



1. 胡萝卜吃多了容易不孕?流言:一篇2005年的旧报道最近又开始流传:“美国约翰霍普金斯医学院的金南医师发现,过量的胡萝卜素会影响卵巢的黄体素合成,分泌减少,有的甚至会造成无月经、不排卵、月经变乱。















2. 飞机撒农药治白蛾?流言:微信朋友圈5月流传这样一条消息:“请告诉大家:15-25号室外不要晒被子,衣服,不要吃外面的食物(烧烤等露天食物)。












1. 人类大脑如何存储和处理信息?2. 宇宙中暗能量和暗物质的真实性是什么?3. 生命是如何在地球上起源的?4. 我们如何能够预测自然灾害?5. 量子物理学中薛定谔的猫到底是真实存在还是纯粹的理论?6. 深空探测可以为我们提供哪些关于地外生命的线索?7. 为什么黑洞对光线具有吸引力?8. 我们如何能够更好地预测气候变化?9. 在基因技术领域,我们的道德标准应该是如何界定的?10. 人工智能是否有可能超越人类智慧?11. 单细胞生物如何演化为复杂多细胞生物?12. 大爆炸理论可以解释宇宙的起源吗?13. 在医学领域,我们如何预防和治疗癌症?14. 量子计算机能够如何改变我们的生活和科学研究?15. 恒星如何形成和熄灭?16. 在宇宙中是否存在可以支持生命的其他星球?17. 地球上生命的多样性是如何产生的?18. 我们如何能够更好地预测火山喷发?19. 为什么质子和中子会结合在一起形成原子核?20. 生物钟如何影响人类的生活和健康?21. 我们如何能够更好地利用可再生能源?22. 关于细胞自噬的研究有什么重要意义?23. 我们如何能够更好地预防和治疗传染病?24. 古代文明中的科学成就如何影响现代科学?25. 未来的太空旅行是否可能成为现实?26. 在生物学领域,我们如何能够更好地理解遗传变异?27. 量子纠缠是否可以实现超光速通信?28. 研究干细胞是否可能为疾病治疗带来突破?29. 为什么物质之间存在引力?30. 人类的起源和迁徙过程是怎样的?31. 能否通过基因编辑来创造更健康的人类?32. 黑洞中的奇点是什么?33. 我们如何能够更好地了解大脑的工作原理?34. 宇宙中是否存在超越时间和空间的维度?35. 人类对地球环境造成了什么样的影响?36. 数学中的哥德巴赫猜想是否有可能被证明?37. 我们如何才能更好地利用基因工程来改善农作物和畜产?38. 关于梦境和意识之间的关系,我们了解多少?39. 为什么地球上存在如此多的物种?40. 数学中的费马大定理是否存在完美证明?41. 我们如何能够更好地了解宇宙中的暗物质?42. 生物质能源在可持续发展中的地位及其前景如何?43. 量子力学中的测不准原理到底是什么?44. 我们如何能够更好地利用生物技术来改善医学水平?45. 地球内部的磁场是如何产生的?46. 颠覆了牛顿物理学规律的相对论是如何被提出的?47. 我们如何能够更好地预防和治疗心理疾病?48. 类生物智能系统是否有可能实现?49. 为什么地球的大气层具有保护作用?50. 数学中的康托尔集是否有完美解释?51. 我们如何能够更好地利用纳米技术来改善能源和环保问题?52. 为什么地球上存在如此多的自然现象?53. 关于时间旅行的理论,我们究竟能否实现?54. 我们如何更好地理解人类对药物和毒品的依赖?55. 为什么地球上存在如此多的岩石和矿物?56. 数学中的哥德巴赫猜想是否有可能被证明?57. 我们如何能够更好地利用基因工程来改善农作物和畜产?58. 关于梦境和意识之间的关系,我们了解多少?59. 为什么地球上存在如此多的物种?60. 数学中的费马大定理是否存在完美证明?61. 我们如何能够更好地了解宇宙中的暗物质?62. 生物质能源在可持续发展中的地位及其前景如何?63. 量子力学中的测不准原理到底是什么?64. 我们如何能够更好地利用生物技术来改善医学水平?65. 地球内部的磁场是如何产生的?66. 颠覆了牛顿物理学规律的相对论是如何被提出的?67. 我们如何能够更好地预防和治疗心理疾病?68. 类生物智能系统是否有可能实现?69. 为什么地球的大气层具有保护作用?70. 数学中的康托尔集是否有完美解释?71. 我们如何能够更好地利用纳米技术来改善能源和环保问题?72. 为什么地球上存在如此多的自然现象?73. 关于时间旅行的理论,我们究竟能否实现?74. 我们如何更好地理解人类对药物和毒品的依赖?75. 为什么地球上存在如此多的岩石和矿物?76. 为什么牛顿的万有引力定律能够适用于如此广泛的物体?77. 我们如何更好地利用地热能来提供清洁能源?78. 关于大脑中的记忆机制,我们了解多少?79. 生物多样性对地球生态系统的影响如何?80. 我们如何能够更好地利用核能来解决能源危机?81. 历史上的科学发展对现代科学的影响有多大?82. 在医学领域,我们如何能够更好地利用基因测序技术来提高诊断水平?83. 为什么地球上存在如此多的气候类型?84. 数学中的哥德巴赫猜想最终是否有可能被证明?85. 我们如何更好地利用遗传工程技术来改善人类健康?86. 火星探测对我们了解宇宙和地球起源的意义是什么?87. 我们如何能够更好地了解大脑神经网络的工作原理?88. 为什么地球上存在如此多的生物群落?89. 数学中的费马大定理是否存在完美证明?90. 我们如何能够更好地了解量子物理学中的隐变量问题?91. 生物多样性对地球生态系统的影响如何?92. 我们如何能够更好地利用核能来解决能源危机?93. 历史上的科学发展对现代科学的影响有多大?94. 在医学领域,我们如何能够更好地利用基因测序技术来提高诊断水平?95. 为什么地球上存在如此多的气候类型?96. 数学中的哥德巴赫猜想最终是否有可能被证明?97. 我们如何更好地利用遗传工程技术来改善人类健康?98. 火星探测对我们了解宇宙和地球起源的意义是什么?99. 我们如何能够更好地了解大脑神经网络的工作原理?100. 为什么地球上存在如此多的生物群落?101. 数学中的费马大定理是否存在完美证明?102. 我们如何能够更好地了解量子物理学中的隐变量问题?103. 人类如何能够更好地适应特殊环境?104. 数学中的黎曼猜想是否有可能被证明?105. 我们如何能够更好地利用基因编辑来治疗细胞变异病?106. 为什么地球上存在如此多的环境问题?107. 关于宇宙膨胀模型,我们究竟了解多少?108. 我们如何能够更好地预防和治疗自然灾害引发的健康问题?109. 大脑如何能够更好地适应环境变化?110. 数学中的黎曼猜想是否有可能被证明?111. 我们如何能够更好地利用基因编辑来治疗细胞变异病?112. 为什么地球上存在如此多的环境问题?113. 关于宇宙膨胀模型,我们究竟了解多少?114. 我们如何能够更好地预防和治疗自然灾害引发的健康问题?115. 大脑如何能够更好地适应环境变化?116. 数学中的黎曼猜想是否有可能被证明?117. 我们如何能够更好地利用基因编辑来治疗细胞变异病?118. 为什么地球上存在如此多的环境问题?119. 关于宇宙膨胀模型,我们究竟了解多少?120. 我们如何能够更好地预防和治疗自然灾害引发的健康问题?121. 大脑如何能够更好地适应环境变化?122. 数学中的黎曼猜想是否有可能被证明?123. 我们如何能够更好地利用基因编辑来治疗细胞变异病?124. 为什么地球上存在如此多的环境问题?125. 关于宇宙膨胀模型,我们究竟了解多少?。





结构与功能的统一性表现在生命的各个层次细胞是有机体结构和功能的基本单位第三章第四章第三章,第七章SunlightEcosystemProducers(plants and otherphotosyntheticorganisms)HeatChemicalenergyConsumers(including animals)Heat7. 生物体能够自我调节,保持体内环境的动态平衡。

反馈调节机制8. 生物体能够对环境发生反应并适应环境应激性适应性9. 生物的统一性和多样性源自演化(evolution)多样性是生命的标志; 演化是生物学的中心原核生物真核生物生命的六角大厦三域六界系统古核生物第六章SARS禽流感麻疹艾滋病天花疣流行性腮腺炎唇疱疹病毒是人类主要的病原体之一,共有400多种病毒可以感染人类。



2. 生物具有同一的化学基础;细胞是生命结构和功能的基本单位。

3.生物体能够繁殖后代,DNA 承载的遗传信息是生命延续性的基础。

4 .生物体具有生长、发育、死亡的个体生活史。



8. 生物体能够对环境发生反应并适应环境。

9. 生命具有统一性和多样性,机制在于生物演化。

(c) Response to the environment(a) Order(d) Regulation(g) Reproduction(f) Growth and development(b) Evolutionaryadaptation(e) Energy processing•生物学是研究生命的科学,根植于人类的精神思想中。



研究》2023-10-29contents •生态话语分析•生态哲学观•生态话语分析与生态哲学的结合•结论与展望目录01生态话语分析生态话语分析是指对人类社会生活中的语言、文化、环境等与生态系统的相互关系进行研究的一种分析方法。






















1宇宙由什么构成?2意识的生物学基础是什么?3为什么人类基因会如此之少?4遗传变异与人类健康的相关程度如何?5物理定律能否统一?6人类寿命到底可以延长多久?7是什么控制着器官再生?8皮肤细胞如何成为神经细胞?9单个体细胞怎样成为整株植物?10地球内部如何运行?11地球人类在宇宙中是否独一无二?12地球生命在何处产生、如何产生?13什么决定了物种的多样性?14什么基因的改变造就了独特的人类?15记忆如何存储和恢复?16人类合作行为如何发展?17怎样从海量生物数据中产生大的可视图片?18化学自组织的发展程度如何?19什么是传统计算的极限?20我们能否有选择地切断某些免疫反应?21量子不确定性和非局部性背后是否有更深刻的原理?22能否研制出有效的HIV疫苗?23温室效应会使地球温度达到多高?24什么时间用什么能源可以替代石油?25地球到底能负担多少人口?26宇宙是否唯一?27是什么驱动宇宙膨胀?28第一颗恒星与星系何时产生、怎样产生?29超高能宇宙射线来自何处?30是什么给类星体提供动力?31黑洞的本质是什么?32正物质为何多于反物质?33质子会衰减吗?34重力的本质是什么?35时间为何不同于其他维度?36是否存在比夸克更小的基本粒子?37中微子是其自己的反粒子吗?38是否有解释所有相关电子系统的统一理论?39人类能够制造最强的激光吗?40能否制造完美的光学透镜?41是否可能制造出室温下的磁性半导体?42什么是高温超导性之后的成对机制?43能否发展关于湍流动力学和颗粒材料运动学的综合理论? 44是否存在稳定的高原子量元素?45固体中是否有超流动性?如果有,如何解释?46水的结构如何?47玻璃态物质的本质是什么?48是否存在合理化学合成的极限?49光电电池的最终效率如何?50核聚变将最终成为未来的能源吗?51驱动太阳磁周期的原因是什么?52行星怎样形成?53是什么引发了冰期?54使地球磁场逆转的原因是什么?55是否存在有助于预报的地震先兆?56太阳系的其他星球上现在和过去是否存在生命?57自然界中手性原则的起源是什么?58能否预测蛋白质折叠?59人体中的蛋白质有多少存在方式?60蛋白质如何发现其作用对象?61细胞死亡有多少种形式?62是什么保持了细胞内的通行顺畅?63为什么细胞的成分可以独立于DNA而自行复制?64基因组中功能不同于RNA的角色是什么?65基因组中端粒和丝粒的作用是什么?66为什么一些基因组很大,另一些又相当紧凑?67基因组中的“垃圾”(“junk”)有何作用?68新技术能使DNA测序的成本降低多少?69器官和整个有机体如何了解停止生长的时间?70除了继承突变,基因组如何改变?71在胚胎期,不对称现象是如何确定的?72翼、鳍和面孔如何发育进化?73是什么引发了青春期?74干细胞是否位于所有肿瘤的中心?75肿瘤更容易通过免疫进行控制吗?76肿瘤的控制比治愈是否更容易?77炎症是所有慢性疾病的主要原因吗?78疯牛病会怎样发展?79脊椎动物在多大程度上依赖先天免疫系统来抵抗传染病? 80对抗原而言,免疫记忆需要延长暴露吗?81为什么孕妇的免疫系统不拒绝其胎儿?82什么与有机体的生物钟同步?83迁徙生物怎样发现其迁移路线?84为什么要睡眠?85人类为什么会做梦?86语言学习为什么存在临界期?87信息素影响人类行为吗?88一般麻醉剂如何发挥作用?89导致精神分裂症的原因是什么?90引发孤独症的原因是什么?91阿兹海默症患者的生命能够延续多久?92致瘾的生物学基础是什么?93大脑如何建立道德观念?94通过计算机进行学习的极限是什么?95有多少个性源于遗传?96性别倾向的生物学根源是什么?97生命树是生命之间系统关系最好的表达方式吗?98地球上有多少物种? 99什么是物种?100横向转移为什么会发生在众多的物种中以及如何发生?101谁是世界的共同祖先?102植物的花朵如何进化?103植物怎样制造细胞壁?104如何控制植物生长?105为什么所有的植物不能免疫一切疾病?106外界压力环境下,植物的变异基础是什么?107是什么引起物质消失?108能否避免物种消亡?109一些恐龙为什么如此庞大?110生态系统对全球变暖的反应如何?111至今共有多少人种,他们之间有何关联?112是什么提升了现代人类的行为?113什么是人类文化的根源?114语言和音乐演化的根源是什么?115什么是人种,人种如何进化?116为什么一些国家向前发展,而有些国家的发展停滞?117政府高额赤字对国家利益和经济增长速度有什么影响?118政治与经济自由密切相关吗?119为什么改变撒哈拉地区贫困状态的努力几乎全部失败?120有没有简单的方法确定椭圆曲线是否存在无穷多解?121霍奇闭链是代数闭链的和吗?122数学家将会最终给出Navier-Stokes方程的解吗?123庞加莱实验能否确定4维空间的球?124黎曼zeta函数的零解都有a+bi形式吗?125对粒子物理标准模型的研究是否会停止在量子Yahg-Mills理论上?。



science公布的全球最前沿的125个科学问题Science公布的全球最前沿的125个科学问题一、数学1. What makes prime numbers so special?什么使素数如此特别?2. Will the Navier–Stokes problem ever be solved?纳维尔-斯托克斯问题会得到解决吗?3. Is the Riemann hypothesis true?黎曼猜想是真的吗?二、化学1. Are there more color pigments to discover?还有更多色彩元素可发现吗?2. Will the periodic table ever be complete?元素周期表会完整吗?3. How can we measure interface phenomena on the microscopic level? 如何在微观层面测量界面现象?4. What is the future for energy storage?能量存储的未来是怎样的?5. Why does life require chirality?为什么生命需要手性?6. How can we better manage the world's plastic waste?我们如何更好地管理世界上的塑料废物?7. Will AI redefine the future of chemistry?AI会重新定义化学的未来吗?8. How can matter be programmed into living materials?物质如何被编码而成为生命材料?9. What drives reproduction in living systems?是什么驱动生命系统的复制?三、医学与健康1. Can we predict the next pandemic?我们可以预测下一次流行病吗?2. Will we ever find a cure for the common cold?我们会找到治疗感冒的方法吗?3. Can we design and manufacture medicines customized for individual people? 我们可以设计和制造出为个人定制的药物吗?4. Can a human tissue or organ be fully regenerated?人体组织或器官可以完全再生吗?5. How is immune homeostasis maintained and regulated?如何维持和调节免疫稳态?6.Is there a scientific basis to the Meridian System in traditional Chinese medicine?中医的经络系统有科学依据吗?7. How will the next generation of vaccines be made?下一代疫苗将如何生产?8. Can we ever overcome antibiotic resistance?我们能否克服抗生素耐药性?9. What is the etiology of autism?自闭症的病因是什么?10. What role does our microbiome play in health and disease?我们的微生物组在健康和疾病中扮演什么角色?11. Can xenotransplantation solve the shortage of donor organs?异种移植能否解决供体器官的短缺问题?四、生命科学1. What could help conservation of the oceans?什么可以帮助保护海洋?2. Can we stop ourselves from aging?我们可以阻止自己衰老吗?3. Why can only some cells become other cells?为什么只有一些细胞会变成其他细胞?4. Why are some genomes so big and others very small?为什么有些基因组非常大而另一些却很小?5. Will it be possible to cure all cancers?有可能治愈所有癌症吗?6. What genes make us uniquely human?哪些基因使我们人类与众不同?7. How do migratory animals know where they're going?迁徙动物如何知道它们要去哪里?8. How many species are there on Earth?地球上有多少物种?9. How do organisms evolve?有机体是如何进化的?10. Why did dinosaurs grow to be so big?为什么恐龙长得如此之大?11. Did ancient humans interbreed with other human-like ancestors? 远古人类是否曾与其他类人祖先杂交?12. Why do humans get so attached to dogs and cats?人类为什么会对猫狗如此着迷?13. Will the world's population keep growing indefinitely?世界人口会无限增长吗?14. Why do we stop growing?我们为什么会停止生长?15. Is de-extinction possible?能否复活灭绝生物?16. Can humans hibernate?人类可以冬眠吗?17. Where do human emotions originate?人类的情感源于何处?18. Will humans look physically different in the future?未来人类的外貌会有所不同吗?19. Why were there species explosions and mass extinction?为什么会发生物种大爆发和大灭绝?20. How might genome editing be used to cure disease?基因组编辑将如何用于治疗疾病?21. Can a cell be artificially synthesized?可以人工合成细胞吗?22. How are biomolecules organized in cells to function orderly and effectively? 细胞内的生物分子是如何组织从而有序有效发挥作用的?五、天文学1. How many dimensions are there in space?空间中有多少个维度?2. What is the shape of the universe?宇宙的形状是怎样的?3. Where did the big bang start?大爆炸从何处开始?4. Why don't the orbits of planets decay and cause them to crash into each other? 为什么行星的轨道不衰减并导致它们相互碰撞?5. When will the universe die? Will it continue to expand?宇宙何时消亡?它会继续膨胀吗?6. Is it possible to live permanently on another planet?我们有可能在另一个星球上长期居住吗?7. Why do black holes exist?为什么存在黑洞?8. What is the universe made of?宇宙是由什么构成的?9. Are we alone in the universe?我们是宇宙中唯一的生命体吗?10. What is the origin of cosmic rays?宇宙射线的起源是什么?11.What is the origin of mass?物质的起源是什么?12. What is the smallest scale of space-time?时空的最小尺度是是多少?13. Is water necessary for all life in the universe, or just on Earth?水是宇宙中所有生命所必需的么,还是仅对地球生命?14. What is preventing humans from carrying out deep-space exploration? 是什么阻止了人类进行深空探测?15. Is Einstein's general theory of relativity correct?爱因斯坦的广义相对论是正确的吗?16. How are pulsars formed?脉冲星是如何形成的?17. Is our Milky Way Galaxy special?我们的银河系特别吗?18. What is the volume, composition, and significance of the deep biosphere? 深层生物圈的规模、组成和意义是什么?19. Will humans one day have to leave the planet (or die trying)?人类有一天会不得不离开地球吗(还是会在尝试中死去)?20. Where do the heavy elements in the universe come from?宇宙中的重元素来自何处?21. Is it possible to understand the structure of compact stars and matter? 有可能了解致密恒星和物质的结构吗?22. What is the origin of the high-energy cosmic neutrinos?高能宇宙中微子的起源是什么?23. What is gravity?什么是重力?六、物理学1. Is there a diffraction limit?有衍射极限吗?2. What is the microscopic mechanism for high-temperature superconductivity?高温超导的微观机理是什么?3. What are the limits of heat transfer in matter?物质传热的极限是什么?4. What are the fundamental principles of collective motion?集体运动的基本原理是什么?5. What are the smallest building blocks of matter?什么是物质的最小组成部分?6. Will we ever travel at the speed of light?我们会以光速行驶吗?7. What is quantum uncertainty and why is it important?什么是量子不确定性,为什么它很重要?8. Will there ever be a "theory of everything"?会有“万有理论”吗?9. Why does time seem to flow in only one direction?为什么时间似乎只朝一个方向流动?10. What is dark matter?什么是暗物质?11. Can we make a real, human-size invisibility cloak?我们可以制作出真人大小的隐形斗篷吗?12.Are there any particles that behave oppositely to the properties or states of photons?是否存在与光子性质或状态相反的粒子?13. Will the Bose-Einstein condensate be widely used in the future?玻色-爱因斯坦冷凝体未来会被广泛使用吗?14. Can humans make intense lasers with incoherence comparable to sunlight? 人类能制造出与太阳光相似的非相干强激光吗?15. What is the maximum speed to which we can accelerate a particle?我们最多可以将粒子加速到多快?16.Is quantum many-body entanglement more fundamental than quantum fields?量子多体纠缠比量子场更基本吗?17. What is the optimum hardware for quantum computers?量子计算机的最佳硬件是什么?18. Can we accurately simulate the macro- and microworld?我们可以精确模拟宏观和微观世界吗?七、信息科学1. Is there an upper limit to computer processing speed?计算机处理速度是否有上限?2. Can AI replace a doctor?AI可以代替医生吗?3. Can topological quantum computing be realized?拓扑量子计算可以实现吗?4. Can DNA act as an information storage medium?DNA可以用作信息存储介质吗?八、工程与材料科学1. What is the ultimate statistical invariances of turbulence?湍流的最终统计不变性是什么?2. How can we break the current limit of energy conversion efficiencies?我们如何突破当前的能量转换效率极限?3. How can we develop manufacturing systems on Mars?我们如何在火星上开发制造系统?4. Is a future of only self-driving cars realistic?纯无人驾驶汽车的未来是否现实?九、神经科学1. What are the coding principles embedded in neuronal spike trains?神经元放电序列的编码准则是什么?2. Where does consciousness lie?意识存在于何处?3.Can human memory be stored, manipulated, and transplanted digitally?能否数字化地存储、操控和移植人类记忆?4. Why do we need sleep?为什么我们需要睡眠?5. What is addiction and how does it work?什么是成瘾?6. Why do we fall in love?为什么我们会坠入爱河?7. How did speech evolve and what parts of the brain control it?言语如何演变形成,大脑的哪些部分对其进行控制?8. How smart are nonhuman animals?除人类以外的其他动物有多聪明?9. Why are most people right-handed?为什么大多数人都是右撇子?10. Can we cure neurodegenerative diseases?我们可以治愈神经退行性疾病吗?11. Is it possible to predict the future?有可能预知未来吗?12. Can we more effectively diagnose and treat complex mental disorders?精神障碍能否有效诊断和治疗?十、生态学1. Can we stop global climate change?我们可以阻止全球气候变化吗?2. Where do we put all the excess carbon dioxide?我们能把过量的二氧化碳存到何处?3. What creates the Earth's magnetic field (and why does it move)?是什么创造了地球的磁场(为什么它会移动)?4.Will we be able to predict catastrophic weather events (tsunami, hurricanes, earthquakes) more accurately?我们是否能够更准确地预测灾害性事件(海啸、飓风、地震)?5. What happens if all the ice on the planet melts?如果地球上所有的冰融化会怎样?6. Can we create an environmentally friendly replacement for plastics?我们可以创造一种环保的塑料替代品吗?7. Can we achieve a situation where essentially every material can be recycled and reused?几乎所有材料都可以回收再利用是否可以实现?8. Will we soon see the end of monocultures like wheat, maize, rice, and soy?我们会很快看到小麦、玉米、大米和大豆等单一作物的终结吗?十一、能源科学1. Could we live in a fossil-fuel-free world?我们可以生活在一个去化石燃料的世界中吗?2. What is the future of hydrogen energy?氢能的未来是怎样的?3. Will cold fusion ever be possible?冷聚变有可能实现吗?十二、人工智能1. Will injectable, disease-fighting nanobots ever be a reality?可注射的抗病纳米机器人会成为现实吗?2. Will it be possible to create sentient robots?是否有可能创建有感知力的机器人?3. Is there a limit to human intelligence?人类智力是否有极限?4. Will artificial intelligence replace humans?人工智能会取代人类吗?5. How does group intelligence emerge?群体智能是如何出现的?6. Can robots or AIs have human creativity?机器人或AI 可以具有人类创造力吗?7.Can quantum artificial intelligence imitate the human brain?量子人工智能可以模仿人脑吗?8. Could we integrate with computers to form a human-machine hybrid species? 我们可以和计算机结合以形成人机混合物种吗?。



全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:星辰大海科普创新科学实验英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Cosmic Ocean of Innovation: Navigating the Frontiers of Astronomical DiscoveryAs a student captivated by the boundless expanse of the cosmos, I find myself in awe of the relentless pursuit ofknowledge that propels humanity to unveil the secrets of the universe. The vast celestial tapestry, woven with stars, galaxies, and enigmatic phenomena, beckons us to embark on an odyssey of exploration and innovation.In this age of unprecedented scientific progress, the field of astronomy stands as a beacon, illuminating the path towards uncharted territories. From the pioneering days of Galileo's revolutionary telescope to the awe-inspiring achievements of modern observatories and space probes, our understanding of the cosmos has undergone a transformative metamorphosis.One of the most remarkable milestones in recent years has been the advent of gravitational wave astronomy. These ripples in the fabric of spacetime, predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity, have opened a new window into the most cataclysmic events in the universe. The groundbreaking detection of gravitational waves from a pair of merging black holes by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) in 2015 ushered in a new era ofmulti-messenger astronomy, where we can study cosmic phenomena through multiple channels – electromagnetic radiation, gravitational waves, and even neutrinos.This revolutionary discovery has profound implications for our comprehension of the cosmos. Gravitational waves offer an unprecedented glimpse into the most extreme environments in the universe, such as the collisions of black holes and neutron stars, processes that were once shrouded in mystery. By combining these observations with traditional electromagnetic observations, astronomers can paint a more comprehensive picture of the intricate dance of celestial objects, shedding light on the fundamental laws that govern the universe.Another frontier that has captivated the scientific community is the quest to unravel the enigma of dark matter and dark energy. These elusive components, which make up the vast majority of the universe's mass and energy, have long puzzled astronomers and physicists alike. Through cutting-edge observational techniques and sophisticated computational models, researchers are meticulously mapping the distribution of dark matter and studying its gravitational influence on the large-scale structure of the cosmos.The advent of powerful telescopes, both ground-based and space-based, has been instrumental in this endeavor. The James Webb Space Telescope, for instance, has revolutionized our ability to peer into the earliest epochs of the universe, unveilingthe birth and evolution of galaxies with unprecedented clarity. By studying the light from the most distant and ancient galaxies, astronomers can gain insights into the nature of dark matter and its role in shaping the cosmic tapestry.Beyond these groundbreaking discoveries, the field of astronomy continues to push the boundaries of innovation. Novel technologies, such as advanced adaptive optics and interferometry, are enabling astronomers to capture exquisitely detailed images of celestial objects, revealing intricate structures and dynamics that were once beyond our reach.Moreover, the burgeoning field of astroparticle physics, which combines the realms of astronomy and particle physics, is opening up new avenues for exploring the fundamental building blocks of the universe. By studying cosmic rays, neutrinos, and other high-energy particles from deep space, researchers are probing the most extreme environments in the cosmos, shedding light on phenomena that cannot be replicated in Earth-based laboratories.As a student witnessing this golden age of astronomical discovery, I am filled with a profound sense of wonder and excitement. The relentless spirit of innovation that drives thescientific community is truly awe-inspiring, propelling us towards realms once deemed unimaginable.Yet, amidst these groundbreaking advancements, I am reminded that the pursuit of knowledge is not merely a quest for personal gratification or academic accolades. It is a collective endeavor that transcends boundaries, uniting diverse cultures and nations in a shared mission to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.Through international collaborations and the free exchange of ideas, astronomers from around the globe are forging new paths, fostering a global community dedicated to the advancement of human understanding. The collective effort to build and operate cutting-edge observatories and space missions is a testament to the power of cooperation and the boundless potential of humankind when we join forces in the pursuit of knowledge.As I gaze up at the night sky, contemplating the vast cosmic ocean that stretches before us, I am filled with a profound sense of humility and purpose. The universe, in all its grandeur and complexity, serves as a constant reminder of the infinite depths of knowledge yet to be explored, and the limitless potential for human ingenuity to unravel its secrets.In this era of unprecedented scientific progress, the field of astronomy stands as a beacon, illuminating the path towards uncharted territories. It is a journey that demands not only intellectual rigor and technological prowess but also a deep sense of wonder, curiosity, and an unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of human understanding.As a student, I am deeply inspired by the pioneering spirit of those who came before me, and I am emboldened by the knowledge that the quest for cosmic truths is an enduring legacy that transcends generations. With each new discovery, we inch closer to unveiling the grand tapestry of the universe, weaving together the threads of knowledge that will shape our understanding of the cosmos for generations to come.So let us embrace this odyssey of exploration and innovation, for it is in the pursuit of cosmic truths that we truly embody the essence of human potential – a relentless drive to transcend boundaries, to challenge convention, and to illuminate the vast expanse of the unknown. The cosmic ocean beckons, and we, as students and seekers of knowledge, are poised to navigate its uncharted depths, propelled by the unwavering spirit of scientific curiosity that has guided humanity since the dawn of time.篇2Exploring the Cosmos: An Innovative Science ExperimentAs a high school student, I've always been fascinated by the wonders of the universe. The twinkling stars, the swirling galaxies, and the vast expanse of space have captivated my imagination since childhood. However, it wasn't until my recent science project that I truly delved into the depths of cosmological exploration.Our science teacher, Ms. Johnson, challenged us to design and conduct an experiment that could contribute to our understanding of the cosmos. At first, the task seemed daunting. How could a group of high school students possibly make a meaningful impact on a field that has been studied by brilliant minds for centuries?Undeterred, my team and I brainstormed ideas, scouring through scientific journals and online resources. We were determined to think outside the box and come up with a unique approach. After weeks of research and countless discussions, we stumbled upon a groundbreaking concept – using radio waves to detect and analyze cosmic microwave background radiation.For those unfamiliar with the term, cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) is a relic from the early universe, a faint glow that permeates the entire cosmos. This radiation wasemitted approximately 380,000 years after the Big Bang, when the universe cooled enough for atoms to form and photons (light particles) to travel freely.Studying the CMBR has been a crucial endeavor for cosmologists, as it provides invaluable insights into the origin, evolution, and composition of the universe. However, most of the research in this field has been conducted using sophisticated and expensive equipment, often out of reach for high school students like ourselves.Our innovative approach was to build a simple yet effective radio telescope using readily available materials, such as a satellite dish, a low-noise amplifier, and a software-defined radio. By tuning our telescope to the specific frequency of the CMBR (around 1420 MHz), we aimed to detect and analyze this ancient radiation, potentially contributing to our understanding of the early universe.The construction process was not without its challenges. We had to carefully align the dish, calibrate the amplifier, and write custom software to interpret the data. There were countless setbacks and late nights spent troubleshooting issues. But our determination and teamwork kept us going, and eventually, wehad a fully functional radio telescope set up in the school's backyard.The moment of truth arrived when we pointed our telescope towards the constellation Virgo, known for its relatively low interference from other radio sources. As we analyzed the data, we were amazed to see a faint but unmistakable signal – the cosmic microwave background radiation itself!Excited by our initial success, we decided to take our experiment a step further. We used our telescope to map the variations in the CMBR across different regions of the sky. These variations, known as anisotropies, are incredibly small (on the order of one part in 100,000), but they hold invaluable information about the early universe's structure and the formation of the first galaxies.By comparing our data with existing models and simulations, we were able to identify potential correlations between the CMBR anisotropies and the distribution of matter in the universe. While our findings were preliminary and required further analysis, we couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.Throughout this project, we not only gained practical skills in electronics, programming, and data analysis but also developed a deeper appreciation for the scientific process. We learned theimportance of perseverance, collaboration, and critical thinking –skills that will undoubtedly benefit us in our future academic and professional endeavors.But perhaps the most significant lesson we learned was the power of curiosity and innovation. By daring to challenge conventional methods and thinking outside the box, we were able to make a small but meaningful contribution to the field of cosmology.As I look back on this experience, I can't help but feel inspired by the vast unknown that lies beyond our planet. The cosmos is a endless frontier, brimming with mysteries waiting to be unraveled. And who knows? Perhaps one day, our small experiment will serve as a stepping stone for future generations of scientists, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge even further.In the words of Carl Sagan, "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." With each innovative experiment, each daring hypothesis, and each groundbreaking discovery, we inch closer to unveiling the secrets of the universe. And that is a journey worth embarking on, no matter how small our contributions may seem.篇3Exploring the Cosmic Depths: A Student's Journey into Stellar ScienceAs a student with an insatiable curiosity about the wonders of the universe, I have always been captivated by the vast expanse of the cosmos. The twinkling stars that adorn the night sky have beckoned me to unravel the mysteries that lie beyond our terrestrial boundaries. It was this very fascination that led me to embark on an extraordinary journey – a journey that would not only ignite my passion for science but also push the boundaries of innovation.The Stellar Ocean Science Popularization Program, an initiative spearheaded by our school, opened a gateway to explore the depths of the celestial realm. Through a series of cutting-edge experiments and hands-on activities, we delved into the realms of astrophysics, cosmology, and astrobiology, unlocking the secrets that have puzzled humankind for centuries.One of the most memorable experiments was the construction of a scale model of our solar system. As we meticulously positioned each planet along a vast stretch of the school's field, the sheer vastness of the cosmic expanse becamestrikingly apparent. The distances between the planets, once mere numbers on a page, now took on a tangible form, leaving us in awe of the immense scales involved.But our exploration did not stop there. We ventured into the realm of spectroscopy, a technique that allowed us to analyze the composition of stars by studying the light they emit. Through a series of intricate setups involving diffraction gratings and spectrometers, we unraveled the secrets hidden within the very fabric of starlight. The vibrant lines and patterns that emerged on our screens held the key to understanding the elemental makeup of celestial bodies, a revelation that left us awestruck.Yet, the true magic unfolded when we delved into the realm of astrobiology – the study of life beyond Earth. We constructed miniature biospheres, simulating the conditions found on distant exoplanets, and observed how various microorganisms adapted and thrived in these alien environments. The prospect of life existing elsewhere in the universe was no longer a mere speculation but a tantalizing possibility that ignited our scientific curiosity.Moreover, our journey into the cosmos would not have been complete without exploring the cutting-edge field of astrophotography. Armed with advanced telescopes andstate-of-the-art imaging equipment, we captured breathtaking images of celestial wonders – from the swirling clouds of distant nebulae to the intricate details of planetary surfaces. Each photograph was a testament to the beauty and complexity of the universe, inspiring us to push the boundaries of our knowledge and understanding.Throughout this incredible journey, we were not mere passive observers but active participants in the process of scientific discovery. We formulated hypotheses, designed experiments, analyzed data, and drew conclusions, all while fostering a collaborative spirit of inquiry and critical thinking.One of the most rewarding aspects of this program was the opportunity to engage with renowned astrophysicists and researchers. Their guidance and expertise not only enriched our understanding but also opened our eyes to the vast array of career opportunities that awaited us in the field of space exploration and astronomical research.However, our journey was not without its challenges. We encountered obstacles, faced setbacks, and grappled with the complexities of the scientific process. Yet, it was through these very challenges that we learned the invaluable lessons ofperseverance, resilience, and the importance of embracing failure as a stepping stone towards growth and discovery.As I reflect on this incredible experience, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and awe. The Stellar Ocean Science Popularization Program has not only ignited my passion for the cosmos but has also instilled within me a deep appreciation for the power of science and innovation.The knowledge and skills I have acquired through this program have transcended the boundaries of textbooks and classrooms. They have empowered me with the ability to think critically, question assumptions, and approach challenges with a scientific mindset – invaluable assets that will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors, regardless of the path I choose to pursue.Moreover, this experience has reinforced my belief in the importance of science communication and popularization. By making complex scientific concepts accessible and engaging, we can inspire the next generation of explorers, thinkers, and innovators who will push the boundaries of human understanding and propel us towards unprecedented discoveries.As I look up at the night sky, the stars no longer merely twinkle; they beckon me to continue my journey of exploration,to unravel the secrets of the cosmos, and to contribute to the ever-expanding tapestry of human knowledge. With a renewed sense of wonder and determination, I embark on this lifelong quest, driven by the belief that the universe holds infinite possibilities waiting to be unveiled by the curious and the daring.。



Science 1 July 2005, Vol. 309, 78-102The Top 25 big questions facing scienceover the next quarter-century.What Is the Universe Made Of?What is the Biological Basis of Consciousness?Why Do Humans Have So Few Genes?To What Extent Are Genetic Variation and Personal Health Linked?Can the Laws of Physics Be Unified?How Much Can Human Life Span Be Extended?What Controls Organ Regeneration?How Can a Skin Cell Become a Nerve Cell?How Does a Single Somatic Cell Become a Whole Plant? How Does Earth's Interior Work?Are We Alone in the Universe?How and Where Did Life on Earth Arise?What Determines Species Diversity?What Genetic Changes Made Us Uniquely Human?How Are Memories Stored and Retrieved?How Did Cooperative Behavior Evolve?How Will Big Pictures Emerge from a Sea of Biological Data? How Far Can We Push Chemical Self-Assembly? What Are the Limits of Conventional Computing?Can We Selectively Shut Off Immune Responses?Do Deeper Principles Underlie Quantum Uncertainty and Nonlocality?Is an Effective HIV Vaccine Feasible?How Hot Will the Greenhouse World Be?What Can Replace Cheap Oil -- and When?Will Malthus Continue to Be Wrong?So Much More to Know … Some of the following 100 questions will drive scientific inquiry for the next century; others may soon be answered.1. Is ours the only universe?A number of quantum theorists and cosmologists are trying to figure out whether our universe is part of a bigger "multiverse." But others suspect that thishard-to-test idea may be a question for philosophers.2. What drove cosmic inflation?In the first moments after the big bang, the universe blew up at an incredible rate. But what did the blowing? Measurements of the cosmic microwave background and other astrophysical observations are narrowing the possibilities.3. When and how did the first stars and galaxies form?The broad brush strokes are visible, but the fine details aren't. Data from satellites and ground-based telescopes may soon help pinpoint, among other particulars, when the first generation of stars burned off the hydrogen "fog" that filled the universe.4. Where do ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays come from?Above a certain energy, cosmic rays don't travel very far before being destroyed. So why are cosmic-ray hunters spotting such rays with no obvious source within our galaxy?5. What powers quasars?The mightiest energy fountains in the universe probably get their power from matter plunging into whirling supermassive black holes. But the details of what drives their jets remain anybody's guess.6. What is the nature of black holes?Relativistic mass crammed into a quantum-sized object? It's a recipe for disaster--and scientists are still trying to figure out the ingredients.7. Why is there more matter than antimatter?To a particle physicist, matter and antimatter are almost the same. Some subtle difference must explain why matter is common and antimatter rare.8. Does the proton decay?In a theory of everything, quarks (which make up protons) should somehow be convertible to leptons (such as electrons)--so catching a proton decaying into something else might reveal new laws of particle physics.9. What is the nature of gravity?It clashes with quantum theory. It doesn't fit in the Standard Model. Nobody has spotted the particle that is responsible for it. Newton's apple contained a whole can of worms.10. Why is time different from other dimensions?It took millennia for scientists to realize that time is a dimension, like the three spatial dimensions, and that time and space are inextricably linked. The equations make sense, but they don't satisfy those who ask why we perceive a "now" or why time seems to flow the way it does.11. Are there smaller building blocks than quarks?Atoms were "uncuttable." Then scientists discovered protons, neutrons, and other subatomic particles--which were, in turn, shown to be made up of quarks and gluons. Is there something more fundamental still?12. Are neutrinos their own antiparticles?Nobody knows this basic fact about neutrinos, although a number of underground experiments are under way. Answering this question may be a crucial step to understanding the origin of matter in the universe.13. Is there a unified theory explaining all correlated electron systems?High-temperature superconductors and materials with giant and colossal magnetoresistance are all governed by the collective rather than individual behavior of electrons. There is currently no common framework for understanding them.14. What is the most powerful laser researchers can build? Theorists say an intense enough laser field would rip photons intoelectron-positron pairs, dousing the beam. But no one knows whether it's possible to reach that point.15. Can researchers make a perfect optical lens?They've done it with microwaves but never with visible light.16. Is it possible to create magnetic semiconductors that work at room temperature?Such devices have been demonstrated at low temperatures but not yet in a range warm enough for spintronics applications.17. What is the pairing mechanism behindhigh-temperature superconductivity?Electrons in superconductors surf together in pairs. After 2 decades of intense study, no one knows what holds them together in the complex, high-temperature materials.18. Can we develop a general theory of the dynamics of turbulent flows and the motion of granular materials?So far, such "nonequilibrium systems" defy the tool kit of statistical mechanics, and the failure leaves a gaping hole in physics.19. Are there stable high-atomic-number elements?A superheavy element with 184 neutrons and 114 protons should be relatively stable, if physicists can create it.20. Is superfluidity possible in a solid? If so, how?Despite hints in solid helium, nobody is sure whether a crystalline material can flow without resistance. If new types of experiments show that such outlandish behavior is possible, theorists would have to explain how.21. What is the structure of water?Researchers continue to tussle over how many bonds each H2O molecule makes with its nearest neighbors.22. What is the nature of the glassy state?Molecules in a glass are arranged much like those in liquids but are more tightly packed. Where and why does liquid end and glass begin?23. Are there limits to rational chemical synthesis?The larger synthetic molecules get, the harder it is to control their shapes and make enough copies of them to be useful. Chemists will need new tools to keep their creations growing.24. What is the ultimate efficiency of photovoltaic cells? Conventional solar cells top out at converting 32% of the energy in sunlight to electricity. Can researchers break through the barrier?25. Will fusion always be the energy source of the future? It's been 35 years away for about 50 years, and unless the international community gets its act together, it'll be 35 years away for many decades to come.26. What drives the solar magnetic cycle?Scientists believe differing rates of rotation from place to place on the sun underlie its 22-year sunspot cycle. They just can't make it work in their simulations. Either a detail is askew, or it's back to the drawing board.27. How do planets form?How bits of dust and ice and gobs of gas came together to form the planets without the sun devouring them all is still unclear. Planetary systems around other stars should provide clues.28. What causes ice ages?Something about the way the planet tilts, wobbles, and careens around the sun presumably brings on ice ages every 100,000 years or so, but reams of climate records haven't explained exactly how.29. What causes reversals in Earth's magnetic field? Computer models and laboratory experiments are generating new data on how Earth's magnetic poles might flip-flop. The trick will be matching simulations to enough aspects of the magnetic field beyond the inaccessible core to build a convincing case.30. Are there earthquake precursors that can lead to useful predictions?Prospects for finding signs of an imminent quake have been waning since the 1970s. Understanding faults will progress, but routine prediction would require an as-yet-unimagined breakthrough.31. Is there--or was there--life elsewhere in the solar system?The search for life--past or present--on other planetary bodies now drivesNASA's planetary exploration program, which focuses on Mars, where water abounded when life might have first arisen.32. What is the origin of homochirality in nature?Most biomolecules can be synthesized in mirror-image shapes. Yet in organisms, amino acids are always left-handed, and sugars are always right-handed. The origins of this preference remain a mystery.33. Can we predict how proteins will fold?Out of a near infinitude of possible ways to fold, a protein picks one in just tens of microseconds. The same task takes 30 years of computer time.34. How many proteins are there in humans?It has been hard enough counting genes. Proteins can be spliced in different ways and decorated with numerous functional groups, all of which makes counting their numbers impossible for now.35. How do proteins find their partners?Protein-protein interactions are at the heart of life. To understand how partners come together in precise orientations in seconds, researchers need to know more about the cell's biochemistry and structural organization.36. How many forms of cell death are there?In the 1970s, apoptosis was finally recognized as distinct from necrosis. Some biologists now argue that the cell death story is even more complicated. Identifying new ways cells die could lead to better treatments for cancer and degenerative diseases.37. What keeps intracellular traffic running smoothly?Membranes inside cells transport key nutrients around, and through, various cell compartments without sticking to each other or losing their way. Insights into how membranes stay on track could help conquer diseases, such as cystic fibrosis.38. What enables cellular components to copy themselves independent of DNA? Centrosomes, which help pull apart paired chromosomes, and other organelles replicate on their own time, without DNA's guidance. This independence still defies explanation.39. What roles do different forms of RNA play in genome function?RNA is turning out to play a dizzying assortment of roles, from potentially passing genetic information to offspring to muting gene expression. Scientists are scrambling to decipher this versatile molecule.40. What role do telomeres and centromeres play in genome function?These chromosome features will remain mysteries until new technologies can sequence them.41. Why are some genomes really big and others quite compact?The puffer fish genome is 400 million bases; one lungfish's is 133 billion bases long. Repetitive and duplicated DNA don't explain why this and other size differences exist.42. What is all that "junk" doing in our genomes?DNA between genes is proving important for genome function and the evolution of new species. Comparative sequencing, microarray studies, and lab work are helping genomicists find a multitude of genetic gems amid the junk.43. How much will new technologies lower the cost of sequencing?New tools and conceptual breakthroughs are driving the cost of DNA sequencing down by orders of magnitude. The reductions are enabling research from personalized medicine to evolutionary biology to thrive.44. How do organs and whole organisms know when to stop growing?A person's right and left legs almost always end up the same length, and the hearts of mice and elephants each fit the proper rib cage. How genes set limits on cell size and number continues to mystify.45. How can genome changes other than mutations be inherited?Researchers are finding ever more examples of this process, called epigenetics, but they can't explain what causes and preserves the changes.46. How is asymmetry determined in the embryo?Whirling cilia help an embryo tell its left from its right, but scientists are stilllooking for the first factors that give a relatively uniform ball of cells a head, tail, front, and back.47. How do limbs, fins, and faces develop and evolve?The genes that determine the length of a nose or the breadth of a wing are subject to natural and sexual selection. Understanding how selection works could lead to new ideas about the mechanics of evolution with respect to development.48. What triggers puberty?Nutrition--including that received in utero--seems to help set this mysterious biological clock, but no one knows exactly what forces childhood to end.49. Are stem cells at the heart of all cancers?The most aggressive cancer cells look a lot like stem cells. If cancers are caused by stem cells gone awry, studies of a cell's "stemness" may lead to tools that could catch tumors sooner and destroy them more effectively.50. Is cancer susceptible to immune control?Although our immune responses can suppress tumor growth, tumor cells can combat those responses with counter-measures. This defense can stymie researchers hoping to develop immune therapies against cancer.51. Can cancers be controlled rather than cured?Drugs that cut off a tumor's fuel supplies--say, by stopping blood-vesselgrowth--can safely check or even reverse tumor growth. But how long the drugs remain effective is still unknown.52. Is inflammation a major factor in all chronic diseases?It's a driver of arthritis, but cancer and heart disease? More and more, the answer seems to be yes, and the question remains why and how.53. How do prion diseases work?Even if one accepts that prions are just misfolded proteins, many mysteries remain. How can they go from the gut to the brain, and how do they kill cells once there, for example.54. How much do vertebrates depend on the innate immune system to fight infection?This system predates the vertebrate adaptive immune response. Its relative importance is unclear, but immunologists are working to find out.55. Does immunologic memory require chronic exposure to antigens?Yes, say a few prominent thinkers, but experiments with mice now challenge the theory. Putting the debate to rest would require proving that something is not there, so the question likely will not go away.56. Why doesn't a pregnant woman reject her fetus?Recent evidence suggests that the mother's immune system doesn't "realize" that the fetus is foreign even though it gets half its genes from the father. Yet just as Nobelist Peter Medawar said when he first raised this question in 1952, "the verdict has yet to be returned."57. What synchronizes an organism's circadian clocks?Circadian clock genes have popped up in all types of creatures and in many parts of the body. Now the challenge is figuring out how all the gears fit together and what keeps the clocks set to the same time.58. How do migrating organisms find their way?Birds, butterflies, and whales make annual journeys of thousands of kilometers. They rely on cues such as stars and magnetic fields, but the details remain unclear.59. Why do we sleep?A sound slumber may refresh muscles and organs or keep animals safe from dangers lurking in the dark. But the real secret of sleep probably resides in the brain, which is anything but still while we're snoring away.60. Why do we dream?Freud thought dreaming provides an outlet for our unconscious desires. Now, neuroscientists suspect that brain activity during REM sleep--when dreams occur--is crucial for learning. Is the experience of dreaming just a side effect? 61. Why are there critical periods for language learning?Monitoring brain activity in young children--including infants--may shed light on why children pick up languages with ease while adults often struggle to learn train station basics in a foreign tongue.62. Do pheromones influence human behavior?Many animals use airborne chemicals to communicate, particularly when mating. Controversial studies have hinted that humans too use pheromones. Identifying them will be key to assessing their sway on our social lives.63. How do general anesthetics work?Scientists are chipping away at the drugs' effects on individual neurons, but understanding how they render us unconscious will be a tougher nut to crack. 64. What causes schizophrenia?Researchers are trying to track down genes involved in this disorder. Clues may also come from research on traits schizophrenics share with normal people.65. What causes autism?Many genes probably contribute to this baffling disorder, as well as unknown environmental factors. A biomarker for early diagnosis would help improve existing therapy, but a cure is a distant hope.66. To what extent can we stave off Alzheimer's?A 5- to 10-year delay in this late-onset disease would improve old age for millions. Researchers are determining whether treatments with hormones or antioxidants, or mental and physical exercise, will help.67. What is the biological basis of addiction?Addiction involves the disruption of the brain's reward circuitry. But personality traits such as impulsivity and sensation-seeking also play a part in this complex behavior.68. Is morality hardwired into the brain?That question has long puzzled philosophers; now some neuroscientists think brain imaging will reveal circuits involved in reasoning.69. What are the limits of learning by machines?Computers can already beat the world's best chess players, and they have a wealth of information on the Web to draw on. But abstract reasoning is still beyond any machine.70. How much of personality is genetic?Aspects of personality are influenced by genes; environment modifies the genetic effects. The relative contributions remain under debate.71. What is the biological root of sexual orientation?Much of the "environmental" contribution to homosexuality may occur before birth in the form of prenatal hormones, so answering this question will require more than just the hunt for "gay genes."72. Will there ever be a tree of life that systematists can agree on?Despite better morphological, molecular, and statistical methods, researchers' trees don't agree. Expect greater, but not complete, consensus.73. How many species are there on Earth?Count all the stars in the sky? Impossible. Count all the species on Earth? Ditto. But the biodiversity crisis demands that we try.74. What is a species?A "simple" concept that's been muddied by evolutionary data; a clear definition may be a long time in coming.75. Why does lateral transfer occur in so many species and how?Once considered rare, gene swapping, particularly among microbes, is proving quite common. But why and how genes are so mobile--and the effect onfitness--remains to be determined.76. Who was LUCA (the last universal common ancestor)?Ideas about the origin of the 1.5-billion-year-old "mother" of all complex organisms abound. The continued discovery of primitive microbes, along with comparative genomics, should help resolve life's deep past.77. How did flowers evolve?Darwin called this question an "abominable mystery." Flowers arose in the cycads and conifers, but the details of their evolution remain obscure.78. How do plants make cell walls?Cellulose and pectin walls surround cells, keeping water in and supporting tall trees. The biochemistry holds the secrets to turning its biomass into fuel.79. How is plant growth controlled?Redwoods grow to be hundreds of meters tall, Arctic willows barely 10 centimeters. Understanding the difference could lead to higher-yielding crops. 80. Why aren't all plants immune to all diseases?Plants can mount a general immune response, but they also maintain molecular snipers that take out specific pathogens. Plant pathologists are asking why different species, even closely related ones, have different sets of defenders. The answer could result in hardier crops.81. What is the basis of variation in stress tolerance in plants?We need crops that better withstand drought, cold, and other stresses. But there are so many genes involved, in complex interactions, that no one has yet figured out which ones work how.82. What caused mass extinctions?A huge impact did in the dinosaurs, but the search for other catastrophic triggers of extinction has had no luck so far. If more subtle or stealthy culprits are to blame, they will take considerably longer to find.83. Can we prevent extinction?Finding cost-effective and politically feasible ways to save many endangered species requires creative thinking.84. Why were some dinosaurs so large?Dinosaurs reached almost unimaginable sizes, some in less than 20 years. But how did the long-necked sauropods, for instance, eat enough to pack on up to 100 tons without denuding their world?85. How will ecosystems respond to global warming?To anticipate the effects of the intensifying greenhouse, climate modelers will have to focus on regional changes and ecologists on the right combination of environmental changes.86. How many kinds of humans coexisted in the recent past, and how did they relate?The new dwarf human species fossil from Indonesia suggests that at least four kinds of humans thrived in the past 100,000 years. Better dates and additional material will help confirm or revise this picture.87. What gave rise to modern human behavior?Did Homo sapiens acquire abstract thought, language, and art gradually or in a cultural "big bang," which in Europe occurred about 40,000 years ago? Data from Africa, where our species arose, may hold the key to the answer.88. What are the roots of human culture?No animal comes close to having humans' ability to build on previous discoveries and pass the improvements on. What determines those differences could help us understand how human culture evolved.89. What are the evolutionary roots of language and music?Neuroscientists exploring how we speak and make music are just beginning to find clues as to how these prized abilities arose.90. What are human races, and how did they develop?Anthropologists have long argued that race lacks biological reality. But our genetic makeup does vary with geographic origin and as such raises political and ethical as well as scientific questions.91. Why do some countries grow and others stagnate?From Norway to Nigeria, living standards across countries vary enormously, and they're not becoming more equal.92. What impact do large government deficits have on a country's interest rates and economic growth rate?The United States could provide a test case.93. Are political and economic freedom closely tied?China may provide one answer.94. Why has poverty increased and life expectancy declined in sub-Saharan Africa?Almost all efforts to reduce poverty in sub-Saharan Africa have failed. Figuring out what will work is crucial to alleviating massive human suffering.The following six mathematics questions are drawn from a list of seven outstanding problems selected by the Clay Mathematics Institute.95. Is there a simple test for determining whether an elliptic curve has an infinite number of rational solutions?Equations of the form y2 = x3ax b are powerful mathematical tools. The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture tells how to determine how many solutions they have in the realm of rational numbers--information that could solve a host of problems, if the conjecture is true.96. Can a Hodge cycle be written as a sum of algebraic cycles?Two useful mathematical structures arose independently in geometry and in abstract algebra. The Hodge conjecture posits a surprising link between them, but the bridge remains to be built.97. Will mathematicians unleash the power of the Navier-Stokes equations?First written down in the 1840s, the equations hold the keys to understanding both smooth and turbulent flow. To harness them, though, theorists must find out exactly when they work and under what conditions they break down.98. Does Poincaré's test identify spheres in four-dimensional space?You can tie a string around a doughnut, but it will slide right off a sphere. The mathematical principle behind that observation can reliably spot every spherelike object in 3D space. Henri Poincaré conjectured that it should also work in the next dimension up, but no one has proved it yet.99. Do mathematically interesting zero-value solutions of the Riemann zeta function all have the form a bi?Don't sweat the details. Since the mid-19th century, the "Riemann hypothesis" has been the monster catfish in mathematicians' pond. If true, it will give them a wealth of information about the distribution of prime numbers and otherlong-standing mysteries.100. Does the Standard Model of particle physics rest on solid mathematical foundations?For almost 50 years, the model has rested on "quantumYang-Mills theory," which links the behavior of particles to structures found in geometry. The theory is breathtakingly elegant and useful--but no one has proved that it's sound.I was disappointed to see that music only got half a question: "What arethe evolutionary roots of language and music?"By lumping music in with language, you ignore the major differencebetween current scientific understandings of these two phenomena.With language, we know what it is and what it is for: communication. It'squite obvious what disadvantages a person suffers if they lack language ability. We do not know any of these things about music. We do notknow what it is, what it is for, or if it is for anything. Nor do weunderstand the relationship between language and music, althoughsome of the similarities are obvious. (Does music share some purposewith language? Is it a side-effect of some aspect of language ability?)The big question about music is not what its evolutionary roots are, butsimply "What is it?".The list of difficult questions was very interesting, but I was surprised to see that the following two items were not included:Does dark matter exist? How can it be found, and what is its mass within a given volume of space, say the Milky Way galaxy?Does dark energy exist? How can it be detected, and how much force does it exert? Is it pushing stars and galaxies away at ever increasing speeds assome are speculating?I am shocked by two aspects of your selection of 125 hard questions. The first is the sheer narrowness of vision shown by your selection process. Important hard questions do exist outside biology (72 questions) andphysics/mathematics (41 questions). You have ignored, almost completely, all the social sciences. It is important to understand that the social sciences study things, mainly human groups, far more complex than anything in physics. Their insights and results affect us just as much as those of any other science, and often more directly and intimately.The social science questions that you did produce are a poor selection. You give four questions about aspects of human societies :-1. Why do some countries grow and others stagnate?2. What impact do large government deficits have on a country's interestrates and economic growth rate?3. Are political and economic freedom closely tied?4. Why has poverty increased and life expectancy declined in sub-Saharan。


雁形目 ANSERIFORMES.................................................................................................... 13 雨燕目 APODIFORMES...................................................................................................... 13 鸻形目 CHARADRIIFORMES............................................................... 13 鹳形目 CICONIIFORMES ................................................................................................... 13 鸽形目 COLUMBIFORMES................................................................................................ 14 佛法僧目 CORACIIFORMES.............................................................................................. 14 鹃形目 CUCULIFORMES ................................................................................................... 14 隼形目 FALCONIFORMES ................................................................................................. 14 鸡形目 GALLIFORMES ...................................................................................................... 15 鹤形目 GRUIFORMES ........................................................................................................ 16 雀形目 PASSERIFORMES .................................................................................................. 16 鹈形目 PELECANIFORMES............................................................................................... 17



8 4 2024ꎬ Vol 44ꎬ No 09
农业与技术 ※种植科学

2 5 日本检疫措施
日本农林水产省 ( MAFF) 对 « 植物保护法实施
※种植科学 农业与技术 2024ꎬ Vol 44ꎬ No 09 8 3
高度重 视ꎬ 包 括 我 国在 内 的 欧 盟、 美 国、 日 本、 韩
认已知未发生番茄褐色皱果病毒的生产基地生产ꎬ 种
物风险分析框架» ( ISPM 2) 、 « 检疫性有害生物风险
险分析» ( ISPM 21) ꎬ 针对性地开展进出境种子携带
有害生物的风险分析ꎬ 以及确定后续要采取的植物检
疫措施ꎮ 植物检疫措施可以施用于作物生长及种子生
产、 加工过程中的各个时期ꎮ 各项植物检疫措施可以
2 主要种子贸易国家和地区检疫措施
番茄褐色皱果病毒扩散迅速ꎬ 已经引起国际间的
收稿日期: 2024-03-18
基金项目: 海关总署 2022 年科研计划项目 ( 项目编号: 2022HK010) ꎻ 海关总署 2021 年科研计划项目 ( 项目编号: 2021HK166)
作者简介: 王建坤 (1983-) ꎬ 男ꎬ 硕士ꎬ 一级主管ꎮ 研究方向: 进出境植物检疫ꎻ 通讯作者付海滨ꎬ 博士ꎬ 研究员ꎮ
列、 德国、 土耳其、 约旦、 希腊、 英国、 巴 勒 斯 坦、
意大利、 西班牙、 中国 ( 已根除) 等 [3ꎬ4] ꎮ
番茄褐色皱果病毒主要为害寄主植物的叶片、 茎
秆、 花萼和果实等部位ꎮ 病毒入侵后ꎬ 嫩叶、 顶芽会
出现花叶的症状ꎻ 叶片会出现变窄、 畸形的症状ꎻ 茎
秆和萼片会显露坏死条斑ꎻ 花萼早期会产生着色、 褐
子抽样ꎬ 使用逆转录—聚合酶链反应方法或实时荧光



科学冷知识科普Science is full of fascinating and little-known facts that can pique our curiosity and expand our understanding of the world around us. For example, did you know that the average human body contains enough iron to make a small nail, or that a single bolt of lightning carries enough energy to toast 100,000 slices of bread? These intriguing pieces of information not only make us marvel at the wonders of nature, but also inspire us to delve deeper into the mysteries of science.科学充满了引人入胜且鲜为人知的事实,这些事实不仅可以激发我们的好奇心,还可以扩展我们对周围世界的理解。



One of the most mind-boggling aspects of science is the concept of quantum entanglement, where two particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle instantly affects the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. Thisphenomenon, predicted by quantum mechanics, challenges our traditional notions of cause and effect and raises profound questions about the nature of reality. Despite being a complex and mysterious phenomenon, quantum entanglement has been experimentally verified and plays a crucial role in the development of quantum technologies.科学中最令人费解的一个方面是量子纠缠的概念,其中两个粒子以一种连接的方式变得相互关联,以至于其中一个粒子的状态立即影响到另一个粒子的状态,而不管它们之间的距离有多远。



科普要讲科学嘛英文作文英文,As someone who's passionate about science, I believe that science education plays a crucial role in our society. It not only enhances our understanding of theworld around us but also empowers us to make informed decisions in our daily lives. In this essay, I will delve into the importance of science education, touching upon its benefits and providing examples to illustrate its significance.Firstly, science education fosters critical thinking skills. By engaging with scientific concepts, studentslearn to analyze information, evaluate evidence, and draw logical conclusions. For instance, in a biology class, students might conduct experiments to understand theprocess of photosynthesis. Through this hands-on experience, they develop problem-solving skills and learn to apply scientific principles to real-world situations.Secondly, science education promotes innovation andtechnological advancement. Many groundbreaking discoveries and inventions stem from a solid foundation in science. Take the development of vaccines, for example. Scientists' understanding of immunology and microbiology has led to the creation of vaccines that save millions of lives each year. By teaching students about the principles behind such advancements, science education inspires future generations to pursue careers in STEM fields and contribute toscientific progress.Moreover, science education cultivates a sense of wonder and curiosity about the natural world. From the intricate patterns of a snowflake to the vastness of the cosmos, science reveals the beauty and complexity of our universe. By sparking curiosity, science education motivates students to explore, question, and seek answers to the mysteries of the universe. This sense of wonder not only enriches their academic experience but also fosters a lifelong passion for learning.Furthermore, science education empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health and environment.For instance, understanding the principles of nutrition enables individuals to make healthy dietary choices, while knowledge of environmental science equips them to advocate for sustainability and conservation. By providing practical knowledge, science education empowers individuals to lead healthier, more environmentally conscious lives.In conclusion, science education is essential for fostering critical thinking skills, promoting innovation, cultivating curiosity, and empowering individuals to make informed decisions. By investing in science education, we can ensure that future generations are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate an increasingly complex world.中文,作为一个对科学充满热情的人,我相信科学教育在我们的社会中扮演着至关重要的角色。




















科学正在不停地改变我们生活英语作文Science is Changing Our Lives Every Day!Hi there! My name is Sam and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about how science is making such huge changes to our lives. Science is so awesome and it's moving so fast that things are different every single day! It's kind of hard to keep up with sometimes.Let me start by talking about something we all use every day - our phones and tablets! The technology in these devices is crazy advanced thanks to years and years of scientific research. The screens are getting bigger, clearer, and more colorful. The cameras take pictures that look like they were taken by professionals. And there are millions of apps that can do just about anything!My dad says when he was a kid, the best phones could only make calls and maybe play a boring game like Snake. Now our phones are tiny powerful computers that can video call people across the world, find any fact instantly, and even unlock our houses or start our cars! That's all because of breakthroughs in engineering, computing, and physics. Who knows what our phones will be able to do 10 years from now?Speaking of 10 years from now, let's talk about how science is changing transportation. Self-driving cars are already being tested on roads! Sensors, cameras, and artificial intelligence allow these cars to navigate and make decisions without a human driver. How wild is that? My parents won't even let me ride my bike across a busy street by myself. But computers will be able to safely drive entire cars soon.Not only that, but companies are working on flying cars and super high-speed trains that can go over 600 miles per hour! At that speed, we could travel from New York to Los Angeles in under 3 hours. My family's road trips take way longer than that and I always get bored. Ultra-fast trains would be the best way to travel.Another way science is changing things is with robots and automation. You've probably seen videos of robots building cars in factories. But these days, robots are getting more advanced and can do way more jobs. Some restaurants are already testing robot servers and cooks! I think I'd love having a robot make my cheeseburger.Robots could even start working as helpers in houses to do chores like cleaning, yardwork, and maybe helping take care of little kids or elderly grandparents. Imagine telling a robot to doyour laundry or clean your room! Automation is also being used more on farms to help grow and harvest food. With their help, there could be a lot less work for humans to do in the future.Science is also helping us take better care of the planet. Solar and wind power are getting cheaper and more efficient, allowing us to get our energy from renewable sources instead of burning planet-warming fossil fuels. Scientists are even working on nuclear fusion, which could give us unlimited clean energy if they figure it out.New scientific farming methods like indoor vertical farms and lab-grown meat could help solve world hunger and reduce emissions from agriculture. And cutting-edge new materials and technologies are making it easier to remove existing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.If all of these big environmental solutions are successful, we may be able to stop climate change from getting worse. That's the most important thing science could do! After all, we need a healthy planet to put all of these other amazing inventions to use on.I can't wait to see what other mind-blowing things science comes up with to improve our lives. Maybe we'll develop real life teleportation devices like in the movies. Or possibly scientists willfigure out how to assemble objects from the atomic level for low-cost manufacturing. Some people think we may even crack the code of human aging so people could live for hundreds of years!There are so many mysteries of the universe left for science to investigate and unravel. Space agencies like NASA are working on sending people to Mars and looking for evidence that alien life existed somewhere other than Earth. Particle physicists are using powerful machines to study subatomic forces and the very building blocks of matter.Every time we learn something new through observation and experimentation, it opens the door for transformative new technologies to be developed. That's why science is so important — it pushes humanity forward at an accelerating rate year after year.Almost everything we take for granted today, from modern medicine to the internet, was made possible by major scientific discoveries. And those older breakthroughs then allowed even greater discoveries to build on top of them. It's an ever-evolving cycle of progress!When my parents or grandparents were kids, they wouldn't have dreamed that everyone would be carrying supercomputersin their pockets and video calling each other whenever they want. But that's just normal life for me thanks to decades of scientific advancements.So while a lot of the future world-changing technologies still seem like science fiction now, I know they'll eventually become reality too. It might not be during my lifetime, but maybe my kids or grandkids will get to experience wild new inventions that nobody could even imagine today. I can't wait to see what amazing things science has in store for the world! It's a very exciting time to be alive.。





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科学在身边作文英文回答:Science is omnipresent in our daily lives. It pervades the technology we use, the food we eat, and even the air we breathe. Its principles shape our understanding of the world around us and empower us to make informed decisions.From the moment we wake up, we interact with countless devices that are powered by scientific advancements. Our smartphones, computers, and televisions are all products of technological ingenuity. These devices keep us connected, informed, and entertained. They allow us to access vast amounts of knowledge and facilitate communication across vast distances.The food we consume is another testament to the impact of science. Advances in agriculture have enabled us to produce food on a scale that was unimaginable in the past. Genetic engineering has created crops that are moreresistant to pests and diseases, resulting in increased yields and improved nutrition. Food processing and packaging technologies ensure that food is safe and accessible to people all over the world.Science plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of our planet. Environmental science helps us understand the complex interactions between living organisms and their surroundings. It provides insights into the causes of climate change, pollution, and other environmental issues. This knowledge empowers us to take action to protect our environment and ensure a sustainable future.Medical science is constantly striving to improve our health and well-being. Biomedical research has led to the development of vaccines, antibiotics, and other life-saving treatments. Diagnostic tools like X-rays and MRI scans help us detect and diagnose diseases in their early stages. Advancements in surgical techniques and anesthesia minimize pain and risk during medical procedures.Science also shapes our cultural landscape. Scientificdiscoveries and technological advancements have inspired countless works of art, literature, and music. They have sparked our imaginations and helped us explore new ways of thinking and understanding the world. Science fiction and speculative fiction have become popular genres that grapple with the potential implications and challenges posed by scientific progress.Despite its numerous benefits, science can also be misused. It is important to use scientific knowledge responsibly and ethically. The development of nuclear weapons, for example, raises profound moral and political questions. Genetic engineering technologies have the potential to create unintended consequences that could have a negative impact on human health and the environment.Therefore, it is essential to engage in informed dialogue about the role of science in society. We need to consider the potential benefits and risks of scientific advancements and make decisions based on a sound understanding of the facts. Science should be a tool for progress, but it is only as valuable as the uses to whichwe put it.中文回答:科学无处不在,它渗透着我们使用的科技、我们吃的食物,甚至我们呼吸的空气。

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Science Magazine PodcastTranscript, 13 May 2011/science_podcast/SciencePodcast_110513.mp3 MusicHost – Stewart WillsGreetings, and welcome to the Science Podcast for May 13th, 2011. I'm Stewart Wills. This week: designing protein interactions from scratch; new hopes in the search for an AIDS cure; and comparing the efficiency of photosynthesis and photovoltaic cells. All this, plus a wrap-up of some of the latest science news from our online daily news site, Science NOW.PromoSupport for the Science Magazine Podcast is provided by AAAS: the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Advancing Science, Engineering, and Innovation throughout the World for the Benefit of All People. AAAS—the Science Society—at .Music endsHost – Stewart WillsA paper in Science this week describes a new method for designing from scratch, and on a computer, proteins that bind with high affinity to specific patches on other proteins -- in much the way that an antibody binds to its target. Using the method, the team was able to design two proteins that bound to a specific molecular surface on the 1918 pandemic influenza virus. It's not a cure for the flu -- but the paper's senior author, David Baker, suggests that the technique, once perfected, could prove useful in drug development. It's also potentially useful as a way to gain a deeper understanding of protein-protein interactions, which are crucial to a wide range of biological processes. Baker spoke with me about the work from his office at the University of Washington.Interviewee – David BakerProtein-protein interactions are really critical throughout biology; they’re basically how all the individual parts in our bodies interact with each other. People have been studying protein interactions for a long time, and a critical test of understanding is being able to make new ones. So, we wanted to know whether we understood enough about protein-protein interactions to design brand new interactions from scratch, and this has been the goal of the basic research we’ve been doing in my group for some time in this area. If one could design protein-protein interactions from scratch, there’d be many interesting and, perhaps, useful applications, and one possible one is described in this paper. Interviewer – Stewart WillsNow, when you say designing proteins from scratch, or protein-protein interactions from scratch, you’re talking about designing them on a computer, and I’m guessing there isn’t an app for that. How do you actually set something like that up?Interviewee – David BakerWell, that’s the hard part, right? You have to develop a computer algorithm which knows enough about the physics of protein-protein interactions to be able to create new ones from scratch, and so in the computer program, one encodes everything one knows, or thinks one knows, about what’s important in protein-protein interactions, and, then, when you actually go and make designed proteins - designed interactions - the ideas you put into your algorithm are validated or refuted by the success or failure of your designs. Interviewer – Stewart WillsAnd, presumably, that requires a great deal of computing power, as well.Interviewee – David BakerYeah, it does take a lot of computing power. We’re very fortunate to have volunteer computing from Rosetta@home volunteers who have been helping us with all aspects of our research.Interviewer – Stewart WillsOkay, well, let’s take a closer look at the actual work you did. You chose to look at a specific region on a protein from the 1918 pandemic influenza virus. Why that virus, and why this specific protein and region that you looked at?Interviewee – David BakerWell, if you were going to design a protein to bind to a target, you might pick a target that, where if you could make a binder, it would be useful, and obviously the influenza virus, especially the H1N1, is a target that one could imagine in a new flu outbreak would be very important to be able to bind and to block. We chose that epitope because there had been a structure determined fairly recently which showed that if you bound that epitope, you could block the virus, so we thought it was a good candidate for this approach.Interviewer – Stewart WillsSo, you selected that virus and that epitope. What did you do then? Tell me a little bit about the work.Interviewee – David BakerWhat our computer method does is – well, its goal is to be able to design a very tight binder to any surface patch on any protein, so, basically, we pointed the algorithm at this particular surface patch on the influenza hemagglutinin, and the way the first step in the procedure is to look for handholds and footholds, basically ways in which amino acid side chains can interact very strongly with that surface. At this stage, they’re freely floating, they’re disembodied, so you might find that one type of amino acid can fit into a nice groove on one side of the surface patch that you’re trying to target, another type of amino acid fits in somewhere else. Then, in the second stage is like connecting the dots; we have to find scaffolding that will hold all of those interactions we’ve identified in the first step in the right places.Interviewer – Stewart WillsSo you, in some sense, sort of start with the strongest interactions, match those up, and then sort of iterate to refine the fit?Interviewee – David BakerThat’s right, that’s right. So we start by – literally, it’s like having disembodied hands and feet, just trying to figure out how you could really hold onto that surface tightly, and then we try and place the body so that the hands and feet are connected.Interviewer – Stewart WillsSo what did this computation actually produce in the end?Interviewee – David BakerIt produced designed proteins for about 80 different candidate designs, each of which has a different amino acid sequence, and each one is predicted to bind to the surface of the virus. So the next thing we did, of course, is we had to experimentally test them, and the computer, our computational methods, which used the Rosetta program we’ve developed, are quite far from perfect, so we actually ended up testing about 80 different designs and only found two that bound significantly to the virus.Interviewer – Stewart WillsAnd how does that sort of test work actually?Interviewee – David BakerWell, the way we do it is, it takes advantages of real advances in synthetic biology. For each of these 80 designed proteins, they don’t exist anywhere in nature, they’re completely new. What we do is, essentially, fill out an order form to a gene synthesis company that makes genes, and we send it the sequences of these 80 proteins, and they send us back genes, and then we take these genes and we put them into yeast cells in such a way that the proteins, these designed proteins, appear on the outer surface of the yeast cell, and then to test whether they bind, we add fluorescently-labeled target protein and see whether the cells become fluorescent.Interviewer – Stewart WillsSo, in the course of this process, you ended up with computationally-derived proteins, and you tested those and found the ones that really bound tightly to this area of the influenza virus, so you have this method. What’s the sort of larger significance? What sort of applications might you envision of a technique like this?Interviewee – David BakerWell, there are many possible applications. One is for new drugs. We don’t know yet whether these small proteins that we’ve designed will actually block the infectivity of the virus, but all the indications we have so far from the biochemical experiments suggests that they will, and you could imagine generating many more such designed proteins that target different flu strains. You could imagine designing proteins, and we’re doing this,to other pathogens, like Ebola virus, or pretty much any pathogen, whether it’s a virus or a bacterium, has to get into cells somehow, and those interactions are almost always mediated by proteins, so if you could design small proteins to bind to those, you might have sort of a general approach to blocking pathogen entry. Also for diagnostics, if you wanted to detect something, you could design a protein that binds tightly to it. Another use is in molecular cell biology. Protein-protein interactions, as I described, play roles in almost all cellular processes, and it’s very hard to disrupt them specifically. But if there was a particular process you were interested in, and you had a designed protein which bound tightly to one of the partners to disrupt that interaction, then you could use these small designed proteins as tools to understand those interactions and their importance. Interviewer – Stewart WillsI gather, though, that in some sense, we have a proof-of-concept here, there’s still a lot to be done…Interviewee – David BakerYes, there’s a huge amount to be done. I can emphasize that in two ways; first of all, we had to try 80 different designs to get two that worked, and that obviously is far from desirable, we’d like to have methods which are much better which allow us to, you know, make it possible to design high-affinity binders in essentially every try. Another thing is that the initial binders, even those two, do not bind very tightly to the virus, so we had to use experimental methods to optimize them to become really high-affinity binders. So there’s a lot of room for improvement in the computational methods, and we’re working hard on that now. One thing we’re going to be trying is the power of protein design game players. We’ve developed an online video game called Foldit, in which the general public can try to solve hard science problems. And we’re going to be posting on Foldit these influenza-binding designs and trying to see if -- challenging people to improve them, and we’re then going to test them in the lab. So we’re very excited to get sort of the general public, people outside of our group, working on design problems.Interviewer – Stewart WillsWell, that sounds pretty cool. Where would I go to actually do that?Interviewee – David BakerWell, you would just look for Foldit on the Web. You’d Google Foldit, and it gives you instructions on how to sign up, and then you would see a certain selection of puzzles there now, and in not too long, you’ll start seeing flu virus design puzzles.Interviewer – Stewart WillsWell, David Baker, thanks very much for being with us.Interviewee – David BakerThank you.Host – Stewart WillsDavid Baker is the senior author of a new paper on designing protein-protein interactions from scratch via computer. You can read the paper, as well as a related Perspective article, in this week's Science.MusicHost - Stewart WillsSince the advent of antiretroviral therapies, most AIDS treatment efforts have focused on managing and minimizing infection by the HIV virus, rather than the apparently more quixotic goal of actually finding a cure. But recent events -- particularly the experience of one remarkable patient -- have breathed new life into the notion of an AIDS cure, and have set researchers on a race to explore new strategies toward that end. Science contributing correspondent Jon Cohen writes about this new race to cure HIV infections in a News Focus article in this week's Science; he spoke with me about the story from his office in San Diego.Interviewee – Jon CohenI think a lot of people assume that AIDS researchers have been working on a cure since the very beginning of the epidemic, and the truth is it’s just been far too complicated a challenge, and it’s only been in the past few years that it’s really become a serious research pursuit by many groups, and that’s what the story is about, and it’s also the story of one person who, in all likelihood, has actually been cured.Interviewer – Stewart WillsWell, before we get to that, what is it about HIV that has made it so resistant to a cure? Interviewee – Jon CohenHIV, when it infects the human cell, it weaves itself into our own chromosomes, and that means it actually, as long as it lies dormant, it actually looks human – you can’t even see it, the immune system has no indication that a cell’s infected. That’s been the biggest hurdle is that the virus isn’t even visible to the mechanisms that our body have to clear viruses.Interviewer – Stewart WillsWell, granted, it’s very difficult to cure, but there are therapies for AIDS already, these so-called antiretroviral drugs, that have been successful in at least keeping the disease in check. Why this push now, given that those drugs have been successful, to actually go beyond that and look for a cure?Interviewee – Jon CohenOne of the things that’s become apparent over the past few years is people who are on long-term treatment with these antiretroviral drugs, even if they have very low levels of the virus, they still are dying young of different diseases. Basically, the low level of virus causes inflammation probably that leads to aging processes – things like cancer and heart disease – so, the virus isn’t good for you, even at low levels. The drugs themselves are toxic and expensive, and there’s been a push to get the drugs to all of the poor people inthe world who need them, and there are an estimated 15 million people who need them, and the world has only been able to provide access to 5 million of those people. So we’re kind of backed up against the wall with the current drugs, as good as they are. Interviewer – Stewart WillsAnd, I guess, if I’m reading your story correctly, you know, as you mentioned, a lot of the new optimism that a cure might be achievable seems to stem from the experience of this one man, this so-called Berlin Patient. Could you talk just a bit about that? Interviewee – Jon CohenYes, that’s definitely thrown a lot of fuel on the fire and given people hope, because it’s a proof-of-concept. It’s not that people anticipate replicating what happened with him. He’s a very unusual case. He had a leukemia that threatened his life and he had to have a bone marrow transplant. And his doctor knew about this unusual feature in a small percentage of people who have immune cells that are highly resistant to HIV, and he suggested finding a donor who had that genetic composition to basically replace this guy’s immune system.Interviewer – Stewart WillsAnd what happened?Interviewee – Jon CohenWell, he first had to have his body conditioned to accept the transplant, and that was very severe chemotherapy, whole-body irradiation – it’s called ablation, they actually kill off his own immune system. He almost died from that. And they transferred the donor’s stem cells, and his leukemia returned, and he had to have it done a second time. But he stopped taking his HIV drugs, the antiretrovirals, from the first transplant, and the virus never returned. He hasn’t taken drugs since for his HIV, and it’s been 4-1/2 years, and nobody in any lab can find any HIV in any part of his body using the most sensitive tests available. So, there’s a growing consensus that he has actually been cured of HIV infection.Interviewer – Stewart WillsWell, that is a remarkable case, but it seems kind of like an outlier, I mean, in the sense that that kind of treatment path isn’t really open to everyone.Interviewee – Jon CohenThat’s right, it’s not, but you have to think about this in the broader perspective of -- 60 million or more people have been infected with this virus; no one on earth, other than this one man, has been cured in a clearly documented case. So it provides proof that the idea is possible. And there’s an old saying in science that if you have a talking dog, you don’t need a control group. You know, this is kind of a talking dog; it’s so remarkable that you can do something that many people thought was completely impossible. Well, it is possible. You don’t want to go down the route that this man went through. But there probably are clues, based on his case, to help people understand how to better engineer something that’s more widely applicable.Interviewer – Stewart WillsSo, given that experience – the experience of this patient – it’s raised people’s optimism on the cure front, and, at the same time, that his particular cure is not, you know, for lack of a better word, scalable, what are some of the other avenues that scientists are exploring, you know, to follow up on this?Interviewee – Jon CohenWell, what happened with this man – whose name is Timothy Brown; he’s gone public and he spoke with me at some length over many, many months – is that idea of what led to his cure, there is a way to modify that to make that very same idea more widely available, where you take a person’s own cells out of their body, and modify those cells so that they’re resistant, and put them back in. So, one avenue is to try gene therapy studies that do just that. Will that be widely applicable? Who knows? And will it work? Who knows? And it’s obviously an expensive way to do things. So there is the possibility of doing that. Something else that Timothy Brown’s case has brought to the fore is the notion that a cure need not remove all the virus from a person’s body. When his case was first reported, many people scoffed at it, but the supporters of it said, “Hey, wait, who cares whether there’s virus in his body? He’s not taking any antiretroviral drugs and the virus hasn’t returned.” In every other person who had gone off antiretroviral drugs, who had had a high level of virus in their body before the drugs, the virus came screaming back in a few weeks or months. So this created the notion of what’s called now a functional cure, which means you can live with the virus, but you’ve reduced it to such a level that your own immune system can handle it. So, several of the new approaches are aiming for a functional cure. They’re saying, okay, it’s okay if you have some virus left, but maybe there’s a way for us to reduce the amount of virus in people to the point that it no longer requires treatment with these expensive and toxic drugs.Interviewer – Stewart WillsWell, there was also an interesting thread in your article in a different direction about, you know, the fact that there are these latent viruses that are sort of hidden from how we might attack them, this sort of notion of, in some sense, trying to wake those viruses up, for lack of a better word.Interviewee – Jon CohenYeah. I think one of the important things that has happened over the past 15 years is – you know, 15 years ago, there were no good anti-HIV drugs. Then along came these cocktails that led to these Lazarus-like rebounds in people’s health, and completely changed the course of the epidemic. What those drugs did, and what they’ve done in the past 15 years, is, they’ve revealed that once you clean up most of the virus in a person, there still remains these pools of cells that have latent virus that aren’t popping out, so they’re not being detected by the immune system, and that becomes the challenge – how do you flush out those reservoirs of latent virus? So many of the new strategies are called purge strategies, or purge drugs, because they’re looking for ways to wake up those latent cells, make them produce the virus, and when they do that, when those cells produce thevirus, they will be killed by the immune system, or by, basically, self-destruction when they produce virus. The virus they produce can be mopped up by antiretroviral drugs, and over a period of time, researchers hope, you’ll eventually deplete the reservoirs to the vanishing point, or so low that they no longer pose a threat.Interviewer – Stewart WillsWell, it sounds like there’s a lot that’s really exciting going on. Is there any way to put even a vague number on how long it might be before one or more of these efforts actually pans out?Interviewee – Jon CohenI think what’s really going to surprise people is that many of the strategies being tested right now are FDA-approved drugs, so they can move into the clinic very quickly, they already have a good safety profile, and I would anticipate that there will be data showing progress – not showing cure, but showing progress – for example, reducing the size of a reservoir, much sooner than people expect. I would anticipate it within the next year or two we’ll actually see progress on this front, and millions of new dollars are going to this idea that once was in the realm of charlatans and quacks. These are now all the leading research groups are doing this now.Interviewer – Stewart WillsExciting stuff. Jon Cohen, thanks very much.Interviewee – Jon CohenThank you so much.Host - Stewart WillsScience contributing correspondent Jon Cohen writes about the emerging race to cure HIV infections in a News Focus in this week's issue.MusicHost - Stewart WillsArtificial solar cells, or photovoltaics, harvest energy from sunlight and convert it into electricity that can drive a variety of processes. Plants, of course, have been harvesting solar energy for millions of years, and using it to create chemical fuels and biomass, through the very different process of photosynthesis. But which process is more efficient? Robert Blankenship of the Washington University in St. Louis, and an international group of 17 other scientists in chemistry, biology, and physics, tackle that question in a review article in this week's Science. The answers to the efficiency question turn out to be not at all obvious -- but they have implications for building a sustainable energy infrastructure for society over the long haul. Here's Robert Blankenship. Interviewee – Robert BlankenshipThis paper grew out of a workshop that I organized on behalf of the Department of Energy to get at this question of what really is the efficiency of photosynthesis, and howdoes it compare to photovoltaic cells. Obviously, one wants to know the basic efficiencies of these processes as a way of making decisions about how to direct research funds, and also how to direct new developments.Interviewer – Stewart WillsAnd, I guess, the first question you need to ask here is just how do you, you know, what do you measure as efficiency in this context? We seem to be comparing two very different systems here.Interviewee – Robert BlankenshipRight. That was one of the challenges that we faced in this effort, in that even though both of these processes are solar energy storage processes, they work in rather different ways, and so it’s sort of an apples-to-oranges type of comparison. So we worked very hard to come up with consistent definitions of efficiency, make sure that we were comparing the same regions of the solar spectrum, and similar sorts of products that the two systems produced, so as to, as much as possible, come up with an apples-to-apples type comparison.Interviewer – Stewart WillsAnd when you say similar sorts of products, could you talk a little bit more about what that means?Interviewee – Robert BlankenshipPhotovoltaic cells produce electricity, and photosynthetic organisms produce molecules; fuels – sugars, or oils, or something of that sort – and so those are rather different forms of energy. And so we had to try to, in a sense, convert one into the other, and so the way we accomplished that was we mentally took the electricity produced by the photovoltaic cell and used that in an electrolysis system to convert water into hydrogen and oxygen, and then the energy content of the hydrogen, which can be burned as a fuel, can be compared to the energy content of the fuels that a photosynthetic organism produces. Interviewer – Stewart WillsSo, basically, you’re looking at the energy and efficiency associated with sort of a water-splitting reaction.Interviewee – Robert BlankenshipThat’s right, and the energy that a photosynthetic organism stores, in terms of the products that it produces, are actually at a very similar energy level to hydrogen, so that was actually a pretty close comparison that we could make there.Interviewer – Stewart WillsOkay, so when we define, you know, the target in this way, and define efficiency in this way, how does photosynthesis compare with photovoltaics, in terms of generating energy?Interviewee – Robert BlankenshipWell, that’s an interesting question. There’s a lot of misconceptions out there on that. I have a slide that I show that has a cornfield next to a big photovoltaic array, and I ask audiences which is more efficient and to vote on it, and the vote is usually something like 90% in favor of photosynthesis, even in professional science audiences. But the truth is actually the opposite, that the photovoltaic system is significantly more efficient, in terms of its actual conversion of solar energy into fuels.Interviewer – Stewart WillsAnd how much more efficient are we talking about?Interviewee – Robert BlankenshipWell, after you take into account various factors, in terms of the electrolysis and the efficiency of the device itself and so on, a sort of an average value for photovoltaics is around 10% efficiency, and that’s over the entire solar spectrum. For photosynthesis, a sort of average value maybe across all of agriculture would be something like 1%, and numbers up to 4-1/2 or 5% have been documented in certain situations, so it’s at least a factor of 2, or, perhaps, more than that, more efficient, in terms of the photovoltaics. Interviewer – Stewart WillsWell, I guess, in some ways, that’s not a surprise. I mean, plants didn’t evolve to produce energy for humans, just enough food for themselves. I guess they’re – are they’re, in some sense, just not tuned for this, or…Interviewee – Robert BlankenshipWell, I think that’s right, and we’re learning more about how plants work and how their systems are not necessarily set up for the highest efficiency. They have evolved, as you say, for reproductive success, not to produce the maximum amount of energy. So that we’ve identified, as part of our work, several places in the natural plant system that are particular sources of the inefficiency that are there, and some of those, we’re thinking about possible ways to improve those.Interviewer – Stewart WillsSo what are some of those factors?Interviewee – Robert BlankenshipWell, one of the things is that a plant will only use essentially the same part of the solar spectrum that we can see with our eyes, the so-called visible part of the solar spectrum. But there’s actually quite a lot of energy, especially in the longer wave-length infrared region of the spectrum, that the plant just doesn’t use. The photovoltaic cell will use a significantly larger fraction of that solar spectrum. So that’s one of the big areas of inefficiency in plants, is that right off the bat they throw away about half of the energy in the solar spectrum. So, there are a couple of possible approaches to that. One is to put in slightly different pigments that expand the plant absorption range, and that’s one of the projects we’re working on is to include additional types of pigments, and one that we’re using is called chlorophyll d, which pushes the absorption of the plant out about another 50 nanometers into the red region and gives you up to 19% additional photon flux thatyou can absorb there, so it can be a significant improvement. Other, more far-reaching ideas are to put in things like bacteria chlorophylls and pigments that absorbs much farther into the near infrared; that involves a more sort of global redesign of this system. Interviewer – Stewart WillsWell, you also mentioned in your paper something that you refer to as the legacy biochemistry of plants, and a particular protein in photosynthesis that seems to be part of the problem?Interviewee – Robert BlankenshipIt’s likely that photosynthetic organisms evolved after the sort of major metabolic cycles in most organisms had been invented. And, so, the ability to use light energy was, in a sense, grafted onto that, and, in some respects, there’s a mismatch between the amount of energy that’s present in a typical photon, and the amount of energy that would be present in many biochemical systems. So there is that aspect of it. And one of the places where the natural system really falls down is in the carbon fixation enzyme RuBisCO – ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase – and this is the first enzyme that takes carbon dioxide and fixes it into an organic compound. And this is sort of a famous enzyme for being inefficient and is inhibited by oxygen, and has a very sort of low turnover rate. And so there are lots of efforts to try to improve that, through a variety of mechanisms, to improve that particular part of the system.Interviewer – Stewart WillsWell, let’s step back and look at the bigger picture. Clearly, you know, our energy future is a big issue going forward; there’s obviously been a lot of talk about the role of plants and biofuels, you know, something to help manage the transition to an environment less dominated by fossil fuels. You’ve laid out some basic information in this paper. What do you think are the policy implications of what you lay out here?Interviewee – Robert BlankenshipWell, I think that many people agree that no single approach is going to be adequate to meet our energy needs, and so we really need to take all possible angles and look at them, including photovoltaics and including biofuels. And what this does is it allows us to focus on some of the parts of the biofuel picture that maybe can be improved using some more modern molecular biology, so-called synthetic biology techniques, and really make some significant improvements in how those systems work, rather than just accepting what nature has given us as the only possibility.Interviewee – Robert BlankenshipWell, Robert Blankenship, thanks very much.Interviewer – Stewart WillsYou’re welcome; it’s been a pleasure talking with you.Host - Stewart Wills。
