺术品。比如花瓶和花灯笼。

啊!这是我去过所有地方里面最有价值的一个了! 参观博物馆作文观后感300字(二) 今天上午带学生参观了湖北省博物馆。 说是参观,老实说,连走马观花都谈不上,虽然带了两只眼睛,却总嫌不够用,恨不得再长两只眼睛才好——那么多学生,在那么大的地方到处看希奇,稍不注意看丢了两个学生,可不是闹着玩的事情呢。所以,我只有两只眼睛,那两只眼睛就忙得不亦乐乎,只能偶尔瞟一眼恰好落入眼帘的一点东西,呵呵,够幸运的了呢。 当那么多的各种各样的鼎从我眼前一晃而过的时候,我就突然想起了我第一次教一篇有关“鼎”的文章的事来。 那时候,我自己也不知道鼎到底是个什么东西,有什么作用——书上的介绍当然看过一些,只是真的没有一点感性的认识,没见过。于是,上课的时候也只能按照书上说的照本宣科了。虽然知识并不会教错,但自己也觉得教得很是无味得很。后来,曾经亲眼看过了许多的鼎,并且了解了它的演变之后,我终于明白了什么叫做“钟鸣鼎食”,也终于知道了“一言九鼎”到底有多重了。于是,当我再次教那篇课文的时候,自己都感觉兴致盎然,教得是有滋有味呢。效果当然是相当的不错的了。 今天,眼看着那么多好东西却没法静下来欣赏,真是很遗憾。以后有时间一定自己再去一趟,从从容的容细细观赏,静静品味,那多惬意啊! 参观博物馆作文观后感300字(三)


狮子王中英文字幕[精品] The Lion King (1994) Nants ingonyama Bagithi baba Sithi uhhmm ingonyama Ingonyama Nants ingonyama Bagithi baba Sithi uhhmm ingonyama Ingonyama Siyo nqoba Ingonyama Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Se-to-kwa Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Asana Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Se-to-kwa Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

From the day we arrive on the planet 张开你的眼睛看这世界 And, blinking, step into the sun 你会发觉充满神奇 There's more to see than can ever be seen 天上星星好像近在天边 More to do than can ever be done 想要抓总是遥不可及 There's far too much to take in here 人生旅程坎坷不平 More to find than can ever be found 你要去体会它的真谛 But the sun rolling high 尝尝人情冷暖 Through the sapphire sky 或是体会世间的风险 Keeps great and small on the endless round 没有办法逃避 It's the circle of life 看这世界在转 And it moves us all 永远不停息尽管向前走 Through despair and hope 是对是错 Through faith and love 希望和失望 Till we find our place 世事没有绝对 On the path unwinding 看这世界 In the circle 是生生不息 The circle of life Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Se-to-kwa Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Ingonyama nengw' enamabala Se-to-kwa


地心历险记 《地心历险记》观后感(一) 《地心历险记》讲述了一个很有卓识的科学家和他的侄子在冰岛上进行学术探险旅行。在途中,他们和当地的一位导游无意间掉进了深渊。但他们想离开这深渊,唯一的方法是向地心行进。他们在向地心行进过程中,见到的景象越来越让他们感到吃惊,像什么食人植物、会飞的巨型食人鲳、火烈鸟、远古恐龙等等。随着行程的行进,身处环境是越来越险恶,这三个人渐渐意识到,必须尽快回到地表,不然他们的性命就难保了。最后他们利用水与即将喷发的火山熔岩碰撞后产生的蒸汽,搭顺风车,成功回到了地表。 《地心历险记》是国内引进的第一部真正意义的数字3D大片。立体镜头十分逼真:当出现无数萤火鸟时,大多数观众都纷纷伸出手去抓,以为自己一伸手就能抓住它们。当食人草要吃人的时候,不少观众都吓得大呼小叫,直往后躲。 地心历险记,也有得翻译是地心游记。年轻人自己设计了地心探险船,却被人剽窃,结果只能接受,因为他想去,而那个商人答应让他带队去寻找失落的文明。他认为古代的一部分人通过火山口进入了地下,而事实结果证明他是正确的。他们到达地心后,见到了数万年前的野人。而这些人被一个神秘人所控制,整个地心也是由他控制。他们的飞船,能够承受多少高压我忘了,但是记得能放五百万伏高压

电。最后他们从神秘人手里抢到了能控制地下世界的能量,神秘人坠到岩浆里了。 将国家宝藏从尘封中解禁,印第安纳;琼斯手中的水晶骷髅也还没有仔细的把玩欣赏,凡尔纳大叔又马不停蹄迫不及待的带着我们开始了另一段探宝的旅程。这两年探宝类大片似乎有些让人有些许审美疲劳的感觉。不过比起其他类型或题材的影片来说,探宝类的影片产量其实并不高。造成我们疲劳的原因,只是在于探宝类影片的缺乏新意,乏善可陈。无非就是解谜、迷宫、历险的老三套,最多再加上一点男欢女爱与暴力凶杀以此来辅佐金灿灿的宝藏来一起共同烘托出一个更大的,有关人性贪婪的主题。 不过以这样传统的眼光来考量《地心游记3d》这部片子的时候似乎就显得有点力不从心了。原因很简单,片名中的3d就说明了一切。这部片子卖的不是悬疑、不是推理、甚至也不是原着显赫的声名,一切的内在到了本片中都成为了视觉外表的附庸。炫技术,用奇异的影像最直接的抓人眼球才是本片的真正意图所在。身临其境般的见识绚丽的精灵,坐上深矿中的轨道车一路呼啸,体验地下不为人知的幻妙世界将是本片能够给予我们的全部。想想,用一张电影票坐回过山车,游览海底公园,另外顺带领略经典科幻天马行空的想象也是物超所值了。 《地心历险记》观后感(二) 上个星期六,我画完画,妈妈来接我。妈妈神秘地让我猜她的包里藏着什么,我一会儿猜是书,一会儿猜是饼干,妈妈都说不是。突

冰河世纪1 英语影视课程欣赏

冰河世纪之寻亲之旅 ——《冰河世纪1赏析》 一:影片的基本信息 英文名:Ice Age1 导演:卡洛斯·沙丹哈 编剧:强·维迪 配音: 雷·罗曼诺————曼尼 约翰·莱格扎莫————席德 丹尼斯·劳瑞————迭戈 奎因·拉蒂法————爱莉 克里斯·韦奇————斯克莱特 发行:二十世纪福克斯公司 时间:2002年 荣誉:入围2003年奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖 二:电影风格 冰河世纪是一部大型喜剧动画片,采用电脑3D特效,给人带来强烈的震撼感。但是在当今社会这个特效泛滥的影视界,他又是独树一帜的。在我们观看电影的同时,我们同时能感到其中的内涵。这是我们国产动画片所没有的,譬如前段时间一阵火的《秦时明月》,我们大都感慨其3D特效,但我们却没有意识到中国动漫其本质并没有多大改变,就如小孩即使穿上大人的衣服,画上了妆,也不会是大人的。其原因大概是福斯公司特别聘请获得奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖的导演克里斯·韦奇掌舵,让其电影在落入不落俗套下,依然能达到一定的艺术高度并能展现独特的美国文化。 三:剧情简介 冰河世纪1中主要诉述了三只看似不可能在一起的动物:一个说话很快、邋遢、幽默的树懒希德,一头喜怒无常的长毛象曼尼,和另一只凶暴的剑齿虎迭戈。却因各种偶然的原因,而护送一名人类的婴儿回到他父母身边。他们共同面对沸腾的熔岩坑、暗藏的冰穴、严寒的天气以及来自其他剑齿虎们的攻击。最终他们之间结下不可斩断的羁绊。 四:主题思想 我觉得冰河世纪的主题一是围绕一路上的冒险经历中体现的亲情,友情。即使是一开始怀着不可告人目的而来的迭戈,最终也败在小婴儿那清澈透明的眼睛。最终,3只为了动物临时充当着小婴儿奶爸,一路历尽艰辛。它们与小婴儿之间建立了跨越物种的亲情。友情则主要表现在曼尼在为救迭哥差点失去生命,最终迭哥在感动下,与曼尼们坦诚相见,最终共同抵抗迪哥亚。主题二则是有关人与动物的关系。曼尼的同族都被人类所屠杀,致使曼尼成了这世上最后一只长毛象(虽然在第二部又出现了一只)。人类肆意的屠杀其他动物,才导致后面一连串事件的发生,迪哥亚袭击了人类的部落,并打算捉走小婴儿。 五:人物形象 希德,虽然话又多人又笨手笨脚,但却心地善良。他是最早提议送小婴儿回家的,即使在游说曼尼无果后,仍然毅然决然的独自一个人启程。它是片中的喜剧人物,常常搞出一些出人意料的事情,令人啼笑皆非。曼尼,嘴硬心软,开始时不愿送小婴儿回家,但看到小婴儿那纯洁无瑕的眼睛后,也上路了。极富集体


地心游记读后感800字 《地心游记》是法国著名作家儒勒·凡尔纳写的,讲了一个德国科学家李登布洛克偶然发现了一封密码信,在解读了密码信的内容后便决定带上侄子阿克赛尔前往地心。下面由小编来给大家分享地心游记读书心得,欢迎大家参阅。 地心游记读书心得1 在看过《地心历险记》这部电影之后,我又看完了电影原作——法国小说家儒勒·凡尔纳写的《地心游记》这本书。这本书和电影一样的精彩刺激,让人爱不释手。 故事讲的是住在汉堡柯尼斯街19号的黎登布洛克教授在他的侄子阿克赛的帮助下,得知16世纪炼金术士萨克奴姗去了地心,于是便急切地带着阿克赛去了冰岛。阿克赛只好与未婚妻格劳班分离。他们来到雷克雅未克,找到向导汉恩斯,从火山陷口前往地心探险。 书里的主人公“我”,也就是阿克赛,一开始听到要去地心探险的时候紧张万分,仓皇失措,千方百计想要不去或拖延时间,内心害怕,缺乏勇气。可是在教授的一意孤行之后,他也勇敢地坚持了下来。

他们面临过缺水的危险、迷路的绝望,最终战胜了内心的恐惧,经历了普通人难以想象的刺激。他们在地中海以自己的名字命名新发现的地点,在岛上他们看到了乳齿象、巨人和一个保存着肌肉和皮肤的原始人。最后,他们从意大利的一个火山里喷发了出来,回到德国和家人团聚。阿克赛有了格劳班,黎登布洛克教授得到了荣耀,汉恩斯得到了尊敬。 这本书中,黎登布洛克教授的渊博知识,汉恩斯的沉着冷静,都给我留下了深刻的印象。但是,我还是更喜欢阿克赛的勇气。他让我知道,胆小不是一件可耻的事情,遇到危险困难,谁都会害怕。但是只要敢于面对危险和困难,不断坚持,不断克服,努力向前走,就会变得勇敢起来。所以我觉得《地心游记》就是一个从没有勇气到获得勇气的故事。 地心游记读书心得2 《地心游记》是一部19世纪的科幻小说,堪称惊世之作,其中描绘出的地心探索路程中的奇妙景色可谓一绝,让我着迷,这样的探索历程令我神往。 故事讲述了住在汉堡的黎登步洛克在一本古老的书中发现 了一卷羊皮纸,他解出啦这张羊皮纸的秘密,并决定和他的侄子阿克塞带上足够的粮食、仪器和武器等,从汉堡出发到啦冰岛。向导汗恩斯随行,他们三人按前人的指引,从冰岛的斯奈弗火山下降,经历了种种惊险和地下的种种危险终于穿过了地心。还有


Life's not fair, is it? 生命真不公平啊! You see, I Well, I shall never be king 你看我呢,永远都当不上王 And you shall never see the light of another day 而你永远也见不到明天了 Good bye 再见 Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food? 你妈妈没有教你不要玩弄你的食物 What do you want? 你想干什么? I'm here to announce that King Mufasa's on his way, 我是来这里宣布大王木法沙要来了 so you'd better have a good excuse for missing this morning's ceremony 所以对你今天早上没有出席那个仪式 #VALUE! #VALUE! Oh, look, Zazu 你看 You've made me lose my lunch 你害我的午餐都没了 You'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you 等大王跟你算帐之后你不见的东西还会更多 He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia 他就像只拉肚子的河马一样愤怒 I quiver with fear! 我怕得全身发抖 Now, Scar, don't look at me that way 好了,刀疤,不要那样看我 Help! 救命啊! Scar? Drop him 刀疤,吐出来 Impeccable timing, Your Majesty 你来得可真是时候,大王陛下 Why, if it isn't my big brother descending from on high 这不是我大哥吗?屈尊降贵的 to mingle with the commoners 来跟我这普通人厮混 Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba 我跟沙拉碧在辛巴的介绍仪式中没有看到你 That was today? 那是今天吗?


地心历险记观后感5篇600字 《地心历险记》讲述了一个很有卓识的科学家和他的侄子在冰岛上进行学术探险旅行。在途中,他们和当地的一位导游无意间掉进了深渊。这里给大家整理了一些有关地心历险记的观后感,希望对大家有所帮助. 地心历险记观后感1 今天,我观看了《地心历险记》这部电影。 故事情节大概是这样的:17岁的肖恩意外收到了一封秘密电报,他的继父帮他__了密码。电报上要求肖恩马上来到神秘岛把自己救出去。肖恩经过仔细查找资料,确认了方向和坐标。他们找到了两个愿意与他们同行的人,大嘴巴图和他的女儿。他们乘坐飞机向着书中所说的方向前进,经过风暴到达了神秘岛。在这里,小的东西变大了,大的东西显得很小。就像大小颠倒了一般。这里有山有水,鸟语花香,应有尽有,仿佛人间仙境一般。途中大嘴巴图无意中踩碎了蜥蜴蛋,招来了巨大蜥蜴的追杀。最后爷爷的突然出现,才让他们转危为安。原来电报就是爷爷发的。爷爷带领一行人来到神秘岛的城堡中。肖恩在这里发现了一组密码,爷爷根据密码告诉大家这座岛将会沉没,只有找到海盗王的“鹦鹉螺号”才能逃出这座岛。爷爷带着大家来到海盗王的墓室

前,书上说海盗王的日记有关于“鹦鹉螺号”的记载。大嘴巴图的女儿自告奋勇,用绳系在了腰上,爬进了墓室。她拿到了日记后,整个墓室快要塌陷了。其他人连扯带拉把他拉了出来。墓室刹那间成了废墟。一行人根据海盗王日记的记载找到了“鹦鹉螺号”,但它已经没电了。肖恩想出了办法,让继父巧妙和电鳗周旋,又把连着电线的鱼叉插入电鳗的身体,利用电鳗让“鹦鹉螺号”充上了足够的电,然后他们驾着潜艇,经过九死一生和重重危机,最终如愿以偿,离开小岛,回到了美国。 这部电影非常刺激,立体感很强。看电影时,仿佛我也是在跟着他们战斗似的。故事中最让我感动的是大嘴巴图为了有足够的钱让女儿上大学,不惜冒着火山喷发的危险,在火山旁满头大汗地挖巨大金土豆,命都差点丢了。他的举动让我不仅想起了我的父母。我的父母为了我的健康成长,付出了很多很多,长大后,我一定要好好的报答他们。 从这部影片中,我的最大收获就是要学会团结,遇到困难时,集体的力量是无穷的。电影中可以说一行五人如果不团结,单靠个人的力量,是逃不出神秘岛的,正是他们的团结合作,再加上每个人的聪明、智慧,最终,他们战胜了重重困难,离开了将要沉没的神秘岛,回到了自己的家乡。 同学们,这部影片很值得一看,你们也快看一看这部电影吧! 地心历险记观后感2


The Lion King is a glorious animation that praises justice and love, criticism of the evil and conspiracy. Simba as a leading role in the film who is nature naughty. He experienced a lot of things in his life later. When he is a little lion, his uncle cheat him. Simba uncle hate and envy simba for Simba will be the king not him of the kingdom. Samba is forced to leave the kingdom shich named pride land for he considered him caused his father died. But his uncle is who caused his father (Mufasa) died. Simba leave the kingdom and meet his friend in his life. They are Timon and Pumbaa. They told Simba to live in relaxed way. All need they to do are eat enough food and have fun in other time. It’s unnecessary to think responsibility. In that way samba live a relaxed life until Simba meet his friend Nala and know the condition of the kingdom . Nala and Simba are friends since they are both a little lion. Simba refused to return the kingdom at first, but his father give him a direction that to return. Simba return the kingdom and find his uncle scar and fight against scar. Finally , Simba and Nalaget married and simba became the king of the pride land.


《地心历险记》观后感 【第1篇】 从前,我一直认为自理能力没有多大的重要性,可是自从我 看了《地心历险记》影片之后,才对自理能力有了新的认识。 影片中介绍故事的是一个喜好探险的小男孩,突然收到一封 没有地址没有姓名的电子邮件,上面写着“我在神秘岛上……” 于是他俩便用地图查出了神秘岛的位置,坐大嘴巴国的飞机前往 神秘岛,但是他俩却遇到了史上最大的风暴,直升机油门漏油了,螺旋桨毁了,困难摆在了小男孩面前。他走啊走,发现前面有几 块奇形怪石,一不小心惊醒了一只大晰蝎,这些大石头原来是它 的蛋。于是,小男孩和大晰蝎展开了一场争斗,正当他和父亲走 投无路时,飞出了几根大柱子把晰蝎砸晕了,这原来是他爷爷亚 利山大部下的陷井,不一会儿他俩就来到了亚利山大几十年来居 住的地方,那可以称谓“树上别墅”,那里的家具,真的一应俱全,比如椰子树皮做成的榨汁机,荧火虫做成的电灯,檀木做成 的书桌,香叶做成的自流式马桶,这可都是他自己新手做得哦。 亚历山大在这十几年来,他多次受伤,他却凭着他不服输的精神,自己做草药,自己来治疗伤口。 看完了整部电影,我真的非常的惭愧,我不但没有勇敢的探 索精神,联最起码的自理能力都不具备,我的房间简直是一间书 的仓库,桌子上,地上,书都象小山似的堆放着,连床上的被子

也经常没精神似的趴着。学校里,我的坐位周边是垃圾的仓库, 上午把东西一应俱全地拿出来,等放学了,我不是衣服没穿好, 就是太多的书放不进书包里,因为这么多种恶习缠身,所以我常 常是最后一个走出教室的。 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,要想成为像小男孩、亚历山大那样 了不起的人,我决心从现在开始煅炼我的自理能力,在家力尽所能,帮助爸妈创造一个良好的生活氛围,自己的事情自己处理。 我还要向亚历山大学习,来个新的创举,发明一个机器人,用它 可以来教育我怎么样生活,引导我怎样学习,同时让它可以为我 爸妈排除困扰。同时,我要让我发明的机器人帮助我的同学。 新的学期,我要做个有自理能力的人。在学校里,我应该上 什么课拿什么书,上完了再把书放回书包里,任何课上都认真听讲,积极举手发言,以前我是一个空话大王,现在我要把这个头 街摘了,做一个老师眼中的好学生。 【第2篇】 《地心历险记》讲述了一个很有卓识的科学家和他的侄子在冰岛上进行学术探险旅行。在途中,他们和当地的一位导游无意间 掉进了深渊。但他们想离开这深渊,唯一的方法是向地心行进。 他们在向地心行进过程中,见到的景象越来越让他们感到吃惊, 像什么食人植物、会飞的巨型食人鲳、火烈鸟、远古恐龙等等。 随着行程的行进,身处环境是越来越险恶,这三个人渐渐意识到,必须尽快回到地表,不然他们的性命就难保了。最后他们利用水
