(EC) No 1829_2003 转基因食品和饲料
编号 名称(中文) 名称(英文) 主要内容
该法规包括四章内容:转基因食品和饲料的目标 和定义;转基因食品的授权、监督管理及标签说 明;转基因饲料的授权、监督管理和标签说明; (EC) No 1829/2003关于转基因食品和饲料的法规 On genetically modified food and feed 转基因食品和饲料的共同条款。该条例负责批准 GMOs及其投放市场的管理,条例还对所有含有 GMOs的食品,包括动物饲料以及有意向环境释放 GMOs,建立了唯一许可程序。此许可有效期为10 主要规定了使用添加剂的剂组、欧盟参考实验室 (EC) No 1831/2003关于动物营养使用的添加剂的规定 On additives for use in animal nutrition 的责任和义务、特定饲料添加剂和复合添加剂的 具体标签要求、添加剂的一般使用条件。 该条例规定了饲料生产的可追溯和安全卫生管 (EC) No 183/2005 饲料卫生要求条例 Laying down requirements for feed hygiene 理要求。 该委员会条例对一般入境文件(CED)、指定入境 点(DPE)、代销等作了定义,对产品入境的最低 要求、指定入境口岸名单的通报、托运货物的事 on official controls performed to ensure 先通知、通用进境文件使用语言种类、增加指定 为保证饲料和食品法,动物健康 the verification of compliance with feed 入境口岸的官方控制、饲料和食品经营者的义务 (EC) No 882/2004 和动物福利规定的符合声明执行 and food law, animal health and animal 、分拆托运、不遵守行为的处理、措施涉及的费 的法定控制措施 welfare rules 用问题、向委员提交托运报告等内容作了详细的 规定。附件I中列出了提高官方控制水平的饲料 和非动物源性食品的清单及其具体的检测频率, 附件II给出了一般入境文件、海关指引等文件的 法规主要内容有:制定食品法律的总体原则和要 求,包括建立欧盟共同的原则和责任,建立提供 强大科学支撑的手段、建立有效的组织安排和程 序来控制食品和饲料安全;建立欧洲食品安全 General principles and requirements of (EC) NO 178/2002 食品法规的一般原则和要求 局;制定处理直接或间接影响食品和饲料安全事 food law 件的程序。 本法规主要有五大章,第一章:法 规的范围和定义;第二章:基本食品法;第三 章:建立食品安全局;第四章:建立欧盟内的快 速预警系统,应急管理;第五章:程序和最后条 该指令列出了动物饲料中可能含有的39种不良物 2002/32/EC 关于动物饲料中的不良物质的指令 On undesirable substances in animal feed 质和允许的最大含量 该条例规定了饲料原料和复合饲料投放市场的准 (EC) No 767/2009 关于饲料投放市场和使用 Marketing of feed 则。 该委员会条例包括三部分内容:(一)总则; (EU) No 575/2011 关于饲料原料目录的委员会条例 On the Catalogue of feed materials【废止】 (二)饲料加工方法一览表;(三)饲料原料的 名称、描述和强制声称一览表。
《非转基因身份保持(IP)认证技术规范》《非转基因身份保持(IP)认证实施规则》编制说明一、制定IP认证技术规范、实施规则的必要性;转基因食品(genetically modified food)是指科学家在实验室中,把动植物的基因加以改变,再制造出的具备新特征的食品种类。
非转基因身份保持(IP)认证技术规范第1部分:风险评估 Risk Assessment1 范围和目的本规范适用于组织证明其产品的非转基因身份,CCIC-CAS依据此规范对申请非转基因身份保持认证证书的组织进行审核。
2 规范性引用文件GB/T 19011:2003 质量和(或)环境管理体系审核指南REGULATION (EC) No 1829/2003 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 22 September 2003 on genetically modified food and feedREGULATION (EC) No 1830/2003 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 22 September 2003 concerning the traceability and labeling of genetically modified organisms and the traceability of food and feed products produced from genetically modified organisms and amending Directive 2001/18/EC3 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本非转基因身份保持认证规范。
3.1转基因 GM (Genetically Modified)通过基因工程手段将一种或几种外源性基因转移至某种特定生物体(动、植物和微生物等)中,并使其有效表达。
转基因食品法律法规转基因食品法律法规1. 背景介绍随着科技的进步和人类对粮食安全的日益关注,转基因食品在农业生产和食品加工领域得到了广泛应用。
2. 国际转基因食品法律法规2.1 欧盟转基因食品法规欧盟对转基因食品的管理非常严格。
根据欧盟法规(EC) No. 1829/2003,任何转基因食品在欧盟市场上销售前,都需要经过严格的审批程序。
2.2 美国转基因食品法规美国的转基因食品管理相对较为宽松。
2.3 其他国家和地区的转基因食品法规除了欧盟和美国,其他国家和地区也制定了各自的转基因食品法规。
3. 中国转基因食品法律法规中国是世界上最大的农业国家之一,也是转基因食品的重要生产和消费市场。
目前,中国的转基因食品管理主要包括以下方面:3.1 转基因食品安全管理法2015年,中国颁布了《转基因食品安全管理法》,该法规主要涉及转基因食品的安全评估、审批、标识、追溯和监管等方面。
3.2 转基因生物安全法除了转基因食品安全管理法,中国还有《转基因生物安全法》。
欧盟进口宠物食品技术法规和标准一、主管机构(一)健康与消费者保护总司(Directorate General for Health and Consumers, DG-SANCO):是欧盟委员会下属机构,其主要职责包括:“从农场到餐桌”食品链全过程的管理;生物和化学风险的管理;残留、食品饲料添加剂、接触材料;植物健康和植物保护产品; 动物健康和福利、动物饲料安全; 食品标签; 成员国和第三国食品法规的检查和监控;快速预警系统和风险管理以及代表欧盟履行国际卫生和食品安全事务等。
DG-SANCO下属的食品兽医办公室(Food and Veterinary Office, FVO)是实施食品饲料安全管理的直接执行机构。
官方网站:http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/health_consumer/index_en.htm(二)欧洲食品安全局(European Food Safety Authority, EFSA):主要职责包括:按照欧委会、欧洲议会和成员国的要求,对食品安全和相关议题提供独立的科学建议,并将此建议作为风险管理决策的基础;对食品问题提出技术建议,以促进与食品链相关的政策和法规的制定;为监测欧盟整个食品链的安全性,对有关食品的数据及其与任何潜在危害相关的必要信息进行收集和分析;对紧急危害进行识别和早期报警;在关键时刻支持欧洲委员会的工作;对其权限内的所有事宜向公众征求意见。
官方网站:http://www.efsa.europa.eu/二、法律法规❝条例(EC)No 178/2002——食品法规的一般原则和要求❝条例(EC)No 183/2005——饲料卫生要求❝条例(EC)No 767/2009——饲料投放市场和使用要求❝条例(EU) No 68/2013——饲料原料目录❝条例(EC) No 882/2004——为保证饲料和食品法,动物健康和动物福利规定的符合声明执行的官方控制措施❝条例(EC)999/2001——制定预防、控制和根除传染性海面状脑病的措施❝条例(EC)No 1829/2003——转基因食品和饲料❝条例(EC)No 1069/2009:关于非人类食用动物副产品及其制品的卫生规则❝条例No 142/2011:关于实施条例(EC)No 1069/2009以及指令(EC)97/78 的规定❝条例 (EC) No 396/2005 ——关于动植物源食品和饲料产品内部和表面的农药残留限量❝指令96/23/EC——关于对活的动物和动物产品中某些物质及残留的监控措施❝指令2002/32/EC——动物饲料中不良物质的管理三、检验检疫要求(一)输出国体系审查欧盟规定进入欧盟市场的饲料(包括宠物食品)必须等同或等效于欧盟法规的要求,不能对动物和人类健康造成危害。
我们的实验室已通过ISO /IEC17025认可,并在符合内部高标准质量管理体系的条件下进行运作。
(32)各成员国应制定适用于损害本条例各条款的罚则,并保证罚则的实 施。这些罚则必须有效、合理,并有劝戒作用。
(33)指令 70/524/EEC应该废止。但是,适用于已加有添加剂的配合饲 料的 标 签条 款应 被 保留 ,直 至 1979 年 4 月 2 日发 布 的关 于配 合 饲料 的销 售 的 欧 盟理事会指令 79/373/EEC(10)完成修订。
(13)在考虑各种饲料添加剂审定申请实施规则时,对于生产食品动物及其 他动物应规定不同的提供文件资料证据的要求。
(14)为了确保对各种饲料添加剂的科学评价协调一致,应由根据欧洲议会 和欧盟理事会条例(EC)N0178/2002 建立的欧洲食品安全管理局实施这类评价。 申请资料应增加对残留研究,以评价设定最高残留量(MRLs)。
(15)饲料添加剂的审定指南应由欧盟委员会在欧洲食品安全管理局的配合 下制定。在制定该指南时,要注意到有利于将对于主要品种进行的研究成果外 推至对于次要品种的可能性。
(16)按照 1988 年 12 月 21 日欧盟理事会指令 89/107/EEC关于可用于人类 消费食品中食品添加剂的成员国法律的接近(7),对于已成功地被批准用于食品 的那些添加剂,有必要规定一个简化的审定程序。
(35)为避免饲料添加剂在使用上的混乱,需要有一个过渡期。因此,直 到本条例的条款付诸实施,已被批准的物质应允许按现行法规的规定条件保留 在市场上和继续使用。
2.2.本条例旨在建立共同体对饲料添加剂投放市场和使用的审定程序;制 定饲料添加剂和预混料监督程序和正确的标签规定,为保护人类健康、动物健 康和福利、环境以及与饲料添加剂有关的使用者和消费者的利益,提供高水平 保证的基础,同时确保共同体内部市场的有效运行。
欧洲议会与欧盟理事会关于转基因生物的可追溯性和标识及由转基因生物制成的食品和饲料产品的可追溯性,并对指令2001/18/EC进行修改的第1830/2003号条例2003年9月22日经下列指令修订:序号页码日期L 311 1 2008年11月21日2008年10月22日欧洲议会与欧盟理事会第1137/2008号条例(EC)欧洲议会与欧盟理事会考虑到欧洲共同体缔结的《条约》以及其中第95(1)条,考虑到欧盟委员会建议书,考虑到欧洲经济与社会委员会的意见,考虑到区域委员会的意见,根据《条约》第251条款中规定的程序,作出决定:鉴于:(1) 欧洲议会和理事会于2001年3月12日通过的有关有意向环境排放转基因生物(GMOs)的2001/18/EC指令要求成员国采取措施来确保经授权的GMOs在投入市场的所有阶段具有可追溯性和标识性。
(2) 国家法律、条例、管理规定(关于GMOs产品或包含GMOs产品的可追溯性和标识以及由GMOs制成的食品和饲料产品的可追溯性)之间存在的不同可能会阻碍这些产品的自由交易,将导致不平等和不公平竞争。
(3) GMOs的可追溯性要求应简化以下过程:召回对人体健康、动物健康、生态环境(包括生态系统)产生不可预见的不良影响的产品,监测检查其影响,尤其是对环境的影响。
(4) 根据欧洲议会和理事会2003年9月22日条例(EC)1829/2003对转基因食品和饲料的要求,由GMOs制成的食品和饲料产品应具有可追溯性,以此简化此产品的准确标识来确保经营者和客户可以获得准确信息,使他们可以通过有效方式自由选择,并且可以对标识索赔进行控制和检验。
新条例废除了欧盟四项现行相关法规中的三项,即《含Round-Up Ready大豆和Novartis Bt-176玉米的饲料标识条例》(1139/98号)、《外源性污染物条例》(49/2000)和《转基因添加剂和调味剂条例》(50/2000)。
(EC) No 18292003 转基因食品和饲料
(EC) No 1829/2003 转基因食品和饲料 (On genetically modifiedfood and feed)【发布单位】欧洲议会欧盟理事会【发布文号】 1829/2003/EC【发布日期】 2003-09-22【生效日期】 2003-11-07【废止日期】【替代法规】【效力】有效【食品伙伴网解读】该法规包括四章内容:转基因食品和饲料的目标和定义;转基因食品的授权、监督管理及标签说明;转基因饲料的授权、监督管理和标签说明;转基因食品和饲料的共同条款。
THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THEEUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Articles 37, 95 and Article 152(4)(b)thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1),Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (2),Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions(3), Acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty (4),Whereas:(1) The free movement of safe and wholesome food and feed is an essential aspect of the internal market and contributes significantly to the health and well-being of citizens, and to their social and economic interests.(2) A high level of protection of human life and health should be ensured in the pursuit of Community policies.(3) In order to protect human and animal health, food and feed consisting of, containing or produced from genetically modified organisms (hereinafter referred to as genetically modified food and feed) should undergo a safety assessment through a Community procedure before being placed on the market within the Community.(4) Differences between national laws, regulations and administrative provisions concerning the assessment and authorisation of genetically modified food and feed may hinder their free movement, creating conditions of unequal and unfair competition.(5) An authorisation procedure involving Member States and the Commission has been established for genetically modified foods in Regulation(EC)No 258/97 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 1997 concerning novel foods and novel food ingredients(5)。
What’s IP? Identity Preserved:身份(特性)保持
Source or nature
or the product, genetic identity。 产品的本来或自 然特性,其基因 特性。
Identify, maintain, segregation to avoid of contamination。 确定、保持、隔离 避免污染。
三、生产阶段的转基因控制 在生产之前,检查生产车间内的工具、设备等是否已消毒 清洗。检查生产现场待使用的标签、原辅料是否正确,防止 非预期的使用;
产品生产结束后对生产现场的标签、包装材料等进行清点, 去除生产现场的标签、包装材料,确保生产现场没有相关的 标签和包装材料。并把相关的标签和包装材料放到指定的仓 库区域内。
Customer from 来自客户要求
EU 欧盟 已经批准的潜在商业化的转基因生物体名录: 1、苹果 2、紫花苜蓿 3、康乃馨 4、菊苣 5、棉花 6、亚麻 7、菜豆 8、棉花 9、匍匐翦股颖 10、小扁豆 11、亚麻/亚麻籽 12、玉米 13、甜瓜 14、木瓜 15、李子 16、马铃薯 18、大米 19、玫瑰 20、大豆 21 、南瓜 22、甜菜 23、烟草 24、番茄 25、小麦 26、细菌 27、 三文鱼 28、病毒
公司技术部需对客户提供或本部开发的配方进行 审核,识别转基因成分,在开发阶段加以控制。
二、原辅材料采购、运输和储存阶段的转基因控制: 对原辅材料供应商进行评审,在供应商基本资料调查表增加 配料成份表及非转基因免责声明,确认此供应商提供的原辅材 料是否含有转基因,供应商责任人必须签字负责。
Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 Concerning the Traceability and Labelling of Genetically Modified Organisms and the Traceability of Food and Feed Products Produced from Genetically Modified Organisms and Amending Directive 2001/18/EC
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 65/2004 of 14 January 2004 establishing a system for the development and assignment of unique identifiers for genetically modified organisms
Regulation (EC) No 1946/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2003 on Transboundary Movements of Genetically Modified Organisms
Directive 2001/18/EC of theEuropean Parliament and of the Councilof 12 March 2001on the Deliberate Release into the Environment of Genetically Modified Organisms and Repealing Council Directive 90/220/EEC
1990年,欧共体理事会通过了关于转基因微生物在封闭环境中使用的90/219/EEC 指令[4]和关于转基因生物体向环境的有意释放的90/220/EEC指令[5].2001年,欧洲议会与欧盟委员会通过了转基因生物向环境有意释放的2001/18/EC指令[6],废止了90/220/EEC指令。
2003年,欧盟通过了针对转基因食品和饲料的1829/2003/EC条例[7],及规范转基因生物和转基因产品的标签、可追踪性要求的1830/2003/EC条例[8].至此,欧盟新的GMO 立法的主体框架宣告完成。
麸质食品: 关于麸质食品标签和成分规定的(EC) No.41/2009条例 只有麸质含量低于20ppm的食品,才允许在其包装上标示“无麸质” ; 麸质含量低于100ppm的谷类食品,则可以在包装上标示“含微量麸质” ;
牛肉标签法规 (EC)No 1760/2000 : 自2002年1月1日起,所有在欧盟国家上市销售的牛肉产品必须要具备可追溯 性,在牛肉产品的标签上必须标明牛的出生地、饲养地、屠宰场和加工厂
含奎宁和咖啡因食品的标签: 2002/67/EC指令中做出规定,应当在含奎宁和咖啡因食品的标签上配料清单 中标示出奎宁和咖啡因的含量;禁止过量食用或者单独食用。 饮料中咖啡因的含量超过150mg/L,应在食品的标签上与食品的名称在同一 视野内标示:“咖啡因含量高”
欧盟食品标签管理及法规 要求简介
国家质检总局标准法规研究中心 2009-10-29
欧盟食品标签管理 欧盟食品标签法规 欧盟食品标签法规发展趋势
欧委会健康和消保总司 与各成员国主管机构共同协商制定食品标签有关的立法,
而有关法律的实施则由各成员国的主管机构及其分支机构 负责。 食物链及动物健康常务委员会
自2003年增加过敏原标注要求以来,进行了5次主要的修订,2007年最终确 定了14种需要标注的可能导致过敏的或不耐受性的物质以及部分豁免标注的 物质
欧盟发布了两份通报,分别是G/TBT/N/EEC/261和G/TBT/N/EEC/266 第1924/2006号法规对食品的健康声明做了严格的规定,禁止在食品上标示
世界各国对转基因食品的管理通过导入外源基因对生物体的某一或某些性状进行改良的技术被称为基因修饰技术,通过基因修饰技术获得的含外源基因的生物体称为遗传工程体( genetically modified organisms,GMOs) 或转基因生物,包括转基因植物、转基因动物和转基因微生物。
通常将来源于上述的转基因生物及其衍生产品的食品称为转基因食品( genetically modified foods,GMF) 。
从增长速度上看,1996 年至2004 年,转基因作物全球种植面积连续8 年保持超过两位数的增长率,从170 万公顷增加到8100 万公顷。
从主要种植转基因作物的国家来看,2003 年转基因作物的主要种植国家( 种植面积大于50000 公顷) 为10个,2004 年增加到14个,美国仍然是种植面积最大的国家,占全球总量的59%,其次是阿根廷,约为12%。
2021年第2卷第1期|Syn thetic Bio logy J ournal2021,2(1):121-133遗传改造微生物制造食品和饲料的监管要求及欧盟授权案例分析魏笑莲1,钱智玲1,陈巧巧1,于洪巍2(1浙江新和成股份有限公司,浙江新昌312500;2浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院生物工程研究所,浙江杭州310027)摘要:随着现代遗传改造技术的发展,以基因重组、基因编辑、合成生物学等技术为代表的新兴生物技术为食品产业颠覆性变革奠定了重要基础。
关键词:转基因食品;遗传改造微生物;监管;食品饲料;大肠杆菌中图分类号:Q-1文献标志码:ARegulatory requirements for food and feed produced with genetically modified microorganisms and case studies for EU authorizationWEI Xiaolian 1,QIAN Zhiling 1,CHEN Qiaoqiao 1,YU Hongwei 2(1Zhejiang NHU Company Ltd.,Xinchang 312500,Zhejiang ,China ;2Institute of Bioengineering ,College of Chemical andBiological Engineering ,Zhejiang University ,Hangzhou 310027,Zhejiang ,China )Abstract:With the rapid development of genetic modification technology in recent years,emerging biotechnology represented by gene recombination,gene editing,synthetic biology,etc .,has laid the key foundation for subversive changes in the food industry.Genetically modified microorganisms (GMMs)are involved in the production of a variety of food and feed.At present,the application of GMMs in fermentation has become more and more extensive.The marketing of food and feed products produced by fermentation of GMMs falls under different legislative instruments for different countries.In the收稿日期:2020-10-21修回日期:2021-1-11引用本文:魏笑莲,钱智玲,陈巧巧,于洪巍.遗传改造微生物制造食品和饲料的监管要求及欧盟授权案例分析[J ].合成生物学,2021,2(1):121-133Citation:WEI Xiaolian,QIAN Zhiling,CHEN Qiaoqiao,YU Hongwei.Regulatory requirements for food and feed produced with genetically modified microorganisms and case studies for EU authorization [J ].Synthetic Biology Journal,2021,2(1):121-133DOI :10.12211/2096-8280.2020-079特约评述合成生物学第2卷industrialization process using GMMs,it is necessary to consider the requirements of the laws and regulations in the countries for production and export.Different countries have different historical and cultural backgrounds,technical levels and public awareness of genetically modified foods.Therefore,there are different attitudes for the supervision of foods produced with GMMs.This article mainly discusses the regulatory requirements of food and feed produced with GMMs.For these products, if the components from genetically modified microorganisms(usually GMMs and recombinant DNA)can be detected in the final products,they will be classified as genetically modified foods(GMF)in the European Union and the United States. Therefore,they need to meet the regulatory requirements of relevant laws and regulations on genetically modified foods.In this article the different definitions of genetically modified food in European Union,the United States of America and China is firstly introduced,followed by a brief summary of the supervision requirements of genetically modified food in these three countries.Secondly,the EU,which has the strictest regulatory requirements,is examined for its regulatory system for GMF and the authorization requirements for food and feed fermented with GMMs.Finally,genetically modified Escherichia coli is taken as an example to study several EU authorization cases.From these cases,recommendatory notes on applying for EU authorization of GMM fermented food and feed are briefly summarized.Keywords:genetically modified food;genetically modified microorganism;supervision;food and feed; Escherichia coli遗传改造技术在食物供给中正被日益广泛地使用。
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This document is meant purely as a documentation tool and the institutions do not assume any liability for its contents►B REGULATION(EC)No1829/2003OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THECOUNCILof22September2003on genetically modified food and feed(Text with EEA relevance)(OJ L268,18.10.2003,p.1)Amended by:Official JournalNo page date►M1Commission Regulation(EC)No1981/2006of22December2006L3689923.12.2006►M2Regulation(EC)No298/2008of the European Parliament and of theL97649.4.2008 Council of11March2008REGULATION(EC)No1829/2003OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof22September2003on genetically modified food and feed(Text with EEA relevance)THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,and in particular Articles37,95and Article152(4)(b)thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1),Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee(2),Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions(3),Acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article251of the Treaty(4),Whereas:(1)The free movement of safe and wholesome food and feed is anessential aspect of the internal market and contributes signifi-cantly to the health and well-being of citizens,and to their social and economic interests.(2)A high level of protection of human life and health should beensured in the pursuit of Community policies.(3)In order to protect human and animal health,food and feedconsisting of,containing or produced from genetically modified organisms(hereinafter referred to as genetically modified food and feed)should undergo a safety assessment through a Community procedure before being placed on the market within the Community.(4)Differences between national laws,regulations and administrativeprovisions concerning the assessment and authorisation of genetically modified food and feed may hinder their free movement,creating conditions of unequal and unfair competition.(5)An authorisation procedure involving Member States and theCommission has been established for genetically modified foods in Regulation(EC)No258/97of the European Parliament and of the Council of27January1997concerning novel foods and novel food ingredients(5).This procedure should be streamlined and made more transparent.(6)Regulation(EC)No258/97also provides for a notificationprocedure for novel foods which are substantially equivalent to existing foods.Whilst substantial equivalence is a key step in the procedure for assessment of the safety of genetically modified(1)OJ C304E,30.10.2001,p.221.(2)OJ C221,17.9.2002,p.114.(3)OJ C278,14.11.2002,p.31.(4)Opinion of the European Parliament of3July2002(not yet published in theOfficial Journal),Council Common Position of17March2003(OJ C113E,13.5.2003,p.31),Decision of the European Parliament of2July2003(notyet published in the Official Journal)and Council Decision of22July2003.(5)OJ L43,14.2.1997,p.1.foods,it is not a safety assessment in itself.In order to ensure clarity,transparency and a harmonised framework for authorisa-tion of genetically modified food,this notification procedure should be abandoned in respect of genetically modified foods.(7)Feed consisting of or containing genetically modified organisms(GMOs)has so far been authorised,subject to the authorisation procedure provided by Council Directive90/220/EEC of23April 1990(1)and Directive2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of12March2001on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms(2);no authorisation procedure exists for feed produced from GMOs;a single,efficient and transparent Community authorisation procedure for feed consisting of,containing or produced from GMOs should be established.(8)The provisions of this Regulation should also apply to feedintended for animals which are not destined for food production.(9)The new authorisation procedures for genetically modified foodand feed should include the new principles introduced in Directive2001/18/EC.They should also make use of the new framework for risk assessment in matters of food safety set up by Regulation(EC)No178/2002of the European Parliament and of the Council of28January2002laying down the general prin-ciples and requirements of food law,establishing the European Food Safety Authority,and laying down procedures in matters of food safety(3).Thus,genetically modified food and feed should only be authorised for placing on the Community market after a scientific evaluation of the highest possible standard,to be undertaken under the responsibility of the European Food Safety Authority(Authority),of any risks which they present for human and animal health and,as the case may be,for the environment.This scientific evaluation should be followed by a risk management decision by the Community,under a regulatory procedure ensuring close cooperation between the Commission and the Member States.(10)Experience has shown that authorisation should not be grantedfor a single use,when a product is likely to be used both for food and feed purposes;therefore such products should only be authorised when fulfilling authorisation criteria for both food and feed.(11)Under this Regulation,authorisation may be granted either to aGMO to be used as a source material for production of food or feed and products for food and/or feed use which contain,consist of or are produced from it,or to foods or feed produced from a GMO.Thus,where a GMO used in the production of food and/or feed has been authorised under this Regulation,foods and/or feed containing,consisting of or produced from that GMO will not need an authorisation under this Regulation,but will be subject to the requirements referred to in the authorisation granted in respect of the GMO.Furthermore,foods covered by an authorisation granted under this Regulation will be exempted from the requirements of Regulation(EC)No258/97concerning novel foods and novel food ingredients,except where they fall under one or more of the categories referred to in Article1(2)(a)of Regulation(EC)No258/97in respect of a characteristic which has not been considered for the purpose of the authorisation granted under this Regulation.(12)Council Directive89/107/EEC of21December1988on theapproximation of laws of the Member States concerning food(1)OJ L117,8.5.1990,p.15.Directive repealed by Directive2001/18/EC.(2)OJ L106,17.4.2001,p.1.Directive as last amended by Council Decision2002/811/EC(OJ L280,18.10.2002,p.27).(3)OJ L31,1.2.2002,p.1.additives authorised for use in foodstuffs intended for human consumption(1)provides for authorisation of additives used in foodstuffs.In addition to this authorisation procedure,food additives containing,consisting of or produced from GMOs should fall also within the scope of this Regulation for the safety assessment of the genetic modification,while the final authorisation should be granted under the procedure referred to in Directive89/107/EEC.(13)Flavourings falling within the scope of Council Directive88/388/EEC of22June1988on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to flavourings for use in foodstuffs and to source materials for their production(2)which contain, consist of or are produced from GMOs should also fall within the scope of this Regulation for the safety assessment of the genetic modification.(14)Council Directive82/471/EEC of30June1982concerningcertain products used in animal nutrition(3)provides for an approval procedure for feed materials produced using different technologies that may pose risk to human or animal health and the environment.These feed materials containing,consisting of or produced from GMOs should fall instead within the scope of this Regulation.(15)Council Directive70/524/EEC of23November1970concerningadditives in feedingstuffs(4),provides for an authorisation procedure for placing on the market additives used in feeding-stuffs.In addition to this authorisation procedure,feed additives containing,consisting of or produced from GMOs should also fall within the scope of this Regulation.(16)This Regulation should cover food and feed produced‘from’aGMO but not food and feed‘with’a GMO.The determining criterion is whether or not material derived from the genetically modified source material is present in the food or in the feed.Processing aids which are only used during the food or feed production process are not covered by the definition of food or feed and,therefore,are not included in the scope of this Regu-lation.Nor are food and feed which are manufactured with the help of a genetically modified processing aid included in the scope of this Regulation.Thus,products obtained from animals fed with genetically modified feed or treated with genetically modified medicinal products will be subject neither to the auth-orisation requirements nor to the labelling requirements referred to in this Regulation.(17)In accordance with Article153of the Treaty,the Community isto contribute to promoting the right of consumers to information.In addition to other types of information to the public provided for in this Regulation,the labelling of products enables the consumer to make an informed choice and facilitates fairness of transactions between seller and purchaser.(18)Article2of Directive2000/13/EC of the European Parliamentand of the Council of20March2000on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the labelling,presen-tation and advertising of foodstuffs(5)provides that labelling must not mislead the purchaser as to the characteristics of the(1)OJ L40,11.2.1989,p.27.Directive as amended by Directive94/34/EC ofthe European Parliament and of the Council(OJ L237,10.9.1994,p.1).(2)OJ L184,15.7.1988,p.61.Directive as amended by Commission Directive91/71/EEC(OJ L42,15.2.1991,p.25).(3)OJ L213,21.7.1982,p.8.Directive as last amended by Directive1999/20/EC(OJ L80,25.3.1999,p.20).(4)OJ L270,14.12.1970,p.1.Directive as last amended by Regulation(EC)No1756/2002(OJ L265,3.10.2002,p.1).(5)OJ L109,6.5.2000,p.29.Directive as amended by Commission Directive2001/101/EC(OJ L310,28.11.2001,p.19).foodstuff and among other things,in particular,as to its nature, identity,properties,composition,method of production and manufacturing.(19)Additional requirements for the labelling of genetically modifiedfoods are laid down in Regulation(EC)No258/97,in Council Regulation(EC)No1139/98of26May1998concerning the compulsory indication,on the labelling of certain foodstuffs produced from genetically modified organisms,of particulars other than those provided for in Directive79/112/EEC(1)and in Commission Regulation(EC)No50/2000of10January 2000on the labelling of foodstuffs and food ingredients containing additives and flavourings that have been genetically modified or have been produced from genetically modified organisms(2).(20)Harmonised labelling requirements should be laid down forgenetically modified feed to provide final users,in particular livestock farmers,with accurate information on the composition and properties of feed,thereby enabling the user to make an informed choice.(21)The labelling should include objective information to the effectthat a food or feed consists of,contains or is produced from GMOs.Clear labelling,irrespective of the detectability of DNA or protein resulting from the genetic modification in the final product,meets the demands expressed in numerous surveys bya large majority of consumers,facilitates informed choice andprecludes potential misleading of consumers as regards methods of manufacture or production.(22)In addition,the labelling should give information about any char-acteristic or property which renders a food or feed different from its conventional counterpart with respect to composition,nutri-tional value or nutritional effects,intended use of the food or feed and health implications for certain sections of the population,as well as any characteristic or property which gives rise to ethical or religious concerns.(23)Regulation(EC)No1830/2003of the European Parliament andof the Council of22September2003concerning the traceability and labelling of genetically modified organisms and traceability of food and feed products produced from genetically modified organisms and amending Directive2001/18/EC(3)ensures that relevant information concerning any genetic modification is available at each stage of the placing on the market of GMOs and food and feed produced therefrom and should thereby facilitate accurate labelling.(24)Despite the fact that some operators avoid using geneticallymodified food and feed,such material may be present in minute traces in conventional food and feed as a result of adven-titious or technically unavoidable presence during seed production,cultivation,harvest,transport or processing.In such cases,this food or feed should not be subject to the labelling requirements of this Regulation.In order to achieve this objective,a threshold should be established for the adventitious or technically unavoidable presence of genetically modified material in foods or feed,both when the marketing of such material is authorised in the Community and when this presence is tolerated by virtue of this Regulation.(25)It is appropriate to provide that,when the combined level ofadventitious or technically unavoidable presence of genetically(1)OJ L159,3.6.1998,p.4.Regulation as amended by Commission Regulation(EC)No49/2000(OJ L6,11.1.2000,p.13).(2)OJ L6,11.1.2000,p.15.(3)See page24of this Official Journal.modified materials in a food or feed or in one of its components is higher than the set threshold,such presence should be indicated in accordance with this Regulation and that detailed provisions should be adopted for its implementation.The possibility of establishing lower thresholds,in particular for foods and feed containing or consisting of GMOs or in order to take into account advances in science and technology,should be provided for.(26)It is indispensable that operators strive to avoid any accidentalpresence of genetically modified material not authorised under Community legislation in food or feed.However,in order to ensure the practicability and feasibility of this Regulation,a specific threshold,with the possibility of establishing lower levels in particular for GMOs sold directly to the final consumer,should be established as a transitional measure for minute traces in food or feed of this genetically modified material,where the presence of such material is adventitious or technically unavoidable and provided that all specific conditions set in this Regulation are met.Directive2001/18/EC should be amended accordingly.The application of this measure should be reviewed in the context of the general review of the implemen-tation of this Regulation.(27)In order to establish that the presence of this material is adven-titious or technically unavoidable,operators must be in a position to demonstrate to the competent authorities that they have taken appropriate steps to avoid the presence of the genetically modified food or feed.(28)Operators should avoid the unintended presence of GMOs inother products.The Commission should gather information and develop on this basis guidelines on the coexistence of genetically modified,conventional and organic crops.Moreover,the Commission is invited to bring forward,as soon as possible, any further necessary proposal.(29)The traceability and labelling of GMOs at all stages of placing onthe market,including the possibility of establishing thresholds,is ensured by Directive2001/18/EC and Regulation(EC)No 1830/2003.(30)It is necessary to establish harmonised procedures for riskassessment and authorisation that are efficient,time-limited and transparent,and criteria for evaluation of the potential risks arising from genetically modified foods and feed.(31)In order to ensure a harmonised scientific assessment ofgenetically modified foods and feed,such assessments should be carried out by the Authority.However,as specific acts or omissions on the part of the Authority under this Regulation could produce direct legal effects on applicants,it is appropriate to provide for the possibility of an administrative review of such acts or omissions.(32)It is recognised that,in some cases,scientific risk assessmentalone cannot provide all the information on which a risk management decision should be based,and that other legitimate factors relevant to the matter under consideration may be taken into account.(33)Where the application concerns products containing or consistingof a genetically modified organism,the applicant should have the choice of either supplying an authorisation for the deliberate release into the environment already obtained under part C of Directive2001/18/EC,without prejudice to the conditions set by that authorisation,or of applying for the environmental risk assessment to be carried out at the same time as the safety assessment under this Regulation.In the latter case,it isnecessary for the evaluation of the environmental risk to comply with the requirements referred to in Directive2001/18/EC and for the national competent authorities designated by Member States for this purpose to be consulted by the Authority.In addition,it is appropriate to give the Authority the possibility of asking one of these competent authorities to carry out the environmental risk assessment.It is also appropriate,in accordance with Article12(4)of Directive2001/18/EC,for the national competent authorities designated under the said Directive in all cases concerning GMOs and food and/or feed containing or consisting of a GMO to be consulted by the Authority before it finalises the environmental risk assessment.(34)In the case of GMOs to be used as seeds or other plant-propa-gating materials falling within the scope of this Regulation,the Authority should be under an obligation to delegate the environ-mental risk assessment to a national competent authority.None-theless,authorisations under this Regulation should be without prejudice to the provisions of Directives68/193/EEC(1), 2002/53/EC(2)and2002/55/EC(3),which provide in particular for the rules and the criteria for the acceptance of varieties and their official acceptance for inclusion in common catalogues;nor should they affect the provisions of Directives66/401/EEC(4), 66/402/EEC(5),68/193/EEC,92/33/EEC(6),92/34/EEC(7), 2002/54/EC(8),2002/55/EC,2002/56/EC(9)or2002/57/EC(10) which regulate in particular the certification and the marketing of seeds and other plant-propagating materials.(35)It is necessary to introduce,where appropriate and on the basis ofthe conclusions of the risk assessment,post-market monitoring requirements for the use of genetically modified foods for human consumption and for the use of genetically modified feed for animal consumption.In the case of GMOs,a monitoring plan concerning environmental effects is compulsory under Directive 2001/18/EC.(36)To facilitate controls on genetically modified food and feed,applicants for authorisation should propose appropriate methods for sampling,identification and detection,and deposit samples of the genetically modified food and feed with the Authority;methods of sampling and detection should be validated,where appropriate,by the Community reference laboratory.(37)Technological progress and scientific developments should betaken into account when implementing this Regulation.(38)Food and feed falling within the scope of this Regulation whichhave been lawfully placed on the Community market before the date of application of this Regulation should continue to be allowed on the market,subject to the transmission to the Commission by the operators of information concerning the risk assessment,methods for sampling,identification and(1)OJ L93,17.4.1968,p.15.Directive as last amended by Directive2002/11/EC(OJ L53,23.2.2002,p.20).(2)OJ L193,20.7.2002,p.1.(3)OJ L193,20.7.2002,p.33.(4)OJ125,11.7.1966,p.2298/66.Directive as last amended by Directive2001/64/EC(OJ L234,1.9.2001,p.60).(5)OJ125,11.7.1966,p.2309/66.Directive as last amended by Directive2001/64/EC.(6)OJ L157,10.6.1992,p.1.Directive as last amended by Regulation(EC)No806/2003(OJ L122,16.5.2003,p.1).(7)OJ L157,10.6.1992,p.10.Directive as last amended by Regulation(EC)No806/2003.(8)OJ L193,20.7.2002,p.12.(9)OJ L193,20.7.2002,p.60.Directive amended by Commission Decision2003/66/EC(OJ L25,30.1.2003,p.42).(10)OJ L193,20.7.2002,p.74.Directive amended by Commission Directive2003/45/EC(OJ L138,5.6.2003,p.40).detection as appropriate,including the transmission of samples of the food and feed and their control samples within six months after the date of application of this Regulation.(39)A register of genetically modified food and feed authorised underthis Regulation should be established,including product specific information,studies which demonstrate the safety of the product, including,where available,references to independent and peer-reviewed studies,and to methods for sampling,identification and detection.Non-confidential data should be made available to the public.(40)In order to stimulate research and development into GMOs forfood and/or feed use,it is appropriate to protect the investment made by innovators in gathering the information and data supporting an application under this Regulation.This protection should however be limited in time in order to avoid the unne-cessary repetition of studies and trials which would be against the public interest.(41)The measures necessary for the implementation of this Regulationshould be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of28June1999laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission(1).(42)Provision should be made for consultation of the European Groupon Ethics in Science and New Technologies established by Commission Decision of16December1997,or any other appro-priate body established by the Commission,with a view to obtaining advice on ethical issues regarding the placing on the market of genetically modified food or feed.Such consultations should be without prejudice to the competence of Member States as regards ethical issues.(43)In order to provide a high level of protection of human life andhealth,animal health and welfare,environment and consumer interests in relation to genetically modified food and feed, requirements arising from this Regulation should apply in a non-discriminatory manner to products originating in the Community and imported from third countries,in accordance with the general principles referred to in Regulation(EC)No 178/2002.The content of this Regulation takes account of the international trade commitments of the European Communities and of the requirements of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity as regards importer obligations and notification.(44)Certain instruments of Community law should be repealed andothers amended as a result of this Regulation.(45)The implementation of this Regulation should be reviewed in thelight of experience gained in the short term,and the impact of the application of this Regulation on human and animal health, consumer protection,consumer information and the functioning of the internal market should be monitored by the Commission,(1)OJ L184,17.7.1999,p.23.HAVE ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:CHAPTER IOBJECTIVE AND DEFINITIONSArticle1ObjectiveThe objective of this Regulation,in accordance with the general prin-ciples laid down in Regulation(EC)No178/2002,is to:(a)provide the basis for ensuring a high level of protection of humanlife and health,animal health and welfare,environment and consumer interests in relation to genetically modified food and feed,whilst ensuring the effective functioning of the internal market;(b)lay down Community procedures for the authorisation and super-vision of genetically modified food and feed;(c)lay down provisions for the labelling of genetically modified foodand feed.Article2DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Regulation:1.the definitions of‘food’,‘feed’,‘final consumer’,‘food business’and‘feed business’given in Regulation(EC)No178/2002shall apply;2.the definition of‘traceability’,laid down in Regulation(EC)No1830/2003;3.‘operator’means the natural or legal person responsible for ensuringthat the requirements of this Regulation are met within the food businesses or feed businesses under its control;4.the definitions of‘organism’,‘deliberate release’and‘environmen-tal risk assessment’referred to in Directive2001/18/EC shall apply;5.‘genetically modified organism’or‘GMO’means a geneticallymodified organism as defined in Article2(2)of Directive 2001/18/EC,excluding organisms obtained through the techniques of genetic modification listed in Annex I B to Directive 2001/18/EC;6.‘genetically modified food’means food containing,consisting of orproduced from GMOs;7.‘genetically modified feed’means feed containing,consisting of orproduced from GMOs;8.‘genetically modified organism for food use’means a GMO thatmay be used as food or as a source material for the production of food;9.‘genetically modified organism for feed use’means a GMO thatmay be used as feed or as a source material for the production of feed;10.‘produced from GMOs’means derived,in whole or in part,fromGMOs,but not containing or consisting of GMOs;11.‘control sample’means the GMO or its genetic material(positivesample)and the parental organism or its genetic material that hasbeen used for the purpose of the genetic modification(negativesample);12.‘conventional counterpart’means a similar food or feed producedwithout the help of genetic modification and for which there is awell-established history of safe use;13.‘ingredient’means‘ingredient’as referred to in Article6(4)ofDirective2000/13/EC;14.‘placing on the market’means the holding of food or feed for thepurpose of sale,including offering for sale,or any other form oftransfer,whether free of charge or not,and the sale,distribution andother forms of transfer themselves.15.‘pre-packaged food’means any single item for presentation as suchconsisting of a food and the packaging into which it was put beforebeing offered for sale,whether such packaging encloses the foodcompletely or only partially,provided that the contents cannot bealtered without opening or changing the packaging.16.‘mass caterer’means‘mass caterer’as referred to in Article1ofDirective2000/13/EC.CHAPTER IIGENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODSection1A u t h o r i s a t i o n a n d s u p e r v i s i o nArticle3Scope1.This Section shall apply to:(a)GMOs for food use;(b)food containing or consisting of GMOs;(c)food produced from or containing ingredients produced fromGMOs.▼M22.Where necessary,measures designed to amend non-essentialelements of this Regulation by supplementing it and determiningwhether a type of food falls within the scope of this Section shall beadopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutinyreferred to in Article35(3).▼BArticle4Requirements1.Food referred to in Article3(1)must not:(a)have adverse effects on human health,animal health or the envi-ronment;(b)mislead the consumer;(c)differ from the food which it is intended to replace to such an extentthat its normal consumption would be nutritionally disadvantageousfor the consumer.。