Component-based construction of deadlock-free systems




大公司笔试经常碰到的英文缩写1. MM --- Materials Management: 物料管理2. CMM --- Component Module Move: 零组件 (乡村包围城市); 系统组装 (火车头火车头工业驱动供应链); 整合供应链 (运筹物流, ERP, VMI, SFC … )3. ECMMS$ --- Engineering Component Module Move Service Dollars: 工程 (研究开发);零组件 (乡村包围城市); 系统组装 (火车头火车头工业驱动供应链); 整合供应链 (运筹物流, ERP, VMI, SFC … ) ; 服务, 代收钱4. Forecast --- 客户需求预测5. WO --- Work Order = PO --- Production Order: 生产工令6. MRP --- Material Requirement Planning: 物料需求计划7. VPO --- Vendor Purchase Order: 供货商采购订单8. MAWB --- Master Air Waybill: 空运主提单9. HAWB --- House Air Waybill: 小提单10. B / L --- Bill of Loading: 海运提单11. Consignee: 收货者12. ETD --- Estimated to Departure: 预计出发13. MIN / MAX --- Minimum and Maximum: 最小量与最大量14. VPO Burning: 向供货商采购货的平衡量15. VMI --- Vendor Management Inventory: 供货商免费存放, 在距离客户组装地2小时车程内, 3天到2周之库存16. VDPS --- Vendor Daily Planning Schedule: 供货商日生产排配17. ETA --- Estimated to Arrival: 预计到达时间18. Stock Level: 库存水准19. WO / PO Consumption --- Work Order / Production Order Consumption: 工令消耗20. BO Replenish --- Back Order Replenish: 订单欠交补货21. VMSA Burning --- Vendor Managed Stock Area Burning: 供货商管理库存平衡22. Pull Back: 由后往前拉23. Pipeline: 物流供应链中的库存24. ERP – SAP --- Enterprise Resource Planning / System Application Product in Process: 企业资源规划及生产应用管制操作系统25. SFC --- Shop Floor Control: 现场车间管制操作系统26. MOQ --- Minimum Order Quantity: 最小订购量27. MSQ --- Maximum Supply Quantity: 最大供应量28. Where Use Report: 零件共同使用报表28. Where Use Report: 零件共同使用报表29. EXW-EX Works: 工厂交货价30. RTV- Return to vendor: 退货31.RMA-Return Material Approval 退货验收32.ETA-Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到港时间33.ETD-Estimated Time of Departure 预计离港时间ERP专业词汇1 ABM Activity-based Management 基于作业活动管理2 AO Application Outsourcing 应用程序外包3 APICS American Production and Inventory Control Society,Inc 美国生产与库存管理协会4 APICS Applied Manufacturing Education Series 实用制造管理系列培训教材5 APO Advanced Planning and Optimization 先进计划及优化技术6 APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling 高级计划与排程技术7 ASP Application Service/Software Provider 应用服务/软件供应商8 ATO Assemble To Order 定货组装9 ATP Available To Promise 可供销售量(可签约量)10 B2B Business to Business 企业对企业(电子商务)11 B2C Business to Consumer 企业对消费者(电子商务)12 B2G Business to Government 企业对政府(电子商务)13 B2R Business to Retailer 企业对经销商(电子商务)14 BIS Business Intelligence System 商业智能系统15 BOM Bill Of Materials 物料清单16 BOR Bill Of Resource 资源清单17 BPR Business Process Reengineering 业务/企业流程重组18 BPM Business Process Management 业务/企业流程管理19 BPS Business Process Standard 业务/企业流程标准20 C/S Client/Server(C/S)\Browser/Server(B/S) 客户机/服务器\浏览器/服务器21 CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计22 CAID Computer-Aided Industrial Design 计算机辅助工艺设计23 CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造24 CAPP Computer-Aided Process Planning 计算机辅助工艺设计25 CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering 计算机辅助软件工程26 CC Collaborative Commerce 协同商务27 CIMS Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 计算机集成制造系统28 CMM Capability Maturity Model 能力成熟度模型29 COMMS Customer Oriented Manufacturing Management System 面向客户制造管理系统30 CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 通用对象请求代理结构31 CPC Collaborative Product Commerce 协同产品商务32 CPIM Certified Production and Inventory Management 生产与库存管理认证资格33 CPM Critical Path Method 关键线路法34 CRM Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理35 CRP capacity requirements planning 能力需求计划36 CTI Computer Telephony Integration 电脑电话集成(呼叫中心)37 CTP Capable to Promise 可承诺的能力38 DCOM Distributed Component Object Model 分布式组件对象模型39 DCS Distributed Control System 分布式控制系统40 DMRP Distributed MRP 分布式MRP41 DRP Distribution Resource Planning 分销资源计划42 DSS Decision Support System 决策支持系统43 DTF Demand Time Fence 需求时界44 DTP Delivery to Promise 可承诺的交货时间45 EAI Enterprise Application Integration 企业应用集成46 EAM Enterprise Assets Management 企业资源管理47 ECM Enterprise Commerce Management 企业商务管理48 ECO Engineering Change Order 工程变更订单49 EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换50 EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理51 EEA Extended Enterprise Applications 扩展企业应用系统52 EIP Enterprise Information Portal 企业信息门户53 EIS Executive Information System 高层领导信息系统54 EOI Economic Order Interval 经济定货周期55 EOQ Economic Order Quantity 经济订货批量(经济批量法)56 EPA Enterprise Proficiency Analysis 企业绩效分析57 ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划58 ERM Enterprise Resource Management 企业资源管理59 ETO Engineer To Order 专项设计,按订单设计60 FAS Final Assembly Schedule 最终装配计划61 FCS Finite Capacity Scheduling 有限能力计划62 FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造系统63 FOQ Fixed Order Quantity 固定定货批量法64 GL General Ledger 总账65 GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面66 HRM Human Resource Management 人力资源管理67 HRP Human Resource Planning 人力资源计划68 IE Industry Engineering/Internet Exploration 工业工程/浏览器69 ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织70 ISP Internet Service Provider 互联网服务提供商71 ISPE International Society for Productivity Enhancement 国际生产力促进会72 IT/GT Information/Group Technology 信息/成组技术73 JIT Just In Time 准时制造/准时制生产74 KPA Key Process Areas 关键过程域75 KPI Key Performance Indicators 关键业绩指标76 LP Lean Production 精益生产77 MES Manufacturing Executive System 制造执行系统78 MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统79 MPS Master Production Schedule 主生产计划80 MRP Material Requirements Planning 物料需求计划81 MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划82 MTO Make To Order 定货(订货)生产83 MTS Make To Stock 现货(备货)生产84 OA Office Automation 办公自动化85 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing 原始设备制造商86 OPT Optimized Production Technology 最优生产技术87 OPT Optimized Production Timetable 最优生产时刻表88 PADIS Production And Decision Information System 生产和决策管理信息系统89 PDM Product Data Management 产品数据管理90 PERT Program Evaluation Research Technology 计划评审技术91 PLM Production Lifecycle Management 产品生命周期管理92 PM Project Management 项目管理93 POQ Period Order Quantity 周期定量法94 PRM Partner Relationship Management 合作伙伴关系管理95 PTF Planned Time Fence 计划时界96 PTX Private Trade Exchange 自用交易网站97 RCCP Rough-Cut Capacity Planning 粗能力计划98 RDBM Relational Data Base Management 关系数据库管理99 RPM Rapid Prototype Manufacturing 快速原形制造100 RRP Resource Requirements Planning 资源需求计划101 SCM Supply Chain Management 供应链管理102 SCP Supply Chain Partnership 供应链合作伙伴关系103 SFA Sales Force Automation 销售自动化104 SMED Single-Minute Exchange Of Dies 快速换模法105 SOP Sales And Operation Planning 销售与运作规划106 SQL Structure Query Language 结构化查询语言107 TCO Total Cost Ownership 总体运营成本108 TEI Total Enterprise Integration 全面企业集成109 TOC Theory Of Constraints/Constraints managemant 约束理论/约束管理110 TPM Total Productive Maintenance 全员生产力维护111 TQC Total Quality Control 全面质量控制112 TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理113 WBS Work Breakdown System 工作分解系统114 XML eXtensible Markup Language 可扩展标记语言115 ABC Classification(Activity Based Classification) ABC分类法116 ABC costing 作业成本法117 ABC inventory control ABC 库存控制118 abnormal demand 反常需求119 acquisition cost ,ordering cost 定货费120 action message 行为/活动(措施)信息121 action report flag 活动报告标志122 activity cost pool 作业成本集123 activity-based costing(ABC) 作业基准成本法/业务成本法124 actual capacity 实际能力125 adjust on hand 调整现有库存量126 advanced manufacturing technology 先进制造技术127 advanced pricing 高级定价系统128 AM Agile Manufacturing 敏捷制造129 alternative routing 替代工序(工艺路线)130 Anticipated Delay Report 拖期预报131 anticipation inventory 预期储备132 apportionment code 分摊码133 assembly parts list 装配零件表134 automated storage/retrieval system 自动仓储/检索系统135 Automatic Rescheduling 计划自动重排136 available inventory 可达到库存137 available material 可用物料138 available stock 达到库存139 available work 可利用工时140 average inventory 平均库存141 back order 欠交(脱期)订单142 back scheduling 倒排(序)计划/倒序排产?143 base currency 本位币144 batch number 批号145 batch process 批流程146 batch production 批量生产147 benchmarking 标杆瞄准(管理)148 bill of labor 工时清单149 bill of lading 提货单150 branch warehouse 分库151 bucketless system 无时段系统152 business framework 业务框架153 business plan 经营规划154 capacity level 能力利用水平155 capacity load 能力负荷156 capacity management 能力管理157 carrying cost 保管费158 carrying cost rate 保管费率159 cellular manufacturing 单元式制造160 change route 修改工序161 change structure 修改产品结构162 check point 检查点163 closed loop MRP 闭环MRP164 Common Route Code(ID) 通用工序标识165 component-based development 组件(构件)开发技术166 concurrent engineering 并行(同步)工程167 conference room pilot 会议室模拟168 configuration code 配置代码169 continuous improvement 进取不懈170 continuous process 连续流程171 cost driver 作业成本发生因素172 cost driver rate 作业成本发生因素单位费用173 cost of stockout 短缺损失174 cost roll-up 成本滚动计算法175 crew size 班组规模176 critical part 急需零件177 critical ratio 紧迫系数178 critical work center 关键工作中心179 CLT Cumulative Lead Time 累计提前期180 current run hour 现有运转工时181 current run quantity 现有运转数量182 customer care 客户关怀183 customer deliver lead time 客户交货提前期184 customer loyalty 客户忠诚度185 customer order number 客户订单号186 customer satisfaction 客户满意度187 customer status 客户状况188 cycle counting 周期盘点189 DM Data Mining 数据挖掘190 Data Warehouse 数据仓库191 days offset 偏置天数192 dead load 空负荷193 demand cycle 需求周期194 demand forecasting 需求预测195 demand management 需求管理196 Deming circle 戴明环197 demonstrated capacity 实际能力198 discrete manufacturing 离散型生产199 dispatch to 调度200 DRP Distribution Requirements Planning 分销需求计划201 drop shipment 直运202 dunning letter 催款信203 ECO workbench ECO工作台204 employee enrolled 在册员工205 employee tax id 员工税号206 end item 最终产品207 engineering change mode flag 工程变更方式标志208 engineering change notice 工程变更通知209 equipment distribution 设备分配210 equipment management 设备管理211 exception control 例外控制212 excess material analysis 呆滞物料分析213 expedite code 急送代码214 external integration 外部集成215 fabrication order 加工订单216 factory order 工厂订单217 fast path method 快速路径法218 fill backorder 补足欠交219 final assembly lead time 总装提前期220 final goods 成品221 finite forward scheduling 有限顺排计划222 finite loading 有限排负荷223 firm planned order 确认的计划订单224 firm planned time fence 确认计划需求时界225 FPR Fixed Period Requirements 定期用量法226 fixed quantity 固定数量法227 fixed time 固定时间法228 floor stock 作业现场库存229 flow shop 流水车间230 focus forecasting 调焦预测231 forward scheduling 顺排计划232 freeze code 冻结码233 freeze space 冷冻区234 frozen order 冻结订单235 gross requirements 毛需求236 hedge inventory 囤积库存237 in process inventory 在制品库存238 in stock 在库239 incrementing 增值240 indirect cost 间接成本241 indirect labor 间接人工242 infinite loading 无限排负荷243 input/output control 投入/产出控制244 inspection ID 检验标识245 integrity 完整性246 inter companies 公司内部间247 interplant demands 厂际需求量248 inventory carry rate 库存周转率249 inventory cycle time 库存周期250 inventory issue 库存发放251 inventory location type 仓库库位类型252 inventory scrap 库存报废量253 inventory transfers 库存转移254 inventory turns/turnover 库存(资金)周转次数255 invoice address 发票地址256 invoice amount gross 发票金额257 invoice schedule 发票清单258 issue cycle 发放周期259 issue order 发送订单260 issue parts 发放零件261 issue policy 发放策略262 item availability 项目可供量263 item description 项目说明264 item number 项目编号265 item record 项目记录266 item remark 项目备注267 item status 项目状态268 job shop 加工车间269 job step 作业步骤270 kit item 配套件项目271 labor hour 人工工时272 late days 延迟天数273 lead time 提前期274 lead time level 提前期水平275 lead time offset days 提前期偏置(补偿)天数276 least slack per operation 最小单个工序平均时差277 line item 单项产品278 live pilot 应用模拟279 load leveling 负荷量280 load report 负荷报告281 location code 仓位代码282 location remarks 仓位备注283 location status 仓位状况284 lot for lot 按需定货(因需定量法/缺补法)285 lot ID 批量标识286 lot number 批量编号287 lot number traceability 批号跟踪288 lot size 批量289 lot size inventory 批量库存290 lot sizing 批量规划291 low level code 低层(位)码292 machine capacity 机器能力293 machine hours 机时294 machine loading 机器加载295 maintenance ,repair,and operating supplies 维护修理操作物料296 make or buy decision 外购或自制决策297 management by exception 例外管理法298 manufacturing cycle time 制造周期时间299 manufacturing lead time 制造提前期300 manufacturing standards 制造标准301 master scheduler 主生产计划员302 material 物料303 material available 物料可用量304 material cost 物料成本305 material issues and receipts 物料发放和接收306 material management 物料管理307 material manager 物料经理308 material master,item master 物料主文件309 material review board 物料核定机构310 measure of velocity 生产速率水平311 memory-based processing speed 基于存储的处理速度312 minimum balance 最小库存余量313 Modern Materials Handling 现代物料搬运314 month to date 月累计315 move time , transit time 传递时间316 MSP book flag MPS登录标志317 multi-currency 多币制318 multi-facility 多场所319 multi-level 多级320 multi-plant management 多工厂管理321 multiple location 多重仓位322 net change 净改变法323 net change MRP 净改变式MRP324 net requirements 净需求325 new location 新仓位326 new parent 新组件327 new warehouse 新仓库328 next code 后续编码329 next number 后续编号330 No action report 不活动报告331 non-nettable 不可动用量332 on demand 急需的333 on-hand balance 现有库存量334 on hold 挂起335 on time 准时336 open amount 未清金额337 open order 未结订单/开放订单338 order activity rules 订单活动规则339 order address 订单地址340 order entry 订单输入341 order point 定货点342 order point system 定货点法343 order policy 定货策略344 order promising 定货承诺345 order remarks 定货备注346 ordered by 定货者347 overflow location 超量库位348 overhead apportionment/allocation 间接费分配349 overhead rate,burden factor,absorption rate 间接费率350 owner's equity 所有者权益351 parent item 母件352 part bills 零件清单353 part lot 零件批次354 part number 零件编号355 people involvement 全员参治356 performance measurement 业绩评价357 physical inventory 实际库存358 picking 领料/提货359 planned capacity 计划能力360 planned order 计划订单361 planned order receipts 计划产出量362 planned order releases 计划投入量363 planning horizon 计划期/计划展望期364 point of use 使用点365 Policy and procedure 工作准则与工作规程366 price adjustments 价格调整367 price invoice 发票价格368 price level 物价水平369 price purchase order 采购订单价格370 priority planning 优先计划371 processing manufacturing 流程制造372 product control 产品控制373 product family 产品系列374 product mix 产品搭配组合375 production activity control 生产作业控制376 production cycle 生产周期377 production line 产品线378 production rate 产品率379 production tree 产品结构树380 PAB Projected Available Balance 预计可用库存(量) 381 purchase order tracking 采购订单跟踪382 quantity allocation 已分配量383 quantity at location 仓位数量384 quantity backorder 欠交数量385 quantity completion 完成数量386 quantity demand 需求量387 quantity gross 毛需求量388 quantity in 进货数量389 quantity on hand 现有数量390 quantity scrapped 废品数量391 quantity shipped 发货数量392 queue time 排队时间393 rated capacity 额定能力394 receipt document 收款单据395 reference number 参考号396 regenerated MRP 重生成式MRP397 released order 下达订单398 reorder point 再订购点399 repetitive manufacturing 重复式生产(制造)400 replacement parts 替换零件401 required capacity 需求能力402 requisition orders 请购单403 rescheduling assumption 重排假设404 resupply order 补库单405 rework bill 返工单406 roll up 上滚407 rough cut resource planning 粗资源计划408 rounding amount 舍入金额409 run time 加工(运行)时间410 safety lead time 安全提前期411 safety stock 安全库存412 safety time 保险期413 sales order 销售订单414 scheduled receipts 计划接收量(预计入库量/预期到货量) 415 seasonal stock 季节储备416 send part 发送零件417 service and support 服务和支持418 service parts 维修件419 set up time 准备时间420 ship address 发运地址421 ship contact 发运单联系人422 ship order 发货单423 shop calendar 工厂日历(车间日历)424 shop floor control 车间作业管理(控制)425 shop order , work order 车间订单426 shrink factor 损耗因子(系数)427 single level where used 单层物料反查表428 standard cost system 标准成本体系429 standard hours 标准工时430 standard product cost 标准产品成本431 standard set up hour 标准机器设置工时432 standard unit run hour 标准单位运转工时433 standard wage rate 标准工资率434 status code 状态代码435 stores control 库存控制436 suggested work order 建议工作单437 supply chain 供应链438 synchronous manufacturing 同步制造/同期生产439 time bucket 时段(时间段)440 time fence 时界441 time zone 时区442 top management commitment 领导承诺443 total lead time 总提前期444 transportation inventory 在途库存445 unfavorable variance, adverse 不利差异446 unit cost 单位成本447 unit of measure 计量单位448 value chain 价值链449 value-added chain 增值链450 variance in quantity 量差451 vendor scheduler,supplier scheduler 采购计划员/供方计划员452 vendor scheduling 采购计划法453 Virtual Enterprise(VE)/ Organization 虚拟企业/公司454 volume variance 产量差异455 wait time 等待时间456 where-used list 反查用物料单457 work center capacity 工作中心能力458 workflow 工作流459 work order 工作令460 work order tracking 工作令跟踪461 work scheduling 工作进度安排462 world class manufacturing excellence 国际优秀制造业463 zero inventories 零库存464465 Call/Contact/Work/Cost center 呼叫/联络/工作/成本中心466 Co/By-product 联/副产品467 E-Commerce/E-Business/E-Marketing 电子商务/电子商务/电子集市468 E-sales/E-procuement/E-partner 电子销售/电子采购/电子伙伴469 independent/dependent demand 独立需求/相关需求件470 informal/formal system 非/规范化管理系统471 Internet/Intranet/Extranet 互联网/企业内部网/企业外联网472 middle/hard/soft/share/firm/group ware 中间/硬/软/共享/固/群件473 pegging/kitting/netting/nettable 追溯(反查)/配套出售件/净需求计算474 picking/dispatch/disbursement list 领料单(或提货单)/派工单/发料单475 preflush/backflush/super backflush 预冲/倒冲法/完全反冲476 yield/scrap/shrinkage (rate) 成品率/废品率/缩减率477 scrap/shrinkage factor 残料率(废品系数)/损耗系数478479 costed BOM 成本物料清单480 engineering BOM 设计物料清单481 indented BOM 缩排式物料清单482 manufacturing BOM 制造物料清单483 modular BOM 模块化物料清单484 planning BOM 计划物料清单485 single level BOM 单层物料清单486 summarized BOM 汇总物料清单487488 account balance 账户余额489 account code 账户代码490 account ledger 分类账491 account period 会计期间492 accounts payable 应付账款493 accounts receivable 应收账款494 actual cost 实际成本495 aging 账龄496 balance due 到期余额497 balance in hand 现有余额498 balance sheet 资产负债表499 beginning balance 期初余额500 cash basis 现金收付制501 cash on bank 银行存款502 cash on hand 现金503 cash out to 支付给504 catalog 目录505 category code 分类码506 check out 结帐507 collection 催款508 cost simulation 成本模拟509 costing 成本核算510 current assets 流动资产511 current liabilities 流动负债512 current standard cost 现行标准成本513 detail 明细514 draft remittance 汇票汇出515 end of year 年末516 ending availables 期末可供量517 ending balance 期末余额518 exchange rate 汇率519 expense 费用520 financial accounting 财务会计521 financial entity 财务实体522 financial reports 财务报告523 financial statements 财务报表524 fiscal period 财务期间525 fiscal year 财政年度526 fixed assets 固定资产527 foreign amount 外币金额528 gains and loss 损益529 in balance 平衡530 income statement 损益表531 intangible assets 无形资产532 journal entry 分录533 management accounting 管理会计534 manual reconciliation 手工调账535 notes payable 应付票据536 notes receivable 应收票据537 other receivables 其他应收款538 pay aging 付款账龄539 pay check 工资支票540 pay in 缴款541 pay item 付款项目542 pay point 支付点543 pay status 支付状态544 payment instrument 付款方式545 payment reminder 催款单546 payment status 付款状态547 payment terms 付款期限548 period 期间549 post 过账550 proposed cost 建议成本551 simulated cost 模拟成本552 spending variance,expenditure variance 开支差异553 subsidiary 明细账554 summary 汇总555 tax code 税码556 tax rate 税率557 value added tax 增值税558559 as of date , stop date 截止日期560 change lot date 修改批量日期561 clear date 结清日期562 date adjust 调整日期563 date available 有效日期564 date changed 修改日期565 date closed 结束日期566 date due 截止日期567 date in produced 生产日期568 date inventory adjust 库存调整日期569 date obsolete 作废日期570 date received 收到日期571 date released 交付日期572 date required 需求日期573 date to pull 发货日期574 earliest due date 最早订单完成日期575 effective date 生效日期576 engineering change effect date 工程变更生效日期577 engineering stop date 工程停止日期578 expired date 失效日期,报废日期579 from date 起始日期580 last shipment date 最后运输日期581 need date 需求日期582 new date 新日期583 pay through date 付款截止日期584 receipt date 收到日期585 ship date 发运日期586587 allocation 已分配量588 alphanumeric 字母数字589 approver 批准者590 assembly 装配(件)591 backlog 未结订单/拖欠订单592 billing 开单593 bill-to 发票寄往地594 bottleneck 瓶颈资源595 bulk 散装596 buyer 采购员597 component 子件/组件598 customer 客户599 delivery 交货600 demand 需求601 description 说明602 discrete 离散603 ergonomics 工效学(人类工程学) 604 facility 设备、功能605 feature 基本组件/特征件606 forecast 预测607 freight 运费608 holidays 例假日609 implement 实施610 ingredient 配料、成分611 inquire 查询612 inventory 库存613 item 物料项目614 job 作业615 Kanban 看板616 level 层次(级)617 load 负荷618 locate 定位619 logistics 后勤保障体系;物流管理620 lot 批次621 option 可选件622 outstanding 逾期未付623 overhead 制造费用624 override 覆盖625 overtime 加班626 parent 双亲(文件)627 part 零件628 phantom 虚拟件629 plant 工厂,场所630 preference 优先权631 priority 优先权(级)632 procurement 采购633 prototyping 原形测试634 queue 队列635 quota 任务额,报价636 receipt 收款、收据637 regeneration 全重排法638 remittance 汇款639 requisition 请购单640 returned 退货641 roll 滚动642 routing 工艺线路643 schedule 计划表644 shipment 发运量645 ship-to 交货地646 shortage 短缺647 shrink 损耗648 spread 分摊649 statement 报表650 subassembly 子装配件651 supplier 供应商652 transaction 事务处理653 what-if 如果怎样-将会怎样654655 post-deduct inventory transaction processing 后减库存处理法656 pre-deduct inventory transaction processing 前减库存处理法657 generally accepted manufacturing practices 通用生产管理原则658 direct-deduct inventory transaction processing 直接增减库存处理法659 Pareto Principle 帕拉图原理660 Drum-buffer-rope 鼓点-缓冲-绳子661663 Open Database Connectivity 开放数据库互连664 Production Planning 生产规划编制665 Work in Process 在制品666 accelerated cost recovery system 快速成本回收制度667 accounting information system 会计信息系统668 acceptable quality kevel 可接受质量水平669 constant purchasing power accounting 不买够买力会计670 break-even analysis 保本分析671 book value 帐面价值672 cost-benefit analysis 成本效益分析673 chief financial office 财务总监674 degree of financial leverage 财务杠杆系数675 degree of operating leverage 经济杠杆系数676 first-in , first-out 先进先出法677 economic lot size 经济批量678 first-in ,still-here 后进先出法679 full pegging 完全跟踪680 linear programming 线性规划681 management by objective 目标管理682 value engineering 价值工程683 zero based budgeting 零基预算684 CAQ computer aided quality assurance 计算机辅助质量保证685 DBMS database management system 数据库管理系统686 IP Internet Protocol 网际协议687 TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议689690 API Advanced Process Industry 高级流程工业691 A2A Application to Application 应用到应用(集成)692 article 物品693 article reserves 物品存储694 assembly order 装配订单695 balance-on-hand-inventory 现有库存余额696 bar code 条形码697 boned warehouse 保税仓库698 CPA Capacity Requirements Planning 能力需求计划699 change management 变革管理700 chill space 冷藏区701 combined transport 联合运输702 commodity inspection 进出口商品检验703 competitive edge 竞争优势704 container 集装箱705 container transport 集装箱运输706 CRP Continuous Replenishment Program 连续补充系数707 core competence 核心才能708 cross docking 直接换装709 CLV Customer Lifetime Value 客户生命周期价值710 CReM Customer Relationship Marketing 客户关系营销711 CSS Customer Service and Support 客户服务和支持712 Customer Service Representative 客户服务代表713 customized logistics 定制物流714 customs declaration 报关715 cycle stock 经常库存716 data cleansing 数据整理717 Data Knowledge and Decision Support 数据知识和决策支持718 data level integration 数据层集成719 data transformation 数据转换720 desktop conferencing 桌面会议721 distribution 配送722 distribution and logistics 分销和后勤723 distribution center 配送中心724 distribution logistics 销售物流725 distribution processing 流通加工726 distribution requirements 分销量727 DRP distribution resource planning 配送/分销资源计划728 door-to-door 门到门729 drop and pull transport 甩挂运输730 DEM Dynamic Enterprise Module 动态企业建模技术731 ECR Efficient Consumer Response 有效顾客反应732 e-Government Affairs 电子政务733 EC Electronic Commerce 电子商务734 Electronic Display Boards 电子公告板735 EOS Electronic order system 电子订货系统736 ESD Electronic Software Distribution 电子软件分发737 embedding 插入738 employee category 员工分类739 empowerment 授权740 engineering change effect work order 工程变更生效单741 environmental logistics 绿色物流742 experiential marketing 直效行销(又称体验行销)743 export supervised warehouse 出口监管仓库744 ERP Extended Resource Planning 扩展资源计划745 field sales/cross sale/cross sell 现场销售/交叉销售/连带销售746 franchising 加盟连销权747 FCL Full Container Load 整箱货748 Global Logistics Management 全球运筹管理749 goods collection 集货750 goods shed 料棚751 goods shelf 货架752 goods stack 货垛753 goods yard 货场754 handing/carrying 搬运755 high performance organization 高绩效组织756 inland container depot 公路集装箱中转站757 inside sales 内部销售758 inspection 检验759 intangible loss 无形消耗760 internal logistics 企业物流761 international freight forwarding agent 国际货运代理762 international logistics 国际物流763 invasive integration 侵入性集成764 joint distribution 共同配送765 just-in-time logistics 准时制物流766 KM Knowledge Management 知识管理767 lead (customer) management 潜在客户管理768 learning organization 学习型组织769 LCL less than container load 拼装货770 load balancing 负载平衡771 loading and unloading 装载772 logistics activity 物流活动773 logistics alliance 物流联盟774 logistics center 物流中心775 logistics cost 物流成本776 logistics cost control 物流成本管理777 logistics documents 物流单证778 logistics enterprise 物流企业779 logistics information 物流信息780 logistics management 物流管理781 logistics modulus 物流模数782 logistics network 物流网络783 logistics operation 物流作业784 LRP Logistics Resource Planning 物流资源计划785 logistics strategy 物流战略786 logistics strategy management 物流战略管理787 logistics technology 物流技术788 MES Manufacture Execute System 制造执行系统789 mass customization 大规模定制790 NPV Net Present Value 净现值791 neutral packing 中性包装792 OLAP On-line Analysis Processing 联机/在线分析系统793 OAG Open Application Group 开放应用集成794 order picking 拣选795 outsourcing 外包796 package/packaging 包装797 packing of nominated brand 定牌包装798 palletizing 托盘包装799 PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数据助理800 personalization 个性化801 PTF Planning time fence 计划时界802 POS Point Of Sells 电子收款机803 priority queuing 优先排队804 PBX Private Branch Exchange 专用分组交换机805 production logistics 生产物流806 publish/subscribe 发布/订阅807 quality of working life 工作生活品质808 Quick Response 快速反映809 receiving space 收货区810 REPs Representatives 代表或业务员811 return logistics 回收物流812 ROI Return On Investment 投资回报率813 RM Risk Management 风险管理814 sales package 销售包装815 scalability 可扩充性816 shipping space 发货区817 situational leadership 情境领导818 six sigma 六个标准差819 sorting/stacking 分拣/堆拣820 stereoscopic warehouse 立体仓库。



我对魔方的看法英语作文英文回答:In the realm of puzzles, few can rival the iconicRubik's Cube, an enigmatic enigma that has intrigued and challenged minds for generations. Its seemingly simple structure disguises a labyrinth of intricate combinations that evoke a paradoxical blend of frustration and fascination.The Rubik's Cube consists of 26 smaller cubes, each adorned with one of six vibrant colors. These smaller cubes can be rotated and manipulated, seemingly at random, but the ultimate goal remains unchanged: to align the colors on each face, transforming the cube into a uniform block of hue.The allure of the Rubik's Cube lies in its deceptive simplicity. Its mechanics are straightforward, yet mastering it requires a combination of logical thinking,spatial reasoning, and unwavering determination. Each twist and turn unravels a multitude of possibilities, which can either bring you closer to the solution or lead you down a tantalizing path of dead ends.Solving a Rubik's Cube is not merely a matter of memorizing algorithms or rote repetition. It demands an intuitive understanding of the cube's structure and the interrelationships between its component parts. Successful solvers possess the ability to anticipate the consequences of their actions and visualize the cube's future configurations.Beyond its recreational value, the Rubik's Cube has also served as an educational tool, fostering problem-solving skills and spatial awareness. It has been incorporated into mathematics curricula, demonstrating the practical applications of combinatorial analysis and group theory. Its popularity has also spawned a subculture of speedcubing, where enthusiasts compete to solve the cube in the shortest possible time using intricate sequences of moves.The Rubik's Cube transcends the realm of mere puzzle and becomes a symbol of human ingenuity and perseverance. It is a reminder that even the most complex challenges can be overcome with patience, methodical thinking, and an unyielding spirit.中文回答:关于魔方,在我看来,它既是一种令人着迷的益智游戏,又是一款启迪智力的教育工具。




修筑长城最初是为了抵御北方游牧民族(nomadic groups)的入侵。








Great Wall of China was an ancient gigantic defensive project.It’s built originally to resist invasions of northern nomadic groups.The wall stretches for 8,800km and spans 17 provinces from east to west. The Great Wall mainly comprises walls, passes, and watchtowers. The Great Wall we see today mainly dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The best-preserved most imposing section is at Badaling in Beijing. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections are mow in ruins or have disappeared.However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world. The Great Wall is the building project with the longest duration and greatest cost in human lives. It deserves its place among “the New Seven Wonders of the World.”2.中国航天工程神舟号宇宙飞船以其十次成功发射给全世界留下了印象。



基坑支护的问题原因及措施英文版The problem of foundation pit support mainly arises from the instability of the surrounding soil and the pressure exerted by the adjacent structures. There are several reasons for this issue:1. Soil Instability: The natural characteristics of the soil, such as loose or water-saturated soil, can lead to instability and collapse of the foundation pit walls.2. Adjacent Structure Pressure: The pressure from nearby buildings or infrastructure can cause the soil to exert force on the foundation pit walls, leading to potential collapse.3. Groundwater: High groundwater levels can weaken the soil and increase the risk of collapse, especially during excavation.To address these issues, various measures are taken forfoundation pit support:1. Retaining Walls: Constructing retaining walls using materials like concrete, steel sheet piles, or soldierpiles to provide lateral support and prevent soil movement.2. Soil Reinforcement: Implementing soil stabilization techniques such as soil nailing, ground anchoring, or using geotextiles to improve the stability of the surrounding soil.3. Dewatering: Lowering the groundwater table through dewatering systems to reduce the water pressure on the foundation pit walls.4. Monitoring: Regular monitoring of the pit walls, adjacent structures, and groundwater levels to detect any signs of instability and take timely corrective actions.5. Professional Design: Engaging experienced geotechnical engineers to design an appropriate support system based on site-specific conditions and potentialrisks.By addressing these issues and implementing suitable support measures, the stability and safety of foundation pits can be effectively ensured.。



GPDS Milestone Description<MR>ManagementReview AlignmentManagement Review (<MR>) presents and secures cross-functional SeniorManagement alignment regarding the Program's fundamentalBusiness/Marketing/Technical assumptions (including initial content, scale,timing, investment, etc.) and agreement on the Program's role in supporting keycorporate strategic/business needs (e.g. role in portfolio, vision, etc.).Remaining key issues & workplans are to be resolved prior to <PS> andagreement on any additional alternative studies to be conducted between <MR>& <PS>.<PS>Program Start The focus of <PS> is to further refine output of the MR Review into a prime strategy that defines the starting point for the Program (e.g. program assumptions, financial targets/status, product vision, manufacturing strategy, etc) This task is the responsibility of a small cross-functional team taking into account customer, business, technical and manufacturing perspectives.<PSC>Program StrategyConfirmedComplete 1st Engineering Concepts, Attachment C's and AttributeSystem Requirements (Attachment D's) to provide multiple sets offeasible hardware concepts for System Selection. Review Attachment C'sto agree on Prime Alternative and Targets. Study hardware alternativesfor the product concept and prepare Program Direction Letter (PDL) andBill of Material (BOM) for <PSC>. All manufacturing long- leadfunding (if required) is requested at this time.<PTCC>Program TargetCompatibilityCheckpointAll system/subsystems are selected & reconfirmed as compatible withQCWF targets and the Bill of Process (BOP). The major Marketingtargets & attributes are confirmed and work continues in preparation for<PTC> (Program Target Compatibility). For commodities with SupplierEngineering- On-Board (EOB) date at <PTCC> (per Key CommodityPlan) Sourcing Agreement Letters (SAL's) are signed.<PTC>Program TargetCompatibilityThe focus of <PTC> is to use the output from the target alignmentsystem selection and further refine programs targets. This task is theresponsibility of a small cross-functional team taking into accountcustomer, business, technical and manufacturing perspectives.<PA>Program Approval At <PA/AA2> ABS, QCWF targets and market equation are confirmed compatible and become objectives, Commercial and Program Agreements are signed, program objectives are approved, preliminary activities for mass production are initiated, the second of three Appearance Approval Process events (AA2) is completed, the final Interior / Exterior design is approved, the design data is released, and the Upper Body V2 activities are completed.<FDJ>Final Data Judgment At <FDJ> all engineering designs are completed, and data readiness for VP prototype tooling, build, test and production tooling is judged by Senior Engineering Management based on verification/validation during Upper Body V0/V1/V2 and <M-1DC> results.Vehicle Milestone Names and Descriptions GPDS Milestone Names<VP>VerificationPrototypeThe VP builds are production intent for all Underbody and Upper Bodycontent, including UP electrical, and P/T calibration. The VP ProgramPDL (Feature/Options Summary) is defined at <PTC>. The VP Prototypecontent is defined to efficiently satisfy specific DV test requirements.The VP Digital Pre-Assembly (DPA) prototype variants are aligned tophysical builds. DPA ensures vehicle compatibility and designcompleteness. A VP Electrical Engineering Breadboard build is required,and the Electrical Design Completion timing is identified on programVPP. GPDS v2.2 maximizes production / hard tooling for the VP andlater builds phases.<PEC>PreliminaryEngineeringCompletionThe Preliminary Engineering Completion (PEC) event includes all the documentationand signatory elements described within FAP 03-201. Preliminary EngineeringCompletion is an engineering gateway where Senior Engineering Management assessesthe status of Program versus attribute and financial objectives. The intent of PEC is toidentify shortfalls to objectives and to confirm work plans are in place to successfullyachieve Final Engineering Completion (FEC). Success criteria are described in FAP 03-201.<FEC>Final EngineeringCompletionAt <FEC> Final Engineering Completion is authorized by SeniorManagement based upon the successful completion of all designvalidation testing and confirmation of no major open issues/risks.<LR>Launch Readiness At <LR> all Verification Prototype (VP) issues are resolved, all cross-functional activities' readiness to proceed to Body Construction / Assembly Tooling Trial is confirmed, and final approval to proceed to Tooling Trial is obtained.<LS>Launch Sign-off Pilot Production (PP) Approval is the approval to proceed to the PP build. Approval is obtained at the Launch Sign-Off Meeting, in which the following should occur: determine the readiness of internal & external tooling/equipment and operator training etc. for each relevant department; forecast the achievement level of quality targets; and Confirm and provide External Supplier APQP/PPAP Readiness –Element Summary Report (Schedule B). All data previously stated is required to proceed to PP.<J1>Job #1The physical product / process functional evaluation is conducted; homologation /self certification (excluding US Emissions) is performed, body & vehicle pilot production (PP) is completed, and approval to proceed to MP1 is obtained.<OKTB>Okay To Buy Okay-To-Buy confirms MP2 quality confirmation results, & vehicle static/drive evaluations. The Okay-To-Buy meeting is held at the Assembly Plant. The meeting should be held around the product with a follow up discussion of the measurables from the Okay-to-Buy scorecard. The discussion of the measurables will be given by the responsible launch team/assembly plant members who will present the recommendations and the decision/facts that are reported on the Okay-to-Buy scorecard.Prototype Builds Final Status ReportAn initial summary is prepared after MP (Mass Production) team events. The ProgramManagement team confirms program objective achievement status, identifies countermeasures, documents final results/lessons learned (financials, sales & market share,quality surveys, campaigns, field actions, etc.) and obtains approval for the final report.DescriptionPrototype BuildsFC0FeasibilityCheckpoint 0The Studio Feasibility Process is a subset of GPDS deliverables and astep by step guide for Design & surface development. Prior to <FC0>,Annual Process and Advanced (pre PS) activities are taking place tosupport the initial program assumptions. At FC0, only a small team ofdesigners and engineers are working on the project to establish a set ofhigh level program assumptions. Resulting from the outputs of pre PSactivities, at <FC0> the Concept Design is decided.FC1FeasibilityCheckpoint 1The Studio Feasibility Process is a subset of GPDS deliverables and astep by step guide for Design & surface development. At FC1,Functional Engineering and Design Studio completes benchmarking.Additionally, mechanical & occupant package parameters are beingestablished. The Studio Design Theme alternatives are evaluated againstprogram assumptions and attribute strategies. Representations of selectedStudio Design Theme alternatives are prepared to support the plannedPackage & Concept Clinic.FC2FeasibilityCheckpoint 2The Studio Feasibility Process is a subset of GPDS deliverables and astep by step guide for Design & surface development. At FC2, the threeStudio Design alternatives are matured along with the programassumptions. Functional Engineering completes Attachment C/Dreconciliation allowing provisional upper body system selection. StudioDesign Theme alternatives are assessed to attribute target ranges.FC3FeasibilityCheckpoint 3The Studio Feasibility Process is a subset of GPDS deliverables and astep by step guide for Design & surface development. At FC3, the threeStudio Design alternatives are matured and further refined until Themesare narrowed down to 2 with Character Feasibility completed (+/-10mmto +/-20mm).FC4FeasibilityCheckpoint 4The Studio Feasibility Process is a subset of GPDS deliverables and a step by step guidefor Design & surface development. At FC4, along with the results from the Theme &Package Clinic, the Studio Design Theme is evaluated against program assumptions andattribute point targets. Cost checkpoint to collect supplier data has been added forversion 2.2.FC5FeasibilityCheckpoint 5The Studio Feasibility Process is a subset of GPDS deliverables and a step by step guidefor Design & surface development. From FC4 to FC5, the Single Design Theme isfurther refined with additional feasibility inputs incorporated. Preliminary upper bodygeometry is available for program team evaluation. Exterior and interior math surfacedata reflecting Design intent is provided to the program team. FC5 represents the end ofDesign led change.AA1AppearanceApproval 1At <AA1> the first of three Appearance Approval Process events iscompleted, approval for Interior and Exterior Design feasible surfaces isobtained, and the transfer of production intent surfaces and the start ofUpper Body V2 activities is initiated.AA2AppearanceApproval 2From AA1 to AA2, all surface data files are released from the DesignStudio to the program team. Digital Pre Assembly activity continues.AA1 marks the beginning of surface release. <AA2> represents the endof surface release. Releases are phased depending on part ranking.FAA Final AppearanceApprovalAt <FAA> the final event in the Appearance Approval process iscompleted, Interior / Exterior surface final refinements and highlights areapproved, and supporting design data is updated.DescriptionX-1X-1 Prototype First Drivable X-1 Prototype Vehicle build is completed and ready to be delivered to the customer.M-1M-1 Prototype First Drivable M-1 Prototype Vehicle build is completed and ready to be delivered to the customer. M-1 vehicles are used to verify key specifications in the Under Body area.DescriptionUNV0Underbody V0DevelopmentDuring this phase engineers collect information and develop Under Bodybase mechanical package work plan. Information includes: <PSC>program paper, pre-V0 mechanical package data, 1st engineeringconcept, Attachment C and preliminary vehicle & system attribute targetranges (Attachment D), and then develop mechanical package work plan.UNV1Underbody V1DevelopmentDuring this phase engineers update the Underbody V1 Geometric 2D/3Dprogram intent CAD data, non-geometric data, and engineering databased upon latest 3D data, digital pre-assembly reviews,system/component CAE assessments, Campaign Prevention actions andVO resolution actions.UNV2Underbody V2DevelopmentDuring this phase engineers confirm and refine V2 UnderbodySystem/Component designs and Mechanical Package to achieve allapplicable vehicle level engineering requirements and PMT targets. ForAgreed Exception ‘Long Lead’ tools, tool order may be placed prior toUNV2 and rough cutting of tools may start at the completion of UNV2(not before).M-1DJ M-1 Data Judgment At M1-DJ all Underbody engineering designs are completed, and the data is ready for release for M1 prototype tooling, build and test. Final cutting of tools may start at the completion of M1DJ (not before). The goal is to complete supplier testing by M-1 MRD. On an exception basis for agreed ‘long lead’ parts some aspects of component testing may be allowed to complete post MRD provided the integrity of the vehicle build and test plan is not judged to be compromised. Each commodity team must define the critical component testing which must be completed prior to M1 MRD and get signed off as part of the M1DJ sign-offUPV0Upperbody V0DevelopmentDuring this phase engineers collect information and develop Upper Bodybase mechanical package work plan. Information includes: <PSC>program paper, pre-V0 mechanical package data, 1st engineeringconcept, Attachment C and preliminary vehicle & system attribute targetranges (Attachment D), and then develop mechanical package work plan.Prototype Builds Engineering GatewaysUPV1Upperbody V1DevelopmentDuring this phase engineers update the Upperbody V1 Geometric 2D/3Dprogram intent CAD data, non-geometric data, and engineering databased upon latest 3D data, digital pre-assembly reviews,system/component CAE assessments, Campaign Prevention actions andVO resolution actions.UPV2Upperbody V2DevelopmentDuring this phase engineers confirm and refine V2 UpperbodySystem/Component designs and Mechanical Package to achieve allapplicable vehicle level engineering requirements and PMT targets. ForAgreed Exception ‘Long Lead’ tools, tool order may be placed prior toUPV2 and rough cutting of tools may start at the completion of UPV2(not before).M-1DC M-1 DevelopmentCompleteCompile the <M-1DC> Engineering Sign Off Report (targetdemonstration versus status). All Program risks for Quality, Cost,Weight, & Functional Targets assessed and countermeasures developed.Identify and select the M-1 Drive Vehicle. Prepare M-1 Drive Vehicleand schedule the M-1 SME Drive. Conduct the attribute characterizationof the M-1 Drive Vehicle. Develop work plan and countermeasures toclose issues identified during <M-1DC> testing and M-1 Drive VehiclePreparation.DescriptionTT Tooling Trial –Build StartThe Tooling Trial (TT) Vehicles Built per Pre-Launch Control Plan is abuild conducted at the production location utilizing production tooling,process, and hard-tooled production parts at the required PPAP level(LQOS Standard G06). The build is conducted per the Pre-ProductionControl Plan to verify capability of assembly production tools,equipment, facilities & processes to ensure readiness for Pilot Production(PP).PP Pilot Production –Build StartThe readiness and the ability to proceed for Pilot Production is assessed,the start of Pilot Production is authorized, the MP1 readiness isreviewed, and Pre-production builds are conducted to verify thecapability of the production tools, equipment, facilities, systems andprocesses with hard-tooled production parts.MP1Mass Production 1MP1 Vehicles Built per Production Control Plan is a build verifying the compatibility of production process, facilities, and tooling with material at the required PPAP level (LQOS Standard G06). MP1 Build Review Meeting, in which the following should occur: confirm the readiness of internal & external tooling/equipment and operator training etc. for each relevant department is complete; confirm the achievement level of quality to targets Confirm and provide External Supplier APQP/PPAP Readiness –Element Summary Report (Schedule B). All data previously stated is required to proceed to MP2.MP2Mass Production 2MP2 Vehicles Built to Production Control Plan is a build verifying the compatibility of production process, facilities, and tooling with material at the required PPAP level (Standard G06).Assembly Plant Build Starts。



Load-Carrying Frame. Until the late 19th century, the exterior walls of a building were used as bearing walls to support the floors. This construction is essentially a post and lintel type, and it is still used in frame construction for houses. Bearing- wall construction limited the height of buildings because of the enormous wall thickness required; for instance, the 16-story Monadnock Building built in the 1880’s in Chicago had walls 5 feet(1.5 meters) thick at the
Galerie des Machompleted in
demolished (1909)
Structural Type truss roof three-hinged arch truss
Part of
World Exposition 1889
Monadnock Building
In 1883, William Le Baron Jenney (1832-1907) supported floors on cast-iron columns to form a cage-like construction. Skeleton construction, consisting of steel beams and columns, was first used in 1889. As a consequence of skeleton construction, the enclosing walls become a “curtain wall” rather than serving a supporting function. Masonry was the curtain wall material until the 1930’s, when light metal and glass curtain walls were used. After the introduction of the steel skeleton, the height of buildings continued to increase rapidly.



桥梁专业术语英文Bridges are an essential part of modern infrastructure, connecting communities and facilitating transportation. As such, the field of bridge engineering has developed a rich and specialized vocabulary to describe the various components, processes, and techniques involved in the design, construction, and maintenance of these structures. In this essay, we will delve into the world of bridge engineering terminology, exploring some of the key terms and their significance.First, it is crucial to understand the different types of bridges. One of the most common classifications is based on the structural support system. Beam bridges, such as simple span and continuous span bridges, employ horizontal beams or girders to support the deck. Truss bridges, on the other hand, utilize a framework of interconnected members arranged in a triangular pattern, providing both strength and economic efficiency. Arch bridges, as the name implies, rely on the curved shape of the arch to transfer loads to the abutments or piers. Suspension bridges, often seen in longer spans, employ cables suspended from towers to support the deck, while cable-stayed bridges use diagonal cables anchored to towers or pylons.The superstructure of a bridge refers to the components directly supporting the traffic load, such as the deck, girders, and trusses. The substructure, conversely, encompasses the foundations, abutments, and piers that transfer the loads from the superstructure to the ground. Abutments are the reinforced concrete or masonry structures at either end of the bridge, providing support and anchoring the superstructure. Piers, on the other hand, are intermediate supports placed along the span, particularly in multi-span bridges.Bridge engineering also involves various load considerations. Live loads refer to the temporary, moving loads like vehicles and pedestrians, while dead loads are the permanent, static loads from the bridge's own weight. Consideration must also be given to environmental loads, such as wind, seismic activity, and temperature changes, which can exert significant forces on the structure.The design and analysis of bridges heavily rely on structural analysis techniques, such as finite element analysis and load rating calculations. These methods help engineers predict the behavior of the bridge under different loading conditions and ensure structural integrity and safety.Bridge construction involves a multitude of specialized techniquesand equipment. Falsework, temporary structures used to support the formwork and reinforcement during construction, is a critical component. Launching gantries, specialized pieces of equipment that move along the bridge span as it is being constructed, are often employed in the construction of segmental bridges.Lastly, bridge engineering places a strong emphasis on maintenance and rehabilitation. Inspection and evaluation procedures are crucial for identifying potential issues, such as concrete deterioration, steel corrosion, or structural deficiencies. Repair techniques, like carbon fiber reinforcement or post-tensioning, aim to extend the service life of bridges and ensure their continued safe operation.In conclusion, the field of bridge engineering is rich with specialized terminology, reflecting the complex nature of these structures and the various considerations involved in their design, construction, and maintenance. Understanding this vocabulary is essential for effective communication and collaboration among engineers, contractors, and other stakeholders, ultimately contributing to the creation of safe, efficient, and resilient bridges that serve our communities for generations to come.。



第一课Mechanics of Material 材料力学stress 应力strain 应变deformation 变形strength of material 材料强度mechanics of deformable body 变形体力学axial load 轴向荷载bar 杆shaft 轴beam 梁column 柱failure load 破坏荷载mechanics behavior 力学性能formulas 公式equation 方程fascinating blend 完美结合critical load 临界荷载column theory 柱子曲线tension 拉tensile force/stress 拉力/应力compression 压compressive stress 压应力shear 剪切prismatic bar 棱柱杆/等直杆axial force 轴向力uniform stretching 均匀拉伸free body 隔离体cross section 横截面hydrostatic pressure 液体静压力uniform continuous distribution 均匀连续分布resultant 合力be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction 大小相等方向相反bending 弯矩statics 静力学elongation 伸长量centroid 矩心形心第二课plane 水平,平面parallel 平行的a pin support 固定铰支座a roller support 滑动铰支座a beam with an overhang 延伸梁moment 力矩a uniformly distributed load 均布荷载long-span beam 长跨梁indeterminate analysis 超静定分析translation 平动rotation 转动第三课the cross section of a beam 梁的横截面the neutral axis 中性轴the principal(tensile/compressive) stress主(拉/压)应力rectangular cross section 矩形横截面theequations of plane stress 平面应力方程solidline实线dashed line 虚线orthogonal curve 正交曲线stresstrajectories 应力迹线stresscontour应力等值线stress concentrations 应力集中in the web at the junction with the flange 在腹板和翼缘的交接处magnitude大小,数量mid-height 中等高度,中间高度moment矩intersect相交,横切tangent切线,正切wide-flange宽翼缘fillet圆角,角缝第四课continuous beam 连续梁thedegreeofstatical indeterminacy 超静定的次数methodofsuperposition叠加法equations of compatibility 协调方程thesecondmoment-areatheorem第二面积矩定律three-momentequation三弯矩方程themomentof inertia 惯性矩a set of simultaneousequations 联立方程组a uniform load of intensity q 集度为q的均布荷载redundant赘余力intermediate中间的,中途的external外面的,外界的rotation转动centroidal形心的,矩心的formulate用公式表示,化成公式第五课the unit-load method 单位力法bending moment 弯矩twisting moment 扭矩the stress resultants 应力第六课Reciprocal theorems互等定理Strain energy 应变能Reciprocal displacement theorem 位移互等定理Reciprocal work theorem功的互等定理Linearly elastic structures 线弹性结构Cantileverbeam悬臂梁Concentrated load 集中力Freeend自由端Midpoint中点Deflection挠度Formula公式Subscriptnotation下标Besubjected to 受到Respectively分别Inaccordancewith和、、、一致Analogousmanner类似方式Correspondence相应Consistof由、、、组成Nevertheless景观如此Derivation推导,引出,来历Simultaneously同时Principleofsuperposition叠加原理Hence因此Undergo经受承受Sumup把、、、相加Insequence顺序的第七课Slipform 滑模reinforced concrete element 钢筋混凝土构件elevator shaft 电梯井stair 楼梯井silos and grain 筒仓和粮仓bridge pier 桥墩high-rise office or apartment buildings 高层办公楼公寓vertically 竖直地form 模板extrusion device 挤压装置metal insert 预埋铁件opening 孔口tongue and groove plank 企口木板work platform 工作平台camber 起拱swelling 膨胀moisture 湿气潮气screw jack 螺旋千斤顶constructed yokes 提升架gripping devices 夹具装置pneumatically or electrically 气动或电动hydraulic master control system 液压控制系统extraction 拔differential load 不均匀荷载scaffold 脚手架cement finisher 水泥抹灰工crane 吊车hoist 卷扬机hopper 料斗bucket 吊车high-early strength cement 早强水泥superimposed load 超荷tolerance 允许误差applicable codes 通用规范professional standards 行业规范plumb line 垂直轴线fog spray 喷雾器moist 湿度roof slab 屋面板tapering chimney 锥形烟囱wale 腰梁,横撑thenormal andshearstress法向应力和剪应力第八课Positivedirection正方向Liftslabs升板Erectionofbuilding安装楼房Contractor包工头Reinforcedconcrete钢筋混凝土Structuralsteel型钢Structuralelement结构构件Pour浇筑Form模板Bondtoeachother 粘结,结合Sufficient充足的,足够的Hydraulicjacks液压千斤Bracket支撑Anchor锚杆Box-outs箱型孔口Stability稳定性Swaybracket斜撑Shearwalls剪力墙Prestressedconcrete 预压力混凝土Pre-or posttensioning techniques 先张法或后张法施工overdesign保险设计Formwork 模板施工Offset抵消,补偿Conventional传统的Widecolumngrid宽柱网Multi-storeyindustrialbuilding多层工业建筑Civilbuilding民用建筑Residentialbuilding住宅楼Ceilingfloor天花板Verticalmotion竖向移动Tier层,排,行,列Lift-storeycomponentconstruction升层施工plumbing管道工业Horizontalforces水平力Core ofrigidity刚度核心Dwelling住宅楼High-seismicactivity多震区第十课Fenestration 门窗布局,主窗设计Distribution and control of daylight 日光的分布和控制Ventilation control 通风控制Heat loss 热量损失Weather resistance 防风防雨Design principle 设计原则Building codes 建筑规范The depth of light penetration透光深度Natural ventilation 自然通风The pattern of air movement 空气的流线谱Functional requirements 功能要求Fire rating 防火等级Scored glass 带刻纹的玻璃Added precaution 额外措施Weather stripping 挡风雨密封条Integral frame 整体框架Double glazing 双层玻璃Sealed double glazing 密封双层玻璃Stainless steel 不锈钢Galvanized steel 镀锌钢Fire-resistance requirements 防火要求Residential work 住宅工程Thermal conductivity 导热率Shrinking 收缩Warping 翘曲Double-hung window 上下推拉窗Trim 贴脸处理Steel window 钢窗Hot-rolled structural grade 热轧结构钢New billet steel 新钢锭Cold-formed 冷加工New billet strip steel 新带钢钢锭The Steel Window Institute 钢窗协会Depth of sections 截面高度Shop finish 出厂前最后加工Field painting 现场涂漆Free from rust 除锈Free from mill scale 除去轧屑Hot phosphate 热磷酸盐Phosphate chromate 冷磷铬黄Rust inhibitive primer 防锈底漆Putty set 抹油灰Hot-dipped galvanized 热浸镀锌Assembled frames 组装好的窗框Assembled ventilators 组装好的开启窗Specifications 规范Distortion 歪扭Hot dipping 热浸Zinc galvanizing 镀锌层Aluminum Window Manufacturers 铝窗厂家协会Regulate stiffness 刚度Component parts 控制部件The amount of air infiltration 透气量Ventilator sections 开启部分Shop-fabricated 工厂预制Assembled at the job 现场组装Extruded aluminum sections 挤压成型的铝窗部件Window walls 窗墙Picture windows 观景窗Ventilating sash 通风窗Aluminum trim 铝镶边Monel metal 抗酸金属Storm sash 防暴风雨窗Wicket-type screens 推拉小门式遮板Metal bead glazing 金属护条玻璃Lime mortar 石灰砂浆第十一课Curtain walls 幕墙Skeleton-frame construction骨框架施工Exterior walls 外墙Load 荷载Own weight 自重Nonbearing walls 非承重墙Structural frame 结构框架Supplementary framing 辅助框架Girts 连系梁Light-gage metal 薄钢板Fire resistance 防火Thickness 厚度Insulating properties 绝热性能A dead air space 封闭空气间层Insulating material 绝热材料Durable material 耐用材料Initial cost 造价,基建费Multilayer-sandwich wall 多层夹心墙Job-assembled 现场组装Prefabricated 预制Plywood 胶合板Sheathing 衬板Waterproofing material 防水材料Siding 木壁板Shingles 鱼鳞板Half timbers 露明木骨架Novelty 下垂披叠板Lap 搭接Clapboard 护壁楔形板Vertical boarding or horizontal flush boarding 竖直或水平光面板Drop siding 下垂壁板Permanent structures 永久结构Lap siding 搭接壁板Clapboard 护壁楔形板Building paper 防潮纸Narrow boards 窄板Wide boards 宽板Eaves 屋檐Weathertight joint 防风雨接缝Exterior finish 罩面层Squared-edged 四方刨木板Diagonal members 对角构件Stucco 粉刷Exterior grade 装饰性的胶合板Permanent waterproof glue 耐风化胶Light-gage metal 薄金属板Stiffness 刚度Asphalt 沥青Asbestos cement 石棉水泥Portland cement 硅酸盐水泥Masonry 硅石建筑Metal lath 金属板条Per sqyd 每平方码Furring strips 钉罩面板的板条Quicklime putty 生石灰膏Hydrated lime putty 熟石灰膏Fiber 纤维The rate of hardening 硬化速度Brown coat 二道抹灰Finish coat 罩面层Proportions 配合比Withstand pressure 承受压力Base coats 底涂层第十二课Vapor barrier 防潮层Slab 平板、混凝土路面Dew 露水Aluminum foil 铝箔纸Kraft paper 牛皮纸Cellular glass 泡沫玻璃Side-vent 减压通气管Aluminum paint 铝粉涂料Plastic paint 塑性涂料Plastic film 塑胶膜Asphalt paint 沥青涂料Rubber-based paint 橡胶涂料Water repellent surface 防水表层Vapor-transmission rate 透气性Reciprocal 倒数Frame house 框架房屋Rain gutter 雨水槽Lath 板条Wall-board 壁纸Wood sheathing 木制屋面板Clapboard 护墙板Shingle 强面板Stucco 粉刷面层Perm (渗透单位)伯姆第十三课Stress-strain relationship应力应变关系Compressive stress-strain curve 受压应力应变曲线Cylinder test 混凝土圆柱体受压实验Beam 梁Horizontal 水平线Empirical equation 经验公式Hardened concrete 硬化混凝土Cylinder strength 混凝土圆柱体抗压强度Normal sand-and-stone concrete 普通砂石混凝土Hydrate 水化硬化Reinforced-concrete structure钢筋混凝土Low-story columns底层柱High-rise building 高层建筑Brittleness 脆性Prestressed concrete 预应力混凝土Internal disintegration 内部损伤Longitudinal strain 纵向应变Poission’s ratio 伯松比Concrete creep 混凝土徐变Instantaneous strain 瞬时应变Deformation of concrete 混凝土变形Relative humidity 相对湿度Free pore water 自由孔隙水Asymptotic value 近似值Typical creep parameters 普通徐变取值范围Coefficient 系数第十四课fracture破裂,断裂nondimensionalize无量纲化simultaneously同时地perpendicular垂直nonhomogeneous非匀质的biaxial双轴的uniaxial单轴的triaxial三轴的microcrack微裂缝discontinuity不连续性ratio比率,比例inclination倾斜,倾向intercept截断,截线quadrant象限,扇形体orderofmagnitude数量级failureenvelope破坏包络线intermediateprincipalstress中间主应力combinedstress复合应力uniaxialstress单轴应力biaxialstress双轴应力triaxialstress三轴应力internalcontradiction内部矛盾Mohrstresscircle莫尔应力圆nonhomogeneousnatureofconcrete混凝土的非匀质性第十五课deflection 挠度shrinkage 收缩creep 徐变flexural members 受弯构件longitudinal reinforcement 纵筋coefficient 因子positive-bending 正向受弯的negative-bending 反向受弯的ratio 率,系数dead load 恒载stiffness 刚度great precision 高精度span-depth ratio 高跨比one-way slab 单向板parameter 参数第十六课Shear v.剪切diagonal a.斜的tension n.拉力proportional a.成比例的Strain n.张力shear stresses 剪应力in addition to 除之外Visualize v.想象laminated beam 叠层梁bond vt.结合Contact surface 接触面adhesive n.a.粘合剂,粘着的Slide relative to each other 相对滑动horizontal shear stresses 水平剪应力Horizontal plane 水平面intensity n.强度neutral axis 中性轴magnitude n.大小vertical adj.垂直的cross-sectional area 截面面积parabolic a.抛物线的isolated adj.孤立的equilibrium n.均衡spin vi.旋转element n.元素,要素normal stresses 法向应力numerical adj.数值的principal stresses 主应力inclination n.倾向,斜坡uniformly loaded 均匀受荷的stress trajectories 应力迹线vicinity n.邻近tensile strength 抗拉强度integrity n.完整性,完善diagonal tension 斜拉应力reinforced-concrete 钢筋混凝土equal and opposite 大小相等,方向相反homogeneous a.均质的midspan n.中跨single-piece n.整块,整段confine vt.限制impair n.vt.削弱,损害adequately ad.恰当地第17课Flexural a.弯曲的premature failure 过早的破坏Longitudinal flexural stress纵向弯曲应力reinforcement 钢筋Vertical U-shaped stirrups 竖向U形箍筋longitudinal a.纵向的,长度的Web steel 腹筋aggregate interlock 骨料咬合dowel action 销栓作用Compression zone 受压区ductility n.延展性restrain v.抑制Inclined cracks 斜裂纹impend vi.即将来临,逼近omit v.省略Nominal shear strength 名义抗剪强度strength-reduction factor强度折减系数Failure mode 破坏模式exclude vt.排斥Redistribute internal forces 内力重分配span n.跨度superimposing v.叠加Zone n.区域conservatism n.保守主义imperfect a.不完全的Provision n.规定,条款spacing n.间距concrete-joist n.混凝土密肋Flange n.翼缘plot n.图,计划initiate v.开始,创始第十八课resist torsion 抗扭stirrups 箍筋longitudinal bars纵筋dowel action销栓作用longitudinal splitting纵向劈裂adequately reinforced 充分配筋spiral pattern 螺旋图样torsional strength 抗扭强度equilibrium of the internal force 内力平衡flexural 弯曲的plain concrete beam 素混凝土梁stirrup legs 箍筋的肢shear force 剪力level arm 杆臂have recourse to 依靠nominal torsional strength 名义上的抗扭强度yield strength 屈服强度splitting 裂缝torque-twist 扭矩-扭转角的anchor 锚固第十九课Horizontal loads 水平荷载The site of construction 施工现场model codes proposed for general use 通用标准规范representative values 代表值uniformly distributed loads 均布荷载impact loading 冲击荷载in places of public assembly 在公共场合召集an additional allowance of 额外限制finish floors 面层shocks 冲击inertia forces 惯性力be of the order of 数量级为,大约bearing walls 承重墙lightweight curtain walls 轻质幕墙rigid diaphragms 刚性横隔板load factors 荷载系数in plan or elevation 平面图或立面图windward 迎风的(地),上风的(地)on the promise of 以…为前提pertain to 与…有关系(相称)第二十课insulation 绝热assembly 装配beam 梁girder 梁(大梁,主梁)joist 托梁plywood 胶合板gypsum 石膏板fabrication 制作装配corbel 梁托ledger 横木,衬垫thermal 热能的precast member 预制构件wall panel 墙板internal insulation 内部保温foam glass 泡沫玻璃glass fiber 玻璃纤维expanded plastics 泡沫塑料lightweight concrete 轻质混凝土exposed aggregates 外露骨料colored cement 有色混凝土tensile stress 拉应力modulus of rupture 断裂模量,抗弯强度margin of safety 安全储备all-lightweight aggregate 全轻质骨料sand-lightweight concrete沙轻质混凝土span length 跨长fire rating 防火等级hollow plank 空心板double tees 双T形板ledger beam 带肩梁precast joist 预制梁precast beam 预制梁precast column 预制柱multi-story construction 多层建筑第二十一课Footing 基础Differential settlement 差异沉降Respect to 关于,考虑Deep foundation 深基础Spread foundation 扩展基础Column footing 独立柱基础Combined footing 联合基础Strap footing 条形基础Reinforced in both directions(two-way reinforcement) 双向配筋Beam-and-girder floor 肋梁楼盖第二十二课Structure design 结构设计Deformation limits 变形限制Civil engineering 土木工程(以下为高赫录入)Design criterion 设计原则Aerodynamic response 空气动力响应Dead load 横载Magnitude 量级Preliminary design 初步设计Allowable stress 容许应力Section modules 截面模量Plastic modules 塑性模量Deflection 挠度Stiffness 刚度Brittle fracture 脆断Elastic 弹性的Inelastic 非弹性的Local buckling 局部弯曲第二十四课structural framing 结构构架rigid frame 钢架truss 桁架built-up section 组合截面riveted 铆钉bolted 螺栓welded connections 焊接purlin 檩条rafter 刚架横梁single span 单跨haunched knee 加腋隅角stiffeners 加劲肋joint 节点tapered member 变截面构架,楔形截面truss-on-columns scheme 桁架加柱体系bent 排架bay 柱步roof deck 屋面板girts 墙梁grid system 格构体系sheets 墙板diagonal bracing system 斜撑体系unsupported length 自由长度sidesway 侧移hinged 铰接sag rods 防垂杆anchorage 锚固ridge 屋脊pitched roof 斜屋面twisting moments 扭矩corrugated metal 瓦垄铁asbestos sheets 石棉片poured-in-place gypsum 现浇石膏gutters 大沟drainage 落水管imperviousness 不漏性seeping 渗透roof slope 屋面坡度waterproof 防水性第二十八课activity cells 活动单元multilevel movement systems 多层次交通系统planning process 规划过程high density vertical city 高密度立体城市urban canyons 城市峡谷freestanding skyscraper 独立式摩天大楼第三十课cable structures 缆索结构filaments 纤丝linear 线性one-dimensional 一维的coincide 重合parabola 抛物线coplanar 共面sag 垂度expansion 膨胀contraction 收缩pylon 桥塔superposition 叠加generatrix 母线synclastic 同向曲面的anticlastic surface 互反曲面edge 边缘主编:贺领编辑:贺领袁拥桃徐巍张富成李闯王浩穆源库泉魏楚雄赵峰陈建优校对:贺领参考文献:土木建筑专业英语感谢以上同学的积极参与!如有错误,概不负责!祝愿大家都能够考出好成绩!。


销售工作通用科 技风格模板
Unit Fifteen Commissioning of Variable Air Volume Systems
• Definition: What is Commissioning (Cx) ?
“A quality-focused process for enhancing the delivery of a project. The process focuses on verifying and documenting that the facility and all of its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet the Owner’s Project Requirements.”
• Provide a facility that can be efficiently operated and maintained
• Provide complete orientation and training to facility staff and occupants
• Provide improved documentation of system characteristics
Design Construction Acceptance Occupancy
Prepare, Design Intent,
CX Plan, and
Review Submittals,
Prepare Checklists



第25卷第5期2016年10月文章编号:1〇〇6 - 0871(2016)05-0053-07DOI : 10. 13340/j. cae. 2016. 05.011计算机辅助工程Vd. 25 No. 5Computer Aided EngineeringOct. 2016混凝土板裂纹扩展的态型近场动力学模拟刘一鸣,黄丹,秦洪远(河海大学工程力学系,南京211100)摘要:构建考虑混凝土拉压异性和宏观断裂特征的混凝土类材料非局部态型近场动力学本构模 型,并通过引入动态松弛、系统失衡判断和力边界等效等算法,构建适于分析混凝土类材料和结构 变形破坏过程的态型近场动力学数值模拟体系.通过分组模拟和定量计算,分析算法的收敛性、计 算精度和效率等问题;在此基础上开展含不同角度中心裂纹混凝土板的破坏模拟.关键词:混凝土;裂纹扩展;态型近场动力学;非局部模型 中图分类号:0346.1文献标志码:AState-based peridynamics simulation for crackpropagation in concrete slabLIU Yiming, HUANG Dan, QIN Hongyuan(Department of Engineering Mechanics, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)Abstract : A non-local state-based peridynamics constitutive model is built for concrete-like materialsconsidering macroscopic fracture characteristics and the different mechanical behavior of materials subjected to tension and compression . The numerical algorithms , such as the dynamic relaxation , system imbalance determination and force boundaries equivalence , are introduced to build a numerical simulation system to analyze the state-based peridynamics of the concrete-like materials and their structural deformation and failure . The convergence , accuracy and efficiency of the algorithm are analyzed by grouped simulation and quantitative calculation , and then the failure in a concrete slab with different central cracks is analyzed .Key words : concrete ; crack propagation ; state-based peridynamicss ; non-local model引言材料和结构的破坏机制及其数值模拟是计算力学研究的经典难题,也是诸多工程领域关注的重点. 传统的有限元等数值方法由于在连续介质框架下求解偏微分方程,所以在分析破坏问题时必须预先知 道裂纹的存在与否及其位置和尺寸,计算时又需要 判断裂纹是否扩展及扩展路径,并重新剖分网格,具 有一定的复杂性.边界元、扩展有限元、非连续有限 元等方法及虚拟裂纹闭合等措施可以较好地处理不收稿日期:2016-09-01修回日期:2016-09-01基金项目:国家自然科学基金(11132003,51209079);中央高校基本科研业务费(2015B18314) ;NSFC-广东联合基金(第二期)超级计算科学应用研究专项作者简介:刘一鸣(1992 —),男,江苏洪泽人,硕士研究生,研究方向为近场动力学,(E-mail) yiming_liu@ foxmail. com黄丹(1979—),男,湖北荆州人,教授,博士,研究方向为计算力学与工程仿真,(E-mail) danhuang@ hhu. edu. cn54计算机辅助工程2016 年连续问题,但由于依然在连续性假设框架下进行不 连续区域的特殊处理,模拟复杂的诸如三维群裂纹、多尺度动力破坏等问题时,依然有待进一步研究.近年来,基于非局部积分思想的近场动力学(PeriDynamics,PD)方法[1_2]凭借其不需要求解空间 微分方程而在模拟大变形及裂纹扩展、爆炸和冲击 破坏等强不连续力学问题方面的突出优势[3_5],成为 计算力学和相关领域研究的热点.针对建筑工程中 最广泛使用的混凝土材料和结构,SILLING[6],DEMMIE[7]和KILIC等[8_9]采用近场动力学方法模拟简单混凝土梁和柱的冲击破坏、失稳等问题,GERSTLE等[1°_12]在模拟混凝土梁的基础上,还进一步分析近场动力学模型参数对计算精度的影响.本 课题组也曾根据近场动力学思想建模分析常规混凝 土构件的拉、压和冲击破坏过程.[13_15]然而,已有的相关工作主要基于常规“键型”近 场动力学模型,不论是采用早期的单参数微弹脆性 模型>9]还是应用改进后的微极键型近场动力学模 型[11_12],均无法真正满足实际混凝土材料和结构破 坏模拟特别是定量计算分析的需要(例如,固有的 泊松比限制问题[1,8],三维模拟时单参数微观脆性 模型中泊松比限定于0.25,而微极模型[11_12]的泊松 比则必须小于〇.25),对材料的泊松比具有一定的 限制.为修正包括泊松比限制在内的键型近场动力 学模型的缺陷,SILLING等[16_17]进一步发展态型近 场动力学理论,近年来已成为关注的热点[1849],但 其相关工作主要围绕各种传统本构模型和态型近场 动力学模型之间的转化来开展,对于混凝土材料和 结构破坏这一工程实际问题的态型近场动力学模拟 尚未见诸报道.本文基于态型近场动力学理论,构建考虑混凝 土拉压异性和宏观断裂特征的弹脆性态型近场动力 学本构模型,并且通过引入动态松弛、系统失衡判 断、力边界等效等算法,构建完整的统一求解混凝土 材料和结构变形破坏问题的数值体系.通过对混凝 土板单轴拉伸问题的定量计算和分组模拟,分析方 法的收敛性、计算精度和效率.在此基础上,应用本 文的模型和方法模拟含不同角度中心裂纹混凝土板 的裂纹扩展与破坏过程.1态型近场动力学理论和模型1.1态型近场动力学理论将空间物质视为由带质量、有代表性体积的系 列物质点%组成,其仅与其近场范围丑(I f <5)内的其他物质点相互作用,见图1.图1中和x'分别 表示参考构形中2个物质点位置矢量;m和分别表示当前构形中2个物质点位移矢量= x + m和 j' =x' +m'分别表示当前构形中2个物质点的坐标矢量;f=x' -x表示2个物质点的相对位置矢量; W m表示2个物质点的相对位移矢量.物质点%受其近场范围丑内所有物质点的共 同作用.根据牛顿第二定律,其运动方程为p(x)i i(x,t)=L u(x,t)+b(x,t)(1)式中:P为%点处的材料密度;^ 为t时刻物质 点%的加速度;为£时刻物质点%上的外力 (体力)密度;^(1,0为物质点%所受的近场范围丑 内其他所有物质点的作用合力密度;L u(x,t)=[ (T[x,t](x f -x)-JHT[x\t](x-x f))d V%r(2)其中:被积函数〈i' -i〉- 〈I -i'〉表示t时刻%'点处单位体积物质点对%点处物质点 的作用力密度,物质点%'对物质点%的作用力由% 处的力矢量状态J]和%'处的力矢量状态r[i',£]共同决定.1.2二维常规态型近场动力学本构模型引入物质点间的力矢量状态[16471T= t M(3)式中:【为力标量状态;M为变形后沿物质点间连线 方向的单位矢量,($+W)/^+wl.定义拉伸标量状态和加权函数m分别为第5期刘一鸣,等:混凝土板裂纹扩展的态型近场动力学模拟55e = y - x'r = \y_\= + v \(4)-=k l = |^|m = (cox ■ x ) = [w ( |^|) \^\2AV ^(5)JH定义与传统理论中体积应变概念相类似的膨胀标量函数( ^1)(7)m mJH15 |15 1则可以将拉伸标量?分解成球量和偏量2部分LE 等[18]曾推导二维线弹性常规态型近场动力学本构模型中的力标量的表达式为/ ^ , \(0 X, _t - J \k 〇 - -—〇) e • x )---- + aco e(8)_ \ 3 " m_式中:'k k ^ G(1 +v)2 8G K + —-----=—9(2v - 1) m2(2” -1)(平面应力)i ;-丄X + f ,a=2(平面应变)其中,和G 分别为传统弹性理论中的泊松比、体积模量和剪切模量.考虑到式(8)中^需要进行与0类似的积分运算,不利于程序实现,可将力标量化简为'=("m _ "^*'1 ~ ^- + a o )-d⑶基于物质点对的破坏比例来描述材料的破坏,引入标量函数表征物质点对的破坏此叫〇:U I < «0其他式中4 = ( |套+»/| - |套|)/|套|表示物质点对的伸长率,当S 超过临界伸长率~时,点对发生断裂不再相 互作用,对应物质点发生损伤破坏.在物质点对层次 上采用统计的方式定义局部损伤2数值实现2.1局部阻尼引入为便于应用近场动力学方法求解准静力问题,根据准静力结果验证模型的可靠型,引入经典力学 中的动态松弛法,在运动方程中引入局部阻尼 项[8’15],将物质点运动方程转化为p u (x ,t) +Cu(x ,t) =Lu(x ,t) +b(x ,t)(13)式中:C 为人工阻尼系数,主要影响准静力求解时的 收敛速度和收敛形式,但对准静力计算结果影响较 小.2.2数值离散(p (x ,t) = 1 ---------------(11)I ,'在求解弹性问题时不考虑损伤,可将〜设置为无穷大;在模拟材料的破坏时可建立临界伸长率〜与材料断裂性能指标之间的关系.本文考虑混凝土类材料的拉压异性和受拉脆断特征,可根据材料的抗拉、压强度表征物质点对的临界伸长率_ \f /E , s > 0 50 ~ \W E , s < 0式中:/t 和/。



Unit 11. constituent (components): component part 成分2. conceive (conceptualize): To form or hold an idea: 构想出:构想出或持有一种想法3. synthesis (making a complex whole by combining ideas): The combining of separate elements or substances to form a coherent whole. 综合:把分别的元素或物质连接成连贯的一个整体4.evolve (develop): To develop or achieve gradually: 使发展:逐渐发展或完成5. venom (poison): A poisonous secretion 毒液:一种诸如蛇、蜘蛛等动物的有毒的分泌物6.matriculation (admission): to be formally admitted to study at a university or college 入学7.proprietary (with the exclusive legal right):专有的8.highlight (emphasize):underline 使…显得重要;强调Unit 21.ill-bred (badly behaved): rude or behaving badly,没教养的2.break down (destroy): 损坏3.conceited (self-important): Holding or characterized by an unduly high opinion of oneself; vain. 自负的4.malicious (hateful): very unkind and cruel 充满憎恨;有恶意的pliment (praise): An expression of praise, admiration, or congratulation. 恭维:赞美6.opponent (rival): One that competes 竞争对手 entitled to (be worthy of配得上): have the right to do [entitle 有资格]8.alight (get off): To come down and settle, as after flight: 下来9.seniority (high standing through long service):资历深的人, 年资高的人.Unit 31.scramble (hasty movement):move quickly 快速移动hasty 急速的2.expertise (knowledge):Skill or knowledge in a particular area. 专门知识3.disruption (disturbance):a situation in which something is prevented from continuing in its usual way 扰乱4.renaissance (revival):A rebirth or revival. 复苏;复兴5.assumption (supposition):Something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof; 假定,假设6.dexterity (skill of the hand):Skill and grace in physical movement, especially in the use of the hands; adroitness. 灵巧,敏捷:体育运动熟练或动作优雅,尤指手的使用;灵活7.manipulate (handle with skill):To operate or control by skilled use of the hands; 通过用手的技巧来操纵或控制8.sleight (skill):Skillfulness in the use of the hands or body 技巧9.autism (self-absorption):Abnormal introversion and egocentricity; acceptance of fantasy rather than reality. 孤独症,自我中心主义.10.g et to grip with (cope with): to begin to understand and deal with sth difficult 开始理解并着手处理难题Unit 41.hypothetical (theoretical): based on a situation that is not real, but that might happen 假定的2.put a premium on (encourage): 奖励,鼓励,重视3.demography (scientists in the field of vital [生命的] and social statistics): 人口统计学4.primal (fundamental): Of first importance; 最重要的;主要的5.nascent (burgeoning): Coming into existence; emerging: 开始形成的;出现的/出芽6.prognosis (prediction): A prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disease. 预测:判病7.scalded (burnt): 烫伤的8.convulse (shook violently):To shake or agitate violently 使…强烈地震动或狂躁不安9.undeterred (not discouraged):not discouraged 未受挫折的[un 否定+deter 阻止v. + [r] ed =undeterred 未被阻止的] 10.p erforate (penetrate):To pierce, punch, or bore a hole or holes in; 刺穿11.u nflappable [flap恐慌] (composed):having the ability to stay calm and not become upset, even in difficult situations 镇定的12.i ncur (invite):To become liable or subject to as a result of one's actions; bring upon oneself: 招惹Unit 51. phenomenal (extraordinary):outstanding: 非凡的;杰出的2. unveil (uncovered):To remove a veil or covering from. 把面纱或覆盖物从…上拿下3. wane (decline):To decrease gradually in size, amount, intensity, or degree. 衰退4. confide (tell confidentially):To tell (something) in confidence. 吐露:告知秘密的(事物)5. repel (defeat):To ward off or keep away; drive back: 击退:击退或赶回;驱除6. give away (reveal):disclose 揭露泄露7. macabre (frightful):Suggesting the horror of death and decay; gruesome: 恐怖的,阴森的8. chart (map):To make a map of 绘制…的图表9. mesmerized (fascinated):To spellbind; enthrall: 迷人的10. succumb (die from):由于……死亡11. autopsy (examination of a dead body):尸体解剖12.piece together (assemble):To bring together;拼凑Unit 61.awry (wrong):Away from the correct course; amiss偏差地,错误地2.overblow (exaggerated):Done to excess; overdone:做过头的;过分的3.churn out (produce in large amounts):大量生产4.dearth (shortage):A scarce supply; a lack. 不足;缺乏5.reprimand (reproach):To reprove severely, especially in a formal or official way;严厉训斥,尤指以正式的或官方的形式 attributed to (be due to) :归因于7.fatal (deadly):Causing or capable of causing death;致命的:引起死亡的8.vendor (seller):someone who sells things, especially on the street 街边摊贩9.voluntary (unforced):Arising from or acting on one's own free will;自愿的10.s ubmit (send):give sth (to sb/sth) 递交11.o versight (supervision):Watchful care or management; 照管,监督12.c ounsel (advise):to advise someone. 建议Unit 71.avarice (greed):Immoderate desire for wealth; cupidity. 贪婪2.memoir (records of one`s life and experiences):An account of the personal experiences of an author. 自传3.anecdote (short narratives concerning interesting events) : 轶事,趣闻:4.register (records of names or events): A formal or official recording of items, names, actions or events 正式记录,官方登记5.whisk away (going lightly and quickly):轻,迅速地走6.poach (hunt illegally):非法捕猎7.agog (eager):Full of keen anticipation or excitement;渴望的8.on the sly (sneakily):in a manner intended to avoid notice;秘密地9.lust (desired passionately):An overwhelming desire or craving: 强烈的欲望10.on the track (close upon) :步入正轨,接近11.croon (sing in a low, soothing sound):To hum or sing softly or soothingly 轻柔地哼,轻柔地唱12.wizard (magician): One who practices magic; a sorcerer or magician. 巫师:从事妖术的人;魔术师Unit 81. specified (stated exactly): To state explicitly, exactly or in detail: 明确说明或详明指明2. panorama (vista): An unbroken view of an entire surrounding area; 全景3. buoyant (cheerful):Lighthearted; gay 轻松的,轻快的4. impairment (loss):the fact that a part of your body is unable to do something fully 缺陷5. incredulous (dubious):Skeptical; disbelieving;dubious 怀疑的;不相信的6.convolution (twisting):a fold or twist in something which has many of them 盘旋结构7. pageant (spectacle):a series of historical events that are interesting 壮观8. chronic (constant):Of long duration; continuing:长期的;持续的Unit 91.tangible (perceptible):Discernible by the touch; palpable;可感知的2.on the same plane (on the same level)在同一水平上3.sporadically (occasionally):happening fairly often, but not regularly 偶然地4.paradoxical (self-contradictory):a statement that seems impossible because it contains two opposing ideas that are both true;自相矛盾的 a position (well-grounded) : fully trained in an activity or skill; 精通的6.localize (locate):To make local 使……具有地方性 (act out) : To practice in one's life 实行8.inhibition (restraint):The act of inhibiting or the state of being inhibited;禁止9.primordial (primeval):Being or happening first in sequence of time; original; 原始的10.i ntrigue (fascinate) : To arouse the interest or curiosity; 激起…的兴趣或好奇心11.s ynthesize (combine) : To combine so as to form a new, complex product: 综合Unit 101.agonize over (suffered painfully because of sth) : 为……所煎熬2.tied up (busy): not available 忙碌的3.meekly (gently and uncomplainingly) : very quietly and gently and unwilling to argue with people 温顺的4.give sb a black eye (beat sb very hard) : 揍某人一顿5.stark (bare) : blunt 生硬的:不加掩饰的6.plain (clear) : Free from obstructions; open; 清晰的,清楚的:毫无阻碍的 the letter (exactly) : 严格地不择不扣地8.zest (eagerness): Flavor or interest; piquancy; 兴趣:爱好或兴趣;刺激9.follow through (carry out exactly to the end):坚持到底10.stall (delay) : to deliberately delay because you are not ready to do something, answer questions 拖延11.e xasperating (irritate): extremely annoying or irritating 使人恼怒的12.m ediocre (not very good):Moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary; average 普通的:质量中等偏下的Unit 111.stricken (sorrowful): very badly affected by trouble, illness, unhappiness; 受打击的2.plod (trudge):To move or walk heavily or laboriously; 沉重缓慢地行走arre (strange): very unusual or strange; odd 古怪的4.attire (clothes): Clothing or array; apparel. 服装,衣着5.evoke (produce): to produce a strong feeling or memory in someone 使人产生6.novice (inexperienced):someone who has no experience ina skill, subject, or activity;beginner 新手7.demeanor (behavior):The way in which a person behaves 举止,行为8.adroit (skillful):Dexterous; deft; 熟练的;灵巧的9.spontaneous (unpremeditated): Happening or arising without apparent external cause; self-generated. 自然产生的,未计划的10.u pstage (overshadow):to do something that takes people's attention away from someone else who is more important; 分散注意力;使……显得不重要11.g auge (estimate): To evaluate or judge; estimate 评估,判断12.d isconcerting (embarrassing): making you feel slightly confused, embarrassed, or worried 窘迫的13.b lank (expressionless): Lacking expression; expressionless; 茫然的,没有表情的Unit 121.wind (end): to bring an activity, meeting and so on to an end 结束2.bicker (quarrel):to argue, quarrel especially about something very unimportant 发生口角3.malleable (easily train): Capable of being shaped or formed; easily trained or changed可锻炼的4.provoke (stir up):To stir to action or feeling.煽动:激起行动或感情 (pursuit): The act or an instance of seeking or pursuing something 追求6.trait (characteristics): A distinguishing feature, as of a person's character; quality 特征7.scrap (throw away): To discard as worthless; junk; 废弃:因为无用而丢掉;抛弃8.pool (collect): to combine and collect your money, ideas, skills etc. 聚集9.screen (examine): To examine (a job applicant, for example) systematically in order to determine suitability. 检查:系统地测试10.a ppraisal (evaluation): a statement or opinion judging the worth, value, or condition of something; 评价11.s trand (part): one of the parts of a story, idea, plan etc. 部分12.r emediate (make up for): To deal with a problem or make a bad situation better; 弥补13.b oost (increase): To increase; raise 增加;拔高Unit 131.warrant (justify): To provide adequate grounds for; 证明…正当:为…提供充足根据2.altruistically (in an unselfish way): showing concern for the happiness and welfare of other people rather than for yourself; selflessly 无私地3.inhibit (hold back): To hold back; restrain 抑制;限制4.groom (cleaning the fur and skin for): If an animal grooms itself or another animal, it cleans its own fur and skin or that of the other animal 把皮毛弄干净5.intriguing (interesting): very interesting because it is strange, mysterious, or unexpected 有趣的6.convention (generally accepted practice): General agreement on or acceptance of certain practices or attitudes: 惯例,习俗7.presumably (probably): say that you think something is probably true 可能,大概8.alleviate (ease): To make (pain, for example) more bearable; 减轻9.entwine (entangled): To twist around or together; entangle 缠绕:缠在周围或一起10.v alor (personal courage): Courage and boldness, as in battle; bravery. 勇气;胆量Unit 141.irrelevant (not related): Unrelated to the matter at hand. 不相干的,离题的2.succinct (concisely): clearly expressed in a few words; concise 简明扼要的3.mediocrity (commonplaceness): The state or quality of being mediocre; 平庸,平凡4.amateurish (not professional): Characteristic of an amateur; 业余的;非专业的5.abdicate (resignation): to give up the position;resign 辞职6.conversely (on the other hand): used when one situation is the opposite of another 相反地,另一方面7.effulgent (bright): Shining brilliantly; resplendent; bright 耀眼的;光彩照人的8.depravity (degradation): Moral corruption or degradation. 堕落:道德败坏9.salvation (deliverance): Preservation or deliverance from destruction, difficulty, or evil. 救助;解救10.o bdurate (obstinate): very determined not to change your beliefs, actions, or feelings, in a way that seems unreasonable; stubborn 固执的,顽固的11.i mmutable (permanent):Not subject or susceptible to change; 永恒的:不可改变的Unit 151.wince (shrink): To shrink or start involuntarily, as in pain or distress; flinch. 畏缩,退缩2.savor (flavor): The taste or smell of something; 味道3.exertion (energetic use): the energetic use, especially a strenuous effort. 发挥,全力以赴的努力4.pronounced (conspicuous): Strongly marked; distinct; conspicuous 明显的:有很强烈的特征的5.sediment (settlings): Material that settles to the bottom of a liquid; lees. 沉淀物6.crevice (cleft): A narrow crack or opening; a fissure or cleft. 裂隙,裂缝7.remorseless (ruthless): Having no compassion or pity; merciless; 无情的,残忍的8.ravenous (gluttonous):Extremely hungry; voracious;极饿的9.bellicose (pugnacious): Warlike in manner or temperament; belligerent 好战的10.e vict (force out): eject 武力驱逐;逐出11.g ermane (relate): an idea, remark etc that is germane to something is related to it in an important and suitable way; relevant 相关联的12.a ppall (shock): to make someone feel very shocked and upset; dismay 使……惊骇,震惊13.。


Back (return) load 回程货
backlog 拖欠定单
back order 脱期定单, 延期交货成本(back order costs)。
back scheduling 倒排计划
Back to back charter 转租合同
Ballast (to) 空载行驶
Cargo tank 货箱
Cargo tracer 短少货物查询单
Cargo under custom'S supervision海关监管货物
Cargoworthiness 适货
carrying cost 保管费 Carryings 运输量
carton 纸板箱,纸箱
cask 桶
casket 小箱
case 箱
CASE (computer-aided software engineering) 计算机辅助软件工程
centre of gravity 重心点
centre of gtavity of-set 重心偏斜
Certificate of seaworthiness 适航证书
Cesser clause 责任终止条款
Arbitrator 仲裁员
Area differential 地区差价
Arrest a ship 扣押船舶
AS/RS (automated storage/retrieval system) 自动化仓储系统
assemble-to-order 定货组装
assembly 组配
Article reserves物品储备
can/tin 罐装,听装
Canal transit dues 运河通行税



AN2007-04 H o w t o c a l c u l a t e a n d m i n i m i z e t h e d e a dt i m e r e q u i r e m e n t f o r I G B T s p r o p e r l yPower Management and DrivesEdition 2008-05-07Published byInfineon Technologies AG81726 München, Germany© Infineon Technologies AG 2008.All Rights Reserved.Attention please!THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION NOTE IS GIVEN AS A HINT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES COMPONENT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE REGARDED AS ANY DESCRIPTION OR WARRANTY OF A CERTAIN FUNCTIONALITY, CONDITION OR QUALITY OF THE INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES COMPONENT. THE RECIPIENT OF THIS APPLICATION NOTE MUST VERIFY ANY FUNCTION DESCRIBED HEREIN IN THE REAL APPLICATION. INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES AND LIABILITIES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANY THIRD PARTY) WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION NOTE.InformationFor further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office ().WarningsDue to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office.Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to supportand/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the healthAP99007Revision History: 2007-08 V1.0 Previous Version: nonePage Subjects (major changes since last revision)FirstreleaseAuthor: Zhang Xi IFAG AIM PMD ID AETable of Contents Page 1Introduction (5)1.1Reason of IGBT bridge shoot through (5)1.2Impact of dead time on inverter operation (5)2Calculate proper dead time (6)2.1Basics for calculating the dead time (6)2.2Definition of switching and delay times (7)2.3Influence of gate resistor / driver output impedance (8)2.4Impact of other parameters on delay time (9)2.4.1Turn on delay time (9)2.4.2Turn off delay time (10)2.4.3Verification of calculated dead time (12)3How to reduce dead time (13)4Conclusion (14)Bibliography (15)1 IntroductionIn modern industry the voltage source inverter with IGBT devices is used more and more. To ensure proper operation, the bridge shoot through always should be avoided. Bridge shoot through will generate unwanted additional losses or even cause thermal runaway. As a result failure of IGBT devices and whole inverter is possible.1.1 Reason of IGBT bridge shoot throughThe typical configuration of a phase-leg with IGBTs is shown in the following figure. In normal operation two IGBTs will be switched on and off one after the other. Having both devices conducting at the same time will result in a rise of current only limited by DC-link stray inductance.Figure 1 Typical configuration of a voltage source inverterOf course no one will turn on the two IGBTs at the same time on purpose, but since the IGBT is not an ideal switch, turn on time and turn off time are not strictly identical. In order to avoid bridge shoot through it is always recommended to add a so called “interlock delay time” or more popular “dead time” into the control scheme. With this additional time one IGBT will be always turned off first and the other will be turned on after dead time is expired, hence bridge shoot through caused by the unsymmetrical turn on and turn off time of the IGBT devices can be avoided.1.2 Impact of dead time on inverter operationGenerally there are two types of dead time, the first one is control dead time and the second is effective dead time. The control dead time is the dead time, which will be implemented into control algorithms in order to get proper effective dead time at the devices. Target for setting control dead time is to ensure that effective dead time is always positive. Due to the fact that calculation of control dead time is always based on a worst case consideration, an effective dead time being a significant portion of the control dead time will result. Providing dead time can on one side avoid bridge shoot through but on the other side it has also adverse effect. To clarify the effect of dead time, let’s consider one leg of the voltage source inverter as shown in Figure. 2. Assuming first that output current flows in direction shown on the illustration IGBT T1 switches from ON to OFF and IGBT T2 switches from OFF to ON after slight dead time. During effective dead time both devices are off and freewheeling diode D2 is conducting output current. So negative DC link voltage is applied to the output, which is desired here. Consider the other case that T1 switches from OFF to ON and T2 from ON to OFF, then, with current in the same direction D2 still conducts the current during dead time, so that output voltage will be also negative DC link voltage, which is undesired here. The conclusion can besummarized as follows: during effective dead time output voltage is determined by the direction of output current but not the control signal.If we consider output current in the opposite direction than illustrated in figure 2, then we will gain a voltage if T1 switches from ON to OFF and T2 switched from OFF to ON. So in general output voltage and as a result also output current will be distorted with application of a dead time. If we choose a dead time unnecessary large, then in case of an induction motor the system will become instable and may cause some destructive effects [1]. So the process of choosing dead time is very important and should be performed very carefully.CurrentFigure 2One leg of voltage source inverterThis application note will explain how to measure delay time of IGBTs in practice and how to calculate the control dead time properly based on measurements.2 Calculate proper dead timeAs already mentioned, dead time should be chosen on one hand to satisfy the need of avoiding bridge shoot through, on the other hand dead time should be chosen as small as possible to ensure correct operation of voltage source inverter. So a big challenge here is to find out a proper dead time for a dedicated IGBT device and driver.2.1 Basics for calculating the dead timeFor calculation of control dead time we use the following equation:()[]2.1)(______×−+−=MIN PDD MAX PDD MIN ON D MAX OFF D dead t t t t t (1)Where Td_off_max : the maximal turn off delay time. Td_on_min : the minimal turn on delay time.Tpdd_max : the maximal propagation delay of driver. Tpdd_min : the minimum propagation delay of driver.1.2: safety margin to be multiplied.In this equation the first term td_off_max-td_on_min is the difference of the maximal turn off delay time andthe minimal turn on delay time. This term describes characteristic of IGBT device itself plus gate resistor which is used. Since fall and rise time is normally very short in comparison with delay time, they will be not considered here. The other term tpdd_max-tpdd_min is the propagation delay time difference (delay timemismatch) which is determined from driver. This parameter will be found normally in datasheet of driver from driver manufacturers. Typically this value is quiet high with opto-coupler based drivers.Sometimes dead time will be calculated from typical datasheet values just multiplying by a safety factor from field experience. This method will work in some cases but is not precise enough in general. With measurements shown here, a more precise approach will be presented.Because IGBT datasheet only gives typical values for standardized operation condition, it is necessary to obtain the maximal values for dedicated driving condition. For this purpose a series of measurements is done in order to obtain proper value for delay time and then to calculate dead time.switching and delay timesof2.2 DefinitionSince we will talk a lot about switching and delay times, it is necessary to give a clear definition here. Infineon Technologies defines the switching time of IGBT as follows:t d_on: from 10% of Vge to 10% if I c.t r: from 10% of Ic to 90% of I c.t d_off : from 90% of Vge to 90% of I c.t f: from 90% of Ic to 10% of I c.Figure 3 Definition of switching times.2.3 Influence of gate resistor / driver output impedanceThe choice of gate resistor will have significant impact on switching delay time. Generally to say, the larger the resistor is the longer the delay time will be. It is recommended to measure delay time with dedicated gate resistor in application. A typical switching time vs. gate resistor value diagram is shown in the following figures:Figure 4Switching times vs. Rg @25°CAll tests were done with FP40R12KT3 module, gate voltage is -15V/+15V, DC link voltage is 600V and switched current is nominal current of 40A.2.4 Impact of other parameters on delay timeBesides the gate resistor values, there are other parameters having significant impact on delay times: • Collector current.•Gate drive supply voltage.2.4.1 Turn on delay timeTo estimate this relationship, a series of measurements was done. First the dependence of turn on delay time and current was investigated. The results are shown in the next figure:Figure 6 The turn on delay time vs. switched current IcAll tests were done with a FP40R12KT3 module at a DC link voltage of 600V, gate resistor is chosen according to datasheet value.From results above it can be seen that turn on delay time is almost constant with variation of collector current Ic. With -15V/+15V gate voltage turn on delay time will get larger than with 0V/+15V gate voltage [2]. For further calculation of control dead time this variation will be neglected since it is quiet small and provides even additional margin.2.4.2 Turn off delay timeThe most important factor in the calculation of dead time is the maximal turn off delay time. Since this value determines almost entirely how long the final calculated dead time will be. So we will investigate this delay time in detail.In order to obtain the maximum turn off delay time following considerations have to be done:1. What and how long is the turn on delay time caused by IGBT device itself?To answer this question the following test based on a characterization driver board is done in laboratory. The characterization driver board is considered as an optimal driver, which means that this particular driver will cause no delay (which is almost true with an oversized driver), so the whole delay time is considered to be caused by the IGBT device itself. Following block diagram shows test setup:Figure 7 Block diagram of test with ideal driver2. What is the maximal turn off delay time if the threshold voltage of IGBT has the minimal value in datasheets? (this reflects the tolerance of Vth from module to module)To answer this question an additional diode is connected to simulate the reduced Vth voltage. The diode has a voltage drop of approximately 0.7…0.8V, which is quite similar to the Vth variation of FP40R12KT3 module. Following block diagram shows principle test setup:Figure 8 Block diagram of the test to simulate variation of Vth in worst case.3. What is the impact of driver output stage on switching times?To answer this concrete question the drivers on the market were splitted into two categories, one with mosfet transistor output stage and the other one with bipolar transistor output stage. For each category separate measurements were made.To simulate drivers with mosfet output stage, another additional resistor was connected and has been considered as the on state resistor Rds(on) of Mosfet transistor. The diode for simulation of Vth variation remained. The following block diagram shows the principle test setup:Figure 9 Block diagram of test to simulate variation of Vth and driver with mosfet output.4. What is the impact of the driver with bipolar transistor output stage?To answer the question an additional diode which simulated the voltage drop on bipolar transistor within output stage was connected. The following block diagram shows principle test setup:Figure 10 Block diagram of the test to simulate the variation of Vth and driver with bipolar transistor outputWith the configurations shown above the measurement of turn off delay time was done in our laboratory with module FP40R12KT3 and driver board which had been considered as optimal. Test conditions were Vdc=600V, Rg=27Ω. Results are shown in the next two figures:Figure 11 Turn off delay time vs. Ic @25°CFigure 12 Turn off delay time vs. Ic @125°CFrom the results we can see that there is a significant increase of turn off delay time with decrease of the switched current Ic. So just simply calculate dead time according to a chosen gate resistor is obviously not precise enough. Measuring the delay time under the dedicated driving condition then calculating dead time according to these values is a better and more precise way. Normally measurement until 1% of the nominal current would be enough to give a sufficient overview for calculating required dead time.Another point to be considered here is that the turn off delay time will increase with 0V/+15V gate drive, and the impact of output stage on switching times will be bigger with 0V/+15V switching. This means that with 0V/+15V switching voltage special care has to be taken by choosing the driver. Additionally, the increase of td_off with lower switched collector current Ic should be considered also.As an example: the HCPL-3120 driver IC will be considered here. This driver IC has a Mosfet output stage for switching off. From diagrams above we can read the value for td_off under 0V/+15V switching condition is roughly 1500ns. The td_on in this case is about 100ns. The tpdd_max-tpdd_min of this driver IC according to datasheet is 700ns. Applying these values to the formula (1) results in a dead time of about 2.5µs.2.4.3 Verification of calculated dead timeWith the discussion above and the formula (1) given in chapter 2.1 it is now possible to calculate the required dead time based on the measurements above. With the calculated dead time, a worst case measurement can then be performed to verify if the chosen dead time is enough or not.From the measurement it can be seen that the turn off delay time increases with temperature. From this reason it is preferable that the test should be done both at cold and hot condition.The schematic illustration of the test looks like following:Figure 13 Schematic illustration of test to check calculated dead time valueThe bottom IGBT has to be switched on and off, then the same for the top one. The time between the two pulses should be adjusted to be the value of calculated dead time for the dedicated driving condition. The negative dc-link current can then be measured and if the dead time is sufficient, a shoot through current should not be observed.Since there is no current through both IGBT, the described test represents the worst case condition for dead time calculation. From the discussion of turn off delay time it is known that dead time will be longer with decrease of collector current, so in case there flows no current, turn off delay time should be largest, which leads to a need of largest dead time. If there is no shoot through current at zero collector current then the chosen dead time is for dedicated driving condition sufficient.3 How to reduce dead timeFor a proper calculation of control dead time the dedicated driving condition should be considered: •What is the applied gate voltage to the IGBT?•What is the chosen gate resistor value?•What type of output stage does the driver have?Based on these conditions a test should be made, from the test results the control dead time can then be calculated using equition (1).Since dead time has a negative impact on the performance of inverter, it has to be minimized. Several methods can be taken.•Take a driver strong enough to sink or source the peak IGBT gate current.•Use negative power supply to accelerate turn off.•Prefer drivers based on fast signal transmission technology like Coreless Transformer Technology to drivers based on traditional opto-coupler technology.•If 0V/15V gate drive is used then consider use of separate Rgon/Rgoff resistor as described below.From measurements shown in chapter 2.3 a very strong dependence of Td_off and gate resistor value can be observed. If the Rgoff reduced then the td_off will be reduced as well as dead time. Infineon suggests reducing the Rgoff to 1/3 of the Rgon value if 0V/15V gate voltage is used. One possible circuit for separate Rgon and Rgoff is as follows:Figure 14 Suggested circuit with 0V/15V gate voltage.R1 should be chosen to satisfy the following relation:)(31int int 11g gon g gongon R R R R R R R +⋅=++⋅(2)int int 1221g gon g gon gon R R R R R R +−⋅⋅==>(3)From equation (3) it is to be noticed that the requirement Rgon>2Rgint has to be fulfilled to get a positivevalue of R1. However, with some modules this requirement can not be true. In this case, R1 can be omitted completely.The diode should be a schottky type diode.Another very important issue with 0V/15V gate voltage is the parasitic turn on effect. This issue can be also solved if suggested circuit is used. For more details on parasitic turn on please refer to AN2006-01[2].4 ConclusionIn this application note an approach of measuring switching times of IGBT and then calculating the control dead time is introduced. First dependence of switching time on gate resistor value was shown, and then influence of gate driver and collector current on switching times was discussed. Finally possible methods to reduce dead time were introduced.Bibliography[1] D.Grahame Holmes, Thomas A. Lipo: …Pulse width modulation for power converters: principles andpractice“, IEEE Press, 2003. ISBN 0-471-20814-0[2] Driving IGBTs with unipolar gate voltage./dgdl/an-2006-01_Driving_IGBTs_with_unipolar_gate_voltage.pdf?folderId=db3a304412b407950112b408e8c9000 4&fileId=db3a304412b407950112b40ed1711291。



DOI院10.13905/ki.dwjz.2019.03.016类矩形盾构施工引起地下管线的附加荷载研究STUDY ON ADDITIONAL LOAD OF UNDERGROUND PIPELINE CAUSED BY QUASI RECTANGLE SHIELD TUNNELING蔡诗淇1,魏纲1,蒋丞武1,张鑫海2(1.浙江大学城市学院土木工程系,杭州310015;2.浙江大学建筑工程学院,杭州310058)CAI Shiqi1,WEI Gang1,JIANG Chengwu1,ZHANG Xinhai2(1.Department of Civil Engineering,Zhejiang University City College,Hangzhou310015,China;2.College of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou310058,China)【摘要】对类矩形盾构施工引起的垂直交叉地下管线的附加荷载规律进行研究。



【关键词】类矩形盾构;地下管线;附加荷载;Mindlin解【中图分类号】TU990.3【文献标志码】A【文章编号】1001-6864(2019)03-0060-05Abstract:The distribution regularity of additional load on perpendicularly crossing buried pipeline induced by quasi rectangle shield construction is studied.In consideration of the influence of additional grouting pressure and soil loss,correcting the computing formula for soil additional stress induced by multi-factor of quasi rectangle shield;studying the distribution regularity of additional load on underground pipeline through calculating example, and analyzing the effect of pipeline depth.The calculating example analytical results show:in the construction of quasi rectangle shield,additional load along x-direction and y-direction on underground pipelines caused by fric原tion force between shield and soil or additional grouting pressure are larger,and bulkhead additive thrust are smaller;The main cause of vertical additional load is soil loss;The maximum additional load appeare at the tunnel axis line or near axis line;the influence of pipeline depth on the additional load along x-direction and y-direction are larger,meanwhile,z-direction is smaller.Key words:quasi rectangle shield;underground pipelines;additional load;Mindlin solution0引言近年来,地铁隧道工程的建设发展迅速。

MS-DOS信息英汉对照 计算机英语强化

MS-DOS信息英汉对照 计算机英语强化
check box control 复选框控件
check constraint CHECK 约束
check in 签入
check out 签出
check state 复选状态
check the condition 检查条件
check the entry 检查项
check the number 检查数目
ActiveX Control ActiveX 控件
ActiveX control container ActiveX 控件容器
ActiveX Control Interface Wizard ActiveX 控件接口向导
ActiveX Control Test Container ActiveX 控件测试容器
check the registry 检查注册表
check the result 检查结果
check the state 检查状态
check the validity 检查有效性
check the value 检查值
child 子
child code 子代码
child form 子窗体
Alternate text "替换文字,备用文本"
Always On Top 总在最前面
ambient 环境
ambiguous 不明确
ampersand 符号
ampersand (&) “and”符 (&)
anchor 标记
animation control 动画控件
apartment-model threading 单元模型线程
clause 子句

【工程学科英语(整合第二稿)】 参考答案

【工程学科英语(整合第二稿)】 参考答案

Unit OneTask 1⑩④⑧③⑥⑦②⑤①⑨Task 2① be consistent with他说,未来的改革必须符合自由贸易和开放投资的原则。

② specialize in启动成本较低,因为每个企业都可以只专门从事一个很窄的领域。

③ d erive from以上这些能力都源自一种叫机器学习的东西,它在许多现代人工智能应用中都处于核心地位。

④ A range of创业公司和成熟品牌推出的一系列穿戴式产品让人们欢欣鼓舞,跃跃欲试。

⑤ date back to置身硅谷的我们时常淹没在各种"新新"方式之中,我们常常忘记了,我们只是在重新发现一些可追溯至涉及商业根本的朴素教训。

Task 3T F F T FTask 4The most common viewThe principle task of engineering: To take into account the customers ‘ needs and to find the appropriate technical means to accommodate these needs.Commonly accepted claims:Technology tries to find appropriate means for given ends or desires;Technology is applied science;Technology is the aggregate of all technological artifacts;Technology is the total of all actions and institutions required to create artefacts or products and the total of all actions which make use of these artefacts or products.The author’s opinion: it is a viewpoint with flaws.Arguments: It must of course be taken for granted that the given simplified view of engineers with regard to technology has taken a turn within the last few decades. Observable changes: In many technical universities, the inter‐disciplinary courses arealready inherent parts of the curriculum.Task 5① 工程师对于自己的职业行为最常见的观点是:他们是通过应用科学结论来计划、开发、设计和推出技术产品的。



中英文erp对照1 ABM Activity-based Management 基于功课活动治理2 AO Application Outsourcing 应用法度榜样外包3 APICS American Production and Inventory Control Society,Inc 美国临盆与库存治理协会4 APICS Applied Manufacturing Education Series 有用制造治理系列培训教材5 APO Advanced Planning and Optimization 先辈筹划及优化技巧6 APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling 高等筹划与排程技巧7 ASP Application Service/Software Provider 应用办事/软件供给商8 ATO Assemble To Order 定货组装9 ATP Available To Promise 可供发卖量(可签约量)10 B2B Business to Business 企业对企业(电子商务)11 B2C Business to Consumer 企业对花费者(电子商务)12 B2G Business to Government 企业对当局(电子商务)13 B2R Business to Retailer 企业对经销商(电子商务)14 BIS Business Intelligence System 贸易智能体系15 BOM Bill Of Materials 物料清单16 BOR Bill Of Resource 资本清单17 BPR Business Process Reengineering 营业/企业流程重组18 BPM Business Process Management 营业/企业流程治理19 BPS Business Process Standard 营业/企业流程标准20 C/S Client/Server(C/S)\Browser/Server(B/S) 客户机/办事器\扫瞄器/办事器21 CAD Computer-Aided Design 运算机关心设计22 CAID Computer-Aided Industrial Design 运算机关心工艺设计23 CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing 运算机关心制造24 CAPP Computer-Aided Process Planning 运算机关心工艺设计25 CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering 运算机关心软件工程26 CC Collaborative Commerce 协同商务27 CIMS Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 运算机集成制造体系28 CMM Capability Maturity Model 才能成熟度模型29 COMMS Customer Oriented Manufacturing Management System 面向客户制造治理体系30 CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 通用对象要求代理构造31 CPC Collaborative Product Commerce 协同产品商务32 CPIM Certified Production and Inventory Management 临盆与库存治理认证资格33 CPM Critical Path Method 关键线路法34 CRM Customer Relationship Management 客户关系治理35 CRP capacity requirements planning 才能需求筹划36 CTI Computer Telephony Integration 电脑德律风集成(呼叫中间)37 CTP Capable to Promise 可承诺的才能38 DCOM Distributed Component Object Model 分布式组件对象模型39 DCS Distributed Control System 分布式操纵体系40 DMRP Distributed MRP 分布式MRP41 DRP Distribution Resource Planning 分销资本筹划42 DSS Decision Support System 决定打算支撑体系43 DTF Demand Time Fence 需求时界44 DTP Delivery to Promise 可承诺的交货时刻45 EAI Enterprise Application Integration 企业应用集成46 EAM Enterprise Assets Management 企业资产治理47 ECM Enterprise Commerce Management 企业商务治理48 ECO Engineering Change Order 工程变革订单49 EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换50 EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理51 EEA Extended Enterprise Applications 扩大企业应用体系52 EIP Enterprise Information Portal 企业信息门户53 EIS Executive Information System 高层引导信息体系54 EOI Economic Order Interval 经济定货周期55 EOQ Economic Order Quantity 经济订货批量(经济批量法)56 EPA Enterprise Proficiency Analysis 企事迹效分析57 ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资本筹划58 ERM Enterprise Resource Management 企业资本治理59 ETO Engineer To Order 专项设计,按订单设计60 FAS Final Assembly Schedule 最终装配筹划61 FCS Finite Capacity Scheduling 有限才能筹划62 FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造体系63 FOQ Fixed Order Quantity 固定定货批量法64 GL General Ledger 总账65 GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面66 HRM Human Resource Management 人力资本治理67 HRP Human Resource Planning 人力资本筹划68 IE Industry Engineering/Internet Exploration 工业工程/扫瞄器69 ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织70 ISP Internet Service Provider 互联网办事供给商71 ISPE International Society for Productivity Enhancement 国际临盆力促进会72 IT/GT Information/Group Technology 信息/成组技巧73 JIT Just In Time 准时制造/准时制临盆74 KPA Key Process Areas 关键过程域75 KPI Key Performance Indicators 症毕事迹指标76 LP Lean Production 精益临盆77 MES Manufacturing Executive System 制造履行体系78 MIS Management Information System 治理信息体系79 MPS Master Production Schedule 主临盆筹划80 MRP Material Requirements Planning 物料需求筹划81 MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资本筹划82 MTO Make To Order 定货(订货)临盆83 MTS Make To Stock 现货(备货)临盆84 OA Office Automation 办公主动化85 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing 原始设备制造商86 OPT Optimized Production Technology 最优临盆技巧87 OPT Optimized Production Timetable 最优临盆时刻表88 PADIS Production And Decision Information System 临盆和决定打算治理信息体系89 PDM Product Data Management 产品数据治理90 PERT Program Evaluation Research Technology 筹划评审技巧91 PLM Production Lifecycle Management 产品生命周期治理92 PM Project Management 项目治理93 POQ Period Order Quantity 周期定量法94 PRM Partner Relationship Management 合作伙伴关系治理95 PTF Planned Time Fence 筹划时界96 PTX Private Trade Exchange 自用交易网站97 RCCP Rough-Cut Capacity Planning 粗才能筹划98 RDBM Relational Data Base Management 关系数据库治理99 RPM Rapid Prototype Manufacturing 快速本相制造100 RRP Resource Requirements Planning 资本需求筹划101 SCM Supply Chain Management 供给链治理102 SCP Supply Chain Partnership 供给链合作伙伴关系86 OPT Optimized Production Technology 最优临盆技巧87 OPT Optimized Production Timetable 最优临盆时刻表88 PADIS Production And Decision Information System 临盆和决定打算治理信息体系89 PDM Product Data Management 产品数据治理90 PERT Program Evaluation Research Technology 筹划评审技巧91 PLM Production Lifecycle Management 产品生命周期治理92 PM Project Management 项目治理93 POQ Period Order Quantity 周期定量法94 PRM Partner Relationship Management 合作伙伴关系治理95 PTF Planned Time Fence 筹划时界96 PTX Private Trade Exchange 自用交易网站97 RCCP Rough-Cut Capacity Planning 粗才能筹划98 RDBM Relational Data Base Management 关系数据库治理99 RPM Rapid Prototype Manufacturing 快速本相制造100 RRP Resource Requirements Planning 资本需求筹划101 SCM Supply Chain Management 供给链治理102 SCP Supply Chain Partnership 供给链合作伙伴关系103 SFA Sales Force Automation 发卖主动化104 SMED Single-Minute Exchange Of Dies 快速换模法105 SOP Sales And Operation Planning 发卖与运作筹划106 SQL Structure Query Language 构造化查询说话107 TCO Total Cost Ownership 总体运营成本108 TEI Total Enterprise Integration 周全企业集成109 TOC Theory Of Constraints/Constraints managemant 束缚理论/束缚治理110 TPM Total Productive Maintenance 全员临盆力爱护111 TQC Total Quality Control 周全质量操纵112 TQM Total Quality Management 周全质量治理113 WBS Work Breakdown System 工作分化体系114 XML eXtensible Markup Language 可扩大标记说话115 ABC Classification(Activity Based Classification) ABC分类法116 ABC costing 功课成本法117 ABC inventory control ABC 库存操纵118 abnormal demand 反常需求119 acquisition cost ,ordering cost 定货费120 action message 行动/活动(方法)信息121 action report flag 活动申报标记122 activity cost pool 功课成本集123 activity-based costing(ABC) 功课基准成本法/营业成本法124 actual capacity 实际才能125 adjust on hand 调剂现有库存量126 advanced manufacturing technology 先辈制造技巧127 advanced pricing 高等订价体系128 AM Agile Manufacturing 灵敏制造129 alternative routing 替代工序(工艺路线)130 Anticipated Delay Report 拖期预告131 anticipation inventory 预期贮备132 apportionment code 分摊码133 assembly parts list 装配零件表134 automated storage/retrieval system 主动仓储/检索体系135 Automatic Rescheduling 筹划主动重排136 available inventory 可达到库存137 available material 可用物料138 available stock 达到库存139 available work 可应用工时140 average inventory 平均库存141 back order 欠交(宽限)订单142 back scheduling 倒排(序)筹划/倒序排产? 143 base currency 本位币144 batch number 批号145 batch process 批流程146 batch production 批量临盆147 benchmarking 标杆对准(治理)148 bill of labor 工时清单149 bill of lading 提货单150 branch warehouse 分库151 bucketless system 无时段体系152 business framework 营业框架153 business plan 经营筹划154 capacity level 才能应用程度155 capacity load 才能负荷156 capacity management 才能治理157 carrying cost 保管费158 carrying cost rate 保管费率159 cellular manufacturing 单位式制造160 change route 修改工序161 change structure 修改产品构造162 check point 检查点163 closed loop MRP 闭环MRP164 Common Route Code(ID) 通用工序标识165 component-based development 组件(构件)开创技巧166 concurrent engineering 并行(同步)工程167 conference room pilot 会议室仿照168 configuration code 设备代码169 continuous improvement 朝长进步不懈170 continuous process 连续流程171 cost driver 功课成本产生身分172 cost driver rate 功课成本产生身分单位费用173 cost of stockout 缺乏损掉174 cost roll-up 成本滚动运算法175 crew size 班组范畴176 critical part 急需零件177 critical ratio 紧急系数178 critical work center 关键工作中间179 CLT Cumulative Lead Time 累计提早期180 current run hour 现有运转工时181 current run quantity 现有运转数量182 customer care 客户关怀183 customer deliver lead time 客户交货提早期184 customer loyalty 客户忠诚度185 customer order number 客户订单号186 customer satisfaction 客户知足度187 customer status 客户状况188 cycle counting 周期盘点189 DM Data Mining 数据挖掘190 Data Warehouse 数据仓库191 days offset 偏置天数192 dead load 空负荷193 demand cycle 需求周期194 demand forecasting 需求推测195 demand management 需求治理196 Deming circle 戴明环197 demonstrated capacity 实际才能198 discrete manufacturing 离散型临盆199 dispatch to 调剂200 DRP Distribution Requirements Planning 分销需求筹划201 drop shipment 直运202 dunning letter 催款信203 ECO workbench ECO工作台204 employee enrolled 在册职员205 employee tax id 职员税号206 end item 最终产品207 engineering change mode flag 工程变革方法标记208 engineering change notice 工程变革通知209 equipment distribution 设备分派210 equipment management 设备治理211 exception control 例外操纵212 excess material analysis 呆滞物料分析213 expedite code 急送代码214 external integration 外部集成215 fabrication order 加工订单216 factory order 工厂订单217 fast path method 快速路径法218 fill backorder 补足欠交219 final assembly lead time 总装提早期220 final goods 成品221 finite forward scheduling 有限顺排筹划222 finite loading 有限排负荷223 firm planned order 确认的筹划订单224 firm planned time fence 确认筹划需求时界225 FPR Fixed Period Requirements 按期用量法226 fixed quantity 固定命量法227 fixed time 固准时刻法228 floor stock 功课现场库存229 flow shop 流水车间230 focus forecasting 调焦推测231 forward scheduling 顺排筹划232 freeze code 冻结码233 freeze space 冷冻区234 frozen order 冻结订单235 gross requirements 毛需求236 hedge inventory 囤积库存237 in process inventory 在成品库存238 in stock 在库239 incrementing 增值240 indirect cost 间接成本241 indirect labor 间接人工242 infinite loading 无穷排负荷243 input/output control 投入/产出操纵244 inspection ID 考查标识245 integrity 完全性246 inter companies 公司内部间247 interplant demands 厂际需求量248 inventory carry rate 库存周转率249 inventory cycle time 库存周期250 inventory issue 库存发放251 inventory location type 仓库库位类型252 inventory scrap 库存报废量253 inventory transfers 库存转移254 inventory turns/turnover 库存(资金)周转次数255 invoice address 发票地址256 invoice amount gross 发票金额257 invoice schedule 发票清单258 issue cycle 发放周期259 issue order 发送订单260 issue parts 发放零件261 issue policy 发放策略262 item availability 项目可供量263 item description 项目说明264 item number 项目编号265 item record 项目记录266 item remark 项目备注267 item status 项目状况268 job shop 加工车间269 job step 功课步调270 kit item 配套件项目271 labor hour 人工工时272 late days 延迟天数273 lead time 提早期274 lead time level 提早期程度275 lead time offset days 提早期偏置(补偿)天数276 least slack per operation 最小单个工序平均时差277 line item 单项产品278 live pilot 应用仿照279 load leveling 负荷量280 load report 负荷申报281 location code 仓位代码282 location remarks 仓位备注283 location status 仓位状况284 lot for lot 按需定货(因需定量法/缺补法)285 lot ID 批量标识286 lot number 批量编号287 lot number traceability 批号跟踪288 lot size 批量289 lot size inventory 批量库存290 lot sizing 批量筹划291 low level code 低层(位)码292 machine capacity 机械才能293 machine hours 机时294 machine loading 机械加载295 maintenance ,repair,and operating supplies 爱护补缀操作物料296 make or buy decision 外购或克己决定打算297 management by exception 例外治理法298 manufacturing cycle time 制造周期时刻299 manufacturing lead time 制造提早期300 manufacturing standards 制造标准301 master scheduler 主临盆筹划员302 material 物料303 material available 物料可用量304 material cost 物料成本305 material issues and receipts 物料发放和接收306 material management 物料治理307 material manager 物料经理308 material master,item master 物料主文件309 material review board 物料核定机构310 measure of velocity 临盆速度程度311 memory-based processing speed 基于储备的处理速度312 minimum balance 最小库存余量313 Modern Materials Handling 现代物料搬运314 month to date 月累计315 move time , transit time 传递时刻316 MSP book flag MPS登录标记317 multi-currency 多币制318 multi-facility 多场合319 multi-level 多级320 multi-plant management 多工厂治理321 multiple location 多重仓位322 net change 净改变法323 net change MRP 净改变式MRP324 net requirements 净需求325 new location 新仓位326 new parent 新组件327 new warehouse 新仓库328 next code 后续编码329 next number 后续编号330 No action report 不活动申报331 non-nettable 弗成动用量332 on demand 急需的333 on-hand balance 现有库存量334 on hold 挂起335 on time 准时336 open amount 未清金额337 open order 未结订单/开放订单338 order activity rules 订单活动规矩339 order address 订单地址340 order entry 订单输入341 order point 定货点342 order point system 定货点法343 order policy 定货策略344 order promising 定货承诺345 order remarks 定货备注346 ordered by 定货者347 overflow location 超量库位348 overhead apportionment/allocation 间接费分派349 overhead rate,burden factor,absorption rate 间接费率350 owner's equity 所有者权益351 parent item 母件352 part bills 零件清单353 part lot 零件批次354 part number 零件编号355 people involvement 全员参治356 performance measurement 事迹评判357 physical inventory 实际库存358 picking 领料/提货359 planned capacity 筹划才能360 planned order 筹划订单361 planned order receipts 筹划产出量362 planned order releases 筹划投入量363 planning horizon 筹划期/筹划瞻望期364 point of use 应用点365 Policy and procedure 工作准则与工作规程366 price adjustments 价格调剂367 price invoice 发票价格368 price level 物价程度369 price purchase order 采购订单价格370 priority planning 优先筹划371 processing manufacturing 流程制造372 product control 产品操纵373 product family 产品系列374 product mix 产品搭配组合375 production activity control 临盆功课操纵376 production cycle 临盆周期377 production line 产品线378 production rate 产品率379 production tree 产品构造树380 PAB Projected Available Balance 估量可用库存(量) 381 purchase order tracking 采购订单跟踪382 quantity allocation 已分派量383 quantity at location 仓位数量384 quantity backorder 欠交数量385 quantity completion 完成数量386 quantity demand 需求量387 quantity gross 毛需求量388 quantity in 进货数量389 quantity on hand 现稀有量390 quantity scrapped 废品数量391 quantity shipped 发货数量392 queue time 列队时刻393 rated capacity 额定才能394 receipt document 收款单据395 reference number 参考号396 regenerated MRP 更生成式MRP397 released order 下达订单398 reorder point 再订购点399 repetitive manufacturing 反复式临盆(制造)400 replacement parts 调换零件401 required capacity 需求才能402 requisition orders 请购单403 rescheduling assumption 重排假设404 resupply order 补库单405 rework bill 返工单406 roll up 上滚407 rough cut resource planning 粗资本筹划408 rounding amount 舍入金额409 run time 加工(运行)时刻410 safety lead time 安稳提早期411 safety stock 安稳库存412 safety time 保险期413 sales order 发卖订单414 scheduled receipts 筹划接收量(估量入库量/预期到货量) 415 seasonal stock 季候贮备416 send part 发送零件417 service and support 办事和支撑418 service parts 修理件419 set up time 预备时刻420 ship address 发运地址421 ship contact 发运单接洽人422 ship order 发货单423 shop calendar 工厂日历(车间日历)424 shop floor control 车间功课治理(操纵)425 shop order , work order 车间订单426 shrink factor 损耗因子(系数)427 single level where used 单层物料反查表428 standard cost system 标准成本体系429 standard hours 标准工时430 standard product cost 标准产品成本431 standard set up hour 标准机械设置工时432 standard unit run hour 标准单位运转工时433 standard wage rate 标准工资率434 status code 状况代码435 stores control 库存操纵436 suggested work order 建议工作单437 supply chain 供给链438 synchronous manufacturing 同步制造/同期临盆439 time bucket 时段(时刻段)440 time fence 时界441 time zone 时区442 top management commitment 引导承诺443 total lead time 总提早期444 transportation inventory 在途库存445 unfavorable variance, adverse 晦气差别446 unit cost 单位成本447 unit of measure 计量单位448 value chain 价值链449 value-added chain 增值链450 variance in quantity 量差451 vendor scheduler,supplier scheduler 采购筹划员/供方筹划员452 vendor scheduling 采购筹划法453 Virtual Enterprise(VE)/ Organization 虚拟企业/公司454 volume variance 产量差别455 wait time 等待时刻456 where-used list 反查用物料单457 work center capacity 工作中间才能458 workflow 工作流459 work order 工作令460 work order tracking 工作令跟踪461 work scheduling 工作进度安排462 world class manufacturing excellence 国际优良制造业463 zero inventories 零库存464465 Call/Contact/Work/Cost center 呼叫/联络/工作/成本中间466 Co/By-product 联/副产品467 E-Commerce/E-Business/E-Marketing 电子商务/电子商务/电子集市468 E-sales/E-procuement/E-partner 电子发卖/电子采购/电子伙伴469 independent/dependent demand 自力需求/相干需求件470 informal/formal system 非/规范化治理体系471 Internet/Intranet/Extranet 互联网/企业内部网/企业外联网472 middle/hard/soft/share/firm/group ware 中心/硬/软/共享/固/群件473 pegging/kitting/netting/nettable 追溯(反查)/配套出售件/净需求运算474 picking/dispatch/disbursement list 领料单(或提货单)/派工单/发料单475 preflush/backflush/super backflush 预冲/倒冲法/完全反冲476 yield/scrap/shrinkage (rate) 成品率/废品率/缩减率477 scrap/shrinkage factor 残料率(废品系数)/损耗系数478479 costed BOM 成本物料清单480 engineering BOM 设计物料清单481 indented BOM 缩排式物料清单482 manufacturing BOM 制造物料清单483 modular BOM 模块化物料清单484 planning BOM 筹划物料清单485 single level BOM 单层物料清单486 summarized BOM 汇总物料清单487488 account balance 账户余额489 account code 账户代码490 account ledger 分类账491 account period 管帐时代492 accounts payable 敷衍账款493 accounts receivable 应收账款494 actual cost 实际成本495 aging 账龄496 balance due 到期余额497 balance in hand 现有余额498 balance sheet 资产负债表499 beginning balance 期初余额500 cash basis 现金收付制501 cash on bank 银行存款502 cash on hand 现金503 cash out to 付出给504 catalog 目次505 category code 分类码506 check out 结帐507 collection 催款508 cost simulation 成本仿照509 costing 成本核算510 current assets 流淌资产511 current liabilities 流淌负债512 current standard cost 现行标准成本513 detail 明细514 draft remittance 汇票汇出515 end of year 岁终516 ending availables 期末可供量517 ending balance 期末余额518 exchange rate 汇率519 expense 费用520 financial accounting 财务管帐521 financial entity 财务实体522 financial reports 财务申报523 financial statements 财务报表524 fiscal period 财务时代525 fiscal year 财务年度526 fixed assets 固定资产527 foreign amount 外币金额528 gains and loss 损益529 in balance 均衡530 income statement 损益表531 intangible assets 无形资产532 journal entry 分录533 management accounting 治理管帐534 manual reconciliation 手工调账535 notes payable 敷衍单子536 notes receivable 应收单子537 other receivables 其他应收款538 pay aging 付款账龄539 pay check 工资支票540 pay in 缴款541 pay item 付款项目542 pay point 付出点543 pay status 付出状况544 payment instrument 付款方法545 payment reminder 催款单546 payment status 付款状况547 payment terms 付款刻日548 period 时代549 post 过账550 proposed cost 建议成本551 simulated cost 仿照成本552 spending variance,expenditure variance 开支差别553 subsidiary 明细账554 summary 汇总555 tax code 税码556 tax rate 税率557 value added tax 增值税558559 as of date , stop date 截止日期560 change lot date 修改批量日期561 clear date 结清日期562 date adjust 调剂日期563 date available 有效日期564 date changed 修改日期565 date closed 停止日期566 date due 截止日期567 date in produced 临盆日期568 date inventory adjust 库存调剂日期569 date obsolete 作废日期570 date received 收到日期571 date released 交付日期572 date required 需求日期573 date to pull 发货日期574 earliest due date 最早订单完成日期575 effective date 生效日期576 engineering change effect date 工程变革生效日期577 engineering stop date 工程停止日期578 expired date 掉效日期,报废日期579 from date 肇端日期580 last shipment date 最后运输日期581 need date 需求日期582 new date 新日期583 pay through date 付款截止日期584 receipt date 收到日期585 ship date 发运日期586587 allocation 已分派量588 alphanumeric 字母数字589 approver 赞成者590 assembly 装配(件)591 backlog 未结订单/拖欠订单592 billing 开单593 bill-to 发票寄往地594 bottleneck 瓶颈资本595 bulk 散装596 buyer 采购员597 component 子件/组件598 customer 客户599 delivery 交货600 demand 需求601 description 说明602 discrete 离散603 ergonomics 工效学(人类工程学) 604 facility 设备、功能605 feature 全然组件/特点件606 forecast 推测607 freight 运费608 holidays 例假日609 implement 实施610 ingredient 配料、成分611 inquire 查询612 inventory 库存613 item 物料项目614 job 功课615 Kanban 看板616 level 层次(级)617 load 负荷618 locate 定位619 logistics 后勤保证体系;物流治理620 lot 批次621 option 可选件622 outstanding 过期未付623 overhead 制造费用624 override 覆盖625 overtime 加班626 parent 双亲(文件) 627 part 零件628 phantom 虚拟件629 plant 工厂,场合630 preference 优先权631 priority 优先权(级) 632 procurement 采购633 prototyping 本相测试634 queue 队列635 quota 义务额,报价636 receipt 收款、收据637 regeneration 全重排法638 remittance 汇款639 requisition 请购单640 returned 退货641 roll 滚动642 routing 工艺线路643 schedule 筹划表644 shipment 发运量645 ship-to 交货地646 shortage 缺乏647 shrink 损耗648 spread 分摊649 statement 报表650 subassembly 子装配件651 supplier 供给商652 transaction 事务处理653 what-if 假如如何-将会如何654655 post-deduct inventory transaction processing 后减库存处理法656 pre-deduct inventory transaction processing 前减库存处理法657 generally accepted manufacturing practices 通用临盆治理原则658 direct-deduct inventory transaction processing 直截了当增减库存处理法659 Pareto Principle 帕拉图道理660 Drum-buffer-rope 鼓点-缓冲-绳索661663 Open Database Connectivity 开放数据库互连664 Production Planning 临盆筹划编制665 Work in Process 在成品666 accelerated cost recovery system 快速成本收受接收轨制667 accounting information system 管帐信息体系668 acceptable quality kevel 可接收质量程度669 constant purchasing power accounting 不买够买力管帐670 break-even analysis 保本分析671 book value 帐面价值672 cost-benefit analysis 成本效益分析673 chief financial office 财务总监674 degree of financial leverage 财务杠杆系数675 degree of operating leverage 经济杠杆系数676 first-in , first-out 先辈先出法677 economic lot size 经济批量678 first-in ,still-here 落后先出法679 full pegging 完全跟踪680 linear programming 线性筹划681 management by objective 目标治理682 value engineering 价值工程683 zero based budgeting 零基预算684 CAQ computer aided quality assurance 运算机关心质量包管685 DBMS database management system 数据库治理体系686 IP Internet Protocol 网际协定687 TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输操纵协定689690 API Advanced Process Industry 高等流程工业691 A2A Application to Application 应用到应用(集成) 692 article 物品693 article reserves 物品储备694 assembly order 装配订单695 balance-on-hand-inventory 现有库存余额696 bar code 条形码697 boned warehouse 保税仓库698 CPA Capacity Requirements Planning 才能需求筹划699 change management 变革治理700 chill space 冷藏区701 combined transport 结合运输702 commodity inspection 进出口商品考查703 competitive edge 竞争优势704 container 集装箱705 container transport 集装箱运输706 CRP Continuous Replenishment Program 连续补偿系数707 core competence 核心才能708 cross docking 直截了当换装709 CLV Customer Lifetime Value 客户生命周期价值710 CReM Customer Relationship Marketing 客户关系营销711 CSS Customer Service and Support 客户办事和支撑712 Customer Service Representative 客户办事代表713 customized logistics 定制物流714 customs declaration 报关715 cycle stock 经常库存716 data cleansing 数据整顿717 Data Knowledge and Decision Support 数据常识和决定打算支撑718 data level integration 数据层集成719 data transformation 数据转换720 desktop conferencing 桌面会议721 distribution 配送722 distribution and logistics 分销和后勤723 distribution center 配送中间724 distribution logistics 发卖物流725 distribution processing 流畅加工726 distribution requirements 分销量727 DRP distribution resource planning 配送/分销资本筹划728 door-to-door 门到门729 drop and pull transport 甩挂运输730 DEM Dynamic Enterprise Module 动态企业建模技巧731 ECR Efficient Consumer Response 有效顾客反响732 e-Government Affairs 电子政务733 EC Electronic Commerce 电子商务734 Electronic Display Boards 电子通知布告板735 EOS Electronic order system 电子订货体系736 ESD Electronic Software Distribution 电子软件分发737 embedding 插入738 employee category 职员分类739 empowerment 授权740 engineering change effect work order 工程变革生效单741 environmental logistics 绿色物流742 experiential marketing 直效行销(又称体验行销)743 export supervised warehouse 出口监管仓库744 ERP Extended Resource Planning 扩大资本筹划745 field sales/cross sale/cross sell 现场发卖/交叉发卖/连带发卖746 franchising 加盟连销权747 FCL Full Container Load 整箱货748 Global Logistics Management 全球运筹治理749 goods collection 集货750 goods shed 料棚751 goods shelf 货架752 goods stack 货垛753 goods yard 货场754 handing/carrying 搬运755 high performance organization 高绩效组织756 inland container depot 公路集装箱中转站757 inside sales 内部发卖758 inspection 考查759 intangible loss 无形消费760 internal logistics 企业物流761 international freight forwarding agent 国际货运代理762 international logistics 国际物流763 invasive integration 侵入性集成764 joint distribution 合营配送765 just-in-time logistics 准时制物流766 KM Knowledge Management 常识治理767 lead (customer) management 潜在客户治理768 learning organization 进修型组织769 LCL less than container load 拼装货770 load balancing 负载均衡771 loading and unloading 装载772 logistics activity 物流活动773 logistics alliance 物流联盟774 logistics center 物流中间775 logistics cost 物流成本776 logistics cost control 物流成本治理777 logistics documents 物流单证778 logistics enterprise 物流企业779 logistics information 物流信息780 logistics management 物流治理781 logistics modulus 物流模数782 logistics network 物流收集783 logistics operation 物流功课784 LRP Logistics Resource Planning 物流资本筹划785 logistics strategy 物流计策786 logistics strategy management 物流计策治理787 logistics technology 物流技巧788 MES Manufacture Execute System 制造履行体系789 mass customization 大年夜范畴定制790 NPV Net Present Value 净现值791 neutral packing 中性包装792 OLAP On-line Analysis Processing 联机/在线分析体系793 OAG Open Application Group 开放应用集成794 order picking 拣选795 outsourcing 外包796 package/packaging 包装797 packing of nominated brand 定牌包装798 palletizing 托盘包装799 PDA Personal Digital Assistant 小我数据助理800 personalization 个性化801 PTF Planning time fence 筹划时界802 POS Point Of Sells 电子收款机803 priority queuing 优先列队804 PBX Private Branch Exchange 专用分组交换机805 production logistics 临盆品流806 publish/subscribe 宣布/订阅807 quality of working life 工作生活品德808 Quick Response 快速反应809 receiving space 收货区810 REPs Representatives 代表或营业员811 return logistics 收受接收物流812 ROI Return On Investment 投资回报率813 RM Risk Management 风险治理814 sales package 发卖包装815 scalability 可扩充性816 shipping space 发货区817 situational leadership 情境引导818 six sigma 六个标准差819 sorting/stacking 分拣/堆拣820 stereoscopic warehouse 立体仓库821 storage 保管822 stored procedure 储备过程823 storehouse 库房824 storing 储存825 SRM Supplier Relationship Management 供给商关系治理826 tangible loss 有形消费827 team building 团队建立828 TEM Technology-enabled Marketing 技巧关心式营销829 TES Technology-enabled Selling 技巧关心式发卖830 TSR TeleSales Service Representative 发卖办事代表831 TPL Third-Part Logistics 第三方物流832 through transport 直达运输833 unit loading and unloading 单位装卸834 Value Management 价值治理835 value-added logistics service 增值物流办事836 Value-chain integration 价值链集成837 VMI Vender Managed Inventory 卖方主导型库存治理/供给商治理仓库838 virtual logistics 虚拟物流839 virtual warehouse 虚拟仓库840 vision 前景治理841 volume pricing model 批量订价模型842 warehouse 仓库843 waste material logistics 舍弃物物流844 workflow management 工作流治理845 zero latency 零等待846 ZLE Zero Latency Enterprise 零等待企业847 ZLP Zero Latency Process 零等待过程848 zero-inventory technology 零库存技巧。



结构设计常用专业英语词汇汇编(V1.0)Contents 英汉对照目录Contents I上册目录Chapter 1 Loads and Action (1)第一章荷载与作用 (1)Chapter 2 Seismic Design (8)第二章抗震设计 (8)Chapter 3 Foundation (14)第三章地基基础 (14)Chapter 4 Reinforcement Concrete (22)第四章钢筋混凝土结构 (22)Chapter 5 Steel Structure (28)第五章钢结构 (28)Chapter 6 Composite Structure (37)第六章组合结构 (37)Chapter 7 Masonry Structure (40)第七章砌体结构 (40)Chapter 8 Others (42)第八章其它 (42)Contents II下册目录第一章荷载与作用 (43)Chapter 1 Loads and Action (43)第二章抗震设计 (50)Chapter 2 Seismic Design (50)第三章地基基础 (56)Chapter 3 Foundation (56)第四章钢筋混凝土结构 (65)Chapter 4 Reinforcement Concrete (65)第五章钢结构 (71)Chapter 5 Steel Structure (71)第六章组合结构 (80)Chapter 6 Composite Structure (80)第七章砌体结构 (83)Chapter 7 Masonry Structure (83)第八章其它 (85)Chapter 8 Others (85)上册Chapter 1 Loads and Action 第一章荷载与作用Chapter 2 Seismic Design第二章抗震设计Chapter 3 Foundation 第三章地基基础Chapter 4 Reinforcement Concrete第四章钢筋混凝土结构Chapter 5 Steel Structure第五章钢结构Chapter 6 Composite Structure第六章组合结构Chapter 6 Composite Structure第六章组合结构Chapter 7 Masonry Structure第七章砌体结构Chapter 8 Others 第八章其它下册第一章荷载与作用Chapter 1 Loads and Action。

Components in real-time systems

Components in real-time systems

Components in Real-Time SystemsDamir Isovic and Christer NorströmMälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden{damir.isovic, christer.norstrom}@mdh.seAbstractComponent-based Software Engineering (CBSE) is a promising approach toimprove quality, achieve shorter time to market and to manage the increasingcomplexity of software. Still there are a number of unsolved problems thathinder wide use of it. This is especially true for real-time systems, not onlybecause of more rigorous requirements and demanding constraints, but alsobecause of lack of knowledge how to implement the component-basedtechniques on real-time development.In this paper we present a method for development of real-time systems usingthe component-based approach. The development process is analysed withrespect to both temporal and functional constraints of real-time components.Furthermore, we propose what information is needed from the componentproviders to successfully reuse binary real-time components.Finally, we discuss a possibility of managing compositions of components andsuggest how an existing real-time development environment can be extendedto support our design method.1 IntroductionEmbedded real-time systems contain a computer as a part of a larger system and interact directly with external devices. They must usually meet stringent specifications for safety, reliability, limited hardware capacity etc. Examples include highly complex systems such as medical control equipment, mobile phones, and vehicle control systems. Most of such embedded systems can also be characterized as real-time systems, i.e., systems in which the correctness of the system depends on time factors. Real-time systems are usually used to control or interact with a physical system and the timing constraints are imposed by the environment. As a consequence, the correct behavior of these systems depends not only on the logical results of the computation but also at which time the results are produced [1]. If having failed.The increased complexity of embedded real-time systems leads to increasing demands with respect to requirements engineering, high-level design, early error detection, productivity, integration, verification and maintenance. This calls for methods, models, and tools which permit a controlled and structured working procedure during the complete life cycle of the system [2]. When applying component-based software engineering (CBSE) methodology on components. Designing reusable real-time components is more complex than designing reusable non-real-time components [3]. This complexity arises from several aspects of real-must collaborate in meeting timing constraints. Examples of timing requirements can be deadline, period time, and jitter.Furthermore, in order to keep production costs down, embedded systems resources must usually be limited, but they must perform within tight deadlines. They must also often run continuously for long periods of time without maintenance.A desirable feature in all system development, including the development of real-time systems is the possibility of reusing standard components. However, using any particular operating system or database system for a real-time application is not always feasible, since many such systems are designed to maximize the average throughput of the system but do not guarantee temporal predictability. Therefore, to guarantee predictability, we must use either specific COTS developed for real-time systems or an appropriate subset of the functionality provided by the COTS. Some commonly used real-time COTS are real-time operating systems, communication protocols (solutions), and to some extent real-time databases. This type of components provides an infrastructure to the application. Other commonly used infrastructures in non-real-time systems are JavaBeans, CORBA and COM. However, they are seldom used for real-time systems, due to their excessive processing and memory requirements and unpredictable timing characteristics, which is of utmost importance in the class of application we consider. They have, however, one desirable property which is flexibility, but predictability and flexibility have often been considered as contradicting requirements, in particular from the scheduling perspective. Increased flexibility leads to lower predictability. Hence, a model for hard real-time systems cannot support flexibility to the same extent as the above mentioned infrastructures.Further, we require to reuse application specific components. Example of two application specific component models are IEC-1131 [5] which is a standard for programming industrial[4]. Both these models provide support for hierarchical decomposition, parameterization,similar to pipes and filters model, the difference is that the pipe only accommodates one data item, which means if the data has not already been processed when the new data arrives, it will be overwritten. However, both models lack the ability to specify timing attributes besides period time and priority which is not sufficient to specify timing sensitive systems.The development of standard real-time components which can be run on different HW platforms is complicated by the components having different timing characteristics on different platforms. Thus a component must be adapted and re-verified for each HW-platform to which it is ported, especially in safety-critical systems. Hence, we need to perform a timing analysis for each platform to which the system is ported. Given a system composed of a set of well-tested real-time components, we still face the composability problem. Besides guaranteeing the functional behavior of a specific component, the composition must also guarantee that the communication, synchronization and timing properties of the components and the system are retained. The composability problem with respect to timing properties, which we refer to as timing analysis, can thus be divided into (1) verifying that the timing properties of each component in the composed system still hold and (2) schedulability analysis (i.e. system-wide temporal attributes such as end-to-end deadlines can be fulfilled). Timing analysis is performed at two levels, the task level and the system level. At the task level the worst case execution time (WCET) for each task is either analyzed or estimated. If the execution time is measured, we can never be sure that we have determined the worst case. On the other hand if we use analysis, we must derive a safe value for the execution time. The estimated execution time must be greater than or equal to the real worst case and in the theory provided, the estimate can be excessive. The challenge here is thus to derive a value as close as possible to the real worst case execution time. Puschner gives a good introduction to this problem in the seminal paper [7]. At system level we analyze to determine if the systemexample, analysis for priority-based systems and pre-run-time scheduling techniques [8][9]. Both kinds of analysis have been proven to be useful in industrial applications [10][11]. When designing a system, we can assign time budgets to the tasks which are not implemented by intelligent guesses based on experience. By doing this we gain two positive effects. Firstly, the system level timing analysis can be performed before implementation, thus providing a tool for estimating the performance of the system. Secondly, the time budgets can be used as an implementation requirement. By applying this approach we make the design process less ad hoc with respect to real-time performance. In traditional system design, timing problems are first recognized when the complete system or subsystem has been implemented. If a timing problem is then detected, ad hoc optimization will be begun, this most surely making the system more difficult to maintain.The paper is organized as following: In Section 2 we present a method for system development using real-time components which support early analysis of the timing behavior as well as the synchronization and communication between components. The method enables high-level analysis on the architectural design level. This analysis is important to avoid costly re-design late in the development due to the detection in the integration test phase that the system as developed does not fulfill the timing requirements. The presented method is an extension of [10], and it is a standard top-down development process to which timing and other real-time specific constraints have been added and precisely defined at design time. The idea is to implement the same principles, but also taking into consideration features of existing components which might be used in the system. This means that the system is designed not only in accordance with the system requirements, but also with respect to existing components. This concept assumes that a library of well-defined real-time components is available. The development process requires a system specification, obtained by analyzing the customer's requirements.Furthermore, in Section 3, we propose a method for composing components and how the resulting compositions could be handled when designing real-time systems. In Section 4 we describe how an existing real-time development environment can be extended to support our design method. Finally, in Section 5, we provide guidelines about what one should be aware of when reusing and online updating real-time components.2 Designing component based real-time systemsIn this section we present a method for system development using real-time components. This method is an extension of [10], which is also in use in developing real-time systems within a to which timing and other real-time specific constraints have been added and precisely defined (or more correctly, have been predicted) at design time. The idea is to implement the same principles, but also taking into consideration features of existing components which might be used in the system. This means that the system is designed not only in accordance with the system requirements, but also with respect to existing components. This concept assumes that a library of well-defined real-time components is available. The development process requires a system specification, obtained by analyzing the customer's requirements. We assume that the specification is consistent and correct, in order to simplify the presentation of the method.The development process with real-time components is divided into several stages, as depicted in Figure 2-1. Development starts with the system specification, which is the input to components, the designer browses through the component-library and designs the system, making selections from the possible component candidates.Add newcomponentsto the libraryFigure 2-1: Design model for real-time componentsThe detailed design will show which components are suitable for integration. To select components, both real- and non real-time aspects must be considered. The scheduling and interface check will show if the selected components are appropriate for the system, if adaptation of components is required, or if new components must be developed. The process of component selection and scheduling may need to be repeated several times to refine the design and determine the most appropriate components. When a new component must be developed, it should be, (when developed and tested) entered into the component library. When the system finally meets the specified requirements, the timing behavior of the different components must be tested on the target platform to verify that they meet the timing constraints defined in the design phase. A detailed description of these steps is given below.2.1 Top-level designThe first stage of the development process involves de-composition of the system into manageable components. We need to determine the interfaces between them and to specify the functionality and safety issues associated with each component. Parallel with the decomposition, we browse the component library to identify a set of candidate components,(i.e., components which might be useful in our design).2.2 Detailed designAt this stage a detailed component design is performed, by selecting components to be used in each component from the candidate set. In a perfect world, we could design our system by only using the library components. In a more realistic scenario we must identify missingcomponents that we need according to our design but which are not available in the component library. Once we have identified all the components to be used, we can start by assigning attributes to them, such as time-budgets, periods, release times, precedence constraints, deadlines and mutual exclusion etc.A standard way of performing the detailed design is to use the WCET specified for every task which specifies the upper limit of the time needed to execute a task. Instead of relying on WCET values for components at this stage, a time budget is assigned to each component. A component is required to complete its execution within its time budget. This approach has also been adopted in [14], and shown to be useful in practice. Experienced engineers are often 2.3 SchedulingAt this point we need to check if the system's temporal requirements can be fulfilled, assuming time budgets assigned in the detailed design stage. In other words, we need to make a schedulability analysis of the system based on temporal requirements of each component. A scheduler which can handle the relevant timing attributes has been presented in [14], used.The scheduler in [14] takes a set of components with assigned timing attributes, and creates a static schedule. If scheduling fails, changes are necessary. It may be sufficient to revise the detailed design by reengineering the temporal requirements or by simply replacing components with others from the candidate set. An alternative is to return to top-level design and either select others from the library or specify new components.During the scheduling we must check that the system is properly integrated; component interfaces are to be checked to ensure that input ports are connected and that their types match. Further, if the specified system passes the test, besides the schedules, the infrastructure for communication between components will be generated.2.4 WCET verificationEven if the component supplier provides a specification of the WCET, it must be verified on the target platform. This is absolutely necessary when the system environment is not as in the component specification. We can verify the WCET by running test cases developed by the component designer and measuring the execution time. The longest time is accepted as the component WCET. Obtaining the WCET for a component is a quite complicated process, especially if the source code is not available for the performance of the analysis. For this reason, correct information about the WCET from the component supplier is essential.2.5 Implementation of new componentsNew components; those not already in the library must be implemented. A standard development process for the development of software components is used. It may happen that some of the new components fail to meet their assigned time budgets. The designer can either add these to the library for possible reuse in other projects or redesign them. In order to proceed, the target platform must be available at this stage. Once a component is implemented and verified we must determine its WCET on our target platform and verify the WCET of library components, if this has not been done before.2.6 System build and testFinally, we build the system using old and new components. We must now verify the functional and temporal properties of the system obtained. If the verification test fails, we must return to the appropriate stage of the development process and correct the error.2.7 Component libraryThe component library is the most central part of any CBSE system, since it contains binaries of components and their descriptions. When selecting components we examine the attributes available in the library. A component library containing real-time components should provide the following in addition to component identification, functional description, interface, component binary and test cases:• Memory requirements - Important information when designing memory restricted systems, and when performing trade-off analysis.• WCET test cases - Test cases which indicate the WCET of the components WCET for a particular processor family. Information about the WCET for previously used targets should be stored to give a sense of the components processor requirements.• Dependencies – Describing dependencies on other components.• Environment assumptions - Assumptions about the environment in which the component operates, for example the processor family.2.8 WCET test casesSince the timing behavior of components depends on both the processor and the memory organization, it is necessary to re-test the WCET for each target different from that specified. The process of finding the WCET can be a difficult and tedious process, especially if complete information or the source code is not available. Giving the WCET as a number does not provide sufficient information. What is more interesting in the test cases is the execution time behavior shown as a function of input parameters as shown in Figure 2-2. The execution time shows different values for the different input sub-domains.Execution timeInputFigure 2-2: An execution time graphProducing such a graph can also be a difficult and time-consuming process. In many cases, however, the component developer can derive WCET test cases by combining source code analysis with the test execution. For example, the developer can find that the execution time is independent of input parameters within an input range (this is possible for many “simple" processors used in embedded systems but not for others).The exact values of the execution time are not as important as the maximum value within input intervals, as depicted in Figure 2-3. When a component is instantiated, the WCET test how the component is instantiated.Execution timeInputFigure 2-3: Maximum execution time per sub-domain3 Composition of componentsAs mentioned earlier a component consists of one or more tasks. Several components can be composed into a more complex one. This is achieved by defining an interface for the new component and connecting the input and output ports of its building blocks, as shown in Figure 3-1.This new kind of component is also stored in the component library, in much the same way as the other components. However, two aspects are different: the timing information and the component binary. The WCET of a composed component cannot be computed since its parts may be executing with different periods. Instead we propose that end-to-end deadlines should be specified for the input to and output from the component. End-to-end deadlines are set such that the system requirements are fulfilled in the same way as the time budgets are set. These deadlines should be the input to a tool which can derive constraints on periods and deadlines for the sub-components. This possibility remains the subject of research and cannot be considered feasible today.Figure 3-1: Composition of componentsFurthermore, we specify virtual timing attributes (period, release time and deadline) of the composed component, which are used to compute the timing attributes of sub-components. For example, if the virtual period is set to P, then the period of a sub-component A should be f A * P and the period of B is f B * P, where f A and f B are constants for the composed component, which are stored in the component library. This enables the specification of timing attributes at the proper abstraction level. The binary of the composed component is not stored in the component library. Instead references to the sub-components are stored, to permit the retrieval of the correct set of binaries.4 Example: RT components in Rubus OSCurrently there are not so many real-time operating systems that have some concept of components. The Rubus operating system [19] is one of those. In this section we will describetogether with our development process. The scheduling theory behind this framework is explained in [14].4.1 RubusRubus is hybrid operating system, in the sense that it supports both pre-emptive static scheduling and fixed priority scheduling, also referred to as the red and blue parts of Rubus. The red part deals only with hard real-time and the blue part only with soft. Here we focus on the red part only.Each task in the red part is periodic and has a set of input and output ports, which are used for unbuffered communication with other tasks. This set also defines a task’s interface. A task provides the thread of execution for a component and the interface to other components in the system via the ports. In Figure 4-1 we can see an example of how a task/component interface could look like.Task state informationFigure 4-1: A task and its interface in the red model of RubusEach tasks has an entry function that which as arguments have input and output ports. The value of the input ports are guaranteed not to change during the execution of the current instance of the task, in order to avoid inconsistency problems. The entry function is re-invoked by the kernel periodically.The timing requirements of the component/task are shown in Figure 4-1. The timingrequirements, it is also possible to specify ordering of tasks using precedence relations, and mutual exclusion. For example the depicted task in is required to execute before the outputBrakeValues task, i.e., task BrakeLeftRight precedes task outputBrakeValues. A systemis composed of a set of components/tasks for which the input and output ports have been connected, as depicted in Figure 4-2.Figure 4-2: A composed system in the red model of RubusWhen the design of a system is finished, a pre run-time scheduler is run to check if the temporal requirements can be fulfilled. If the scheduler succeeds then it also generates a schedule for the design, which is later used by the red kernel to execute the system.4.2 Extensions for CBSELet’s see what is missing in Rubus and its supporting tools to make them more suitable for component based development. Firstly, there is currently no support for creating composite components, i.e., components that are built of other components. Secondly, some tool is needed to manage the available components and their associated source files, so that components can be fetched from a library and instantiated into new designs. Besides this there is a lack of real-time tools like: WCET analysis, allocation of tasks to nodes.Support for composition of components can easily be incorporated into Rubus, since only a front-end tool is needed that can translate component specifications to task descriptions. The front-end tool needs to perform the following for composition:1. assign a name to the new component2. specify input and output ports of the composition3. input and output ports are connected to the tasks/ components within the component,see Figure 4-3.4.Component: BrakeSystemFigure 4-3: Composition of components in Rubus5 Reuse of RT ComponentsDesign for reuse means that a component from a current project should require a minimum of modification for use in a future project. Abstraction is extremely valuable for reuse. When designing components for reuse, designers should attempt to anticipate as many future applications as possible. Reuse is more successful if designers concentrate on abstract rather than existing uses. The objective should be to minimize the difference between the component's selected and ideal degrees of abstraction. The smaller the variance from the ideal level of abstraction, the more frequently a component will be reused.There are other important factors which designers of reusable components must consider, they must not only anticipate future design contexts and future reuses. They must consider:• What users need and do not need to know about a reusable design, or how to emphasize relevant information and conceal that which is irrelevant.• What is expected from potential users, and what are their expectations about the reusable design.• That it is desirable, though difficult, to implement binary components, to allow users to instantiate only relevant parts of components. For example, if a user wants to use only some of the available ports of a component, then only the relevant parts should be instantiated.No designer can actually anticipate all future design contexts, when and in which environment the component will be reused. This means that a reusable component should depend as little as possible on its environment and be able to perform sufficient self-checking. In other words, it should be as independent as possible. Frequency of reuse and utility increase with independence. Thus independence should be another main area of concern when designing reusable components.An interesting observation about efficient reuse of real-time components, made by engineers at Siemens [15] is that, as a rule of thumb, the overhead cost of developing a reusablefifth reuse. Similar experience at ABB [16] shows that reusable components are exposed to changes more often than non-reusable parts of software at the beginning of their lives, until they reach a stable state.Designing reusable components for embedded real-time systems is even more complicated due to memory and execution time restrictions. Furthermore, real-time components must be much more carefully tested because of their safety-critical nature.These examples show that it is not easy to achieve efficient reuse, and that the development of reusable components requires a systematic approach in design planning, extensive development and support of a more complex maintenance process.5.1 Online Upgrades of ComponentsA method for online upgrades of software in safety-critical real-time systems has been presented in [17]. It can also be applied to component-based systems when replacing components.Replacing a component in a safety critical system can result in catastrophic consequences if the new component is faulty. Complete testing of new components is often not economically feasible or even possible, e.g., shutting down a process plant with high demands on availability can result in big financial losses. It is often not sufficient to simulate the behavior of the system including the new component. The real target must be used for this purpose.However, testing in the real system means that it must be shut down, and there is also a potential risk that the new component could endanger human life or vital systems.To overcome these problems it is proposed in [17] that the new component should be monitored to check that its output is within valid ranges. If it is not, then the original component will resume control of the system. It is assumed that the old component is reliable, but not as effective as the new component in some respect e.g., the new provides much improved control performance. This technology has been shown to be useful for control applications.A similar approach can be found in [18] where a component wrapper invokes a specific wrapper execution time must be taken into consideration, and such a system must support version management of components.In this development model we assume that a static schedule is used at run-time to dispatch the tasks, and since the schedule is static the flexibility is restricted. However, in some cases it is possible to perform online upgrades.Online upgrade of the system requires that the WCET of the new component is less or equal to the time-budget of the component it replaces. It is also required that it has the same interface and temporal properties, e.g., period and deadline. If this is not feasible, a new schedule must be generated and we must close down the system to upgrade it. Using the fault-tolerance method above, we can still do this safely with a short downtime.6 SummaryIn this paper we presented certain issues related to the use of component technology in the development of real-time systems. We pointed out the challenges introduced by using real-time components, such as guaranteeing the temporal behavior not only of the real-time components but also the entire composed system.When designing real-time systems with components, the design process must be changed to include timing analysis and especially to permit high-level analysis on an architectural design level. We presented a method for the development of reliable real-time systems using the component-based approach. The method emphasizes the temporal constraints which are estimated in the early design phase of the systems and are matched with the characteristics of existing real-time components. We outlined the information needed when reusing binary components, saved in a real-time component library.Furthermore, we proposed a method for composing components and how the resulting compositions could be handled when designing real-time systems. We also provided guidelines about what one should be aware of when reusing and online updating real-time components.References[1] Stankovic, J. and Ramamritham, K. Tutorial on Hard Real-Time Systems. IEEEComputer Society Press, 1998[2] D. Kalinsky and J. Ready. Distinctions between requirements specification and designof real-time systems. Conference proceedings on TRI-Ada '88 , 1988, Pages 426 – 432.[3] Douglas, B.P. Real-Time UML - Developing efficient objects for embedded systems.Addison Wesley Longman, Inc, 1998。



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Component-Based Construction ofDeadlock-Free SystemsExtended AbstractGregor G¨o ssler1and Joseph Sifakis21INRIA Rhˆo ne-Alpes,goessler@inrialpes.fr2VERIMAG,sifakis@imag.frAbstract.We propose a framework for building deadlock-free systemsfrom deadlock-free components.The framework is based on a methodo-logy for the layered construction of systems by superposing three layers.A layer of components,an interaction model and a restriction layer.Theinteraction model specifies the possible interactions between components.The restriction layer restricts the behavior of the two lower layers by aglobal yered structuring allows separating three orthogonalaspects in system construction.Apart from its methodological interestit makes technically possible the definition of a unique and powerful as-sociative composition operator.We study sufficient deadlock-freedom conditions for systems built fromdeadlock-free components and given interaction model and restriction.We also provide a sufficient condition for individual deadlock-freedom ofthe components of such systems.1IntroductionDeadlock-freedom is an essential correctness property as it characterizes a sys-tem’s ability to perform some activity over its lifetime.Deadlocks are the most common source of errors in systems of concurrent processes.They occur when processes share common resources or are in general subject to strong synchro-nization constraints.In that case,a process may remain blocked as long as a condition depending on the state of their environment is not satisfied.It has been often argued that deadlock-freedom is not a relevant property as there exist systems that never deadlock e.g.hardware,time triggered sys-tems[12,10],synchronous systems[4,9,2,14].In such systems,components are never blocked by their environment as it is supposed that component inputs are always available whenever requested.Nevertheless,it is clear that if some strong coordination between components is needed e.g.they share a common resource,then this can be achieved by a deadlock-free protocol where the values exchanged between components are used to encode the information necessary for safely implementing the coordination.Thus,for systems that are by construc-tion deadlock-free,verifying mutual exclusion requires analysis of the sequences of the values exchanged between the coordinating components.Another argument for not considering deadlock-freedom as a relevant prop-erty is that any system can become trivially deadlock-free by adding some idle action loop that does not modify its overall observable behavior whenever there is a risk of deadlock waiting states.Such a modification allows elimi-nation of deadlocks but it leads to systems where it is possible to indefinitely postpone interaction between components by privileging idle actions.Thus in-stead of checking for deadlock-freedom,other properties such as livelock-freedom and fairness must be checked for system correctness.The above remarks show that building deadlock-free systems requires the definition of an appropriate setting where absence of deadlock means satisfaction of strong coordination properties.In this paper we propose a framework for building deadlock-free systems from deadlock-free components.The framework is based on a methodology for the layered construction of systems by superposing three layers(figure1).Fig.1:Layered system description.–The bottom layer consists of a set of components.They are characterized by the set of actions they can perform and their behavior.The latter is specified as a transition system representing the effect of actions on component states.–The intermediate layer is an interaction model.This is used to specify the possible interactions between the components.An interaction is the result of the simultaneous occurrence(synchronization)of actions from different components.Furthermore,an interaction model specifies the set of incom-plete interactions,that is the interactions that the system cannot execute without synchronizing with its environment.Interaction models are a general mechanism for specifying various kinds of parallel composition[8].–The upper layer is a restriction by a constraint(predicate)on the system state.Restriction is used to prevent the behavior of the underlying layers from executing interactions that violate the constraint.System behavior is obtained by successive application of the meaning of each layer.The behavior of components is composed as specified by the interaction model.Then it is restricted by application of a global constraint.We believe that the proposed construction methodology is general enough as it combinesusual parallel composition with techniques relying on the use of constraints such as invariants.For example,in a multitasking system,interaction models can be typically used to describe synchronization for mutual exclusion and restriction can be used to express scheduling policies[1].We provide sufficient conditions for deadlock-freedom of systems built from deadlock-free components for given interaction model and restriction.The results assume that for each component a deadlock-free invariant is given,that is a set of states from which the component can block only because of its environment. The condition relates the deadlock-free invariants of the system components to the enabling conditions of the interactions of the layered system.We also provide a sufficient condition for individual deadlock-freedom of the components in a system.A component is individually deadlock-free if it can always perform an action.The paper is organized as follows.Section2describes the layered construction principle.It deals essentially with the presentation of the interaction models and their ponent be-haviors are described as simple non deterministic loops with guarded commands [7,16].The concept of restriction is taken from[1].Section3presents the result for global and individual deadlock-freedom. Section4presents concluding remarks about the presented framework.2CompositionWe present a composition operation on layered systems.The operation com-poses each layer separately.The bottom layer of the product is the union of the bottom layers of the operands.The interaction model of the product is ob-tained as the union of the interaction models of the operands with some”glue”interaction model.That is,the composition operator is parameterised with in-formation about the interactions between the operands.Finally,the restriction of the product is the conjunction of the restrictions of the operands(figure2).Fig.2:Layered composition.The two following sub-sections present the interaction models and their com-position.2.1Interaction ModelsConsider a finite set K of components with disjoint finite vocabularies of actions A i for i ∈K .We put A = i ∈K A i .A connector c is a non empty subset of A such that ∀i ∈K .|A i ∩c | 1.A connector defines a maximally compatible set of interacting actions.For the sake of generality,our definition accepts singleton connectors.The use of the connector {a }in a description is interpreted as the fact that action a cannot be involved in interactions with other actions.Given a connector c ,an interaction αof c is any term of the form α=a 1 ... a n such that {a 1,...,a n }⊆c .As usual [15,3],we assume that is a binary associative and commutative operator.It is used to denote some abstract and partial action composition operation.The interaction a 1 ... a n is the result of the occurrence of the actions a 1,...,a n .For αand α interactions,we write α α to denote the interaction resulting from their composition (if its is defined).Notice that if α=a 1 ... a n is an interaction then any term corresponding to a sub-set of {a 1,...,a n }is an interaction.By analogy,we say that α is a sub-interaction of αif α=α α for some interaction α .Clearly,actions are minimal interactions.The set of the interactions of a connector c ={a 1,...,a n },denoted by I (c ),consists of all the interactions corresponding to sub-sets of c (all the sub-interactions of c ).We extend the notation to sets of connectors.If C is a set of connectors then I (C )is the set of its interactions.Clearly,for C 1,C 2sets of connectors,I (C 1∪C 2)=I (C 1)∪I (C 2).Definition 1(Set of connectors).The set of connectors of a system consist-ing of a set of components K with disjoint action vocabularies A i for i ∈K ,is a set C such that c ∈C c = i ∈K A i ,and if c ∈C then there exists no c ∈Cand c c .That is,C contains only maximal sets.Definition 2(Interaction model).The interaction model of a system com-posed of a set of components K with a set of connectors C is a pair IM =(I (C ),I (C )−)where I (C )−⊆I (C ),is the set of the incomplete interactions such that it contains no maximal interactions and ∀b,b ∈I (C ),b ∈I (C )−and b ⊆b implies b ∈I (C )−.We denote by I (C )+the set of the complete (non incomplete)interactions.Clearly,I (C )+contains all the maximal interactions of I (C )and is such that ∀b,b ∈I (C ),b ∈I (C )+and b ⊆b implies b ∈I (C )+.Notice that any action appears in some connector.The requirement that C contains only maximal sets ensures a bijective correspondence between the set of connectors C and the corresponding set of interactions I (C ).Given I (C ),the corresponding set of connectors is uniquely defined and is C .To simplify notation,we write IC instead of I (C ).The distinction between complete and incomplete interactions is essential for building correct models.As models are built incrementally,interactions are obtained by composing actions.It is often necessary to express the constraint that some interactions of a sub-system are not interactions of the system.This istypically the case for binary strict synchronization (rendez-vous).For example,send and receive should be considered as incomplete actions but send receive as complete.The occurrence of send or receive alone in a system model is an error because it violates the assumption about strict synchronization made by the designer.The execution of a complete interaction by a component does not require synchronization with interactions of its environment.The execution of an in-complete interaction requires synchronization with some other interaction to produce a larger one which may be either complete or incomplete.Incomplete-ness of an interaction implies the obligation to synchronize when environment offers matching interactions as specified by the connectors.The distinction between complete and incomplete interactions encompasses many other distinctions such as output/input,internal/external,uncontrollable/controllable used in different modeling formalisms.Clearly,internal actions of components should be considered as complete because they can be performed independently of the state of their environment.In some formalisms,output actions are complete (synchronous languages,asynchronous buffered communi-cation).In some others such as CSP [11]and Lotos [17],all synchronizing actions are incomplete.Often it is convenient to consider that the complete interactions of IC +are defined from a given set of complete actions A +⊆A .That is,IC +consists of all the interactions of IC where at least one complete action (element of A +)is involved.In the example of figure 3,we give sets of connectors and complete actions to define interaction models.By convention,bullets represent incom-plete actions and triangles complete actions.In the partially ordered set of the interactions,full nodes denote complete interactions.The interaction between put and get represented by the interaction put get is a rendez-vous meaning that synchronization is blocking for both actions.The interaction between out and in is asymmetric as out can occur alone even if in is not possible.Nevertheless,the occurrence of in requires the occurrence of out .The interactions between out ,in 1and in 2are asymmetric.The output out can occur alone or in synchronization with any of the inputs in 1,in 2.2.2Incremental Description of Interaction ModelsConsider the interaction model IM =(IC ,IC −)of a set of interacting components K with disjoint action vocabularies A i for i ∈K .IC and IC −denote the sets of interactions and incomplete interactions,respectively on the vocabulary of actions A = i ∈K A i .Definition 3(Glue connectors).Given a set of disjoint subsets of K ,K 1,...,K n of K ,we denote by C [K 1,...,K n ]the set of the connectors having at least one action in each set of components,that is,C [K 1,...,K n ]={c =c 1∪···∪c n |∀i ∈[1,n ].c i ∈C [K i ]∧c ∈C [K ]}.Clearly,C [K 1,...,K n ]is the set of the connectors of IM [K 1∪···∪K n ]which are not connectors of any IM [K ]for any subset K of at most n −1elementsFig.3:Interaction models.from{K1,...,K n}.Notice that when the partition consists of only one set,then the above definition agrees with Definition1.Proposition1.Given K1,K2,K3three disjoint subsets of K.IC[K1∪K2]=IC[K1]∪IC[K2]∪IC[K1,K2]IC[K1∪K2,K3]=IC[K1,K3]∪IC[K2,K3]∪IC[K1,K2,K3]Proof.Thefirst equality comes from the fact that C[K1]∪C[K2]∪C[K1,K2] contains all the connectors of C[K1∪K2]and other sets of actions that are not maximal.By definition,IC contains all the sub-sets of C.Thus,IC[K1∪K2]= I(C[K1]∪C[K2]∪C[K1,K2])=IC[K1]∪IC[K2]∪IC[K1,K2].The second equality comes from the fact that C[K1,K3]∪C[K2,K3]∪C[K1, K2,K3]contains all the connectors of C[K1∪K2,K3]and in addition,other sets of actions that are not maximal.By definition,IC contains all the sub-sets of C. Thus,IC[K1∪K2,K3]=I(C[K1,K3]∪C[K2,K3]∪C[K1,K2,K3])from which we get the result by distributivity of I over union.Definition4(Union of incomplete interactions).Consider two sets of con-nectors C1,C2and the corresponding sets of interactions IC1,IC2.We take (IC1)−∪(IC2)−=(IC1∪IC2)−.This definition combined with proposition1allows to compute the incomplete interactions of a system from the incomplete interactions of its components and thus provides a basis for incremental description of interaction models.Property 1.For K 1,K 2,K 3three disjoint subsets of K ,IC [K 1∪K 2]−=IC [K 1]−∪IC [K 2]−∪IC [K 1,K 2]−IM [K 1∪K 2]=(IC [K 1∪K 2],IC [K 1∪K 2]−)=IM [K 1]∪IM [K 2]∪IM [K 1,K 2]IM [K 1∪K 2,K 3]=IM [K 1,K 3]∪IM [K 2,K 3]∪IM [K 1,K 2,K 3]By using this property,we get the following expansion formula:Proposition 2(Expansion formula).IM [K 1∪K 2∪K 3]=IM [K 1]∪IM [K 2]∪IM [K 3]∪IM [K 1,K 2]∪IM [K 1,K 3]∪IM [K 2,K 3]∪IM [K 1,K 2,K 3].2.3Composition Semantics and PropertiesWe need the following definitions.Definition 5(Transition system).A transition system B is a tuple (X,IC,{G a }a ∈IC ,{F a }a ∈IC ),where–X is a finite set of variables;–IC is a finite set of interactions;–G a is a predicate on X ,the set of valuations of X ,called guard ;–F a :X →X is a transition function .Definition 6(Semantics of a transition system).A transition system (X ,IC ,{G a }a ∈IC ,{F a }a ∈IC )defines a transition relation →:X ×IC ×X as follows:∀x ,x ∈X ∀a ∈IC .x a →x ⇐⇒G a (x )∧x =F a (x ).Definition 7(Constraint).A constraint on a transition system B =(X,IC,{G a }a ∈IC ,{F a }a ∈IC )is a term of the form U X ∧ a ∈IC t a (U a ),where –U X is a state predicate on X ;–t a (U a )is an action predicate such that ∀x ∈X .t a (U a )(x )if G a (x )⇒U a (x ).That is,U X ∧ a ∈IC t a (U a )holds at states which satisfy U X and from whichonly actions satisfying U a are executable.Definition 8(Restriction).The restriction of a transition system B =(X ,IC ,{(G a )}a ∈IC ,{F a }a ∈IC )with a constraint U =U X ∧ a ∈IC t a (U a )is the tran-sition system B/U =(X,IC ,{(G a ) }a ∈IC ,{F a }a ∈IC )where (G a ) =G a ∧U X ∧U a ∧U X ([F a (x )/x ]).A system S is described by a term S=(B,IM)/U where IM=(IC,IC−) is an interaction model,B is a transition system with set of interactions IC describing the behavior of its components,and U is a constraint.We define the behavior of S as the transition system B /U where B is the transition system obtained from B by removing all its incomplete interactions, that is B =(X,IC,{G a}a∈IC+,{F a}a∈IC+),where IC+is the set of the complete interactions of IM.As in the previous sub-section,we consider that S=(B,IM)/U is built from a set of interacting components K with disjoint action vocabularies A i,i∈K and behaviors described by transition systems(X i,A i,{G a}a∈Ai ,{F a}a∈Ai)with disjoint sets of variables.We denote by S[K]the system built from the components k∈K,and assume that it has the layered structure S[K]=(B[K],IM[K])/U with interaction model IM[K]and constraint U.We define a composition operator allowing to obtain for disjoint sub-sets K1,K2of K,the system S[K1∪K2]as the composition of the sub-systems S[K1], S[K2]for given interaction model IM[K1,K2]connecting the two sub-systems. The operator composes separately behaviors,interaction models and restrictions of the sub-systems.Fig.4:The composition principle.Definition9( ).The composition of two systems S[K1]and S[K2]is the sys-temS[K1∪K2]=(B[K1],IM[K1])/U1 (B[K2],IM[K2])/U2=(B[K1]×B[K2],IM[K1]∪IM[K2]∪IM[K1,K2])/(U1∧U2) where×is a binary associative behavior composition operator such that B[K1]×B[K2]=(X1∪X2,IC[K1∪K2],{G a}a∈IC[K1∪K2],{F a}a∈IC[K1∪K2])where forα=α1 α2∈IC[K1,K2],Gα=Gα1∧Gα2and for any valuation(x1,x2)of X1∪X2,Fα(x1,x2)=(Fα1(x1),Fα2(x2)).Due to property1we have(B[K1],IM[K1])/U1 (B[K2],IM[K2])/U2= (B[K1∪K2],IM[K1∪K2])/(U1∧U2),which means that composition of sub-systems gives the system corresponding to the union of their components.Notice that as×is an associative operator,composition is associative:(B[K1],IM[K1])/U1 (B[K2],IM[K2])/U2(B[K3],IM[K3])/U3==(B[K1∪K2],IM[K1∪K2])/(U1∧U2) (B[K3],IM[K3])/U3=(B[K1]×B[K2]×B[K3],IM[K1∪K2]∪IM[K3]∪IM[K1∪K2,K3])/ (U1∧U2∧U3)=(B[K1∪K2∪K3],IM[K1∪K2∪K3])/(U1∧U2∧U3)by application of proposition2.Thus we have the propositionProposition3. is a commutative and associative operator on systems. 3Deadlock Freedom by Construction3.1Global Deadlock FreedomDefinition10(Invariant).A constraint U=U X∧a∈ICt a(U a)on B=(X,IC,{G a}a∈IC,{F a}a∈IC)is an invariant if∀a∈IC∀x∈X.U X(x)∧G a(x)⇒U X([F a(x)/x])∧U a(x).The following properties are easy to prove and relate restriction to invariants. Property2.Given a transition system B and constraints U,U1,U2,–U is an invariant of B/U;–if U i is an invariant of B i,i=1,2,then U1∧U2is an invariant of(B1×B2,IM) for any IM,and of(B1×B2,IM)/U;–(B/U1)/U2=B/(U1∧U2);–if U is an invariant of B then B/U is bisimilar to B from any state satisfying U.As in the previous section,consider a system S =(×k ∈K B k ,IM )/U built from a set of interacting components K where the transition systems B k =(X k ,A k ,{G a }a ∈A k ,{F a }a ∈A k )have disjoint action vocabularies and sets of vari-ables.We assume that IM =(IC ,IC +),and B =(×k ∈K B k ,IM )=(X,IC +,{G a }a ∈IC +,{F a }a ∈IC +).In this section we study deadlock-freedom of S =B/U and of its components.Let B/U =(X,IC +,{(G a ) }a ∈IC +,{F a }a ∈IC +)be the restriction of B by some constraint U =U X ∧ a ∈A t a (U a )with restricted guards (G a ) =G a ∧U X ∧U a ∧U X ([F a (x )/x ])for any interaction a ∈IC +.Definition 11(Complete states).Given S =(B,IM ),U =U X ∧ a ∈A t a (U a ),and k some component of B ,the set of complete states of k ,that is,states of k from which its progression cannot be prevented by its environment,is charac-terized by the largest predicate complete (k )on X k such that complete (k )=⇒dlf k ∧ α∈IC +α∩A k =∅(G α) .Definition 12(Blocking states).For k ∈K ,let dlf k be some non-emptyinvariant on X k implying deadlock-freedom of k ,that is,dlf k ⇒ a ∈A k G a .We take dlf = k ∈K dlf k and define for a component k the predicateblocking (k )=dlf k ∧¬α∈IC +α∩A k =∅(G α) characterizing the states where k is blocked due to interaction or restriction with U .Definition 13(Dependency graph).Consider a system S =(B,IM )/U built from a set K of components.For each component k put each predicate blocking (k )in the form i ∈I k c i with c i = k ∈K D k ,i where D k ,i is a predicate depending on X k .The dependency graph of S is a labelled bipartite graph with two sets of nodes:the components of K ,and constraint nodes {c i |∃k ∈K .i ∈I k },where I k is the set of conjunctive terms occurring in blocking (k ).For a component node k and a constraint node c i ,–there is an edge from k to c i labeled with D k,i if D k,i =false;and –there is an edge from c i to k labeled with D k,i if i ∈I k .Notice that constraint nodes represent conditions under which a component is blocked.If c is a constraint node for a component k then it has at least one incoming and one outcoming edge.At some state,k is blocked if all the predicates labelling the incoming edges of c are true.Let γbe a circuit of the dependency graph of a system (B,IM )/U .The predicateDL (γ)=(k D →c D →k )∈γ D ∧Dcharacterizes the system states for which all components in γmay be blocked cyclically awaiting for each other.Theorem 1(Deadlock freedom).A system (B,IM )/U is deadlock-free from any state satisfying dlf ∧U X if its dependency graph contains a non-empty sub-graph G such that–if G contains a component node then G contains all its predecessor con-straint nodes,and if G contains a constraint node then G contains one of its predecessors;and–for any elementary circuit γof G ,DL (γ)=false.Proof.Assume that the system is at some global deadlock state x .As all the components are initialised at states satisfying dlf there exists for each component at least one action a having its guard G a enabled at this state in B .Consider a component k of G and a term c i of blocking (k )such that c i (x ).As dlf k (x ),the label of the input edge (c i ,k )is true at this state (the guards are contained in dlf k ).Then consider some predecessor k of c i in G .The label of the edge (k ,c i )is true as it is a factor of c i .Again,the component k has at least one guard enabled.Move backwards in G from this node by iterating the process.Then an elementary circuit γof G is found.By construction,all the predicates labelling the edges of this circuit are true at state x .This contradicts the assumption of DL (γ)=false .Theorem 2(Deadlock freedom).(B,IM )/U is deadlock-free from dlf ∧U X if dlf ∧U X ⇒ α∈IC +(G α) .Proof.Since for any k ∈K ,dlf k is invariant by hypothesis,dlf and dlf ∧U X are by property 2invariants of (B,IM )/U .As dlf ∧U X implies enabledness of some complete interaction,its invariance amounts to deadlock-freedom.Theorem 3.The conditions of theorem 1imply that dlf ∧U X ⇒ α∈IC +(G α) .Proof (sketch).Suppose that there is some non-empty sub-graph G of the de-pendency graph as specified in theorem 1such that for any elementary circuit γof G ,DL (γ)=false .Thus,for any valuation x such that dlf (x )there is some com-ponent k in G with ¬blocking (k )(x )by construction of the dependency graph.By definition of blocking ,it follows that there is some interaction αsuch that (G α) (x ).The condition of theorem 2allows an efficient check for deadlock freedom.However,in order to provide a diagnostic when this condition is not verified,it may be usefulto construct a dependency graph for the states satisfying dlf ∧¬ α∈IC +(G α) .3.2Individual Deadlock-FreedomWe give some results about deadlock-freedom preservation for transitions sys-tems.Similar results have been obtained for timed transition systems with pri-orities in[5].In general,deadlock-freedom or even liveness of a system of interacting com-ponents do not imply that any component remains deadlock-free in the system. Guaranteeing this stronger property is the objective of the following definitions and theorem.Definition14(Run).A run of a transition system B=(X,IC,{G a}a∈IC, {F a}a∈IC)is an infinite sequence of interactions x0α0→x1α1→...x nαn→....Definition15(Individual deadlock-freedom).Given a system S,a com-ponent k∈K is deadlock-free in S if for any runσof S and any prefixσn of σ,there exists a runσ such thatσnσ is a run of S,and some interaction ofσ contains an interaction of k.Definition16(Controllable predecessors).Let B=(X,IC,{G a}a∈IC, {F a}a∈IC)be the behavior of a component.For Y⊆X,define pre(Y)⊆X such that x∈pre(Y)if–if x is complete then∃x ∈X∃a∈IC+.x a→x ∧x ∈Y;–if x is incomplete then∀x ∈X∀a∈IC−.x a→x ⇒x ∈Y,and such a and x exist.For X0⊆X we denote by PRE(X0)the least solution of Y=X0∪pre(Y).Clearly,PRE(X0)exists,as it is thefixed point of a monotonic functional. PRE(X0)represents the set of the predecessors of X0in the transition graph such that from anyone of its states a state of X0can be reached by appro-priately choosing complete interactions.In this context,complete interactions can be characterized as controllable,as when they are enabled some interaction containing them can occur in the product system.On the contrary incomplete interactions are uncontrollable as their occurrence in the product depends on the state of the environment.Predicate transformers taking into account con-trollability have been studied in[13].Definition17(Controllability).Given a system S,we call a component k∈K with behavior(X k,A k,{G a}a∈Ak ,{F a}a∈Ak)controllable with respect to somestate constraint U on X k if PRE(U)=X k.Theorem4(Individual Deadlock-Freedom).Given a system S=(B,IM) built from a set K of components,a component k∈K is deadlock-free from dlf in S if–the dependency graph of S contains a sub-graph G satisfying the requirements of theorem1with k∈K ,where K is the set of component nodes in G,–any k∈K is controllable with respect to G a for any a∈A k such that ∃α∈IC∃α ∈IC−.a∈α∧α ⊆α,and–all n-ary interactions with n 3are rendez-vous,that is,for any interactions α∈IC+with|α| 3andα ∈IC,we have(1)ifα∩α =∅,thenα ∈IC−, and(2)if a∈α∩A i and a ∈α ∩A i,then G a∧G a =false for any i∈K.Notice that under the hypotheses above,any component that is blocked,is either waiting for one(or more)binary interaction,or for exactly one n-ary interaction with n 3.Proof.Consider some product state x in which k is blocked,and no complete interaction involving k is enabled.By theorem1,some(direct or transitive)predecessor of k can progress.Let k i1α1k i2α2...αn−1=αk in=k be a chainof components in K where k iα k j means that k j is in an incomplete statewaiting for interactionαwith k i,and such that only k i1is able to progress.Bycontrollability,k i1can be led(by appropriately choosing some complete action,or by any incomplete action)towards a state x where its action participating inα1is enabled.Ifα1is binary then this unblocks k i2;otherwise the interaction isby hypothesis a rendez-vous,and both components k i1and k i2remain blocked.In that case we apply the same reasoning to any chain of components blockingk i2.Finally,α2will be enabled.The same reasoning can now be applied to k i3and recursively descending the chain,untilαbecomes enabled.4DiscussionThis work is in progress and needs further validation by examples and case studies.It pursues similar objectives as the work by Th.Henzinger and his colleagues[6].It lies within the scope of a lasting research program.The paper presents compositionality and composability results for deadlock-from of systems built from components following the proposed construction me-thodology.The concept of component is very general and can be applied to various types of descriptions,e.g.a block of code,hardware,provided they have disjoint state spaces and well defined interface and behavior.Interaction mod-els provide a powerful framework for synchronization,that encompasses both strict and non strict synchronization.Restriction appears to be a very useful concept for imposing global invariants.The layered description principle allows separation of concerns and has been used to some extent in[1].Furthermore,lay-ered structuring is instrumental for the definition of an associative composition operation.The provided sufficient deadlock-freedom conditions require that components satisfy specific properties such as existence of non trivial deadlock-free invari-ants,and of sets of controllable predecessors.These properties can be checked algorithmically only when the components arefinite-state.Deadlock-freedom conditions also require the computation of the guards of the constructed system, which may be a source of exponential explosion for general interaction models and restrictions.。
