


Unit 3 Why do you like koalas ?

Section A

Happiness is found along the way—not at the end of the road.---Sol Gordon


知识目标:koakas tiger elephant dolphin panda lion penguin giraffe zoo cute map smart animal box kind of south Africa

能力目标:Describe animals;Express preferences


Importance: Master the new words and phrases

Difficulty: Express preferences

(一)预习导学(Warming Up)

1.Read new words by themselves,then check some students’ pronunciations

2. Learn the new words by finishing the exercises.(英汉互译)

只可爱的大象_____________________ 有几分_______

一只有趣的海豚________________ 几只可怕的狮子


come from___________ welcome to the zoo____________

a smart koala__________ want to see the pandas_________



1.--Why do like tigers? --Because they are very c________

2.________(让我们) play with the cats.

3.Look at the ___________(长颈鹿).They are eating leaves.

4.Penguins live in south A__________

5.There are many kinds of a__________in the zoo.


First play a vedio about many kinds of animals ,then make a dialogue by asking them questions: Do you like animals? What animals have you seen in the zoo? And what’s your favorite animal? Why?



Let’s see the lions first.

2.让他做这件事吧。 Let___________it.


Make the conversations following the example

A: Let’s see the lions . B: Why do you like them ?

A: Because they are cute. B: Where are lions from?

A: They are from South Africa.



The panda is kind of interesting.

A little

B a kind of

C kinds of

D a little

分析:kind of 意为“有点儿”,相当于副词,用于形容词前表程度,a little 也有此法,故选D. little 用于不可数名词前,表示物质的量,意为“几乎无”, a kind of 后接名词,意为“一种”,kinds of 与 a kind of 一样,表种类,是a kind of 的复数形式。



1. -- ________do you like penguins ? --Because _____are very smart.

A. Why , you

B. What, they

C. What, you

D. Why, they

2 The dolphins are ______interesting.

A .kind of B.a kind of C. kinds of D. kind

3.________the comedies are funny,______I like it very much.

A. Because, so

B. Because of ,so

C. Because,/

D. Because of, /

4. What ______animals do you like ?

A .other

B .the other

C .some

D .others

5.--Where _____you come from ? --I ______from China.

A. are, am

B.do,am C .are , do D.do, do


______in the zoo. She is ______ there. Her name is Ling Ling.She is from ______. She is only five years old. She’s very ____.Children like her very much. They want to _____her, but Ling Ling is

______.So the keepers(饲养员)in the zoo tell them to be ______


1.树袋熊很有趣,而且有点儿聪明。Koalas are


2.不要和老虎玩,它们很可怕。Don’t _________ the tigers. They are _________.

3.--你为什么喜欢海豚? ---因为它们很有趣。

--_________ do you _____________? --_______they are very


4.动物园里有各种各样的动物。There are _____________animals in the zoo.




1.I like lions because they are very cute.

2.He likes koalas because they are kind of interesting.

分析:because 为从属连词,意为“因为”,用来引导原因状语从句,提问用why。

答案:1. Why do you like lions? 2.Why does he like koalas?

易错点分析:询问原因除用why外,也可用 what ...for,介词for 表示原因,如:What do you learn English for ? 你为什么学英语?

练习:I want some apples because I want to make apple pies.

_______do you want _____apples?

_______do you want ______apples ______?


1.( 2009 连云港).1. We didn't enjoy the picnic______there was a sudden


A. if

B. but C because D. however

2.(2009 绵阳)2. Elephants, pandas and ________ are animals.

A. chicks

B. ducks

C. penguins

D. dolphins




Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?

Section B

一、教师寄语:Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。



重点: 1. vocabulary: ugly, clever, friendly shy, dog

2. Sentences: What (other) animals do you like?

I like elephants. Because they are friendly.

难点:1.The new description words.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/001268659.html,e the language to describe the animals freely.



Step 1Free talk

Greeting the students.Talk about the animals learnt before.


(二)情境导入Step 2 Revision

Revise the words by asking: What’s this?

Where is it from? Do you like …? Why? Do you like …? act.



Step 3 Presentation

1.Teach the new words by pictures. Write the new words on the black board

2.Do SB P10, Part 1 in pairs,

3.Check the answers.

4.Listen to the tape and circle the description words in part 1.

Listen again check the answers


Step 4 Listening

Listen to the tape twice and fill in the chart.Listen again, check the answers.


Step 5 Pair work

SB,P10, Part3

Get the students to read the dialogue.

Read in pairs.

Talk about some other animals the student know.



选择适当的词填空:why, other, friendly, animals, clever, shy

A:What ______ do you like? B: I like pandas.

A:______ do you like them? B:Because they are ______ and cute. A:What animals do you like? B:I like dolphins, too. Because they

are_____and ____ to people.

Blackboard writing design:


Step 6 Summary

Summarize the important words and language points with the class.


Step 7 Homework

1.Learn the new words by heart.

2.Make up a dialogue with the word learnt in this lesson.


1.Pandas are cute, _____they are kind of shy.

A .or B. and C. but D .then

解析:cute可爱的,shy 害羞的,两个词的关系是并列的。因此选用B。kind of 的意思是有点,对本题的答案选择不产生影响。

2.My uncle _____(relax) 3 hours every day.

解析:从every day 可知本题采用的是一般现在时,从主语my uncle 可知谓语需用第三人称单数。因此答案为relaxes.


1.The teachers are _________(friend) to their students.

2.Yangyang lives in Beijing. He likes_____(play) soccer.

答案:1.friendly 2.playing


Talk in your group about what you have learned and what you haven’t got.

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________


Unit 3 Section A

一、1.D 2.A3.C 4 A 5. A


Sunday,want,Because,panda,new,China,beautiful,play with,shy,quiet 三、1.kind of 2. play with, very scary 3.Why, like dolphins, Because, interesting 4. all kinds of

Unit 3 Section B


学英语报 深圳七年级下册43期答案

7B 学英语报43期 第二版必备词语 a packet of in a way be connected to power station washing machine switch off tidy up air conditioner at least make sure a moment later flow through provide sb with sth be careful with share with take a bath switch on/turn on on time go out alone be ready to do sth 第三版 wires foolish tidy batteries replies connected electricity wind power look foolish go out alone give sb power flow through a moment later under the street

a conversation about electricity inside batteries safety rules electricity wires test cooker connect fridge lock touch moment batteries CABAB in a way come from power station a packet of make sure tidy up switch off air conditioner is connected to washing machine electricity electrical someone anyone on the way in the way sentences BCABA use water power to use electricity safely reply to his letter is ready to go out the outside of the cook wait for a moment


1.名词所有格是我们口语交际中常用到的一种形式,根据下面句子思考: 如果词尾有字母s ,怎么写它的所有格? “名词所有格”和“名词性所有格”是一个意思吗? 为什么? The two students’ homes are in the same building. The postcards’ colour is red . This cap is Daniel’s . That one is mine. 上5个问句都用到“belong to ”, belong to 后跟人称代词那种形式?(A. 主格,B.宾格, C.形容词性所有格 D.名词性所有格)举例证实你的选择。 ___________________________________________________________ __________ 四.达标检测六 (一)单项选择 1. Are these _______ photos ? A. you B. your C. yours 2. -----Whose pen is this ? … It’s _______ . B. mine C. my 3. He teaches ________ Chinese . A. us B. our C. ours 4. _______ name is Polly . A. It B. Its C. It’s

5. _________ father is a bus driver. A. He B. Him C. Jim’s 6. ______ pen on the teacher’s desk is ________. A. A, her B. A, hers C. The , hers 7. _______ the book belong to _______? A. Is , he B. Does , him C. Does , his 8. Kate is ________ English girl . ______ is from London. A. an , She B. the , She C. the, Her 9. Most of _______ come from China . A. they B. them C. theirs 10. These ______ trees belong to those farmers .


七年级英语学习报-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

1.名词所有格是我们口语交际中常用到的一种形式,根据下面句子思考: 如果词尾有字母s ,怎么写它的所有格“名词所有格”和“名词性所有格”是一个意思吗为什么 The two students’ homes are in the same building. The postcards’ colour is red . This cap is Daniel’s . That one is mine. 2.P33 上5个问句都用到“belong to ”, belong to 后跟人称代词那种形式(A. 主格,B.宾格, C.形容词性所有格 D.名词性所有格)举例证实你的选择。 _____________________________________________________________________ 四.达标检测六 (一)单项选择 1. Are these _______ photos A. you B. your C. yours 2. -----Whose pen is this … It’s _______ . A.me B. mine C. my 3. He teaches ________ Chinese . A. us B. our C. ours 4. _______ name is Polly . A. It B. Its C. It’s 5. _________ father is a bus driver. A. He B. Him C. Jim’s 6. ______ pen on the teacher’s desk is ________. A. A, her B. A, hers C. The , hers 7. _______ the book belong to _______ A. Is , he B. Does , him C. Does , his 8. Kate is ________ English girl . ______ is from London. A. an , She B. the , She C. the, Her 9. Most of _______ come from China . A. they B. them C. theirs 10. These ______ trees belong to those farmers . 2


1Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from? 导学案1 Section A 1a--Grammar focus 【学习目标】 1.学会一些国家和城市的英文名称,:会用所学知识,询问和回答人们来自哪里。 2.学会理解和尊重异国文化. 【学法指导】 1、联系生活学习英语。敢于用英语表达,用英语进行交际。 2、听力策略:A. 放松心情。B. 注意关键字 【课前准备】准备一张世界地图. 【学习过程】 一、预习指导与检测 (一)预习指导 1.预习第1-2 页的生词,根据音标会读知意. 2.朗读第1-2 页的句型,能英汉互译. 3.知识点拨: 1)Where is/are + 主语+ from ?这一特殊疑问句用来询问某人来自哪里,回答时,用主语+is/are +from+地点。 eg:Where are you from? I’m from Chaohu. Where is he from? He’sfrom Hefei. 拓展:be from = come from be 是系动词,come 是实义动词 eg: Where does he come from? He comes from Hefei. 2)live 不及物动词,意思是“居住”不能直接加地点,需要有介词. eg: ----- Where does she live? ------She lives in Paris. 3)pen pal =pen friend 笔友 4)China 中国Chinese 中国人Japan 日本Japanese 日本人 eg:We are all Chinese. The three girl are Australians. (二)预习检测 1.你知道这些国家和地区的英文名称吗? (1)中国_______(2) 加拿大________ (3)法国________(4)英国_________ (5)澳大利亚______(6) 美国_______(7)新加坡______ (8)悉尼________ (9) 巴黎_______(10)纽约________(11)多伦多_______(12)东京_________ 二、课堂互动探究 1. 小组活动: 2 1) 共同总结本节课的重点单词及短语,然后互相提问。 2)讨论:中国、日本、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国、法国、新加坡等的国家名称、首都等形式,并展开小组竞赛,看看那组最棒。 3) 讨论:询问某人来自哪里,用句型_________________________。回答时,用__________________________________。 4)了解be from 与come from 区别。 5)live 后何时用in,何时不用in。整理到笔记本上。 三、当堂检测 一. 单项选择


寒假专版参考答案 第1版寒假作业(一)词汇与句型篇 词汇运用 Ⅰ. 1-5 cdeba Ⅱ. 1. German 2. age 3. hobbies 4. mountains 5. friendly 6. never 7. Geography 8. break 9. guitar 10. together Ⅲ.1-5 ACACD Ⅳ. 1. is from 2. look like 3. lives with 4. eating out 5. arrive at 6. helping; with 7. am good at 8. on the Internet 9. go to bed 10. take the bus 句型演练 Ⅰ.1. teeth 2. playing 3. friendly 4. elder 5. German 6. to be 7. to go 8. running 9. playing 10. listening Ⅱ. 1. enjoy/like 2. seldom 3. elder; dreams 4. by bus 5. favourite sport 第2版寒假作业(二)语法专练 Ⅰ. 1-5 DBACA 6-10 DACBD Ⅱ. 1. Does Kate want 2. Which man 3. doesn’t play 4. How often 5. Yes; he does 6. When is 7. Does Peter take 8. parents’ ages 9. How many flats 10. No; they don’t Ⅲ. 1. Germany 2. hobbies 3. playing 4. friends 5. twice 6. goes 7. to be 8. Does; doesn’t 9. times 10. likes Ⅳ. 1. an ice cream 2. seldom goes out 3. wants to be 4. twice a week 5. helps me buy Ⅴ. 1. D a改为an 2. A long改为often 3. A not之前加do 4. A Which改为What 5. B wash改为washes 第3版寒假作业(三)读写综合篇 补全对话 A篇1-5 FDEAC B篇1-5 GEFBD 完形填空 1-5 ABDDB 6-10 CACCB 阅读理解 1-5 BCDCD 书面表达 One possible version: Pleasant Goat and Force Goat are good friends. They both help Slow Goat a lot. But they


冀教版七年级英语下册导学案 冀教版七年级英语下册导学案 Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming! lesson 43 Have a Good Summer ! 【学习目标】 1、知识与能力目标:学会一些国家与城市的英文名称,:会用所学知识,询问与回答人们来自哪里。 2、过程与方法目标:学会理解与尊重异国文化、 3、情感态度与价值观目标: 【学法指导】 1、联系生活学习英语。敢于用英语表达,用英语进行交际。 2、听力策略:A、放松心情。B、注意关键字 【学习重点】 【学习难点】 【学习过程】 一、预习指导与检测 (一)预习指导 1、预习第1-2页的生词,根据音标会读知意、 2、朗读第1-2页的句型,能英汉互译、 (二)知识点拨 1 Go on a trip to A 去A 地旅行 、2 May表示允许,无人称与数的变化、 3 Too+形/副to do sth表示否定的含义,就是太…不能干、 4 Be busy doing sth(动名词)就是忙于做某事,就等于be busy with sth (名词) 5 A be far from (away) A 离B 远 6 Two hundred / thousand / million/ billion 两百/ 千/ 百万 /亿Hundreds/ thousands / millions/ billions of 成百 /千 /百万/亿 7 From A to B 从A 到B、 8 Work hard at A 努力干A(介+ doing ) 9 Too many +可数名词的复数。Too much +不可数名词 10 live in +大地方(城市)Live at +小地方(农村) 二、重点知识点巩固练习 1 He may(go) home -------------------------------- 一(一般疑问句) ---------------------------------- (否定句) 2 He wants(go)a trip Beijing、 3 He is too young(go) to school、He is too old to(climb ) the tree 、 4 The coat is(thousand )of yuan、 5 We go to school Monday(介词) 6 Do they go to school Monday Friday (介) 7 Mary is working hard English 、 8 Let us go(boat)、


1.名词所有格是我们口语交际中常用到的一种形式,根据下面句子思考: 如果词尾有字母s ,怎么写它的所有格? “名词所有格”和“名词性所有格”是一个意思吗? 为什么? The two students’homes are in the same building. The postcards’colour is red . This cap is Daniel’s . That one is mine. 2.P33 上5个问句都用到“belongto ”, belong to 后跟人称代词那种形式?(A. 主格,B.宾格, C.形容词性所有格 D.名词性所有格)举例证实你的选择。 _____________________________________________________________________ 四.达标检测六 (一)单项选择 1. Are these_______ photos ? A. you B. your C. yours 2. -----Whose pen is this ? … It’s _______ . A.me B. mine C. my 3. He teaches ________ Chinese . A. us B. our C. ours 4. _______ name isPolly . A. It B. Its C. It’s

5. _________ fatheris a bus driver. A.He B.Him C.Jim’s 6. ______ pen on theteacher’s desk is ________. A. A, herB.A, hers C. The , hers 7. _______ the book belong to _______? A.Is , he B. Does , him C. Does, his8.Kate is ________ English girl . ______ is from London. A. an , She B. the , She C. the,Her 9. Most of _______ come from China . A.theyB. themC. theirs 10. These ______ trees belong to those farmer s .


人教版七年级英语下册第三单元学案 Unit 3 Why do you like koalas ? Section A Happiness is found along the way—not at the end of the road.---Sol Gordon 幸福将在路途中被发现,而不是在路的终点。 知识目标:koakas tiger elephant dolphin panda lion penguin giraffe zoo cute map smart animal box kind of south Africa 能力目标:Describe animals;Express preferences 情感目标:通过对本节知识的学习,培养学生要热爱动物,保护自然 Importance: Master the new words and phrases Difficulty: Express preferences (一)预习导学(Warming Up) 1.Read new words by themselves,then check some students’ pronunciations 2. Learn the new words by finishing the exercises.(英汉互译) 只可爱的大象_____________________ 有几分_______ 一只有趣的海豚________________ 几只可怕的狮子 _________________

come from___________ welcome to the zoo____________ a smart koala__________ want to see the pandas_________ (二)预习自测 根据首字母和汉语提示写单词 1.--Why do like tigers? --Because they are very c________ 2.________(让我们) play with the cats. 3.Look at the ___________(长颈鹿).They are eating leaves. 4.Penguins live in south A__________ 5.There are many kinds of a__________in the zoo. (三)情景导入 First play a vedio about many kinds of animals ,then make a dialogue by asking them questions: Do you like animals? What animals have you seen in the zoo? And what’s your favorite animal? Why? (四)自主探究 1.译成汉语,注意划线部分 Let’s see the lions first. 2.让他做这件事吧。 Let___________it. (五)合作交流 Make the conversations following the example A: Let’s see the lions . B: Why do you like them ? A: Because they are cute. B: Where are lions from? A: They are from South Africa. (六)拓展创新 找出与划线部分意思相同的选项 The panda is kind of interesting. A little B a kind of C kinds of D a little


听力部分(15分) 一.听对话,选择正确的答案。(5分) ( ) 1. Where are they? A. In a school. B. At home. C. In a noodle house. ( ) 2. How much is it? A. $80 B. $88 C. RMB88 ( ) 3. What does Jim like? A. Rice. B. Beef. C. Tomatoes. ( ) 4. Would Sally like some vegetable dumplings for lunch? A. Yes. B. No. C. I don’t know. ( ) 5.What’s your address? A. The library. B. The supermarket. C. 25 Center Street. 二、听两段长对话,选择正确的答案(5分) A ( ) 6. What’s the weather like in Bill’s city? A. sunny B. snowy C. cloudy ( ) 7. What are Bill and Jim doing? A. watching a basketball game B. doing homework C. watching a big football game B ( ) 8. What’s Lin Tao’s mother’s job? A. a nurse B. a Chinese teacher C. an English teacher ( ) 9. What does Lin Tao want to be? A. a bank clerk B. a teacher C. a report ( ) 10. Why does Tom want to be a reporter? A. Because it’s interesting. B. Because he can meet interesting people every day. C. Because he like talking. 三. 听对话,根据其内容完成下面短文。(5分) One day I want to go to the East 1 , but I don’t know the way. So I ask a policeman. The policeman tells me to go along the street, and take the 2 turning on the 3 and walk on. He says the park is in 4 of me and it is about 5 minutes’walk. I thank him for helping me and find the place easily. 11.__________ 12. __________ 13. __________ 14. __________ 15. __________ 笔试部分(85分)


Unit1 第一课时:Section A 1a--2c 课堂练习I 1-5:join with speak kids little II 1-5:CADDA 课后巩固I 1-5:draw Why or musician address II 1-6:AAABAC 中考链接A 第二课时:Section A 2d—3c 课堂练习I 1-5:speak pianos dance well Saturday II 1-5:ABDBC 课后巩固I 1-5:BBCAD II 1.What club, to join 2.to speak,but,can’t 3.the piano,can’t,well 4.call,at 5.often,with his/to learn 中考链接D 第三课时:Section B 1a—1e 课堂练习I 1-5: kids swimming Chinese musicians comedies II 1-5:GAEBC 课后巩固I 1-5:DBCDB II 1.Can your brother play the guitar? 2.He can’t play the piano. 3.Can you play the violin? 4.Yes,I can sing and play the guitar. 4.Do you want to join our music club? 中考链接B 第四课时:Section B 2a—Self check 课堂练习I 1-5:DCDAA II 1.be in 2.very much 3.May,have 4.on,Sunday 课后巩固I 1-5:BABAC II 1.What club do you want to join? 2.What is your e-mail address? 3.Can she play the violin? Yes ,she can. 4.Tom can play the drum, but he can’t play the trumpet. 5.We don’t want to join the English club. 中考链接A 单元检测 I 1-5:ACBAD 6-10:BBCDC 11-15:BABAC II 1-8:BBCCBBCB III 1-5:CBACA IV 1.can’t play 2.What club can, join 3.What kind,does,like 4.Does,want 5.Is,or V some,for,club,Can,in,join,at VI 略 Unit2 第一课时:Section A 1a--2c 课堂练习 I 1-5:usually clock evening works Sunday II 1-5AACBC 课后巩固 I 1-5:about letter hours tell all II 1-5:BDABC 中考链接 D 第二课时Section A 2d—3c


七年级学英语报 第I卷(选择题80分) I. 听力测试(共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分) 第一部分听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完每段对话后,你将有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的答案。 1. Which sign are they talking about? A. B. C. 2. What does the woman want to learn? A. B. C. 3. Which country does the woman want to visit? A. B. C. 4. How will they go to the Summer Palace? A. B. C. 5. What time did Sandy wash her face this morning? A. At 6:00 B. At 6:05 C. At 6:15 6. Where is the man going? A. To the zoo. B. To the post office. C. To the park. 7. Whose hair is the longest? A. Leo’s. B. Joe’s. C. The woman. 8. When will the train leave? A. At 6:10 B. At 6:20 C. At 6:30 9. Why does the girl vote for Max? A. Because he is clever. B. Because he is funny. C. Because he is handsome. 10. What does Mr. Smith like? A. Tea and Beijing Opera B. Tea and films C. Films and drink 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的答案。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 11. Why was Jim late for school? A. Because he got up late. B. Because there was something wrong with his bike. C. Because there was lots of traffic on the road. 12. What did Ms Liz want him to do?


(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 按住Ctrl键单击鼠标打开教学视频动画全册播放人教新目标版2014—2014年度 下学期七年级英语教学案 授课教师__________ 2014年月日 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 一. Knowledge and abilities goals: 1.vocabulary:dance,swim,sing,play chess , paint ,speak English, play the guitar 2. How to use Model verb‖ can‖. 3. Listening and speaking skills and communicative competence. 二. Teaching method: Listening and speaking methods. Pair works. 三. Moral goals: Encourage students to express their abilities. Content of courses: In this period, students will learn some names of clubs ,such as art , music, chess club, swimming club, etc. students will learn the drills :Do you want to join…club ?Can you …? 四. Importance and difficulty: can


英语测试报七年级 Modified by JACK on the afternoon of December 26, 2020

英语测试报七年级 一部分听力(25分) 一、听句子选择图片:你将听到五个句子,请你根据听到的内容,选择相应的图片。每个句子后你有5秒钟的答题时间。听一遍。(5分) D. E. F. 二、情景反应:听句子,选择恰当的答案,每个句子后你有5秒钟的答题时间。听两遍(5分) ( )6 . A. That’s all right. B. Yes, it is . C. That’s a good idea . ( )7. A. Yes , speak ! B. No, you can’t . C. Yes , speaking ! ( )8. A. Very much. B. Twice a day. C. Cat food. ( )9. A. Clever. B. Friendly. C. Shy. ( )10. A. Grass. B. Milk. C. Balls. xKb 三、听下面3段对话或独白,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前你都将有40秒钟的时间阅读各小题,每段对话读两遍。 听第1段对话,回答第11-13题 ( ) 11. Where are they talking now? A. In a library. B. In a shop. C. In a hospital. ( ) 12. What color does the man’s son like? A. Green. B. Blue. C. White. ( ) 13. How much does the watch cost? A. 50 yuan. B. 150 yuan. C. 500 yuan. 听下面一段独白,回答第14-16题 ( ) 14. When was Harvey’s mother’s birthday? A. On September 20th. B. On September 21st. C. On September 22nd. ( ) 15. What did Harvey’s father do on Harvey’s mother’s birthday? A. He sang a song. B. He cooked dinner. C. He made a birthday card. ( ) 16. In which year was Harvey’s mother born? A. In the year of the rabbit. B. In the year of the tiger. C. In the year of the mouse. 听下面一段独白,回答第17-20题 ( ) 17. Was yesterday the speaker’s mother’s birthday? A. Yes, it was B. No, it wasn’t C. We don’t know ( ) 18. Did the speaker buy a gift for her mother yesterday?


Unit3 How do you go to school?导学案第三课时Section B 2a-2c 【学习目标】 1. 知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词: cross, river, many, village, villager, between, between…and…, bridge, boat, ropeway, year, afraid, like, dream, come true 2)理解并运用下列句型:It’s +形容词+for sb +to do… It’s+名词+to do… There is a very big river between their school and the village. 3)能在阅读中根据上下文猜测单词短语的意思:dream, like, between…and… come true, 2. 技能目标: 1)通过预测、略读、扫读、跳读等阅读策略快速获取信息,完成相关的阅读任务。 2)通过分析篇章结构,根据结构线索运用所学目标词汇复述故事。 3. 情感目标: 了解东西方国家出行方式的不同,以及不同的交通规则,教育学生注意交通安全, 加深对交通知识的了解。倡导自觉遵守交通法规及礼貌,构建和谐的人际关系。了解交通的发展,培养创新精神。 【学习活动】 一.创境激趣 Watch a video about how the students in the village get to school. 二.自主学习 (一)、写出单词或短语。 1. 过河去学校___________ 2实现____________ 3.害怕 ____________


2016七年级英语报纸答案 【篇一:人教版2016-2017学年七年级上册英语期末试 题及答案】 class=txt>英语 温馨提示:1、请将本试卷的客观试题的答案填在答题卷上,否则不计入总分;本试卷满分100分。 2、考试结束后,只交答题卷。 第一部分客观试题(75分) i、听力测试(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) a)听对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片 1. what does the man want to be a.b. c. 2. where is lucy a.b. c. 3. how does tom get to school a.b. c. 4. what are jim and dave doing a.b. c. 5. how`s the weather in beijing a.b. c. b)听句子,选择正确的答语,每个句子读两遍 6.a. pretty good b. you are welcomec. that sounds good 7. a. thank youb. the same to youc. that`s all right 8. i`m very gladb. have a good timec. it`s a good place 9. a. it`s niceb. i bought it yesterdayc. of course you can 10. a. unfriendlyb. raining c. yes, they were. c)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a,b,c,三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。


Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? 第一课时(Section A 1a—2c) Learning aims (导学目标) 1.掌握并正确运用下列单词和词组:camp,lake,beach,badminto,sheep,natural,butterfly,visitor, tired,stay,stay up,on Saturday morning,study for,work as,kind of... 2.能运用一般过去时谈论过去的活动或过去发生的事件。 3.掌握重点句子:How interesting! They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterfise! Warming up(自主预习) 一.短语互译。 1.上周末___________ 2.在星期六上午___________ 3.打羽毛球_________ 4.去沙滩_________________ 5.湖边露宿_________ 6.go noating_____________ 7.go to the cinema__________________ 8.do one’s homework________________ 9.study for...______________________ 10.work as a guide__________________ 11.200多种蝴蝶______________________ 12.度过一个愉快的周末________________ 13.有点累____________________________ 14.熬夜______________________________ 15.看足球赛__________________________ Classroom inquiry (课堂探究) 一、 Self study (自主学习) 1.Match the activities with the pictures. (1a) 2.Listen and write the day,morning,afternoon or night below each picture. (1b) 3.Listen and underline the words you hear. (2a) 4.Listen again.Write C .J or B next to the statements in 2a . (2b) 二、cooperation(合作探究) 1.感叹句的写法。 2.How 和What引导感叹句的不同? 三、 Display(交流展示) 1.Answers to the questions above. 2.practice the conversations above with your partner. Then make your own conversations.(1c) 3.Look at 2c and practice in pairs. 四、Extended(延伸训练) 一、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。 1. They are walking along the b________. 2. we c___________on top of the mountain and had fun. 3. —Is b____________anything like tennis? —NO,it isn’


初一学生如何学习英语 常有同学问:学英语有什么诀窍?说老实话,要想掌握一种语言,在缺乏必要的语言环境的条件下,学习英语其实并没有什么妙招或者捷径。全在同学们的兴趣与勤奋,同时也要要把握好英语学习的方法。 一、培养学习英语的兴趣 “兴趣是最好的老师”,兴趣是学习英语的巨大动力,有了兴趣,学习就会事半功倍。我们都有这样的经验:喜欢的事,就容易坚持下去;不喜欢的事,是很难坚持下去的。而兴趣不是与生俱来的,需要培养。有的同学说:“我天生就对英语没兴趣。”此言差矣。须知,有些兴趣并非与生俱来,而是后天培养的。为什么不试着通过你感兴趣的东西去靠拢你无兴趣的英语学习呢?开始时多参加一些英语方面的活动,比如,唱英文歌、做英语游戏、读英语幽默短文、练习口头对话等。时间长了,懂得多了,就有了兴趣,当然,学习起来就有了强烈的动力。 二、要有正确的学习态度。 1、要勤学苦练。外语是一种交际工具。学习外语是学到熟练地使用这个工 具的本领。掌握工具的主要途径是练。学外语的过程其实是一种练功夫 的过程。语言知识应该了解,但不下苦功在听、说、读、写上练习,仅 靠死记硬背一些孤立的单词、一些语法条条,是很难掌握英语这一交际 工具的。就像学游泳、学钢琴一样,对其理论掌握再好,不通过反复训 练是永远也学不会的。著名英语大师许国璋先生曾经说过:“学外语, 要眼尖、耳明、嘴勤、手快。只要多读、多记、多讲、多写,自有水到 渠成之日。” 2、要把学英语当作一个体力活,要尽可能多地去接触英语材料,不管是听 的、读的、写的和说的,接触的多了,实践的多了,英语水平自然也会 不断提高。 3、学英语要有积极的态度。如果你认为英语是个负担,它就是个负担!如 果你认为英语有趣又刺激,你就会更经常地练习,进步得更快!
