



2020年继续教育科学素养与科研方法题库及答案1第一章科学研究概论一、判断题 1.技术科学一般要物质生产部门所需要解决的应用问题而划分。

(错) 2.对已有知识的分析、整理、综合以及规范化、系统化的实践活动不属于科学研究的内容。

(错) 3.应用研究的成功率低于基础研究的成功率。



(对)二、单选题 1.以下哪个学科不属于自然科学中的基础学科?(C)A.物理学 B.生物学 C.医学 D.天文学 2.以下(D)属于开发研究的特点。

A.研究周期长 B.不急于评价 C.成果形式为学术论文、专刊、原理模型 D.有很强的保密性 3.(C)系统地运用科学实验方法,发现了自由落体定律。

A.亚里士多德 B.达芬奇 C.伽利略 D.培根 4.《自然辩证法》的作者是(C)A.黑格尔 B.马克思 C.恩格斯 D.维纳 5.在自然科学研究诸环节中,从经验上升到理论、由感性上升到理性的飞跃阶段是(C)A.收集科学事实 B.实验探索 C.提出科学假说 D.验证三、多选题 1.哲学传统上包括(ABD)A.形而上学 B.知识论 C.数学D.伦理学 2.科学研究的一般方法包括(ABCD) A.逻辑方法 B.经验方法 C.数理方法 D.现代方法 3.科研方法中的现代方法包括(ABCD)等。

A.系统论 B.控制论 C.耗散结构论 D.协同论 4.经验方法包括(BCD)等方法。

A.归纳法 B.观察法 C.实验法 D.测量法 5.科研能力包括(ABCD)。

A.观察能力 B.思维能力 C.想象能力 D.实际操作能力 C.生物学中的同位素示踪方法 D.突变论方法第二章经典科研方法一、判断题 1.不完全归纳法可分为简单枚举归纳法和科学归纳法。


(错) 3.在各种逻辑推理方法中,类比法的可靠性最小。



AN-Conf/11-WP/34/4/03第11次航行会议2003年9月22日至10月3日蒙特利尔会议的组织安排由秘书处提交1. 引言1.1 本文件介绍了为第11次航行会议2003所做的组织安排它们是对专业类型航行会议的指导原则和会议议事规则Doc 8143及理事会关于举办ICAO会议的指导原则Doc 7986有关内容的补充2. 组织计划2.1 经航委会于2002年3月5日批准的此次会议的组织计划草案已在2002年6月28日的第ST 12/1-02/58号国家级信件中发送给所有缔约国及有关国际组织并就该组织计划的可接受性征求大家意见委员会于2003年5月审议了载于本文件附录中经修改过的计划并将这一组织计划提交给该会议正式批准2.2 该计划规定成立两个委员会委员会A将负责议程项目1至4委员会B负责议程项目5至72.3 该计划说明了完成每一个议程项目所预期的工作进度和时间但并未试图对每一具体项目规定精确的时间限制在整个会议期间将由协调小组对该计划做出必要的调整见第4段每日简报如6.4段的介绍将通知会议计划的所有变更并提供会议的简要工作总结除其他方式外例如即时通知屏幕投影等每日简报还将向代表们提供委员会每日的工作进展情况及次日的工作计划2.4 请注意专业类型航行会议的指导原则和会议议事规则Doc 8143第3部分的第7.37.4和7.5段中关于为方便委员会工作之需而制定的附加内容3. 注册及会议的召开3.1 提醒与会者注意会前注册将于2003年9月21日星期天的10:00至17:00在蒙特利尔的国际民航组织会议中心进行之后的注册时间为9月22日至26日每日10:00至17:009月29日至10月3日每日08:30至17:003.2 为了避免在会议开幕当天发生不必要的延误及方便注册手续将于2003年9月20至21日在AN-Conf/11-WP/3 - 2 -蒙特利尔国际机场DOV AL 国际进港大厅设立注册中心工作时间为15:00至22:00机场将设置特殊标志指示国际民航组织注册处的位置另外加拿大政府还为在机场注册的代表免费提供从Doval 机场至蒙特利尔市中心的交通运输3.3 2003年9月22日星期一将于09:30举行一个情况介绍会议代表团团长会议将于当天的14:30举行讨论关于会议的组织及工作方法等各种行政事项全体会议的开幕式将于15:15开始4. 协调小组4.1 根据专业类型航行会议的指导原则和会议议事规则Doc 8143第3部分的第7.6段成立了一个协调小组必要时该小组将在每天工作时间结束后立即举行简短会议以协调会议的工作协调小组还将根据各委员会关于每日活动及其未来计划和需要的报告一直监控会议的工作进程5. 工作时间 5.1 据以往的会议经验建议会议的工作时间为上午 09:30至12:30下午14:00至16:30协调小组会议于16:45举行在上午和下午的会议期间将有简短的茶休6. 会议期间分发的文件6.1 请各代表团注意在可能的情况下请将文件复制六份并尽早地提交给秘书处以便有时间安排所需语种的翻译工作6.2 请代表限制因工作目的所需的文件份数因为这些文件通常只是临时性文件6.3 只发全体会议的会议程序6.4 每天将给代表们发送每日简报其内容包括工作进展简况会议安排和每天的讨论题目并在每个工作日发布代表们所关心的其他事项6.5 将给每个与会代表发一个黄色封面的报告文件夹用以放置经全会批准的报告AN-Conf/11-WP/3附录组织计划2003年9月22日至10月3日星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五六日星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五机构议程项目22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3上午下午上午下午上午下午上午下午上午下午上午下午上午下午上午下午上午下午上午下午全体会议I I P J P委员会A 1.1至1.42.1至2.5 R13.1和3.2 R24 R3R4委员会B 5 R56.1至6.4 R6R67 R7R7说明I情况介绍会议P全体会议R审议报告草案J A B委员会联席会议完。



2011 APEC中小企业峰会主题:成长的力量主办单位中国国际贸易促进委员会四川省人民政府APEC工商咨询理事会*支持单位中华人民共和国外交部中华人民共和国工业和信息化部中华人民共和国商务部承办单位APEC中小企业服务联盟四川博览事务局四川省贸促会成都市人民政府持续创新方为企业活力之源,今天的中小企业可能成就明日的伟大公司。



中国·成都·娇子国际会议中心2011年08月29-31日一、 峰会议题:二、 八大亮点: • 1+2 经济活动,群英璀璨。

• 6大机构,鼎立支持。

• 18大热点议题,共同关注。


• 50家主流媒体,密集报道。

• 60个年度奖项,同期产生。

• 100位商界精英,共享经验。


三、 同期活动: • 中国成长企业价值榜颁奖典礼 • “第一酒庄”红酒贵宾品鉴会 • 成长企业家俱乐部高尔夫邀请赛 • 欢迎宴会、联谊酒会 •参观考察四、 2011中国成长企业价值榜奖项设置: • 年度最具成长标杆企业奖 • 年度中国最具成长性新锐企业奖 •年度特别奖:服务中小企业卓越贡献奖五、往届部分重要出席嘉宾(时任职务,排名不分前后):美国前总统克林顿(视频演讲)全国政协副主席白立忱第九届全国政协副主席陈锦华东盟秘书长素林澳大利亚联邦国会议员鲍勃·鲍德温中国贸促会会长万季飞中国贸促会副会长于平浙江省委常委、杭州市委书记王国平四川省副省长黄小祥诺贝尔奖获得者默罕默德·尤努斯NBA篮球巨星科比布莱恩特联想集团首席执行官柳传志“壹”基金创始人李连杰日本软银集团首席执行官孙正义阿里巴巴董事局主席马云星巴克集团全球首席执行官舒尔茨中国工商银行副行长王丽丽电信盈科主席李泽楷北京大学国家发展研究院院长周其仁复星高科集团董事长郭广昌万通地产董事长冯仑巨人集团董事长史玉柱新东方集团董事长俞敏洪IDG亚洲区总裁熊晓鸽北京师范大学著名学者于丹香港瑞安集团董事局主席罗康瑞中国国际经济交流中心常务副理事长郑新立国家开发银行顾问刘大为五粮液集团总裁唐桥威盛电子集团CEO特别代表黎少伦英特尔研究院高级创新科学家孟木兰希捷亚太区副总裁孟福来GAP大中华区总裁杨得铭HP中国区副总裁周信宏复旦大学管理学院院长陆雄文敦煌网CEO王树彤东亚银行(中国)常务副行长吴志强软银中国主管合伙人宋安澜……六、峰会日程:2011年8月29日(星期一)电子商务主题日07:00-22:00 参会代表注册09:30-09:50 主旨演讲:邀请嘉宾:京东商城董事局主席刘强东10:30-12:00 主题论坛:【电商的基石:一体化供应琏】电子商务是一场商业领域的根本性革命,核心内容是商品交易,而商品交易会涉及到四个方面:即商流、资金流、信息流、物流。









1. 引言1.1 所有的航行情报子系统(比如航行情报数据库、机载飞行情报数据库、NOTAMs、障碍物评估数据库、航图、气象资料和空中交通流量管理资料)都被视作是整个航行情报系统(AIS)的组成部分。



1.2 根据其概念,设想的全球ATM系统将要求有规定质量的全球航行情报。



必须具有严格的质量控制原则,以确保航行情报可供提供、经过校验和安全,能够使最终用户对收到的情报的正确性放心和确信其AN-Conf/11-WP/118 - 2 -来自正确的渠道。

1.3 国际民航组织附件15—《航行情报服务》重点强调了航行情报的数据管理、质量保障和完好性等问题。





1. 引言1.1 考虑到2025年之前未来的ATM系统的运行技术,人们必须对可能影响人—机界面原则的变化,以及人类在这一系统中的地位和作用加以考虑。

1.2 在现时的大部分情况下,人类为保证空中交通安全的作用起着决定性的作用,它是根据航空器重大事故统计数据的结果得出这一结论。

1.3 必须考虑到这样一种事实,即航空器发生的大部分事故在某种程度上都与人的活动有关联,因为硬件和软件工作的质量直接依赖于人的能力。


1.4 从这一观点来看,划分人类活动的范围极为重要,同时须意识到提高空中交通的安全需要不断努力地改进管制员和飞行人员的工作,以及在开发未来的硬件和技术,特别是安全系统方面提高职业风范。

AN-Conf/11-WP/112 -2-2. 讨论2.1 众所周知,70% - 80%的航空器事故是因为导航和ATC管制环节工作人员的差错而致。

尽管事故的相对风险每10 - 15年几乎以两位系数下降,但人为差错造成的风险实际上仍保持不变。


2.2 如果今后仍将维持这一局面,比如到2025年全球ATM运行概念设计出来之前,则不排除空中航行领域的科学和技术进步需要开发一种能够在紧急状态下行使决策职责的智能系统,以便消除人为差错。

2.3 对航空器从起飞至着陆飞行保证自动化管制的问题在今天已不是一个无法逾越的问题。










1. 引言1.1 在第10次航行会议(蒙特利尔,1991年9月5日至20日)的后续行动中,ICAO(在国际一级)、各国、各国际组织及所有ICAO地区规划和实施小组都开始制定通信、导航、监视/空中交通管理(CNS/ATM)规划和实施计划,以期通过使用CNS/ATM技术改进航空运行。



1.2 为制定ATM运行概念,ICAO空中航行委员会在1998年3月12日同意成立空中交通管理运行概念专家组(ATMCP),以开展具体研究,从而制定逐渐实施一体化的ATM系统所需的标准和建议措施(SARPs)、程序以及适当情况下所需的适合的指导材料。

AN-Conf/11-WP/4 - 2 -1.3 成立ATMCP要完成的工作计划中的一项主要内容,是明确而详实地制定和阐述一项门到门的ATM运行概念,这一概念将促进无缝隙全球ATM系统的逐渐实施。


Announcing the 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference of the Association for Consumer Research

Announcing the 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference of the Association for Consumer Research

Announcing the 2011Asia-Pacific Conferenceof the Association forConsumer ResearchRenmin University of China, Beijing, ChinaJune 16-June 18, 2011Conference Co-Chairs:∙ Zhihong Yi, Renming University of China, zhyi7620@∙ Jing Jian Xiao, University of Rhode Island, jfei.editor@∙ June Cotte, University of Western Ontario,∙ Linda Price, University of Arizona, llprice@Film Festival Co-Chairs:∙ Russell Belk, York University,∙ Robert Kozinets, York University, rkozinets@schulich.yorku.caPoster Co-Chairs:∙ Yubo Chen, University of Arizona, yubochen@∙ Rongrong Zhou, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, mkrrzhou@ust.hkRoundtable Chair:∙ Ekant Veer, University of Canterbury, ekant.veer@Local Arrangement Committee Chair:∙ Yilin Lu, Renmin University of China, luylin727@The 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference of the Association for Consumer Research will be held at Renmin University of China, Beijing, China from Thursday June 16 through Saturday, June 18, 2011. Conference registration and the opening reception will occur on the evening of June 16, with presentations from Friday June 17 through Saturday, June 18.As in past years, the conference will provide a multi-topical forum for scholarly presentations,discussions, and collaborations on consumer behavior. The theme of this conference is: Link cultures, concepts and continents. We encourage researchers from different countries and disciplines to submit papers and proposals about their cross-cultural, cross-country, and interdisciplinary research.Submissions not related to the theme are welcome too. Additional specific information on submissions of special sessions, competitive papers, posters, roundtables, and films is provided below.Program StructureThere will be five main forums for presenting and discussing research and scholarly thoughts: • Special Topic Sessions provide opportunities for focused attention on cutting-edge and important topics. Successful sessions offer a coherent perspective on emerging substantive, theoretical, or methodological issues.• Competitive Paper Sessions include papers that represent the completed work of their authors. The conference co-chairs will assign accepted papers to sessions that reflect similar scholarly interests.• Film Festival enable scholars to present their videographies on consumption-related topics at the conference.• Posters are for participants to typically present preliminary findings from early stages of a research program. Authors distribute their papers and display their findings poster-style in a plenary session.• Roundtables encourage intensive participant discussion of consumer research topics and issues.Submission and Decision DeadlinesAll submissions must be received no later than Monday December 20, 2010. The submissions will be accepted on the conference website from November, 15, 2010 to December, 20, 2010. Special instructions for film submissions can be found in the film section below. Notification of acceptance will be made by March 14, 2011. Early registration will end on May 2, 2011.Limit of SubmissionsTo allow as many people as possible the opportunity to participate in the conference, please note the requirement that each participant may present in Special Topic and/or Competitive Paper sessions no more than twice during the conference.General Submission Requirements1. Submissions should not have already been published or accepted for publication in any journal.Submissions should also not include content that has been presented at earlier ACR conferences.2. It is mandatory that all accepted papers are presented at the conference by an author.Submission ProceduresAll submission activity (submissions, reviews and notifications) for ACR AP 2011 will be electronic, through the conference website (URL: /acr/).In order to use the conference website (e.g., to submit a manuscript or provide a review), you will need to sign up at </acr/public/register.aspx > and create a user profile (follow the online instructions). If you are already signed up (i.e., if you have used this ACR conference management system in the past), please log in to the system and update your user profile (content and methods codes). To log in and update your profile, please click here</acr/public/login.aspx > ."Any time you log on to the website, you will see the following message: "To submit a paper or aproposal, please click here. </acr/common/register_author.aspx>" Please clickon the link and follow the instructions.All submissions to the 2011 ACR AP Conference website require the following information: • Submission Type: Competitive Paper, Special Session, Film, Poster, Roundtable.• Title of Submission• Primary Contact Information: name, affiliation, mailing address, phone number and emailaddress for the author who serves as the primary contact•Names of Co-authors/Other Participants and their affiliations, and whether they arepresenting author(s).• Content Area Codes and Methodological Area Codes for your submission (These arecritical for assigning reviewers – please pick codes that provide the best match to your work).• Declaration that the submission has not been accepted for publication elsewhere.• Signed copyright release form.Use Word 2003 or Rich Text Format file format to upload.Use consistent author name: All authors need to ensure that their names appear in the same way inall submissions. This is because the database will consider Gita Johar, Gita V. Johar, and Gita Venkataramani Johar as three different authors and may result in a program that has Gita presentingat the same time in three different rooms.Time limit. Please note that the website will time you out after 60 minutes. Therefore, in order toavoid losing information, it is best to copy and paste your information into submission fields ratherthan composing it online.Acknowledgement of receipt. The primary contact person will automatically receive an email acknowledgement of receipt of the submission. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, pleasecheck your spam folder. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 48 hours after submission, please send an email inquiry about the status of your submission to: ACR2010@. SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR EACH TYPE OF SUBMISSIONSPECIAL TOPIC SESSIONSSpecial topic sessions are intended to provide opportunities for focused attention to topics of special importance and interest to consumer researchers. They are viewed as appropriate when competitive paper submissions would be unlikely to generate a cohesive session on the topic. It is expected that mainstream topics in consumer research will be well represented in competitive paper submissions. Special topic sessions provide an opportunity to address emerging topics, a special interest topic, or a mainstream topic in a special manner. Sessions are 90 minutes long. Proposals should typically be limited to three papers and a discussion leader or four papers with no discussion leader. In order to promote discussion between the participants and the audience from which a larger understanding of the topic can emerge, special session organizers may select from one of two options as a discussion mechanism.a) They may include a discussion leader who is considered to be an expert in the area. If thisformat is chosen, please make sure that you plan the session so as to leave enough time for the discussion leader to make comments and enhance the quality of the session. Of course, you also want to make sure to leave some time for questions and comments from the audience.b) A second option is for the chair of the session to play the role of discussion leader. Please leaveadequate time for questions and comments from the audience; the discussion will be energizedby the audience and synthesized by the chair of the session.Other creative mechanisms for encouraging and managing discussion besides the traditionaldiscussion leader method are also welcome but must be described in the session proposal. Note thatwe are not allowing "double" (3-hour) sessions at this conference.Content Besides the "cover page" information that the organizers of special sessions need to provide on the web site, special topic session proposals should include:a) The titles of the presentations within the session, each with a listing of the authors and theiraffiliations;b) The name of the discussion leader (if any) and his/her affiliation;c) A statement that each speaker has agreed to serve if the proposal is accepted, together withhis/her name(s);d) The session proposal;e) A short 75-100 word (single-spaced) abstract of each presentation for publication in theconference program; andf) A longer 750-1,000 word (single-spaced) abstract of each presentation for evaluation by theProgram Committee.The session proposal should describe the objective of the session, its general orientation, the likely audience, the issues and topics to be covered, and why the session is likely to make an important contribution to consumer research. In addition, it should identify an important substantive, theoretical, or methodological issue in consumer research and then discuss how the session would be structured to move toward a resolution of the issue. The stage of completion of each paper in a special session also must be clarified. Proposals should be as complete as possible so that the Program Committee can fully evaluate them and make suggestions.Format and Style. The entire proposal, including abstracts, must not exceed seven single-spaced pages in length. This length restriction assumes the use of a font no smaller than 12 points, and no more than 52 lines per page including headers and footnotes.Judging/Notification/Acceptance. The Program Committee will evaluate special topic session proposals based on:a) Importance of the topic to consumer research;b) Appeal of the session to a broad segment or its intensive appeal to a specific segment, or the ability toexpand the field of consumer behavior to include heretofore unrepresented perspectives and publics;c) Likelihood that the session will make an important contribution to consumer research;d) Completeness of the proposal and presentation descriptions;e) Stage of completion of the research to be presented; andf) Opportunity afforded for a discussion of the ideas embodied in the papers.Authors of accepted sessions will have a short time to revise their submissions based on reviewer comments. Final acceptance is conditional upon submission of the short abstract of each paper (for publication in the conference program), and the session proposal with the extended abstract of each paper including references (for publication in the proceedings), revised as needed to address reviewers' comments, by May 2, 2011.Presenters in accepted sessions may, if they wish, submit a paper for inclusion in the Proceedings instead of the extended abstract. Content, format, and punctuality standards for these papers are the same as those for competitive papers (described below).Please note: This year the revised version of the session proposal due on May 2, 2010 will be the document that appears ultimately in the Proceedings (session overview and long abstracts of each paper, plus references).There will no longer be an opportunity to edit these documents post-conference. We are making this change in an effort to cut the time between the conference and the receipt of the conference proceedings, which has in the past been approximately one year. Session chairs are responsible for quality control over the papers in their sessions, for enforcing deadlines, and for submitting all materials by the deadlines. It is also the chair's responsibility to make sure that the discussant and all other session participants receive copies of each paper or presentation by May 2, 2010. If you have questions regarding Special Session submissions, please contact conference co-chairs. Their email is: acrbeijing2011@.COMPETITIVE PAPERSPapers dealing with substantive, methodological, or theoretical topics in consumer research are sought for competitive paper sessions. It is mandatory that all accepted papers be presented by an author at the conference. Authors of competitive papers have the option of not publishing the full paper in the Proceedings. This option requires a minimum contribution of an extended abstract and full references, which increases the value of the record provided in the Proceedings. Therefore, authors will need to indicate whether the submission is made under:Option 1: Full paper publication in the Proceedings. (If you choose Option 1, the paper must not be published in, accepted for publication by, or submitted to any journal or other conference proceedings, and shouldpresent the results of completed research.)Option 2: Publication of an extended abstract accompanied by full citations.Format and Style for Competitive Papers. The primary author will provide the "cover page" information onthe web site. Your competitive paper submission should consist of the following:a) The first page should state the title of the paper only (not the authors)b) This should be followed by a 75-100 word abstract.c) This should then be followed on the next pages by a 750-1,000 word, single-spaced, extended abstractwhich should provide a summary of the paper, including conceptualization, method, and major findings. Inorder to ease the publication task, no tables or figures should be included in the extended abstract.d) After the extended abstract, the next page should restate the title (and authors should NOT be identified)and begin the body of the paper. The body of the paper must not exceed 20 double-spaced pages in total length, including all tables, figures, notes, and references. This length restriction assumes the use of afont no smaller than 12 points, no more than 75 characters per line, and no more than 26 lines per pageincluding headers and footnotes. Papers must follow the current style of the Journal of ConsumerResearch except that tables, figures, and footnotes are to be included within the text, not appended to the end of the paper.Because reviewing will be blind, authors should refrain from identifying themselves or their affiliations in the body of the paper and in footnotes. Please note that it is the submitting author's responsibility to make sure that the document does not contain any identifying information when saved as a Word or a Rich Text Format file. (For example, right click on the file in Windows Explorer, go to "Properties," and then "Summary," to ensure that all identifying information is removed.)Judging/Notification/Publication. Judging of papers will be blind. Reviewers will evaluate each paper on the basis of:a) Quality of the research;b) Contribution to the field of consumer behavior; andc) Interest of the topic to current and potential ACR members.Authors of accepted papers will have a short time to revise their papers based on reviewer comments. Final acceptance is conditional upon submission of the short abstract (for publication in the conference program) and the paper or extended abstract with references (for publication in the proceedings), revised as needed to address reviewers' comments, by May 2, 2011. It is also the author's responsibility to make sure that the session chair and all other session participants receive copies of the paper and presentation by May 2, 2011. Please note: This year the revised version of the competitive paper due May 2, 2011 will be the document that appears ultimately in the Proceedings. There will no longer be an opportunity to edit these documents post-conference. We are making this change in an effort to cut the time between the conference and the receipt of the conference proceedings, which has in the past been approximately one year. Competitive papers accepted under Option 1 (publication of the full paper) will be published in the copyrighted proceedings, Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research. Note that this is conditional on the paper being presented at the conference. Each author of an accepted paper will be required to sign a form releasing the copyright of the paper to the Association for Consumer Research. If you have questions regarding Competitive Paper submissions, please contact conference co-chairs. Their email is: acrbeijing2011@.POSTERSPapers reporting the results of research in its early stages, and papers that the authors do not wish to present in competitive sessions, should be submitted to the poster track. Papers dealing with substantive, theoretical, or methodological topics in consumer research are sought for the poster track. For papers accepted for the poster track, each author will be asked to:a) Prepare a poster for display during the session (detailed guidelines will be sent withacceptances);b) Bring several copies of the poster paper to give to interested participants; and,c) Make themselves available for discussion during a designated time on the program.The extended abstracts with full references will be published in the Proceedings.Format and Style for Posters. When submitting a poster proposal, the web site will prompt you forthe "cover page" information. We do not require the submission of a completed paper in this category; we only need a short and an extended abstract. The first page should contain a 75-100 word abstract. This should be followed on the next pages by a 750-1,000 word, single-spaced, extended abstract which should provide a summary of the paper, including conceptualization, method, and major findings. In order to ease the publication task, no tables or figures should be included in the extended abstract.Judging/Notification/Publication. Judging of poster proposals will be blind. Reviewers will evaluate each poster proposal on the basis of:a) Quality of the research;b) Contribution to the field of consumer behavior; andc) Interest of the topic to current and potential ACR members.Authors of accepted posters will have a short time to revise their poster papers based on reviewer comments. Final acceptance is conditional upon submission of the short abstract (for publication in the conference program) and the extended abstract with references (for publication in the proceedings), revised as needed to address reviewers' comments, by May 2, 2011.Please note: This year the revised version of the poster paper due May 2, 2010 will be the document that appears ultimately in the Proceedings. There will no longer be an opportunity to edit these documents post-conference. We are making this change in an effort to cut the time between the conference and the receipt of the conference proceedings, which has in the past been approximately one year. If you have questions regarding poster submissions, please contact the poster co-chairs, Yubo Chen at yubochen@ and Rongrong Zhou at discussions provide a great opportunity to develop collaborative work, explore new research topics, receive feedback on existing, ongoing research projects, or discuss other issues of interest to consumer researchers. For example, roundtable organizers might create a forum in which participants can learn from "experts" in a given area about issues relevant to their research interests (e.g., implicit memory, qualitative data analysis). Alternatively, they may involve more informal discussions among researchers with common interests in substantive topics or research methodologies (e.g., innovation and consumer psychology, consumer self-control). Roundtable sessions allow conference attendees to participate in an informal, collaborative setting, which leads to interactive discussion often missing from the more formal presentations given at the conference.Content: Besides the "cover page" information that the website will request, roundtable proposals must include:a) The name of the primary organizer,b) A list of at least seven participants who are committed to attending the session,c) A short 75-100 word (single-spaced) abstract of the proposed roundtable discussion forpublication in the conference program, andd) An extended abstract explaining the session's purpose and content to be included in theproceedings, of approximately 750 -1,000 words.Session discussion leaders are responsible for quality control over the discussion in their sessions, for enforcing deadlines, and for submitting all materials to the roundtable chair. If you have questions regarding roundtable submissions, please contact the roundtable chair, Ekant Veer atekant.veer@.FILM FESTIVALThe 2011 Asia-Pacific ACR Conference in Beijing will present the Association’s 3rd Asia-Pacific film festival, with showings in the daytime hours of the conference. Appropriate submissions are edited video recordings on topics related to consumers and, preferably, directly depicting and analyzing consumers. Eligible material should be edited to professional standards using any of the desktop editing systems now available. Submissions are invited in three categories: Shorts (approximately 10 minutes in length), Capsules (approximately 20 minutes in length), and Features (approximately 60 minutes in length). For this festival, films that have been shown at other film festivals, including past ACR festivals, are acceptable. Experienced reviewers (film-makers and visual researchers) willevaluate the entries based upon their topical relation to some aspect of consumer behavior, inclusion and extension of a theoretical frame or frames, theatrical or dramatic qualities (i.e., entertainment value), and competence (i.e., production values).Filmmakers whose films are accepted should be present at the initial showing of their film and available to answer subsequent questions. Submission format is now online using Vimeo. Go to and join (the free subscription should be fine). You will find instructional videos in the My Stuff and Help tabs. Acceptable formats include .avi, .mov, .mpg, .wmv, and .mpg4, as well as a few others. You will need to compress your video. When you upload your video, please save it as PASSWORD PROTECTED.After uploading your video, please email both co-chairs your video’s title, the filmmakers names and affiliations, and a short abstract about the film. You must also complete the standard information for a submission at the conference website. Please also be sure to send us the vimeo password, so that the reviewers can access and view your film submission.You can upload either NTSC (30 frames/second) or PAL (25 frames/second) and either standard definition (640x480) or high definition (1280x720). The video should be de-interlaced and audio should be 320 kbs/44.100 kHz. If in doubt, try uploading and see if it works. While reviews will take place on your uploaded version (reviewers will be given the password for the film), accepted films will be shown at the conference from self-playing DVDs, which the filmmakers will be required to bring to the conference and personally deliver to the film festival.This is a juried competition and abstracts of accepted films will appear in the ACR program, proceedings, and on the ACR website program. The entry deadline for Film Festival submissions is the same as that for other forms of submissions. Notification of accepted films will be the same as for other conference submissions as well. Please direct questions about the Film Festival to either of the co-chairs: Russ Belk ( or Robert Kozinets ( General Submission Requirements and Proceduresa) "Cover Page" — please provide the following information:•Title of video•Primary contact person’s name, affiliation, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address.•Content Area Codes•Secondary contact person's information: Name of one other author/participant including his/her affiliation, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address who will serve as asecondary contact in case we are unable to contact the primary contact person •Names of other co-filmmakers and their affiliationsb) Short (75-100 word) summary (for program)c) Long (500-1000 word) summary (for jury and proceedings)d) One jpeg format photo for your film, to appear on the conference web site if your film isaccepted. The photo should be 72-100 dpi.e) A statement that one or more of the film-makers will be present at the initialshowing of your film if it is acceptedEnter a), b), and c) on the conference website. The jpeg (d)) and Vimeo password should be e-mailed to both of the two Film Festival co-chairs: Russ Belk ( Robert Kozinets ( copies of accepted work in non-region-encoded DVD must be brought to the Film Festival in time for the first showing of your film. If your work is accepted, you may prepare and post one poster promoting your film. The posters can be up to 24 inches wide and 32 inches tall and should be mounted on poster board. Your poster can be smaller than this, but should still be mounted on a24x32 poster board. These posters will be displayed at the opening reception and subsequently at the film screening room.。



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通过和D O C O M O M O , I O C A 日尸 S (国际城 市地
区规 k 家 学会)等建立 合作 关系 , 在多方 领域开 展 J I
of t M oder M ovem ent and 1 以 R 尸(nt natI he n ) 50 I er 0nalS OCl y Of C i and ef y t
I U A 金奖
最 高荣誉
至今共 有9 名的 受赏者 . 日本 建筑 家的
祯 文彦 (19 93 年) 安藤 忠 雄(20 05 年)取 得 了该 项
历 届U A 大会 的 历史 I 1948 年 第 1届 建筑 面 临的新 任务 洛桑 瑞士
H { r o f P re v 一日 U I C o n g 隐55 : sto y 5 A
换 学术 , 想 和观 点 , 通过 共享 经验 与智 慧 . 达 到 . T
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大会上,澳大利亚国立大学Trevor Ireland教授作了题为“隼的的返回:一粒尘埃中的太阳能量”的报告;韩国航空航天研究所(KARI)Jai Moo Kim教授作了题为“倾转旋翼无人机的开发和地面测试”的报告;日本宇航研究开发机构Junichiro Kawaguchi教授作了题为“隼的挑战:首次往返太空及其巡航7年间项目团队付出的积极努力的报告”;中国民航局空管局吕小平教授作了题为“中国空中交通管理未来的发展”的报告。



3月1日大会举行了大会晚宴,学会秘书长吴松、韩国航空宇航学会副理事长In-Seuck Jeung, 日本航空宇航学会亚太会主席Kenichi Rinoie 分别致辞,表达对承办方的感谢,并预祝会议取得圆满成功。
























【摘要】国际润滑油和石蜡会议将于2011年11月10~11日在美国德克萨斯州休斯顿Hilton Houston Post Oak酒店举行,大会由美国石化与石油炼制者协会(NPRA)主办。

1.2011年全国高考英语试题评析会议暨2012年全国高考英语改革及复习教学研讨会将在哈尔滨市召开 [J],
2.2011中美化工供应链高峰论坛将在美国休斯顿盛大召开 [J],
3.“2011年国际机械浆学术会议(IMPC2011)”将在西安举行 [J],
4.2011年中国国际雷达会议将在四川成都召开 [J],
5.2011年国际光学工程学会先进光刻技术会议在美国召开 [J], 有机纳米光子学课题组

中文ISCED 2011 巴黎会议

中文ISCED 2011 巴黎会议

ed教育委员会36 C/COM/ED/1 Prov.2011年10月25日原件:英文教育委员会临时工作日程II号厅,2011年11月 1, 2, 3日1. 主席提请委员会批准临时工作日程(见附件)。

该草案是根据执行局就第三十六届会议工作安排提出的并经大会批准的建议(36 C/2 Prov. Rev.及其Corr.)拟定的。

2. 委员会将审议大会议程上的五个项目 – 项目4.2(重大计划 I--教育)、5.3、5.4、5.5和5.7。

3. 主席建议将委员会的工作分为四个辩论单元:– 第一辩论单元将分为两个讨论单元。


该讨论单元的讨论结果将提交委员会联席会议,供其讨论37 C/5和37 C/4做参考。

第二讨论单元将涉及项目 4.2--审议和通过《2012--2013年计划与预算草案》,重大计划I“教育”(36 C/5 增补件),执行局提出的建议和会员国提交的决议草案。

– 第二辩论单元将审议项目 5.3--关于阿拉伯被占领土的教育和文化机构的第35 C/75号决议的实施情况。

36 C/COM/ED/1 Prov. – Page 2– 第三辩论单元有关项目5.4--使教科文组织国际教育局(BIE)成为教科文组织课程设置领域示范机构的战略。

– 第四辩论单元涉及项目5.5--国际教育标准分类法(ISCED)。

4. 每一辩论单元结束时,总干事代表将解答各代表团提出的任何问题。

5. 11月2日星期三下午,主席将请教科文组织各教育机构理事部门的负责人发言,汇报2010--2011年教育机构的活动情况。


6. 如附后的工作日程所示,准备审议的文件包括:《2012--2013年计划与预草案》以及执行局就此提出的建议;要求委员会采取行动的项目文件;递交的参考文件;报告以及决议草案。






1.引言1.1 机载间隔帮助系统(ASAS)可以支持空中交通管理(ATM)运行概念中一部分冲突管理和交通同步功能(见AN-Conf/11-WP/4号文件)。


1.2 AN-Conf/11-IP/5号信息文件载有ASAS通告草案,这是监视和冲突解脱系统专家组(SCRSP)根据航行委员会向其下达的任务,即制定和审议用于ASAS的运行和技术程序的提案而编写的。

2. 对ASAS的描述2.1 SCRSP将ASAS定义为:以机载监视为基础,协助飞行机组支持其航空器与其他航空器保持间隔的航空器系统。

2.2 SCRSP将ASAS的应用定义为:管制员和飞行机组为达到规定的运行目标而采用的一套使用机载间隔帮助系统的操作程序。

2.3 所设想的ASAS的应用范围,包括那些旨在提高飞行机组对交通情况的掌握,和协助飞行机组保持与其他航空器的间隔等方面的应用。

AN-Conf/11-WP/64 - 2 -2.4 ASAS的应用将需要具备监视能力,主要是以ADS-B和交通情报服务-广播(TIS-B)为基础。

2.5 SCRSP已明确了ASAS备选应用的4种类型,即a)掌握交通情况的应用;b)机载安全间隔的应用;c)机载间隔的应用;和d)机载自控间隔的应用。

2.6 ASAS将与特定的机载监视数据传输和接收功能、通信系统和飞行数据系统相互作用。





1.《NASA软件管理指南》主要内容综述 [J], 郝红岩
2.NASA软件评审规程综述 [J], 刘正高
3.《企业电子文件归档与电子档案管理指南》主要内容浅析 [J], 龙建强
4.《NASA自动化信息安全手册》主要内容综述 [J], 郝红岩
5.NASA软件评审规程综述 [J], 刘正高





1.2004年全国青年建筑师高峰论坛召开、北京"英皇(幻变都市)建筑设计作品展及论坛"、首个照明设计研讨会在北京举行、2004健康住区国际论坛在北京举行、北京大学第二届"景观设计专业与教育"国际研讨会召开、诺曼·福斯特设计的Swiss Re保险公司总部办公楼落成、西班牙巴塞罗那2004国际论坛主会址建筑群

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

15:40-16:00 茶歇
16:00-16:50 Session 3
基于 KVM 半虚拟化设备模型的客户域ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้通信优化方法 作者:丁圣阁、马 汝辉、梁阿磊、管海兵(上海交通大学) 桌面虚拟化环境下的交互式性能优化 作者:汪小林、杨亮、罗英伟、李晓 明(北京大学)
第 6 页 共 12 页
NASAC2011 大会日程
基于能力的需求建模研究 作者:闫慧宁、曹江、王怀民、毛新军、史殿习、
黄与时(国防科技大学)(20 分钟)
大型国有企业信息化规划的关键问题研究 作者:周炎、邵堃、罗飞等(合
肥工业大学)(20 分钟)
Workshop II 主题:软件分析与测试 (主持人:徐宝文) 1 楼 5 号会议室
14:00-14:50 Session 1 软件 分析与度量
15:30-15:40 茶歇
基于描述逻辑的特征语义建模及验证 作者:沈国华、张伟(南京航空航天 大学)(25 分钟)
基于 Agent 的网构软件需求监控框架 作者:付凌霄、彭鑫、赵文耘(复旦 大学)(25 分钟)
15:40-17:50 Session 2 主持人:赵海 燕
需求驱动的服务动态自适应与演化方法 作者:许子彦、赵海虹、刘璘(清 华大学)(20 分钟) 基于问题渐变的软件系统可靠性研究 作者:马佳沁、 董瑞志、彭鑫、赵 文耘(复旦大学)(20 分钟)
Workshop III 主题:系统虚拟化与云计算 (主持人:罗英伟)1 楼 6 号会议室
14:00-15:00 Session 1
报告一:虚拟化数据中心内存资源的预测和管理,报告人:罗英伟教授 (北 京大学)
15:00-15:50 Session 2
基于效能优化的云计算中心负载平衡方法 作者:易星宇、翁楚良 (上海交通大学) 面向虚拟机环境的 Cache 动态划分算法设计与实现 作者:李家文、沈立 (国防科技大学)
2011 年全国软件与应用学术会议 NASAC’2011
会 议 指 南
2011 年 10 月 27 日-29 日 吉林大学
2011 年全国软件与应用学术会议(NASAC2011) 组织机构名单
主 席:徐家福 杨芙清 委 员:陈国良 董韫美 冯玉琳 何新贵 何积丰 李 未 陆汝钤 孙永强 孙钟秀 尤晋元 郑国梁 周立柱 朱三元 钱培德
NASAC2011 长文(session 1)
(1 楼 1 号会议室)
13:30 – 15:30 Demo (session 2)
(1 楼百合厅)
软件学报(Session 3)
(1 楼 5 号会议室)
15:30 - 15:50
NASAC2011 长文 (session 4)
(1 楼 1 号会议室)
10 月 28 日(星期五)上午
NASAC2011 开幕式&特邀报告 8:30-12:00
3 楼瓦萨厅
08:30-09:00 09:10 – 9:50 10:00 – 10:40
NASAC’2011 开幕式 (1)吉林大学校领导讲话; (2)梅宏教授讲话; (3)胡亮院长讲话; (4)介绍会议组织情况 (5)合影 特邀报告 I:多核心嵌入式軟體之模型驅動整合開發環 境 (A Model-Driven Multicore Software Development Environment for Embedded Systems) 朱正忠教授 台湾东海大学 特邀报告 II :Middleware Paradigms for Challenged and Dynamic Computing Environments 曹建农教授 香港理工大学
NASAC2011 会议日程总览
10 月 26 日-27 日 报到(长春国际会展中心大饭店)
10 月 27 日(星期四)
下午 晚上
14:00-17:50 18:00 20:00
Workshop I: 需求工程专题研讨会
(1 楼 5 号会议室)
(1 楼 8 号会议室) (1 楼 8 号会议室) (1 楼 8 号会议室) (1 楼 8 号会议室)
1. 在《计算机科学》增刊上发表的论文,将于 10 月 28 日下午、29 日上午以 Poster(张贴 论文)的形式在国际会展中心大饭店 1 楼百合厅会议室展出。
2. Demo 将于 10 月 28 日下午 13:30 开始在国际会展中心大饭店 1 楼百合厅举行,内容详 见 Session 2、5、8 Demo 索引。
X10 程序的差别识别方法 作者:陈雨亭、杨威、赵建军(上海交通大学) (25 分钟) 类规模对面向对象度量易变性预测能力的潜在混和效应:一个元分析 作 者:卢红敏、周毓明、徐宝文 (南京大学)(25 分钟)
14:50-15:00 茶歇
15:00-15:50 Session 2 软件 测试与验证
基于 GCL 语言的测试用例生成方法 作者:丁佐华、Jeff Sanders、江明月、 张娜、蒲戈光 (浙江理工大学)(25 分钟) 基于微分代数时序动态逻辑的 CPS 属性验证 作者:翟小祥、李必信、朱 敏、吉顺慧 (东南大学) (25 分钟)
Session 3: 软件学报(主持人:孙毓忠)13:30 – 15:30 1 楼 5 号会议室
13:30-14:00 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00 15:00-15:30
分布式搜索引擎系统效能建模与评价 张伟哲,张宏莉,许笑,何慧 众核处理器系统动态可弹性分区的自适应调度算法 曹仰杰,钱德沛,伍卫国,董小社 嵌入式软件体系结构级能耗建模方法 刘啸滨,郭兵,沈艳,熊冰,王继禾,伍元胜,刘云本 基于软件架构的无线网绿色节能代理系统 刘晨,陆佳亮,孔令和,吴凤刚,吴强,伍民友
(3 楼瓦萨厅)
09:10 – 09:50 10:00 – 10:40 10:50 – 12:00
特邀报告 I :台湾东海大学 朱正忠教授 特邀报告 II :香港理工大学 曹建农教授 Panel “软件工程回顾与展望”
(3 楼瓦萨厅) (3 楼瓦萨厅) (3 楼瓦萨厅)
12:00 – 13:20
第 7 页 共 12 页
Session 2: Demo(主持人:王千祥)13:30 – 15:30
1 楼百合厅
13:30-14:00 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00 15:00-15:30
Shedding Light on Code Clones in Software Developmen:轻松掌控代 码克隆 党映农(微软亚洲研究院) 基于 Z-Model 的 Web 应用快速开发平台,曾滢著, 沈立炜, 彭鑫, 赵文 耘,复旦大学 xBCAF 业务构件化应用框架的设计与实现 钱军, 焦烈焱, 赵坤(上海普元信息技术股份有限公司) BIRIS-SSP:一种支持云企业构建与运营的平台 战德臣, 程臻, 周学权, 聂兰顺 (哈尔滨工业大学)
10:50 – 12:00 Panel:“软件工程回顾与展望”
王千祥 陶先平 王怀民
12:00 – 13:30 自助午餐
10 月 28 日(星期五)下午
Session 1: 软件理论与形式化方法 I(主持人:陶先平)13:30 – 15:30
1 楼 1 号会议室
13:30-14:00 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00 15:00-15:30
主 席:吕 建 梅 宏 委 员:黄 涛 李宣东 刘 超 齐 勇 王 戟 王怀民 赵大哲 赵文耘
主 席:胡 亮 副主席:刘 磊 张家晨 金 英 委 员:陈天洲 冯 铁 冯志勇 黄林鹏 黄 涛 黄志球 金 英 金 芝 李必信 李 京 李明禄 李庆忠 李文军 李宣东 李学庆 刘 磊 刘 璘 刘 强 刘 琴 刘西洋 毛晓光 毛新军 明 仲 缪淮扣 齐 勇 申利民 孙毓忠 谭国真 陶先平 童维勤 王 丹 王国军 王千祥 王映辉 谢 冰 邢春晓 徐宝文 徐 涛 许 静 应 时 虞慧群 袁晓洁 战德臣 张 斌 张广泉 张家晨 张 莉 赵建军 周国栋 周晓聪 朱巧明 左万利
第 4 页 共 12 页
NASAC2011 Workshop 日程
10 月 27 日(星期四)14:00 - 17:50
Workshop I 主题:需求工程 (主持人:刘璘 赵海燕)
1 楼 1 号会议室
14:00-15:30 Session 1 主持人:刘璘
自动并正确地从文本用例生成构件模型 作者:丁佐华、江明月(浙江理工 大学)(30 分钟) 基于需求文档的安全契约的获取方法 作者:刘鑫、金英、张晶、刘华虓(吉 林大学)(30 分钟) 问题驱动的需求捕获方法中协同式问题分析与解决技术研究 作者:王波、 赵海燕(北京大学)(30 分钟)
(1 楼 1 号会议室)
Workshop II: 软件分析与测试研讨会 (1 楼 5 号会议室)
Workshop III: 系统虚拟化与云计算研讨会(1 楼 6 号会议室)
(1 楼 8 号会议室)
10 月 28 日(星期五)
上午 中午 下午 晚上
08:30 – 09:00 NASAC2011 开幕式
15:50 – 17:50 Demo (session 5)
(1 楼百合厅)
软件学报(session 6)
(1 楼 5 号会议室)