lecture 9


lecture 9翻译表达的层次

lecture 9翻译表达的层次

例4.“No aim couldn’t be too remote, too simple, too absurd—and no experiment too outlandish.”
译字: 没有任何目标能够是太遥远、太简单、 太荒唐——没有任何实验太奇特。 译意: 什么样的目标都不会太遥远、太简单、太 荒唐——什么样的实验都不会太奇特。 译味: 再渺茫、再简单、再荒唐的目标也值得为 之努力——再离奇古怪的的实验都可以 做。
例3.After the failure of his novel, his reputation stands on slippery ground. 译字:在他最后一篇小说失败以后, 他的名声就站在滑的地面了。上一篇小说写砸了,他的声望 因此岌岌可危。
译味: 在谈到自己在俄亥俄州的洛林 度过的童年岁月时,她开玩笑道: “兄弟姐妹四个就我一人排行不祥。 我姐姐——长女;大弟弟——长子; 小弟弟——幺儿;而我却没有个说法。 我觉得受到冷落,于是就想吸引别人 的注意,结果就成了姐弟四人中最爱 吵闹的一个。”
例5.We had plenty of company in the way wagonloads and muleloads of tourists---and dust.
译字:我们有很多以马车装载和骡子负载的 旅游者这种方式的同伴——和尘土。 译意:我们的旅伴真不少,有乘马车 的,有骑骡子的——一路尘土飞扬。 译味:我们的旅伴可真不少:乘的乘马车 骑的骑骡子——后面还跟着一溜尘土 呢。
例 6.But Diana’s champions were overwhelmingly women. Like many of them, she had a heartlesshusband, in-laws from hell, fickle boyfriends.

Lecture 9

Lecture 9

3. 西安 西安是著名的“丝绸之路” 西安是著名的“丝绸之路”的起点,在汉朝已成为我国和 外国的交通中心。 As the starting point of the famous “Silk Road”, Xi’an became, Road” Xi’ during the Han Dynasty, the hub of communications between China and the outside world. 西安古称长安,现在是陕西省省会,是我国西北最大的城 市,拥有500多万人口。 市,拥有500多万人口。 Xi’an, called Chang’an in ancient China, is now the capital of Xi’ Chang’ Shanxi Province. It is the largest city with the population of over 5 million in the northwest of China. 西安已有3000多年历史,在1100年的时间里,相机有11个 西安已有3000多年历史,在1100年的时间里,相机有11个 朝代在这里建都。从汉朝起,就成了中国与外部世界经济、 文化交流的中心。 Boasting a history of more than 3000 years, Xi’an served Xi’ intermittently as the capital of eleven dynasties in 1100 years. Xi’an has been a financial and cultural center for international Xi’ exchanges between China and other couy.

lecture 9

lecture 9

[ENG4290] Prose and Writing(Fall, 2006)Lesson Plan for Week NineTime Breakup:Part I. Comments on the students’ previous assignmentPart II. Text analysis: The daring young man on the flying trapezePart III. AssignmentContent:Part I. Comments on the Students’ Previous Assignment模拟题11.Some works of literature we prize for their universal and timeless qualities. 有些文学作品我们珍视它,是由于它有普遍的、永恒的价值。






2.Regardless of when and where they were created, they seem to speak directly to us today,their freshness and power unaffected by the passing of centuries. 这类作品不论是何时何地创造的,都不受时代流逝的影响,保持着清新活力,宛如现在还在跟我们对话。

3.Others appeal to us for a quite opposite reason, because they so richly and vividly reflect theparticular period and society that produced them; because in effect they are so unlike the literature of the present. 与此相反,另外一类作品非常丰富地,生动地反映它所在的特定的某个时代和社会,由于跟当代文学有显著的差异,也能够感染我们。

lecture 9

lecture 9

• 6)他们的失败对我们是一个前车之鉴。(“前 车之鉴”源于《汉书· 贾谊传》) Their failure is a warning to us. • 7)不要加重孩子的负担,否则只会是揠苗助长。 (“揠苗助长”源于《孟子· 公孙丑上》)Don't add to your children's load, or you will spoil them by excessive enthusiasm. • 1.3) 套用相应成语典故 这既可以译出本意, 又可以保留形象比喻的情趣。不过,译文中的 形象比喻已经改变。
关于典故的翻译 On the Translation of Allusions
摘 要:典故的翻译是文学翻译中值得认真 研究的重要课题之一。由于中外文化之间 存在着一些不可逾越的鸿沟,致使具有历史 文化渊源的典故成了翻译的一大难题。作 者从翻译的角度将典故分为三类,并通过大 量有针对性的译例提出了各类典故的翻译 方法。 关键词:典故;分类;翻译
• 1) Only the foolish man might build his house upon the sand.(“to build sth.upon the sand”源于圣经· 马太福音》)只有傻瓜才 会把房子建在沙滩。 • 2) I'm not going to allow anyone to lead me by the nose.(“to lead sb.by the nose”源 于莎士比亚的《奥赛罗》)我不允许任何人 牵着我的鼻子走。

• • • • I. Introduction II. The Origins of Allusions in English III. The Origins of Allusions in Chinese IV. The Suggested Practice on translation of Allusions • V. analysis of thesis on translation of allusions

科技英语交流(第Lecture 9 How to revise a scientific man

	 科技英语交流(第Lecture 9 How to revise a scientific man
❖ Big decisions have to be made when it comes to adding an entirely new section, deleting irrelevant statements, or reorganizing your argument to develop and emphasize your ideas.
❖ If the manuscript is on the cutting edge (前 沿领域) or is of sufficient quality to be sent for pபைடு நூலகம்er review, chances are the manuscript will be examined by two (or more) anonymous peer reviewers. They, in a few weeks or months, recommend or reject your manuscript.
❖ Revising is also rethinking, a process frequently occurring before drafting, during drafting, between versions of drafts, and at the end of several drafts. During this process, the writer is not only required to aim at the overall structure, the style and clarity, but also the smallest elements, such as a misspelled word, or an ambiguous phrase.

英语演讲Lecture 9

英语演讲Lecture 9

• 1 Election
• 2 Other People's Money
• Supposed you are running for the position of President of some Club such as Boxing, English Speech Club; or the Students' Union. please make a Election Speech!
• Definition: a planned set of activities that people carry out over a period of time in order to achieve something such as social or political change. • e.g During his election campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet (振兴,恢复). • Scope: President, Prime Minister, congressman, departmental head, association, civil society

Presidential inauguration:
• • • • • • •
1 clear purpose: votes 2 competitive contents: 3 centralized theme: 4 pracical materials 5 programmed thought: 6 organizational measures 7 accurate language

lecture 9 Citric acid

lecture 9 Citric acid
1953年,Jagnnathan证实黑曲霉中存在EMP途径所有酶; 1954年,Shu提出黑曲霉葡萄糖80%经EMP途径代谢;
黑曲霉利用糖类发酵生成柠檬酸,其生物合成途径现普遍认为 是,葡萄糖经EMP、HMP途径降解生成丙酮酸,丙酮酸一方面 氧化脱羧生成乙酰CoA,另一方面经CO2固定化反应生成草酸乙 酸,草酰乙酸与乙酰CoA缩合生成柠檬酸。
Production of citric acid by fermentation
• 很多微生物都能产生柠檬酸,例如黑曲霉(A.niger)、棒曲霉、文 氏曲霉、泡盛曲霉、芬曲霉、丁烯二酸曲霉、淡黄青霉、桔青霉、 二歧拟青霉、绿色木霉及假丝酵母属中的一些种。 • 最具竞争优势:黑曲霉、文氏曲霉和解脂假丝酵母等菌种的深层 发酵法。 • 在现代,使用黑曲酶发酵糖质原料,因为它的柠檬酸产量最高, 且能利用多样化的碳源。
• 发酵培养基同种子培养基,补料液为黄血 盐处理后的糖蜜,含糖250g/L左右,pH6.87.0
• 发酵温度32 ℃,pH<3,溶氧在10-20%以 上,绝对不能停止供氧(甚至是短时间的 停止供氧) • 发酵160-240h
1940年,Krebs: TCA;
• 种子培养基(每升中):黄血盐处理过的甜糖 蜜80g(含蔗糖50%),NH4NO3 1.7g, KH2PO4 0.08-0.12g,MgSO4· 7H2O 0.3g, ZnSO4 1g,pH5
• 34-35℃,18-28h • 种子质量检查:镜检、pH2-2.5、酸度1.5 -2%

北京大学计算概论(C语言)经典课件Lecture 9——循环语句复习及数组(上)页PPT文档

北京大学计算概论(C语言)经典课件Lecture 9——循环语句复习及数组(上)页PPT文档
每个数组元素,就是一个变量。 每个数组元素占用的空间大小是由定义数组
cards每个元素占1字节(char类型的长度) distance每个元素占8字节(double 类型的长度)。
在给数组元素赋值时,可以把数组元素看作 单个变量,例如:
数组元素可以用在任何单个变量可能出现的地 方。例如:
int max, min; max = score [0]; min = score[3];
定义一个数组变量相当于定义一组变量,这组 变量中的每一个都可以通过“数组变量名[下 标]”形式来访问。例如:score[0], score[1], score[2] 等等。
这组变量在内存中是连续存放的,它们的下标 从0开始计数。
第一个数组元素的下标是0 最后一个数组元素的下标是N-1
1.已知:int a=5;执行语句while(a>0)
A. 5
B. 0 C. –1 D. -2
2.已知:int a=5;执行语句while(--a>0)
A. 5
B. 0 C. –1 D. -2
3.已知:int a=5;执行语句while(a-->0)
表达式必须是数值表达式 一次循环
计算表达式的值 如果表达式值为真,执行循环体,为假退出

Lecture 9

Lecture 9

Lecture 9Thesis WritingⅠ. The structure of a thesisGenerally speaking, a thesis consists of the following parts:1) title in English; 2) title in Chinese; 3) abstract and key words in English; 4) abstract and key words in Chinese; 5) Introduction / literature review; 6) body; 7) conclusion; 8) notes; 9) bibliography; 10) acknowledgements (including the writer’s signature)Ⅱ. How to write the abstract and the key words of the thesis1. What is abstract?1) The abstract is a summary of thesis. It provides information concerning the following aspects: the purpose of the study, the research questions to be addressed, the subjects involved, the instruments to be used to collect the data, the procedures for collecting and analyzing the data, the findings and conclusion. (linguistics and second language acquisition)2. 毕业论文摘要的书写方法和技巧1) 论文摘要是一篇具有独立性的短文,有其特别的地方。

lecture 9(汉英词义对比及其翻译)

lecture 9(汉英词义对比及其翻译)

A Contrastive Study of the Words and Expressions in C-E Translation


1.语义对应现象 汉语和英语虽属不同语系却都拥有丰富的词汇量。 汉字的表意能力及组合能力很强,英语从拉丁语、古法语及其他 语言中吸收了大量的词汇,它们都是词汇量非常丰富的语言,有 着大量的对应词语。这是汉英翻译的语言基础。
milk (抽象) 人奶,牛奶,羊奶(具体)

还有些英汉词语在概念意义上是对应的,但在内涵意义上 却是不对应的,如: vinegar: 内涵意义: 不高兴,坏脾气 醋 内涵意义 : 有"妒忌"的

1.3 zero equivalents 无对应(词义空缺)

中国炒饭 Chinese Chaofan 嗑头 Kowtow 功夫 Kungfu

原文“酿酒和饮酒”中的“酒” “酒”在英语中可以有很多选择 alcohol,wine,liquor,spirits, beer … 因此学生译文中出现了许多有趣的搭配现象, 比如:brew wine and drink alcohol, brew spirits and drink wine, Brew wine and drink beer等等。 正确处理的方法一般有两种: (l)使用及物动词,但统一宾语,比如: brew and drink wine: (2)使用不及物动词: brew and drink。

He kills time every day down at the park. 他天天在那边的公园里消磨时光。 That mistake killed his chances. 那次错误毁掉了他的机会。 His joke nearly killed me. 他的笑话真是笑死人。


Sequencing and Inversion
Inversion (倒置法/词序调整法)
Conversion goes hand in hand with inversion, another important principal leading to expressing idiomatic language in transition. Inversion implies a necessary change of word order to conform the good usage in the target language. Besides differences in word order, sentences structures, logical and temporal sequences of thinking, saying and writing between the two languages may differ, which is especially true of long sentences.
Let’s compare the different orders between Chinese and English.
I. Comparative Study between Chinese and English order 1. Subject and object in affirmative sentences 1). Birds fly and fish swim. 鱼儿游,鸟儿飞。 2). She couldn’t understand this English sentence.
3). We selected him monitor of our class. 我们选他当班长。

Lecture9 时间与空间观

Lecture9 时间与空间观


Of course, it is not always possible to be punctual. Social and business etiquette also provides rules for late arrivals. Calling on the telephone if one is going to be more than a few minutes late for scheduled appointment is considered polite and is often expected. Keeping a date or a friend waiting beyond ten to twenty minutes is considered rude. On the other hand, arriving thirty minutes late to some parties is acceptpecting deadlines is also important in academic and professional circles. It is expected that deadlines for class assignments or business reports will be met. Students who hand in assignments late may be surprised to find that the professor will lower their grades or even refuse to grade their work. Whether it is a question of arriving on time or of meeting a deadline, people are culturally conditioned to regulate time.

Lecture 9 Teaching Productive Skills---speaking and writing

Lecture 9 Teaching Productive Skills---speaking and writing

Lecture 9 Teaching Productive Skills ---speaking and writingRelated material:unit 10 Teaching Speakingunit 12 Teaching Writingspeaking writingOutline-to understand the nature of writing in reality-to learn the communicative approach to writing-to understand the process approach to writing-to evaluate writing1. The nature of writing in realityDifferences in realityWhat do we write? Why do we write? How do we write?letters, e-mails, dairies, notes, essays, poems, reports,... convey messagesplan, write, correct, rewrite2.A communicative approach to writingTo motivate students, it is necessary to engage them in some act of communication, we should advocate authentic writing.Case : compare 2 examples: e.g. 1WritingWrite about the sports which you e phrases like these:I don ’t like …I enjoy …My favourite sport is …I quite like …I prefer …to …I like …because …no sense of audience,no sense of authenticitye.g. 2A pen pal has written to you and hasdescribed the sports that he/she likes most. He/She asked your favourite sports. If you have something in common, you may want to talk about it or suggest that you play it together sometime in the future. Write back to your pen pal.Students can be motivated by authentic writing tasks that have some communicative elements.Case : compare two topics☐write on "the cars in next century"☐write on "description of a presentvehicle"Ss always like creation.Case: writing for communication?writing for language consolidation?Case: which is more communicative?Students are given ideas to expressrather than being invitedto invent their own.Summary of writing topic design☐In short students can be motivated by authentic writing tasks that have some communicative elements.☐However some writing activities can be between “writing for language practice”and “writing for communication”.2.The Models of Teaching Writing⏹Product-oriented Approach⏹结果写作法⏹Process-oriented Approach⏹过程写作法2.1 Product-oriented ApproachTeacher gives the titleStudents writeTeacher correct them2.2 Process-oriented Approach Pre-writingDraftingRevisingSecond draftTeacher’sfeedback写作主要教学活动举例写前活动写时活动写后活动•激活灵感;•激发兴趣;•明确目的和读者对象;•讨论主题;•搜集素材;•语言准备;•阅读范文;•写初稿;•规划文章结构;•填空;•看图作文;•图文转换;•仿写;•连句成文。



第九讲 载流子的漂移和扩散(续)载流子的流动9月24,2001内容:1.准费米能级2.连续性方程3.表面连续性方程阅读作业del Alamo Ch. 4,§4.6;Ch. 5,§§5.1,5.2通知:课程6.720J/3.43J期末考试定于12月17,早9点,在du Pont.主要问题●有和准费米能级等价的,能被用在热平衡区之外的能级吗?●在平衡区之外载流子能级分布是怎样的?●在一个体半导体的载流子流中,载流子如何形成分门别类的关系?●在表面如何呢?⒈ 准费米能级□ 在TE 时,费米能级说明了在能带中载流子的能级分布情况F E 使0c n N 与有关而0p N υ与有关。

在TE 之外,F E 不能被使用。

定义两个“准费米能级”如下在麦克斯韦-玻尔兹曼统计下(,c n N p N υ==)准费米能级有什么好处?□ 将()fe n f E =相对于x 进行微分:带入电流方程:得到:对空穴类似得到:准费米能级梯度:对载流子流动的统一驱动力。

□ f E的物理意义对电子,那么:fe E 与电子速度成线性的关系!对空穴类似得到:□ 准费米能级:在平衡之外在能带图中形象化载流子现象的有效方法1. 形象化电流:●00fe e E J ●00fe e E J 薰●如果n 高,fe E 小以维持一定的电流水平●如果n 低,fe E 大以维持一定的电流水平例子:2. 形象化载流子浓度●如果20fe fhi E E np n U >●如果20fe fhi E E np n U <●如果20fe fh i E E np n U =(在TE 时的载流子浓度)例子(相同的半导体):□ 准费米能级概念的其它意思:准平衡:在实际关心的时间范围载流子能量分布与TE时相差不很远。



lecture 9

lecture 9

4. The speaker’s body. Posture, facial expression, gestures, eye contact—affect the way listeners respond to a speaker. How we use these aand other body motions to communicate is the subject of a fascinating area of study called kinesics. 4.1 Personal appearance. 4.2 Movement. 4.3 Gestures: motions of a speaker’s hands or arms during a speech. 4.4 Eye contact: direct visual contact with the eyes of another person.
5. Practicing delivery. 1) Do through your preparation outlines aloud to check what you have written translates into spoken discourses. 2) Prepare your speaking outline. 3) Practice the speech aloud several times using only the speaking outlines. 4) Now begin to polish and refine your delivery. 5) Finally, give your speech a dress rehearsal under conditions as close as possible to those you will face in class.



Other terms and conditions
In choosing an agent, either a firm or a person, the company or corporation should make an investigation into the qualifications, experience and personal qualities of a prospective agent such as The reliability and financial standing The market connections and the effectiveness of its sales organization The technical to handle the goods to be marketed The nature and extent of other agencies he may hold, and in particular, whether he is connected with the sale of competing products.
Listen to the dialogues of Chapter 19
Write the following letter in groups(Declining a request for sole agency)
Oral Business English
Lecture 9:Agency and Commission Insurance
Brainstorm your known knowledge about Agency

lecture 9 关系的运算

lecture 9 关系的运算

定理7.5 设F为关系,A,B为集合,则 (1) F (A∪B)=F A∪F B (2) F[A∪B]=F[A]∪F[B] (3) F (A∩B)F A∩F B (4) F[A∩B]F[A]∩F[B] 证 (4) 任取y, y∈F[A∩B] x(<x,y>∈F∧x∈A∩B) x(<x,y>∈F∧x∈A∧x∈B) x((<x,y>∈F∧x∈A)∧(<x,y>∈F∧x∈B)) => x(<x,y>∈F∧x∈A)∧x(<x,y>∈F∧x∈B) y∈F[A]∧y∈F[B] y∈F[A]∩F[B] 所以有F[A∩B]F[A]∩F[B]。
定理7.1 设F是任意的关系,则 (1)(F-1)-1=F (2)domF-1=ranF,ranF-1=domF 证(1)任取<x,y>,由逆的定义有 <x,y>∈(F-1)-1<y,x>∈F-1<x,y >∈F。 所以有(F-1)-1=F。 (2)任取x,
例7.9 设A={a,b,d,e,f}, R={<a,b>,<b,a>,<d,e>,<e,f>,<f,d>}。求出最小的自然数 m和n,使得m<n且Rm=Rn。
解 由R的定义可以看出A中的元素可分成两组,即{a,b} 和{d,e,f}。它们在R的右复合运算下有下述变化规律: a→b→a→b… d→e→f→d→e→f… 对于a或b,每个元素的变化周期是2。对于d,e,f, 每个元素的变化周期是3。因此必有Rm=Rm+6,其中6是2 和3的最小公倍数。取m=0,n=6即满足题目要求。



讲义:纯交换经济中的一般均衡David Autor14.03 2004 秋季1动机到现在,我们一次只讨论了一种市场:劳动,食糖,食品等等。



市场总是相互关联的:●削减食糖税 → 食糖价格下降●→ 蔗糖农场就业减少●→ 蔗糖工人寻找其他农场的工作,压低了农场工人的一般工资●→ 耕地被用于其他用途●→ 引来新品种作物的种植●→ 其他农场产品价格下跌●→ 消费者实际收入上升●→ 消费者收入的上升增加了对糖果这种奢侈品的需求●→ 甜点市场增长,小餐馆生意兴隆●……这样的连锁反应简直是无止境的。





但是我们也要保留这个问题的本质:埃奇渥斯盒(以Jevons Edgeworth命名)使我们能做到这一点。







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Price (a) A Competitive Firm’s Demand Curve Price (b) A Monopolist’s Demand Curve
uantity of Output 0 Quantity of Output
The monopolist is the supply-side of the market and has complete control over the amount offered for sale. Monopolist controls price but must consider consumer demand
Water supply Company
Quantity of water (Gallon) (Q) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Price (dollars) (P) 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Total Revenue (dollars) (TR=P*Q) 0 10 18 24 28 30 30 28 Average Revenue (dollars) (AR=TR/Q) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 Marginal Revenue (dollars) (MR= TR/ Q)
Two dimensions for the system of market structure 1. The number of producers in the market (one, few, or many) 2. Whether the goods offered are identical or differentiated
2. Whether this monopolistic behavior is desirable and what kind of policy a government will use in the monopolistic market
Monopoly versus Competition Competitive Firm
monopoly, exists when increasing returns to scale
provide a large cost advantage to a single firm that produced all of an industry’s output. Economic scale
How Monopolies Make Production And Pricing Decisions
1. How a monopoly decides the quantity of output and the price of product the firm will charge
3. Government-created Monopolies In many cases, the monopoly because the Government to give a person or a company exclusive rights to sell some goods or services. Eg: Patent , copyright , law To a certain extent, these gains were offset by costs of monopoly pricing.
Demand Curves for Competitive and Monopoly Firms... The difference between the competitive firm and monopolist is one is the price taker and the other is the price maker. Therefore, they have different shape of demand curve.
表示了对理解垄断者行为重要的结果:垄断者的边际 收益总是小于其物品的价格.对垄断者来说,边际收 益小于价格是因为垄断者面临一条向右下方倾斜的需 求曲线。为了增加销售量,一个垄断企业必须降低其 物品的价格
-1 -2
Monopolist Vs competitive firms
3. Technological superiority (技术优势)usually short term, especially in hightech industries生产成本使一个生产者比大量生产 者更有效率 4. Government-created barriers (政府管制)eg, copyright, patent.政府给予一个企 业排他性地生产某种产品的权利
Lecture 09 Monopoly
NANCHUN CAI 2011/12/05
Topics to be discussed
1. To analyze what monopoly is and why monopoly exists 2. To investigate how a monopoly maximize profit 3. To dig up the relationship between monopoly and deadweight loss 4. To find out why monopoly also would face the loss 5. To view why price discrimination occurs
In perfect competition, the market supply curve is determined by marginal cost.

For a monopoly, output is determined by marginal cost and the shape of the demand curve. There is no supply curve for monopolistic market
Average & Marginal Revenue
The monopolist’s average revenue, price received per unit sold, is the market demand curve. Monopolist also needs to find marginal revenue, change in revenue resulting from a unit change in output.
Are products differentiated?
One How Many Producers Two are There ? Many
Not Applicable
Perfect Competition Monopolistic Competition
Monopoly---four characteristics
1. 2. 3. 4. One seller - many buyers One product (no good substitutes) Barriers to entry Price Maker
Why do Monopoly exist ?
Monopolist Total revenue curve
Total Revenue
Quantity effect dominates the price effect
Price effect dominates The quantity effect
Barriers to entry (进入壁垒):
something that prevents other firms from entering the industry Four types of monopoly: 1. Control of a Scarce Resources or Input (有限资源 和投入的控制)关键资源由一家企业拥有prevent other firms enter the market, like oil-middle east 2. Increasing returns of scale ---natural monopoly (提 高规模报酬)自然垄断
1. 列出垄断者能成为市场上一种产品惟一卖者的原 因 2. 用垄断者的成本曲线以及它所面临的需求曲线说 明垄断者所赚到的利润 3. 说明产生于垄断者生产决策的无谓损失 4. 证明一个垄断者的价格歧视的惊人结果可以使经 济福利增加到标准垄断定价所引起的经济福利之 上
Market structure
one of many producers Has a horizontal demand curve Is a price taker Sells as much or as little at same price
the sole producer Has a downwardsloping demand curve Is a price maker Reduces price to increase sales
Market power is the ability of a firm to raise prices.
If demand is very elastic, there is little benefit to being a monopolist Notice a monopolist will never produce a quantity in the inelastic portion of demand curve In inelastic portion, can increase revenue by decreasing quantity and increasing price