2010年03月06日 大陆托福机经 重复2008年03月01日北美 逃墨小鬼
2008/1/13(2006 /10/21!!!!)(已詳細補全4部分及加試,申請加精)參見2006 年10 月21 機經,紅色部分是我補充的參考了Promethues的帖子閲讀(难)First stage 很籠統,沒看明白。
Second stage是通過traveller 1.讲的comparative education.发展三阶段.的discription來觀察其他國家的education system. 舉了某著名教育學家的例子,說他去了很多國家,然後回來寫了本什麽書,好像是criticize的;然後這本書被批駁,說過於limit (多選,問哪兩方面被批評是limit 的;答案所在的那個句子結構很複雜,我大概猜的,不誤導了,看有沒牛人補充一下) 。
後面一段說compare to 這個教育學家,另外一個(不記得名字了,姑且叫教育學家B)is XX. XX 是一個詞彙題,我不認得所以也沒記住,但根據意思選了個successful. 這個教育學家B怎麽怎麽的(沒考,就沒仔細讀),然後來了句Although他的書很systematic, 他還是被認爲是第一個descriptive的XX(考句子簡化,答案就是這個,原句有些彆扭,不太記得,反正有個although)。
最後幾句是講現在的教育學家都focus on 什麽business learning啊之類的。
最後summarise 的題不好做,選項極其迷惑。
一開始說火山爆发analogue to weather forecast,問為什麽這樣說。
2010年3月GMAT逻辑机经回忆(一)GMAT资料下载的小编为大家整理了历年的机经回忆,希望可以帮助到大家更好的来备考GMAT考试,让我们一起来看看吧!1. 看电视的平均时间V1 from dandanhoo有说某个地区说这个地方平均每个家庭每天看电视的时间是几个小时来着(就算7吧。
)但是每个家庭都是多余两个人的,所以说人均电视时间是少于7的weaken:最后几道题就看到答案有一般大于两个人的家庭也有大于两个的电视,选这个了,2. 法律.对决.钱的关系V1 from dandanhoo说设立更多法律会让更少的人去公堂对决(我YY的)因为要花更多的钱。
答案忘了(我错了)3. 为啥我的销售增长没有改变你的销售量V1 from dandanhoo说CA的一个公司去年卖2000个东东,CU的公司只能卖1000个。
V2 from x_fan两个公司,之前是A比B强,但是现在B发明了新东西,按理说应该能让B公司牛逼,可最后发现没有。
V3 from 纹舞千瞳一个某国有两农场主卖马,A卖2000,B卖1000,B增加一倍,但是不影响A的销售,问为什么?我选的是市场方向不同那个~一个向国外市场一个向国内~考古:from 冷咖啡~V1 说是在个什么地方有两个公司都卖什么东西的 ( 偶竟然忘记了 .).. 说前一年 A 卖了 2000 个而 B 只卖了 1000. B 今年发明了新品种 , 是很有吸引力的 ( 我编的 .. 大概是个这意思 ). 但是结论说 B 今年在该地的销售不会上升 . 问为什么 ?( 我选的是因为新品种都是销往外地的 )这道题目的提干我好像见过 , 不知道是不是 GWD 上面的 . 因为我没怎么总结 . 所以不清楚 .V2 一个人说两个公司卖和马相关的产品, A 公司每年卖 20000 , B 不行,只卖 10000 。
托福考试写作机经2010年1月-10月2010年1月16日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It's better for children to choose jobs that are similar to their parents' jobs.(Work)2010年1月17日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It's better to complete a project and then start another one than to do several things at the same time.(Work & Success) 2010年1月23日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Most of the environmental issues are too complicated today. Individuals cannot do anything about them.(Environment) 2010年1月30日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Physical exercises are much more important to the elderly people than to the young people.(Young vs. Old)2010年2月7日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:In order to achieve success, we must be more like others than be different from others.(Success)2010年2月27日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Children should only play sports for fun, not in competitions or contests.(Education+Leisure)2010年3月6日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:We can solve the present and the future problems by understanding the past.(Success)2010年3月27日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:In order to make ourselves happy, we should learn how to make others happy first.(Friends)2010年4月10日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:If we can't say anything nice about someone, then we should not say anything about this person.2010年4月24日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Scientists should be responsible for the negative impact of their discoveries.(Science & Technology)2010年5月8日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The best way for parents to teach children responsibility is to have them care for animals.(Education & Animals)2010年5月14日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Improving education is the most important thing in the development of a country.(Education)2010年5月22日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The government should spend money helping more people access the Internet instead of improving public transportation.(Government)2010年6月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should take a secure job immediately when finding oneinstead of waiting for the job that they find more satisfying.(Work) 2010年6月13日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It's better to spend money on pleasant things such as vacations than to save money for the future.(Money)2010年6月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Most businesspeople are motivated by the desire for money.(Money,Warren Buffett最近刚说美国经济存在double-dip recession 二次探底的风险,新托福就连考两道跟Money有关的题:p) 2010年7月10日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The professional athletes don't deserve the high salaries they get. (连续第三道Money题)2010年7月24日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Students who keep their rooms neat and organized are more successful than those who do not.(Education & Success)2010年8月14日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take part-time jobs when they study in university.(Education)2010年8月21日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Telephone has had greater effects on people's lives than TV.(Technology)2010年8月28日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Movies and TV programs made in your own country aremore interesting than movies and programs made in other countries.(Media)2010年9月11日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Parents today are more involved in their children's education than parents were in the past.(Education)2010年9月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:People should pay to use public transportation.(Transportation)2010年9月18日Do you agree with the following statement?An effective leader tries to make others feel they are part of the decision-making process.(Success)2010年9月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Technology makes people's lives simpler rather than more complicated. (Technology)2010年10月9日Which is more important,success in life or the ability to remain happy and optimistic when one is in faced with difficulty?(Success)2010年10月17日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It's better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises.(Media & Leisure)In order to achieve success, we must be more like others than be different from others.1. 定义成功, 什么人算是成功人士,做了什么事情,让你觉得他或者她成功?完成一个常人难以达到的目标. 80天环游世界.事业成功的人. 比尔.对社会有益, 对后人有启示,海伦卡勒.2. 追求成功,要求我们和他人相同,还是不同.不同意.3. 为了追求成功, 我们应该和其他人不一样的理由.?因为成功是常人难以达到的,所以只有具有常人不具备的勇气和毅力才能取得成功.和别人不同会对自己的要求不一样.4.巴菲特开头:3-41. 定义成功... 比尔盖茨2. 表达观点3. 吸引读者No one can deny Bill Gates is successful, the CEO of the world famous software company. He has everything in the definition of success: wealth, fame, and reputation. Again, no one can deny the road of his success is different.Success is rare. Have you ever wondered why is that? The answer is simple: Many of us are too much alike.1. Bill 辍学的事情,怎么体现他和别人不一样。
2010年上半年托福机经(大陆和北美)2010年1月16日托福机经口语部分1:describe a book you have not read but are interested in2: do you prefer to take your cellphone always with you or not3:一个sb建议取消学生开学和advisor的见面,理由1:advisor能提供的信息网上都有2:如果取消了,advisor的schedul就不会那么满了,所以可以讨论其他事猛男登场:不同意1:advisor 可以提供更多信息 2,只要预约地够早,就不存在问题4:就是这篇死机,太阳。
解决方法1在周三晚上演奏,但观众可能不多:2和另一个乐队一起演奏,但时间紧张6:讲了包装盒的两种改进方法:一种是弄得更方便,一种是弄得更美观版本二:1、最想看的但还没看过的书``本来想说OG``但发现太大逆不道了``于是说国富论2、偷听到了~就是人们应该把手机随身带着`还是放别的地方而不整天待身上~3、2个人讨论~报纸上说~要取消一个座谈会~大概就是advisor和学生交流~关于选什么课的~原因是很难定时间来满足双方~然后男的说~这做法不好因为网上信息不全~人们很难交流哪个课很好该选哪个~还有就是~上网报名人太多了~到了那天~大家都上去~校园网受不了~ 最后问男生看法4、男生有个乐队准备开歌唱女生就觉得这个主意很好但男的说有2个方案要不就是自己开但只有周三有场子怕人少~要不就是和另一个乐队一起在周末搞~你一半我一半这样~~~ 然后题目问你是赞成哪一种方案~~5、说到了销售~开头就是我们卖的不仅仅是产品`````讲2种做法~能attract消费者~比如包装用玻璃~看得清楚~或者加些小玩意~这个拿cookies举例```` 问的是教授介绍了哪2种方法6、是词汇很难的植物题先给文章说一种植物在雨林怎么生存然后是lecture 说的另一植物有同样的特点比如~get suport from the trees~这样可以长高~(所以肯定是藤蔓类的)阳光就可以照到~还有一个就是他们的shape~可以储存rain water~这样有需要的时候就能够用```最后问通过对第二种的描述~说说第一种在雨林生存有哪些特点2010年1月16日阅读部分托福机经[北美]第一篇关于工业,第一段讲十八世纪以前能量效率极低,直到使用了charcoal才使蒸汽机的使用成为可能(有一题问作者在这里提到的问题是什么,我选的能量不够,好像是,记不清)。
08.1.27北美08.9.5北美09.11.17北美08.2.2大陆08.3.15大陆08.4.27大陆08.5.17大陆09.5.31大陆大陆08.3.3008.9.6大陆08.9.28大陆08.12.13大陆09.2,22大陆2008 年4 月27 日第一篇生命起源也是生物学的文章。
反对者又说必须要与大气接触才会有化学反应从而出现微生物,于是巴斯德设计了一种曲颈瓶,(这里有提到这个人的前老板,说给了一个crucial idea,问指什么,我选的是这个曲颈瓶,但是不确定是不是正确)瓶内的液体可以接触外界空气,但是空气中微生物无法进入瓶中。
(这里也有题,说第二次试验巴斯德用的是什么,我选择untreated air,仅供参考)尔后,文章又说,虽然巴斯德是正确的,但是地球起初并没有任何生命,所以肯定至少有一次,(这里也有题目,问什么忘记了,我选的是他的理论在逻辑上有问题,因为没有第一次产生空气中哪里漂浮微生物嘛)生命是自然发生的。
最后一段讲米勒的这个实验要是没有发现xxx (具体不记得了),也就不会那么著名了,后面有题目考的1. 问问什么第一个科学家要进行那个初次试验。
industry 转移到了城镇外面,因为cheap和regulate什么的。
3.fragment对于 tropical forest的影响。
因为人口数量增多,需要耕地,所以在amazon 那里,破坏出一片林地来耕作。
而植物的seed需要通过动物进行传播,所以一个fragment 里面的动物会慢慢die out。
听力:1.(比较晕的对话,还出现一个类似lecture里面黑板上的名词)讲的好像是一个女生有一个project,但是由于学校的什么miner work(这里考到重听题),教授说什么。
然后又说与大脑里面的left和right brain 的关系。
他原来在那个学校里学history,现在到了这个学校学political science。
托福机经常见问答* 什么是托福机经?历次托福考试的内容。
* 什么是托福机经转播?本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览1、托福机经转播(北美转播到大陆):如果大陆考试前一天北美有托福考试,且北美考的是新题,那么新题有可能在12小时后的大陆托福考试中重复。
E.g. 2011年1月29日北美有托福考试,1月30日大陆的考题完全重复29日北美考题2、托福机经转播(大陆转播到北美):如果大陆和北美同一天有托福考试,且大陆考的是新题,那么新题有可能在12小时后的北美托福考试中重复。
E.g.2011年2月26日北美和大陆都有托福考试,26日北美的考题完全重复26日大陆考题* 什么时候应该看转播?本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览根据上面两条规律,参考2012年北美大陆托福考试日期对照表,如果12小时前有托福考试,就应该关注最新的北美机经。
* 什么是拼盘?本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览从两套题中各选取阅读、听力、口语或写作部分,拼凑成一套完整的题目就是拼盘(E.g.2010年11月27日为北美09.02.21(R/W)+北美09.06.20(S/L)),有时候也会出现旧题和新题的拼盘(E.g.2011年2月20日托福机经为北美09.09.20(R/S)+新题)。
* 什么是托福机经预测?本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览每次托福考试都有可能考到以前考过的内容,也可能出以前没有考过的新题。
新托福阅读2010年10月9日考题回顾考试日期2010.10.09Passage 1Title:工业革命时期科学家的理论与发明家发明创造间的关系大致内容讲工业革命时期science theory和practical innovation的关系。
而且很多证据表明,一般都是发明出现后,才有systematical method to analyze them。
Passage 2Title:美国电影发展大致内容在美国,1950之前电影是给全家观赏的,1950之后开始给特定的观众群制作电影(有题)。
后来发现了teenager市场,于是讲怎么开拓这个市场,针对年轻人制作科幻片science fiction等。
然后讲从一些欧洲国家进口电影增多,以在art house播放的形式吸引了受过高等教育的人educated people。
Passage 3Title:海洋动物进化大致内容开头讲因为地球生命起源于海洋,所以现在很多marine animal基本还是保持了一些适应海洋的特征,比如说血液里的盐度和海水盐度基本一致,所以就不需要water move inside body,也不会脱水dehydrate。
然后讲动物的进化evolution:1. 海洋动物要去淡水fresh water环境生活需要的进化:皮下长一层XX组织,这个组织可以克服“吸水过程”;淡水鱼由于是从海洋迁徙过来,其血液中盐分浓度虽然经过很长时间进化有所下降,但还是比淡水盐分浓度高些。
2010 托福 独立写作 机经
Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even there’s no practical use?2010年2月7日In order to be success it is better to be like others than to be different from everybody else.2010年2月27日北美high school students should take a course on basic economics.大陆children 应从体育中仅仅for fun,不应加入contest 或competition。
sports competition对于孩子有好处还是坏处。
2010年3月6日大陆agree or disagree: to solve the problem of present and future, it is necessary to understand the past. 北美有些人觉得要一直追求梦想;有的人觉得有些时候需要放弃梦想...人们应该坚持自己有挑战性的梦想还是注重实现现实的梦想。
北美独立作文:If child want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies&问agree or disagree?"题目我不能一字不差的记住,但是就是问:孩子要想在学校里表现好,家长是不是应该限制他们看电视的时间。
2010年3月13日大陆Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Printed books effects on society than television has.2010年3月20日北美大作文:有些人觉得他们可以靠自己或者家人的帮助,解决important problems.因此,人们不需要政府的帮助。
环球北美考试院 Mark (朱斌) 新托福阅读讲义
iBT-TOEFL 新托福阅读讲义( Mark )一、新托福阅读简介1、每篇文章700词;2、40道题左右;3、原始分45分左右、标准分30分;4、如果阅读部分是3篇文章,则时间为60分钟(时间限定为:第一篇必须在20分钟完成;第二、第三篇在剩下的40分钟完成;在限定的时间段内考生可返回检查、更改);如果阅读部分是5篇文章,则时间为100分钟(其中的3篇为计分考题,时间限定60分钟,另外两篇为加试题,时间为40分钟。
)加试题一般为:第四篇"Mesopotamia & Egypt culture";第五篇"Natural Selection of Darwin"5、阅读考试题型共分10种(另表详示);6、文章选材一般为研究类、学术人文类以及科普类;一般文中会出现大量的专有名词。
三、新托福阅读方法论:1、狂背单词2、狂练题型3、狂做题目4、狂看机经四、考场经验:1. 关于考场:!建议考试之前一定要去踩下点, 不要怕耽误那几个小时的时间,如果因为当天找不到考场而影响自己正常发挥,那实在是一件得不偿失的事情! l* j+ ~9 `4 Q) f2.关于到场时间:. I0 v$ j* Y: o; G4 v: z建议提前一小时到场早去以防万一53.关于证件:& I9 W% J$ }4 _; h; y记住带上护照和身份证即可缺一不可,检查证件比想象的要严格g) T) ^* j4 x* q, R* ^- Y4.关于进场:*不要太早进否则写作会受做口语的人干扰,' E% i# o3 q# P& {' r. a也不要太晚进,否则听力会受做口语的人干扰,所以最好排中间进场因为对于抗干扰能利较弱的托友第一种干扰可能不可避免,但是第二种干扰却是可以避免的只要在听力时把声音调大些即可) C% @, N* L p L i2 f5. 关于阅读:没有看整篇文章的时间建议不要看全文直接看题&,还有要给每篇的最后一题流出充分时间思考不要在前面的小分题上浪费太多时间,对于词汇好的同学词汇题完全可以不看原文+ F; C" Q3 L7 z% j, |' ^3 v: K& V$ I4 ^9 g5篇阅读看完后有点精疲力竭所以平时要多锻炼身体阅读部分是最容易出现机器传输问题的如果你的机器出现卡机现象,* g8 f4 V# @! e# K# @1 Z; _( X 一定要确认秒表是否还继续在走,如果在走一定要找老师,% @$ c# D. ~9 \如果没在走那你就没事偷着了吧,因为卡机的时间无形中增加了你的考试时间所以不要发慌好好利用卡机的时间继续阅读机器一会就好% L' c+ T4 Y) h3 b$ s6. 关于听力:比想象得要难许多,学术性很强所以不像旧托听不懂是没法蒙的,建议大家在平时注意名词的积累尤其是学科类的名词,) k) [- ^# \. w1 S 平日一定要多锻炼记笔记的能力,(当然为了记笔记而去记笔记结果会很惨)& q, y$ B: L e+ c+ @5 y4 [7. 关于口语:告诉大家一大招: 3 z. u6 l4 C c _* K/ G* s! f利用好休息的时间上个洗手间喝点水吃点东西就马上回座位上乖乖地坐着吧,当然不是回去傻坐着而是要"窃"题7,因为在你之前的托友可能正在说口语你可以从他们的回答中知道考题,4 h3 R( M6 Q( @/ G& y所以你的准备时间不再是15/20秒了而是5分钟甚至更多,& e9 \4 ~& F9 N# a v( K. U当然平日多加练习口语才是提高口语的唯一途径。
【关键字】托福2006全年托福考试(中国大陆和北美)口语独立题2006年01月14日中国大陆Task 1: Where do you like to go when you are with your friends? Why?Task 2: Do you prefer eat out at a restaurant or at home? And why?2006年02月03日北美Task 1: Usually, novels, magazines and poetry are con-sidered three major forms of literature. Which one do you prefer and explain why you prefer this literature form. Please include specific examples and detail in your explanation.Task 2: Do you prefer to live in a flat with your friend or live alone? Please explain your preference with spe-cific details and examples.2006年02月11日中国大陆Task 1: Do you prefer to have dinner with your friends at cafes or at home?Task 2: Describe an unforgettable ceremony you have experienced. Please include details in your answer.2006年03月03日中国大陆Task 1: Describe the characteristics that make good teachers. Please explain your idea with specific details. Task 2: Do you prefer to work at home or at the office? Please give specific reasons and details to explain your answer.2006年03月17日中国大陆Task 1: Describe the personality of a person you admire. Please include specific reasons in your response.Task 2: Should university education open to everyone or just part of the population? Please give your opinion with specific details and examples.2006年03月25日中国大陆Task 1: Talk about an interesting book you have read. Explain why you thought the book was interesting. Give specific details and example to explain your answer. Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Please give specific reasons for your opinion. Parents should restrict the TV programs watched by their kids instead of letting their kids watch freely.2006年04月08日中国大陆Task 1: What is the most efficient type of transportation in your country? Explain why you think it is efficient. Include specific examples or reasons.Task 2: Some people believe it is essential for a person’s education to learn to play an musical instrument. Oth-ers don’t believe music education is important. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.2006年04月28日中国大陆Task 1: Describe one of the most positive inventions in the last 100 years. Please include examples and specific details in your explanation.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree that in order to be successful, a man must study in the university? Please give your answers with specific details and examples.2006年05月26日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a person that has huge influence on you. Please include details and specific reasons in your answer.Task 2: When doing a team program, do you prefer to be a leading or a supporting member in a group? Please explain your preference with specific examples and de-tails.2006年06月10日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a popular activity in your country. Please use specific details and examples.Task 2: Which one do you think is better to help do re-search:internet or academic books? Why?2006年06月16日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a memorial activity you ever joined. Please give your answers with specific details and ex-amples.Task 2: Who has bigger influence on people? The media like newspaper and TV or the people around like par-ents and friends? Why?2006年06月24日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a person you like to talk to. What do you talk about? Why do you like to talk to him/her? Task 2: Do you agree or disagree the following state-ment? Participating class discussion makes student learn more. Please explain your reasons.2006年06月30日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a popular or important sport or group activity in your country. Please include specific details and answers in your answer.Task 2: When looking for information for a research project, some students prefer to get their information mainly from the internet. Others prefer to mainly use printed materials such as books and academic journals. Which do you prefer and why?2006年07月15日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a place in your favorite city. Please in-clude specific reasons and examples.Task 2: Do you like to save up your little extra money or spend it right away? Why? Please give specific reasons to support your response.2006年07月29日中国大陆Task 1: If you could have any job and career if you wanted, which would you choose and why? Give specificdetails to explain your response.Task 2: Do you prefer long vacation or short vacation? Why? Please give your answer with specific details and reasons.2006年08月12日北美Task 1: What characteristics do you think make some-one a good parent? Explain why these characteristics are important to you?Task 2: Some students prefer to work on a class assign-ment by themselves. Others believe it is better to work in a group. Which do you prefer? Explain why.2006年08月18日中国大陆Task 1: Everyone has a goal to fulfill. What is your goal and explain why you want to fulfill this goal. Please in-clude specific examples and details in your answer. Task 2: Do you prefer lectures or seminars? Why? Please explain your preference with specific reasons and details.2006年09月15日中国大陆Task 1: Describe your favorite way to relax. Please in-clude specific details in your explanation.Task 2: Is it more efficient to read during the class, or is it better to read materials after class? Please give your opinions and explanation with specific details and ex-amples.2006年09月23日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a school that impresses you. Explain what features make you impressed. Please include spe-cific reasons and details in your answer.Task 2: Should school make sport course compulsory? Please give your opinion with specific reasons and de-tails.2006年10月08日中国大陆Task 1: What do you miss most about your home when you are away? Use specific details in your explanation. Task 2: Some students prefer the internet-based teach-ing. Others prefer to study in traditional classrooms. Which method of study do you prefer and why?2006年10月15日中国大陆Task 1: Everyone has a goal to fulfill. What is your goal and explain why you want to fulfill this goal. Please in-clude specific examples and details in your answer. Task 2: Some students tend to study in a large class. Others prefer to study in smaller classes. Which method of study do you think is better for students and why?2006年10月18日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a special opportunity you once had. Please give specific reasons and examples in your re-sponse.Task 2: State whether you agree or disagree with the fol-lowing statement. Then explain your reasons with spe-cific details in your explanation. Students should not be allowed to bring cellphone into the classroom.2006年10月21日中国大陆Task 1: What kind of qualities should a good leader posses? Please state your opinion and give specific de-tails and examples in your explanation.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Please explain your opinion. People should always tell the truth.2006年10月22日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a personality of a person you admire. Please include specific reasons in your response.Task 2: Some people believe that higher education is for all students. Other people believe that higher education is only suitable for certain students. Which opinion do you think is better and why?2006年10月28日中国大陆Task 1: Usually, novels, magazines and poetry are con-sidered three major forms of literature. Which one do you prefer and explain why you prefer this literature form. Please include specific examples and detail in your explanation.Task 2: Some students tend to live alone, while others may want to share their rooms with their way of study roommates. Which way of living do you think is better for students and why?2006年10月29日中国大陆Task 1: Choose an object you like and explain why it is of special value to you. Please include specific details in your explanation.Task 2: Some people tend to judge a person on the basis of first observation. Some people believe it takes a long time to know a person well. Which approach to know-ing a people do you think is better and why?2006年11月03日中国大陆Task 1: Which is your favorite type of movie: action, drama or others? Please include specific details and ex-amples in your explanation.Task 2: Some universities provide physical education. Others believe that physical education is not necessary. What do you think and why?2006年11月05日中国大陆Task 1: Please describe a special skill you possess, for example, painting, papercraft, etc. Please use specific example to support your response.Task 2: How do you spend your spare time? Do you plan it before hand? Why or why not? Please explain in detail.2006年11月17日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a public area that you visit frequently.Please state why you visit it frequently and include spe-cific examples and details in your explanation.Task 2: Some students prefer to choose universities in big cities. Others would like to study in universities lo-cated in small towns. Please state your opinion and ex-plain why.2006年11月18日中国大陆Task 1: If you could have any job and career if you wanted, which would you choose and why? Give specific details to explain your response.Task 2: If you unexpectedly receive a large amount of money, what will you do with it? Would you spend it for practical purposes or simply for fun? Please state your opinion and explain your reasons.2006年11月19日中国大陆Task 1: What is the best way for students to relax after working hard? Please state your opinion and explain why with specific examples and details.Task 2: Some people prefer to get up early and sleep early. Some others prefer to get up late and sleep late. Which lifestyle do you think is good for students and why?2006年11月21日中国大陆Task 1: Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood. Why do you think it is enjoyable? Please include specif-ic details and examples in your explanation.Task 2:2006年12月01日中国大陆Task 1: Describe an unforgettable experience in your childhood. Please include details.Task 2: The best way to visit a city is to visit its land-marks and historical sites. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement? Please state your opinion and reasons.2006年12月03日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a social activity which is of special val-ue for you. Please explain why it is of special value for you and please include specific examples and details in your explanation.Task 2: You can contact your friends and families by let-ter, email and telephone. Which method of communi-cating do you think is better and why?2006年12月08日中国大陆Task 1: Talk about an interesting book you have read. Explain why you thought the book was interesting. Give specific details and example to explain your answer. Task 2: Do you agree or disagree the following state-ment. Please give your specific reasons for your opinion. Parents should restrict the TV programs watched by their kids instead of letting their kids watch freely.2006年12月10日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a work of art, such as a song, poem or painting, which has made lasting impression on you. Please explain your impression and include specific ex-amples and details in your explanation.Task 2: Some people prefer to keep reading a new book until it is finished. Some others prefer to stop reading whenever they lose interest. Which method of reading do you think is better and why?2006年12月15日中国大陆Task 1: What is the most efficient type of transportation in your country? Explain why you think it is efficient. Include specific examples or reasons.Task 2: Some people believe it is essential for a person’s education to learn to play an musical instrument. Oth-ers don’t believe music education is important. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.2006年12月16日中国大陆Task 1: What is your best time in a year? Please state your reasons and include specific examples and details in your explanation.Task 2: Instead of always being busy, one should have a relaxed lifestyle. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement. Please answer the question with specif-ic examples and details.2007全年托福考试(中国大陆和北美)口语独立题2007年01月13日北美Task 1: Describe your favorite room in your house and explain why you like it.Task 2: Some people like to go straight to the destina-tion to see the view while traveling. Other people enjoy the scenery along the way. Which do you prefer and why?2007年01月14日中国大陆Task 1: What are you looking for in cafe or restaurant? Please explain your answer with specific reasons and details.Task 2: Should modern cities keep their old buildings or replace them with new ones? Please give your opinion with specific reasons and details.2007年01月19日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a place you have never been to but al-ways want to visit. Explain why you want to go there and why you haven’t done yet.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Childhood is the happiest time in one’s life.2007年01月26日中国大陆Task 1: Who do you like to get advice from? Please in-clude specific details in your answer.Task 2: What characteristics does your best friend have? Please include specific reasons and details in your an-swer.2007年01月27日中国大陆Task 1: While choosing a friend, which of the following characteristics do you care about most: honesty, loyalty or sense of humor? Explain why this characteristic is the most important to you.Task 2: Which is better, listening to others’ advice or learning from personal experience? Why? Please in-clude specific examples and details in your response.2007年02月03日中国大陆Task 1: What kind of movie do you like most? Explain why you like this kind of movie with specific reasons and examples.Task 2: Do you think students should wear school uni-form? Why or why not? Please give specific reasons and examples.2007年02月24日中国大陆Task 1: Where would you recommend your foreign friend to visit in your town? Please give specific reasons and details in your response.Task 2: Some students prefer the internet-based teach-ing. Others prefer to study in traditional classrooms. Which method of study do you prefer and why?2007年03月03日中国大陆Task 1: State one of the challenging experiences. State why it is challenging and how you conquered this chal-lenge. Please include specific details and examples in your explanation.Task 2: Some students would choose to study a subject because it brings plenty of job opportunities. Others would choose to study a subject which really interests them. What about you?2007年03月04日中国大陆Task 1: Describe an important gift you received and ex-plain why it is important. Please include specific detailsand examples in your explanation.Task 2: Is life of your generation easier than that of your grandparents? Please include specific details and examples in your explanation.2007年03月10日中国大陆Task 1: Describe one of the most positive inventions in the last 100 years. Please include examples and specific details in your explanation.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree that in order to be successful, a man must study in the university? Please give your answers with specific details and examples.2007年03月17日中国大陆Task 1: In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a good team member. Please include specific details and reasons in your response.Task 2: Some people prefer reading read newspaper and magazine to get news. Others prefer watching TV and listening to radio to get news. Which way do you prefer and why?2007年03月23日中国大陆Task 1: Describe something you write that is very im-portant to you. I could be a letter, a poem, an essay. Ex-plain why you think it is important.Task 2: Which do you prefer teamwork or individual work? Why? Please explain your preference with specif-ic reasons and examples.2007年04月21日中国大陆Task 1: Which natural environment would you like to live in most: mountain, forest, desert, prairie, seashore or somewhere else? Please use specific reasons and de-tails to support your answer.Task 2: Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction? Please in-clude specific reasons and examples in your answer.2007年04月29日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a time when you needed help from others, how he/she helped you and what was the result? Task 2: What kind of job will you choose? A job through which you can get a lot of money, or a job through which you can get self satisfaction. Please use specific details and examples to support your answer.2007年05月12日中国大陆Task 1: In your opinion, what are the important charac-teristics of a good school? Please use reasons and specif-ic examples to support your answers.Task 2:2007年05月18日中国大陆Task 1: Describe the transportation you like the most. It could be bicycle, automobile and train. Explain why you think it is important to you.Task 2: Can part-time job help people to prepare their future career?2007年05月19日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a skill you want to learn. Please in-clude reasons and details to support your response. Task 2: Students should be given a one-year holiday be-fore entering university. What do you think? Please give your opinion and explanation using specific examples and details.2007年06月16日中国大陆Task 1: Describe some good news that made you happy and explain why. Please include examples and details in your explanation.Task 2:2007年06月24日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a person you like to talk to. What do you talk about? Why do you like to talk you him/her? Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Participating in class discussion makes stu-dents learn more. Please explain your answer.2007年06月30日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a popular or important sport or group activity in your country. Please include specific details and answers in your answer.Task 2: When looking for information for a research project, some students prefer to get their information mainly from the internet. Others prefer to mainly use printed materials such as books and academic journals. Which do you prefer and why?2007年07月07日中国大陆Task 1: What is your favorite school subject? How does it become your favorite? Please give your answers with specific details.Task 2: Do you prefer to spend your vacation in the city or in the countryside? Why? Please explain in detail.2007年07月14日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a leisure activity you often do in your spare time. Explain why you often do it. Please include reasons and examples to support your response.Task 2: Some people think that education should be free. Others don’t think so. What is your opinion and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.2007年07月21日中国大陆Task 1: If you could study a subject that you never had the opportunity to study, what subject would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details. Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cellphones should be forbidden in some places. Please use specific reasons and examples to sup-port your answer.2007年07月28日中国大陆Task 1: Describe the changes that may happen in your life in 5 years. Please include examples and details inyour explanation.Task 2: Some people think that money and power indi-cate success. Do you agree or disagree? Please include specific details and examples in your explanation.2007年08月04日中国大陆Task 1: Describe the day you enjoyed the most or very special to you. Please include reasons and details to support your response.Task 2: Some people prefer to have classes during the day and do part-time job in the evening while other pre-fer to have classes in the evening and do part-time job during the day. Which would you prefer?2007年08月11日中国大陆Task 1: Describe/imagine a trip that will happen in your future. Please include specific details in your answer. Task 2: Should students enter university immediately after they finish high school? Please explain your opin-ion in details.2007年08月17日中国大陆Task 1: Where is your favorite place to exercise out-doors? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.Task 2:2007年08月25日中国大陆Task 1: Describe an interesting/important sport or group activity in your country. Please include details. Task 2: In your free time, do you enjoy to have fun with your friends in small group or in large group, why? Please include specific reasons and examples in your an-swer.2007年09月08日中国大陆Task 1: Describe an unforgettable event happened in your school. Please include specific details in your re-sponse.Task 2: Do you prefer to have dinner with friends in cafe or at home?2007年09月12日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a house/building you like and explain reasons.Task 2: Do you like to go to concert/theater alone or with your friends. Please give your opinion with specific reasons and details.2007年09月15日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a situation in which your teachers and classmates gave you suggestions to solve problems. Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important influence that young adults have are from their families. Please include spe-cific reasons and examples to support your answer.2007年09月21日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a person who have had positive impact on you. Please include specific examples and details in your response.Task 2: When doing a team program, do you prefer to be a leading or a supporting member in a group? Please explain your preference with specific examples and de-tails.2007年09月22日中国大陆Task 1: Task 1: Describe a person who have had positive impact on you. Please include specific examples and de-tails in your response.Task 2: When doing a team program, do you prefer to be a leading or a supporting member in a group? Please explain your preference with specific examples and de-tails.2007年09月29日中国大陆Task 1: Who do you go to for suggestions when you face problems? Why?Task 2: Some people think that government should put money on arts and culture like museums and theaters. Others don’t think so. What is your opinion? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.2007年10月05日中国大陆Task 1: Describe an incident in which a friend of yours surprised you. Please give your answer with specific de-tails.Task 2: When going on vacation, do you prefer to do outdoor activities or indoor activities? Please include examples and details in your answer.2007年10月17日中国大陆Task 1: Describe an important decision you have made. Explain why it is important. Please include specific rea-sons and examples in your response.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required to study art and music courses in secondary school. Please include reasons and examples to support your answer.2007年10月21日中国大陆Task 1: While choosing a friend, which of the following characteristics do you care about most: honesty, loyalty or sense of humor? Explain why this characteristic is the most important to you.Task 2: Some people prefer reading read newspaper and magazine to get news. Others prefer watching TV and listening to radio to get news. Which way do you prefer and why?2007年10月27日中国大陆Task 1: What to serve a foreign friend that visits your house? Please give specific reasons and details.Task 2: When looking for information for a research project, some students prefer to get their information mainly from the internet. Others prefer to mainly useprinted materials such as books and academic journals. Which do you prefer and why?2007年10月28日中国大陆Task 1: Teaching quality is very important in a universi-ty, what about other significant factors. Which one would you choose in the first place and why? 1. Size; 2. Price; 3. Location.Task 2: What do you think of modern technology? Please give your opinion and explanation using specific reasons and details.2007年11月03日中国大陆Task 1: Describe the characteristic that make good teachers. Please explain your ideas with specific details. Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? While choosing friends, people should al-ways choose those who have different interests from their own. Please include specific examples and reasons in your explanation.2007年11月11日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a special opportunity you once had. Please give specific reasons and examples in your re-sponse.Task 2: State whether you agree or disagree with the fol-lowing statement. Then explain your reasons with spe-cific details in your explanation. Students should not be allowed to bring cellphone into the classroom.2007年11月24日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a special event or occasion you partici-pated with your family or friends. Please use details to support your answer.Task 2: Do you like to travel to new places or where you have visited before? Why? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.2007年12月01日中国大陆Task 1: Describe your favorite area in your city. Please offer your explanations and details.Task 2: When you are in need for information, which following access do you prefer? Asking help from in-structors or using books and the internet. Please use reasons and examples to support your answer.2007年12月03日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a commemorative or social activity. Please include examples and details in your answer. Task 2:2007年12月08日中国大陆Task 1: Describe an important gift you received and ex-plain why it is important. Please include specific details and examples in your explanation.Task 2: Do you like to save up your little extra money or spend it right away? Why? Please give specific reasons to support your response.2007年12月10日中国大陆Task 1: Describe a painting that impresses you deeply. Please include specific details in your response.Task 2: Someone have one career throughout their lives. Other people do different kinds of works at different points in their lives. Which do you think is better? Ex-plain why.2007年12月15日中国大陆Task 1: Where would you recommend your foreign friend to visit in your town? Please give specific reasons and details in your response.Task 2: Some students prefer the internet-based teach-ing. Others prefer to study in traditional classrooms. Which method of study do you prefer and why?2008全年托福考试(北美)口语独立题2008年03月01日北美Task 1: Describe a performer, an actor or a musician, etc., that you think is great. Please give specific reasons why you think he/she is great.Task 2: Do you plan your free time or do you do your things spontaneously in your free time? Please give your choice with reasons.2008年03月07日北美Task 1: Which place is your favorite place in your childhood? Describe it and explain why you liked to go there.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Why or why not? Use details and examples in your answer. It is more important to study math and science than to study art and literature.2008年05月03日北美Task 1: Who has more significant influence on young adults, parents or friends.?Task 2: Describe a meaningful experience and explain why it is important to you. Please include specific de-tails in your answer.2008年08月23日北美Task 1: Describe an old person (such as your grandpa or neighbor) that you respect. Explain why you admire this person, and how this person influenced you.Task 2: Some people think that attending team sports may develop children’s sense of competition. Attending team sports will help children to develop sense of coop-eration. What is your opinion?2008年09月20日北美Task 1: Describe a person you look up to as a role model. Explain how this person influenced your life. Please in-clude details and examples to support your response. Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should learn to draw or paint.Please use specific reasons to support your answer.2008年10月17日北美Task 1: “People enjoy reading many different types of books, such as mystery, biography, romance, etc. Of all the different types of books that they are, what type do you most enjoy? Explain why.”Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to learn lessons is through making mistakes. Please give your opinion with specific reasons and examples.2009全年托福考试(中国大陆)口语独立题2009年01月10日大陆Task 1: While choosing a friend, which of the following characteristics do you care about most: honesty, loyalty or sense of humor? Explain why this characteristic is the most important to you.Task 2: Some people prefer reading read newspaper and magazine to get news. Others prefer watching TV and listening to radio to get news. Which way do you prefer and why?2009年01月18日大陆Task 1: Among the following three professions, which one do you think make the most contribution to society? Teachers, farmers, or doctors.Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person must love his/her job to be happy. Please use specific reasons and examples to support your response.2009年02月14日大陆Task 1: Talk about a skill or ability that you consider especially important for a student to have.Task 2: Which do you prefer? Shopping in store or online shopping? Please use specific reasons and exam-ples to support your answer.。
阅读我个人感觉很难,第一篇讲portrait艺术的,不知道是不是新题,重点就是说肖像画艺术在哪些方面不同于其他艺术形式,三段里面前两段巨长,第一段说肖像会随social convention发生改变;第二段说肖像画的画法和对象与其他艺术形式不同,一般是要求对象坐在那给他画,即时因为某些原因不能当面(重要的人或是太忙),那也要依据照片或是草图画;第三段说什么由于主流的专业画家(米开朗琪罗)认为portrait太没有技术含量,只是机械劳动,所以portrait的地位不高,但是他们还是自己会练习这种画法,举了Picasso 的例子。
第一部分说这个建筑里有各种各样的匠工,加工贵重金属的,做陶瓷的,织布的等等,纠结了一下说他们做好的东西都要严格审查啊什么的;第二部分说这个建筑到底是归为palace还是temple,单独说哪个都不合适,最后的结论居然发明出新的术语,palace-temple or temple-palace,这一部分纯属扯淡。
我唯一记得是是一篇geology,讲washington state那边有个特殊的地形,一个叫berz的人提出既不是河流长时间冲刷出来的也是冰川消退形成的,而是在几个小时内被大量的水给冲出来的,在那个地形东边后来有个人,名字忘了,发现了有大湖的证据,最后一整合就成了那个大湖由于拦住水的ice dam垮了,水就给冲出这个地形了。
2008年3月美国托福英语考试(TOEFL)阅读真题精选(总分:106.00,做题时间:150分钟)一、READING(总题数:5,分数:106.00)The Origin of the Pecific Island PeopleThe greater Pacific region, traditionally called Oceania, consists of three cultural areas: Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Melanesia, in the southwest Pacific, contains the large islands of New Guinea, the Solomons, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia. Micronesia, the area north of Melanesia, consists primarily of small scattered islands. Polynesia is the central Pacific area in the great triangle defined by Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand. Before the arrival of Europeans, the islands in the two largest cultural areas, Polynesia and Micronesia, together contained a population estimated at 700,000.Speculation on the origin of these Pacific islanders began as soon as outsiders encountered them, in the absence of solid linguistic, archaeological, and biological data, many fanciful and mutually exclusive theories were devised. Pacific islanders are variously thought to have come from North America, South America, Egypt, Israel, and India, as well as Southeast Asia. Many older theories implicitly deprecated the navigational abilities and overall cultural creativity of the Pacific islanders. For example, British anthropologists G. Elliot Smith and W. J. Perry assumed that only Egyptians would have been skilled enough to navigate and colonize the Pacific. They inferred that the Egyptians even crossed the Pacific to found the great civilizations of the New World (North and South America). In 1947 Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl drifted on a balsa-log raft westward with the winds and currents across the Pacific from South America to prove his theory that Pacific islanders were Native Americans (also called American Indians). Later Heyerdahl suggested that the Pacific was peopled by three migrations: by Native Americans from the Pacific Northwest of North America drifting to Hawaii, by Peruvians drifting to Easter Island, and by Melanesians. In 1969 he crossed the Atlantic in an Egyptian style reed boat to prove Egyptian influences in the Americas. Contrary to these theorists, the overwhelming evidence of physical anthropology, linguistics, and archaeology shows that the Pacific islanders came from Southeast Asia and were skilled enough as navigators to sail against the prevailing winds and curre.The basic cultural requirements for the successful colonization of the Pacific islands include the appropriate boat-building, sailing, and navigation skills to get to the islands in the first place, domesticated plants and gardening skills suited to often marginal conditions, and a varied inventory of fishing implements and techniques. It is now generally believed that these prerequisites originated with peoples speaking Austronesian languages (a group of several hundred related languages) and began to emerge in Southeast Asia by about 5000 B. C.E. The culture of that time, based on archaeology and linguistic reconstruction, is assumed to have had a broad inventory of cultivated plants including taro, yarns, banana, sugarcane, breadfruit, coconut, sago, and rice. Just as important, the culture also possessed the basic foundation for an effective maritime adaptation, including outrigger canoes and a variety of fishing techniques that could be effective for overseas voyaging.Detailed studies of the winds and currents using computer simulations suggest that drifting canoes would have been a most unlikely means of colonizing the Pacific. These expeditions were likely driven by population growth and political dynamics on the home islands, as well as the challenge and excitement of exploring unknown waters. Because all Polynesians, Micronesians, and many Melanesians speak Austronesian languages and grow crops derived from Southeast Asia, all these peoples most certainly derived from that region and not the New World or elsewhere. The undisputed pre-Columbian presence in Oceania of the sweet potato, which is a New World domesticate, has sometimes been used to support Heyerdahl’s “American Indians in the Pacific” theories. However, this is one plant out of a long list of Southeast Asian domesticates. As Patrick Kirch, an American anthropologist, points out, rather than being brought by rafting South Americans, sweet potatoes might just have easily been brought back by returning Polynesian navigators who could have reached the west coast of South America.(分数:12)(1).According to Paragraph1, all of the following are true statements about Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia EXCEPT(分数:1)A.Collectively, these regions are traditionally known as Oceania.B.These islands of Micronesia are small and spread outC.Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand mark the boundaries of Polynesia.D.Melanesia is situated to the north of Micronesia. √解析:参考译文:太平洋群岛居民的起源广义的太平洋地区,传统上被称作大洋洲,由三块文化区域组成:美拉尼西亚,密克罗尼西亚和玻利尼西亚。
资料来源:教育优选 /
2010年3月6日新托福写作考题回顾 考试日期:
10.03.06 Task 1
阅读持支持意见,认为玛雅文明的灭绝是由于干旱,理由如下: 一:历史证明,那时候确实有干旱出现。
二:writing system 截止于那个时期。
听力持反对意见,理由如下: 一:玛雅文明天天干旱,每200年就旱一次,每次都挺过来了。
二:玛雅人喜欢打仗,打仗失败的一方中有文化的人可能写下了这些最后的文字,但只是这个region 的玛雅人被迫放弃城市,不能证明是因为旱灾放弃城市。
社会类 考题文字: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In orde r to solve the problems in the present and future, it is neces sary to understand the past.
本次写作考试点评: 2010.03.06新托福写作重复2008年3月1日北美小作文条理较清晰话题也不难懂,但还是需加强听力、阅读的练习和改写概括的能力。
大作文是关于社会类的话题,论据扩展有些难度,老师在平时课堂上需带领学生多做brainstorming 的工作。
2011年11月05日大陆托福机经回忆11/05 北美详细机经攒RP发机经,攒RP。
你赞同还是反对,分别说出ADV ANTAGEAND DISADV ANTAGE,也就是正反都要说。
TASK3 学校报纸上有个PROPOSAL说宿舍的电视节目里加入国际频道。
资料来源:教育优选 /
2010年5月16日新托福写作考题回顾 考试日期:
2010.05.16 Task 1
综合写作 阅读文章的要点:玛雅文明崩溃的原因一,因为战争。
生活类 考题文字: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that improving sc hools is the most important factor for the successful develop ment of a country ?
本次写作考试点评: 综合写作较简单,关于古文明的兴亡。