超短焦激光投影机安装说明 PPT



投影仪的灯泡属于易耗品,正常使用的情况下可用到 3000 至 4000 小时。需要小心的维护和保养,这样既能够增加灯泡的 使用寿命,也可以降低因灯泡过热受损等因素导致的危险发生 的几率。主要有两种方法可以延长灯泡的使用寿命:
设置灯泡模式为环保模式: 我们可以设置投影仪的灯泡模式为环保模式(节能模式),在节 能模式下使用投影仪能将灯泡寿命延长1/3。如果选择节能模 式,灯光强度会降低,投影图像则会更暗。
冻结”按钮以冻结图像。若要解除该功能,按投影 仪或遥控器上的任意键即可。
注意:即使屏幕上图像被冻结,这些画面仍在视频或 其它设备中播放。若连接的设备有活动音频输出信 号,即使屏幕上的图像被冻结,仍可听到音频。
第四节 投影仪的保养和维护
简要介绍投影仪 的日常维护和投 影仪外壳的清洁
外接笔记本电脑时的图像调试: 许多笔记本在连接到投影仪时并未打开其外接视频端口(
只有打开外接视频端口才能和投影仪连接)。通常,按组 合键[FN]+[F3]或[FN]+CRT/LCD可接通/关闭显示器。
具体方法是在笔记本电脑上找到标示CRT/LCD 的功能键 或带显示器符号的功能键,然后同时按下[FN]和标示的 功能键。
一些注意事项: 1、防尘问题是投影机维护的首要问题 投影仪液晶板成像时极易产生静电而吸附微小尘粒,这将对投影 画面产生不良影响。投影机的机壳上一般都有开槽或开口用于通 风,若不及时清理,极易堵塞投影机通风口而造成故障。因此, 及时地、定期地为投影机进行专业的、有效的除尘,是维护投影 机最好的方法。 2、严防强烈的冲撞、挤压和震动 在投影机使用过程中,正确使用是最重要的。强烈的冲撞、挤压 和震动会造成投影核心部件的位移,影响放映时的效果。

超短焦互動投影機 UM352W 使用手冊说明书

超短焦互動投影機 UM352W 使用手冊说明书

超短焦互動投影機型號UM352W使用手冊保留備用Ver. 1 3/15•Apple、Mac、Mac OS、MacBook和iMac為Apple Inc. (蘋果公司)在美國和其他國家註冊的商標。

App Store是Apple Inc. (蘋果公司)的服務標記。


•Microsoft、Windows、Windows Vista、Internet Explorer、.NET Framework和PowerPoint為Microsoft Corporation (微軟公司)在美國和/或其他國家的註冊商標或商標。

•MicroSaver為ACCO品牌的一個分公司Kensington Computer Products Group的註冊商標。

•Virtual Remote Tool (虛擬遙控工具)使用WinI2C/DDC library, ©Nicomsoft Ltd.•術語HDMI、HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface和HDMI標誌是HDMI Licensing LLC在美國和其他國家的商標或註冊商標。

•MHL、Mobile High-Definition Link和MHL標誌為MHL, LLC的商標或註冊商標。


•Wi-Fi®、Wi-Fi Alliance®、Wi-Fi Protected Access®和Wi-Fi Direct®為Wi-Fi Alliance®的註冊商標。

WPA™、WPA2™、Wi-Fi Protected Setup™和Miracast™為Wi-Fi Alliance®的商標。

•Blu-ray為Blu-ray Disc Association (藍光光碟協會)的商標。


• 5.8、墙面盖板安装
• 6.1、吊装安装顺序及吊架型号参数
• 安装投影屏幕; • 激光水平仪定位吊装支架; • 安装吊装支架; • 安装投影机及连接线缆; • 调节支架进行画面对位。
• 伸缩杆孔位间距5cm • 纵向倾斜度、水平转角、横向摆角度±5°
• 没有辅助的调节旋钮,只能通过手动摆动 投影机进行调节,然后锁紧螺丝进行固定
197±3% 346±40 16:9 2213.8*1245.3
302±3% 393±40 16:9 2656.6*1494.3
459±3% 465±40 16:9 3320.7*1867.9
100±3% 420±3% 16:9 2213.8*1245.3
200±3% 481±3% 16:9 2656.6*1494.3
• 在墙面上定位吊架的水平 中心线(水平中心线距离屏 幕端墙面的距离为a+b)
• 6.3.1、吊架调节
• 6.3.2、吊架调节
调节功能介绍 ① 水平转角调节 ② 纵向倾斜度调节 ③ 横向摆角调节 ④ 伸缩杆紧固螺丝
• 7、串口指令代码
控制内容 开机 关机
信号输入 通道切换
超短焦激光投影机 安装说明
• 1、安装尺寸(参考)
投影尺寸 (英寸)
投影距离A (mm)
投影高度B (mm)
1 XGA教育机 2
3 1 WXGA教育机 2 3 1 UH420工程机 2 3 1 2 UH600工程机 3 4 5

超短焦激光投影机安装说明 PPT

超短焦激光投影机安装说明 PPT
• 1、安装尺寸(参考)
• .1、机器尺寸(单位mm)(教育机及UH420工程机)
• 2.2、机器尺寸(单位mm)(UH600工程机)
• 3、安装方式
• 4、正投安装顺序
正投安装对现场的环境要求相对较低,施工 简单。
• 5.2、目前公司使用的壁挂架型号及结构
y h
• 安装投影屏幕
• 投影机放置地面或桌面正投,调整投影距离和高度,将投影画面长宽调至屏幕长宽一致
• 用激光水平仪打垂直线找出画面的中心线,然后测量激光垂直线与机器中心线的间距h
• 在墙面上定位壁挂架的竖直中心线(如果机器中心线在激光垂直线右边,则竖直中心线在 激光垂直线的左边,距离为h;如果机器中心线在激光垂直线左边,则竖直中心线在激光 垂直线的右边,距离为h)
• 5.7.6、壁挂架调节(调节横向摆角)
• 5.8、墙面盖板安装
• 6.1、吊装安装顺序及吊架型号参数
• 安装投影屏幕; • 激光水平仪定位吊装支架; • 安装吊装支架; • 安装投影机及连接线缆; • 调节支架进行画面对位。
• 伸缩杆孔位间距5cm • 纵向倾斜度、水平转角、横向摆角度±5° • 没有辅助的调节旋钮,只能通过手动摆动
• 确定屏幕离地的安装高度; • 安装投影屏幕; • 参照投射距离安装投影机; • 调节投影机底部的3个脚垫对画面对位。
• 5.1、壁挂安装顺序及壁挂架型号参数
• 安装投影屏幕; • 安装壁挂专业支架; • 安装投影机及连接线缆; • 调节支架进行画面对位。


• 5.2、目前公司使用的壁挂架型号及结构
Company Confidential, NDA Restriction
envision a brighter future
y h
• 安装投影屏幕
• 投影机放置地面或桌面正投,调整投影距离和高度,将投影画面长宽调至屏幕长宽一致
101±3% 281±40 16:10 1723.1*1077
100 202±3% 324±40 16:10 2153.9*1346.2 120 312±3% 368±40 16:10 2584.7*1615.4 100 197±3% 346±40 16:9 2213.8*1245.3
120 302±3% 393±40 16:9 2656.6*1494.3 150 459±3% 465±40 16:9 3320.7*1867.9 100 100±3% 420±3% 16:9 2213.8*1245.3 120 200±3% 481±3% 16:9 2656.6*1494.3 150 361±3% 573±3% 16:9 3320.7*1867.9 180 511±3% 672±3% 16:9 3984.8*2241.5 200 606±3% 740±3% 16:9 4427.6*2490.5
• 用激光水平仪打垂直线找出画面的中心线,然后测量激光垂直线与机器中心线的间距h
• 在墙面上定位壁挂架的竖直中心线(如果机器中心线在激光垂直线右边,则竖直中心线在 激光垂直线的左边,距离为h;如果机器中心线在激光垂直线左边,则竖直中心线在激光 垂直线的右边,距离为h)
• 测量机器底面到屏幕底边距离y(无法测量时参考第二页投影高度B)

超短焦激光投影机AL-LX200ST AL-LW200ST用户使用说明书

超短焦激光投影机AL-LX200ST AL-LW200ST用户使用说明书


2017-09-08- 使用投影机前,请务必认真阅读“重要安全提示”。

( 第2-5页)执行企业标准:Q/GF 001-2016SysNo.763122重要安全说明♦ 请勿让任何液体溅落到投影机上。

♦ 在雷暴期间或者长期不使用时,为更 好保护投影机,请拔下电源插头。

这 可以防止雷电或电力线路电涌对设备 造成损坏。

本产品为B 级产品。

SysNo.763122017-09-083重要安全说明SysNo.763122017-09-084重要安全说明SysNo.763122017-09-085重要安全说明SysNo.763122017-09-086声明有限保修在正常使用和存放情况下,Appotronics 对本产品的任何材料和工艺缺陷提供保修,保修时必须提供购机日期证明。

如果在保修期内发现本产品有缺陷,Appotronics 唯一的义务和针对您的独家补救办法是更换任何有缺陷的部件(包括劳务费)。


重要事项:如果客户未按照 Appotronics 的书面用法说明使用本产品,将不适用上述保修。

尤其是环境湿度必须介于10% 和90%之间、温度介于0°C 和 40°C 之间,以及避免在多灰尘的环境下操作本投影机。

有关其他信息,请访问 。





Christie 项目器超短投影镜头安装说明书

Christie 项目器超短投影镜头安装说明书

Installing the ultra short throw lensThe ultra short throw (UST) lens allows you to position your projector as close as possible to the screen.Affected productsThe following products are affected:•D13HD2-HS•D13WU2-HS•D16HD-HS•D16WU-HS•D20HD-HS•D20WU-HS•Christie 4K7-HS•Christie 4K10-HSRequired componentsThe following components are required.•UST lens bracket kit (P/N: 003-006916-XX)• 3 mm Allen key• 5 mm Allen key• 6 mm Allen key•Hexagon wrenchMounting the lens support bracketThe lens holders are replaceable parts marked with an A for the HS Series 2K models and T for the 4K7-HS and 4K10-HS models.1.Turn on the projector and perform a lens calibration.•If you have a non-ultra short throw lens (standard lens) installed, perform a lens calibration by selecting Menu > Configuration > Lens Settings > Lens Calibration.•If you do not have a non-ultra short throw lens, complete the following steps:a.Connect to the projector using RS232 or Ethernet (default IP address a lens calibration by sending the serial API command (LCB+HOME 1) to theprojector.2.Turn off the power to the projector.3.Remove the non-ultra-short throw lens, if installed.4.Before mounting the bracket, align the mark lines as shown below.8.Flip the projector over.9.Install the ultra short throw lens.10.Attach the lens bracket to the support base using the location hole (A) and pin (B).•For HS Series 2K, make sure to use the lens bracket marked with an A.•For 4K7-HS and 4K10-HS, make sure to use the lens bracket marked with a T.11.Lock the M4 x L10 screws (A for HS Series 2K and T for 4K7-HS and 4K10-HS) until tight andthen loosen the screws by one turn.12.Shift the lens bracket to fit the L-UST lens neck.Make sure the lens bracket plate (A) does not tilt with the lens holder (B).e two M4 x L10 screws to secure the lens fixture to the lens bracket.14.Tighten the two M4 x L10 screws from step 11.15.Tighten the two M4 x L22 screws from step 2.Adjusting the ultra short throw lens After mounting the lens support bracket, adjust the ultra short throw lens.1.Turn on power to the projector.2.Loosen by one turn the two M4 x L22 screws shown below.3.Perform a lens calibration.4.To adjust the image position, use the Lens Shift function.Do not use the Lens Shift function when the two M4 x L22 screws are locked.5.Tighten the two M4 x L22 screws from step 2.If the tilt of the lens is too significant to fine-tune, gently lift up the lens to reduce the image offset before locking the screws.6.Adjust the two M6 screws to fine-tune image position.7.To fine tune the lens roll angle, adjust the M6 screw using a hexagon wrench.8.Loosen by one turn the two M4 screws on the lens supporter, shown below.9.Adjust the boresight.For information on how to adjust boresight, refer to the product Installation and Setup guide.10.Tighten the two screws from step 8.11.To ensure the Lens Shift function cannot be executed after the boresight has been adjusted,from the on-screen display, navigate to Configuration > Lens setting > Lock all LensMotors and select Locked.Technical supportTechnical support for Christie products is available at:•North and South America: +1-800-221-8025 or ************************************•Europe, Middle East, and Africa: +44 (0) 1189 778111 or ********************************•Asia Pacific•Australia: +61 (0)7 3624 4888•China: +86 10 6561 0240•India: +91 (80) 6708 9999•Japan: 81-3-3599-7481•Singapore: +65 6877-8737•South Korea: +82 2 702 1601•Christie Professional Services: +1-800-550-3061 or ***********************。

LV-MAX-400-LASER 400系列智能超短焦激光电视使用手册说明书

LV-MAX-400-LASER 400系列智能超短焦激光电视使用手册说明书

400系列智能超短焦激光电视用户手册LV-MAX-400-LASER前言 .........................................................................................................产品简介 ................................................................................................产品规格参数 .........................................................................................包装概览 ..................................................................................................外观介绍...................................................................................................安装与调试 ...........................................................................................安装...........................................................................................................画面调整...................................................................................................操作指南.................................................................................................基本设置菜单 .........................................................................................系统主页 ..................................................................................................网络连接 ..................................................................................................应用安装和卸载 .....................................................................................声音配置 ..................................................................................................显示方式 ..................................................................................................图像配置 ..................................................................................................多屏互动 ..................................................................................................故障排除 ................................................................................................图像 ..........................................................................................................声音 ..........................................................................................................媒体播放和在线影视 .............................................................................其他.. (1)223488101313131414161617181919192020清洁..........................................................................................................清洁机身 ..................................................................................................清洁出光口 ..............................................................................................安全注意事项........................................................................................激光 ..........................................................................................................小心触电 ..................................................................................................防止人身伤害 .........................................................................................小心火灾 ..................................................................................................其他注意事项 .........................................................................................附录..........................................................................................................环保说明 ..................................................................................................回收说明 ..................................................................................................名词解释 ..................................................................................................声明 ..........................................................................................................2121212222232324242525262626主机×1台遥控器×1只(附7号电池1对)HDMI线×1根电源线×1根本机包装箱内含以下物品,请仔细核对下列物品是否齐全,如有缺失,请联系当地经销商。

D75X 超短焦系列安装说明书

D75X 超短焦系列安装说明书

INSTALLATION MANUAL English EditionD75X ULTRA SHORT SERIESSAFETY INSTRUCTION For your safety, please read the instruction before using the wall mount bracket. Any improper disposition caused by ignoring this manual may damage the hanger frame and result in personal injury and property damage. Please keep the manual properly for future reference. Please read the installation manual and safety instruction of the projector that matches our wall mount bracket and operate according to the instruction.SYMBOL INSTRUCTION In order to avoid personal injury and property damage, the following warning symbols are used in this setting manual. Please make sure that you have understood all these warning symbols while reading this instruction.SAFETY PROTECTION MEASURES FOR SETTING This instruction introduces how to use customized wall mounted bracket to install D75 ultra short throw projector on walls. The unit of measurement for all sizes mark place in this instruction is in “mm”.1 PACKAGING ITEMS P. 42 SPECIFICATIONS P. 53 PROJECTION DISTANCE CHART P. 74 INSTALLATION STEPS FOR WALL MOUNTED BRACKET P. 9(1):Dismantle parts(2):Verify the strength of walls, installation environment, installationposition and drill holes on the walls.(3):Install hanger frame on walls.(4):Verify the distance of the projector. Move the three axisfine-tuner to proper position according to the projector distancechart.(5):Power cord should pass through the hanger frame.(6):Adjust the slider plate up and down to align to the standard position.(7):Install the projector onto the hanger frame.(8):Connect the power cord and other electrical cables to theprojector.5 ADJUSTING STEPS OF PROJECTOR IMAGE P. 13(1) Switch on the projector(2) Adjust the aspect ratio(3) Display the test image(4) Adjust the left and right alignment position(5) Adjust the up and down rotation(6) Adjust the left and right rotation(7) Adjust the keystone(8) Adjust the image size(9) Adjust the image up and down(10) Switch off the testing image displayPART LIST Screen shot Hardware Specifications Qty Purpose3 (pcs)4 (pcs) D75X INSTALLATION (FRAME 1) SETTINGDRILLING PAPER (1:1)M4*10mm ball head cross head screw (with flat gasket and spring washer)M8*70mm setscrew (with nut, flat gasket and spring washer)Used for connecting wall mounted bracketstructure # 7 with projectorUsed for installing and fixing wall mountedbracket structure #1 onto the wall1:Please follow the instructions in the manual and install with the attached hardwares.2:Please prepare the required tools and hardwares before installationSPECIFICATION Item Spec Description RemarkAbout 4.72kg 30kg ±40mm P. 13±5°P. 14±5°±5°P. 15P. 16P. 17P. 18±40mm D75X INSTALLATION (FRAME 1) SETTING DRILLING PAPER (1:1)Gross mass of hanger frame The three axis fine-tuning components(2.82kg), wall fixturehardwares(0.86kg), independent components packed seperately (0.12kg).Not inclusive of wall mounted bracket’s weight.Frame structure # 3 adjustable by 30mm, frame structure # 7 adjustable by±10mm.The three axis fine-tuner does horizontal scrolling adjustment The three axis fine-tuner does horizontal rotating adjustment The three axis fine-tuner does vertical scrolling adjustment Maximum load capacity The left and right adjusting range The up and downrotation adjusting range The left and rightrotation adjusting range Keystone adjustingrange Forward and backward adjustment by range Up and downadjustment by rangeCan be adjusted120mm forwardSCREENSHOT OF PROJECT DISTANCE2.721D HSCREENPROJECT DISTANCE 929597D755WT WXGA 0.35()Screen size diagonal Screen width Screen height inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm 908785233724132464228622102159778081767371198220462089193918741831485051474645123912791306121211711144Projecting distance (D)()Vertical distance H112.73323.313.4014.3815.0115.9816.65340.3365.3381.3405.8422.811.59321.511.8212.1612.3812.7212.95327.4336.1341.6350.2356.18285D751ST XGA 0.43()Screen size diagonal Screen width Screen height inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm 80777520832159203219561905656763615916661727162615651524495148464512501295121911731143Projecting distance (D)()Vertical distance H113.83351.414.6215.7216.5117.61371.4399.4419.4447.412.88354.413.1813.6013.9014.32361.4372.6380.2390.968172754138240103611.16283.411.86328.578198761156646117514.62371.413.1836280203267172342107711.11282.311.02307.2100254085215453134617.55445.813.26364.1FRAME 7A:4-M8*70 SETSCREW STEP2SETTING DRILLING PAPEROF ULTRA SHORT SERIES(1:1) TO THE PROPERPOSITION IN UP SCREENFRAME 1 STEP3M:VERTICAL ROTATION ADJUSTMENT FIXING SCREW FRAME 2 STEP4FRAME 3 STEP5FRAME 4E:VERTICAL ROTATIONADJUSTMENT FIXINGNUTG:TRAPEZOID ADJUSTMENT NUTFRAME 6STEP6D:4-M4*10 PARALLELADJUSTMENT FIXINGSCREWB:4-M4*10 VERTICAL ROTATION ADJUSTMENT FIXING SCREW STEP4C:2-M4*10 PARALLEL ADJUSTMENT FIXING SCREW STEP5H:3-M4*10 BRACKET7 TIGHTEN SCREWI:3-M4*10 PROJECTORCONNECTION SCREWSTEP6F:PARALLEL ADJUSTMENTFIXING SCREWFRAME 5ASSEMBLY BREAKDOWN DIAGRAMROTATION ASIXQuick Installation Steps: Step 1: frame #1 setting drilling paper of ultra short series (1:1) to the proper position in up screen (see details please refer to P.9). Perforate the setting wall. (percussion drill and drill 8.5, 60mm depth) Step 2: Install M8*70 setscrew in the wall’s hole. Step 3: Use M8*70 setscrew (4X) fix structure frame # 1 to the wall’s hole. Step 4: Install structure frame # 2 on structure frame # 1 (see P.10), switch it to intermediate position and use screw B (M4*10 up and down adjusting fixing screw) to lock it yet. Step 5: Loosen screw “C”, decline structure frame # 3 by 5 degree to aim at the positioning peg, and position the slider structure into structure frame # 2’s slide-way. Adjust the slide-way tointermediate position and tighten the screw “C” into structure frame # 2 ‘s threaded hole, but do not lock it. When the positioning is in place, tighten the screw “C”. (see details please refer to P.11) Step 6: Use “I” screw to connect structure frame # 7 and projector. Fix them, and install them on structure frame # 6. After adjusting structure frame # 7 to a proper position, lock screw “H”. (see P.12)LWALIGN THE CENTRAL VERTICAL LINE ON THE SCREENSCREEN4-M8*70 SETSCREW M:VERTICAL ADJUSTMENT ROTATION SREWFRAME 1H 1SETTING DRILLING PAPER OFBRACKET 1 PROPER POSITIONALIGN THE CENTRAL VERTICALLINE ON THE SCREENWALL8.560SCREENSHOT 1INSTALLING STEP 1SCREENSHOT 2Installing steps of holder 1: 1: Ensure the projector image allies with the center line of the screen, and determine the corresponding vertical distance value (H1) according to the projector distance chart. 2: Use D79X setting perforating paper of ultra short throw series (1:1) to determine the corresponding vertical distance.(H2) = (H1)-27.2mm 3: Fix the D79X setting perforating paper of ultra short throw series (1:1) and drill the wall according to the hole position on paper.(see picture 1). 4: Drive the attached setscrew (4-M8*70mm) in the corresponding wall’s hole. 5: Loosen screw “B” (4-M4*10), and dismantle the setting wall components. (structure frame # 1 and structure frame # 2) 6: Install the structure frame # 1 and tighten the screw (see picture 2) to ensure that the installation is correct and reliable.Installing steps of structure frame # 2: 1: Place structure frame # 2’s neck into structure frame # 1’s up and down adjusting screwinserts. 2: Screw “B” screw (M4*10mm) into structure frame # 1’s corresponding threaded hole slightly.(2 PCS of both left and right side). 3: Use up and down adjusting screw to adjust structure frame # 2 to proper position, and tighten the screw“B”.(4-M4*10mm)AFTER INSTALLATIONInstalling steps of structure frame # 2:1: Loosen “C” screw. (2-M4*10mm)2: Decline the three axis fine-tuner by 5 degree to aim at the registration mast. As illustrated in the following picture 2, install the slide-way on structure frame # 2’s slide-way, and switch it to intermediate position.3: Tighten screw “C” (2-M4-10mm) into structure frame # 2’s corresponding threaded holeslightly, do not lock it.4: Adjust the screw “C” to proper position and tighten it. (2-M4*10mm)BEFORE INSTALLATIONC:2-M4*10 PARALLELAFTER INSTALLATIONInstalling steps of projector: 1: Loosen screw “H” (4X-M4*10), and remove structure frame # 7. 2: Use “I” screw (3-M4*10mm) to connect structure frame # 7 and projector, and assemble them together. 3: Assemble the connected structure frame # 7 and projector on structure frame # 6. 4: Tighten screw “H”(4-M4*10mm) into structure frame # 6’s corresponding threaded holeslightly, not locked. 5: Slide structure frame # 7 to proper position, and tighten screw “H”. (4-M4*10mm)Y XBZXB Instruction of up and down rotation movement: 1: Tuner “E” does clockwise movements and its function is to adjust structure frame # 6 to drive projector into clockwise (X axis direction) rotation adjustment.(picture A) 2: Tuner “E” does anti-clockwise movements and its function is to adjust structure frame # 6 to drive projector into anti-clockwise (X axis direction) rotation adjustment.(picture B) 3: The maximum adjustable angle is ±5 degree.Instruction of left and right rotation movement: 1: Screw “F” for and rotate axis nut slightly. 2: Take the rotation axis as the axis (Z axis), adjust the setting disc through horizontal left and right rotation so that structure frame # 7 can drive projector towards horizontal rotation.(Z axis direction). 3: When the horizontal rotation position is adjusted to a proper position, tighten the screw “F”. 4: When the three axis are adjusted to proper positions, tighten the rotation axis nut.Instruction of keystone adjustment movement: 1: Tuner “G” does clockwise movements and it’s function is to move structure frame # 6 to drive projector towards a clockwise (Y axis direction) rotation adjustment.(picture D) 2: Tuner “G” does anti-clockwise movements and it’s function is to move structure frame # 6 drive projector towards an anti-clockwise (Y axis direction) rotation adjustment.(picture C) 3: The maximum adjustable angle is ±5 degree.ZY XInstruction of image size adjustment movement:1: Loosen screw “D” (4-M4*10mm) slightly. Move structure frame # 5 forward and backward to adjust its position in Y axis.2: For the distance between screen and projector, please refer to the projector sheet.(P. 7) 3: When the image size is OK, please tighten screw “D”. (4-M4*10mm) 4: The maximum adjustable distance is 120mm.Instruction of image up and down adjustment movement: 1: Loosen screw “B” (4-M4*10mm) slightly. In order to adjust the image’s up and down position, turn “M” (up anddown adjustment rotation screw) to make sliding structure frame #2 up and down, so as to adjust the imageposition up and down (Z axis direction). 2: Please refer to the projector distance sheet.(P.7) for the highest position of screen to the projector’s up and down distance (H1). 3: When the image up and down position is well adjusted, tighten screw. “B” (4-M4*10mm) 4: The maximum adjustable distance is ±40mm.○ Vivitek ChinaNo. 1090 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai CIMIC building 18 F zip code 200120Tel: 86-21-58360088Fax: 86-21-58360099○ Vivitek EMEAZandsteen 152132MZ HoofddorpThe NetherlandsTel: +31 20 655 0960Fax : +31 20 655 0999E-mail:***************Web : www.vivitek.euD79X ultra short series installation instructions - 2nd Edition。

















关于本安装说明书本说明书介绍如何使用专用的吊架将D791ST XGA 0.24/D795WT WXGA0.19,超短距投影机安装到墙壁上。

本说明书所有尺寸标注处,标注单位为:mm1 装箱物品P. 42 规格P. 53 投影距离表P. 74 安装步骤P. 9(1):分解部件。








5 投影画面调整步骤P. 13(1):打开投影机。






夕佳,飞鸟相与还。 52、木欣欣以向荣,泉涓涓而始流。
53、富贵非吾愿,帝乡不可期。 54、雄发指危冠,猛气冲长缨。 55、土地平旷,屋舍俨然,有良田美 池桑竹 之属, 阡陌交 通,鸡 犬相闻 。
56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿

60、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走到底 ,决不 回头。 ——左




















Optoma GT5600 超短焦距1080p娱乐投影仪说明书

Optoma GT5600 超短焦距1080p娱乐投影仪说明书

CONNECTIVITY (May require optional accessories)Ultra Short Throw 1080p Entertainment ProjectorGT5600contrast ratio and 16-watt speaker impress by automatically optimizing the image for any surface with stunning visuals and crisp audio.USB display supersizes Android and iOS gaming by mirroring your experience via a single USB cable. HDCast Pro connectivity provides wireless screen mirroring with Android, Mac OS andWindows devices to easily broadcast your mobile gaming experiences for everyone to see.Four corner geometry correction allows flexible placement for projection onto virtually any surface while robust input options include HDMI, VGA and RJ-45. Up to 15,000 hours of lamp life ensures long-term reliability with minimal maintenance.Full 3D1080PUltra Short Throw 1080p Gaming Projector - GT5600OPTICAL/TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSDisplay TechnologyS ingle Texas Instruments 0.65” 1080p DMD Color Wheel 6-segment RGBWYC Native Resolution 1080p (1920 x 1080)Maximum Resolution WUXGA (1920 x 1200)Brightness 3,600 ANSI lumens Contrast Ratio 20,000:1Displayable Colors 1.07 billionLamp Life and Type* 15,000/10,000/4,000 (Dynamic/ECO/Bright) - 240W Projection Method Front, rear, ceiling mount, table top Keystone Correction Auto, ±4° horizontal/vertical Uniformity 80%Offset 118.8%± 3%Aspect Ratio 16:9 (native), 16:10 and 4:3 compatible Throw Ratio 0.25:1 (distance/width)Projection Distance 6”– 9”Image Size 80”– 100”Projection Lens F=2.4, 3.72mm manual focus Optical Zoom Fixed lensAudio 16WNoise Level 25dB (ECO)Remote Control Full function remoteOperating Temperature 41–104°F (5–40°C), 85% max humidity Power Supply Auto-ranging: 100V ~ 240V ± 10%, 50-60Hz Power Consumption 285W (Bright), 205W (ECO)High AltitudeOperating temperature at sea level up to 10,000 feet = 104° F (max); Must manually switch to high altitude mode from 5,000 feet and above (using OSD menu) to maintain optimal functionalityCOMPATIBILITY SPECIFICATIONSPC Free USB Media Player and Supports playback of audio files, viewing of office Office Document Viewer documents and PDF files via USB storage devices PC Free USB Media Player MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC, APE, ATRA Audio Codecs and Containers PC Free USB Media Player JPEG, GIF, BMPImage FormatsPC Free Office Document and Word documents (.doc, .docx), Excel spreadsheets PDF Viewer Formats (.xls, .xlsx), PowerPoint presentations (.ppt, .pptx),Adobe Acrobat files (.pdf)Wireless Screen Mirror Screen mirroring for PC, Mac and Android using HDCastPro app (requires optional Wi-Fi adapter)Computer Compatibility SVGA, VGA, SXGA, UXGA, XGA,WXGA, HD, Mac Video Input Compatibility NTSC, PAL, SECAM, SDTV 480i/p, 576i/p, HDTV720p(50/60Hz), 1080i(50/60Hz), 1080P(50/60Hz)3D Compatibility † S upports all HDMI 1.4a mandatory 3D formats (Framepack, side-by-side, top-bottom) and up converts frame rate from 60Hz to 120Hz or 24Hz to 144Hz (i.e. 60 or 72 frames per eye). 3D glasses are sold separately. Please refer to user manual for details.Vertical Scan Rate 24 ~ 85 Hz (120Hz for 3D feature)Horizontal Scan Rate 15.375 ~ 91.146 KHzUser Controls Complete on-screen menu adjustment in 18 languages I/O Connection PortsHDMI 1.4a (MHL 2.0), HDMI 1.4a, composite video in, audio-in (3.5mm), VGA-in, VGA-out, audio-out (3.5mm), RS-232C, RJ-45, USB port (Wi-Fi adapter), USB port (USB display/PC-free/mouse/power)Loop Through (Audio)YesPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONSSecurity Kensington® Lock Port, security bar and keypad lock Weight8.7 lbs.Dimensions (W x H x D)13.5” x 4.75” x 14.25”1-year parts and labor warranty, 90-days on the lampGT5600, AC power cord, remote control, batteries, USB Wi-Fi adapter, CD-ROM user’s manual, quick start guide and warranty card Universal wall mount, DLP Link™ 3D glasses, Wireless USB adapter, remote UST wall mount: OWM3000 DLP Link™ 3D glasses: ZD302Wireless adapter: WUSBCopyright © 2018 Optoma Technology, Inc. DLP ® and the DLP logo are registered trademarks of Texas Instruments ™. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All specifications subject to change at any time. 08312018†3D content can be viewed with DLP Link active shutter 3D glasses when projector is used with a compatible 3D player. Please visit for more information.*Light source life is dependent upon many factors, including brightness mode, display mode, usage, environmental conditions and more. Light source brightness can decrease over time.167892345101112K-slotAudio-Out RS-232C AC Power HDMI-2/MHL HDMI-1Composite VGA-In VGA-Out RJ-45Audio-In USB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6.7. 8.。

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• 确定屏幕离地的安装高度; • 安装投影屏幕; • 参照投射距离安装投影机; • 调节投影机底部的3个脚垫对画面对位。
• 5.1、壁挂安装顺序及壁挂架型号参数
• 安装投影屏幕; • 安装壁挂专业支架; • 安装投影机及连接线缆; • 调节支架进行画面对位。
在激光垂直线的左边,距离为h;如果机器中心线在激光垂直线左边,则竖直中心线在激 光垂直线的右边,距离为h) • 测量机器端面到屏幕端墙面的距离a(无法测量时参考第二页投影距离A)
吊架前后定位(相对屏幕端 墙面)
• 测量机器底面到屏幕底边 距离y(无法测量时参考第 二页投影高度B)
• 将投影机连接钣装到投影 机底面,测量机器端面到 连接钣中心的距离b
• 5.6、投影机安装
• 5.7.1、壁挂架调节(调节前后滑动距离)
• 5.7.2、壁挂架调节(调节上下滑动距离)
• 5.7.3、壁挂架调节(调节左右滑动距离)
• 5.7.4、壁挂架调节(调节纵向倾斜度)
• 5.7.5、壁挂架调节(调节横向摆角)
• 测量机器底面到屏幕底边距离y(无法测量时参考第二页投影高度B)
• 将投影机连接钣装到投影机底面,再将固定支架臂装到连接钣上,测量机器底面到固定
xቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 在墙面上定位壁挂架的水平中心线(水平中心线距离屏幕的高度为y+x)
• 5.4、墙面板安装
• 5.5、固定支撑臂安装
• 6.2、吊架定位方法
吊架长 度调到
安装投影屏幕(测量 屏幕上侧端面到楼 顶/天花板的距离z)
• 投影机放置地面或桌面正投,调整投影距离和高度,将投影画面长宽调至屏幕长宽一致 • 用激光水平仪打垂直线找出画面的中心线,然后测量激光垂直线与机器中心线的间距h • 在天花板上定位吊杆的竖直中心线(如果机器中心线在激光垂直线右边,则竖直中心线
• 5.7.6、壁挂架调节(调节横向摆角)
• 5.8、墙面盖板安装
• 6.1、吊装安装顺序及吊架型号参数
• 安装投影屏幕; • 激光水平仪定位吊装支架; • 安装吊装支架; • 安装投影机及连接线缆; • 调节支架进行画面对位。
• 伸缩杆孔位间距5cm • 纵向倾斜度、水平转角、横向摆角度±5° • 没有辅助的调节旋钮,只能通过手动摆动
• 1、安装尺寸(参考)
• 2.1、机器尺寸(单位mm)(教育机及UH420工程机)
• 2.2、机器尺寸(单位mm)(UH600工程机)
• 3、安装方式
• 4、正投安装顺序
正投安装对现场的环境要求相对较低,施工 简单。
• 5.2、目前公司使用的壁挂架型号及结构
y h
• 安装投影屏幕
• 投影机放置地面或桌面正投,调整投影距离和高度,将投影画面长宽调至屏幕长宽一致
• 用激光水平仪打垂直线找出画面的中心线,然后测量激光垂直线与机器中心线的间距h
• 在墙面上定位壁挂架的竖直中心线(如果机器中心线在激光垂直线右边,则竖直中心线在 激光垂直线的左边,距离为h;如果机器中心线在激光垂直线左边,则竖直中心线在激光 垂直线的右边,距离为h)
• 在墙面上定位吊架的水平 中心线(水平中心线距离屏 幕端墙面的距离为a+b)
• 6.3.1、吊架调节
• 6.3.2、吊架调节
调节功能介绍 ① 水平转角调节 ② 纵向倾斜度调节 ③ 横向摆角调节 ④ 伸缩杆紧固螺丝