













二、可信计算技术概述可信计算(Trusted Computing)是一种旨在提高计算机系统整体安全性的技术,其核心思想是在硬件、软件、操作系统和应用程序等多个层面构建信任链,以确保系统的安全性和数据的完整性。


可信计算技术的核心是信任根(Root of Trust),它是一个在系统中无法被篡改、无法被欺骗的起点,用于建立并维护整个系统的信任。




基于移动Agent的网络安全态势感知模型卢爱平;郝洪亮;穆殿宝;李建平【摘要】considering the drawbacks of existed architecture such as single data source or multi-source with homogeneous data, long response delay, weak self-protection and lack of fault tolerance, a heterogeneous data source-oriented network security situation awareness system architecture based on mobile agents is studied. This architecture can be divided into information access layer, data preprocessing layer and situation decision layer. Every module in these three layers has been designed carefully and a systematic, dynamic, distributed and self-adapted NSSA architecture is built as last. The architecture is analyzed based on the formal modeling language PEPA. And then the rationality of this model is validated.%针对现有框架模型存在数据源单一或多源同质、响应延迟大、自我保护性差、稳定性和容错能力差等缺点,借助移动Agent的优点,提出一种网络安全态势感知系统框架模型.该框架结构自下而上依次分为信息获取层、数据预处理层、态势决策层,建立了一个系统化、动态化、分布式、自适应的网络安全态势框架结构.利用PEPA形式化建模语言对框架模型进行分析,验证了框架模型的合理性.【期刊名称】《科学技术与工程》【年(卷),期】2011(011)019【总页数】6页(P4646-4651)【关键词】网络安全;态势感知;移动Agent;PEPA【作者】卢爱平;郝洪亮;穆殿宝;李建平【作者单位】东北石油大学计算机与信息技术学院,大庆163318;大庆油田有限责任公司信息中心,大庆163453;大庆油田有限责任公司信息中心,大庆163453;东北石油大学计算机与信息技术学院,大庆163318【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393.08网络安全态势感知(Network Security Situational Awareness,NSSA)指在大规模网络环境中,对能够引起网络安全态势发生变化的安全要素进行提取、理解、显示并预测未来发展趋势[1,2]。

基于mobile agent的动态自适应网络安全模型的研究

基于mobile agent的动态自适应网络安全模型的研究
c rn t e p u t ec a g f o lx n t r t c l n l r b ei tu i n me s r s d o a o e p wi t h n e o mp e ewo k sr R r a d a t a l r so a u e Ba e n l k hh c u e e n
d n mi e u iy o h s p p r p e e t a d n r c s l a a tv e wo k s c t d l b s d o y a c s c rt .S ,t i a e r s n s y a r e f d p e n t r e mf y mo e a e n n - i
mo i g n, de h s s ni t ltr , nrls' e dp oo p lme tt n bl a e ta m a e s t u e c to h tg a r t t ei e na i e n p o t rc s o a y n y mp o
Ke rb: o iyma a e mo i g n ; c r y fa wo k J v y w0 ‘ p l n g ; b l a e t s a i me r ; a a c e e t r
a ay i o o lsia e u t d l a d tc n lge ,we tik n t r e ui sa kn f n lss fsme casc lsc r mo esn e h oo is i y hn ewok s rt i i do c y
20 0 2年 3月

VO 2 N o3 【3 M a r2
第2 3卷
第 3期

移动 Agent 系统中的安全策略建模(IJCNIS-V11-N10-4)

移动 Agent 系统中的安全策略建模(IJCNIS-V11-N10-4)

I. J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2019, 10, 26-36Published Online October 2019 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2019.10.04Security Policy Modelling in the MobileAgent SystemHassan RAZOUKILMACS Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology, University Sultan Moulay Slimane, Beni Mellal, MoroccoE-mail: razouki.hassan@Received: 02 July 2019; Accepted: 25 August 2019; Published: 08 October 2019Abstract—The mobile agent security problem limits the use of mobile agent technology and hinders its extensibility and application because the constantly progressed complexity and extension at the level of systems and applications level increase the difficulty to implement a common security system as well as an anticipated security policy.Ontology is considered one of the most important solutions to the problem of heterogeneity. In this context, our work consists of constructing mobile agent domain security ontology (MASO) in order to eliminate semantic differences between security policies in this domain. We use the OWL language under the protected software to construct this ontology. Then, we chose the WS-Policy standard to model security policies, these policies are structured in forms of security requirements and capabilities. To determine the level of semantic correspondence between security policies we are developing an algorithm called "Matching-algorithm" with Java language and two APIs (Jena API and Jdom API) to manipulate the MASO ontology and security policies.Index Terms—Mobile agents, security, security policy, ontology, semantics.I.I NTRODUCTIONThe power of mobile agent technology in solving complex problems results from the fact that agents, thanks to their autonomy, mobility and adaptability, can achieve their goals in a flexible way by using local and/or remote interaction with other agents on the network. However, the flexibility and mobility of the mobile agent poses a serious security problem that has hindered its expansion. [1]. The implementation of a security policy may require, on the one hand, the protection of the resources and data of the host machines, and on the other hand, the preservation of the integrity and confidentiality of the agents themselves and their communications [2].In this context, the interest in the protection and security of mobile agents and the services offered by platforms has increased within organizations. As a result, different security policies have been developed, and different security standards have been proposed. This has led to heterogeneity in the exploitation of these security policies by different entities.Mobile and service agents are autonomous entities, potentially heterogeneous, of diverse origins, and free to enter and leave the system whenever they wish [3]. In such a scenario, interoperability problems frequently occur that require specific resolution techniques. Our effort is focused on solving these kinds of problems by focusing on the heterogeneity of security policies between these entities.In order to achieve interoperability and resolve issues of heterogeneity between the security policies of the mobile agent and the platforms visited, semantic integration is necessary. Security ontologies, at present, are considered as the next trend to solve heterogeneity problems, as it offers a shared knowledge which is able to prevent communication and interaction failure among mobile agents, this failure is due to their heterogeneous security properties [4]. And this is the reason which pushed us to produce a common security domain ontology that will present concepts, relations, integrity constraints and rules on which agents and platforms could collaborate.The ontology we have proposed has a twofold objective: first, the establishment of formal knowledge on security in mobile agent-based systems, and second, the use of ontology facilitates automatic analysis of the semantic compatibility between the agent's security policies and the platforms visited. We have chosen to model security policies using a W3C standard called WS-Policy. We add semantic annotations using this ontology to describe security requirements and capabilities. Indeed, we have structured the security policy in two parts:∙Security requirements: Allows you to specify the different security settings necessary for the secureexecution of a mobile agent∙Security capacity: represents a set of specifications, protocols, algorithms..., to satisfy a securityrequirement.To determine whether a platform is capable of securely executing an agent, on the one hand, the functional aspects of the platform should satisfy the functional needs of the agent to perform their task, on the other hand, the agent's security requirements must be satisfied by the platform's security capabilities, so the platform's securityrequirements must also be satisfied by the security capabilities used by the mobile agent.The objective of this article is to build an ontology in the field of mobile agent security in order to eliminate the semantic differences that exist between security policies in this field. We use the OWL language under Protected 4 [5] to build this ontology. Then, we chose the WS-Policy standard [6] to model security policies in terms of security requirements and capabilities. To determine the level of semantic correspondence between security policies we are developing an algorithm called "Matching-algorithm" with Java language and two APIs (Jena API and Jdom API) to manipulate MASO ontology and security policies.The rest paper is discussed as follows. In section II, previous work on security ontologies is discussed. Section III, how to model security policies in mobile agent systems with the WS-Policy standard and the security ontology (MASO) we have constructed. Section IV presents the process of matching security policies based on the MASO ontology, we also demonstrate the importance of this solution using an example of the interaction between a mobile agent and an execution platform (how to apply the semantic matching algorithm). Finally, Section V concludes the paper.II.R ELATED W ORKOntology is considered one of the most important solutions to solve the problem of heterogeneity. In the literature several safety ontologies have been developed, targeted safety ontologies are classified and grouped into three main categories: generalized safety ontologies, specific safety ontologies, and diverse safety ontologies [4].1.The generalized security ontologies aimed to coversecurity features, which had formed explicitdomain terminology for dissimilar stakeholders.This category of ontology pays attention tosecurity development and contribution to theknowledge database with general logicalperceptive without human intervention [4]. Someof the generalized security ontologies were cloudcomputing security taxonomies [7], ontology-based Security [8] and ontology-based multi-agentmodel based on information security system [9]. 2.The specialized security ontologies focused on arange of computational models having variablesfrom general terminologies related to securityrequirements application-based security, network,risk and web services, etc. These ontologies werealienated into five subcategories with respect tospecial aspects of security [4]. Web Services (WS)and Web Ontology Language (OWL) basedSecurity Ontologies [10,11]. Network SecurityOntologies [12,13]. Risk-based SecurityOntologies [14]. Application-based SecurityOntologies [15,16].3.Miscellaneous Security Ontologies [4]. There arenumerous ontologies which cannot be sited in anyof the aforementioned categories; thus such typesof ontologies are placed in the miscellaneouscategory. Some of the specialized securityontologies were (Information Security MeasuringOntology (ISMO) [17], Vulnerability-CentricModeling Ontology [18], Cyber Ontology [19],Security Toolbox: Attacks and Countermeasures(STAC) Ontology [13], Ontological approachtoward cybersecurity in Cloud Computing [20],Cloud Ontology [21], Security Ontology DrivenMulti-Agent System Architecture: Cloud DataStorage [22].Subsequent related researches show the importance of using security ontologies in several domains (cloud computing, web service, networks, application...). In the field of security of mobile agent systems, Hacini's approach [15] is considered one of the most important solutions to solve the heterogeneity problem. This solution uses an ontology to eliminate semantic differences in security policy objects, attributes, and data structures to facilitate mobile agent interoperability. The limitations of this approach lie in the fact that ontology is used only in a communication scenario between mobile agents and platforms. Indeed, this ontology does not solve the problem of specifying security policies in the mobile agent system, nor the problem of heterogeneity between the security policies of the mobile agent and the platforms visited. Finally, this ontology does not provide a solution to describe the specific security needs of each agent, nor the security capabilities provided by the platforms.In the following, we will show how to specify semantic security policies for mobile agents and platforms that offer services to agents, as well as how to semantically match these two security policies.III.S ECURITY P OLICY IN M OBILE A GENT S YSTEMS The discovery and selection of the most appropriate platforms for the secure execution of mobile agents are important steps in our approach. We consider platform discovery to be the location of published platforms that satisfy certain functional properties of the agent to perform their task. The selection of platforms corresponds to the evaluation and ranking of platforms already discovered in order to identify those that best meet the security requirements of the mobile agent. Indeed, each platform must have a functional description of the services offered to mobile agents, as well as a non-functional description concerning the security of each service offered by the platform [23].In order to be able to use the security policy in the selection process of the platforms visited by the mobile agent, they must be modeled and attached to the services when they are published and to the mobile agents when they are created. We adapted the WS-Policy specification [6] to express security requirements and capabilities and proposed a security policy model specific to the mobileagent system.A. Semantic need in policy correspondenceThe major problem with the use of WS-Policy is that the correspondence between policies is based solely on a syntactic comparison; the intersection of policies can reject potential partners in many cases, even with compatible policies. We demonstrate the usefulness of semantic comparison through the following example:A mobile agent requires data confidentiality and provides authentication capability:∙Security requirement: a mobile agent which requires a constraint on the confidentiality of thedata produced by the visited platform and requiresthe encryption of this data with the 3DESalgorithm∙Security capability: the mobile agent offers an authentication mechanism with an X.509 digitalcertificate.A platform requires the authentication of visiting mobile agents and offers symmetric encryption capability: ∙Security requirement: the visiting mobile agent must be authenticated∙Security capacity: the platform has an XML-Encryption encryption specification.In the above scenario, if we use the WS-Policy standard to represent and match the agent's security policies and platform. The comparator makes a syntactic comparison between character strings to determine whether the platform capacity can satisfy the agent's requirement, and the agent's capacity can satisfy the platform requirement. The comparator necessarily concludes that these two policies are not compatible although the assertions are equivalent. Indeed, the execution of the agent in this platform will be rejected. Therefore, the integration of semantics and knowledge in the security domain at the intersection between policies seems to be very interesting. To solve this problem, we create an ontology in the mobile agent security domain to capture the following semantic information:∙XML-Encryption is a specification for encrypting/decrypting mobile agent XML data,this specification supports symmetric (3DES) andasymmetric (RSA) encryption algorithms.∙The X.509 certificate is an authentication mechanism, the mobile agent has a certificatecontaining his identity, a public key and dataencrypted using his private key.When this additional information is added to security policies, and semantic correspondence between policies is applied. Then, the comparator concludes that the capacity of the platform satisfies the agent's requirement and the platform's requirement is satisfied by the agent's capacity, making a perfect match between these two policies. This example illustrates the importance of semantic information to improve the quality of correspondence between security policies.Fig.1. Main classes of security policy ontologyB. MASO Ontology to model security policiesA platform offers a set of services for mobile agents to perform their tasks. Each service has a set of functional properties. However, these properties are not sufficient to determine the most appropriate service for the agent's specific needs from a set of services that provide the same functionality. This is why it is important to have a clear description of its security policy, which allows the platform to express their requirements and security capabilities for each service [23]. In order to take security policies into account in the platform selection process for the secure execution of a mobile agent, we proposed an extension to the WS-Policy by adding new elements to its initial specification. These elements are expressed through safety concepts defined in the MASO ontology we have built.This extension has allowed us to integrate the different security concepts, create semantic relations between these concepts and ensure automatic correspondence between security policies. We used a model based on an OWL ontology to represent these different elements.Figure 1 presents the MASO ontology classes based on WS-Policy, to illustrate the difference between semantic relations and the class hierarchy. We use two lines to represent the relations between the different concepts of this ontology: The dotted line (blue color) links a specific class to a more general class, which allows defining the class hierarchies in the MASO ontology. The solid line (red color) allows you to specify the semantic relations between the different classes.We create three classes SecurityPolicy, SecurityAlternative, and SecurityAssertion, in order to express security assertions within a security policy. Indeed, the SecurityPolicy concept is the top level class of our ontology. It represents the root of the security policy, each policy identified by a name and a unique identifier (Name, ID). It is consisted of at least one or more security alternatives (SecurityAlternative).The SecurityAlternative class contains four semantic properties. The hasType property allows you to determine the type of the alternative with the AlternativeType class. This class contains two instances Capability and Requirement. The hasPreference property allows you to specify the preference of a particular alternative. The preference is expressed as xsd:int. The higher the preference value, the more weight the expressed preference has. If no preference is specified, the default value is zero. The hasObject property allows you to set the objective to be achieved by the SecurityObject class security alternative. Finally, the hasSecurityAssertion property allows you to specify the different security assertions used to satisfy a security objective. The SecurityAssertion class contains six subclasses (figure 1): ∙SecurityMechanism describes the technical solutions and methods used to satisfy a securityobjective. This class has six instances:Authorization, DigitalSignature, DigitalDigest,EncryptionAsymmetric, EncryptionSymmetric andIdentification∙SecurityProtocol allows specifying the different protocols and security specifications used toprotect mobile agents and execution platforms∙SecurityAlgorithm contains the different algorithms for encryption, signature, hashing anddata canonization. To do this, we have extractedfour subclasses from this class. The AlgEncryptionclass has symmetric encryption algorithms toensure data confidentiality. The AlgSignature classcontains asymmetric encryption algorithms thatensure the authenticity and integrity of data. TheAlgDigest class has the algorithms that allow youto create the data summary (MD5, SH1, SH2). TheAlgCanonicalization class represents canonizationalgorithms, allowing XML information to bepresented in a standard form.∙SecurityToken allows you to specify the different types of security tokens used by a securityprotocol or algorithm. Indeed, a security token canbe used for authentication, encryption and datasigning. There are six instances for this class:AsymmetricKey, SymmetricKey, SAMLAssertion,KerberosTicket, X509Certificate, andUsernameToken∙SecurityEncryption and SecuritySignature allow you to locate the elements to be encrypted/signedin the mobile agent. These two classes use thesame Elements subclass to determine the elementsto be protected. This class contains four instances:XPath, Data, Component, Itinerary.C. MASO ownership constraintWe present the different semantic relations between security-related concepts in the mobile agent system, such as the security objective, security mechanism, protocols, algorithms, and others. Security policies will be defined on the basis of the MASO ontology. We redraw this ontology with new semantic properties (figure 2).As shown in Figure 2, the SecurityObject class has several semantic properties to specify the security mechanisms, protocols, algorithms, and tokens that ensure a goal set by a security alternative. The ensuredByMechanism property allows expressing the security mechanisms used to satisfy a security objective. For example, the Confidentiality security objective is ensured by two security mechanisms EncryptionAsymmetric and EncryptionSymmetric. The other three semantic properties will be treated in the same way.The supportProtocol property allows you to specify protocols that satisfy a security mechanism. For example, the XML-Signature protocol is used to guarantee the DigitalSignature security mechanism.The adoptAlgorithm property allows a protocol to adopt one or more algorithms in its execution process. Some protocols require the presence of a security token with the required Token property. For example, the XML-Encryption protocol adopts the 3DES algorithm toencrypt data and uses the SymmetricKey security token as an encryption key.The usesToken property is used by the SecurityAlgorithm class to determine the list of keys used in the encryption/signature process (for example, a DSA signature algorithm uses an X509 security token to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the agent). The encryptedElement and signedElement property are used to determine the elements to be encrypted/signed of the mobile agent. The usesHash property is used between the AlgAsymmetric class and AlgHash to set the hash function adopted by the asymmetric algorithm. Finally, the usesCanonicalization property is used by the AlgAsymmetric class to specify the canonization algorithm to sign the mobile agent data.Fig.2. Semantic relationships between the different classes of MASO ontologyAfter defining all constraint properties and defining semantic relationships between classes. Our ontology for the mobile agent system becomes a universal way to express the security policy of the execution platform and the mobile agent.D. Creation of security policies (requirements and capacities)In our work, we have used the WS-Policy standard to express the requirements and capabilities within a security policy, based on the MASO ontology we have created. Indeed, security policies are expressed through the concepts defined by this ontology. They can be either instance of security protocols such as XACML, XML-Encryptions, or concrete security algorithms such as DES, RSA, or collections of instantiated features of these protocols such as confidentiality, authentication. In other words, safety requirements and capabilities can be described by using any component on an abstract level of the safety ontology. Each security policy can have more requirements and capacity.Definition 1:We define a Security Requirement as a Requirement type security alternative, allows to achieve a specific security objective and to group together a set of MASO ontology security assertions to satisfy the objective. Formally, we have expressed the safety requirement (SR) by equation 1:()object RSR AS=∑ (1)AS R is a set of safety assertions from the MASO ontology to express a safety requirement. For example, a mobile agent requires the confidentiality of the data generated by the execution platform, in which case the agent's policy requires an asymmetric RSA encryption algorithm (AS1) with a security token X509Certificate (AS2).SR (confidentiality) = AS1 + AS2Definition 2: We also define a Security Capability as a Capability type security alternative, allowing us to offer a set of security mechanisms, protocols, and algorithms to achieve a particular security objective. Each alternative includes a set of safety assertions from the MASO ontology to meet the intended objective. Formally, weexpressed security capacity (SC) by equation 2:()object C SR AS =∑ (2)AS C is a set of MASO ontology safety assertions to express a safety capability. For example, a platform provides security capabilities to ensure data integrity; the platform policy provides an XML-Signature specification such as a signature protocol (AS 1) with the DSA algorithm (AS 2) and an X509 digital certificate (AS 3) to sign the mobile agent data.SC (integrity) = AS 1 + AS 2 + AS 3The platforms specify their security requirements and capabilities in a policy that can be read by mobile agents. Also, agents have policies in place to express their security requirements and capabilities. The agent's security requirements must meet the platform's security features, so the platform's security requirements must also meet the security capabilities specified by the agent's policy. In the following, we present the semantic matching rules between requirements and security capabilities.IV. S EMANTIC C ORRESPONDENCES B ETWEEN S ECURITYP OLICIES In this section, we will present the process of matching security policies based on the MASO ontology. Indeed, the process of assessing the correspondence between the two policies consists of seeking semantic compatibility between requirements and capabilities. In particular: (a) the platform requirements are compared with the capabilities of the mobile agent. (b) The platform capabilities are compared with the requirements of the agent. For this comparison to yield a positive result, the following two conditions must be met:∙ The capabilities expressed in the platform'ssecurity policy must meet the requirements of the mobile agent∙ The requirements of the platform must berespected by the capabilities expressed in the mobile agent security policy.In the following, we detail the process of semantic correspondence between these two policies. A. Policy Mapping AlgorithmWe have developed a Matching-Algorithm to determine the level of correspondence between two security policies. Our algorithm accepts the agent's security policy and those of the platform as input and decides to what extent they match. This algorithm extracts the most specific type of requirement and capacity that ensure the same security objective and then checks its correspondence. The most specific type is the instance of the lowest class in the security ontology. We determine four possible matching results between a capacity and safety requirement:Perfect-Match: A perfect match occurs when the requirement and capacity both refer to the same or two equivalent concepts. For example, if capacity and a requirement are both of the SAML type, then there is a perfect match between the requirement and the capacity. Generally, two cases are possible:∙ Requirement and capacity refer to the samesemantic notion∙ Requirement and capacity refer to equivalentsemantic concepts.In both cases, if the properties of the requirement and the capacity are specified, then their values must be identical.General Match: if the most specific type of capacity is lower in the hierarchy than the most specific type of requirement. In this case, it is said that the requirement is more general than the capacity. Three cases are possible:∙ The requirement specifies a more general semanticconcept than the capacity∙ Requirement and capacity refer to the samesemantic concept, but more details are specified for capacity (using the construction of the property) ∙ The requirement and capacity refer to the MASOsafety ontology, but the requirement only specifies the safety objective, whereas the capacity is expressed by safety concepts that satisfy the objective specified by the requirement.Negotiable-Match: if the most specific type of requirement is lower in the hierarchy than the most specific type of capacity. It is said that the capacity is more general than the requirement. In this case, the capacity does not adequately meet the safety requirement. For example, if the requirement is of type X509Certiificate, the capacity is of type Authentication. There are three possible cases:∙ The requirement specifies a more specificsemantic concept than the capacity∙ Requirement and capacity refer to the samesemantic concept, but the requirement specifies in more detail (using the construction of the property) ∙ Requirement and capacity refer to the MASOsafety ontology, but capacity determines only one safety objective, while the requirement is expressed by safety concepts that satisfy the safety objective specified by the capacity.No match (No-Match): if the most specific types of requirement and capacity have no relationship in the safety ontology, then there is no match between the two. Two cases are possible:∙ Requirement and capacity refer to semanticconcepts that have no semantic relationship∙ The requirement and capacity refer to the samesemantic concept, but their properties presentdifferent specifications.We have divided the process of semantic correspondence between policies into two steps. The first consists of determining the correspondence result between each pair of requirement and safety capacity, the objective is to find the capacity that best corresponds to a requirement. The second is the assessment of the overall correspondence between the two policies. The overall correspondence is defined as the minimum between theindividual correspondence results evaluated in the first step.Formally we have represented the semantic correspondence algorithm between two policies by a mathematical equation (3). We consider two security policies P1 and P2 (P1 for the agent and P2 for the platform). We define the SR (object ) and SC (object) functions to express the security assertions of a requirement and a capability respectively.()()()()((1)(2)/)12((2)(1)/)i object j object j i i object j object j i R SR p C SC p C SatisfiedR P match P R SR p C SC p C SatisfiedR ∀∈∃∈⎫⎪⇒⎬∀∈∃∈⎪⎭(3)R i and C j represent the most specific requirement andcapacity of Requirement and Capability safety alternatives to ensure a particular safety objective.C j Satisfied R i means that the match result between C j and R i is Perfect-match or General-match. B. Implementation of Matching-algorithmThe Integrated Development Environment (IDE) we must use must be extensible, universal, flexible, free and compatible with the chosen JADE platform. We chose ECLIPSE because it meets all the criteria listed. The specificity of Eclipse comes from its architecture totally developed around the notion of the plug-in: all the functionalities of this software workshop are developed as a plug-in.To implement the semantic matching algorithm, weused two APIs to exploit and manipulate MASO ontology and mobile agent security policies and platforms:Jena API to manipulate the MASO ontology. This API provides the basic level interface for RDF, RDFS and OWL files. It is a free software developed by HP's research laboratory in Bristol. Jena offers a set of SPARQL parsers and query engines in the form of Java classes.JDOM API to manipulate agent security policies and platforms. This API allows you to analyze security policies, extract its different security concepts and represent these concepts in the form of a tree.In the following, we present the class diagram of the semantic correspondence algorithm:Fig.3. Class diagram of the semantic correspondence algorithm。



1.移动Agent在信息交通系统中的应用 [J], 王莹莹
2.移动Agent系统中的安全问题和技术研究综述 [J], 张阳;曹迎春;黄皓;谢立
3.移动Agent系统的安全问题 [J], 董红斌;石纯一
4.移动Agent技术在实验教学过程管理系统中的应用 [J], 甘桢鹏;项露芬
5.移动Agent系统IBM Aglet的安全问题研究 [J], 田敬军;吴班


( Tu b u l a r Go o d s Re s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e ,CNP C,Xi ’ a n 7 1 0 0 7 7,Ch i n a )
Ab s t r a c t :I n t h e o p e n n e t wo r k e r a ,t h e s e c u r i t y p r o b l e m h a s a l r e a d y b e e n a n i mp o r t a n t f a c t o r t h a t r e s t r i c t s t h e i n f o r ma — t i o n s y s t e m a p p l i c a t i v e p r o b l e m i n mo b i l e a g e n t s y s t e m ,t h r o u g h t h e a n a l y s i s o f a g e n t s e c u r i t y p r o b l e ms a n d p r e s e n t r e s e a r c h s t a t u e ,b a s e d o n a n a l y s i s o f e x i s t i n g s e c u r e s c h e me s ,t h e p a p e r b u i l t a s e c u r i t y d e s i g n s c h e me b a s e d o n I S S M A o f mo b i l e a — g e n t ,wh i c h p r o v i d e d a n a v a i l a b l e me t h o d t o s o l v e t h e s e c u r e p r o b l e ms i n t h e mo b i l e a g e n t f i e l d . Ke y wo r d s :mo b i l e a g e n t ,a u t h e n t i c a t i o n,i n f o r ma t i o n s y s t e m ,s e c u r i t y d o ma i n

















浅谈TPM在设备管理上的应用TPM(Trusted Platform Module)是一种硬件安全芯片,广泛应用于设备管理领域。







TPM中的密钥存储模块(Key Storage Module)可以储存设备生成的密钥,确保密钥只能在TPM中进行使用,防止密钥被恶意程序或黑客获取,保护设备的敏感数据。












1.基于分布式入侵检测的移动Agent宿主安全性研究 [J], 赖贤伟;胡山立
2.移动Agent系统的安全性研究 [J], 赵进;袁春风
3.移动Agent安全性研究 [J], 董春冻;王聪;周星;李戈
4.基于移动Agent的电子商务安全性研究 [J], 李云鹤;武善玉;晏振鸣
5.移动Agent在IDS中的应用及其安全性研究 [J], 谷雨;范菁;杨柽;夏姜虹



【摘要】移动Agent系统的安全性问题是阻碍其广泛应用于实践的最重要因素之一.通过对已有的移动Agent系统安全理论的讨论与分析,提出了一种更严密移动Agent安全参考模型.该参考模型分别从移动Agent通信安全、移动Agent服务器安全和移动Agent自身安全三个方面进行分析,在某种程度上提高了移动Agent 的安全性.
1.基于Java移动Agent系统的安全参考模型 [J], 周屹
2.一种基于移动Agent的电子商务安全机制 [J], 梁东莺;郑玮琨
3.一种基于移动Agent的云端计算任务安全分割与分配算法 [J], 倪斌;李红兰
4.一种基于移动Agent的网络安全问题研究 [J], 萧雅文;刘玉喜
5.一种基于移动Agent的云端计算任务安全分割与分配算法 [J], 徐小龙;程春玲;熊婧夷;王汝传



C m p tn n io me taeben o srce Thsp p rs o u ge vrn n r ig c ntu td. i a e ummaie h o cpsa d d v lp nto etutd n t r o n cin. hebs f i rzst ec n e t n e eo me f h r se ewo k c n e t t o On t aeo
终 端。
T M 安 全芯片的可信 网络 接入模 型 ,并 建立一个 完整 的从 B OS P I
加载 、操作系统加载直至接入网络的信任链传递模型,以T M P
硬件 身份 标 识为 身份 证 明,实现 了基于 T M 芯 片的可信接 入认 P 证过 程 ,并 实现动 态的接 入接出管理 。
【 关键词 】 网络安全 可信计算 可信网络接入 T M P 芯片
A us e e w o k Conne tM ode s d n Tr t d N t r c lBa e o The TPM Chi p
c:e i o X i a q a h n Zh ha , eXi o u n
1Байду номын сангаас言
可信 网络 接入技 术 ( rs dN tokC net N ) Tut ew r o nc,T C ,是由 e
过程 中发挥 作用。
3一个基于 T M 芯片的可信 网络接入模型 P
针对上 述 问题 ,本文 将在 T C架 构的基 础 上设计 一个 基于 N
可信计 算组织 ( rs dC m uigGru ,T G) 可信网络 接 Tut o p t o p C 的 e n 入 小组提 出的终端 安全接 入技 术。可 信网络 接入 的概 念主要 强调 的是终端 的安 全接入 ,或 者更确 切说 是防止 网络 中接入 不安 全的 终 端 ,试图控 制网络 中最难 以控制 ,也 是不安 全 因素的源 头— —



0 引 言
分 布式应 用程 序越 来 越 多地 被 设 计 成 一组 移 动 A e t g n .它 们 是 自治 的软 件 实 体 ,可 以 中断 自 己的行 为 ,移 动到 网络上 其 他 主 机 继 续 运 行 .它 们 可 以 自己 决 定 移 动 到 哪个 主 机 并 以什 么 方 式 来 运 行 .移 动
Agn 的 主要 问题 之一 是安 全 问题 ,移 动 A et et g n 必须 阻止 任何 有 目的针 对他 们 的代 码 、状 态 或数 据进 行操 作或破 坏 的行 为 ,防止 恶 意修 改 它 的代 码 并执 行 .通过 对移 动 Ag n 的保 护来 预 防执行 环 境 的恶意行 为是 et
研究领 域所 面 临的挑 战 .

些文献 中提 出的方 法 ,如 防泄 密硬 件 、隐匿 功能… 、黑 盒安 全 等技术 可 以在 一个 不 被信任 的环 境 中
帮助 代码 提高 执 行 的安 全 .然 而 ,这 些 技 术 存 在 着 不 同 的 缺 陷 .本 文 介 绍 一 种 基 于适 应 性 概 念 的移 动 Agn 代 码保 护 的解决 方案 .Agn 的行 为经 常是 不 可 预知 的 ,因此 需 要 保 护 .移 动 A e t 以完 成若 干 et et gn 可 服务 ,它包含 一组 模块 ,每次 只有 一个 子集 涉及 给定 服务 的执 行 ,建 立相 应 的移 动 A e t 为 ,然后 根据 gn 行
基 于 可信 环 境 密 钥 的移 动 Agn 安 全 模 型 et
徐 志 英
( 阳师 专 ,辽 宁 朝 阳 1 2 0 ) 朝 2 0 0
摘 要 :提 出 一种 基 于 信 任 的安 全 机 制 ,用 于 改进 移 动 A e t 全 ,并 允 许 他 们 在 不 同环 境 下 执 行 .安 全 gn 安



TPM自主保全讲义1. 什么是TPM?TPM(Trusted Platform Module)是一种硬件安全芯片,用于保护计算机系统的安全性。



2. TPM的主要功能2.1 安全启动TPM可以验证计算机的启动过程,并确保系统启动时不被篡改。

它可以认证引导加载程序(Boot Loader)和操作系统的完整性,并检查每个阶段的签名。


2.2 加密和解密TPM可以生成和管理加密密钥,并用于加密和解密数据。



2.3 身份验证TPM可以用于身份验证,确保只有经过授权的用户可以访问系统资源。



2.4 安全存储TPM可以提供一个安全的存储容器,用于存储敏感数据,如密钥、证书和密码。



3. TPM的应用场景3.1 企业安全TPM可以帮助企业保护敏感信息和业务数据。



3.2 云计算安全随着云计算的普及,安全成为云计算的关键问题之一。



3.3 IoT安全物联网(IoT)设备的安全性也变得越来越重要。








在计算机安全领域,TPM 技术已经得到了广泛应用。












1.基于移动Agent信息系统安全模型的研究 [J], 吴健
2.移动Agent 系统安全技术研究 [J],
3.移动Agent系统安全性若干问题研究 [J], 陈婷
4.基于移动Agent信息系统安全模型的研究 [J], 杨娜;
5.移动Agent系统安全技术研究 [J], 王磊;谢伟东



【摘要】提出一种基于信任的安全机制,用于改进移动Agent安全,并允许他们在不同环境下执行.安全机制基于Agent与环境之间的动态交互,在交互中收集信息并产生环境密钥,这个密钥告知主机的信任度并允许移动Agent适应它的执行环境.信任的评价基于具体参数的值,因此如果不被信任,可以定位问题的源头,移动Agent 可以选择适当的行为.
1.基于可信安全模型的可信计算机平台密钥管理 [J], 李权
2.可信计算环境下基于TPM的认证密钥协商协议 [J], 王海燕;吴振强;种慧芳;蒋李
3.多租户环境下基于可信第三方的云安全模型研究 [J], 王佩雪;周华强
4.适合可信计算环境基于口令的双向匿名认证密钥协商协议 [J], 朱昶胜;刘鹏辉;王庆荣;曹来成
5.可信云存储环境下基于银行摄像头安全的密钥管理方法与系统研究 [J], 曹晓雯;崔维亮



浅谈TPM在设备管理上的应用TPM(Trusted Platform Module)是一种安全芯片,旨在提供安全的硬件基础,保护设备免受各种恶意攻击和数据泄露。

























TPM(Trusted Platform Module)芯片是保障计算机可信计算的必要且关键的功能部件之一。



2.研究内容和研究方法:本文主要研究基于TPM芯片的可信接入客户端原型系统TNCCS (Trusted Network Connect Client System)的设计和实现。





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全 机 制 , 于 可 信 硬 件 T M 所提 供 的 相 关 安 全 服 务 实现 移 动 Agn 的 主 动 保 护 机 制 。设 计 了在 可 信 硬 件 平 台 上 的 基 P et 移 动 A et 全 框 架模 型 并 进 行 了详 细 分析 。 gn 安
关键词 移 动 A et安 全 模 型 , M gn, TP
Ke wod M o i g n ( A), e u emo e, u td pafr d l( y rs bl a e tM e S c r d lTr se lto mo ue TPM ) m Agn 在 电子商务 、 移 et 电子政 务、 网络安全管理 、 网格计算等实际应用领域 中有着广泛 的应
Re e r h o o l s a c n M bie Age tS c eM o lBa e n TPM r n e ur de s d o Ha dwa e r
Ⅵr Xi o p n ZHAO o ZHANG u n- u U a — ig 1 3 H a go
者 的认 同 , 并提 出了一些具体 的解决方案 。文献 I ] - 就是采用 3 符合 Jv C r aa ad规范的智能卡作为可信 赖 的附加 硬件 , 出了 给

种具体 的方案模 型 , 而且从 可行 性 的角度进行 了相应 算法
分析 。但是该方案 的一个 主要 问题就是没有很好的策略来解 决分 布式应用 中应 用与终端 、 端与终 端之 间的信任关 系描 终
用 前景。然而 , 移动 A e t 临的一个 重大挑 战就是 其安 全 g n面 性 。现有 的研究 基本 上从身份认证 、 数据传输 安全 、 主机资源
保 护 和 恶 意 主 机 等 几 个 方 面 展 开 。基 于传 统 的安 全 技 术 , 如
授 权 、 份 认 证 、 问 控 制 、 信 加 密 等对 于数 据传 输 、 机 资 身 访 通 主
( m p trS h o ,W u n Unv riy, u a 0 7 Chia Co u e c o l ha ie st W h n 43 0 9, n)
Ab ta t Th s p p rd s u s st e s c r r meo b l g n a e n h r wa e wh c a i h rs c rt t n i . sr c i a e ic s e h e u e fa f mo i a e tb s d o a d r ih h sh g e e u i i e st e yn y Tr se o u ig t c n lg n lto m r n r d c d i t o i g n e u iy me h n s t c iv b l — u t d c mp tn e h o o y a d p a f r a e i to u e n o m b l a e ts c rt c a i e m o a h e e mo i a e g n ’ c ie p o e to a e n t et u t d h r wa e TPN e mo e fs c rt n tu t d h r wa ep a f r sd — e t Sa tv r t c in b s d o h r s e a d r L Th d l e u i o r s e a d r l t m i e o y o sg e n n l z d n d t i i n d a d a ay e i e a l .
相关证明和实现受保护 的密钥存储 、 保护协议数据条例等 。

种完全不 同的安全 策略是 采用基 于可信 任 的、 防攻 击
的硬件来实施对移动 Ag n 的主动保 护措施 。其核心思想是 et 给移动 A et g n 系统 配置 额外 的可信赖且 能抵御 攻击 的硬件 。 抵御攻击的概念通常应 用于一个 明确 的硬件模 块 , 该模块 负
述和传递 问题 , 仅是采用一种简单 的信任替代 : 移动 A et g n 属
主对 JvC r a a ad制作 者的信任 简单 地取代 了其 对 Jv C r a a ad设
责一项特 殊任务 , 外部 环境 只能通过一 个完 全受该模 块控制
的接 口干预模 块内任务的执行 。这种基于硬件 的安全策 略能
够从 更 深层 次 来 实 现 移 动 Agn 的 保 护 , 而 也 得 到 了研 究 et 因
源保护等 , 已经提 出了较为成 熟 的解 决方 案_ ] 都 1 。但是 , 在 分布式计算环境 中 , 为资源提 供者 的主机必 须承诺 具有保 作 护分布式 系统信 息安全的能 力 , 也就是 能够给 分布式应 用提 供安全 的计算环境 , 才能保 证移 动的 A e t g n 不受 恶意 主机 的 攻击 。这在整个分布式 系统 的安全 问题 中是属于最为难 以解 决 的问题 。本文针对这 方面 的问题 , 出基 于可信 硬件 的安 提 全模型 , 从计算终 端的体系结构来控制 , 旨在从源头开始构建 可信 的分布式计算环境 。
计 算 机 科 学 20 Vo. 5 o 1 0 8 t3 N . 0
基 于 T M 硬 件 的 移 动 Ag n 安 全 模 型 研 究 P et
武小 平 赵 波 张焕 国
( 汉大学 计算机 学 院 武汉 40 7 ) 武 3 09
摘 要 主要讨论 了安全强度较 高的基于硬件 的移动 Agn 安全 方案。将 可信 计算技 术与平 台引入移动 Agn 的安 et et